Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] unset(): return bool if the variable has existed

2013-03-06 Thread Florin Razvan Patan

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 11:31 PM, Bob Weinand wrote:
 false. It's like unset($setValue)  unset($undefined).

 I've clarified this in the RFC; thank you.

 Bob Weinand

 Am 06.03.2013 um 22:24 schrieb Steve Clay

 On 3/6/13 4:10 PM, Bob Weinand wrote:

 What's the return value of unset($setValue, $undefined) ?

 Steve Clay

Would it make more sense to return an array with keys the name of the
variables that were unset and the result for each of them? This way
one could better handle 'false' being returned.

I'm not sure if it's possible or not, I didn't had the time to check
out the patch.


Florin Patan

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Integrating Zend Optimizer+ into the PHP distribution

2013-02-28 Thread Florin Razvan Patan
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 10:27 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
 On 02/28/2013 11:34 AM, Anthony Ferrara wrote:

 No syntax changes, so regular majority as far as I can tell.

 However, it does nuke several existing PECL extensions (some fatally). For
 example, XDebug has no compatibility with ZendOptimizer+ right now (at
 least that I could find, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here).

 It works fine. You just have to load ZO before xdebug. If you load it
 the other way around bad things happen. This wrong load order currently
 happens if you toss it in your config file path dir and rely on the
 alphabetical load order which is another reason to not have this thing
 start with a 'z'.

 And some could argue that shipping with a modification that breaks known
 and widely relied upon (if only for development) extensions would fit into
 this category.

 Since the fix for this is trivial, I think this isn't a valid concern.


Hello php.internals,

I've read all the e-mails so far and there are valid points from both
parts but it seems there's a critical thing missing.

What do PHP users want?

I mean, what do sysadmins, programmers and managers want from PHP 5.5?

Here's my personal opinion:

I work in an enterprise so... I want stability (includes bug fixes)
and speed. In this order. Language features are on the third spot, at
least this is the case for PHP 5.5.

We'll get generators and a function for passwords and something I
really don't care about :) Why? Because I won't have a chance to use
them soon and by the time I'll use them PHP will get to version 5.8
most likely. So for me the fact that PHP 5.5 will be delayed a couple
of months is irrelevant.

We upgrade either to use better tools/frameworks or to benefit from
security patches when versions are no longer maintained so unless
something big appears earlier there's no point to upgrade.

Don't get me wrong, those features are great, as much as those in PHP
5.4, yet history tells us that people still didn't made that step to
upgrade to 5.4 yet.

So if those features are not that 'something big' then what is it?

A huge, out of the box, speed bump for production machines.

Could this be done with APC? Most likely, that is if a stable APC were
to be released same time as PHP 5.5. I really don't want to offend
anyone but see what happened with 5.4 and APC.

What I'm trying to say is: if O+ can be added to PHP 5.5 and made
stable, and I do mean production ready which from my understanding is
almost there, then why shouldn't it be done?

But I'm just a single user. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. But so
are the other people who replied here so far, they are all only

This is a perfect opportunity for testing out the whole: 'ask your
users' thing that me and several other people were talking about.

How expensive would it be, both in time and actual costs, to actually
make this happen? Either setup a poll on or on a third party
service for one-two weeks and ask the users these simple questions
(obviously they could be better, POC ahead):

What do you expect from PHP 5.5? (multiple choice)
- better security
- better stability
- better speed
- more language features
- other type here
- all of the above

Do you know what an opcode cache is?
- yes
- no

Would you be ok if PHP 5.5 will not ship in April 2013 but in August
2013 because we want to integrate an opcode cache, a functionality,
which once used could increase the speed of your applications by up to
50% or more*?
- yes
- no

* NOTE: the speed increase is not guaranteed to be the same for all
applications nor it is guaranteed.

Would the fact that PHP 5.5 doesn't ship as originally planed, if the
mentioned integration happens, affect your view about PHP?
- yes
- no

What position do you have in your company?
- developer
- sysadmin
- devops
- manager
- other: type here

Are you in a position to influence the upgrade from your current PHP
version to PHP 5.5?
- yes
- no

Afaik every major framework has someone here, on the ML, then we have
Zend and we have some other libraries and so on here as well. Imagine
if all those people would link from their websites to the said poll. I
think it would be a small effort from them but the responses could at
least point out to what users actually want and help you in sorting
this out.

If I offended anyone, which I'm almost sure I did, it was not my
intention, please forgive me.

Thank you all for your hard work on PHP.

Best regards.

Florin Patan

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Integrating Zend Optimizer+ into the PHP distribution

2013-02-28 Thread Florin Razvan Patan
 I've read all the e-mails so far and there are valid points from both
 parts but it seems there's a critical thing missing.

 What do PHP users want?

 I mean, what do sysadmins, programmers and managers want from PHP 5.5?

 Here's my personal opinion:

 I work in an enterprise so... I want stability (includes bug fixes)
 and speed. In this order. Language features are on the third spot, at
 least this is the case for PHP 5.5.

 We'll get generators and a function for passwords and something I
 really don't care about :) Why? Because I won't have a chance to use
 them soon and by the time I'll use them PHP will get to version 5.8
 most likely. So for me the fact that PHP 5.5 will be delayed a couple
 of months is irrelevant.

 We upgrade either to use better tools/frameworks or to benefit from
 security patches when versions are no longer maintained so unless
 something big appears earlier there's no point to upgrade.

 Don't get me wrong, those features are great, as much as those in PHP
 5.4, yet history tells us that people still didn't made that step to
 upgrade to 5.4 yet.

 So if those features are not that 'something big' then what is it?

 A huge, out of the box, speed bump for production machines.

 Could this be done with APC? Most likely, that is if a stable APC were
 to be released same time as PHP 5.5. I really don't want to offend
 anyone but see what happened with 5.4 and APC.

 What I'm trying to say is: if O+ can be added to PHP 5.5 and made
 stable, and I do mean production ready which from my understanding is
 almost there, then why shouldn't it be done?

