[BangPypers] Python freshers.

2020-12-10 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

Hello everyone,
  The list seems to be inactive these days. However, I'm sure some
of the old timers are still here so I'll post away!

  I've been running The Lycaeum program for a while now and I've
managed to train a decent number of people who found good jobs mostly in
the startup ecosystem. I absorbed some of them into my company (Hamon
Technologies) and they've managed to deliver client projects quite
well. The program is working well.

  Thanks to a certain virus which shall remain unnamed, we've
pivoted a little and moved almost all of the program to an online
platform. In addition we've added some extra features for the colleges
where these students study and such. This has been partially rolled out
and there's good adoption. 

  The next thing we're doing is to try to move much of the Lycaeum
program to the platform so that we can dispense with the "finishing
school" and have good quality freshers when they're done with college. 

  In this regard, I'm interested in speaking to a few companies that
are open to hiring freshers by the end of Q1 or early Q2 in 2021 to help
refine my syllabus and pedagogy. If you're one of these people, do let
me know and spread the word in your networks. 


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [Commercial] Python companies hiring freshers

2020-08-29 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Aug 29 2020, Aakanksha Jain wrote:

> Hi Noufal,
> Is this program career fair open to freshers who haven't been part of the
> training programs mentioned by you?


Oh yes. Definitely. My original email was originally looking for
companies who might be interested in this so that I can do a survey of
sorts of plan it out.

BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] [Commercial] Python companies hiring freshers

2020-08-29 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

Hello everyone,
 We're a startup headquartered in Kozhikode, Kerala and have been
operating for a while. Our mission is to bridge the skill gap in
engineering in India and we've been working towards that with a
combination of online and offline training programs. We used to run a
low volume high quality mentoring program that used Python as the
language for all projects and our Alumni are working in various
companies in Bangalore and abroad.

  Due to the Covid-19 situation, we've pivoted our offerings and
have moved much of our activities online. As part of this, we're
planning to conduct an online job fair in the coming month
(approximately early October). This is exclusively for freshers who are
looking for jobs in this climate. We intend to do a basic screening
through our platforms and after that, put promising freshers in touch
with companies who are participating.

 To plan the event and other details properly, I'd like to know how
many organisations would be interested in hiring such freshers. Please
email me directly if you are. Would love to discuss it with you.


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Teaching yourself machine learning

2018-08-09 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Thu, Aug 09 2018, Rohit Chormale wrote:

> Thanks everyone for kind replies.


Much of ML is applied statistics. I recently refreshed some of my high
school statistics using http://greenteapress.com/thinkstats/ and
https://greenteapress.com/wp/think-bayes/ and found it fun. These might
help too. This https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-to-probability-0
also came highly recommended.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Capture and save running process on Python 3.6

2017-11-03 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Thu, Nov 02 2017, Ajinkya Bobade wrote:


> However, I want to write this code for "*.bag" extension files that is
>  sys.stdout = open("/Volumes/aj/hello world.bag", 'w') . This file is
> defined as Binary(application/octect-stream). The above code doesn't
> work in this scenario. How do I make it work?


The contents of a file are not dependent on its extension. What is it
that you're trying to do here? I assumed that you simply want to capture
all your log messages.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Capture and save running process on Python 3.6

2017-11-02 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Thu, Nov 02 2017, Ajinkya Bobade wrote:

> Hello,
> Hope someone can help me on this. In the following code, I want to capture
> print('Recording GPS Position...')  on sd card, for now, this is printing
> on terminal directly I want to capture this runtime process (p_1) from
> terminal and store on sd card as it is being executed how do I do
> this.

You can either run your program with a stdout redirect e.g. 

python foo.py > logfile.txt

or inside your program, replace sys.stdout with an open file object
pointing to your log file. I'd go with the former. 

Secondly, if you want to capture logs and things, you should consider
using the logging module. 


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [Discussion] Monthly Webinar

2017-05-16 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Tue, May 16 2017, kracekumar ramaraju wrote:


> To engage the large crowd, how about conducting a monthly webinar for one
> hour? Along with the physical meetup, experiment with webinar and have one
> talk per session.

This sounds like an excellent idea. +1

As an aside, here's an article that language aficionados might find
entertaining. I'm prompted to post this because of the use of that
disaster neologism "webinar" 


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [Bangpypers][Commercial][Job] We are hiring a Software Engineer, Data Scientist at AdStock

2017-03-22 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Wed, Mar 22 2017, Bhavin Patel via BangPypers wrote:

> What about genuine queries about python with attachments ?  Let's not
> have a knee jerk reaction to a one off issue.

Like what? I've been on mailing lists for quite a while and the general
way is to upload it somewhere and send a link rather than send a huge
attachment (e.g. a screen shot) which will then be replicated for every
person on the list. 


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Registration for PyCon Pune 2017 is Open Now!

2016-11-18 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Fri, Nov 18 2016, Shanki Singh Gandhi wrote:

> Really astonished after visiting CFP site of pune pycon, wondering why
> Junction is not being used for it. If we are not using the product
> developed by use, then why other will use it.


Let's not go there. 

Junction is one option for managing CFPs.  It has its own strengths and
weaknesses and if one of the shortcomings is a showstopper for the PyCon
Pune team, spending time fixing the software is a bad investment given
how close the actual event is.  Using whatever is available, even if
it's low tech or not written in python, to keep the momentum going and
getting things done is better than fixing software.  After all, during
the conference, the question of which system was used to gather and sort
through the CFPs is more or less irrelevant.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Query on correct use of threading

2016-11-08 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Tue, Nov 08 2016, Rajesh Deo wrote:

> Dear All,
> I was exploring the threading module and came up with following, after
> going through @raymondh's talk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv25Dwe84g0)
> http://pastebin.com/usKE6nME

Can you put it on another pastebin service? My ISP is blocking this. 


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [Inpycon] Pycon India 2016 Keynote Speaker: Van Lindberg

2016-08-30 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Tue, Aug 30 2016, chandan kumar wrote:

> Hello,
> We are delighted to announce our third keynote speaker for PyCon India
> 2016: Van Lindberg



BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python 2.x Vs 3 & Books - Frequently Asked Question but on latest context

2016-08-04 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

I think Python 3 has arrived. There are a few libraries that are not
ported and there's legacy code which you might have to work on but apart
from that, 3 is the way to go. 

Learn Python the Hard way is a good book to start with and the HTML
version is available online.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] framework to write functional test cases

2016-06-01 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Wed, Jun 01 2016, anu sree wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking for a framework which helps to write functional test
> cases.  Right now i am using unittest framework to do that, but that
> is ugly.

I consider py.test as one of Python's "killer applications". I've used
it since 2010 or so for almost all my non trivial python projects.

I've even recently started using it to test my C libraries. It's got a
compatibility wrapper to run unittest tests so you can start using it
without changing any of your existing tests. I could go on and on but
it'll just be fanboyism.

> How you guys are writing functional test cases.

Often, for servers, I use subprocess to launch my application as a
completely separate process and then poke it from the outside. 

> I also want to do stress test by sending thousands of concurrent
> requests (run functional test cases in different threads).

Are these http requests? I'm not sure py.test and related infrastructure
is the best to do raw performance tests. Something like ab, siege or
boom might be better.


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Plotting Range [1e13 to 1e19] in linear scale

2016-05-09 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, May 09 2016, Santosh Chiniwar wrote:

> Please find correct Python code for above mail. Thank you


This doesn't help either. You need to be a little more specific and
detailed about the problem that you're facing. I've found
http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html to be a reasonably
good guide on how to go about it.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Looking for corporate Python Trainers

2016-05-05 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Thu, May 05 2016, Manjushree Hegde wrote:

> Hello,
> I am looking for Python trainers for corporate training. Please let me
> know if anyone is interested in this.


We do corporate trainings on Python and other technologies via
pipal.in. If you're interested, please email us at he...@pipal.in


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Looking for corporate Python Trainers

2016-05-05 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Thu, May 05 2016, Suman Debnath via BangPypers wrote:

> I would highly recommend Mr. Chandrashekhar Babu
> (https://www.linkedin.com/in/chandrashekarbabu?authType=name=WHf
> d=wonton-desktop).
> He is the best training I have ever come across.


