Instalar .deb con dselect de fuera del CD de distribucion

1999-03-07 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

Hasta ahora, he usado dselect para instalar paquetes que vienen con
la distribucion hamm.

¿Como lo hago para instalar paquetes que
vienen con CDs de revistas?

Por ejemplo: en el CD2 de LA6 viene el Gnome en el directorio
donde ademas de los .deb hay tambien un fichero Packages.

Las opciones de dselect en Access llamadas mounted y harddisk tienen
pinta de ser para esto, pero hablan de que los .deb deben estar en
binary/*/*.deb, y no veo esa estructura por ninguna parte en el CD2
de LA6 para Gnome.

Ademas, si despues quiero volver a instalar algo desde el CD de la
distribucion tengo que volver a seleccionar cdrom en Access de
dselect, ¿no?

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm)

version de window maker

1999-03-07 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Hola otra vez.

En hamm viene el window maker 0.14.1-7, pero he visto en que wm ya va por la 0.51.1-pre1.

¿Alguien podria decirme si los paquetes .deb de wm se actualizan
mucho o hay grandes desfases?

¿Es mejor pasar de esperar la aparicion de los.deb de wm y montar
los binarios descargados de directamente? ¿hay muchos
problemas en estos binarios para adaptarlos a Debian?

La verdad es que me ha gustado Window Maker, pero el manual que he leido
tiene cosas que la version de wm que viene con hamm no tiene, incluido
el tratamiento de temas y apariencias.

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm)

Registro como usuario de Debian

1999-03-07 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

En muchas firmas de mensajes estoy viendo eso de usuario debian registrado
numero tal.

¿Donde se registra uno en esto? He estado viendo hace poco
y no he visto nada de esto.

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm)

Re: LiNUX en la calle ???

1999-03-07 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
En mi opinion, aun queda mucho hasta que los usuarios normales
que se mal defienden con Windows pasen a Linux. El problema esta
justamente en la automatizacion de los procesos desde que te pones
a montar una cosa hasta que la tienes montada y la comprendes para
usarla. Si ya resulta dificil que mucha gente se lea los mini
manuales de windows, imaginate con Linux. Hay que ser un colgado
de los manuales (todavia).

Cuando Linux tenga un frontend que automatice tantas cosas que la
gente no quiere estudiar, Linux se expandira tanto como Windows.

De todos modos, al final, como los usuarios de a pie no leen, 
seguiran sin leer y preguntando a los colegas y conocidos cada vez
que tengan un problema. El problema seguirá siendo luego el mismo.
Para los que no estudian un sistema, cualquier cosa seguira siendo
poco robusta.

No quiero quedar como defensor de los windows, pero mi experiencia
me indica que con paciencia y mucho estudio, se puede conseguir una
cierta robustez valida para casi todas las tareas (tengo un NT que
lleva 85 dias sin ser reiniciado atendiendo alrededor de unos 100
clientes simultaneos durante toda la jornada sin parar.
Ya se que para la gente de toda la vida de los
Unix esto puede parecer una ridiculez, pero para windows creo que
es un logro. Tambien tengo 2 Unix SVR4 que debe hacer cerca de 2 años
que me olvide de ellos. No se si los he apagado alguna vez y nadie
se ha quejado de ellos.)

Para acabar, que cada uno use lo que quiera. Cada sistema tiene su
aplicacion mas adecuada, pero hay que conocerlos todos para elegir

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm)

Fuentes X

1999-03-07 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

Instale las XFree86 al principio solo con los paquetes necesarios
(xfntbase y xfnt75 entre ellos) y despues he montado xfnt100 y xfntscl.
He visto que en el directorio /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts han aparecido
directorios nuevos (100dpi, Speedo y Type1) pero no han sido añadidos
en la linea FontPath de XF86Config.

¿La instalacion del paquete no añade estos caminos automaticamente?
Supongo que debere añadirlos para poder usar estas fuentes ¿no?

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm)

Re: Problemas montando la disquetera.

1999-03-07 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Sat, Mar 06, 1999,
Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez...

  pues resulata  que tengo  problemas para escribir  montando la
  disquetera como  usuario normal. En  el `/etc/fstab'  tengo la
  /dev/fd0/alnx   ext2rw,noauto,user  0   0


  el disco que montas y no en el directorio, ¿ me equivoco ?
 En  ninguno,  los  permisos  son  determinados  apartir  del
 dispositivo y de las opciones de montado.(/dev/fd0).

 En /etc/fstab tengo.
 /dev/fd0 /floppy/a   auto   defaults,noauto,user,check=s,noexec  0  2

 Ademas hay tener  en cuenta que el usuario  hernan esta en
 el grupo floppy.

Gracias  Hernan  por tu  respuesta,  que,  off course,  genera

-  El `auto'  en lugar  de `ext2'  imagino que  permite montar
lo-que-sea que tenga en la disquetera, ¿no? (chachi)

Aunque he hecho un par de pruebas, y me funciona con disquetes
`ext2' pero no con disquetes `msdos', :-(, me dice:

mount: you must specify the filesystem type

- El último `2' en lugar de `0', ¿ que cambia ?

- El `check' me truncará nombres largos en cualquier caso ?

Bueno, de momento lo modifico así:

/dev/fd0   /alnx   auto   defaults,noauto,user,noexec   0  0

Un saludo.

 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-
 -=-=-  Computadora de 1992   -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario] Software Foundation  Documentación en Castellano

Kernel 2.2.1: últimos pasos de instalación

1999-03-07 Thread Miquel Escarrà

He compilado el kernel 2.2.1, siguiendo al punto los pasos del README. 

Al llegar al make zImage tengo que hacer un make bzImage para que el sistema se
compile correctamente.

A partir de ahí las instrucciones del fichero README me confunden:

- en el directorio /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot aparece un fichero zImage con a
penas 3000 bytes; también aparece un subdirectorio compressed que parece tener
todos --algunos?-- componentes de la nueva instalación. 

- yo he copiado estos ficheros al directorio /boot y he modificado lilo.conf
para que la imagen del kernel fuera, como me parece más lógico, el zImage del
directorio /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot.

- dado que aún tengo un arranque dual que me gestiona LILO, lo he vuelto a

-ahora lo que me pasa es que en el momento del arranque del PC sólo sigue
adelante el arranque de W95, si intento arrancar con linux se reinicia.

Pido ayuda para que alguien me indique cuáles son los últimos pasos, teniendo el
kernel compilado con make bzImage para poner el sistema a punto y además tener
el arranque dual estable.

Saludos y gracias
Miquel Escarrà

Re: LiNUX en la calle ???

1999-03-07 Thread homega
Andres Seco Hernandez dixit:
 En mi opinion, aun queda mucho hasta que los usuarios normales
 que se mal defienden con Windows pasen a Linux. El problema esta
 justamente en la automatizacion de los procesos desde que te pones
 a montar una cosa hasta que la tienes montada y la comprendes para
 usarla. [ ...]

Tal vez no quede tanto, corregidme si me equivoco, pero según dijo Linus
Torvalds recientemente, a partir del núcleo 2.2.x, el desarrollo se dirige
hacia la facilidad de uso, hacia el mercado de los usuarios de Windows.

Un saludo,


Re: Netscape y rendimiento

1999-03-07 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Hue-Bond wrote:

 On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:
   Pero esto también mata a los que estén funcionando normalmente.
 El srcipt no detecta
 los navegadores colgados cuyo usuario continua en linea quizas con un
 montón de navegadores más colgados.
  Se me ha ocurrido una idea que, sin dejar de ser mala, creo que
  es  bastante  mejor. Resulta  que  un  usuario puede  tener  varias
  ventanas abiertas, pero el proceso netscape sólo es uno. Así, si un
  usuario tiene  varios netscape's abiertos,  es posible que  los que
  tengan PID más bajo, no estén siendo usados = estén colgados. Basta
  con matar todos excepto el del PID más alto de cada usuario.
  El problema  está en cuando  el PID llega  al tope y  por tanto
  vuelve a empezar.

Yo no dudo que vuestras dotes de observación no os permitan obtener más
datos estadçisticos o de otro tipo que os permitan averiguar con más o menos
acierto cuales son los navegadores colgados pero como tu muy bien dices no 
deja ser soluciones incompletas. Todo es cuestíon de probar y si conseguis 
en poco tiempo hacer un script que reduzca el problema pues mira que bien. 
Mientras tanto no se me pasa por la cabeza que llegado al punto de que el 
sistema este degradado y sabiendo que esta es la causa no hagais otra cosa 
que 'killall netscape' es lo más rápido y ensas situaciones eso se agradece.

La solución buena de verdad es contactar con más gente afectada por este
problema y entre todos meterle mano a los fuentes de netscape para obtener
una solución mejor. Buneo no digo que no pueda hacerlo uno solo pero es 
algo que afecta a más gente supongo y el tiempo no se lo regalan a nadie.

 Linux, como su propio nombre indica, es *el* sistema operativo. (Barbwired)
 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
 PGP Public key at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Re: LiNUX en la calle ???

