[CTRL] The Cunnilingual Bomber

1999-06-09 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

The Cunnilingual Bomber
by Zola

Just when you thought you had seen it all, namely the U.S. President's
admission he has been lying for the past seven months in the Monica Lewinsky
affair, along his simultaneous attempt to blame it all on Kenneth Starr, and
his assertion that his perjury and obstruction of justice are nobody's
business but his own and Hillary's--just when you thought the gutless
wonders in Washington might muster enough moxie to throw the criminal out of
office--just when you thought that Clinton's cunning linguistics about
Monica having sex with him but he didn't have sex with her ("It's a
miracle," Bob Bennett explained) would win the Josef Goebbels award for
creative destruction of the language- -just when you were relishing the fact
that a certain semen-stained blue dress had made this so-called "statesman"
the laughing stock of detergent ads in Tel Aviv--just when you had come to
believe there might be a modicum of sanity left in the country--the Oval
Office lunatic orders U.S. planes to bomb two foreign countries.
"National security," says the Liar. And all the way down the line: CNN:
"national security"; CBS: "national security"; NBC: "national security";
ABC: "national security".

"National security" means he has his pecker in one hand and the Red
Telephone in the other.

"Terrorists," says the red-faced Thug--the same Thug who has just spent
seven months intimidating witnesses and attempting to destroy the
reputations of all those critics who were telling the truth. And on down the
media line we hear the refrain: "Terrorists", "Terrorists", "Terrorists",
"Terrorists." This from the same "journalists" who for seven months demanded
an "open mind" about an "alleged" affair, no matter how detailed the
evidence that emerged regarding the Big Creep's oral escapades, lies, and

"Terrorists" means the Big Creep has decided to terrorize easy
targets--ostensibly associated with Osama bin Laden--but he'll be thinking
of Kenneth Starr all along. He's damned well going to make somebody pay for
those grand jury questions. Maybe he can have Seal Team Six slash some tires
and kill some cats while he is at it.

Yes, the U.S. was bombing "terrorist targets" in Afghanistan and the Sudan--
targets selected by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, the triumphant
heroes of Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Atlanta Olympics, TWA 800, and Filegate.
Next week the terrorist targets might be Paris and Detroit.

On Monday, the President prevaricated to the grand jury. He then
prevaricated to the nation on live TV. A big day for prevarication. But by
Wednesday it was clear that even the best of the Great Prevaricator's
mind-controlled minions were shrinking away from him.

So, on Thursday, he bombed foreigners. The Great Prevaricator appeared on TV
in Martha's Vineyard. "Bombs. Terrorists. Ugh. Umpah." He then returned to
the White House so he could appear on TV yet again for a few more lies, and
look statesmanlike, and get a blow job, and do a few lines of coke away from
Hillary. (Hillary doesn't mind: Vernon Jordan stayed behind to comfort her.
Bill's foibles give her license, you know.)

He bombed foreigners who, he said, are guilty of the U.S. embassy bombings
in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. Now, how could he possibly know that? The very
same FBI couldn't find out what happened in Oklahoma City for months. In the
U.S., on their own home ground. But in this case, on foreign soil, what a
miracle! Once the Commander-in-Chief makes up his mind, Freeh's little
lackeys know what conclusions to draw right away. Evidence? We don't need no
stinking evidence: we have missiles.

The President is evidently insane. Is it PMS: Post- Monica Syndrome? A
protest group gathers outside the White House: "No blood for Monica," they
chant. Yes, it seems the President is having another private moment in his
private life. His alleged wife Hillary "believes in this marriage," she
claims. But not enough, apparently, to give the President the oral sex he
craves. And as for the President, well, one doubts he could stand to go
anywhere near Hillary's lap. Moreover, the nation hates him for his lying
and Monday's failed performance, and he is, well, tense. So today he's going
to kill some people instead. That'll teach them to pick on Sensitive Bill
and his little three-inch bent prick.

"Did the President perform cunnilingus on you?" the Special Prosecutor's
team asked Monica Lewinsky before the grand jury that is looking into
criminal charges against the President. Monica didn't know what the word
meant. They should have quoted Gennifer Flowers to her: "He eats pussy like
a champ." Everyone can understand that language.

"Cunnilingus" comes from the Latin cunnus, meaning vulva ("cunt"), and
lingus, from lingere, meaning to lick. The President will eat cunt, but he
won't do the decent thing and resign and eat crow. No, he's got to divert
attention from his own crimes by punishing others for theirs. And his bombs

[CTRL] Fwd: Coastal Post Article - 'Gun Control' Kills Kids

1999-06-09 Thread Colleen Jones

This item relates to the importance of the date of April as it is of
April 1996 it was written; in the other item, they refer to April 19
being a special day..before Littleton - and then we had Waco April
19, with Littleton the 20th.

Tlhis month is a very significant month; however, this Gun Control Kills
Kids one must say, this item too, was very timely; the other item refers
to the kids comic books.

It is my hope someone out there will give this a little thought for
things just are not as they seem to be, as said Alice in Wonderland

Gun Control Kills Kids.well, it was Hitler who killed the Jewish
kids was it not, and he didn't resort to guns when he had other
methodsnobody is ever going to convince me that Dylan Klebold, a
jewish boy, liked Nazisand consider the comic books and the Gun
Control Kills Kids.   What does this all mean, Guns and Roses, and

Rosicrucians are masters at mind control and behavior modification, and
did produce a little Nazi killer named Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, whose
father said came from a "big family dating back 1000 years"which
would put it in the right time frame for the old Assasssins.



Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: DRUDGE-REPORT 6/7/99]

1999-06-09 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Robert Tatman wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 CobolMage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
  The White House is preparing to loosen government controls on the sale of
  powerful super computers to more than 100 countries only two weeks after a
  congressional committee charged it with carelessly permitting sales to
  China, the LOS ANGELES TIMES is planning to report in Tuesday editions.
  A portion of Page One has been carved out by editors and reporter Peter
  Gosselin was jaing late into the evening, putting the finishing touches
  on his exclusive report.
  The Commerce Department has proposed easing restrictions on sales of
  supercomputers to "most countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and
  Central and Eastern Europe, administration sources said Monday."
  Gosselin reports that "virtually all restrictions are likely to be lifted
  on sales to Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, which recently became
  NATO members."
  The White House's John Podesta, last seen drafting a new Medicare proposal
  that extends drug coverage to all beneficiaries, has taken charge of
  announcing the new supercomputer policy.
  According to Gosselin, first official word that the White House is prepared
  to ease export limits on the 100 countries could come during a meeting
  scheduled for Friday between Podesta and a group that includes "IBM
  Chairman and Chief Executive Louis Gerstner, Intel Corp. Chairman Andy
  Grove, Sun Microsystems Inc. CEO Scott D. McNealy and Hewlett-Packard Co.
  Chairman and President Lewis E.Platt."
 It has occurred to me that there may be method to this madness. Suppose, just
 for the sake of argument, that what is going on here, starting with the
 supercomputer sales to China and continuing with the policy laid out in
 Drudge's story, is not simply cupidity, but is actually designed to gather
 highly-sensitive intelligence. Suppose that deep inside each computer, perhaps
 built into the microprocessors themselves, is a radio transmitter. Suppose
 that this transmitter is set to send a coded message from time to time,
 perhaps to a U.S. satellite, perhaps to an SR-71 or AEGIS destroyer, reporting
 all of the operations that the computer's new owners have carried out on it in
 the past ump days. Suppose that U.S. officials have deliberately set out to
 make themselves look like idiots, to draw in and trap other countries into
 swallowing the bait. No, I don't have any evidence for this. But just


Bob, you need to start shelling out more for better quality acid.
" American" corporations have a long history of treason. With the
ideology of globalization, there are fewer rabid nationalists in the
government who give a damn about national sovereignty.

This treason is not new. Treason is not treason in a capitalist
if you can make money. Selling high tech equipment and weapons to an
enemy is very good business. It means that the government MUST spend
money to pay for new generations of weapons and computers to develop
run them. Thus creating a new market where there wasn't one before.

Stalin and Krushev said that the Capitalist West will sell them the
to hang us. They understood the pigs running this country much better
than our fellow citizens ever do.

The Rich are only loyal to the acquisition of more money.

Know your enemy.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: S99-103, Day 77 (June 8, 11:30PM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-06-09 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-103, Day 77

June 8, 1999; 11:30PM EDT


Phoenix1. Prague, Aviano, London... Protests

Belgrade   2. An American B-2A Shot Down over Serbia?

1. Aviano, London, Prague, Bratislava... Protests

PHOENIX, June 8 - Who would have thought it?  As reports poured into TiM
from all over about the various weekend protests around the world, guess
where the most violent demonstrations took place?  In Prague, a
nouveau-NATO country!

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of anti-war protesters also marched this
weekend at NATO's Aviano base in Italy and in London, England.

Here are some excerpts from the reports by the TiM correspondents and
participants in these rallies:

PRAGUE, June 6 - Hundreds of demonstrators chanting anti-NATO slogans threw
stones at the U.S. Embassy late Saturday, breaking windows and injuring
several policemen.

The crowd marched to the embassy in downtown Prague after gathering in
another part of the capital to protest the impact of multinational
corporations' on the environment. Police spokesman Josef Sulcek said 34
demonstrators had been detained.

AVIANO, June 6 - We received the following report from a TiM reader in
Croatia, whose name we're withholding considering the last sentence in this
report.  You may also check out a photo posted at our Web site from the
Aviano protest about which this TiM reader and participant in the anti-NATO
demonstration is writing:

"This is just a short note to let you know that I enjoyed your Special
Bulletin on the June 5 protest at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC.
Bravo-bravissimo for another good and effective speech to the 30,000
Americans who were present.

At this end here, the very next day (Sunday, June 6) the biggest protest so
far against NATO was held in Aviano. So, my friends and I got into two cars
and were off to Italy on that hot and sunny Sunday (35 degrees Celsius), to
help the wonderful Italian people that came out to express their feelings
and opinions about the beastly bombings of Yugoslavia.

The march from the town of Aviano (where we had to leave our cars) to the
NATO air base is some 7 or 8 kilometers. The road that goes to the air base
soon turned into a river of people, mostly young.  I don't know the exact
number, but I'm certain that there were more than 10,000 people attending,
plus the 5,000 heavily armed police with their guns and shields and
vehicles. (another participant in the Aviano rally told TiM that over
25,000 marched in protest).

This time, the NATO NAZI'S set up huge concrete blocks of cement behind the
fence that encircles the airport, so that the planes that sow death could
not be seen.  And probably as an additional protective shield (just in case
things get out of hand).

In any case, the protest was a bracing and encouraging experience
especially in light of the fact that the vast majority of the protesters
were Italians. They had come here from all parts of Italy. It was good to
see that there were also quite a few Slovenians.

As far as we know, we were the only small and private group from Croatia,
apart from Mr. Stipe Suvar who was present with some of his own friends
from Zagreb. Stipe's head was still bandaged from the recent assassination
attempt that took place on Thursday in the center of Zagreb!"

LONDON, June 6 - We received the following report from a TiM reader in
Manchester, England, who traveled to London to participate in this weekend
protest against the NATO war on Serbia:

"Half a dozen buses left for London from various parts of Manchester at
7AM.  Ditto re. the buses from the various other British cities, such as
Birmingham, Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol...

We arrived in London an hour earlier than planned, which gave us a chance
to visit with the protesters at 10 Downing Street (the seat of the British
Prime Minister).   They confirmed to us that there are several hundred
people outside Tony Blair's official residence - day or night, rain or
shine - protesting Britain's bombing of Serbia.  And that they have kept it
up 24 hours a day.

Meanwhile, the BBC, just like CNN (see
http://www.truthinmedia.org/Kosovo/day74.html), tried to played down the
significance of the anti-war movement in Britain.  The country's national
TV network reported that "3,700 people" took part in the protest.

By contrast, our sources report that a column of London demonstrators was
2.5km (1.6 miles) long.  Assuming 10 people abreast at about a meter's
distance between the rows, that's 25,000 people," the TiM correspondent

2. A n American B-2A Shot Down over Serbia?

BELGRADE, June 1 - When we first received a report from Belgrade about a

[CTRL] OEN 6/9/99

1999-06-09 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Today's Lesson From The Open Society and Its Enemies

by Karl R. Popper

Historicism, which I have so far characterized only in a rather abstract
way, can be well illustrated by one of the simplest and oldest of its
forms, the doctrine of the chosen people. This doctrine is one of the
attempts to make history understandable by a theistic interpretation,
i.e. by recognizing God as the author of the play performed on the
Historical Stage. The theory of the chosen people, more specifically,
assumes that God has chosen one people to function as the selected
instrument of His will, and that this people will inherit the earth. . .

There is no doubt that the doctrine of the chosen people grew out of the
tribal form of social life. Tribalism, i.e. the emphasis on the supreme
importance of the tribe without which the individual is nothing at all,
is an element which we shall find in many forms of historicist theories.
Other forms which are no longer tribalist may still retain an element of
collectivism; they may still emphasize the significance of some group or
collective--for example, a class--without which the inividual is nothing
at all. Another aspect of the doctrine of the chosen people is the
remoteness of what it proffers as the end of history. For although it
may describe this end with some degree of definiteness, we have to go a
long way before we reach it. And the way is not only long, but winding,
leading up and down, right and left. Accordingly, it will be possible to
bring every conceivable historical event well within the scheme of the
interpretation. No conceivable experience can refute it. But to those
who believe in it, it gives certainty regarding the ultimate outcome of
human history.

Equity Markets

US Investors Pull Money Out of International Funds

Keeping It All at Home

US private investors are removing money from international investment
funds as the trend to invest only in US equities gathers pace.

A net $7.15bn was withdrawn from funds investing outside the US in the
first four months of this year, while the industry as a whole attracted
$74.91bn in new cash, according to figures compiled by the
Washington-based Investment Company Institute, the trade association.

This continued a trend that started with the Asian financial crisis in
1997. In 1996, international funds attracted $47.5bn in new money, or
more than 20 per cent of the total. This fell to only $7.5bn, or 3.1 per
cent of the total, last year.

The decline in new money from the US could affect the performance of
international stock markets. It has also alarmed some mutual fund
management companies, which have mailed investors urging them to retain
some balance in their portfolios

Several emerging markets have recovered in the past few months, but the
sharp fall in the value of the euro has inflicted damage on
dollar-denominated mutual funds, many of which were not hedged.

This means that only exceptionally successful stock-pickers have
attractive performance figures this year.

The Moody's Europe Equity Fund Index, which tracks the performance of
funds investing in European equities, has fallen 5.15 per cent over the
past 12 months and gained only 0.96 per cent so far this year.

By comparison, its US growth equity fund index, which covers the funds
investing in the most popular large US companies, has gained 19.27 in
the past 12 months and 5.25 per cent so far this year.

Robert Swift, chief investment officer for international equities at
Putnam Investments in Boston, one of the largest US mutual fund groups,
said: "People are seeing that the US has provided 23 per cent returns
over the last five years, compounded, while non-US has provided half
that, and they're saying there's no point owning this stuff."

According to Baltimore-based T. Rowe Price, one of the largest
distributors of mutual funds: "People are reacting to the severe
underperformance of international funds relative to the US in the last
four or five years, and particularly last year."

The Financial Times, June 8, 1999

Oil Market

Castle Energy Appears in a Flurry of Recent Deals

And then there's Zapata Petroleum . . .

NEW YORK--Remember little Castle Energy? That was the Pennsylvania EP
firm nearly crushed to death in the $1.6-bil Metallgesellschaft futures
fiasco in 1993.
Backed by what it thought were rock-solid processing deals for all its
output from MG, Castle went deep into hock buying two old refineries, a
natural gas pipeline and other assets to become MG's defacto US
operating arm. Then MG, Castle's main shareholder, reneged.

In late 1994, red-faced MG settled up with Castle by forgiving its debt,
giving back its Castle stock and unwinding its commitments, at a total
cost of $479-mil.

Published reports at that time said MG and unidentified companies it was
doing business with had also come 

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [SC] Skeptic News - Tuesday #1]

1999-06-09 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"Cathy Laughlan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 : What other technologies resulted from the Roswell crash?

 Waxed dental floss

Not to mention TV dinners--only an alien could actually eat, let alone like,
those things...


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fw: End-Times Times

1999-06-09 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

T H E   E N D - T I M E S   T I M E S  June 10th, 1999

Dear friends,

  Welcome to this issue of The End-Times Times.  I hope it will be
of interest to you.

  Please feel free to write to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and visit my Web site at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5951
  Those who have not visited my Web site for a while - please do
drop by again!  I've recently made a number of redesigns, and
added a list of good books that I recommend.  Should these be
of interest to you, links are provided so you can purchase them
through Amazon.Com.  The Web site will undergo more development
over the next months, so stay tuned!

  This newsletter is being sent to you at your request, and your
name will not be made available to any other person or
organisation.  You may request to be removed from this list at
any time by simply writing to me.
  Previous issues of this newsletter are available from my
Web site.


