Re: [Flightgear-devel] Next world scenery build

2005-12-20 Thread Jon Stockill

Martin Spott wrote:

fails in the end. After the 'standard' shapefile-based scenery has
proven to work we can start tackling issues like the Great Lakes
shorelines and such.

The SRTM water body dataset seems to give some nice improvements on this 
front. It does need smoothing though, since all the points are the SRTM 
pole locations - so when viewed close up it's just made up a lots of 
perpendicular lines.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] simgear/flightgear SGSky thesky shared library compile problem

2005-12-10 Thread Jon Stockill

Juergen Tretthahn wrote:

Hi all :)

I have a little problem compiling/running fgfs build as shared lib variant.
(Yes... i know... static is the prefered build way you/the devs use.. i still
try to make my daily cvs debian packages the debian-standard shared way :))

The debian standard way uses an incredibly evil bodge to make a shared 
library. I'd suggest speaking to the debian package maintainer.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Modular / portable cockpit design

2005-12-02 Thread Jon Stockill

James Turner wrote:

On 2 Dec 2005, at 00:32, John Wojnaroski wrote:

Just a question of time and energy.  The design issue is how to keep 
it portable so we can haul the gear around to shows like Scale4x 
coming up in Feb 06. Same problem with putting everything into a 
shell,  fantastic for a fixed installation

but kind of like the old story of the fellow who builds the 30 foot 
sailboat in his cellar

I would talk to some exhibition set / theatre set people if you can (I 
am slightly involved in the tech side of an amateur theatre company) - 
generally such people have to produce stuff which is pretty cheap, 
pretty durable and which can be transported, assembled and taken apart 
pretty fast without lots of support equipment.

As far as I can tell (I haven't worked on set myself), a lot of it comes 
down the finding sufficiently fancy pins / hinges / bolts / locks that 
you can have everything be modular (eg, the pedestal, main panel, glare 
shield), but still be rock solid when it's all set into place. 
Experience is a big factor in that...

Google for Akers Barnes Cockpit. Made from MDF, just slots together.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [PATCH] Scenery/tileentry.cxx: new feature: allow objects on sea tiles ( generally don't drop objects)

2005-12-02 Thread Jon Stockill

Melchior FRANZ wrote:

Is the following behavior OK?

  Generate all objects from all FG_SCENERY paths until we found the
  first OBJECTS_BASE entry (including the other object entries in this
  *.stg file). Then read the matching Objects/ directory, too.
  But *then* stop scanning.

That makes sense.

That way you can have a tree containing just additional objects followed 
by detailed scenery, followed by default scenery all on your path.

You'll get the objects, plus the most appropriate scenery for the area 
you're in. Certainly being able to place objects at sea is a huge 
improvement (I mentioned that this failed quite sime time back, but was 
unable to work out why).

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Autopilot

2005-11-30 Thread Jon Stockill

Steve Hosgood wrote:

3) It was broken in 0.9.8 but is fixed now. I *think* I may have tried
it in 0.9.9 with the same results. Not sure. Can't check right now.

It'll still be the same. The C172 doesn't use the generic autopilot code 
- it has a KAP140 autopilot model - which is controlled by clicking the 
buttons on the device in the cockpit.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3D modelers

2005-11-22 Thread Jon Stockill

Josh Babcock wrote:

I was also thinking that this community must have a treasure trove of
airshow pics. Obviously most people won't want to put them up on, but maybe we could have some sort of forum where we can
post wanted ads and lists of planes we have pics of. Or we could just
make a habit of being considerate like Innis and posting on the devel
list :)

You'll find most of my airshow and museum pics here:

There may be others scattered around that site. If people need somewhere 
 to put pictures online then will give you 250MB of 
space  to host them (disclaimer: I'm biased - this is where I work).

I know the museum at Doncaster has a large number of aircraft, and 
cockpit sections on display (there's a list here: ). If there are any that 
people are particularly interested in then if you can tell me what you 
want photos of, or what you need measuring then I can try to get you the 
info you need when I'm next there.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Release of v0.9.9 source code

2005-11-18 Thread Jon Stockill

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

Hello everyone,

FlightGear v0.9.9 is now final.  The source code is propagating through 
to the mirrors.  If you have built an 'official' binary version of 
FlightGear in the past, it would be great if you could build a binary 
for v0.9.9 as well.  I'm going to make an 'official' v0.9.9 announcment 
in a day or two and I'd like to have precompiled binaries available for 
as many platforms as possible.

The slackware package is now available at the usual place:

It currently *doesn't* contain fgrun, as I can't get a current cvs 
version to build, and the last release version was based on the older 
airport files, and therefore just aborts because it can't find its data. 
I just get the error below on the final link (have the requirements for 
fgrun changed since the last release?):

g++  -g -O2  -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/lib -o fgrun  wizard.o 
wizard_funcs.o advanced.o advanced_funcs.o AirportBrowser.o 
AirportTable.o Fl_Table.o Fl_Table_Row.o Fl_Plib.o Fl_Heading_Dial.o 
main.o io.o fgfsrc.o logwin.o settings.o util.o run_posix.o fgrun_pty.o 
-lsgprops -lsgxml -lsgmisc -lsgstructure -lsgdebug -lplibssg -lplibsg 
-lplibul -lfltk_gl -lfltk -lGL -lXmu -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXi -lXext -lX11 
-lm -lz -lutil

main.o(.text+0x192): In function `main':
/archive/Mirror/flightgear/FGRun-cvs/src/main.cxx:87: undefined 
reference to `Fl::lock()'
run_posix.o(.text+0x53): In function 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar *, 
std::vectorstd::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar, 
std::allocatorchar , std::allocatorstd::basic_stringchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar *, 
std::vectorstd::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar, 
std::allocatorchar , std::allocatorstd::basic_stringchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar *, 
std::vectorstd::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar, 
std::allocatorchar , std::allocatorstd::basic_stringchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar *, 
std::vectorstd::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar, 
std::allocatorchar , std::allocatorstd::basic_stringchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar *, 
std::vectorstd::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar, 
std::allocatorchar , std::allocatorstd::basic_stringchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar *, 
std::vectorstd::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar, 
std::allocatorchar , std::allocatorstd::basic_stringchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar, __false_type)':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.4/bits/stl_algobase.h:373: undefined reference to 
run_posix.o(.text+0x89): In function 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar *, 
std::vectorstd::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar, 
std::allocatorchar , std::allocatorstd::basic_stringchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar *, 
std::vectorstd::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar, 
std::allocatorchar , std::allocatorstd::basic_stringchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar *, 
std::vectorstd::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar, 
std::allocatorchar , std::allocatorstd::basic_stringchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar *, 
std::vectorstd::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar, 
std::allocatorchar , std::allocatorstd::basic_stringchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar *, 
std::vectorstd::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar, 
std::allocatorchar , std::allocatorstd::basic_stringchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar *, 
std::vectorstd::basic_stringchar, std::char_traitschar, 
std::allocatorchar , std::allocatorstd::basic_stringchar, 
std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar, __false_type)':
/archive/Mirror/flightgear/FGRun-cvs/src/run_posix.cxx:87: undefined 
reference to `Fl::unlock()'

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [fgrun] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] RenderTexture::BeginCapture(): Texture is notinitialized!

2005-11-18 Thread Jon Stockill

Vivian Meazza wrote:

There should be no need to uncompress either file.

Unless zlib support is missing somewhere.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Release of v0.9.9 source code

2005-11-18 Thread Jon Stockill

Frederic Bouvier wrote:

Jon, you need to use fltk with multi-threading support.

Thanks. All rebuilt, and it's now working. The package has been updated.
(If version numbers are cheap, package revisions are even cheaper ;-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Getting Started Guide - Terrain/Objects

2005-11-14 Thread Jon Stockill

Stefan Seifert wrote:

I'm sure you meant /usr/share/FlightGear/... and not /var.

Makes more sense to me.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Getting Started Guide - Terrain/Objects

2005-11-14 Thread Jon Stockill

Martin Spott wrote:

Oliver C. wrote:

Then we should definitely officially use /usr/local/games/flightgear/ 
or /opt/flightgear/ as $FG_ROOT on unix systems.

I don't understand why the hell people should want to use
/usr/local/games/ for FlightGear ?

The slackware package puts the binaries in /usr/bin and the data files 
under /usr/share/FlightGear

I *could* put the doc files in /usr/doc/Flightgear-$VERSION but since 
there are various references to them under FG_ROOT that's where I left them.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Buildings ?????

