Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug

2009-02-06 Thread Martin Spott
Jon S. Berndt wrote:

 The wheel slip angle, for instance, varies wildly in JSBSim when no
 filtering or other compensation is used:
 If the forces are ramped down to zero below some threshold, the dynamics
 improve greatly:

This one shows the nose wheel _velocity_ over a timespan, the other
three diagrams are showing the slip _angle_. To draw a reasonable
conclusion it would be interesting to see the same measurand, say the
slip velocity for all of the involved cases and not only for the nose
wheel but for for the main gear as well.

BUT, basically, I'd say this is not the point at all - these are
interesting theoretical approaches to the problem, but for the 'real'
user who's getting veered off the apron while he is simply doing a
proper run-up at a windy location, this is entirely irrelevant.

 So, I have to ask you: what is proper tire/ground reaction? With a few
 lines of code I've reduced the ground reactions artifacts for the f-16 to
 very small levels - and I really haven't optimized them, yet. They could
 maybe be improved even more. 
 So what is the cost/benefit to adding more code to do gear modeling more
 precisely? How much would the user really notice the difference? If we model
 the ground reactions to such high fidelity, should we then also model the
 aero characteristics using the Navier Stokes equations? There are always
 tradeoffs in simulation. In the case of JSBSim, I am hoping to model ground
 reactions so that the end user is satisfied with the response.

I'll tell you that quite a bunch of users is unsatisfied but many of
them take the current situation as given because they didn't know that
a proper solution had been available. So, please correct me if my
conclusion is at fault:

1.) The current, unfortunate state of tire/ground reactions in JSBSim,
the fact that FlightGear's default aircraft is slipping over the tarmac
is _NOT_ caused by the fact that there's nobody around wo knew better
  as alledged by this posting of 2007-11-22:

Jon S. Berndt wrote:
 Maybe it would help to talk to the CDM guys instead of the
 FDM guys.
 I reckon the car-dynamics guys have a pretty good model of
 static friction and quasi-static rolling friction.  After
 all, that is their raison d'tre.  Whatever they've got
 is surely more than good enough for our purposes.
 Yes. I have looked at car dynamics casually. It would be nice to get
 one of those guys onboard.

As far as I can tell, this posting had been written _after_ a patch to
implement proper simulation of tire/ground reactions had been submitted
to JSBSim.

2.) The current state is also _NOT_ a question of having a budget to
pay someone doing rocket science - 2009-02-03:

Jon S. Berndt wrote:
 * Jon S. Berndt -- Tuesday 03 February 2009:
  It's a tough problem, [...[
 Maybe we should hire a rocket scientist?  :-]
 With our *huge* budget? :-)

NO, it's simply due to the fact that the FlightGear project decided to
tie themselves to the development goals of JSBSim of which the 'project
steering committee' decided against adding proper ground reaction code
- which had been availale for free - for the sake of a smaller line
count. FlightGear is suffering from a 'political' decision which has
been made at JSBsim.   which brings me back to - oh - my own words,
written last month:

 Overall, I think some day the crowd should start making up their mind
 about wether relying on an externally maintained FDM is still the way  
 to go. Developing a copy of the FDM _in_ FlightGear might return a much
 higher benefit at reduced effort.

Just for the sake of completeness: Think of a scenario on the carrier,
you're approaching the catapult from behind   oh, too far, you're
idling the engine, letting the wind blow you backwards while you're
slowly manoeuvering your aircraft right into the catapult position
solely by nose wheel steering. That's what I call proper simulation of
tire ground reactions. FlightGear _could_ do that - it they didn't
depend decisions made at JSBSim.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug

2009-02-06 Thread Jon S. Berndt
 From: Martin Spott []
 This one shows the nose wheel _velocity_ over a timespan, the other
 three diagrams are showing the slip _angle_. To draw a reasonable
 conclusion it would be interesting to see the same measurand, say the
 slip velocity for all of the involved cases and not only for the nose
 wheel but for for the main gear as well.

Oh, blast it. I printed the wrong chart. Well, it was very late ... :-(

 BUT, basically, I'd say this is not the point at all - these are
 interesting theoretical approaches to the problem, but for the 'real'
 user who's getting veered off the apron while he is simply doing a
 proper run-up at a windy location, this is entirely irrelevant.

If this is truly the case, and if it is due to a gear modeling fidelity
issue, then I agree. But, the kind of problem you describe would be a
different issue. Since wind effects are only ramped in as velocity
increases, the example you describe above should not happen with JSBSim. 

 I'll tell you that quite a bunch of users is unsatisfied but many of
 them take the current situation as given because they didn't know that
 a proper solution had been available.

It's vitally important that we see such problem reports. I've helped people
tune their gear models successfully. If I don't see the error reports, I
can't help. There is a bug reporting page at the JSBSim web site that should
be used for this:

You may have to try loading this page twice, since it seems SourceForge is
having problems with its web site, periodically.