 But I'm just a single user. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. But so
 are the other people who replied here so far, they are all only

 This is a perfect opportunity for testing out the whole: 'ask your
 users' thing that me and several other people were talking about.

 How expensive would it be, both in time and actual costs, to actually
 make this happen? Either setup a poll on or on a third party
 service for one-two weeks and ask the users these simple questions
 (obviously they could be better, POC ahead):

 What do you expect from PHP 5.5? (multiple choice)
 - better security
 - better stability
 - better speed
 - more language features
 - other type here
 - all of the above

 Do you know what an opcode cache is?
 - yes
 - no

 Would you be ok if PHP 5.5 will not ship in April 2013 but in August
 2013 because we want to integrate an opcode cache, a functionality,
 which once used could increase the speed of your applications by up to
 50% or more*?
 - yes
 - no

 * NOTE: the speed increase is not guaranteed to be the same for all
 applications nor it is guaranteed.

 Would the fact that PHP 5.5 doesn't ship as originally planed, if the
 mentioned integration happens, affect your view about PHP?
 - yes
 - no

 What position do you have in your company?
 - developer
 - sysadmin
 - devops
 - manager
 - other: type here

 Are you in a position to influence the upgrade from your current PHP
 version to PHP 5.5?
 - yes
 - no

 Afaik every major framework has someone here, on the ML, then we have
 Zend and we have some other libraries and so on here as well. Imagine
 if all those people would link from their websites to the said poll. I
 think it would be a small effort from them but the responses could at
 least point out to what users actually want and help you in sorting
 this out.

 If I offended anyone, which I'm almost sure I did, it was not my
 intention, please forgive me.

 Thank you all for your hard work on PHP.

And I've forgot the most important question:

Would you skip PHP 5.4 migration if the opcode caching were to be
included by default in PHP 5.5?
- yes
- no

Best regards

Florin Patan

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Integrating Zend Optimizer+ into the PHP distribution

2013-02-28 Thread Florin Razvan Patan
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 11:37 PM, Levi Morrison wrote:
 A huge, out of the box, speed bump for production machines.

 For some applications PHP 5.4 was a huge speed bump out of the box . . .

Would you run PHP against 10k+ req/s in production without opcode caching?
On how many machines without / with?

Florin Patan

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Integrating Zend Optimizer+ into the PHP distribution

2013-02-28 Thread Florin Razvan Patan
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 11:47 PM, Anthony Ferrara wrote:

 Would you run PHP against 10k+ req/s in production without opcode caching?
 On how many machines without / with?

 I'm not sure about your stack, but every stack I've seen at that high of a
 load is built very custom for the problem at hand. And it isn't typically
 upgraded across minor versions (in fact, it's typically only upgraded for
 security). At least that's my experience everywhere I've seen that big of a
 farm... And when it is upgraded, it's usually a very coordinated effort that
 takes a LOT of planning and has a lot of moving parts...

 And to be fair, how many installs are there that get 10k req/s? A few
 hundred? That's not the kind of system we should be targeting when
 discussing a language feature/change. Sure it's sexy, but it represents less
 than 1% of the install base of PHP (much less, prob on the order of 0.01%).
 So while I wouldn't write them off (far from it), justifying a change
 because it matters to that scale is like justifying ejection seats in cars
 because hitting a wall at 200mph on a race track can kill you...

Anthony and Levi,

True but could we please get back to the whole mail and actually see
what the users want?

I would vote in the RFC if would be allowed to do so and I think I've
explained my perspective really well and the fact that I'm just one of
the hundred of thousands of PHP users.

I'm part of a very small group of people who have these problems, I
agree, but what I'm proposing should help out instead of just assuming

The point is that this is yet another: we should this but that but
then and what if ... that could be solved by just asking the users and
taking that into account.

I could bet that people could care less about a stable release cycle
when things like this are at stake for certain versions.

Also, as a mention, I think that the current release every year target
is highly unrealistic unless you want to fragment the market the same
way that Google does it with Android. And look at the problems they
have with the adoption. If they can't serve as an example, I don't
know how can. Especially with PHP 5.4 experience. Are you willing to
bet that PHP 5.5 will do any better?

Best regards

Florin Patan

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC Autoboxing Draft

2013-02-25 Thread Florin Razvan Patan

See the reply inline:

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Nils Andre wrote:
 Hi Everyone on the list, I have no RFC Karma here so far, so I post this to
 the list at first. There has been ongoing discussion about new APIs and so
 fort, so this is a suggestion for language cleanup by Autoboxing. I'd
 really appreciate comments.

Follow the steps described here in order to get RFC karma and everything
should be fine: :)

 == Introduction ==
 This RFC tries to approach the need for Autoboxing in PHP, or, to make
 primitive types behave as if they were objects when being used or accessed
 in an objectional fashion. Autoboxing can be discussed from various
 perspectives, which is far beyond the scope of this document, which much
 more addresses the fact that the language of PHP must be cleaned up in
 order to grow more in terms of maturity and hence, in user accpetance.

 == Autoboxing in brief ==
 Autoboxing is that we can use primitive types, like integers, strings,
 booleans and array as if they were objects, but without being constructed
 as objects themselves.

I'm not very comfortable with the autoboxing of --everything--. Could you please
detail why autoboxing anything that's not array or string would be
useful? I like
the idea of autoboxing for strings / arrays, where the most problems related
to parameters order would be solved but for the other types, as a developer
I can't see it.

 Autoboxing is widely discussed, and somehow a must-have in OOP as a
 consequence to having primitive types (for the sake of performance and
 memory overhead) but keeping the language OOP-consistent.

