Re: ipop3d and DNS reverse lookups

2004-08-14 Thread David Woodhouse
On Thu, 2004-08-12 at 19:07 +0200, Beltrami, Riccardo wrote:
 Hi all,
 we're experienceing problems with our DNS reverse lookups (multiple 
 hostnames with the same IP address) so POP3 clients connecting to ipop3d 
 are often refused to connect because of wrong reverse IP resolution.

Multiple hostnames with the same IP address isn't necessarily a problem.
You can have multiple PTR records for the same IP address, pointing to
each of those hostnames. 


RE: Children flags, RFC3348.

2004-01-13 Thread David Woodhouse
On Tue, 2004-01-13 at 10:36 -0800, Mark Crispin wrote:
 On Tue, 13 Jan 2004, David Woodhouse wrote:
  H.. Can we then have a \Subscribed flag too?
 That would require that all subscribed mailboxes exist.

Not really. 

  Or is there another way of finding out which folders are subscribed
  other than separately issuing LIST and LSUB commands?

...I should have said LIST and LIST (SUBSCRIBED) here, I suspect; since
that's what I actually want. 


Re: Best practice for syntactically invalid message-ids?

2003-09-08 Thread David Woodhouse
On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 12:07 +1200, David Harris wrote:
 I'm looking for guidance on the best practice when handling syntactically 
 invalid message id's in FETCH ENVELOPE responses. 

message id's? What is it that belongs to the message-id in question?
Did you mean message ids? :)

 I'm *assuming* that the best practice in a situation like this is for me (the 
 server) to report NIL for the message-id field when the field is not 
 syntactically valid, but would appreciate feedback from on high.

If you do this, then surely you should do the same for invalid Date:
headers, invalid addresses in From:/To:/Cc: headers, etc?

I don't think that the IMAP server should be munging the mail in any
way. If you want to either reject or correct invalid email, you should
probably do so once, before putting the mail into the mail store -- not
each time the mail in question is viewed.


Re: LIST and Marked folders - and a further suggestion.

2003-06-23 Thread David Woodhouse
On Mon, 2003-06-23 at 10:10, Richard Bang wrote:
 Just for my upended worth. My implementation will never return either
 /Marked or /Unmarked.
 This is because when I was testing with multiple concurrent connected
 clients (as I like to work) it screwed up the new message counts. I want
 to have 2+ client open at once (I have 4 PC's in different locations) I
 want to be able to see new mail on all of them without having to choose
 which one should take priority or have any of them ignore a mailbox just
 because I last looked at a folder with a different client.

This is a bug in your clients, not in your server. They are making the
flawed assumption that \Unmarked means they can skip the folder -- in
fact it doesn't; it means nothing to the vast majority of clients --
those which care about \Seen not \Recent status. 

Here I disagree with Mark's statement that it's non-constructive to make
absurd interpretations of the protocol in this mailing list. The
interpretation that \Unmarked status gives you an excuse for skipping
STATUS on the folder in question is absurd for most clients, yet it _is_
appropriate to discuss it here.

When contemplating \Marked and \Unmarked flags, I saw a problem and
asked about it... others evidently just went ahead and _used_ the
\Unmarked flag even though it's completely irrelevant to them. It's
_that_ behaviour which is non-constructive, surely?


Re: LIST and Marked folders - and a further suggestion.

2003-06-23 Thread David Woodhouse
On Mon, 2003-06-23 at 17:03, Mark Crispin wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, David Woodhouse wrote:
  others evidently just went ahead and _used_ the
  \Unmarked flag even though it's completely irrelevant to them.
 How did you arrive at that conclusion?
 What others used \Unmarked without understanding what it means?

My 'others' I mean the authors of the clients which Richard tested prior
to saying, in the paragraph which I quoted in my own reply,

This is because when I was testing with multiple concurrent
 connected clients (as I like to work) it screwed up the new
 message counts.

Perhaps I misinterpreted him, and his 'multiple concurrent connected
clients' was in fact just multiple copies of the _same_ client, and
hence there was only _one_ such buggy client.

Given the ease with which this particular mistake can be made, however,
I suspect the plural is correct.


Re: LIST and Marked folders

2003-06-21 Thread David Woodhouse
On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 22:38, Mark Crispin wrote:
 That's one possible implementation/interpretation.  Here's another:
  No status -- folder _may_ have new mail   -- check it.
  \Marked   -- folder probably has new mail -- go there.
  \Unmarked -- folder doesn't have new mail -- skip it.

OK... the 'go there' bit seems fairly much specific to pine and
text-mode clients AFAICT, but yes -- that is indeed another possible

It seems that most GUI clients have something akin to the big folder
tree with numbers of unseen mail by each folder, and the user clicks on
the folders they desire. I wouldn't have it any other way -- when
there's unseen mail in more than one folder, _I_ choose the order in
which I prioritise those folders, not my MUA. And that priority varies
daily, if not hourly -- it's not something an MUA is _ever_ going to

 In your case (wanting to check for not \Seen status), you probably want:
  No status -- folder _may_ have unseen mail   -- check it.
  \Marked   -- folder probably has unseen mail -- go there.
  \Unmarked -- folder _may_ have unseen mail   -- check it.

Except that as discussed, 'go there' isn't really an appropriate action
in any client I'd actually want to sit in front of all day -- hence all
three states equate to 'check it', and the whole thing is not useful to
me. I don't think I'm alone in that preference.

I'd like to have some way of knowing I can skip the folder in question.

I was assuming -- evidently wrongly -- that the existing ambiguous
meanings of \Marked and \Unmarked were sufficiently pointless that they
could be 'clarified' to mean what I consider useful. Failing that
though, I'd perhaps like to see a _separate \Nounseen flag in the LIST
response which _does_ give the hint I desire.

  The client didn't know that all I was doing was fetching one message. In
  all probability, the client is pine.
 Pine always announces new mail.  Hence the human user saw the new mail,
 and for whatever reason elected not to read it at that time.

That is, in my opinion, a fundamentally flawed assumption. If you tell
me 110 messages saved to folder INBOX.lists.linux-kernel that does
_not_ mean I saw them all :)

To be honest, I find the \Recent flag to be entirely bizarre. I
appreciate its historical context, and I understand that it's generally
trivial for the server to generate it given traditional mbox format, but
I fail to see how it maps to users' desired behaviour in any way, and
it's fundamentally unworkable in a world with multiple clients, so it
doesn't really seem to be appropriate any more.

