[Ganglia-general] optional graph processing - possible bug?

2015-09-30 Thread Alexis Huxley

It's my understanding that if I have the following in conf.php:

$conf['optional_cluster_graphs_for_host_view'] = false;

and I have no host-level optional graphs (i.e. all set to 'ignored')
and I enable an optional graph at the cluster level then I should not
see the graph at the host level. Unfortunately, that's not the case;
I do see it.

Poking around in the code it looks like getOptionalReports() in
host_view.php is (subject to some conditions) including the
cluster_.json file twice, first time only if
$conf['optional_cluster_graphs_for_host_view'] is true and the
second time if a host_.json file does not exist.

It could well be that my understanding is wrong or I have not
considered some combination of circumstances, but if all that
is okay then here's a patch (which also removes an nearby near
duplicate definition of $cluster_file):

--- host_view.php.orig  2015-09-30 15:26:59.259677153 +0200
+++ host_view.php   2015-09-30 16:02:23.534041873 +0200
@@ -92,9 +92,8 @@
 $override_reports = array_merge(
   json_decode(file_get_contents($host_file), TRUE));
-  } else {
+  } elseif ($conf['optional_cluster_graphs_for_host_view']) {
 // If there is no host file, look for a default cluster file
-$cluster_file = $conf['conf_dir'] . "/cluster_" . $clustername . ".json";
 if ( is_file($cluster_file) ) {
   $override_reports = array_merge(

(That's a patch against the version on github, which is the same
as my system.)


Ganglia-general mailing list

Re: [Ganglia-general] per-cluster authorization

2015-09-24 Thread Alexis Huxley
In case anybody else gets caught by this ...

>   From the 'grid --> choose a source' pulldown menu I select one of my two 
> clusters
> but get a simple page stating "Sorry, you do not have access to this 
> resource."

After an eventual visit to #apache, I replaced the suggested  with
 and it now works. My 
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ganglia.conf now

 Alias /ganglia /usr/share/ganglia

 SetEnv ganglia_secret x

   Require all granted

 #  Last match is used, so important that restricted page is
 #  placed after unrestricted pages. See
   AuthType Basic
   AuthName "Ganglia Access"
   AuthUserFile /var/lib/ganglia/htpasswd
   Require valid-user

Credit to Unbeliever and Spiceman on Freenode's #apache.


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Ganglia-general mailing list

[Ganglia-general] per-cluster authorization

2015-09-23 Thread Alexis Huxley
Hi, I want to allow users to access Ganglia for some clusters but not for
other clusters. Following the instructions at
https://github.com/ganglia/ganglia-web/wiki/Authorization-System, I have:

- added stuff to Apache's ganglia.conf:

 Alias /ganglia /usr/share/ganglia
   Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride None
   Allow from all
   Require all granted
 SetEnv ganglia_secret xx
   AuthType Basic
   AuthName "Ganglia Access"
   AuthUserFile /var/lib/ganglia/htpasswd
   Require valid-user

  - added stuff Ganglia's conf.php, intended to make myself an admin and
to make (my only) two clusters private:

 addPrivateCluster( '' );
 $acl->addPrivateCluster( '' );
 $acl->addRole( 'alexis', GangliaAcl::ADMIN );

- created an htpasswd file in the right place with an entry for myself.

Now I go to http://my-site/ganglia. At this grid level, I see the basic graphs
for the 'unspecified grid' and, listed underneath, are two private clusters.
Okay so far.

 From the 'grid --> choose a source' pulldown menu I select one of my two 
but get a simple page stating "Sorry, you do not have access to this resource."

Apache's access_log shows just:

HTTP/1.1" 403 116 
"http://my-site/ganglia/?m=load_one=hour=by%20name=4=2; ...

This is SL7 with Ganglia from EPEL, versions:


I've done plenty of googling, but not found anything. Has anybody any ideas why
this is not working? Thanks!


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