Re: FLUXLIST: Zen and Fluxus

2000-10-24 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

Oh Ann, I was only being ridiculous... I actually do not have an "e" in my name, but 
my blood sugar was doing crazzy things (Being Hypoglycemic gives me a good excuse) 
so I was acting inane...
~Davide (With an E if his sugar levels are off...)

--- ann klefstad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Narcissus In Paradys wrote:


I gave both of my children names that they must patiently spell out for people. I 
think it builds character.


"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: art version of the Tao te Ching #54

2000-10-24 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

While I love this piece, I must comment only on one point.
My boss owns a newspaper and printing company which I am gainfully employed by. He 
asked me to host the grand opening of his Art Gallery the other day which featured 
"local" (New England) artists. He purchased a great deal of alchohol for the opening, 
and interestingly enough, this did serve to increase the amount of art purchased! 
Being drunk may lead someone to purchase anything... The prices were actually kind of 
I do most certaintly agree with the last part of "3" ("This is criminal"). My boss is 
keeping such a large portion of each purchase that the artists do not make anything in 
the long run. Considering the cost involved in painting and framing their work, I 
would say they lost out.
Point 1 and 2 of your new Tao Te Chang need not even be mentioned- they are obviously 
true. The only thing I wanted to explain, really, was why there is so much alchohol! 
(The only benefit in this whole system!)

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: Fwd: Re: FLUXLIST: Lumpy Air, or Fluxus e-mail poems

2000-10-24 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

Shouldn't Eryk have a say in this little ditty?
C'mon baker... let's hear it! *Grins*

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: e-mail my body

2000-10-24 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

While your e-mail explicitly requests that we privately e-mail you, I see several 
people here have publiclly e-mailed you, and so I shall do the same! Please include 
me, Pez.
David Streever
255 Mt Parnassus Road
East Haddam CT 06423

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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2000-10-24 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

I have already expressed ignorance of Fluxism, so forgive me if the following "thing" 
is not flux...

While videotapping a town Board Of Selectmen meeting, I very noisily retrieved a bag 
of cough drops, despite the utter lack of a cough on my part, taking care to make as 
much noise as humanly possible. Then, I walked through the aisles, in front of 
everyone in the middle of the meeting, in front of the camera, and proffered one cough 
drop, unwrapped, to the nameless representative of an architectural firm which had a 
quote for the town. The man took the cough drop and ate it. Then I returned to the 

To me, that is an "experience", and to do such things, without any self-conciousness 
or deliberation, but to do them just because you do them, is what is art...

Is this the point of flux? To live your life just in your way, to be you purely 
because you are? Not to cause a reaction, but just to do things to do them?

That is what I feel flux is to me?

~David Streever
Hell, might as well add an "E"...

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: EBay and Fluxus..and Europe...

2000-10-19 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

I have an old friend who is married into the largest shipping company in Tibet... but 
not in Europe :-( sorry Heidi.

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: Zen and Fluxus

2000-10-18 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

I do not know how many Fluxters are on it, but it is a great list... (The haiku list)
Hey, my monitor keeps doing something weird... I hear electricity crackle, and a line 
shoots across the screen... a very thin line... hm... I need to convince my boss 
to get me a new one lol.

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: RE: Conceptual Art Index Card

2000-10-11 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

One piece of paper, stained by a tear, cried by a human who had lost the love of the 

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: John Perry Barlow: The Next Economy Of Ideas (fwd)

2000-10-11 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

My only issue with Napster is the Recording companies rob the artists blind... the 
artists don't make squat off of records... they make what little money they make off 
of concerts and merchandising, and even then the record companies get the most... why 
don't they ditch the record companies and do like Chili Peppers planned to do? 
Distribute all their music (for free) on the net, and fund their OWN recording 
company? All the artists could join together to do it, and run it themselves... With 
the soaring cd sales they would make a killing.

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST:Gett better School stuff

2000-10-08 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

Thanks a lot Devon :_)
~Warm smiles to all,

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: FluxGrumps

2000-10-07 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

Hey, I live in New England too, and I don't complain about kissing! Maybe I should 
though... I have an enlarged spleen from mono, and have been in bed for three weeks ;-)
~In fun,

--- Reed Altemus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry, I was having a bad day. Or maybe I was jealous?
Who can say?

Kissing is fun but I am from New England and have one
of those demeanors, sometimes being warm is hard when
the weather is always so damn cold- duly noted though-
the same remark has been made in the past of me.

I actually prefer a woman who excels at spooning- goes
with the geographic location.


Melissa McCarthy wrote:

 Word Play for Reed Altemus

 Grumply flux.
 Fluxly grump.
 Kissy-face pooh-pooh!
 Grumpy fluxy
 Fluxy grumpy.
 Pooh-pooh kissy-face!
 Flumpy gruxus.
 Lumpy gravy makes me grumpy,
 Gives me flux.

 Be of good cheerious!
 Have no fearious!

 Kiss-kiss, both cheeks,
 (left and right, not top and bottom, you!)
 European style.


   Melissa McCarthy
   Hours: whimsical or by appointment
   Adult, maybe; grown-up, never!

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"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: FluxGrumps

2000-10-07 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

Oh boy, I wish I could have been having fun in bed for three weeks! LOL. Let's be 
careful, before this becomes an X-rated mailing list ;-).
~Dave, on the road to recovery, and hopefully some fun in bed soon!

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: FluxGrumps

2000-10-07 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

I'm a tea drinker myself...
"People always try to get me down,
just cause I don't drink their grounds...
talkin' bout my choice of beverage."
hell, there's more caffeine in mine than yours anyways, and I drink it BLACK! You hear 
me? BLACK! None of that half-and-half or sugar!!!
And don't even get me started on that sweet and low garbage...