1999-03-07 Thread TooManySecrets
Juanmi Mora el día Sat, Mar 06, 1999 at 01:42:38PM +0100 expuso lo siguiente:
 On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, J.E. Marchesi wrote:
- Se discute en la comunidad de vecinos la compra de un ordenador para 
- El jefe se queja de que la red ya se ha caido ocho veces en lo que va 
- Que en el barrio nadie ha oido hablar de LiNUX ni de nada semejante 
 No es fácil esto que propones, quieres llevar un Unix a la gente de la calle
 cuando no se ha conseguido que llegue a la comunidad de informáticos
 profesionales si vale, lo conocen algunos, otros han hecho cuatro
 prácticas para aprobar... y no quieren ni oir hablar de él...
 La verdad, no seré yo quien vaya aconsejando a los amigos que se instalen un
 Linux... quiero tener tiempo para seguir viviendo :-)

¡Jodón! Cualquiera diría... Pues yo lo hago, y muchos lo prueban.
Afortunadamente, hoy día y gracias a Gnome y KDE (personalmente Gnome), la
gente entra en el círculo linuxero y la gran mayoría, de los basados en mi
experiencia, no vuelven a salir... Qué quieres que te diga...

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

Re: LiNUX en la calle ???

1999-03-07 Thread TooManySecrets
Juanmi Mora el día Sat, Mar 06, 1999 at 01:53:39PM +0100 expuso lo siguiente:
 Sí esto está muy bien, pero dile a un grupo de tios que se pueden dejar una
 pasta gansa, que se esperen al Lunes que sale la PC Actual con la Red Hat por
 695 pelas y que les vas a solucionar el problema de PM. Ese es el problema.

Yo estoy ahora currando en una empresa muy grande, y con un potencial de
crecimiento bestial (literalmente). ¿Problemas en esperar la distribución y
todo ésto, como tú dices? Ninguno.

  Como todo sistema complejo, no siempre es posible hacer las cosas muy 
  amigables, porque no se trata solo de hacer un programita con unos menus 
  o unas casillas de seleccion, se trata de saber lo que se hace.
  Realmente lo que hace a un sistema amigable es una buena documentacion,
  y linux tiene una de las mejores.
 La gente que no viene de mundillos Unix, aunque trabajen en esto, tienen
 muchos problemas para tener Linux... incluso con la documentación existente.

Gracias al Proyecto LuCAs, y a la gran cantidad de libros sobre Linux en
castellano de que podemos disfrutar hoy día, se puede decir que ésto es cosa
del pasado. Te lo digo por mi experiencia evangelizadora.

 Creo que Linux es una gran solución para muchas cosas, vamos creo que para
 cualquier cosa, pero también creo que la gente no está por quebrarse mucho la
 cabeza pensando en el OS con el que trabaja. Los usuarios no les importa que
 las cosas peten y vayan como van.

Qué quieres que te diga... Yo ya he puesto pc's en los que hay StarOffice o
WordPerfect8, según las necesidades del puesto, y bajo entorno X; en lugar
de un NT sirviendo espacio en disco para guardar los trabajos, y sirviendo
aplicaciones el Samba, y ahora empezaré a portar las bases de datos que
tenemos en Oracle 7.x bajo SCO a Linux (Debian, of course), incluido el oracle;
¿qué es lo que ocurre con la peña de la empresa? Pues sólo que los de la
empresa, sean del dpto. que sean, flipan más que un marranillo en un charco
de barro con las posibilidades de Linux... Y ésto es sólo el comienzo.

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

RE: fuente por defecto en las X

1999-03-07 Thread Jon Noble
Gracias, justo lo que andaba buscando, ahora veo las cosas mucho mejor... :)

Un saludo


He encontrado este mensaje, creo que precisamente es lo que tu estás
For those of you out there who are sick of retching at ugly fonts or
squinting through a magnifying glass at tiny fonts, I've created the
XFree86 Font Deuglification Mini HOW-TO.
The URL is

Re: fuente por defecto en las X

1999-03-07 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
Por si alguien es un poco vago para mirar el HOWTO de como cambiar el
tamaño de las fuentes en XWindow, pues la solución más básica es la
de, editar el fichero de XF86Config y poner el directorio de las
fuentes de 100dpi antes que las fuentes de 75dpi:

Section Files
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/freefont
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi
   FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi

Con esto tan sencillo hará que las fuentes por defecto en XWindows
serán más grandes (de 100dpi). 

Para el que le guste eso. Yo que trabajo en 1024x740 con la fuente de
75dpi, y me parece bien. Con la otra me parece que vuelves a la época
de la VGA. Demasiado grandes las fuentes.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

bug: kernel timer added twice at c0187234

1999-03-07 Thread botto
Bueno, hace poco cambie al kernel 2.2.2 y cuando monto el dispositivo scdX
me sale ese mensaje:

ppmaria:/etc/X11# mount /dev/scd0
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr1 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
bug: kernel timer added twice at c0187234.

y la consola en cuestion se bloquea y no responde.
Esto no pasa siempre, de echo, solo me ha pasado dos veces pero mosquea un
poco. Despues en otra consola lo intento de nuevo y...

ppmaria:~# mount /dev/scd0
mount: /dev/scd0 has wrong major or minor number

Alguna idea?

Bueno mi sistema es un P166 128Mb y debian hamm con algo de slink (no
recuerdo que paquetes)

Gracias a Vicente Barba y a los demas que me han respondido con el tema
del enlace via radio. Si alguno lo ha probado me gustaria que me lo
contara mas detenidamente (fuera de la lista para no incordiar).

Re: Problemas montando la disquetera.

1999-03-07 Thread Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez
SP, do  7 mar 19:00:51 1999

   pues resulata  que tengo  problemas para escribir  montando la
   disquetera como  usuario normal. En  el `/etc/fstab'  tengo la
   /dev/fd0  /alnx   ext2rw,noauto,user  0   0
   el disco que montas y no en el directorio, ¿ me equivoco ?
  En  ninguno,  los  permisos  son  determinados  apartir  del
  dispositivo y de las opciones de montado.(/dev/fd0).
  En /etc/fstab tengo.
  /dev/fd0 /floppy/a   auto   defaults,noauto,user,check=s,noexec  0  2
  Ademas hay tener  en cuenta que el usuario  hernan esta en
  el grupo floppy.
 Gracias  Hernan  por tu  respuesta,  que,  off course,  genera
 -  El `auto'  en lugar  de `ext2'  imagino que  permite montar
 lo-que-sea que tenga en la disquetera, ¿no? (chachi)
Efectivamente, la idea era para usarlos con los vfat y los FAT(msdos), si bien 
que me reconoce msdos y no vfat, creo que porque primero prueba vfat antes que 

 Aunque he hecho un par de pruebas, y me funciona con disquetes
 `ext2' pero no con disquetes `msdos', :-(, me dice:
 mount: you must specify the filesystem type
Extraño, pues a mi me funciona a la perfeccion. Pueda ser que el núcleo no 
el soporte este tipo de formato, para saber si este oporte esta o no disponible 
en el archivo /proc/filesystem deve aparecer una linea diciendo msdos.

 - El último `2' en lugar de `0', ¿ que cambia ?

Es un error de configuracion mio, no me percate de eso (hace tiempo que 
modifique y por lo visto me equivoque en ese punto), dejalo en zero.
 - El `check' me truncará nombres largos en cualquier caso ?
Este punto no entendi, que quieres decir con check. Si el formato es ext2 no 
deve haver ningun truncamiento del nombre del arquivo (para nombres menores de 
26 caracteres). Truncamiento puede existir cuando montas un formato vfat como 

 Bueno, de momento lo modifico así:
 /dev/fd0   /alnx   auto   defaults,noauto,user,noexec 0  0
Me parece bien.

 Un saludo.
Espero haber sido claro.


   Hernán J Cervantes Rodríguez
   Instituto de Física da USP
   e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   homepage :

Re: Problemas montando la disquetera.

1999-03-07 Thread Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez
SP, do  7 mar 19:00:51 1999

   pues resulata  que tengo  problemas para escribir  montando la
   disquetera como  usuario normal. En  el `/etc/fstab'  tengo la
   /dev/fd0  /alnx   ext2rw,noauto,user  0   0
   el disco que montas y no en el directorio, ¿ me equivoco ?
  En  ninguno,  los  permisos  son  determinados  apartir  del
  dispositivo y de las opciones de montado.(/dev/fd0).
  En /etc/fstab tengo.
  /dev/fd0 /floppy/a   auto   defaults,noauto,user,check=s,noexec  0  2
  Ademas hay tener  en cuenta que el usuario  hernan esta en
  el grupo floppy.
 Gracias  Hernan  por tu  respuesta,  que,  off course,  genera
 -  El `auto'  en lugar  de `ext2'  imagino que  permite montar
 lo-que-sea que tenga en la disquetera, ¿no? (chachi)
Efectivamente, la idea era para usarlos con los vfat y los FAT(msdos), si bien 
que me reconoce msdos y no vfat, creo que porque primero prueba vfat antes que 

 Aunque he hecho un par de pruebas, y me funciona con disquetes
 `ext2' pero no con disquetes `msdos', :-(, me dice:
 mount: you must specify the filesystem type
Extraño, pues a mi me funciona a la perfeccion. Pueda ser que el núcleo no 
el soporte este tipo de formato, para saber si este oporte esta o no disponible 
en el archivo /proc/filesystem deve aparecer una linea diciendo msdos.

 - El último `2' en lugar de `0', ¿ que cambia ?

Es un error de configuracion mio, no me percate de eso (hace tiempo que 
modifique y por lo visto me equivoque en ese punto), dejalo en zero.
 - El `check' me truncará nombres largos en cualquier caso ?
Este punto no entendi, que quieres decir con check. Si el formato es ext2 no 
deve haver ningun truncamiento del nombre del arquivo (para nombres menores de 
26 caracteres). Truncamiento puede existir cuando montas un formato vfat como 

 Bueno, de momento lo modifico así:
 /dev/fd0   /alnx   auto   defaults,noauto,user,noexec 0  0
Me parece bien.

