Large data sets

2007-02-02 Thread Jim Kellerman
I am part of a working group that is developing a Bigtable-like structured
storage system for Hadoop HDFS (see

I am interested in learning about large HDFS installations:

- How many nodes do you have in a cluster?

- How much data do you store in HDFS?

- How many files do you have in HDFS?

- Have you run into any limitations that have prevented you from growing
  your application?

- Are there limitations in how many files you can put in a single directory?

  Google's GFS, for example does not really implement directories per-se,
  so it does not suffer from performance problems related to having too
  many files in a directory as traditional file systems do.

The largest system I know about has about 1.5M files and about 150GB of
data. If anyone has a larger system in use, I'd really like to hear from
you. Were there particular obstacles you had in growing your system to that
size, etc?

Thanks in advance.
Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Loading data into HDFS

2007-08-07 Thread Jim Kellerman
This request isn't so much about loading data into HDFS, but we really
need the ability to create a file that supports atomic appends for the
HBase redo log. Since HDFS files currently don't exist until they are
closed, the best we can do right now is close the current redo log and
open a new one fairly frequently to minimize the number of updates that
would get lost otherwise. I don't think we need the multi-appender model
that GFS supports, just a single appender.


On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 10:45 -0700, Eric Baldeschwieler wrote:
 I'll have our operations folks comment on our current techniques.
 We use map-reduce jobs to copy from all nodes in the cluster from the  
 source.   Generally using either HTTP(S) or HDFS protocol.
 We've seen write rates as high as 8.3 GBytes/sec on 900 nodes.  This  
 is network limited.  We see roughly 20MBytes/sec/node (double the  
 other rate) on one rack clusters, with everything connected with  
 We (the yahoo grid team) are planning to put some more energy into  
 making the system more useful for real-time log handling in the next  
 few releases.  For example, I would like to be able to tail -f a file  
 as it is written, I would like to have a generic log aggregation  
 system and I would like to have the map-reduce framework log directly  
 into HDFS using that system.
 I'd love to hear thoughts on other achievable improvements that would  
 really help in this area.
 On Aug 3, 2007, at 1:42 AM, Jeff Hammerbacher wrote:
  We have a service which writes one copy of a logfile directly into  
  (writes go to namenode).  As Dennis mentions, since HDFS does not  
  atomic appends, if a failure occurs before closing a file, it never  
  in the file system.  Thus we have to rotate logfiles at a greater  
  that we'd like to checkpoint the data into HDFS.  The system  
  isn't perfect but bulk-loading the data into HDFS was proving  
  rather slow.
  I'd be curious to hear actual performance numbers and methodologies  
  for bulk
  loads.  I'll try to dig some up myself on Monday.
  On 8/2/07, Dennis Kubes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You can copy data from any node, so if you can do it from  
  multiple nodes
   your performance would be better (although be sure not to overlap
   files).  The master node is updated once a the block is copied it
   replication number of times.  So if default replication is 3 then  
  the 3
   replicates must be active before the master is updated and the data
   appears int the dfs.
   How long the updates take to happen is a function of your server  
   and network speed and file size.  Generally it is fast.
   So the process is the data is loaded into the dfs, replicates are
   created, and the master node is updated.  In terms of  
  consistency, if
   the data node crashes before the data is loaded then the data won't
   appear in the dfs.  If the name node crashes before it is updated  
   all replicates are active, the data would appear once the name  
  node has
   been fixed and updated through block reports.  If a single node  
   that has a replicate once the namenode has been updated then the  
   will be replicated from one of the other 2 replicates to another 3
   system if available.
   Dennis Kubes
   Venkates .P.B. wrote:
Am I missing something very fundamental ? Can someone comment  
  on these
queries ?
Venkates P B
On 8/1/07, Venkates .P.B. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Few queries regarding the way data is loaded into HDFS.
-Is it a common practice to load the data into HDFS only  
  through the
master node ? We are able to copy only around 35 logs (64K  
  each) per
in a 2 slave configuration.
-We are concerned about time it would take to update filenames  
maps in the master node when data is loaded from few/all the  
Can anyone let me know how long generally it takes for this  
  update to
And one more question, what if the node crashes soon after the  
  data is
copied into one it. How is data consistency maintained here ?
Thanks in advance,
Venkates P B
Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

Re: hbase listTables() broken?

2007-09-04 Thread Jim Kellerman
Looks like a bug. Please open a Jira if you have not already done so.