 Just for the sake of completeness: Think of a scenario on the carrier,
 you're approaching the catapult from behind   oh, too far, you're
 idling the engine, letting the wind blow you backwards while you're
 slowly manoeuvering your aircraft right into the catapult position
 solely by nose wheel steering. That's what I call proper simulation of
 tire ground reactions. FlightGear _could_ do that - it they didn't
 depend decisions made at JSBSim.

JSBSim also does not (quite yet) do blade element modeling, so it's not easy
to do a proper snap roll. Nor do we model multiple articulated landing gear
struts. Nor do we ...

As with any FDM, there are caveats and limitations. Your last paragraph is a
good example of something I hadn't considered - that one would actually want
to use the wind to do something while at almost zero velocity on the ground.

I can look into that. 

Apart from that, do you have a specific proposal in mind?

We should move this to a new thread.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug

2009-02-06 Thread jonsberndt

 If this is truly the case, and if it is due to a gear modeling fidelity 
 issue, then I agree. But, the kind of problem you describe would be a 
 different issue. Since wind effects are only ramped in as velocity 
 increases, the example you describe above should not happen with JSBSim. 

 I just put the default Cessna at EDLN RWY 13 with parking brake 
 applied, the wind is 11009KT. It took approx. three and a half minutes 
 to let the aircraft slip backwards by the length of a main gear cover. 

Exactly. Given what was happening prior to the fix, this is pretty good. I 
think with some additional tweaking, this could be improved even more. But, I'm 
not sure what your point is, here? We should probably specify some 
requirements. How long should an aircraft stick at one spott? With what kind of 

There is a long, huge, list of items that could be included in landing gear 
modeling and ground reactions. Anything from tire spin-up/wind-up to castering 
jitter, strut dynamics, etc.  Obviously, we have to make some decisions about 
how far we want to go in modeling this or that feature. To this point, the 
focus has been on stability and control, aerodynamics, and such. I'm not 
opposed to improving the landing gear model. But, I'm not certain I hav e a 
good feel for how big of an annoyance this is among the larger user base. 
Consider this a solicitation for input! :-) 

 My proposal is either to develop a copy of the FDM inside FlightGear 
 and to focus primarily on FlightGear's needs (and to try getting a copy 
 of the respective patch) or to have the changes applied to JSBSim's 
 code tree and to later merge this into FlightGear. 

I don't think having a copy of JSBSim in FlightGear CVS for development 
purposes is a good idea. I do like the idea of more frequent synchs between 
JSBSim CVS and FlightGear CVS. But, JSBSim is used on a broader scale than 
FlightGear (OpenEaagles, for one, and many more ). I think that is a strength - 
not a weakness. I don't think it would be a good idea to split it up. 

You may not be aware of this, but the patch previously submitted years ago 
would not work at all any more. In fact, one of the problems with the patch was 
that even at that time, JSBSim was undergoing a restructuring. That made it 
especially difficult for the patch author. In order for the same approach to be 
applied at this time, one would have to essentially start over. Some of the 
parts might be applicable and usable, but I believe much of it would have to be 
rewritten. But, forget about the patch as it was. Even if we wanted to, 
there's no way it could be applied as-is, at this point. 

Also, your characterization of the lack of willingness to commit the changes as 
being due to a concern about line count is incorrect. That's a gross 
over-simplification, and implies a lack of concern or care about the work that 
I know went into creating the patch. Obviously, at some point, one has to weigh 
the amount of code added to address a specific problem. Is doubling the size of 
the codebase to address a single problem acceptable? Think of the implications 
for maintenance, comprehension, and documentation. There is a saying that the 
squeaky wheel gets the grease (although in this case maybe we need less 
grease!). If we could improve the gear model by adding two lines of code, I 
would have added that code years ago. If any fix doubles the size of the 
codebase, no, I'd be looking for a better way to address the problem. With 
anything in-between, it gets vague, and the rules become less strict. 

Let me say this, in closing. I've worked with some very heavy duty 
simulations over the past twenty+ years. Most (all?) of them are horribly 
incomprehensible for even experienced simulation engineers, let alone students. 
JSBSim has been complimented in the past because it is straightforward and 
fairly easy to understand the code, at least as far as the basic stuff goes. 
Some design choices have been made so far that not everyone agrees with. One of 
those areas is that landing gear is modeled only with enough fidelity to make 
it appear to users that the aircraft drives in a realistic manner. Where that 
is not the case, I need to see specific examples so we can address that. If we 
can address it with a small amount of code as is currently the case, that's an 
acceptable solution, in my eyes. If it turns out that we really cannot 
address any problems without a more serious solution, and the ground reactions 
are seen as plain-and-simple not plausible, and there is a huge outcry that 
this should be fixed because it is intolerable, then maybe we'd revisit a 
modification to our integation scheme to use RK4 and simultaneous solution of a 
set of equations. That would involve a long and painful surgery, though. 