 Un saludo.
Espero haber sido claro.


   Hernán J Cervantes Rodríguez
   Instituto de Física da USP
   e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   homepage :

Problemas con mailx

1999-03-07 Thread Jon Noble
Hola, una vez más recurro a vosotros Estoy probando mailx, enviando
mensajes entre usuarios pero no me va. Si desde un usuario, por ejemplo
'jon', hago mail root, aparentemente todo va bien, pero 'root' ni se entera,
no le llega nada. Para ver si veo algo más, utilizo la opción -v (verbose) y

  $ mail -v root
  Subject: prueba
  mensaje de prueba
  write_log:Received FROM:jon PROGRAM:send-mail SIZE:103
  director smart_user: matched root, aliased to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  directed root@(no-parent-target) -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  write_log:no valid recipients were found for this message
  write_log:Failed TO:[EMAIL PROTECTED] DIRECTOR:smart_user
ERROR:(ERR100) unknown user
  write_log:Returned error FOR:[EMAIL PROTECTED] TO:jon

Esto ya parece indicar algoparece que es un problema de
recipientes...¿dónde puedo configurar eso?

Gracias y un saludo,

Re: Concatenar al final de un fichero

1999-03-07 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 06 de marzo de 1999 a la(s) 10:14:56 +0100, Antonio Castro contaba:

 Probando mutt. De momento, se porta bien  :-)

Vuelvo a la primera sesión donde less lo tiene atrapado y hago
Ctrl-G. Less se queda un ratito leyendo ese fichero que ahora mismo 
está en el limbo para calcular el numero de total de lineas obteniendo 
la cifra correta de lineas que ya he mencionado.

 Cómo mola  :-)

Bueno cuando empieze a leer el file5bytes ya tiene 400 pero cuando lea los
400 le quedará otros 400 y asi siempre.

 Hice una pruebecita ahora. Por lo visto, bash 2.01.1(1) detecta
 que los archivos de entrada y salida son el mismo.

$ yes  yes

$ yes  no

$ ls -l
total 1850
-rw-r--r--   1 fserrano casita1011712 mar  7 20:38 no
-rw-r--r--   1 fserrano casita 872448 mar  7 20:38 yes
$ cat no yes  yes
cat: yes: los archivos de entrada y salida son el mismo
$ ls -l
total 1991
-rw-r--r--   1 fserrano casita1011712 mar  7 20:38 no
-rw-r--r--   1 fserrano casita1011712 mar  7 20:38 yes
$ cat no yes  yes
cat: yes: los archivos de entrada y salida son el mismo
$ ls -l
total 2978
-rw-r--r--   1 fserrano casita1011712 mar  7 20:38 no
-rw-r--r--   1 fserrano casita2023424 mar  7 20:39 yes

Los programas 
normales terminan porque lo normal es cerrar cuando encuentras el fin
del fichero pero si llegas al final y no cierras puedes seguir leyendo
cuando alguien añada informacion al fichero.


El servidor de NT se ha ido a tomar por c***. (Dakota)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
PGP Public key at

Re: Netscape y rendimiento

1999-03-07 Thread Hue-Bond
El domingo 07 de marzo de 1999 a la(s) 10:26:36 +0100, Antonio Castro contaba:

Mientras tanto no se me pasa por la cabeza que llegado al punto de que el 
sistema este degradado y sabiendo que esta es la causa no hagais otra cosa 
que 'killall netscape' es lo más rápido y ensas situaciones eso se agradece.

 Estaría de acuerdo  si previamente se avisa a  los usuarios (si
 los recursos del sistema lo permiten ;-)).

La solución buena de verdad es contactar con más gente afectada por este
problema y entre todos meterle mano a los fuentes de netscape

 Exactamente, pero no hay tantos programadores como usuarios.

El servidor de NT se ha ido a tomar por c***. (Dakota)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
PGP Public key at

Re: Debian 2.1

1999-03-07 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 05 de marzo de 1999 a la(s) 08:34:01 +0100, Sergio Rael Gutierrez 
El jueves 04 de marzo, Hue-Bond escribió:

 # locale

Me parece que repetir eso en cada locale es redundante.

 Yo sólo tengo LANG en los scripts de inicio. Por algún sitio he
 leído que  el resto de  variables, si  están sin asignar,  cogen el
 valor de LANG. Así que no me preocupa.

Y el dpkg tampoco me ha fallado nunca (lo uso muy a menudo) y me «habla» en
francés, bastante bien por cierto :-)

 Ah, pues tengo que probar en italiano  :-)'

El servidor de NT se ha ido a tomar por c***. (Dakota)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
PGP Public key at

Re: Kernel 2.2.1: últimos pasos de instalación

1999-03-07 Thread Hue-Bond
El domingo 07 de marzo de 1999 a la(s) 06:38:43 +, Miquel Escarrà contaba:

- en el directorio /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot aparece un fichero zImage con 
penas 3000 bytes

 Uy, yo  creo que  el kernel  compiló mal.  Vuelve a  hacer make
 bzImage y  fíjate en los  mesajes del final,  si hay algún  error o
 algo así.

El servidor de NT se ha ido a tomar por c***. (Dakota)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
PGP Public key at

Re: Problemas montando la disquetera.

1999-03-07 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 05 de marzo de 1999 a la(s) 13:56:37 +0100, Cosme Perea Cuevas 

Pero...  ahora que  me doy  cuenta, las  fechas son  totalente
diferentes... lo que me hace  pensar que los permisos están en
el disco que montas y no en el directorio, ¿ me equivoco ?

 Me pasó  algo parecido cuando  reparticioné el disco  duro. Por
 error olvidé ponerle permisos 1777 a  /tmp y me fallaba por ejemplo
 el  pine al  mandar  un  mensaje, y  el  slrn  también. Cambié  los
 permisos del directorio  /tmp sin estar la  partición montada, pero
 al  montarla volvieron  a  ser  755. Los  cambié  con la  partición
 montada y ahora  ya se quedan. Por tanto, la  conclusión es que los
 permisos se  guardan, en tu  caso, dentro del  disquete. Formatéalo
 como quieras, móntalo y cámbiale los permisos.

 ¿Así con todos los disquetes?  Me temo que sí.

El servidor de NT se ha ido a tomar por c***. (Dakota)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
PGP Public key at

Re: Registro como usuario de Debian

1999-03-07 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 06 de marzo de 1999 a la(s) 16:56:33 +0100, Andres Seco Hernandez 

En muchas firmas de mensajes estoy viendo eso de usuario debian registrado
numero tal.

 Querrás decir Usuario de Linux.

¿Donde se registra uno en esto? He estado viendo hace poco
y no he visto nada de esto.

 Mira en

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

El servidor de NT se ha ido a tomar por c***. (Dakota)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
PGP Public key at

Re: Color Depth [was: X Font Problem]

1999-03-07 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sat, Mar 06, 1999 at 05:05:02PM -0500, Brian Clark wrote:
 //:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X vt10 -bpp 16

I'm a latecomer to this thread, but I should point out that the
/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers file itself points this out, as does the startx
manpage, and /usr/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.

I've been trying to improve X documentation a little.  (My remarks here
apply to slink X, not hamm X).

G. Branden Robinson  |   To be is to do   -- Plato
Debian GNU/Linux |   To do is to be   -- Aristotle
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Do be do be do   -- Sinatra |

Description: PGP signature

Communicator 4.5 libc6 version

1999-03-07 Thread Curt Daugaard
Does anyone know how in the dense thicket of the Netscape site I can
locate a libc6 version of Communicator 4.5 (128 or 168 bit)?

As always, any help much appreciated.

Curt Daugaard

Re: Display full package names

1999-03-07 Thread Ed Cogburn
Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
 -David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have libc6 installed, but when I use dpkg -l
  I see this
  ii  libc6 GNU C Library: shared libraries
  with the -6 at the end truncated.
  How can I list the full package name?
 dpkg -s libc6 | grep ^Version:

This will just get you the version number of the package. The
poster was asking how to get the full name of the package.  The
short answer is you can't.  Its been assumed that everyone will
understand that the fullname = 'basename' + '_' + 'version'. 
However, even knowing this can't help in some situations, because
of truncation in the dpkg -l display.  The basename of the package
and the column for the version number are both restricted to 15
chars, so either, or both, can end up truncated.
The only place AFAIK where you can see the full, non-truncated
basename and version is in dselect's selection display by toggling
the bottom display to the 'info' mode with the 'i' key.

Ed C.

Re: Communicator 4.5 libc6 version

1999-03-07 Thread Bob Nielsen


On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Curt Daugaard wrote:

 Does anyone know how in the dense thicket of the Netscape site I can
 locate a libc6 version of Communicator 4.5 (128 or 168 bit)?
 As always, any help much appreciated.

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Communicator 4.5 libc6 version

1999-03-07 Thread Ed Cogburn
Curt Daugaard wrote:
 Does anyone know how in the dense thicket of the Netscape site I can
 locate a libc6 version of Communicator 4.5 (128 or 168 bit)?
 As always, any help much appreciated.

Bob has told you where the file is, however the Netscape versions
from have only 40bit security.  Take a look at ( for a program that can convert these
binaries to 128 bit encryption.

Ed C.

lesstifg and dynamic communicator

1999-03-07 Thread Anatol Quabach
Did anybody succeed in getting the dynamic communicator 4.5 deb to work with 
lesstifg? Or am I getting something wrong here?