2005-11-14 Thread Jon Stockill

Martin Spott wrote:

Several people did comparisons between VMAP0 data and reality and it
looks like VMAP0 is not very accurate at all in this area. I expect
that we an offer a guide to the community in the not so distant future
that explains how people can improve the landcover data and submit
these improvements.
Please keep in mind that carefully altering landcover data might
comsume a noticeable amount of time   On the other hand you will be
compensated by very nice visual effects,

Also be very careful what you're using for source material - it's very 
easy to get caught up in copyright issues.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] OT: A380 arrived in EDHI (Hamburg-Finkenwerder)

2005-11-12 Thread Jon Stockill

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

How about a spyware popup ... Oh I see you just typed the word Paris, 
here are some great hotel + airfare combinations you might be interested 
in, and would you like me to search ebay for berets?

No, not spyware - clippy :-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear v0.0.9-pre3

2005-11-11 Thread Jon Stockill

Steve Hosgood wrote:

Curt: if you've not done it yourself yet, the file
data/Huds/Instruments/Default/runwayinstr.xml has duff permissions.

The following files probably *shouldn't* be there:


Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Flightgear-devel Digest, Vol 31, Issue 29

2005-11-09 Thread Jon Stockill

Buchanan, Stuart wrote:

--- Steve Knoblock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am unsure if I can help, I do hope to convert a model of
the Cape May Light I made for MSFS for FG once I understand the tools.

As a first pass, you could place a generic lighthouse (from in the correct location by editing
the the correct .stg file.

Or just let me know where it is, and I'll add it to the database. Is 
there an organisation that manages lighthouses? (in the UK there's 
Trinity House, and the Northern Lighthouse Board). If so then it's 
possible they list all the lights they manage - that's then an easy 
addition to the scenery.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear v0.9.9-pre2

2005-11-09 Thread Jon Stockill

Curtis L. Olson wrote:
I am currently targeting the official v0.9.9 release for late next week 
(time permitting.)

Is there any preferred version of OpenAL for this release? Just 
wondering if there's a recommended version for linking against for the 
binary packages.

Also, is there an fgrun release planned to coincide with 0.9.9?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Buildings ?????

2005-11-07 Thread Jon Stockill

Martin Spott wrote:

Yes, it _is_ nice to have an ensemble that represents the entourage of
an airport or a city centre, but a single tower somewhere in the
boonies that VFR pilots typically use for navigation is a valuable
addition as well.

Yesterdays addition was a set of wind turbines for Finland, with 
position data kindly supplied by Esa Hyytia - you don't even need to be 
able to model objects to help - positions for placing models that are 
already available are just as useful.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Buildings ?????

2005-11-07 Thread Jon Stockill

Josh Babcock wrote:

Jon Stockill wrote:

Martin Spott wrote:

Yes, it _is_ nice to have an ensemble that represents the entourage of
an airport or a city centre, but a single tower somewhere in the
boonies that VFR pilots typically use for navigation is a valuable
addition as well.

Yesterdays addition was a set of wind turbines for Finland, with
position data kindly supplied by Esa Hyytia - you don't even need to be
able to model objects to help - positions for placing models that are
already available are just as useful.


Is there a way to tag a number of entries in the DB as a package? It
would be nice to just be able to DL Baltimore or KADW instead of
figuring out what the area is and then grabbing all the objects in that

Currently the smallest area it's broken down to is one of the 10x10 
degree scenery tiles. The biggest of these files is only 500k (the whole 
planet fits in a 4MB tarball), so I didn't see a need to break it down 
any further. If you're interested in just a specific area then drop me 
an email and I'll see about exporting just the area you're interested in 
(if you're just interested in seeing what objects are in a particular 
area you may find that entering partial lat/lon info into a search on:


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Buildings ?????

2005-11-07 Thread Jon Stockill

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

Jon Stockill wrote:

Currently the smallest area it's broken down to is one of the 10x10 
degree scenery tiles. The biggest of these files is only 500k (the 
whole planet fits in a 4MB tarball), so I didn't see a need to break 
it down any further. If you're interested in just a specific area then 
drop me an email and I'll see about exporting just the area you're 
interested in (if you're just interested in seeing what objects are in 
a particular area you may find that entering partial lat/lon info into 
a search on:


I see a distribution issue which I'd like to discuss.

The object database lives in it's own separate tree.  Right now to use 
your object database a person needs to add a set of models to their base 
package.  Then they need to install the object tree.

However, from my perspective, if I want to roll up a 10x10 chunk of 
terrain + objects I have a big problem.  I need to either roll these two 
trees together in one big tree (which makes it hard to change or upgrade 
the objects.)  Or I need distribute 2 tgz files (and the end user needs 
to download and correctly install 2 tgz files) for each 10x10 chunk.

Would it make sense to make your object database (for the entire world) 
part of the official base package and put it all in cvs?

If we want to leave these objects as user-add-on-after-the-fact 
entities, then it's ok how we are doing it now, but they add a *lot* to 
the flightgear experience so I would really like to make them part of 
the default some how without imposing an overwhelming burden on the end 
user to do extra complex downloads and installs by hand.

I'm not sure I'm explaining the issues very well, but hopefully someone 
understands what I mean and can offer suggestions.

It would be easy enough for you to include the latest version of the 
database when you built the scenery - the Terrain and Objects split 
works really well to make this relatively easy, and simple for someone 
to add the latest version of the objects before the next scenery update.

If your scenery package were to have the following (example) structure 
in the tarballs:

Objects/w010n50/w002n53/29.stg -- entries just for objects
(Static scenery models would be included here)
Terrain/w010n50/w002n53/29.stg -- entries for airports
(Airport and terrain tiles appear here)

roll the whole lot up in a tarball for w010n50 and it can be installed 
as a single package under your scenery directory. If anyone wants to 
update the models at a later date then they can just replace the 
Objects/ tree with the latest version.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Buildings ?????

2005-11-07 Thread Jon Stockill

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

That might be what we have to do, but that implies a change in where 
scenery files are extracted relative to the scenery tree which would 
could cause a fair amount of confusion ... not that the current process 
is completely unconfusing ...

It takes things back to how they were - you unpack everything directly 
in your scenery directory - the scenery tarballs then contain everything 
that should be below that.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Buildings ?????

2005-11-07 Thread Jon Stockill

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

Jon Stockill wrote:

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

That might be what we have to do, but that implies a change in where 
scenery files are extracted relative to the scenery tree which would 
could cause a fair amount of confusion ... not that the current 
process is completely unconfusing ...

It takes things back to how they were - you unpack everything directly 
in your scenery directory - the scenery tarballs then contain 
everything that should be below that.

I have in mind the fgadmin utility which installs and removes scenery 
and knows where everything should go.  That is going to require quite a 
bit of modification I suspect.

Yes, it'd need to install the contents of the tarballs to ...Scenery/ 
rather than ...Scenery/Terrain


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] AI Aircraft Models

2005-11-05 Thread Jon Stockill

Innis Cunningham wrote:

I would think we are better ploting our own course this may mean we are a
bit light on to start off with but with people helping it would take no 
time at all.

Lots of airlines provide timetables in PDF format - fed into pdftotext 
and parsed with a bit of perl we should be able to build up a reasonable 
amount of data fairly quickly. Worst case is the formatting is horrid 
and it all needs to be done by hand - it's still not gonna take forever 
if there's a few people involved.

Is there any documentation on the current AI schedule formats anywhere? 
I'll have a look at a couple of timetables tomorrow and see what I can do.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Driving real instruments.

2005-10-25 Thread Jon Stockill

On Tue, October 25, 2005 5:18 pm, John Wojnaroski said:

 The boards Curt refers to were specifically designed for a 747
 simulator.  They will read analog, discrete inputs, rotary encoders but
 are not designed to drive anything other than digital signals. Would
 need a bit more design and rework to handle the current loads of DC
 motors or servos, control, etc. (See earlier post)

How about the analogue output boards on

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: A question regarding accurate taxiways

2005-10-17 Thread Jon Stockill

Harald JOHNSEN wrote:

I am not sure I follow you here, taxiway design have strict rules that 
you can find on the FAA site.

I can assure you there are plenty of airfields out there that don't 
follow the rules. Many of the ones I've worked on have developed over 
the last 60+ years to become what they are today, and modifications over 
that sort of period results in some very strange layouts.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: A question regarding accurate taxiways

2005-10-17 Thread Jon Stockill

Durk Talsma wrote:

- buildings placement

This can be done through a combination of  .stg and xml files, but this has to 
be done either by hand editing, or by using a dedicated scenery editor. I'm 
not sure if fgsd would be able to do this. This would be the only interactive 
application that would allow this. See KSFO for an example. I haven't tried 
doing this myself, so I can't comment on whether it's easy to do or not.

I tend to use areas of turf to represent buildings, they're identified 
by the size of the turf, which can easily be positioned and aligned. 
Then I have a script which strips out the appropriate lines, and 
produces the info for the scenery database. (I've actually just 
discovered a book in my local reference library which contains plans for 
a large number of standard RAF buildings. I should have them all online 
in a couple of weeks - unfortunately the book in question is reference 
only, so I'm spending my saturday mornings at the library with my laptop).

