Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-05-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 So, for two decades after getting kicked out, you've been trying to get some 
insider information about the TMO and what's going on in FF, but Buck who runs 
a farm, is obsessive? Go figure.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Come on Buck, tell us how your farm is doing, or some good thing going on in 
FF - you are OBSESSIVE! 

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2015 3:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
 Ah, “Houston we've had a problem here”. We got a community problem with Yahoo! 
and the Yahoo-groups Guidelines.
 In style here, different from content, the endemic culture of bad behavior 
that has grown unchecked on FFL threatens the very existence of the whole 
community here. There is quite ample reason for Yahoo-groups to just unplug FFL 
as a yahoo-group if pressed. There are a number of writers here who chronically 
abuse the yahoo-groups guidelines methodically hurting others. A complaint to 
Yahoo could bring final ruin against the whole forum.

 Currently for instance, Salyavin808 employing 'degrading comments' in 
 the guy needs therapy, or at least some prozac...


 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.” Turqouiseb writing anonymously, 
Doug (I refuse to call you by your made-up name Buck any more),  ..“For the 
record, I apologize for nothing. Rien. Nada. Nichevo. Bupkus. I meant 
everything I've ever said here, and stand by it fully.”


 And certainly more example in iteration further below here..
 Rick, I should not have to receive these kind of personal slur and attacks as 
ad hominem and threats from your yahoo-group. That is completely against 
Yahoo-groups guidelines. Please remove these post from FFL and discipline the 
membership of their authors.   -in Fairfield, Iowa  

 In Yahoo-groups guideline: Don't threaten.
 in FairfieldLife Post #409764
 Anartaxius threatens:
 “This means real bullets.”
 Bhairitu in FFL post # 409743 now maligns:
 “..Buck is in a fugue state..”

  In FFL post # 409725,
 Laughinggull108 writes: “..I'm beginning to think you just might be insane”.

 That slur is so like, Stalin-istic.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Well, I could provide content to FairfieldLife at yahoo-groups and participate 
more on FFL if Rick would do more to protect people on his FFL list from the 
endemic unkindness that has taken it over.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa.

 Turqb writes: Ah, I see that folks over on The_Leak 
[ ] 
must be bored with their lives again, because they're obsessing about FFL and 
about *ME* again.  :-) … Bottom line as I see it is that the ones who are over 
on The_Leak 
 still whining about how they were run off from FFL are trying to make it 
seem as if I won something that was never a battle to be won in the first 
place. I merely did what I've always done -- spoke my mind in as colorful and 
entertaining a fashion as I could manage

 In fairness:






 In FFL post #409895
 Turquoiseb trots out a very personal slur using 'dementia' in further unkind 
ad hominem

 Salyavin808 continues in post # 409734 :
 “Talking of crazy are you aware you posted your reply to the wrong thread?”

 Yes, I am very aware of that. This issue rolls over to the moderation and 
ownership of FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. It is about your making 
personal slur, contrary to what is permissible under the Yahoo-groups 
 ..don't invade other people's privacy ..Also not welcome are belligerence, 
insults, slurs, ..don't threaten. 


 The cowardly ad hominem-istic unkind personal abuse, that is pretty low what 
you have just attempted. Deal with what is written, 


 Rick ; Now, they're trying again of the old abusive stump using the old, 
'Mental deficiency' slur..
 What a silly double standard being demanded by the FFL terrorists here. 'Sign 
your own posts for a while'.  Ha, ha, ha.  What a bunch of terrorists posting 
anonymously. They obviously are scared that I have the case for their 
administrative dismissal from FFL.

 Limbic, scared and recoiling such that instead of simply dealing straight 
ahead with the indictment of abuse and unkindness standing in their own posts 
made quite evident here they lash out with another barrage of a very personal 
Ad Hominem

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-05-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Isn't that just like a couple of bullies?

Say something in a discussion they don't like or don't agree with and they try 
to set a filter on you or throw your stuff in the trash, then post remarks 
about your character and try to get the group to shun you. Typical thug 
tactics. Go figure.
---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 I implemented a BuckOff filter for Thunderbird and store his posts in a 
Buckhell folder.  So until he stops spraying graffiti all over the neighborhood 
the filer will remain in effect.
 On 05/03/2015 12:20 PM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Come on Buck, tell us how your farm is doing, or some good thing going on in 
FF - you are OBSESSIVE! 
 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife] 
 Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2015 3:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
   Ah, “Houston we've had a problem here”. We got a community problem with 
Yahoo! and the Yahoo-groups Guidelines.
 In style here, different from content, the endemic culture of bad behavior 
that has grown unchecked on FFL threatens the very existence of the whole 
community here. There is quite ample reason for Yahoo-groups to just unplug FFL 
as a yahoo-group if pressed. There are a number of writers here who chronically 
abuse the yahoo-groups guidelines methodically hurting others. A complaint to 
Yahoo could bring final ruin against the whole forum.
 Currently for instance, Salyavin808 employing 'degrading comments' in 
 the guy needs therapy, or at least some prozac...
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.” Turqouiseb writing anonymously, 
Doug (I refuse to call you by your made-up name Buck any more),  ..“For the 
record, I apologize for nothing. Rien. Nada. Nichevo. Bupkus. I meant 
everything I've ever said here, and stand by it fully.”

 And certainly more example in iteration further below here..
 Rick, I should not have to receive these kind of personal slur and attacks as 
ad hominem and threats from your yahoo-group. That is completely against 
Yahoo-groups guidelines. Please remove these post from FFL and discipline the 
membership of their authors.   -in Fairfield, Iowa  

 In Yahoo-groups guideline: Don't threaten.
 in FairfieldLife Post #409764
 Anartaxius threatens:
 “This means real bullets.”
 Bhairitu in FFL post # 409743 now maligns:
 “..Buck is in a fugue state..”
  In FFL post # 409725,
 Laughinggull108 writes: “..I'm beginning to think you just might be insane”.

 That slur is so like, Stalin-istic.

dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 Well, I could provide content to FairfieldLife at yahoo-groups and participate 
more on FFL if Rick would do more to protect people on his FFL list from the 
endemic unkindness that has taken it over.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa.

 Turqb writes: Ah, I see that folks over on The_Leak 
[ ] 
must be bored with their lives again, because they're obsessing about FFL and 
about *ME* again.  :-) … Bottom line as I see it is that the ones who are over 
on The_Leak 
 still whining about how they were run off from FFL are trying to make it 
seem as if I won something that was never a battle to be won in the first 
place. I merely did what I've always done -- spoke my mind in as colorful and 
entertaining a fashion as I could manage

 In fairness:





 In FFL post #409895
 Turquoiseb trots out a very personal slur using 'dementia' in further unkind 
ad hominem
 Salyavin808 continues in post # 409734 :
 “Talking of crazy are you aware you posted your reply to the wrong thread?”

 Yes, I am very aware of that. This issue rolls over to the moderation and 
ownership of FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. It is about your making 
personal slur, contrary to what is permissible under the Yahoo-groups 
 ..don't invade other people's privacy ..Also not welcome are belligerence, 
insults, slurs, ..don't threaten. 

 The cowardly ad hominem-istic unkind personal abuse, that is pretty low what 
you have just attempted. Deal with what is written, 

 Rick ; Now, they're trying again

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-05-03 Thread salyavin808

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Ah, “Houston we've had a problem here”. We got a community problem with Yahoo! 
and the Yahoo-groups Guidelines.
 In style here, different from content, the endemic culture of bad behavior 
that has grown unchecked on FFL threatens the very existence of the whole 
community here. There is quite ample reason for Yahoo-groups to just unplug FFL 
as a yahoo-group if pressed. There are a number of writers here who chronically 
abuse the yahoo-groups guidelines methodically hurting others. A complaint to 
Yahoo could bring final ruin against the whole forum.

 Currently for instance, Salyavin808 employing 'degrading comments' in 
 the guy needs therapy, or at least some prozac...

 Degrading? I'm trying to help. Look at your posts, do you think you come 
across as a rational person? Coz you don't. 99% of your posts are just 
repetitive whining. Meaningless, self-centred drivel based on irrelevancies 
you've pulled from the Yahoo guidelines even though everyone here - moderators 
included - have explained to you a hundred times, if not more, what this place 
is all about.

 And you've been doing it for years. That's why I think you need help. Nothing 
ever sinks in and you just carry on regardless with your own depressing 
soliloquy. It isn't healthy. You need to get out and enjoy yourself a bit more, 
all this focussing on non-existent negativity is a pathetic waste of time for a 
grown man. 

 If you aren't careful you'll end up a brain-dead nonentity like Willytex. 
Ignored by all.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-02-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I know, I know.I tried to cover with my question to Barry about whether or 
not he was an old soul.  I was thinking 70 years and 7th decade and my mind 
tried to confuse me.  God, this getting old stuff is rough stuff, man. I've had 
to take up meditation and that's saying something! It's why I try to have 
compassion for Barry—he seems to be fighting against his own reality more than 
anyone else's.  

---In, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :

 70th decade? If that's the case, I want to same-sex marry him so that I can 
take possession of his corpse, if it ever becomes one. Who wouldn't shell out 
good money to see the embalmed remains of someone who lived 700 years?

---In, emily.mae50@... wrote :

 I mean 70th decade, not 7thor maybe I do mean that (smile).

---In, emily.mae50@... wrote :

 Goodness Steve, this was hilarious.   

 Barry, get a grip.  You are sounding more and more insane; let go and move on. 
Have you determined how you'd like your 7th decade to go?  This is it, Barry, 
your one life that you'll be aware of.  Time to grow up, buddy.  It's over.  
Those you love to hate ain't comin' back.  Do you really want to waste valuable 
time engaged in this kind of communication?  In all caps now - crazier and 
crazier, Barry.  Just an objective observation.  Don't care and won't read what 
you reply with, if anything.  Just checked in to see how the mental health here 
is holding up and congratulate Steve on how enlightened he's sounding.   
---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Sad, but true.  And a very apt analysis by Judy. 

---In, richard@... wrote :

 .He's not even making sense anymore, Steve - it looks like he's gone over the 
top. He just can't seem to get over Judy leaving and then Ann and the others 
just up and left him to push buttons all by himself, Obviously he is lonely and 
getting desperate for some attention. It probably gets lonely being an expat 
that everyone hates to have around so he spends a lot of time on FFL. Thanks 
for trying to help him. 

Shit happening is *fun* when I do it. Shit returning to me is *not* fun. Other 
people don't know how to have fun the way I do, because if they did, then they 
would have fun with me dumping my shit on *them*, instead of sending it back 
to *me* again. - authfriend


 Doc: What can I do for you today, Mr. Wright?

 Barry: Well, you see Doc, I'm having this straw man argument withdrawal.  I do 
my best arguing when I can create a straw man, and really go at him.  You know, 
BAM, BAM, BAM. And I've been denied this opportunity, and it hurts Doc, it 
really... sniffle, sniffle hurts.

 Doc: I see.  When did this all come about?

 Barry: Well, it was several months ago, but it seems like an eternity.  Doc, 
can ya help me Doc? It's really getting serious.

 Doc: Now, now.  Settle down.  Let's see if we can work this out.  Do you have 
any hobbies?

 Barry: Sure Doc, I'm an experienced technical writer, and I can write one mean 
TV or film review.  I mean people even pay me money for my film reviews.

 Doc: Sure Barry, sure.  Why don't you take some time off and just focus on 
those endeavors that bring you more happiness.

 Barry: Okay, Doc.  I guess you're right.  But there's a guy Doc, a real mean 
guy, who claims he's enlightened, Doc.  It just bugs the hell out of me Doc.  I 
mean, it really bugs the hell out of me.

 Doc:  Sure, Barry.  We're out of time right now.  We'll talk about it next 
week.  Please be sure and drop your check for 100 euros with Debbie on the way 

 Barry: Sure, Doc.  You're the best.  You're swell Doc.  Thanks a million.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 2:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
 Well, I could provide content to FairfieldLife at yahoo-groups and participate 
more on FFL if Rick would do more to protect people on his FFL list from the 
endemic unkindness that has taken it over.

 Well, it may be unkind of me to point it out, but it seems to me that if the 
people who used to participate on this list but who stalked away from it in a 
snit *of their own making* and *voluntarily* ran off to create another forum 
had anything to say, they'd be here saying it. Instead -- like Buck -- the 
*only* thing they seem to do when they come here is whine about how persecuted 
they are. 


 Surely these wimps can't be TMers. Because as we all know TMers are  I N V I N 
C I B L E, and wouldn't run away whining like scared little puppies just 
because they weren't treated the way they wanted to be treated. Seems to me 
that if any of these folks actually *had something to say

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-02-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 70th decade? If that's the case, I want to same-sex marry him so that I can 
take possession of his corpse, if it ever becomes one. Who wouldn't shell out 
good money to see the embalmed remains of someone who lived 700 years?

---In, wrote :

 I mean 70th decade, not 7thor maybe I do mean that (smile).

---In, emily.mae50@... wrote :

 Goodness Steve, this was hilarious.   

 Barry, get a grip.  You are sounding more and more insane; let go and move on. 
Have you determined how you'd like your 7th decade to go?  This is it, Barry, 
your one life that you'll be aware of.  Time to grow up, buddy.  It's over.  
Those you love to hate ain't comin' back.  Do you really want to waste valuable 
time engaged in this kind of communication?  In all caps now - crazier and 
crazier, Barry.  Just an objective observation.  Don't care and won't read what 
you reply with, if anything.  Just checked in to see how the mental health here 
is holding up and congratulate Steve on how enlightened he's sounding.   
---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Sad, but true.  And a very apt analysis by Judy. 

---In, richard@... wrote :

 .He's not even making sense anymore, Steve - it looks like he's gone over the 
top. He just can't seem to get over Judy leaving and then Ann and the others 
just up and left him to push buttons all by himself, Obviously he is lonely and 
getting desperate for some attention. It probably gets lonely being an expat 
that everyone hates to have around so he spends a lot of time on FFL. Thanks 
for trying to help him. 

Shit happening is *fun* when I do it. Shit returning to me is *not* fun. Other 
people don't know how to have fun the way I do, because if they did, then they 
would have fun with me dumping my shit on *them*, instead of sending it back 
to *me* again. - authfriend


 Doc: What can I do for you today, Mr. Wright?

 Barry: Well, you see Doc, I'm having this straw man argument withdrawal.  I do 
my best arguing when I can create a straw man, and really go at him.  You know, 
BAM, BAM, BAM. And I've been denied this opportunity, and it hurts Doc, it 
really... sniffle, sniffle hurts.

 Doc: I see.  When did this all come about?

 Barry: Well, it was several months ago, but it seems like an eternity.  Doc, 
can ya help me Doc? It's really getting serious.

 Doc: Now, now.  Settle down.  Let's see if we can work this out.  Do you have 
any hobbies?

 Barry: Sure Doc, I'm an experienced technical writer, and I can write one mean 
TV or film review.  I mean people even pay me money for my film reviews.

 Doc: Sure Barry, sure.  Why don't you take some time off and just focus on 
those endeavors that bring you more happiness.

 Barry: Okay, Doc.  I guess you're right.  But there's a guy Doc, a real mean 
guy, who claims he's enlightened, Doc.  It just bugs the hell out of me Doc.  I 
mean, it really bugs the hell out of me.

 Doc:  Sure, Barry.  We're out of time right now.  We'll talk about it next 
week.  Please be sure and drop your check for 100 euros with Debbie on the way 

 Barry: Sure, Doc.  You're the best.  You're swell Doc.  Thanks a million.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 2:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
 Well, I could provide content to FairfieldLife at yahoo-groups and participate 
more on FFL if Rick would do more to protect people on his FFL list from the 
endemic unkindness that has taken it over.

 Well, it may be unkind of me to point it out, but it seems to me that if the 
people who used to participate on this list but who stalked away from it in a 
snit *of their own making* and *voluntarily* ran off to create another forum 
had anything to say, they'd be here saying it. Instead -- like Buck -- the 
*only* thing they seem to do when they come here is whine about how persecuted 
they are. 


 Surely these wimps can't be TMers. Because as we all know TMers are  I N V I N 
C I B L E, and wouldn't run away whining like scared little puppies just 
because they weren't treated the way they wanted to be treated. Seems to me 
that if any of these folks actually *had something to say* BESIDES whining, 
they'd fit in better here, and enjoy it more. 


 I've invited Buck to actually  S A Y   S O M E T H I N G  other than whining 
and actually have an ongoing conversation with someone -- anyone -- here many 
times. And just as many times he's ignored it and continued to act like a whiny 
little bitch. So I can't say that I have much sympathy for his claims of either 
unkindness or his even more laughable claim that this place has been taken 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-02-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Jesus Christ, Barry, 

 I'm really not sure what you've written here, (past the first sentence, at 
least), but do you think it might be time to seek help.

He's not even making sense anymore, Steve - it looks like he's gone over the 
top. He just can't seem to get over Judy leaving and then Ann and the others 
just up and left him to push buttons all by himself, Obviously he is lonely and 
getting desperate for some attention. It probably gets lonely being an expat 
that everyone hates to have around so he spends a lot of time on FFL. Thanks 
for trying to help him. 

Shit happening is *fun* when I do it. Shit returning to me is *not* fun. Other 
people don't know how to have fun the way I do, because if they did, then they 
would have fun with me dumping my shit on *them*, instead of sending it back 
to *me* again. - authfriend


 Doc: What can I do for you today, Mr. Wright?

 Barry: Well, you see Doc, I'm having this straw man argument withdrawal.  I do 
my best arguing when I can create a straw man, and really go at him.  You know, 
BAM, BAM, BAM. And I've been denied this opportunity, and it hurts Doc, it 
really... sniffle, sniffle hurts.

 Doc: I see.  When did this all come about?

 Barry: Well, it was several months ago, but it seems like an eternity.  Doc, 
can ya help me Doc? It's really getting serious.

 Doc: Now, now.  Settle down.  Let's see if we can work this out.  Do you have 
any hobbies?

 Barry: Sure Doc, I'm an experienced technical writer, and I can write one mean 
TV or film review.  I mean people even pay me money for my film reviews.

 Doc: Sure Barry, sure.  Why don't you take some time off and just focus on 
those endeavors that bring you more happiness.

 Barry: Okay, Doc.  I guess you're right.  But there's a guy Doc, a real mean 
guy, who claims he's enlightened, Doc.  It just bugs the hell out of me Doc.  I 
mean, it really bugs the hell out of me.

 Doc:  Sure, Barry.  We're out of time right now.  We'll talk about it next 
week.  Please be sure and drop your check for 100 euros with Debbie on the way 

 Barry: Sure, Doc.  You're the best.  You're swell Doc.  Thanks a million.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 2:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
 Well, I could provide content to FairfieldLife at yahoo-groups and participate 
more on FFL if Rick would do more to protect people on his FFL list from the 
endemic unkindness that has taken it over.

 Well, it may be unkind of me to point it out, but it seems to me that if the 
people who used to participate on this list but who stalked away from it in a 
snit *of their own making* and *voluntarily* ran off to create another forum 
had anything to say, they'd be here saying it. Instead -- like Buck -- the 
*only* thing they seem to do when they come here is whine about how persecuted 
they are. 


 Surely these wimps can't be TMers. Because as we all know TMers are  I N V I N 
C I B L E, and wouldn't run away whining like scared little puppies just 
because they weren't treated the way they wanted to be treated. Seems to me 
that if any of these folks actually *had something to say* BESIDES whining, 
they'd fit in better here, and enjoy it more. 