+1. I know him personally and he's really *really* good.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Tools/libraries to determine the call graph(call flow) of an python program (module/package)

2016-01-12 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Tue, Jan 12 2016, ashish makani wrote:

> thanks & true Noufal, but 2 points :
> 1. i imagine this is a fairly common usecase
> you are given some source python codebase , X which is moderately complex
> i just want to give X & some typical args which X takes, to a
> tool/library, so i get a visual, rough understanding of the typical
> call flow when X is run.  As in, i dont want to instrument or
> "decorate" the python codebase X, treat X as a blackbox what say ?

That makes sense. The trace[1] module, which, I must confess, is new to me,
mentioned by Vasudev looks like exactly what you need. It should be
simple to instrument your code with that module, get the call graph and
then use graphviz or some similar tool to draw a picture of it. 

> 2. it seems like some easy to use library is out there which spits out
> that pretty visual call flow diagram/graph which seems more
> intuitive(though maybe less precise ?) than a text call stack

Of course. Different strokes for different folks. 


[1]  https://pymotw.com/2/trace/

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Tools/libraries to determine the call graph(call flow) of an python program (module/package)

2016-01-12 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Tue, Jan 12 2016, ashish makani wrote:


> Is there a python library/tool/module , to which i give input the start
> point of X, x.py
> and the input arguments, arg1, arg2, ..., argn

I once needed something like this but went about it statically using
and then added some project specific stuff into it. It got me what I

Generally though, the simplest way would be to stick an 

  import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

inside the appropriate function in v.py and then look at the call stack no?


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Call for proposals PyDelhi Conference

2016-01-11 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, Jan 11 2016, yogesh gupta wrote:

> Does the event happens in mumbai anytime of the year ?

If you know sufficient Pythonistas in Mumbai, you should try to conduct
a small scale conference by yourself. Lots of regional events is a good
thing. :)

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python comparisons

2015-12-05 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Dec 05 2015, Gora Mohanty wrote:


> Maybe because that was the historical way that C did it? I agree that
> the Python 3 exception makes more sense.


We can only guess but you'll have to explicitly code this in and I can't
think of any situation where it would make sense.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python comparisons

2015-12-05 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Dec 05 2015, Anand Chitipothu wrote:


> Thats why you should use Python 3. Here is what you get with Python 3.


Yet another reason to move. I'm still curious why they did it the other
way in 2.x though.

BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] Python comparisons

2015-12-05 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

So I came across this today..

>>> class Number(object):
...def __init__(self, n):
...   self.n = n
>>> m = Number(10)
>>> n = Number(5)
>>> m < n

This is documented like so

> If no __cmp__(), __eq__() or __ne__() operation is defined, class
> instances are compared by object identity (“address”).

over here https://docs.python.org/2/reference/datamodel.html#object.__cmp__

It seems a rather arbitrary thing to do. Why is it implemented at all?
I'd expect it to just break with a TypeError similar to what would
happen if I do

>>> m + n
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'Number' and 'Number'

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Zendesk

2015-11-25 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Wed, Nov 25 2015, ashish makani wrote:

> Weird.
> I don't see such an error.
> Maybe some side effect of your mail program ?


Yup. Looks like it's just me. 

BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] Zendesk

2015-11-24 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

Is "in...@surendran.zendesk.com" subscribed to the list? I get an
automated reply for each and every email that comes on this list from
that address. If others see something similar, please remove the address
from the list roster.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Funding FOSS through CSR

2015-11-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Nov 21 2015, Harsh Gupta wrote:


> So, what do you think about it? 

I'm sceptical of organisations and much prefer that companies directly
hire people to work on free software rather than first make x, then
donate a small fraction of x to some organisation who then donate a
fraction of that to the actual people who do the work from which said
company profits. 

I think the historical shift from "free software" to "open source" has
encourage a culture of parasitism in many commercial entities and they
view open source as just a way to get good people without paying
salaries. That's what needs to change. 

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Life lessons shared by Jesse Noller

2015-10-29 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Thu, Oct 29 2015, Gora Mohanty wrote:


> With all due respect to Mr. Noller, the article is not germane to this
> list. Please refrain from off-topic posts.


Perhaps not completely relevant to PyCon but it is, I think, useful to
many people who are putting in time and energy to keep this community

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Life lessons shared by Jesse Noller

2015-10-29 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Fri, Oct 30 2015, Gora Mohanty wrote:


> OK, we will have to agree to disagree, Incidentally, this was posted
> to the bangpypers list which is explicitly devoted to Python, and not
> to the Pycon list.

Yeah. I meant to say python but mistyped it. 

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Online communication channel

2015-08-15 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Aug 15 2015, kracekumar ramaraju wrote:


 Biggest problem with IRC is to on board new comers. The learning curve is
 steep for normal tech users.
 It only makes life for already acquainted users easier not for new comers.
 It hardly takes 5-15 minutes get new person to get used to slack whereas
 that is not case with IRC.

My vote is for IRC. 

   - It doesn't require registration (atleast not with some company).
   - It's something which a lot of projects still use and so
 the learning investment is worth it.
   - It's open and there are variety of clients ranging from a web based
 (webchat.freenode.net) to native GUI clients for all platforms. 
   - It's been around for a long time and has more longevity than a
 freemium service from a startup.

Also, countering some of the objections. 
   - The learning curve is not that steep if you're using a GUI
 client. You get a list of servers. Connect to one and then a list of
 chatrooms (channels). Join #bangpypers with a click and you're
 on. Surely people who code and learn coding can pick up IRC. Once
 you stick on for a while, all the idiosyncrasies like the /
 commands become normal.[1]
   - Logging, notification etc. can be handled by one of the various
 open source bots out there. We can keep history with as much
 scrollback as necessary. Most open source chat rooms do this.


[1]  I used IRC for my training classes at http://thelycaeum.in and the
 students had no problem in adjusting after one class. Also, I think
 Kushal uses IRC for his DGPLUG trainings which have tons of
 students online at once.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Online communication channel

2015-08-15 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sun, Aug 16 2015, sankarshan wrote:


 An anecdote_of_one: a reason Slack or, Scrollback like services are
 often preferred over IRC/email is because of the asynchronous nature
 of request-response. For example, you seek some answer and unless you
 are logged in, the responses will not be available at a later stage
 (and here if you'd like to come in with IRC bouncers, logging and so
 forth ...)

Good point. That *is* a convenience. 


 Surely people who want to participate and contribute ... Let's not
 limit these conversations to only those who want to code.

True. Sorry. My general point was that it's not as technical as it's
made out to be especially with a nice native or web based client.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Online communication channel

2015-08-15 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sun, Aug 16 2015, kracekumar ramaraju wrote:


 AFAIK having apps in all platforms helps users to stick to the
 conversation and get notification. How awesome will it be if someone
 asks a question and gets an answer after 5 hours and notified for it.


Kind of like a mailing list. :)

But yeah, true.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Online communication channel

2015-08-15 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sun, Aug 16 2015, kracekumar ramaraju wrote:

 Surely people who want to participate and contribute ... Let's not
 limit these conversations to only those who want to code.

 +1. This will make huge difference.

 Significant amount of users are on windows and lot prefer web client. Web
 client has Desktop notification. This is big difference between IRC web
 client and messaging client. This can be big sticky factor. Notifications
 are configurable.


Sounds good. Give it a shot and if it has more traction than IRC and
such, so much the better.

I'm generally in favour of software that has and will last[1] rather
than what is trendy now especially for core stuff but that's purely my
personal opinion.

Also, these things serve different roles. Mailing lists, the meetup
group, the twitter account, the facebook page and now, perhaps the slack
group which might not even be competing with IRC. As long as they bring
in dividends, +1.

[1]  https://mako.cc/writing/hill-free_tools.html

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python script to open hyper terminal and send password text file

2015-08-14 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Fri, Aug 14 2015, Python Consultant wrote:

 Hi Guys,

 I am writing a script to open hyper terminal and send password file for
 serial port reprocessing.

 using subprocess.Popen i am able to open hyper terminal

  subprocess.Popen([Hyperterminal path, saved session path])

Once it is opened, I need to click on file option and select send file


I haven't done this for a while but I remember automating a windows GUI
using, I think, pywin32. 