Being able to define some simple vector diagrams which could be placed 
in taxidraw, and exported in the scenery format (in a similar way to how 
windsocks can be exported now) would be extremely useful).

Just wondering what type of animations you were thinking of. We have support 
for moving aircraft now, but no ground vehicles yet, although this could be 
done using animation scripts. 

ISTR seeing mention of a function which allowed retrieval of ground 
elevation at arbitrary points. Would this make AI ground vehicles possible?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] a question on Sound/fg_fx.cxx /sim/sound/pause processing

2005-10-13 Thread Jon Stockill

Oliver Schroeder wrote:

Which reminds me of another thing. Is it possible to use /dev/dsp in a 
non-blocking mode? I want to start a second application which uses /dev/dsp 
while flightgear is running.
I was investigating several applications which can serve as a radio for 
multiplayermode and noticed that it is not possible.

esd or artsd would allow you to share the device. I suspect you'd need 
to start the sound daemon, then your comms s/w (which would need to use 
the device read/write), then flightgear (write only).

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] a question on Sound/fg_fx.cxx /sim/sound/pause

2005-10-13 Thread Jon Stockill

Martin Spott wrote:

IAXClient focuses on portability and I've already managed to build it
on AIX, IRIX, Solaris8, FreeBSD and Linux - with neglectible
programming skills  ;-)  It's very small and think it is worth being
incorporated into FlightGear:

quickstep: 18:00:28 ~/CVS/Asterisk/iaxclient du -ks *
16  CVS

IAX is also NAT friendly (it runs a single udp port at each end, unlike 
SIP for example).

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] A little emergency encountered inside FlightGear

2005-09-28 Thread Jon Stockill

Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

As a side note, I made it safely back to the airport, braked, and taxied to 
the tarmac.  Those who have had trouble braking on large jets may want to 
hold Shift+B on touch down.  Provided that Caps-Lock is off, holding Shift+B 
will toggle the brake between on and off states, thus preventing the nose 
wheel from sinking into the runway.  Enabling Caps-Lock and hold B alone will 
also work.

Antilock brakes simulated with key repeat - I like it :-)

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Build problem with today's CVS update

2005-09-18 Thread Jon Stockill

William D. Earnest wrote:


Updated my source copy this morning, including the endian patches. 
Several tries, including a full in simgear and flightgear, 
don't yield a full compile.

Simgear compiles without error reported. Flightgear builds until it 
gets to the /FDM/ExternalNet directory. There the compile of 
externalnet.cxx includes simgear/io/lowlevel.hxx, which references 
simgear_config.h, and that is not found. I located simgear_config.h in 
the simgear/ directory here. Sounds like a path problem?

I'm having the same problem here. While simgear_config.h can be found in 
the source tree it doesn't appear to get installed. Is this a problem in 
the simgear makefile (and simgear_config.h *should* be installed), or a 
problem in lowlevel.hxx (in that it shouldn't be referencing 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Question: Online forums?

2005-09-14 Thread Jon Stockill

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

I have a question I'd like to toss out to the group for discussion/comment.

What would people think of abandoning our mailing lists and converting 
over to online/web-based forums?

I think you'll lose an *awful* lot of input.

I'm really no fan of forums.

Mail gets delivered to me. I can read it wherever I like. I don't need a 
 net connection. With a forum you need to be online.

Lots of forums still have problems with spam too.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Announcement: First TerraGear landcover database export

2005-09-11 Thread Jon Stockill

Ralf Gerlich wrote:


Ampere K. Hardraade schrieb:

I think you misunderstood.  I was referring to the taxiways under map 
mode, not satellite mode.  If you go in map mode, you will see that 
Google got some pretty accurate vector data for taxiways generation.

Whoop, didn't see that. In that case: Yes, I misunderstood and join your 
inquiry ;-)

The data comes from Navteq. Not really an option for us, as it would be 
horrendously expensive, then there's this:


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Announcement: First TerraGear landcover database export

2005-09-10 Thread Jon Stockill

Dave Martin wrote:

On Friday 09 September 2005 18:36, Jon Stockill wrote:

I've just finished downloading and processing all the data to get my
scenery build system back up and running after a disk crash, it's
building tiles for a test of the OSM roads at the moment. I'll grab some
screenshots when it's done.

I look forward to seeing that.

Here's a couple of pics, the first is looking west over the gherkin, and 
the second is looking out over regents park. Generation time was over an 
hour for that tile on a 1GHz athlon (the resource limits in 
fgfs-construct needed a significant increase). Memory usage was ok at 
around 140MB.

It shows up a few limitations in the source data. The road segments are 
currently all represented seperately and not tied into a road object, 
this results in lots of short roads, and visible breaks on the outside 
of corners. This will improve as the open streetmap system matures (it's 
still very early days).


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Announcement: First TerraGear landcover database export

2005-09-10 Thread Jon Stockill

Ralf Gerlich wrote:

This looks quite detailed. I'm not that familiar with the London area so 
would you say that there is a considerable amount of smaller streets 
missing in there?

You can see the source data here: there 
are roads missing, simply because the map is not yet complete, nor are 
they categorised. Once there's some more data, the segments are 
correctly joined into roads, and the roads are classified then we can be 
more selective about the roads we include in the scenery.

Even with not so much detailed streets - i.e., leaving all the 
back-streets out and having only freeways and mainstreets processed - 
the generation of scenery takes substantially longer than for the 
standard data. I have no numbers on this, but having to raise the 
resource limits in fgfs-construct considerably is quite a good indication.

Yes, the cpu limit was set as 120 seconds - I increased it to an hour 
and *still* had failures, so it's now set at 4 hours here just to be safe.

One other problem that'll probably become more serious with more 
detailed street-data is that the comparatively small streets not only 
produce lots of small triangles on the streets themselves but also raise 
the number of triangles on neighbouring polygons by splitting them. 
(Currently fgsd crashes on loading some of the more full tiles - 
possibly because of the sheer number of triangles; I will investigate 
further on that when I get the time)

I've not had that problem yet, but so far the data only covers a 
relatively small area.

I currently do not have any solution for that and I know that there have 
been discussions before, but perhaps having more detailed scenery now 
may be a good reason for the experts here to reconsider this topic.

We've just been discussing another problem on irc - the green texture 
isn't really appropriate for a city, but I left out the city areas since 
the texture it uses contains its own roads. I'm not really sure of a 
solution to this.

This may be solvable by automatically snapping endpoints and recombining 
shorter segments into longer segments.

It will be solved in future versions of the openstreetmap data - at the 
moment it just exports as lots of short roads with a start and end 
point, eventually these will be chained together to form longer roads.

Anyway recombination will only partially solve the problem, as on an 
intersection only pairs of participating line-segments can be joined. 
Perhaps we need a better way of making polygons from lines, much like 
the v.buffer operation of GRASS 

At the moment I'l just converting the exported openstreetmap data to the 
tguserdef format, which I suspect is less than ideal. It may be worth 
having something that will be a bit more intelligent, and resolve some 
of these problems as it parses the data.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Announcement: First TerraGear landcover

2005-09-10 Thread Jon Stockill

Martin Spott wrote:

Herewith I appoint you to the future maintainer of OSM-data in our
kindcover database  :-)

I should have kept my mouth shut :-)

Do they log the changes in their database, do they offer any 'raw'
interface ? 

The interface is explained here:

I used the map command to dump the data, then converted it to the 
tguserdef format in order to build the scenery, but a shapefile could 
just as easily be used as the intermediate format.

This would make it easier for us to track the development
of their dataset. Do they differenciate between different sized roads ?

Not yet, although the intention is to have a key/value system which will 
allow the tagging of road types, names, numbers, etc. So the 
classifications will be available.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Announcement: First TerraGear landcover database export

2005-09-09 Thread Jon Stockill

Martin Spott wrote:

Good evening,

We proudly present the first export from the TerraGear landcover
database   or however you prefer to name it. The contents is
exactly the same as the landcover data that has previously been used
for scenery generation - at least this is the intention.

Excellent - I'll give it a try. I'm also experimenting with some early 
data from to add accurate roads to scenery.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Announcement: First TerraGear landcover database export

2005-09-09 Thread Jon Stockill

Dave Martin wrote:

Don't know why I didn't find when I was searching about for 
'royalty free' mapping last week. Now that you've mentioned the site I'm all 
grins. Thanks very much Jon. :)

There's anot a huge amount of data there yet, it's still in the very 
early stages, but if you own a GPS you could help change that ;-)

I've just finished downloading and processing all the data to get my 
scenery build system back up and running after a disk crash, it's 
building tiles for a test of the OSM roads at the moment. I'll grab some 
screenshots when it's done.