It's not an easy thing to manage such a project, with some competing interests, 
and to keep users and developers happy and feeling good about their 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug

2009-02-06 Thread Martin Spott
Jon S. Berndt wrote:
 From: Martin Spott []

 BUT, basically, I'd say this is not the point at all - these are
 interesting theoretical approaches to the problem, but for the 'real'
 user who's getting veered off the apron while he is simply doing a
 proper run-up at a windy location, this is entirely irrelevant.
 If this is truly the case, and if it is due to a gear modeling fidelity
 issue, then I agree. But, the kind of problem you describe would be a
 different issue. Since wind effects are only ramped in as velocity
 increases, the example you describe above should not happen with JSBSim. 

I just put the default Cessna at EDLN RWY 13 with parking brake
applied, the wind is 11009KT. It took approx. three and a half minutes
to let the aircraft slip backwards by the length of a main gear cover.
And, _no_, don't even think of it  ;-))  it's definitely _not_ a proper
solution to work around such a case by clamping the aircaft to a fixed
position as long the brakes are applied  :-)

 Just for the sake of completeness: Think of a scenario on the carrier,
 you're approaching the catapult from behind   oh, too far, you're
 idling the engine, letting the wind blow you backwards while you're
 slowly manoeuvering your aircraft right into the catapult position
 solely by nose wheel steering. That's what I call proper simulation of
 tire ground reactions. FlightGear _could_ do that - it they didn't
 depend decisions made at JSBSim.

 JSBSim also does not (quite yet) do blade element modeling, so it's not easy
 to do a proper snap roll. Nor do we model multiple articulated landing gear
 struts. Nor do we ...

As far as I can tell, nobody's asking JSBSim to do blade element
modeling - to my opinion this is mostly a buzzword. Being able to fly
an aircraft by table lookups derived from real life flight test data is
quite an appealing approach.

Instead, I'm talking about what I'd call a 'misfeature' to which a
proper fix had already been submitted (years ago) and I'm convinced
that you may apply as many workarounds, filters, whatever you like to
the current gear/ground simulation, there'll be always a relevant
corner case which remains uncaught as long as you stick to the current
approach of gear modelling.
I know that the patch which had been submitted to you uses a
fundamentally different approach at modelling the tire/surface
reactions and forces, but to my understanding this is by far the best
way to get rid of the perpetually arising discussions about ground

 Apart from that, do you have a specific proposal in mind?

My proposal is either to develop a copy of the FDM inside FlightGear
and to focus primarily on FlightGear's needs (and to try getting a copy
of the respective patch) or to have the changes applied to JSBSim's
code tree and to later merge this into FlightGear.

 We should move this to a new thread.

Feel free to do that. From my point everything's been said - the sole
purpose why I've actually been jumping into this discussion has been to
dissect and/or explain the background which has led to the current
situation wrt. gear/tire/surface modelling in JSBSim. I actually knew
about it for a long time but I wanted to hear both sides.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug

2009-02-05 Thread Martin Spott
Jon S. Berndt wrote:

 Well, just very few years ago 'we' (TM) had a patch in our budget that
 would have allowed JSBSim to do excellent simulation of a tire's
 contact area. Some of us have seen with their own eyes that the guy
 (the submitter of the respective patch) obviously knows about how to
 properly deal with the topic.

 Can you give me some more information about the specifics of the patch you
 are talking about? Feel free to contact me via email, if needed. If you are
 referring to the patch I think you are referring to, I certainly agree that
 the guy knows what he is doing with respect to the solution of such a
 difficult modeling problem. If I recall correctly (and I'm not certain that
 I do - particularly today because I am home with a really nasty fever and
 cold) there was a lot of additional overhead and infrastructure that was
 needed to make it work, and it was  a pretty large alteration of the
 existing JSBSim codebase. I may be recalling the wrong modification. 

Well, this matches with my memories about the respective patch - as far
as I can tell there was just this single approach at contributing a
rewrite of the tire/ground reaction feature to JSBSim.

If I summarize correctly then we a) still don't have a single FDM in
FlightGear that does proper simulation of this feature and b) it looks
like major changes are required to get it going.

To put it a bit provoking (no personal offense intended!) for the sake
of getting the status right, this looks to me that we're never going to
have this feature of proper tire/ground reaction simulation in
FlightGear simply because the involved folks prefer to play around with
smaller, 'approximative' workarounds forever instead of biting the
bullet just once. Right ?