Re: LinuxDos assmebler

1999-03-07 Thread mike shupp
On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Alexander Gutfraind wrote:
 Hello fellows!
 I was thinking about learning assembler, but there is a
 I heard about DOS interrupts, which I guess work only in
 Which I guess means that if I buy a book about x86
 and it speak a lot about that interrupt things,
 I have a fair chance it wouldn't work in Linux, is that
 Maybe in that case, there are Linux x86 assembler books?

An assembler is supplied as part of the GNU C compiler (gcc and
g77, the fortran compiler, both provide output which is assembled
by it, rather than going directly from source code to machine 
language).  You might also look at NASM, version 0.97, which is
part of the distribution.

   Mike Shupp
   California State University, Northridge
   Graduate Student, Dept. of Anthropology

Re: LinuxDos assmebler

1999-03-07 Thread Ed Cogburn
mike shupp wrote:
 On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Alexander Gutfraind wrote:
  Hello fellows!
  I was thinking about learning assembler, but there is a problem.
  I heard about DOS interrupts, which I guess work only in DOS.
  Which I guess means that if I buy a book about x86 assembler,
  and it speak a lot about that interrupt things,
  I have a fair chance it wouldn't work in Linux, is that right?
  Maybe in that case, there are Linux x86 assembler books?
 An assembler is supplied as part of the GNU C compiler (gcc and
 g77, the fortran compiler, both provide output which is assembled
 by it, rather than going directly from source code to machine
 language).  You might also look at NASM, version 0.97, which is
 part of the distribution.

If coming from the DOS/Win world, *definitely* look at NASM. 
When you've got it installed, read the docs in '/usr/doc/nasm/'.

Ed C.

Re: Re: Kernel Image

1999-03-07 Thread Doug Dine
At 3/6/99 5:42:00 PM, you wrote:

Did the compilation end without errors?
Did you 'make zImage' or 'make bzImage'?

Yes, I did make zImage and there were no

Try 'find / zImage | grep zImage' to find it, also.

I will do this. Thanks.

Doug Dine


NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
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Re: Re: Kernel Image

1999-03-07 Thread Doug Dine
At 3/6/99 4:55:00 PM, you wrote:

Did you use kernel-package?  In that case the kernel image will be in a
..deb package in /usr/src (assuming that the kernel source is in
/usr/src/linux).  You will need to install the package with dpkg.

Yes, I used the kernel-package. 

Doug Dine


NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Bus error

1999-03-07 Thread Tommy
If  programs crash with a  bus error is that entirely a hardware
issue?  I believe it is, but I just want to be sure.  Thanks

Re: Re: Kernel Image

1999-03-07 Thread Doug Dine
At 3/6/99 6:46:00 PM, you wrote:

Something went wrong... read the output from the compiler and it should 
say what happened. Perhaps it called a utility you don't have, or tried
to use a feature of something that is out of date on your system. Read
what the exit message is and then try to fix that and try it again.
Good luck!

Is the output saved somewhere? I didn't see any error messages
while I was doing it.

Doug Dine


NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: Re: Kernel Image

1999-03-07 Thread Doug Dine
At 3/6/99 4:55:00 PM, you wrote:

Did you use kernel-package?  In that case the kernel image will be in a
..deb package in /usr/src (assuming that the kernel source is in
/usr/src/linux).  You will need to install the package with dpkg.

Yes, I used the kernel-package. 

Doug Dine


NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: Re: Kernel Image

1999-03-07 Thread Doug Dine
At 3/6/99 5:42:00 PM, you wrote:

Did the compilation end without errors?
Did you 'make zImage' or 'make bzImage'?

Yes, I did make zImage and there were no

Try 'find / zImage | grep zImage' to find it, also.

I will do this. Thanks.

Doug Dine


NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

System boot help needed!!!

1999-03-07 Thread Chris Register
I installed Debian on my PC today.  I installed the S3 X server, and now
every time Debian boots, the screen starts blinking (in text mode) and I
can't do anything.  Is there a way to bypass the automatic X startup (XDM I
think?) when I boot so that I can get logged in and change my default X
server?  I need help desparately!  Please reply to my personal email
address if you can help me.



Re: Vote Linus for Person of the Century

1999-03-07 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 09:50:30AM -0800, George Bonser wrote:
 Don't even think Linus should BE the person of the century. That honor
 probably goes to Thomas Edison. We owe our current culture and style of
 living to that guy. His experiments with his lightbulb led to the
 discovery of the Edison effect which led DeForest to do some more
 experiments which led to the Vacuum Tube which led to the Transistor,
 which lead to the IC Chip.  Not only was Edison's work responsible for
 laying the ground work for radio and television, he also played vital
 roles in bringing motion pictures and recorded music to the public.

Hear, hear.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Is Linux addictive?

1999-03-07 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 01:35:10PM -0500, Matthew Cocker wrote:
 Linux should have to be distributed with a surgeon generals warning
 about the possible addictive nature of Linux.

Not everybody turns in to a junkie, of course. I visit slashdot approximately
twice a year, and have never been to freshmeat.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Bus error

1999-03-07 Thread Alex Romosan
Tommy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If  programs crash with a  bus error is that entirely a hardware
 issue?  I believe it is, but I just want to be sure.  Thanks

no it's not. most of the time it is actually a software issue. it just
means the program was trying to access some garbage in memory (or


| I believe the moment is at hand when, by a paranoiac and active |
|  advance of the mind, it will be possible (simultaneously with  |
|  automatism and other passive states) to systematize confusion  |
|  and thus to help to discredit completely the world of reality. |

Re: netscape

1999-03-07 Thread Ramakrishnan M
On Sat, 6 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I try to start netscape after installing it from a download, I get the
 message, can't load Has anyone had a similar problem and
 found a solution?
   I think it is bacause,your Debian system has libc6 installed whereas
netscape requires libc5.So install libc5 compatibility paclage from your
Debian CD.


Ramakrishnan M
#211 ,Cauvery hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology,Madras,
Chennai-600 036, INDIA

 Software is like sex;It's better when it's free 
   -Linus Torvalds

Custom headers -- outgoing email

1999-03-07 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hi all

I need to set some custom headers in my outgoing mail; however, it
appears the MUA doesn't have final say in this matter; the MTA does some
tinkering of its own in this field.
I'm running mutt, and am using the exim MTA. Here are the relevant
headers from most of my mails:

From: Aaron Van Couwenberghe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have mutt set up to include ~/.muttrc-local for each user. My
.muttrc-local has (among other things) the following commands:

set hdrs
my_hdr From: Aaron Van Couwenberghe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
my_hdr Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now, where is the Sender: header being replaced? Does the MTA override this
setting? If so, how can one get a mail system useful for a single,
periodically connected account?

I ask this because some MDA's reject mails with inappropriate Sender
envelopes. IE my mails to certain private individuals bounce predictably.

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux:

...Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing...
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Re: Kernel Image

1999-03-07 Thread Doug Dine
At 3/6/99 7:15:00 PM, you wrote:

The last line should give the exit status, which is 1 or 2 if there is an 
or 0 if there is no error. This is the last line of the text after all the
other stuff scrolls past. There might be a log of compiler error messages
somewhere in /var (?) but I don't think so. Maybe try
$ find / -iname *zImage*
Or try doing the whole thing again. If you do that, make a copy of 
/usr/src/linux/.config because it will get deleted by make mrproper.
Good luck! Sound is really cool on a Linux machine, especially mp3's. 
Rock on!

Sound is al I need now to have a complete setup. I will do the whole
thing again and see what happens. I am following the directions from
the Debian Linux Users Manual.


Doug Dine


NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: Debian-Red Hat- yadda yadda yadda

1999-03-07 Thread Mark Yobb
Well thought out.  Bravo!

Re: Debian-Red Hat- yadda yadda yadda

1999-03-07 Thread Mark Yobb
Well thought out.  Bravo!

Encoding for EUC on xfstt?

1999-03-07 Thread Jinsong Zhao
I was trying to figure out how to remap the encoding of some Chinese
TTF fonts in xfstt. The name of the encoding should be either
gb2312.1980 or EUC (as used in CJK, the latex package).

Maybe the supported encoding (as printed by xfstt) listed below cover
what I need? Thanks!


iso8859-1  windows-1250   cp-855 symbol-0   
iso8859-2  windows-1252   cp-857 wingding-0 
iso8859-3  windows-1253   cp-860 atari-st   
iso8859-4  windows-1254   cp-861 unicode-2  
iso8859-5  windows-1255   cp-862 windows-1257   
iso8859-6  windows-1256   cp-863 
iso8859-7  cp-437 cp-864 
iso8859-8  cp-737 cp-865 
iso8859-9  cp-850 cp-866 
koi8-r cp-851 cp-869 
windows-1251   cp-852 cp-895 
iso8859-10 cp-853 wingreek-0 


1999-03-07 Thread Mark Yobb
Can a person repartition an existing linux partition (assuming it is
not full) without losing the information on it?  If so what software
should one use.  I repartitioned my original DOS partition without
losing anything a long time ago but I am quite sure this was a DOS app.



Re: Xemacs Chinese

1999-03-07 Thread Jinsong Zhao

I haven't used xemacs, but FSF Emacs 20.2 has very nice Chinese
support. You need to use set-language-environment to start, and then
use select-input-method to select input method. The info with
Emacs20.2 under international has quite extensive documentation.

They support basic PY and ShuangPing. 



 How do I use the chinese support in Xemacs 20.2?
 What input method do they support?? And how do I turn on this
 support in xemacs??
 Where can I get more info on this??

how to use wheel on Logitech mouse?

