Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your bo dy. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?

2014-12-07 Thread salyavin808


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I once knew some folks who were into their particular liver cleanse, during 
which they fasted a short bit, then drank down a combination of lemon juice, 
olive oil, and Colosan (a natural colon cleanser). This would supposedly clean 
out years of accumulated gunk in your liver, which would appear magically in 
their toilet as green-colored globules of gick, after which all who tried this 
cleansing routine raved about how much better and more energetic they felt. 
They swore by this routine, and recommended it to others.


 Turns out the green-colored globules of gick are just what happens to olive 
oil when you mix it with lemon juice and ingest it. They were cleansing 
themselves of exactly the thing they had ingested a few hours earlier. :-)


 In a similar vein the Guardian's Bad Science columnist Ben Goldacre once 
tested a lot of popular, and expensive, detox products.

 He did it by having all his usual bodily excressences analysed both before and 
after taking many of these supposedly cleansing substances, and he found there 
wasn't anything there that wasn't there before. You'd think there would be 
something to show for all the expensive rituals. 

 He ruined many a promising new age health experts career by hounding them 
with the results of his data. Dr Gillian McKeith doesn't call herself a 
doctor any more because of him.

 This whole conversation is starting to make me feel good about continuing my 
chocolate and mince pie consumption well into the new year. Oh yes.

 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 1:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do 
you get healthy?
 I used to know an medical doctor who also was a TM'er. He was a pathologist 
and said that in doing autopsies on several hundred people over the years he 
had yet to see any of the alleged encrusted crud in colons. He said it just 
doesn't exist. All the crud that comes out from cleansing diets is the clay 
etc people are eating and drinking to clean themselves out. This was a guy who 
had also taken the TM ayurveda training in pulse diagnoses. 


 From: Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 7:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do 
you get healthy?
 Thanks, Eustace, fascinating article. I prefer a safe and gentle route for all 
this which consists of drinking plenty of water. Though years ago I read that 
when John Wayne died they discovered (gross alert) I think it was 27 pounds of 
encrusted crud in his colon! 


 From: eustace10679
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 3:54 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do you 
get healthy?
 There’s no such thing as ‘detoxing’. In medical terms, it’s a nonsense. Diet 
and exercise is the only way to get healthy. But which of the latest fad 
regimes can really make a difference? We look at the facts

Friday 5 December 2014 04.00 EST

 Whether it’s cucumbers splashing into water or models sitting smugly next to a 
pile of vegetables, it’s tough not to be sucked in by the detox industry. The 
idea that you can wash away your calorific sins is the perfect antidote to our 
fast-food lifestyles and alcohol-lubricated social lives. But before you dust 
off that juicer or take the first tentative steps towards a colonic irrigation 
clinic, there’s something you should know: detoxing – the idea that you can 
flush your system of impurities and leave your organs squeaky clean and raring 
to go – is a scam. It’s a pseudo-medical concept designed to sell you things.

“Let’s be clear,” says Edzard Ernst, emeritus professor of complementary 
medicine at Exeter University, “there are two types of detox: one is 
respectable and the other isn’t.” The respectable one, he says, is the medical 
treatment of people with life-threatening drug addictions. “The other is the 
word being hijacked by entrepreneurs, quacks and charlatans to sell a bogus 
treatment that allegedly detoxifies your body of toxins you’re supposed to have 

If toxins did build up in a way your body couldn’t excrete, he says, you’d 
likely be dead or in need of serious medical intervention. “The healthy body 
has kidneys, a liver, skin, even lungs that are detoxifying as we speak,” he 
says. “There is no known way – certainly not through detox treatments – to make 
something that works perfectly well in a healthy body work better.”

Much of the sales patter revolves around “toxins”: poisonous substances that 
you ingest or inhale. But it’s not clear exactly 

Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your bo dy. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?

2014-12-07 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
What kind-a doctor was she before?

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 8:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your bo dy. It’s a myth. So how 
do you get healthy?

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

I once knew some folks who were into their particular liver cleanse, during 
which they fasted a short bit, then drank down a combination of lemon juice, 
olive oil, and Colosan (a natural colon cleanser). This would supposedly clean 
out years of accumulated gunk in your liver, which would appear magically in 
their toilet as green-colored globules of gick, after which all who tried this 
cleansing routine raved about how much better and more energetic they felt. 
They swore by this routine, and recommended it to others.