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug

2009-02-05 Thread Jon S. Berndt
 To put it a bit provoking (no personal offense intended!) for the sake
 of getting the status right, this looks to me that we're never going to
 have this feature of proper tire/ground reaction simulation in
 FlightGear simply because the involved folks prefer to play around with
 smaller, 'approximative' workarounds forever instead of biting the
 bullet just once. Right ?

Not quite. I'll write more this evening. Off to work, now.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug

2009-02-05 Thread Diogo Kastrup
Em Qui, 2009-02-05 às 11:34 +, Martin Spott escreveu:
 To put it a bit provoking (no personal offense intended!) for the sake
 of getting the status right, this looks to me that we're never going
 have this feature of proper tire/ground reaction simulation in
 FlightGear simply because the involved folks prefer to play around
 smaller, 'approximative' workarounds forever instead of biting the
 bullet just once. Right ?

As far as I know, this spring and damper around a stuck point is the
method used even on race simulators. The best way to explain its
principle is to compare it to the flexibility of the wheel rubber and
the gear structure itself. After all fixed body physics don't really

Right now my code uses a 1cm long spring, it is not that much and I
believe it could be reduced even more. To really give the best result
with every plane, more information on the gear, and changes to the
aircraft definition format, would be required. What I think may be

The bigger problem with this approach is the Carrier, but I don't see
why it shouldn't work. Although I haven't got it working so far. I hope
this can be solved soon, so I can send the patch as a proof of concept.
IMHO it is working pretty well on land.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug

2009-02-05 Thread Melchior FRANZ
* Diogo Kastrup -- Thursday 05 February 2009:
 The bigger problem with this approach is the Carrier, but I
 don't see why it shouldn't work. Although I haven't got it
 working so far. I hope this can be solved soon, so I can
 send the patch as a proof of concept. IMHO it is working
 pretty well on land. 

Excellent! And even if it doesn't work that well on the carrier,
that's still a whole lot better than now, where it doesn't work
well on either the carrier or on land. Carrier decks only cover
a small part of the world, too.  ;-)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug

2009-02-05 Thread Jon S. Berndt

  To put it a bit provoking (no personal offense intended!) for the sake
  of getting the status right, this looks to me that we're never going to
  have this feature of proper tire/ground reaction simulation in
  FlightGear simply because the involved folks prefer to play around with
  smaller, 'approximative' workarounds forever instead of biting the
  bullet just once. Right ?
 Not quite. I'll write more this evening. Off to work, now.

OK. The answer to your question (which is really more like an assertion
disguised as a question ;^) follows below.

There are many kinds of simulations, that all address particular needs. Are
we talking about a training simulator, or an engineering simulator, or an
entertainment simulator, or ... ? In my day job I work on a sophisticated
launch vehicle simulator. For our specific uses, we are not overly concerned
about the exact dynamics of the vehicle during its flight, but we are
concerned that the launch vehicle arrives at a particular point in time and
space with a particular state, so we can test the abort systems. The level
of fidelity for the various subsystem models should be driven by the purpose
or intended use of the simulator.

In the case of ground reactions for JSBSim, from the start we noticed that
it is difficult to model ground reactions when at rest or at small velocity.
The wheel slip angle, for instance, varies wildly in JSBSim when no
filtering or other compensation is used:

If the output is filtered at the frame rate, the slip angle doesn't
oscillate quite so fast, but it's still bad:

If the forces are ramped down to zero below some threshold, the dynamics
improve greatly:

Finally, adjusting the longitudinal and lateral ramp thresholds can improve
response even more. Note the scale on the left side of the plot:

So, I have to ask you: what is proper tire/ground reaction? With a few
lines of code I've reduced the ground reactions artifacts for the f-16 to
very small levels - and I really haven't optimized them, yet. They could
maybe be improved even more. 

So what is the cost/benefit to adding more code to do gear modeling more
precisely? How much would the user really notice the difference? If we model
the ground reactions to such high fidelity, should we then also model the
aero characteristics using the Navier Stokes equations? There are always
tradeoffs in simulation. In the case of JSBSim, I am hoping to model ground
reactions so that the end user is satisfied with the response.

There's not a simple answer to this question. 

There is definitely a need for more documentation on our gear modeling, and
perhaps some software tools for people to use when creating the landing gear
portion of a JSBSim configuration file.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-04 Thread Josh Babcock
Maik Justus wrote:
 Melchior FRANZ schrieb am 02.02.2009 18:43:
 Ever since helicopter support was added to the YASim FDM
 there's an annoying bug: even when parked, with rotor off
 and braked, helicopters slide happily around on the ground.

 some time ago I dug into this problem and tried to fix it. My idea was, 
 to check, if the movement is smaller than a very small number epsilon, 
 and if yes, set the movement to zero. The movement need to be measured 
 against the ground, which could be the carrier. This should fix the 
 sliding on ground. But the fix didn't work, because there is no very 
 small movement. All gears I was looking at (only a very small number) 
 were oscillating with a frequency of 60Hz. The amplitude was much to 
 large to neglect. I was not able, to kill these oscillations.
 The cause, why you can see this problem mainly on helicopters, are some 
 simplifications in the rotor calculations, which cause the rotors to 
 generate a very small force, even when not rotating. Non rotor aircrafts 
 should show the same problem, if some wind is blowing.

