RE: [PHP-DEV] 5.4 regression: non-existent sub-sub keys now have values

2011-11-23 Thread Mike Robinson
On November-23-11 5:31 PM Gustavo Lopes wrote:
 On Wed, 23 Nov 2011 21:06:09 -, Pierre Joye
  The fact that we have reports here showing code not working anymore
  because of this change tells me that it is a BC break. We can call it
  a bug fix but it still breaks code out there for no real benefit but
  edge case usages. We had this situation before, that does not help
 I'd say for no benefit at all. Why would anyone ever want to take a
 string offset from a string that certainly has length 1? Except for
 taking satisfaction in this improved consistency, I see absolutely no
 Up until now, it was deemed a useless but innocuous change. Now that we
 found it has pernicious side effects, we ought to revert it.

Notwithstanding that this behaviour was possible because of a bug, it has
admittedly been relied on since time immemorial, making it a significant
BC break.

As distasteful as it seems, it absolutely should be reverted IMHO.

Best Regards,

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] enable mbstring by default

2011-10-13 Thread Mike Robinson
On October-11-11 11:46 AM Ferenc Kovacs wrote:

 As the full unicode support went down with php6, wouldn't it be a
 logical step to enable the mbstring extension by default(maybe even
 turning it into a builtin ext like phar)?
 I think that mbstring is a pretty mature and stable extension, and
 there isn't much dependencies so I can't think of reason why we
 couldn't do it.
 Of course the mbstring.func_overload would still disabled by default
 (maybe exporting the mb functions to the 'utf8' namespace? :P), so it
 would be a backward compatible change.
 What do you think?
 ps: maybe it is too late for 5.4, but having it in trunk is still
 better than nothing.

The mbstring extension was enabled by default once upon a time, if memory
serves, and as I recall the results were extremely painful. While both PHP
and mbstring have matured significantly since then, I'm old school that way.
Fool me once...


Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Autotests: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

2011-08-18 Thread Mike Robinson
On August-17-11 8:04 PM Roger Llopart Pla wrote:
 That use, or, if it's a development machine, leave it as it is since it
 does it's work just fine.
 2011/8/18 Reindl Harald
  Am 18.08.2011 01:30, schrieb Stas Malyshev:
   well but using root as default is a little bit crazy
   using user test with empty password is acceptable but root
   It's not _that_ root. For mysql, it's just a default user name.
   Most people would run it on development machines with mysql
   configured not to answer to network, so it's not of a problem
  it IS THAT root of mysql
  please do not believe i think it has anything to do with system-root
  i am doing this job now since ten years :-)
  using a build/test-server with mysql-driven pure-ftpd and phpmyadmin
  while having horde-webmail also on the test-machine and you are f**ed
  with a mysql-root without password
  the only sense for the default-root without pwd in mysql is to
  enter mysql -u root and set your pwd directly after install

It strikes me that the out-of-the-box test only works on a fresh clean
install of MySQL. The install docs for MySQL strongly recommend changing
that immediately after the install - which I think most people do - so
I doubt very much those are the credentials for the vast majority of
MySQL installs in the world.

I'm wondering if adding a prompt for the mysql username and password,
with the defaults set as is, would be possible, and if so, if someone
were to offer a patch why it shouldn't be considered.

IMHO, if the defaults were used and the tests ran successfully, I'd
be tempted to display a console message along the lines of your myself
default root credentials are wide open, are you being silly? 

Best Regards,

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] deprecating ext/mysql

2011-07-11 Thread Mike Robinson
On July-11-11  Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

 Sent: July-11-11 1:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] deprecating ext/mysql
 On 2011-07-11, Paul Dragoonis
  Yes, +1 from me too. I do indeed think we need to make this a smooth
  transition over time. Possibly triggering an E_DEPRECATED for all
  ext/mysql usage. Just like the introduction of E_DEPRECATED for 5.3
  functions, we could apply the same approach here. After 5.4 is
  released we can put big Deprecated Warning notifications on all* functions too. I think we all want this, but to be
  realistic from a production point of view, many sites will still be
  using ext/mysql.
 And, to my reading, this is exactly the path that was recommended. The
 point is to start a soft deprecation now via the manual, indicating
 that users should migrate to other solutions, while simultaneously
 detailing how to do equivalent operations via ext/mysqli or pdo_mysql.
 Actual deprecation would happen later.