On Tue, 2007-09-04 at 00:24 -0700, Andrew Hitchcock wrote:
 I've been playing around with HBase a little bit recently; writing
 some code to get an idea of how to use it. I noticed the listTables()
 method returned by an HConnection doesn't return what I expect. I
 don't know if this is a bug or if I'm just doing something wrong.
 I first created the table movieLog_table using HBase shell. Then I
 tried programmatically creating and deleting tables. I create and
 enable a table (which I know works, because I can use it to store and
 retrieve values), and then run this code:
 HConnection con = HConnectionManager.getConnection(conf);
 HTableDescriptor[] tables = con.listTables();
 for (HTableDescriptor tabledesc : tables) {
 When I run the code (which programmatically creates two tables, in
 addition to the one table I created using the shell), I get this
 The number is correct, but the two new tables are reported as having
 the same name. Also, when I run show tables; in HBase shell, it
 shows the same result.
 If this is actually a bug and not an error on my end, I can create a JIRA 
Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

RE: HBase performance

2007-10-11 Thread Jim Kellerman

Performance always depends on the work load. However, having said
that, you should read Michael Stonebraker's paper The End of an
Architectural Era (It's Time for a Complete Rewrite) which was
presented at the Very Large Database Conference. You can find a
PDF copy of the paper here:

In this paper he presents compelling evidence that column oriented
databases (HBase is a column oriented database) can outperform
traditional RDBMS systems (MySql) by an order of magnitude or more
for almost every kind of work load. Here's a brief summary of why
this is so:

- writes: a row oriented database writes the whole row regardless
  of whether or not values are supplied for every field or not.
  Space is reserved for null fields, so the number of bytes
  written is the same for every row. In a column oriented
  database, only the columns for which values are supplied are
  written. Nulls are free. Also row oriented databases must write
  a row descriptor so that when the row is read, the column values
  can be found.

- reads: Unless every column is being returned on a read, a column
  oriented database is faster because it only reads the columns
  requested. The row oriented database must read the entire row,
  figure out where the requested columns are and only return that
  portion of the data read.

- compression: works better on a column oriented database because
  the data is similar, and stored together, which is not the case
  in a row oriented database.

- scans: suppose you have a 600GB database with 200 columns of
  equal length (the TPC-H OLTP benchmark has 212 columns) but
  while you are scanning the table you only want to return 5
  of the columns. Each column takes up 3GB of the 600GB. A row
  oriented database will have to read the entire 600GB to extract
  the 20GB of data desired. Think about how long it takes to read
  600GB vs 20GB. Furthermore, in a column oriented database, each
  column can be read in parallel, and the inner loop only executes
  once per column rather than once per row as in the row oriented

- bulk loads: column oriented databases have to construct their
  indexes as the load progresses, so even of the load goes from
  low value to high, btrees must be split and reorganized. For
  column oriented databases, this is not true.

- adding capacity: in a row oriented database, you generally have
  to dump the database, create a new partitioning scheme and then
  load the dumped data into a new database. With HBase, storage
  is only limited by the DFS. Need more storage? Add another data

We have done almost no tuning for HBase, but I'd be willing to bet
that it would handily beat MySql in a drag race.

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: Rafael Turk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 3:36 PM
 Subject: HBase performance

 Hi All,

  Does any one have comments about how Hbase will perform in a
 4 node cluster compared to an equivalent MySQL configuration?



RE: HBase performance

2007-10-12 Thread Jim Kellerman
Stonebraker has a new column oriented store called H-Store. It is also talked 
about in the paper.

And now I'll shut up. I didn't intend to create such a firestorm.

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: Doug Cutting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 11:29 AM
 Subject: Re: HBase performance

 Jonathan Hendler wrote:
  Since Vertica is also a distributed database,  I think  it may be
  interesting to the newbies like myself on the list. To keep the
  conversation topical - while it's true there's a major
 campaign of PR
  around Vertica, I'd be interested in hearing more about how HBase
  compares with other column stores or hybrids.

 Vertica is presumably based on C-Store.  C-Store seems not
 optimized for immediate query of recently updated data, but
 rather for delayed queries over mostly read-only data
 warehouses.  HBase (modeled after BigTable) is instead
 optimized for real-time access to read-write data.  So I
 think it depends a bit on what your application needs.

 E.g., from the C-Store paper: we expect read-only queries to
 be run in historical mode. In this mode, the query selects a
 timestamp, T, less than the one of the most recently
 committed transactions [...]


RE: HBase performance

2007-10-12 Thread Jim Kellerman
One more comment and then I'll really shut up, I promise. On re-reading the 
paper, you are all absolutely correct about C-Store, H-Store and Vertica.

What is not in the paper and part of what he presented this week was applying 
column oriented stores to the TPC-H benchmark.

