[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore!

2001-02-13 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 05:40 PM 2/13/2001 +1100, Michael Moore wrote:

   The way CCs are going at the moment I believe there is a wide open niche
   just begging to be filled.  CC fraud may only be 3% world wide  but 90%
   that 3%  is internet fraud

The 3%  figure came from a report from a credit card company.  American
Express from their report of 2000  into Credit Cards.   Irregardless of that
I think that most MMs will agree that cc fraud is or was highly prevalent in
our  gold economy.  This was the prime cause for very few MMs now accepting
CCs any more.

The issue of cc fraud in total is immaterial to the gold 
economy.  The reported cc fraud is an average, and not addressing 
specific industries or merchants, i.e., porn, gold, etc.  (not 
Freudian slip linking those two together ;-).   Averages are OK 
for some purposes, but you need to watch the extremes.  For 
example, if you had you head in a freezer and your butt in an 
oven, on average you would be comfortable.

Yes Credit cards CAN be beefed up to be smart cards, even to the point of
fingerprints and Iris Prints.But this is a question of economics,  How much
are the banks prepared to spend  at at what point will they spend it to
upgrade the security of CCs.

And how do we get the iris or fingerprints verified online?  IMO, 
and the opinion of many others, CCs have outlived their 
usefulness online and another method is sorely needed.  Which is 
why the gold economy needs to be expanded to the uneducated.

Banks will not offer  a no chargeback service  until they can be assured
that there can never be a chargeback. They will only offer a system
guaranteed to benifit them

Sounds reasonable.  Why would any company offer a service that 
wouldn't benefit them?  If they did, wouldn't agents accept 
credit cards? or PayPal?

As such I still believe David, that the cost of doing business with credit
cards, from a merchant point of view, is increasing and an alternative such
as the gold economy  offers a more secure transactional medium with less
possibility of fraud and a more economical cost basis..  the costs will not
reduce for the benefit of the merchant.  The merchant HAS to have a
transactional medium.  The costs will be reduce when it is in the interest
of the bank.

Obviously I'm a believer.  However, we all have an uphill battle 
here.  There are maybe 200,000 people who know about the gold 
economy, but there are hundreds of millions who 
don't.Education is very expensive.  There has to be a benefit 
to everybody - the merchant and the consumer. And I still contend 
that the education issue is not the problem.  Rather it is an 
easier way to fund accounts.  Bring merchants millions of users, 
and they will accept gold.  Then again, give consumers more 
merchants to spend gold and they will become believers.

The gold economy cannot be a group of radicals trying to 
overthrow the monetary system, or the tax structures in one's 
country.  Rather it has to become mainstream to succeed.  And 
there has to be benefits for all.  Why has Linux become a major 
operating system?  It's free, open source code, easier to use 
than Unix (and more powerful than Unix and Windows) and many 
people using it really hate Microsoft.

The merchant, using the gold economy however,  is not dependent on bank
issued technology or bank facilities to the same degree. The idea of using
the gold economy is to move away from the paper currency and back to the
gold backed economy.

Not necessarily true, unless you are touting a radical view.  If 
you do a focus group (we will be doing four in March and April) 
or poll merchants, I'm certain that gold-backed funds will not be 
at the top of their list.  Rather it would be secure 
transactions, speed of payment, less chargebacks, lower fees, easy to use, etc.

However, on the consumer side, at least here in the US, there are 
laws protecting the consumers.  So, we have another issue to overcome.

Merchants are not interested in globalisation, or how much better for the
banks  this or that system it.  Merchants are only interested in an
economical system that is secure and has no or little chargebacks  and which
is speedy enough to service their customers.

Yep.  And, as we are all learning,  many countries are hindering 
merchant growth outside one's country.   Interesting to note how 
we don't have agents or MMs in China, India, Germany and Italy.

Arguing in favour of the banks will not encourage merchants to use the gold
economy as a transactional medium.

Arguing in favour of the the gold economy may do

But, we have to put a positive spin on it.  Ask somebody the 
question "What comes to mind when I ask you about the gold 
economy? (or gold)"  You will be surprised at the answers.  Since 
I am trying to get SR into the mainstream, whenever I meet with 
merchants I ask that question.

We have a lot of work ahead of us, and, if we do it in a logical, 
positive, and systematic manner, we will succeed.  Each of us 
should ask 

[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore

2001-02-13 Thread LaMarr Dell

Let me see if I understand this correctly ...

"e-gold" WANTs to become an INTERNATIONAL "money" ... right ?

"e-gold" WELCOMES international CORPORATIONS to do business using their
services ... right ?