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Connecting developers and companies

2015-07-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, Jul 20 2015, vijay kumar wrote:

 Am one among them hence i want to see it continue to be what it is

That's great and I'm sure it'll get better. My comments were just my own

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Connecting developers and companies

2015-07-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, Jul 20 2015, vijay kumar wrote:


 We expect companies to be alteast be active in community in share knowledge
 rather than just coming for job posting announcement.

Companies are not interested in sharing knowledge. They're interested
in hiring and making money as it should be. Employees from companies
share knowledge and do things like what you've said and they sometimes
move between organisations. A user group meetup is a fine place to do

I just feel that we shouldn't get too leftist about the way we speak
to companies. There is some place for commercial interests in a healthy
community. A position where the community and the companies are
completely separate and even confrontational is not sustainable.

 It might even endup becoming Job Fair where people(carry resumes) and
 companies(Carry boxes) come for hiring not to discuss about python.

I don't see the point in shooting down an idea based on an extreme
doomsday scenario. If people start doing this, the organisers can stop
it. My expectation is that *most* of the companies get how the ecosystem
works and will respect it. There will be a few people, probably non tech
folks who just focus on hiring who might screw things up but we can
always tell them to stop rather than cancel the whole project up front.

In either case, it's really great that such a possibility is even being
discussed. The people working on bangpypers really deserve our
appreciation for bringing the whole thing upto this level and going
forward, I'm sure it'll only get better.


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Connecting developers and companies

2015-07-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

I still think it's a worthwhile experiment and should be tried. If
things go awry, it can be cancelled. 

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Connecting developers and companies

2015-07-19 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sun, Jul 19 2015, kracekumar ramaraju wrote:


 There was a suggestion of having 10 minutes slot at the end of the meetup
 where companies can speak about them and openings for 2 minutes.

+1 atleast as an experiment. Companies are part of the community.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Connecting developers and companies

2015-07-19 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sun, Jul 19 2015, Deep Sukhwani wrote:

 One major concern of all is that people showing up on meetups ONLY
 with an agenda of getting a chance to speak with employers.

True but I think this distinction between community and companies is
not as clear cut as it's made out to be. Companies do donate things like
office space etc. and they get publicity and possibly, hires. To
formalise that a little and to get them more involved sounds, to me,
like a good thing. 

And, as a general rule, it's good to assume that the companies are
good community players and design the meeting for good people. If we
find someone trying to take advantage of the whole thing and poisoning
the ecosystem, we can always do something then.


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] real use case of gevent context switch gevent.sleep(0)

2015-06-21 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sun, Jun 21 2015, anu sree wrote:


 This code has two pause (gevent.sleep(0)), in Consumer.start and
 Worker.run.  Here control goes to Worker.run when Consumer.start
 pauses and Consumer.start gets control back when Worker.run
 pauses. There may be benefit from this switching, but I am still not
 understanding it.


The idea is that any non blocking call is an opportunity to switch
between greenlets. The monkey patching system will enable this.

If you don't have any place in your greenlets that are monkey patched
(and therefore allow switching), you can be a good citizen and drop in a
patched sleep call so that other greenlets will get time to
run. Otherwise, you'll simply hog the interpreter and no one else will
be able to run.

This the principle. I still don't understand your question.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] real use case of gevent context switch gevent.sleep(0)

2015-06-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Jun 20 2015, anu sree wrote:


 I have seen an example of gevent context switch

 Could you please give some real use case with example.
 It would be fine If you can share link of github project which uses gevent
 context gevent.sleep(0).


The difference between a regular sleep and a gevent sleep is that the
gevent sleep will not make the whole interpreter process sleep. It will
instead, only make the current greenlet sleep which essentially tells
the internal scheduler to not execute it till the time is over. 

You can see this happen like this. Make a greenlet in your interpreter
like so

 from gevent import Greenlet
 class Printer(Greenlet):
...   def _run(self):
...   n = 0
...   while True:
...  n += 1
...  print n

This simply prints numbers starting from 1.

now you can create this greenlet and start it

 p = Printer()

Nothing will happen. This is cooperative multitasking where the current
Greenlet (your interpreter shell) has to give up its time slice and
let p execute. You can do this by monkey patching sleep

 from gevent import monkey
 import time

Now, control is handed over to the Greenlet. However, it is not
cooperative and runs a tight loop without ever giving up control. This
means, that you'll never be able to execute your own interpreter again.

So you see, the various greenlets have to cooperate to get things
done. This is in counter distinction to how preemptive multitasking
works where the OS can force the currently executing thread or process
to stop and then grant execution to something else. They don't need to
be nice.

If your greenlet looked like this

 class Printer(Greenlet):
...def _run(self):
...   n = 0  
...   while True:
... n += 1
... time.sleep(0.1)
... print n

the slot would be given up inside each iteration and other greenlets can
execute. Try it. 

So people stick in a call to a monkey patched version of sleep inside
tight loops to suspend the current interpreter for a short period of
time thereby letting other greenlets execute. 

Krace's example is a good one.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Anyone who has worked on Lamson?

2015-05-27 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Wed, May 27 2015, Ramdas S wrote:

 Need  to have an offline call, if they have time and if available, to
 take a quick decision  to take a call on to shelve or use this tool or
 build somethig from scratch...


I wrote an email interface to a ticketing system using lamson once. It's
very nice. An MVC framework for emails.

However, the community is not very active (I'm on the mailing list) and
I don't know how much it's maintained and worked on. 

Also, it requires setup, monitoring, configuration etc. of an email
server so we didn't deploy my solution and instead opted for a little
script that fetched emails via IMAP from the gateway and processed them
in batches on a regular basis. 

I wouldn't use it for a production system. 

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Anyone who has worked on Lamson?

2015-05-27 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Wed, May 27 2015, Ramdas S wrote:


 I want to use this for setting up an interim SMTP server which based
 on certain rules should decide whether the mails need to go through
 the normal corporate server, or should go through an alternate SMTP
 server. This is primarily to reduce outbound spam as a result of some
 marketing campaigns running on side.

You want to use lamson to send emails? I've used it to receive and
process emails programmatically based on header fields. I don't think
it's a particularly good candidate to handle sending. Configuring a
normal SMTP server properly would be better. I think most of them have
ways of defining rules based on various fields to select where the next
hop is. That sounds like what you want.

 Is this an application for which you can use Lamson, the docs and
 other stuff is very confusing.

I don't think think so. 

 tldr; 1)create a middleman SMTP gateway which captures the mail 2)
 parses it and 3) then decides what to do with it.

 The 2nd and 3rd part can be done easily with existing known libraries,
 is Lamson recommended to do the first job or is there anything better?

Unless you need to do something other than some simple rule matching
based on fields in the incoming mail and forwarding, I wouldn't use


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] fresher jobs help

2015-04-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, Apr 20 2015, Abishek wrote:

 Myself Abishek ,2015 B.E passout (computer science and engineering )
 fresher, looking for python based jobs in bangalore.If anyone know job
 opportunities pls let me know. I am so much interested in python
 programming,networks and security...

Try https://hasjob.co/?l=bangaloreq=python

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] April Meetup

2015-04-12 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sun, Apr 12 2015, kracekumar ramaraju wrote:


 No, it is third saturday day of the month, following same tradition.
 Unfortunately, this time we had hiccup with venue host.


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] April Meetup

2015-04-12 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sun, Apr 12 2015, kracekumar ramaraju wrote:


  We're hosting April meetup on 25 in IBM Accelerator, Domlur. RSVP is open


Is it always on the last Saturday of the month?

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [JOBS] pythonistas with Django + JS + HTML5 + WS experience

2015-03-07 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Mar 07 2015, HHB wrote:

 Hi Guys, 

 Here’s more info: based on what people asked:

 1. It’s an established product company, so competitive pay. (I am no
 HR though)


Surely it's simpler just mention the name of the company? Why all this
cloak and dagger secrecy? :)

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python training material

2015-01-19 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Tue, Jan 20 2015, Suyash Bhatt wrote:

 Hi Friends,

 I am looking for any Basic training material for Python which can be shared
 across (with due credit).
 Please let me know if anyone can help me with that.

