Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear 1.9.1

2009-01-12 Thread Yon Uriarte
Hi Fred,
 saw your message asking for some testing. I decided to post a new thread
for more user testing:

grep -r getenv OpenSceneGraph, possibly relevant env vars, some of them are
changed in my patches:

  F:\c\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\src\osg\DisplaySettings.cpp(356):if( (ptr =
  F:\c\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\src\osg\DisplaySettings.cpp(369):if( (ptr =
1 by default, 2 may help a little bit on multi-cores. set to #cores
  F:\c\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\src\osg\DisplaySettings.cpp(374):if( (ptr =
1 by default, fgfs uses none. set to 0
  F:\c\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgDB\DatabasePager.cpp(805):const char*
neutral by default: set to LOW
  F:\c\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgDB\DatabasePager.cpp(842):str =
  F:\c\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgDB\DatabasePager.cpp(843):if (!str) str
  F:\c\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgDB\DatabasePager.cpp(872):if( (ptr =
  F:\c\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgDB\DatabasePager.cpp(929):if( (ptr =
getenv(OSG_DO_PRE_COMPILE)) != 0)
recently changed from default ON to OFF. set to ON
  F:\c\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgDB\DatabasePager.cpp(938):if( (ptr =
  F:\c\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgDB\DatabasePager.cpp(943):if( (ptr =
  F:\c\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgUtil\Optimizer.cpp(61):const char* env
= getenv(OSG_OPTIMIZER);
is this applied to all objects? maybe i look into this.
  F:\c\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgUtil\RenderBin.cpp(108):const char*
may be relevant on some weird hw mixes.
  F:\c\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgViewer\ViewerBase.cpp(78):const char*
str = getenv(OSG_THREADING);
default SingleThreaded. set to CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContext


On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Frederic Bouvier fredfgf...@free.frwrote:

 - James Turner a écrit :

  On 11 Jan 2009, at 17:18, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
   My findings on that is that the pager thread needs to compile
   list in the main loop, and this process is framerate dependent. At
   time of the initialisation, there is only the splashscreen on
   but its refresh rate slow down the loading process. For instance, I
   mesured it takes more than 1000 frames to display to correctly load
   terrain tile. Maybe there are parameters to tweak, like the number
   maximum display lists to compile each frames, and we could use more
   aggressive values until the scenery is displayed. Just a thought.
  Yon Uriarte has proposed a patch that limits the frame-rate to 60hz
  during the splash screen. Would that fix the issue, by freeing up
  The patch has been around since November and I ran it locally for many
  weeks without seeing any problems.

 As I understand it, if you limit the framerate, you limit the slots the
 pager has to compile objects, as compilation is done in the draw thread,
 between two frames. I tried to give more time and allow the compilation of
 more objects between two frames by calling
 setMinimumTimeAvailableForGLCompileAndDeletePerFrame and
 setMaximumNumOfObjectsToCompilePerFrame on the pager and on the renderer but
 for me it makes no difference (there is no problem for me, even in the Paris
 area ). That's why I built a Windows binary to allow people with the problem
 to test the possible solution.

 The binary is here :


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear 1.9.1

2009-01-12 Thread Yon Uriarte

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 12:19 PM, Frederic Bouvier fredfgf...@free.frwrote:

 Hi Yon,

 I saw that but also saw that the osgViewer::Renderer has its own minimum
 time that is not settable by environment variable, and the resulting time is
 the minimum of the two values, one from the pager and the other from the
 Renderer ( both initially set to 0.001 ).

oh, nice.

 In my test build I set large values until the scenery is loaded, then
 restore the default values.

I had some numbers that i posted on this lists some weeks ago. At first i
was limiting to 15fps
and was loading slower than without limiting. Limiting to 50fps seemed to

 It also seems that large framerate ( more than 200 fps during splashscreen
 display, I even saw 600 at FSFO ) make the scenery load a bit longer.
 Curiouly, I see better loading time under Linux with an AMD Athlon XP 2400
 and a NV FX5850, than under Windows with a Quad core i9450 and a GTX200. I
 am defragmenting my disk just in case.

If those machines were dual boot, it'd be interesting to compare numbers
with swaped OSs. Can you
try with more than 1 osgdb thread?
Also, osgDB pre-compile was disabled by default some weeks ago in osg. It
seems you
are tracing that code now, is it still doing some compile in the db threads?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear 1.9.1

2009-01-11 Thread Yon Uriarte
 all that can be set with environment variables. Best way would be to post
on the
forum asking for some testing.

hth, regrads,

On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Frederic Bouvier fredfgf...@free.frwrote:

 - James Turner a écrit :

  On 11 Jan 2009, at 17:18, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
   My findings on that is that the pager thread needs to compile
   list in the main loop, and this process is framerate dependent. At
   time of the initialisation, there is only the splashscreen on
   but its refresh rate slow down the loading process. For instance, I
   mesured it takes more than 1000 frames to display to correctly load
   terrain tile. Maybe there are parameters to tweak, like the number
   maximum display lists to compile each frames, and we could use more
   aggressive values until the scenery is displayed. Just a thought.
  Yon Uriarte has proposed a patch that limits the frame-rate to 60hz
  during the splash screen. Would that fix the issue, by freeing up
  The patch has been around since November and I ran it locally for many
  weeks without seeing any problems.

 As I understand it, if you limit the framerate, you limit the slots the
 pager has to compile objects, as compilation is done in the draw thread,
 between two frames. I tried to give more time and allow the compilation of
 more objects between two frames by calling
 setMinimumTimeAvailableForGLCompileAndDeletePerFrame and
 setMaximumNumOfObjectsToCompilePerFrame on the pager and on the renderer but
 for me it makes no difference (there is no problem for me, even in the Paris
 area ). That's why I built a Windows binary to allow people with the problem
 to test the possible solution.

 The binary is here :


 Frédéric Bouvier  Photo gallery - album photo   FlightGear Scenery Designer

 Check out the new Marketplace.
 It is the best place to buy or sell services for
 just about anything Open Source.
 Flightgear-devel mailing list

Check out the new Marketplace.
It is the best place to buy or sell services for
just about anything Open Source.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Big black box

2008-12-31 Thread Yon Uriarte
On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 12:06 PM, James Turner wrote:

 I think we need to get a handle on the 'scenery loading takes 2
 minutes' issue before doing a 1.9.1

  Some weeks ago I was looking around the database thread and
I got the impression all --random-objects are getting copied. As in
each object is a full-blown copy, not an OSG node reference to a
single instance of the object. I may be wrong, I was  just reading
around that part.

  Surely disabling random objects makes a great difference in
load times, I never use random objects.

  I havent cvs updated in a few days, but merging both
the use OpenThreads atomic and use display lists for
shader trees would benefit win32 users and general fps.

 I'll see if I can merge soon and repost a patch.

 Completely wild guess - hitting a slow path in OSG or the driver due
 to some missing feature / unsupported extension? Since it does
 *eventually* start, if given long enough.


Happy new year :)
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG error

2008-12-30 Thread Yon Uriarte
 driver version? glxgears works? Please post the output of glxinfo.

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 8:17 AM, John Wojnaroski cas...@mminternet.comwrote:

 I recently setup a dual core 64-bit machine with FG-1.0 which works just

 Now doing the same with a single core 64  bit machine.  After instaling
 OSG-2.6.0 tried to run an example program and got
 the following error

 [cas...@rampart OpenSceneGraph]$ osgparticle
 Error: Unable to create OpenGL graphics context.
  GraphicsWindow has not been created successfully.
 Error: Unable to create OpenGL graphics context.
  GraphicsWindow has not been created successfully.
 Viewer::realize() - failed to set up any windows
 [cas...@rampart OpenSceneGraph]$

 First time I've run across this problem.  Haven't tried FG just yet,
 suspect this problem needs to be  solved first.