But I wouldn't necessarily advocate its removal -- I'd just like to see,
as I said above, some way for my own (entirely theoretical at this
point) IMAP client to know that it can skip issuing STATUS for certain
mailboxen when it's interested in \Seen status, not \Recent status.

I shall investigate the LISTEXT work of which you speak -- it sounds
like that might be what I'm after. Thanks for the pointer.


Re: LIST and Marked folders

2003-06-20 Thread David Woodhouse
On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 17:24, Mark Crispin wrote:
 \Unmarked is the most useful status.  It indicates to the client that it
 can definitely skip consideration of a mailbox.

I'm not convinced I agree. 

A common behaviour I desire from a client is to find mailboxen which
have new mail. Yet the \Unmarked flag doesn't necessarily indicate that
status. The \Unmarked flag says that no new mail has been delivered
since the mailbox was last SELECTed. 

Consider the case where my main client is issuing a LIST periodically
then asking for STATUS of non-\Unmarked folders.

I connect with another client, SELECT a folder and FETCH an old message
from it, for some reason. The folder in question had new mail in it,
which my main client had not yet observed... but now the folder doesn't
have \Unmarked status since it's been SELECTed since the new mail was

TBH I don't think the meaning (or indeed existence) of \Marked is
particularly relevant -- it's the presence or absence of \Unmarked which
in an ideal world would give the client some clue as to how to behave.

I'd much rather see \Unmarked clearly defined as 'This folder contains
no messages without \Seen flag', and \Marked similarly defined as 'This
folder contains messages without \Seen flag.' That would seem more in
line with what's really desired by real-world clients.

In a different mail you also write:
 It is non-constructive to make absurd interpretations of the protocol in
 this mailing list.  If the wording in the document is broken, then please
 propose a fix to the wording.  Don't damage the protocol.

To a certain extent, absurd interpretations of the protocol do need to
be taken into account. It's an unfortunate fact that you do have to
account for the lowest common denominator -- however absurd an
interpretation may be, you'll still find some nut out there will write
their server to it, and hence a client author may need to work around
the problem; and vice versa.


Re: LIST and Marked folders

2003-06-20 Thread David Woodhouse
On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 19:00, Rob Siemborski wrote:
 The \Recent message flag has the same problem.

Indeed it does, and I cannot imagine how a client would actually make
_use_ of it in a way which is useful to the user.

The \Marked and \Unmarked folder states correspond to the \Recent
message flag -- when it would possibly be more useful to have something
which corresponds to the \Seen message flag instead.


Re: LIST and Marked folders

2003-06-20 Thread David Woodhouse
On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 19:45, Mark Crispin wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, David Woodhouse wrote:
  A common behaviour I desire from a client is to find mailboxen which
  have new mail. Yet the \Unmarked flag doesn't necessarily indicate that
  status. The \Unmarked flag says that no new mail has been delivered
  since the mailbox was last SELECTed.
 Your argument is fallacious.
 You define have new mail in a way that is different from what \Marked
 and \Unmarked indicate, and conclude that these flags are not useful.

Do we agree that however we define 'new mail', '\Marked' status in most
practical circumstances will mean the same to a client as no status at
all -- it's '\Unmarked' which is the interesting one since it means that
you can skip the folder. Because the behaviour is as follows:

 No status -- folder _may_ have new mail   -- check it.
 \Marked   -- folder probably has new mail -- check it.
 \Unmarked -- folder doesn't have new mail -- skip it.

 The fallacy is the presumption that your definition for have new mail is
 a global definition that applies in all cases.

I defined 'new mail' as that mail which is not \Seen. You define it (at
least where we are using it in this context) as mail which is not

If we can agree on the assertion that fact that \Unmarked is the
interesting case and for practical purposes \Marked is equivalent to no
marking at all, my definition for 'have new mail' applies in any case
where yours does.

This is because if I use your definitions, I see false positives --
folders are signalled \Unmarked when I really wanted to look at them.
Conversely, if you use my definition, you _won't_ see false positives.

Except perhaps in the case where mail is saved as \Seen, which a mail
client may want to do for an outgoing mail folder. We can either ignore
that under your 2% rule (and on the basis that in the only example case
I can think of it's the desired behaviour _anyway_), or perhaps
\Unmarked should be taken to mean a folder has _neither_ \Recent nor
un-\Seen mail.

  Consider the case where my main client is issuing a LIST periodically
  then asking for STATUS of non-\Unmarked folders.
  I connect with another client, SELECT a folder and FETCH an old message
  from it, for some reason. The folder in question had new mail in it,
  which my main client had not yet observed... but now the folder doesn't
  have \Unmarked status since it's been SELECTed since the new mail was
 There is a solution to that.  If your another client did not want to
 take responsibility for the new mail, it should have used the EXAMINE
 command.  That's why EXAMINE is there!

The client didn't know that all I was doing was fetching one message. In
all probability, the client is pine.

What tends to happen is someone sends me an attachment or mail which I
want to save on some machine other than my main workstation...  I log
into a remote machine and run pine there, and make it save said mail or
attachment. Would pine use EXAMINE in that case? It'd need to use
EXAMINE by default, but then SELECT the same mailbox if it later decides
it actually does need read-write access.

What if I _did_ actually look at one of the many new mails which caught
my eye while I had the folder open? Perhaps a new mail in the same
thread -- a followup to the mail I was trying to save. In that case,
pine would _have_ to SELECT the mailbox in question -- should we still
prevent the other clients from considering the folder interesting, by
signalling it \Unmarked?

 Your complaint, in other words, is that you used a broken client which
 canceled the \Recent status of your new messages and rendered the mailbox
 \Unmarked, and that therefore \Recent and \Unmarked are not useful.  I'd
 claim that if you fix your broken client, you won't have the problem.

I used pine.

  I'd much rather see \Unmarked clearly defined as 'This folder contains
  no messages without \Seen flag', and \Marked similarly defined as 'This
  folder contains messages without \Seen flag.'
 That just duplicates the UNSEEN value from STATUS, and defeats the entire

It duplicates the UNSEEN value from STATUS in precisely the same manner
as your suggested interpretation duplicates the RECENT value from
STATUS, surely?

