Re: Load Balancing

2002-05-23 Thread pll

In a message dated: Thu, 23 May 2002 07:03:16 EDT
"Tilly, Lawrence" said:

>Hi, Paul.
>It's 6:30am and has already been a long day for me, so please forgive =
>any disjointed thoughts.  :-} =20
>Anyway, I'm not very familiar w/ LVS-IP because I haven't used that, but =
>the problem w/ balancing SSL is when the encrypted transaction hits your =
>load balancer the balancer is unable to read any of your session =
>information (it's encrypted). So it just throws you at one of the web =
>servers in question (round robin usually). The web server decrypts the =
>transaction and is able to do any load balancing at that level before =
>sending the transaction on to an application server (if applicable). The =
>web server then encrypts the return data before sending it back out thru =
>the balancer to the user. At no point does the balancer see unencrypted =
>session information. I'm not sure if / how LVS-IP might overcome that =
>problem, but I'm going to try putting some bandwidth into reading up on =
>it this week.

LVS can be used in basically 1 of 3 ways:

Direct Routing

NAT is what it sounds like; your LVS director node NATs all traffic 
between the client and the web server.  You think you're talking to 
one particular system, but you may be talking to any of several.

Direct Routing allows for the load balancer and the clients to all be 
connected to the same subnet/segment, i.e. you can use a hub, and 
your load-balancer acts like a router to direct packets to a specific 
node on the segment.

IP-Tunnelling allows the load balancer to direct the request to one 
of several different servers, but the return traffic does not go back 
through the the load-balancer node; instead, the rest of the 
tranaction is carried out directly between the client and the server 
designated to that client.

Also note, that the load balancing algorithm is separate from the
client/server connection method.  Whereas the mechanism by which the 
client and server converse with each other is one of the above 3 
methods, the load balancing mechanism can be one of:

Round-Robin Scheduling
Weighted Round-Robin Scheduling
Least-Connection Scheduling
Weighted Least-Connection Scheduling
Locality-Based Least-Connection Scheduling
Locality-Based Least-Connection with Replication scheduling
Destination Hashing Scheduling
Source Hashing Scheduling

Some of these may not be available for use with certain connection 
schemes mentioned above;i.e. certain combinations of connection 
scheme and scheduling algorithms may either be impossible, or 
other-wise negate each other.

I'll leave the description/definition of the scheduling algorithms to 
the LVS web site:

You can find more about LVS at:

But anyyway, as I mentioned before, I *think* ssl connections with 
load-balancing may be possible using the IP-tunneling and a 
"persistent port" on the director.  There's more info about 
persistent or "sticky" connections (such as http cookie, https,
ftp, ssl, etc.) here:

So, in short, I *do* think it's possible, and of course, it *can* be 
done with Linux.  However, I don't know how easy, economical, 
efficient, or scalable such a solution may be.  Those decisions are 
left to the individual implementor :)


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RE: Load Balancing

2002-05-23 Thread chadrh

This is my question also.  Now, I'm not an expert on 
security in any way shape or form, I would classify 
myself as a novice at best.

I do understand defense in depth and multiple layers but 
I have the same question that Lawrence does.  Unless 
your webserver sits completely naked outside your 
firewall (a situation I can't even begin to imagine) 
then I don't see a really big problem w/ putting the SSL 
accelerator in front of your load balancer.

Can someone please explain so a simple person like 
myself can understand?

> Hi, Paul.
> It's 6:30am and has already been a long day for me, so 
please forgive any 
> disjointed thoughts.  :-}  
> Anyway, I'm not very familiar w/ LVS-IP because I 
haven't used that, but the 
> problem w/ balancing SSL is when the encrypted 
transaction hits your load 
> balancer the balancer is unable to read any of your 
session information (it's 
> encrypted). So it just throws you at one of the web 
servers in question (round 
> robin usually). The web server decrypts the 
transaction and is able to do any 
> load balancing at that level before sending the 
transaction on to an 
> server (if applicable). The web server then encrypts 
the return data before 
> sending it back out thru the balancer to the user. At 
no point does the 
> see unencrypted session information. I'm not sure if / 
how LVS-IP might 
> that problem, but I'm going to try putting some 
bandwidth into reading up on 
> this week.
> I know this is true for Local Directors. Cisco (and 
others I'm sure) make > 
"smart" load balancers which basically handle the SSL 
first, then do the load 
> balancing, but functionally those are not much 
different than putting an SSL 
> in front of your LD if you already own them. As far as 
an SSL transaction 
> between the user and backend, I'm not 100% sure I am 
reading the question 
> If your environment goes something like this:
> Browser --> net --> firewall --> ssl --> balancer -
-> webserver --> 
> appserver --> database
> Then that should be just as secure as:
> Browser --> net --> firewall --> balancer --> 
webserver / ssl --> 
> --> database
> Basically, if your first firewall is compromised, then 
you're open and having 
> the transaction encrypted for one or two more levels 
is probably not going to 
> make a big difference. A good habit, of course, is to 
put a second firewall 
> between your web and app server tier or at least in 
front of your db. If your 
> database is not within your network and you need to 
call out to it, then put > 
another dedicated SSL box between your appserver and db 
tier (one on each end, 
> actually).  And, of course, another firewall. :-)
> If your config is significantly different or if I 
misread your question, just 
> let me know.
> -Lawrence

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RE: Load Balancing

2002-05-23 Thread Tilly, Lawrence

Hi, Paul.