 I've invited Buck to actually  S A Y   S O M E T H I N G  other than whining 
and actually have an ongoing conversation with someone -- anyone -- here many 
times. And just as many times he's ignored it and continued to act like a whiny 
little bitch. So I can't say that I have much sympathy for his claims of either 
unkindness or his even more laughable claim that this place has been taken 









 Buck's just whining because *he doesn't have what it takes* to interact with 
his fellow human beings on an equal basis, without being granted special 
privileges for being as special as he considers himself to be. If he *ever* 
interacted with *anyone* here as an equal, that would be a first. As it stands, 
I for one don't miss his whining and his preaching. And I for one really 
*can't* miss what it's like to interact with Doug Hamilton As A Person, because 
in the entire time I've known him at FFL he's *never* been able to get over his 
need to preach to people as if they were lesser than he is and act like a human 


 In other words, his drive-bys since he left have just been a replay of what 
he was like when he was here. Nothing to see here folks, just keep driving. 


 OR, if you actually have something to say, stick around

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-02-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Sad, but true.  And a very apt analysis by Judy. 

---In, richard@... wrote :

 .He's not even making sense anymore, Steve - it looks like he's gone over the 
top. He just can't seem to get over Judy leaving and then Ann and the others 
just up and left him to push buttons all by himself, Obviously he is lonely and 
getting desperate for some attention. It probably gets lonely being an expat 
that everyone hates to have around so he spends a lot of time on FFL. Thanks 
for trying to help him. 

Shit happening is *fun* when I do it. Shit returning to me is *not* fun. Other 
people don't know how to have fun the way I do, because if they did, then they 
would have fun with me dumping my shit on *them*, instead of sending it back 
to *me* again. - authfriend


 Doc: What can I do for you today, Mr. Wright?

 Barry: Well, you see Doc, I'm having this straw man argument withdrawal.  I do 
my best arguing when I can create a straw man, and really go at him.  You know, 
BAM, BAM, BAM. And I've been denied this opportunity, and it hurts Doc, it 
really... sniffle, sniffle hurts.

 Doc: I see.  When did this all come about?

 Barry: Well, it was several months ago, but it seems like an eternity.  Doc, 
can ya help me Doc? It's really getting serious.

 Doc: Now, now.  Settle down.  Let's see if we can work this out.  Do you have 
any hobbies?

 Barry: Sure Doc, I'm an experienced technical writer, and I can write one mean 
TV or film review.  I mean people even pay me money for my film reviews.

 Doc: Sure Barry, sure.  Why don't you take some time off and just focus on 
those endeavors that bring you more happiness.

 Barry: Okay, Doc.  I guess you're right.  But there's a guy Doc, a real mean 
guy, who claims he's enlightened, Doc.  It just bugs the hell out of me Doc.  I 
mean, it really bugs the hell out of me.

 Doc:  Sure, Barry.  We're out of time right now.  We'll talk about it next 
week.  Please be sure and drop your check for 100 euros with Debbie on the way 

 Barry: Sure, Doc.  You're the best.  You're swell Doc.  Thanks a million.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 2:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
 Well, I could provide content to FairfieldLife at yahoo-groups and participate 
more on FFL if Rick would do more to protect people on his FFL list from the 
endemic unkindness that has taken it over.

 Well, it may be unkind of me to point it out, but it seems to me that if the 
people who used to participate on this list but who stalked away from it in a 
snit *of their own making* and *voluntarily* ran off to create another forum 
had anything to say, they'd be here saying it. Instead -- like Buck -- the 
*only* thing they seem to do when they come here is whine about how persecuted 
they are. 


 Surely these wimps can't be TMers. Because as we all know TMers are  I N V I N 
C I B L E, and wouldn't run away whining like scared little puppies just 
because they weren't treated the way they wanted to be treated. Seems to me 
that if any of these folks actually *had something to say* BESIDES whining, 
they'd fit in better here, and enjoy it more. 


 I've invited Buck to actually  S A Y   S O M E T H I N G  other than whining 
and actually have an ongoing conversation with someone -- anyone -- here many 
times. And just as many times he's ignored it and continued to act like a whiny 
little bitch. So I can't say that I have much sympathy for his claims of either 
unkindness or his even more laughable claim that this place has been taken 









 Buck's just whining because *he doesn't have what it takes* to interact with 
his fellow human beings on an equal basis, without being granted special 
privileges for being as special as he considers himself to be. If he *ever* 
interacted with *anyone* here as an equal, that would be a first. As it stands, 
I for one don't miss his whining and his preaching. And I for one really 
*can't* miss what it's like to interact with Doug Hamilton As A Person, because 
in the entire time I've known him at FFL he's *never* been able to get over his 
need to preach to people as if they were lesser than he is and act like a human 


 In other words, his drive-bys since he left have just been a replay of what 
he was like when he was here. Nothing to see here folks, just keep driving. 


 OR, if you actually have something to say, stick around and say it. But don't 
expect anyone to feel sorry for you if you've established a many-year history 
of *never

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-02-10 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 02/10/2015 05:43 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

*Bhairitu in FFL post # 409743 now maligns:*

“..Buck is in a fugue state..”

Looks like somebody didn't get the joke. :-D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-02-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Goodness Steve, this was hilarious.   

 Barry, get a grip.  You are sounding more and more insane; let go and move on. 
Have you determined how you'd like your 7th decade to go?  This is it, Barry, 
your one life that you'll be aware of.  Time to grow up, buddy.  It's over.  
Those you love to hate ain't comin' back.  Do you really want to waste valuable 
time engaged in this kind of communication?  In all caps now - crazier and 
crazier, Barry.  Just an objective observation.  Don't care and won't read what 
you reply with, if anything.  Just checked in to see how the mental health here 
is holding up and congratulate Steve on how enlightened he's sounding.   
---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Sad, but true.  And a very apt analysis by Judy. 

---In, richard@... wrote :

 .He's not even making sense anymore, Steve - it looks like he's gone over the 
top. He just can't seem to get over Judy leaving and then Ann and the others 
just up and left him to push buttons all by himself, Obviously he is lonely and 
getting desperate for some attention. It probably gets lonely being an expat 
that everyone hates to have around so he spends a lot of time on FFL. Thanks 
for trying to help him. 

Shit happening is *fun* when I do it. Shit returning to me is *not* fun. Other 
people don't know how to have fun the way I do, because if they did, then they 
would have fun with me dumping my shit on *them*, instead of sending it back 
to *me* again. - authfriend


 Doc: What can I do for you today, Mr. Wright?

 Barry: Well, you see Doc, I'm having this straw man argument withdrawal.  I do 
my best arguing when I can create a straw man, and really go at him.  You know, 
BAM, BAM, BAM. And I've been denied this opportunity, and it hurts Doc, it 
really... sniffle, sniffle hurts.

 Doc: I see.  When did this all come about?

 Barry: Well, it was several months ago, but it seems like an eternity.  Doc, 
can ya help me Doc? It's really getting serious.

 Doc: Now, now.  Settle down.  Let's see if we can work this out.  Do you have 
any hobbies?

 Barry: Sure Doc, I'm an experienced technical writer, and I can write one mean 
TV or film review.  I mean people even pay me money for my film reviews.

 Doc: Sure Barry, sure.  Why don't you take some time off and just focus on 
those endeavors that bring you more happiness.

 Barry: Okay, Doc.  I guess you're right.  But there's a guy Doc, a real mean 
guy, who claims he's enlightened, Doc.  It just bugs the hell out of me Doc.  I 
mean, it really bugs the hell out of me.

 Doc:  Sure, Barry.  We're out of time right now.  We'll talk about it next 
week.  Please be sure and drop your check for 100 euros with Debbie on the way 

 Barry: Sure, Doc.  You're the best.  You're swell Doc.  Thanks a million.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 2:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
 Well, I could provide content to FairfieldLife at yahoo-groups and participate 
more on FFL if Rick would do more to protect people on his FFL list from the 
endemic unkindness that has taken it over.

 Well, it may be unkind of me to point it out, but it seems to me that if the 
people who used to participate on this list but who stalked away from it in a 
snit *of their own making* and *voluntarily* ran off to create another forum 
had anything to say, they'd be here saying it. Instead -- like Buck -- the 
*only* thing they seem to do when they come here is whine about how persecuted 
they are. 


 Surely these wimps can't be TMers. Because as we all know TMers are  I N V I N 
C I B L E, and wouldn't run away whining like scared little puppies just 
because they weren't treated the way they wanted to be treated. Seems to me 
that if any of these folks actually *had something to say* BESIDES whining, 
they'd fit in better here, and enjoy it more. 


 I've invited Buck to actually  S A Y   S O M E T H I N G  other than whining 
and actually have an ongoing conversation with someone -- anyone -- here many 
times. And just as many times he's ignored it and continued to act like a whiny 
little bitch. So I can't say that I have much sympathy for his claims of either 
unkindness or his even more laughable claim that this place has been taken 









 Buck's just whining because *he doesn't have what it takes* to interact with 
his fellow human beings on an equal basis, without being granted special 
privileges for being as special as he considers himself to be. If he *ever

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-02-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I mean 70th decade, not 7thor maybe I do mean that (smile).

---In, emily.mae50@... wrote :

 Goodness Steve, this was hilarious.   

 Barry, get a grip.  You are sounding more and more insane; let go and move on. 
Have you determined how you'd like your 7th decade to go?  This is it, Barry, 
your one life that you'll be aware of.  Time to grow up, buddy.  It's over.  
Those you love to hate ain't comin' back.  Do you really want to waste valuable 
time engaged in this kind of communication?  In all caps now - crazier and 
crazier, Barry.  Just an objective observation.  Don't care and won't read what 
you reply with, if anything.  Just checked in to see how the mental health here 
is holding up and congratulate Steve on how enlightened he's sounding.   
---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Sad, but true.  And a very apt analysis by Judy. 

---In, richard@... wrote :

 .He's not even making sense anymore, Steve - it looks like he's gone over the 
top. He just can't seem to get over Judy leaving and then Ann and the others 
just up and left him to push buttons all by himself, Obviously he is lonely and 
getting desperate for some attention. It probably gets lonely being an expat 
that everyone hates to have around so he spends a lot of time on FFL. Thanks 
for trying to help him. 

Shit happening is *fun* when I do it. Shit returning to me is *not* fun. Other 
people don't know how to have fun the way I do, because if they did, then they 
would have fun with me dumping my shit on *them*, instead of sending it back 
to *me* again. - authfriend


 Doc: What can I do for you today, Mr. Wright?

 Barry: Well, you see Doc, I'm having this straw man argument withdrawal.  I do 
my best arguing when I can create a straw man, and really go at him.  You know, 
BAM, BAM, BAM. And I've been denied this opportunity, and it hurts Doc, it 
really... sniffle, sniffle hurts.

 Doc: I see.  When did this all come about?

 Barry: Well, it was several months ago, but it seems like an eternity.  Doc, 
can ya help me Doc? It's really getting serious.

 Doc: Now, now.  Settle down.  Let's see if we can work this out.  Do you have 
any hobbies?

 Barry: Sure Doc, I'm an experienced technical writer, and I can write one mean 
TV or film review.  I mean people even pay me money for my film reviews.

 Doc: Sure Barry, sure.  Why don't you take some time off and just focus on 
those endeavors that bring you more happiness.

 Barry: Okay, Doc.  I guess you're right.  But there's a guy Doc, a real mean 
guy, who claims he's enlightened, Doc.  It just bugs the hell out of me Doc.  I 
mean, it really bugs the hell out of me.

 Doc:  Sure, Barry.  We're out of time right now.  We'll talk about it next 
week.  Please be sure and drop your check for 100 euros with Debbie on the way 

 Barry: Sure, Doc.  You're the best.  You're swell Doc.  Thanks a million.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 2:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
 Well, I could provide content to FairfieldLife at yahoo-groups and participate 
more on FFL if Rick would do more to protect people on his FFL list from the 
endemic unkindness that has taken it over.

 Well, it may be unkind of me to point it out, but it seems to me that if the 
people who used to participate on this list but who stalked away from it in a 
snit *of their own making* and *voluntarily* ran off to create another forum 
had anything to say, they'd be here saying it. Instead -- like Buck -- the 
*only* thing they seem to do when they come here is whine about how persecuted 
they are. 


 Surely these wimps can't be TMers. Because as we all know TMers are  I N V I N 
C I B L E, and wouldn't run away whining like scared little puppies just 
because they weren't treated the way they wanted to be treated. Seems to me 
that if any of these folks actually *had something to say* BESIDES whining, 
they'd fit in better here, and enjoy it more. 


 I've invited Buck to actually  S A Y   S O M E T H I N G  other than whining 
and actually have an ongoing conversation with someone -- anyone -- here many 
times. And just as many times he's ignored it and continued to act like a whiny 
little bitch. So I can't say that I have much sympathy for his claims of either 
unkindness or his even more laughable claim that this place has been taken 









 Buck's just whining because *he doesn't have what it takes* to interact with 
his fellow human beings

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-02-10 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 2:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
    Well, I could provide content toFairfieldLife at yahoo-groups and 
participate more on FFL if Rickwould do more to protect people on his FFL list 
from the endemicunkindness that has taken it over. 
Well, it may be unkind of me to point it out, but it seems to me that if the 
people who used to participate on this list but who stalked away from it in a 
snit *of their own making* and *voluntarily* ran off to create another forum 
had anything to say, they'd be here saying it. Instead -- like Buck -- the 
*only* thing they seem to do when they come here is whine about how persecuted 
they are. 

Surely these wimps can't be TMers. Because as we all know TMers are  I N V I N 
C I B L E, and wouldn't run away whining like scared little puppies just 
because they weren't treated the way they wanted to be treated. Seems to me 
that if any of these folks actually *had something to say* BESIDES whining, 
they'd fit in better here, and enjoy it more. 

I've invited Buck to actually  S A Y   S O M E T H I N G  other than whining 
and actually have an ongoing conversation with someone -- anyone -- here many 
times. And just as many times he's ignored it and continued to act like a whiny 
little bitch. So I can't say that I have much sympathy for his claims of either 
unkindness or his even more laughable claim that this place has been taken 




Buck's just whining because *he doesn't have what it takes* to interact with 
his fellow human beings on an equal basis, without being granted special 
privileges for being as special as he considers himself to be. If he *ever* 
interacted with *anyone* here as an equal, that would be a first. As it stands, 
I for one don't miss his whining and his preaching. And I for one really 
*can't* miss what it's like to interact with Doug Hamilton As A Person, because 
in the entire time I've known him at FFL he's *never* been able to get over his 
need to preach to people as if they were lesser than he is and act like a human 

In other words, his drive-bys since he left have just been a replay of what 
he was like when he was here. Nothing to see here folks, just keep driving. 

OR, if you actually have something to say, stick around and say it. But don't 
expect anyone to feel sorry for you if you've established a many-year history 
of *never* being able to interact with people as if they were your equal, and 
then you whine about *them* being unkind. Treating pretty much everyone you 
meet as if they are less than you are is the most unkind thing I could imagine 
anyone doing, and sorry to say it, but that describes Doug Hamilton to a T.
Look at what he chose as a Subject line. He's not even a participating *member* 
of FFL any more (and whining about it), but he still feels so  E N T I T L E D  
that he feels he has the right to demand that Rick remove the people he 
doesn't like. Can you *say* Entitled Elitism? I think you can.
I suggest that Rick *already* removed the negativity from Fairfield Life. By 
allowing them to leave, of their own volition.  


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-02-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Jesus Christ, Barry, 

 I'm really not sure what you've written here, (past the first sentence, at 
least), but do you think it might be time to seek help.

 Doc: What can I do for you today, Mr. Wright?

 Barry: Well, you see Doc, I'm having this straw man argument withdrawal.  I do 
my best arguing when I can create a straw man, and really go at him.  You know, 
BAM, BAM, BAM. And I've been denied this opportunity, and it hurts Doc, it 
really... sniffle, sniffle hurts.

 Doc: I see.  When did this all come about?

 Barry: Well, it was several months ago, but it seems like an eternity.  Doc, 
can ya help me Doc? It's really getting serious.

 Doc: Now, now.  Settle down.  Let's see if we can work this out.  Do you have 
any hobbies?

 Barry: Sure Doc, I'm an experienced technical writer, and I can write one mean 
TV or film review.  I mean people even pay me money for my film reviews.

 Doc: Sure Barry, sure.  Why don't you take some time off and just focus on 
those endeavors that bring you more happiness.

 Barry: Okay, Doc.  I guess you're right.  But there's a guy Doc, a real mean 
guy, who claims he's enlightened, Doc.  It just bugs the hell out of me Doc.  I 
mean, it really bugs the hell out of me.

 Doc:  Sure, Barry.  We're out of time right now.  We'll talk about it next 
week.  Please be sure and drop your check for 100 euros with Debbie on the way 

 Barry: Sure, Doc.  You're the best.  You're swell Doc.  Thanks a million.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 2:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
 Well, I could provide content to FairfieldLife at yahoo-groups and participate 
more on FFL if Rick would do more to protect people on his FFL list from the 
endemic unkindness that has taken it over.

 Well, it may be unkind of me to point it out, but it seems to me that if the 
people who used to participate on this list but who stalked away from it in a 
snit *of their own making* and *voluntarily* ran off to create another forum 
had anything to say, they'd be here saying it. Instead -- like Buck -- the 
*only* thing they seem to do when they come here is whine about how persecuted 
they are. 


 Surely these wimps can't be TMers. Because as we all know TMers are  I N V I N 
C I B L E, and wouldn't run away whining like scared little puppies just 
because they weren't treated the way they wanted to be treated. Seems to me 
that if any of these folks actually *had something to say* BESIDES whining, 
they'd fit in better here, and enjoy it more. 


 I've invited Buck to actually  S A Y   S O M E T H I N G  other than whining 
and actually have an ongoing conversation with someone -- anyone -- here many 
times. And just as many times he's ignored it and continued to act like a whiny 
little bitch. So I can't say that I have much sympathy for his claims of either 
unkindness or his even more laughable claim that this place has been taken 









 Buck's just whining because *he doesn't have what it takes* to interact with 
his fellow human beings on an equal basis, without being granted special 
privileges for being as special as he considers himself to be. If he *ever* 
interacted with *anyone* here as an equal, that would be a first. As it stands, 
I for one don't miss his whining and his preaching. And I for one really 
*can't* miss what it's like to interact with Doug Hamilton As A Person, because 
in the entire time I've known him at FFL he's *never* been able to get over his 
need to preach to people as if they were lesser than he is and act like a human 


 In other words, his drive-bys since he left have just been a replay of what 
he was like when he was here. Nothing to see here folks, just keep driving. 


 OR, if you actually have something to say, stick around and say it. But don't 
expect anyone to feel sorry for you if you've established a many-year history 
of *never* being able to interact with people as if they were your equal, and 
then you whine about *them* being unkind. Treating pretty much everyone you 
meet as if they are less than you are is the most unkind thing I could imagine 
anyone doing, and sorry to say it, but that describes Doug Hamilton to a T.

 Look at what he chose as a Subject line. He's not even a participating 
*member* of FFL any more (and whining about it), but he still feels so  E N T I 
T L E D  that he feels he has the right to demand that Rick remove the people 
he doesn't like. Can you *say* Entitled Elitism? I think you can.

 I suggest that Rick *already* removed

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-01-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
What was FFL? An Old Ship of Zion.. 
 Like the Old Ship of Zion of that
 old Shaker tune.
 Old Shaker tune:

 No, what Turq is offering is his periscope view of a passenger ship going down 
after his wolf-pack torpedoed it. I say, damn the torpedoes! The good name of 
the old Liberty ship of FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group is still worth fighting 
for even if helm-less the old ship's owner and its first-mate moderator do not 
respect it...
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

salyavin808 writes:

 A finely written piece if I may say so. It covers all the salient points and 
keeps Buck's nautical theme right to the end.

 FFL is much more buoyant for having ditched it's ballast. Full steam ahead me 


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Doug and the rest of the old crew couldn't wait to jump ship and complain 
about the old one from on board their new vessel. But here he is back again, 
still pouring the same old whine. 