I thought that the idea behind the \Unmarked flag was that we provide
the client with an optimisation -- a way to know that it doesn't _need_
to issue STATUS for certain mailboxen.

  That would seem more in
  line with what's really desired by real-world clients.
 What do you mean by real world client?  Does your client have as many
 seats as Pine?

I'm not sure. Clients which could use \Unmarked status to optimise away
STATUS calls for mailboxen include all clients which keep some kind of
tree representation of mailboxen, with a number of unseen messages by
each one, perhaps highlighting those where that number is nonzero. 

That's Evolution, Kmail, Outlook for a start, is it not? AIUI they're

Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-13 Thread David Woodhouse
On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 16:49, Mark Crispin wrote:
 On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, David Woodhouse wrote:
  After all, although Evolution is taking 10 seconds to open certain
  folders at the moment because it's re-downloading flags, it doesn't
  actually _need_ all of those flags
 Right.  So why does it need to download all of them?  Note that the SEARCH
 command can often be used in lieu of having the flags locally.

It currently tries to download all of them because it's broken and we
can't update the GUI tree widget as and when items become visible. That
is an implementation detail which does need fixing.

That fact doesn't change the fact that not being able to _cache_ flags
is also suboptimal; each problem merely exacerbates the other.

But SEARCH is a very good idea for optimising Evolution's _current_
behaviour -- since Evo only needs to know (IIRC) about \Seen and
\Answered, those two search commands are likely to be a _lot_ faster
than just fetching all the flags. And it can probably be done in Evo's
IMAP back end without actually having to have rewritten all the rest of
the mailer (yet). Thanks for the suggestion.

For my linux-kernel mailing list folder (and bearing in mind that 'ssh
$MAILHOST /bin/true' takes three seconds on its own...

$ ( time echo -e 000 select inbox.lists.l-k\\n001 search (unseen)\\n002 search 
(answered)\\n003 logout\\n  | 
  ssh $MAILHOST imapd ) 21 | egrep real\|EXISTS
* 5272 EXISTS
$ ( time echo -e 000 select inbox.lists.l-k\\n001 fetch 1:5272 (flags)\\n002 
logout\\n | 
  ssh $MAILHOST imapd ) 21 | grep real

Admittedly that's the folder that's going to give the _best_ ratio,
since it has many messages, few of which are unseen and even fewer of
which are answered. But then again, that's the one I care about most,
because that's the one that's been taking 20-odd seconds to open :)

  I prefer to do the same. The startup time is far from negligible. But I
  got out of the habit of leaving them running while using wu-imapd,
  because the imapd would keep killing itself if two clients looked at the
  same folder at the same time.
 That's an artifact of the traditional UNIX mailbox format.  Try the mbx

I tried MH, and I didn't like the loss of unseen-sequence with wu-imapd.
Mail I read from pine or with an imap clients wasn't showing up as read
in other MH-capable stuff.

Now I'm trying maildir. Maybe I'll try mbx next :)
  It's about five seconds per page (19 mails) for me this morning. How
  does the size of the envelope matter -- we're only displaying four
  fields. Are we downloading headers we don't actually need?
 Pine uses envelopes, not headers.  If it's taking 5 seconds to get 19
 normal sized envelopes then something else is wrong.

I'll investigate precisely what it's doing. 

 Session is defined in RFC 2060, and refers to the period that a mailbox
 is selected.

Ah; OK. Since pine tends to restart a session each time I change
mailbox, that's not actually caching for as long as I'd like it to. I
tend to flit between mailboxen a lot.


Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-13 Thread David Woodhouse
On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 15:42, Timo Sirainen wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 05:45:25PM -0700, Alexey Melnikov wrote:
  Please, have a look at draft-melnikov-imap-condstore-10.txt. Your timestamp is
  called modseq (modification sequence) in the draft. FLAGS-VALIDITY is called
  HIGHESTMODSEQ in the document.
  The functionality you propose can be build as a small extension to CONDSTORE
  (and yes, other people already proposed something similar before).
 There's no way I'm going to store extra 64bit per message in mailbox just
 for this extension, but looks like it wouldn't prevent from using the tricks
 I mentioned earlier. Instead of storing it for each message, I'd use my
 existing transaction log file to remember last few changes. MODSEQ would be
 last_MODSEQ + position in log file. MODSEQ of messages not in log file
 would all be last_MODSEQ. Do you think this would cause any problems?

If you do this, you'll need to fix up the case where there's a single
client and it's the only one making changes to the folder.

If a client makes a conditional store, not only does the MODSEQ of the
_changed_ messages increase, but also the MODSEQ of _all_ other messages
in the folder.

Maybe you'd want something like...
 a103 UID STORE 6,4,8 (HIGHESTMODSEQ 200012121230045)
... which succeeds only if 200012121230045 is actually the HIGHESTMODSEQ
for the folder, and returns the _new_ HIGHESTMODSEQ.

That'd mean that a client has to be _entirely_ up to date before
submitting any changes though.


Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-12 Thread David Woodhouse
On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 22:56, Mark Crispin wrote: 
 That's not the right view.  You should instead have how can I build a
 good client within the context of IMAP, without expecting the existing
 IMAP world to add facilities to enable me.

That's how I _started_. I looked at the way UIDs allow me to cache
message headers on the client so they don't need to be re-downloaded. I
looked for an equivalent mechanism for flags, and found it to be absent.

Given that even if an extension allowing flag caching _does_ come into
existence I'd still have to implement the non-caching variant for
compatibility, perhaps I should ignore this particular problem for the
moment and come back to it if and when it actually starts to be a
significant problem.

After all, although Evolution is taking 10 seconds to open certain
folders at the moment because it's re-downloading flags, it doesn't
actually _need_ all of those flags, so perhaps it'll turn out that
having to re-download them isn't quite as much of a showstopper as it is
right now, although it'll still be suboptimal.

  Not entirely. I don't necessarily want a _complete_ synchronised state
  -- but neither do I want to have to discard the state I _do_ need, and
  download it again shortly thereafter, just because the server gives me
  no way to be sure that nothing's changed in the meantime.
 I keep my IMAP clients (at least, one at home and one in the office)
 running for days at a time.  I have two incoming mailboxes and some
 newsgroups.  All other mailboxes are ones that get updated by my action.