Maybe then the solution is to try the epsilon trick with the rotors/wings and
not the gear.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-03 Thread Melchior FRANZ
* LeeE -- Tuesday 03 February 2009:
 Have the people having bad problems with this tried increasing
 the values for the sfric  dfric gear sub-elements?

Yes, of course. I really, really hope that I haven't forgotton
about other, similarly obvious things in the many hours that I
tried to fix the problem, or discussed it with Andy. But one
never knows.  :-)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-03 Thread LeeE
On Tuesday 03 February 2009, Melchior FRANZ wrote:
 * LeeE -- Tuesday 03 February 2009:
  Have the people having bad problems with this tried increasing
  the values for the sfric  dfric gear sub-elements?

 Yes, of course. I really, really hope that I haven't forgotton
 about other, similarly obvious things in the many hours that I
 tried to fix the problem, or discussed it with Andy. But one
 never knows.  :-)


I just had a look at the latest version of the bo105 that I have 
here and the sfric is set to 0.5 and the dfric to 0.4, which 
are both lower than default values of 0.8  0.7.  It's possible 
that these values have been changed since I last updated but you 
might want to check these.

Something else you might not have tried is to include a series of 
gear elements along the length of each of the skids, instead of 
just one at each end, and then slightly raise the end gear elements 
so that they only touch down once the intermediate gear elements 
have compressed or when the aircraft pitches.  You'll need to 
adjust the spring and compression values for the intermediate 
gear elements.  If the end-skid elements only come in to play on 
heavy landings, or while pitching, you could keep those pretty 


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-03 Thread Melchior FRANZ
* LeeE -- Tuesday 03 February 2009:
 Do you still get problems if you set the windspeed to zero?

Yes. With pretty much the same sliding speed.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-03 Thread Melchior FRANZ
* Jon S. Berndt -- Tuesday 03 February 2009:
 It's a tough problem, [...[

Maybe we should hire a rocket scientist?  :-]


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-03 Thread Melchior FRANZ
* LeeE -- Tuesday 03 February 2009:
 I just had a look at the latest version of the bo105 that I have 
 here and the sfric is set to 0.5 and the dfric to 0.4, which 
 are both lower than default values of 0.8  0.7.

I know. But I also tried 1.0 for both (the maximum), and it had
no effect. Other changes didn't have the desired effect either,
such as using gear instead of skid -- to encourage longitudinal
movement and discourage lateral one -- something that one would
expect from skids. But with all the sliding there's not much
to see here, so I left the old values.

 Something else you might not have tried is to include a series of 
 gear elements along the length of each of the skids, instead of 
 just one at each end [...]

OK, that's something I hadn't tried yet. I'll do that.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-03 Thread LeeE
On Tuesday 03 February 2009, Melchior FRANZ wrote:
 * LeeE -- Tuesday 03 February 2009:
  Do you still get problems if you set the windspeed to zero?

 Yes. With pretty much the same sliding speed.


That's interesting, and a bit at odds with what I've experienced.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-03 Thread LeeE
On Tuesday 03 February 2009, Melchior FRANZ wrote:
 * LeeE -- Tuesday 03 February 2009:
  Have the people having bad problems with this tried increasing
  the values for the sfric  dfric gear sub-elements?

 Yes, of course. I really, really hope that I haven't forgotton
 about other, similarly obvious things in the many hours that I
 tried to fix the problem, or discussed it with Andy. But one
 never knows.  :-)


Do you still get problems if you set the windspeed to zero?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-03 Thread Jon S. Berndt
 * Jon S. Berndt -- Tuesday 03 February 2009:
  It's a tough problem, [...[
 Maybe we should hire a rocket scientist?  :-]

With our *huge* budget? :-)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-03 Thread Curtis Olson
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Jon S. Berndt wrote:

  * Jon S. Berndt -- Tuesday 03 February 2009:
   It's a tough problem, [...[
  Maybe we should hire a rocket scientist?  :-]

 With our *huge* budget? :-)

I have noticed a measurable uptick in FlightGear interest since MS announced
that they have laid off their entire simulator staff.  I sincerely believe
there is going to be more and more opportunities available for individual
FlightGear consultants to help companies push forward with their FlightGear
related projects.