I wrote this for an early training I conducted. It's out of date though
and needs fixing but you might be able to get something out of it. 

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python training material

2015-01-19 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

Fine be me but don't hold me responsible if you pick up some bad habits
from my tutorial. Like I said, it's out of date and unmaintained. 

On Tue, Jan 20 2015, Shrayas rajagopal wrote:

 Hi Anand, Krace, Noufal,

 On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 10:42 AM, Anand Chitipothu anandol...@gmail.com 

 On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 10:59 AM, kracekumar ramaraju
 kracethekingma...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Noufal Ibrahim KV
 nou...@nibrahim.net.in wrote:

 I wrote this for an early training I conducted. It's out of date though
 and needs fixing but you might be able to get something out of it.

 Is it ok if we use this for some of the Chennaipy training sessions?

 Best Regards,
 BangPypers mailing list

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Terrible choices: MySQL. What is the way ahead?

2014-12-30 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Tue, Dec 30 2014, Okan bhan wrote:


 My major reason to continue will be no exposure to PostgreSQL. And
 after struggling so much with MySQL, if I use Postgre I will be in a
 domain of unknown again. Can anyone please point to articles comparing
 latest version of both or share their view for a db novice.


I can't offer anything normative but in my experience (and it's a little
dated since I don't use mySQL for anything these days), mySQL is a
disaster waiting to hit you. 

If I had to recommend a path ahead, I'd suggest that you bite the bullet
now and make the technical and other investments necessary to migrate
from mySQL to postgres right away. It's a much more future proof
investment. If your budget and situation doesn't allow for that, atleast
make a plan to migrate and stop investing in mySQL for any of your work
from now.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Terrible choices: MySQL. What is the way ahead?

2014-12-30 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Tue, Dec 30 2014, Gora Mohanty wrote:

 On 30 December 2014 at 19:32, Noufal Ibrahim KV nou...@nibrahim.net.in 
 I can't offer anything normative but in my experience (and it's a little
 dated since I don't use mySQL for anything these days), mySQL is a
 disaster waiting to hit you.


 Personally, I agree with this, but such arguments often degenerate
 into flamewars. IMHO, it comes down to a matter of knowing your tools,
 and what use-cases they can meet. Sometimes, mysql can be what one


They're both RDBMs. Unless you have legacy stuff to support or are tied
down to mySQL for any non tech. reason, I can't really think of how it
would be what one needs. 

BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] Python books online (was: BangPypers Digest, Vol 88, Issue 21)

2014-12-29 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, Dec 29 2014, piyush singhai wrote:


 You can download from here.

 python essential reference 3rd edition



This looks like it's being hosted in violation of copyright. Please
don't publicise or use such copies. People put in a lot of effort to
produce these works and they deserve recognition and payment.

If you want free books, there are several that are available online for
free (legally). The official Python tutorial is one such
example[1]. There's also Zed Shaws LPtHW[2] - the HTML version is freely
available online. If you find it good, buy the PDF to support the
author. Dive into Python[3] is another GFDL'ed book available
online. There's also A Byte of Python[4].

[1]  https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html

[2]  http://learnpythonthehardway.org/

[3]  http://www.diveintopython.net/

[4]  http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/python/

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python certifications in India

2014-12-23 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Wed, Dec 24 2014, Saager Mhatre wrote:


 We... I wouldn't put quite as much stock in the CCNA given the
 people we interviewed at TW for a sysad position.

CCNA's are the lowest rung as far as I know. They're fairly easy to get
too. CCIEs are very hard to get and the ones I know who have the
certification are top players in their game.


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python certifications in India

2014-12-21 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, Dec 22 2014, Bibhas Ch Debnath wrote:

 Is there anyone or any company here that actually values a certificate
 for Python? In my experience, certification courses mean nothing, at
 least for Python developers. None of the people I know or have worked
 with, cares about a certificate.
 I'd love to pmeet someone who thinks otherwise.


Some companies sell products that require a lot of expertise for the end
user (e.g. Cisco). Configuring their equipment/software can be a full
time task in itself. If the company themselves do this for their end
clients, they'll get a services component bolted onto their product and
that will affect their long term plans. 

However, if they can create some kind of qualification in the market and
provide material for that, people unassociated with the company will try
to get it and will become employable. In that sense, certifications do
have value. Given two people of roughly equal experience, if I were
hiring someone to watch over a network of Cisco gear, I'd pick the one
who has a Cisco certification.

Language certifications don't really fall into this but I suppose when
the ecosystem is large enough (e.g. Java), you can cut off a piece and
certify people in that department. It will have marketing value for a
class of clients. Python doesn't (yet) come under this category so I
don't think there are any certifications in India. I don't know many
people who use Python that would consider a certificate as something
valuable. The only certificate course for Python that I know of is the
O'Reilly one. [1]. 

[1]  http://www.oreillyschool.com/certificate-programs/python-programming/

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] List of n but same objects

2014-12-11 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Thu, Dec 11 2014, Rajiv Subramanian M wrote:


 1. How in the first case i.e   [iter(x)] * 3  creates a list of 3 but the
 same objects?

The * operator when applied to a list (or any sequence type) is a
repetition. You can see the code for list_repeat here [1]. The line I've
linked to shows what's happening. You allocate enough memory for a new
list that's large enough and copy over stuff from the source to the
target those many times. 

Multiplying a list by `n` returns a new list with each element of the
said list repeated `n` times.

 2. Is there any other possibility or way (like * operator does here) by
 which we can obtain the same result as in CASE 1?

You could do something like this.

x = range(10)
[iter(x) for x in range(3)]

This will call 3 iter times and give you 3 separate iterators. I think
though that you're doing something wrong here. What's the larger problem
you're trying to solve?

 3. Does only list and listiterators objects can behave this way? what other
 python datatypes can behave this way?

This the semantics of sequence types. I haven't checked for tuples
etc. but the list sequence methods behave this way. I don't think the
others will be different. It doesn't make sense to make copies of the
original thing anyway. You can do that explicitly using copy or
something if you want to.



[1]  https://hg.python.org/cpython/file/ce66b65ad8d6/Objects/listobject.c#l567

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] [Inpycon] [X-Post] Diversity

2014-11-18 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Tue, Nov 18 2014, Vanitha Shanmugam wrote:


 We have the mailing list (
 http://lists.pssi.org.in/mailman/listinfo/diversity) created. This
 mailing list only for female pythonistas and the archives are not
 public so the discussions are kept private.


There is a Python diversity list at
https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/diversity which you might want
to send your email to. There are folks from there from India and other
countries who are interested and will probably be able to contribute.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] about python code

2014-11-17 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, Nov 17 2014, narayan naik wrote:

when I am running face detection code ,I am getting this error.


This is a very basic question. You should go probably go through a
python tutorial before attempting this. I'm presuming that you actually
want to do something with opencv. If you don't understand the basics of
importing modules, you'll keep hitting roadblocks.
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Does Python have lexical scoping?

2014-11-09 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sun, Nov 09 2014, Abhishek L wrote:


 Here x was a mutable variable, doing a similiar ML construct, ie

  val x = ref 2
  fun f y = !x + 2

  f 10 ; evals to 12
  x := 10
  f 10 ; evals to 20

 So this becomes a problem of closures over mutable variables? ie every
 closure looks up the value of same variable, x which gets mutated
 around. WDYT?


So the explanation I got is that it binds the environment at definition
time but the environment means a mutable table of key value pairs. In
other words, the closure closes only over the name of the variable and
not the value at definition time. I don't really understand how useful
this is unless you have some kind of environment that you can't get to
(e.g. non local inside a function etc.). Also, and this is my real

How is lexical scoping with a mutable environment different from dynamic

BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] Does Python have lexical scoping?

2014-11-08 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

Okay, I've been struggling through the proglang course on coursera and
this thing came up

   val x = 2;
   fun f y = x + y;

The second line creates a function that adds `x` to it's argument. Since
ML is statically scoped, this is really a function that adds 2 to its
argument.  Even if I later create a new binding for x later like so

   val x = 10;
   f (3);

I will still get back 5 (i.e. 2 + 3) instead of 13 (10 + 3). This makes
sense to me as an example of lexical scoping. The bindings are at the
time of definition rather than invocation.