 == Why PHP needs it ==
 PHP needs autoboxing as a means to restructure the language and make it
 more predictable. One big flaw of today's PHP is, that it is unstructured
 and chaotic with its builtin functions, as, for example, those dealing with
 strings. Not going too much into details here, many programmes always have
 to look up the function definition because very similar functions have
 their parameters in different orders or simply don't act in a predictive,
 well-structured manner. This article is a good read to sum it up:

 The problem derives from the fact that PHP has not been designed top-down,
 but has been developed the bottom-up way over many years: As of today, the
 language offers features other languages don't have, but struggles with
 it's buried bodies from the past (mainly because compatibility had and
 still has to be kept.)

 By _adding autoboxing_ for all primitive types (Booleans, Strings,
 Integers, Arrays), we would clean up the language in a very consistent
 manner, but still retain backwards compatibility.

 == How it could be implemented ==
 We would not need much programming, because we simply map the new autoboxed
 notation to the old code. We suggest the new notation to reproduce the Java
 notation and parameter sequence closely, because it is pretty
 straightforward and consistent (see, for example, the Javadocs on

 == Syntax ==
 The mapping is very straigtforward. Consider this:

 $a = This is a string;

 $b = $a-toUpperCase()--  $b = ucase($a)
 $b = $a-substring(0,4)   --  $b = substr($a, 0, 4)

 It would also allow many brilliant constructs like the following

 if ($b-startsWith(This)) { ... }

 in contrast to

 if (substr($b,0,4) == This) { ... }

 Notice that the latter is error-prone, because if the condition changes one
 would always have to match the string on the right handside to the length
 of it on the left.

This should be done in a transparent manner imho. The current substr
function should be mapped to String::substr() as well.

I'd recommend you play a bit with this:
and come up with some examples on how the classes would look like
before going forward with this proposal.

 == Compatibility ==
 The old notation could be switched on/off at any time.

 The old notation would be switched on by default until, say, PHP 6, and can
 then be enabled/disabled by either a compile flag, INI setting or some use
 \PHP5\*; or something on top of a PHP file, which then makes the old
 notation available to any code that follows/any file that is included
 afterwards. As a consequence, \PHP5 will be the namespace comprising all
 old/compatibility stuff.

IIRC disabling functionality via ini settings isn't a desired thing.
As for namespaces
I think it's a bad idea. Currently everything in PHP is global, not
namespace and
this introduces a new layer for programmers to learn of.

 == Advantages ==
 - Cleanup of the language
 - Consistency and predictability improved a lot (also in constrast to
 possible userland classes - which would then all be slightly different)
 - No lacking backwards compatibility
 - Easier learning for new PHP programmers (beginners to PHP would be much
 more pointed to learning OOP 

Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP User Survey

2013-02-23 Thread Florin Razvan Patan
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 8:40 PM, Florin Razvan Patan wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:24 PM, Christopher Jones wrote:

 On 02/21/2013 03:02 AM, Florian Anderiasch wrote:

 On 02/21/2013 08:14 AM, Pierre Joye wrote:

 I do not have a single doubt. Why? Surveys are one of many ways to get
 feedback. They have no contracting values but give us some numbers about
 one rfc or another. That may help us to focus on one feature instead of
 another if we see a large number of users looking forward to it.

 You'll never get perfect results, but I prefer results at all over none :)

 There have been a lot of those for other languages:


 For the mail archives, there are also these (more focused) reports:


 Newly updated, free PHP  Oracle book:

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
 To unsubscribe, visit:


 I see that people would rather agree with a RFC on
 polls on the website so I think we should rather get a
 RFC going and take it from there.

 I'll gladly make it if needed so just let me know.

 Also, maybe the conference organizers could help
 the PHP community by having surveys at the
 conference they are organizing and provide the
 feedback on their website.

 What do you think?

 Best regards.
 Florin Patan


I've added the following RFC to allow discussion on it:

If there's a need for a patch before proceeding with the
next step of this let me know.

Best regards

Florin Patan

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP User Survey

2013-02-22 Thread Florin Razvan Patan
On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:24 PM, Christopher Jones wrote:

 On 02/21/2013 03:02 AM, Florian Anderiasch wrote:

 On 02/21/2013 08:14 AM, Pierre Joye wrote:

 I do not have a single doubt. Why? Surveys are one of many ways to get
 feedback. They have no contracting values but give us some numbers about
 one rfc or another. That may help us to focus on one feature instead of
 another if we see a large number of users looking forward to it.

 You'll never get perfect results, but I prefer results at all over none :)

 There have been a lot of those for other languages:


 For the mail archives, there are also these (more focused) reports:


 Newly updated, free PHP  Oracle book:

 PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
 To unsubscribe, visit:


I see that people would rather agree with a RFC on
polls on the website so I think we should rather get a
RFC going and take it from there.

I'll gladly make it if needed so just let me know.

Also, maybe the conference organizers could help
the PHP community by having surveys at the
conference they are organizing and provide the
feedback on their website.

What do you think?

Best regards.

Florin Patan

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Give the Language a Rest motion (fwd)

2013-02-21 Thread Florin Razvan Patan

This might sound as a rant but I assure you it's not.
It's just how I see the things from my perspective and that of
my colleagues/employer.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Zeev Suraski wrote:
 What you're bringing up is not at all about adapting.  Adapting is
 something we do at the extensions, frameworks and tools levels.  I'm happy
 to say PHP's ecosystem here is very healthy, in my opinion.

Could you please share how you measure that the ecosystem is healthy or
not? And What do you mean in terms it's healthy? Is it adoption rate of new
versions, penetration degree, influx of new people?

 Adapting is not what we're dealing with here.  We're talking about Adding.

I think that there are are cases where Adding is a mean for adapting. Like
for example, the desire to have built-in annotation support.

 By adding more and more, we're making the language more and more complex,
 less and less accessible to both new and existing developers, thereby
 hurting its #1 appeal - simplicity.  As we thrust forward towards 5.5,
 more than half of the community is still on 5.2.  5.4 is virtually
 nonexistent in terms of real world usage, and yet we thrust forward to
 5.5, as if the community at large cares about all these new features.  The
 community is voting with its feet, and that is probably the best survey
 we're ever going to get.

