Re: [fpc-pascal] Lazarus complains that it cannot find a dependency, why?

2020-10-28 Thread Joost van der Sluis via fpc-pascal

Op 02-09-2020 om 00:21 schreef Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal:

On Tue, 01 Sep 2020 23:55:08 +0200, Tomas Hajny via fpc-pascal

Well, I believe that this supposed mystery may be resolved easily. ;-)
First of all - have you tried to find out what does the displayed error
number (232) mean? Quick searching reveals that runtime error 232 may
signalize that you try to use threads without having a thread manager

Hope this helps

Yes it does!

This is how it looks like in the dpr file:

program SerialTest;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

   {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}

It's an old message, but maybe I can shine some light onto the issue. A 
Lazarus package can add a define. So by adding a dependency on the 
LazSerial package, the UseCThreads define is added to your project.

That is why adding a dependency solved the problem. And apperently 
LazSerial also uses the cthreads unit. When that happens, and the unit 
is not also the first used unit, you do not get rhe runtime-error 232, 
but 211.



fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Lazarus complains that it cannot find a dependency, why?

2020-09-01 Thread Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal
On Wed, 02 Sep 2020 00:34:23 +0200, Tomas Hajny via fpc-pascal

>On 2020-09-02 00:21, Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal wrote:
>  .
>  .
>> Strange because I have read that cthreads must be first in uses in the
>> lpr program files in order to make threads work.
>> How could it work if I add the dependencies, then it would come later
>> or maybe earlier???
>The real requirement is that the thread manager needs to be initialized 
>before any threading features are used. If any of the used units uses 
>threading features in its initialization, then such a unit should have 
>cthreads in its own uses section (then this requirement is obviously 
>fulfilled), or cthreads must be listed before that unit in the uses 
>section of your program (and having cthreads as the first unit makes 
>this requirement fulfilled as well).

OK, so I made a test by commenting out cthreads in the lpr file and
instead adding it as the first uses in my fpserialport unit, but that
made things even worse...
In this case the application itself would not appear when I started it
from its desktop icon. After trying to see what caused this I started
it from the terminal instead and then I got this:

$ ./SerialTest 
Threading has been used before cthreads was initialized.
Make cthreads one of the first units in your uses clause.
Runtime error 211 at $003958A0

So a different kind of error than the one I had earlier and this
indicates that it really has to be the very first uses in the
application dpr file. Which is what I believed.

Maybe if one has a thread enabled package specified in the project
dependencies, that package's use of cthreads precedes even the lpr
uses clause and therefore the requirement is fulfilled?

Both LazSerial and SdpoSerialLaz uses a read thread, which to me look
identical in their respective source code.
So my read thread is based on theirs with some minor modifications

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Lazarus complains that it cannot find a dependency, why?

2020-09-01 Thread Tomas Hajny via fpc-pascal

On 2020-09-02 00:21, Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal wrote:


Strange because I have read that cthreads must be first in uses in the
lpr program files in order to make threads work.
How could it work if I add the dependencies, then it would come later
or maybe earlier???

The real requirement is that the thread manager needs to be initialized 
before any threading features are used. If any of the used units uses 
threading features in its initialization, then such a unit should have 
cthreads in its own uses section (then this requirement is obviously 
fulfilled), or cthreads must be listed before that unit in the uses 
section of your program (and having cthreads as the first unit makes 
this requirement fulfilled as well).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Lazarus complains that it cannot find a dependency, why?

2020-09-01 Thread Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal
On Tue, 01 Sep 2020 23:55:08 +0200, Tomas Hajny via fpc-pascal

>Well, I believe that this supposed mystery may be resolved easily. ;-) 
>First of all - have you tried to find out what does the displayed error 
>number (232) mean? Quick searching reveals that runtime error 232 may 
>signalize that you try to use threads without having a thread manager 
>included in your application. Under Linux/Unix, you can add a thread 
>manager by adding unit cthreads to the uses section of your program. 
>That also provides explanation of your "mystery" - the other 
>dependencies tried by you included this unit by themselves and thus you 
>didn't need to do so in your program.
>Hope this helps

Yes it does!
Thank you so very much
I can finally go to bed now

This is how it looks like in the dpr file:

program SerialTest;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}

I usually always take out the extra ifdef for UseCThreads so it looks
like this:


But it was forgotten in this test application

Strange because I have read that cthreads must be first in uses in the
lpr program files in order to make threads work.
How could it work if I add the dependencies, then it would come later
or maybe earlier???

Anyway now working.
THanks again!

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Lazarus complains that it cannot find a dependency, why?