The TPC-H OLTP telco benchmark has a schema of 212 columns, contains ~600GB 
data and each transaction accesses only 6 or 7 of the columns. In a full table 
scan, a row oriented store must read all 600GB of data. It has no choice. A 
column oriented store need only read the 6-7 columns which is approximately 
20GB. I don't think anyone will argue that you can read 20GB a whole lot faster 
than 600GB.

Jeff Hammerbacher wrote:
 4) your section on adding capacity has NOTHING at all to do
 with organizing your data on disk in a column-oriented fashion;
 it's a property of any reasonably well-designed horizontally
 partitioned data store.

Hmm, well column oriented-ness of BigTable and HBase do a pretty nice job of 
horizontal partitioning.

Jonathan Hendler wrote:
 One of the valid points ... has to do with compression (and null
 values).  For example - does HBase also offer tools, or a
 strategy for compression?

Yes, see compression is controlled on a per column 
family basis.

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

RE: A basic question on HBase

2007-10-22 Thread Jim Kellerman

Could you provide the parameters you used to configure the bloom filter?


Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: Josh Wills [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 7:28 PM
 Subject: Re: A basic question on HBase
 2)  I was running one of these batch-style uploads last night
 on an HTable that I configured w/BloomFilters on a couple of
 my column families.  During one of the compaction operations,
 I got the following exception--

 FATAL org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionServer: Set stop flag in
 at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method)
 at org.onelab.filter.HashFunction.hash(
 at org.onelab.filter.BloomFilter.add(
 at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HStore.compact(
 at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HStore.compact(
 at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HStore.compact(

 Note that this wasn't the first compaction that was run
 (there were others before it that ran successfully) and that
 the region hadn't been split at this point.  I defined the
 BloomFilterType.BLOOMFILTER on a couple of the
 columnfamilies, w/the largest one having ~10 distinct
 entries.  I don't know which of these caused the failure, but
 I noticed that 10 is quite a bit larger than the # of
 entries used in the testcases, so I'm wondering if that might
 be the problem.

 Thanks again, the 0.15.0 stuff looks very good- Josh

 On 10/19/07, edward yoon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You're welcome.
  If you have any needs, questions, or comments in Hbase,
 please let us
  B. Regards,
  Edward yoon (Assistant Manager/RD Center/NHN, corp.)
  +82-31-600-6183, +82-10-7149-7856
   Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 14:33:45 +0800
   Subject: Re: A basic question on HBase
   Dear edward yoon  Michael Stack,
   After using the hadoop branch-0.15, hbase runs correctly.
   Thank you very much!
   Best wishes,
   Bin YANG
   On 10/19/07, Bin YANG  wrote:
   Thank you! I can download it now!
   On 10/19/07, edward yoon  wrote:
   Run the following on the command-line:
   $ svn co
   See also for more information about the Hbase and Hbase
 Shell client program:
   B. Regards,
   Edward yoon (Assistant Manager/RD Center/NHN, corp.)
   +82-31-600-6183, +82-10-7149-7856
   Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 13:46:51 +0800
   Subject: Re: A basic question on HBase
   Dear Michael Stack:
   I am afraid that I cannot connect to the svn,
   Error: PROPFIND request failed on '/viewvc/lucene/hadoop/trunk'
   Error: PROPFIND of '/viewvc/lucene/hadoop/trunk': 302 Found
   Error: PROPFIND request failed on
   Error: PROPFIND of
   302 Found (
   Would you please send me a 0.15 version of hadoop, or
 give some
   information on how to connect to the svn successfully?
   Best wishes,
   Bin YANG
   On 10/19/07, Michael Stack wrote:
   (Ignore my last message. I had missed your back and
 forth with Edward).
   Regards step 3. below, you are starting both
 mapreduce and dfs daemons.
   You only need dfs daemons running hbase so you could do
   ./bin/ instead.
   Are you using hadoop 0.14.x? (It looks

RE: HBase UnknownScannerException

2007-10-29 Thread Jim Kellerman
UnknownScannerException is thrown by the region server if a scanner request 
(next or close) is called with either a bogus scanner id (unlikely since the 
scanner id is hidden from the client application) or if the scanner's lease has 

Every client request is given a lease by the region server. If the lease times 
out, the region server thinks that the client has gone away and it can clean up 
any resources being held for that request. Lease timeouts almost always occur 
on operations related to scanners. If a scanner's lease times out, 
UnknownScannerException will be thrown if the client issues a scanner request 
after the timeout because the region server has already cleaned up the 
resources associated with the scanner. (The default lease timeout for client 
requests is 30 seconds, so it is very likely that this is the situation you are 
running into).

If you attempt to do an update to the same table that you have a scanner open 
on, the update will stall waiting for the scanner to complete. So a loop which 

while (, val)) {
  if (key.equals(something) || val.equals(somethingElse)) {

will not work because the update will wait for the scanner to finish, (which it 
won't), and both the update and the next should both fail.

