Re: problems with register.csh

2002-10-16 Thread Brian C. Schweinsburg

Hi Nick,

This might be occuring because you have a newer version of mri_convert that
does not support the -raw flag. You could use an older version with
register.csh or try using mri_motion_correct2 (i think that is the name).
The latter works really well, but you will need to install all of the MNI

check the archive for hints on mni installation.

good luck.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 1:00 PM
Subject: problems with register.csh


 I am trying to run register.csh (as per the FreeSurfer manual) to
 motion correct my anatomical scans before averaging them together.
 However, I get an error saying 'mri_convert: unknown flag -raw'
 (actual output below).  Unfortunately, I can't make out from the
 information what options to mri_convert should actually be used.


 Nick Knouf
 Lab Manager, Kanwisher Lab

 --- uninteresting data snipped --
 ++ CPU time for realignment=279 s
 ++ Min : roll=-0.285  pitch=-0.072  yaw=-0.997  dS=+6.359  dL=+2.301
 ++ Mean: roll=-0.285  pitch=-0.072  yaw=-0.997  dS=+6.359  dL=+2.301
 ++ Max : roll=-0.285  pitch=-0.072  yaw=-0.997  dS=+6.359  dL=+2.301
 ++ Writing dataset to disk in ./dset+orig.HEAD.
 ** Warning: will overwrite file regist.afni
 done registering
 rotating -0.285 -0.072 -0.997 6.359 2.301 9.563
 atr_int == NULL
 atr_flo == NULL
 mri_convert -raw 256 256 256 uchar /tmp/reg.res+orig.BRIK

 mri_convert: unknown flag -raw

 type mri_convert -u for usage


Re: trouble converting to COR, can't stat ??

2002-10-02 Thread Brian C. Schweinsburg

Hi Scott,

What version of freesurfer are you using?


- Original Message - 
From: Scott Laurence Fairhall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 11:20 PM
Subject: trouble converting to COR, can't stat ??

 I'm probably doing something very stupid but I can't figure out what.
 When I attempted to load in my anatomical files through the GUI I 
 recieved an error saying:
 Convert (scott) failed - working on:
 So I tried the tutorial (bert) files through the command line and got:
 [all@ikirk 001]$ mri_convert -it cor cor-001 .
 reading from cor-001...
 corRead(): can't stat cor-001
 and I have no clue what's going wrong. Any advice would be very 
 much appreciated.
 Scott Fairhall

Re: mri_surfglm!!!

2002-09-30 Thread Brian C. Schweinsburg

Hi Arvid,

I did not find a correction for that problem yet. mris_convert may not be
causing the problem, because I obtained the same result with an older
version of it. Maybe something went wrong in the make final surfaces step. I
am still looking for the source of the mismatch between the white and
thickness vertices.

However, the mri_surfglm program ran without crashing, despite the above
problem. It seems like the mismatched vertices could be relevant for the
parametric analyses, but I am not sure how/if it uses the pial or white
surfaces. This program may use the ?h.sphere.reg which, because it is
registered may not have the incompatible vertex number in file issue. I
have to go back and look at the output.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful yet.


- Original Message -
From: Arvid Lundervold [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Brian Schweinsburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: mri_surfglm!!!

 Dear Brian

 Please tell me (us) what was your solution to the mris_convert failure
 (-c thickness rh.white rh.thickness.asc ) 

 Best regards

 Arvid Lundervold

 Arvid Lundervold, MD PhD
 Department of Physiology, University of Bergen
 AArstadveien 19, N-5009 Bergen, Norway
 Tel: +47 55 58 63 53  Fax: +47 55 58 64 10 Mob: +47 915 61 824

 On 29 Sep 2002, Brian Schweinsburg wrote:

  I was able to answer my own question regarding thickness parameter maps
  from the other day by poking through the Linux/bin directory. Looking
  forward to using it.

cortical thickness and between groups analyses

2002-09-26 Thread Brian C. Schweinsburg

Hi All,

I am interested in being able to do parametric 
analyses with the cortical thickness data (e.g., one patient group, one control 
group, and a t-test for each registered vertex similar to Rosas et al. 