1999-03-07 Thread Jinsong Zhao
I bought a set of the Logitech cordless Desktop. It contains a
wireless keyboard and a wireless mouse. The mouse has two buttons and
a wheel in the middle. According to the user manual, the wheel may
serve as the third button (in Windows), although the main purpose is
for Windows Scroll.

I set the ChordMiddle in XF86Config. Then run xev to see the
effects. Push the wheel yields no event. 

The only option for me now is to use the emulate. But it is awkard, if
you know what I mean.

Is there any setup for X to recognize the wheel as the third button?


Re: Repartition

1999-03-07 Thread homega
Mark Yobb dixit:
 Can a person repartition an existing linux partition (assuming it is
 not full) without losing the information on it?  If so what software
 should one use.  I repartitioned my original DOS partition without
 losing anything a long time ago but I am quite sure this was a DOS app.

You could copy the entire Linux partition to another partition or disk, and
then repartitioning and moving the OS back to the partition.

I once did it by copying the directories to several iomega zip disks, and
then restored them.  It's quite easy, but you SHOULD use the right commands
and options for copying, or you might lose data.  Let me know if you want to
know how I did it, step by step.



Re: how to use wheel on Logitech mouse?

1999-03-07 Thread etienne grossmann

Subject: Re:  how to use wheel on Logitech mouse?


  here is an extract from :

   Jon Atkins (Rabbid Rabbit) - August 15th 1998, 02:56 EST 

   Imwheel makes the wheel of your Intellimouse (and other wheel mice)
   work in Linux/X11 to scroll windows up and down, or send keys to
   programs. It runs in the background as a daemon and requires little
   reconfiguration of the XWindows se tup.  4 or more button mice and
   Alps Glidepad 'Taps' may als


  Installation is quite straightforward.

  Good luck,


XKEYBOARD - Documentation

1999-03-07 Thread Hartmut Schmude
I'm trying to get my very personal keyboard layout using the
XKEYBOARD - extension of the X-System. Could anyone tell me
where to find appropriate documentation reagrding the file-formats
and keywords etc. of the files located in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xbk/* ?


   Hartmut Schmude


Re: Repartition

1999-03-07 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Mark Yobb wrote:
 Can a person repartition an existing linux partition (assuming it is
 not full) without losing the information on it?  If so what software
 should one use.  I repartitioned my original DOS partition without
 losing anything a long time ago but I am quite sure this was a DOS 

The only software I know of that can resize an ext2 partition/file
system in place is the commerical software package Partition Magic 4.0. 

As Horacio said, it can also be done (if you have room) by just copying
it to another partition that is the size you want. This mini-HOWTO
covers what you need to know to do that from Linux:


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Try Debian GNU/Linux - it's free, it's open source, and it rocks

[Fwd: LI\nLI]

1999-03-07 Thread Alex

I had the same problem as you, and I solved it adding the a line at the 
top of
lilo.conf with the following  word in it:



Mike Wood wrote:

 On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Eric wrote:

  How does one fix the problem of LILO saying:
  when it boots and then just hanging there?  It's a pretty standard
  system, /dev/hda1 is a 4 gig partition and /dev/hda2 is swap.  the
  boot block is being installed.
 I believe that this happens when your boot partition is =1024
 cylinders.  I know this is a throwback to the old dos days, and has
 something to do with compatability (or lackof in a BIOS).  Use LBA mode
 for your hardrive and make sure the boot partition is =1023 cylinders.

 Mike Wood

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Long filenames on cdr

1999-03-07 Thread Sami Dalouche
With mkisofs, you can use -r to have long filenames under linux  -J to have
long filename under Windoze.
-r -J - long filenames under Linux + Windoze !!
On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 02:00:15PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] called Bernhard 
Dobbels wrote a 0.4K and a 16 line message : Long filenames on cdr To Debian 
User List :

 I've tried the joliet extention, but aparently, when i mount the cdimage,
 the filenames are cutoff at 32 characters. 
 Any ideas?
 Bernhard Dobbels  Student Electronic Engineer 
   option Automation and Computersystems.
 ICQ: 25783372
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 That's all Bernhard Dobbels's message : Long filenames on cdr. Just 16 lines 

 // -oOo- -oOo ---oOo--\\
| Sami Dalouche  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | AIM : linhax|
| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ : 25529539  |
 \\ -oOo- -oOo ---oOo--//

Re: how to use wheel on Logitech mouse?

1999-03-07 Thread servis
Also take a look at:

*- On  7 Mar, etienne grossmann wrote about Re:  how to use wheel on Logitech 
 Subject: Re:  how to use wheel on Logitech mouse?
   here is an extract from :
Jon Atkins (Rabbid Rabbit) - August 15th 1998, 02:56 EST 
Imwheel makes the wheel of your Intellimouse (and other wheel mice)
work in Linux/X11 to scroll windows up and down, or send keys to
programs. It runs in the background as a daemon and requires little
reconfiguration of the XWindows se tup.  4 or more button mice and
Alps Glidepad 'Taps' may als
   Installation is quite straightforward.
   Good luck,

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Exim Send test

1999-03-07 Thread Wayne Topa

Sorry to bother the list.  Testing if I can send mail with exim, yet!

Man is the best computer we can put aboard a spacecraft ... and the
only one that can be mass produced with unskilled labor.
-- Wernher von Braun

Re: Vote Linus for Person of the Century

1999-03-07 Thread Frankie
George Bonser wrote:
 On Fri, 5 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  just did, but is this list not moderated, Jesus Christ is so far I now,
  from a different century and he is on top?
 Don't even think Linus should BE the person of the century. That honor
 probably goes to Thomas Edison. We owe our current culture and style of
 living to that guy. His experiments with his lightbulb led to the
 discovery of the Edison effect which led DeForest to do some more
 experiments which led to the Vacuum Tube which led to the Transistor,
 which lead to the IC Chip.  Not only was Edison's work responsible for
 laying the ground work for radio and television, he also played vital
 roles in bringing motion pictures and recorded music to the public.

True. I agree with you about electricity. It has made a HUGE impact on
our lives. So, I nominate gallileo, because (if I'm wrong, subsitute
some ridiculously ancient bod that experimented with electricity) he
messed about with electricity and frogs legs. This directly led to
further experimentation by a variety of scientists, (including Edison)
which ultimately led to a complete change in our [the western world's]

Oh OK, it was for this century. yes, it has to be Edison - he is the
earliest well known and significant (and american) electricity
experimenter in this century. Best choose him. Not the first, but the
first you could think of.

(no offence intended)

 Linus Torvalds is probablt important but nowhere near THE most important.
 Lets try to keep some perspective.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is
for dandruff.

--Peter de Vries - Drum'n'Bass music, samples and

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Communicator 4.5 libc6 version

1999-03-07 Thread servis
*- On  6 Mar, Curt Daugaard wrote about Communicator 4.5 libc6 version
 Does anyone know how in the dense thicket of the Netscape site I can
 locate a libc6 version of Communicator 4.5 (128 or 168 bit)?
 As always, any help much appreciated.
 Curt Daugaard

In slink communicator is split into several Debian packages for easy
install. For a full 40bit install with all help, java, etc. you will

netscape-base-4   - base files for all 4* versions
netscape-base-45  - base files for all 45 versions
netscape-java-45  - java support files
communicator-base-45  - base files for comm. 45 version
communicator-smotif-45- statically linked files
communicator-nethelp-45   - help files
communicator-spellchk-45  - spell checker

As others have mentiond you can get fortify to make it 128bit, which you
can find at your favorite Debian non-US mirror.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: potato -heyho! message?

1999-03-07 Thread Stuart Miles
On 5 March 1999 at 16:43, Anthony Mulcahy wrote:
I upgraded from hamm to potato yesterday without any trouble, however after
the upgrade was completed, I noticed a strange problem.

I had several Eterms open when the message heyho! (followed by a newline
character) started to be repeatedly printed on one of them. The keyboard did
not seem to have any effect (even CTRL-C) and the only way to stop the
message from being repeated was to close the Eterm window.

Are you running Enlightenment by any chance, I had this a couple of days ago 
and I think it was esd (Esound) that choked


Re: Custom headers -- outgoing email

1999-03-07 Thread Frozen Rose

Aaron Van Couwenberghe  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Aaron Van Couwenberghe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have mutt set up to include ~/.muttrc-local for each user. My
.muttrc-local has (among other things) the following commands:

set hdrs
my_hdr From: Aaron Van Couwenberghe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
my_hdr Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now, where is the Sender: header being replaced? Does the MTA override this
setting? If so, how can one get a mail system useful for a single,
periodically connected account?

I just used the standard eximconfig script to set up exim for my
Demon account...

Yes, Exim will normally write a Sender: header, (although I didn't
think it did if one was supplied... hmmm...)

Your mutt configuration looks right, and I assume you've checked it by
doing edit-headers from the message send screen.

Check your qualify_domain setting in /etc/exim.conf for the @localhost
thing appearing, which I think is dead wrong.

As for the local_part of sender: well, Exim is technically right about
this, if your account on your Debian box is called aaron.

However, if you must change the outgoing sender lines, try adding this
line to your rewrite configuration:


Which will change all occurrences of [EMAIL PROTECTED] to

You can also use the rewrite rules to rewrite @localhost if you can't
get rid of it, although you should be able to.