It's 6:30am and has already been a long day for me, so please forgive any disjointed 
thoughts.  :-}  

Anyway, I'm not very familiar w/ LVS-IP because I haven't used that, but the problem 
w/ balancing SSL is when the encrypted transaction hits your load balancer the 
balancer is unable to read any of your session information (it's encrypted). So it 
just throws you at one of the web servers in question (round robin usually). The web 
server decrypts the transaction and is able to do any load balancing at that level 
before sending the transaction on to an application server (if applicable). The web 
server then encrypts the return data before sending it back out thru the balancer to 
the user. At no point does the balancer see unencrypted session information. I'm not 
sure if / how LVS-IP might overcome that problem, but I'm going to try putting some 
bandwidth into reading up on it this week.

I know this is true for Local Directors. Cisco (and others I'm sure) make "smart" load 
balancers which basically handle the SSL first, then do the load balancing, but 
functionally those are not much different than putting an SSL box in front of your LD 
if you already own them. As far as an SSL transaction between the user and backend, 
I'm not 100% sure I am reading the question right. If your environment goes something 
like this:
Browser --> net --> firewall --> ssl --> balancer --> webserver --> appserver --> 
Then that should be just as secure as:
Browser --> net --> firewall --> balancer --> webserver / ssl --> appserver --> 

Basically, if your first firewall is compromised, then you're open and having the 
transaction encrypted for one or two more levels is probably not going to make a big 
difference. A good habit, of course, is to put a second firewall between your web and 
app server tier or at least in front of your db. If your database is not within your 
network and you need to call out to it, then put another dedicated SSL box between 
your appserver and db tier (one on each end, actually).  And, of course, another 
firewall. :-)

If your config is significantly different or if I misread your question, just let me 


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: Load Balancing 

In a message dated: Wed, 22 May 2002 14:59:07 EDT

>Just a quick warning if any of your servers are going to run ssl. Load
>balancing in this form cannot really be done against an ssl transaction -
>something I've found from research and experience (unfortunately, the
>experience came before the research) :-o  

Can't you have the ssl transaction be carried out between the user 
and the backend node though?  It seems that this type of thing is 
exactly what the LVS-IP Tunneling mode was designed for, no?


It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

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Re: Load Balancing

2002-05-22 Thread Henry L. Hall

To expand the tree of knowledge a little further on this topic:

> In a message dated: 22 May 2002 14:27:40 EDT
> "Kenneth E. Lussier" said:
>>I think that LVS might be what I'm looking for
> Ayup!  That's what you want!
>>Does anyone have any suggestions (besides beating the hell out of the person
>>that wants to run an IIS webserver)?
> And explain to us again why this isn't a good idea anyway?  

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Re: Load Balancing

2002-05-22 Thread pll

In a message dated: Wed, 22 May 2002 13:12:42 PDT
Richard Soule said:

>I see requests for this type of device/functionality all the time from
>our customers.  Team up with a company that has an application/web
>server that currently only does SSL in software. Go after their install

Or, hope to get bought out by them and retire to Tahiti!


It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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Re: Load Balancing

2002-05-22 Thread Richard Soule

> I
> actually represent a company that is considering
> bringing a low cost hardware SSL accelarator into the US
> market, we're just trying to determine how much demand
> there might be for the product.  It integrates with any
> load balancing tool seamlessly.

I see requests for this type of device/functionality all the time from
our customers.  Team up with a company that has an application/web
server that currently only does SSL in software. Go after their install



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RE: Load Balancing

2002-05-22 Thread chadrh

The best solution is to offload SSL 
encryption/decryption from the web server to a seperate 
device.  Then you can load balance the web servers 
independent of the SSL overhead.  This is shown in the 
final example on the page Lawrence sent along.  I 
actually represent a company that is considering 
bringing a low cost hardware SSL accelarator into the US 
market, we're just trying to determine how much demand 
there might be for the product.  It integrates with any 
load balancing tool seamlessly.

> Just a quick warning if any of your servers are going 
to run ssl. Load
> balancing in this form cannot really be done against 
an ssl transaction -
> something I've found from research and experience 
(unfortunately, the
> experience came before the research) :-o  
> Seriously, though, if you want to properly load 
balance anything that uses
> w/ ssl you should handle the ssl decryption / 
encryption between the user
> and load balancer, NOT between the load balancer and 
server. Here's a good
> link to check out for more info. Maybe not completely 
appropriate for what
> you're asking, but good background anyway:
> -Lawrence

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Re: Load Balancing

2002-05-22 Thread Bayard Coolidge USG

 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
>>>  RH acquiring the DEC^H^H^HCOMPAQ^H^H^H^H^H^HMCLX clustering group :)

Ahem... No, Red Hat hired a couple of engineers who used to work for
the now moribund Mission Critical Linux, who also happened to work for
Compaq's Tru64 UNIX engineering group before that. The rest of the
latter organization is still very much in business, thank you, and
are now part of Hewlett-Packard. It's an announced goal of HP to have
the Compaq Tru64 UNIX TruCluster Software ported to HP-UX.


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Re: Load Balancing

2002-05-22 Thread pll

In a message dated: Wed, 22 May 2002 14:59:07 EDT

>Just a quick warning if any of your servers are going to run ssl. Load
>balancing in this form cannot really be done against an ssl transaction -
>something I've found from research and experience (unfortunately, the
>experience came before the research) :-o  

Can't you have the ssl transaction be carried out between the user 
and the backend node though?  It seems that this type of thing is 
exactly what the LVS-IP Tunneling mode was designed for, no?


It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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Re: Load Balancing

2002-05-22 Thread pll

In a message dated: Wed, 22 May 2002 14:45:25 EDT
"Henry L. Hall" said:

>To expand the tree of knowledge a little further on this topic:

I wouldn't call that an expansion of knowledge :)  Ultramonkey seems to 
be nothing more than another poorly wrapped version of LVS being 
pushed as a "Good Thing" from a defunt Linux company :(

I also lump Pirahna in this category as well. 

Neither did the job overly well.  Of course, the last time I really 
looked at either was close to 2 years ago, so things may have changed 
since then, what with VA not being a linux company any longer and RH 
acquiring the DEC^H^H^HCOMPAQ^H^H^H^H^H^HMCLX clustering group :)


It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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RE: Load Balancing

2002-05-22 Thread Lawrence.Tilly

Just a quick warning if any of your servers are going to run ssl. Load
balancing in this form cannot really be done against an ssl transaction -
something I've found from research and experience (unfortunately, the
experience came before the research) :-o  

Seriously, though, if you want to properly load balance anything that uses
w/ ssl you should handle the ssl decryption / encryption between the user
and load balancer, NOT between the load balancer and server. Here's a good
link to check out for more info. Maybe not completely appropriate for what
you're asking, but good background anyway:


-Original Message-
From: Kenneth E. Lussier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: Load Balancing

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 14:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Does anyone have any suggestions (besides beating the hell out of the
> >that wants to run an IIS webserver)?
> And explain to us again why this isn't a good idea anyway?  

I didn't say it wasn't a god idea. As a matter of fact, it is a great
idea, and it' already on my "ToDo" list. I just didn't want everyone
suggesting the same thing ;-)


"Tact is just *not* saying true stuff" -- Cordelia Chase

Kenneth E. Lussier
Sr. Systems Administrator
Zuken, USA

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Re: Load Balancing

2002-05-22 Thread Kenneth E. Lussier

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 14:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Does anyone have any suggestions (besides beating the hell out of the person
> >that wants to run an IIS webserver)?
> And explain to us again why this isn't a good idea anyway?  

I didn't say it wasn't a god idea. As a matter of fact, it is a great
idea, and it' already on my "ToDo" list. I just didn't want everyone
suggesting the same thing ;-)


"Tact is just *not* saying true stuff" -- Cordelia Chase

Kenneth E. Lussier
Sr. Systems Administrator
Zuken, USA

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with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

Re: Load Balancing

2002-05-22 Thread pll

In a message dated: 22 May 2002 14:27:40 EDT
"Kenneth E. Lussier" said:

>I think that LVS might be what I'm looking for

Ayup!  That's what you want!

>Does anyone have any suggestions (besides beating the hell out of the person
>that wants to run an IIS webserver)?

And explain to us again why this isn't a good idea anyway?  


It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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Load Balancing

2002-05-22 Thread Kenneth E. Lussier

Hi All,

I'm looking for information on load balancing (as the subject line may
have suggested ;-). Specifically, I'm looking for something that acts in
a similar manor to Cisco's Local Director, or ArrowPoint. I want to have
a single box sitting in front of a bunch of web servers that distributes
the load as evenly as possible, and can detect when one of the systems
is down. Now for the catch: not all of the servers are the same OS.
There could be some Linux, some Solaris, and some (insert large amounts
of screaming here) Windows. 

I think that LVS might be what I'm looking for, but I haven't finished
reading the website, so I'm not really sure. Does
anyone have any suggestions (besides beating the hell out of the person
that wants to run an IIS webserver)?


"Tact is just *not* saying true stuff" -- Cordelia Chase

Kenneth E. Lussier
Sr. Systems Administrator
Zuken, USA

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