"e-gold" requires the foreign corporation to GIVE UP its "rights" in order
to CONTINUE to use e-gold once their account is set up ... right ?

in other words, ALL offshore businesses and individuals MUST comply with
U.S. law in order to use e-gold ... right ? "international law" takes a
BACK seat ... right ?

Next in this train of thought, logically, then would be that ALL e-gold
users must also pay TAX to the U.S. ... right ?

Now, IF I got a "NO" answer to any of the above then how would YOU (the
"NO"er) justify the actions of the e-gold DDU ?

I think it's just a matter of time until ALL e-gold users get their notice
from the IRS about their upcoming audits ... some folks get real upset if
they don't get a piece out of EVERYones pie ...

btw .. here's the Costa "latest" .

***CostaGold Update***
Monday, February 12, 2001

Hello Members,

We continue to wait for a response from e-gold.  We did not expect a reply
from them over the weekend, but did expect one today and did not get it.

We have had so many members email us and request that we open our doors to
spends again. We are being cautious at this time.  We need e-gold to
acknowledge that they accept us as a corporate entity so we know they will
not do this again.  They have closed down operations in companies **they**
(emphasis MINE,lmd) did not deem legitimate and who were not backed by a
corporation such as the one that is our parent company. We must be sure
that they accept us as a legitimate business.  We know that they will do
so, but we must not move forward until this is clearly resolved.

Members are also asking about the documents on our site and what they
mean.  The first document is a notarized certificate that was placed on
file Feb. 5th . It states that KFTJ Ltd is a company in good standing as
of Feb 5, 2001.  It is dated that date because that is when the attorney
notarized it. This document is proof that our parent company is currently
doing business.

The second is a Certificate of Incorporation for our Parent Company, KFTJ
Ltd. It was incorporated in May of 1997 and is dated as such. Of course
e-gold must ascertain that the company they are dealing with is actually
incorporated and is legitimate. This document is proof of that fact.

The third is a page from the letter sent to e-gold.  To break it down, it
simply states that CostaGold is owned by KFTJ Ltd. and there is evidence
in the letter including notarized minutes of a KFTJ meeting where the
creation of CostaGold took place. Is finishes with a request to have the
funds released. It represents clear and official contact with e-gold. This
alone should be enough legal notarized evidence to prove that the funds
belong to our members and they should be released.

We understand that e-gold needs to meet the requirements of due diligence
and to verify the legitimacy of these documents.  Apparently, that may
take a few days. We will hope that requests they made of us last week
after receiving these documents were made in haste and they will give due
consideration to the evidence they have before them.   We will give e-gold
reasonable time to respond before we take further action. As emotional as
we may be on this issue, we must remain professional and calm.

We want to thank members for taking it upon themselves to organize the
membership at large.  We had not anticipated that there would such an
overwhelming response and several of or members wrote letters to e-gold
expressing their feeling in a very professional way.

We are now in the same position as our members as we anxiously await a
positive response from e-gold. We will follow up with continued updates as
soon as we have a response from e-gold.

Jon  Robert

end quote .

p.s. as one who has already experienced the heavy hand of the DDU I can
state that DDU will NOT contact you IF they release your funds .. you will
just DISCOVER (for yourself, if you try) one day that they are free .. and
DDU NEVER says, "thank you" for your efforts (and expense) to get YOUR
mess cleaned up either ...

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
E-Gold, a GOOD idea ... ? ?.

btw ... some of you feel compelled to tell the rest of us that YOUR
decision is that "COSTA IS A SCAM"  but that is NOT the issue here,
folks ... read it again.  The FACT is that "Costa" is an IBC and, as such,
has certain "international rights" ... that the U.S. does NOT recognize.

The U.S. wants to ELIMINATE ALL LAWS that are in conflict with theirs ..
they recognize NO RIGHTS except those THEY approve of .. and e-gold seems
to back up those feelings. C'mon, egod, quit flying TWO flags .. pick ONE
and "go" with it.

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[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore!

2001-02-13 Thread Jeff Fitzmyers

 to everybody - the merchant and the consumer. And I still contend
 that the education issue is not the problem.  Rather it is an
 easier way to fund accounts.

I tend to disagree. I think e-gold can easily be classified as a 'breakthrough
technology' which by definition means that people don't get it. If truly valuable,
they will 'get it' from education, sheer necessity, or time.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Public Accounts?