 Sounds to me like over on the H.M.S. The_Leak, their new ride is living up to 
its name and they're already trying to get away. I mean, here's Doug, one of 
the leaders of the mutiny, *already* begging to be allowed to come back to FFL 
so that he can rearrange the deck chairs to suit himself -- regardless of how 
anyone else wants them. 

 Meanwhile, I'm betting that most of us are pretty happy without him and don't 
really want him back. Because unlike Doug  the Whiners (sounds like the name 
of a 50s rock group) we just come here to have fun and talk about things 
without taking them too terribly seriously. 


 And that's an easy 'tude to understand, because if the ship of the TMO goes 
down, we won't go down with it. He will. 



 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
 FFL, she was once a good old ship of Zion.
 Yep, a Liberty ship sailing in rough waters.
 But I don't feel the pirates has broke
 her back. She just needs a re-fit
 and a better crew
 to tend her.

 Just like those Jews of old in exile looking back across the River Jordan to 
Canaan ,
 I do hope for a better time for FFL. 
 The Old FFL Patriarch Of Positivity,

 -Buck in the Dome

 jamesalan735 writes: Buck, 
For crying out loud, will you just let it go already?

 Dear Rick, I feel Fairfieldlife at Yahoo-groups is in deed worth fighting for 
and not just let FFL go over to the internet neganauts who have seized it. 
Rick, it is very nearly the New Year. Let us on FFL start the New Year 
traditionally now with a 12 Days of silence on FFL. It is time for a 
counter-attack to take back the brand of Fairfieldlife. Push the administrative 
buttons necessary in the ownership/admin section of the group and put FFL on 
hold in sync with our old and larger communal traditional time of spiritual 
renewal in silence. The New Year. Lead now and help these people to re-pattern 
and re-groove their lives themselves and to go stand on other paths. Cut them 
loose. These guys have gone overboard and have pulled us all down. For the 
greater safety of the ship that has been FFL it is time to cut them loose.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Where Have all The FFL Flowers Gone?

 They've all gone over to The_Peak


..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

 The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group at Yahoo-groups..
 as like:
 The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

 Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all our gone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocative hatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.
 Jai Guru You, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Dear Rick, As an old friend I really feel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to the culture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtaken the FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups. Yep, a substantial disciplined period of silence should be good 
for the whole group. A little time-out quiet time.
 Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 And so from this principle

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-01-23 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Speaking of finding a way to capture things perfectly in one's writing, deep 
bow for: So I have every sympathy for Buck but I think he's got to face the 
facts and accept that FFL has evolved and left him behind.
That really, really, really nails it.
 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 5:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
   --In, anartaxius@... wrote :

In my experience, while the universe seems to move and change, there does not 
appear to be a hand on the handle of the rudder. But it always seems that among 
the species homo sapiens there are those who feel they should be allowed to 
steer the direction of change. In spiritual terms, this means usurping the 
invisible 'guiding hand' of the universe, whatever that may be, for one's own 
limited purposes. Do you feel it is your purpose in life to do this?
Today is not yesterday, nor tomorrow today. Those who resist change are doomed.
The religious are naturally very resistant to change. I think it's a fear of 
having to deal with the unexpected. And then there's the fear that reality will 
go and contradict your cherished way of looking at things. I think people can 
depend too much on a worldview that they fear deep down is shaky, best not to 
look at what others think of you in case you have to start incorporating all 
sorts of contradictory concepts. Best to keep your head down as you pull at the 
oars and ignore the newer, faster boats speeding ahead.
So I have every sympathy for Buck but I think he's got to face the facts and 
accept that FFL has evolved and left him behind.
Only change is permanent.
  #yiv7625340369 #yiv7625340369 -- #yiv7625340369ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv7625340369 
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#yiv7625340369ygrp-mkp #yiv7625340369hd 
0;}#yiv7625340369 #yiv7625340369ygrp-mkp #yiv7625340369ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv7625340369 #yiv7625340369ygrp-mkp .yiv7625340369ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv7625340369 #yiv7625340369ygrp-mkp .yiv7625340369ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv7625340369 #yiv7625340369ygrp-mkp .yiv7625340369ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv7625340369 #yiv7625340369ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv7625340369ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv7625340369 
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{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv7625340369 #yiv7625340369activity span 
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span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv7625340369 
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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv7625340369 div.yiv7625340369photo-title a, 
#yiv7625340369 div.yiv7625340369photo-title a:active, #yiv7625340369 
div.yiv7625340369photo-title a:hover, #yiv7625340369 
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div#yiv7625340369ygrp-mlmsg #yiv7625340369ygrp-msg p a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-01-23 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Why not continue with your boat metaphor and call it Liberty_Ship -- the forum 
with only room for one?  :-)

  From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 2:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
    may I suggest then Doug that you create your own group -maybe call it the 
new fairfield life?


 From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 7:48 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
    No, what Turq is offering is hisperiscope view of a passenger ship going 
down after his wolf-packtorpedoed it. I say, damn the torpedoes! The good name 
of the oldLiberty ship of FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group is still worthfighting 
for even if helm-less the old ship's owner and its first-mate moderatordoes not 
respect it...-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

salyavin808 writes:

A finely written piece if I may say so. It covers all the salient points and 
keeps Buck's nautical theme right to the end.
FFL is much more buoyant for having ditched it's ballast. Full steam ahead me 

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Doug and the rest of the old crew couldn't wait to jump ship and complain about 
the old one from on board their new vessel. But here he is back again, still 
pouring the same old whine. 

Sounds to me like over on the H.M.S. The_Leak, their new ride is living up to 
its name and they're already trying to get away. I mean, here's Doug, one of 
the leaders of the mutiny, *already* begging to be allowed to come back to FFL 
so that he canrearrange the deck chairs to suit himself -- regardless of how 
anyone elsewants them. 
Meanwhile, I'm betting that most of us are pretty happy without him and don't 
really want him back. Because unlike Doug  the Whiners (sounds like the name 
of a 50s rock group) we just come here to have fun and talk about things 
without taking them too terribly seriously. 

And that's an easy 'tude to understand, because if the ship of the TMO goes 
down, we won't go down with it. He will. 

  From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 5:18 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
 FFL, she was once a good old ship ofZion.Yep, a Liberty ship sailing in 
roughwaters.But I don't feel the pirates has brokeher back. She just needs a 
re-fitand a better crewto tend her.-Buck   

Om. Just like those Jews of old in exile looking back across theRiver Jordan to 
Canaan ,I do hope for a better time for FFL.The Old FFL Patriarch Of Positivity,
-Buck in the Dome
jamesalan735 writes: Buck, 
For crying out loud, will youjust let it go already?

Dear Rick, I feel Fairfieldlife atYahoo-groups is in deed worth fighting for 
and not just let FFL goover to the internet neganauts who have seized it. Rick, 
it is verynearly the New Year. Let us on FFL start the New Year 
traditionallynow with a 12 Days of silence on FFL. It is time for 
acounter-attack to take back the brand of Fairfieldlife. Push theadministrative 
buttons necessary in the ownership/admin section ofthe group and put FFL on 
hold in sync with our old and larger communal traditional time of spiritual 
renewal in silence. The New Year.Lead now and help these people to re-pattern 
and re-groove their livesthemselves and to go stand on other paths. Cut them 
loose. These guyshave gone overboard and have pulled us all down. For the 
greatersafety of the ship that has been FFL it is time to cut them loose.
-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Where Have all The FFL Flowers Gone?
They've all gone over to 

..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group like:The Wreck of the 
Edmund Fitzgerald

Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all ourgone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocativehatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.Jai Guru You, -Buck in 
Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick, As an old friend I reallyfeel that you should not just yield 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-01-23 Thread salyavin808

 A finely written piece if I may say so. It covers all the salient points and 
keeps Buck's nautical theme right to the end.

 FFL is much more buoyant for having ditched it's ballast. Full steam ahead me 


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Doug and the rest of the old crew couldn't wait to jump ship and complain 
about the old one from on board their new vessel. But here he is back again, 
still pouring the same old whine. 


 Sounds to me like over on the H.M.S. The_Leak, their new ride is living up to 
its name and they're already trying to get away. I mean, here's Doug, one of 
the leaders of the mutiny, *already* begging to be allowed to come back to FFL 
so that he can rearrange the deck chairs to suit himself -- regardless of how 
anyone else wants them. 

 Meanwhile, I'm betting that most of us are pretty happy without him and don't 
really want him back. Because unlike Doug  the Whiners (sounds like the name 
of a 50s rock group) we just come here to have fun and talk about things 
without taking them too terribly seriously. 


 And that's an easy 'tude to understand, because if the ship of the TMO goes 
down, we won't go down with it. He will. 



 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 5:18 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
 FFL, she was once a good old ship of Zion.
 Yep, a Liberty ship sailing in rough waters.
 But I don't feel the pirates has broke
 her back. She just needs a re-fit
 and a better crew
 to tend her.

 Just like those Jews of old in exile looking back across the River Jordan to 
Canaan ,
 I do hope for a better time for FFL. 
 The Old FFL Patriarch Of Positivity,

 -Buck in the Dome

 jamesalan735 writes: Buck, 
For crying out loud, will you just let it go already?

 Dear Rick, I feel Fairfieldlife at Yahoo-groups is in deed worth fighting for 
and not just let FFL go over to the internet neganauts who have seized it. 
Rick, it is very nearly the New Year. Let us on FFL start the New Year 
traditionally now with a 12 Days of silence on FFL. It is time for a 
counter-attack to take back the brand of Fairfieldlife. Push the administrative 
buttons necessary in the ownership/admin section of the group and put FFL on 
hold in sync with our old and larger communal traditional time of spiritual 
renewal in silence. The New Year. Lead now and help these people to re-pattern 
and re-groove their lives themselves and to go stand on other paths. Cut them 
loose. These guys have gone overboard and have pulled us all down. For the 
greater safety of the ship that has been FFL it is time to cut them loose.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Where Have all The FFL Flowers Gone?

 They've all gone over to The_Peak


..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

 The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group at Yahoo-groups..
 as like:
 The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

 Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all our gone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocative hatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.
 Jai Guru You, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Dear Rick, As an old friend I really feel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to the culture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtaken the FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups. Yep, a substantial disciplined period of silence should be good 
for the whole group. A little time-out quiet time.
 Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the 
things of God of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and grace in the 
heart, did naturally spring that manner of sitting silent together and waiting 
together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, and so met together inwardly 
in their spirits as well as outwardly in their persons, there the secret power 
and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure motions and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-01-23 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
may I suggest then Doug that you create your own group -maybe call it the new 
fairfield life?

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 7:48 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
    No, what Turq is offering is hisperiscope view of a passenger ship going 
down after his wolf-packtorpedoed it. I say, damn the torpedoes! The good name 
of the oldLiberty ship of FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group is still worthfighting 
for even if helm-less the old ship's owner and its first-mate moderatordoes not 
respect it...-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

salyavin808 writes:

A finely written piece if I may say so. It covers all the salient points and 
keeps Buck's nautical theme right to the end.
FFL is much more buoyant for having ditched it's ballast. Full steam ahead me 

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Doug and the rest of the old crew couldn't wait to jump ship and complain about 
the old one from on board their new vessel. But here he is back again, still 
pouring the same old whine. 

Sounds to me like over on the H.M.S. The_Leak, their new ride is living up to 
its name and they're already trying to get away. I mean, here's Doug, one of 
the leaders of the mutiny, *already* begging to be allowed to come back to FFL 
so that he canrearrange the deck chairs to suit himself -- regardless of how 
anyone elsewants them. 
Meanwhile, I'm betting that most of us are pretty happy without him and don't 
really want him back. Because unlike Doug  the Whiners (sounds like the name 
of a 50s rock group) we just come here to have fun and talk about things 
without taking them too terribly seriously. 

And that's an easy 'tude to understand, because if the ship of the TMO goes 
down, we won't go down with it. He will. 

  From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 5:18 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
 FFL, she was once a good old ship ofZion.Yep, a Liberty ship sailing in 
roughwaters.But I don't feel the pirates has brokeher back. She just needs a 
re-fitand a better crewto tend her.-Buck   

Om. Just like those Jews of old in exile looking back across theRiver Jordan to 
Canaan ,I do hope for a better time for FFL.The Old FFL Patriarch Of Positivity,
-Buck in the Dome
jamesalan735 writes: Buck, 
For crying out loud, will youjust let it go already?

Dear Rick, I feel Fairfieldlife atYahoo-groups is in deed worth fighting for 
and not just let FFL goover to the internet neganauts who have seized it. Rick, 
it is verynearly the New Year. Let us on FFL start the New Year 
traditionallynow with a 12 Days of silence on FFL. It is time for 
acounter-attack to take back the brand of Fairfieldlife. Push theadministrative 
buttons necessary in the ownership/admin section ofthe group and put FFL on 
hold in sync with our old and larger communal traditional time of spiritual 
renewal in silence. The New Year.Lead now and help these people to re-pattern 
and re-groove their livesthemselves and to go stand on other paths. Cut them 
loose. These guyshave gone overboard and have pulled us all down. For the 
greatersafety of the ship that has been FFL it is time to cut them loose.
-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Where Have all The FFL Flowers Gone?
They've all gone over to 

..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group like:The Wreck of the 
Edmund Fitzgerald

Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all ourgone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocativehatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.Jai Guru You, -Buck in 
Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick, As an old friend I reallyfeel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to theculture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtakenthe FairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups. 
Yep, asubstantial disciplined period of silence should be good for thewhole 
group. A little time-out quiet time.Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Andso from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the things 
ofGod of himself, until thus actuated by God's

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-01-23 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Doug and the rest of the old crew couldn't wait to jump ship and complain about 
the old one from on board their new vessel. But here he is back again, still 
pouring the same old whine. 

Sounds to me like over on the H.M.S. The_Leak, their new ride is living up to 
its name and they're already trying to get away. I mean, here's Doug, one of 
the leaders of the mutiny, *already* begging to be allowed to come back to FFL 
so that he can rearrange the deck chairs to suit himself -- regardless of how 
anyone else wants them. 
Meanwhile, I'm betting that most of us are pretty happy without him and don't 
really want him back. Because unlike Doug  the Whiners (sounds like the name 
of a 50s rock group) we just come here to have fun and talk about things 
without taking them too terribly seriously. 

And that's an easy 'tude to understand, because if the ship of the TMO goes 
down, we won't go down with it. He will. 

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 5:18 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
    FFL, she was once a good old ship ofZion.Yep, a Liberty ship sailing in 
roughwaters.But I don't feel the pirates has brokeher back. She just needs a 
re-fitand a better crewto tend her.-Buck   

Om. Just like those Jews of old in exile looking back across theRiver Jordan to 
Canaan ,I do hope for a better time for FFL. The Old FFL Patriarch Of 
-Buck in the Dome
jamesalan735 writes: Buck, 
For crying out loud, will youjust let it go already?

Dear Rick, I feel Fairfieldlife atYahoo-groups is in deed worth fighting for 
and not just let FFL goover to the internet neganauts who have seized it. Rick, 
it is verynearly the New Year. Let us on FFL start the New Year 
traditionallynow with a 12 Days of silence on FFL. It is time for 
acounter-attack to take back the brand of Fairfieldlife. Push theadministrative 
buttons necessary in the ownership/admin section ofthe group and put FFL on 
hold in sync with our old and larger communal traditional time of spiritual 
renewal in silence. The New Year. Lead now and help these people to re-pattern 
and re-groove their livesthemselves and to go stand on other paths. Cut them 
loose. These guyshave gone overboard and have pulled us all down. For the 
greatersafety of the ship that has been FFL it is time to cut them loose.
-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa 

Where Have all The FFL Flowers Gone?
They've all gone over to 

..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group like:The Wreck of the 
Edmund Fitzgerald

Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all ourgone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocativehatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.Jai Guru You, -Buck in 
Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick, As an old friend I reallyfeel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to theculture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtakenthe FairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups. 
Yep, asubstantial disciplined period of silence should be good for thewhole 
group. A little time-out quiet time.Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Andso from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the things 
ofGod of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and grace in the heart, 
didnaturally spring that manner of sitting silent together and waiting 
togetherupon God.  As every one is thus gathered,and so met together inwardly 
in their spirits as well as outwardly in theirpersons, there the secret power 
and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure motions and 
breathings of God's spiritare felt to arise.   
 -BarclayApology 1678
_stanley@... wrote :

Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good luck 
getting him to address this here. 
Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as are-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,    -Buck

There is in fact a lot going on inFairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things getshared

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-01-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 In my experience, while the universe seems to move and change, there does not 
appear to be a hand on the handle of the rudder. But it always seems that among 
the species homo sapiens there are those who feel they should be allowed to 
steer the direction of change. In spiritual terms, this means usurping the 
invisible 'guiding hand' of the universe, whatever that may be, for one's own 
limited purposes. Do you feel it is your purpose in life to do this?

 Today is not yesterday, nor tomorrow today. Those who resist change are doomed.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-01-23 Thread salyavin808


---In, anartaxius@... wrote :



 In my experience, while the universe seems to move and change, there does not 
appear to be a hand on the handle of the rudder. But it always seems that among 
the species homo sapiens there are those who feel they should be allowed to 
steer the direction of change. In spiritual terms, this means usurping the 
invisible 'guiding hand' of the universe, whatever that may be, for one's own 
limited purposes. Do you feel it is your purpose in life to do this?

 Today is not yesterday, nor tomorrow today. Those who resist change are doomed.

 The religious are naturally very resistant to change. I think it's a fear of 
having to deal with the unexpected. And then there's the fear that reality will 
go and contradict your cherished way of looking at things. I think people can 
depend too much on a worldview that they fear deep down is shaky, best not to 
look at what others think of you in case you have to start incorporating all 
sorts of contradictory concepts. Best to keep your head down as you pull at the 
oars and ignore the newer, faster boats speeding ahead.

 So I have every sympathy for Buck but I think he's got to face the facts and 
accept that FFL has evolved and left him behind.

 Only change is permanent.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-01-23 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Doncha think it's fascinating that Doug/Buck has so little faith in what 
Maharishi taught that he thinks a few people speaking their minds on an obscure 
Internet forum can torpedo the ship of the TM organization and bring it down?
I mean, this IS the same group that claims to believe that TM and the TMSP 
produces Invincibility, right? They've tried to sell this Invincibility stuff 
to the *military* of some of the nations they've tried to hit up to fund their 
cult. And yet he seems to feel that this Liberty ship is so fragile that it 
can be brought down by a few people telling the truth as they see it. Very 
curious that having stalked off in a snit from FFL *only a few short days ago* 
now he's back -- putting down the people who created the forum and demanding 
yet again to be put in charge of it himself.

What might be entertaining to some here is that recently he tried to do 
*exactly the same thing* over on The_Leak. He took advantage of some minor 
technical glitch that Bimbo was having trouble resolving with to request that 
Bimbo give Buck/Doug all of his administrator passwords, so that he 
(Buck/Doug) could take care of things for him. 

Naturally, everybody laughed at him. 

Now he's back over here, demanding the same thing. Old record, stuck in the 
same groove he was before he stormed off. What a dildo, to not realize that 
everyone on BOTH forums figured out what a Spiritual Nazi he was long ago, and 
wouldn't trust him to *spell* Liberty, much less maintain it. 

As usual, what he's asking for -- on BOTH forums -- is to *curtail* Liberty and 
put him in charge of things as dictator. SO not gonna happen...
 From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 1:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
    No, what Turq is offering is hisperiscope view of a passenger ship going 
down after his wolf-packtorpedoed it. I say, damn the torpedoes! The good name 
of the oldLiberty ship of FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group is still worthfighting 
for even if helm-less the old ship's owner and its first-mate moderatordoes not 
respect it...-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

salyavin808 writes:

A finely written piece if I may say so. It covers all the salient points and 
keeps Buck's nautical theme right to the end.
FFL is much more buoyant for having ditched it's ballast. Full steam ahead me 

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Doug and the rest of the old crew couldn't wait to jump ship and complain about 
the old one from on board their new vessel. But here he is back again, still 
pouring the same old whine. 