~Dave, who probably should sleep more and switch to decaf, posting this with a smile 
and droopy eye-lids. Really, he means it all as a joke, so don't nobody get upset now!

--- Reed Altemus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Melissa McCarthy wrote:

 Decaf is for wimps!

I'll second that. I HATE decaf- it's good for you.


"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: artistic community experiment

2000-09-29 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

As a writer, I find the idea fascinating, but I just have to ask how are the members 
making money?

--- George Free [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The art may not be that good, but the community web tech is cool, I think.;sid=2000/9/19/2458/13427

collective art (Media) 
Posted by luap on Tue Sep 19th, 2000 at 09:27:27 AM EST 

I've begun an experiment in my free time. I want to see if I can create an online 
artistic community with
people posting their own works as well as commenting on others, sort of a method 
for writers/poets to get
their word out and maybe even make money bypassing the publisher. Can it be done? 
Will the produced
fiction/art be more/less real? 

I haven't really seen the 'slashdot' for literature out there yet. Instead
of using one of the OS solutions out there for community type sites, I've
decided to program my own (php4 w/MySQL backend.) 

I'll be honest with you, though, in that I'm an English/Journalism major, a poet 
at heart. I've been
fascinated with the web since '95 or so, recently delving into scripting with 
PERL and php. (Creating art,
but in another language, that of the computer.) 

So... I guess I'm just looking for feedback on the concept and execution of open 
source literature.
Thoughts/Suggestions/Comments appreciated...

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: Tired?

2000-09-29 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

I'm just curious why anyone would say fluxus is dead. Seems to me, no art form ever 
dies. Maybe this list has been not up to your standards lately in terms of the 
discussion, but that happens to all lists. They go through lulls and swoops... 
sometimes they are animated, sometimes they are filled and full of discussion. I am 
personally involved in about six lists, and I find that they all do this...
I have not been a member of fluxlist for very long, nor do I know a lot about fluxus, 
but I do think that saying fluxus is dead seems like an overreaction...
In my mind, fluxus is art- art is life. You can never say fluxus is dead, as long as 
one soul lives... life begets art, art begets life. They are a symbiotic pair...
~David Streever, chiming in with my two cents

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: performance score

2000-09-23 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

Meryl, I am a young man trying to make a living as a writer. Please send me the 
mailing address of your publishing house. If all you publish is really crap, I might 
stand a chance.
~David Streever
--- "meryl" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I work for a large publishing house (as a production editor).  We publish 
crap.  My, oh my, could I send you passages and pages from raw manuscript or
1st pass pages that would bring tears to your eyes.  And possibly other body
parts as well.

We publish a series of mystery novels in which the protagonist is a cat.
Mangled cliches are our stock in trade.


  i dream of books made of nothing but misquotes, maplapropsism,
 mangled cliches, errata,the most seemingly b alnd juxtaposd with the
 horrific--in short, a kind of National Enquirer piece of "illiterature"!

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: performance score

2000-09-21 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

Actually, sounds like the invocation to the Four Quarters, or the Calling of the 
1. Face the North. Call the Spirits of the North.
2. Face the West. Call the Spirits of the West.
3. Face the South. Call the Spirits of the South.
4. Face the East. Call the Spirits of the East.
This form of ritual is ingrained in the subconcious of anyone from any culture- part 
of the cultural/genetic memory. It has many parallels in many cultures, and the above 
is only a simplified version.

--- Eryk Salvaggio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reminds me a bit of the REM video for "Stand."

1. Stand in the place where you live.
2. Now face North: Think about direction.
3. Wonder why you haven't before.
4. Stand in the place where you work.
5. Now face West.
6. Think about the place where you live.
7. Wonder why you haven't before.

Not too direct a connection to the song but kinda. :)

Don Boyd wrote:
 1. Step outside at noon today, September 21, 2000, if you can.
 2. Look North, up to the sky, take a deep breath and say, "It was a
 wonderful summer!"
 3. Then turn and look East at the horizon, take a deep breath and say,
 "Welcome Fall!"
 4. Turn and look South at the ground, take a deep breath and say, "This is a
 great day!"
 5. Turn and face West, take a deep breath, look anywhere you want and say
 what you want. Tkae your time, performance is over.

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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Re: FLUXLIST: performance score

2000-09-21 Thread Narcissus In Paradys

LOL, very true! I always did like the REM version :-)

--- Eryk Salvaggio [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ah, well- the REM version was catchier- 
and you could dance to it!



Narcissus In Paradys wrote:
 Actually, sounds like the invocation to the Four Quarters, or the Calling of the 
 1. Face the North. Call the Spirits of the North.
 2. Face the West. Call the Spirits of the West.
 3. Face the South. Call the Spirits of the South.
 4. Face the East. Call the Spirits of the East.
 This form of ritual is ingrained in the subconcious of anyone from any culture- 
part of the cultural/genetic memory. It has many parallels in many cultures, and the 
above is only a simplified version.
 --- Eryk Salvaggio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reminds me a bit of the REM video for "Stand."
 1. Stand in the place where you live.
 2. Now face North: Think about direction.
 3. Wonder why you haven't before.
 4. Stand in the place where you work.
 5. Now face West.
 6. Think about the place where you live.
 7. Wonder why you haven't before.
 Not too direct a connection to the song but kinda. :)
 Don Boyd wrote:
  1. Step outside at noon today, September 21, 2000, if you can.
  2. Look North, up to the sky, take a deep breath and say, "It was a
  wonderful summer!"
  3. Then turn and look East at the horizon, take a deep breath and say,
  "Welcome Fall!"
  4. Turn and look South at the ground, take a deep breath and say, "This is a
  great day!"
  5. Turn and face West, take a deep breath, look anywhere you want and say
  what you want. Tkae your time, performance is over.

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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