David M. Williams

C O M M O N   L O G I C A L   F A L L A C I E S   M A D E
B Y   M U S L I M S

By Dr. Robert Morey

Christians must be prepared to answer the typical objections made
against the Gospel. Most of the objections are based on simple
logical fallacies. The following is a list of some of the most
common fallacies used by Muslims.

Note: The average Muslim does not know that his arguments are
logically erroneous. He is sincere in his beliefs. Thus you must be
patient and kind in sharing with him why his arguments are invalid.

1. The Fallacy of False Assumptions: In logic as well as in law,
"historical precedent" means that the burden of proof rests on those
who set forth new theories and not on those whose ideas have already
been verified. The old tests the new. The already established
authority judges any new claims to authority.

Since Islam came along many centuries after Christianity, Islam has
the burden of proof and not Christianity. The Bible tests and judges
the Qur'an. When the Bible and the Qur'an contradict each other, the
Bible must logically be given first place as the older authority.
The Qur'an is in error until it proves itself.

Some Muslims violate the principle of historical precedent by
asserting that Islam does not have the burden of proof and that the
Qur'an judges the Bible.

2. Arguing in a circle: If you have already assumed in your premise
what you are going to state in your conclusion, then you have ended
where you began and proven nothing.

If you end where you began, you got nowhere.

  #1 Proving Allah by the Qur'an and then proving the Qur'an by Allah.
  #2 Proving Muhammad by the Qur'an and then proving the Qur'an by Muhammad.
  #3 Proving Islam by the Qur'an and then proving the Qur'an by Islam.

3. False Analogy: Comparing two things as if they are parallel when
they are not really the same at all.

  #1 Many Muslims erroneously assume that Muslims and Christians share
 the same concepts of God, revelation, inspiration, textual
 preservation, the Bible, prophethood, biblical history, conversion,
  #2 Because a false analogy is drawn between Islam and Christianity,
 some Muslims think that any argument which refutes the Qur'an will
 likewise refute the Bible; any argument which refutes Muhammad will
 also refute Jesus Christ, etc...
  #3 For example, many Muslims claim that Muhammad and all prophets
 were sinless. They even deny that Abraham was an idol worshipper.
 Thus when a Christian points out all the wicked things that Muhammad
 did (mass murder, child abuse, lying, etc.), the Muslims will say,
 "If you are right, then you must also reject your biblical prophets
 for doing wicked things as well."
 What he is really saying is, "If you reject my prophet, then you must
 reject your prophets as well. If Muhammad was a false prophet, then
 your prophets are false as well."
 The root problem is that the Muslim concept of prophethood is not
 the same as the Christian concept of prophethood. We teach that
 prophets sin like anyone else. Thus while Islam is refuted by the
 sins of Muhammad, Christianity is not jeopardized at all. The Muslim
 is guilty of setting up a "false analogy."
 Whenever a Muslim responds to a Christian attack on the Qur'an,
 Muhammad, or Allah by flipping the argument around and applying it
 to the Bible, Jesus or the Trinity as if Islam and Christianity
 either stand or fall together, he is guilty of the fallacy of false
 analogy. Islam can be false and Christianity be true at the same time.

4. The Fallacy of Irrelevance: When you introduce issues which have no
logical bearing on the subject under discussion, you are using irrelevant

  #1 Some Muslims argue, "The Qur'an is the Word of God because the text
 of the 

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: DRUDGE-REPORT 6/7/99]]

1999-06-09 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

nurev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 Robert Tatman wrote:
  It has occurred to me that there may be method to this madness. Suppose,
  for the sake of argument, that what is going on here, starting with the
  supercomputer sales to China and continuing with the policy laid out in
  Drudge's story, is not simply cupidity, but is actually designed to gather
  highly-sensitive intelligence. Suppose that deep inside each computer,
  built into the microprocessors themselves, is a radio transmitter. Suppose
  that this transmitter is set to send a coded message from time to time,
  perhaps to a U.S. satellite, perhaps to an SR-71 or AEGIS destroyer,
  all of the operations that the computer's new owners have carried out on
it in
  the past ump days. Suppose that U.S. officials have deliberately set out
  make themselves look like idiots, to draw in and trap other countries into
  swallowing the bait. No, I don't have any evidence for this. But just

 Bob, you need to start shelling out more for better quality acid.
 " American" corporations have a long history of treason. With the
 ideology of globalization, there are fewer rabid nationalists in the
 government who give a damn about national sovereignty.

 This treason is not new. Treason is not treason in a capitalist
 if you can make money. Selling high tech equipment and weapons to an
 enemy is very good business. It means that the government MUST spend
 money to pay for new generations of weapons and computers to develop
 run them. Thus creating a new market where there wasn't one before.

 Stalin and Krushev said that the Capitalist West will sell them the
 to hang us. They understood the pigs running this country much better
 than our fellow citizens ever do.

 The Rich are only loyal to the acquisition of more money.

 Know your enemy.

I won't deny the slipperiness of capitalist ethics. But I do know that the RD
that led to the creation of the supercomputers we're talking about here was
funded heavily by the Federal government, including much gelt from the black
budget. The computer business is as tied to government for its funding as is
the defense industry. (Look at the origins of both the defense industry and
the computer industry--both were originally created either directly as
government initiatives or with substantial government funding and direction.)
Without the Feds stoking the fire, nothing would ever get done on RD. (BTW,
that's not an advertisement for Big Government but a simple statement of
historical fact. By itself, industry will concentrate on producing the same
thing as the competition in a different package...that's what capitalist
competition amounts to.) And if the Feds suggest that a *slight addition*
might be made to the chips in the computers, why, who are the captains of
industry to say no to a perfectly reasonable request? These deals with China
and other "pariah states" are most certainly not the result of operations by
rogue companies. They are instead carefully calculated to further specific
long-range policy objectives of the Federal government, or rather of certain
agencies of the Federal government. IMHO, of course.


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: DRUDGE-REPORT 6/7/99]]

1999-06-09 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Bob, could not pass this up; you are right.

Remember, when they built the pyramids, what did they do.they killed
the workman and the architect too, I think, because they new all the
secrets and the passages of the pyramidsand who says you can't take
it with you.

Whoever sells that stuff will have all knowledge.of course, any high
school hacker these days who is given the password, can accomplish same.

I think the architects of that plan to sell the Chinese and the enemies
the computer, is a sheer genius..just like the corn, the chips have


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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: End-Times Times]

1999-06-09 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

CobolMage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 T H E   E N D - T I M E S   T I M E S  June 10th, 1999

Huh?? Where did *this* come from? This guy really doesn't seem to understand
that the exact same "logical fallacies" he attributes to Islam can be equally
well attributed to Christianity. I try to be a practicing Christian, but this
kind of apologetic just turns my stomach. Has he actually *read* the Qur'an?
Or just tracts from an evangelical publishing house telling him what it says?
"Great God! I'd rather be/A pagan suckl'd in a creed outworn..." than this
kind of Christian.


Robert F. Tatman
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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: End-Times Times]

1999-06-09 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

The Koran is like Aesops Fablesbut a quiet peaceful book worth

I knew this Grand Dragon of the KKK once, whom I liked very much when I
got to know him.   He called me once to ask what I knew about two
brothers who wanted to join; I said, well, they did threaten a Federal
Judge recently, and got caught.   What you do in a case like that.

Well, he said, I just give them a bible to read, and bore them to death
for awhile, they get tired and disinterested very easily.

Takes one to know oneand an infiltrator, is an infiltrator.this
man died recently, had his own set of valuesbut he was a fine
American and a Patriot; at the time I had been told it was the KKK who
wrecked my housethis man came with hammer and nails, etc., and
repaired a lot of damagebefore he died, he gave me a Steiner
Violin.which is worth more than just money to me.

So reading the Koran.as they saycan turn one into a kinder, more
gentle person; it is the laws the Arabs inflict upon themselves through
their dictators and Kings which do not reflect th religion, that makes
one wonder who and what they really arewell, oil barons, blooming
Arabic Mafiathe original Black Hand.'

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #2

1999-06-09 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990609b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No antiwar protesters were hosed down like rats to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Clerics close sacred compound. JERUSALEM (AP) Muslim clerics indefinitely
closed the Al Aqsa Mosque compound to tourists to protest what they said
were attempts by Jewish extremists to pray at Islam's third holiest site.
The holy sites have been closed to visitors in the past over similar rows.
See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559850782-854

: Does your belief system provoke you to practice rituals at sites esteemed
by competing belief systems? Is this worship or sacrilege? Is this much fun?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** Russia to abandon Mir. MOSCOW (AP) Russia's space agency confirmed that
the Mir space station would be left unmanned following its crew's departure
in August, the first step toward discarding it early next year. By leaving
it empty instead of abandoning it immediately, Russian space officials are
putting off the painful moment of scuttling Mir, the last symbol of Russia's
space glory. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559850899-a41

: Do you want to: vandalize Mir; salvage it; use it as a base to beam mind-
control rays at Earth, or for dropping bombs; use it as a movie set; other?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** Computer export rules may be eased. WASHINGTON (AP) The US gov't is con-
sidering making it easier for U.S. companies to sell high-powered computers
to other countries by easing export restrictions on them. China is drooling;
see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559852475-ccb

: Do you want to buy a supercomputer? Do you need it for your nuclear devel-
opment program? Could you tie together a bunch of Pentiums to achieve that?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** 'Choose Life' license plates to appear in Fla. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP)
"Choose Life," two words carrying an emotionally charged message about
abortion, will be on some Florida license plates under a new law. Money
raised by sales of the $20 specialty plate, which bears a crayon drawing of
children, will go to support organizations that serve pregnant women who
plan to put their babies up for adoption. But opponents argue it bears a
divisive political message, one some feel so strongly about it could even
spark road rage. www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559854064-b7d

: Would you kill someone because of their auto licence plate? Do you need an
excuse? Does road rage run your life? Do you drive with a gun? Is it loaded?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ SHOULD WE BAN MULLING WHILE DRIVING? Studies have shown that driving with
two hands isn't necessarily safer than driving with one - and more accidents
occur after a cell phone call and not during it. So maybe it's the "mulling
it over" that is dangerous - so should we outlaw mulling? Or outlaw driving?

@ WHAT, BESIDES CELL PHONES, DISTRACTS DRIVERS? Clearly, cell phones are not
the only distractions - there are also passengers, children, eating, putting
on makeup. If we really wanted to make everyone super safe, we would require
everyone in a car to wear a helmet. So all those do-gooders out there who
want to help - that's what will help. Or wrap all car passengers in cotton.

: Do you mull hazardously? Does an alien implant interfere with your driving
or does it focus you, make you a better driver? If The Rapture occurs while
you're talking on your cellphone, would you notice? Who'll get your car?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** Cross dressing day riles parents. FORT MYERS, Fla. (AP) A middle school
scheduled a cross-dressing day as part of fun-themed week, but when some
parents failed to see the humor the principal admitted the event was poorly
named. "My son said he wanted me to take him to Wal-Mart to buy him a dress
or he wouldn't go to school. I think it's the wrong direction to morally
steer the students." To celebrate results of state achievement tests, eighth
graders decided to have a week of theme days, including pajama day, school
spirit day and clash day when students wear outfits that don't match.
See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559852852-473

: Do you like to cross-dress? Would you rather dress as a member of another
sex, race, class, species? Would you rather go naked and remove all doubts?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


@ The Trekkie Affliction: www.feedmag.com/daily/dy060499_master.html
@ RE - Election screenplay, protest politics, and good sex:

@ Battlespaces. The Kosovo conflict signals a new kind of war -- and a
  new kind of risk: 

Re: [CTRL] Income, taxes and demagoguery

1999-06-09 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

Mr. Sowell is engaged in a rather clever campaign of disinformation.

Please read "America: What Went Wrong" by Barlett and Steele.  Sowell's
points are refuted by the statistical evidence compiled by these two
Philadelphia Inquirer researchers.  Their study is based on US Census and
OMB statistics which show that the bottom half of American society is
worse off than they were in the halycon days of Jimmy Carter.

Sorry.  The facts do not support Sowell's position.

On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, M.A. Johnson wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Income, taxes and demagoguery
 by Thomas Sowell

 WHEN YOU HEAR POLITICIANS and intellectuals talking -- often
 very loudly -- about "the rich," do you ever wonder who they
 are talking about and how much money those "rich" people make?
 And do you ever wonder why those who are making so much noise
 about the rich don't just come right out and tell us what kind
 of money they are talking about?

 Instead, we hear about the top 10 percent or the top 5 percent.
 But why so squeamish about saying how much money that represents?

 There is a reason for all this noise about the rich  and
 for all the silence about how much money is involved. Talking
 about the rich is politically very useful for whipping up envy
 and getting support for heavy taxes. But the incomes of most
 people in the top 5 or 10 percent are a lot less than most
 Americans would consider rich.

 If the incomes of all the people in an American household adds
 up to $72,000, that puts them in the top 10 percent of all
 households. But, when a husband and wife make $36,000 apiece,
 most of us would not consider them rich. Nor would we be likely
 to think that putting heavy taxes on them would be a good

 Any attempt to lower the taxes of such a couple is guaranteed
 to bring out the noisy demagogues in Congress, denouncing "tax
 cuts for the rich" because people in the top 10 percent would
 benefit. But the only people whose taxes can be cut are the
 people who are paying taxes -- mostly people in the upper
 brackets, who are not rich.

 Even the top 5 percent of households do not usually fit what
 most of us would consider to be the rich. If all the incomes in
 your household add up to $127,000, then you are one of those top
 5 percent who are so rich that the government thinks it should be
 taxing you like mad.

 That's $63,500 apiece if husband and wife are both working  about
 what mid-level civil servants would make. Or, if only one person
 is working and earning the whole $127,000 alone, that is about the
 average salary of a college president -- and much less than the
 average income of a college athletic coach. It is nowhere in the
 ball park compared to the incomes of top lawyers, corporate executives
 or professional athletes.

 What about the really rich people --- the ones with their own private
 jets and mansions here and there? There are such people but there are
 not enough of them to affect the statistics very much. Moreover,
 genuinely rich people usually have tax accountants to go with their
 jets and mansions, so that they can keep their jets and mansions.

 The people who really get hit hard by taxes that are supposed to be
 aking the rich are ordinary people who happen to be at the stage of
 their lives where they are earning more than they did in years past
 and more than they will be earning in the future. These are largely
 people in their 50s or early 60s who have worked their way up to a
 decent income and are seeing much of it drained away by politicians
 who proclaim that "the rich" ought to pay "their fair share."

 This "fair share" is as completely undefined as "the rich" themselves.
 The demagogues don't dare talk specifics in either case or people
 will start to see through them.

 If we look at wealth instead of income, it becomes even more obvious
 that "the rich" are not a different class of people but largely
 people in older age brackets who have accumulated some money in a
 pension fund, paid off most of their mortgage and put a little money
 aside to see them through retirement and the illnesses of old age.

 The average net worth of households headed by someone 65 years old
 or older is more than 10 times the net worth of households headed
 by someone under 35 years of age. But these aren't different classes
 of people, because everyone who is 65 or older was once 35 or younger.

 Many of the statistical "poor" are just as fictitious as the
 statistical "rich." For most Americans, being in the bottom 20
 percent of the income distribution is strictly a transitional
 phase. More of them rise to the top 20 percent than remain at
 the bottom, and the rest of them are scattered all in between.

 Most Americans are likely to have incomes in the top 10 percent at
 some point or other during their lives. So when politicians start
 talking about taxing the rich, send not to know for whom the bell
 tolls. It tolls for thee.


Re: [CTRL] The Media's Role in Federal Government

1999-06-09 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

You're absolutely correct, Prudy.
I listened to Brian Lamb's interview with a Pacifica reporter (Amy...sorry
I don't remember her last name).

She gave a disturbing account of a recent Press Club Awards ceremony in
which Pacifica radio was supposed to receive an award for its reportage.
When she tried to chastize the assembled reporters for failing to provide
objective coverage of NATO atrocities, Tom Brokaw, the master of
ceremonies, told her that "this isn't the time or the place!"

Our press is controlled by the corporate media, and stories which might
criticize NWO schemes are "spiked."

On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 06/06/1999 11:24:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Not too many years ago, news reporters seemed to do a better job of
  holding our leaders accountable. Our Constitutional right (and protection)
  of "freedom of the press" still exists, but it doesn't seem to be doing much
  for us lately. That's because our federal government controls the press. Oh
  please - not another conspiracy theory!
  I truly hate to suggest a conspiracy explanation of anything. Mainstream
  Americans generally won't buy it, and mainstream media's favorite
  sarcastic topic for editorials, at least in Arkansas, is "conspiracy nuts."

 Yeah, but they're beginning to be believers.  As for our media.  It's been
 bought and paid for.  Those that haven't got a price tend to die in odd
 circumstances.  Even C-SPAN is suspect.  When George Seldes died, there wsn't
 even a whisper for a fellow journalist from that bastion of fairness.  Oh
 well.  The funeral for our Democracy was held, and since our Media refused to
 print an obituary, most of us never even knew it.  Prudy

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-06-09 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

The free trade vs. protectionism debate is something of a joke.