Sounds to me like over on the H.M.S. The_Leak, their new ride is living up to 
its name and they're already trying to get away. I mean, here's Doug, one of 
the leaders of the mutiny, *already* begging to be allowed to come back to FFL 
so that he canrearrange the deck chairs to suit himself -- regardless of how 
anyone elsewants them. 
Meanwhile, I'm betting that most of us are pretty happy without him and don't 
really want him back. Because unlike Doug  the Whiners (sounds like the name 
of a 50s rock group) we just come here to have fun and talk about things 
without taking them too terribly seriously. 

And that's an easy 'tude to understand, because if the ship of the TMO goes 
down, we won't go down with it. He will. 

  From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 5:18 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
 FFL, she was once a good old ship ofZion.Yep, a Liberty ship sailing in 
roughwaters.But I don't feel the pirates has brokeher back. She just needs a 
re-fitand a better crewto tend her.-Buck   

Om. Just like those Jews of old in exile looking back across theRiver Jordan to 
Canaan ,I do hope for a better time for FFL.The Old FFL Patriarch Of Positivity,
-Buck in the Dome
jamesalan735 writes: Buck, 
For crying out loud, will youjust let it go already?

Dear Rick, I feel Fairfieldlife atYahoo-groups is in deed worth fighting for 
and not just let FFL goover to the internet neganauts who have seized it. Rick, 
it is verynearly the New Year. Let us on FFL start the New Year 
traditionallynow with a 12 Days of silence on FFL. It is time for 
acounter-attack to take back the brand of Fairfieldlife. Push theadministrative 
buttons necessary in the ownership/admin section ofthe group and put FFL on 
hold in sync with our old and larger communal traditional time of spiritual 
renewal in silence. The New Year.Lead now and help these people to re-pattern 
and re-groove their livesthemselves and to go stand on other paths. Cut them 
loose. These guyshave gone overboard and have pulled us all down. For the 
greatersafety of the ship that has been FFL

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-01-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
No, what Turq is offering is his periscope view of a passenger ship going down 
after his wolf-pack torpedoed it. I say, damn the torpedoes! The good name of 
the old Liberty ship of FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group is still worth fighting 
for even if helm-less the old ship's owner and its first-mate moderator does 
not respect it...
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

salyavin808 writes:

 A finely written piece if I may say so. It covers all the salient points and 
keeps Buck's nautical theme right to the end.

 FFL is much more buoyant for having ditched it's ballast. Full steam ahead me 


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Doug and the rest of the old crew couldn't wait to jump ship and complain 
about the old one from on board their new vessel. But here he is back again, 
still pouring the same old whine. 


 Sounds to me like over on the H.M.S. The_Leak, their new ride is living up to 
its name and they're already trying to get away. I mean, here's Doug, one of 
the leaders of the mutiny, *already* begging to be allowed to come back to FFL 
so that he can rearrange the deck chairs to suit himself -- regardless of how 
anyone else wants them. 

 Meanwhile, I'm betting that most of us are pretty happy without him and don't 
really want him back. Because unlike Doug  the Whiners (sounds like the name 
of a 50s rock group) we just come here to have fun and talk about things 
without taking them too terribly seriously. 


 And that's an easy 'tude to understand, because if the ship of the TMO goes 
down, we won't go down with it. He will. 



 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 5:18 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
 FFL, she was once a good old ship of Zion.
 Yep, a Liberty ship sailing in rough waters.
 But I don't feel the pirates has broke
 her back. She just needs a re-fit
 and a better crew
 to tend her.

 Just like those Jews of old in exile looking back across the River Jordan to 
Canaan ,
 I do hope for a better time for FFL. 
 The Old FFL Patriarch Of Positivity,

 -Buck in the Dome

 jamesalan735 writes: Buck, 
For crying out loud, will you just let it go already?

 Dear Rick, I feel Fairfieldlife at Yahoo-groups is in deed worth fighting for 
and not just let FFL go over to the internet neganauts who have seized it. 
Rick, it is very nearly the New Year. Let us on FFL start the New Year 
traditionally now with a 12 Days of silence on FFL. It is time for a 
counter-attack to take back the brand of Fairfieldlife. Push the administrative 
buttons necessary in the ownership/admin section of the group and put FFL on 
hold in sync with our old and larger communal traditional time of spiritual 
renewal in silence. The New Year. Lead now and help these people to re-pattern 
and re-groove their lives themselves and to go stand on other paths. Cut them 
loose. These guys have gone overboard and have pulled us all down. For the 
greater safety of the ship that has been FFL it is time to cut them loose.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Where Have all The FFL Flowers Gone?

 They've all gone over to The_Peak


..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

 The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group at Yahoo-groups..
 as like:
 The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

 Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all our gone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocative hatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.
 Jai Guru You, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Dear Rick, As an old friend I really feel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to the culture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtaken the FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups. Yep, a substantial disciplined period of silence should be good 
for the whole group. A little time-out quiet time.
 Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the 
things of God

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-01-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 Just like those Jews of old in exile looking back across the River Jordan to 
Canaan ,
 I do hope for a better time for FFL. 
 The Old FFL Patriarch Of Positivity,

 -Buck in the Dome

 jamesalan735 writes: Buck, 
For crying out loud, will you just let it go already?

 Dear Rick, I feel Fairfieldlife at Yahoo-groups is in deed worth fighting for 
and not just let FFL go over to the internet neganauts who have seized it. 
Rick, it is very nearly the New Year. Let us on FFL start the New Year 
traditionally now with a 12 Days of silence on FFL. It is time for a 
counter-attack to take back the brand of Fairfieldlife. Push the administrative 
buttons necessary in the ownership/admin section of the group and put FFL on 
hold in sync with our old and larger communal traditional time of spiritual 
renewal in silence. The New Year. Lead now and help these people to re-pattern 
and re-groove their lives themselves and to go stand on other paths. Cut them 
loose. These guys have gone overboard and have pulled us all down. For the 
greater safety of the ship that has been FFL it is time to cut them loose.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Where Have all The FFL Flowers Gone?
 They've all gone over to The_Peak

..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

 The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group at Yahoo-groups..
 as like:
 The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

 Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all our gone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocative hatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.
 Jai Guru You, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Dear Rick, As an old friend I really feel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to the culture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtaken the FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups. Yep, a substantial disciplined period of silence should be good 
for the whole group. A little time-out quiet time.
 Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the 
things of God of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and grace in the 
heart, did naturally spring that manner of sitting silent together and waiting 
together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, and so met together inwardly 
in their spirits as well as outwardly in their persons, there the secret power 
and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure motions and 
breathings of God's spirit are felt to arise.
 -Barclay Apology 1678

_stanley@... wrote :

 Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good 
luck getting him to address this here.

 Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as a re-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,-Buck

 There is in fact a lot going on in Fairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things get shared and said elsewhere and not much outside of 
Fairfield, Iowa. This forum should either be taken back or else have its ruins 
more appropriately labeled and renamed to, The_Abyss.

 Bhairitu writes, 
 Why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views 
and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.


 Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck


You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2015-01-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
FFL, she was once a good old ship of Zion.
 Yep, a Liberty ship sailing in rough waters.
 But I don't feel the pirates has broke
 her back. She just needs a re-fit
 and a better crew
 to tend her.

 Just like those Jews of old in exile looking back across the River Jordan to 
Canaan ,
 I do hope for a better time for FFL. 
 The Old FFL Patriarch Of Positivity,

 -Buck in the Dome

 jamesalan735 writes: Buck, 
For crying out loud, will you just let it go already?

 Dear Rick, I feel Fairfieldlife at Yahoo-groups is in deed worth fighting for 
and not just let FFL go over to the internet neganauts who have seized it. 
Rick, it is very nearly the New Year. Let us on FFL start the New Year 
traditionally now with a 12 Days of silence on FFL. It is time for a 
counter-attack to take back the brand of Fairfieldlife. Push the administrative 
buttons necessary in the ownership/admin section of the group and put FFL on 
hold in sync with our old and larger communal traditional time of spiritual 
renewal in silence. The New Year. Lead now and help these people to re-pattern 
and re-groove their lives themselves and to go stand on other paths. Cut them 
loose. These guys have gone overboard and have pulled us all down. For the 
greater safety of the ship that has been FFL it is time to cut them loose.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Where Have all The FFL Flowers Gone?
 They've all gone over to The_Peak

..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

 The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group at Yahoo-groups..
 as like:
 The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

 Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all our gone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocative hatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.
 Jai Guru You, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Dear Rick, As an old friend I really feel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to the culture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtaken the FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups. Yep, a substantial disciplined period of silence should be good 
for the whole group. A little time-out quiet time.
 Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the 
things of God of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and grace in the 
heart, did naturally spring that manner of sitting silent together and waiting 
together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, and so met together inwardly 
in their spirits as well as outwardly in their persons, there the secret power 
and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure motions and 
breathings of God's spirit are felt to arise.
 -Barclay Apology 1678

_stanley@... wrote :

 Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good 
luck getting him to address this here.

 Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as a re-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,-Buck

 There is in fact a lot going on in Fairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things get shared and said elsewhere and not much outside of 
Fairfield, Iowa. This forum should either be taken back or else have its ruins 
more appropriately labeled and renamed to, The_Abyss.

 Bhairitu writes, 
 Why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views 
and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.


 Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick, I feel Fairfieldlife at Yahoo-groups is in deed worth fighting for 
and not just let FFL go over to the internet neganauts who have seized it. 
Rick, it is very nearly the New Year. Let us on FFL start the New Year 
traditionally now with a 12 Days of silence on FFL. It is time for a 
counter-attack to take back the brand of Fairfieldlife. Push the administrative 
buttons necessary in the ownership/admin section of the group and put FFL on 
hold in sync with our old and larger communal traditional time of spiritual 
renewal in silence. The New Year. Lead now and help these people to re-pattern 
and re-groove their lives themselves and to go stand on other paths. Cut them 
loose. These guys have gone overboard and have pulled us all down. For the 
greater safety of the ship that has been FFL it is time to cut them loose.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Where Have all The FFL Flowers Gone?
 They've all gone over to The_Peak

..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

 The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group at Yahoo-groups..
 as like:
 The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

 Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all our gone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocative hatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.
 Jai Guru You, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Dear Rick, As an old friend I really feel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to the culture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtaken the FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups. Yep, a substantial disciplined period of silence should be good 
for the whole group. A little time-out quiet time.
 Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the 
things of God of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and grace in the 
heart, did naturally spring that manner of sitting silent together and waiting 
together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, and so met together inwardly 
in their spirits as well as outwardly in their persons, there the secret power 
and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure motions and 
breathings of God's spirit are felt to arise.
 -Barclay Apology 1678

_stanley@... wrote :

 Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good 
luck getting him to address this here.

 Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as a re-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,-Buck

 There is in fact a lot going on in Fairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things get shared and said elsewhere and not much outside of 
Fairfield, Iowa. This forum should either be taken back or else have its ruins 
more appropriately labeled and renamed to, The_Abyss.

 Bhairitu writes, 
 Why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views 
and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.


 Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck


You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group at Yahoo-groups..
 as like:
 The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
 ..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

 Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all our gone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocative hatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.
 Jai Guru You, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Dear Rick, As an old friend I really feel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to the culture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtaken the FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups. Yep, a substantial disciplined period of silence should be good 
for the whole group. A little time-out quiet time.
 Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the 
things of God of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and grace in the 
heart, did naturally spring that manner of sitting silent together and waiting 
together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, and so met together inwardly 
in their spirits as well as outwardly in their persons, there the secret power 
and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure motions and 
breathings of God's spirit are felt to arise.
 -Barclay Apology 1678

_stanley@... wrote :

 Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good 
luck getting him to address this here.

 Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as a re-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,-Buck

 There is in fact a lot going on in Fairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things get shared and said elsewhere and not much outside of 
Fairfield, Iowa. This forum should either be taken back or else have its ruins 
more appropriately labeled and renamed to, The_Abyss.

 Bhairitu writes, 
 Why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views 
and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.


 Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck


You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
With all due respect, the only person thrashing around in the water claiming to 
be drowning at sea is YOU, Buck. Everyone else seems to be having a pretty nice 
and agreeable time here on the new, improved FFL. 

YOU, on the other hand, are so desperate for someone to put down that you've 
been reduced to reposting conversations from FFL over on the The_Leak, hoping 
to get people to pile on and put this place down. To their credit, the folks 
over there seem to be ignoring you the same way people here are. 
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 2:22 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
    The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group like:The Wreck of 
the Edmund Fitzgerald..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees 
of what was once a more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, 
-Buck in Fairfield Iowa

Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all ourgone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocativehatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.Jai Guru You, -Buck in 
Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick, As an old friend I reallyfeel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to theculture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtakenthe FairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups. 
Yep, asubstantial disciplined period of silence should be good for thewhole 
group. A little time-out quiet time.Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Andso from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the things 
ofGod of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and grace in the heart, 
didnaturally spring that manner of sitting silent together and waiting 
togetherupon God.  As every one is thus gathered,and so met together inwardly 
in their spirits as well as outwardly in theirpersons, there the secret power 
and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure motions and 
breathings of God's spiritare felt to arise.   
 -BarclayApology 1678
_stanley@... wrote :

Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good luck 
getting him to address this here. 
Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as are-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,    -Buck

There is in fact a lot going on inFairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things getshared and said elsewhere and not much outside of 
Fairfield, Iowa. This forum should either be taken back orelse have its ruins 
more appropriately labeled and renamed to, The_Abyss.

Bhairitu writes, Why don't you sharewhat's been going on in Fairfield?  I even 
find your views andnews on farming interesting.
Nope, posting to this forum of Rick'sany of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and themeditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before theswine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - Buck 
inFairfield, Iowa  

Aryavazhi writes:

Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.

Yes, butSon, We Shall Overcomeand walk hand in hand..I do feel. -Buck

You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

Dear Rick, Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find thatRe-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middleway of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is verydescriptive of how it has gone down 
on the old list here.You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under 
attack, then of course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator 
Ishould feel categorically that we should not negotiate withterrorists. It's a 
bad precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank'em.   -Buck in 

emptybillwrites :Buck- yer so right...

Dear Rick; Yes, let us start

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-29 Thread aryavazhi
..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

The Rolling Stones - Out of Time.wmv 
 The Rolling Stones - Out of Time.wmv una muy buena cancion de los 
stone veanlo y comentenn
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Where Have all The FFL Flowers Gone?
 They've all gone over to The_Peak

..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

 The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group at Yahoo-groups..
 as like:
 The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

 Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all our gone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocative hatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.
 Jai Guru You, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Dear Rick, As an old friend I really feel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to the culture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtaken the FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups. Yep, a substantial disciplined period of silence should be good 
for the whole group. A little time-out quiet time.
 Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the 
things of God of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and grace in the 
heart, did naturally spring that manner of sitting silent together and waiting 
together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, and so met together inwardly 
in their spirits as well as outwardly in their persons, there the secret power 
and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure motions and 
breathings of God's spirit are felt to arise.
 -Barclay Apology 1678

_stanley@... wrote :

 Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good 
luck getting him to address this here.

 Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as a re-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,-Buck

 There is in fact a lot going on in Fairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things get shared and said elsewhere and not much outside of 
Fairfield, Iowa. This forum should either be taken back or else have its ruins 
more appropriately labeled and renamed to, The_Abyss.

 Bhairitu writes, 
 Why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views 
and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.


 Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck


You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick, thank you for bestowing such great blessings on my Macbook and its 
spanking new SSD. After being cloned with the contents of the hard drive, the 
drives were swapped, and the Macbook booted up to the SSD just fine. Swiftly 
loading apps were enjoyed by all, and there was much rejoicing.

---In, wrote :

Dear Rick, I pray that the 480GB SSD I just ordered to replace the 250GB hard 
drive in my six year old 13 Macbook will truly be enough of a performance 
boost that I will no longer be jonesing for a new, maxed out 15 Macbook at ten 
times the price of the SSD.

---In, wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-25 Thread aryavazhi


---In, seerdope@... wrote :


 aryavazhi My other comment to this topic was directly taken from Surah Yaseen 
from the most Holy Koran:


Can you be more specific? 

I was intentionally vague. What can I say? I picked up this little pamphlet in 
one of the places I had visited, a muslim/sufi sanctuary. Very impressive. This 
was the only book I found with English translitation and text. So I bought it. 
When I wanted to read it at home, I was somewhat disappointed, because of the 
obvious fundamentalism displayed in it. So I put it aside again. But it still 
carried the memory of this place in it, so as a token of memory I guarded it. I 
just read now that it is considered to be the heart of the koran, and pious 
people read it every evening, before going to bed. wrt Buck, I just 
appropriated his message to post it, just a few lines. 

 I watched the video you posted. (as I have also been viewing other videos of 
recitations of the Qur'an this week along with recitations of sacred texts from 
other world cultures) and am struck by the simplicity (as in not adorned by 
non-essentials), charm and beauty of them (beauty to me is subjective and as 
meandered about  in prior posts -- not something that exists other than for our 
subjective overlays, but the overlay is lovely). 

 However, the following are the same verses (perhaps a fuller version) text ) 
with english translation.  To me, traditional (aka texts held sacred by a 
particular culture) texts have many layers of meaning. I am struck (like a rock 
to the head (though that may be a blessing as it has been said ' everybody must 
get stoned')) by views that solely take a literalist (fundamentalist) view of 
these texts, ignoring metaphor, cultural and historical context, and relation 
to inner experience. .Still, the literal english translation may be startling 
to those who listen and appreciate something in the sound of the recitation by 
it self. 

 On one level the words may be taken as a exclusionist, superiority complexed, 
bubble of self-aggrandizement and a justification for inhumane acts. On other 
levels, it may be a starkly beautiful call to let go of the grip of 
(apparently) outer life, and become absorbed in the stillness that pervades 
awareness and (apparent) outer life. And many levels of meaning (understanding) 
in between, and beyond.

I was sort of startled (or interested, whats the word?) by/into these lines, 
which have a clearly deterministic sound, right? So I connected it with Bucks 
rant. But there is not much of a comment I can offer.

 8.We have put yokes round their necks right up to their chins, so that 
their heads are forced up (and they cannot see).
 9.And We have put a bar in front of them and a bar behind them, and 
further, We have covered them up; so that they cannot see.

For me, reading the english translation by itself, I find tends to bring a more 
limited view and sense of it. Hearing the recitation, while reading the english 
translation, for me, brings (for me) a deeper appreciation of the (potential) 
meaning. And regardless of original intent -- which is always hard to fathom, 
as with anything, including art, literature, music, philosophy, inner 
experience and life, one takes away with them what they find, the connections 
of previously unconnected domains, the sparks of insight, as to what is 
meaningful to them.   


 Surah Ya-Sin by Mishary Al Afasi ( Complete Surah)
 Surah Ya-Sin by Mishary Al Afasi ( Complete Surah) Bismi 
MERCIFUL. Asalaam Alaykoum Wa RahmatouLla...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 SYSurah Ya-Sin

 2.By the Qur'an, full of Wisdom,
 3.Thou art indeed one of the apostles,
 4.On a Straight Way.
 5.It is a Revelation sent down by (Him), the Exalted in Might, Most 
 6.In order that thou mayest admonish a people, whose fathers had received 
no admonition, and who therefore remain heedless (of the Signs of Allah.
 7.The Word is proved true against the greater part of them: for they do 
not believe.
 8.We have put yokes round their necks right up to their chins, so that 
their heads are forced up (and they cannot see).
 9.And We have put a bar in front of them and a bar behind them, and 
further, We have covered them up; so that they cannot see.
 10. The same is it to them whether thou admonish them or thou do not admonish 
them: they will not believe.
 11. Thou canst but admonish such a one as follows the Message and fears the 
(Lord) Most Gracious, unseen: give such a one, therefore, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all our gone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocative hatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.
 Jai Guru You, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Dear Rick, As an old friend I really feel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to the culture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtaken the FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups. Yep, a substantial disciplined period of silence should be good 
for the whole group. A little time-out quiet time.
 Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the 
things of God of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and grace in the 
heart, did naturally spring that manner of sitting silent together and waiting 
together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, and so met together inwardly 
in their spirits as well as outwardly in their persons, there the secret power 
and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure motions and 
breathings of God's spirit are felt to arise.
 -Barclay Apology 1678

_stanley@... wrote :

 Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good 
luck getting him to address this here.

 Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as a re-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,-Buck

 There is in fact a lot going on in Fairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things get shared and said elsewhere and not much outside of 
Fairfield, Iowa. This forum should either be taken back or else have its ruins 
more appropriately labeled and renamed to, The_Abyss.

 Bhairitu writes, 
 Why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views 
and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.


 Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck


You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Or, his personal life is filled to capacity with sadhana, BATGAP, and married 
life. The last time he posted something that was an interaction with the group 
was Dec. 3. The four posts he's made since then were all hit-and-run 
announcement posts. 

---In, wrote :

 He's implementing the advice on a personal level... 



---In, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :

Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good luck 
getting him to address this here. 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as a re-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,-Buck




[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Merry Christmas Buck.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all our gone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocative hatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum. Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places. Many have come and gone through FFL. 
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.

 Jai Guru You, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-24 Thread aryavazhi
Actually this was tongue-in-cheek as well. The_Abyss was just an ironic mocking 
of The_Peak. If I understand correctly, it was founded by two guys, who left, 
because they were scared, because they had heard that somebody had registered a 
file with their names at the dutch police. Now some of these guys are trying to 
win other's over to this new group, which is funny in and of itself.

I'd like to say, that am quite happy, that I have been accepted here on FFL by 
Sir Alex and Master Rick, and if I want to write something to the_peak, I will 
write it here, as they are all lurking here anyway. Plus, I don't like that you 
cannot hide emails. Then they say, that the site is moderated, but messages are 
not! So what now?

My other comment to this topic was directly taken from Surah Yaseen from the 
most Holy Koran Hasan bin 'Abdullah Al 'Awadh Reciting Surah Yaseen ;-) 
 Hasan bin 'Abdullah Al 'Awadh Reciting Surah Yas... Hasan bin 'Abdullah Al 'Awadh 
reciting Surah no.36 Surah-Yasin. This kid has the most gifted voice i have 
ever heard,Alhamdulillah. Inshallah he'll be f...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 aryavazhi My other comment to this topic was directly taken from Surah Yaseen 
from the most Holy Koran:


Can you be more specific?  

 I watched the video you posted. (as I have also been viewing other videos of 
recitations of the Qur'an this week along with recitations of sacred texts from 
other world cultures) and am struck by the simplicity (as in not adorned by 
non-essentials), charm and beauty of them (beauty to me is subjective and as 
meandered about  in prior posts -- not something that exists other than for our 
subjective overlays, but the overlay is lovely). 

 However, the following are the same verses (perhaps a fuller version) text ) 
with english translation.  To me, traditional (aka texts held sacred by a 
particular culture) texts have many layers of meaning. I am struck (like a rock 
to the head (though that may be a blessing as it has been said ' everybody must 
get stoned')) by views that solely take a literalist (fundamentalist) view of 
these texts, ignoring metaphor, cultural and historical context, and relation 
to inner experience. .Still, the literal english translation may be startling 
to those who listen and appreciate something in the sound of the recitation by 
it self. 

 On one level the words may be taken as a exclusionist, superiority complexed, 
bubble of self-aggrandizement and a justification for inhumane acts. On other 
levels, it may be a starkly beautiful call to let go of the grip of 
(apparently) outer life, and become absorbed in the stillness that pervades 
awareness and (apparent) outer life. And many levels of meaning (understanding) 
in between, and beyond.

 For me, reading the english translation by itself, I find tends to bring a 
more limited view and sense of it. Hearing the recitation, while reading the 
english translation, for me, brings (for me) a deeper appreciation of the 
(potential) meaning. And regardless of original intent -- which is always hard 
to fathom, as with anything, including art, literature, music, philosophy, 
inner experience and life, one takes away with them what they find, the 
connections of previously unconnected domains, the sparks of insight, as to 
what is meaningful to them.   


 Surah Ya-Sin by Mishary Al Afasi ( Complete Surah) 
 Surah Ya-Sin by Mishary Al Afasi ( Complete Surah) Bismi 
MERCIFUL. Asalaam Alaykoum Wa RahmatouLla...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 SYSurah Ya-Sin

 2.By the Qur'an, full of Wisdom,
 3.Thou art indeed one of the apostles,
 4.On a Straight Way.
 5.It is a Revelation sent down by (Him), the Exalted in Might, Most 
 6.In order that thou mayest admonish a people, whose fathers had received 
no admonition, and who therefore remain heedless (of the Signs of Allah.
 7.The Word is proved true against the greater part of them: for they do 
not believe.
 8.We have put yokes round their necks right up to their chins, so that 
their heads are forced up (and they cannot see).
 9.And We have put a bar in front of them and a bar behind them, and 
further, We have covered them up; so that they cannot see.
 10. The same is it to them whether thou admonish them or thou do not admonish 
them: they will not believe.
 11. Thou canst but admonish such a one as follows the Message and fears the 
(Lord) Most Gracious, unseen: give such a one, therefore, good tidings, of 
Forgiveness and a Reward most generous.
 12. Verily We shall give life to the dead, and We record that which they send 
before and that which they leave behind, and of all things have We taken 
account in a clear Book (of evidence).
 13. Set forth to them, by way of a parable, the (story of) the Companions of 
the City. Behold!, there came apostles to it.
 14. When We (first) sent to them two apostles, they rejected them: But We 
strengthened them with a third: they said, Truly, we have been sent on a 
mission to you.
 15. The (people) said: Ye are only men like ourselves; and ((Allah)) Most 
Gracious sends no sort of revelation: ye do nothing but lie.
 16. They said: Our Lord doth know that we have been sent on a mission to you:
 17. And our duty is only to proclaim the clear Message.
 18. The (people) said: for us, we augur an evil omen from you: if ye desist 
not, we will certainly stone you. And a grievous punishment indeed will be 
inflicted on you by us.
 19. They said: Your evil omens are with yourselves: (deem ye this an evil 
omen). If ye are admonished? Nay, but ye are a people transgressing all bounds!
 20. Then there came running, from the farthest part of the City, a man, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
There is in fact a lot going on in Fairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things get shared and said elsewhere. This forum should either be 
taken back or else have its ruins more appropriately labeled and renamed to 

 Bhairitu writes, 
 Why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views 
and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.


 Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck


You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as a re-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,-Buck

 There is in fact a lot going on in Fairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things get shared and said elsewhere and not much outside of 
Fairfield, Iowa. This forum should either be taken back or else have its ruins 
more appropriately labeled and renamed to, The_Abyss.

 Bhairitu writes, 
 Why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views 
and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.


 Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck


You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good luck 
getting him to address this here. 

---In, wrote :

 Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as a re-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,-Buck




[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the things 
of God of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and grace in the heart, 
did naturally spring that manner of sitting silent together and waiting 
together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, and so met together inwardly 
in their spirits as well as outwardly in their persons, there the secret power 
and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure motions and 
breathings of God's spirit are felt to arise.
 -Barclay Apology 1678

_stanley@... wrote :

 Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good 
luck getting him to address this here.

 Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as a re-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,-Buck

 There is in fact a lot going on in Fairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things get shared and said elsewhere and not much outside of 
Fairfield, Iowa. This forum should either be taken back or else have its ruins 
more appropriately labeled and renamed to, The_Abyss.

 Bhairitu writes, 
 Why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views 
and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.


 Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck


You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick, As an old friend I really feel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to the culture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtaken the FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups. Yep, a substantial disciplined period of silence should be good 
for the whole group. A little time-out quiet time.
 Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the 
things of God of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and grace in the 
heart, did naturally spring that manner of sitting silent together and waiting 
together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, and so met together inwardly 
in their spirits as well as outwardly in their persons, there the secret power 
and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure motions and 
breathings of God's spirit are felt to arise.
 -Barclay Apology 1678

_stanley@... wrote :

 Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good 
luck getting him to address this here.

 Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as a re-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,-Buck

 There is in fact a lot going on in Fairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things get shared and said elsewhere and not much outside of 
Fairfield, Iowa. This forum should either be taken back or else have its ruins 
more appropriately labeled and renamed to, The_Abyss.

 Bhairitu writes, 
 Why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views 
and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.


 Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck


You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
He's implementing the advice on a personal level... 



---In, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :

Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good luck 
getting him to address this here. 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as a re-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,-Buck




[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-23 Thread aryavazhi

Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.

You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a par behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome 
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck



Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.

You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Bhairitu writes, why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even 
find your views and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.


 Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck


You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-23 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Actually all of us whom Bucky accuses of virulent neganautism are all fully 
enlightened, thus we maintain equanimity in the face of all things including 
Buck who evidently rocks himself to sleep by repeating his FFL go to sleep 
mantra over and over.

  From: aryavazhi
 Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 4:57 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.

You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a par behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Dear Rick, Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find thatRe-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middleway of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is verydescriptive of how it has gone down 
on the old list here.You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under 
attack, then of course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator 
Ishould feel categorically that we should not negotiate withterrorists. It's a 
bad precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank'em.   -Buck in 

emptybillwrites :Buck- yer so right...

Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence onFFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That newtitle would better represent 
the forum as it has devolved in to thehands of mostly non-Fairfield neganauts. 
Let us start anew in aperiod of silence. Let us have no thing here until at the 
least, 12January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

Dear Rick;
Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
thehome page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quitetransparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..but have a different idea: In 
response to the recent exodus fromFFL, rename the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a longperiod of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden timesof FFL.With Fond Regards,-Buck in Fairfield, 

The seasonal long night is upon us now!  Would be a great time to start a 
renewal for FFL:

December Solstice 2014: December 21, at23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holidayin a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what wasonce a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.
 It would be a finetime to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFLtake a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet 
timemeditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm stepin 
communal progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken 
over by the unkindness it has become.    Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

Rick it is not being unreasonableasking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from themalignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you shouldjust suspend the posting function to FFL for 
a good while.

Yes, let us have a holiday of silenceon FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to and 
then coming out of asilence then anew in the making of something kinder like a 
renewing ofthe communal FFL forum.

Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFLsilence. Do let

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-23 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Aww come on Buck! You don't have to be skeert of us the way you are of the 
Master of the Domes! We won't kick you out of FFL like you waz kicked out'n the 
Domes for havin' a beard and gettin' a hug from a Indian gal. 

And whom do you give your allegiances to? The Dome-y people? 
Might be time for a reassessment of yer priorities. 

You'll git enlightened a heap quicker by hangin' out with folks like me 'n 
Barry 'n Sal than you will hangin' out in them Domes.

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 8:07 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
    Bhairitu writes, why don't you sharewhat's been going on in Fairfield?  I 
even find your views andnews on farming interesting.
Nope, posting to this forum of Rick'sany of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and themeditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before theswine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - Buck 
inFairfield, Iowa  

Aryavazhi writes:

Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.

Yes, butSon, We Shall Overcomeand walk hand in hand..I do feel. -Buck

You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

Dear Rick, Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find thatRe-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middleway of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is verydescriptive of how it has gone down 
on the old list here.You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under 
attack, then of course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator 
Ishould feel categorically that we should not negotiate withterrorists. It's a 
bad precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank'em.   -Buck in 

emptybillwrites :Buck- yer so right...

Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence onFFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That newtitle would better represent 
the forum as it has devolved in to thehands of mostly non-Fairfield neganauts. 
Let us start anew in aperiod of silence. Let us have no thing here until at the 
least, 12January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

Dear Rick;
Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
thehome page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quitetransparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..but have a different idea: In 
response to the recent exodus fromFFL, rename the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a longperiod of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden timesof FFL.With Fond Regards,-Buck in Fairfield, 

The seasonal long night is upon us now!  Would be a great time to start a 
renewal for FFL:

December Solstice 2014: December 21, at23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holidayin a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what wasonce a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.
 It would be a finetime to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFLtake a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet 
timemeditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm stepin 
communal progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken 
over by the unkindness it has become.    Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

Rick it is not being unreasonableasking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from themalignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, this is Rick's group. And one of the things that Rick, himself, used his 
group for was posting salacious gossip about Maharishi's alleged sex life. FFL 
has NEVER been the blissninny utopia of your hallucinations. The biggest 
problem on FFL was the endless squabbling between the attention seekers and 
attention givers, and with one of those polarities having removed itself, the 
problem is gone. As far as I'm concerned, the biggest problem on FFL right now 
is you and your endless whining. With the group's traffic having settled down 
into actual discussion, your bullshit is standing out like a sore thumb, and I 
am very tempted to go rogue and boot you off the group.

---In, wrote :

 Bhairitu writes, why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I 
even find your views and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Oh for Chrissakes. Then, just go away, leave the group, go p*ss somewhere else. 

Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  


Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.


 Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck


You can but warn such a one as follows the message and fears the most gracious, 
unseen: give such a one, therefor, good tidings, of forgiveness and a reward 
most generous.

The word is proved true against the greater part of them:
For they do not believe. We have put yokes round their necks up to their chins. 
So they cannot bow their heads.

And we have put a bar in front of them and  a bar behind them, and further. We 
have covered them up, so they cannot see.

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Son you misrepresent Rick here. Rick is an old friend of mine. There was 
nothing salacious about Rick pursuing the sadie papers here. Rick's is pure 
scholarly journalism on that subject. Nothing salacious about Rick. Not like 
some other really infamous posters here and that other guy with the colorful 
rock as a handle here posting anonymously who has been caught any number of 
times dumping and trolling salacious material on to FFL.  
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa on FFL at Yahoo-groups

---In, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :

 Yes, this is Rick's group. And one of the things that Rick, himself, used his 
group for was posting salacious gossip about Maharishi's alleged sex life. FFL 
has NEVER been the blissninny utopia of your hallucinations. The biggest 
problem on FFL was the endless squabbling between the attention seekers and 
attention givers, and with one of those polarities having removed itself, the 
problem is gone. As far as I'm concerned, the biggest problem on FFL right now 
is you and your endless whining. With the group's traffic having settled down 
into actual discussion, your bullshit is standing out like a sore thumb, and I 
am very tempted to go rogue and boot you off the group.

 Bhairitu writes, why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I 
even find your views and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-23 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Well, damn! That's a surprise, that you don't have problems with RA posting and 
gathering info on Marshy's womanizing. I doubt that Rick's interest in Marshy's 
sex life was merely scholarly, but only RA himself can answer that. 

This post of yours does make me wonder what you do consider salacious if 
gathering info about Marshy's lying about being life long celibate doesn't make 
the cut.
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 11:29 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
    Son you misrepresent Rick here. Rickis an old friend of mine. There was 
nothing salacious about Rickpursuing the sadie papers here. Rick's is pure 
scholarly journalismon that subject. Nothing salacious about Rick. Not like 
some otherreally infamous posters here and that other guy with the colorfulrock 
as a handle here posting anonymously who has been caught any number of times 
dumping and trolling salacious material on to FFL.  Respectfully, -Buck in 
Fairfield, Iowa on FFL at Yahoo-groups

---In, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :

Yes, this is Rick's group. And one of the things that Rick, himself, used his 
group for was posting salacious gossip about Maharishi's alleged sex life. FFL 
has NEVER been the blissninny utopia of your hallucinations. The biggest 
problem on FFL was the endless squabbling between the attention seekers and 
attention givers, and with one of those polarities having removed itself, the 
problem is gone. As far as I'm concerned, the biggest problem on FFL right now 
is you and your endless whining. With the group's traffic having settled down 
into actual discussion, your bullshit is standing out like a sore thumb, and I 
am very tempted to go rogue and boot you off the group.

Bhairitu writes, why don't you sharewhat's been going on in Fairfield?  I even 
find your views andnews on farming interesting.
Nope, posting to this forum of Rick'sany of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and themeditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before theswine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - Buck 
inFairfield, Iowa  

  #yiv1162529946 #yiv1162529946 -- #yiv1162529946ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv1162529946 
#yiv1162529946ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv1162529946 
#yiv1162529946ygrp-mkp #yiv1162529946hd 
0;}#yiv1162529946 #yiv1162529946ygrp-mkp #yiv1162529946ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv1162529946 #yiv1162529946ygrp-mkp .yiv1162529946ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv1162529946 #yiv1162529946ygrp-mkp .yiv1162529946ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv1162529946 #yiv1162529946ygrp-mkp .yiv1162529946ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1162529946 #yiv1162529946ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv1162529946ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv1162529946 
#yiv1162529946ygrp-sponsor #yiv1162529946ygrp-lc #yiv1162529946hd {margin:10px 
#yiv1162529946ygrp-sponsor #yiv1162529946ygrp-lc .yiv1162529946ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv1162529946 #yiv1162529946actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv1162529946 
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{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1162529946 #yiv1162529946activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv1162529946 #yiv1162529946activity span 
.yiv1162529946underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv1162529946 
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4px;}#yiv1162529946 .yiv1162529946bold 
.yiv1162529946bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv1162529946 dd.yiv1162529946last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv1162529946 dd.yiv1162529946last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv1162529946 
dd.yiv1162529946last p span.yiv1162529946yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv1162529946 div.yiv1162529946attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv1162529946 div.yiv1162529946attach-table 
{width:400px;}#yiv1162529946 div.yiv1162529946file-title a, #yiv1162529946 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Nope. Son, your vindictive bitter method of revenge seeking here is quite 
evidently in an entirely different league from Rick's inquiry. -Buck

mjackson74 wrote :

 Well, damn! That's a surprise, that you don't have problems with RA posting 
and gathering info on Marshy's womanizing. I doubt that Rick's interest in 
Marshy's sex life was merely scholarly, but only RA himself can answer that.   
This post of yours does make me wonder what you do consider salacious if 
gathering info about Marshy's lying about being life long celibate doesn't make 
the cut.
 Son you misrepresent Rick here. Rick is an old friend of mine. There was 
nothing salacious about Rick pursuing the sadie papers here. Rick's is pure 
scholarly journalism on that subject. Nothing salacious about Rick. Not like 
some other really infamous posters here and that other guy with the colorful 
rock as a handle here posting anonymously who has been caught any number of 
times dumping and trolling salacious material on to FFL.  
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa on FFL at Yahoo-groups

---In, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :

 Yes, this is Rick's group. And one of the things that Rick, himself, used his 
group for was posting salacious gossip about Maharishi's alleged sex life. FFL 
has NEVER been the blissninny utopia of your hallucinations. The biggest 
problem on FFL was the endless squabbling between the attention seekers and 
attention givers, and with one of those polarities having removed itself, the 
problem is gone. As far as I'm concerned, the biggest problem on FFL right now 
is you and your endless whining. With the group's traffic having settled down 
into actual discussion, your bullshit is standing out like a sore thumb, and I 
am very tempted to go rogue and boot you off the group.

 Bhairitu writes, why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I 
even find your views and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-23 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I hate to say so this near to Christmas but you are quite incorrect to label me 
as a revenge seeker.  I actually, as I have stated before got on FFL originally 
in the spirit of inquiry which is why I was asking so many questions of those 
who were willing to talk about their time in the TMO, Marshy's escapades and 
people's opinions of the allegations of sexual activity etc.
As I firmed up mu own opinion I began to express it, first by expressing 
disbelief over people's willingness to ignore some obvious egregious behavior 
on the part of the TMO and its leaders and asking them how they arrived at 
their conclusions. 