The adoption of PHP 5.4 has been next to 0 because of the various BC breaks
done, and even more, because APC has had a stable version only after about
one year. Enterprise users such as myself can't just go to work and say: Hey,
there's a new PHP version, it breaks some things for which we'll need time to
fix, it adds features that we could really use but we can live without them and
do workarounds like until now. Even if we'd had time to fix the broken things
there's a tiny issue, we can't be sure of how APC will work and if it's going to
crash our business or not.

Enterprise users want stability above all else, even if it means that their devs
will need to live without new features for a long time and work more in order
to develop their software.

Things that happened in PHP 5.4 should never happen again if you want to
have larger adoption rates. ISPs can't just upgrade their software stack
knowing that 99% of the sites they hold are at risk of not working due to
BC breaks between 5.X releases. Deprecating is one thing, removing is
another thing.

 I'm not saying we shouldn't add new features.  But I am saying that we
 shouldn't add many of them.  The very few we should add - should have
 exceptional 'return on investment'.  To be clear, the investment isn't
 just the effort to develop or even maintain the implementation - that's
 not even the main point.  It's the increased complexity that each and
 every new language construct brings with it, whether we like it or not.

I totally agree with you on this one. Maybe extensions bundled with
default distribution could be a good solution for adding new things that
could be disabled on demand via configuration options.

 There used to be a language that was the Queen of the Web.  It was full of
 clever syntax.  It prided itself on having a variety of expressive ways of
 doing the same thing.  You're on the mailing list of the language that
 dethroned it.


Currently in PHP you can do the same thing about the same way.
The difference is that right now, there's a bunch of things missing
when compared to other languages and this is a push off.

Consider the following scenario: We are a team of 60 programmers
all with various PHP skills. We'll need say threading to better handle
some reporting application. We all know PHP and maybe 2 of us
know Erlang. Say we care about those who'll need to maintain the
application when we'll be out of office or at other companies. The
choice in this case is obvious for us. Use PHP. We simply can't
afford to have new people hired that are specialized in a language
that best fits our needs nor our colleagues might have time to learn
how to fix something in a critical system when we are not around.
Erlang should be the obvious choice in case of high concurrency
and threading but we can't just use another language.

Or have a look at annotations. Zend Framework 2 uses them (hint),
Symfony2 uses them, Doctrine uses them and so on. All major
players in the PHP world. It's frameworks and tools that also
drive the adoption of a language not just the features. Imho, if most
major players say they need something in order to build better
tools for their users then I guess they should be heard of by the
developers. Just like what happens when a end user of a framework
wants a new feature in the framework they use.

The problem with PHP is that it's written in C and even if it grew so
big in the past years, the users to contributors conversion is very
low. But then again, look at the website. There's nothing saying on
it about contributions. There are no Bug hunt days events. 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Give the Language a Rest motion (fwd)

2013-02-21 Thread Florin Razvan Patan

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 5:30 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
 In the slice of the community where I spend most of my time,
 medium-to-large companies using PHP with their own custom code on
 hundreds to thousands or even 10's of thousands of servers, neither
 annotations nor getter/setter are anywhere on their wishlist radar. What
 they most desire is performance, robustness and security. They would
 love to see a PHP release that had no syntax changes, no BC changes, but
 was twice as fast and crashed half as much. I realize this is just one
 (small?) slice of the community but so is the part of the community
 wanting annotations. This is the balancing act we have to perform. It is
 not stubbornness, nor living in the past, it is recognizing that each
 and every major feature addition has a destabilizing effect on the
 codebase and if the addition only serves a small slice of the userbase
 we have to think long and hard about the merits of it.

I couldn't agree with you more. While the company that I'm working on
just hit the hundred limit, this is one of our concerns as well.

And like I've said, stability is a key factor for us. Speed is also critical
and I agree that everyone needs more speed any time you ask them.

The examples I gave where just examples, not something that I'm crying
that is not added to the language but my company is also trying to be
open to any new things that would make our lives easier and help us
code faster, easier, better and so on.

I think it would be helpful to have something like a roadmap with various
features and changes both in regards to language and features as well
as performance.

Also, having a clear line of when features will be deprecated then removed
will go a long way to help out users while writing their software. That way,
people would know what to expect from the language and when it would
be the time to upgrade.

You could use the example of JetBrains and how they manage their
products via their issue tracker,
in which everyone that is not part of the core team can 'vote' for a feature
or bug or what not and participate in a threaded discussion in a simpler

This would bring you a nicer interface that the current ones while being
able to also gauge the community interest in certain issues.

I think if the PHP group would ask JetBrains for their software for free,
they wouldn't say no and I gave them as an example because I'm using
their beta software since it the second is out on their download servers
and I'm reporting every crash that I can as they made it really easy for
me to help them out.

And yes, I do feel like the current software stack of is a bit out
of sync with the modern tools that are already there, sorry if I offend

That's why I think that the next major version of PHP should happen
sooner rather that later. I'm a strong believer that the current engine is
hard to maintain and document and very few people know most of it.

PHP 5.5 should be the last 5.X release then you should announce that
PHP 6 needs more volunteers for a better (faster) parser, people who
can help you on documenting it and so on.

Just make PHP 6.0 a PHP 5.5 that's clean under the hood, maybe
even brings some performance improvements along the way and that's
it. You already know what are the requirements for everything, you
already have feedback on what the community wants in the future,
so why not help yourself by doing something that's clean and along
the way will help you get more contributors?

Also please see my other suggestions on how you could get more
support from the users.

Best regards.

Florin Patan

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Allow trailing comma in function call argument lists

2013-02-20 Thread Florin Razvan Patan

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Sara Golemon wrote:
 Opening RFC to allow trailing comma in function call argument lists

As a person who deals with code reviews from many programmers
each day, I'd have to say this would be confusing. I do agree that
it helps consistency but by far it implies many things that are really
not what they seem.

