Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: [MC] NSA papers

1999-01-07 Thread MARK

 -Caveat Lector-

I agree with Andrew, the CTRL is rapidly becoming a discussion page for
Clinton, and what he did for breakfast etc.

Lets keep CTRL about Conspiracies, and not for naysaying Clinton.

 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Hennessey [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 05 January 1999 20:13
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Fwd:  Re: [MC] NSA papers

  -Caveat Lector-

 re NSA using religions for mass control 

 here was I talking about exactly these issues with the Urantian Cult
 and some
 person more interested in a 250 emails full of Clinton garbage gave me
 hard time
 and said that I was talking about a GAME and not paying due reverence
 to the
 hundreds of postings about Clintons half-witted doings.
 Next time you accuse me of Gaming - I may tell you about MY
 persecution by
 UK Security Service - that'll be some serious shit for you to get
 huffy about

 Andrew Hennessey

 Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Re: [MC] NSA Papers

1999-01-06 Thread RoadsEnd

"J. Maynard Gelinas" wrote:

I've been busy and just this evening found time to read the original
 posted by Wes.   After doing so I have a few comments I'd like to make.

I had meant to re-read the original articles before commenting, but I will
respond to your comments.

 For one thing I strongly agree with Jim Drapoou when he wrote:

  OK, you say you know enough to demand disclosure.
  Now ask yourself,
  1.) What Exactly do I know ?
  2.) What Prima Facia evidence do I have to support the allegations,
that would hold up under intense scrutiny ?
  3.) What do I physically have to Prove the allegations ?

If Jim's article was aimed *only* at the "NSA" document, then I agree.
To me it read as a wider sort of "warning," much of which I agree with but
some of which I thought was incomplete, as I addressed in an earlier

The document was *poorly* written.  Disjointed sentences combined with
 redundant narrative containing a glossary in the middle of the document; he
 never wrote this to get published.  For example, The title is presented
 twice, the Berkeley student hostage/suicide was presented twice, and he
 suggests many famous people who have attempted to gain public attention to
 the NSA program, yet he provides no direct testimony by those (who have
 lived) which could confirm as such other than by oblique references in
 their art.  He even claims that some, even Curt Cobain, have died trying to
 expose the program.  How do we ask the dead?

Perhaps hastily written, but generally I agree.  The numbering style, with
short paragraphs, is not like most published journals.  Some military
writing tends toward that style.

Why did so many people here respond with affirmation to this? I don't see
 people wondering why the NSA might hire someone with such a lack of written
 skills, nor do I hear many suggesting this might be further disinformation.
 A little skepticism might be of some value right now.

First, there is the instant credibility given by coming anonymously through
list owner.  This is probably not the major reason people responded with
affirmation, but a real one.  To me it was never clear what the purported
of the document was.  The author apparently never claimed to have worked
for the NSA, according to the "interview" article.

I think the main reason for the reactions is that while the article has some
serious flaws, it does manage to touch on some realities of how the
(for lack of a better term) operate.  In this case I speak from my personal
and I suspect that others with personal experience agree to some
extent.  These things are not easy to describe well, and so to see even a few
aspects described well is attention-getting.  I think you address similar
issues in your
following paragraphs.

If the article is information it is interesting, though incomplete.  It might
make a practical
difference in a victim's life if he or she were to now look out for tricks of
this sort.  If it is
disinformation it is still interesting, though questions arise as to what is
being left out
and why, and what the magician's other hand might be up to.

Still, I'm struck by some the of specific *content* of these
 allegations.  For example, the anonymous poster states that they use
 'thought labels' which are usually tactile or auditory hallucinations
 combined with either a positive or negative reinforcement to generate a
 conditioned response, or combined with a verbal hypnotic suggestion.  This
 is *very* much like a Milton H. Ericson or NLP defined 'anchoring'

Anchoring, as a technique used by 'therapists,' usually to blunt a
 horrible feeling or uncontrollable phobic response associalted to some
 arbitrary stimulous. The 'therapist' generally uses some tactile (or
 secondary modality) experience to confuse and *link* one emotional response
 to a (usually remembered) situation to the first sensation.  At this point
 if the therapist repeats the first stimulus (presumably) the patient will
 reexperience the secondary emotional response (whatever is bothering them).
 Then, they will find some other emotional experience, often completely
 unrelated, which made them feel at opposite ends (usually good) and link
 that to *another* secondary stimulus.  For example, one could use a touch
 to the left knee when the patient remembers something horrible, and a touch
 to the right knee as they rediscover good memories of a vacation.

Then, a little later after the conversation has shifted and the patient
 forgets about creating the original conditioned responses, the 'therapist'
 usually says or does something out of the ordinary to confuse the patient
 while they press both 'anchors' conditioned to opposite emotional states.
 The hope is that this will cancel out whatever horrible feeling is
 associated with whatever memory originally bothered the patient.

The use of Christian and religious 

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: [MC] NSA papers

1999-01-04 Thread RoadsEnd

I've received private mail questioning X's focus on NSA's use of Christianity
for "accelerated resocialization" (brainwashing).

I asked X if other religions couldn't also be used by the NSA and he replied
that they indeed are, as appropriate in various cultures.

It would seem to me, though, that Christianity lends itself particularly well
because of its emphasis on punishment (I'm not an expert on religion, so
correct me if I'm wrong here).