I prefer to do the same. The startup time is far from negligible. But I
got out of the habit of leaving them running while using wu-imapd,
because the imapd would keep killing itself if two clients looked at the
same folder at the same time. 

Now I'm _staying_ out of that habit because Evolution has the same
behaviour w.r.t. message flags as you describe below -- it doesn't
re-download them in the same session (i.e. the life of one 'evolution'
invocation). Which is somewhat unfortunate if the flags are changed by
another client, because we never notice till I exit and restart Evo.

The _correct_ behaviour, according to IMAP, is to redownload those flags
we care about _every_ time the folder is reselected. 

  Well, maybe. More fundamentally though, I'd say that this is a
  consequence of living on the wrong end of a 64K ISDN link and hoping
  that somewhere, somewhen, I can eliminate _any_ redundant traffic to the
  IMAP server.
 I once regularly used IMAP over a 2400 bps line, and to this day I still
 use IMAP over a CDPD device.  Please do not treat me as someone who
 doesn't understand the issue of slow lines.

I wouldn't claim you don't understand. I'm just trying to express the
pain that's a large part of my motivation :)

 My claim is not that you should re-download data that you already had.
 Rather, you should not re-download anything unless you need it; and by
 following a strict don't need it, don't download it will buy you more
 than efforts to keep the caches of a dozen clients in synchronization with
 each other.

I am in violent agreement with this. I _really_ don't want to
re-download data that I already had. This is why I'm looking for a way
to _know_ when I need to do so and when I don't, because currently the
status is that I have to re-download it unconditionally. 

Yes, of course I shouldn't be downloading anything I don't _need_ in the
first place, but that is largely an orthogonal issue. Extensions for
server-side threading have already allowed clients to get away with
requiring far less to be downloaded in the first place; that alleviates
but doesn't entirely remove the requirement for being able to cache what
we _do_ need without having to redownload it.

  And redownloading message flags which I already had and which haven't
  changed is definitely redundant -- especially if it's doing so just
  because I temporarily selected my inbox to read a new mail therein,
  before returning to the mailing list I was reading a moment ago.
 So why didn't you spawn a separate session for the other mailbox?  TCP
 sessions are cheap.

Well, it's not actually just TCP. It's 'ssh mailhost.$COMPANY.internal
exec imapd' where ssh knows that for *.$COMPANY.internal you actually
run 'ssh bastionhost.$ exec netcat %h %p' instead of making a
TCP connection... 

So it's not _that_ cheap, and not that fast to start up either. And I
can't just open one IMAP connection for _every_ folder I visit in an MUA
session -- there have to be limits on the number of connections I open.
Besides which, it doesn't fix the case where I _have_ actually closed
the MUA and restarted it, or where a temporary network outage has caused
a disconnection. 

But yes, making the client automatically spawn separate IMAP connections
in order to maintain state on some folders is a possibility which allows
us to work around the lack of caching info. It would have helped us work

Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-12 Thread David Woodhouse
On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 06:58, Eric A. Hall wrote:
 I'm not trying to start a religious war here, but how much work would it
 really be to have a protocol extension which allowed the client to request
 flags which have changed since time. It seems that all of the difficulty
 would be in the implementation (the server data-store), not in the
 protocol, and there would be significant benefits to having this option
 available in the protocol. Faster resynchronization between sessions would
 be very good for all clients, online and offline alike.

I'm going to assume you meant something sane when you said time, of
course :) 

The protocol side could be fairly simple -- the idea that Timo Sirainen
offered in [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems fairly close to
what we'd want. You'd declare that a server supporting FLAGS-VALIDITY
_MUST_ include any messages with changed flags in its response, and
SHOULD make an effort not to include messages _without_ changed flags.

The _implementation_ doesn't have to be that difficult either -- the
common case where no other client has changed flags since the last visit
can happily be dealt with by a trivial change-counter where we tell a
client to redownload _all_ flags if _any_ change has been made.

Of course the protocol should allow allow more complex setups where we
guarantee to give a list with _no_ false positives. 

Some more thought about possible such implementations was given in 

On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 17:30, Timo Sirainen wrote:
 - Keep flags-validity value of last flag change for each message. Takes
   pretty much disk space and may be slow.
 - Keep only the last flags-validity value. That helps only when there hasn't
   been any flag changes since client last accessed the mailbox
 - Keep low-validity and low-uid. if client request any flags-validity =
   low-validity, only return low-uid:* instead of 1:*
 - Keep a log of the last few flags-validities and what messages they changed

Basically, it all looks technically feasible. It's just a case of
whether people will actually want it and start to make use of it.


Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-12 Thread David Woodhouse
On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Eric A. Hall wrote:

  I'm going to assume you meant something sane when you said time, of
  course :) 
 Uh, heh, I meant time alright. Specifically have the server return a
 timestamp whenever a folder is closed, and let the client cache it.

We're digressing somewhat. Yes the idea is basically sound but time 
actually isn't guaranteed to actually be different _every_ time you query 
it, and in the presence of NTP etc., isn't actually guaranteed to be 
monotonic either. Plus as son as you start _calling_ it 'time' you get 
people wanting to use the clock on the _client_ and that's obviously even 
more broken.

Take a timestamp, make sure it's always newer than the previous one, and 
call it something different :)

  The protocol side could be fairly simple -- the idea that Timo Sirainen
  offered in [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems fairly close to
  what we'd want. You'd declare that a server supporting FLAGS-VALIDITY
  _MUST_ include any messages with changed flags in its response, and
  SHOULD make an effort not to include messages _without_ changed flags.
 Doesn't this require the server to cache client state? It'd be a lot
 simpler for the clients to keep track of their own state, since that's
 what they're already doing.

It doesn't require any per-client state on the server. For each change 
made to the folder, the server advances through a sequence of cookies 
(which might by an amazing coincidence resemble timestamps) and hands 
one off to the client. Each client remembers the cookie which was 
given to match its own locally-cached information.

Then occasionally a client comes along to the server and says Tell me
what, if anything, changed since $THEN. 