Hope that helps.
Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: Cedric Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 7:58 PM
 Subject: HBase UnknownScannerException


 I was trying HBase from the 0.15 branch. And was doing:

 HScannerInterface s = table.obtainScanner(...)
 while(, val)) {

 And encounter the following exception whenever I spent too
 much time in the while loop, (e.g.  30 ~ 120 seconds). I am
 also doing insert in the same table in another process. But
 the records they are working on are definitely non-overlapping.

 org.apache.hadoop.hbase.UnknownScannerException: Name:
 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor19.invoke(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
 at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC$
 at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server$

 at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC$Invoker.invoke(
 at $ Source)

 there are totally 6 machines:
 one running namenode, secondarynamenode, hbase master five
 running datanode, regionserver


RE: How to Setup Hbase in 10 mintues

2007-10-30 Thread Jim Kellerman
They are indeed quite similar but do have some significant differences. Some
of the commands take different arguments and there are different commands run
in each.

If HBase were a part of hadoop proper instead of a contrib project (like
record io which was moved from contrib into the main hadoop tree), I would
be more inclined to merge the scripts since they would have more in common.

For now, I think keeping them separate is probably the right thing to do.

Jim Kellerman

 -Original Message-
 From: Doug Cutting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: How to Setup Hbase in 10 mintues

 Holger Stenzhorn wrote:
  This fix is exactly the same as done for (and
  introduced into the Subversion repository already).

 Which begs the question: could HBase use
 directly?  If not, could be modified to
 support HBase?  Maintaining two slightly different versions
 of something makes maintenance painful.


RE: HBase question on HRegions server

2007-11-01 Thread Jim Kellerman
 -Original Message-
 From: Bin YANG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 3:06 AM
 Subject: HBase question on HRegions server


 I am confused with some thing in HBase.

 1. All data is stored in HDFS. Data is served to clients by
 HRegionServers. Is it allowed that the tablet T is on machine
 A, and served by a HRegionServers running on machine B?

Yes, it is possible. Depending how how many replicas of the data
there are in HDFS, it is possible that the data is on machines A,
B, C and the region server is running on machine D.

In the future, we will be investigating how to assign regions to
a region server based on where the data is located.

 What information does the META table maintain?
 The map from T to the physical address in machine A, or the
 map from T to which machine serves it, for example, machine B?

There are three pieces of data stored in the ROOT and META table:
1. The HRegionInfo object that describes the region. It includes
   the startKey, endKey, regionId, regionName and the HTableDescriptor
2. The host:port of the region server currently serving the region
3. A sequence number so that we can tell if the host:port is a
   current region assignment or if it is a stale assignment

 2. Similar to Bigtable paper, what does the tablet location(section
 5.1) stand for? Is it the map from the tablet id to physical
 address, or the map from the tablet to which machine serves it?

I don't know exactly what Google stores in their meta table. What
HBase stores is the data above. From it we can contact a region
server directly and the region server can locate the region's files
in HDFS.


 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Fudan
 University Shanghai, P. R. China

RE: HBase question on HRegions server

2007-11-01 Thread Jim Kellerman
 -Original Message-
 From: Bin YANG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 6:59 PM
 Subject: Re: HBase question on HRegions server

 Thank you very much Michael and Jim!

 That means the master does not maintain the mapping from
 HRegion to HRegionServer. And the mapping from HRegion to
 HRegionServer is in the META and ROOT. Is it right?

Not quite. The master does maintain a mapping of the ROOT and
META regions to which region servers are serving them, but not
for regions which are part of a user table. There are a couple
of reasons for this:

- Unlike Bigtable which stores the ROOT location in Chubby,
  HBase keeps the ROOT location in the Master so that the
  clients know how to find the ROOT region.

- In order for the master to perform administration functions
  such as table creation, it must know where the META regions
  are so it can determine whether the table already exists.
  Further, if a region server dies, the master must scan the
  META regions to determine which regions the dead server was

 So if a client want to read a tablet, it should first find
 the ROOT, find corresponding META, and the client will know
 which tablet server is serving the tablet. Is it right?

Correct. And that is exactly what HConnectionManager does for
HTable (which is the client API)

 The master just maintains the active RegionServer list.

And the master is responsible for assigning regions to region

 If the client want to create a new tablet, how would a client
 to find a HRegionServer? Any active HRegionServer in master's
 list is a candidate?

A client should use an HBaseAdmin object which provides the
administrative API for the client.

 Does the HRgionServer write a new tablet row in the META
 directly or ask the Master to write a new tablet row in the META?

It depends on the circumstances. Sometimes the region server does,
sometimes the master does.