With python, it's different. The claim is that it has lexical scoping

 x = 2
 def f(y): return x + y
 x = 10 

The answer is, distressingly, 13. The explanation was that although
Python has lexical scoping, that closure close over variables rather
than values. Meaning that the variables (and not their values) at
definition time are stored in the closure. This is how elisp does it
which claims to be, by default, dynamically scoped.

(setq m 5)
(defun test (x)
  (+ x m))

(test 3) ; - 8
(setq m 15)
(test 3) ; - 18

So, my question is, how different is this from dynamic scoping (like in
elisp) where the values are actually picked up from the execution
(rather than definition) environment. This business of closes over
variables rather than values sounds like a cop out.


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] BangPypers Digest, Vol 86, Issue 16

2014-10-27 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

On Mon, Oct 27 2014, Okan bhan wrote:

 Hi Noufal,

 Thanks for responding and helping me explaining these. I see lots of my
 doubts are clear, except last (c). My explanations are inline.

 A simple implementation of this is:
  class SimpleMapping:
def __init__(self, items):
  self._items = items
def __getitems__(self, subitem):
  print('*' * 20)
  for item in self._items:
if subitem in item:
  return True
  return False

 This is broken in two ways
 1. The magic method is __getitem__ (not __getitems__). I'm assuming it's
a typo otherwise, the rest of your code will not work even as you've

 Yes. Indeed it should be __getitem__. It was typo while manually typing in

 2. A mapping object is similar to a dictionary. It should
return the actual object if you try to access it. Not a boolean True
or False.

 Agree with you. Ideally it should have returned object and I can test by
 `if obj` or `if not obj`. Lets assume for now I want to continue with this.

 The mapping objects given are specifications of the locals and globals
 in which you will evaluate your string. Consult help(eval) for more

 eval(source[, globals[, locals]]) - value

 Makes sense. So essentially I'm trying to evaluate and expression ('foo' or
 'foo and bar') against a local mapping. Not fully confident but I can see
 the use of locals  globals here.

 Look at my comment above. Your Mapping object is flawed and all these
 responses are quite wrong.

 Yes. Sorry for the typo. Without typo these will be the expected answers.

   eval('5.6', {}, mapping)

 I'm not sure how this will work. In my case, I see this.

  mapping = SimpleMapping(set(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']))
  eval('5.6', {}, mapping)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 TypeError: locals must be a mapping

 That is strange, I'm still getting 5.6 as result. I tried on different
 python versions as well.

   eval('aa.a', {}, mapping)
  AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'a'

  My doubts are:
  a. Why it didn't run for numeric 5.6? Also why is dot separated '5.6' any
  different to 'aa.a'? I looked around on eval documentation and examples
  couldn't find use of eval with a mapping.

 5.6 is not an attribute access. 5.6 is is a floating point number. aa.a
 is an attribute access. It will first return False for `aa` since there
 is no such key and your code returns False and then try to access `a` in
 the Boolean which, predictably, fails.

 Big thanks for this. Let me explain what, I understood here.
 Lets say statement we want to evaluate is `eval(expression)`. Python starts
 checking 'expression' against each datatype starting from int - float -
 str. For all native datatypes, it will return corresponding result. Finally
 if it doesn't matches any of native types, tries to access against
 mapping(or any other object in local or global scope).

 Which is the reason,
 type(eval('5.6'))   is float
 type(eval('5.6') is str  (expression is under double quotes).

 For the case of eval('aa.a'), it first tries to match 'aa'. This is not any
 native type so goes to check in mapping and finds it True. Then tries to
 find attribute 'a' of returned type (a boolean). Hence boolean object has
 no attribute 'a'.

  b. I see many blogs suggesting to refrain from using eval unless
  absolutely needed. Is this one use case we must use it? Do we have any
  better way to evaluate this?

 I'm not sure what exactly you want to do. Can you explain again?

 I came across blog posts suggesting not to use eval mostly as it can lead
 to un-secure code. So wanted to check should I put efforts in solving this
 with 'eval' or not. Not an option now. I will explain my problem in next

  c. If indeed, I have to evaluate a string containing dots, how to do
  in the above scenario?

 The object whose attribute you're trying to access should be there in
 the locals or globals and then should have an attribute with the given
 name. It will work then.

 yes. If my above observation is correct, this is clear to me. I will try to
 explain my problem:

 I have a list of strings ( say ['aaa', 'bbb', '4.5-'] ) and I want to check
 if an expression (say 'aa') is a substring of any of this item.

 Simply:   all([ item for item in ['aaa', 'bbb', '4.5-'] if 'aa' in item])
   == gives True as 'aa' is a substring of 'aaa'.

 But my expression can be a logical expression like 'aa or bb',  'aa and
 bbb', 'aaa and 4.5' etc.

 This works in my above implementation. If we assume mapping object from
 above. Writing it again here for ease.

 class SimpleMapping:
   def __init__(self, items):
 self._items = items

   def __getitem__(self, subitem):
 for item in self._items:
   if subitem in item:
 return True
 return False

 mapping = SimpleMapping(set(['aaa', 'bbb', '4.5-']))

   eval('aa and bb', {}, mapping)

[BangPypers] eval (was: BangPypers Digest, Vol 86, Issue 16)

2014-10-27 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

Please ignore my earlier reply to your email. I hit send by accident.

Please edit the subject line when you're replying to a digest.

On Mon, Oct 27 2014, Okan bhan wrote:


 2. A mapping object is similar to a dictionary. It should
return the actual object if you try to access it. Not a boolean True
or False.

 Agree with you. Ideally it should have returned object and I can test
 by `if obj` or `if not obj`. Lets assume for now I want to continue
 with this.

I didn't understand what you mean by this. What are you attempting to
test with the `if` statements? And what do you want to continue with?

 The mapping objects given are specifications of the locals and globals
 in which you will evaluate your string. Consult help(eval) for more

 eval(source[, globals[, locals]]) - value

 Makes sense. So essentially I'm trying to evaluate and expression
 ('foo' or 'foo and bar') against a local mapping. Not fully confident
 but I can see the use of locals  globals here.

Every statement needs an evaluation context. Suppose I ask what the
result of the statement `x+2` is, you need a context which provides the
value of `x` to be able to answer meaningfully.

Python has two such contexts. First is the local context which is inside
the function and the second is the global context which is at the module

Without these, the source referred to above cannot be `eval`uated.


 That is strange, I'm still getting 5.6 as result. I tried on different
 python versions as well.

What version of Python are you using?


 5.6 is not an attribute access. 5.6 is is a floating point number. aa.a
 is an attribute access. It will first return False for `aa` since there
 is no such key and your code returns False and then try to access `a` in
 the Boolean which, predictably, fails.

 Big thanks for this. Let me explain what, I understood here.  Lets say
 statement we want to evaluate is `eval(expression)`. Python starts
 checking 'expression' against each datatype starting from int - float
 - str. For all native datatypes, it will return corresponding
 result. Finally if it doesn't matches any of native types, tries to
 access against mapping(or any other object in local or global scope).

This is a theory that explains the observations but I can't fully
endorse your wording. Statements like Python starts *checking*
'expression' against each *datatype* *starting* from int - float -
str is too slipshod for my tastes. 

Expressions (and I use this to mean the expr_stmt in the grammar[1]),
have to be evaluated. A variable is an expression and it is evaluated by
a symbol lookup. It is looked up first in the local and on failure, in
the global context.

 Which is the reason,
 type(eval('5.6'))   is float
 type(eval('5.6') is str  (expression is under double quotes).

 For the case of eval('aa.a'), it first tries to match 'aa'. This is not any
 native type so goes to check in mapping and finds it True. Then tries to
 find attribute 'a' of returned type (a boolean). Hence boolean object has
 no attribute 'a'.

More or less but it doesn't try to match `aa`. The expression first
tokenised. You can see this. 

1,2-1,3:OP  '.'
2,0-2,0:ENDMARKER   ''

This will get reduced into an expression and then be evaluated. The `aa`
is looked up and then the semantics indicate that an attribute lookup
should take place. 