I once spent a desultory afternoon searching through the stacks of the
local university for information on Frederich List, a nineteenth century
German economist who championed the American system of tariffs (defended
by Hamilton, Carey and later Lincoln). Not surprisingly, my search yielded
nothing.  However, not surprisingly, there were close to eighty books
dealing with Adam Smith, the British economist most closely identified
with "free trade" theory.

So, it's not surprising that the majority of Americans have been
brainwashed into believing that "free trade" economic theory gave rise to
the American economic juggernaut.  Of course, this is a laughable and
cruel lie when it is examined from the vantage point of American economic

And, ironically, the Republican Party, once the champion of protectionism,
has now become the leading force behind "free trade."

Sadly, we are now repeating Britain's worst economic blunders.
And what do we see in 1999 after thirty-five years of "free trade"?  We
see an American middle class that is fast disappearing.

Of course, when it looked like the Asians were going to totally capture
Silicon Valley, some protectionist measures were pushed through Congress
to save the last few industries we still have...

Thanks to "free trade," Americans are now married to the global economy..
We have to wear shoes and clothes that are going to fall apart in a few
months...  Shoes!!! Have you noticed how the shoe departments in Walmart
and Target smell!!!  I doubt if Bill Clinton or George Bush's kids are
wearing these slave labor produced products!

I remember a time when we had American shoes made
my American workers...and we had products that were designed to last... of
course, that was an America that still gave some measure of lip service to
the idea of "we the people."

Free trade has not given the consumers a "break." Of course, I'm not
against foreign manufactured products per se  If the country provides
a decent standard of living and guarantees the civil liberties of its
citizens, then, by all means, let's trade with them.

But personally, I would like to see all of you who consider yourselves
"globalists" and "free traders" to leave the country.  Perhaps, you could
go to a free trade paradise down in the Bahamas and leave the nation to
those who love her.

On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Carl Amedio wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-


 Ironically, political pressure for trade protection has grown
 during the current economic expansion.  Similarly, the infamous
 Smoot-Hawley Tariff was enacted at a time of unprecedented
 prosperity.  It may be that economists have not done a very good
 job of explaining either the benefits of free trade or the costs
 of protection.

 A new study from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis estimates
 the cost of protectionism to the United States.

o   St. Louis Fed economist Howard Wall calculates that U.S.
exports would have been 26.2 percent higher in 1996 if
other countries practiced free trade.

o   Wall found that U.S. protectionism also hurt, costing
consumers more than $100 billion.

o   In a recent speech in Dallas, Federal Reserve Chairman
Alan Greenspan said the ultimate cost of protection can be
even higher if it blocks the flow of technology and new
ideas that are the life's blood of economic progress.

 Similarly, the benefits of free trade may not be as apparent as
 their perceived costs in terms of job displacement.  However, the
 benefits are large.

o   According to a new study by the Department of Foreign
Affairs and Trade in Australia, a 50 percent reduction in
world tariffs would increase the world economy by more
than $400 billion per year (see figure
http://www.ncpa.org/pd/gif/pd6799.gif ).

o   Complete elimination of tariffs would add $750 billion to
the world economy annually.

 A final source of protectionist sentiment may be the
 understatement of U.S. exports, which exacerbates the recorded
 trade deficit.  According to the U.S. Census Bureau, exports may
 be understated by as much as 10 percent, due to the undercounting
 of small exports and other factors.  This may make people think
 that restricting imports is necessary to restore balance.  More
 accurate counting of exports, therefore, may help reduce
 protectionist pressure.

 Source: Bruce Bartlett, senior fellow, National Center for Policy
 Analysis, June 7, 1999.

 For text http://www.ncpa.org/oped/bartlett.html

 For Australian study

 For St. Louis Fed study

 For Alan Greenspan's speech

 For Census Bureau study

Re: [CTRL] The Media's Role in Federal Government

1999-06-09 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Prudy:  As people use the internet more, it becomes the greatest news
reporting system in the world; it might get infiltrated from time to
time by those pretending to be something other than they are, and
pranksters might spread a few stories that boomerang at timesbut a
good sense of humor will get by all that.

The news media is beginning to feel not only the wrath of the
internetbut is impact against their growing system of lies and
censored news.  One would think that someone is holding the sword of
that ancient god, and I forget how to spell his name, anyway holding a
sword over their heads by a thread..they have not sold out, they are
being forced out.

Nobody watched the news much, except for this horrible hard copy when it
peaked going after Michael Jackson, the alleged child molester - or
tearing apart Princess Dianabut oh the tears they shed when she
diedtoday, at least, now that they have the attention of hte public
by using the soap opera drama in the White House, you find even now,
more and more people are drawn to the internetwho the hell ever
watched Tim Russert that much...this grinning, overbearing idiot now
wants to replace Geraldo, the latter will go onto the public trough,
which is where he has been feeding for some time now.

The press and payolla - more than managed news now, tis censored news.

Deep in their hearts, nobody really wants the President of the United
States tried for treason - they just want him to go away and stay away
it would seem - at least in the internet news, that would seem to
reflect the public.

MSNBC, MTV, CNNno matter if we watch them or not (and remember, CBS
won the Super
Bowl)  no matter what, if we buy th products they advertise from
Wheaties to Alka Seltzer, we will be paying payolla to Jim Carville (its
payback time) and Michael Jackson, and Marilyn Mansonfor every song
they sing, or lie they tell, we pay for it.

Boycott is a startthe internet is the last bastion of freedom in the

Don't let them get that.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

1999-06-09 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

Much of the R and D in high tech industries is funded by
taxpayers...  We have NASA, NSA, Livermore, MIT, the mammoth defense
contractors..  Silicon Valley has had its share of government

So the argument that market forces (capitalism) are responsible for high
tech innovations is false.  When "the invisible hand" stays invisible,
government comes to the rescue.   Read the essay, "Cyberselfish" for a
more balanced view.

On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, nurev wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-


 No matter what changes and inovations Capitalism goes through, there
 remains the deadly constants.

 1- Private ownership of large amounts of capital ALWAYS causes
 of wealth into few hands. With that ALWAYS comes control and
 of society.

 2- Capitalism, like cancer, is defined by growth. The ecology of the
 can no longer tolerate systems based on waste and growth.

 3- Capitalism is theft. Its success depends on how much the capitalist
 steal from the worker on one end, and the buyer on the other.

 4- Capitalism causes mental illness in the form of addiction to money.

 5- No Capitalist is really supportive of competition. Competition is
 wasteful and chancy. Monopoly is the true aim of capitalists.

 "Taylor, John (JH)" wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
  New York Times
  June 5, 1999
  Revising Capitalism: Coorperative Innovation Steals Competition's Thunder
   Capitalism, every undergraduate student of economics learns,
   thrives on competition. The brilliant virtue of the invisible hand
   of competition is that it forces firms to reduce costs, cut prices
   and thereby enrich consumers. This engaging tale has buttressed
   every economics narrative since Adam Smith lucidly explained more
   than 200 years ago how competition channels the natural greed of
   individuals into serving the social good.
   Now William Baumol, an economics professor at New York University,
   wants to rewrite the basic tale. Yes, competition creates wealth.
   But in his new formulation, price cutting becomes a sideshow.
   Innovation takes center stage as the "primary weapon of
   competition." And the key to innovation is a clever form of
   collaboration among rivals.
   Innovation, the process of translating inventions and new ideas
   into commercial products, is largely responsible for the tenfold
   rise in the living standards of American families over the last 100
   years, he says in a new manuscript. Baumol's contribution is not to
   emphasize the impact of innovation but to pinpoint how competition
   forces companies to make innovation routine, much as marketing and
   advertising are.
   In Baumol's analysis, capitalism emerges as a system that hums
   because it has figured out how to make innovation humdrum.
   Baumol shows how companies pour money not only into their own
   research and development but also into such operations by their
   rivals. Yes, their rivals. Firms participate in joint ventures that
   hire teams of researchers to develop technologies that the firms
   will share. They also engage in the largely unrecognized practice
   by which companies enter into technology-sharing compacts. Under
   these compacts, a company like IBM writes contracts with
   competitors, like Hitachi. The companies promise to license future
   innovations to each other for a set fee. That way, if Hitachi comes
   up with a spiffy next-generation disk drive, IBM is guaranteed the
   right to incorporate Hitachi's new drive in its own computers.
   It might seem odd for an economist like Baumol to herald
   collaboration among potential competitors. By jumping into the arms
   of rivals, companies appear to dull their incentive to innovate on
   their own. After all, if they can imitate rivals, why bother to
   innovate on one's own?
   To understand Baumol's point, put yourself in the place of IBM. You
   could try to piggyback off Hitachi's innovations, dismissing your
   own engineers. But that strategy would collapse. At the very least,
   you would be dishing out hundreds of millions of dollars each year
   to rivals without getting anything in return. Worse, Hitachi would
   soon drop the agreements, because they make sense only if it
   expects to get about as many new products from IBM as it provides
   to IBM.
   Nor would it make economic sense to beef up your investment in
   innovations without entering technology-sharing contracts. If four
   or five of your major rivals share innovations among themselves,
   then they will generate lots of ideas, drowning out the efforts of
   your one research 

Re: [CTRL] Income, taxes and demagoguery

1999-06-09 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

In the following Mr. Tunstall writes that Thomas Sowell has been proven
wrong by two Philidelphia Inquirer researchers. He does not specify what
exactly in his article has been refuted. However, he does state that their
study shows:  "that the bottom half of American society is
 worse off than they were in the halycon days of Jimmy Carter". This may or
may not be true, but I could find no reference to that question in the whole
of Mr. Sowell's article.

Howard Davis

From: William Hugh Tunstall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Income, taxes and demagoguery
Date: Wed, Jun 9, 1999, 2:25 PM

  -Caveat Lector-

 Mr. Sowell is engaged in a rather clever campaign of disinformation.

 Please read "America: What Went Wrong" by Barlett and Steele.  Sowell's
 points are refuted by the statistical evidence compiled by these two
 Philadelphia Inquirer researchers.  Their study is based on US Census and
 OMB statistics which show that the bottom half of American society is
 worse off than they were in the halycon days of Jimmy Carter.

 Sorry.  The facts do not support Sowell's position.

 On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, M.A. Johnson wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Income, taxes and demagoguery
 by Thomas Sowell

 WHEN YOU HEAR POLITICIANS and intellectuals talking -- often
 very loudly -- about "the rich," do you ever wonder who they
 are talking about and how much money those "rich" people make?
 And do you ever wonder why those who are making so much noise
 about the rich don't just come right out and tell us what kind
 of money they are talking about?

 Instead, we hear about the top 10 percent or the top 5 percent.
 But why so squeamish about saying how much money that represents?

 There is a reason for all this noise about the rich  and
 for all the silence about how much money is involved. Talking
 about the rich is politically very useful for whipping up envy
 and getting support for heavy taxes. But the incomes of most
 people in the top 5 or 10 percent are a lot less than most
 Americans would consider rich.

 If the incomes of all the people in an American household adds
 up to $72,000, that puts them in the top 10 percent of all
 households. But, when a husband and wife make $36,000 apiece,
 most of us would not consider them rich. Nor would we be likely
 to think that putting heavy taxes on them would be a good

 Any attempt to lower the taxes of such a couple is guaranteed
 to bring out the noisy demagogues in Congress, denouncing "tax
 cuts for the rich" because people in the top 10 percent would
 benefit. But the only people whose taxes can be cut are the
 people who are paying taxes -- mostly people in the upper
 brackets, who are not rich.

 Even the top 5 percent of households do not usually fit what
 most of us would consider to be the rich. If all the incomes in
 your household add up to $127,000, then you are one of those top
 5 percent who are so rich that the government thinks it should be
 taxing you like mad.

 That's $63,500 apiece if husband and wife are both working  about
 what mid-level civil servants would make. Or, if only one person
 is working and earning the whole $127,000 alone, that is about the
 average salary of a college president -- and much less than the
 average income of a college athletic coach. It is nowhere in the
 ball park compared to the incomes of top lawyers, corporate executives
 or professional athletes.

 What about the really rich people --- the ones with their own private
 jets and mansions here and there? There are such people but there are
 not enough of them to affect the statistics very much. Moreover,
 genuinely rich people usually have tax accountants to go with their
 jets and mansions, so that they can keep their jets and mansions.

 The people who really get hit hard by taxes that are supposed to be
 aking the rich are ordinary people who happen to be at the stage of
 their lives where they are earning more than they did in years past
 and more than they will be earning in the future. These are largely
 people in their 50s or early 60s who have worked their way up to a
 decent income and are seeing much of it drained away by politicians
 who proclaim that "the rich" ought to pay "their fair share."

 This "fair share" is as completely undefined as "the rich" themselves.
 The demagogues don't dare talk specifics in either case or people
 will start to see through them.

 If we look at wealth instead of income, it becomes even more obvious
 that "the rich" are not a different class of people but largely
 people in older age brackets who have accumulated some money in a
 pension fund, paid off most of their mortgage and put a little money
 aside to see them through retirement and the illnesses of old age.

 The average net worth of households headed by someone 65 years old
 or older is more than 10 times the net worth of households headed
 by someone under 35 years of age. But these aren't 

[CTRL] Military Helicopters Terrorize Las Vegas

1999-06-09 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

Tuesday, June 08, 1999
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Helicopters give residents scare

Air Force officials cannot say why a night exercise
would have brought four aircraft roaring over town.

By Keith Rogers

Air Force officials could not explain why four military helicopters on a
special exercise late Sunday night at the Tonopah Test Range thundered over
Goldfield, terrifying residents and sending dust flying at the town's
airstrip, where one of the craft touched down.

"We don't know why they were hanging around Goldfield," said Nellis Air
Force Base spokesman Mike Estrada about the mysterious flights that
occurred about 9:15 and 10:15 Sunday night on the outskirts of the Tonopah
Test Range.

The test range is the northern section of the 3-million-acre Nellis Air
Force Range.

Residents in the Esmeralda County community of 450, which has one blinking
traffic signal and is 186 miles northwest of Las Vegas, were rudely
awakened by the ruckus.

"Those guys scared the hell out of this town last night," Justice of the
Peace Juanita Colvin said Monday.

Another resident, Virginia Ridgway, who lives in the middle of town, one
block south of U.S. Highway 95, said she thought "it was an airliner coming

"It was so loud. It was right over the house, and then I thought a
helicopter was going to crash on the house. It sounded like something big
and heavy and loud. I thought, 'Oh well, I'm 66. That's it,' " she said.

For Ridgway, being buzzed by helicopters was yet another encounter with
government aircraft, from jets that seemed as if they were going to fly
into her car's tailpipe as she was driving down the road to an off-course
rocket that was launched from the Nevada Test Site in October 1997.

The 34-foot-long, $2 million Sandia National Laboratories experimental
rocket "went right over the house," she said, before it crashed and burned
on public lands about 10 miles from Goldfield.

"They should be staying the hell on the range and leaving us alone,"
Ridgway said. "They've got more land than they need out there. They don't
need to be scaring citizens in the middle of the night."

Estrada described the craft involved in Sunday night's incident as
dual-rotor CH-47 Chinook cargo-transport helicopters. He said they were
probably Army or Marine craft connected to the Air Force Special  Operation
Command, a multi-service organization based in Hurlburt, Fla. "They could
have been from anywhere," he said.

He said that Tonopah Test Range officials "knew helicopters were coming to
take part in a special exercise."

Asked if the helicopters were off course, he said: "It's extremely unlikely
because of the modern navigation systems on board. Until we know why they
were in the Goldfield area, we really can't say anything else.

"We're still trying to determine who they are," Estrada said. Howard
Vaughn, a Federal Aviation Administration flight standards manager in Las
Vegas, said the helicopter pilots may have violated a regulation that
prohibits them from operating at altitudes that would be a hazard to people
or property.

Grace Potorti, director of the Rural Alliance for Military Accountability,
criticized military officials for conducting a late-night exercise over
Goldfield residents when the unpopulated range is designated for that

"It just gives me shivers to think about the fact that these people woke up
wondering if they were in a war zone," she said.

Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal, 1997, 1998, 1999

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[CTRL] Serbian Cartoonist: Bomb in the backyard

1999-06-09 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

June 9th 1999

Hello to all!
After last night bombing of Oil Refinery in Pancevo, our part of town is
full of small  soot-like sheets that lie on the ground - I heard that it
could be remains of the paint from the  oil tanks that were bombed. When
you pick up these little black sheets from the ground, they are usually
just falling apart. Last night, at the top of our building, somebody saw
something that looked like a big block of unknown shiny black material ,
hovering above the 8 store building. It seems that materials from the Oil
Refinery were launched for kilometers around !
One of the cameramen, who was present at the site just 15 minutes after the
strike,  told our friend that the giant flame in Oil Refinery has been
sucking up a big quantity of oxygen , so that he felt that he was attracted
by the fire in a most unusual way, and that any minute he could be pushed
inside it. He compared that experience  to "being  swallowed by a
This morning  when I went outside it seemed to me at first that it was a
cloudy weather that was hiding the sun on the horizon. It took me few
moments to realize that what was spreading on the sky above was in fact an
enormous black cloud, coming out of the Oil Refinery... Last time during
the similar NATO action against the same plant in Pancevo, the big cloud
has traveled 1000's of kilometers away from Serbia, reaching as far as
Scandinavia !...  One of the "specialties" of the previous Oil Refinery
bombing was a "black rain" that fell on Pancevo,  and it is possible that
same thing will happen today as well.
I heard on the news that two of the NATO projectiles that fell on Belgrade
last night haven't actually exploded. One of the projectiles that fell in a
part of town called Kotez has crashed through the roof of a private house,
and landed in a backyard unexploded.
The similar incident occurred ten days ago, when  the NATO projectile hit a
house not so far away from the center of Belgrade, while the mother and her
son were inside, and they were not hurt by some miracle, even though the
living room was completely destroyed... The bomb, unexploded, eventually
landed in the backyard, eight meters under the ground! Specialists are
still trying to dismantle it, without much success, because of the very
difficult position of the projectile. For 10 days, the whole neighborhood
is living with the knowledge that the bomb is still with them, a few dozen
meters away from their homes Who would even think that things like that
could happen.
See you soon

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Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News - Wednesday #2]

1999-06-09 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"ric carter" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 @ SHOULD WE BAN MULLING WHILE DRIVING? Studies have shown that driving with
 two hands isn't necessarily safer than driving with one - and more accidents
 occur after a cell phone call and not during it. So maybe it's the "mulling
 it over" that is dangerous - so should we outlaw mulling? Or outlaw driving?

 @ WHAT, BESIDES CELL PHONES, DISTRACTS DRIVERS? Clearly, cell phones are not
 the only distractions - there are also passengers, children, eating, putting
 on makeup. If we really wanted to make everyone super safe, we would require
 everyone in a car to wear a helmet. So all those do-gooders out there who
 want to help - that's what will help. Or wrap all car passengers in cotton.

 : Do you mull hazardously? Does an alien implant interfere with your driving
 or does it focus you, make you a better driver? If The Rapture occurs while
 you're talking on your cellphone, would you notice? Who'll get your car?
First, who conducted the studies on whether talking on cell phones increased
the accident rate? I'll bet it was somebody like Nokia or Motorola, which
automatically biased the study. Yes, I know there are a lot of other things
that can cause accidents--I once caused one hell of a collision by taking my
eyes off the road for a split-second to tune the radio, so I'd be the last to
deny that. People do all sorts of shit in their cars that they shouldn't--they
shave, dry their hair, put on makeup, read the newspaper (WHILE
DRIVING!!!--the idiot actually spread the paper over the steering wheel while
the friggin' car was moving!!!). They pick their noses, as if the windshield
was one-way glass. I'm surprised they don't...well, you can guess, but there's
probably somebody who does. The key here is something my sainted father taught
me long years ago: if your eyes leave the road, so will the car. Keep your
hands on the wheel and your eyes pointing ahead. If you're talking to a
passenger, DON'T turn your head to look at them. DON'T wave your hands. DON'T
take both hands off the steering wheel to play the recorder while going 50
m.p.h., as a very dear but *strange* friend of mine once did. You get the


Robert F. Tatman
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[CTRL] Hyde Introduces Bill to Criminalize Sale of Violent Media to Minors

1999-06-09 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-


June 9: The WALL STREET JOURNAL reported today that the House Judiciary
Committee Chairman, Henry Hyde, introduced legislation on Tuesday that
would "outlaw the sale of obscenely violent movies, video games and books
to children. The Illinois Republican wants to put retailers in charge of
enforcing the ban, with the threat of jail terms for those who fail to

The JOURNAL said that Mr. Hyde's proposal would ban the sale to children
under 17 of materials containing "the kind of violence that appeals to the
prurient, morbid or shameful interest of children, without social redeeming
value for children." The JOURNAL also said, "Congress has debated the issue
of media violence as far back as 1954, when Sen. Estes Kefauver chaired
hearings on whether comic books contribute to juvenile delinquency. But
until now, there has never been a serious attempt to create legislation."
While the bill's language does not mention comics specifically, any
legislation that is aimed at regulating book sales would no doubt impact
the comic book markets as well. It was unclear this morning whether the
proposals were part of the House version of the Juvenile-Justice bill that
passed the Senate in the wake of the Littleton massacre last month. The NEW
YORK TIMES reported that Hyde's proposal "will apparently come to the House
floor as its own amendment."

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1999-06-09 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

William Hugh Tunstall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 The free trade vs. protectionism debate is something of a joke.

 I once spent a desultory afternoon searching through the stacks of the
 local university for information on Frederich List, a nineteenth century
 German economist who championed the American system of tariffs (defended
 by Hamilton, Carey and later Lincoln). Not surprisingly, my search yielded
 nothing.  However, not surprisingly, there were close to eighty books
 dealing with Adam Smith, the British economist most closely identified
 with "free trade" theory.

Websites on Friedrich List:
http://www.fh-reutlingen.de/~www-fli/ [in German]


Robert F. Tatman
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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Military Helicopters Terrorize Las Vegas]

1999-06-09 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Mack White [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 Tuesday, June 08, 1999
 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

 Helicopters give residents scare

 Air Force officials cannot say why a night exercise
 would have brought four aircraft roaring over town.

 By Keith Rogers

 Air Force officials could not explain why four military helicopters on a
 special exercise late Sunday night at the Tonopah Test Range thundered over
 Goldfield, terrifying residents and sending dust flying at the town's
 airstrip, where one of the craft touched down.

We live five miles from the Willow Grove Naval Air Station in Horsham, Pa.,
which houses Air Force Reserve and Marine Reserve units as well as naval
personnel. The Air Force squadron flies A-10 Warthogs; the Marines fly several
different types of helicopter, and there seem to be a number of Navy choppers
as well. ALL of them have been conducting training missions which seem to fly
directly over our house, with increasing frequency as the war in Kosovo has
heated up. The pilots seem to take particular pleasure in creating as much
noise as possible...military engines must be deliberately designed to be
louder than anything else, to intimidate the enemy, or deafen them, whichever
comes first.

One Sunday just after the bombing had begun in Serbia, we were sitting in
silent meeting for worship at our Quaker meetinghouse (which has been there
*much* longer than the naval air station but which is now directly in the
flight path), meditating on the death and destruction our air force was
inflicting...when two Warthogs flew over at about 500 feet, low enough to make
the windows rattle. In a straight line from the airfield, there must be a
dozen churches of as many different denominations, all of which would have
been holding services right then.


Robert F. Tatman
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Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

1999-06-09 Thread SCIO-LTD

 -Caveat Lector-

As a technology professional with over tens years Internet experience, I can
testify to William Hugh Tunstall comments.   The subsidies are often
indirect through the granting of  minor or major monopolies, (for a good
example see the history of ATT, and the monopoly they had for well over a
half a century).The government often has a dual use/dual purpose agenda
in these areas, with strong linkages between industry, academia, and

Capitalism does not thrive on competition, on the contrary the false
Darwinian construct of competition seeks to explain market forces, price
patterns as the justification of arcane economic mechanism is simply
derived non-sense.

Capitalism seeks to aggregate resources, and to wipe out threats to
expanding growth of competitors or monopolize energy, whether it be in the
form of money, information, food, fuel, or other raw material.   However
monopolistic forces wipeout innovation because there is no incentive.

Does this make capitalism bad?  No, just its false and widely practice
Darwinist credo which has slowly inculcated the modern economic thinking.
Innovation has always been the driver of capitalism, it like saying that
water is necessary for life.   William Baumol's bullshit  announcement
smacks of fascination with  the obvious. Innovation has always been the
great inducer of capital, which is patently obvious to most casual observer.

It should not be surprising that firms sign strategic partnerships with
their competitors seeing that their innovations will ultimately fuel their
own innovations.

As Peter Drucker said nearly ten years ago"International economic theory is
obsolete, the traditional factors of production land, capital and labor are
constraints rather than driving forces, only information has become the one
true factor of production,  it underlies the most powerful and  radical
transformation in the global economy."A la Internet!

Jeffrey C Hearon
Founder  CEO

- Original Message -
From: William Hugh Tunstall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

 -Caveat Lector-

 Much of the R and D in high tech industries is funded by
 taxpayers...  We have NASA, NSA, Livermore, MIT, the mammoth defense
 contractors..  Silicon Valley has had its share of government

 So the argument that market forces (capitalism) are responsible for high
 tech innovations is false.  When "the invisible hand" stays invisible,
 government comes to the rescue.   Read the essay, "Cyberselfish" for a
 more balanced view.

 On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, nurev wrote:

   -Caveat Lector-
  No matter what changes and inovations Capitalism goes through, there
  remains the deadly constants.
  1- Private ownership of large amounts of capital ALWAYS causes
  of wealth into few hands. With that ALWAYS comes control and
  of society.
  2- Capitalism, like cancer, is defined by growth. The ecology of the
  can no longer tolerate systems based on waste and growth.
  3- Capitalism is theft. Its success depends on how much the capitalist
  steal from the worker on one end, and the buyer on the other.
  4- Capitalism causes mental illness in the form of addiction to money.
  5- No Capitalist is really supportive of competition. Competition is
  wasteful and chancy. Monopoly is the true aim of capitalists.

  "Taylor, John (JH)" wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
   New York Times
   June 5, 1999
   Revising Capitalism: Coorperative Innovation Steals Competition's Thun
Capitalism, every undergraduate student of economics learns,
thrives on competition. The brilliant virtue of the invisible
of competition is that it forces firms to reduce costs, cut
and thereby enrich consumers. This engaging tale has buttressed
every economics narrative since Adam Smith lucidly explained more
than 200 years ago how competition channels the natural greed of
individuals into serving the social good.
Now William Baumol, an economics professor at New York
wants to rewrite the basic tale. Yes, competition creates wealth.
But in his new formulation, price cutting becomes a sideshow.
Innovation takes center stage as the "primary weapon of
competition." And the key to innovation is a clever form of
collaboration among rivals.
Innovation, the process of translating inventions and new ideas
into commercial products, is largely responsible for the tenfold
rise in the living standards 

[CTRL] Mumia college invitation criticized

1999-06-09 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-


Mumia college invitation criticized

Plans by a small Washington college to allow convicted Philadelphia
police-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal to speak at graduation ceremonies via a
videotape has sparked criticism in the nation's capital.
"There is no justifiable reason for an institution of higher learning to have
a convicted murderer speak to its students," said House Majority Leader Tom
DeLay (R., Texas). He vowed to hold a moment of silence on the floor of the
U.S. House on Friday if Evergreen College goes through with its plan to
present Abu-Jamal. Washington Gov. Gary Locke has canceled plans to speak at
the commencement because of the inclusion of Abu-Jamal, and some students said
they will boycott the ceremony.

Abu-Jamal has been sentenced to death for the 1981 murder of Officer Daniel
Faulkner. A writer, journalist and activist, Abu-Jamal claims he was
railroaded to conviction and has become a symbol for opponents of the death

DeLay also praised Faulkner's widow, Maureen, who asked to speak at the
ceremony but was refused. She has said she will stand outside the graduation,
holding a photograph of her murdered husband as a silent protest.

Art Constantino, Evergreen's vice president for student affairs, said hundreds
of letters of protest have flooded the college but that they have not changed
the school's belief that, to learn, students must be exposed to diverse

Robert F. Tatman
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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: End-Times Times]

1999-06-09 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

"Christianity is a fine religion.  A shame Christians have never PRACTICED

The same could be said for Islam.

Neither Jesus nor Mohammed --nor GOD, certainly-- would ever have condoned
the actual behavior of the "believers" in the respective religions now
attributed to them

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] (no subject)

1999-06-09 Thread Ronald L. Wilson.

 -Caveat Lector-

Subj: "Federal Reserve System"
Date:   6/9/99 4:07:33 PM EST
From:   Ww2vet2

Someone sent me this "brief history of the Federal Reserve System"
I pass it on for your information.

Amendment 16 (income tax) was passed by Congress in 1913.
During this same year Congress created the Federal Reserve Bank (FED).
Eight "families" immediately bought all the stock (Rothchilds of Europe,
Lazards of Paris, Israel Moses Seifs of Italy, Warburgs of Germany, and
the Lehmans, Kuhn-Loebs, Goldman-Sacks, and the Rockefellers, all of
New York). A total of 76% of the FED is owned by foreigners. When the
FED put money into circulation gold and silver were needed in the reserve
to be paid on demand to anyone with a gold or silver certificate (money).
In 1933 we came off the gold standard and in 1963 we came off
the silver standard. As a result, today we have a private group of bankers
in control of printing our money. They (the eight families) charge the U.S.
tax payers 2.5 cents per bill ($l, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100). These private
bankers then loan us this money at face value plus interest. By 1989 our
debt to the FED was more than 3 trillion dollars. A person counting a
$1,000 bill each second would take 399 years to reach
$3,000,000,000,000. Every hour the interest on a 3 trillion dollar national
debt is $29,092,470 ... about 52 cents of every tax dollar goes to pay off
(to the eight families) the interest on this phony debt.
During the 1920's the FED began loaning money to the public to
invest in small businesses and the Stock Market. This began a period of
great prosperity for the American people, known as the "Roaring 20's".
Then in 1928 the "eight families" pulled their money out of the Stock
Market and at the same time made it difficult for we the people to borrow
money. This created a recession making it necessary for people to pull
money out of the Stock Market in order to survive. The Stock Market
came crashing down. The "Great Depression" was born. The next move
for the "eight families" was to go back to the Stock Market and buy up
companies for pennies on the dollar. Since that first great experiment to
control this country's wealth the FED has been manipulated for profit from
inflation and deflation in 1932, 1937, 1957, 1966, 1970, 1976, 1982, and
in our present recession. As the FED (the eight families) grow ever richer
and more powerful, Americans go broke.
Free Enterprise is what made America great. Do not confuse this
with "Capitalism". These "eight families", and others of the super elite,
with all of their capital do not like Free Enterprise. They are driven to own
and control everything they can, and they do not like competition. The
graduated income tax is enforced on the American people to keep small
business and the public from ever being able to compete with them.
Meanwhile the "eight families", and the super elite, set themselves up in
Pure Trusts, and BTO / UBO's to become exempt from paying the tax they
initiated on the American people. Today a mere 1% of the population
controls 90% of our country's wealth.
WHATS THE ANSWER?   "We the people" can get back control
of our printing presses. Section 31 of the "Federal Reserve Act" allows
Congress all of the clout needed to terminate the FED. The Government
could then print up U.S. Treasury Notes based on the amount of consumer
goods and services needed. They could loan the States and the people
money at 4% interest, avoiding the FED's usury ... which has taken away
America's hope for a brighter future. The incredible power and influence
of the controlling 1% is not likely going to allow this to happen.


Also, (The National Center for Constitutional Studies
offers complete information. phone: 1-800-365-1776) [wc=640]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: End-Times Times]

1999-06-09 Thread Dr Byron Weeks

 -Caveat Lector-

Ain't that the TRUTH?


Das GOAT wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 "Christianity is a fine religion.  A shame Christians have never PRACTICED

 The same could be said for Islam.

 Neither Jesus nor Mohammed --nor GOD, certainly-- would ever have condoned
 the actual behavior of the "believers" in the respective religions now
 attributed to them

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

 To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

 To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] (Fwd) Was This War Necessary?

1999-06-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 09 Jun 1999 11:22:29 -0700
Subject:Was This War Necessary?

Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wednesday, June 9, 1999


 While many are claiming the peace agreement shows that Milosevic
down, some analysts are suggesting that essentially the same
could have been achieved without bombing. They point to U.S. demands
Rambouillet in February that are absent from the current agreement.
some elements of the new accords remain unclear, apparent major
differences between the Rambouillet text and the current agreement


* Can keep only a few hundred, not a few thousand, troops in Kosovo


* The international force can be deployed only in Kosovo, not
Yugoslavia * International force under UN -- not NATO -- auspices,
Russian component * UNHCR, not NATO, supervises return of refugees *
referendum on Kosovo independence

 Author of "Calling the Shots: How Washington Dominates Today's UN"
and a
fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, Bennis said: "This agreement
might have been achievable months earlier, without the devastation of
Yugoslavia and the escalation of the anti-Albanian 'ethnic cleansing' in
Kosovo wrought by NATO's bombing campaign."

00 163,000.html
 Professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, Cohn said: "At Rambouillet,
NATO presented Milosevic with an ultimatum impossible for him to accept.
NATO has now diluted its demands but, to justify two months of bombing,
claims Milosevic capitulated..."

 An associate professor of politics and chair of the Peace and Justice
Studies Program at the University of San Francisco, Zunes said: "Most
crucially, the insistence at Rambouillet that NATO troops have 'unimpeded
access throughout the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia' has been dropped,
limiting their role only to Kosovo..."