/usr/sbin/exim -brw addr will test the rewriting rules (exim -brw
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for example)


Steve HaslamValidation Engineer, ARM Limited, Cambridge, England
I am the first and the last I claim this land
I am the lost and the hungry I need this land [covenant]

Re: Communicator 4.5 libc6 version

1999-03-07 Thread Greg Starkes
On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Curt Daugaard wrote:

 Does anyone know how in the dense thicket of the Netscape site I can
 locate a libc6 version of Communicator 4.5 (128 or 168 bit)?

It's under the unsupported unix section, so you can get the 128-bit from
their web site. The supported one is libc5, as you probably already know.

Visit my WindowMaker page at

You can twist perceptions, reality won't budge.
-Neil Peart, Rush, Show Don't Tell


1999-03-07 Thread Michael Montz
Hello All,

I've installed netscape from frozen and for the most part is works
fine.  Except when I try to access help or Netscape,s home page.

What happens is the page will start to load, then a new Netscape window
will open showing my home page.

I've completely deleted Netscape from my system, including .netscape
from home directory and reinstalled.  The problem persists.

Any suggestions?

Michael Montz


1999-03-07 Thread Harold G. Stevenson

my printer has suddenly stopped working. i have absolutely no idea how or was working one minute and then it wasn'tmy wife running
95 prints to the same printer, and the same thing has happened there also.

i'm running debian 2.0.34 on a 233mhz intel pentium with 64meg ram
the printer is an epson styllus collor-400

this is what i get as a result of lpd and lpq

[zorro ttyp2 169 /home/zorro]
- lpd
lpd: Fatal error - Another print spooler is using TCP printer port
[zorro ttyp2 169 /home/zorro]  


[zorro ttyp2 169 /home/zorro]   
- lpq
Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'Generic dot-matrix printer entry'
 Queue: 13 printable jobs
 Server: pid 22815 active
 Unspooler: pid 22816 active
 Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Device or resource busy', attempt 34,
g 20 at 10:34:02
 Filter_status: lp is ready and printing
 Rank   Owner/ID   Class Job  Files   Size
stalled(1641sec) [EMAIL PROTECTED] A  179 (stdin)   107018
error   [EMAIL PROTECTED] A  235 ERROR: aborting operations
on job 
error   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   A  171 ERROR: aborting operations
on job 
error   [EMAIL PROTECTED]A  223 ERROR: aborting operations
on job 
error   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   A  172 ERROR: IO error 'Success'
error   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  A  173 ERROR: IO error 'Success'
error   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  A  174 ERROR: IO error 'Success'
error   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  A  175 ERROR: IO error 'Success'
error   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  A  176 ERROR: IO error 'Success'
error   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  A  177 ERROR: IO error 'Success'
error   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  A  178 ERROR: IO error 'Success'
error   [EMAIL PROTECTED] A  508 ERROR: IO error 'Success'
error   [EMAIL PROTECTED]A  294 ERROR: IO error 'Success'
[zorro ttyp2 169 /home/zorro] 

thank you in advance! any help at all will be appreciated. thank you...

from tucson-:))


X, new video card, and servers.

1999-03-07 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer

I recently bought a new 2D/3D video card based on the 3DLabs chipset, and
the serverlist tells me to use the XF86_3DLabs server.
This isn't included in the debian distrobution.  I'm not sure if that
server is only for 3.3.3 and I'm not quite sure how to find out.

My question is a) is it for 3.3.3 only and if so, are there any 3.3.3
debs?  If not, are there docs on compiling my own X server and inserting
it into debian's list?  I would want to remove my old xserver-mach64, but
AFAIK dpkg would complain about dependencies.

Just a few frantic questions before the card makes it to my door.  Thanks
a lot!



1999-03-07 Thread Harold G. Stevenson
some additional info on the epson printer problem is that i looked in my
/dev/port and found a page and a half of:

some additional info on the epson printer problem is that i looked in my
/dev/port and found a page and a half of this, and i have no idea what it 
is. it scares me:

ESC[?1048hESC[?1047hESC[1;41rESC[1;1HESC[HESC[2JESC[7m   UW PICO(tm) 2.9
ESC[?1048hESC[?1047hESC[1;41rESC[1;1HESC[HESC[2JESC[7m   UW PICO(tm) 2.9
New Buffer
;1HESC[KESC[40;1HESC[7m^ESC[27mESC[7mGESC[27m Get Help
27m WriteOut  ESC[7m^ESC[27mESC[7mRESC[27m Read File
 Prev Pg   ESC[7m^ESC[27mESC[7mKESC[27m Cut Text
ESC[7m^ESC[27mESC[7mCESC[27m Cu
r Pos   ESC[KESC[41;1HESC[7m^ESC[27mESC[7mXESC[27m Exit
JESC[27m Justify   ESC[7m^ESC[27mESC[7mWESC[27m Where is
ESC[27m Next Pg   ESC[7m^ESC[27mESC[7mUESC[27m UnCut
[27m To Spell  ESC[KESC[3;1HESC[39;1HESC[KESC[39;33HESC[7m[ Reading file
ESC[39;1HESC[KESC[39;30HESC[7m[ File has long line
0HESC[7m[ File has long line ]ESC[27mESC[39;1HESC[KESC[39;30HESC[7m[ File
has lon
g line ]ESC[27mESC[39;1HESC[KESC[39;30HESC[7m[ File has long line
1HESC[KESC[39;30HESC[7m[ File has long line
m[ File has long line ]ESC[27mESC[39;1HESC[KESC[39;30HESC[7m[ File has
long line 
]ESC[27mESC[39;1HESC[KESC[39;30HESC[7m[ File has long line
ESC[39;30HESC[7m[ File has long line
]ESC[27mESC[39;1HESC[KESC[39;30HESC[7m[ File
 has long line ]ESC[27mESC[39;1HESC[KESC[39;30HESC[7m[ File has long line
mESC[39;1HESC[KESC[39;30HESC[7m[ File has long line

this is what i get if i use less..





from tucson-:))


Re: Re: Repartition

1999-03-07 Thread Mark Yobb
A rough step by step would help me out a whole bunch.  Thanks


Re: Re: Kernel Image

1999-03-07 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Doug Dine wrote:

 At 3/6/99 4:55:00 PM, you wrote:
 Did you use kernel-package?  In that case the kernel image will be in a
 ..deb package in /usr/src (assuming that the kernel source is in
 /usr/src/linux).  You will need to install the package with dpkg.
 Yes, I used the kernel-package. 

Did you install the kernel-image-...deb file  (in the directory above the
one with the source code) using dpkg?


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux won't work with RAM 64 MB

1999-03-07 Thread Werner Reisberger
I tried to install Debian 2.0r4 without success wasting many hours. Two 
questions on this list also didn't help. Finally I discovered that Linux
won't boot if there is more than 64 MB RAM installed (I used 128).

There isn't anything mentioned in the Debian install.txt 
and I am suggesting to incorporate it into the help file as long as kernels
will be included in the distribution which are limited to RAM  64 MB.

There isn't an obvious error message issued and if you don't know about
such a restriction you can spend a lot of time (I created so many boot disks 
as never before).

After the removal of 64 MB RAM the installation proceeds as it should be.
Nevertheless i didn't install Debian since an official CD-Distributor sent
me faulty CD's (the installation hung at the package installation stage). 
Finally I installed a Suse Distribution. I am not happy about this but I 
cannot spent some more days hoping to get working Debian CDs.

Therefore this is my last email on this list.

Werner Reisberger public-key available:  voice: +41 1 3228069
Kreuzwiesen 12  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
CH-8051 Zurich  with get 0xED527449 in the subject 

Re: Linux won't work with RAM 64 MB

1999-03-07 Thread Mark Yobb
You can get Debian to use your 128M of memory by passing a command to
the kernel with your boot loader.  I use lilo and this is what I put in
my /etc/lilo.conf file


I put this right near the top of my lilo.conf file. You would have to
use something like this


there are how to's regarding this topic.  You can do this with LOADLIN
too.  I hope you don't give up on Debian.  Once you get through the
initial bit you end up with a much more stable - robust system.  (Note
that I have use SUSE as well.  It is pretty good but . . . 

Anyway don't forget this is about fun also.  (Someone told me this a
while ago and it helped.) 

I hope this has helped.


Undersanding bootable media

1999-03-07 Thread Marlon Urias
In my quest to understand booting/LILO/MBR's  I've come a cross
a phenomenon I dont understand. Friend of mine (linux guru-ish)
said that to make a linux bootable floppy you had to use a lowlevel
tool like dd as opposed to just copying the files over to the floppy.
But dos floppies boot just fine by making copies of other dos boot disks.
BUT I tried to copy the files from a dos boot disk onto an CDR, and guess
what? It wont boot. Despite the fact that it contains the exact same files
as the floppy. I understand that in order for media to be bootable it's
MBR needs to contain a program to point to the OS, so how does a copied
dos-boot disk work? Thanks, marlon

Re: Linux won't work with RAM 64 MB

1999-03-07 Thread Johan Groth
Werner Reisberger wrote:
 I tried to install Debian 2.0r4 without success wasting many hours. Two
 questions on this list also didn't help. Finally I discovered that Linux
 won't boot if there is more than 64 MB RAM installed (I used 128).

I'm using 128 MB RAM and everything works ok. If you have an older bios
you might need to add append = mem=128M to lilo.conf. Kernel 2.0.36
works ok with 128MB.


Johan Groth [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kupolen Data

Re: Custom headers -- outgoing email

1999-03-07 Thread Mitch Blevins
Frozen Rose wrote:
 Yes, Exim will normally write a Sender: header, (although I didn't
 think it did if one was supplied... hmmm...)