The server has the _option_ of maintaining some details about what changed
and when, for the last few changes which were made to the folder. If the 
cookie the client presents is so old that the server's forgotten 
everything that happened since then, then the server can just tell the 
client to invalidate its whole cache. 

If the server isn't keeping any logs at all, this just becomes a simple 
compare of the cookie with the 'latest' cookie, and a yes/no answer. 
Even that most simple implementation will suffice to optimise the common 
case where no changes have been made by another client in the time since 
this particular client last looked at the folder.

(Of course you ensure that in the one-client case you don't trigger 
invalidates when they're not necessary. So new mail arriving shouldn't 
change the change-counter cookie, only changing of flags on _existing_ 
mail should do that. And when a client changes flags in a folder and the 
change-counter cookie advances, that client shouldn't be told to 
invalidate its cache if it was already up-to-date. But those are just 


Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-12 Thread David Woodhouse
On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 00:34, Alexey Melnikov wrote:
 Please, have a look at draft-melnikov-imap-condstore-10.txt. Your timestamp is
 called modseq (modification sequence) in the draft. FLAGS-VALIDITY is called
 HIGHESTMODSEQ in the document.

That is indeed almost precisely what I was looking for. Thank you.

Btw I see only -09. Did you s/successfull/successful/ in §3 of -10

 The functionality you propose can be build as a small extension to CONDSTORE
 (and yes, other people already proposed something similar before).

It's early here -- I'm not sure if there's any functionality I'd wanted
that isn't there, from a client's point of view.

The only real difference I note is that I was trying to allow for the
option of a far more naïve server implementation, where the server
_only_ keeps 'HIGHESTMODSEQ' and doesn't actually keep MODSEQ for
individual messages -- or where it keeps MODSEQ only for the N most
recently changed messages. This might improve the adoption rate of the
extension while still allowing the majority of the benefit to be seen by

I'm not particularly tied to that idea though -- from a client's point
of view, I'm perfectly happy without it.


Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-11 Thread David Woodhouse
I have some questions about $subject, motivated by a desire to reduce
unnecessary client-server traffic due to living on the wrong end of a
64K ISDN line, and watching the IMAP traffic in a debugging session of

1. The 'IDLE' extension (RFC2177) looks at first glance like a sensible
thing to do, but on closer inspection it doesn't really help much.

Consider the case where the following happens, in this order:
1. Client SELECTs a mailbox.
2. Mail arrives.
3. Client issues 'IDLE' command.

AFAICT nothing in RFC2177 states that the server 'MUST' immediately
inform the client of changes to the mailbox which have occurred since
the mailbox was selected, and unless that behaviour is required, there's
_always_ a race condition between selecting the folder and entering
'idle' mode. 

Is there any way a client can _safely_ use the IDLE extension and rely
on actually being informed of _all_ updates? Do all current
implementations actually fix the race condition above? Testing with
Courier shows that it does seem to notify me of mail which arrived
within the window described, but it's not clear that a client could rely
on that.

2. The other problem with the IDLE extension is that it only affects the
one currently-selected folder. Is there any work on, or discussion of,
an extension similar in spirit to 'IDLE' but which also permits the
selection of multiple folders for asynchronous status updates. It's
common for an IMAP client to be checking for mail in _all_ folders (or
all subscribed folders), but this is still only possible via polling.

3. On a related note -- is it permissible for a client to rely on the
\Unmarked flag to optimise away a STATUS command for certain folders
when polling for new mail? I suspect not -- it seems to me that it's
permitted for a server to show a folder as \Unmarked if _another_ client
has selected that folder since the new mail arrived, hence that a client
must issue STATUS for _all_ folders in which new mail might have
arrived, regardless of their Marked/Unmarked status.

4. What mechanisms exist or have been discussed to allow client-side
caching of message flags (such as \Seen, \Answered in particular). I
observe that Evolution downloads flags for _all_ messages in a folder
the first time a folder is selected after startup. If flags are changed
by another client, Evolution won't notice until it's restarted. Looking
through the RFCs, I see no option for a client other than to re-fetch
all message flags _every_ time they're required; no mechanism exists for
a client to be able to know that flags _might_ have changed. Hence
Evolution is technically at fault for doing any form of caching of flags
at all.

Would it be feasible to add something like a flags-sequence-number which
is incremented each time flags for existing messages are changed, which
a client can use to invalidate its cache of message flags?


 For information about this mailing list, and its archives, see:

Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-11 Thread David Woodhouse
On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 10:39, Mark Keasling wrote:
 There is no race condition.  When the client sends the idle command, it
 is telling the server to send notification about new mail as it arrives.
 Since new mail has already arrived prior to the initiation of the IDLE
 command, the server should immediately notify the client about the new mail
 and then continue to send updates as they occur.

You said 'should' and I agree with that wholeheartedly. It's common
sense and obviously the correct thing to do. It'd be utterly stupid to
do otherwise.

But you didn't say 'MUST' in capitals :)

My concern is that you can't always rely on implementors to apply common
sense, but you _can_ rely on them to deviate as far as possible from
common sense while staying technically within the bounds of the RFC (and
even that only if you're lucky :).


Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-11 Thread David Woodhouse
On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 11:41, Mark Keasling wrote:
  But you didn't say 'MUST' in capitals :)
 Okay, I've had to dig out RFC2060 and thumb through it.
 Here is the relevant text...
 ...  A server MUST send mailbox size updates automatically
if a mailbox size change is observed during the processing of a
command.  A server SHOULD send message flag updates automatically,
without requiring the client to request such updates explicitly.

Well, if I _really_ wanted to assume stupidity or malice on the part of
the server author -- and often it's useful for clients to do exactly
that -- I'd point out that the latter is only a 'SHOULD' and the former
although 'MUST' is predicated on the server actually _observing_ a
change, not on the mere fact that there _is_ a change. 

But in practice I suppose I can't see anyone claiming But we didn't
check for the change hence we didn't observe it as an excuse, so it
does come very close to being the 'MUST' which I was after, and which
I'd missed. Thanks for pointing it out.

 A server which fails to notify the client of new mail isn't exactly
 useful IMHO.



Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-11 Thread David Woodhouse
On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 12:21, Timo Sirainen wrote:
 I've been thinking that server could send STATUS-replies whenever it
 notices new mail in mailboxes. Maybe a STATUS-WATCH (mailboxlist) or
 similiar command for that. Or that configuration could even be done at
 server side so it might not even require changes to clients, assuming it
 updates it's internal counts whenever it sees STATUS reply.