SETH ACKERMAN, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.fair.org
 A media analyst with Fairness  Accuracy In Reporting, Ackerman
week's Serb agreement was falsely reported as a total NATO victory.
when military talks broke down, it was claimed that the Serbs were
reneging. In fact, those military talks were largely a NATO ploy --
unsuccessful -- to totally bypass the UN."

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 9 Jun 1999 14:31:49 -0400
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fairness  Accuracy in Reporting
   Media analysis, critiques and news reports

 Media Advisory:
 Despite Claims of Serb "Stalling," NATO Ploy Delayed Kosovo Deal

 June 9, 1999

 The June 7 breakdown of military talks between Yugoslav and NATO
 generals was almost uniformly greeted by the major U.S. media as a
 sign that the Serbs were reneging on their agreement to pull troops
 out of Kosovo and allow in an international security force.

 Tom Aspell of NBC News reported that morning that "all hopes of a
 cease-fire have evaporated" because the "Yugoslavians are balking at
 idea of NATO troops replacing their forces in Kosovo."

 But, with little fanfare, it has emerged that the talks' disruption
 was in fact caused by the failure of a bizarre NATO diplomatic
 intended to sideline the United Nations from a settlement -
 NATO's earlier commitment to include the U.N.

 On Thursday, June 3, when the Serb Assembly agreed to the Kosovo
 plan presented by Russian envoy Victor Chernomyrdin and Finnish
 Marti Ahtissari, the news media interpreted the accord as a
 by Yugoslavia that would bring a swift end to the conflict.

 Reporters talked of a NATO "victory." Sunday morning pundits were
 already doling out credit and assigning blame. The papers gave
 prominent coverage to NATO assertions that the bombing could end "as
 early as Tuesday," giving the impression that the war was winding

 On Monday, the coverage suddenly changed gears. The front-page
 headline in USA Today (6/7/99) read "Kosovo Talks Break Down:
 Yugoslavs Balk at NATO's Conditions to 

[CTRL] De Fang

1999-06-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From www.hackworth.com

 David H. Hackworth
 June 7, 1999


 Some of the same Whiz Kids who helped put our country into the Serbian
 frying pan are continuing to spin out harebrained schemes, trying to
 improve on their burnt offering. Sources say these Ivy college
 airheads are now chewing on the idea that the United States should
 quietly train, arm and equip the Kosovo Liberation Army.

 Arming the KLA would be like providing Special Forces demolition
 training to any remaining members of Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh's
 terrorist gang. In February 1998, Robert Gelbard, Clinton's envoy for
 Kosovo, said that the KLA "is, without any questions, a terrorist
 group." Intelligence folks say Gelbard's assessment is dead on the
 money. The KLA's leadership and ranks are filled with radicals,
 Islamic crazies and heavy haters who are as responsible as Milosevic's
 worst thugs for thecatastrophe visited on the tormented people of

 International cops say the KLA includes global drug dealers and arms
 smugglers who've been in bed with the Albanian Mafia for years. The
 lawmen report that profits from these shady deals armed the KLA and
 financed their guerrilla attacks on the Serbian police, military and
 the residents of Kosovo - terrorist assaults that along with Serbian
 brutality certainly helped trigger the shootout in Yugoslavia in the
 first place.

 Intelligence reports that some KLA members were trained by
 international bomber Osama bin Laden's outfit and that radical members
 of the KLA, which is now trying to pose as a legitimate army, have
 sworn they'll go down shooting rather than give up their guns.

 Recently Croatian General Agim Ceku became the head of the KLA. While
 with the Croatian Army, his killing skills were spiffed up by the U.S.
 mercenary group Military Professional Resources Inc. - a
 rent-an-American-soldier enterprise led by a cash-starved retired U.S.
 Army four-star general.

 In 1995, Gen. Ceku was a player in Operation Storm, a covert
 Clinton-backed and MPRI-trained Croatian military operation that
 ethnically cleansed 200,000 Serbs from their homes in Croatia, killing
 thousands of civilians.

 Since taking over the KLA, Ceku has purged all of its moderates. If a
 KLA member was a supporter of Ibrahim Rugova, the exiled "president"
 of Kosovo who for the past decade has pursued a Gandhi-like
 nonviolence policy in the troubled province, he was toast. Rugova's
 peaceful approach is not welcomed by a KLA that's into violently
 overthrowing the Serbia regime in Kosovo.

 On the Kosovo battlefield, the KLA has been clobbered by the more
 heavily armed Serbs in every major fight - even though NATO functioned
 as its dedicated air force.

 During the latter phase of the war, the KLA's operations have been
 reduced to small teams operating as snipers, conducting ambushes and
 spotting for NATO bombers. These fumbling greenhorns aren't capable of
 more complex tasks because the KLA is more of a mob than a trained
 fighting unit. While they have a lot of warm bodies, perhaps as many
 as 17,000, they have few savvy leaders and their ranks are filled
 mainly with recruits. Untrained recruits augmented with cutthroats
 don't make an army. Only well-led, well- trained, well-equipped and
 well-disciplined soldiers can be molded into effective fighting teams.
 And this is not done with a wave of a magic wand. It takes about ten
 years of sweat and hard work to organize, train and field an effective
 Army from the get-go.

 Contrary to the Whiz Kids' schemes and dreams, there's no such thing
 as an instant army.

 Short-term solutions frequently backfire. U.S. Marines and U.S. Army
 soldiers who'll walk the dangerous peacekeeping beat in Kosovo
 shouldn't have American-trained-and-armed terrorists attacking them
 from the shadows.

 Once again, as with the 1990s Afghanistan War, we may find ourselves
 relearning the hard lesson that yesterday's freedom fighters can
 easily become tomorrow's terrorists. America has a long history of
 training and arming the Manuel Noriegas and Saddam Husseins only to
 have their soldiers kill ours when they're no longer our favorite

 So the civilian lap top commandos must stop playing Oliver North and
 give up on the wrongheaded idea of supporting the KLA on the sly.

 Secret armies composed of wild-eyed thugs and idealistic kids don't
 work. The KLA must be disarmed, or American peacekeepers will pay a
 price in the minefields of Kosovo.

 The end.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] (Fwd) [BRIGADE] PJB Hails Hoffa for Stopping Rolling Time Bom

1999-06-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Linda Muller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Wed, 9 Jun 1999 15:35:13 -05:0
Subject:[BRIGADE] PJB Hails Hoffa for Stopping "Rolling Time Bombs"
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Brigade,

Please forgive the tardyness of this release - Linda.


For Immediate Release: Friday, June 4, 1999


NEW YORK, NY-Today Presidential candidate Patrick J. Buchanan
released the
following statement:

"The International Brotherhood of Teamsters and President James P. Hoffa
have scored a major victory not only for their own 12,800 car-haul workers
but for tens of millions of American motorists and their families by
stopping the National Automobile Transporters Association from using
Mexican trucks and drivers to deliver American cars.

"The 3.3 million Mexican trucks entering the U.S. each year average three
times the age of American trucks, and of the fewer than 1 in 100 that are
inspected, nearly half are forced out of service.  Their brakes are often
faulty, their tires unsafe, their drivers uninsured or unqualified, their
emissions standards abysmal.  Deliberately imperiling American families by
increasing U.S. highway access for these rolling time bombs would have
been unconscionable.

"The U.S. has no shortage of reliable trucks and qualified American
drivers, but under NAFTA, our workers are forced to compete with Mexican
truckers earning one-tenth their wages. NAFTA's ruinous merger of our
economy with that of a nation with Third World wages was a betrayal of
America's working families.

"I commend the IBT's stand for the security of American jobs and the
safety of our highways.  Mr. Hoffa is one union leader who puts both his
own people and his own country first."

For more information contact Bob Adams or John Aquino at (703) 734-2700.


Help Pat and the Brigade in our Battle for the White House...
Go to: http://www.gopatgo2000.org/000-v-helppat.html
Spread the word -- forward this email across the USA!
Don't Miss Out - Join the BRIGADE Email List! - Visit:
Official WebSite for Patrick J. Buchanan for President
Web: http://www.gopatgo2000.org
  *** BUCHANAN 2000 ***
P.O. Box 2000, Dunn Loring, VA 22027
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel: 1-703-734-2700
WebMaster - Linda Muller - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] (Fwd) Claremont Institute Precepts: Bad Bill Fails

1999-06-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Subject:Claremont Institute Precepts: Bad Bill Fails
Date sent:  Wed, 9 Jun 1999 12:10:13 -0700

The Claremont Institute--PRECEPTS |
June 9, 1999 Visit http://www.claremont.org |

 | No. 172

We are pleased to report an astonishing development in the
California legislature last week: A bad bill failed to pass.

California is not quite a one-party state, but close.  The
majority party commands a seven seat margin in the lower
house.  The bad bill was written and sponsored by one of
the more powerful and capable members of the majority. The
Speaker of the Assembly gave his personal guarantee the
bill would pass. Governor Gray Davis, who is member of the
same party as the legislative majority, promised to sign it.

The bill was AB 222, dubbed the "Dignity for all Students
Act." We have written of it here previously. Sponsored by
Assemblywoman Sheila Kuehl, a liberal and outspoken lesbian
from Santa Monica, the bill would have added "sexual
preference" to the growing list of groups covered under the
state education code's anti-discrimination provision.

Sounds like a winner. But when the bill finally came to a
vote late Thursday night, supporters could not muster the
41 votes needed to pass it. Eight members of the majority
broke ranks and voted against the bill -- despite heavy
whipping by their leadership, including threats of
abandonment in the next election if they did not tow the
party line. Debate lasted two and a half hours, during
which opponents were greeted with the customary charge that
they are Nazis. None of them seem actually to be members of
that party.

Backers of AB 222 said a law is needed to address the
problem of harassment and abuse directed against homosexual
students in schools. There are plenty of rules already
against harassment and abuse, as there are against assault
and physical violence.  Those rules need to be enforced,
and if they are not enforced it will not help to pass more
rules.  Harassment, abuse, and violence ought not to  be
permitted in schools against any students, including
homosexuals, but not only they. But this is not the point
of AB 222: it is rather to endorse the special claim to
virtue of the homosexual style of life.

To endorse that claim is a big step.  Schools, it was once
thought, should teach essential knowledge and build
character. Character depends upon the practice of  the
virtues, moral and intellectual. The moral virtues
encompass the fidelity and self-control that make family
life healthy. Without healthy family life, there would be
few children. In that case Mary would have to bring many
lambs to school, to avoid loneliness.

AB 222 did not confine itself to restrictions against
harassment. The draft under consideration until just one
day before the final vote would have affected what was said
in the classroom upon the subject of family life.

Family life is in a poor state in America today, although
just lately a promising little inch has been reclaimed from
the many acres lost. Divorce is down a little, for example.
People are taking a new look at the common practice of late
term abortion in our land.  Generally the sexual revolution
is understood now to carry costs, some of them high. We
should be looking to keep momentum going that way.

The California legislature did its part, at least for a day
last week. Count your blessings.

Larry P. Arnn
President, The Claremont Institute

Copyright (c) 1999 The Claremont Institute

To subscribe to Precepts, go to: http://www.claremont.org/subscrib.cfm ,
or e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .  To be removed from this list, go to
: http://www.claremont.org/remove_public.cfm , or e-mail us at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] . For general correspondence or additional information
about the Claremont Institute, e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] , or visit our
website at : http://www.claremont.org . Changing your e-mail address?
Please let us know at : [EMAIL PROTECTED] . For press inquiries, contact
Nazalee Topalian at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (909) 621-6825.

The mission of the Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and
Political Philosophy is to restore the principles of the American Founding
to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life.

The Claremont Institute | 250 West First Street | Suite 330 | Claremont,
CA 91711 | Phone (909) 621-6825 | Fax (909) 626-8724

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] Tabloidations

1999-06-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Slate.CoM

In view of the premise that Hollyweird has an immense influence on
our daily lives, the following is being shared so all can have some
assistance in keeping track of the 'movers and shakers' thereat.

 keeping tabs

 Touched by a Tabloid: Rosie O'Donnell rediscovers her faith, Tommy Lee
 exorcises his demons, and Alicia Silverstone blesses the elephants.

 By Jennifer Mendelsohn

 Maybe it's a touch of premillennial fever or all that
 post-Columbine soul-searching, but for whatever reason, the
 tabloids turn their collective eyes toward heaven this month and
 find God. Even when the Big Guy himself is not explicitly
 mentioned--and he's mentioned plenty--the current crop of tabloid
 offerings brims with so many transcendent crises (life-threatening
 illnesses, brushes with sudden death, ruminations on mortality,
 profligate lives steered straight and narrow) that it feels like one
 long episode of Touched by an Angel.

 The Globe, for starters, details not one but two exorcisms underway
 this month: one performed on Burke Ramsey, the brother of murdered
 child beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey, to "rid [him] of any remaining
 memories" from the murder; and one on Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee.
 Lee's exorcism has supposedly unearthed the "sweet little boy" inside
 him, spurring ex-wife Pamela Anderson to run back into his tattooed
 arms--and, apparently, into his bed. Pregnancy rumors abound, but only
 the Globe has a damning photo of Anderson's abdomen, highlighted with
 a red circle to point out its eyebrow-raising convexity.

 Talk show host Rosie O'Donnell has also had spiritual matters on
 her mind of late. After 25 years as a lapsed Catholic, the Enquirer
 reports, O'Donnell recently "took God back into her heart." And,
 according to the Star, she is so terrified of dying young that she has
 entered into a pact with perhaps the world's most famous lapsed
 Catholic, Madonna, to make sure her children will be cared for. Hoping
 to keep the Grim Reaper at bay, O'Donnell is also said to be
 assiduously dieting and exercising.

 We heartily recommend that she do whatever it takes to stay in the
 here and now, if only to avoid being included in the Enquirer's
 "Scandals of the Century" double issue, which devotes an entire
 section ("The Quick and the Dead") to celebs cut down too soon. Unlike
 O'Donnell, actor River Phoenix was apparently quite keen on the idea
 of checking out early. "I don't want to die from old age in a nursing
 home," he reportedly told a friend. "I'll be the best-looking guy in
 the morgue." It was surely in the interest of proving the accuracy of
 this prediction, therefore, that the Enquirer chose to run a
 post-mortem photo of the actor. And while Keeping Tabs finds it
 inappropriate to quibble over the attractiveness of corpses, we will
 bestow upon Phoenix our special nod for clarity in the face of
 eternity; it was he who reportedly shouted, "I'm gonna die, dude!" on
 his way out.

 On the brighter side, celebrities have saved--or tried to save--so
 many lives this month that we wonder if anyone's getting any real work
 done in Hollywood. They've revived an ailing dog (ER's Anthony
 Edwards), spent $700 nursing a rabbit back to health (actress Gretchen
 Mol), spearheaded efforts to free an inhumanely caged gorilla (Doris
 Day), and aided African elephants that suffer from "Floppy Trunk
 Syndrome," a malady that keeps the poor beasts from eating properly
 (Alicia Silverstone).

 Business has been no less brisk for human rescues. The Enquirer
 details lifesaving efforts by Meryl Streep, Sylvester Stallone, and
 Tom Cruise, among others. The re-Christianized Rosie O'Donnell is
 reported to have made two daring rescues aboard her Jet Ski, says the
 Globe. Meanwhile, Sen. Ted Kennedy's ex-wife, Joan, reportedly saved
 her own life by calling a taxi in the middle of a mild heart attack.
 The Enquirer suggests that "lonely" Joan was forced to make the call
 because she's been "abandoned" by her ex-husband. The Globe, on the
 other hand, has the good senator "rush[ing] right over" to be with his
 ex and thanking--you guessed it--God that she was all right.

 One Globe photographer's prayers must have been answered when he
 followed Brooke Shields and new boyfriend Chris Henchy on what was
 supposed to be a simple exercise outing. The "lensman was expecting to
 snap some fun photos of the couple enjoying the spring day," the Globe
 explains breezily, as if the photographer had actually been invited
 along for the trip. But Shields is on emotional thin ice, having
 recently filed for divorce from her husband and having lost a fellow
 Suddenly Susan cast member to suicide; and the photographer was
 "stunned" when she suddenly began "sobbing uncontrollably." Luckily
 for Globe readers, the quick-thinking paparazzo was not so stunned
 that he couldn't get off several frames of the disconsolate actress.
 Shields quickly pulled herself 

[CTRL] Legalease

1999-06-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Boston Herald . CoM

 Clinton's judges: Peas out of a pod
 by Don Feder

 Wednesday, June 9, 1999

 Here's a delicious irony: Bill Clinton, who six months ago was
 impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of justice, could
 up appointing more judges than any of his predecessors.

 To date, Clinton has put 306 of his soulmates on the bench, close
 President Reagan's record of 385. By the end of his second term,
 perjurer in chief could have appointed 40 percent of the entire
 federal judiciary.