Yes, it will rewrite them to match the actual sender.
See section 44.11 of /usr/doc/exim/oview.txt

 However, if you must change the outgoing sender lines, try adding this
 line to your rewrite configuration:
 Which will change all occurrences of [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
 You can also use the rewrite rules to rewrite @localhost if you can't
 get rid of it, although you should be able to.
 /usr/sbin/exim -brw addr will test the rewriting rules (exim -brw
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] for example)

How do you tie a rewrite rule to a particular route?
The documentation wasn't very clear on this.  It seems that aaron would
want it to only rewrite the sender header going through the smarthost



1999-03-07 Thread Gordon von Miller


I tried to install Debian 2.0.2, and it would not recognize my
cdrom which is a Nec cd-rom drive:260 ATAPI.  Debian
says that it is either a cdrom or a  floppy, probably a floppy.
The  cdrom works in Dos and in a previous version of SuSE.
Any ideas short of buying a new cdrom?



Net-Tamer V 1.10.1  - Test Drive

Re: Undersanding bootable media

1999-03-07 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Marlon Urias wrote:

 In my quest to understand booting/LILO/MBR's  I've come a cross
 a phenomenon I dont understand. Friend of mine (linux guru-ish)
 said that to make a linux bootable floppy you had to use a lowlevel
 tool like dd as opposed to just copying the files over to the floppy.
 But dos floppies boot just fine by making copies of other dos boot disks.
 BUT I tried to copy the files from a dos boot disk onto an CDR, and guess
 what? It wont boot. Despite the fact that it contains the exact same files
 as the floppy. I understand that in order for media to be bootable it's
 MBR needs to contain a program to point to the OS, so how does a copied
 dos-boot disk work?   Thanks, marlon

Long answer:  cp and even the DOS COPY look for a filesystem on the disk
that they are copying from.  Their arguments are files.  The MBR and the
Boot Sector are not files, and as such are not visible when you are
looking at the disk as a filesystem.  When you say that you can copy DOS
disks and they are bootable, I would assume you are using a lowlevel tool
like DISKCOPY. AFAIK this just does the equivalent of a dd into RAM,
pauses for you to change floppies and dd's the image back onto the other
floppy.  In order to make a bootable CD-R, you need to have an image of
a boot floppy (one file) which contains an MBR(maybe) and a boot sector
(I'm not real clear on whether floppies have an MBR or just Hard Disks

Short answer:  There are non-files which are important and I would guess
that you are using a lowlevel tool in DOS without knowing it.  Your friend
is correct when he says you must use a lowlevel tool.



Re: Which are the permitions for /dev/tty?

1999-03-07 Thread Andreas Jellinghaus
mode 666 should be korrekt for /dev/tty 
(it's a kernel redirektor to the real tty of one program. any program should
 be able ro read/write to it. at least this is how i understand stevens, unix
 network programming (volume 1), page 36.

i strongly recommend to drop group sys at all : it's of no use.
(only device files are owned by it - group root would suite better, 
 since there are no setgid sys applications, and allowing read/write
 is as good or bad as gigving someone your root password. at least you
 can crash X via group sys (mouse devices), in some cases the whole machine,
 you have access to isdn and to all tty* and pty* devices. so sniffing other 
 peoples telnet/whatever connections is possible via this).

sure, group sys doesn't hurt. unless you forget somewhere to block access to
it. for example nfsd only protects root.root by default. it doesn't know
group sys...

Will Internet-SPAM be legalized in Europe on March, 29th? Prohibit that at
Wird Internet-SPAM am 29. März in Europa legalisiert? Verhindern Sie es unter

Deine Stimme gegen SPAM! - Votez contre le SPAM! - Vote against SPAM!

Re: X, new video card, and servers.

1999-03-07 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Gregory T. Norris wrote:

Thanks very much.  I was actually kind of hoping for an RTFM answer too so
that I could find this stuff out in the future without posting
questions to the list that I could probably find out by reading some
manual. the XFree howto doesn't have specific info on 3.3.2 vs 3.3.3,
and I find the site difficult to navigate.

the /etc/X11/Xserver tip is exactly what I needed, thanks a million!

I've banged my head on aliening RPMs before, do Xservers typically alien

When you say that it's a server, I assume this means it won't work
with 3.3.2, and I've heard that compiling xfree is a pain (though haven't
tried it).  Is there an experimental version somewhere (I've looked in
/debian/project/experimental -- is there another repository of
experimental packages?)

Thanks again for your help.


 It is indeed a server.  Essentially, you can just download the
 pre-compiled binary from your favorite XFree86 mirror-site, and extract
 it under /usr/local somewhere.  Then edit the first line of
 /etc/X11/Xserver to specify the new server.  Of course, once has
 been packaged (probably won't be much longer, now that slink is [again]
 almost out the door), you won't need to worry about all of the above.
 If you'd prefer, I can send you a .deb package for that server which was
 converted from the tarball via alien (it's not particularly large).  You'd
 still need to edit /etc/X11/Xserver manually.
  I recently bought a new 2D/3D video card based on the 3DLabs chipset, and
  the serverlist tells me to use the XF86_3DLabs server.
  This isn't included in the debian distrobution.  I'm not sure if that
  server is only for 3.3.3 and I'm not quite sure how to find out.
  My question is a) is it for 3.3.3 only and if so, are there any 3.3.3
  debs?  If not, are there docs on compiling my own X server and inserting
  it into debian's list?  I would want to remove my old xserver-mach64, but
  AFAIK dpkg would complain about dependencies.
  Just a few frantic questions before the card makes it to my door.  Thanks
  a lot!

Re: Undersanding bootable media

1999-03-07 Thread Ries van Twisk

At 11:16 AM 7/3/1999 -0800, you wrote:
In my quest to understand booting/LILO/MBR's  I've come a cross
a phenomenon I dont understand. Friend of mine (linux guru-ish)
said that to make a linux bootable floppy you had to use a lowlevel
tool like dd as opposed to just copying the files over to the floppy.
But dos floppies boot just fine by making copies of other dos boot disks.
BUT I tried to copy the files from a dos boot disk onto an CDR, and guess
what? It wont boot. Despite the fact that it contains the exact same files
as the floppy. I understand that in order for media to be bootable it's
MBR needs to contain a program to point to the OS, so how does a copied
dos-boot disk work?Thanks, marlon

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Most of the time just copy file from one disk to another disk is not enough.

As soon as your computer us booting, the processor is starting at some
point in ROM.
ROM does some checking, calls the BIOS etc. etc. I don't know the exact
procedure of the system anymore because of all these new fancy BIOS types,
PNP etc. etc.
Anyway at some point the computer has determined that it's all up and
running, monitor is
connected, keyboard is connected and decides that it's time to look for
to go furter. That's where the bootloader comes in.

The computer read's the first 512 bytes from the very first sector on a HD
or floppy

That little peace of program is loaded into RAM and started (JMP
from this point's it's all upto the bootloader on how to load the file system.

If it was a DOS file system it properly load's the partition table (for a
HD) and seek's
for a bootable partition, that that partion is started at a simular way the
is started (for a HD it is done it two stages because in the early day's
there was no
partition table so you can load the filesystem directly).

On how it's done in linux I realy don'y know but this is the general way to
a filesystem.

So in short, the must be some sort of a bootload at the first sector of a
to load a file system. This is nothing to do with the filesystem itself
(DOS, OS2, NTFS, ext2, 
etc, etc (etc is NOT a file system but stands for etcetera) ;-) )

Best Regards,
Ries van Twisk

Re: X, new video card, and servers.

1999-03-07 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sun, Mar 07, 1999 at 12:46:16PM -0500, Daniel J. Brosemer wrote:
 I recently bought a new 2D/3D video card based on the 3DLabs chipset, and
 the serverlist tells me to use the XF86_3DLabs server.
 This isn't included in the debian distrobution.  I'm not sure if that
 server is only for 3.3.3 and I'm not quite sure how to find out.

Yes, I believe that card is supported by the 3.3.3 servers.

 My question is a) is it for 3.3.3 only and if so, are there any 3.3.3
 debs?  If not, are there docs on compiling my own X server and inserting
 it into debian's list?  I would want to remove my old xserver-mach64, but
 AFAIK dpkg would complain about dependencies.

See  Also, I doubt anything
depends explicitly on xserver-mach64; once another X server is installed,
it should be perfectly safe to remove the Mach64 server.

G. Branden Robinson  |There's nothing an agnostic can't do
Debian GNU/Linux |if he doesn't know whether he believes
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |in it or not. |-- Graham Chapman

Description: PGP signature

Re: XKEYBOARD - Documentation

1999-03-07 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sun, Mar 07, 1999 at 10:43:38AM +0100, Hartmut Schmude wrote:
 I'm trying to get my very personal keyboard layout using the
 XKEYBOARD - extension of the X-System. Could anyone tell me
 where to find appropriate documentation reagrding the file-formats
 and keywords etc. of the files located in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xbk/* ?

Install the xbooks package, and see /usr/doc/xbooks/specs/XKB/*.

G. Branden Robinson  |   When I die I want to go peacefully in
Debian GNU/Linux |   my sleep like my ol' Grand Dad...not
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   screaming in terror like his passengers. |

Description: PGP signature

Internet telephony?

1999-03-07 Thread Paul Nathan Puri

Is anyone aware of internet telephony software that could run on debian?
Preferable but not exclusively open source.

In addition, what hardware + services would be needed to get it and keep
it running?