For example, I would expect that if I have:

function A($b, $c = 'd') {}

when I see A($b, ) to have no syntax errors but rather $c defaulted to
the value in the function signature, which is not implied nor assumed
by the RFC but it would be by the one reading a function.

Then when I have

function A($b, $c = 'd', $e) {}

to be able to have A($b, , $e) which again this RFC doesn't specify
that it allows but leads to confusion.

As for the argument about the VCS, I really don't see an issue with
the current way of thing. Some people don't use the comma at the
end of the arrays and it doesn't mean that they all should.

So from my point of view, this adds more ambiguity to the language
and the problem it solves is very small.

Best regards,

Florin Patan

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 6 : a new API ?

2013-02-20 Thread Florin Razvan Patan

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 9:22 AM, Klaus Ufo wrote:
 Hi there !

 We all know that the current PHP API has flaws. Maybe we could use namespaces 
 to build a new coherent PHP API ? Like :

 - \arr
 - \num
 - \str

 and so on. Advantages :

 - no more global functions

I actually like global functions even if most of the time I spend is in
OO code. I don't want / need to have simple scripts / crons that
are suddenly more complex to manage just because I can't have

 - separation of concerns

While I understand the needs to be pure about things, I do think that
there's such a thing as too pure. Does the current way of things
break something?

 - backward compatibility

This would rather be a backward incompatibility if I understand this

 - work can be done progressively
 - easy to add user-defined functions (using php namespaces)

I have no troubles in having my defined functions up and running as
they are now. The fact that they are always in the global scope makes
things much simpler for me when I want to do simple things.

 - we could provide a \str\utf8 namespace

Wasn't UTF8 a major pita and abandoned in favor of better things for
the moment?

 This is just an idea. I don't know what is your vision for a next PHP 6.


My vision for the PHP 6 is rather different that yours and if you want,
you can read about it here:
(sorry if I'm not allowed to share such links here).

And as Michael Shadle said, I'd rather have things like consistent
parameters order or named parameters or both rather that namespacing
functions like this.


Florin Patan

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Dropping requirement for `function` keyword for methods in classes/interfaces/etc

2013-02-20 Thread Florin Razvan Patan

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Sanford Whiteman wrote:
 Classes always should be declared with class keyword, because there could
 be ambiguity whether it's class, interface or trait.

 If only inner classes are allowed in a given PHP version, there's no
 ambiguity about whether something{} just inside a a class is an
 inner class.

 That's the justification for removing function just inside classes,
 isn't it? That it's not ambiguous because the only thing as of
 that can take the form sometype somevisibility something(){} is a

 Well, if in PHP.later, the only thing that takes the form sometype
 something{} is an inner class, then leaving off the sometype there
 is also unambiguous (but also similarly gratuitous).

 And if in PHP.later.still you have inner interfaces, then the
 unmodified one still defaults to inner class and only a literal
 interface something{} is an inner intf.

 (I'm attempting a RAA argument but maybe failing)

 -- Sandy | FigureOne Support Team

I think you've abstracted this one way too much.

For me right now all I see is a useless keyword in a class. We don't
have 'visbilitytype var/property $varName' right now but you are
comfortable with them knowing that they are just properties of the

If I were to be on this road I could in fact argue that currently we have
a lack of consistency between class methods and properties. You can
have a look on this image if you want an example:

For the part where public is optional, I think that most frameworks
and practices they promote and users actually do type the keyword
and have it there for the sake of consistency. It might not be the case
for now, but I think that it would rather be useful to enforce the visibility
types rather that the 'function' keyword.

As for classes/interfaces/traits and so on, if they are ever added in PHP
to be declared inside classes and so on then I see no issues with this.
A class/interface or a trait keyword would still be needed to make the
difference between a them imho.

Grepping for sources is like a daily operation and by using IDEs like
Netbeans/Eclipse/PHPStorm one has the ability to just search for a
symbol directly, regardless if you can click of function name or not.

No voting karma here as well but I do tons of code reviews and this is
just my opinion, you know, from the userland.


Florin Patan

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP User Survey

2013-02-20 Thread Florin Razvan Patan
Hi Paul,

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 10:00 PM, Paul Reinheimer wrote:
 Hi All,

 My apologies for the intrusion, I'll keep this brief.

 In many discussions over the past few months there has been talk about what
 the community at large needs. Pierre said just earlier today:

 I would also say it us time for us to get back in sync with the
 communities needs. I am not talking about the last days RFCs but in

 The other point that comes up is the difficulty in reaching a large portion
 of the community. They don't come to conferences, they don't sit on this
 list, they don't go to user groups. They work with PHP for months or years,
 but the rest of the community doesn't even know who they are. I believe
 Rasmus has mentioned this on a few occasions.

 So my suggestion is simple, let's ask them: What they want, What they need,
 how they installed PHP (source, rpm, deb, provided by hosting provider,
 Zend Server), etc. Let's create a survey, and link to it prominently on I considered just writing a survey myself, but even if everyone I
 knew tweeted it I'd still lack the reach to hit those outside the
 traditional community.

 While this is clearly not a suggestion to change PHP, i'll write this up in
 RFC format if there's interest. Should give people an opportunity to
 discuss questions and such.

 thanks for your time

 Paul Reinheimer

Thank you for championing this. I've been promoting this kind of
feedback for a while now.

Just like the discussion I've had earlier on the IRC channel, I do
believe that when proposals are made/are at a point where the
internals don't agree with which solution is better and it should
affect the community at large, it would be better to just ask the
community and see what they want/agree on. The issue would
be that in some cases one side would lose but the same thing
happens when the debate is done here, on the mailing list, and
a solution doesn't satisfy some people and ends up being the
standard for the whole community.

These votes shouldn't be seen as a must but should serve more
as a guideline.