 Linux is 2.6.23 with a Centos-5.1 package and a Nvidia  GeForce 6200 on
 the MB.  As best I can tell all the software is common across both
 machines, only discernible difference is that the dual-core machine is
 running with two PCIe video cards in twin view mode.

 Any suggestions where to look would be appreciated.

 Flightgear-devel mailing list

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [Simgear-cvslogs] CVS: source/simgear/math SGGeodesy.cxx, 1.8, 1.9

2008-12-27 Thread Yon Uriarte
add#undef max
#undef min
at the top of that SGMisc.hxx, just before class ...

I thought it was a local problem at my end cause I'm always changing things,
It's been that way for a few days.


On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Vivian Meazza

 Hmmm, neither version compiles here with MSVC9. Gives the following error:

 source\simgear\math\SGMisc.hxx(27) : error C2059: syntax error :

 followed by hundreds of errors like this:

 1d:\cygwin\simgear-cvs\source\simgear\math\SGMisc.hxx(28) : error C2143:
 syntax error : missing ')' before '}'
 1d:\cygwin\simgear-cvs\source\simgear\math\SGMisc.hxx(28) : error C2143:
 syntax error : missing '}' before ')'

 Perhaps Fred has the answer


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] More 3D cloud changes

2008-12-15 Thread Yon Uriarte

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Tim Moore wrote:

 Yon Uriarte wrote:
  On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 6:12 PM, Heiko Schulz wrote:
  My last cloudset has fewer but larger sprites. I did this because I
  noticed that it saves a lot of fps. On the forum Gijs noticed the
  same with my cloudset.
  Mores sprites means more alpha and more textures which is always a
 No, the cost of blending is proportional to the area blended on the screen,
 so a
 few large sprites vs. many small sprites should cost about the same. It is
 that it takes longer to sort a large number of sprites, but I'm not worried
 about the sorting cost at this point.

 I am not too worried about the cost of sorting. I also (like you did)
tested doing a full sort each
frame (saving the matrix*vector in a vectordouble,int, sorting on the
saved double and
rendering on the index), something like this (not full patch):

struct sort_vector_element {
double dist;
int idx;
typedef std::vectorsort_vector_element sort_vector;
sort_vector _sortArray;

struct svp {
bool operator()(const CloudShaderGeometry::sort_vector_element a,
const CloudShaderGeometry::sort_vector_element b) {
return a.dist  b.dist;
sort_vector svt;
svt = _sortArray;

if (skip_info-skip_count == 0)
osg::Matrix vm = state.getModelViewMatrix();

// Transform the viewing direction, represented by the eye space
vector (0,0,-1, 0), into model-space
// (here we simply take the opposite direction and reverse the
ordering when sorting)
osg::Vec3f view_dir(vm(0, 2), vm(1, 2), vm(2, 2));  // Caveat:
OpenSceneGraph matrices are transposed!

for(unsigned int i = 0; i  _cloudsprites.size(); i++) {
sort_vector_element sar = svt[i];
sar.dist = view_dir*_cloudsprites[i]-position.osg();
sar.idx = i;
std::sort( svt.begin(), svt.end(), ssvp );
for(unsigned int i = 0; i  _sortArray.size(); i++)
unsigned int idx = svt[i].idx;
sorted = sorted  idx == _sortArray[i].idx;
const CloudSprite t = *_cloudsprites[idx];
GLfloat ua1[3] = { (GLfloat) t.texture_index_x/varieties_x,
(GLfloat) t.texture_index_y/varieties_y, t.width };
The high (really? not measured) math cost is the matrix*vector, which we
are doing on the full cloud vector
every time we do a bubble sort anyway. Might as well save it and do a quick
(hopefully) quicksort.
I suspect the rendering times are really increased by calls to glSomething.
We are resending
all the vertices every frame, incurring in a huge number of glSomeFunction

 I've got a patch for trees using VBOs, performance gains are impressive,
thight forests with coverage/=10 (obj.cxx) (before hitting the win32 3G
limit in around 80 tiles, lol).
 My idea was to adapt that VBO patch to cloud rendering, using index
buffers. The
vertex-packs (v,n,tc) are static and the index buffers have to be
every frame (as in the quicksort above). Ideally one may just calculate
a static vertex-pack buffer for the whole cloud layer after it's generated
and either just draw indexed on that one huge vbo per cloud, or even better,
collect the indexes for each cloud, without drawing anything,
and then in a posterior renderbin draw that whole-layer indexbuffer
in a single rendercall (well, more than one glFunc, mapping the
vbos takes some calls). If I arrive at some results I'll post a patch :) im
more than one thing atm.

  I'm pretty sure that there is another solution looking to X-plane
  which seems to use the same technic for their clouds.
   Fewer bigger sprites with few parts of the sprite with  0  alpha  1.
  One opaque pre-pass drawing front to back with
  alpha culling != 1 and blending off to fill up z-buffer then a second
  pass back to front with alpha culling  1 and blending on.
  Second pass gets massively z-culled, saving on rop blending bandwidth.
  First pass gets also z-culled by itself.
 This is a good idea if, in fact, the cloud sprites are mostly opaque. I
 think we
 are doing various tricks where the sprites end up being completely

 Yup, rendering transparencies back to front incurs in massive overdraw.
Even if most of
the rendered cloud is either opaque or fully transparent we are
write-hitting the color and
z-buffers a proportionally (sp?) high number of times. And for 0alpha1
it's even worse,
a full read-write cycle to GPU ram.

 One may hope that the GPUs are smart enought to auto-not-blend on alpha==0
alpha==1, I guess im an optimist. One of my older patches was not so
optimistic and
did an opaque pre-pass. At least the alpha  0+epsilon

Re: [Flightgear-devel] More 3D cloud changes

2008-12-15 Thread Yon Uriarte
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 6:00 PM, Heiko Schulz wrote:

 Theory vs praxis ;-) I just tested it- no, more sprites = less fps

Are you testing with drawing off? Where do I change the number of sprites?
heh, so many .xmls
What is your CPU?

If you feel so inclined, try commenting out the part in
CloudShaderGeometry.cxx that does the draw and
measure the difference for say, doubling the number of sprites in a cloud,
or multiplying it by 10.

 Sounds very promising!

  Attached. I saw some changes in pa24-250 and was, err, QA testing it,
yeah. Nice one.
OTOH bluebird was a bit uninteresting for me ;) I prefer unesco ufo.

  Anyway, from some comments in ShaderGeometry.cxx:
//if enabled:
//no VBOs are created
//- less RAM usage, a few less FPS
//- more stutter
//if not enabled
//VBOs are created
//- RAM usage explodes, easily noticed if tree coverage is multiplied
//- a few more FPS
//- less stutter

//   Notice that in both cases there is a memory penalty. The
// memory will be allocated, either for the display list, possibly
// in GPU memory, or in app RAM (and then copied to the GPU mem VBOs)

//best subjective stutter results are:
//export OSG_COMPIlE_CONTEXTS=ON (notice small-case l)



//   Ignore, some random testing.
//   Use with this-setUseDisplayList(true), it will deallocate the array
// after the 1st call (pre-compile or 1st draw).
// So not multi-context safe.
//   If we manage our own VBO, we could use a single array
// that we would free after the 1st draw or more likely
// after it has been drawn/compiled on all GL contexts.
//   If we can get a list of context and we know that list
// is static we can go this route and not suffer from RAM
// usage explosion.
//   Also, if osgDB precompile was disabled (like in the Dec 15 2008 patch
// to OSG) the memory would not be freed. We should force
// pre-compile in that case to free the vertex-pack arrays memory
// allocated on osgDB load
So, play with #define CREATE_OWN_DISPLAY_LIST
This VBOs implementation will eat your RAM, specially if you
run with obj.cxx:
  coverage /= 10.0;
  //10.0 is forests, 4.0 is ok for testing, 1.0 is default
I was arriving at 3 GBs in 100km over forests (ufo). Alas, both with
DL and VBOs i was running at 150fps+ (fov 120).