Turns out the green-colored globules of gick are just what happens to olive oil 
when you mix it with lemon juice and ingest it. They were cleansing 
themselves of exactly the thing they had ingested a few hours earlier. :-)

In a similar vein the Guardian's Bad Science columnist Ben Goldacre once tested 
a lot of popular, and expensive, detox products.
He did it by having all his usual bodily excressences analysed both before and 
after taking many of these supposedly cleansing substances, and he found there 
wasn't anything there that wasn't there before. You'd think there would be 
something to show for all the expensive rituals. 
He ruined many a promising new age health experts career by hounding them 
with the results of his data. Dr Gillian McKeith doesn't call herself a 
doctor any more because of him.
This whole conversation is starting to make me feel good about continuing my 
chocolate and mince pie consumption well into the new year. Oh yes.
  From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 1:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do 
you get healthy?
 I used to know an medical doctor who also was a TM'er. He was a pathologist 
and said that in doing autopsies on several hundred people over the years he 
had yet to see any of the alleged encrusted crud in colons. He said it just 
doesn't exist. All the crud that comes out from cleansing diets is the clay 
etc people are eating and drinking to clean themselves out. This was a guy who 
had also taken the TM ayurveda training in pulse diagnoses. 

  From: Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 7:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do 
you get healthy?
 Thanks, Eustace, fascinating article. I prefer a safe and gentle route for all 
this which consists of drinking plenty of water. Though years ago I read that 
when John Wayne died they discovered (gross alert) I think it was 27 pounds of 
encrusted crud in his colon! 

  From: eustace10679
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 3:54 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do you 
get healthy?
 There’s no such thing as ‘detoxing’. In medical terms, it’s a nonsense. Diet 
and exercise is the only way to get healthy. But which of the latest fad 
regimes can really make a difference? We look at the facts

Friday 5 December 2014 04.00 EST
Whether it’s cucumbers splashing into water or models sitting smugly next to a 
pile of vegetables, it’s tough not to be sucked in by the detox industry. The 
idea that you can wash away your calorific sins is the perfect antidote to our 
fast-food lifestyles and alcohol-lubricated social lives. But before you dust 
off that juicer or take the first tentative steps towards a colonic irrigation 
clinic, there’s something you should know: detoxing – the idea that you can 
flush your system of impurities and leave your organs squeaky clean and raring 
to go – is a scam. It’s a pseudo-medical concept designed to sell you things.

“Let’s be clear,” says Edzard Ernst, emeritus professor of complementary 
medicine at Exeter University, “there are two types of detox: one is 
respectable and the other isn’t.” The respectable one, he says, is the medical 
treatment of people with life-threatening drug addictions. “The other is the 
word being hijacked by entrepreneurs, quacks and charlatans to sell a bogus 
treatment that allegedly detoxifies your body of toxins you’re supposed to have 

If toxins did build up in a way your body couldn’t excrete, he says, you’d 
likely be dead or in need of serious medical intervention. “The healthy body 
has kidneys, a liver, skin, even lungs that are detoxifying as we speak,” he 
says. “There is no known way – certainly not through detox

Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your bo dy. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?

2014-12-07 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

I once knew some folks who were into their particular liver cleanse, during 
which they fasted a short bit, then drank down a combination of lemon juice, 
olive oil, and Colosan (a natural colon cleanser). This would supposedly clean 
out years of accumulated gunk in your liver, which would appear magically in 
their toilet as green-colored globules of gick, after which all who tried this 
cleansing routine raved about how much better and more energetic they felt. 
They swore by this routine, and recommended it to others.

Turns out the green-colored globules of gick are just what happens to olive oil 
when you mix it with lemon juice and ingest it. They were cleansing 
themselves of exactly the thing they had ingested a few hours earlier. :-)

In a similar vein the Guardian's Bad Science columnist Ben Goldacre once tested 
a lot of popular, and expensive, detox products.
He did it by having all his usual bodily excressences analysed both before and 
after taking many of these supposedly cleansing substances, and he found there 
wasn't anything there that wasn't there before. You'd think there would be 
something to show for all the expensive rituals. 
He ruined many a promising new age health experts career by hounding them 
with the results of his data. Dr Gillian McKeith doesn't call herself a 
doctor any more because of him.
This whole conversation is starting to make me feel good about continuing my 
chocolate and mince pie consumption well into the new year. Oh yes.
Tell me about it. I live with a family of good cooks (yes, including myself), 
so we eat well. fairly healthily, and omnivorally :-). On top of eating all 
that meat stuff, I have a glass of wine with every dinner and a couple of pints 
o'beer 3-4 times a week at my local pub. Lots of good desserts. My exercise 
program consists mainly of walking my dog and walking/riding my bike all 
around Leiden. Other than to enjoy what I'm eating, I pay no attention 
whatsoever to the supposed good-for-me-ness or not-good-for-me-ness of it, and 
never have, my whole life. 