As for the problems raised by Kris, I think that a simple system
based on the e-mail address of the voter with some prior
confirmation / pending approval, like for the mailing lists, should
be enough to grant the right to vote or not. Even if some people
were to have multiple accounts, I don't think they'd go to the
trouble of spawning a very large number of e-mail addresses just
to see their favorite option accepted.

I'd be more that happy to provide any help possible for the RFC
as well as the survey / surveys themselves.

Best regards.

Florin Patan

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Short syntax for anonymous functions

2013-02-19 Thread Florin Razvan Patan

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 2:57 PM, Marcello Duarte wrote:
 Inspired by Sara, here is another RFC, I finally got around to draft:

 Please feedback,
 Marcello Duarte

I really don't like syntax for this. It makes it hard to follow. Removing
a couple of characters while making the syntax harder to follow isn't
a good thing imho.

Also it's a BC break, like Patrick mentioned.

Have a nice day,

Florin Patan

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Short syntax for anonymous functions

2013-02-19 Thread Florin Razvan Patan

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 6:09 PM, Levi Morrison wrote:
 There's already been an overwhelming negative reaction to this
 particular proposed syntax so I won't belabor the point much.  In
 short, this is too similar to block statements and does have BC


 IF (and I stress if) we add a a shorter anonymous function syntax I'd
 like it to be geared towards one-liners because that's where the
 current syntax feels really verbose, especially when you close over
 other variables:

 function ($n) use ($m) { return $m * $n; }

 Versus one potential option:

 ($value) |$m| = $m * $n;

 This syntax is short and expressive at the expense of clarity.
 Basically all short-syntax has that trade-off, so I am personally fine
 with it. The only other potential problem I see is parsing it; someone
 more familiar with PHP's parser would have to verify whether that
 would be a problem.

I think that before we establish a syntax for this we should see if there's
a real need for this feature, and after that, get a syntax to implement the

Say we agree on the syntax above
 ($n) |$m| = $m * $n;
What happens when my one liner function needs to do one more operation
like checking the value of $n before multiplication?

I'd rather see a proposal to drop the 'function' keyword from the classes
methods and only leave the visibility scope and method name, but for
anonymous functions like this one I'd rather keep the 'function' keyword in
order to have better visibility when I'm doing a code review/scan new code
in a library.

What do you think?

Florin Patan

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Integrating Zend Optimizer+ into the PHP distribution

2013-01-29 Thread Florin Razvan Patan
Thank you for this great initiative!

As a user, I could definitely wait for 2-3 more months and get
a good implementation/integration of this rather that have to
wait for at least one year.

I think it would also be nice if this could come as default
enabled since this way people would be able to notice the
advantages of having it enabled. Or you can run a survey on to see what are the options.

I do have one thing to ask you about this.

If we do wait 2 months, will the underlaying changes be able
to integrate easy with APC/XCache/eAccelerator/others?

Opcodes are a must for large traffic websites like those I'm
working on right now, so we clearly want to have such a thing
installed on our servers as soon as we install a new PHP
version. But if including O+ will mean that APC gets delayed
6+ months (see PHP 5.4) it would be a show stopper for us
upgrading to PHP 5.5.

Our upgrade process is like this: be at least one year on market
to iron out major/obvious bugs. If APC gets on the market 6
months after PHP 5.5 only because of this then we'll be near
PHP 5.6 by then. And we can't just change from APC to others
as we'll need to test them as well as see which other use data
caching like APC has.

It would make sense to actually see how the whole ZE can
be improved so that it makes life of opcode cachers easier
and then ship O+ bundled with a PHP version that has better
support for them out of the box if I were to choose.

Best regards,

Florin Patan

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Zeev Suraski wrote:


 Following the discussion at the end of last week, I prepared a draft RFC
 for the inclusion of Optimizer+ in PHP.

 In parallel we’re in the process of prepping the source code for
 independent public consumption, which I hope we can be done with by the end
 of next week, hopefully sooner.

 Comments welcome!


Re: [PHP-DEV] Voting periods

2013-01-28 Thread Florin Razvan Patan
To Zeev and the rest of internals,

I know this will be a long e-mail but I'm not a guy who goes to conferences
(I don't have money for that), I've been into seven companies until now,
each with various use cases for PHP and I'm trying to contribute to some
open source projects from PHP scene.

You say that most of the users don't speak so I'll try to speak as my
previous attempts where ignored...

Let's start with the broken image about PHP 5.4 and adoption rate.

I'm not sure where, but today was given the argument of not doing userland
BC breaks while in 5.x branch, yet you just did that for 5.4 and now you use
it as a reference for adoption rate.

PHP 5.4 adoption rate is the best indicator but not for the number of
who like new features but rather for the number of people who can afford to
run without APC or have clean code.

Why do I say that? Consider this: since there's no common API for XCache/
Zend (forgot it's name) and other opcode accelerators/cachers I can't
to use another alternative. And who's to say they don't suffer from their
bugs? Do you know what happens when I ask my NOC guys to install some
new extension? Things like: is it stable? Will it crash and burn my very
sensitive yet stable servers? Is it faster/slower that the alternatives?
the changes alone will make my company waste more money that having
me coming up with clever ways to provide workarounds or design things for
them so that upgrades like this can be avoided.

PHP 5.4 broke yet another thing. You've removed usage of register_globals.
That's a great thing but you've locked out many shared hosts as they can't
upgrade without making the customers upgrade their code first. That might
not even be possible for some people. I happen to maintain such a badly
written application, but it's working like that since 2002 and I can't
that my employer will ask me to upgrade it at some point to make it
compatible with 5.4+. But I can do that, can you say the same thing for the
rest of the world?

I'd love to use traits in projects, there's great usage for them,
especially when
you go and write OOP code, the proper way... Can I do it? Sure, I have a
VPS which allows me to experiment but that's about it.

Thank God, you'll stop supporting 5.3 next year which is actually the reason
for why I'll be porting the application to 5.4, if possible, if not, 5.3
then 5.4
another time ;)

Why do I need those new features in the first place?