Well, even though the server is already permitted to send unsolicited
STATUS 'replies', the client would need to know that the server _will_
do so, hence that the client doesn't need to keep polling. There'd have
to be _some_ way for the server to indicate that situation, and probably
also you'd want a way for the client to select _which_ folders should be
monitored by the server. So the 'STATUS-WATCH' idea seems more useful
than silently configuring the server to do it. I wonder if just limiting
it to subscribed folders is OK though, or whether we really want the
client to be able to give a list?

 Right, \Marked is more about if mailbox possibly has \Recent messages
 (or something else interesting).

OK. Hence the only way a client can currently poll for mail in all
folders is to execute a separate 'STATUS' command on _each_ one,

  4. What mechanisms exist or have been discussed to allow client-side
  caching of message flags (such as \Seen, \Answered in particular).
 Server should send flag updates to client. I think it's pretty safe to
 cache the flags for the current session and assume the server notifies
 of any changes.

Sorry, my question wasn't clear. I speak not of the currently-selected
folder but of _other_ folders, for which the server will not be sending
updates (and besides; flags changes are only a 'SHOULD' anyway).

 Evolution's IMAP support is pretty bad. I've been rewriting it for a
 while with one of the Ximian guys, but it's not that far yet and I've
 other things to do too.

True; the point of my questions is to establish best practice before I
try to assist with that rewrite. I started by adding the capacity to get
at an IMAP server by running 'ssh $mailhost exec imapd', and now I'm
looking at the rest of the things which annoy me about it.

The major one at the moment is the fact that STATUS queries for all
folders get queued in one lump, and I have to wait for them all to
complete before it'll actually do the next thing that _I_ asked it to ;)

Yes, I can make it prioritise commands from a queue and send
'user-driven' requests before background status polling, but in the long
term I'd rather eliminate the STATUS requests altogether if possible.

  Would it be feasible to add something like a flags-sequence-number which
  is incremented each time flags for existing messages are changed, which
  a client can use to invalidate its cache of message flags?
 Probably not, it wouldn't be that much different from simply fetching
 the flags instead of flag-seq-number.

I'm not sure I agree with that. Consider the case of a folder with 3000
messages in it, which _hasn't_ been modified by another client since it
was last used by the client we're sitting in front of. Perhaps we've
just selected another folder temporarily and then switched back to the
first. Surely it's better to do a single compare of a sequence number
(basically a datestamp) than to issue a FETCH for the flags of _every_
message again?

I was thinking of a new command where the client can present the
'flags-validity' sequence number which matches its own cached flags for
the folder, and be told by the server 'You need to (re)fetch flags for
the following messages...'. Which gives the nave server implementation
the option of just saying 'all messages' if anything's changed, or more
complicated servers could perhaps keep track of _which_ messages' flags
have changed in the last few sequence numbers; keeping 'last changed at'
stamps per-message or something so that a client can be given a more
limited set of messages for which the flags have changed.


Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-11 Thread David Woodhouse
On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 15:09, Timo Sirainen wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 01:59:26PM +, David Woodhouse wrote:
  Well, even though the server is already permitted to send unsolicited
  STATUS 'replies', the client would need to know that the server _will_
  do so, hence that the client doesn't need to keep polling.
 Well, yes. The reason I want it is that I'd want to see new mail immediately
 when it comes, instead of only when client decides to poll for it. It
 doesn't really matter to me if client still does the polling.

Well, I'd probably settle for that too, and I could do it just by
hacking an imapd to offer unsolicited STATUS reports, and of course
making Evolution deal with them -- but _ideally_ we'd eliminate the
polling from the client in the case where it's not necessary.

Until I actually get bogged down in the details of making Evolution
behave in a vaguely sane way, I'll stick to chasing the ideal ;)

  monitored by the server. So the 'STATUS-WATCH' idea seems more useful
  than silently configuring the server to do it. I wonder if just limiting
  it to subscribed folders is OK though, or whether we really want the
  client to be able to give a list?
 Subscribed list could be pretty large.

True; and it's also true that the set of messages which actually receive
new mail is likely to be a subset of that.

  OK. Hence the only way a client can currently poll for mail in all
  folders is to execute a separate 'STATUS' command on _each_ one,
 It's also possible to create a connection for each checked mailbox and
 issue IDLE in each of them. I don't know if it's such a good idea though.

It'd work for me, I suppose, because I'm the only real user of the box
I'm using as a server. I wouldn't really want to advocate that as a
'best practice' way of monitoring multiple mailboxes on servers with
_more_ than one user though :)

 That's actually what I did first too :) Did you get it to work well? I just
 couldn't figure out any good way to make it ask password, so I never
 actually began using it.

Ask for password? What do you think ssh-agent is for? :)

You just want it to use ssh-askpass if necessary. There's a trick to
that -- if SSH finds it has a controlling tty, it'll open that and
attempt to use it to interact with the user, instead of running
$SSH_ASKPASS. So my Evo patches explicitly disconnect from the
controlling tty before running the ssh command. It does bring up a
window asking for a password.

 How about just getting a faster server :) My STATUS replies near instantly.

I've already switched from wu-imapd to Courier, because I objected to
wu-imapd trawling through megabytes of each of my project archive
folders, checking the status of each message to see if it's unseen, when
it had done precisely the same thing one minute ago and the ctime of the
mbox file blatantly hadn't changed :)

But I'm still the wrong end of a 64K ISDN line and even now, with
negligible time actually taken by the _server_ the round-trip time for
40-odd STATUS commands is enough to annoy me.

  I'm not sure I agree with that. Consider the case of a folder with 3000
  messages in it, which _hasn't_ been modified by another client since it
  was last used by the client we're sitting in front of. Perhaps we've
  just selected another folder temporarily and then switched back to the
  first. Surely it's better to do a single compare of a sequence number
  (basically a datestamp) than to issue a FETCH for the flags of _every_
  message again?
 Using multiple connections would also help with this. Then you wouldn't be
 temporarily switching between mailboxes.