  Today's OSG patches disable pre-compile for osgDB objects. I suspect
this will generate more stutter. I run with the config mentioned in the
comments above, also, the default osgDB threads config (and the one
we run with) is 1 osgDB pager thread and 1 osgDB HTTP pager thread.
  I sometimes run with the config:
  Also, im running with the osgDB threads priority set to MIN (dual-core

  In closing: the display list implementation could be trivially merged. The
stuff is more for the coders. If we can get the number of GL contexts both
and static, we can control the RAM usage of VBOs.


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[Flightgear-devel] tree rendering. was: More 3D cloud changes

2008-12-15 Thread Yon Uriarte
 or one could even more trivially do:

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 ShaderGeometry(int v) :
-  setUseDisplayList(false);
+  setUseDisplayList(true);

 /** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 extensions-glVertexAttrib1f(1, (float)
 glColor4f(t-position.x(), t-position.y(), t-position.z(),

and get to use display lists, but with a fps deficit vs. the other DL/VBO
implementation. In this particular machine
it's 70fps vs. 150+. Maybe the attributes again?

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] tree rendering. was: More 3D cloud changes

2008-12-15 Thread Yon Uriarte
 decided to test it - more weirdness, it's not the attributes, with this
patch (still using attributes) it runs at 150+fps.

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 ShaderGeometry(int v) :
-  setUseDisplayList(false);
+  setUseDisplayList(true);

 /** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 virtual osg::BoundingBox computeBound() const;

-void setGeometry(osg::Drawable* geometry)
+void setGeometry(osg::Geometry* geometry)
 _geometry = geometry;
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@

-osg::ref_ptrosg::Drawable _geometry;
+osg::ref_ptrosg::Geometry _geometry;

 TreeBin::TreeList _trees;
 int varieties;
@@ -34,13 +34,48 @@
 osg::State state = *renderInfo.getState();
 const Extensions* extensions =
+#if 1
+osg::Vec3Array *va = dynamic_castosg::Vec3Array*(
_geometry-getVertexArray() );
+assert(va  ! ( va-size() % 4) );
+osg::Vec3Array *na = dynamic_castosg::Vec3Array*(
_geometry-getNormalArray() );
+assert(na  ! ( na-size() % 4) );
+osg::Vec2Array *ta = dynamic_castosg::Vec2Array*(
_geometry-getTexCoordArray(0) );
+assert(ta  ! ( ta-size() % 4) );
+const GLfloat *const va_raw = static_castconst
+const GLfloat *const na_raw = static_castconst
+const GLfloat *const ta_raw = static_castconst
+osg::Vec2 tc;
+for(TreeBin::TreeList::const_iterator t = _trees.begin(); t !=
_trees.end(); ++t)
+const GLfloat *vap = va_raw;
+const GLfloat *nap = na_raw;
+const GLfloat *tap = ta_raw;
+float tcoffset = (float)t-texture_index/varieties;
+for( unsigned int i=0; i  va-size(); ++i) {
+glColor4f(t-position.x(), t-position.y(), t-position.z(),
+extensions-glVertexAttrib1f(1, (float)
+glTexCoord2fv( tap ); tap += 2;
+tc.x() =  tcoffset + *(tap++);
+tc.y() = *(tap++);
+glTexCoord2fv( tc.ptr() );
+glNormal3fv( nap ); nap += 3;
+glVertex3fv( vap ); vap +=3;

 for(TreeBin::TreeList::const_iterator t = _trees.begin(); t !=
_trees.end(); ++t)
 extensions-glVertexAttrib1f(1, (float)
 glColor4f(t-position.x(), t-position.y(), t-position.z(),

 BoundingBox ShaderGeometry::computeBound() const
@@ -67,7 +102,7 @@
 if ((fr[0].matchWord(geometry))) {
 iteratorAdvanced = true;
-osg::Drawable* drawable = fr.readDrawable();
+osg::Geometry* drawable =
 if (drawable) {
 geom._geometry = drawable;

This could be merged. As it's the case that we are already dumping full
to the GL we could avoid the attribute and use TSG_PACKED_ATTRIBUTES, as in
other patch.


On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 9:22 PM, Yon Uriarte wrote:

 and get to use display lists, but with a fps deficit vs. the other DL/VBO
 implementation. In this particular machine
 it's 70fps vs. 150+. Maybe the attributes again?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] tree rendering. was: More 3D cloud changes

2008-12-15 Thread Yon Uriarte

 ok, last tree-rendering patch spam. Using attached patch (with no
attributes) and
coverage /= 10.0 in obj.cxx:
Result: ufo, v=0, 160fps:
click on the image to zoom it.

RAM usage seems to be under control. Go overheat your gpu :)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] More 3D cloud changes

2008-12-14 Thread Yon Uriarte

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 6:12 PM, Heiko Schulz wrote:

 My last cloudset has fewer but larger sprites. I did this because I noticed
 that it saves a lot of fps. On the forum Gijs noticed the same with my

 Mores sprites means more alpha and more textures which is always a
 I'm pretty sure that there is another solution looking to X-plane which
 seems to use the same technic for their clouds.

 Fewer bigger sprites with few parts of the sprite with  0  alpha  1. One
opaque pre-pass drawing front to back with
alpha culling != 1 and blending off to fill up z-buffer then a second pass
back to front with alpha culling  1 and blending on.
Second pass gets massively z-culled, saving on rop blending bandwidth. First
pass gets also z-culled by itself.

 It's a tradeoff between cpu and gpu fill and blend rate, whatever is your
Sadly, that changes between machines, so the opaque pre-pass should be a


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] New Traffic Files

2008-12-14 Thread Yon Uriarte

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 7:41 PM, Jon Stockill wrote:

 When importing the recently committed traffic files into the traffic
 database I've noticed that there is some duplication, for example:

 EC-HDT is defined for both CLI and IBE with different liveries.

CLI: clickair, IBE: iberia, IIRC ibe bought cli recently.


SF.Net email is Sponsored by MIX09, March 18-20, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Final (?) 3D clouds patch

2008-12-10 Thread Yon Uriarte
Maybe add an option to do full length bubble sort each update?Or quicksort,
It should really be that much of a cpu eater, after the clouds are sorted.
It would result in a bit of frame drop on pan around, but flickering would
For users with modern system it would improve visuals.
I'll test that later.