(The other good news is that now I have a working system again I'll be 
adding more stuff to the scenery database).

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Announcement: First TerraGear landcover database export

2005-09-09 Thread Jon Stockill

Dave Martin wrote:

I think I can get access to a suitable GPS but with fuel prices at £1/litre I 
think I'm going to be dusting off my bicycle and getting some much-needed 
exercise ;)

Inspired by the charity tube challenge a couple of weeks ago I'm 
currently considering making use of a day ticket on the local bus and 
train networks - could be a cheap way to cover a lot of distance, with 
the added advantage that I get to improve scenery local to me :-)

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] crashes in GL

2005-08-26 Thread Jon Stockill

Vivian Meazza wrote:

And SG? Before you tear your system apart, AJ has just reported similar
symptoms over on IRC. He's just updated to CVS HEAD.

Yes, both FG and SG from 7th July.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] crashes in GL

2005-08-25 Thread Jon Stockill

Harald JOHNSEN wrote:

Jon Stockill wrote:

Due to the death of the machine I was doing all my flightgear work on 
I'm currently trying to set up another machine so I can still build 
packages, but I've run into a bit of a problem. While my old packages 
work ok on this machine (it's not gonna win any awards for framerates, 
but it proves it works) the current cvs code segfaults on startup like 

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 16384 (LWP 18753)]
0x401861b2 in _glthread_SetTSD () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x401861b2 in _glthread_SetTSD () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#1  0x401863f3 in glXCreateGLXPbufferSGIX () from 

#2  0x0846a17a in RenderTexture::Initialize (this=0x891d220, width=1,
height=1075494657, shareObjects=false, copyContext=false)
at RenderTexture.cpp:508

You are not supposed to have this width and height, in the bbcache.cxx 
code there is

rt-Initialize(256, 256, true);

This gets stranger and stranger. I rebuilt the code from scratch 
(suggested by Harald), and it still failed with the same error. So I 
deleted the whole thing, and checked it all out from CVS again - a 
completely clean start. Same error. Checked out the code on another 
machine, built it, runs ok. Copied the binary from the working machine 
to the problem machine, and now the error is back - same binary, 
different machines, different result - a segfault caused by an out of 
range value which is supposed to be hard coded.

Tests so far have ruled out plib/simgear/flightgear version problems, 
and compiler problems (since the working binary fails on the problem 

Does anyone have any idea where I should be looking before I go 
completely insane?

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] crashes in GL

2005-08-25 Thread Jon Stockill

Vivian Meazza wrote:

No, but if it's any compensation, cvs has been broken under Cygwin since,
well, I've tracked it back to around 7th Jul. For me it started when I
downloaded a clean copy. Norman Vine's version is exiting as soon as the
load sequence finishes, mine and a machine AJ is testing on hangs at the
same point.  At the moment the problem seems to be in Simgear, possibly in
Harald's new GL stuff, but that's a very tentative diagnosis. Right now I
can't see anything obviously wrong, and am really at a loss as to what to do
next. The last known good seems to be 7th Jul - you might like to roll cvs
(FG and SG) back to that point and see what happens.

I'd be interested to compare notes

I'll give that a try.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] crashes in GL

2005-08-25 Thread Jon Stockill
I rolled back cvs to 7th July, built flightgear, and still have exactly 
the same problem - I guess it's related to something on this system.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Custom scenery integration

2005-08-13 Thread Jon Stockill

Martin Spott wrote:

Does osgPlanet allow for contour lines for elevation data instead of
DEM's ? Do you have a suggestion how to convert the DEM's into a set of
contour lines without creating horrible bloat or loosing precision ?

The SRTM data is available in GeoTIFF format. gdal_contour (from gdal) 
can convert this to contour lines.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Free simulator of the Frecce Tricolori aerobatic jet

2005-07-28 Thread Jon Stockill

Dave Culp wrote:

3)  Making a smoke model that merges well with the others.  I've heard (on 
this list) that this may be a plib limitation.  It may require the use of a 
different visual model, like billboards or particle fields.

I'm sure someone has already done some work on particle smoke. ISTR 
seeing some screenshots a few months ago, but nothing more after that.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] feature request: MultiPlayer's Callsigns inViewport

2005-07-23 Thread Jon Stockill

Paul Surgeon wrote:

What a pity as I don't know of any good replacements and writing VOIP software 
is not a trivial task.

So the only way it could work is if the creators of TeamSpeak released a GPL 
interface to their software?

I guess text will just have to suffice. covers practically everything out there. 
Codecs, transports, servers. I'm sure there are alternatives to 
teamspeak, and failing that, there are tools to build something. The 
speex codec should certainly be able to provide voice comms while using 
a sensible amount of bandwidth.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Multiplayer crashes with unknown aircrafts, any solution?

2005-07-15 Thread Jon Stockill

Robicd wrote:

Of course, Melchior ... I know :-|
But this solution doesn't fit to this specific problem. FlightGear will 
crash _before_ I know which I need to download!
Some other idea? Will FGFS check/discard/revert_to_default network 
packets with not existing Aircraft identifications inside?

It would make sense to default to using the glider model if the correct 
one can't be found. Otherwise anyone connecting to such a server with an 
aircraft they're developing presents the other users with something of a 
problem (ignoring the obvious DoS aspect if someone wanted to be malicious).

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Multiplayer crashes with unknown aircrafts, any solution?

2005-07-15 Thread Jon Stockill

Erik Hofman wrote:

Looking at the Multiplayer code I can see this code can use a good 
overhaul anyway. It needs to adapt the SGSubsystem style and  use the 
AIModel code to display the models, which will also allow it to show up 
on the radar.

It's probably not too much work to do since most of the current code 
could be reused.

Other aircraft showing on radar would be excellent. I've been playing 
with the t38 refuelling scenario recently, and it's a lot of fun - 
definitely teaches you the value of minute stick and throttle inputs :-)

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Custom scenery integration

2005-07-04 Thread Jon Stockill

Ralf Gerlich wrote:

I don't see why we need to store elevation data for the whole world in 
the database anyway. I wouldn't think elevation data would be a typical 
subject for user-submitted modifications related to wide areas. If more 
detailed structures are desired than provided by the DEM data, 
corrective contour data for small areas could be stored in the database 
and be combined with the official DEM data, which could be stored 
outside the database.

I converted a chunk of SRTM data to 10m interval contours, and overlaid 
this on an ordnance survey map (using mapserver) - the results are 
actually incredibly close - the 0 point of the two datasets is obviously 
slightly different, but the two datasets fit together remarkably well - 
Obviously I have no idea how good the data is for the rest of the world, 
but the UK data seems surprisingly accurate, which leads me to my 
question - is there really such a huge problem with our source data, or 
do we just need to be generating scenery with more polygons?

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] About 3D Clouds

2005-07-02 Thread Jon Stockill

Mathias Fröhlich wrote:

You're the man!

That is it.
Setting bits-per-pixel to 32 makes the models throw phantastic well looking 
shadows! At least for my box with the binary ati driver.

After things going pop on my machine it's now back working - I dropped 
the nvidia driver back to the previous version, and now clouds and 
shadow are working quite happily. Although I have to say that I'm not 
convinced Harald is in league with the hardware manufacturers. Trying to 
fly along at 4fps is hard enough, but when you're busy looking at the 
shadows and going ooh, wow! it's practically impossible. I guess 
it's time to start saving for an upgrade :-)

Fantastic work Harald.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: About 3D Clouds

2005-06-30 Thread Jon Stockill

Melchior FRANZ wrote:

BTW: I just noticed that volumetric shadows work for me with
Linux + nVidia 6629, but not with Linux and
driver 7664. With the latter, the whole screen goes darker, and
no other shadows are visible. But since the newer drivers lock
the machine if RenderAccel is activated, switching back is a
good idea anyway.

I upgraded to 7664 a couple of days ago, fired the sim up, and the 
machine promptly overheated (it's been a bit warm here for the last 
couple of weeks) looks like the fan stopped on the graphics card, so 
that just died when asked to do anything. I swapped it for my old card 
(also nvidia) and noticed that runs with no shadows, but a darker screen 
as you describe - I put it down to the card being less capable, but I 
think I'll downgrade the driver and try again.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Hurricane

2005-06-15 Thread Jon Stockill

Vivian Meazza wrote:

Have you seen the recent Aeroplane magazine? It has comprehensive series of
articles on the Lightning: excellent source data.

Keep at it - it just takes time - you can hijack most of the Hunter
instruments for the interior. 

And if anyone wants real instruments there seem to be an awful lot of 
Hunter instruments on ebay at the moment - most likely due to the 
changes in the regulations covering flourescent paint. :-(

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Hurricane

2005-06-15 Thread Jon Stockill

Vivian Meazza wrote:

Jon Stockill wrote

Vivian Meazza wrote:

Have you seen the recent Aeroplane magazine? It has comprehensive series


articles on the Lightning: excellent source data.

