Re: FVWM: bookmark/unbookmark multiple windows

2018-12-20 Thread Paul Fox
Hope you don't mind me replying on-list, to make sure others see this.

lucio wrote:
 > On Thu, 20 Dec 2018, Paul Fox wrote:
 > > Can someone describe the stick/unstick method, or give an example? I'm 
 > > unfamiliar with it.
 > Do you have a window menu associated to your window title bar ? Does that 
 > menu show a "(Un)Stick (Shift-Alt-F4)" ?

I do!  Thanks -- I've been using fvwm for about 20 years (if that's
possible), and have never used that feature.  And I certainly never
thought to use it for moving a window.  I always drag the window I
want to move on the FvwmButtons panel with Button 2, but sometimes, on
machines with middle button emulation, or other config issues, that's
hard or impossible to do.  Stick/unstick is way easier.

Thanks again!


 > That should be part of the "standard" FVWM ... in my .fvwm2rc it is an 
 > entry
 > DestroyMenu windowops
 > AddToMenu windowops "Window menu (Shift-Alt-Space)"  Title
 >   ...
 >   + "(Un)St (Shift-Alt-F4) " Pick Stick
 > ...
 > "sticky" windows are those which appear in all desktop/pages,
 > described in man fvwm,
 > A window can be defined sticky in terms of style (and therefore be present 
 > on all desktop/pages ALWAYS), or made sticky or not when needed.
 > In my look-and-feel a sticky window has a striped pattern in the title 
 > bar. In the attached partial screen dump the "terminal 3" window is not 
 > sticky and has no focus (title bar gray smooth), while the ".fvm2rc" 
 > window has focus (title bar red) and is sticky (striped title bar).
 > I usually "stick" a window when I am working on it and want to continue 
 > working with it in a different desktop (say I want to copy text from a 
 > journal file in a work desktop into a mail message where the mailer window 
 > is in a "general" desktop.
 > This is all what I meant. Very trivial.
 > Maybe the OP meant some more sophisticated use.
 > -- 
 > Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Corti 12 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
 > For more info :
 > "All that is google does not glitter
 >   Nor all who use alpine/procmail are lost"

paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 39.4 degrees)

Re: FVWM: bookmark/unbookmark multiple windows

2018-12-20 Thread Paul Fox
lucio wrote:
 > Although I have extensive MoveToDesk MoveToPage menus, it ends that most 
 > of the cases I use the stick/unstick method.

Can someone describe the stick/unstick method, or give an example? 
I'm unfamiliar with it.

paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 25.5 degrees)

FVWM: collection of vector button definitions?

2019-02-05 Thread Paul Fox
Is there a library, or collection, of FVWM vector button definitions
somewhere?  I want to add a new button to my window titlebars, and
being a bit lazy, would rather not have to design something new

I looked through all the screenshot samples and while I saw a couple
of examples that had buttons I don't have, none of them had their configs

paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 43.5 degrees)

Re: FVWM: Draw text in background

2020-09-21 Thread Paul Fox
martin wrote:
 > currently, I use feh to set my background image in fvwm. Now I would 
 > like to draw text in the upper left corner (output of khal, showing 
 > my calendar). I experimented with the --info switch of feh, but the 
 > text block does not show up in background mode. Moreover, this method 
 > isn't very flexible.
 > Any other hints doing this?

You could almost certainly get your text into your background image
with some creative use of pbmtext and pnmpaste, and probably another
half-dozen pnm tools to glue it all together.  There may be ways to
do this (i.e., overlay text) with Imagemagick, as well.

Perhaps figuring out how to put your calendar into a sticky,
borderless, X window with a transparent background would also work. 
(Disclaimer:  I have zero experience with 2 or 3 of the things I just
wrote in that sentence.)

paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 44.2 degrees)

FVWM: detecting "continuous" keyboard modifier

2020-06-23 Thread Paul Fox
Hi --

Is there a way in fvwm to distiguish these two sequences?
alt  tab  alt  tab
 ^tab and alt keys both released here
alt  tab  tab
 ^ only tab key released here

I don't recall seeing anything about this in the docs -- but that
doesn't mean it's not there!  :-)

(My goal is an alt-tab behavior where the window ring is traversed
in one direction on the first "alt tab tab tab ..." invocation, and
in the other direction on the next "alt tab tab tab ..." invocation.)

 paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 81.0 degrees)

Re: FVWM: Is there a GotoNextDesk/GotoPrevDesk Function?

2020-12-17 Thread Paul Fox
pankaj wrote:
 > I want to configure as follows:
 > Silent Key Left A C GotoNextDesk
 > Silent Key Right A C GotoPrevDesk
 > If my current desk is (0, 0) then GotoNextDesk should change it to (0,
 > 1) and the like. Is there something similar builtin?

Yes.  "GotoDesk".  See:

I use:
Key F3  A   M   GotoDesk -1 $[DeskFirst] $[DeskLast]
Key F4  A   M   GotoDesk 1 $[DeskFirst] $[DeskLast]

paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 18.3 degrees)

Re: FVWM: window swallowing

2022-04-18 Thread Paul Fox
thomas wrote:
 > On Sun, Apr 17, 2022 at 02:06:49PM -0400, Paul Fox wrote:
 > > I've been using fvwm pretty much exclusively for so long, that I'm
 > > not sure anymore whether some features are unique to fvwm, or might
 > > be available elsewhere with different names.
 > > 
 > > In particular -- the notion of FvwmButtons "swallowing" a child window --
 > > is that a feature available in other window managers?  It's pretty
 > > powerful.
 > All FvwmButtons is doing is reparenting other windows.  Someone would have to
 > emulate that outside of fvwm (the reason it hasn't been done is because
 > there's a module <-> fvwm protocol which FvwmButtons uses).
 > The closest I know of is the program 'tabbed' from suckless.  However, this
 > doesn't have the same layout options as FvwmButtons does.