When their answers all fell into the category of True Believer-isms, I began to 
realize what I was dealing with and began to offer my own opinion based on 
experience, observation and the similar experiences of others, some right here 
on FFL.
So there is no desire for revenge. I do like the truth to be told and the lies 
to be exposed directly or when some unexpected event like the Fairfield Pundit 
Riot of 2014, or the outing of Stephen Collins, one of the TMO's celebrity 
darlings as a man with pedophile tendencies. 

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 1:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
    Nope. Son, your vindictive bitter method ofrevenge seeking here is quite 
evidently in an entirely different league fromRick's inquiry. -Buck    

mjackson74 wrote :

Well, damn! That's a surprise, that you don't have problems with RA posting and 
gathering info on Marshy's womanizing. I doubt that Rick's interest in Marshy's 
sex life was merely scholarly, but only RA himself can answer that.   This post 
of yours does make me wonder what you do consider salacious if gathering info 
about Marshy's lying about being life long celibate doesn't make the cut. Son 
you misrepresent Rick here. Rickis an old friend of mine. There was nothing 
salacious about Rickpursuing the sadie papers here. Rick's is pure scholarly 
journalismon that subject. Nothing salacious about Rick. Not like some 
otherreally infamous posters here and that other guy with the colorfulrock as a 
handle here posting anonymously who has been caught any number of times dumping 
and trolling salacious material on to FFL.  Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield, 
Iowa on FFL at Yahoo-groups

---In, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :

Yes, this is Rick's group. And one of the things that Rick, himself, used his 
group for was posting salacious gossip about Maharishi's alleged sex life. FFL 
has NEVER been the blissninny utopia of your hallucinations. The biggest 
problem on FFL was the endless squabbling between the attention seekers and 
attention givers, and with one of those polarities having removed itself, the 
problem is gone. As far as I'm concerned, the biggest problem on FFL right now 
is you and your endless whining. With the group's traffic having settled down 
into actual discussion, your bullshit is standing out like a sore thumb, and I 
am very tempted to go rogue and boot you off the group.

Bhairitu writes, why don't you sharewhat's been going on in Fairfield?  I even 
find your views andnews on farming interesting.
Nope, posting to this forum of Rick'sany of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and themeditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before theswine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - Buck 
inFairfield, Iowa  

  #yiv3206339861 #yiv3206339861 -- #yiv3206339861ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3206339861 
#yiv3206339861ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3206339861 
#yiv3206339861ygrp-mkp #yiv3206339861hd 
0;}#yiv3206339861 #yiv3206339861ygrp-mkp #yiv3206339861ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv3206339861 #yiv3206339861ygrp-mkp .yiv3206339861ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv3206339861 #yiv3206339861ygrp-mkp .yiv3206339861ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv3206339861 #yiv3206339861ygrp-mkp .yiv3206339861ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3206339861 #yiv3206339861ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv3206339861ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv3206339861 
#yiv3206339861ygrp-sponsor #yiv3206339861ygrp-lc #yiv3206339861hd {margin:10px 
#yiv3206339861ygrp-sponsor #yiv3206339861ygrp-lc .yiv3206339861ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv3206339861 #yiv3206339861actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv3206339861 
 #yiv3206339861activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv3206339861 
#yiv3206339861activity span:first-child 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear MJ, that is a complete fallacy of reasoning and evidently you are 
persecuting in method a whole group of people on that opinion. That is what, 
very Southern of you? There is not a lot other to say to you other than that I 
hope you can get some good counsel on your anger issues. I wish you a merry 
Christmas. Best, -Buck in Fairfield, Ia.  
mjackson74 wrote :

 I hate to say so this near to Christmas but you are quite incorrect to label 
me as a revenge seeker.  I actually, as I have stated before got on FFL 
originally in the spirit of inquiry which is why I was asking so many questions 
of those who were willing to talk about their time in the TMO, Marshy's 
escapades and people's opinions of the allegations of sexual activity etc.

 As I firmed up mu own opinion I began to express it, first by expressing 
disbelief over people's willingness to ignore some obvious egregious behavior 
on the part of the TMO and its leaders and asking them how they arrived at 
their conclusions. 


 When their answers all fell into the category of True Believer-isms, I began 
to realize what I was dealing with and began to offer my own opinion based on 
experience, observation and the similar experiences of others, some right here 
on FFL.

 So there is no desire for revenge. I do like the truth to be told and the lies 
to be exposed directly or when some unexpected event like the Fairfield Pundit 
Riot of 2014, or the outing of Stephen Collins, one of the TMO's celebrity 
darlings as a man with pedophile tendencies. 


 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
 Nope. Son, your vindictive bitter method of revenge seeking here is quite 
evidently in an entirely different league from Rick's inquiry. -Buck

mjackson74 wrote :

 Well, damn! That's a surprise, that you don't have problems with RA posting 
and gathering info on Marshy's womanizing. I doubt that Rick's interest in 
Marshy's sex life was merely scholarly, but only RA himself can answer that.   
This post of yours does make me wonder what you do consider salacious if 
gathering info about Marshy's lying about being life long celibate doesn't make 
the cut.
 Son you misrepresent Rick here. Rick is an old friend of mine. There was 
nothing salacious about Rick pursuing the sadie papers here. Rick's is pure 
scholarly journalism on that subject. Nothing salacious about Rick. Not like 
some other really infamous posters here and that other guy with the colorful 
rock as a handle here posting anonymously who has been caught any number of 
times dumping and trolling salacious material on to FFL.  
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa on FFL at Yahoo-groups

---In, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :

 Yes, this is Rick's group. And one of the things that Rick, himself, used his 
group for was posting salacious gossip about Maharishi's alleged sex life. FFL 
has NEVER been the blissninny utopia of your hallucinations. The biggest 
problem on FFL was the endless squabbling between the attention seekers and 
attention givers, and with one of those polarities having removed itself, the 
problem is gone. As far as I'm concerned, the biggest problem on FFL right now 
is you and your endless whining. With the group's traffic having settled down 
into actual discussion, your bullshit is standing out like a sore thumb, and I 
am very tempted to go rogue and boot you off the group.

 Bhairitu writes, why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I 
even find your views and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  






[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have nothing to do 
with Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have effectively usurped the 
Fairfieldlife brand with the dross of their own branding of negativity and 
unkindness that they bring here dumping in method. It is time to separate 
Fairfield and Fairfieldlife away from that.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Uh Buck, that's because most of us don't live in Fairfield but WE DO 
have a connection with it. Instead of bitching why don't you share 
what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views and news on 
farming interesting.

On 12/22/2014 08:36 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have nothing 
to do with Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have effectively usurped 
the Fairfieldlife brand with the dross of their own branding of 
negativity and unkindness that they bring here dumping in method. It 
is time to separate /Fairfield/ and /Fairfieldlife/ away from that.


-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick,

Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing 
with it. It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of 
how it has gone down on the old list here.

You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, 
then of course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator 
I should feel categorically that we should not negotiate with 
terrorists. It's a bad precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on 
then flank 'em.

-Buck in Fairfield

emptybill writes :

Buck - yer so right...

Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL 
and then re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title 
would better represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of 
mostly non-Fairfield neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of 
silence. Let us have no thing here until at the least, 12 January 
2015. -Buck in Fairfield

Dear Rick;

Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title 
FFL on the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite 
transparently and truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck 
in Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..

but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, 
rename the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss

Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards 
re-grouping what once we had in more golden times of FFL.

With Fond Regards,

-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

The seasonal long night is upon us now!

Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:

December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament 
believers float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big 
Self vedic molecules, I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and 
Sirrom did when they expelled those who worshipped false gods from the 
Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent 
self-referral reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some 
of these people out who have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming 
community forum of FFL.

 It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful 
bearings. Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a 
long quiet time meditation for some while in hibernation. This would 
be a firm step in communal progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just 
let it be overrun and taken over by the unkindness it has become.

Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield

Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to 
act to realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has 
become entrenched here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of 
moral upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab 
expelled the vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in 
Jerusalem, and led their people from the desert and dry stones of 
blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue skies and glistening waters of 
purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging FFL in a cone of 
silence at least until December 25th.

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function 
to FFL for a good while.

Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday 
in to and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of 
something kinder like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be 
Silence until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of 
such reforming silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional 
day of January 12^th. You know, that time within the old meditating 
community of renewed spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more 
life-supporting activity as then coming out of silence.

-The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
On this first day of winter when all of us old meditators are being mercilessly 
into the depths of black hell darkness and demonic evil negativity here on FFl, 
I suggest that we have a period of silence ending at 12:01am on January 11th. I 
further suggest that the silence last for a full 108 seconds - from 11:58:13pm 
- 12:01am. This will renew FFL to its peak of bliss and harmony that it has 
previously been and will further remove all affects of the negative thoughts 
that have built up due to the refusal of the moderators in banning every 
opinion they did not like. 
The OT Prophets
Naveb, Sirrom, Jarmar  Nilegah

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have nothing to do 
with Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have effectively usurped the 
Fairfieldlife brand with the dross of their own branding of negativity and 
unkindness that they bring here dumping in method. It is time to separate 
Fairfield and Fairfieldlife away from that.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I'm down with this. It's got lots of numbers in it, so it must be true. 

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 6:58 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 

 On this first day of winter when all of us old meditators are being 
mercilessly into the depths of black hell darkness and demonic evil negativity 
here on FFl, I suggest that we have a period of silence ending at 12:01am on 
January 11th. I further suggest that the silence last for a full 108 seconds - 
from 11:58:13pm - 12:01am. This will renew FFL to its peak of bliss and harmony 
that it has previously been and will further remove all affects of the negative 
thoughts that have built up due to the refusal of the moderators in banning 
every opinion they did not like. 
The OT Prophets
Naveb, Sirrom, Jarmar  Nilegah

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have nothing to dowith 
Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have effectively usurped theFairfieldlife 
brand with the dross of their own branding ofnegativity and unkindness that 
they bring here dumping in method. Itis time to separate Fairfield and 
Fairfieldlife awayfrom that.Sincerely,-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

Dear Rick, Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find thatRe-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middleway of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is verydescriptive of how it has gone down 
on the old list here.You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under 
attack, then of course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator 
Ishould feel categorically that we should not negotiate withterrorists. It's a 
bad precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank'em.   -Buck in 

emptybillwrites :Buck- yer so right...

Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence onFFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That newtitle would better represent 
the forum as it has devolved in to thehands of mostly non-Fairfield neganauts. 
Let us start anew in aperiod of silence. Let us have no thing here until at the 
least, 12January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

Dear Rick;
Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
thehome page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quitetransparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..but have a different idea: In 
response to the recent exodus fromFFL, rename the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a longperiod of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden timesof FFL.With Fond Regards,-Buck in Fairfield, 

The seasonal long night is upon us now!  Would be a great time to start a 
renewal for FFL:

December Solstice 2014: December 21, at23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holidayin a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what wasonce a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.
 It would be a finetime to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFLtake a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet 
timemeditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm stepin 
communal progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken 
over by the unkindness it has become.    Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

Rick it is not being unreasonableasking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from themalignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you shouldjust suspend the posting function to FFL for 
a good while.

Yes, let

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
On this first day of winter when all of us old meditators are being mercilessly 
into the depths of black hell darkness and demonic evil negativity here on FFl, 
I suggest that we have a period of silence ending at 12:01am on January 12th. I 
further suggest that the silence last for a full 108 seconds - from 11:58:13pm 
- 12:01am. This will renew FFL to its peak of bliss and harmony that it has 
previously been and will further remove all affects of the negative thoughts 
that have built up due to the refusal of the moderators in banning every 
opinion they did not like. 
The OT Prophets
Naveb, Sirrom, Jarmar  Nilegah

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have nothing to do 
with Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have effectively usurped the 
Fairfieldlife brand with the dross of their own branding of negativity and 
unkindness that they bring here dumping in method. It is time to separate 
Fairfield and Fairfieldlife away from that.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And in addition, Buck, I used to live in Fairfield, IA, at one time, and while 
I live in New York state, I live just 3 miles from Fairfield County, 
Connecticut, which is across the state line, and I shop there frequently. And 
occasionally I drive to the city of Fairfield, Connecticut for business 
purposes. So I have a triple Fairfield whammy here. It is all about the Fair 
Field of Life 

 Note also that the description of Fairfield Life says 'Fairfield Life focuses 
on topics of interest to seekers (and finders) of truth and liberation 
everywhere.' Note the world everywhere [emphasis added].

 I really do not like saying things like this but you seldom bring up topics; 
you rarely converse with anyone here; you spam mindless, repetitive requests; 
you seem unable to comprehend what goes on here. Whether you are or not, you 
act as if you are stupid and impaired to a significant degree, and in relation 
to the principles you pretend to espouse, you appear to be an absolute 
disgrace, embodying none of them, except going to the dome. You lack 
creativity, flexibility, field independence, and understanding of spiritual 
principles; you misunderstand the nature of science. You behave like a 19th 
century religious bigot. 

 Let me know if I am wrong about this, as I am willing to retract this if you 
show some kind of normality. Every once in a while, an infrequent once in a 
while, you show potentials of normality, but it is not very often. What is so 
disturbing about the wide world, with its sublime beauties and inevitable 
darkness that you cannot handle? It is as if you have sunk into some mental 
abyss that you are unable to extract yourself from.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 Uh Buck, that's because most of us don't live in Fairfield but WE DO have a 
connection with it.  Instead of bitching why don't you share what's been going 
on in Fairfield?  I even find your views and news on farming interesting.
 On 12/22/2014 08:36 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have nothing to do 
with Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have effectively usurped the 
Fairfieldlife brand with the dross of their own branding of negativity and 
unkindness that they bring here dumping in method. It is time to separate 
Fairfield and Fairfieldlife away from that.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I live about 15 miles south of Fairfield, California.  It's an urban 
sprawl place probably more like SoCal than NorCal.  Where I live is 
kinda Old Bay Area. It's where many Sicilians settled who came over to 
work in masonry. And I've been to Fairfield, IA once but not on TM business.

On 12/22/2014 11:36 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And in addition, Buck, I used to live in Fairfield, IA, at one time, 
and while I live in New York state, I live just 3 miles from Fairfield 
County, Connecticut, which is across the state line, and I shop there 
frequently. And occasionally I drive to the city of Fairfield, 
Connecticut for business purposes. So I have a triple Fairfield whammy 
here. It is all about the Fair Field of Life

Note also that the description of Fairfield Life says 'Fairfield Life 
focuses on topics of interest to seekers (and finders) of truth and 
liberation everywhere.' Note the world everywhere [emphasis added].

I really do not like saying things like this but you seldom bring up 
topics; you rarely converse with anyone here; you spam mindless, 
repetitive requests; you seem unable to comprehend what goes on here. 
Whether you are or not, you act as if you are stupid and impaired to a 
significant degree, and in relation to the principles you pretend to 
espouse, you appear to be an absolute disgrace, embodying none of 
them, except going to the dome. You lack creativity, flexibility, 
field independence, and understanding of spiritual principles; you 
misunderstand the nature of science. You behave like a 19th century 
religious bigot.

Let me know if I am wrong about this, as I am willing to retract this 
if you show some kind of normality. Every once in a while, an 
infrequent once in a while, you show potentials of normality, but it 
is not very often. What is so disturbing about the wide world, with 
its sublime beauties and inevitable darkness that you cannot handle? 
It is as if you have sunk into some mental abyss that you are unable 
to extract yourself from.

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

Uh Buck, that's because most of us don't live in Fairfield but WE DO 
have a connection with it. Instead of bitching why don't you share 
what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views and news on 
farming interesting.

On 12/22/2014 08:36 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Dear Rick, Yep, most the writers who remain posting here have
nothing to do with Fairfield or Fairfield life. They have
effectively usurped the Fairfieldlife brand with the dross of
their own branding of negativity and unkindness that they bring
here dumping in method. It is time to separate /Fairfield/ and
/Fairfieldlife/ away from that.


-Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-21 Thread aryavazhi
Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa 

Buck spouts a backward-turned Utopia in the past of FFL..

I don't know how successful Buck's appeals to Rick will be, but have a 
different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename the group to: 
 View on www.amazingplaceso...
 Preview by Yahoo 

Utopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Utopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A utopia (/juːˈtoʊpiə/ 
yoo-TOH-pee-ə) is a community or society possessing highly desirable or near 
perfect qualities. The word was coined by Sir Thomas More ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 In many cultures, societies, and religions, there is some myth or memory of a 
distant past when humankind lived in a primitive and simple state, but at the 
same time one of perfect happiness and fulfillment. In those days, the various 
myths tell us, there was an instinctive 
harmony between humanity and nature. People's needs were few and their desires 
limited. Both were easily satisfied by the abundance provided by nature. 
Accordingly, there were no motives whatsoever for war or oppression. Nor was 
there any need for hard and painful work. Humans were simple and pious, and felt themselves close to the gods. 
According to one anthropological theory, hunter-gatherers were the original 
affluent society


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Rick doesn't have much attention on FFL these days, but my guess is that he's 
well aware of Buck's incessant whining, and I think Rick's lack of action so 
far is a good indication that he will do nothing. Rick generally respects my 
take on things, and IMO, FFL is currently the best it's been in a very long 
time. If I have any say in the matter, Buck's request will be completely 

---In, wrote :

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa 

Buck spouts a backward-turned Utopia in the past of FFL..

I don't know how successful Buck's appeals to Rick will be, but have a 
different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename the group to: 

 View on www.amazingplaceso...
 Preview by Yahoo 


Utopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Utopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A utopia (/juːˈtoʊpiə/ 
yoo-TOH-pee-ə) is a community or society possessing highly desirable or near 
perfect qualities. The word was coined by Sir Thomas More ...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 In many cultures, societies, and religions, there is some myth or memory of a 
distant past when humankind lived in a primitive and simple state, but at the 
same time one of perfect happiness and fulfillment. In those days, the various 
myths tell us, there was an instinctive 
harmony between humanity and nature. People's needs were few and their desires 
limited. Both were easily satisfied by the abundance provided by nature. 
Accordingly, there were no motives whatsoever for war or oppression. Nor was 
there any need for hard and painful work. Humans were simple and pious, and felt themselves close to the gods. 
According to one anthropological theory, hunter-gatherers were the original 
affluent society


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 While I have compassion and sympathy for those with obsessive compulsive 
disorders, as well as those with an incessant need and craving for continual 
attention -- even if by rude and disruptive behavior, and understand some 
struggle with low empathetic capabilities and do no realize how unsocial their 
behaviors may be -- at what point do such repetitive, mindless posts begin to 
parallel if not equate to spam and even cyber-attacks on a forum? 

 I thought your 1% solution posted several weeks ago was insightful and 
appropriate -- to silence those seeking forum-wide silence via massive 
repetitive posts (sort of ironic). It offered a solution to their requests as 
well as maintaining the well-being of the forum.  (Though perhaps I 
misunderstood your proposal). 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
JAS: Rick doesn't have much attention on FFL these days, but my guess is that 
he's well aware of Buck's incessant whining, and I think Rick's lack of action 
so far is a good indication that he will do nothing. Rick generally respects my 
take on things, and IMO, FFL is currently the best it's been in a very long 
time. If I have any say in the matter, Buck's request will be completely 


 While I have compassion and sympathy for those with obsessive compulsive 
disorders, as well as those with an incessant need and craving for continual 
attention -- even if by rude and disruptive behavior, and understand some 
struggle with low empathetic capabilities and do no realize how unsocial their 
behaviors may be -- at what point do such repetitive, mindless posts begin to 
parallel if not equate to spam and even cyber-attacks on a forum? 