It's sort of a viable workaround, but there are limits on the number of
connections you can open. Maybe you could keep a connection open for
each of the last N visited mailboxes, where N is configurable -- but
that still means you have to refetch all flags every time you start up,
and when you change through lots of folders (which is a common case when
you have lots of separate folders for lists). 

 Hmm. Perhaps.
 * OK [FLAGS-VALIDITY 105] 1:4,5:10
 * 5 FETCH (FLAGS (..))

That's much like what I was thinking, yeah.

 But I'm still not sure if it's worth it. Client doesn't _have_ to update
 flags for all messages. You probably only care about the unseen count which
 you can get with STATUS, and the flags for visible messages. Fetching flags
 for only the 20 messages or so isn't slow at all. That would require some
 changes to client, but probably not that much.

It's true that the client shouldn't be fetching _all_ the message flags.
To be honest I'm more annoyed with Evolution for insisting on making me
wait while it fetches all the message _headers_ before deigning to show
me the ten new messages at the bottom of the mailbox which was all I
actually wanted to see. But that's a separate quality-of-implementation

Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-11 Thread David Woodhouse
On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 17:15, Mark Crispin wrote:
 On Tue, 11 Mar 2003, David Woodhouse wrote:
  By 'ctime' I meant the inode ctime on the underlying file system, for
  the inode of the mbox file.
 I know what ctime is.

Sorry :) 

I was just confused because you seemed to be saying there was a way for
the client to query the ctime (or at least issue a command less slow
than STATUS) and decide for itself whether to re-issue a STATUS command
or not; which doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe I misunderstood what
you had said. 

  When configured to 'check for mail in all folders' Evolution is issuing
  a LIST command, and then for each mailbox listed it's issuing a STATUS
  command. I wasn't aware of any way in which we could know at the client
  side that a given mailbox doesn't need checking. As discussed, even the
  \Unmarked flag doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't new mail in a
  mailbox which _this_ client hasn't previously seen.
 That isn't checking for new mail; rather, it is checking for a need to
 synchronize a particular client instance.

The precise reason for doing this is because it's looking to see whether
it needs to update its folder tree widget by turning a folder name bold
and putting the number of unseen messages in parentheses by it, to
inform me (the user) of the fact that there are new messages therein.

We can describe that either as 'checking for new mail' or as 'checking
for a need to synchronise', but I suspect it doesn't really make a lot
of difference which terminology we use.

  I'm perfectly happy to fix Evolution if a correct fix is possible --
  it's just that I couldn't see one myself.
 An IMAP server with fast STATUS metadata (such as Cyrus) will help you do
 faster polling, 

That was the reason for switching to Courier. I considered Cyrus briefly
but it doesn't do PREAUTH when invoked from the MUA via 'ssh $mailhost
exec imapd'.

 but if the client really wants to maintain synchronization
 with a great many mailboxes (as opposed to a much more limited set of
 incoming mailboxes) then polling is not the correct fix.

 The correct fix is MTA-based notification, not client-based polling of an
 IMAP or POP server. 

I'm not sure what you mean by 'MTA-based notification'.

I would have said that the correct fix as far as the _client_ is
concerned is asynchronous notification by an IMAP server of such
changes. Hence the suggestion for an IMAP extension to provide just

And you're arguably right that the correct way to _implement_ that is
MTA-based notification rather than having the IMAP server itself do
polling of individual mailboxen. 

  I've been working on a notification facility, largely
 in secret because history has shown that the best way to preclude progress
 is to have a committee work on it (as in there have been many prior
 attempts and all have collapsed under their own weight).

Were you considering this as an IMAP extension or a completely separate
connection which a client must make to the same host for a remarkably
similar purpose?


Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-11 Thread David Woodhouse
On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 17:30, Timo Sirainen wrote:
 That could be fixed by sending all the STATUS queries to server at once.

That's not really going to help. If I send all the STATUS queries to the
server at once, it'll go off and ignore me for a while, while it does
them all for me. It could be alleviated somewhat by ensuring that my
client doesn't let background STATUS updates take priority over _real_
stuff I've asked it to do for me in the foreground like displaying mail
messages -- but I still have a philosophical objection to the fact that
I'm required to poll for status in folders which the server _knows_
haven't changed :)

 Actually this brings to my mind: STATUS for selected folder isn't considered
 good behaviour. Fetching flags for all messages in folder isn't considered
 good behaviour. So, how exactly do I keep unseen messages count up to date
 for selected mailbox?

* SEARCH 800 801
001 FETCH 800:801 (FLAGS)
* 800 FETCH (FLAGS ())
* 801 FETCH (FLAGS ())

You don't _need_ to keep flags for all messages, only those you care
about. Which in most cases does happens to include unseen messages.

 I wouldn't be against flags-validity, but I'm not sure if it's worth the
 trouble. The kind of validity-request uidset-response would allow servers to
 be pretty flexible in how they handle it. I think it should work something
 like this:
 Client remembers the last flags-validity given by server and requests that
 the next time it selects the mailbox. Server updates the validity when one
 of the clients closes the mailbox and there has been at least one flag
 update. It sends to all clients (including the one that is closing the
 * OK [FLAGS-VALIDITY newvalidity]
 Updating flags-validity isn't necessarily a fast operation, so that way it
 doesn't have to be updated all the time.
 Some ways for server to handle this:
 - Keep flags-validity value of last flag change for each message. Takes
   pretty much disk space and may be slow.
 - Keep only the last flags-validity value. That helps only when there hasn't
   been any flag changes since client last accessed the mailbox
 - Keep low-validity and low-uid. if client request any flags-validity =
   low-validity, only return low-uid:* instead of 1:*
 - Keep a log of the last few flags-validities and what messages they changed

Yep, that's basically what I was thinking. The server's options range
from a simple change counter and telling the clients to invalidate _all_
cached flags if that changes, to far more sophisticated optimisations of
the invalidation list.

Note that you probably don't want to update the flags-validity token
when new messages arrive. There are other ways of dealing with new
messages anyway. You only change flags-validity when flags of an
_existing_ message have changed. And we need to make sure that when
there's only one client and it makes changes, it doesn't get told to
invalidate its cache even by the most nave server. Maybe we pass a
flags-validity argument with the STORE command too or something? 


Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-11 Thread David Woodhouse
On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 17:52, twk wrote:
 I assume that you are using check for mail in all folders because the 
 server is directly delivering new mail to folders other than the inbox. 
 Otherwise this option (which I believe Evolution turns on as a 
 default...ack) is unnecessary.

Yes, that's what I'm doing. Evolution seems to have been born with the
fundamentally screwed up idea that it's sensible to do mail filtering in
the MUA, but thankfully it doesn't attempt to enforce that brain damage
on me :)

 Seems a severe solution to change the server to accomodate a email 
 client with unwanted behavior. My experience with Evolution is that it 
 appears to generate unusually high traffic to the server (I have no hard 
 data to back this up, so don't ask :-).

Evo _does_ generate unusually high traffic to the server. You select a
mailbox and it'll refuse to display _anything_ until it's got _all_
headers for _every_ mail in that mailbox. You select a mail with a small
text/plain body and a _huge_ application/octet-stream attachment, and
it'll download the whole of the attachment just to run 'file' on it and
decide what options to put in the little drop-down menu associated with
it in the display. Etc.

Hence my new pet project -- making it behave sanely. :)

The slight snag being that upon perusing the IMAP RFCs to determine what
the optimal behaviour is, I found that _completely_ sane behaviour, as I
see it, is not entirely possible. You can't do client-side caching of
message flags at all, except for a folder while you've _actually_ got it
SELECTed, and you can't avoid actually polling _all_ folders which might
potentially have new mail -- you can't even use the \Marked and
\Unmarked flags in the LIST response to optimise away some of your
STATUS commands, because \Unmarked folders can have new mail you've
never noticed.

So I'm wondering if these problems have been fixed in subsequent IMAP
extensions I'm not yet aware of, or if in fact we'd need to 'fix' the
IMAP protocol first before I can properly fix up Evolution (or indeed
whatever MUA I end up with) to _really_ make me happy :)

Only now I seem to have upset Mark by mentioning that in an attempt to
alleviate the problem with excessive STATUS commands I switched from
wu-imapd to Courier, which probably wasn't a good place to start :)


Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-11 Thread David Woodhouse
On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 20:28, Mark Crispin wrote:
 On Tue, 11 Mar 2003, David Woodhouse wrote:
  Evo _does_ generate unusually high traffic to the server. You select a
  mailbox and it'll refuse to display _anything_ until it's got _all_
  headers for _every_ mail in that mailbox. You select a mail with a small
  text/plain body and a _huge_ application/octet-stream attachment, and
  it'll download the whole of the attachment just to run 'file' on it and
  decide what options to put in the little drop-down menu associated with
  it in the display. Etc.
 Unfortunately, I've seen this type of behavior quite commonly with
 applications which take the point of view IMAP is too limiting, therefore
 we'll just download the whole thing and do it ourselves.

Well, it's broken and it needs fixed. But if I'm going to sit down with
a pretty GUI mail client and completely redesign its IMAP back end, I
want to take some time beforehand and get it _all_ right rather than
just fixing the stuff that's annoying me right now. Hence this
discussion -- I'm trying to take the view IMAP is too limiting; how can
we fix it. 

 This is a consequence of trying to maintain a complete synchronized client
 state of all messages in all mailboxes, 

Not entirely. I don't necessarily want a _complete_ synchronised state
-- but neither do I want to have to discard the state I _do_ need, and
download it again shortly thereafter, just because the server gives me
no way to be sure that nothing's changed in the meantime.

If I don't talk explicitly about reducing the amount of state required
by the client, that's not because I don't agree it needs doing, but
rather because that is a quality of implementation issue and just wants
_fixing_ without discussion. But however little state we can get away
with actually requiring, we still want to cache it wherever possible to
avoid unnecessary traffic.

 so that, somewhere, somewhen, you
 won't have to go to the server to get it.  I use online clients instead.

Well, maybe. More fundamentally though, I'd say that this is a
consequence of living on the wrong end of a 64K ISDN link and hoping
that somewhere, somewhen, I can eliminate _any_ redundant traffic to the
IMAP server. 

And redownloading message flags which I already had and which haven't
changed is definitely redundant -- especially if it's doing so just
because I temporarily selected my inbox to read a new mail therein,
before returning to the mailing list I was reading a moment ago.

Maybe I'm trying to solve a problem which isn't actually relevant to
most people in the 'real' world where bandwidth is free -- I suppose I
might be half-inclined to buy that argument. But there are a lot of
parts of the world where bandwidth still isn't entirely free, and/or
where mail servers are expected to be accessed over a WAN -- so maybe I
won't buy it.

 IMHO -- and YMMV -- far more work is done in unnecessary synchronization
 than is ever saved over what an online client does.  I've tried many
 disconnected clients (which do synchronization) and each time, have gone
 back to Pine.

I tend to keep coming back to Pine too, and have tended to use it as an
example of 'ideal' IMAP behaviour. But it's not quite perfect either --
it _could_ cache headers locally but doesn't, and this means that
sometimes it takes _seconds_ just to draw the screen after I hit PgUp in
a message index, saturating my link while it's at it.

My mileage _does_ vary -- I don't think caching is that overrated; I
think you've been spoiled. :)

I'm not talking about full disconnected operation; merely trying to
reduce the total amount of traffic between client and server by
intelligent management of changes. It's a similar problem to the one
that UIDs solve. 

 Any client which does not work with the IMAP base specification, and
 instead depends upon an extension, is ultimately doomed to failure.

That's indisputably true. If I try to rewrite a mail client's back end
so that it _relies_ on being able to cache stuff using a new IMAP
extension, you have my permission to come over here and shoot me.
Repeatedly if needs be; till I stop it.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't think about an extension which can
allow optimisation of client-server traffic in the happy situation
where both server and client _do_ support it.

  Only now I seem to have upset Mark by mentioning that in an attempt to
  alleviate the problem with excessive STATUS commands I switched from
  wu-imapd to Courier, which probably wasn't a good place to start :)
 You didn't upset me.  However, I am pointing out that you can easily get a
 distorted view of how IMAP is supposed to work if you use Courier as an

A fair point, and I'll bear it in mind -- thanks. To be honest, I'm
trying to avoid paying too much attention to the server side right now.
There's plenty for me to do just trying to get optimal behaviour from
the _client_, and I'm _assuming_ the server gets