Keep at it - it just takes time - you can hijack most of the Hunter
instruments for the interior.

And if anyone wants real instruments there seem to be an awful lot of
Hunter instruments on ebay at the moment - most likely due to the
changes in the regulations covering flourescent paint. :-(

Another stupid EU regulation?

Sounds like it - a friend at south yorkshire air museum was telling me 
that lots of museums are having to dump stuff because the regs make it 
totally impractical to keep them. The only loophole is for clocks and 
watches (so you can strap it to your wrist, but not put it in a display 
case or cockpit).

As he said - extensive studies of people who spent upwards of 8 hours at 
a time sitting in front of such instruments has shown that they're 
losing teeth and hair, their remaining hair is turning grey, they have 
mobility problems, and some are dropping dead. Oddly enough the same can 
also be said of the control group.

Yet more pointless regulation to protect us from nothing.

If anyone finds themself near Doncaster though I can highly recommend 
south yorkshire air museum - they've got a lot of cockpits there, and I 
think there's always a few open so you can get in and have a really good 
look and take some nice pics.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Hurricane

2005-06-15 Thread Jon Stockill

Erik Hofman wrote:

Jon Stockill wrote:

As he said - extensive studies of people who spent upwards of 8 hours 
at a time sitting in front of such instruments has shown that they're 
losing teeth and hair, their remaining hair is turning grey, they have 
mobility problems, and some are dropping dead. Oddly enough the same 
can also be said of the control group.

What was th test period, 60 years?

He was hinting at WW2 bomber crews, who probably spent more time in 
front of such instruments than anyone else.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Hurricane

2005-06-15 Thread Jon Stockill

Josh Babcock wrote:

Jon Stockill wrote:

Yet more pointless regulation to protect us from nothing.

It's not just the EU, I'm having this problem in the US. I tried to get
a surveying compass with tritium illumination, and found that it's
banned in the US as well. This is a big deal since electric illumination
can seriously deviate a magnetic compass. I don't think you can get it
for non-military gun sights anymore either. Grrr.

Yet they happily sell these to everyone over here:

It's insane.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Hurricane

2005-06-15 Thread Jon Stockill

Josh Babcock wrote:

From the page:

 We can only ship the Glowring to UK addresses

Makbe the UK is saner than the EU and US. Anyone over there want to let
me order one to their address and *cough* illegally ship it to me?

Clearly they're not that sane - they'll happily sell tritium keyrings to 
people, but items of genuine historic interest are destroyed because 
they glow. Someone has their priorities seriously screwed up.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] poll

2005-06-14 Thread Jon Stockill

Gerard Robin wrote:

  Sand  MINE rolling-friction2.O/rolling-friction

  Sand  FG  rolling-friction0.1/rolling-friction

That may make sense for a sea plane with floats, but it doesn't make 
sense for an aircraft with wheels landing on a beach strip.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Completely OT (but aviation related.)

2005-06-14 Thread Jon Stockill

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

I was curious about the idea of removing the case from my Linksys WRT54G 
wireless router and powering that by battery.  Supposedly it's running 
linux and is hackable, but I haven't played around with trying to hack 
into it yet.

How much space do you actually have?

Would a nano-itx or even mini-itx board fit? With one of those you could 
use a USB wireless interface, giving you flexibility to position it for 
best signal (radome style bulge under the aircraft? :-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Completely OT (but aviation related.)

2005-06-14 Thread Jon Stockill

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

anything.  I'm just going to move forward slowly one step at a time and 
ignore most of the bright ideas from the mailing list. :-)

Probably a wise move :-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel]Re:[Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Models/Airport beacon.xml, 1.8,

2005-05-30 Thread Jon Stockill

Jon Berndt wrote:

Is the ground cache for the benefit of the FDM?

The FDMs are currently the only users of the groundcache, and yes, they
benefit from it. A lot. Per-wheel/contact-point ground awareness hadn't been
done before Mathias implemented the ground cache. And probably it would have
been a big performance problem to constantly do intersection test with the
whole tile. Still, I didn't mean to blame the problems on the FDMs. I just

What I was curious about was if per-wheel contact point checking was being done 
when it
doesn't need to be done - that is, when the aircraft isn't even close to the 

I'm not certain the area that the ground cache covers, but I suspect it 
has applications beyond just contact points. ISTR Lee was wanting to 
know ground elevation a distance ahead of the aircraft for the terrain 
following mode of the TSR2s autopilot - could this be used?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Problems with todays CVS

2005-05-30 Thread Jon Stockill
I've just updated and built todays CVS code, discovered a problem. 
Starting on runway 09 at EGNM with the default cessna the sim freezes a 
couple of seconds after the aircraft starts rolling. I don't think it's 
even travelled its own length. Menus are all still fully operational, 
and shift-esc puts the aircraft back on the end of the runway where the 
whole thing can be repeated - same freeze every time. Repeating this on 
runway 24 at EGXG exhibits exactly the same problem.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Problems with todays CVS

2005-05-30 Thread Jon Stockill

Dave Culp wrote:

well-loved no scenery below the aircraft ground cache message.

I don't get it, I didn't see this behavior until after I committed the
patches, when I noticed it once. Melchior has these patches also applied
and didn't complain.

Maybe this is something to do with OS, compiler, or video card?

Slackware 10.0
nvidia fx5200

What's everyone else using?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Problems with todays CVS

2005-05-30 Thread Jon Stockill

Jon Berndt wrote:
* Erik Hofman -- Monday 30 May 2005 18:22: 

I don't get it, I didn't see this behavior until after I committed the 
patches, when I noticed it once. Melchior has these patches also applied 
and didn't complain.

And I first saw it when I tried to reproduce Jon's problem. Which worked.
Seems like I do really somehow prefer YASim, at least always if I try to
test stuff. (The bo105 may have to do with it.) YASim works. Only JSBSim
doesn't.  :-(

Only the **C-172** doesn't? Or, any JSBSim aircraft?

Same problem with the F-18


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Models/Airport beacon.xml, 1.8,

2005-05-29 Thread Jon Stockill

Martin Spott wrote:

Melchior Franz wrote:

Update of /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/data/Models/Airport
In directory baron:/tmp/cvs-serv27845

Modified Files:

Jon, are you going to update the respective entry in our database ?

It's not in there. Though there are database entries for the objects in 
the base package just so everything ties up the model isn't actually 
stored in the database. So we've nothing to change unless the path or 
filename changes.

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Models/Airport beacon.xml, 1.8,

2005-05-29 Thread Jon Stockill

Melchior FRANZ wrote:

For those who care: these changes to the beacon solve one of the recently
discussed problems with hanging FDM: The beacon is a quite expensive structure.
It consists of about 1000 vertices and 950 triangles, all on the same spot.
When you fly over a beacon, the ground cache has to eat all these triangles,
which makes the FDM stutter or even hang. Quite a waste of effort, for the
fraction of a second that it takes to pass the beacon. With these changes
most of the 950 faces are invisible to the ground cache. There's only a
simple invisible pyramid instead for intersection tests. This does, of course
mean that you can't fly between the rails through the beacon any more ...  ;-)
The rumour goes that fixes for the other crash/hang problems are already
done, too, and will soon be applied. (And they work quite well so far.  :-)

Is this something that people should consider for any high poly 
structures then?

Jon Stockill

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Strange acceleration issues with 9.8---possibly

2005-05-26 Thread Jon Stockill

Lee Elliott wrote:

I have three version here 7174, 7167  6629.  Both of the 7nnn 
exhibit the same problem and 6629 won't compile here.  Drat!

Which kernel version are you using?  I'm on 2.6.11 here.

Check the forum - there's a patch on there for 6629 with 2.6.11.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Colditz Glider

2005-05-18 Thread Jon Stockill
Steve Hosgood wrote:
This is a toy. It's fun, and probably isn't too far wrong from modelling
the real Colditz Glider. However, I've never even *seen* the Colditz
Glider replica (in the Imperial War Museum now, apparently) far less
flown it. So I don't know.
It is - assuming it's not been moved it's right up on the top floor. 
There a few rather dark photos at the end of this collection:
If the original was anything like the rebuild then it really was a 
remarkable achievement. (Obviously with the rebuild they tried to stick 
to similar materials, but did have the advantage the

Please try it and if you have any suggestions, I'll be happy to take
them on board. I'm expecting complaints about the stall characteristics
which are probably too savage, but then, hang-gliders stall hard, so why
not this machine?
There's no 3D model, sorry. Suggestions for how to do one, or (better)
offers of help gratefully received!
How much information do you have? Unfortunately I'm the other end of the 
country, so can't easily drop in to the war museum again, but I suspect 
they'll be the best source of info.