2001-02-13 Thread James M. Ray

At 9:42 PM -0500 2/12/01, CCS wrote:
Hey!  Can anyone tell me how to make an e-gold account balance


I can do this for you, if you prove you control the contact email address
in the account. I can usually do it pretty fast, but I'd say today expect a
one or two day wait, as I've been moving  it's traumatic (involves me
"painting" and many attempted acts of carpentry, along with dozens of
trips to Home Depot).

Many thanks for the kind words, but actually (perhaps partly due to the
move, and general chaos) I feel I may have dropped the ball on some
folks' requests in the past few weeks, so if I'm excessively-slow please
email me again at one of my many e-mail addresses and remind me of
what I'm supposed to do. Thanks.

"e-gold is to 'money' what email is to letters."  -- JP May
Regards, James M. Ray  [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP = 0xAE141134
Try a FREE e-gold account: http://www.e-gold.com/e-gold.asp?cid=9   
http://www.omnipay.net  to buy/sell grams. http://2cw.org/jmr to click.

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[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore!

2001-02-13 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 06:29 AM 2/13/2001 -0800, Jeff Fitzmyers wrote:
  to everybody - the merchant and the consumer. And I still contend
  that the education issue is not the problem.  Rather it is an
  easier way to fund accounts.

I tend to disagree. I think e-gold can easily be classified as a 'breakthrough
technology' which by definition means that people don't get it. 
If truly valuable,
they will 'get it' from education, sheer necessity, or time.

Perhaps.  But to get into mainstream you need more than 
education.  Let's assume that we have every merchant in the world 
accepting gold.  Why would a consumer want to buy gold at 9-15% 
to purchase from merchants when they could use their credit card, 
and, if paid timely, incur no fees?  If not paid timely they get a loan.

So, the gold economy is wonderful for the merchant, but not so 
good for the consumer.  And I don't think education alone will 
solve that.  Rather we need to identify and emphasize the 
benefits to all (which is education).


George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore!

2001-02-13 Thread PECB

George Matyjewicz wrote:
 . . . Let's assume that we have every merchant in the world
 accepting gold.  Why would a consumer want to buy gold at 9-15%
 to purchase from merchants when they could use their credit card,
 and, if paid timely, incur no fees?  If not paid timely they get a loan.

They can get gold for less (6.5%) at

Plus there are others that offer good rates as well, depending upon the
amount purchased.

Plus, another thing to consider -- you can currently purchase e-gold at
premiums ranging from 2.75% to 15% depending upon payment method and
amount purchased. On average, the cost (all costs, percentage take,
transaction fee, gateway fees, bank fees, etc) to a merchant accepting
CC's as payment averages about 6% (in some industries, and for some
specific businesses, its as low as 2% and for some it's as high as 20%
-- I know, I did my shopping), and he must increase all his prices by at
least this amount no matter if the customer pays cash or uses credit
card; because it is illegal in most countries for the merchant to do
otherwise and merchant CC contracts have this stipulation as well (this
was not always the case -- in the fledling years of the CC-industry
merchants used to have different prices for different payment methods.
This was hurting the growth of the credit card industry, so they lobbied
congress in the U.S. and put a stop to it, plus added clauses to their
contracts to forbid and did other nasties in other countries to make
sure similar policies were enforced).

So in reality, if merchant accepts e-gold and does not take CC's as
payment, therefore being able to offer lower prices, and a customer uses
e-gold (or the others that are springing up) to purchase from this
merchant the customer's total cost (including the cost of exchanging
fiat currency for e-gold) of the goods or service is really no more than
it would have been otherwise, and may often be less.

Another benefit of the gold economy is that there's far less hassle and
paperwork than with credit cards -- another cost savings.

  . . . So, the gold economy is wonderful for the merchant, but not so
 good for the consumer.  . . .

So actually the gold-economy is great for both the merchant and the



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[e-gold-list] Merchants (was there you go Michael Moore!

2001-02-13 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 10:43 AM 2/13/2001 -0500, PECB wrote:
George Matyjewicz wrote:
  . . . Let's assume that we have every merchant in the world
  accepting gold.  Why would a consumer want to buy gold at 9-15%
  to purchase from merchants when they could use their credit card,
  and, if paid timely, incur no fees?  If not paid timely they get a loan.