Just because I might be experimented enough in order to understand the
benefits from having them and how to use them to their true potential.

I don't understand feature X? Well ok, I need to read more about it. But
some smarter guys that make frameworks, ORMs, CMSs and other
large adopted and used PHP applications understand them, want them
need them to provide better code for people to use, learn from and write.

You think that majority of people write PHP in a professional way?

Could very well be true, in your countries, in mine, the focus is on getting
things done, nice if possible, if not, don't sacrifice the business time to
write nice code. I still manage to write nice code under these conditions
because I want to do more in life that be a simple code monkey. Every
monkey can write code, not every monkey can think beyond the next
echo they'll write.

Then there's Wordpress.

I'm still waiting for a day when the code base from Wordpress won't be
given as a negative example but Wordpress runs on a biiig number of

Do you really really want the opinion of users about a certain RFC?

Put up a pool on the website and promote it on the frontpage, Zend
mailing list, forums and so on. Announce it at least one week before
it runs and run it for two weeks. That should prove accurate enough
from people interested in the language itself. Those who are not
interested shouldn't count anyway.

How that RFC will be implemented is obviously another thing, but
it should be contained by internals not subject to public voting.

But the core needs more contributors.

Yes, I could be one. Why I'm not a contributor to the core? Well
here's a couple of interesting things:
- I haven't learned/used C until now, I've learned Pascal in
highschool, then Java at university and I've done programming
in PHP for seven years now. Not once I've needed, wanted to
learn C (until today that is);
- my time outside of work is limited and have to split it up between
many things (like most of you)
- I need to learn more PHP, more design patterns, more systems
architecture, more anything that's not related to C but rather
systems, patterns and anything else that I can so that I can
write better software for my employer, keep up with new people
coming after me, provide solutions that save me code, my
employer money and is easy to understand by people that
will maintain after I'll leave my job;
- PHP is written in C not in PHP which means that unlike people
that write C all day, for me C is another way 

Re: [PHP-DEV] HEADS UP: Upcoming Feature Freeze for PHP 5.5.0

2013-01-26 Thread Florin Razvan Patan

I'm not sure if it could be considered as a feature but what about these

Some of them have been opened for some time now.

Also, wouldn't a cleanup of the current RFC listed for PHP help out in the
process? I'm not sure what's the process for this, but it should be done at
some point imho.

Best regards.

Florin Patan

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 11:39 PM, David Soria Parra wrote:

 Hi Internals,

 as you might have read in the 5.5.0alpha4 announcments, we are moving
 forward with 5.5.0. We are already a bit late on the schedule and
 we want to begin the beta cycle in 14 days and concentrate on QA
 for the 5.5.0 release from now on.

 This includes a feature freeze. No new features should be comitted to
 the repository once we tagged the first beta on Feb 7. All outstanding
 features will have to wait for 5.6.0 in a year unless there is a
 really good reason for an exception.

   Feature Freeze is on Feb 7, 2013.

Julien and David

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Re: [PHP-DEV] I think that Function naming inconsistency bug deservers more attention

2013-01-26 Thread Florin Razvan Patan

Everyone here forgets that there's a little certification
run by some guys named Zend  that factor in some of
these things as well.

That's the point of not having consistency? Checking
if some have better memory that others?

Also, I suppose that everyone can afford to look up
things on the PHP manual when doing debugging on
some crashed remote service via CLI only access.

Now, on a nicer tone.

Consistency across function name/parameters would
help out both new people that learn the language as
well as leave out one point when compared to the other

Sure, there's no point in changing things just for the
sake of it but I don't get it why this couldn't be a
viable option for PHP 6 for example, which is a major

It would definitely help out new users and get some
bonus points while doing so in order to close the mouth
of those arguing that PHP is so inconsistent in naming

Phil Sturgeon had a nice idea on his blog,
which I think could very well apply to PHP and maybe
something like this could be done by someone with
less C/PHP internals knowledge that some other
features. If that's the case and all we need is someone
to do the changes, then I could level up my C
knowledge and help out if no one else is willing to do

I'd dislike for it to be rejected with reasons like:
- but it doesn't bring anything new;
- it doesn't help us with anything;
- it doesn't solve real problems;
- the current functions reflect the underlying functions
used. I've been a PHP user (developer) for a couple  of
years now and I really don't care what's the parameter
order for the functions that PHP use to help me out
getting my job done;
- perfection ain't good.

Best regards.

Florin Patan

On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 7:13 PM, Kalle Sommer Nielsen wrote:

 2013/1/25 Damian Tylczyński
 I've seen discussion on reddit

 There is one really clean solution to this problem for the
 consistency Guys that tend to complain about PHP endlessly; write the
 aliases in PHP that can be included, which can be considered just like
 using one of the frameworks thats filled with functions, it can be
 written quite fast and you can even use auto_prepend_file to include
 it in all scripts.

 As said in countless mails above, there is no gain for breaking BC due
 to perfection.


 Kalle Sommer Nielsen

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP is not ...

2013-01-11 Thread Florin Razvan Patan
Hi Arvids,

This is exactly what I've stated yesterday here, you can read it
at but I've yet to receive
an answer for it.

The problem is that someone will actually need to implement the
whole thing again, in C, again, and it's going to be painful (again).

I can only say that I'm really sorry that I don't know C in order to
be able to contribute.

This is indeed a sensible subject and I wouldn't want to be hated
by the current developers / contributors but like I've said, at some
point it must be addressed.

Best regards,

Florin Patan / @dlsniper

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Arvids Godjuks

 I have to agree with Lester.

 It seems that there is a conspiracy to push annotations into PHP :D No,
 really, it's like goons decided that PHP needs annotations no matter what
 and just flooded the mailing list.
 I think: The line must be drawn here, this far, no further! © Star Trek
 Before adding more major stuff we should cope with what was already added
 and get it into shape. Traits are getting a rewrite for the 5.5 release
 APC can't catch up because of the traits. This is the first big problem
 that needs to be solved.