Thanks -- and to John, too.  It's as I suspected.

I've been investigating using other WMs, and the availability of that
mechanism would often help.  With fvwm, for instance, when I wanted a
different clock "applet", I just found a clock program and swallowed it into
a button.  AFAICT, something like Mate or Cinnamon gives you a clock applet,
and that's it.  No more choices.

paul fox, (arlington, ma)

FVWM: window swallowing

2022-04-17 Thread Paul Fox
I've been using fvwm pretty much exclusively for so long, that I'm
not sure anymore whether some features are unique to fvwm, or might
be available elsewhere with different names.

In particular -- the notion of FvwmButtons "swallowing" a child window --
is that a feature available in other window managers?  It's pretty

paul fox, (arlington, ma)

Re: FVWM: controlling thunderbird

2022-09-18 Thread Paul Fox
klaus wrote:
 > Hello,
 > I have troubles with thunderbird (class thunderbird-default) always
 > appearing in the middle of the screen, even if my placement policy would
 > put it on the right side.
 > I tried now any combination of !UseUSPosition, !UsePPosition,
 > FixedPPosition but without any success.

Interesting.  Some time ago (a year or three?), my browsers stopped
being placed in the proper desktop page on fvwm startup.  I've tried
debugging it in a half-hearted way, but it's fairly easy to move them
correctly, so I've never reported it.

I use these lines to place windows in my desktops:

Style "*pgf*"   StartsOnPage 0,SkipMapping
Style "*Chrome*"StartsOnPage 1,SkipMapping
Style "*Chromium*"  StartsOnPage 1,SkipMapping
Style "*Google*"StartsOnPage 1,SkipMapping
Style "*Firefox*"   StartsOnPage 1,SkipMapping
Style "*jdh*"   StartsOnPage 2,SkipMapping

"pgf" and "jdh" are for mate-terminal programs, which have set their
window labels with names containing those substrings.  The other
names are all intended to match any of the browsers I run.

The mate-terminals always start on their correct desktops (0 or 2),
but Chrome (or Firefox, or Chromium...) always starts on desktop page 0.
(This includes after a "relaunch" of chrome, when I ask it to restart
itself because it has detected a newer version has been installed.)

I've never tried any other matching method.

If I had to guess, I'd suspect that the problem lies in my config,
which has very ancient roots.  I've been running fvwm for at least
20 years -- my config may contain some old incompatibility.

I'll forward my config to Thomas.


 > I also first had the style "Style thunderbird* !Use..." but tried also
 > with the full class name in case the matching algorithms in fvwm is
 > unable to match the window.
 > This is really annoying. Has anybody an idea how to prevent that damn
 > thunderbird from setting its own position.
 > It might be the same, Psi does always start on its position but every
 > start it is moved according the high and wide of the top and left
 > border. It seems that the application is detecting the position wrongly.
 > Regards
 > -- 
 > Klaus Ethgen
 > pub  4096R/4E20AF1C 2011-05-16Klaus Ethgen 
 > Fingerprint: 85D4 CA42 952C 949B 1753  62B3 79D0 B06F 4E20 AF1C

paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 57.0 degrees)

Re: FVWM: fvwm3?

2024-02-02 Thread Paul Fox
I realize this discussion is drifting away from fvwm, but...

...a major part of my daily activity has always depended on X11's
ability to function on remote displays.  Does that functionality
(i.e. "DISPLAY=remotehost:0" vs. "DISPLAY=:0") exist if either or
both of the hosts is based on Wayland?

paul wrote:
 > Also a bunch of new DE/WM and soon XFCE. There will still be diversity, 
 > but a new one.
 > However I'm not sure Xorg will be out soon there are still missing 
 > features on Wayland, like screen recording (available only on Gnome), 
 > which means that softwares like OBS don't work on it.
 > Le 02/02/2024 à 04:28, hw a écrit :
 > > On Tue, 2024-01-30 at 14:02 -0700, Jaimos Skriletz wrote:
 > >> On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 1:25 PM hw  wrote:
 > >>>
 > >>> so is there finally a version that works for wayland?
 > >>>
 > >> No, fvwm only works with xorg and most likely won't be ported.
 > >>
 > >>> What are the differences between fvwm2 and fvwm3?
 > >>>
 > >> See
 > > 
 > > Good pointer, thanks!
 > > 
 > > It's a pity that there's no fvwm for wayland.  Xorg doesn't seem to be
 > > maintainted anymore and is on the way out.  That only leaves us Gnome
 > > and KDE.  All the diversity we used to have is gone with that.
 > > 
 > > 

paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 38.9 degrees)

Re: FVWM: fvwm3?

2024-02-02 Thread Paul Fox
robert wrote:
 > At Fri, 02 Feb 2024 18:11:01 -0600 Jason Tibbitts  wrote:
 > > 
 > > >>>>> Robert Heller  writes:
 > > 
 > > > I believe Wayland does not support that sort of thing.
 > > 
 > > It does, actually, but not exactly the same way.  Look up "waypipe".
 > > One does get the impression that it's all an afterthought, though.
 > Right.  Wayland does not want to be a networked display environment and 
 > would 
 > like to be like the MS-Windows and MacOS display environments: purely a 
 > local 
 > machine only display environment.  Afterall, no one needs more then one 
 > computer...

I confess I'm happy just to know that someone is considering the
problem/feature at all.

paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 37.8 degrees)