Plus, another thing to consider -- you can currently purchase e-gold at
premiums ranging from 2.75% to 15% depending upon payment method and
amount purchased. On average, the cost (all costs, percentage take,
transaction fee, gateway fees, bank fees, etc) to a merchant accepting
CC's as payment averages about 6% (in some industries, and for some
specific businesses, its as low as 2% and for some it's as high as 20%
-- I know, I did my shopping), and he must increase all his prices by at
least this amount no matter if the customer pays cash or uses credit
card; because it is illegal in most countries for the merchant to do
otherwise and merchant CC contracts have this stipulation as well (this
was not always the case -- in the fledling years of the CC-industry
merchants used to have different prices for different payment methods.
This was hurting the growth of the credit card industry, so they lobbied
congress in the U.S. and put a stop to it, plus added clauses to their
contracts to forbid and did other nasties in other countries to make
sure similar policies were enforced).

So in reality, if merchant accepts e-gold and does not take CC's as
payment, therefore being able to offer lower prices, and a customer uses
e-gold (or the others that are springing up) to purchase from this
merchant the customer's total cost (including the cost of exchanging
fiat currency for e-gold) of the goods or service is really no more than
it would have been otherwise, and may often be less.

Dreamer ;-).  In theory that is true.  In reality it's a way for 
them to pocket more profit.

But yes, if sold correctly, it is a way for the merchant to help 
offset the costs to a consumer.

Another benefit of the gold economy is that there's far less hassle and
paperwork than with credit cards -- another cost savings.

That's an intangible benefit, and can't be figured into the 
equation.  You still need people to shuffle other papers, so you 
can't reduce costs.

I don't argue the benefits to the merchant.  They are 
wonderful.  The merchant is not the problem.  It's the consumer 
who must pay higher fees to join the club.

   . . . So, the gold economy is wonderful for the merchant, but not so
  good for the consumer.  . . .

So actually the gold-economy is great for both the merchant and the

How do you figure?  Let use some hypotheticals.  You're a 
merchant selling products where the margins are already very 
low.   You take credit cards and pay 2.5%  Now you are going to 
take gold, where you may pay 1.75%.

I want to buy merchandise from you.  Let's say I buy gold for the 
lowest you state above 2.75%.  Are you going to give me an 
additional 2.75% discount when you are only saving 1/2%?

Yes, I understand the non-reversible, no chargeback, yada, 
yada,yada.  But, I also know the mentality of retailers.  It's a tough sell.

I should explain that I have been involved with retailing most of 
my career (which spans too many decades ;-).  I have consulted 
for major top 10 retailers as well as mom  pop stores.  And I 
have been writing a column in one of the top retail magazines for 
six years.  While I understand that I don't know everything, I do 
know that retailers are a tough bunch to convince of 
change.  Look how long it took EDI to become a reality in 
industries other than food?  And look at all those B2B hubs out 
there who died  because they thought they were going to make the 
retailers job easier.

Perhaps we are looking in the wrong areas.  Maybe we need the 
gold economy to be brought into the education arena, and teach folks early.

But, this kind of discussion is great, because it helps us 
understand the issues, and may help us all determine what it will 
take to implement change.


George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] fine SCI application

2001-02-13 Thread peelpee

Please see the e-gold SCI at www.taig.org/ for a fine example of this
great application..

..and,  if you're opposed to biometrics, fingerprinting, and SS nos. for
driver's licenses, and other nefarious statist agendas, you might take a
second and read the site and spend  a little for the good fight that
www.taig.org/ is waging for all of us (even Angela can appreciate

See my modest, but growing e-gold directory at:

best, .. forrest

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[e-gold-list] Re: Merchants (was there you go Michael Moore!

2001-02-13 Thread GoldDirectory.com

 How do you figure?  Let use some hypotheticals.  You're a
 merchant selling products where the margins are already very
 low.   You take credit cards and pay 2.5%  Now you are going to
 take gold, where you may pay 1.75%.

I don't understand this. The merchant accepting e-gold can get a premium for
his e-gold, of up to 2%, from several places. How does he pay 1.75%.

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[e-gold-list] e-gold in circulation

2001-02-13 Thread peelpee

Despite continued growth in the number of existing accounts, the e-gold
in circulation and number of funded accounts statistics have remained
virtually unchanged for weeks...

So, ...no MM's have inexchanged, no account holders have reedemed, no
accounts have been funded?

This seems quite odd to me. Can someone offer a plausible explaination?


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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold in circulation

2001-02-13 Thread GoldDirectory.com

 This seems quite odd to me. Can someone offer a plausible explaination?

The e-gold is being recycled.

Typically, Omnipay handles most OutExchanges, where they buy e-gold from
their customers, which goes into their e-gold account and does not affect
circulation. Then they turn around and resell it, moving it back from their
account to their buying customers' accounts, which does not affect


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[e-gold-list] Site Tools SR debit card

2001-02-13 Thread Graham Kelly

I need to add a poll to my site... could some kind person direct me to
a poll site?