I haven't looked at the mysql_* section of the manual in 15 years. It
would not surprise me to learn that that was one of the least viewed
areas of manual.

I'd be curious to see what kind of response this suggestion would elicit
from the PHP General list.

From the MySQL site:

We have no plans to remove libmysql support from ext/mysql, ext/mysqli
or PDO_MYSQL, which would break existing applications. We just add a new,
superior alternative to our PHP offerings.

So I'd also be interested to hear what the MySQL folks had to say about

If a laissez-faire approach is taken a lot of people are going to have
bite marks on their behinds.


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RE: [PHP-DEV] deprecating ext/mysql

2011-07-10 Thread Mike Robinson
On July-10-11 1:16 PM Reindl Harald wrote:
 Am 10.07.2011 19:03, schrieb Philip Olson:
  What this means to ext/mysql:
  - Softly deprecate ext/mysql with education (docs) starting today
  - Not adding E_DEPRECATED errors in 5.4, but revisit for 5.5/6.0
  - Add pdo_mysql examples within the ext/mysql docs that mimic the
  - current examples, but occasionally introduce features like
  -  prepared statements
  - Focus energy on cleaning up the pdo_mysql and mysqli documentation
  - Create a general The MySQL situation document that explains the
  - situation
  The PHP community has been recommending alternatives for several
  years now, so hopefully this won't be a new concept or shock to most
 sounds reasonable and i would love to be not forced loading AND because some peopole are using
 legacy code and unwilling to maintain their stuff

Sure, some users in the PHP community are aware of this desire.

We're talking about tons of developers, vast amounts of legacy code
written over 2 decades - longer than many in that same community have
been alive.

Most developers out there are not remotely aware of this.

IMHO, it doesn't matter how early the education gets started or how
much time and sugar is used to coat this, it'll be a bitter pill for
a very large group of people.

This needs to be thought out very carefully.

Best Regards,

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] preg_match

2011-07-08 Thread Mike Robinson
On July-08-11 10:01 AM Rafael Dohms wrote:


 first time using preg_match is a nightmare.

IMHO, preg_match is poetry in motion.

Going through a million lines of code replacing ereg[i] with preg_match
because it was deprecated in 5.3 - *that* is a nightmare.

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] -W option for CLI strict mode

2011-07-06 Thread Mike Robinson
On July-06-11 12:58 AM Adam Harvey wrote:

 On 6 July 2011 06:00, Richard Quadling wrote:
  I'd also add in the display_startup_errors to this also. As I see it,
  the idea is to make things as noisy or as quiet as possible.
 Agreed. That was an oversight on my part. I'll update the patches to
 handle that as well.


I have use for this.

Best Regards,

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] -W option for CLI strict mode

2011-07-06 Thread Mike Robinson
On July-06-11 11:49 AM Peter Cowburn []
 On 6 July 2011 16:04, Richard Quadling wrote:
  What happens of both LOUD and quiet are used. Personally, I'd say
  this is an error and abort.
 An error, and abort silently. :)

Whatever the consensus is. :)  The devil's in the details of course
(and that's easy for me to say since I'm not doing the work). But
overall I'd say this is a nice, simple, useful feature.

Best Regards,

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] 5.4 alpha

2011-06-28 Thread Mike Robinson
On June-28-11 2:06 PM Stas Malyshev wrote:

 On 6/28/11 10:43 AM, Pierre Joye wrote:

  I do think we should repackage. There are many issues fixed since
  last week and it makes no sense to release something not representing
  what the current 5.4 branch is.
 Really, guys, if we ever want to have scheduled and orderly releases,
 changing release schedule in the last minute repeatedly and repackaging
 in the last second is exactly NOT the way to do it.

IMHO, exactly right. Not much point in having a plan if it isn't followed,
and that usually ends up causing problems - what the plan is supposed to

Best Regards,

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] 5.4 again

2011-05-10 Thread Mike Robinson
May-10-11 11:57 AM Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote: 

 A native docblock annotation parser would much better suit our

+1, FWIW.