On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 10:26 AM, gerard robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On lundi 08 décembre 2008, Stuart Buchanan wrote:
  Curt wrote:
   I wonder if there is some sort of floating point resolution / rounding
   problem with the sort? I see a lot of flickering myself.  Also if I
   some particular direction and the clouds get sorted ok, then look away
   for even a second, and then look back (by changing the view direction)
   the clouds seem to have totally lost their previous correct sort and
   to be sorted again ... but that doesn't happen until the clouds come
   in view.  I'm not sure what the sort criteria is, but it seems strange
   that the sort order would get messed up in a brief second of not having
   particular set of clouds in view.
  One of the performance improvements introduced with the last patch is to
  re-use clouds rather than generating unique clouds for each position.
  makes a significant performance difference on my system (about 5fps
  but means that occasionally you end up between two instances of the same
  cloud, and the sprites need resorting as you change the view.
  You can avoid this by increasing the number of cloud types in the
  Options dialog, then toggling Enable 3D clouds to cause re-generation.
  the moment the slider goes to 20, which minimizes the probability of
  hitting this issue. Obviously, we could increase the limit still further

 Hello Stuart,

 First thanks to you and to everybody who work on it.
 We have got now a huge improvement.

 However i am , now, a bit disappointed with these flickering   ( too often,
 may be it is my graphics cards NVIDIA 7800 GS 512 mo) which decrease
 dramatically the result (mainly with Metar) . And which make me to come
 to the 2D clouds, with the GUI preference.

 I can understand that, with that last patch you have tried to answer to the
 low cpu performance, when we are using old computers.
 It was the case with the old 3D clouds version and nobody apologized about
 since we had ever the choice 2D clouds or 3D clouds.

 I did like better one of your previous version. Yes we had that ugly blue
 ( sometime only when we had a 2d Clouds layer behind), but now,  i have
 edge randomly coming on and flickering, which is worth.

 Wont it be possible to have a version which will come to a better eye
 even if it is more cpu eater.   ?



 J'ai décidé d'être heureux parce que c'est bon pour la santé.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Simgear Build - pthread.h, and alut.h

2008-12-09 Thread Yon Uriarte
 google for pthreads-win32 and freealut (iirc).

HTH, regards,

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 2:37 PM, Fabian Grodek [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Here's a noobie question about Simgear build (in VC++ 2005 Express Edition)
 I get messages that the files pthread.h and alut.h cannot be found.
 These files are called by #include statements in sgthread.hxx (v1.9) and
 sample_openal.cxx (v1.32) and .hxx (v1.23).
 Where could I find these files (pthread.h and alut.h)? A search in my whole
 system found nothing.

 Thank you.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Simgear Build - pthread.h, and alut.h

2008-12-09 Thread Yon Uriarte
 omg, im getting senile, my apologies. Alut is from the OpenAL package. I
compile it from the OpenAL SVN repos and have
yet to hear a single sound from fg. But it compiles and runs. I use
pthreads-2-8-0, precompiled.


On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Yon Uriarte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  google for pthreads-win32 and freealut (iirc).

 HTH, regards,

 On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 2:37 PM, Fabian Grodek [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Here's a noobie question about Simgear build (in VC++ 2005 Express
 I get messages that the files pthread.h and alut.h cannot be found.
 These files are called by #include statements in sgthread.hxx (v1.9) and
 sample_openal.cxx (v1.32) and .hxx (v1.23).
 Where could I find these files (pthread.h and alut.h)? A search in my
 whole system found nothing.

 Thank you.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-12-09 Thread Yon Uriarte
 weekly resubmit. New this week:

o After scenery finishes loading:

 Should help with excessive frame drops. Default is 4.
o Integrated James Turner's fixes, thank you.
o SGAtomic not longer used: big mem savings on win32

Usual content:

o bigger zlib decompression buffer
o nafree() returns if freeing NULL
o throttle screen update rate on splash screen for single core machines
o reduced memory usage for FGRunway
o faster apt.dat, nav.dat  awy.dat parsing

My previous memory numbers were wrong, I was still using the buggy double
taxiway allocation (I have 4 local copies of the code).
With the SGAtomic changes and the reduced memory footprint of FGRunway the
following memory usage
was measured on ksfo (no random objects, win32), just running fgfs.exe, no
params (i may have some non-standard
preferences saved, they were the same for both runs anyway):
original: 565MB
this patch: 470MB

Over some random terrain for which i have not downloaded terrain files and
using ufo
instead of c172:

This is after the splash screen disappears. The numbers oscilate +/- 10MB.
It seems something is allocating
and freeing memory just after loading.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-12-09 Thread Yon Uriarte
 one little thing i was meaning to include but forgot. At the end of
fgMainLoop() add:
scenery_loaded = true;
if( ! scenery_loaded ) {
unsigned int tocompile =
unsigned int requests =
char msg[60];
snprintf( msg, 59, loading scenery objects %2u / %2u, requests,
tocompile );
fgSplashProgress( msg );



For a nice little countdown of # of tiles left to load and compile.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Final (?) 3D clouds patch

2008-12-06 Thread Yon Uriarte
 reading the patch, in the callback:
  fogC[3] = 0.0;
I believe this sliped from my testing, not sure if it's needed. I was doing
some alpha-channel tests. If it works with this set, all is fine :)


On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 11:35 PM, Stuart Buchanan 

 I wrote:

  Hi All,
  Attached is what I'm hoping will be the final 3D clouds patch.

 Nope, it wasn't attached, because I hit Send rather than Attach.

 This time it is attached.

 Sorry for the noise.

  It does the following:
  - Replaces simple shader attributes with vectors (this was missed out of
  last patch by mistake)
  - Includes Yon's Fog update code (Thanks!)
  - Fixes a bug since 1.0 where --enable-real-weather-fetch stopped the
  weather scenarios from working.
  Let me know of any bugs.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Yet another Clouds Patch (again)

2008-12-05 Thread Yon Uriarte
osg::ref_ptrGeode SGNewCloud::genCloud() {
+GeodeList* g = (*iter).second;
+if (iter == cloudMap.end() || g-size()  num_flavours)

dereferencing iterator::end is a no-no (it's not standard c++).

GeodeList* g;// = (*iter).second;

if (iter == cloudMap.end() || (g=(*iter).second)-size() 

Also, cull is thru the roof and it looks much nicer :)

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Yet another Clouds Patch (again)

2008-12-05 Thread Yon Uriarte
Hi Stuart,
  a little patch for the update callback, this time in a readable and
#ifdef'ed format.
The update time goes down from 10ms to 1ms on this machine. Fog is still

  Bonus: trivial patch for annoying unsigned warnings.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-12-05 Thread Yon Uriarte

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:25 PM, Csaba Halász [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:58 AM, Yon Uriarte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   One big contributor to size is SGAtomic. On windows it's 32 bytes for a
  byte counter. That makes SGReferenced 32 bytes, too, for an 8 bytes
  After reading the docs on InterlockedIncrement (they say a 4 byte align
  necessary) I tried recompiling with SGAtomic aligned on 4 bytes, but i
  some quite obscure crashes inside ntsomething.dll called from malloc.
  knows why we need to align to 32 bytes (x86's cache line) and not 4 bytes
  suggested by the docs?

 Somebody has recently switched some threading stuff over to OSG's
 classes, I wonder if we should throw out SGAtomic, SGReferenced, and
 SGSharedPtr in favor of OSG's implementation. Coincidentally,
 OpenThreads::Atomic doesn't have that align, it simply has a volatile
 long and presumably it works fine.


Excellent idea. With the patch and some other changes it saves 100MB over
terrain, less over ocean.
That's just after the scenery has finished loading, should be more over


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-12-05 Thread Yon Uriarte
 i was testing on my local airport (coastal, less terrain) with ufo, let me
test on inland airport (LEMD, madrid) with 172.
Im running with the patch that reduces precision for fgrunway, no longer can
we measure runway length in
super-cords widths, only upto 10 nanometers ;)

Memory (private bytes) measured with procexp.exe after scenery finishes

CVS: 499MB
patched: 431MB

hmm, over ocean:

hmm, i dont know what i measured before, maybe some other memory counter? my
Seems it is only saving around 70MB (on windows, unixes already have part of
this memory saving).