Also, a reminder to all to apply for your SR debit card. Click on the
link at my site.


Graham Kelly CEO
GoldNow Corporation http://www.GoldNow.St
Fax; +1(312)777-4270

Want a debit card linked to your e-gold account? Apply at my site!



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[e-gold-list] Re: Thank you

2001-02-13 Thread jpm

I want to thank James Ray, also!  Thanks Jim!!

We wanted to thank Mr. James Ray from e-gold.
We received wonderful customer service from him.

Thank you.

George Freeman

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[e-gold-list] Re: Thank you

2001-02-13 Thread GoldDirectory.com

I want to thank all those who thanked Jim Ray.

Thanks JP! Thanks George Freeman!

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[e-gold-list] Re: Thank you

2001-02-13 Thread Sidd

And I want to thank Craig for thanking the guys who thanked Jim Ray...
Thanks Craig, and tanks Jim!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 14 February 2001 11:52
To: e-gold Discussion
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Thank you

I want to thank all those who thanked Jim Ray.

Thanks JP! Thanks George Freeman!

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[e-gold-list] Re: Advertising (was The issue that is holding e-gold commerce back.

2001-02-13 Thread jpm

At 09:38 PM 2/10/2001 -0500, Bob wrote:


We have no way other than hit or miss. You're absolutely right, JP.
One of the most important reasons for advertising is simply to let
people know that you exist, or what you sell, or what a current
special is. It's a means of communicating.

Not in my book (or in Sergio Zyman's book - "End of Marketing As We 
Knew It").  The main reason to advertise is to sell products! 
Marketing or PR may be a way of communication.

For those of us in the US, do you remember the Coca Cola ads around 
the Super Bowl a couple of years ago where Mean Joe Green was going 
in to the  lockers and a youngster tried talking to him, and finally 
got his attention with a Coke?  The ad won awards, is one of the 
best known ads on TV, yada, yada, yada.  Yet Zyman (who was CMO at 
Coca Cola at the time) pulled the ad very quickly.  Why?  "Because 
it didn't bring more customers into the stores."

Advertising needs to be consistent, timely and focused.

That story is not really relevant George - sure, some ads work and some don't.

(Have you ever met Sergio, BTW?)

However advertising, generally speaking, certainly works.

That payment page is the choke point. The funnel.


Man, would that be valuable to have a banner there for a while,
every now and then.

68,459 funded accounts divided by 9111 spends/day equals
about 8 days to be exposed to some large percentage of the spenders.

You're right JP. Advertising is commercial grease, oil, silicon
spray to commerce.

Banner ads are the least effective way to advertise.  The return is 
less than 1/2 of 1% return.

Where do you get that figiure from and what does it mean?

Are you talking ROI, % retainment or what?

I have run many ad banner campaigns for different entities and 
clients, and some work some don't. (No different from TV ads, really.)

  Which is why ad companies like iVillage, Yahoo and others are 
suffering and looking for new ways to generate revenue.

Banner ads are supposedly good for generating brand awareness, but I 
haven't seen any definitive facts on that.

Advertising is definitely needed, but you need to use effective 
advertising, which is an art in itself.

Well whatever but I want you, George, or anyone, to state in English 
the following:

How do I put a message in front of people who actually use e-gold.

Now, so far, I have thought of two ways:

(i) if one could get the complete list of all the email addresses of 
all e-gold account users who make a spend more than once per month 
(that would rock)


(ii) by putting a message on the spend confirm page in the egold 
spend mechanism.

I am absolutely wanting to know any OTHER WAY of reaching people who 
actually use e-gold.

Actually, i'm offering a 5 gram bounty RIGHT NOW to anyone who can 
state in English without waffling any other method for reaching 
people who actually use e-gold.  I'd be very happy to send on the 5 

George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Re: [GoldBarter] Contest results

2001-02-13 Thread jpm

that;'s absolutely marvellous!  thanks!

Hello all,
JPM sure has some great ideas! His idea also created paths we haven't
seen before.
Thus, he wins the contest.

Congratulations JP!

Tristan Petersen
  ^^   can't wait to see that!!

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[e-gold-list] Re: Thank you

2001-02-13 Thread markab23

Thank you for all the thank you's that you thanked with during the process of 
thanking everyman and his dog for thanking the thankers that thanked everyone.

= Original Message From "Sidd" [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
And I want to thank Craig for thanking the guys who thanked Jim Ray...
Thanks Craig, and tanks Jim!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 14 February 2001 11:52
To: e-gold Discussion
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Thank you

I want to thank all those who thanked Jim Ray.