 So, basically, we're in a situation where there's no consensus on
 whether the feature is needed or what the approach should be, and
 people pointing fingers at eachother indicating the other party is
 not listening or providing constructive feedback. I think that's
 reason enough to pan the feature for 5.4.

Humbly, I agree.

Best Regards,

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] proposed access modifier silent ... was: Re: [PHP-DEV] Implicit isset/isempty check on short-ternary operator

2011-04-12 Thread Mike Robinson
On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 4:09 PM Chris Stockton wrote:

 My suggestion to use ?? I will say has little to do with laziness. I
 would be happy with any solution that solves my problem, I just know
 that implementing a patch for ?? would be simple enough (I could even
 do so if requested). Everyone has different use patterns as shown in
 other examples, this is natural and just comes with the domain.

Laziness should not be confused with a desire to write clean readable
code quickly. :)

I have use for this, it's a nice clean solution to a simple problem.

FWIW, +1.

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP] [security] PHP has DoS vuln with large decimal points

2011-01-16 Thread Mike Robinson
On 2011-01-16, at 9:59 PM, Daniel Brown wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 21:00, Tommy Pham wrote:
 Here are the results after some further tests for the same platform:
 * max float value: 1.7976931348623E+308
 * min float value:  9.8813129168249E-324  
 floatval('1.00e-323') weird ...
 PHP wil hang when the value is between (inclusive)
 floatval('2.22507385850720102e-308')  -
 I can't find the bug report for the issue @  Does anyone know
 if one is submitted?  I should submit one?  Sucribe to dev list and go from
If in doubt, file a bug.  Worse comes to worst, it will be marked
 as bogus or a duplicate.  For security-related things, send them to, not to the General list.  Again, if it's of no
 concern, it will simply be ignored as bogus or already known

Is this not it?

Best Regards

Mike Robinson
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RE: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Add option to disable POST data processing

2010-12-20 Thread Mike Robinson
December-18-10 12:07 PM Daniel Convissor wrote:

 Completely disabling POST is something that is probably best done
 via web server configurations.  Doing this at the
 applicaiton/programming layer seems like a kludge.

No offence, but I'm still waiting for someone with 2 breadsticks stuck up their
nose to jump out and yell April Fools.


Best Regards,

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] new foo()-bar()

2010-11-26 Thread Mike Robinson
November-26-10 2:36 PM, Felipe Pena writes:

 Hi all,
 I'm here again to presents another proposal, which adds support for
 instantiating a class and calling its methods and accessing its
 properties on same command.
 class bar {
   public $x = 'PHP';
 class foo extends bar {
   public function bar() {
 return $this;
 var_dump(new foo()-bar()-x); // string(3) PHP
 Other examples which describes the feature at

Nice. I have use for this.
Some readability issues may arise but nothing that can't be
overcome with some common sense.

Best Regards,

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Magic quotes in trunk

2010-11-18 Thread Mike Robinson
On November-17-10 11:09 AM Kalle Sommer Nielsen wrote:

 I wanted to raise this topic before we go Alpha with trunk, regarding
 our beloved magic_quotes feature. There seems to be mixed opinions
 regarding it so I thought I would take it up for discussion.
 We have advised people not to use magic_quotes, register_globals and
 the like for years, and they were marked as deprecated in 5.3.0+ if
 activated through their php.ini directives. Yet magic_quotes still is
 set to On in 5.3.0. I think its worth we either remove the feature
 or disable it in trunk as its a security related feature. Lets have a
 look at what each of those options means:
 Removing magic_quotes):
 Means we will remove the feature entirely in the source, we will throw
 an E_CORE_ERROR if activated so people who have it enabled are forced
 to disable it and make their applications work without magic_quotes.
 This creates a minor issue for the hosts that simply disable it and
 have their customers applications run without them which can create a
 security risk for them, although it should be fairly limited. The
 functions to check for magic_quotes_runtime should however stay for BC
 to avoid applications that run on multiple versions of PHP from doing:
 if(function_exists('...')  ...)
 Disabling them):
 This will help to disable the spread of magic_quotes even more, and it
 can safely be removed in the next major version of PHP.
 My personal vote here goes towards removing them entirely.
 What are your inputs on this matter?