There have been a couple things over the past years that have come across my
plate which I have snatched up.  Recently there have been a few more things
come through that I just don't have time for.  In some cases I've tried to
identify individual developers that I know have a matching skill set and
contacted them directly.  And in the case of this recent NASA project, when
they had trouble finding a specific individual, I put a call out to the
entire devel team list.   Unfortunately (for us) with this NASA project I
recently posted about, they found an internal person after one of their
other projects was cut. But I'm sure there's a NASA employee that is current
exhaling a big sigh of relief. :-)

So I believe this subject is going to come up more and more often where any
number of companies or research groups will determine that FlightGear is
their best way forward and are willing to hire individual developers
(probably as a temporary consultant, but maybe sometimes as full time
employees) to fill in functionality gaps, fix bugs that are show stoppers to
them, or interface with their existing software or hardware.

I think 2009 will be a very exciting year for the FlightGear project.

Curtis Olson:
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug

2009-02-03 Thread Martin Spott
Jon S. Berndt wrote:
 * Jon S. Berndt -- Tuesday 03 February 2009:

  It's a tough problem, [...[
 Maybe we should hire a rocket scientist?  :-]

 With our *huge* budget? :-)

I may also remind of this related posting, written late in November

Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] slip angle

Jon S. Berndt wrote:

 Yes. I have looked at car dynamics casually. It would be nice to get
 one of those guys onboard.

Well, just very few years ago 'we' (TM) had a patch in our budget that
would have allowed JSBSim to do excellent simulation of a tire's
contact area. Some of us have seen with their own eyes that the guy
(the submitter of the respective patch) obviously knows about how to
properly deal with the topic.

Nevertheless we have not yet seen any public statement why the patch
finally never made it into JSBSim   and why FlightGear is therefore
still suffering from the mentioned issues. I'd be happy to know a
little bit more about why the patch had been rejected.
In which way does the development style have to be changed in order to
allow for such contribution ?

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-03 Thread Maik Justus
Melchior FRANZ schrieb am 02.02.2009 18:43:
 Ever since helicopter support was added to the YASim FDM
 there's an annoying bug: even when parked, with rotor off
 and braked, helicopters slide happily around on the ground.

some time ago I dug into this problem and tried to fix it. My idea was, 
to check, if the movement is smaller than a very small number epsilon, 
and if yes, set the movement to zero. The movement need to be measured 
against the ground, which could be the carrier. This should fix the 
sliding on ground. But the fix didn't work, because there is no very 
small movement. All gears I was looking at (only a very small number) 
were oscillating with a frequency of 60Hz. The amplitude was much to 
large to neglect. I was not able, to kill these oscillations.

The cause, why you can see this problem mainly on helicopters, are some 
simplifications in the rotor calculations, which cause the rotors to 
generate a very small force, even when not rotating. Non rotor aircrafts 
should show the same problem, if some wind is blowing.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-03 Thread Jon S. Berndt
 some time ago I dug into this problem and tried to fix it. My idea was,
 to check, if the movement is smaller than a very small number
 and if yes, set the movement to zero. The movement need to be measured
 against the ground, which could be the carrier. This should fix the
 sliding on ground. But the fix didn't work, because there is no very
 small movement. All gears I was looking at (only a very small number)
 were oscillating with a frequency of 60Hz. The amplitude was much to
 large to neglect. I was not able, to kill these oscillations.



This is very much along the lines of the approach I took with JSBSim. It was
pretty obvious looking at the data (and intuitive given the problem itself)
that the oscillation was taking place at the frame rate. But, putting in the
filter was not enough by itself. Ramping out the ground plane gear forces at
low velocity was also added. As well, *all* external forces (wind, etc.) is
nulled out when the aircraft is at rest, and ramped in at a particular
velocity, as long as the aircraft is on the ground.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug

2009-02-03 Thread Jon S. Berndt
 Well, just very few years ago 'we' (TM) had a patch in our budget that
 would have allowed JSBSim to do excellent simulation of a tire's
 contact area. Some of us have seen with their own eyes that the guy
 (the submitter of the respective patch) obviously knows about how to
 properly deal with the topic.
 Nevertheless we have not yet seen any public statement why the patch
 finally never made it into JSBSim   and why FlightGear is therefore
 still suffering from the mentioned issues. I'd be happy to know a
 little bit more about why the patch had been rejected.
 In which way does the development style have to be changed in order to
 allow for such contribution ?

Can you give me some more information about the specifics of the patch you
are talking about? Feel free to contact me via email, if needed. If you are
referring to the patch I think you are referring to, I certainly agree that
the guy knows what he is doing with respect to the solution of such a
difficult modeling problem. If I recall correctly (and I'm not certain that
I do - particularly today because I am home with a really nasty fever and
cold) there was a lot of additional overhead and infrastructure that was
needed to make it work, and it was  a pretty large alteration of the
existing JSBSim codebase. I may be recalling the wrong modification. 


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[Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-02 Thread Melchior FRANZ
Ever since helicopter support was added to the YASim FDM
there's an annoying bug: even when parked, with rotor off
and braked, helicopters slide happily around on the ground.