 I came across blog posts suggesting not to use eval mostly as it can lead
 to un-secure code. So wanted to check should I put efforts in solving this
 with 'eval' or not. Not an option now. I will explain my problem in next

evaling code which you have complete control over and which you generate
is as safe as general code (although trickier to debug). If there's some
tainted data in the string that you eval, the effects might be


 yes. If my above observation is correct, this is clear to me. I will try to
 explain my problem:

 I have a list of strings ( say ['aaa', 'bbb', '4.5-'] ) and I want to check
 if an expression (say 'aa') is a substring of any of this item.

 Simply:   all([ item for item in ['aaa', 'bbb', '4.5-'] if 'aa' in item])
   == gives True as 'aa' is a substring of 'aaa'.

Fair enough. That makes sense.

 But my expression can be a logical expression like 'aa or bb',  'aa and
 bbb', 'aaa and 4.5' etc.

I'd do this by creating a predicate function

  def test(x):
'aa' in x or 'bb' in x

and then

  all(item for item in ['aaa', 'bbb', '4.5-'] if test(item))

 This works in my above implementation. If we assume mapping object from
 above. Writing it again here for ease.

 class SimpleMapping:
   def __init__(self, items):
 self._items = items

   def __getitem__(self, subitem):
 for item in self._items:
   if subitem in item:
 return True
 return False

 mapping = SimpleMapping(set(['aaa', 'bbb', '4.5-']))


Re: [BangPypers] Evaluating a string against mapping in python.

2014-10-26 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sun, Oct 26 2014, Okan bhan wrote:


 A simple implementation of this is:

 class SimpleMapping:
   def __init__(self, items):
 self._items = items

   def __getitems__(self, subitem):
 print('*' * 20)
 for item in self._items:
   if subitem in item:
 return True
 return False

This is broken in two ways
1. The magic method is __getitem__ (not __getitems__). I'm assuming it's
   a typo otherwise, the rest of your code will not work even as you've
2. A mapping object is similar to a dictionary. It should
   return the actual object if you try to access it. Not a boolean True
   or False. 

The mapping objects given are specifications of the locals and globals
in which you will evaluate your string. Consult help(eval) for more

eval(source[, globals[, locals]]) - value

 Playing around against it for a bit.
  mapping = SimpleMapping(set(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']))
  eval('ppp', {}, mapping)
  eval('aa', {}, mapping)
  eval('xxx and aaa', {}, mapping)
  eval('xxx or aaa', {}, mapping)

 Struggled in beginning but now they all seem obvious to me. Tricky is:

Look at my comment above. Your Mapping object is flawed and all these
responses are quite wrong.

  eval('5.6', {}, mapping)

I'm not sure how this will work. In my case, I see this. 

 mapping = SimpleMapping(set(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']))
 eval('5.6', {}, mapping)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: locals must be a mapping

  eval('aa.a', {}, mapping)
 AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'a'

 My doubts are:
 a. Why it didn't run for numeric 5.6? Also why is dot separated '5.6' any
 different to 'aa.a'? I looked around on eval documentation and examples but
 couldn't find use of eval with a mapping.

5.6 is not an attribute access. 5.6 is is a floating point number. aa.a
is an attribute access. It will first return False for `aa` since there
is no such key and your code returns False and then try to access `a` in
the Boolean which, predictably, fails. 

 b. I see many blogs suggesting to refrain from using eval unless
 absolutely needed. Is this one use case we must use it? Do we have any
 better way to evaluate this?

I'm not sure what exactly you want to do. Can you explain again?

 c. If indeed, I have to evaluate a string containing dots, how to do
 in the above scenario?

The object whose attribute you're trying to access should be there in
the locals or globals and then should have an attribute with the given
name. It will work then.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Return values

2014-10-03 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Thu, Sep 25 2014, Saager Mhatre wrote:


 Alternatively, would it be possible to model Stats/StatsList as a composite
 hierarchy (potentially with Courtesy Implementations


I didn't know about Courtesy implementations till now. Thanks. 

I'm not really convinced with Fowlers argument and I didn't like the
solution but it's still an interesting patterns.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Return values

2014-10-03 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Thu, Sep 25 2014, Saager Mhatre wrote:


 Alternatively, would it be possible to model Stats/StatsList as a composite
 hierarchy (potentially with Courtesy Implementations


I didn't know about Courtesy implementations till now. Thanks. 

I'm not really convinced with Fowlers argument and I didn't like the
solution but it's still an interesting pattern.

BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] Return values

2014-09-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

I've recently come across something that I'd like some comments on. It's
a stylistic issue so not something that there's an objective answer
for. Nevertheless.

I have a function that gets some statistics from some source and returns
it to the user as a Stats object. Let's call it get_stats. This has a
parameter `consolidate`. If consolidate is True, it will combine all the
statistics and return just one Stats object. If not, it will return a
list of Stats objects.

The problem now is that this function sometimes returns a single thing
and some times a list. I don't like this since I have to alter my
calling code to handle this. 

I'm surprised that I've never hit this before and I'm not really sure
how to handle it. 


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Return values

2014-09-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Sep 20 2014, Senthil Kumaran wrote:


 One option to me looks like, don't have consolidate as parameter for
 this function, but do the operation outside.  Like providing a
 function called get_consolidated_stats, which will call get_stats and
 provide the consolidated result.

 The reason I am suggesting is, consolidation is one of the operation
 that be performed on the the collection and it seems that injecting
 that operation on the collection is 'limiting' the API.

I thought of this. If I can, for example, implement __add__ for the
stats, I can say something like

consolidated_stats = sum(get_stats(), Stats())

My only objection was if the consolidation is not trivial or depends on
the time of sampling, then it might be complex, if not
impossible. Still, this seems like the neatest way to do it. 

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Return values

2014-09-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Sep 20 2014, Anand Chitipothu wrote:


 Oh, that feels like PHP. That style seems to be popular in that side of the

 It might be a good idea to add consolidate method on the return value.
 Something like:

 class StatsList(list):
 def consolidate(self):

 print get_stats(..)
 print get_stats(..).consolidate()


That's a nice solution. It's similar to what Senthil suggested but I
like the API better. 

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Return values

2014-09-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Sep 20 2014, Vivek Ramakrishna wrote:

 Hi Noufal

 Why not create two methods, get_stats() and get_stats_list(). Both can
 share logic in a common function which takes the consolidate flag - meaning
 your logic is localised to one point only. It makes for more readable code
 when called as well.


This approach (especially with many calls) will make the API really
big. I don't remember but I've seen things with get_something,
get_something_list, get_something_dict and what not which don't really
help readability.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Return values

2014-09-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Sep 20 2014, Sriram Karra wrote:


 I think the comparison is not strictly apples to apples. In case of sort
 ascending / descending flag parameterises the same sort algorithm. In your
 case, you do some additional things (loop through and add up stuff,
 perhaps) based on the value of the flag. That is very different.


Of course but the API should hide that in a neat way from you shouldn't
it? If I have two switches an operation, I'd still like to have just
one function. Not 4 representing all the combinations.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Return values

2014-09-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Sep 20 2014, Sriram Karra wrote:


 Having a method do two different things based on a flag is not
 a clean answer to anything.


That's a useful rule of thumb. Thank you.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Return values

2014-09-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Sep 20 2014, Sriram Karra wrote:


 But your problem can be addressed by naming the functions after what they
 do - after all your consolidate function does something tangible other than
 just return a different type of data.


Let me give you a specific example. 

The psutils library has a function to get cpu times (idle, busy
etc.). It can either do this per CPU (in which case, it will return a
list of CPUTime objects, one per CPU) or give you the total (in which
case, you'll get back a single CPUTime object). This is controlled by a
per_cpu boolean flag.

You can write a separate method to sum the individual times and then
keep the conslidation outside get_cpu_times.

The library chooses to sometimes return a list and sometimes return a
single item. I don't like that. 

Now, I can write two functions like get_cpu_times and
get_cpu_times_per_cpu. I don't particularly like that either.

From the thread so far, Anand's solution is the one I like
best. Although it's something tailored for my problem rather than a
general pattern.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Return values

2014-09-20 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Sep 20 2014, Sriram Karra wrote:


 Anand's solution is good. But with the added context you have given - why
 are you not creating classes for CPU and Machine, with get_stats() and
 set_stats() methods for them? Something like:

This is a higher level abstraction and something I might cook up
depending on the application. 