 Unicode is the second big problem. As far as I know there was some work
 done on mb_string like enabling func_overload by default, but there are
 functions missing that are in standard string extension. Just continue on
 course and get more people involved. Maybe make a roadmap and try to stick
 with it.

 3rd problem is PDO. It lags behind for years and as far as I know from the
 words of Perrie, no one is willing to touch it and it's a mess. I will not
 even start on the fact that it lacks tons of functionality and
 is extremely limiting when you start to do some serious stuff. The fact
 that virtually every framework bases it's DB layer on the PDO makes it
 worse - a fast comparison between PDO and mysqli shows how limiting the
 Just an example, mysqli has mysqli_ping. You can't do that in PDO, so I
 to send a query SELECT NOW() every 10-15 seconds to the MySQL server to
 keep the connection alive. Because when PDO looses connection, it gives
 an error and you can't just reconnect and continue.

 Oh, the PHP function API issue, like array vs string. Huge amount of
 improvements can be done here.

 This is just what gets into mind and I stumble upon regularly. Maybe these
 problems should be addressed first before adding more stuff?


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Was Reflection annotations reader - We Need A Vision

2013-01-10 Thread Florin Razvan Patan
This could be very well be off-topic but I think it is something that
 someone has to say it at some point. Don't worry, there's a vision
 in there, near the end of this, please just have the patience of
 reading this as a part rant, part wish :)

 You all speak about new things, better userland code, gaining new
 features, functionalities, getting a vision but you never speak about
 the core.

 There's a clear need for a change in the core but new features are
 demanded every day...

 Solving the core should be done with a major BC break after 5.5
 and it should improve all the things that need to do be improved
 while preparing the architecture for future changes/additions.

 I think that Symfony2 should be a great example of this being a
 good approach in terms of produced results. If you look at the code
 it will provide both the cleanness and the flexibility needed to do
 great things with it yet it allows it so be simple to pick up and
 learned by new devs.

 Maybe other projects, including PHP, should take this lesson and
 see how they can make themselves better even if in the process
 they'll break all user space.

 For PHP strictly speaking now, I think that after 5.5 there should
 be a pause of two-three months for devs, get a holiday or just
 relax, then, sit with the community at a couple of meetings and
 talk about how PHP 6, 6.1, 6.2 and so on could/should look like.

 I'm not saying it's going to be an easy task, nor a pleasant one,
 but this should be done sooner that later as it's bound to happen
 at some point imho.

 While we might not get cool new things like annotations, named
 parameters or anything else that we, the users of PHP would like,
 we could get:
 - better internals which help adding those missing features faster;
 - make APC easier to maintain if the parser/compiler are easier to
 interact with;
 - get consistency in the whole haystack/needle problem :)
 - possibly get a better extension system so that C extensions are
 easier to write/maintain;
 - those missing things faster / easier to implement in PECL;
 - maybe more :)

 Redoing PHPs internals would help also getting a vision of the
 language, that suddenly every one cries about, while getting cleaner
 code for the core and help to increase the general numbers of core
 contributors for it.

 With such a large user base I still find it extremely surprising
 that php-core is maybe a dozen people or so while projects like
 Symfony/Zend Framework/Typo3/etc have hundreds of contributors.

 Yes! We 'need' new cool stuff in PHP, that maybe will be forgotten
 in two-three years or not, we find new ways to make the userland
 code more easy to write, operate, read and above all faster!

 But you can't build a 70 story skyscraper on top of a foundation
 that's meant to support a five story building.

 If you are going to ask the core devs to accept/do something that
 you deem cool, why not thinking about doing the things better
 all-around first, then add the coolness factor later?

 And yes, annotations are cool but it's' by far a --must-- have or
 something that gets in the way of developing new ideas to the
 point where they just can't exist (as proven by Doctrine Common).

 Have a nice day.

 Florin Patan / @dlsniper

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Anthony Ferrara wrote:

 Rasmus: A general purpose scripting language with a focus on web
  You: being simple and practical and focused on the web
  While they both have web in them, they provide very different goals and
  metrics with which to gauge contributions by. And that's the entire point
  of my call for a single, consistent and official vision...

 They don't seem different to me, and the first one is the documented
 statement that has been the first thing people see on for
 years and years. You can add simple and practical to mine or add
 general purpose to the Stas one and it doesn't conflict in any way.

 There's a difference between a byline and a vision. But even deeper, the
 vision that you wrote widens the scope of PHP development into basically
 all possible directions, as long as Web Development is a focus.

 Stas's vision on the other hand narrows the scope quite significantly by
 focusing on simple and practical implementations.

 Here's an example of the difference. Let's say that an RFC came out to
 introducelist comprehentions PHP. According to your vision, that's
 completely on the table and is welcome. But Stas's stated vision would
 counter that because it's not simple.

 And Stas's stated vision leads to things like this: It is trivial to misinterpret
 (or perhaps not so mis) it as we can't do anything complex, because think
 of the new people.

 What I'm proposing here is a stated vision that clarifies and sets a
 reasonably narrow vision for what development should do. I'm not saying it
 needs to be a 100% we can do this but never that, 

[PHP-DEV] [RFC] Implement a LoggerInterface to PHP

2012-11-08 Thread Florin Razvan Patan

After a talk on the Symfony framework here:
Long story short, the point that @Seldaek suggestion to have a common
interface for loggers
actually makes sense and the best way to have it would be to have PHP
include it by default.

I'm not sure exactly what amount of work this implies, nor my C skills
are existent, but with
PHP having such an interface available it would help standardize
things in the PHP world.

Also, I'm not sure if this could be backported into existing PHP 5.3
or PHP 5.4 versions
but this would make sense to consider it for PHP 5.5.

What do you guys think? Could this be considered to be included in PHP?

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

Florin Patan

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