 I thought your 1% solution posted several weeks ago was insightful and 
appropriate -- to silence those seeking forum-wide silence via massive 
repetitive posts (sort of ironic). It offered a solution to their requests as 
well as maintaining the well-being of the forum.  (Though perhaps I 
misunderstood your proposal). 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-21 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
It's wintertime and perhaps Buck ought to try a little MAPI vata tea.  
That might calm his neurotic behavior.  If TM really worked people 
wouldn't have such obsessions.  But it was fun to rewrite Buck's screed 
yesterday and several other tried same. :-D

On 12/21/2014 12:39 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

While I have compassion and sympathy for those with obsessive 
compulsive disorders, as well as those with an incessant need and 
craving for continual attention -- even if by rude and disruptive 
behavior, and understand some struggle with low empathetic 
capabilities and do no realize how unsocial their behaviors may be -- 
at what point do such repetitive, mindless posts begin to parallel if 
not equate to spam and even cyber-attacks on a forum?

I thought your 1% solution posted several weeks ago was insightful and 
appropriate -- to silence those seeking forum-wide silence via massive 
repetitive posts (sort of ironic). It offered a solution to their 
requests as well as maintaining the well-being of the forum.  (Though 
perhaps I misunderstood your proposal).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Buck - yer so right.
You'd be so much happier at the Peak. 
Reincarnate there and enjoy your company.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick, 
 Negotiating with terrorists? Nope, however I do find that Re-naming, 
Re-branding this place in to The-Abyss is a good middle way of dealing with it. 
It, the forum's seep in to The_Abyss is very descriptive of how it has gone 
down on the old list here.
 You know in our protecting the brand of FFL as it is under attack, then of 
course as an an old and conservative Fairfield, Iowa meditator I should feel 
categorically that we should not negotiate with terrorists. It's a bad 
precedent in strategy. Can't beat 'em head-on then flank 'em.  
 -Buck in Fairfield 

 emptybill writes : 
 Buck - yer so right...

 Dear Rick; Yes, let us start with a healthy period of silence on FFL and then 
re-title the home page over to: The_Abyss. That new title would better 
represent the forum as it has devolved in to the hands of mostly non-Fairfield 
neganauts. Let us start anew in a period of silence. Let us have no thing here 
until at the least, 12 January 2015. -Buck in Fairfield

 Dear Rick;

 Yep, great idea. Re-name/re-brand the Fairfieldlife group.   Re-title FFL on 
the home page to: The_Abyss at Yahoo-groups.   Now that quite transparently and 
truthfully seems a positive and honest idea.  -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Rick, Aryavazhi here has a brilliant Idea..
 but have a different idea: In response to the recent exodus from FFL, rename 
the [FFL] group to: The_Abyss  

 Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-20 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL. It would 
be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. Let FFL 
take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time meditation 
for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal progress.  
It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by the 
unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

 Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral leadership 
in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this battlefield of FFL 
has become. It is time to clear the FFL field spiritually. 
 I would support you in this, 
  -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

 Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] symbolic to 
the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the community that was FFL.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 12/20/2014 08:44 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Dear Rick, Yes, let Buck take a holiday in a very seasonal silent 
self-referral reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift him 
out of the rut he is in on FFL. It would be a fine time to start 
towards re-setting Buck's rightful bearings. Let Buck take a period of 
silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time meditation for him 
while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in his communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let Buck be overrun and 
taken over by the unkindness Buck has become.

Respectfully, the FFL community

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-20 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL. It would 
be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. Let FFL 
take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time meditation 
for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal progress.  
It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by the 
unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

 Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-20 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Dear Rick, I pray that the 480GB SSD I just ordered to replace the 250GB hard 
drive in my six year old 13 Macbook will truly be enough of a performance 
boost that I will no longer be jonesing for a new, maxed out 15 Macbook at ten 
times the price of the SSD.

---In, wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL. It would 
be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. Let FFL 
take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time meditation 
for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal progress.  
It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by the 
unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-20 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The long night is upon us.

 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-20 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Let FFL on Yahoo-groups take a long period of silence towards re-grouping what 
once we had in more golden times of FFL.
 With Fond Regards,
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 The seasonal long night is upon us now!  
 Would be a great time to start a renewal for FFL:


 December Solstice 2014: December 21, at 23:03 UTC.  

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Dear Rick. I pray that in this time when both Old and New Testament believers 
float in the Dead Sea of self-aware vacuum states of Big Self vedic molecules, 
I implore that you do as the prophets Naveb and Sirrom did when they expelled 
those who worshipped false gods from the Golden Temples, and installed Jarmar  
Nigelah to rule for a 1000 years.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes, let FFL take a holiday in a very seasonal silent self-referral 
reflection as a timely rejuvenation and help shift some of these people out who 
have usurped what was once a kinder welcoming community forum of FFL.

  It would be a fine time to start towards re-setting FFL's rightful bearings. 
Let FFL take a period of silence, a time out; let it take a long quiet time 
meditation for some while in hibernation. This would be a firm step in communal 
progress.  It is a shame otherwise to just let it be overrun and taken over by 
the unkindness it has become.
 Respectfully, -Buck in Fairfield   

 Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Rick it is not being unreasonable asking for this. It is time now to act to 
realign FFL away from the malignancy of unkindness that has become entrenched 
here.  -Buck in Fairfield

---In, jamesalan735@... wrote :

 Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

 Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral leadership 
in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this battlefield of FFL 
has become. It is time to clear the FFL field spiritually. 
 I would support you in this, 
  -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

 Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] symbolic to 
the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the community that was FFL.

 Dear Rick,  
 How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and suspend 
all posting at all to FFL? Start then with a kinder more gentle FFL anew with 
posting on January 1st. Take some time off to re-group.

 Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any of the posts to FFL?

 Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have time to 
read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

 Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can take it.

 Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Fighting unkindness and terrorism on FairfiedLife at Yahoo-groups on the  
internet, 10 Things You Didn't Know About the FFL Pirates? 

 10. It May Be Time for Desperate Measures

 Dear MJ, you are being so completely negative and unkind here. Different 
people support different elements of the transcending meditation movement as 
they are interested and experience value there for themselves in it. You 
clearly are spiritually out of touch with what is going on here and that is 
pitiable,   -Buck  

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 he or she is an idiot - tell them I will take half of that so send me five 
hundred thou, eh?

 Didn't it occur to the donor to ask what the hell the Movement has been doing 
with all its other money? How about the hundred thousand they collected for the 
yagya for England to get no more storms? Did the pundits need that much rice 
and camphor to do the yagya? 


 Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 7:31 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Some Fairfield, Iowa Age of Enlightenment News:
 A generous donor has pledged $ 1 million to support campus renovations 
necessitated by a continued expansion of Maharishi University of Management 
programs. -Buck the Prophet of Peace on FFL, fighting unkindness and the 
terrorism of Neganauts on FairfiedLife at Yahoo-groups on the internet   



 Fact is, 

FFL was overwhelmed and overtaken by unkindness!! 






---In, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :


---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 Buck, you have failed to notice that FFL is already saved. The boat is afloat 
and sailing smoothly. 


  You are flailing in the ocean pretending the ship has gone down.

 The  FFL Ship?  Pretending it has gone down?



 The good ship of Zion which was FFL has been seized by pirates and is on its 
way to Davy Jones' Locker.  It is not too late to save good pieces of it.  

  You have been thrown over numerous times without life preserver and rejected, 
yet you stay clinging to wreckage preferring yet to remain onboard a raft, out 
in a cold, soaking wet, lonely point because of some god-dammed pride and 
adherence to intractable beliefs in goodwill, truth, fairness and justice, and 
the Yahoo-groups Guidelines which no sane person would consider rational. 

 A religious man is trapped on his roof during a flood. A passing boat throws a 
life preserver and he refuses it saying I don't need a life preserver. God 
will help me.

 So the boat continues on its course. The emergency response team comes by and 
sees him stuck there and throw him a line. He refuses saying again that he 
doesn't need them, God will help him.

 They move on to see if anyone else needs help. A helicopter then comes and 
lowers him a ladder.

 I don't need your ladder. God will help me.

 Finally, the man drowns. When he goes to heaven he says God, why didn't you 
help me?

 God says I sent you two boats and a helicopter.

 Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while.





[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Rick, in the spirit of this season, I ask you to lead in a spirit of moral 
upstandingness, as the Old Testament prophets Sirrom and Nevab expelled the 
vile speakers and negetators from the Great Temple in Jerusalem, and led their 
people from the desert and dry stones of blasphemy, and bile; to the clear blue 
skies and glistening waters of purity and abstemiousness of words, by indulging 
FFL in a cone of silence at least until December 25th. 

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while. 

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

 Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral leadership 
in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this battlefield of FFL 
has become. It is time to clear the FFL field spiritually. 
 I would support you in this, 
  -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

 Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] symbolic to 
the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the community that was FFL.

 Dear Rick,  
 How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and suspend 
all posting at all to FFL? Start then with a kinder more gentle FFL anew with 
posting on January 1st. Take some time off to re-group.

 Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any of the posts to FFL?

 Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have time to 
read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

 Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can take it.

 Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you should yield 
FairfieldLife over to the methodical negativity that has overrun and overtaken 
our FairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck

 Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been way too important to communal Fairfield 
life in the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Its not going to happen, but its not happening will certainly give you plenty 
of finger exercise as you type out this mantra over and over and over.

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 9:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
    Yes, let us have a holiday of silenceon FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of asilence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing ofthe communal FFL forum.

Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFLsilence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence incoming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto thattraditional day of January 12th.    
You know, that timewithin the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality,vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
thencoming out of silence. -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, 
Buck inthe Dome

Dear Rick, towards administrativelyenforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting of 
unkindness on FFL, it isan excellent time right now given the course of events 
to plan andstart such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
ofFairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness thatgets posted 
here and letting those people so inclined to re-patterntheir lives otherwise in 
reformative silence for a period of time.   

Rick there is a chance present here, afine opportunity now to take back FFL and 
recapture its franchise,the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has swept 
over theforum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again,a free 
and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place forkind thoughtfulness. 
It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone overFFL at Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go 
silent for a time. Give it a fallowrest.  -Buck

A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zoneover FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moralleadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now astimely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife 
atYahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Sincerely, -Buck, thePatriarch of 
Peace on FairfieldLife  

Dear Rick; 21 December coming is the first day ofWinter. Let it be the first 
day of Peace on FairfieldLife atYahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] 
should be a good day tobegin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a 
negotiatingplanned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling aperiod like a seasonal silenceover FFL as 
a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moralleadership towards reforming 
the general unkindness that spreadacross FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups, it 
would be very good toextend such a suspended silence upon FFL even unto first 
day ofSpring [March 20th 2015] whence fairerflowers springing might arise anew 
coming out of such reformativedepth as a reflective period so imposed 
administratively as areflective moral silence of a long and silent communal FFL 
winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

 Rick, it would be very good to extendsuch a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

Dear Rick, Instilling anadministrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a meansof disengagement would be important moral leadership in 
changing the manifest wreckage of unkindtone that this battlefield of FFL has 
become. It is time to clearthe FFL field spiritually. I would support you in 
this,  -Buck,the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April5, 2015] symbolic to the 
resurrection of something anew and a newhope in the community that was FFL.

Dear Rick,  Howabout we take, at the least, the rest of the month of 
Decemberand suspend allposting at all to FFL? Startthen with a kinder more 
gentle FFL anew with posting on January 1st. Take some time off to 

Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any ofthe posts to FFL?

Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines ifyou don't have time to read 
the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

Rick, the neganauts here are playingyou now to see how far they can take it.
Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see Ireally don't feel that you should yield 
FairfieldLife over to themethodical negativity that has overrun and overtaken 
ourFairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck
Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been waytoo important to communal Fairfield life 
in the past to just let itgo to the aggressive dogs of unkind negativity as 
some mean and nownarrowed successor group caliphate of hateful neganauts.
The larger communal use of FFL that FFL could facilitate in communication:

Rick, for instance this FFL

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while.

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

 Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral leadership 
in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this battlefield of FFL 
has become. It is time to clear the FFL field spiritually. 
 I would support you in this, 
  -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

 Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] symbolic to 
the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the community that was FFL.

 Dear Rick,  
 How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and suspend 
all posting at all to FFL? Start then with a kinder more gentle FFL anew with 
posting on January 1st. Take some time off to re-group.

 Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any of the posts to FFL?

 Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have time to 
read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

 Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can take it.

 Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you should yield 
FairfieldLife over to the methodical negativity that has overrun and overtaken 
our FairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck

 Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been way too important to communal Fairfield 
life in the past to just let it go to the aggressive dogs of unkind negativity 
as some mean and now narrowed successor group caliphate of hateful neganauts.

The larger communal use of FFL that FFL could facilitate in communication:

 Rick, for instance this FFL post is an incredibly important post within the 
things going on right now in the Fairfield meditating community: 404986Re: FW: 
A Cultural Survey, Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You are spaming this peaceful forum. To what end?

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while.

 Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

 Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral leadership 
in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this battlefield of FFL 
has become. It is time to clear the FFL field spiritually. 
 I would support you in this, 
  -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

 Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] symbolic to 
the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the community that was FFL.

 Dear Rick,  
 How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and suspend 
all posting at all to FFL? Start then with a kinder more gentle FFL anew with 
posting on January 1st. Take some time off to re-group.

 Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any of the posts to FFL?

 Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have time to 
read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

 Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can take it.

 Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you should yield 
FairfieldLife over to the methodical negativity that has overrun and overtaken 
our FairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck

 Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been way too important to communal Fairfield 
life in the past to just let it go to the aggressive dogs of unkind negativity 
as some mean and now narrowed successor group caliphate of hateful neganauts.

The larger communal use of FFL that FFL could facilitate in communication:

 Rick, for instance this FFL post is an incredibly important post within the 
things going on right now in the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Keep rubbing that magic lamp and repeating I wish Cotton was a monkey! I wish 
Cotton was a monkey! till it all happens, Bucky!

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 12:10 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
    Rick; to save FFL I feel you shouldjust suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while.

Yes, let us have a holiday of silenceon FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to and 
then coming out of asilence then anew in the making of something kinder like a 
renewing ofthe communal FFL forum.

Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFLsilence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence incoming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto thattraditional day of January 12th.    
You know, that timewithin the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality,vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
thencoming out of silence. -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, 
Buck inthe Dome

Dear Rick, towards administrativelyenforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting of 
unkindness on FFL, it isan excellent time right now given the course of events 
to plan andstart such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
ofFairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness thatgets posted 
here and letting those people so inclined to re-patterntheir lives otherwise in 
reformative silence for a period of time.   

Rick there is a chance present here, afine opportunity now to take back FFL and 
recapture its franchise,the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has swept 
over theforum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again,a free 
and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place forkind thoughtfulness. 
It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone overFFL at Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go 
silent for a time. Give it a fallowrest.  -Buck

A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zoneover FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moralleadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now astimely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife 
atYahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Sincerely, -Buck, thePatriarch of 
Peace on FairfieldLife  

Dear Rick; 21 December coming is the first day ofWinter. Let it be the first 
day of Peace on FairfieldLife atYahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] 
should be a good day tobegin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a 
negotiatingplanned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling aperiod like a seasonal silenceover FFL as 
a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moralleadership towards reforming 
the general unkindness that spreadacross FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups, it 
would be very good toextend such a suspended silence upon FFL even unto first 
day ofSpring [March 20th 2015] whence fairerflowers springing might arise anew 
coming out of such reformativedepth as a reflective period so imposed 
administratively as areflective moral silence of a long and silent communal FFL 
winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

 Rick, it would be very good to extendsuch a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

Dear Rick, Instilling anadministrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a meansof disengagement would be important moral leadership in 
changing the manifest wreckage of unkindtone that this battlefield of FFL has 
become. It is time to clearthe FFL field spiritually. I would support you in 
this,  -Buck,the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April5, 2015] symbolic to the 
resurrection of something anew and a newhope in the community that was FFL.

Dear Rick,  Howabout we take, at the least, the rest of the month of 
Decemberand suspend allposting at all to FFL? Startthen with a kinder more 
gentle FFL anew with posting on January 1st. Take some time off to 

Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any ofthe posts to FFL?

Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines ifyou don't have time to read 
the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

Rick, the neganauts here are playingyou now to see how far they can take it.
Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see Ireally don't feel that you should yield 
FairfieldLife over to themethodical negativity that has overrun and overtaken 
ourFairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck
Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been waytoo important to communal Fairfield life 
in the past to just let itgo to the aggressive dogs of unkind negativity as 
some mean and nownarrowed successor group caliphate of hateful neganauts.
The larger communal use of FFL

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Buck, you have failed to notice that FFL is already saved. The boat is afloat 
and sailing smoothly. You are flailing in the ocean pretending the ship has 
gone down. You have been thrown numerous life preservers and rejected them all, 
preferring to remain alone, out in the cold, soaking wet, unable to communicate 
with anyone because of some god-dammed pride and adherence to intractable 
beliefs which no sane person would consider rational. 

 A religious man is trapped on his roof during a flood. A passing boat throws a 
life preserver and he refuses it saying I don't need a life preserver. God 
will help me.

 So the boat continues on its course. The emergency response team comes by and 
sees him stuck there and throw him a line. He refuses saying again that he 
doesn't need them, God will help him.

 They move on to see if anyone else needs help. A helicopter then comes and 
lowers him a ladder.

 I don't need your ladder. God will help me.

 Finally, the man drowns. When he goes to heaven he says God, why didn't you 
help me?

 God says I sent you two boats and a helicopter.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]

---In, wrote :

 Buck, you have failed to notice that FFL is already saved. The boat is afloat 
and sailing smoothly. You are flailing in the ocean pretending the ship has 
gone down. You have been thrown numerous life preservers and rejected them all, 
preferring to remain alone, out in the cold, soaking wet, unable to communicate 
with anyone because of some god-dammed pride and adherence to intractable 
beliefs which no sane person would consider rational. 

 A religious man is trapped on his roof during a flood. A passing boat throws a 
life preserver and he refuses it saying I don't need a life preserver. God 
will help me.

 So the boat continues on its course. The emergency response team comes by and 
sees him stuck there and throw him a line. He refuses saying again that he 
doesn't need them, God will help him.

 They move on to see if anyone else needs help. A helicopter then comes and 
lowers him a ladder.

 I don't need your ladder. God will help me.

 Finally, the man drowns. When he goes to heaven he says God, why didn't you 
help me?

 God says I sent you two boats and a helicopter.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Fact is, 

FFL was overwhelmed and overtaken by unkindness!! 






---In, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :


---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 Buck, you have failed to notice that FFL is already saved. The boat is afloat 
and sailing smoothly. 


  You are flailing in the ocean pretending the ship has gone down.

 The  FFL Ship?  Pretending it has gone down?



 The good ship of Zion which was FFL has been seized by pirates and is on its 
way to Davy Jones' Locker.  It is not too late to save good pieces of it.  

  You have been thrown over numerous times without life preserver and rejected, 
yet you stay clinging to wreckage preferring yet to remain onboard a raft, out 
in a cold, soaking wet, lonely point because of some god-dammed pride and 
adherence to intractable beliefs in goodwill, truth, fairness and justice, and 
the Yahoo-groups Guidelines which no sane person would consider rational. 

 A religious man is trapped on his roof during a flood. A passing boat throws a 
life preserver and he refuses it saying I don't need a life preserver. God 
will help me.

 So the boat continues on its course. The emergency response team comes by and 
sees him stuck there and throw him a line. He refuses saying again that he 
doesn't need them, God will help him.

 They move on to see if anyone else needs help. A helicopter then comes and 
lowers him a ladder.

 I don't need your ladder. God will help me.

 Finally, the man drowns. When he goes to heaven he says God, why didn't you 
help me?

 God says I sent you two boats and a helicopter.

 Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]

With the endless squabbling having stopped, I think most would agree that FFL 
is in the best shape it's been in for a very long time. If the current 
discourse is not to your liking, then you need to unsubscribe. I can guarantee 
you that Rick is not going to suspend posting on FFL, and endlessly whining for 
him to do so isn't going to change that; if anything, I think Rick would simply 
suspend YOUR posting... problem solved. FFL was never intended by Rick to be 
the kind of blissninny paradise you think it should be.