On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 5:28 PM, James Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 5 Dec 2008, at 16:01, Yon Uriarte wrote:

  Excellent idea. With the patch and some other changes it saves 100MB
  over terrain, less over ocean.
  That's just after the scenery has finished loading, should be more
  over time.

 Good gracious. 100MB? That seems almost impossibly large.

 This is a change that needs to be pretty widely tested, but it sounds
 like a great improvement.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-12-04 Thread Yon Uriarte

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:01 AM, James Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 4 Dec 2008, at 02:58, Yon Uriarte wrote:

  thank you. I've keep working a bit on it. The airport ctor doesnt need to
 init the vectorxways, it's wasteful.

 Well, see my version in that regard.

I see, it's overall nicer.

 Now it saves a few megabytes by removing unneeded parts from FGRunways
 (400k+ constructed) and using some string instead of string copies.
 By using those changes and also by using reduced precision on FGRunway
 members (double for length?) i was able to reduce sizeof(FGRunway)(win32)
 from 256 to 192.

 I would prefer not to reduce precision - I don't think the memory savings
 warrant it, and at least on some machines, the compiler is forced to
 generate many float-double or double-float conversions. FGRunway is
 not efficient for size, but it's not costing us anything in real terms -
 unlike the start up time.

Around 30MB. Didnt know you where working on changing the airport load code.
Going for 8.50? IMHO there is little point in keeping the runway length in
It's seldom used, it's just putting pressure on the swap trigger. We let
pass 30MB here, 30MB there, 2 seconds here, .8 there and it adds up.

  I try to consider a 1Ghz pentium 3 with 1GB RAM as an oldish machine
target that may run fg.

 Not to nitpick, im glad i can give something to fg. The startup time is
what catched my
attention even before taking off the ground :)

 And, again, I have pending work in this area that makes all of these issues
 go away completely, so unless there's an immediate benefit for the 1.99.x
 release, I would focus on some other area.

  I will, thanks for the hint. I can test your airport code, profile it and
gladly nitpick on it's memory/cpu use ;)
  I've been considering changing the load code for apt and nav to use strod.
Apparently sometimes atof is
implemented as a wrapper of strod (, dont know what the man
pages say).

  It would save the walking  copy of the line for spliting and some atof
overhead. It would produce
the typical char *p inner loop :)
 But im having fun with the 3dclouds and osg, so maybe later.

  One big contributor to size is SGAtomic. On windows it's 32 bytes for a 4
 byte counter. That makes SGReferenced 32 bytes, too, for an 8 bytes payload.
 After reading the docs on InterlockedIncrement (they say a 4 byte align is
 necessary) I tried recompiling with SGAtomic aligned on 4 bytes, but i got
 some quite obscure crashes inside ntsomething.dll called from malloc. Anyone
 knows why we need to align to 32 bytes (x86's cache line) and not 4 bytes as
 suggested by the docs?

 Can't comment on that, I'm on GCC 4.0 on Mac where SGAtomic is falling-back
 to pthreads :(

 Here's my patch (including yours) to src/Airports:



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Yet Another Clouds Patch

2008-12-04 Thread Yon Uriarte
Hi again Stuart,
 this patch reduces draw time from 4.2ms  to 3.0ms on my system.
Middle of the ocean, ufo, feet, v=0.
Seems the # of attributes is awfully expensive, at least on ATI/win32.
The changes are #ifdef'ed for easy testing.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-12-03 Thread Yon Uriarte
 thank you. I've keep working a bit on it. The airport ctor doesnt need to
init the vectorxways, it's wasteful.
Now it saves a few megabytes by removing unneeded parts from FGRunways
(400k+ constructed) and using some string instead of string copies.
By using those changes and also by using reduced precision on FGRunway
members (double for length?) i was able to reduce sizeof(FGRunway)(win32)
from 256 to 192.

 One big contributor to size is SGAtomic. On windows it's 32 bytes for a 4
byte counter. That makes SGReferenced 32 bytes, too, for an 8 bytes payload.
After reading the docs on InterlockedIncrement (they say a 4 byte align is
necessary) I tried recompiling with SGAtomic aligned on 4 bytes, but i got
some quite obscure crashes inside ntsomething.dll called from malloc. Anyone
knows why we need to align to 32 bytes (x86's cache line) and not 4 bytes as
suggested by the docs?

Thanks again, attached is a patch for the patch. May I ask for your patch?


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 2:38 AM, James Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 1 Dec 2008, at 18:20, James Turner wrote:

  I will apply and test, sadly I am in the same situation as you for
  getting patches applied :)

 I've tested the apt loader / string split / patch, and everything
 seems to work - though I've complicated things by refactoring the
 runway / taxiway creation, to fix some style issues, and resolve  a
 couple of problems: taxiways don't need a reciprocal created (and it's
 wasteful to do so), and runways weren't getting their airport set,
 which crashed some local code of mine.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Yet Another Clouds Patch

2008-12-03 Thread Yon Uriarte
Hi Stuart,
 I like the 3dclouds, so i took a look at them. This is a patch for you and
maybe some brave developer.
It's really not usable. First, some notes. Please excuse the telegram-like
prose, I can barely read them myself now
# calls to void CloudShaderGeometry::drawImplementation(RenderInfo
renderInfo) const
after X frames

circles, diameter aprox one cloud square, i guess:

130k in
80k try resort
50k resort
50/130 ratio: 30%

straight, v 900

136k in
5k try resort
4k resort
4/136 ratio: 2,9%

straight, v 240

127k in
1.8k try resort
566 resort
566/127k ratio: 0,44%

drawable.updateCallback has the same problem,
too many calls per frame (aprox 19440) resulting in a 10ms update time.
Normal low is 1ms.
Curiosly the draw callback, which is done at the same frequency per frame
takes less time (approx. 6ms or less) which may indicate a heavy overhead
the scenegraph walking.

drawImplementation is called approx 163 times per frame (v=0), the
drawable/CloudshaderGeometry.updateCallback 19440.

The cloudshadergeometry sets are repeated in a 3x3 grid, that explains the
factor (2160x9 = 19440).
drawImplementation is called only for culled (visible, non-culled) clusters.

options to use display lists:
- update callback to pre-sort, dirty display list in update callback
   - has excessive update callbacks (unculled stuff gets called).
- implement part of the display-list logic in drawimplementation
   - same number of callbacks as before, must set
_geometry-usedisplaylist = false
   - relatively small gains, can hiccup
   - i expect performance to be strongly dependant on driver revision

- static vertex data, dynamic index - resort only index array
- update dynamic data on dirty (sorting changed)
- ? use a single VBO for all clouds in all CloudShadersGeometry

Let me try to translate the telegram from mars:
I did a quick performance on the resorting behaviour. UFO, flying at
different speeds or in circles.
After N frames i checked the hit-counts on the breakpoints. Then some
sort-hit ratios were calculated.

It seemed like a display-list could be useful, seeming not too often are
clusters resorted.
1st try (is in the patch, but disabled) was to sort in the update traversal
and use the default
display list implementation (overriding virtual
Drawable::drawImplementation). This lead to an
impressive performance drop. Update callback is called for each cluster
attachment in the graph.

Each cluster is attached an extra 9x. I guess 2160 is the static cloud field
size. So instead
of only getting called on non-culled visible clusters it was called on each
cluster, 9x each :)

Same thing is happening in CVS right now: SGCloudFogUpdateCallback is called
19k times per frame
to update a single stateset. One time per frame is enough, this drops my
update time from 10ms to 1ms.