2020-09-01 Thread Tomas Hajny via fpc-pascal

On 2020-09-01 23:44, Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal wrote:

On Tue, 01 Sep 2020 22:46:55 +0200, Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal


Further to this mystery:
If I remove LazSerialPort from the dependencies and instead put
SdpoSerialLaz there instead it also solves the problem:
- Program builds fine
- Program does not crash when the read thread is created.

But remove this so the only dependency is LCL then the program builds
but crashes when the read thread is created after the serial port has
been opened.

Well, I believe that this supposed mystery may be resolved easily. ;-) 
First of all - have you tried to find out what does the displayed error 
number (232) mean? Quick searching reveals that runtime error 232 may 
signalize that you try to use threads without having a thread manager 
included in your application. Under Linux/Unix, you can add a thread 
manager by adding unit cthreads to the uses section of your program. 
That also provides explanation of your "mystery" - the other 
dependencies tried by you included this unit by themselves and thus you 
didn't need to do so in your program.

Hope this helps

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Lazarus complains that it cannot find a dependency, why?

2020-09-01 Thread Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal
On Tue, 01 Sep 2020 22:46:55 +0200, Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal

>So even though I am not really using *anything* in LazSerial I added
>LazSerialPort back to the dependencies and rebuilt the application.
>Now the thread creation does no longer show any such exception!
>And the application runs properly.
>But I REALLY do not want to specify LazSerialPort as a dependency when
>it is the point of my work to *remove* LazSerial and Synapse from the
>What is going on and how can I find where it really goes astray?
>And what can LazSerial bring into this?

Further to this mystery:
If I remove LazSerialPort from the dependencies and instead put
SdpoSerialLaz there instead it also solves the problem:
- Program builds fine
- Program does not crash when the read thread is created.

But remove this so the only dependency is LCL then the program builds
but crashes when the read thread is created after the serial port has
been opened.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Lazarus complains that it cannot find a dependency, why?

2020-09-01 Thread Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal
On Tue, 01 Sep 2020 21:07:56 +0200, Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal

>I get an error message when building a project after updating from SVN
>to get the sources that build fine on another RPi4 identical in
>"Fatal: Cannot find LazSerial used by RemoteIO. Check if package
>LazSerialPort is in the dependencies."
>The LazSerial dependency has been *removed*, that was the whole point
>of this excercise.
>There is no longer any mention in the source files of lazserial and I
>have removed the dependencies for LazSerial in the project inspector.
>Where can Lazarus have stored this bogus information?
>In Project inspector are only 3 items:
>  SerialTest.lpr
>  formmain.pas
>Required packages:
>  LCL
>I have even searched the files in the project for LazSerial and it
>only finds the word in comments

Further debugging leads to the following:

1) I deleted the lib dir below the project so that Lazarus will
recompile everything.

2) Now Lazarus succeeds in building the application!
So there must have been some artifact left in the old lib dir from
earlier tests.

3) But when I run it, it disappears when I use the Open Comm button,
which is opening the serial port for communications!

4) So I stepped through the code below the button and reached this
after the serial commands actually completed successfully:
This is where the read thread is created and started:

  if Assigned(FOnRxData) then
FReadThread := TComPortReadThread.Create(true); //<= Exception
FReadThread.Owner := Self;
FReadThread.MustDie := false;
FReadThread.ReadPacketSize := FReadPacketSize;
FReadThread.ReadTimeout := (FReadThread.ReadPacketSize * 1)
div FBaudRate + 1;
FReadThread.FreeOnTerminate := false;

The error message that pops up on the first line in the block is this:

| Debugger exception notification|
| Project SerialTest raised exception class 'RunError(232)'. |
| At address 6B  |

Note that the thread type is declared like this:


So it is using TThread, which AFAIK is a general type of class and not
from LazSerial.

So the TThread creation is now throwing an exception whereas with the
LazSerial in the dependencies it did not..


So even though I am not really using *anything* in LazSerial I added
LazSerialPort back to the dependencies and rebuilt the application.
Now the thread creation does no longer show any such exception!
And the application runs properly.

But I REALLY do not want to specify LazSerialPort as a dependency when
it is the point of my work to *remove* LazSerial and Synapse from the

What is going on and how can I find where it really goes astray?
And what can LazSerial bring into this?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Lazarus complains that it cannot find a dependency, why?

2020-09-01 Thread Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal
I get an error message when building a project after updating from SVN
to get the sources that build fine on another RPi4 identical in

"Fatal: Cannot find LazSerial used by RemoteIO. Check if package
LazSerialPort is in the dependencies."

The LazSerial dependency has been *removed*, that was the whole point
of this excercise.
There is no longer any mention in the source files of lazserial and I
have removed the dependencies for LazSerial in the project inspector.

Where can Lazarus have stored this bogus information?

In Project inspector are only 3 items:
Required packages:

I have even searched the files in the project for LazSerial and it
only finds the word in comments

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -