NH LINUX "Live Free or Die" license plate.

2020-08-21 Thread Bruce Dawson
Should be available around now if anyone wants it! I relinquished it 
about a year ago, so the NH DMV should let it be used again.


gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Nashua chapter

2012-12-23 Thread Bruce Dawson
Welcome to GNHLUG. I hope we don't scare you off :-)

First of all, we're a loose (as in very loosely) knit group.

The prior incarnation of the Nashua GNHLUG was called MerriLUG. You can
continue with that name, or chose a new one.

The next thing to do is get an account on the wiki, and that's when your
responsibilities begin! You (or someone of your chosing with an
account on the Wiki) will have to:

 1. Announce the meetings on both the Wiki and the email list
(gnhlug-announce) - see existing info on the wiki and in the email
 2. Plan and hold the meetings.
 3. Remember to put a follow-up to the meeting in the Recent Events
section of the Wiki.
 4. Repeat - until you wear out.

There's a lot of organizational info in the Organizational web of the
wiki ( http://wiki.gnhlug.org/twiki2/bin/view/Organizational/WebHome) -
you may find it helpful to browse through it - if for no other reason
than to get a sense of our history.

At some point, someone (probably Ben Scott) will give your email account
(and you must always send from the same account) the ability to approve
messages on the gnhlug-announce list; until then some prior-approved
user will have to approve your messages.

If you have any questions, just send them to this list! Someone will
eventually answer it!


On 12/23/2012 11:00 AM, chris gagnon wrote:

 I would like to start a Nashua, NH chapter. The wiki said I should
 asks how this can be done on this mailing list. 

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: PremiumMemory.com offers GNHLUG a sponsorship

2009-01-27 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ben's concerns are valid and apply for me - he just beat me in finding
the words that expressed my thoughts.

Their web site seems OK.

If they address Ben's concerns in a positive way, and their terms are
reasonable, I'd say sure, go ahead; put them on the ThanksTo page -
but I'm not on the board, and haven't recently read the policies of the
board, so I don't know if my affirmation means much!


Ben Scott wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Ted Roche tedro...@tedroche.com wrote:
 Sponsorship would consist of providing giveaways at the meetings (flash 
 drives) ...

   They tell you what sizes?  If they're smaller than 1 GB, they're
 prolly just trying to get rid of old stock they can't sell at any
 price.  Not that I'm opposed to free stuff, but it's good to put a
 value on it.

   Gift horse, mouth, Greeks, gifts, etc.

 ... a discount code available for our user group members ...

   How much is the discount worth?  Does it expire?

 ... in exchange for posting a sponsorship link on our web site.

   A link/banner/button on the ThanksTo page would seem okay for this
 kind of thing.  More than that would require more than some flash
 drives, I think.  :)

   Any other terms?  For example, can either party withdraw from the
 agreement at will?

 GNHLUG has a Limited Commercialization Policy:

   While this is dancing close to the edges, I think it's within the
 spirit of the above.  Besides, nothing is written in stone.  We can
 tweak the policy, or withdraw from the agreement, as appropriate.


   The only other thing I can think of would be that this could turn
 into a slippery slope, leading to too many sponsors to properly
 acknowledge.  But I'd also say that I eagerly look forward to having
 that problem.  ;-)

 -- Ben
 gnhlug-org mailing list

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Fwd: First General letter to All Leaders Affiliated to Boston User Groups]

2009-01-10 Thread Bruce Dawson
BUG has been around for a while. I remember it from my short stint as
GNHLUG leader. I think it even goes back to the days of NNEUUG.

It was supposed to be an organization which could help User Groups
coordinate activities (like inter-group meetings and events), but I
don't think it went anywhere. I believe Jerry Feldman was active in it a
few years ago.


Bill McGonigle wrote:
 Anybody else get this?


  Original Message 
 Subject:  First General letter to All Leaders Affiliated to Boston User
 Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2009 19:26:43 GMT
 From: Ronald Thibeau ronald.thib...@bostonusergroups.org
 To:   lead...@bostonusergroups.org

 Hello User Group Leaders,

 Boston User Groups called BUG, an umbrella organization, is focused on
 organizing and sustaining any digital technology User Group, through
 advice and services some of which can be on site. BUG management is
 composed of volunteers from the “leaders’ list”. We volunteer time as we
 are able. We are ordinary people with a heart for service. We can always
 use more help.

 We provide a web site http://www.bostonusergroups.org
 http://www.bostonusergroups.org/ . We have On Line for about six
 months. The site will always be a work in progress.

 User Group meetings, special events etc, are posted on the calendar. In
 due time, each leader who wishes to do so, can maintain his information.
 Posting commercials or head hunter advertisement etc. that is NOT user
 group activity will not be allowed on the site.

 One service that all listed leaders can use right now is the ‘’leaders’
 list’’ service. If you have an event that you want to tell the world
 about, then prepare a good looking advertisement that is accurate and
 send it out to lead...@bostonusergroups.org
 mailto:lead...@bostonusergroups.org . If you want the same
 advertisement to post on the BUG calendar, send your data to
 john.r...@bostonusergroups.org mailto:john.r...@bostonusergroups.org
 for posting. Note: if any leader wishes to post a question to solve a
 User Group Issue, please be free to post your question.

 As we use the leaders’ list service for each other, it is hopeful that
 we benefit by educating many more end users in technology and best
 practices and to promote competence in our trade.* SO*, everyone should
 now be looking for and expect this ‘leaders’ list’ channel to flow
 timely and accurate User Group special events. All other information can
 be found on the BUG site. If you don’t see it or it’s wrong, then write
 john.r...@bostonusergroups.org mailto:john.r...@bostonusergroups.org
 to get it corrected.

 We are interested in filling a few spots on the BUG board of directors.
 Some have an elected office and some contribute on special projects. So,
 any person wishing to serve a technical community can write me directly

 We have face to face meetings on occasion based on complexity or
 importance. We frequently telephone conference to save travel time and
 money for each other. We call meetings based on necessity. Operational
 issues are usually handled by e-mail. We have e-mail traffic going all
 the time.

 If you know of other digital technology user group leaders, please pass
 on our introductory statement of purpose.

 More statements on our general activity and more services provided to
 follow in the weeks ahead. Please avail yourself of our service and get
 the word out on your activities.

 Come see what is going on at the BUG community.
 http://www.bostonusergroups.org http://www.bostonusergroups.org/ .

 Yours in service

 Ronald Thibeau


gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: gnhlug-jobs mailing list moderation

2008-09-11 Thread Bruce Dawson
I think looking for various words can produce both false positives and
false negatives. And you still won't catch everything. Using your
abbreviated list as an example, there's no perl, open source, or
kernel keywords.

Also, not all jobs are technical (marketing, sales, ...) Not that we've
seen requests for these jobs, but we would be interested in them.

If mailman would score messages for reviewers, then that might help.
But reviewers might also get lazy and just click buttons rather than
reviewing each article.

Without a lot of AI, I think it would be more effective to just review
each message.


Arc Riley wrote:
 I believe it's easy enough to setup mailman to require Linux in the body
 of the message.  This would deal with both spam and non-linux job apps.  Add
 a few other possible whitelist keywords (ie, Redhat, Fedora, Ubuntu, Suse,
 Python, Ruby, PHP) and in the rejection message specify that only job apps
 for Linux-related jobs are allowable...

 Automatic moderation.

 On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 7:57 PM, Bill McGonigle [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On Sep 11, 2008, at 16:42, Ben Scott wrote:

   I should be able to tend the moderator queue myself (it's a very low
 traffic list), but if some other people want to volunteer to assist, I
 won't say no.  :)
 I was perplexed as well, thanks for the follow-up.

 Yeah, if you want to handle the load, bless your heart.  But I'd
 rather deal with one bad post every two years than have to do any


gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: gnhlug-jobs mailing list moderation

2008-09-11 Thread Bruce Dawson
Bill McGonigle wrote:
 On Sep 11, 2008, at 21:12, Bruce Dawson wrote:

 Without a lot of AI, I think it would be more effective to just review
 each message.

 Would it be reasonable to give messages a pass based on a filter, and
 require moderation if they fail that pass?

Sure; for now. Invariably, spammers will discover it, and we'll have to
throttle everything then.

BTW: I've added myself as a moderator of the jobs list.

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Ubuntu SIG

2008-07-10 Thread Bruce Dawson
I have no problems with starting a GNHLUG Ubuntu SIG. Might be useful
having a Redhat/CentOS one too. And probably Debian.

... As long as they work together and provide resources for the greater
GNHLUG. I really don't want to see general flamefests about which
distribution is best. (Although the merits of each for a well-documented
and specific purpose might be allowed).


Arc Riley wrote:
 At the BBQ on Sunday the topic of starting an Ubuntu SIG under GNHLUG was
 discussed, Jon said the next step would be posting this here.

 There is already an Ubuntu LoCo being started for New Hampshire.  A LoCo
 is a local Ubuntu advocacy and promotion group which is given resources from
 Ubuntu/Canonical such as CDs, a banner, etc.  They tend to be the human
 face of Ubuntu in local areas and some go so far as releasing localized
 versions of Ubuntu.  By policy they are not run under an existing LUG, but
 are encouraged to collaborate and often share meatspace.

 Here's a short faq on this collaboration, with links to more info about


 As there is already a GNHLUG SIG for Python and Ruby, the subject of
 starting an Ubuntu SIG is favorably supported by a majority of the LoCo
 members.  This would allow the LoCo to be tied into the LUG much better,
 share physical meetings (and likely membership), and could grant us
 501(c)(3) umbrella status for the SIG side if/once GNHLUG completes that
 process (ie, for handling CD orders).  Ubuntu doesn't provide LoCos with

 Is this something the board of GNULUG would like to see, and how do we go
 about getting approved as a new SIG?


gnhlug-org mailing list

I've run out of resources w/ the TeleMeetings project

2008-05-19 Thread Bruce Dawson
As I've described in the TeleMeeting topic
I've run out of time to work on this project and am looking for
volunteers to take it over for at least the short term, and probably the
long term. I apologize for any inconvenience to people and the group as
a whole.

It appears I spent too much time trying to debug phantom software
glitches caused by hardware not designed for this application. (And
various farm and work glitches added their impact too.)

I can answer questions via email, if there are any. (I do have an older
version of Asterisk that I can re-build for liberty if desired, but it
would probably be best if whoever took over this project just built the
latest version.) I think if you just go with ztdummy that you will avoid
the PCI headaches I ran into.

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: SwaNH meeting postings

2008-04-15 Thread Bruce Dawson
As much as I want to help SwANH (and software development in NH in
general), I have to agree with what has been stated already by Michael
and Ben.

On the other hand, if they are willing to sponsor GNHLUG in a
substantial way, or if they actively support (versus passively support)
FOSS, then I feel they can post a message to one of the lists.

On the other other hand, I have been to one of their conferences and
found it a good thing - at least for prospecting for local talent and
suppliers. It may be worth a one paragraph note on the -discuss list for
their Call for Papers or their meeting logistics. Or on the GNHLUG web
site as a Other regional software organizations.


Michael Kazin wrote:
 I'm with Ben.  Sounds like a great way for managers to take a day off,
 watching advertisement-laden Powerpoint slides.

 I'm terribly against allowing advertising on mailing lists.  I don't
 see anything on their website which tells whether they are for-profit
 or not, and assume they are.  I'm glad to help other non-profits and
 we can certainly partner with corporations who are truly part of the
 FOSS community.  But I think we can't become a tool for corporations
 who want to capitalize on our reputation and good-will.

 My view is:  if the source of the email generates money, we're sorry.
 If a member is sharing something they are actually interested in, it's
 certainly appropriate.  Exceptions for promotions which we believe are
 LUG-related, of interest to members and will actually contain
 substance.  For example, a distro rep demoing (not just a slideshow)
 an upgrade to a major version, when we are actually in need of


 On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:21 AM, Ben Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 10:50 PM, Ted Roche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Does that go to -discuss or -announce?

   IMO: Send to -discuss, or maybe not at all.  It's not Linux or FOSS
  or GNHLUG or particularly NH.  We're not obligated to forward
  everything that comes to our inbox.

   Full Disclosure: My reaction to reading the message is something
  along the lines of It sounds a bunch of pointy-haired suits listening
  to Yet Another speaker promising to solve all their problems by
  following a checklist, when the real problem is that you can't fix

  -- Ben

  gnhlug-org mailing list

 gnhlug-org mailing list

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: 503(c) stuff (was: First 2008 GNHLUG Board Meeting)

2008-03-13 Thread Bruce Dawson
I'm CC'ing Carole on this. She has a 501(c)3 - Learning Networks
Foundation, and may be able to answer specific questions.


Ben Scott wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Ed lawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The hard part of the process is not the legal part, but the
 organizational and planning work needed to have the information and
 projections needed to complete the application.

   Indeed, and that's really I'm talking about: I don't think any of us
 have a clue what to do.  I certainly don't.

   I've read through some of the IRS documentation, but it's already
 been established that the IRS isn't necessarily the best resource for
 our purposes.  Oh, sure, if we follow their guidance we'll be
 completely legal, but it won't necessarily be the best outcome for us.
  For example, the IRS docs led me to believe we wouldn't qualify as a
 501(c)(3) charitable organization, while people with actual experience
 with this stuff say we should definitely try for it and have a
 reasonable chance of getting it.  After all, the IRS's mission is to
 collect revenue; one goal of a non-profit is to keep them from doing

   I know a few people who know accounting of various sorts, and I've
 asked them, but none of them are familiar with non-profit aspects.  So
 me, personally -- I got nuttin.  If we lacked any other resources, I
 would advise the next thing to do would be to begin collecting funds
 to pay for consultation with an experienced professional.

   Fortunately, I don't think we're that resource-poor.  A couple
 people have stepped forward, saying they know people with experience
 who might be able to help.  I haven't heard back from them since then,
 though.  I guess I should be following up with them to see if they
 have followed up with the people they know.  Hmmm, I'll do that.

 -- Ben
 gnhlug-org mailing list

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Preliminary notes for 3 Nov 2007 Org Meeting

2007-11-03 Thread Bruce Dawson
I think some lead-in info was missing here. Were you replying to an
off-list message?

Are you looking for

* http://www.iayft.com/twiki/bin/view/LAMP/WebHome (which has vanished)


Shawn K. O'Shea wrote:
 Best I could find re: Ted  LAMP class was some afterthoughts he posted:


 On 11/3/07, Shawn K. O'Shea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Poking around I found, http://www.nhste.org/, New Hampshire Society
 for Technology in Education.

 If someone can confirm, we can update the notes.


 On 11/3/07, Ben Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I just finished listening to the audio recordings of today's board
 meeting -- and you thought sitting through it *once* was rough!  ;-)
 I typed up notes on what was said, and put said notes on the website.
 Please review:


   If others have things they would like to add/change/challenge/etc,
 please please please do so!  You can click that Edit link, or if
 you're wiki-phobic, email me your comments and I'll do it for you.

   On a related note: Will somebody (or everybody) please take it upon
 themselves to tell me to shut up at these things?

 -- Ben
 gnhlug-org mailing list

 gnhlug-org mailing list

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Attendance: A business-like approach

2007-10-14 Thread Bruce Dawson
First, apologies: My original was perhaps a bit more acidic than intended.

Ted Roche wrote:
 Bruce Dawson wrote:

 So either we have to increase the priority of going to a meeting, or
 lower the priority of people staying away. The former can be done by
 having higher quality speakers, famous people, more interesting
 subjects, more career/job benefits, ... The latter can't really be done.
 I think you may have inadvertently created an artificial 'either-or' and
 there may be other variables to tweak. Let's not change the meeting
 content or quality at all, but increase by 10 the number of people who
 know the meeting is happening. With no other changes on our part, we
 should see more people attending, some of whom decide to stay.
Agreed that increasing attendance would be better. My intent in creating
the artificial either-or was to establish a bottom line, which in
further messages was substantially changed from where I thought it was
 Perhaps we should look at ways of improving our presentations,
 escalating our speakers (by creating famous people), or ...

 I have spoken at two dozen professional conferences over the years, and
 I think the quality of our presentations can't be beat, and certainly
 not for the cost (segfault - Division by Zero!). Seriously, I think that
 the issue is simply this:

 Ten percent of the 300 people who know about any particular meeting attend.

 I think that's a good percentage. 
I do to. For some reason, I thought we had a larger membership, but upon
checking the facts, I find we have only about 180 on the announce list
(and 260+ on the discuss list). So we're doing *very* good by exceeding
the ratio. And this isn't counting the untold numbers reading the papers
or listening to the radio, (and because the metrics for counting readers
of our announcements in those media are nebulous, I'll give it a 1 for
the equation.)
 Provide a non-time and non-location dependent way of meeting.

 I believe that's known as not meeting.
Its also known as a geek teaser, _and_ allows for virtual attendance
for those with good or feeble reasons for not attending. If things go
according to plan, they'll be able to join in much the same way one does
on radio talk shows.

 I think preserving what goes on in meetings is the best way to establish
 a legacy of knowledge from the group. I'm trying to do that with the
 notes I post to the group, and I'd really like to see more effort in
 capturing the meetings in video or audio format.
I'm working on the audio format. The video seems to require more
resources and willingness than I/we have at the moment.
 Our mailing list, archives, and wiki are our greatest standing
 resources. Why don't we capitalize on them and let meat-space meetings
 become more informal. We should increase the capture mechanisms because
 those meat-space meetings have useful content.

 I do think that I'd like our meetings to be informal, and that there be
 more time to chat. I've heard several folks remark that the best meeting
 they attended recently was one with no presentation. However, I also
 think the presentations are of great value and shouldn't be
 discontinued. We ought to find some way to have our cake and eat it, too.
Oh, the presentations are of value, don't get me wrong. I was attempting
to indicate our resources could be better focused on our strengths,
rather than our weaknesses (if meeting attendance is considered weak).

However, after finally doing my homework, and realizing the
slightly-better-than-squishy numbers are better than I thought, I'll
recant my above position and include the meetings as a strength. So go
ahead, keep improving! :-)

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Off-list conversations considered harmful

2007-10-10 Thread Bruce Dawson
Bill McGonigle wrote:

 On Oct 9, 2007, at 10:34, Bruce Dawson wrote:

 I'm of the mind that, unless the sender explicitly states otherwise in
 the message, you should always reply to the list. This will enforce open
 governance of the group and keep ideas on the high-ground rather than
 letting them fall down the slippery slope of closed governance.

 That's a good idea. Perhaps we should establish a GroundRules wiki
 page for the -org list to codify these types of conventions?

Please do! (modify the wiki.)

But shouldn't we change the mailing list too?

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Off-list conversations considered harmful

2007-10-09 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ben Scott wrote:
 Greetings fellow gnhlug-org subscribers!

   I have noticed a trend in the usage of this list (gnhlug-org), in
 that many people seem to exhibit a very real reluctance to use it.  On
 many occasions I've been included in a manually-addressed conversation
 that seemed appropriate for this list.  In some cases, senders have
 gone to the trouble of manually specifying practically the entire
 membership of this list!
I'm of the mind that, unless the sender explicitly states otherwise in
the message, you should always reply to the list. This will enforce open
governance of the group and keep ideas on the high-ground rather than
letting them fall down the slippery slope of closed governance.

I can understand the desire to float an idea among friends and
like-minded individuals, but at some point, it needs to be raised to the
-org group. Friends don't let friends close the group.

And almost the entire group is more than a few friends and
like-minded individuals.

When an idea or something isn't as well gelled as the proponents would
like, then when feedback comes back from the group, I'd suggest that
individuals say something like I've had 2nd thoughts.

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Off-list conversations considered harmful

2007-10-09 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ben Scott wrote:
 On 10/9/07, Bruce Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can understand the desire to float an idea among friends and
 like-minded individuals ...  And almost the entire group is more
 than a few friends and like-minded individuals.
   I guess that's where my disconnect is.  To me, the free and open
 exchange of ideas and information isn't just a catchy phrase, it's a
 creed.  Sharing ideas multiplies their power tremendously.  I've also
 seen that the half-realized idea released to flourish almost always
 beats the supposed eventual perfection hiding in the bush.  So the
 concept that others might prefer to hold back on things is very
 strange to me.
Unless its an unpoplular (or even a supposedly unpopular) idea like
lets incorporate. I know there were a lot of backroom conversations on
this, and some of them cast aspersions on individuals and their motives.
   I guess when I think of this as an open source group, I'm thinking
 it is a group that *is* open source, as well as a group about open
 source.  :)
I would like to believe that. And I would like to believe governments
can exist without taxes (GNHLUG's counter-example not withstanding). But
life imposes a certain paradigm on us (some call it reality) that
makes us stop and ponder the implications of what we're thinking. And,
through experience, we shyly talk around it with others before going to
a larger audience. Unfortunately, the experience is we learn from is
often limited.

Ben, as the chief heckled among us, you probably have thicker skin
than the average person. Some of us have become so used to having good
ideas (along with poorly thought-out ones) shot down by the larger
group that we have learned to review it amongst friends first.

But, that makes for a slow learning curve.

Or we just blurt it out - or go ahead and do it anyway.

 When an idea or something isn't as well gelled as the proponents would
 like, then when feedback comes back from the group, I'd suggest that
 individuals say something like I've had 2nd thoughts.

   Absolutely.  I'm comfortable with the fact that not all my ideas
 will be good ones.  I make so many mistakes that if I let that be a
 barrier I'd never be able to do anything.  Through failure, I learn.

   If this list was larger, I might understand the caution more.  But
 as it is, we've got a handful of active participants.  It's not like
 there is the danger of an uproar.  There aren't even enough people to
 achieve a tempest in a teapot -- the most we could hope for is tempest
 in a thimble.  :)

 -- Ben
Good point.

Why don't we just change this list's Reply-To to be the list?

--Bruce (ducking, but not running for cover).

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Attendance: A business-like approach

2007-10-05 Thread Bruce Dawson
I'm not sure looking for more attendance at meetings should be a
significant goal for GNHLUG.

The reason people go to a meeting is to meet new and different people
which (hopefully) share the same interests as you. The number of reasons
people do NOT go to a meeting are a lot larger and include items such as
family time, gas prices, parking, chores, ... of which we have no control.

So either we have to increase the priority of going to a meeting, or
lower the priority of people staying away. The former can be done by
having higher quality speakers, famous people, more interesting
subjects, more career/job benefits, ... The latter can't really be done.

Perhaps we should look at ways of improving our presentations,
escalating our speakers (by creating famous people), or ...

Provide a non-time and non-location dependent way of meeting.

Our mailing list, archives, and wiki are our greatest standing
resources. Why don't we capitalize on them and let meat-space meetings
become more informal. We should increase the capture mechanisms because
those meat-space meetings have useful content.

Just thinking out loud...

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Better Marketing

2007-09-26 Thread Bruce Dawson
We could co-sponsor something like a Maker's Faire, which should attract
a lot of our ilk.

Another possibility is to host a Welcome to Linux expo, or
InstallFests, or ... (pick one or more of our outreach projects). These
will get new people, but probably not frequent attenders.

I believe GNHLUG is slowly morphing into a Help the
user/developer/manager organization. Just look at the number of new
people who attend the meetings, and why they're attending.

It may be more worthwhile to have one meeting at the same time in
different locations with a webcam linking sites together for social
comradarie. Of course, this may require some development effort on the
part of our membership. Of course, this will require testing and
development, so we can slowly move toward it.  It will enable some of
the geographically challenged of us to attend though.
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Legal entity types

2007-08-22 Thread Bruce Dawson
See note at end...

Ben Scott wrote:
 On 8/22/07, Ed lawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, I believe I said 501(c)(3).

   Ah.  Okay.  I know someone had said that 501(c)(3) is/had become
 harder to qualify for (i.e., limiting it to more traditional
 charities), and that 501(c)(6) might be more appropriate.  I had
 thought it was you, but I could easily be wrong on that -- it was a
 few years ago at this point.  Maybe it was maddog; maybe someone else.

 It is unclear to me how the members would constitute a collection
 of entities or persons with a common business interest the promotion
 of which is the main focus of GNHLUG.

   Well, I thought I addressed that in my notes.  The short version is
 that business interests is fairly broadly defined, and that just
 promoting Linux seemed like it would qualify.  At least, that's my
 interpretation of information on the IRS website.

 Unless there is some reason to believe there will be lots of money
 flowing through the coffers of GNHLUG, the whole exercise might be
 academic anyway.

   I rather suspect so, which is why I just went ahead and registered
 the EIN anyway, rather than bringing the question before the board

   While I haven't looked too far into the filing requirements at this
 point, the general idea appears to be that one gets the EIN first, and
 then files for tax-exemption.  It appears an organization is allowed
 to never get that far, and to change things later.

   My impression was that the filing requirements for a 501(c)(3) are
 significantly stricter than for a 501(c)(6).  The major payback being
 that donations to a 501(c)(3) can be tax deductible for the donator,
 which of course encourages donations.  Both types allow the
 organization to be exempt from paying taxes on donation income.

 Perhaps a check with other similar organizations to see if the have
 applied for 501(c) recognition and if so what entity was chosen and why
 would be productive.