My question was about the implementation of the get_cpu_stats function
and its behaviour depending on the summary flag.


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python is still greek to india's top IT firms

2014-09-13 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sun, Sep 14 2014, sayantan bhattacharya wrote:

 Hello all,

 I work at TCS and they didn't know about Python either. Now that I
 have written a script that does the log monitoring easy for the
 Application support guys, they have accepted the language. But there
 seems to be a resistance among the people using Java to accept that
 Python is powerful and capable enough to do the same task that Java

Not unconditionally. From what I know, the JVM handles cross platform
issues, JITting, concurrency etc. much better than Python. 


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Mailing list etiquette

2014-08-07 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, Aug 04 2014, Jeffrey Jose wrote:


 ​I'm curious how do you read your mails? Noufal, if my memory serves me
 right you're an emacs person. So emacs perhaps?

 I'm in the vim camp, so I use my browser for email.​

I download my email when I'm online and read them using either mutt or
Gnus (Emacs) in batches offline.


 ​.. and since I use browser, I appreciate an email that's nicely
 formatted. Yes, that includes contextual information with embedded

Fair enough. However, large attachments being duplicated on a *mailing
list* is unnecessary. That's the consderation. Things are different for
your personal communication.


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Mailing list etiquette

2014-08-04 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, Aug 04 2014, Jeffrey Jose wrote:

 I agree with almost all of it, except for these 2.

 1. No HTML emails

I don't like HTML emails because usual textual matter doesn't need
it. It simply bloats things and if the renderer your client is using
doesn't have some feature that the sender uses, it'll appear broken. 

 2. No attachments.

This makes sense for a list because, as I understand it, the list server
has to send a copy of the attachment to everyone on the list. It's an
avoidable expense. A lot simpler to send a link to something on dropbox
or somewhere.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] how to override sys.stdin

2014-08-04 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, Aug 04 2014, Nitin Kumar wrote:

 thats a typo error.

 in simple term my question would be: How to override sys.stdin.


The StringIO module gives you file like objects into which you can put
data. They might work as substitues for sys.std*

BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] [Commercial] Mentoring course using Python

2014-06-11 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

Hello everyone,
  One of the reasons I moved out of Calicut was to try to start a
hacker school like setup in North Kerala. There's plenty of colleges and
talented students there but many of them lack direction and
  I've found myself a little place and am offerring a 3 month long
course to help students develop some skills that they might find useful
in the industry and in their technical careers in general. I'm hoping to
get to know the students during the course and then put them in touch
with small companies that are looking for talent. 
 I have a website at http://thelycaeum.in (and it should be obvious
that I'm quite lacking in the digital design department) and the site
blog mentions the course and the contents. 

 I'm mailing here because I know that a lof of companies that use
Python hang out here and this might be relevant to them. 


BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] Replying to digests (was: BangPypers Digest, Vol 82, Issue 1)

2014-06-02 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, Jun 02 2014, JERIN JACOB wrote:

 Dear friends

 thanks for all your supports

Please reply to individual threads rather than to a digest. It's hard to
follow the conversations.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Restart when python script hangs

2014-06-02 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, Jun 02 2014, Rahul Gopan wrote:


 When I run a python script it hangs at random places. Is there any way to
 identify when the script hangs and to resume it automatically. When I see
 that it is not responding i do ^Z (Ctrl -Z) to stop and then use fg command
 to start it again. I want to automate this.

From the zen of python
Errors should never pass silently.

You should find out why it's hanging and fix it. 


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] introduction

2014-06-01 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sun, Jun 01 2014, JERIN JACOB wrote:

 Dear friends

 I am new to the user group and also python,my main aim to study the
 phyton will the help of these group

You're very welcome. 

This is what I recommend to most people who want to learn python from
scratch http://learnpythonthehardway.org/

Enjoy and feel free to ask questions you encounter along your journey.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Fwd: Python script hangs after using logging module

2014-05-27 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Tue, May 27 2014, Rahul Gopan wrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Rahul Gopan rahulpce...@gmail.com
 Date: Tue, May 27, 2014 at 12:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Python script hangs after using logging module
 To: Noufal Ibrahim KV nou...@nibrahim.net.in

 1. Used subprocess.check_output. . Same result , it hangs 2. Am trying
 to run a bin file /bin/range branch Begin_No End_No which is
 supposed to provide me the number of items available between the
 Begin_No and End_No. I guess its not waiting for any input, it works
 like charm outside the python code.  3. Running the command outside
 works file. It hangs only when i use logging.basicConfig(filename=
 %(message)s',level=logging.DEBUG) before executing the command
 /bin/range 4. Without logging line it works fine so i guess there wont
 be any issue with being same directory or environment.  5. Creating
 the file manually outside the script works. No issue with that.


The only other thing I can think of is to use strace. On the python
program itself and on the /bin/range program. I think that's where the
problem is. It's probably behaving differently when launched from a
shell and non-interactively.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Redefine concepts, Rewrite Books

2014-05-27 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Tue, May 27 2014, Venkatraman S wrote:



There should be a button to not allow comments on a github pull
request. That whole thread is a waste of time.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Python script hangs after using logging module

2014-05-26 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Tue, May 27 2014, Rahul Gopan wrote:

 import commands
 import subprocess
 items = commands.getoutput('COMMAND branch Begin_no End_no | wc -l')
 print items

 -- Works --

 import commands
 import subprocess
 import logging
 items = commands.getoutput('COMMAND branch Begin_no End_no | wc -l')
 print items

 -- Hangs --

A few suggestions. 
1. Consider using subprocess or envoy[1] instead of commands. It's
2. Please specify exactly what you're trying to run rather than the
   placeholder you've put in your script above. My guess is that it's
   waiting for input and holding up the pipeline so that wc is never
3. Try running that command outside to see what the behaviour is. 
4. If the command works, make sure that your script is running in the
   same directory and with the same environment as the one where the
   command works.
5. I'd be inclined to do the `wc` in Python rather than use a pipe. It
   looks okay in this case but usually, involving the shell while trying
   to execute something leads to headaches with quoting, variable expansion
   and other such things that are not worth it. 
6. The basicConfig line will actually create and open the Log_file.log
   file. If you're on a disk that's misbehaving (e.g. a stale NFS
   mount), it might hang. Try creating the file manually outside the
   script to see if that's the issue.


[1]  https://github.com/kennethreitz/envoy

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Multiple return values from a function : Where to draw the line ?

2014-05-23 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Fri, May 23 2014, Rohit Chormale wrote:

 How is it if you use DataContainer class   set attributes of that class.
 Something like,

 class Data(object):

   def __init__(self, **kwargs):
 object.__setattr__(self, 'attribs', kwargs)

   def __getattr__(self, item):
 if item in self.attribs:
 return self.attribs[item]
 raise AttributeError

   def __setattr__(self, key, value):
 if key in self.attribs:
 self.attribs[key] = value
 object.__setattr__(self, key, value)


You could cheat by doing this.

class Data(object):
   def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  self.__dict__ = kwargs

instead of the above implementation. It's, of course, untested and

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Multiple return values from a function : Where to draw the line ?

2014-05-23 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Fri, May 23 2014, Mandar Vaze / मंदार वझे wrote:

 Currently I came across the code that returned 9 values (return statement
 spanned 5 lines due to pep8 limitation of 79 characters per line)

 The function returns various values that are used by the template to render

 To give you an idea - consider following two code snippets :
 (This is just a sample - it might lead you to believe these are various
 columns of a user table. Actual code isn't a row from DB table.
 All 9 values are computed, and aren't related to each other)

My usual way of doing this is something like

return dict(fname = fname,
lname = lname,
saluation = salutation,
gender= gender,
addr1 = addr1,
addr2 = addr2,
city  = city,
state = state,
country   = country)

I'm not sure what rules this violates but it works for me especially
when I read the code later.