Also, as X states: "The NSA prefers Christian chuches because the doctrines
allow 'God or Jesus to speak directly to the subject' and the negative
reinforcement can be attributed with Satan and the positive rewards can be
considered to be blessings from God thereby masking the NSA's technology and
processes." Might the same apply to Judaism and Muslim faiths (I'm not
with their practices)?

Let me be clear here that I am not addressing the validity of specific
religious, but only their effectiveness for behavior modification and
accelerated resocialization. I am also not attacking specific religions, only
pointing out their possible use by unsrupulous manipulators, which would
to me to include many priests and ministers who themselves also use such
brainwashing techniques for their own purposes (power, money, sex, future
reward in heaven, etc.)

Another effective tool for these purposes appears to be the use of new-age
processes, such as meditation (hypnosis) combined with subliminals for
delusions of alien visitations, out-of-the-body travel, mass hallucinations of
UFOs (as in Greer's UFO contact training), channeled entities, etc. X agreed
with that.

The Art Bell show and similar talk shows would therefore play a significant
(although perhaps unwitting) role in reinforcing these delusions.
Behaviorly-modified guests on these shows may be intentionally used by the NSA
to convey certain mission-related messages, increase paranoia (as in Dames,
Ghostwolf, Scallion, etc.) in the targeted populations, and further accelerate
substitution of magical (superstitious) thinking (such as "the quickening,"
psychic predictions, and remote viewing) for rational thought processes while
building up a large, controllable cadre of millions of mind-controlled
for future use. In some cases, the guests' connections with intel agencies are
blatantly overt, as in the case of Major Ed Dames, and one can suspect more
intentional manipulation to achieve psyop strategies, enhanced by their
intel-based inside track on planned future actions by U.S. or foreign

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 Wes Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED], list moderator

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: [MC] NSA papers[2]

1999-01-04 Thread RoadsEnd

I asked X for clarification on some of his statements. Here are his answers.

Q: What about situations away from structures and cars? MC victims
report hearing voices everywhere, including outside of cities.
Could there be a hybrid system employing microwaves or
satellites using narrow-beam activation signals and
implanted transceivers [transmitter-receivers] receiving transmitted audio
for such situations?

A: The transceivers have been installed in most remote places where
possible with
considerations given to climatic conditions and stable bases for installation.
Transceivers are also installed in the shallow waters along coasts especially
along North and South America to detect spy infiltration (during Cold War in
North America) and for War against drugs, currently North, Central and South
American Continents).  Remember that sound travels under water at about 7x the
speed of airborn delivery and therefore provides a better environment.  The
undersea transceivers are supposed to be much larger then the land based set.

Also, effects from posthypnotic triggered suggestions can be experienced by
people outside of real-time deliveries.  "Most" of the daily misperception
experiences of victims are posthypnotically triggered.  This is obvious
because the NSA does not have the manpower to watch all subjects in the
program each minute and therefore they script posthypnotic suggestions that
occupy the persons thoughts, that are triggered into action when the subject
sees a specific thing, hears a specific thing, or thinks of a specific thing.
This is similar to an approach that a hypnotherapist might formulate "you
will feel anxiety when you smoke think of smoking a cigarette that will go
away immediately when you consciously decide that you will not pick the
cigarette up".  Implanted transceivers were used in subjects clothing and
possessions by the NSA many years ago mainly for tracking subjects through
areas not densely occupied by transceivers.  Law enforcement and lesser
intelligence agencies only use these techniques today and these agencies do
not have access to the NSA's subliminal delivery system . . . yet.

Q: Since as per SOP [standard operating procedure], you were shown things
on a compartmented, need-to-know basis, how can you be sure there are not
other mind-control technologies in use in NSA with other types of targets?

A: Technology and research does not end with one great success . . . .  But I
think that you will find that 99% of all MC victims will be experiencing NSA
technology.  With my disclosure the NSA will start a massive disinformation
campaign and you will start to see many perceptual patterns outside the realm
of my original paper that focused on only one small application of the three
major categories disclosed under Section 3: Applications).  In the final
analysis, you will probably recognize that their intelligence system combined
with their subliminal delivery system will explain 99 % of the reported MC
victim symptoms.

Q: Regarding devices planted during construction: for older buildings,
that would have to be done by black-bag [covert] entry, right?

A: Correct. Remember that the NSA has the ability to survey the surrounding
buildings and indigent personnel so they can pick their time without
possibility of detection.  If there is someone setting up a video recording
device, either the installation activity or the RF/EMI device emission can be
detected and the NSA transceiver installation postponed.  In addition, the NSA
already has a list of classified personnel that knows ops, hostiles, and
others that are in the resocialization process that would be motivated to
capture NSA field processes.

[See Enemy of the State movie for examples of this procedure. - WT]

The NSA routinely accesses personal computers that are not "Tempest" protected
through a specialty type of transceiver that can also detect and read the
output of law enforcement agencies surveillance equipment and detect other
basic types of recording equipment.

[See for Van Eck remote computer
monitoring techniques and ways to "harden" your PC to avoid detection,
although these unclassified countermeasures may not be effective against
NSA transceivers. - WT]

Q: If there are that many monitoring/speaker devices in buildings, one
would expect some of them to have been found. I haven't heard such reports,
I can understand why not. One of my list posters privately told me he's
found a number of burst transmitters in consumer electronics devices such
as VCRs and computers, so I image that's another technique used, right?

A: The average person would not recognize the current transceivers because
of the
scaling [advanced technology - WT] factor.  If the head of one were found,
special techniques would have to be used to remove it from the substrate it
was installed in without fracturing and destroying the transceiver.