   Good idea anyone have any contacts with existing orgs they could
 pursue in that direction?  I suppose I could just crack the phone book
 and start calling org's at random, but that seems crude.

 -- Ben
 gnhlug-org mailing list
Carole's company (Rivendell a.k.a. Learning Networks Foundation) is a
501(c)(3) and will act as a fiscal agent for similarly minded organizations.

One of the issues we discussed (during a summit meeting here) about
501(c) status is that a 501(c)(6) allows us to lobby the government (and
some of our activities re: open voting, DMCA, ... can be construed as
lobbying regardless of what we think). A 501(c)(3) organization cannot
do any lobbying.

And you are right. The process for becoming a 501(c)(3) is a lot harder
than to be a 501(c)(6).

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Notes for 31 May GNHLUG Board Meeting?

2007-08-08 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ben Scott wrote:
   I'll get it uploaded as soon as I figure out why TWiki uploads
 aren't working  ~sigh~  Failing that, I'll cut-and-paste the text
 for quick reference.
I was able to upload foo.txt to Main.BruceDawson. I assume you got the
problem fixed?


gnhlug-org mailing list

Lost and Found

2007-07-21 Thread Bruce Dawson
We were cleaning up after last weekend's meeting and found:

  * 1 large black umbrella
  * 1 brown jacket
  * 1 O'Reilly hat

Do we need a Lost+Found on the web site? Or should I just send out a
mail to the discuss list (Or just the RSVP list?)

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [GNHLUG] Summer BBQ - Sunday 1 July - Loudon - All invited!

2007-06-21 Thread Bruce Dawson (SIMON)
Ted Roche wrote:
 Ben Scott wrote:
 On 6/21/07, Ric Werme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oh yeah - July 1st is the date of the Nascar race,
   Oh crap.

 -- Ben

 That would be my diagnosis.

 Bruce, does a race at NHIS pretty much cut off access to and from the
 farm? IIRC, Route 106 is pretty much unusable the day of a race.
There are some torturous back road routes, but most people find
horseback easier (and I haven't been able to get Bill S to fly in on
those days - seems there's too much air traffic).

BTW: I'm serious when I say the logging paths are jammed just as much as
Rt 106. Its rather fun going for a trail ride on the horses and seeing
all the shenanigans going on.

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [GNHLUG] Summer BBQ - Sunday 1 July - Loudon - All invited!

2007-06-21 Thread Bruce Dawson
Bill McGonigle wrote:
 On Jun 21, 2007, at 08:45, Ted Roche wrote:
 Bruce, does a race at NHIS pretty much cut off access to and from the
 farm? IIRC, Route 106 is pretty much unusable the day of a race.

 I've been stuck in it by not checking the Nascar forecast  
 beforehand.  That was when a race let out, though - I'm not sure how  
 the roads are during the race.

 Perhaps the 15th would be a better date (no need to worry about  
 excluding Long-weekenders on the 8th).
The roads are fine during a race - a bit confusing given all the signs,
cones, officers, ... But things flow smoothly.

But I don't like being a Loudon resident while people are going to or
leaving the the big Cup races. Its just too much of a pain to go
anywhere. And heaven help you if you space out and miss a turn off 106!


gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Request for assistance: CentraLUG, July 2nd, Bruce's, BBQ

2007-06-18 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ted Roche wrote:
 Oops, meant to cc the group...

 Ben Scott wrote:
 On 6/17/07, Bruce Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmmm. That's a weekday. I don't think many people can do 4pm.
   Yah, but it's also a holiday week, so I was thinking some people
 might have it off.  (I do.)  But I dunno... any other people have
 thoughts on this?

 Hi, Guys!

 (Back to 'normal' working hours: Client 'T' went live on Saturday,
 Client 'E' went live on Sunday. Whew!)
Congrats on the deliveries!
 We kind of backed into this idea, by looking for a place for CentraLUG
 to hold its July meeting, Bruce volunteering the farm, and then
 suggesting the farm. Monday may not be ideal.

   Alright, I'm prolly going to post something to gnhlug-announce
 tomorrow then, unless someone else speaks up.

 I'll be glad to review your draft.

 My post will be based
 on the text on the wiki page, and link to same.  The time will still
 be TBD perhaps, but I'd rather get word out sooner than later.

 If we can say arrive anytime after 5 Pm, BBQ at 6 PM?
Sounds good to me.
 ... but I was wondering how to go about sending the directions

 We're asking for signups on the wiki, we can add anyone
 unable/unwilling to register on the wiki can contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
 directions. That is the alias we use on gnhlug, right?

I don't think the info alias works anymore.

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Request for assistance: CentraLUG, July 2nd, Bruce's, BBQ

2007-06-18 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ted Roche wrote:
 Ben Scott wrote:
 We kind of backed into this idea ... Monday may not be ideal.
   Well, assuming Bruce is okay with the idea, perhaps we should move
 it to the Sunday immediately prior (1 July), then?
 I'll let Bruce answer, but I think he's unavailable that day.
 We've got two weeks until the event, so today/tonight's ideal for an

I've conferred with the chief of staff, and we have the go-ahead. Sunday
will be OK for the BBQ.

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: HELP: Getting TWiki Forms to work (for BBQ sign-up)

2007-06-17 Thread Bruce Dawson
Shawn K. O'Shea wrote:

 Thanks. This is definitely confusing. The page on TWiki's website
 helps a little at explaining it a bit better, and there are some user
 comments that are tutorials.


 If I'm understanding it right, the goal of TWiki form templates, is to
 create ways to enter formatted text onto a TWiki page (as opposed to
 the freefrom edit box you get when you normally edit a TWiki topic).

 I tried clicking the Add Form on the BBQ page and adding the
 BBQSignUp form. When that was saved, and you edited the BBQ page, you
 had the normal freeform box plus a form to fill out for the page.
 This doesn't seem to let you add multiple values

 If I'm understanding it correctly, you would create a form template
 (basically to format your text). Then you would create template pages
 to get created, that use this form template. And then you can create a
 topic with an HTML form, that will submit values to spawn a TWiki
 template page (that contains the form template, storing it's data in

 I'm not sure I understand that correctly, and it seems like a helluva
 lotta work just to have a signup page. It might be a lot simpler to
 write a simple php webform that writes to a text file, and then maybe
 get TWiki to include that file into a TWiki table.