 On 11/2/07, Jim Kellerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Bin YANG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 3:06 AM
   Subject: HBase question on HRegions server
   I am confused with some thing in HBase.
   1. All data is stored in HDFS. Data is served to clients by
   HRegionServers. Is it allowed that the tablet T is on
 machine A, and
   served by a HRegionServers running on machine B?
  Yes, it is possible. Depending how how many replicas of the
 data there
  are in HDFS, it is possible that the data is on machines A,
 B, C and
  the region server is running on machine D.
  In the future, we will be investigating how to assign regions to a
  region server based on where the data is located.
   What information does the META table maintain?
   The map from T to the physical address in machine A, or
 the map from
   T to which machine serves it, for example, machine B?
  There are three pieces of data stored in the ROOT and META table:
  1. The HRegionInfo object that describes the region. It includes
 the startKey, endKey, regionId, regionName and the
  2. The host:port of the region server currently serving the
 region 3.
  A sequence number so that we can tell if the host:port is a
 current region assignment or if it is a stale assignment
   2. Similar to Bigtable paper, what does the tablet
   5.1) stand for? Is it the map from the tablet id to physical
   address, or the map from the tablet to which machine serves it?
  I don't know exactly what Google stores in their meta table. What
  HBase stores is the data above. From it we can contact a
 region server
  directly and the region server can locate the region's
 files in HDFS.
   Bin YANG
   Department of Computer Science and Engineering Fudan University
   Shanghai, P. R. China

 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Fudan
 University Shanghai, P. R. China

RE: NoSuchElementException when creating a table

2007-11-01 Thread Jim Kellerman
C:\hadoop is my installation

C:\workspace\hadoop-commit is my checked out SVN tree which is current
with trunk.

/cygdrive/c$ diff hadoop/conf/hadoop-site.xml workspace/hadoop-commit/conf
   descriptionA base for other temporary directories./description
 !-- uncomment if running distributed

/cygdrive/c/hadoop/src/contrib/hbase$ diff conf/hbase-site.xml ../../../../work

(i.e. no changes)

sshd must be configured and running
/cygdrive/c/hadoop/src/contrib/hbase$ /usr/sbin/sshd

start HBase...
/cygdrive/c/hadoop/src/contrib/hbase$ bin/
FileSystem is file:///
starting master, logging to /cygdrive/c/hadoop/src/contrib/hbase/bin/../../../..
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
localhost: starting regionserver, logging to /cygdrive/c/hadoop/src/contrib/hbas

(create table with HBase shell)
/cygdrive/c/hadoop/src/contrib/hbase$ bin/hbase shell
Hbase Shell, 0.0.2 version.
Copyright (c) 2007 by udanax, licensed to Apache Software Foundation.
Type 'help;' for usage.

Hbase create table test (contents);
Creating table... Please wait.
Table created successfully.

(query META region for information about the newly created table)
Hbase select info:regioninfo from .META.;
| Row  | Cell |
| test,,1193980167062  | regionname: test,,1193980167062, star|
|  | tKey: , tableDesc: {name: test, fam|
|  | ilies: {contents:={name: contents, ma|
|  | x versions: 3, compression: NONE, in |
|  | memory: false, max length: 2147483647|
|  | , bloom filter: none}}}  |
1 row(s) in set (0.16 sec)
Hbase exit
   -- ;

(shut down HBase...)
/cygdrive/c/hadoop/src/contrib/hbase$ bin/
stopping master

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: Holger Stenzhorn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 2:48 PM
 Subject: NoSuchElementException when creating a table


 I checked out Hadoop (including HBase) from its Subversion
 repository today, build it successfully (on Cygwin) and
 started HBase in local mode.

 Then I took your little example program from the Wiki and it
 crashes at the last line:
 HBaseConfiguration conf = new HBaseConfiguration();
 HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor(test);
 desc.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(content:));
 HBaseAdmin admin = new HBaseAdmin(conf);

 ...and I get the following stacktrace:
 at java.util.TreeMap.key(
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
 at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC$
 at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server$

 at Test.main(

 After doing a little debugging I found the culprit line

RE: hbase feature question

2007-11-17 Thread Jim Kellerman
Currently, HBase supports specifying a maximum number of versions to
keep. Older versions are removed during compaction.

However, we do not currently support a TTL for columns. Please enter
a Jira using the component contrib/hbase and request a feature improvement.


Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Billy
 Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 8:18 AM
 Subject: hbase feature question

 I was looking over the bigtable pdf again to make sure that's
 where I read this, but there setup allows Column Families to
 be removed from the database in  garbage collection. Is this
 a feature that will be added to hbase?