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Colditz Glider

2005-05-18 Thread Jon Stockill
Steve Hosgood wrote:
On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 12:10, Jon Stockill wrote:
Steve Hosgood wrote:

This is a toy [...] I've never even *seen* the Colditz
Glider replica (in the Imperial War Museum now, apparently)
[...] assuming it's not been moved it's right up on the top floor. 
There a few rather dark photos at the end of this collection:

Hmm - the thumbnails aren't displaying for me. It makes it very
difficult to find the one I'm looking for.
I bet you're running norton internet security aren't you :-)
You'll need to fix your ad blocker.
If the original was anything like the rebuild then it really was a 
remarkable achievement. (Obviously with the rebuild they tried to stick 
to similar materials, but did have the advantage the

Unfinished sentence?
Hmmm, possibly my mouse going a bit mad - I said did have the advantage 
of having new rather than recycled materials.

I've got my copy of Colditz: The Latter Days that I've had since I was
a teenager. It contains a basic plan and elevations of the plane, but no
details of (say) airfoil shape. It does talk a bit about materials used
I scrounged around the net and came up with some photos of the original
machine and the replica both on the ground and in flight and one of the
jubilant ex POWs jumping up and down in celebration.
Nothing scientific though. I'll do it again and publish the URLs, but
I've not got time right now. I've got just one URL to hand:
The diagram on that page would give you a starting point.
Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Colditz Glider

2005-05-18 Thread Jon Stockill
Steve Hosgood wrote:
Wasn't aware I was running with anything much more than standard Mozilla
defaults. I'll take a look sometime.
Hmm, very strange - it's usually windows users that have a problem, and 
it's only certain versions of norton (I'm the sysadmin for that photos 
site btw -

And presumably they used proper tools, not home-made ones. 
I guess that depends what they were able to borrow :-)
Yes, well, that's exactly what I *did* use as a starting point! The
I meant a starting point for a 3d model. I'm not the worlds greatest 3d 
modeller, but if I get some time this weekend I'll try and make a start 
on that - it's a relatively simple shape, so possibly good for me 
learning a bit more about blender - I'm running into problems with the 
Grob 115 model I've started, mainly due to lack of skill in blender, but 
also due to a lack of detailed info.

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Colditz Glider

2005-05-18 Thread Jon Stockill
Josh Babcock wrote:
It doesn't look like it would be too hard to do a 3D model. Not having
to do instruments would only make it easier. I would suggest making a
custom HUD instead of grafting fake instruments onto the model. If
there's interest I think I could hack out a pretty nice textured model
in a few days.
Go for it - I don't see my attempt being that quick :-)
Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGInterface is beeing called without scenery below the aircraft

2005-05-16 Thread Jon Stockill
Mathias Frhlich wrote:
Can you reproduce this?
And, if yes, how?
I can confirm this problem - it's rare, and I haven't been able to track 
down why it's happened, but the sim freezes in the same way as when the 
aircraft is crashed - the few times I've seen this the aircraft has been 
at a few thousand feet, with nothing to crash into though.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGInterface is beeing called without scenerybelow the aircraft

2005-05-16 Thread Jon Stockill
Richard Bytheway wrote:
Could it be if you fly over a 1° tile boundary?
It seems rare enough that this could be the problem - an update results 
in the aircraft being exactly on a tile boundary. We know this causes 
problems for startup, I'll see if I can cause a deliberate fault like 
this - I suspect I could be doing a lot of flying up and down at small 
angles to the tile boundaries :-)

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: City signs

2005-05-15 Thread Jon Stockill
Melchior FRANZ wrote:
* Jon Stockill -- Sunday 15 May 2005 01:45:
Just out of interest, how do you create  position models through the 
telnet interface? This'd be really handy for testing models.

You should read flightgear-users!  :-)
BTW: my script is functional again, and shows the balloons over airports.
Now I'll make the billboarding rectangles, and finally create text textures
(dynamically generated by e.g. ImageMagick, and maybe cached)
Ah, I see, it's not dynamic, which is why you put the markers over the 5 
nearest airports - the models need to be pre-defined.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] City signs

2005-05-14 Thread Jon Stockill
Dave Culp wrote:
I made a large (1000 meter) sign to place over the coordinates for Sembach and 
Enkenbach, Germany, because the scenery data for that area is not good enough 
for finding towns visually.
It would be possible to put these over lots of towns and have them switched 
on/off with a key binding.  Is there any interest in that sort of thing being 
applied elsewhere, and on a large scale,  amongst the developers?
It's easy enough to do using the date from GNS 
( the biggest quiestion is how to 
generate the signs - imagemagick could be used to generate a texture to 
add to a standard model (and an appropriate xml file could be created at 
the same time to select it) but that would result in insane texture 
usage. A better way may be to generate the letters seperately, and add 
those to the scenery (not unlike a variation on the hollywood sign).

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: City signs

2005-05-14 Thread Jon Stockill
Melchior FRANZ wrote:
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Saturday 14 May 2005 21:46:
[  [60 kB]]
Is all this neat stuff in CVS or the scenery data? 8-)

No. And I never adapted it to the new airport database format. So it
isn't functional at the moment. Maybe I'll fix it later (in some weeks
months). One would only have to run fgfs like so then:
  $ city-names  fgfs --telnet=5502
Just out of interest, how do you create  position models through the 
telnet interface? This'd be really handy for testing models.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Aircraft Model: AC130-H

2005-05-12 Thread Jon Stockill
Ben Morrison wrote:
Yeah, I gave up on trying to work with Blender because of its interface.
One of my co-workers likes Blender but I think it is only because it is
free.  I will look at AC3D.  
I have a registered version of AC3D, and now prefer to work in blender - 
once you learn the interface it's just a lot nicer to use. The learning 
curve is a bit steep at first, but it's extremely efficient once you're 
used to it.

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: Re : Re: [Flightgear-devel] Manipulating 3D objects

2005-05-10 Thread Jon Stockill
Erik Hofman wrote:
Keep in mind then, that scaling a object doesn't affect the texture. SO 
scaling down a building will also result in smaller floor heights so to 
speak (the number of floors remains the same).

To overcome that problem we would need a texture-scale animation that 
and scale exactly the opposite to scaling the 3d model.
Alternatively you design a building of the maximum height you want to 
represent, and simply sink it below the terrain to get the desired 
height. This is how the generic skyscrapers work in the scenery database.

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: [Flightgear-devel] Manipulating 3D objects

2005-05-10 Thread Jon Stockill
BONNEVILLE David wrote:
Ok I see, maybe my example was too selective ;)
Could you explain me how to scale a model ? Is it possible to scale it along the
three axis ?
Yes - see model-howto.html in the docs directory. The scale animation 
will do this.

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3D model

2005-05-09 Thread Jon Stockill
Innis Cunningham wrote:
Hi Sam
 Sam Heyman writes
OK so I have downloaded the trial version and yes, you can save files 
from it. However, when I try and load my .wrl file it says loading 
failed and nothing happens
Do you know if CATIA .wrl is different to say standard .wrl?

As Erik says you need to import files not open them in AC3D.After you
have imported them you can then save them as .ac files.Also have a look at
the list of files you can import under the File/Import drop down.If you 
cant convert
to .ac or 3ds you maybe able to  use one of the other formats that AC3D 
can handle.
Failing that blender can export ac3d files, and also supports importing 
of a large number of file formats - you may be able to find a common 
format between blender and catia.

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3d city

2005-05-05 Thread Jon Stockill
eagle monart wrote:
hi everyone.
there is afunction of  importng 3d models into sceneries. is it possible 
to add a full city lets say NY; modeled in 3d primatives and covered by 
a textures. what type of graphics card we need?
Yes, it's possible - start designing buildings :-)
See for details.
Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] OT: 60 years of Dutch liberation

2005-05-05 Thread Jon Stockill
Erik Hofman wrote:

Hi All,
Today we celibate the 60th anniversary of the liberation of our country 
after WWII. It will be delighting to see the smiling old faces of the 
Canadian, Polish, American and Australian veterans carried around in old 
army vehicles all around the country.

It will also be an opportunity to see some preserved WWII aircraft, like 
the B-25, B-17, P-51, Spitfire, Beech-18 and Harvard.

Consider this to be a salute to all those who helped free our country 
from oppression.
I'm a member of my local RAF Association club - it really is an honor to 
enjoy a drink with the members there. Sadly due to falling membership 
they've just had to sell their club building, but have luckily found a 
new home with the local Territorial Army unit. Many of the items that 
were on the walls of the club have been given a new home (on loan) at my 
Air Training Corps unit. People can't go on forever, but their memories 

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New 3d clouds

2005-04-25 Thread Jon Stockill
Harald JOHNSEN wrote:
- fog bug : ok I think I have not re-enable fog
Sort of. The terrain seems to be hidden by fog at the appropriate range, 
but any objects appear to have infinite visibility, so they appear to 
float until the ground eventually comes into view beneath them.