Right. I don't think TWikiForms are what we want for a sign-up page.
(Basically, its a per-page form - you'll end up with lots of
'2007BBQSignUp001', '2007BBQSignUp002', ... for each instance of somone
signing up; each page will have the form values for that person signing
up.) We would also need a summary page listing the contents of all the
2007BBQSignUp0* forms; not difficult to do, but its yet another page.

If I have time this afternoon, I'll try to cobble something together.

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: MythTV install fest

2007-01-23 Thread Bruce Dawson
I believe Sterling Hough was also a student in our LAMP classes that
Bill, Ted, David Berube and (to some degree) myself taught. (Was it last
year or year before?)


Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote:

On Tue, 2007-01-23 at 19:39 -0500, Bill Sconce wrote:

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:37:43 -0500
Shawn K. O'Shea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This made me wonder about TV stations in NH. 

I have a (technical) contact at Channel 9...

New Hampshire Technical Institute:

New Hampshire Technical Institute
31 College Drive, Concord, NH 03301-7412
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - (603) 271-NHTI(6484)

Has a program in Broadband and Telecommications Technology that deals
with Analog and Digital Communications Systems.

Dr. Sterling Hough is the department head, worked at Bell Labs for 30

I am willing to bet that they not only have a few TV cable leads that
they could feed into people's boxes, but they have the equipment and
expertise to analyze what is wrong if it did not work.

And they probably have the space to hold an install fest.  Probably
his students would like to participate too.

I will call him tomorrow (wednesday) and let you know.



gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: 2006 By Laws Link?

2006-12-15 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ed Lawson wrote:

I can find the 2005 draft of the By Laws, but not he 2006 draft on the
GNHLUG site.  Can anyone provide a link? TIA

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: -org to-do list; please contribute

2006-12-13 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ted Roche wrote:

 Got a few minutes spare, and wanted to start some -org discussions
 after recovering from our by-law adventures, successfully completed.
 Here are items that come to mind when I think what should I be doing
 for GNHLUG besides getting the CentraLUG meeting plans in order,
 posting announcements, and annoying Ben. Please add your own items to
 our shared list:

 1. Having the old Board of Directors elect a new board to replace
 them: how do we make this happen so it's all above-board and legal? I
 talked with my dad about this recently - he does a lot of work with
 committees and volunteer organizations. His suggestion is that we
 declare, by general consent, that the term of the board be fifteen
 minutes. When fifteen minutes has elapsed without the old board
 holding a meeting, as required, we declare the old board finished and
 a appoint new board, based on the signers of the new bylaws. Their
 first order of business: declaring the term of the board to be three
 years. Second, passing the new by-laws. Third, appointing new
 officers. Old business, new business and motion to adjourn -- we could
 be done before the meal shows up at Martha's next week. Will a quorum
 of new board members be able to make it for dinner?

There is a remote possibility I'll be there, but don't count on it.

 2. Setting up a bank account, and directing the treasurer to draft a
 budget. Perhaps a finance -sub-committee?

Make that new treasurer - Carole is busier than I am!

 3. Planning for next year. We had some quick conversations last night
 on getting together a Special Meeting in April. Stay tuned...

Conversations on a Tuesday night? Or did you mean Monday night at SLUG?

 4. Getting ourselves a Tax ID, following #2 and #1.

 5. Considering 501(c) 3 or 6 registration early next year.

 What else comes to mind?

Lots of things, none of which I can remember at the moment ;-) (That's a
problem when one comes out of retirement.)

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Bylaws and signatures

2006-12-13 Thread Bruce Dawson
Nope. Looks like they got refactored out... Fortunately, the Wiki
forgets nothing (without being shot in the disk)...

Look in Organizational.ProposedByLaws2006 and


Bruce Dawson wrote:

Ted Roche wrote:


Didn't I post a scan of the documents we signed to the wiki? I could
have sworn I did... got the HP utilities working on the new laptop and
everything. But I can't find them on the wiki. I'll rummage around
here and post them... again, I think.

You didn't happen to post them between the date of the last backup
(1-sep-2006) and the date it was emergencily moved from rogue to liberty

If so, it may have been gobbled by fsck. If I can ever get rogue's
network card to work, I'll see if I can find the files.

gnhlug-org mailing list

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: GNHLUG.Main - Automated notification of topic changes

2006-10-19 Thread Bruce Dawson

Ted Roche wrote:

 While it's always good to see new members join the wiki, it appears
 that AlexBroot is just a bot that joins wikis, according to Google.
 Could someone with admin rights send Alex off to the HallOfShame? Thanks.

 On Oct 19, 2006, at 4:20 AM, GNHLUG Webmaster wrote:

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gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: GNHLUG, Non-profit organization since 2000 (!!)

2006-10-17 Thread Bruce Dawson
Rob Lembree wrote:

 Congratulations everyone. We've been incorporated since 2000.

 Ashlyn Lembree has in her hands a copy of articles of agreement filed
 with the state on Oct. 4, 2000, and filed with the town of Peterborough
 Aug. 3, 2000.

 The articles were signed by Robert Lembree, Ed Lawson, Jerry Kubeck,
 and Jeffry Smith. Familiar names, no?

 Oddly though, someone hand-wrote in the address for a snowmobiling club
 in Hancock, NH, rather than a proper address for a GNHLUG representative.

 Peter Wells, who we suspect is the president of the snowmobile club,
 Monadnock Snow Snoopers evidently filed his organization's 5-year
 under GNHLUG's business ID.

 We need to file a corrected 5-year report ASAP. Details will be
 I expect that this report will replace some of the old names with new,
 fix the registered address, among other things.

 Ashlyn and Jason Tuttle will be contacting Mr. Wells to clear up the
 and get back to us on what we need to remain in compliance with regard
 to our state filings.

 Still an officer of the group it would seem,

Excellent! However, ... (there's always one of us in the crowd)...

I'm not aware of anyone paying the annual franchise fee to the Sec'y of
State. So we're probably not in good standing. Most states require
paying all the back fees before they'll grant you good standing
status. I suspect NH is one of those states.

So that will probably be at least $500 (probably more with penalties)
out of someone's pockets.


gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: SPI Bylaws

2006-09-10 Thread Bruce Dawson
Bill McGonigle wrote:

 On Aug 29, 2006, at 18:09, Ted Roche wrote:


 Looks good; what's the theory behind condensing the vice-chair and
 secretary? Most NPO's have 4 officers and it seems more woodbadgy to
 spread the duties. 

That may have been at my suggestion many months ago. Just seems better
to have fewer people who don't do things.