 Basically it allows you to set a max ttl for a column row. I
 can see where this would be useful for nutch and other apps
 in crawling.
 Example storing links from z page pointing to x page if not
 updated by y time it gets removed form the dataset. keeps
 from having the scan the whole dataset to remove stale data.


RE: Text and/or ImmutableBytesWritable issue?

2007-11-21 Thread Jim Kellerman
Text objects typically contain more bytes than are actually in use.
If you were to use the alternate constructor for ImmutableBytesWritable:

new ImmutableBytesWritable(input.getBytes(), 0, input.getLength());

the test will pass.

One more note: Relying on the default encoding being the same for
Strings may work on any single machine but if one machine has a
default encoding of EN_US and another's is UTF-8, passing an
ImmutableBytesWritable from one machine to another will result in
the String decoding failing. For this reason, we always specify
an encoding for String.getBytes and in the String constructor:

new ImmutableBytesWritable(this is a string.getBytes(UTF-8))


new String(ibw.getBytes(), UTF-8)

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Grey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:27 AM
 Subject: Text and/or ImmutableBytesWritable issue?

 Can anyone explain why testTextToBytes doesn't assert and
 testStringToBytes does?


 import junit.framework.TestCase;

 public class TestImmutableBytesWritable extends TestCase {

 public void testTextToBytes(){

 Text input = new Text(this is a test.);

 ImmutableBytesWritable bytes =
 new ImmutableBytesWritable(
 input.getBytes() );

 Text output = new Text( bytes.get() );

 assertEquals(input, output);


 public void testStringToBytes(){

 String input = this is a test.;

 ImmutableBytesWritable bytes =
 new ImmutableBytesWritable(
 input.getBytes() );

 String output = new String( bytes.get() );

 assertEquals(input, output);


 If I inspect the objects during debugging at the point of the
 assert I see the following:

 * input
 bytes = [116, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105
 , 115, 32, 97, 32, 116, 101
 , 115, 116, 46, 0]
 length = 15

 * bytes =   [116, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105
 , 115, 32, 97, 32, 116, 101
 , 115, 116, 46, 0]

 * output
 bytes = [116, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105
 , 115, 32, 97, 32, 116, 101
 , 115, 116, 46, 0]
 length = 16

 The length property appears to be off between the two Text
 objects, but all the data is correct... any help would be
 greatly appreciated.



RE: Text and/or ImmutableBytesWritable issue?

2007-11-21 Thread Jim Kellerman
Well, it depends on how the Text object is initialized. If it is initialized
with a String, it sets its internal length to the length of the string.

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: stack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 9:04 AM
 Subject: Re: Text and/or ImmutableBytesWritable issue?

 What Jim just said, but it looks to me like Text is doing the
 wrong thing.  When you ask it its length, it returns the byte
 buffer capacity rather than how many bytes are in use.  It
 says length is 16 but there are only 15 characters in your
 test string, UTF-8'd or not.


 Jason Grey wrote:
  Can anyone explain why testTextToBytes doesn't assert and
  testStringToBytes does?
  import junit.framework.TestCase;
  public class TestImmutableBytesWritable extends TestCase {
public void testTextToBytes(){
Text input = new Text(this is a test.);
ImmutableBytesWritable bytes =
new ImmutableBytesWritable(
 input.getBytes() );
Text output = new Text( bytes.get() );
assertEquals(input, output);
public void testStringToBytes(){
String input = this is a test.;
ImmutableBytesWritable bytes =
new ImmutableBytesWritable(
 input.getBytes() );
String output = new String( bytes.get() );
assertEquals(input, output);
  If I inspect the objects during debugging at the point of
 the assert I
  see the following:
  * input
bytes = [116, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105
, 115, 32, 97, 32, 116, 101
, 115, 116, 46, 0]
length = 15
  * bytes = [116, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105
, 115, 32, 97, 32, 116, 101
, 115, 116, 46, 0]
  * output
bytes = [116, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105
, 115, 32, 97, 32, 116, 101
, 115, 116, 46, 0]
length = 16
  The length property appears to be off between the two Text objects,
  but all the data is correct... any help would be greatly

RE: lists

2007-12-05 Thread Jim Kellerman
I hope he was subscribed to this list so he got the message :)

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Baldeschwieler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 12:04 PM
 Subject: Re: lists

 Hi Folks,

 Please ignore the last email I sent with this subject.  I was
 just planning to pass some information to the guy in the next cube.
 Instead I shared it with the world.



RE: api about hbase?

2007-12-14 Thread Jim Kellerman
The only examples we have at this point are the unit tests. They
are rather contrived but it's what we have. You can find them in
the source tree under


Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: ma qiang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 4:19 AM
 Subject: api about hbase?