I noticed that there were some periodic rises in the draw time (clouds
callback), adding a random jitter:
skip_info-skip_limit += rand()  3;
seems to take care of that part. In the patch it's in the wrong place, it
should be inside the if-block above it.

Next i implemented a display list (#define CSG_USE_DISPLAY_LISTS).
Results were unsatisfactory. Draw time increased. Even when just calling the
display list
the draw time is higher. This is disconcerting considering _geometry is
drawn with a display
list by default (AFAIK). Display lists are only regenerated after a
non-resort after a resort to avoid
the costly regeneration of the display list every consecutive sort.

I considered maybe it was a fill-rate problem. The patch does attach the
cloud fields twice.
Once it's rendered front to back, only the opaque part, no blending, normal
bin. Then it's
rendered back to front with blending (as usual). Performance was similar
(Radeon 3870).
I then avoided the call to _geometry-draw, suspecting something was costly
I used some simple glVertex calls to generate similar, smaller, quads. Same
results, not faster.

I'm confused about these results. I must have made some programming error,
but even then
display lists could be faster than pure glVertex. The next approach should
be to set up
a VBO with all the vertex data and attributes for the whole cloud field and
only update the
index array when resorting. Less data to transmit to the GPU and 1 single
opengl call
per cluster or even per layer. The VBO changes are bigger than what I'm
willing to
do right now. Sorry.

Parts of the code are #if 0 #else #endif, i use that to quickly try out
different combinations.
The display list part is not compatible with opaque pre-render, #if 0/1 out
apropiate. Ignore the changes to the GLSL programs.

Anyway, some of this code (fog update, jitter) could be integrated. The rest
could be useful
for your experimenting. The patch comes directly off my 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear 1.99.5: Release Candidate

2008-12-01 Thread Yon Uriarte
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 8:08 PM, Stuart Buchanan 

 I note that the base package size above is 200MB.

 I did a quick look at the (uncompressed) size in KB of
 each of these aircraft, excluding the CVS directories.

 13528   bocian
 17708   c172p
 20656   Concorde
 876 Dragonfly
 29428   f-14b
 14464   sopwithCamel
 232 ufo

We can reduce the on-disk plane footprint.

I did a quick test compressing f-14b/Models/common2.rgb (texture atlas with
fuselage skin, it seems):

baseline common2.rgb: 792k
png common2.png: 295k (irfanview, best png compression, keep transparent
color ON)
ziped 375k (winrar .rgb, best zip compression)
rared common2.rar: 353k (winrar .rgb, best rar compression)

  So there seems to be a case for converting all .rgb to .png. It should
result in a smaller distribution and
a smaller disk footprint (possibly quicker loading 1st time loading). It is
my naive understanding that the
references to .rgb should only be in .xml and .ac files.
  A quick shell script could find all .rgb convert them to .png, do a search
replace on .xml and .ac files and
then commit to cvs.

  Also i looked into a .AC file to confirm they are text and a /bin/sed
search replace is possible.
My 1 sample size research file is 2485k uncompressed, 337k
compressed as rar
(winrar, best rar compression). I would even expect gzip to achieve a better
compression ratio.
Again, it should be possible to compress all .ac, either as a pre-pass
on installer generation or to commit it to cvs. The OSG AC loader may need
patching to load .gz files, I ignore if
the osg loader can do the gz streaming itself on all supported file types.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-12-01 Thread Yon Uriarte
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 12:56 AM, Tim Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yon Uriarte wrote:
  On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 1:41 AM, Tim Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yon Uriarte wrote:
Modified a bit the logstream implementation to avoid (stack)
down into (iostream) hell if we are not logging anything anyway.
  As it
is right now, it happily builds the string to print (iostream
  hell, deep
stacks, strings new/delete/copy) and then discards it. I´ve
  counted over
half a million calls to sglog() before the scenery is fully
  loaded (cant
remember with what configuration, more on config below).
Also, the global logstream is initialized once at startup
(constructors, struct ignore_me), no need to check everytime it is
called if it's initialized. Maybe if sglog() is used in any global
constructor it could happen that it is not initialized and crash,
please, dont use it in the global constructors ;)
  I've reworked the logstream changes a bit and checked this in.
  Nice. It is still doing a pointless function call.
 No. Your request to don't use it in the global constructors is not

Shouldnt matter too much performance wise anyway :)

I attach the patch for the airport, airway and navdb loaders. Also included
is the patch to throttle the frame rate while loading the scenery at startup
and to set the gzip input buffer to 64k (was 4k).
I believe all of them make sense and are sufficient. I'd like to ask for
them to get tested and eventually applied. I'll keep resubmiting them at 1
week intervals :)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-12-01 Thread Yon Uriarte

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 7:20 PM, James Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 1 Dec 2008, at 18:00, Yon Uriarte wrote:

  I attach the patch for the airport, airway and navdb loaders. Also
  included is the patch to throttle the frame rate while loading the
  scenery at startup and to set the gzip input buffer to 64k (was 4k).
  I believe all of them make sense and are sufficient. I'd like to ask
  for them to get tested and eventually applied. I'll keep resubmiting
  them at 1 week intervals :)

 I will apply and test, sadly I am in the same situation as you for
 getting patches applied :)


haha, thank you. What's your patch about? Maybe we can swap patch tests :)

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-12-01 Thread Yon Uriarte

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 7:00 PM, Yon Uriarte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I attach the patch for the airport, airway and navdb loaders. Also included
 is the patch to throttle the frame rate while loading the scenery at startup
 and to set the gzip input buffer to 64k (was 4k).
 I believe all of them make sense and are sufficient. I'd like to ask for
 them to get tested and eventually applied. I'll keep resubmiting them at 1
 week intervals :)

did some timings on the throttle patch to try and market it :)
I got some unexpected results:

All times in ms, dual-core pentium E2xxx @3.1GHz
Affinity set to simulate single-core with: start /affinity 0x1 /B fgfs ...
Throttle at 15fps

throttled, no random objects, no affinity.
4096 4078 4074
not throttled, no random objects, no affinity
3029 3217 3012

throttled, no random objects, affinity 0x1
5498 5435 5457
not throtled, no random objects, affinity 0x1
4556 4502 4482

throttled, enabled random objects, no affinity
30009 29532 29005 29988
not throttled, enabled random objects, no affinity
38285 37927 37958

throttled, enabled random objects, affinity 0x1
33749 33518 34116
not throttled, enabled random objects, affinity 0x1
61120 57412 58443

it is faster for random objects (target case), but slower for all other
cases. I suspect the
osgDB threads are blocking waiting for the frame to upload their display
Anyway, throttled to 50fps now I get:

throttled 50 , no random objects, no affinity
3176 3187 3168

throttled 50 , random objects, affinity 0x1
38455 37583 38273

Please set the frame limiter to 50, not15, when testing, I'll set it to that
in next week's patch.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-11-29 Thread Yon Uriarte

On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 1:41 AM, Tim Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yon Uriarte wrote:

  Modified a bit the logstream implementation to avoid (stack) descent
  down into (iostream) hell if we are not logging anything anyway. As it
  is right now, it happily builds the string to print (iostream hell, deep
  stacks, strings new/delete/copy) and then discards it. I´ve counted over
  half a million calls to sglog() before the scenery is fully loaded (cant
  remember with what configuration, more on config below).
  Also, the global logstream is initialized once at startup
  (constructors, struct ignore_me), no need to check everytime it is
  called if it's initialized. Maybe if sglog() is used in any global
  constructor it could happen that it is not initialized and crash, so
  please, dont use it in the global constructors ;)
 I've reworked the logstream changes a bit and checked this in. Thanks.