The more people, the more communications there needs to be. Corollary:
communications take time. And sometime lots of time when people aren't
focused on the same thing.

I wish I was able to make it to that summit - I wonder how the woodbadge
training handles that.


gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: gnhlug.org domain name

2006-08-21 Thread Bruce Dawson
I have no objections - Someone knows where Cole lives, and he can be
gotten ahold of in an emergency?


Ted Roche wrote:


 If you are willing to donate the registration, I have no 
 objections. Anyone else?

 Any objections? Concerns?

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Incorporation under a different name

2006-08-16 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ben Scott wrote:

  On the third hand: I have been told by real lawyers that if ones
 does not take consistent action to protect a trademark, you loose your
 trademark rights, and it becomes generic.  That would imply that to
 protect the GNHLUG trademark, we would have to define formal terms for
 its use.  Ugh.  Can of worms again.  :-/

Its not too bad really. I've done it several times. It just takes time
and a bit of money, and a  lawyer's services.

On yet another hand, I've got a at least one 3c501 that's willing
(within limitations) to act as a fiscal agent for GNHLUG if the need
ever arises. However, I believe they would want to set things up in
advance if this avenue were desirable.

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: GNHLUG DNS remains impaired - typo on rogue, SERVFAIL from linux.codemeta.com

2006-08-16 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ben Scott wrote:

  DNS is still broken in a few different ways.

  One, there is a typo in the /etc/named.conf file on rogue.  The zone
 for gnhlug.org says the master server is  It should
 be  Note that the third octet is 75, not 76.  This
 error is preventing rogue from transferring the updated DNS zone from
 liberty, so rogue has a stale copy of the zone.  Bruce, can you fix
 this, please?


  Two, linux.codemeta.com responds with SERVFAIL when queried about
 the gnhlug.org domain.  Now, currently, the GTLD servers for the
 .org TLD show two delegations for the gnhlug.org domain:

 $ dig +noall +ans gnhlug.org. ANY @tld2.ultradns.net.
 gnhlug.org. 86400   IN  NS  rogue.codemeta.com.
 gnhlug.org. 86400   IN  NS  liberty.gnhlug.org.

  linux.codemeta.com is conspicuous by its absence.  Perhaps the
 intent is for linux.codemeta.com to no longer be an authoritative
 nameserver for gnhlug.org.  If so, we should remove the NS record
 for linux.codemeta.com from the master file on liberty.  Bruce,
 can you confirm your intentions on this one?

linux.codemeta.com should be removed. The traffic on that line is so
bloated with spam its not much good for anything else.

  Thanks, all.

 -- Ben

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Incorporation under a different name

2006-08-16 Thread Bruce Dawson
Cole Tuininga wrote:

On Tue, 2006-08-15 at 15:47 -0400, Bill McGonigle wrote:

On Aug 15, 2006, at 10:04, Jeffry Smith wrote:

For those who care, I have ownership of gnhlug.net and gnhlug.com,
domains and am willing to pass them over to Bruce/NHLW/GNHLUG/whoever
to continue.  I got them after the slug.com/slug.org issues years back
(similar to whitehouse.com/whitehouse.gov).  Currently they don't
point to anything, but Bruce could put them as pointers to gnhlug.org.

Cool - Ben thought they had gone Porn. :)

That would be bad why?  :)


Its not on topic?! :-)

We've just finished moving DNS over to Liberty and DynDNS has 
graciously volunteered to second for at least .org.  I'm cc:'ing Cole 
'cause I forget if he's on the -org list or not.  

2 FYIs:

#1 - pedanticThis isn't DynDNS supporting the cause so much as me
offering to use my DynDNS employees discount to do it.  It's not that
DynDNS has anything against GNHLUG, I just don't have any kind of
authority to call this a DynDNS sponsored item./pedantic

Thanks for the clarification - it makes it easier to resolve problems if
we know who the owner really is.

#2 - Delegation for gnhlug.org has to be changed before this offer is of
any use.  :)  C'mon - like you folks have anything else to do?  *grin*

I thought I did that last week?! Is something not working?

Maybe they could second for .com and .net also.
I see the domains are payed up through March and May - maybe if we get 
the Non-Profit done by then we can even take these on as a legitimate 
expense. :)

Sure - no problem.  I can offer backup MX service for each of these as
well, if there's interest.

There's enough spam sinks on the net - I don't think we need to add
these to their pool!  Although if they can be pointed to liberty, maybe
some liberty sysadmin can adjust Apache to redirect them to the main web
site! (This one is still recovering from a rather intense flight - ever
gotten seasick in an airplane?)

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Summer Summit 2006 Notes

2006-08-14 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ben Scott wrote:
 On 8/14/06, Bill Sconce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think because wikis (and mailing lists) LOVE never-ending discussions
 about how the law works ...
  ... as do face-to-face meetings, as I believe our meeting this past
 Saturday demonstrated.  We burned an hour (plus or minus) speculating
 about the law, when none of us are really in a position to make
 well-informed statements about it.  :-)
 ... this determinination should be shunted off to a legal-committee
 task force
 to just come back with the answers, dammit.
  Agreed, completely.  We need to seek professional advice on this one.

Professional?! I think GNHLUG still has $35 to its name. Well, with
interest over the past 3 years, its probably $37. I think.

Any volunteers?

Also: maddog... Has LI made any progress on this front?

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Legal issues with incorporation (was: Summer Summit 2006 Notes)

2006-08-14 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ben Scott wrote:
 On 8/14/06, Bruce Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think GNHLUG still has $35 to its name.
  It does?!?  You've been hoarding funds, then!  ;-)

Not me! The duly appointed treasurer has them (who I'm not sure is still
aware that she's the treasurer.)

I haven't checked with her on this, but those funds could easily have
gone into communal beer purchases at Martha's. ;-)

--Bruce (Why does this organization have such difficulty with
due-diligence) Dawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Summer Summit 2006 Notes

2006-08-14 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ben Scott wrote:
 On 8/14/06, Ed Lawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I find this matter very tiresome and assume that someone will
 simply go file the papers and the malcontents can complain in
 the wilderness to their heart's content.
  Tongue-in-cheek: Given that we don't have a defined organization, or
 a defined position for the leadership role, it does seem at least
 consistent, if not appropriate, to abide by an undefined process for
 choosing the next undefined leader.