Andy knows about it and explained why it happens, but claims
that there's nothing to be fixed in the FDM code. Instead,
he suggested to place masses and weights appropriately in
the FDM config. Then the sliding would stop.

I've spent many hours on that, without success. And I even
doubt that is works: after all, there are adjustable pilot
and passenger weights, different loads (MG, missiles, etc.),
changing fuel level. So, how could one find a working mass
distribution for all these different states?!

I've tried a lot of other things -- most of it were ugly hacks.
Different gear (skid) parameters, masses that would only
get activated when the helicopter is parked, thrusters
that would counter any movement, thrusters that would
press the helicopter down. Nothing worked. (Oh, and I tried
to fix the gear code itself -- without success. Not that
Andy would accept a patch, I guess.)

A few days ago I found the best remedy so far: a thruster
that *lifts* the helicopter when it's parked. This stabilizes
it a lot, though when the rotor spins, all the sliding is

Has anyone ever found a solution to the gear bug? Something
that's not a hack? (I'd accept an alternative FDM as well.
What about JSBSIM?  :-)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-02 Thread Heiko Schulz

Hardly. I can adjust static masses, but not all the additional
loads. They just are where they are in real life. More or less.

That's why I gave up this idea real fast

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This email is sponsored by:
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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-02 Thread Diogo Kastrup

I have posted on this list before but I guess I never introduced myself.
I am a Brazilian system analyst with experience in C programming and a
little C++. I have no real pilot experience and no physics formation.

I have a crude patch to improve gear friction in yasim using the method
cited by Andy if I am not mistaken. It uses a spring and damper around a
stuck point to simulate the static friction.

This patch started just for fun to see if I could help this sliding
problem, that annoyed me a lot since I love flying helicopters. The code
isn't very clean and it still have a problem with moving platforms. The
problem is that I have to keep the stuck point moving with the carrier
but the carrier update is not on the same frequency than the FDM
update. I have tried to extrapolate the carrier position using it's
speed and the dt but there was too much jitter, maybe because errors in
the dt? I couldn't find the source. It is working well on land though.

Maybe if someone with a better insight on the internals could give me a
hint on how I could get the updated carrier position from the FDM,
then I could finish this patch.

If someone wants to try it I can try to clean it a little bit and send
the patch. I will just need some time though since the patch is
abandoned in my local copy and I will have to refresh my memory. At
least it is working with the latest CVS revision.



Em Seg, 2009-02-02 às 18:43 +0100, Melchior FRANZ escreveu:
 Ever since helicopter support was added to the YASim FDM
 there's an annoying bug: even when parked, with rotor off
 and braked, helicopters slide happily around on the ground.
 Andy knows about it and explained why it happens, but claims
 that there's nothing to be fixed in the FDM code. Instead,
 he suggested to place masses and weights appropriately in
 the FDM config. Then the sliding would stop.
 I've spent many hours on that, without success. And I even
 doubt that is works: after all, there are adjustable pilot
 and passenger weights, different loads (MG, missiles, etc.),
 changing fuel level. So, how could one find a working mass
 distribution for all these different states?!
 I've tried a lot of other things -- most of it were ugly hacks.
 Different gear (skid) parameters, masses that would only
 get activated when the helicopter is parked, thrusters
 that would counter any movement, thrusters that would
 press the helicopter down. Nothing worked. (Oh, and I tried
 to fix the gear code itself -- without success. Not that
 Andy would accept a patch, I guess.)
 A few days ago I found the best remedy so far: a thruster
 that *lifts* the helicopter when it's parked. This stabilizes
 it a lot, though when the rotor spins, all the sliding is
 Has anyone ever found a solution to the gear bug? Something
 that's not a hack? (I'd accept an alternative FDM as well.
 What about JSBSIM?  :-)
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 Flightgear-devel mailing list

This email is sponsored by:
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-02 Thread Melchior FRANZ
* Diogo Kastrup -- Monday 02 February 2009:
 This patch started just for fun to see if I could help this sliding
 problem, that annoyed me a lot since I love flying helicopters.

A true fix would indeed be nice.

 The problem is that I have to keep the stuck point moving with the carrier
 but the carrier update is not on the same frequency than the FDM

A dependency on the AI update rate would probably not be very
welcomed. BTW: I just tried my lift-thruster hack on the Nimitz,
and it didn't work very well there, either.  :-/

Didn't JSBSim have a similar problem, and fix it there? By using
a different method for friction calculation at very low speeds?
You should be able to get the relative movement to the underground
(no matter if it's solid ground or a moving carrier) from the
ground cache. Not that I've any experience with that.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-02 Thread Diogo Kastrup
Em Seg, 2009-02-02 às 20:02 +0100, Melchior FRANZ escreveu:
  The problem is that I have to keep the stuck point moving with the carrier
  but the carrier update is not on the same frequency than the FDM
 A dependency on the AI update rate would probably not be very
 welcomed. BTW: I just tried my lift-thruster hack on the Nimitz,
 and it didn't work very well there, either.  :-/
 Didn't JSBSim have a similar problem, and fix it there? By using
 a different method for friction calculation at very low speeds?
 You should be able to get the relative movement to the underground
 (no matter if it's solid ground or a moving carrier) from the
 ground cache. Not that I've any experience with that.