IMHO, removing magic_quotes should be done only in the next major version.
Far too many people are going to get bit on the behind by this type of
change in a minor version. I do agree it needs to crash and burn, but I
think it'll take millions of lines of code down with it (sadly).

To me, removing it and disabling it by default are practically speaking
the same thing. So the same applies - next major version.

If by consensus the group should decide to go ahead anyway, I would suggest
a big fat notice with the release announcement and a prominent spot on the
front page of (now?), and perhaps consider bumping the version
up 1 (to 5.5?) just to get people's attention. This is huge.

Best Regards,

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.4 - Meta attribute (aka. Annotations) support discussion

2010-11-16 Thread Mike Robinson
November-16-10 2:21 AM - Zeev Suraski wrote:

 Like I said – of course annotations bring value.  If that was the only
 property when evaluating a new feature to be added, PHP would very
 quickly become an everything-and-the-kitchen-sink language.
 Thankfully, it’s not.



Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] 5.4 Alpha?

2010-08-10 Thread Mike Robinson
On Tue, Aug 10 2010, Derick Rethans wrote
 On Mon, 9 Aug 2010, Kalle Sommer Nielsen wrote:
  With the recent additions to 5.4, aren't we getting closer to have a
  public alpha release, or just a development test as we have many
  additions and changes to the current trunk or atleast set up some
  of roadmap for what we all like to have in 5.4, or be that 6.0 as
  thats yet another thing we should get settled soonish.

 I'd say: let's do 5.4-alpha! There's plenty of cool stuff in trunk.


Humbly, if the release early, release often mantra is to be [re-]embraced,
I'd say start right now.

Best Regards,

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Remove sqlite2 from trunk

2010-06-17 Thread Mike Robinson
On June-17-10 5:23 AM Derick Rethans wrote:

 On Tue, 15 Jun 2010, Patrick ALLAERT wrote:
  What about doing the same with MySQL extensions ?
  Currently there is 3 main ways to access a MySQL server:
  Additionally, mysqlnd has to be considered as a possible library for
  each of them.
  I have the feeling that there is a benefit at removing ext/mysql with
  the same arguments as for sqlite 2.
 I would be against that.

= sigh of relief =

The voice of reason.

Best Regards,

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Remove sqlite2 from trunk

2010-06-17 Thread Mike Robinson
On June-17-10 12:44 PM Pierre Joye wrote:
 Sent: June-17-10 12:44 PM
 To: Mike Robinson
 Cc: Derick Rethans; Patrick ALLAERT; Ilia Alshanetsky; Adam Harvey;
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Remove sqlite2 from trunk
 On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 5:12 PM, Mike Robinson wrote:
  On June-17-10 5:23 AM Derick Rethans wrote:
  On Tue, 15 Jun 2010, Patrick ALLAERT wrote:
   What about doing the same with MySQL extensions ?
   Currently there is 3 main ways to access a MySQL server:
   Additionally, mysqlnd has to be considered as a possible library
   each of them.
   I have the feeling that there is a benefit at removing ext/mysql
   the same arguments as for sqlite 2.
  I would be against that.
  = sigh of relief =
  The voice of reason.
 The only voice that matters here is the voice of the mysql team, they
 know if it is still widely used or not, and how :)

Really? Seriously, how could they reliably know that?  :)

I still like the I would be against that, notwithstanding.

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Removal of deprecated features

2010-04-09 Thread Mike Robinson

Respectfully, FWIW...



  - Proposed to be removed aswell, Tony had a patch for this[5].

No way. While I abhor there use, _many_ people do not. 

  - Theres currently an RFC in the works about this by Johannes[6].


  - Only needed for register_globals, Hannes removed those in PHP6.


  - Is this really worth keeping, since dl() was disabled on almost all
 SAPIs except for CLI/CGI/Embed?


 Support for Freetype 1 and GD 1
  - Removed by Pierre in PHP6

(With my sincere gratitude to Thomas for his work all those years)

 Class named constructors

Not in 5.x - the BC break here is huge.

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Closures and $this: Please vote!