So imagine my surprise when I had to find a new huisarts (General Practitioner) 
recently and she told me that my blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol 
levels are spot-on normal, and that all indications are that I'm as healthy as 
a horse. Go figure. In a way it's good that the people who moved on to The_Peak 
did so, because otherwise when they heard this they'd be muttering under their 
breath about how karma is even more indeterminable than they thought, and that 
the universe really, really isn't fair.  :-)

  From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 1:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do 
you get healthy?
 I used to know an medical doctor who also was a TM'er. He was a pathologist 
and said that in doing autopsies on several hundred people over the years he 
had yet to see any of the alleged encrusted crud in colons. He said it just 
doesn't exist. All the crud that comes out from cleansing diets is the clay 
etc people are eating and drinking to clean themselves out. This was a guy who 
had also taken the TM ayurveda training in pulse diagnoses. 

  From: Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 7:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do 
you get healthy?
 Thanks, Eustace, fascinating article. I prefer a safe and gentle route for all 
this which consists of drinking plenty of water. Though years ago I read that 
when John Wayne died they discovered (gross alert) I think it was 27 pounds of 
encrusted crud in his colon! 

  From: eustace10679
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 3:54 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do you 
get healthy?
 There’s no such thing as ‘detoxing’. In medical terms, it’s a nonsense. Diet 
and exercise is the only way to get healthy. But which of the latest fad 
regimes can really make a difference? We look at the facts

Friday 5 December 2014 04.00 EST
Whether it’s cucumbers splashing into water or models sitting smugly next to a 
pile of vegetables, it’s tough not to be sucked in by the detox industry. The 
idea that you can wash away your calorific sins is the perfect antidote to our 
fast-food lifestyles and alcohol-lubricated social lives. But before you dust 
off that juicer or take the first tentative steps towards a colonic irrigation 
clinic, there’s something you should know: detoxing – the idea that you can 
flush your system of impurities and leave your organs 

Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your bo dy. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?

2014-12-07 Thread [FairfieldLife] Red Meat Impacts Feces in Colon Red Meat Impacts Feces in Colon Did John Wayne's autopsy 
reveal 40 pounds of impacted feces in his colon?
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In, wrote :

 Thanks, Eustace, fascinating article. I prefer a safe and gentle route for all 
this which consists of drinking plenty of water. Though years ago I read that 
when John Wayne died they discovered (gross alert) I think it was 27 pounds of 
encrusted crud in his colon! 


 From: eustace10679
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 3:54 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do you 
get healthy?
 There’s no such thing as ‘detoxing’. In medical terms, it’s a nonsense. Diet 
and exercise is the only way to get healthy. But which of the latest fad 
regimes can really make a difference? We look at the facts



Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your bo dy. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?

2014-12-07 Thread salyavin808


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 What kind-a doctor was she before?

She was a fake website doctor, just fill in a questionaire on herbal myths, 
pay a few bucks and your diploma is in the post.

 She had a thriving business selling all sorts of wonder foods in powdered form 
to add to your muesli, she still does actually just without the title to 
bamboozle the unwary,
 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 8:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your bo dy. It’s a myth. So how 
do you get healthy?


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I once knew some folks who were into their particular liver cleanse, during 
which they fasted a short bit, then drank down a combination of lemon juice, 
olive oil, and Colosan (a natural colon cleanser). This would supposedly clean 
out years of accumulated gunk in your liver, which would appear magically in 
their toilet as green-colored globules of gick, after which all who tried this 
cleansing routine raved about how much better and more energetic they felt. 
They swore by this routine, and recommended it to others.


 Turns out the green-colored globules of gick are just what happens to olive 
oil when you mix it with lemon juice and ingest it. They were cleansing 
themselves of exactly the thing they had ingested a few hours earlier. :-)


 In a similar vein the Guardian's Bad Science columnist Ben Goldacre once 
tested a lot of popular, and expensive, detox products.

 He did it by having all his usual bodily excressences analysed both before and 
after taking many of these supposedly cleansing substances, and he found there 
wasn't anything there that wasn't there before. You'd think there would be 
something to show for all the expensive rituals. 

 He ruined many a promising new age health experts career by hounding them 
with the results of his data. Dr Gillian McKeith doesn't call herself a 
doctor any more because of him.

 This whole conversation is starting to make me feel good about continuing my 
chocolate and mince pie consumption well into the new year. Oh yes.