 Hi colleague,
After reading the api docs about hbase,I don't know
 how to manipulate the hase using the java api .Would you
 please send me some examples?
Thank you!

 Ma Qiang
 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Fudan
 University Shanghai, P. R. China

RE: point in time snapshot

2007-12-18 Thread Jim Kellerman

Are you referring to snapshots of the entire DFS or of HBase?

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Billy
 Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 4:29 PM
 Subject: point in time snapshot

 I been looking around jira and can not find a issue on
 snapshots is there an snapshot for backup option in the works?

 Say I want to do a backup on my data I would run a snapshot
 and it would be stored in the dfs as a backup file(s) but I
 could restore it if needed later down the road if current
 data got corrupted or deleted lost etc...


RE: HashMap which can spill to disk for Hadoop?

2007-12-19 Thread Jim Kellerman
Have you looked at

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: C G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 11:59 AM
 Subject: HashMap which can spill to disk for Hadoop?

 Hi All:

   The aggregation classes in Hadoop use a HashMap to hold
 unique values in memory when computing unique counts, etc.  I
 ran into a situation on 32-node grid (4G memory/node) where a
 single node runs out of memory within the reduce phase trying
 to manage a very large HashMap.  This was disappointing
 because the dataset is only 44M rows (4G) of data.  This is a
 scenario where I am counting unique values associated with
 various events, where the total number of events is very
 small and the number of unique values is very high.  Since
 the event IDs serve as keys as the number of distinct event
 IDs is small, there is a consequently small number of
 reducers running, where each reducer is expected to manage a
 very large HashMap of unique values.

   It looks like I need to build my own unique aggregator, so
 I am looking for an implementation of HashMap which can spill
 to disk as needed.  I've considered using BDB as a backing
 store, and I've looking into Derby's BackingStoreHashtable as well.

   For the present time I can restructure my data in an
 attempt to get more reducers to run, but I can see in the
 very near future where even that will run out of memory.

   Any thoughts,comments, or flames?

   C G

 Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with
 Yahoo! Search.

RE: hbase master heap space

2007-12-22 Thread Jim Kellerman
Scanners time out on the region server side and resources get cleaned
up, but that does not happen on the client side unless you later call
the scanner again and the region server tells the client that that
scanner has timed out. In short, any application that uses a scanner
should close it. It might be a good idea to add a scanner watcher
on the client that shuts them down.

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: Bryan Duxbury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 5:51 PM
 Subject: Re: hbase master heap space

 Are you closing the scanners when you're done? If not, those
 might be hanging around for a long time. I don't think we've
 built in the proper timeout logic to make that work by itself.


 On Dec 21, 2007, at 5:10 PM, Billy wrote:

  I was thanking the same thing and been running REST outside of the
  Master on each server for about 5 hours now and used the
 master as a
  backup if local rest interface failed. You are right I seen
 a little
  faster processing time from doing this vs. using just the master.
  Seams the problem is not with the master its self looks
 like REST is
  using up more and more memory not sure but I thank its to do with
  inserts maybe not but the memory usage is going up I an doing a
  scanner 2 threads reading rows and processing the data and
  it in to a separate table building a inverted index.
  I will restart everything when this job is done and try to do just
  inserts and see if its the scanner or inserts.
  The master is holding at about 75mb and the rest interfaces
 are up to
  400MB and slowly going up on the ones running the jobs.
  I am still testing I will see what else I can come up with.
  stack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Hey Billy:
  Master itself should use little memory and though it is not out of
  the realm of possibiliites, it should not have a leak.
  Are you running with the default heap size?  You might
 want to give
  it more memory if you are (See for how).
  If you are uploading all via the REST server running on
 the master,
  the problem as you speculate, could be in the REST servlet itself
  (though it looks like it shouldn't be holding on to
 anything having
  given it a cursory glance).  You could try running the REST server
  independent of the master.  Grep for 'Starting the REST Server' in
  this page,, for
  how (If you are only running one REST instance, your
 upload might go
  faster if you run multiple).
  Billy wrote:
  I forgot to say that once restart the master only uses
 about 70mb of
  Billy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I not sure of this but why does the master server use up so much
  I been running an script that been inserting data into a
 table for
  a little over 24 hours and the master crashed because of
  java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.
  So my question is why does the master use up so much
 memory at most
  it should store the -ROOT-,.META. tables in memory and block to
  table mapping.
  Is it cache or a memory leak?
  I am using the rest interface so could that be the reason?
  I inserted according to the high edit ids on all the
 region servers
  about 51,932,760 edits and the master ran out of memory
 with a heap
  of about 1GB.
  The other side to this is the data I inserted is only taking up
  MB and that's with
  dfs.replication set to 2 so half that is only 440MB of data
  compressed at the block level.
  From what I understand the master should have lower
 memory and cpu
  usage and the namenode on hadoop should be the memory
 hog it has to
  keep up with all the data about the blocks.