Thanks JP! Thanks George Freeman!

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[e-gold-list] Re: Site Tools SR debit card

2001-02-13 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 10:33 PM 2/13/2001 +, Graham Kelly wrote:
I need to add a poll to my site... could some kind person direct me to
a poll site?

http://www.misterpoll.com/  Free poll

George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Re: Advertising (was The issue that is holding e-gold commerce back.

2001-02-13 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 09:54 AM 2/14/2001 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For those of us in the US, do you remember the Coca Cola ads 
around the Super Bowl a couple of years ago where Mean Joe 
Green was going in to the  lockers and a youngster tried 
talking to him, and finally got his attention with a Coke?  The 
ad won awards, is one of the best known ads on TV, yada, yada, 
yada.  Yet Zyman (who was CMO at Coca Cola at the time) pulled 
the ad very quickly.  Why?  "Because it didn't bring more 
customers into the stores."

Advertising needs to be consistent, timely and focused.

That story is not really relevant George - sure, some ads work and some don't.

Sure it is.  Doesn't matter how good the ad appeals to customers 
or how many awards it gets, the important thing is how much 
business did it bring in.

(Have you ever met Sergio, BTW?)

Sure did.  Helluva nice guy.

However advertising, generally speaking, certainly works.

Absolutely.  I always say there is no such thing as bad 
advertising.  Of course, some is better than others.  And you 
have to spend your money wisely.


George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] how to reach egold users

2001-02-13 Thread jpm

Actually, i'm offering a 5 gram bounty RIGHT NOW to anyone who can
state in English without waffling any other method for reaching
people who actually use e-gold.  I'd be very happy to send on the 5

Yesthis discussion board. And many others that e-gold users use.  You can
find out which ones by subscribing to them and reading the contents.

Chuck, it's a good idea, but unfortunately this discussion board, and 
all the others, reach only a tiny fraction of e-gold users.

(I have tried that method extensively, for a couple of different 
e-gold enterprises, and you only reach a tiny fraction of users.)

Indeed there are a number of e-gold "magazine" sites around (like 
bearerinstruments.com) but again, as yet, they reach only a small 
fraction of users (still a good thing, a great thing, but still only 
a small fraction)

You can send the 5 grams to a/c 221507


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[e-gold-list] free banners now

2001-02-13 Thread jpm

PS I forgot to mention my account #102499, but you would already 
have access to this from my purchases at bananagold.com.

I can't look at data like that!  Privacy is important to customers! :)

At 04:54 PM 2/13/01, you wrote:
Actually, i'm offering a 5 gram bounty RIGHT NOW to anyone who can 
state in English without waffling any other method for reaching 
people who actually use e-gold.  I'd be very happy to send on the 
5 grams!

How about the e-gold list? You reached me through it :)

Right on Joe!  In fact, the ONLY WAY bananagold.com (for instance) 
has reached ANYONE, is via this list.

But, we can find out how many people are on this list - and it's a 
tiny fraction of the universe of prospects one needs to reach

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[e-gold-list] Re: how to reach egold users

2001-02-13 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 11:22 AM 2/14/2001 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Actually, i'm offering a 5 gram bounty RIGHT NOW to anyone who can
state in English without waffling any other method for reaching
people who actually use e-gold.  I'd be very happy to send on the 5

Yesthis discussion board. And many others that e-gold users use.  You can
find out which ones by subscribing to them and reading the contents.

Chuck, it's a good idea, but unfortunately this discussion 
board, and all the others, reach only a tiny fraction of e-gold users.

The Gold Economy http://www.goldeconomy.com  probably reaches 
more than any others.  AOL contacted Elwyn recently asking for 
permission to host the site as a mirror on AOL.  It seems the 
amount of traffic coming from AOL was so high that they wanted to 
keep them behind the "great wall of AOL."  They started by 
sending out their little spider every twenty minutes.  Their 
calculations were 200,000 unique pageviews a day. The reason for 
so much activity?  A new article on the gold economy every day.

George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] A really nice card!

2001-02-13 Thread Graham Kelly

Hey, I just received a card... on the front was written 
"Jesus loves you..." with a big yellow smiley face... when you open the
card, it says" EVERYONE else thinks you're a DICKHEAD!"



Graham Kelly CEO
GoldNow Corporation http://www.GoldNow.St
Fax; +1(312)777-4270

Want a debit card linked to your e-gold account? Apply at my site!



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[e-gold-list] Fw: ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS FOR ONLY$29.95 FLAT!