Not tongue-in-cheek:  Since we are currently an undefined
non-corporation, I move that the FearlessLeader (whoever s/he is at the
moment this action is taken) take the corporate papers as they currently
exist and get them signed by whoever FearlessLeader feels is appropriate
and forthwith submit them to the Secretary of State. And if monies are
needed to do this, let the gnhlug-org list know.

As it currently stands, it doesn't matter who does it since we're not an
incorporated entity. Note: This means Daryl McBride, or Bill Gates, or
even (sigh) $FAVORITE_VILLAIN could do it - whether we want him to or
not. The first one to the Secretary of State wins the option to
incorporate GNHLUG, and there's not a [EMAIL PROTECTED] thing anyone can do 
about it.

I'm just afraid that someone has done it already.

Do I hear a second?

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2006-07-19 Thread Bruce Dawson

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2006-05-20 Thread Bruce Dawson

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2006-05-18 Thread Bruce Dawson

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2006-05-12 Thread Bruce Dawson

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2006-05-03 Thread Bruce Dawson

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2006-05-03 Thread Bruce Dawson

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GNHLUG.Main - Automated notification of topic changes

2006-05-02 Thread Bruce Dawson

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2006-05-02 Thread Bruce Dawson

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Re: GNHLUG.Www - Automated notification of topic changes

2006-05-02 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ted Roche wrote:
 Might it be possible to enable the RSS feed just for the Upcoming 
 Events page? That would be a nice feature, for those using RSS.

Already done. Sorta. Actually, its available for all webs. See

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Re: Website work

2006-05-02 Thread Bruce Dawson
Ben Scott wrote:
 I suspect we could hardcode the actual edit URL, but I note that edit
 links include a ?t={gobbledegook} parameter that probably translates
 to the user.

You should be able to do that. The t=... is session information. Since
you'll be editing a topic different from the one you're on, this
*shouldn't* cause a problem, and will just start an additional session.

...Simply using
 appears to work at first glance, but I wanted to investigate that idea
 a bit more before I went live with it.
 I'd like to look into improving the looks of the tables.
  Go for it!  :)

I second that.

 There are far more pixels devoted to colored panels and lines and
 borders than
 there are to the events; I'd like to invert those proportions. We'd
 like to emphasize the events, not our clever layouts.
  I suspect this would be done by tweaking the skin TWiki is using.
 I've glossed that TWiki skins are basically special topic pages which
 contain CSS style sheets, so one hopes it wouldn't be *too* hard.

Correct. Skins are the way to go. Care to create a GNHLUG skin?


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GNHLUG.TWiki - Automated notification of topic changes

2006-04-30 Thread Bruce Dawson

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2006-04-30 Thread Bruce Dawson

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2006-04-28 Thread Bruce Dawson

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2006-04-25 Thread Bruce Dawson

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2006-04-23 Thread Bruce Dawson

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GNHLUG.Main - Automated notification of topic changes

2006-04-22 Thread Bruce Dawson

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2006-04-21 Thread Bruce Dawson

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Re: It's time to talk by-laws again...

2006-04-20 Thread Bruce Dawson
Heather Brodeur wrote:
 Bruce Dawson wrote:
BTW: Back in the mid-to-late-90's I was a member of a UG that had a
vendor try to take over by doing exactly this (they wanted to get rid
of the non-commercialization policy). However, people got suspicious
when about 30 names showed up one day from the same domain. A more
sophisticated attack is easy, and harder to detect. I believe they
subsequently required a physical presence at a meeting to vote.
 I'm a bit confused.  Did one person make up a bunch of email addresses
 at the same company/domain, or did the company ask a bunch of employees
 to join/vote?  I'd hate to see us have to require physical presence to
 vote, I don't think we'd get a representative cross section that way.

I was just a member at the time and don't remember the details. Sorry.
In fact, I can't even remember if it was a SwANH, GNSEG, or BCS
affiliated group (Jerry Feldman or David Marston might remember the

I just remember the incident because I thought it was a novel and
innovative way of running a dispersed group, and yet the same old
gremlin managed to wreck havoc with the high-tech system as it did with
the low-tech systems before it.

It also showed me the benefits and problems with having a universal
serial number like a SSN.

Voting is a non-trivial problem. Probably why in the 50,000+ years of
human existence, it only came into existence in the last 200, and why
we're still having problems with it.

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GNHLUG.Organizational - Automated notification of topic changes

2006-04-19 Thread Bruce Dawson

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GNHLUG.Main - Automated notification of topic changes

2006-04-19 Thread Bruce Dawson

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2006-04-19 Thread Bruce Dawson

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Re: It's time to talk by-laws again...

2006-04-19 Thread Bruce Dawson
Jon maddog Hall wrote:

 I think you want to have as representatives the people who really want to do
 the work and make the group go.  They will typically be the ones that (given
 a call to run) will respond, and probably (from their own participation
 on the lists, list of projects where they participated in the past and from
 their own candidate statements) will be the ones selected by the rest of the
 group (whoever the rest of the group turns out to be).

Unfortunately, the ones who do the work and make the group go also
include the groups with hidden agendas and those who can't tolerate
things they don't understand.

Once these people get in control, we have to suffer with them until they
are voted out.

So far, we have been lucky.

 If you elect the best, they should reach out to represent all the groups.
 Perhaps you can make that a responsibility of one of the officers.

Ah. Some weasel words to be aware of: Should, seems, you can make.

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: It's time to talk by-laws again...

2006-04-19 Thread Bruce Dawson
Heather Brodeur wrote:
 Bruce Dawson wrote:
Ted Roche wrote:
I'm not sure we have an easy way to distinguish email addresses.

Yes, but we don't have a good way of ensuring only one person gets a
vote. Actually, I think this was discussed on the general mailing some
time ago - I just can't find it.
 Perhaps I'm being a bit over simplistic, but shouldn't we just require
 registration to vote?  If someone wants to be a voting member they
 have to let us know who they are, where to find them, and what their
 aliases are.  If someone wants to remain anonymous to the list or
 chapters (or SIGs), fine, but they aren't eligible to vote.  Do we
 really expect that people would make up and register multiple
 personalities just to skew the vote?

Sure, we can do that. I just want to be in the position of I told you
so., and pray that I don't have to ;-)

BTW: Back in the mid-to-late-90's I was a member of a UG that had a
vendor try to take over by doing exactly this (they wanted to get rid
of the non-commercialization policy). However, people got suspicious
when about 30 names showed up one day from the same domain. A more
sophisticated attack is easy, and harder to detect. I believe they
subsequently required a physical presence at a meeting to vote.

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