 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 1:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do 
you get healthy?
 I used to know an medical doctor who also was a TM'er. He was a pathologist 
and said that in doing autopsies on several hundred people over the years he 
had yet to see any of the alleged encrusted crud in colons. He said it just 
doesn't exist. All the crud that comes out from cleansing diets is the clay 
etc people are eating and drinking to clean themselves out. This was a guy who 
had also taken the TM ayurveda training in pulse diagnoses. 


 From: Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 7:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do 
you get healthy?
 Thanks, Eustace, fascinating article. I prefer a safe and gentle route for all 
this which consists of drinking plenty of water. Though years ago I read that 
when John Wayne died they discovered (gross alert) I think it was 27 pounds of 
encrusted crud in his colon! 


 From: eustace10679
 Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 3:54 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do you 
get healthy?
 There’s no such thing as ‘detoxing’. In medical terms, it’s a nonsense. Diet 
and exercise is the only way to get healthy. But which of the latest fad 
regimes can really make a difference? We look at the facts

Friday 5 December 2014 04.00 EST

 Whether it’s cucumbers splashing into water or models sitting smugly next to a 
pile of vegetables, it’s tough not to be sucked in by the detox industry. The 
idea that you can wash away your calorific sins is the perfect antidote to our 
fast-food lifestyles and alcohol-lubricated social lives. But before you dust 
off that juicer or take the first tentative steps towards a colonic irrigation 
clinic, there’s something you should know: detoxing – the idea that you can 
flush your system of impurities and leave your organs squeaky clean and raring 
to go – is a scam. It’s a pseudo-medical concept designed to sell you things.

“Let’s be clear,” says Edzard Ernst, emeritus professor of complementary 
medicine at Exeter University, “there are two types of detox: one is 
respectable and the other isn’t.” The respectable one, he says, is the medical 
treatment of people with life-threatening drug addictions. “The other is the 
word being hijacked by entrepreneurs, quacks

Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your bo dy. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?

2014-12-07 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 12/07/2014 05:07 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

*/I once knew some folks who were into their particular liver 
cleanse, during which they fasted a short bit, then drank down a 
combination of lemon juice, olive oil, and Colosan (a natural colon 
cleanser). This would supposedly clean out years of accumulated gunk 
in your liver, which would appear magically in their toilet as 
green-colored globules of gick, after which all who tried this 
cleansing routine raved about how much better and more energetic they 
felt. They swore by this routine, and recommended it to others.

*/Turns out the green-colored globules of gick are just what happens 
to olive oil when you mix it with lemon juice and ingest it. They were 
cleansing themselves of exactly the thing they had ingested a few 
hours earlier. :-)

In a similar vein the Guardian's Bad Science columnist Ben Goldacre 
once tested a lot of popular, and expensive, detox products.

He did it by having all his usual bodily excressences analysed both 
before and after taking many of these supposedly cleansing substances, 
and he found there wasn't anything there that wasn't there before. 
You'd think there would be something to show for all the expensive 

He ruined many a promising new age health experts career by hounding 
them with the results of his data. Dr Gillian McKeith doesn't call 
herself a doctor any more because of him.

This whole conversation is starting to make me feel good about 
continuing my chocolate and mince pie consumption well into the new 
year. Oh yes.

And I guess you don't have to worry then about drinking too much 
Guinness at the local pub. :-D

Re: [FairfieldLife] You can’t detox your bo dy. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?

2014-12-07 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/7/2014 7:23 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

*/Tell me about it. I live with a family of good cooks (yes, including 
myself), so we eat well. fairly healthily, and omnivorally :-). On top 
of eating all that meat stuff, I have a glass of wine with every 
dinner and a couple of pints o'beer 3-4 times a week at my local pub. 
Lots of good desserts. My exercise program consists mainly of 
walking my dog and walking/riding my bike all around Leiden. Other 
than to enjoy what I'm eating, I pay no attention whatsoever to the 
supposed good-for-me-ness or not-good-for-me-ness of it, and never 
have, my whole life.


This pretty much shoots down the anti-GMO theories of the other Barry 
and MJ. Thanks for posting this report, Barry. Now I think I'll just 
eat, drink and be merry.


*/So imagine my surprise when I had to find a new huisarts (General 
Practitioner) recently and she told me that my blood pressure, blood 
sugar, and cholesterol levels are spot-on normal, and that all 
indications are that I'm as healthy as a horse. Go figure. In a way 
it's good that the people who moved on to The_Peak did so, because 
otherwise when they heard this they'd be muttering under their breath 
about how karma is even more indeterminable than they thought, and 
that the universe really, really isn't fair.  :-)/*