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New 3d clouds

2005-04-24 Thread Jon Stockill
Erik Hofman wrote:

I have added the new 3d clouds code from Harald Johnson to CVS. The code 
is not yet perfect (the movements to the viewer needs some tweaking) but 
the effects are really nice. I hope we can figure out the problems and 
eliminate them because the results are even better than I had expected!
Yes, it's slightly odd seeing the clouds appear/disappear (even when 
stationary - just rotating the view seems to cause the problem). 
However, the overall effect is fantastic - is there any way to see the 
precipitation model yet?

Great work Harald!
Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ..any estimates on SW rendering?, was: World Wind as moving map display

2005-04-19 Thread Jon Stockill
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
Arnt Karlsen wrote:
On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 17:06:11 -0400, Chris wrote in message 

So I guess you'll be working on getting a GPL'd, general-use option

..not yet, I'm scheeming a renderfarm stunt; some new 2'nd hand HW shop
here says they got 200 Celeron 850's handy, so that got me thinking
about picking this: 
sweet spot for a wee while.  ;o) this 200 node farm would need about 40, 50 to 60kWe, which I 
would like to feed off a genset or 2 burning gas which I would make off
pelletized sewer sludge in my trusty old thermochemical gasifier.  ;o), a 320,000 BogoMips rig running on poo for half a day, oughtta be
able to do flyable software rendering for FlightGear at 1600x1200?   ;o)
..what else can I do with this stunt rig, make our new global scenery?

How you going to keep that beast cool?  If you put all those machines in 
a single room and turned them on, they'd probably melt through the 
earth's crust in an hour or two. :-)
You'd need a second set of generators, twice as much sewer sludge, and 
an awful lot of aircon kit.

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: Was: Re: [Flightgear-devel] realistic scenery

2005-04-19 Thread Jon Stockill
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
Arnt Karlsen wrote:
..Curt, I need an idea of how much cpu work, building the scenery, is. 
What kinda machine(s) did you use, and how long did  it take to build
the scenery?

I haven't timed the latest builds real close, but figure if you throw a 
couple machines at it in parallel, it's going to take you at least a 
full 7 days (x 24 hours) to do the final assembly and crunching.  This 
doesn't include any of the data prep work (which could take weeks if you 
start from scratch), nor does it include the airport model generation 
which takes a day or so.  And of course this doesn't count any of the 
time you need to spend sitting down and sorting through tile build 
problems (or other bugs/missing features) that you haven't gotten around 
to looking at yet.
That pretty much ties in with what I found last time I tried - 3 
machines of assorted specs took about a week to generate the scenery 
tiles from the pre-processed scenery in the work directory. The real 
problem is the sheer volume of data you're working with.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] realistic scenery

2005-04-19 Thread Jon Stockill
Paul Surgeon wrote:
On Tuesday, 19 April 2005 08:21, eagle monart wrote:
i tried to used fgsd  but terrains are made in triangles not in squares an
it looks impossible to tile what you want . a

It's impossible to tile textures properly in FG.
FG uses an irregular triangle mesh and not square tiles like MSFS.
Even if you managed to tile a texture across the mesh you would still end up 
with a mess around the edges of the texture where the triangles don't end on 
the edge of the textures.
You would need to clip a texture into the mesh for it to work properly and in 
the process you end up with a grid or semi tile based system.   :)
Not strictly true.
The contents of /src/Prep/Photo in the terragear source will (assuming 
it's not broken) allow you to drape a texture over the terrain - this 
will work for small areas of photo scenery - the problem being the lack 
of texture paging.

This does of course require you to rebuild the appropriate scenery tiles 
 from source data.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Weather - Clouds

2005-04-17 Thread Jon Stockill
Harald JOHNSEN wrote:
I did some research on 3D clouds for some time and finaly got something 
not too bad. I've started to add that to SimGear this week end, here are 
the first alpha screen shots :
I have alse some code nearly ready for rain, snow and lightnings.
Nice :-)
Are the additional effects just a whole screen effect, or are they 
tied to the cloud objects so that (for example) visibility is reduced 
below rainclouds.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] New Navigation Legislation

2005-04-01 Thread Jon Stockill
At least it's cheaper to update simulated instruments ;-)
Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] My first solo ....

2005-03-30 Thread Jon Stockill
Martin Spott wrote:
There's nothing better than flying,
I couldn't agree more.
Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Scenery

2005-03-06 Thread Jon Stockill
Lee Elliott wrote:
Hello Jon,
I was just wondering if you had done any updates/additions to 
your models.  I thought I'd seen a couple of messages where 
you'd corrected a couple of things, like the orientation of the 
Humber bridge but I haven't been able to find them.  I also 
noticed that a few objects seemed to be missing from the Models 
archive that I have e.g.
That was because I got sidetracked coding for the database, and working 
on an aircraft model - I added a bunch of chimney models last night - 
there are still a couple missing, but I need to find dimensions for them.

I've been working on some code for placing electricity pylons, and hope 
to be able to do a mass update of these in the near future.

I added a tower bridge model yesterday afternoon - that'll be positioned 
 at some point today, and once that's done I'll run another scenery export.

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Anyone using TomTom POI files for scenery

2005-03-03 Thread Jon Stockill
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
jj wrote:
I'd surely like to see an Observatory bulding (such as mine, see and for pictures of it).

Jim, if you send the coordinates of your house to Jon Stockill, he can 
place a grain silo there in the object database.  The silo should match 
your house structure to within a couple inches. :-)  This is actually a 
legitimate landmark since it as at the top of a hill overlooking a lake.
(Sorry I'd not commented earlier in this thread - I've been away at a 
trade show for the last few days, and I'm just catching up on email)

ISTR seeing an observatory building in the base package - if nobody's 
used it yet it won't be in the database though - we could add that for 
you though :-)

Regarding POI files - providing we can sort out the licensing 
implications I'm happy to write an import script to add them to the 
database in bulk.

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Segfault from todays CVS

2005-02-20 Thread Jon Stockill
Vivian Meazza wrote:
Mathias would need to reply definitively, but I think so. Just by chance I
have been fiddling with a model of HMS Hermes with a ski-jump, but I was
going to remove it, and restore it to her strike carrier days. I served
aboard her in her last commission as a strike carrier.
I just discovered a selection of 3views on (not 
particularly high resolution, but possibly enough to work from). 
Including one on this page:
Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Segfault from todays CVS

2005-02-20 Thread Jon Stockill
Vivian Meazza wrote:
I'm not sure that the Nimitz version in cvs has cats. If it has, then don't
forget that the Seahawk has differential brakes, and no nosewheel steering.
I have a more detailed version available here:
Warning: it's still under development, and some of the textures are HUGE.
Have any object names changed from the previous version? I found I 
droped straight through the deck, the hangar below, and only stopped 
when I hit the water. The model does look *VERY* nice though (even from 
the inside ;-))

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Segfault from todays CVS

2005-02-20 Thread Jon Stockill
Vivian Meazza wrote:
Yes, make sure that this is in your ...Data/AI/nimitz-demo.xml file:
In place of whatever solid.../solid appears there now.
Ah, so I fell through the elevator then :-) That would explain the view 
of the hangar deck.

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Segfault from todays CVS

2005-02-19 Thread Jon Stockill
Mathias Fröhlich wrote:
On Freitag 18 Februar 2005 17:30, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
Are you sure your runtime librairies ( that seems to be compiled with
gcc-2.95.3 ) match your compiler ?
That is my impression too.
It turned out there was an ancient version of GLU hiding in /usr/local - 
which hadn't caused any problems until now - eliminating that solved the 

Right... where's that aircraft carrier :-)
Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Segfault from todays CVS

2005-02-19 Thread Jon Stockill
Vivian Meazza wrote:
Let us know how you get on. Melchior claims the first successful Seafire
Took off from KSFO, and nailed the seahawk to the deck on the first try, 
then couldn't work out how to get the thing onto the cat to launch. That 
secondary ASI comes in rather handy :-)

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Segfault from todays CVS

2005-02-19 Thread Jon Stockill
Vivian Meazza wrote:
Well done. 
It was easier than I expected.
Warning: it's still under development, and some of the textures are HUGE.
I'll grab that and have a go tomorrow.
That secondary ASI comes in rather handy :-)

It was called the Deck Landing ASI :-) IIRC. Judging by some reports, the
Seahawk was probably one of the easiest, if not the easiest, jet to deck
land before the current era of auto-land etc.
It's certainly easier than I expected - the approach speed is nice and 
low, and there's acres of deck to aim for - obviously you want to hit 
the bit with the wires, but at least you ca see what you should be 
aiming for.