Also, I'm not too sure if you should be worried, atleast on an abstract
level, about the number of keys this dictionary has. If they are all a
single logical coherent unit, it'll fit in the programmers
head. e.g. an address makes sense regardless of how many fields it has
(first name, last name, street, pin code etc.). If on the other hand
it's something vague that makes sense only to your own program, it'll be
harder to justify and might require some amount of cleanup.

I'm not sure about the performance impact. There are no so many
values. You're returning just a (reference to a) single dictionary. The
values will be pulled out of the memory when you access them. 

I don't think this answers your question since it's mostly opinion but


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Multiple return values from a function : Where to draw the line ?

2014-05-23 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Fri, May 23 2014, kracekumar ramaraju wrote:

 You can use namedtuple.

 from collections import namedtuple
 Person = namedtuple('Person', ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
 p = Person(foo='foo', bar='bar', baz='baz')


Much better although with namedtuple, the attributes are fixed aren't
they? I don't use collections as much as I should.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Multiple return values from a function : Where to draw the line ?

2014-05-23 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Fri, May 23 2014, kracekumar ramaraju wrote:


  Probably ease of writing may be right here.

It's also more future proof. An attribute can be replaced by a property
which implements access controls and other things without breaking API
contracts. It's harder to do that while subscripting.


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Raising issue WRT Bangpypers mailing list

2014-05-22 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

Just for context, here's the email where Danny says that he was not
offended by the first email and didn't interpret it in the way that
Pratham did

and my follow up reply saying that I didn't mean it that way either.

Also, I'm not managing or policing the list so please don't CC me
directly in any replies. The list owner is mentioned on the listinfo
page is probably the right person to contact for this kind of thing.

On Thu, May 22 2014, Pratham Gadre wrote:

 Hello Brian  Jesse,
 I am an incognito member of the BangPypers mailing list. Reason for being
 incognito is
 simple, the people who run the list are very sensitive to criticism and
 react in a harsh and non-professional manner.

 I was looking to see, who I could raise this issue to, via the Python.org
 website, I saw Brian was the communications officer and Jesse is the
 Vice-Chairman of the PSF.

 This time, I write to you with links to the content of the emails, which
 can be found at

 My replies are available here - http://pastebin.com/7kWWcMvF

 Both my emails were rejected with the response:
 Your message was deemed inappropriate by the moderator.

 Screenshot of replied from the moderator.

 At the risk of sounding like a 5 year old complaining about a bully hitting
 him in school, may I request you to kindly warn the moderators of the
 mailing list.

 I guess as member of the community, if I feel something is not right, I
 have the right to voice my opinion. A few months back Anand Pillai, a PSF

 It would really help, if there is some intervention.

 I would have ideally written to the list owners, but I have real bad
 experience in dealing with them earlier.


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Raising issue WRT Bangpypers mailing list

2014-05-22 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

Let's just let this pass? I, for one, don't have the time or interest to
handle these kinds of things. If any of the people want to discuss this
on the list, please do but I don't really want to spend any of my time
on it. 

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Who do I contact in regards to PyCon India sponsorship?

2014-05-19 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, May 19 2014, Pratham Gadre wrote:

 The message was not targetted at one person :-)


The occasional arrogance and lack of good faith will be there. It's part
of getting things done. 

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Who do I contact in regards to PyCon India sponsorship?

2014-05-17 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, May 17 2014, Daniel Greenfeld wrote:

 I've looked all over the site and can't figure out how to submit a request
 for sponsoring the conference. I would love a contact point! :-)

The link is in the leftmost square in the middle of the site (Call for
sponsors). It looks quite obvious to me but if you didn't see it at a
first glance, I'm guessing that it's not positioned properly. Any
suggestions would be welcome.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Imaging Library: Pillow vs PIL, any insights?

2014-04-16 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Thu, Apr 17 2014, Vineet Panchbhaiyye wrote:

 Is there any particular reason you are not considering opencv.
 If not, check out opencv.

Aren't they different? OpenCV is a computer vision. PIL/Pillow are still
image processing.


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Iterators

2014-04-01 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Tue, Apr 01 2014, Pradip Caulagi wrote:

 It is rather late in the day to bring this up but ...

 I heard they are removing iterators from Python to keep a small core.
 Anybody want to join efforts to write a generic library to fill this

Damn you. I googled for this. This happens to me *every* year. :(


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] JSON PARSER

2014-03-21 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Fri, Mar 21 2014, lokesh bobby wrote:

 Hi ALL,

 Can you share your thoughts on how to parse a JSON file by using

import json

with open(data.json) as f:


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] JSON PARSER

2014-03-21 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Fri, Mar 21 2014, lokesh bobby wrote:

 Hi Prashant,

 I have 2 concerns here

 1. As I mentioned earlier, my file consists of more than 2 lac
 lines. So it is not possible to load that many number of lines inside
 json.loads(). We need to pass the file, which itself is a limitation
 as explained earlier.

 2. It is not an ideal solution for me - creating a list of the values
 of duplicate keys, because my values are not just single word
 strings. They are again big dicts.

What exactly would you like to do? Parse a json is not specific

I understand the input data. 

What kind of API would you like? What should be returned from it if I
give it the json file?


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] { Parsing excel file }

2014-03-10 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Mon, Mar 10 2014, Shashidhar Paragonda wrote:

 Hello python hackers 

 I have a excel file which is .xls format.  My requirement is: the
 excel file contains a manual test cases, in second column, I need to
 read a file and extract thekeywords like : Login, logout, click to
 optimize, enhance, so on.  any suggestions on how to parse the
 keywords or can we parse italized / bolded words.  any suggestions on
 python library to work on such requirement ?

I can see a few. 
% pip search excel | grep -iw excel | wc -l

One of those might be useful. xlwt is something I've used in the past.


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Need Python Developer (5- 7 years Exp)

2014-03-09 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sun, Mar 09 2014, Dileep wrote:


 We require Python Developer for our company Hewlett-Packard India Software
 This requirement is for our RD division Bangalore. If you are interested
 please send me your resume to dileep...@gmail.com

It might be a good idea to describe what the kind of role which you're
looking to fill.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] How can i use ExtendedInterpolation and BasicInterpolation at a time with configparser example ${COMMON:home}/%(tool_name)s

2014-02-21 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV

Please use the body of the email to ask your question and subject header
for a short summary. 

On Fri, Feb 21 2014, bab mis wrote:


BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] 5 Reasons why Python is Powerful Enough for Google

2014-01-30 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Thu, Jan 30 2014, Asif Jamadar wrote:

 Dear All,

 I really like this blog because python every where


Sounds a little apologetic to me. 

BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] Data structures (was: In depth python ?)

2014-01-30 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Thu, Jan 30 2014, Shashidhar Paragonda wrote:

 Hello Python hackers
 Does anyone know the good tutorial / book on indepth python knowledge
 on datastructures and algorithms.

Not completely related but there's a good algorithms course starting in
Feb on Coursera that you can consider joining.



P.S. Please start a different thread with a different subject if you're
starting a new topic of conversation.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] BangPypers has an admin-controlled filter preventing discussion of diversity.

2014-01-17 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Sat, Jan 18 2014, Daniel Greenfeld wrote:

 See https://twitter.com/computionist/status/424269765465497601/photo/1

 For what it's worth, I've already spoken up on the Bangalore Python
 mailing list last year because of gross misogyny. I know that event
 and others were brought to the attention of at least one PSF director,
 but nothing was done.

 This is a stain on our community and I would like to see it resolved.
 However, I'm not sure what to do, and I'm unfortunately overwhelmed
 with work.

 What I have done is cross-posted this to the PSF members list.

I think this was unfortunate fallout from this[1] thread. I've mailed
the moderator to get rid of the filter.



BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Packaging in Python

2014-01-09 Thread Noufal Ibrahim KV
On Thu, Jan 09 2014, Venu Murthy wrote:

 Hello friend!

 This was the first time, we are actually writing some serious code and it
 found it quite not like Python when packing for the code to be deployed on
 a windows machine.

 We were using the setuptools build and install to do this... and it wasn't
 easy and finally had to install PIP on our windows machine install the
 dependencies... please let me know if there is a better way of packaging
 and deployment for python!

That sounds about correct. 

are references which you can use. 

The packaging ecosystem is not very pretty.


BangPypers mailing list

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