If I'm not mistaken, the launchbar code takes the position from the
ground cache, but the carrier position is not updated there neither. So
it does extrapolation anyway. I tried the same thing already but there
was much jitter also. I guess the launchbar isn't that sensible about
the jitter, but the friction spring is only 1cm long and the jitter is
bigger than that. So the dynamic friction kicks in and the sliding comes


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-02 Thread Martin Spott
Melchior FRANZ wrote:

 Didn't JSBSim have a similar problem, and fix it there?

No, unfortunately not   The visible effect has been reduced quite
efficiently, but the underlying problem is still there. I know of just
one single FDM for FlightGear that does proper modelling of ground
friction, but it's not (yet) ready for prime time,

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-02 Thread Alexis Bory - xiii
Melchior FRANZ wrote:
  Ever since helicopter support was added to the YASim FDM there's an
  annoying bug: even when parked, with rotor off and braked,
  helicopters slide happily around on the ground.

  Andy knows about it and explained why it happens, but claims that
  there's nothing to be fixed in the FDM code. Instead, he suggested to
  place masses and weights appropriately in the FDM config. Then the
  sliding would stop.

  I've spent many hours on that, without success. And I even doubt that
  is works: after all, there are adjustable pilot and passenger
  weights, different loads (MG, missiles, etc.), changing fuel level.
  So, how could one find a working mass distribution for all these
  different states?!

  I've tried a lot of other things -- most of it were ugly hacks.
  Different gear (skid) parameters, masses that would only get
  activated when the helicopter is parked, thrusters that would counter
  any movement, thrusters that would press the helicopter down. Nothing
  worked. (Oh, and I tried to fix the gear code itself -- without
  success. Not that Andy would accept a patch, I guess.)

  A few days ago I found the best remedy so far: a thruster that
  *lifts* the helicopter when it's parked. This stabilizes it a lot,
  though when the rotor spins, all the sliding is back.

  Has anyone ever found a solution to the gear bug? Something that's
  not a hack? (I'd accept an alternative FDM as well. What about
  JSBSIM?  :-)


Hi Melchior... and Andy

I don't know about helos, but preventing an aicraft to slip on the carrier
is *a real PITA*. The way to fix this leads to unrealistic smooth gear 
not to talk about the time consumed.
Well it may not be a bug in YASim, but actually it's a real unfriendly 

I guess I wont do better than Melchior with the gear code, so I hereby add
a friendly feature preventing aircraft to slip to the YASim wishlist.

Huge tanks in advance,


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-02 Thread Heiko Schulz
Has anyone ever found a solution to the gear bug? Something
that's not a hack? (I'd accept an alternative FDM as well.
What about JSBSIM?  :-)

Yeah, why not JSBSim? Would be a fine alternative :-)

Well, I noticed today that putting all ballast at one spot helps a lot. 
Means: all ballast used has the same coordinates. I did try this on the ec135 
and ec130 and it seems to work good. But it don't work on the bo105 due to the 
named things by m. I guess. 
And it doesn't prevent from sliding after getting the rotors turning which is 
quite unrealistic. 
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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-02 Thread Melchior FRANZ
* Heiko Schulz -- Monday 02 February 2009:
 Well, I noticed today that putting all ballast at one spot helps
 a lot. Means: all ballast used has the same coordinates. [...] But
 it don't work on the bo105 due to the named things by m. I guess.

Hardly. I can adjust static masses, but not all the additional
loads. They just are where they are in real life. More or less.

BTW: another hack that I had tried: to virtually tie the bo105 
down with ropes, using Maik's aerotow/anchor system. Didn't
work either, of course.  :-)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim sliding helicopters bug (+ ugly fix)

2009-02-02 Thread Jon S. Berndt
 In JSBSim we got around it differently by filtering the gear forces (and
 other parameters) at the frame rate, which significantly reduces the
 and by also attenuating gear forces (correctly) at low velocity. This
 requires some tuning on a per-aircraft basis, but when given the proper
 attention, the results are very, very solid. It's not the only solution
 - or even the best one - but it works pretty well.

We have noticed another problem, which I have found to be a little bit
humorous. If the aircraft is resting on its landing gear either nose down or
nose up, it will roll one way or the other (up or down-hill). I know
basically what's causing it, but haven't had time to track down the problem
code, yet.


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