2001-02-13 Thread Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange

Hello Gold Community!

Please be on the watch for this company and the individuals mentioned in
this mass e-mail they send out from time to time. The company is a scam as
its owner/operator is:

Mr. Raymond Chambers
 ACH Financing, Inc.

The company is a bogus front for a credit card scam.  To make a long
story short (and spare you from the boring details) they are issuing fake
Merchant Provider contracts to small businesses.

If anyone wants the long winded, bore you to tears, detailed story,
contact me directly.  Otherwise, my professional recommendation is stay away
from them!

This is  public service announcement brought to you by the friendly
staff of Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc.   Gaithmans:  where Exceptional
Customer Service is the standard!**

Eric Gaither, President
Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc.
(317) 788-8580 Voice
(317) 788-8581 Fax

**Taxes, titles, tags not included.  Some assembly required.  Do not take
this product and attempt to operate heavy equipment. Minor side effects
include giggling, smiling, and funny noises erupting from the corners of
your oral cavity!

- Original Message -
To: Eric Gaither, E-Gold Exchange [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 9:14 AM


 With $10 Billion in e-Commerce sales - Isn't It Time You
Started Making Money On The Internet?

 ACH Financing is a leader in the Internet transaction processing
 industry. For the merchant who wants to get online fast with a limited
 budget, ACH Financing Inc is the best choice.

 - 99% merchant approval rate
 - Virtual Checks
 - Real-time Processing
 - Competitive Rates
 - Unsurpassed Customer Service 24 hours a day
 - All eCommerce Solutions


 How To Accept Credit Cards  Checks On The Internet  Off-line for
 only $29.95 per month flat!!

 3 Easy Steps To Your Merchant Account

 International Telephone Check Electronic
 Payment Merchant System

 Dear Web Entrepreneur/New Business Owner!

  Thank you for responding to our advertisement
 "Would You Like to Accept Credit Cards  Check Processing
 For only $29.95 per month flat!" Worldwide Acceptance! 30 Day FREE trial!
 Guaranteed Funds! No Charge Backs! 24 Hour Funds Availabilty!
 (Telephone Check  Credit Card Payment Merchant System)

 The enclosed information will give you the information you
 need about our Telephone Check  Credit Card Payment
 System service. If there are any additional questions you
 need to have answered, please feel free to contact us
 at our main office and some one will be happy to
 assist you. Our office hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm
 Monday through Friday eastern standard time.


 As a special bonus to the readers of this colum.
 the first 500 merchants that  respond to this offer
 within 10 business days will receive a FREE BONUS GIFT
 CREDIT CARD MERCHANT ACCOUNT just for trying this system.

 "Don't Delay! ACT NOW! Accounts are being filled on a first come
 first serve basis.  If You've ever thought about making EXTRA GUARANTEED
 20,000- $30,000 per month from accepting credit cards  electronic check
 in your business Here's your chance to do it!"




 Mr. Raymond Chambers
 ACH Financing, Inc.

 We are a registered financial institution and MEMBER for the following
 insured banks: First National Bank of Central Florida Longwood Fl;
 Bank, Eureka CA; Redding Bank of Commerce, Redding CA; Tehama Bank. Red
 Bluff,CA: Bank of Oakland, Oakland CA: Debit Network Sponsorship: Florida
 International Bank, Miami, Fl; Hudson United Bank, Union City, NJ; Bank of
 America Westmister CA; Compass Bank, Jacksonville Fl;

 Important Notice: Clients outside USA are required to open a $1,000 USA
 security deposit bank account with ACH Financing Inc to accept electronic
 payments. This requirement has been made a standard practice by the
 USA Federal Reserve Banking System.

 Announcing the Greatest Payment System Since the Credit

 Attention Businesses... Accept Personal 
 Business Electronic Payments Over The
 Telephone (or by fax  on-line) for Your
 Orders, Payments, Collections 
 Donations Worldwide!

 Accept e-payment over the phone (or by fax  online)
 just like credit cards but without the charge back

 Increase your advertising  sale results by 200 % or more!

 Telephone Check E-Payment System prepares the
 payments for you and can have them deposited,
 electronically into your bank account within 24
 hours...all at a low cost fixed flat rate of $29.95
 per month!

 Don't lose that very important IMPULSE SALE because your customer doesn't
 have a credit card or has no credit available to make a purchase!

 *Eliminate credit card charge backs 

[e-gold-list] Re: how to reach egold users

2001-02-13 Thread jpm

The Gold Economy http://www.goldeconomy.com  probably reaches more 
than any others.