Nice. It is still doing a pointless function call.


 This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's
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 Flightgear-devel mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-11-28 Thread Yon Uriarte

  it seems this message was deleted (over 40k). I cant find it on the
archives so im resending it now with a compressed patch. Please ignore if
this is a repost.

 this patch tries to speed up airways laoding. The strutils funcions are
meaningfully commented and renamed. It also does timings on the load times.
My results:

2 runs no changes wrt. to last patch:

Airport load time: 1607
Metar load time: 16
Navaid load time:   499
Airway load time:  1170

Airport load time: 1607
Metar load time: 16
Navaid load time:   483
Airway load time:  1185
after changes to airways loader.

Airport load time: 1622
Metar load time:  8
Navaid load time:   499
Airway load time:   690

Airport load time: 1614
Metar load time:  8
Navaid load time:   505
Airway load time:   689

Airport load time: 1610
Metar load time:  8
Navaid load time:   498
Airway load time:   689

Airport load time: 1664
Metar load time:  8
Navaid load time:   510
Airway load time:   699

Airport load time: 1684
Metar load time:  7
Navaid load time:   513
Airway load time:   684

Then i noticed i had the files (*.dat) unpacked because i'd been peeking at
the contents.
After repacking i got the following times:

Airport load time: 1806
Metar load time:  7
Navaid load time:   526
Airway load time:   732

Airport load time: 1790
Metar load time:  7
Navaid load time:   522
Airway load time:   721

Airport load time: 1793
Metar load time:  7
Navaid load time:   528
Airway load time:   721


On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Frederic Bouvier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tools  Options  Text editor  C/C++  Tabs

Thank you, i hope there are no evil tabs now.

Description: Binary data
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-11-28 Thread Yon Uriarte
 took a quick stab at navaid parsing. Also, i modified strutils::do_strip to
avoid calling string::operator[] excessively. Results:

Airport load time: 1769
Metar load time: 7
Navaid load time: 349
Airway load time: 726

Airport load time: 1770
Metar load time: 7
Navaid load time: 348
Airway load time: 728


On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Yon Uriarte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   it seems this message was deleted (over 40k). I cant find it on the
 archives so im resending it now with a compressed patch. Please ignore if
 this is a repost.

  this patch tries to speed up airways laoding. The strutils funcions are
 meaningfully commented and renamed. It also does timings on the load times.
 My results:

 2 runs no changes wrt. to last patch:

 Airport load time: 1607
 Metar load time: 16
 Navaid load time:   499
 Airway load time:  1170

 Airport load time: 1607
 Metar load time: 16
 Navaid load time:   483
 Airway load time:  1185
 after changes to airways loader.

 Airport load time: 1622
 Metar load time:  8
 Navaid load time:   499
 Airway load time:   690

 Airport load time: 1614
 Metar load time:  8
 Navaid load time:   505
 Airway load time:   689

 Airport load time: 1610
 Metar load time:  8
 Navaid load time:   498
 Airway load time:   689

 Airport load time: 1664
 Metar load time:  8
 Navaid load time:   510
 Airway load time:   699

 Airport load time: 1684
 Metar load time:  7
 Navaid load time:   513
 Airway load time:   684

 Then i noticed i had the files (*.dat) unpacked because i'd been peeking at
 the contents.
 After repacking i got the following times:

 Airport load time: 1806
 Metar load time:  7
 Navaid load time:   526
 Airway load time:   732

 Airport load time: 1790
 Metar load time:  7
 Navaid load time:   522
 Airway load time:   721

 Airport load time: 1793
 Metar load time:  7
 Navaid load time:   528
 Airway load time:   721


 On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Frederic Bouvier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tools  Options  Text editor  C/C++  Tabs

 Thank you, i hope there are no evil tabs now.

Description: Binary data
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-11-28 Thread Yon Uriarte
 those are 2 consecutive samples of the new navaid.dat parser. Compare with
the times in the previous posts. It has gone down from 520msec to 350msec.
Not a big difference on a fast machine, but it was a very easy change. On
slower machines it should add up.


On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Curtis Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 10:18 AM, Yon Uriarte wrote:

  took a quick stab at navaid parsing. Also, i modified strutils::do_strip
 to avoid calling string::operator[] excessively. Results:

 Airport load time: 1769
 Metar load time: 7
 Navaid load time: 349
 Airway load time: 726

 Airport load time: 1770
 Metar load time: 7
 Navaid load time: 348
 Airway load time: 728

 Am I misreading your stats?  There doesn't seem to be any significant
 different between your two sets of timing data (?)

 Curtis Olson:

 This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's
 Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great
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 Flightgear-devel mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-11-28 Thread Yon Uriarte
 another little detail. In zfstream.cxx the input buffer for reading
buffered .gz files is set at page_size (4k). It is my understanding this
means files will be read at 4k chunks (uncompressed 4k). By changing the
multiplier to 16 (64k) or even 64 i could unscientifically measure a small
gain. I believe gzstream is used for terrain loading, too. I guess a value
of 16*page_size should be adecuate, not too small, small enough that it
might stay in the cache for the caller to process. This should save on
system calls, too.

Non scientific measurements, twice for each size:

original, 1 page buffer:

Airport load time: 1769
Metar load time: 7
Navaid load time: 349
Airway load time: 726

Airport load time: 1770
Metar load time: 7
Navaid load time: 348
Airway load time: 728

istream.gz buffer from 1 to 16 pages size

Airport load time: 1746
Metar load time: 7
Navaid load time: 343
Airway load time: 716

Airport load time: 1742
Metar load time: 8
Navaid load time: 343
Airway load time: 724

at 64 pages

Airport load time: 1728
Metar load time: 7
Navaid load time: 344
Airway load time: 720

Airport load time: 1736
Metar load time: 7
Navaid load time: 345
Airway load time: 728


Index: zfstream.cxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/SimGear-0.3/source/simgear/misc/zfstream.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 zfstream.cxx
--- zfstream.cxx   25 Jul 2008 18:35:42 -   1.5
+++ zfstream.cxx   28 Nov 2008 17:15:05 -
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 // try {
-ibuf_size = page_size / sizeof(char);
+ibuf_size = 16*(page_size / sizeof(char));
 ibuffer = new char [ibuf_size];
 // } catch (...) {
 //delete [] ibuffer;
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-11-27 Thread Yon Uriarte
 commenting inline. Im still programming  a bit and measuring times. Patch

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Melchior FRANZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 * Yon Uriarte -- Wednesday 26 November 2008:
  this is a patch to speed up startup times and some other
  misc things.

 Thanks for taking care of that. Startup time is really a
 problem, made worse by the fact that one has to restart
 fgfs to use another aircraft.

 I'll leave commenting on the nasal, runway, and osg changes
 to the respective maintainers and focus on one thing:

  +++ misc/strutils.cxx 24 Nov 2008 17:13:29 -
  +* Avoid new/delete/cpconstructor clusterfsck
  +   int
  +   split_whitespace_aptdat( const string str, int maxsplit,
 vectorstring res )
  +   split_aptdat( const string str, const char* sep, int maxsplit,
 vectorstring res )

 This is IMHO not acceptable!

 1) If these functions are meant to be better than the
   existing split()/split_whitespace(), then they have to
   replace them. If they are different and customized for
   dealing with Robin PEEL's apt.dat file (as the name
   implies), then they have no place in SimGear. This
   is a set of generic libraries, and not (supposed to
   be) tied to FlightGear, let alone to Robin's DB.