I've just had a thought presumably now the ground cache code has 
been added it would be possible to have a carrier with a ski jump for 
the harrier model? That opens up another interesting area of deck 

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Fun with the FAA DOF.

2005-02-18 Thread Jon Stockill
Erik Hofman wrote:
Frederic Bouvier wrote:
Quoting Erik Hofman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Are these generic buildings now officilally part of the database?

I don't know if it is official, but they are in the database I downloaded

Cool, that would make the scenery much more realistic IMHO.
I think the problem is that your models are not listed in the database 
then? If they where they would probably overwrite the default ones 
(provided they are located at _exactly_ the same location).
They don't need to be *exact* as they're linked by ID, not position. I 
believe Martin Spott has this on his todo list.

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Fun with the FAA DOF.

2005-02-18 Thread Jon Stockill
Erik Hofman wrote:
BTW. Just for the sake of completeness, the models created by Unknown 
are all created by me:
Thanks - this is now updated.
Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Segfault from todays CVS

2005-02-18 Thread Jon Stockill
Mathias Fröhlich wrote:
On Freitag 18 Februar 2005 16:08, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
I don't know if it is true for gcc, but with MSVC, rtti needs to be
activated with a specific compile-time option otherwise the result is
I see, this is the first usage of rtti in flightgear.
But all those dynamic_casts here are more a 'be paranoid and double check to 
be really shure' than real application of rtti.
So if this turns out to be the real problem we can remove them.

gcc normally enables rtti by default.
At least gcc 3.4.2 and gcc-4presomething I have installed on my fedora core 3.
The gcc-2.95.3 manpage does not tell anything about that.
But from the backtrace and the prehistoric gcc-2.95.3 sources I would think 
that the input pointer was zero which I cannot imagine to happen ATM.
It's actually GCC 3.3.4.
I've just cleared everything out and started building it from scratch - 
I'll let you know if there's still a problem.

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Segfault from todays CVS

2005-02-18 Thread Jon Stockill
Mathias Fröhlich wrote:
From that backtrace:
There is exactly one dynamic_cast in this function.
In theory it should never happen that the argument to that dynamic_cast is 

Since I cannot reproduce it myself, can you help me?
Could you please apply the attached patch and tell me of some of thouse new 
cerr output lines triggers?
After a rebuild (with your patch):
(gdb) run --aircraft=hunter --airport=RCSS
Starting program: /usr/bin/fgfs --aircraft=hunter --airport=RCSS
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 16384 (LWP 18031)]
Failed to find runway 28R at airport RCSS
[New Thread 32769 (LWP 18033)]
[New Thread 16386 (LWP 18034)]
[New Thread 32771 (LWP 18035)]
[New Thread 49156 (LWP 18036)]
Altitude = 18
Temp at alt (C) = 12
Temp sea level (C) = 12.0348
Altitude = 18
Dewpoint at alt (C) = 10
Dewpoint at sea level (C) = 10.0036
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 16384 (LWP 18031)]
0x0cdf665b in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0cdf665b in ?? ()
#1  0x in ?? ()
#2  0x40142974 in __dynamic_cast (from=0xcdf6658,
to=0x854ca9c typeinfo for ssgBase, require_public=139573480,
address=0x0, sub=0x405d49d0 main_arena+16, subptr=0x38)
at ../../gcc-2.95.3/gcc/cp/
#3  0x0812233d in FGGroundCache::addAndFlattenLeaf (this=0xb060818, ty=4,
l=0x5153f0a8, ia=0xcdf6658, xform=0xb0f0) at groundcache.cxx:159
#4  0x0812281f in FGGroundCache::putSurfaceLeafIntoCache (this=0xb060818,
sp=0xb320, xform=0xb0f0, sphIsec=true, down=0xb2c0,
l=0x5153f0a8) at groundcache.cxx:260
#5  0x08122d5a in FGGroundCache::cache_fill (this=0xb060818,
branch=0x513ffc78, xform=0xb0f0, sp=0xb320, down=0xb2c0,
wsp=0xb2d0) at groundcache.cxx:337
#6  0x08122cf7 in FGGroundCache::cache_fill (this=0xb060818, 
xform=0xb0f0, sp=0xb320, down=0xb2c0, wsp=0xb2d0)
at groundcache.cxx:323
#7  0x08122cf7 in FGGroundCache::cache_fill (this=0xb060818, 
xform=0xb0f0, sp=0xb320, down=0xb2c0, wsp=0xb2d0)
at groundcache.cxx:323
#8  0x08122cf7 in FGGroundCache::cache_fill (this=0xb05c818, 
xform=0xb0f0, sp=0xb320, down=0xb2c0, wsp=0xb2d0)
at groundcache.cxx:323
#9  0x08122cf7 in FGGroundCache::cache_fill (this=0xb05c818, 
xform=0xb0f0, sp=0xb320, down=0xb2c0, wsp=0xb2d0)
at groundcache.cxx:323
#10 0x08122cf7 in FGGroundCache::cache_fill (this=0xb05c818, 
xform=0xb280, sp=0xb320, down=0xb2c0, wsp=0xb2d0)
at groundcache.cxx:323
#11 0x08122cf7 in FGGroundCache::cache_fill (this=0xb05c818, 
xform=0xb280, sp=0xb320, down=0xb2c0, wsp=0xb2d0)
---Type return to continue, or q return to quit---
at groundcache.cxx:323
#12 0x08123075 in FGGroundCache::prepare_ground_cache (this=0xb05c818,
ref_time=0, pt=0xb3e0, rad=10.407214164733887) at 
#13 0x08121068 in FGInterface::prepare_ground_cache_m (this=0xb05c178,
ref_time=0, pt=0xb3e0, rad=10.407214164733887) at flight.cxx:796
#14 0x081b06c2 in YASim::update (this=0xb05c178, dt=0.81665)
at YASim.cxx:202
#15 0x08051d6a in fgUpdateTimeDepCalcs () at main.cxx:167
#16 0x08052759 in fgMainLoop () at main.cxx:431
#17 0x08086232 in GLUTidle () at fg_os.cxx:114
#18 0x4009b1c0 in idleWait () from /usr/local/lib/
#19 0x4009b8bb in glutMainLoop () from /usr/local/lib/
#20 0x08054d1d in fgMainInit (argc=3, argv=0xb7e4) at main.cxx:958
#21 0x08051746 in main (argc=3, argv=0xb7e4) at bootstrap.cxx:192

I can't explain the gcc version reported there though, because:
gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-slackware-linux/3.3.4/specs
Configured with: ../gcc-3.3.4/configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared 
--enable-threads=posix --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-checking 
--with-gnu-ld --verbose --target=i486-slackware-linux 
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.3.4

Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Segfault from todays CVS

2005-02-17 Thread Jon Stockill
Most likely connected to the ground-cache updates - as it only seems to 
affect yasim aircraft.

(gdb) run --aircraft=hunter --airport=RCSS
Starting program: /usr/bin/fgfs --aircraft=hunter --airport=RCSS
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 16384 (LWP 1938)]
Failed to find runway 28R at airport RCSS
[New Thread 32769 (LWP 1939)]
[New Thread 16386 (LWP 1940)]
[New Thread 32771 (LWP 1941)]
[New Thread 49156 (LWP 1942)]
Altitude = 18
Temp at alt (C) = 16
Temp sea level (C) = 16.0353
Altitude = 18
Dewpoint at alt (C) = 15
Dewpoint at sea level (C) = 15
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 16384 (LWP 1938)]
0x0ce8b760 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0ce8b760 in ?? ()
#1  0x40142974 in __dynamic_cast (from=0xce8b760,
to=0x8548f9c typeinfo for ssgBase, require_public=139557448,
address=0x0, sub=0xbfffee80, subptr=0xbfffee8b)
at ../../gcc-2.95.3/gcc/cp/
#2  0x081241cc in FGGroundCache::get_agl ()
#3  0x08121ac5 in FGInterface::get_agl_m ()
#4  0x081b21bb in yasim::FGGround::getGroundPlane () at netChannel.h:85
#5  0x081c1e6c in yasim::Model::updateGround () at Thruster.cpp:5
#6  0x081b140e in YASim::copyToYASim () at netChannel.h:85
#7  0x081b1048 in YASim::update () at netChannel.h:85
#8  0x08051d32 in fgUpdateTimeDepCalcs ()
#9  0x08052734 in fgMainLoop ()
#10 0x08086ec5 in GLUTidle ()
#11 0x4009b1c0 in idleWait () from /usr/local/lib/
#12 0x4009b8bb in glutMainLoop () from /usr/local/lib/
#13 0x08054d15 in fgMainInit ()
#14 0x0805175d in main ()
Jon Stockill
Flightgear-devel mailing list

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