  AOL contacted Elwyn recently asking for permission to host the 
site as a mirror on AOL.  It seems the amount of traffic coming from 
AOL was so high that they wanted to keep them behind the "great wall 
of AOL."  They started by sending out their little spider every 
twenty minutes.  Their calculations were 200,000 unique pageviews a 

That is absolutely astounding, George!  You could easily make USD 1/4 
million per year from banners with that sort of readership.  Double 
click will immediately, this afternoon, accept you as one of their 
core sites!


 The reason for so much activity?  A new article on the gold economy 
every day.

George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore!

2001-02-13 Thread Bob

George Matyjewicz wrote:

 Bring merchants millions of users,
 and they will accept gold.

When PayPal hit a million accounts, that nice, round, head
turning number got businesses to check out PayPal's growth
rates and extrapolate into the future. The rest is history,

If e-gold's current various growth rates continue, it's a
matter of time when some number developes that turns
businesses' heads. Great enterprises (PayPal is not one of
them, I believe) take time, persistence and determination. 
And I see a lot of persistence and determination out there.

 The gold economy cannot be a group of radicals trying to
 overthrow the monetary system, or the tax structures in one's

George, if it wasn't for radicals, you probably would find
yourself today still throwing dung balls from inside a cave
at a lion (thank you Lizard).

The founding fathers of the US where radicals for reasons
you mentioned above and look at what they (and others) 
produced (well  for a while).

Henry Ford was a radical. Thomas Edison was a radical.

e-gold *is* radical. There in lies part of it's greatness.

I consider Douglas Jackson to be a radical. And the others
that have been pushing hard to help it along for a number
of years.

I don't understand how the huge potential of e-gold and e-gold
backed money can be substantially understood without a decent 
understanding of the nature of government, and some grasp of 
economics, human nature and history. And, importantly, that
history repeats it's self, roughly.

Not to worry George. As time goes by, radicals should become
a smaller and smaller percentage of people using e-gold and
e-gold backed money. This will be a good thing.

You might not get this one, but, government, ironically, should
end up being the biggest booster of all at some point. I myself
am banking on it.

 Rather it has to become mainstream to succeed.  And
 there has to be benefits for all.  Why has Linux become a major
 operating system?  

Partly because some X radical(s) thought up the open source
concept. :)

It's free, open source code, easier to use
 than Unix (and more powerful than Unix and Windows) and many
 people using it really hate Microsoft.
 The merchant, using the gold economy however,  is not dependent on bank
 issued technology or bank facilities to the same degree. The idea of using
 the gold economy is to move away from the paper currency and back to the
 gold backed economy.
 Not necessarily true, unless you are touting a radical view.  


 you do a focus group (we will be doing four in March and April)
 or poll merchants, I'm certain that gold-backed funds will not be
 at the top of their list.  

If you did a focus group in the late seventies to early eighties, 
You should have found the opposite. Keep it up. I'm sure
you'll find the opposite at some point. There's really big trends
in place, in favor of e-gold.

Rather it would be secure
 transactions, speed of payment, less chargebacks, lower fees, easy to use, etc.

Those are all positives but there are more.

At 10:43 AM 2/13/2001 -0500, PECB wrote:
George Matyjewicz wrote:
  . . . Let's assume that we have every merchant in the world
  accepting gold.  Why would a consumer want to buy gold at 9-15%

Ok, let's assume that. What you would probably find is that consumers
buy virtually *no* gold. Get it?


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[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore!

2001-02-13 Thread SnowDog

 I consider Douglas Jackson to be a radical. And the others
 that have been pushing hard to help it along for a number
 of years.

Yeah, you don't know what that radical is going to do... :)

He's a genius!

 I don't understand how the huge potential of e-gold and e-gold
 backed money can be substantially understood without a decent
 understanding of the nature of government, and some grasp of
 economics, human nature and history. And, importantly, that
 history repeats it's self, roughly.

In history, whenever people have been given a chance to trade gold, or any
other type of money; they have chosen gold, and they will this time. Most
people don't care which currency they use, but those who do care, care a
great deal, and like a snowball rolling down a mountain, the avalanche
created will change history. Whatever e-gold is now, it will not be the same
thing next year. It's character will change; the people using it will
change, as will the motivations behind those using it, until those using it
become more a part of the mainstream.

There doesn't need to be a 'reason' for people to buy e-gold -- they simply
will, because those who care about it will purchase it at any price and
create their own economy in which others will want to participate, slowing
at first, but more decisively as time goes by.

Bob, I believe I'm agreeing with you.


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