I've renamed the functions and added meaningful comments.

 2) The function head focuses on what the function
   doesn't do (avoids), rather than on what it does. If
   you think split()/split_whitespaces() are fscking
   something up, then please explain why you think they
   should keep doing that.

No, i dont think they should keep doing that. In the context of the file
it's written in (strutils.cxx) you can easily compare the 2 functions and
calculate in your head why the others are a cluster thing.

 3) We value the coolness factor of f-words rather low,
   even when they are disguised as acronyms for file
   system check. Hey, even the use of WTF is prohibited
   to my disappointment. (Whoops. :-)

WTF?? why? we are adults. Whatever, adult words removed.

 BTW: you introduced tabs in files that are space-indented,
   and even in a way that only works with 4-position tabs,
   rather than the standard: 8 positions.

Nothing i can do about that, let the CVS commiters pass a replace over the
files. MSVS is a hard master. Or is there an option to tell it not to mess
with my spaces?


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-11-27 Thread Yon Uriarte

On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 9:53 AM, James Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 26 Nov 2008, at 12:19, James Turner wrote:

  strutils.cxx, simple..cxx, apt_loader.cxx
 Accelerate parsing of apt.dat. As it stands it does aprox 5
  (five) million wasteful new/delete pairs, mostly in the
  strutils::split, vectorrunway growing and unnecessary string
  initializations in the main parse loop. Now it does 1 million new
  (1 per airport, 2 per runway/taxiway) and 100 (hundred) deletes. I
  find it's acceptably fast now. Also, it loads Ypenburg The Hague's
  runways, seems nobody flew there ever :)
  Excellent. I've been doing some similar work in that area (not yet
  ready for mass consumption) and also noticed the Ypenburg issue :)
  From a code aesthetic point of view, I can't say I like the extra
  runway count and taxiway count arguments to addAirport, but I
  appreciate the heap-traffic savings of getting the arrays correctly

 Just had a thought here - it should be possible to use
 std::vector::swap() to pass in std::vectorFGRunway*, and avoid the
 ugly 'count' arguments. I'll do up a patch for this today/tonight.

I changed it a bit, too. Now it passes the runways to the constructor and
addRunways is private. But using swap sounds like the solution. It'll need 2
vectors in the apt.dat main loop, one with runways, the other one with

 I agree with Melchior's comments about putting apt.dat specifics into
 SimGear, the split helpers can happily live in apt_loader.cxx. That
 way we'll know to delete them if I ever replace the file format.

Changed the name to split_inplace and patching airways parsing to use it.
Still testing and timing. Possibly will look at the fix parsing, too, it's


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-11-27 Thread Yon Uriarte
 this patch tries to speed up airways laoding. The strutils funcions are
meaningfully commened and renamed. It also does timings on the load times.
My results:

2 runs no changes wrt. to last patch:

Airport load time: 1607
Metar load time: 16
Navaid load time:   499
Airway load time:  1170

Airport load time: 1607
Metar load time: 16
Navaid load time:   483
Airway load time:  1185
after changes to airways loader.

Airport load time: 1622
Metar load time:  8
Navaid load time:   499
Airway load time:   690

Airport load time: 1614
Metar load time:  8
Navaid load time:   505
Airway load time:   689

Airport load time: 1610
Metar load time:  8
Navaid load time:   498
Airway load time:   689

Airport load time: 1664
Metar load time:  8
Navaid load time:   510
Airway load time:   699

Airport load time: 1684
Metar load time:  7
Navaid load time:   513
Airway load time:   684

Then i noticed i had the files (*.dat) unpacked because i'd been peeking at
the contents.
After repacking i got the following times:

Airport load time: 1806
Metar load time:  7
Navaid load time:   526
Airway load time:   732

Airport load time: 1790
Metar load time:  7
Navaid load time:   522
Airway load time:   721

Airport load time: 1793
Metar load time:  7
Navaid load time:   528
Airway load time:   721


On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Frederic Bouvier [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Tools  Options  Text editor  C/C++  Tabs

Thank you, i hope there are no evil tabs now.

FlightGear - Copy (2).patch
Description: Binary data

SimGear - Copy (2).patch
Description: Binary data
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Performance and initialization patch

2008-11-26 Thread Yon Uriarte
 this is a patch to speed up startup times and some other misc things.
Please kindly try it out on your configurations.  Commenting on each

If p == 0 return, else call free(p). Dont go into the malloc lib for
nothing, probably free() does this check 1st thing in most implementations,
no need to test the malloc library. p == 0 happens, checked with debugger.

Modified a bit the logstream implementation to avoid (stack) descent
down into (iostream) hell if we are not logging anything anyway. As it is
right now, it happily builds the string to print (iostream hell, deep
stacks, strings new/delete/copy) and then discards it. I´ve counted over
half a million calls to sglog() before the scenery is fully loaded (cant
remember with what configuration, more on config below).
Also, the global logstream is initialized once at startup (constructors,
struct ignore_me), no need to check everytime it is called if it's
initialized. Maybe if sglog() is used in any global constructor it could
happen that it is not initialized and crash, so please, dont use it in the
global constructors ;)

strutils.cxx, simple..cxx, apt_loader.cxx
Accelerate parsing of apt.dat. As it stands it does aprox 5 (five)
million wasteful new/delete pairs, mostly in the strutils::split,
vectorrunway growing and unnecessary string initializations in the main
parse loop. Now it does 1 million new (1 per airport, 2 per runway/taxiway)
and 100 (hundred) deletes. I find it's acceptably fast now. Also, it loads
Ypenburg The Hague's runways, seems nobody flew there ever :)

Any particular reason to not run osg multithreaded as default?

ViewPartitionNode, CameraGroup:
Small compile fix for a OSG version with float matrices, instead of
double. Tried to compile with float matrices to see if it affects speed, but
the quantization is visible (aprox .5m) and the airplane jitters horribly.

While showing the splash screen, limit the frame rate. I was getting
200fps at the splash screen, which is pointless  wasteful, specially on
single-core machines. On multicore one core is pegged at 100%, another is
loading tiles. If you run with VBLANK on, on a fast single-core machine, it
may not matter too much. Anyway, 15Hz redraws should be enough, quite
possibly as low as 5Hz could be acceptable. Older computer owners should
notice a difference.

I dont know what this was for. I think it was a compile fix. I have some
other changes to the codebase around, had to edit the patch files. Dont
apply if everything else compiles for you :)

 The most important changes are the apt.dat optimization, the logstream
optimization and the splash screen throttling. On this 3Ghz dual core intel
E2160 with hot disk-caches and --disable-random-objects --disable-sound
--aircraft=ufo it takes 6 seconds to start loading scenery tiles and 12
seconds to splash screen fade out. Airway loading is 1 second and does
quite a few new/deletes, too. Maybe I´ll take a look at it.

Going forward another big config issue I see is  --enable-random-objects
tile loading. It's orders of magnitude slower than with random-objects
disabled. I'll try to take a look at it, but's all the osgDB implementation
and it's big.
Also, the tile loader is not concurrent, only one tile is loaded at a time.
I can start 20 osgDB threads and only one of them will do anything useful.
This is specially noticed with --enable-random-objects. As an interim
solution it should be possible to start some threads to do the random
objects addition after the base tiles have been loaded and displayed, later
adding the subgraphs to the already displaying tiles and using more than one
core to do the heavy random object generation.


FlightGear - Copy.patch
Description: Binary data

SimGear - Copy.patch
Description: Binary data
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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