 But in the twilight of his tenure, the confirmation process has
 to a crawl. The usually compliant Orrin Hatch, chairman of the
 Judiciary Committee, hasn't held a confirmation hearing this year -
 which has set the establishment to whining about the unfairness of

 Clinton's judicial picks get high marks for diversity, we're told.
 choices for the Supreme Court are praised, with a perfectly
 face, as middle-of-the-roaders.

 This president's judicial nominations are diverse where it matters
 least - gender and race. Intellectually, they reflect all the
 of Stalinists at a party congress, not to mention the same

 Take Claudia Wilken, one of Clinton's first appointments, who was
 placed on the U.S. District Court for Northern California in 1993.
 1997, Wilken invalidated California's popularly enacted
 term-limitation amendment.

 Casting about for a rationale, Wilken determined term limits
 the 14th Amendment because voters who prefer politicians who've
 in office for eternity can't vote for their hacks of choice.

 How this view could be reconciled with the 22nd Amendment to the
 Constitution, limiting presidents to two terms in office, Wilken
 didn't say. After it stopped laughing, the Supreme Court overturned
 the decision.

 Fast forward to 1998, when Wilken held that San Francisco was
 perfectly within its rights in forcing companies that do business
 the city to provide health insurance for domestic partners on the
 basis as spouses.

 The ordinance is constitutional because it ``effectuates a
 local public interest to combat discrimination on the basis of
 orientation,'' Wilken insisted in an opinion that read like a

 A typical Clinton appointee, Wilken reasons that if she likes a
 it must be constitutional; if she doesn't, it goes without saying
 it violates the law of the land.

 Another of Clinton's Oliver Wendells, William Fletcher, went to a
 federal appeals court despite a total lack of courtroom experience.
 Who needs experience when he has theories? A former law professor,
 Fletcher believes judges may declare legislatures ``chronically in
 default'' and assume their functions. He says out loud what most
 Clinton appointees believe in their hearts.

 Other Clinton judges have: enjoined the enforcement of a state ban
 partial-birth abortions, rejected a student-initiated graduation
 prayer, forced an Ohio municipality to remove a cross from its city
 seal and voted to overturn a federal law restricting the broadcast
 obscene material to the hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

 But doubtless, Clinton's crowning achievement was the nomination of
 Frederica Massiah-Jackson to one of the district courts. A state
 from Philadelphia, Massiah-Jackson was forced to withdraw when
 Republican senators (in a rare show of determination) said, ``No
 in hell!''

 Massiah-Jackson's record was described by Philadelphia's Democratic
 district attorney as ``replete with instances of leniency toward
 criminals, an adversarial attitude toward police and a hostile
 attitude toward prosecutors.''

 Her acquittal rate was 60 percent higher than the average for
 Philadelphia judges; her sentences were twice as lenient. She once
 swore at a prosecutor in her courtroom and on another occasion
 declared that both capital punishment and three-strikes laws are
 racist and unconstitutional.

 Given her brilliance, it's a wonder the president didn't nominate
 Massiah-Jackson for the Supreme Court. Instead, he chose those
 notorious moderates Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer, who have
 consistently taken an activist approach on everything from religion in
 the public sphere to term limitation to racial preferences.

 Republicans, who pay lip-service to judicial restraint, have been far
 too obliging to this president. As Tom Jipping of the Free Congress
 Foundation notes, when Democrats controlled the Senate and Republicans
 the White House from 1987 to 1992, Congress denied hearings to an
 average of 7.3 GOP judicial nominees a year. When the roles were
 reversed (1995 to 1998), on average Republicans blocked hearings
 only 4.3 Democratic nominees each year.

 Given this president's demonstrated contempt for our system of
 justice, it would be fitting to call a moratorium on any further
 Clinton judicial appointments. It would also be a 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #3

1999-06-09 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990609c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No farm animals were molested during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# GRIP ON CRYPTO LOOSENING. Despite U.S. objections, most countries prefer
  placing few restrictions on the manufacture  sale of strong encryption.
  Good. http://www.wired.com/news/news/email/tip/politics/story/20106.html

# DNA hides spy message. (BBC) A new microdot conceals secret messages in
  the immense complexity of human DNA. Try to intercept THAT, NSA geeks!

: Is perfect crypto possible? Is privacy possible? Do they keep files on you
that you'll never know of? Can you keep your secrets in absolute security?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# ISP REVEALS SCIENTOLOGY CRITIC. ATT WorldNet releases the identity of a
  Scientology critic to church attorneys. The critic says he fears for his
  safety. www.wired.com/news/news/email/tip/politics/story/20087.html

# THE WEB'S NEW GRAFFITI? Users can "draw a mustache" on any Web page with
  the new Third Voice utility. Not everyone is happy about the free-speech
  enabler. www.wired.com/news/news/email/tip/technology/story/20101.html

: Do you have the right or need remain silent? Will anything you say be used
against you if it's not encrypted? How much say, how much privacy, have you?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# A SEARCH FOR INTELLIGENT SEARCHERS. SETI's/seti@home's collaborative
  search for alien intelligence has been hit by a down-to-Earth problem:
  an overwhelming response from volunteers. Join the crowd, eh?

# SCI-FI SATURNALIA IN LA-LA LAND. The Saturn Awards for science fiction,
  fantasy, and horror films draw sci-fi stars and star-watchers. Umma gumma:

: Do you prefer to look for life-bearing stars or fantasy stars? Which film
artists are aliens? Are they reprogramming human minds? How could you tell?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Dust cloud surrounds Jupiter's moon. (BBC) The Galileo spacecraft has
  found clouds of dust around some of Jupiter's moons. No broom big enough:

# Also: Jupiter's supersonic winds:
# Jupiter's ring riddle solved:
# Galileo finds ghostly ring on Jupiter:

# DIGGING FOR BIG BANG FOSSILS. Hoping to find answers about the Big Bang
  that some believe created the universe, scientists will launch a satellite
  designed to sift through light waves in search of hydrogen, a primordial
  element. www.wired.com/news/news/email/tip/technology/story/20094.html

: What is your favorite form of space dust? Do aliens seed the universe with
lifeforms disguised as space dust? How much space dust are you composed of?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# HOT DEALS FOR A NEW MILLENNIUM. Y2K jerky. Y2K yo-yos. Y2Kia Cars. The US
  Patent Office registers hundreds of new ideas for turning a buck when the
  clock strikes 2000. So what if they're not all really *great* ideas, eh?

# CHEAP PC DOESN'T DO WINDOWS. A California computer maker is offering a PC
  with a fast processor for only US$299. How do they do it? No Windows, no
  OS. http://www.wired.com/news/news/email/tip/technology/story/20108.html

# CITIES SINGLED OUT FOR PIRACY. New York City, Los Angeles, and Seattle
  have the highest concentrations of pirated office software in the nation.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


@ Satan Sez: The Super-Secret Satanic Conspiracy
@ Gross Moral Decline: General Depravity
@ 23-Skidoo: Secret Societies and the NWO
@ Supernatural Rapture: Tabloid Sorcery

@ Those Crazy, Cuckoo Cults: Bad Religion and Prophets of Doom
@ Wag the Dogs of War: No Peace on Earth
@ Death By Misadventure: Darwin Awards
@ Feared Science: Horrors of Technology and Educated Panic

@ Random Violence: Senseless Carnage
@ Acts of God: When Mother Nature Attacks
@ Crash and Burn: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Re: [CTRL] Hyde Introduces Bill to Criminalize Sale of Violent Media to Minors

1999-06-09 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Mack White [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Isn't Hyde allegedly 'conservative', opposed to gov't intrusion into
private life?  How many measures has he supported that extend federal
power?  Should his hypocrisy be punished?  How?

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Hyde Introduces Bill to Criminalize Sale of Violent Me...

1999-06-09 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

As a constituent of the white haired windbag Hank Hyde, so conservative that
he committed double adultery, I can tell you that he's all but set in stone
as a member of the House.All the blue haired old ladies and their inflamed
prostate husbands vote en masse for the putz...


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] CNN Reporter(ess) Gets Pissed!!

1999-06-09 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

So what does this Chris(tine?) Black look like??? Anyone??? Sounds like she'd
be PERFECT for me!


Capitol Hill Blue
June 8, 1999 Staff

CNN reporter's obscene temper tantrum has press corps
shaking their heads

A weekend obscene temper tantrum by Cable News Network reporter Chris Black
members of the White House press corps shaking their heads.

Black, rattled by an anti-Clinton protester during taping of a "stand up" on
Sunday, turned to the
protester and screamed "fuck you!" Witnesses to the event said Black's
obscenity was clearly
heard by a crowd of tourists and their children outside the White House

"It was disgusting," says Andrea Dobbins, a St. Louis area tourist who was
visiting Washington
with her husband and two preteen children. "I couldn't believe a member of
news media would
act so unprofessional in front of people, especially when children are

Veteran members of the White House press corps say Black's outburst is a
typical temper
tantrum by the high-strung CNN Correspondent.

"She's a hothead, there's no doubt about that," says one network
correspondent. "If her talent
was a big as her mouth, she'd be anchoring NBC Nightly News."

Black's outburst was triggered by an anti-Clinton protester who belongs to
the Internet's Free
Republican bulletin board. Accounts of the incident, along with a follow-up
shouting match Black
had with another protester on Monday, kept the popular bulletin board
buzzing on Monday and

"As Chris Black turned to walk away, I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Hey
Chris Black, I thought
you were a lady until I heard what you screamed at a protester and tourists
yesterday,' "
reported Free Republic poster Anglewood. "Boy, did I ever unleash a fury!
She raised her left
arm, must have changed her mind and turned around. She yelled and pointed at
me and
gestured for me to come meet her. For a minute, I thought I was being
invited inside the
compound, but she moved at warp speed still gesturing to me and yelled,
"Come over here and
let me tell you what that son-of-a-bitch did to me!"

Anglewood said Black was obviously agitated and claimed the protester on
Sunday had ruined
her live shot.

But news crews who cover the White House say veterans know how to ignore
protesters and go
on about their business.

"Protests and shouts from the peanut gallery and things you learn to deal
with and work
around," says veteran cameraman John Ringell. "It's the difference between a
pro and a rank
amateur. You don't lose your cool and yell obscenities in front of children.
You maintain a
professional demeanor."

Calls to CNN for comment were not returned Monday.

And knowing that some pudwacking Free Republican BB geek triggered this
episode only makes me like her more  Is she blonde?? Fat?? Old??? Ugly???
Inquiring minds got's ta' know!

Bill (again)

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[CTRL] Fw: [InTheShadows] Scientists Hide Messages In DNA Microdots

1999-06-09 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

way spooky stuff here...


 From: Hilary A. Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [InTheShadows] Scientists Hide Messages In DNA Microdots
 Date: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 6:03 PM

 From: "Hilary A. Thomas" [EMAIL PROTECTED]



 Wednesday June 9 2:50 PM ET

 Scientists Hide Messages In DNA Microdots

 By Patricia Reaney

 LONDON (Reuters) - Future spies may need a degree in molecular biology
 to keep up with the newest secret coding technique devised by scientists
 in the United States.

 James Bond and Mata Hari could have learned a thing or two from
 researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

 They combined DNA technology with the ancient concept of steganography
 -- concealing a message within a large number of similar objects-- and
 reduced it all to the size of a photographic microdot, similar to the
 ones used by German spies during World War Two to transmit secret

 ``The first part of our steganography is hiding the message in the DNA
 and the second part is hiding the existence of the DNA sample containing
 the message by shrinking it way down to a small dot and putting it in an
 innocuous letter,'' molecular biologist Carter Bancroft said in a
 telephone interview.

 To prove the secret message DNA -- or SM DNA -- worked, Bancroft and his
 team at Mount Sinai encoded what could have been the most important
 message during the microdot era -- ''June 6 invasion: Normandy.''

 That message was never actually sent as the Germans never discovered the
 date or place of the Allied invasion that led to the end of World War

 ``I composed that message myself in the spirit of the microdot era as
 what I felt was probably the most important secret of that time,'' said

 In a report in the science journal Nature Wednesday, the researchers
 described how they used a three-letter code based on DNA for each letter
 of the English alphabet and punctuation marks as an encryption key for
 the DNA message.

 They hid the SM DNA within human DNA and reduced it to the size of a
 typewritten period and pasted it on a letter.

 ``An important basis of our technique is we hide this piece of secret
 message DNA so that nobody knows it's there, but the person who is
 sending it knows the sequence of DNA at the ends (of the message) and
 the person receiving it also knows the sequence,'' said Bancroft.

 The recipient can use standard biochemical techniques to detect and read
 the secret message encoded in the SM DNA.

 Bancroft wouldn't speculate on whether future spies will adopt the new
 technique but even if they don't he said it could be used to secretly
 mark objects or valuable items.

 ``There may well turn out to be other ramifications and uses of it that
 will become apparent only after we and other people have explored the
 concept,'' he added.



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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: End-Times Times]

1999-06-09 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/09/1999 2:02:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 "Great God! I'd rather be/A pagan suckl'd in a creed outworn..." than this
 kind of Christian. 

Yeah, I know how you feel.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Media's Role in Federal Government

1999-06-09 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/09/1999 3:09:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 censored news.  One would think that someone is holding the sword of
 that ancient god, and I forget how to spell his name, anyway holding a
 sword over their heads by a thread 

I think that's Damocles (and I'm probably misspelling it).  Prudy

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mumia college invitation criticized

1999-06-09 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/09/1999 4:57:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Plans by a small Washington college to allow convicted Philadelphia
 police-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal to speak at graduation ceremonies via a
 videotape has sparked criticism in the nation's capital.
 "There is no justifiable reason for an institution of higher learning to have
 a convicted murderer speak to its students," said House Majority Leader Tom
 DeLay (R., Texas). He vowed to hold a moment of silence on the floor of the
 U.S. House on Friday if Evergreen College goes through with its plan to
 present Abu-Jamal. Washington Gov. Gary Locke has canceled plans to speak at
 the commencement because of the inclusion of Abu-Jamal, and some students
 they will boycott the ceremony. 

Gooo Evergreen!  I don't know why Tom DeLay has his panties in a twist.
In Texas they don't bother to convict most of them, and even when they do,
they let them out to add to their list.  Apparently there are a lot of people
in this country who aren't really up on the Abu-Jamal matter.  If Officer
Faulkner's widow believes Abu-Jamal is her husband's killer, she is part of a
very small minority.  Prudy

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: End-Times Times]

1999-06-09 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/09/1999 5:03:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 "Christianity is a fine religion.  A shame Christians have never PRACTICED

 The same could be said for Islam.

 Neither Jesus nor Mohammed --nor GOD, certainly-- would ever have condoned
 the actual behavior of the "believers" in the respective religions now
 attributed to them 

Hear, hear.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Income, taxes and demagoguery

1999-06-09 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Income, taxes and demagoguery
   by Thomas Sowell

William Hugh Tunstall
Mr. Sowell is engaged in a rather clever campaign of
snip information about some book
Sorry.  The facts do not support Sowell's position.

The 'facts' in the book you cited?  Dr. Sowell's research
certainly 'jives' with the Internal Revenue Service's
numbers AND the House Ways and Means'.

Perhaps it is you who are attempting to be 'clever'.

Who Pays Federal Individual Income Taxes, 1994

Taxpayers  # Returns (K)  AGI (M)  Tax Paid (M)  %AGI   %Tax  Inc Split
Top 01%  01,150 0,546,720   152,696  13.8   28.7   195,981
05%  05,749 1,102,836   252,385  27.8   47.4   090,913
10%  11,499 1,552,121   314,786  39.2   59.1   068,737
25%  28,747 2,481,040   423,328  62.6   79.5   042,734
50%  57,495 3,371,349   507,120  85.1   95.2   021,817
   Less  57,495 0,589,571   025,523  14.9   4.8
   in thousands in $ million in dollars

Source: Preliminary IRS Data
Tax Foundation
1250 H Street, N.W.
Suite 750
Washington, D.C. 20005.

Percent of Total% Income Earners% Income Level
 Tax Revenues *(next inclusive)   Total of Income
  28.7  1.0   13.8 $185 000
  59.0  10.0  39.0  $ 67 000
  79.2  25.0  46.0  $ 42 000
  95.2  50.0  85.0

Source: Overview of the Federal Tax System, House Ways  Means
Committee. (1992) *next group includes the prior ie. 10% includes
1% group, 25% includes 10% and 1% groups, etc.

Distribution of the federal income tax burden

The top 1% of income earners pay 26% of the tax
The top 10%  pay 58%
The top 20%  pay 73%
The bottom 40%   pay less than 1%
The bottom 60%   pay 10% of the taxes collected.

Source: Overview of the Federal Tax System, House Ways  Means
Committee, 1992.


When more of the people's sustenance is exacted through
the form of taxation than is necessary to meet the just
obligations of government and expenses of its economical
administration, such exaction becomes ruthless extortion
and a violation of the fundamental principles of a free
-- Grover Cleveland, Second Annual Message; December, 1886

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Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

1999-06-09 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

SCIO-LTD wrote:
The subsidies are often indirect through the granting of
minor or major monopolies, (for a good example see the
history of ATT, and the monopoly they had for well over
a half a century).The government often has a dual
use/dual purpose agenda in these areas, with strong
linkages between industry, academia, and government.