---In, wrote :


 Fact is, 

FFL was overwhelmed and overtaken by unkindness!! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread salyavin808

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :


 Fact is, 

FFL was overwhelmed and overtaken by unkindness!!
 Buck, we love you but this is insane. You've gotta see that.

 Can we just put it down to unstressing perhaps? Do some extra asanas and maybe 
you'll feel better in the morning.






---In, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :


---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 Buck, you have failed to notice that FFL is already saved. The boat is afloat 
and sailing smoothly. 


  You are flailing in the ocean pretending the ship has gone down.

 The  FFL Ship?  Pretending it has gone down?



 The good ship of Zion which was FFL has been seized by pirates and is on its 
way to Davy Jones' Locker.  It is not too late to save good pieces of it.  

  You have been thrown over numerous times without life preserver and rejected, 
yet you stay clinging to wreckage preferring yet to remain onboard a raft, out 
in a cold, soaking wet, lonely point because of some god-dammed pride and 
adherence to intractable beliefs in goodwill, truth, fairness and justice, and 
the Yahoo-groups Guidelines which no sane person would consider rational. 

 A religious man is trapped on his roof during a flood. A passing boat throws a 
life preserver and he refuses it saying I don't need a life preserver. God 
will help me.

 So the boat continues on its course. The emergency response team comes by and 
sees him stuck there and throw him a line. He refuses saying again that he 
doesn't need them, God will help him.

 They move on to see if anyone else needs help. A helicopter then comes and 
lowers him a ladder.

 I don't need your ladder. God will help me.

 Finally, the man drowns. When he goes to heaven he says God, why didn't you 
help me?

 God says I sent you two boats and a helicopter.

 Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function to FFL 
for a good while.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
The real answer would be to stop all TMSP practice for about 6 months and see 
how much better he would feel, but he's too far gone for that.

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 3:49 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Fact is, 
FFL was overwhelmed and overtaken by unkindness!!
Buck, we love you but this is insane. You've gotta see that.
Can we just put it down to unstressing perhaps? Do some extra asanas and maybe 
you'll feel better in the morning.

---In, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

Buck, you have failed to notice that FFL is already saved. The boat is afloat 
and sailing smoothly. 

 You are flailing in the ocean pretending the ship has gone down.
The  FFL Ship?  Pretending it has gone down?

The good ship of Zion which was FFL has been seized by pirates and is on its 
way to Davy Jones' Locker.  It is not too late to save good pieces of it.  
.. You have been thrown over numerous times without life preserver and 
rejected, yet you stay clinging to wreckage preferring yet to remain onboard a 
raft, out in a cold, soaking wet, lonely point because of some god-dammed pride 
and adherence to intractable beliefs in goodwill, truth, fairness and justice, 
and the Yahoo-groups Guidelines which no sane person would consider rational.
A religious man is trapped on his roof during a flood. A passing boat throws a 
life preserver and he refuses it saying I don't need a life preserver. God 
will help me.
So the boat continues on its course. The emergency response team comes by and 
sees him stuck there and throw him a line. He refuses saying again that he 
doesn't need them, God will help him.
They move on to see if anyone else needs help. A helicopter then comes and 
lowers him a ladder.
I don't need your ladder. God will help me.
Finally, the man drowns. When he goes to heaven he says God, why didn't you 
help me?
God says I sent you two boats and a helicopter.

Rick; to save FFL I feel you shouldjust suspend the posting function to FFL for 
a good while.
   #yiv6379809723 #yiv6379809723 -- #yiv6379809723ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6379809723 
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#yiv6379809723ygrp-mkp #yiv6379809723hd 
0;}#yiv6379809723 #yiv6379809723ygrp-mkp #yiv6379809723ads 
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{padding:0 0;}#yiv6379809723 #yiv6379809723ygrp-mkp .yiv6379809723ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv6379809723 #yiv6379809723ygrp-mkp .yiv6379809723ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6379809723 #yiv6379809723ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv6379809723ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv6379809723 
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#yiv6379809723ygrp-sponsor #yiv6379809723ygrp-lc .yiv6379809723ad 
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p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv6379809723 dd.yiv6379809723last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv6379809723 
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{width:400px;}#yiv6379809723 div.yiv6379809723file-title a, #yiv6379809723

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 11:42 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

You are spaming this peaceful forum.

You just spammed us with a plug for your singing act, Curtis. Can anyone 
spell cognitive dissonance?

To what end?

Maybe it was just a satire. Go figure.

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Rick; to save FFL I feel you should just suspend the posting function 
to FFL for a good while.

Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday 
in to and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of 
something kinder like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be 
Silence until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of 
such reforming silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional 
day of January 12^th. You know, that time within the old meditating 
community of renewed spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more 
life-supporting activity as then coming out of silence.

-The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome

Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the 
posting of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given 
the course of events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to 
take back our branding of FairfieldLife once again by first 
dis-engaging the unkindness that gets posted here and letting those 
people so inclined to re-pattern their lives otherwise in reformative 
silence for a period of time.

Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take 
back FFL and recapture its franchise, the /Brand/ of FFL from the 
unkindness that has swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of 
Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a free and open forum again reserved 
and preserved as a place for kind thoughtfulness. It is time to have a 
strict No-fly Zone over FFL at Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a 
time. Give it a fallow rest.


A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a 
kindness.  Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction 
in executive action on this now as timely initiative in the 
re-alignment of FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups 

 Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife

Dear Rick;

21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day 
of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of 
Winter] should be a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's 
hibernation, a negotiating planned disengagement of the culture of 
unkindness that has unbecome FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere 
regards, -Buck

Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a /seasonal /silence 
over FFL as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral 
leadership towards reforming the general unkindness that spread across 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups, /it would be very good to extend such a 
suspended silence upon FFL even unto first day of Spring [March 
20/^/th/ /2015]/ whence fairer flowers springing might arise anew 
coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so imposed 
administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield

 Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon 
FFL even unto the first day of Spring. [March 20^th 2015]

Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral 
leadership in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this 
battlefield of FFL has become. It is time to clear the FFL field 

I would support you in this,

 -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.

Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] 
symbolic to the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the 
community that was FFL.

Dear Rick,

How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and 
/_suspend_/ all posting at all to FFL?Start then with a kinder more 
gentle FFL anew with posting on January 1st. Take some time off to 


Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been 
reading any of the posts to FFL?

Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have 
time to read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can 
take it.

Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you 
should yield FairfieldLife over to the methodical negativity that has 
overrun and overtaken our FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck

Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been way too important to communal 
Fairfield life in the past to just let it go to the aggressive dogs of 
unkind negativity as some mean and now narrowed successor group 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-11 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/11/2014 12:06 PM, anartaxius wrote:

Buck, you have failed to notice that FFL is already saved. The boat is 
afloat and sailing smoothly. You are flailing in the ocean pretending 
the ship has gone down. You have been thrown numerous life preservers 
and rejected them all, preferring to remain alone, out in the cold, 
soaking wet, unable to communicate with anyone because of some 
god-dammed pride and adherence to intractable beliefs which no sane 
person would consider rational.

The debate isn't over until Buck and I are arrested and put in jail, or 
we are dead, whichever comes first.

//You have now officially been added to Interpol's Watch List, 
Raunchy./ - Barry Wright, 11/29/2014

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting of 
unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of events 
to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding of 
FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets posted 
here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives otherwise 
in reformative silence for a period of time.

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

 Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral leadership 
in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this battlefield of FFL 
has become. It is time to clear the FFL field spiritually. 
 I would support you in this, 
  -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

 Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] symbolic to 
the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the community that was FFL.

 Dear Rick,  
 How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and suspend 
all posting at all to FFL? Start then with a kinder more gentle FFL anew with 
posting on January 1st. Take some time off to re-group.

 Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any of the posts to FFL?

 Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have time to 
read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

 Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can take it.

 Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you should yield 
FairfieldLife over to the methodical negativity that has overrun and overtaken 
our FairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck

 Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been way too important to communal Fairfield 
life in the past to just let it go to the aggressive dogs of unkind negativity 
as some mean and now narrowed successor group caliphate of hateful neganauts.

The larger communal use of FFL that FFL could facilitate in communication:

 Rick, for instance this FFL post is an incredibly important post within the 
things going on right now in the Fairfield meditating community: 404986Re: FW: 
A Cultural Survey, Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of 

 Rick,  Could reading the old FFL posts be kept open to scholarship 
 whilst the posting function for everyone could be suspended?
  Like, being able to look at at these whilst posting is suspended? ..
 406280Hammond's Channel of Maharishi and the DC TM Meeting
 402694Re: An Old Index to FFL 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting of 
unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of events 
to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding of 
FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets posted 
here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives otherwise 
in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

 Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral leadership 
in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this battlefield of FFL 
has become. It is time to clear the FFL field spiritually. 
 I would support you in this, 
  -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

 Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] symbolic to 
the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the community that was FFL.

 Dear Rick,  
 How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and suspend 
all posting at all to FFL? Start then with a kinder more gentle FFL anew with 
posting on January 1st. Take some time off to re-group.

 Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any of the posts to FFL?

 Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have time to 
read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

 Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can take it.

 Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you should yield 
FairfieldLife over to the methodical negativity that has overrun and overtaken 
our FairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck

 Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been way too important to communal Fairfield 
life in the past to just let it go to the aggressive dogs of unkind negativity 
as some mean and now narrowed successor group caliphate of hateful neganauts.

The larger communal use of FFL that FFL could facilitate in communication:

 Rick, for instance this FFL post is an incredibly important post within the 
things going on right now in the Fairfield meditating community: 404986Re: FW: 
A Cultural Survey, Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of 

 Rick,  Could reading the old FFL posts be kept open to scholarship 
 whilst the posting function for everyone could be suspended?
  Like, being able to look at at these whilst posting is suspended? ..
 406280Hammond's Channel of Maharishi and the DC TM Meeting
 402694Re: An Old Index to FFL 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

 Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral leadership 
in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this battlefield of FFL 
has become. It is time to clear the FFL field spiritually. 
 I would support you in this, 
  -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

 Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] symbolic to 
the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the community that was FFL.

 Dear Rick,  
 How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and suspend 
all posting at all to FFL? Start then with a kinder more gentle FFL anew with 
posting on January 1st. Take some time off to re-group.

 Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any of the posts to FFL?

 Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have time to 
read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

 Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can take it.

 Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you should yield 
FairfieldLife over to the methodical negativity that has overrun and overtaken 
our FairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck

 Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been way too important to communal Fairfield 
life in the past to just let it go to the aggressive dogs of unkind negativity 
as some mean and now narrowed successor group caliphate of hateful neganauts.

The larger communal use of FFL that FFL could facilitate in communication:

 Rick, for instance this FFL post is an incredibly important post within the 
things going on right now in the Fairfield meditating community: 404986Re: FW: 
A Cultural Survey, Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of 

 Rick,  Could reading the old FFL posts be kept open to scholarship 
 whilst the posting function for everyone could be suspended?
  Like, being 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Why don't you stop being such a negative troublemaker and start a conversation 
here like the rest of us? I get it, you don't like my posts. The place is not 
gunna shut down because the world does not revolve around you. Post here, post 
there, but for the love of the infant baby Jesus trying to swallow some 
Frankincense and Myrrh in his little cradleyou are harshing the buzz here 
with your negativity toward our free speech.

I get it why you didn't just disappear with the rest of them. You thrive on 
conflict while maintaining the duplicitous appearance of being a peacemaker. 
You are addicted to the drama of conflict so you keep scratching on the 
blackboard till someone has had enough of your whining and complaining.

And then you get a reaction. Did you get your thrill? 

Now excuse me cuz I've got a choking savior on my hands with a bunch of 
superstitious Mid-Easterners standing around who think he is speaking in 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

 Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral leadership 
in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this battlefield of FFL 
has become. It is time to clear the FFL field spiritually. 
 I would support you in this, 
  -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

 Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] symbolic to 
the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the community that was FFL.

 Dear Rick,  
 How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and suspend 
all posting at all to FFL? Start then with a kinder more gentle FFL anew with 
posting on January 1st. Take some time off to re-group.

 Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any of the posts to FFL?

 Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have time to 
read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

 Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can take it.

 Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That nailed it, Curtis.  

 Buck, you live in the wrong century. I'd say about 1880 is your speed. But 
then you would have had to deal with Mark Twain, Bob Ingersoll, and Thomas 
Huxley, but without the internet, you would have been reduced to writing 
letters, longhand. Somehow that would suit you better. Us too, probably.

---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 Why don't you stop being such a negative troublemaker and start a conversation 
here like the rest of us? I get it, you don't like my posts. The place is not 
gunna shut down because the world does not revolve around you. Post here, post 
there, but for the love of the infant baby Jesus trying to swallow some 
Frankincense and Myrrh in his little cradleyou are harshing the buzz here 
with your negativity toward our free speech.

I get it why you didn't just disappear with the rest of them. You thrive on 
conflict while maintaining the duplicitous appearance of being a peacemaker. 
You are addicted to the drama of conflict so you keep scratching on the 
blackboard till someone has had enough of your whining and complaining.

And then you get a reaction. Did you get your thrill? 

Now excuse me cuz I've got a choking savior on my hands with a bunch of 
superstitious Mid-Easterners standing around who think he is speaking in 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday in to 
and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of something kinder 
like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

 Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be Silence 
until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of such reforming 
silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional day of January 12th.
You know, that time within the old meditating community of renewed 
spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more life-supporting activity as 
then coming out of silence. 
 -The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome


 Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the posting 
of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given the course of 
events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to take back our branding 
of FairfieldLife once again by first dis-engaging the unkindness that gets 
posted here and letting those people so inclined to re-pattern their lives 
otherwise in reformative silence for a period of time.   

 Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

 Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral leadership 
in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this battlefield of FFL 
has become. It is time to clear the FFL field spiritually. 
 I would support you in this, 
  -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

 Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] symbolic to 
the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the community that was FFL.

 Dear Rick,  
 How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and suspend 
all posting at all to FFL? Start then with a kinder more gentle FFL anew with 
posting on January 1st. Take some time off to re-group.

 Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any of the posts to FFL?

 Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have time to 
read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

 Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can take it.

 Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you should yield 
FairfieldLife over to the methodical negativity that has overrun and overtaken 
our FairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck

 Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been way too important to communal Fairfield 
life in the past to just let it go to the aggressive dogs of unkind negativity 
as some mean and now narrowed successor group caliphate of hateful neganauts.

The larger communal use of FFL that FFL could facilitate in communication:

 Rick, for instance this FFL post is an incredibly important post within the 
things going on right now in the Fairfield meditating community: 404986Re: FW: 
A Cultural Survey, Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-10 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]


On 12/10/2014 06:50 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yes, let us have a holiday of silence on FFL.   A FFL going-on-holiday 
in to and then coming out of a silence then anew in the making of 
something kinder like a renewing of the communal FFL forum.

Dear Rick, Yes host an extended period of FFL silence. Do let there be 
Silence until 12 January on FFL. At the least. Thence in coming out of 
such reforming silence have FairfieldLife join unto that traditional 
day of January 12^th. You know, that time within the old meditating 
community of renewed spirituality, vitality, clarity and thence more 
life-supporting activity as then coming out of silence.

-The FFL Patriarch of Peace and Heaven on Earth, Buck in the Dome

Dear Rick, towards administratively enforcing a No-fly Zone over the 
posting of unkindness on FFL, it is an excellent time right now given 
the course of events to plan and start such a counter-attack so as to 
take back our branding of FairfieldLife once again by first 
dis-engaging the unkindness that gets posted here and letting those 
people so inclined to re-pattern their lives otherwise in reformative 
silence for a period of time.

Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take 
back FFL and recapture its franchise, the /Brand/ of FFL from the 
unkindness that has swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of 
Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a free and open forum again reserved 
and preserved as a place for kind thoughtfulness. It is time to have a 
strict No-fly Zone over FFL at Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a 
time. Give it a fallow rest.


A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a 
kindness.  Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction 
in executive action on this now as timely initiative in the 
re-alignment of FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups 

 Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife

Dear Rick;

21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day 
of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of 
Winter] should be a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's 
hibernation, a negotiating planned disengagement of the culture of 
unkindness that has unbecome FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere 
regards, -Buck

Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a /seasonal /silence 
over FFL as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral 
leadership towards reforming the general unkindness that spread across 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups, /it would be very good to extend such a 
suspended silence upon FFL even unto first day of Spring [March 
20/^/th/ /2015]/ whence fairer flowers springing might arise anew 
coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so imposed 
administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield

 Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon 
FFL even unto the first day of Spring. [March 20^th 2015]

Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral 
leadership in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this 
battlefield of FFL has become. It is time to clear the FFL field 

I would support you in this,

 -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.

Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] 
symbolic to the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the 
community that was FFL.

Dear Rick,

How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and 
/_suspend_/ all posting at all to FFL?Start then with a kinder more 
gentle FFL anew with posting on January 1st. Take some time off to 


Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been 
reading any of the posts to FFL?

Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have 
time to read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can 
take it.

Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you 
should yield FairfieldLife over to the methodical negativity that has 
overrun and overtaken our FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck

Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been way too important to communal 
Fairfield life in the past to just let it go to the aggressive dogs of 
unkind negativity as some mean and now narrowed successor group 
caliphate of hateful neganauts.

The larger communal use of FFL that FFL could facilitate in communication:

Rick, for instance this FFL post is an incredibly important post
within the things going on right now in the Fairfield meditating

404986Re: FW: A Cultural Survey, Maharishi on 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - Goodbye

2014-12-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

 Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral leadership 
in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this battlefield of FFL 
has become. It is time to clear the FFL field spiritually. 
 I would support you in this, 
  -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

 Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] symbolic to 
the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the community that was FFL.

 Dear Rick,  
 How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and suspend 
all posting at all to FFL? Start then with a kinder more gentle FFL anew with 
posting on January 1st. Take some time off to re-group.

 Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any of the posts to FFL?

 Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have time to 
read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

 Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can take it.

 Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you should yield 
FairfieldLife over to the methodical negativity that has overrun and overtaken 
our FairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck

 Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been way too important to communal Fairfield 
life in the past to just let it go to the aggressive dogs of unkind negativity 
as some mean and now narrowed successor group caliphate of hateful neganauts.

The larger communal use of FFL that FFL could facilitate in communication:

 Rick, for instance this FFL post is an incredibly important post within the 
things going on right now in the Fairfield meditating community: 404986Re: FW: 
A Cultural Survey, Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of 

 Rick,  Could reading the old FFL posts be kept open to scholarship 
 whilst the posting function for everyone could be suspended?
  Like, being able to look at at these whilst posting is suspended? ..
 406280Hammond's Channel of Maharishi and the DC TM Meeting
 402694Re: An Old Index to FFL
 68Notes of the Hammond TM Lecture

 Yes a general shutdown of posting to FFL but, One of the most urgent uses of 
FFL for scholarly purposes is research into mining of the archive of FFL. The 
amazing archive here tells a back-story of a community. Is there a way (?) to 
keep the search function of the archive and also the files section open whilst 
shutting off posting to FFL for a while in the FFL groups settings?  




WLeed3@... wrote :



 Dear, Dear Rick;  How about taking the month of December to suspend posting at 
all to FFL? Start anew with posting on January 1st.  Let thy people re-pattern 
their lives silent as a period of time to reflect elsewhere. Time for a 
re-groove, a retreading of the tires of the forum that is FairfieldLife. It 
should be better for everyone and for what FFL would be. 
 With the Best of Regards,
 The FFL Patriarch Of Positivity 
 -Buck in the Dome  

 WLeed3@... writes :

 I will leave the form to much nasty hateful thought forms via here via: 
verbiage  back biting  not enough re 

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