I have completed the process of fixing topology, 
sphering, and registering. I can export the thickness data into ascii using 
mris_convert -c thickness surf/rh.white surf/rh.thickness.asc. However, I am 
interested in exporting the "registered" thickness values, so all participants 
vertices and thickness measures are aligned with the atlas. I tried to use: 
mris_convert -c thickness surf/rh.sphere.reg surf/rh.thickness.asc, and although 
it seemed like a good idea, it didn't work. It yielded the same values as the 
mris_convert command using rh.white or rh.pial.

***What is the command to get at the registered 
values. When registered, I am assuming that for example, vertex number 12 is 
at the same xyz for all the subjects-is that true?

After obtaining the registered values, I assume the 
next step in the processing flow is to import the data into a program like SPM 
or AFNI or even SPSS or Excel for analysis. 

***What program would you suggest using for this? 

I was able to import the ascii data for a 
participant into AFNIby using 3dUndump -prefix thickness_fim_data -master 
anat_geometry_forsubject+orig -xyz rh.thickness.asc. You have to delete the 
leading column identifying the number of the vertex, and when you "see function" 
in the AFNI controller, it overlays the thickness values onto the "master" 
anatomical. It is misaligned and 3dUndump does not like decimals and negatives 
so you end up with only one quadrant of data, but It still looks 

Thanks for all of your help.


****Brian C. Schweinsburg
University of California, San DiegoPhone: 858.642.3736Fax: 

contrast and brightness

2002-08-13 Thread Brian C. Schweinsburg

Hi Folks,

When I convert and load images (from gelx, analyze, 
or brik format), the contrast and brightness are way off. In some cases the 
entire brain looks bright white. This creates a problem for segmentation edits 
because when I adjust the contrast for the auxiliary image (mri/orig) the main 
volume (segmentation) is adjusted, and actually disappears. What could be 
causing my images to be loaded with poor contrast/brightness? Is it a scaling 
problem? Is there a way to automatically adjust for this, say, using an 
environment variable?

thanks for any help.


Brian C. Schweinsburg
UCSDPhone: 858.642.3736Fax: 

Re: contrast and brightness

2002-08-13 Thread Brian C. Schweinsburg

Thanks. I overlooked the aux adustment for some reason. The environment
variable would be nice because my contrasts are off for every participant,
to varying extents. I suspect that the display contrast and brightness do
not impact the segmentation, etc. Although, I would like to confirm this.


- Original Message -
From: Evelina Busa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: freesurfer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: contrast and brightness

 Hi Brian

 The tkmedit View-- Configure Brightness Contrast option allows you to
 configure the main and/or aux volume(s) to your liking.  I suppose you
 could set an environment variable once you determine to which degree you
 want the aux volume brightness reduced -- assuming this would be the same
 for all the subjects in your study.  Would this be the case, necessarily?

 On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Brian C. Schweinsburg wrote:

  Hi Folks,
  When I convert and load images (from gelx, analyze, or brik format), the
contrast and brightness are way off. In some cases the entire brain looks
bright white. This creates a problem for segmentation edits because when I
adjust the contrast for the auxiliary image (mri/orig) the main volume
(segmentation) is adjusted, and actually disappears. What could be causing
my images to be loaded with poor contrast/brightness? Is it a scaling
problem? Is there a way to automatically adjust for this, say, using an
environment variable?
  thanks for any help.
  Brian C. Schweinsburg
  Phone: 858.642.3736
  Fax: 858.552.7432


cortical thickness-ROI analysis

2001-10-03 Thread Brian C. Schweinsburg

What is the best way to extract ROI information 
from cortical thickness data? For instance, I would be interested in obtaining 
thickness data for "prefrontal" cortex to compare patient group X to a group 
ofcontrols. My approach thus far has been to cut a prefrontal surface and 
flatten, overlay ?.thickness for the subject which shows the thickness for that 
ROI, and save the "curv" file to rh.prefrontal.thickness. My hope was that I 
would be able to run mris_convert -c thickness on this file, converting it to 
ASCII and be able to obtain the average thickness for this region. 
Unfortunately, the flattening didn't work (convergence errors and 
ill-conditioned points error messages), and when i ran mris_convert -c thickness 
on the prefrontal patch, I got a segmentation fault.

Is there a better way to do this? With so many 
valuable data points in the thickness files, it seems like there would be other 
ways to extract more fine ROI (a particular gyrus) rather than the gross 
prefrontal one I cut.

___Brian C. 
SchweinsburgOffice: (858) 552-8585 
x3736Fax: (858) 552-7432