This is NOT capitalism.

You too ... why is it everyone desires to label things as
such they are not?


One of the sublimest things in the world is plain truth.
 -- Edward Bulwer-Lytton

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

1999-06-09 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

William Hugh Tunstall wrote:
Much of the R and D in high tech industries is funded
by the taxpayers...  We have NASA, NSA, Livermore, MIT,
the mammoth defense contractors..  Silicon Valley
has had its share of government subsidies..

Then it is NOT capitalism.

William Hugh Tunstall wrote:
So the argument that market forces (capitalism) are
responsible for high tech innovations is false.
When "the invisible hand" stays invisible, government
comes to the rescue.

Non squitur

Why do you insist upon calling a dog an apple pie?


The difference between the right word and a similar word is the
difference between lightning and a lightning bug.
 -- Mark Twain

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] (no subject)

1999-06-09 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

In case you are interested, the below, is a false report and
also inacurate about who owns the fed.

"Ronald L. Wilson." wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Subj: "Federal Reserve System"
 Date:   6/9/99 4:07:33 PM EST
 From:   Ww2vet2

 Someone sent me this "brief history of the Federal Reserve System"
 I pass it on for your information.

 Amendment 16 (income tax) was passed by Congress in 1913.
 During this same year Congress created the Federal Reserve Bank (FED).
 Eight "families" immediately bought all the stock (Rothchilds of Europe,
 Lazards of Paris, Israel Moses Seifs of Italy, Warburgs of Germany, and
 the Lehmans, Kuhn-Loebs, Goldman-Sacks, and the Rockefellers, all of
 New York). A total of 76% of the FED is owned by foreigners. When the
 FED put money into circulation gold and silver were needed in the reserve
 to be paid on demand to anyone with a gold or silver certificate (money).
 In 1933 we came off the gold standard and in 1963 we came off
 the silver standard. As a result, today we have a private group of bankers
 in control of printing our money. They (the eight families) charge the U.S.
 tax payers 2.5 cents per bill ($l, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100). These private
 bankers then loan us this money at face value plus interest. By 1989 our
 debt to the FED was more than 3 trillion dollars. A person counting a
 $1,000 bill each second would take 399 years to reach
 $3,000,000,000,000. Every hour the interest on a 3 trillion dollar national
 debt is $29,092,470 ... about 52 cents of every tax dollar goes to pay off
 (to the eight families) the interest on this phony debt.
 During the 1920's the FED began loaning money to the public to
 invest in small businesses and the Stock Market. This began a period of
 great prosperity for the American people, known as the "Roaring 20's".
 Then in 1928 the "eight families" pulled their money out of the Stock
 Market and at the same time made it difficult for we the people to borrow
 money. This created a recession making it necessary for people to pull
 money out of the Stock Market in order to survive. The Stock Market
 came crashing down. The "Great Depression" was born. The next move
 for the "eight families" was to go back to the Stock Market and buy up
 companies for pennies on the dollar. Since that first great experiment to
 control this country's wealth the FED has been manipulated for profit from
 inflation and deflation in 1932, 1937, 1957, 1966, 1970, 1976, 1982, and
 in our present recession. As the FED (the eight families) grow ever richer
 and more powerful, Americans go broke.
 Free Enterprise is what made America great. Do not confuse this
 with "Capitalism". These "eight families", and others of the super elite,
 with all of their capital do not like Free Enterprise. They are driven to own
 and control everything they can, and they do not like competition. The
 graduated income tax is enforced on the American people to keep small
 business and the public from ever being able to compete with them.
 Meanwhile the "eight families", and the super elite, set themselves up in
 Pure Trusts, and BTO / UBO's to become exempt from paying the tax they
 initiated on the American people. Today a mere 1% of the population
 controls 90% of our country's wealth.
 WHATS THE ANSWER?   "We the people" can get back control
 of our printing presses. Section 31 of the "Federal Reserve Act" allows
 Congress all of the clout needed to terminate the FED. The Government
 could then print up U.S. Treasury Notes based on the amount of consumer
 goods and services needed. They could loan the States and the people
 money at 4% interest, avoiding the FED's usury ... which has taken away
 America's hope for a brighter future. The incredible power and influence
 of the controlling 1% is not likely going to allow this to happen.


 Also, (The National Center for Constitutional Studies
 offers complete information. phone: 1-800-365-1776) [wc=640]

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1999-06-09 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

William Hugh Tunstall wrote:
The free trade vs. protectionism debate is something of a joke.

Yes, especially when ONLY the latter exists in the reality
of today.


Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of
belief in freedom itself.  -- Milton Friedman

The primary reason for a tariff is that it enables the exploitation
of the domestic consumer by a process indistinguishable from sheer
robbery. -- Albert Jay Nock

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: End-Times Times]

1999-06-09 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Das GOAT wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 "Christianity is a fine religion.  A shame Christians have never PRACTICED

Christianity is impossible to practice as advertised. This is a
problem for
Christians and everyone else who lives with them on this planet.

A more reality based religion would have served Christians better.


 The same could be said for Islam.

 Neither Jesus nor Mohammed --nor GOD, certainly-- would ever have condoned
 the actual behavior of the "believers" in the respective religions now
 attributed to them

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

1999-06-09 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

SCIO-LTD wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 As a technology professional with over tens years Internet experience, I can
 testify to William Hugh Tunstall comments.   The subsidies are often
 indirect through the granting of  minor or major monopolies, (for a good
 example see the history of ATT, and the monopoly they had for well over a
 half a century).The government often has a dual use/dual purpose agenda
 in these areas, with strong linkages between industry, academia, and

 Capitalism does not thrive on competition, on the contrary the false
 Darwinian construct of competition seeks to explain market forces, price
 patterns as the justification of arcane economic mechanism is simply
 derived non-sense.

Yes indeed. But there is a problem here. Without competition to
greed, the system is sold under false pretenses.
Adam Smith who made the case that with
competition the system benefits all, and, without competition we are
simply destined for some form of slavery. Smith made clear that
competition the system is merely an oinkfest for oinkers and wanabe
oinkers. He didn't much like businessmen. He saw them as greedy,
conspiratorial, and obsessed with money. Some things never change.

As for invisible hands, they are about as real as virgin births, and
horses flying up to heaven.

 Capitalism seeks to aggregate resources, and to wipe out threats to
 expanding growth of competitors or monopolize energy, whether it be in the
 form of money, information, food, fuel, or other raw material.

Or, put another way, capitalists are driven to accumulate wealth. In a
system designed by capitalists to assure that wealth is the best
for accumulating even more wealth, the outcome is always political,
economic, and societal domination by the rich.

 monopolistic forces wipeout innovation because there is no incentive.

 Does this make capitalism bad?  No,

No??? Why no? Does this make capitalism good?

 just its false and widely practice
 Darwinist credo which has slowly inculcated the modern economic thinking.
 Innovation has always been the driver of capitalism,

Wrong. Sheer greed has ALWAYS been the driver of capitalism.

 it like saying that
 water is necessary for life.   William Baumol's bullshit  announcement
 smacks of fascination with  the obvious. Innovation has always been the
 great inducer of capital, which is patently obvious to most casual observer.

That's right. Pet rocks, hair in a can, minimum wages, externalization
costs, and a petroleum based automotive
industry 100 years old which will not change as long as capitalists
the oligopoly in the oil industry. That's innovation baby. What % of
are really advances for humanity? I don't know. Vare to guess?

 It should not be surprising that firms sign strategic partnerships with
 their competitors seeing that their innovations will ultimately fuel their
 own innovations.

You could say that, or you could say that we are destined to suffer
giantism, corporate cannibalism, or oligopoly. All, forms of monopoly.
I am
assuming here that folks agree that monopoly is a baaad thing.

 As Peter Drucker said nearly ten years ago"International economic theory is
 obsolete, the traditional factors of production land, capital and labor are
 constraints rather than driving forces, only information has become the one
 true factor of production,  it underlies the most powerful and  radical
 transformation in the global economy."A la Internet!

What bullshit! People don't eat information. You get a little self
here don't you buddy? The internet has promise in several areas, none
which are necessary for sustaining life.


 Jeffrey C Hearon
 Founder  CEO

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Re: [CTRL] Legalease

1999-06-09 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/09/1999 6:21:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  To date, Clinton has put 306 of his soulmates on the bench, close
  President Reagan's record of 385.  

That's close?  What games do you play?  But don't worry, Clinton's picks will
never be able to do the damage that Reagan's have.  I mean, "Innocence is no
bar to carrying out a conviction,"  Clinton doesn't even know anybody who can
top that.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Not a hoax

1999-06-09 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi All:

I went there and clicked it and even visited the sponsor.  It was very
easy. Feel Free to pass this on


Wouldn't you like to be able to feed the hungry for FREE?
Now you can. The Hunger Site will allow you to feed a hungry
person every day at no cost to yourself. Anyone can do it. Just
visit the website. You can feed one hungry person everyday
just by going to the website and clicking a button. The food
is paid for by corporate sponsors. This is an easy way to
do a really good deed. So everyone can feed a hungry person
today. Please visit today and pass the word I did.


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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: End-Times Times]

1999-06-09 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
 Das GOAT wrote:
  "Christianity is a fine religion.  A shame Christians have never

 Christianity is impossible to practice as advertised. This is a
 problem for Christians and everyone else who lives with them on
 this planet.
 A more reality based religion would have served Christians better.

"Reality-based religion" -- oxymoron

The basic religious questions are: What is the number of gods that
exist (zero thru infinity, take your choice); and if the count is
greater than zero, what do they want of humans, if anything; and,
how can you tell?  I rather doubt that these questions can be
answered in a verifiable manner; thus the constant conflict among
those with different opinions.  Every religion is a conspiracy, a
plot to sell beliefs; and a social system, a way for people to
interact; and a control system, a way to elicit behaviours.  As
I define all belief systems [Games], be they religious/economic/
political/artistic/athletic, people need entertainment, to structure
and occupy their time without being productive.  Fun fun fun...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] Income, taxes and demagoguery

1999-06-09 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

Mr. Davis,

If you will closely examine Mr. Sowell's essay, you will notice that he
is interested in attacking what he considers to be the demagogery of
politicians and intellectuals who are interested in "whipping up envy" in
order to support heavy taxes.  I think that charge is unfounded.  If you
are a reader of Forbes, you might be interested to learn that during the
past few years, there have been more millionaires and billionaires created
than at any other time in our history.  When your fellow citizens address
this fact, I don't think it's a matter of "whipping up envy."  Instead, I
think it represents a healthy trendan interest in addressing pressing
social/political/cultural realities that are being ignored.

Mr. Sowell seeks to undermine the notion that "the rich" exist.
He throws out the figure of 72,000 dollars as the income level of
the top 10 percent without referring to where he got this particular
figure.  Then he tells us that if you are earning 127,000 dollars a year,
you're in the top five percent!  Again, he doesn't cite any statistical
information to support his claims.

If you would read Bartlett and Steele's "America: What Went Wrong," you
would be given a more accurate portrayal of American income levels,
demographics, etc.  What is interesting about Bartlett and Steele's
statistics is that they show how the top income earners have fared during
the past twenty-five to thirty-five years.

However, if you are reluctant to accept Bartlett and Steele's analysis,
perhaps you might find it profitable to go back and read the
New York Times's report on the US Census.  The figures were reported
widely, and they depict a society in which the income of the bottom 1/3 of
wage earners DECLINED during the Reagan years.  During the period of 1980
and 1990, the income of middle class wage earners stayed the same, but
interestingly, the top percentile of wage earners saw their earnings
increase exponentially.

The most conspicuous winners in the American economy were CEOs.
Unfortunately, I don't have the figures in front of me at this exact
moment.  However, if you are interested, I would suggest that you read
Bartlett and Steele's book.

Only recently, a Business Week article openly recognized what many
Americans already realize, that we are becoming a two-tiered society of
the very affluent and the poor.  The article discussed the fact that
during the
nineteen nineties, many American firms find it profitable to develop a
two-tiered marketing strategy in order to accomodate the new American
social reality.  If Business Week and the New York Times recognize
the problem of a growing class division in America, then I would suggest
that Mr. Sowell's essay adds little to the discussion.

However, I would agree with him that taxing the rich would not solve our
social/cultural problems.

Personally, I would like to abolish the personal income tax altogether.
But I would like to see foreign corporations and multinationals be taxed
at the rates that existed during the Kennedy administration.

Sorry for touching on so many different issues, but I think the free and
open exchange of opinions can be useful.

On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, Howard R. Davis III wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In the following Mr. Tunstall writes that Thomas Sowell has been proven
 wrong by two Philidelphia Inquirer researchers. He does not specify what
 exactly in his article has been refuted. However, he does state that their
 study shows:  "that the bottom half of American society is
  worse off than they were in the halycon days of Jimmy Carter". This may or
 may not be true, but I could find no reference to that question in the whole
 of Mr. Sowell's article.

 Howard Davis

 From: William Hugh Tunstall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Income, taxes and demagoguery
 Date: Wed, Jun 9, 1999, 2:25 PM

   -Caveat Lector-
  Mr. Sowell is engaged in a rather clever campaign of disinformation.
  Please read "America: What Went Wrong" by Barlett and Steele.  Sowell's
  points are refuted by the statistical evidence compiled by these two
  Philadelphia Inquirer researchers.  Their study is based on US Census and
  OMB statistics which show that the bottom half of American society is
  worse off than they were in the halycon days of Jimmy Carter.
  Sorry.  The facts do not support Sowell's position.
  On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, M.A. Johnson wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
  Income, taxes and demagoguery
  by Thomas Sowell
  WHEN YOU HEAR POLITICIANS and intellectuals talking -- often
  very loudly -- about "the rich," do you ever wonder who they
  are talking about and how much money those "rich" people make?
  And do you ever wonder why those who are making so much noise
  about the rich don't just come right out and tell us what kind
  of money they are talking about?
  Instead, we hear about the top 10 percent or the top 5 percent.
  But why so squeamish about saying how 


1999-06-09 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

Thank you, Robert!

On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, Robert Tatman wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 William Hugh Tunstall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
  The free trade vs. protectionism debate is something of a joke.
  I once spent a desultory afternoon searching through the stacks of the
  local university for information on Frederich List, a nineteenth century
  German economist who championed the American system of tariffs (defended
  by Hamilton, Carey and later Lincoln). Not surprisingly, my search yielded
  nothing.  However, not surprisingly, there were close to eighty books
  dealing with Adam Smith, the British economist most closely identified
  with "free trade" theory.
 Websites on Friedrich List:
 http://www.fh-reutlingen.de/~www-fli/ [in German]


 Robert F. Tatman
 Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

 NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
 distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
 receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

 more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


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Re: [CTRL] Income, taxes and demagoguery

1999-06-09 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

Nice try, Mr. Johnson, but you're in error.  Bartlett and Steele use
figures from the OMB, the IRS and the US Census Bureau... not the House
Ways and Means Committee and NOT the Tax Foundation!

But if you will read my response to Mr. Howard Davis III, I am on record
for the abolition of the personal income tax.  There are a number of ways
of raising revenue that would not be so punitive on individuals.  So, on
this point, we might actually agree.

Oh, by the way, I'm not trying to be "clever," Mr. Johnson.  I'm just
interested in advancing the discussion on these issues.

Mr. Tunstall

On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, M.A. Johnson wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Income, taxes and demagoguery
by Thomas Sowell

 William Hugh Tunstall
 Mr. Sowell is engaged in a rather clever campaign of
 snip information about some book
 Sorry.  The facts do not support Sowell's position.

 The 'facts' in the book you cited?  Dr. Sowell's research
 certainly 'jives' with the Internal Revenue Service's
 numbers AND the House Ways and Means'.

 Perhaps it is you who are attempting to be 'clever'.

 Who Pays Federal Individual Income Taxes, 1994

 Taxpayers  # Returns (K)  AGI (M)  Tax Paid (M)  %AGI   %Tax  Inc Split
 Top 01%  01,150 0,546,720   152,696  13.8   28.7   195,981
 05%  05,749 1,102,836   252,385  27.8   47.4   090,913
 10%  11,499 1,552,121   314,786  39.2   59.1   068,737
 25%  28,747 2,481,040   423,328  62.6   79.5   042,734
 50%  57,495 3,371,349   507,120  85.1   95.2   021,817
Less  57,495 0,589,571   025,523  14.9   4.8
in thousands in $ million in dollars

 Source: Preliminary IRS Data
 Tax Foundation
 1250 H Street, N.W.
 Suite 750
 Washington, D.C. 20005.

 Percent of Total% Income Earners% Income Level
  Tax Revenues *(next inclusive)   Total of Income
   28.7  1.0   13.8 $185 000
   59.0  10.0  39.0  $ 67 000
   79.2  25.0  46.0  $ 42 000
   95.2  50.0  85.0

 Source: Overview of the Federal Tax System, House Ways  Means
 Committee. (1992) *next group includes the prior ie. 10% includes
 1% group, 25% includes 10% and 1% groups, etc.

 Distribution of the federal income tax burden

 The top 1% of income earners pay 26% of the tax
 The top 10%  pay 58%
 The top 20%  pay 73%
 The bottom 40%   pay less than 1%
 The bottom 60%   pay 10% of the taxes collected.

 Source: Overview of the Federal Tax System, House Ways  Means
 Committee, 1992.


 When more of the people's sustenance is exacted through
 the form of taxation than is necessary to meet the just
 obligations of government and expenses of its economical
 administration, such exaction becomes ruthless extortion
 and a violation of the fundamental principles of a free
 -- Grover Cleveland, Second Annual Message; December, 1886

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nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Income, taxes and demagoguery

1999-06-09 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

William Hugh Tunstall wrote:
 Nice try, Mr. Johnson, but you're in error.  Bartlett
 and Steele use figures from the OMB, the IRS and the
 US Census Bureau... not the House Ways and Means
 Committee and NOT the Tax Foundation!

So Bartlett  Steele (fallacy of appeal to authority) READ
the IRS data BETTER than two independent sources that I
cited (three including Dr. Sowell)?  3 to 1.

William Hugh Tunstall wrote:
   But if you will read my response to Mr. Howard Davis III,
   I am on record for the abolition of the personal income
   tax.  There are a number of ways of raising revenue that
   would not be so punitive on individuals.

Actually ONLY individuals pay taxes.  Corporations, businesses,
landlords, etc. merely collect taxes ... passing them along
to the individual.

*I* favor a head tax coupled with user fees.  Each person pays
the SAME -- thus 'encouraging' low taxation/spending on the part
of government AND equality.


About a century ago a group of brilliant Italian
scholars set out to study the nature of the state
and its monetary affairs.  One of them, Amilcare
Puviani, tried to answer this question: If a
government were trying to squeeze as much money
as possible out of its population, what would it
do?  He came up with eleven (11) strategies that
such a government would employ.  They are worth

 1. The use of indirect rather than direct taxes,
so that the tax is hidden in the price of
 2. Inflation, by which the state reduces the
value of everyone else's currency
 3. Borrowing, so as to postpone the necessary
 4. Gift and luxury taxes, where the tax accompanies
the receipt or purchase of 'something special',
lessening the annoyance of the tax
 5. 'Temporary' taxes, which somehow never get
repealed when the emergency passes
 6. Taxes that exploit social conflict, by placing
higher taxes on unpopular groups (such as the
rich, cigarette smokers or windfall profit
 7. The threat of social collapse or withholding
monopoly government services if taxes are reduced
 8. Collection of the total tax burden in relatively
small increments (a sales tax or income tax
withholding) over time, rather than in a yearly
lump sum
 9. Taxes whose exact incidence cannot be predicted
in advance, thus keeping the taxpayer unaware of
just how much he is paying
10. Extraordinary budget complexity to hide the budget
process from public understanding
11. The use of generalized expenditure categories,
such as 'education' or 'defense' to make it
difficult for outsiders to assess the individual
components of the budget

Notice anything about this list?  The United States
government uses every single one of those strategies
-- and so do most foreign governments.  That just might
lead a cynical observer to conclude that the government
was actually 'trying' to soak the taxpayers for as much
money as it could get, rather than say, raising just
enough for essential functions.

In all these ways, government's constant instinct to
grow, to take on more tasks, to arrogate more power to
itself, to extract more money from the citizenry.
Indeed as Jefferson observed, "The natural progress
of things is for liberty to yield and government to
gain ground."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Income, taxes and demagoguery

1999-06-09 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

I'm not using an "appeal to authority." Bartlett and Steele are only
one source.  There are others. But I don't think it's really a matter
of my sources versus yours.  I think the New York Times, Time, Newsweek,
and even the Wall Street Journal have had articles featuring what I
believe is a growing class division in America.

On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, M.A. Johnson wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 William Hugh Tunstall wrote:
  Nice try, Mr. Johnson, but you're in error.  Bartlett
  and Steele use figures from the OMB, the IRS and the
  US Census Bureau... not the House Ways and Means
  Committee and NOT the Tax Foundation!

 So Bartlett  Steele (fallacy of appeal to authority) READ
 the IRS data BETTER than two independent sources that I
 cited (three including Dr. Sowell)?  3 to 1.

 William Hugh Tunstall wrote:
But if you will read my response to Mr. Howard Davis III,
I am on record for the abolition of the personal income
tax.  There are a number of ways of raising revenue that
would not be so punitive on individuals.

 Actually ONLY individuals pay taxes.  Corporations, businesses,
 landlords, etc. merely collect taxes ... passing them along
 to the individual.

 *I* favor a head tax coupled with user fees.  Each person pays
 the SAME -- thus 'encouraging' low taxation/spending on the part
 of government AND equality.


 About a century ago a group of brilliant Italian
 scholars set out to study the nature of the state
 and its monetary affairs.  One of them, Amilcare
 Puviani, tried to answer this question: If a
 government were trying to squeeze as much money
 as possible out of its population, what would it
 do?  He came up with eleven (11) strategies that
 such a government would employ.  They are worth

  1. The use of indirect rather than direct taxes,
 so that the tax is hidden in the price of
  2. Inflation, by which the state reduces the
 value of everyone else's currency
  3. Borrowing, so as to postpone the necessary
  4. Gift and luxury taxes, where the tax accompanies
 the receipt or purchase of 'something special',
 lessening the annoyance of the tax
  5. 'Temporary' taxes, which somehow never get
 repealed when the emergency passes
  6. Taxes that exploit social conflict, by placing
 higher taxes on unpopular groups (such as the
 rich, cigarette smokers or windfall profit
  7. The threat of social collapse or withholding
 monopoly government services if taxes are reduced
  8. Collection of the total tax burden in relatively
 small increments (a sales tax or income tax
 withholding) over time, rather than in a yearly
 lump sum
  9. Taxes whose exact incidence cannot be predicted
 in advance, thus keeping the taxpayer unaware of
 just how much he is paying
 10. Extraordinary budget complexity to hide the budget
 process from public understanding
 11. The use of generalized expenditure categories,
 such as 'education' or 'defense' to make it
 difficult for outsiders to assess the individual
 components of the budget

 Notice anything about this list?  The United States
 government uses every single one of those strategies
 -- and so do most foreign governments.  That just might
 lead a cynical observer to conclude that the government
 was actually 'trying' to soak the taxpayers for as much
 money as it could get, rather than say, raising just
 enough for essential functions.

 In all these ways, government's constant instinct to
 grow, to take on more tasks, to arrogate more power to
 itself, to extract more money from the citizenry.
 Indeed as Jefferson observed, "The natural progress
 of things is for liberty to yield and government to
 gain ground."

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a 

[CTRL] Star Trek 'warp drive' possible (BBC)

1999-06-09 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-


Star Trek 'warp drive' possible

The space shuttle is as good as it gets with today's space technology

By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse
In Star Trek, the USS Enterprise is powered by what is called a "warp drive"
and at the moment only Paramount Pictures know its secrets.

But new, highly mathematical research may have brought us one step closer to
being able to explore the Universe in a starship capable of travelling
faster than the speed of light.

The analysis of the concept of a warp drive by Chris Van Den Broeck of the
Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium means that building a starship
Enterprise is a little closer.

The fabric of space

Dr Van Den Broeck was reanalysing ground-breaking calculations made five
years ago by Mexican mathematician Miguel Alcubierre.

Alcubierre said that it was possible to imagine how a warp drive would work
by distorting the fabric of space. Starships would ride along waves in
so-called spacetime, like surfers do along waves in the sea.

The idea relies on the concept that, to physicists, space is not empty.
Strange as it may seem, space has a shape that can be distorted by matter.
In fact the force of gravity is actually due to the curvature of space -
recognising that was the greatest triumph of Albert Einstein's career.

So you could use matter to distort the space around a starship to create a
"ripple" in spacetime.

'Warp bubble'

Miguel Alcubierre came up with the idea of expanding the space behind a
starship and contracting it in front of it. The starship would rest in a
"warp bubble" between the two spacetime distortions. The result would be a
wave in spacetime along which the starship would surf.

It was a fantastic idea. There would be no limit to the velocity that a
starship could attain. It could travel faster than the speed of light
because the starship would, strictly speaking, be stationary in the space of
its warp bubble.

Also, the starship and its crew would be weightless and would therefore not
be crushed by the enormous G-forces of acceleration and deceleration.

What's more, the passage of time inside the warp bubble would be the same as
that outside it. The crew would not suffer from Einstein's "time dilation"
effect where time passes at different rates for people travelling at
different speeds.

The time dilation effect means that anyone travelling to the stars at speeds
approaching that of light would experience a journey of a few years. But
when they came back to Earth they would find that thousands of years had
passed and all their friends were long dead.

Massive energies

Alcubierre's idea was a good one, but his work seemed to suggest that
building a warp bubble would be impossible in practice. More energy than the
entire universe could supply would be needed to create the spacetime

However, Dr Van Den Broeck's analysis suggests a far lower amount of energy
is required, reduced by a factor of one followed by 62 zeros.

This is not to say that it is time to go out and start building a warp
drive. As Dr Van Den Broeck says in his forthcoming paper in General
Relativity and Quantum Cosmology: "This does not mean that the proposal is

Building a warp drive is currently far beyond our technological abilities
and there are severe theoretical arguments that say it may never be

But it just might be. Dr Van Den Broeck concludes his analysis by saying,
"The first warp drive is still a long way off but maybe it has now become
slightly less improbable."

Relevant Stories

Apollo veteran calls for new vision

Robot space plane arrives

Space Tourism ready for take-off

Internet Links

Catholic University of Leuven: http://www.kuleuven.ac.be/kuleuven/kul_en.htm

Star Trek: http://www.startrek.com/

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * ICQ# 19633976 *
*** SkeptiChat: sliding down the razor-blade of life ***
now featuring SkeptiNews: All The News That's Fit To Question

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Tomlinson

1999-06-09 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Wednesday June 9 8:01 AM ET
Wanted British Spy Out In The Cold Again

By Elif Kaban
GENEVA (Reuters) - Former spy Richard Tomlinson, wanted in London for
allegedly divulging a list of British intelligence officers on the Internet,
has fled Switzerland and is now on the run and out in the cold in Europe.
Speaking to Reuters on a mobile phone, Tomlinson said he left Switzerland
Tuesday after Swiss authorities Monday gave him 24 hours to leave the
country, alleging he had violated a civil order not to publish the list.
``I didn't even have time to say goodbye to my friends,'' he said.
Asked how it felt to be a runaway renegade spy, Tomlinson said: ``It's not
nice. I just want to find a place to live.''
The disgruntled former member of the British intelligence service, who
denies responsibility for posting the list, said he took the train from
Geneva to Zurich Tuesday and left Switzerland for an undisclosed destination
in Europe.
``If they find out where I am now, they'd chuck me out,'' he said, refusing
to disclose his whereabouts.
A spokesman at the Swiss federal prosecutor's office confirmed that
Tomlinson had left Switzerland. He said Tomlinson faced a five-year entry
But Dominique Reymond said Tomlinson could come back if a Geneva court
investigating the charges cleared him.
Tomlinson said he hoped to return to Geneva: ``I want to go back to Geneva.
I can come back after I prove my innocence.''
Tomlinson was sacked in 1995 from the British Secret Intelligence Service --
the foreign intelligence arm known as MI6. He was jailed in Britain in late
1997 after he showed the synopsis of a book on his career to an Australian
He says the British authorities were persecuting him.
Tomlinson said he could not go to the United States, France and Australia
because of pressure from the British government.
``All countries I've been to, I've been banned from.''
He said he would not go back to Britain. ``I'd be sent to prison straight
away while they get a case together.''
Going to a ``hostile'' country or Russia or Serbia was a possibility, he
``I have considered going to a hostile country, but not to cause any
problems. I really don't have anything to say anymore. I've been out of the
MI6 for five years now.''
Tomlinson's credibility has been at a low ebb following a series of
increasingly bizarre revelations about his former employers at the MI6 in
interviews with the spy-obsessed media.
His claims include an alleged plot to kill Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic in a road tunnel near Geneva in 1992 and his testimony to a French
magistrate that the driver of the car in which Diana, Princess of Wales,
died in 1997 was an MI6 agent.
British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook has said that Tomlinson was behind the
publication of the names, which he has described as ``a deeply irresponsible
and dangerous act.''
British officials have said the list was not accurate, but the publication
of secret agents' names could put the lives and careers of undercover agents
in sensitive postings at risk.
The list was removed and the Internet site shut down after urgent pleas by
British officials.
But soon after it was purged, the list was on the loose again on the
Internet, where many copies were flying through cyberspace and showing up on
other Web sites.

Justice does exist in the world, whether people choose to practice it or
not. The men of ability are being avenged. The avenger is reality. Its
weapon is slow, silent, invisible, and men perceive it only by its
consequences - by the gutted ruins and the moans of agony it leaves in its
wake. The name of the weapon is: inflation.
-- Ayn Rand, "Egalitarianism And Inflation," Philosophy: Who Needs It
ICQ: 9815080   Operator Taliesin_2 of #SacredNemeton on IRC PaganPaths

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #4

1999-06-09 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990609d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No domestic pets were devoured during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 'Ban animal organ transplants'. (BBC) Doctors and lawyers have called for
  a ban on use of animal organs for human transplants. Just let'em die, eh?

# Lab-Grown Organs on Horizon? Livers and lungs growing in a petri dish
  might seem the stuff of science fiction. But the discovery of a gene
  that controls organ shape in roundworms could make human organ-growing
  a reality. http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/20112.html

: What organs would you like to grow? Do you need any replacements? Would
you replace organs for functional or esthetic or random reasons? Any others?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Magnetic bracelets 'unproven'. (BBC) Suppliers of magnetic bracelets can't
  prove their claims that they relieve pain, sez a (UK) gov't agency. Bogus:

# Soy Foods Reduce Risk Of Coronary Heart Disease. Two studies show the
  powerful benefits of soy foods in the battle against cholesterol  heart
  disease. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/06/990603091345.htm

# Spotlight on fruit benefits. (BBC) Scientists are to attempt to pin down
  the exact health benefits of different types of fruit. An apple a day?

: Would you rather use devices and substances that do or don't work, that
are or aren't cool, that have or haven't been tested? What do the voices in
your head tell you? Do magnetic bracelets interfere with your alien implant?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Should hackers spend years in prison? Stiff penalties for computer tres-
  passing could create a broad new class of criminal -- including you and
  me. http://www.salon1999.com/tech/feature/1999/06/09/hacker_penalties/

# Feds batten down the online hatches - reacting to hacking:
# Insurgency on the Internet: http://www.cnn.com/TECH/specials/hackers/

: What is your favorite Net conspiracy? Have you attacked any sites lately?
Was it y'r own idea, or were you obeying your Reptilioid/Republican masters?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Researchers Pinpoint Thinking Pattern Of Chronic Self-Doubters. COLUMBUS,
Ohio. People with high levels of self-doubt have markedly different thinking
patterns than do individuals who harbor lower levels of self-doubt, a new
study shows. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/06/990609072350.htm

: Are you doubtful, chronically skeptical, insecure? Is this due to organic
brain dysfunction, drugs, alien implants, CIA mind-control rays, neorabies?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Stepping back 30,000 years. (BBC) French archaeologists say they've found
the oldest footprints ever left by modern man in a cave in central France -
result of a prehistoric slip-up. The 21cm (8.5 in) long prints are thought
to date as far back as 30,000 years and were left by a child tripping in
the mud. The prints were found during a study of the cave's many paintings.

@ Links: The Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave:
@ Meet the Ancestors: The Chauvet Cave:
# And: Thieves loot prehistoric tomb:
# Foot fashion 6000 years BC:

: Have ancient alien footprints been found? Are they being hidden? Who runs
the cover-up? Do aliens never trip in the mud? Do they get drunk? On what?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Digital satellite radio gets a boost - GM goes space-age:
# Transplanted Neural Stem Cells Migrate Throughout Abnormal Brain, Reduce
  Disease Symptoms: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/06/990609073135.htm
# Anti-Spammers Nuke E-Commerce - Realtime Blackhole List shoots own foot:

@ The Unauthorized Eckankar(tm) Page
@ Mr. Papf's Perpetual Motion - by Richard Feynman:
@ A Visit With Uri Geller - by Richard Feynman:
@ Uri Geller Caught Red-Handed:
@ SCIENCE VERSUS MIRACLES (tricks behind 150 miracles of famous gurus):

# Hurricane Forecasters Continue To Call For Active 

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: End-Times Times]

1999-06-09 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
In a message dated 06/09/1999 2:02:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 "Great God! I'd rather be/A pagan suckl'd in a creed outworn..." than
 kind of Christian. 

Yeah, I know how you feel.  Prudy

christians give christianity a bad name. religion is no excuse for bad


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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