RE: REST scanner get error 500 0x1b is not valid

2007-12-31 Thread Jim Kellerman
 -Original Message-
 From: Bryan Duxbury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 2:46 PM
 Subject: Re: REST scanner get error 500 0x1b is not valid

 You're probably right - column names are not base64 encoded.
 Isn't the contract of row/column keys printable strings?

No. row keys do not need to be printable strings. In the future,
they may be changed to an arbitrary WritableComparable, even
less restrictive than Text.

Column family names are restricted to the set: \w+:

There is no restriction on the names of a column family member
(the part of the column key after the initial ':')

Table names are restricted to the set of characters: [\w-.]+
except that table names starting with either '-' or '.' are
reserved for HBase internal use.

 so, then putting images in that field would appear to be a
 mismatch. Even if you need to use images as qualifiers,
 wouldn't it be more efficient to use an md5 of the image
 rather than the actual image?


 On Dec 30, 2007, at 3:56 PM, Billy wrote:

  On one of my tables I get this when trying to get results from a
  I call for the scanner location and get it fine but on the
 first call
  I get the below error
  Error 500 The character 0x1b is not valid.
  Not sure if this has to do with with the first row in my table but
  that should not cause the scanner to return 500 error
  I can open scanner on other tables this one is the only one
 doing this
  I tryed to delete the first row but no luck it will not
 delete useing
  shell or rest. I have tryed several ways includeing
 urlencodeing the
  row key and the col name but no luck
  First row in the table that would be called from the
 scanner and below
  curl results with 500 error.
  hql  select * from anchors limit = 1;
  | Row | Column  | Cell
  | !vj!;c!$/$i$7!650i!||
  1   |
  | 4d6-$n=| in/seisaku/index.htm:htt|
  | | p   |
  1 row(s) in set. (0.61 sec)
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# curl --verbose --header 'Accept: text/xml' -T
  * About to connect() to port 60010
  *   Trying * connected
  * Connected to ( port 60010
  PUT /api/anchors/scanner?column=url: HTTP/1.1
  User-Agent: curl/7.12.1 (i686-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.12.1
  OpenSSL/0.9.7a zlib/ libidn/0.5.6
  Pragma: no-cache
  Accept: text/xml
  Content-Length: 1
  Expect: 100-continue
   HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
   HTTP/1.1 201 Created
   Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 23:23:46 GMT
   Server: Jetty/5.1.4 (Linux/2.6.9-67.0.1.ELsmp i386
  Location: /api/anchors/scanner/a99db67  Content-Length: 0
  * Connection #0 to host left intact
  * Closing connection #0
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# curl --verbose --header 'Accept: text/xml' -T
  * About to connect() to port 60010
  *   Trying * connected
  * Connected to ( port 60010
  PUT /api/anchors/scanner/a99db67 HTTP/1.1
  User-Agent: curl/7.12.1 (i686-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.12.1
  OpenSSL/0.9.7a zlib/ libidn/0.5.6
  Pragma: no-cache
  Accept: text/xml
  Content-Length: 1
  Expect: 100-continue
   HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
   HTTP/1.1 500 The+character+0x1b+is+not+valid%2E
   Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 23:24:02 GMT
   Server: Jetty/5.1.4 (Linux/2.6.9-67.0.1.ELsmp i386
  Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8  Content-Length: 1286 
  Connection: close html head titleError 500 The
 character 0x1b is
  not valid./title /head body h2HTTP ERROR: 500/h2preThe
  character 0x1b is not valid./pre
  pismalla href=;Powered by
  Jetty:///a/small/i/p /body /html
  * Closing connection #0

Question for HBase users

2008-01-03 Thread Jim Kellerman
Do you have data stored in HBase that you cannot recreate?

HADOOP-2478 will introduce an incompatible change in how HBase
lays out files in HDFS so that should the root or meta tables
be corrupted, it will be possible to reconstruct them from
information in the file system alone.

The problem is in building a migration utility. Anything that
we could build to migrate from the current file structure to
the new file structure would require that the root an meta
regions be absolutely correct. If they are not, the migration
would fail, because there is not enough information on disk
currently to rebuild the root and meta regions.

Is it acceptable for this change to be made without the provision
of an upgrade utility?

If not, are you willing to accept the risk that the upgrade
may fail if you have corruption in your root or meta regions?

After HADOOP-2478, we will be able to build a fault tolerant
upgrade utility, should HBase's file structure change again.
Additionally, we will be able to provide the equivalent of
fsck for HBase after HADOOP-2478.

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

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