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

Re: web based mail (fwd)

1999-03-07 Thread Georg Bauer
Xref: local.lists.debian.user:22646
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Original-Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 09:06:52 -0500
X-Accept-Language: en, ru, uk
X-maybe-spamdomain: no
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/39477
Subject: Re: web based mail
X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Georg Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-maybe-spammer: no
Organization: Golgotha Systems
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: local.lists.debian.user
Date: 6 Mar 1999 17:14:13 GMT
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.1 i686)

 I have tried to do so, but this page does not seem to exist any
 more. Does anyone have a suggestion where to find this .deb?

   Ivan's link at works just fine
scratching head.

   Another interesting web-based system -- much more than just e-mail -- is
Obsidian's OCS at  Obsidian has debs online.

 Regards,| Debian GNU/ __  o
 .   |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy   |   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\ | because lockups should only be for convicts.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

---End Message---

Re: web based mail (fwd)

1999-03-07 Thread Georg Bauer
Xref: local.lists.debian.user:22646
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Original-Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 09:06:52 -0500
X-Accept-Language: en, ru, uk
X-maybe-spamdomain: no
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/39477
Subject: Re: web based mail
X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Georg Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-maybe-spammer: no
Organization: Golgotha Systems
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: local.lists.debian.user
Date: 6 Mar 1999 17:14:13 GMT
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.1 i686)

 I have tried to do so, but this page does not seem to exist any
 more. Does anyone have a suggestion where to find this .deb?

   Ivan's link at works just fine
scratching head.

   Another interesting web-based system -- much more than just e-mail -- is
Obsidian's OCS at  Obsidian has debs online.

 Regards,| Debian GNU/ __  o
 .   |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy   |   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\ | because lockups should only be for convicts.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

---End Message---


1999-03-07 Thread Taipan2
I would like to invest in Linux but can't find a stock in that name --
can you help


Re: how to use wheel on Logitech mouse?

1999-03-07 Thread Christian Dysthe
Hello Jinsong,

Sunday, March 07, 1999, you wrote:

JZ I bought a set of the Logitech cordless Desktop. It contains a
JZ wireless keyboard and a wireless mouse. The mouse has two buttons and
JZ a wheel in the middle. According to the user manual, the wheel may
JZ serve as the third button (in Windows), although the main purpose is
JZ for Windows Scroll.

JZ I set the ChordMiddle in XF86Config. Then run xev to see the
JZ effects. Push the wheel yields no event.

JZ The only option for me now is to use the emulate. But it is awkard, if
JZ you know what I mean.

JZ Is there any setup for X to recognize the wheel as the third button?
JZ Thanks.

JZ Jinsong

JZ --
JZ Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

There is a cute little package you can install that will give you
scroll mouse support. I have installed it myself to support my
Logitech mouse, and scrolling windows works fine for me now.

Go to:

I am a Debian/Linux newbie and managed to get this one running without
problems whatsoever.

Hope this works for you :)



If everything is coming your way, you are probably
in the wrong lane

Re: Linux

1999-03-07 Thread Mark A. Bialik
 I would like to invest in Linux but can't find a stock in that name --
 can you help

That's the beauty of it.


P.S. If this isn't a troll, try researching Red Hat or Caldera if you
really need to *invest* in something. Better yet, make a contribution to 
the Debian project. Your hard-earned money will be much better utilized.

Mark A. Bialik  (414) 290-6749
Network/Security Manager
Infinity HealthCare, Inc.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mequon, WI USA  Debian/GNU Linux Documentation Project

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

xterm, xhost

1999-03-07 Thread Alec Smith
I have two questions:

1. Is there a way to make xterm default to the large or huge font
sizes? Right now I have to press control and right click on the xterm
window to switch. As I'm legally blind, the default size is too small for
my use.

2. I've got two systems I routinely use X apps on, paladin and discover. In
order to use these machines at the moment, I have to use xhost +paladin
locally before I login to them. Where can I put something similar so these
machines are always authorized to open the X server on my machine?


Re: xterm, xhost

1999-03-07 Thread Andrei Ivanov

 I have two questions:
 1. Is there a way to make xterm default to the large or huge font
 sizes? Right now I have to press control and right click on the xterm
 window to switch. As I'm legally blind, the default size is too small for
 my use.

One way to do that would be editing your window manager config file and
where it calls for xterm, use xterm -font * option, where under -font
you can specify any font you need. Including sizes. 

Another is to add a line to /etc/X11/Xresources that says something like
XTerm*font: specify your font here.

 2. I've got two systems I routinely use X apps on, paladin and discover. In
 order to use these machines at the moment, I have to use xhost +paladin
 locally before I login to them. Where can I put something similar so these
 machines are always authorized to open the X server on my machine?

Edit the /etc/X11/Xsession file and insert line
xhost +paladin 
in the beginning of it.
Same can be done for discover as well.


 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.


1999-03-07 Thread Wolfgang Gernot Bauer
Where, when (March 9, 00:00:00 GMT that means in about 20 minutes)?

Please reply via email as I get this list via digest and this takes
longer :(

Wolfgang Bauer  SKWB Schoellerbank Aktiengesellschaft
Sterneckstr. 5, 5024 Salzburg, Austria - Phone: ++43-662-8684-364

Microsoft does have a year 2000 problem - we're it.

Re: X, new video card, and servers.

1999-03-07 Thread Gregory T. Norris
On Sun, Mar 07, 1999 at 03:12:08PM -0500, Daniel J. Brosemer wrote:
 On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Gregory T. Norris wrote:
 Thanks very much.  I was actually kind of hoping for an RTFM answer too so
 that I could find this stuff out in the future without posting
 questions to the list that I could probably find out by reading some
 manual. the XFree howto doesn't have specific info on 3.3.2 vs 3.3.3,
 and I find the site difficult to navigate.
 the /etc/X11/Xserver tip is exactly what I needed, thanks a million!

No problem.  I was never able to find the XFree86 3.3.2 vs 3.3.3 stuff
spelled out clearly either.  In fact, most of the info I got on came
from this very list. g

 I've banged my head on aliening RPMs before, do Xservers typically alien

In this case they will.  The tarballs from the XFree86 ftp-site each
contain only a single file - the precompiled binary itself.  Running
alien on it will only extract it from the original archive and repack it
into a debfile.  I'd be a little more reluctant to convert it had it
originally been a rpm archive, as I've had much less luck with those...
generally because of the differing file-structure layout between Debian
and Red Hat.  Still, if there's only one file in the archive...

 When you say that it's a server, I assume this means it won't work
 with 3.3.2, and I've heard that compiling xfree is a pain (though haven't
 tried it).  Is there an experimental version somewhere (I've looked in
 /debian/project/experimental -- is there another repository of
 experimental packages?)

It's working without a hint of trouble on my system.  I'm currently
running the most current X packages out of slink (, plus the
pre-compiled 3DLabs server (glibc2, from the XFree86 site.  Now
whether it's by chance or design that the two versions co-exist peacefully,
I really can't say...

I heard on debian-devel a week or so ago that someone had some
experimental packages available, though I don't have the address
handy.  A quick search through the mailing-list archives ought to turn
it up, tho.

Re: Internet telephony?

1999-03-07 Thread Nick Busigin
On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:

 Is anyone aware of internet telephony software that could run on debian?
 Preferable but not exclusively open source.
 In addition, what hardware + services would be needed to get it and keep
 it running?

What kind of capabilites are you looking for?

I have used Speak Freely and it has worked well for me.  Check out:

Speak Freely has both Windows and UNIX/Linux versions and offers a number
compression methods and even an encryption option for secure


Nick Busigin  ...Sent from my Debian/GNU Linux Machine...   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To obtain my pgp public key, email me with the subject: get pgp-key

Re: Internet telephony?

1999-03-07 Thread maillists
On Sun, Mar 07, 1999 at 12:55:29PM -0800, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
 Is anyone aware of internet telephony software that could run on debian?
 Preferable but not exclusively open source.

Check out Speak Freely  I did
have some trouble getting it to work with the Alsa sound drivers but it
works fine with the OSS drivers and I really didn't try that hard with Alsa. 
There are also Win16 and Win32 versions available.

 In addition, what hardware + services would be needed to get it and keep
 it running?

Just a sound card, preferably one that supports full duplex under Linux.


Re: xterm, xhost

1999-03-07 Thread Alec Smith
Thanks for the info. You wouldn't happen to know what the default
XTerm*font: setting is would you?


On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Andrei Ivanov wrote:

  I have two questions:
  1. Is there a way to make xterm default to the large or huge font
  sizes? Right now I have to press control and right click on the xterm
  window to switch. As I'm legally blind, the default size is too small for
  my use.
 One way to do that would be editing your window manager config file and
 where it calls for xterm, use xterm -font * option, where under -font
 you can specify any font you need. Including sizes. 
 Another is to add a line to /etc/X11/Xresources that says something like
 XTerm*font: specify your font here.
  2. I've got two systems I routinely use X apps on, paladin and discover. In
  order to use these machines at the moment, I have to use xhost +paladin
  locally before I login to them. Where can I put something similar so these
  machines are always authorized to open the X server on my machine?
 Edit the /etc/X11/Xsession file and insert line
 xhost +paladin 
 in the beginning of it.
 Same can be done for discover as well.
  Andrei S. Ivanov  
  UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

Re: Vote Linus for Person of the Century

1999-03-07 Thread Mike Horansky

Richard Lyon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Oh, goodie!  A religious discussion!
 OK I'm voting for Adam. Without him we all would be dust.

Or a bunch of cheeky monkeys...

-Mike Horansky, Unix Systems Support 
Conformity is everything--isn't it?