2009-12-15 Thread Mike Robinson
Christian Seiler wrote
 Hi Lukas,
  Call for a vote. This time around people cannot claim to not have had
  time to review the issue. Also back then we tried to play it safe
  because of the short time before we were to release. This time there
  more time for this to mature if needed inside svn.
 Ok, so then I call for a vote. Again, here are the options:
 (0): No $this in closures, keep it that way. (keep PHP 5.3 behavior)
 (A): Original closures implementation:
  $this is always the object context at
  closure creation. No possibility to do
  $someObject-closureProperty(...) and thus
  no possibility to extend objects!
 (C): Javascript-like behaviour: Bind $this only when calling
  the closure as object method, else $this is undefined.
 (D): JS-like behaviour on top of (A).
  Please look at the RFC as to why I consider it to be a
  *REALLY*, *REALLY* bad idea.
 (A+): (A) + Closure::bind  Closure-bindTo for rebinding
   if this is wanted  the possibility to call a closure as an
   method. (See last section of RFC for details)
 My vote: (A+)

FWIW, another non-internal-dev vote for (A+).

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] display_errors = on

2009-01-06 Thread Mike Robinson
Hannes Magnusson wrote:
 I am totally against this change for 5.2. 5.3 on the otherhand should
 definitely make this finally happen.

Very reasonable - the best approach I would think.

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] keeping traffic on this list manageable

2008-11-01 Thread Mike Robinson
Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
 We do have something along those lines:
 Maybe it needs to be cut down (or just provide the key points at the
 top) and automatically appended to all emails (including the welcome
 email) ..

There you have it. A dozen years on the list and I didn't even know
that file existed. I'll bet there are many, many others.

Brilliant idea adding a condensed version to the welcome emails and
appending it onto all outgoing emails, maybe with a link back to the
rules document above. It'll go a long way to decreasing noise.

Best Regards,

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.3 Suggested Feature List

2007-09-12 Thread Mike Robinson
Hey Steph,

PECL, right.

Ilia's initial post mentioned possibly enabling them by default
which set off some red flags for me because it's very much alpha.
It'd definitely help things along if it goes into the core, in terms
of exposure / usage / testing. 


Mike Robinson

 -Original Message-
 From: Steph Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 6:40 PM
 To: Mike Robinson; 'Ilia Alshanetsky'; 'PHP Developers Mailing List'
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.3 Suggested Feature List
 Hi Mike,
  7) Introduce mysqlind library into core and use it as a 
 backend for 
  PDO and mysqli extensions (possibly enabling them by default)
  1 0 -1
  The mysqlind driver is currently alpha. Wherever it goes it 
 should be 
  marked EXPERIMENTAL and off by default Frankly, I'm wondering (out 
  loud) if PEAR wouldn't be a better place for it until PHP6?
 ouf  PEAR is for PHP code, PECL is for C code. This is C 
 code. It's also a *native* PHP driver, meaning it's faster 
 than the libmysql library used currently for all 
 MySQL-related extensions.
 The difference in build terms is simply a configure switch, 
 and I don't see anyone recommending it should be mysqlnd by 
 default at this stage.
 - Steph 
 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.13.15/1002 - Release 
 Date: 9/11/2007 5:46 PM

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RE: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.3 Suggested Feature List

2007-09-11 Thread Mike Robinson
Since my vote counts for shyte, I'll humbly offer brief remarks instead. 

Ilia Alshanetsky queried:

 6) Remove safe_mode, register_globals and magic_quotes
 1 0   -1

*Major* BC break in a minor version? Ouch. This should wait I think.

 7) Introduce mysqlind library into core and use it as a 
 backend for PDO and mysqli extensions (possibly enabling them 
 by default)
 1 0   -1

The mysqlind driver is currently alpha. Wherever it goes it should be marked
EXPERIMENTAL and off by default Frankly, I'm wondering (out loud) if PEAR
wouldn't be a better place for it until PHP6?

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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2007-07-20 Thread Mike Robinson
Jani Taskinen writes:

 On Thu, 2007-07-19 at 15:39 -0700, Andrei Zmievski wrote:
  Python did go down that road, but take a look at Python 3000 effort 
  and you will see that what they are trying to do is exactly what we
  have: native Unicode strings, without prefixes.
 So maybe we should learn from mistakes other have already 
 made and not do the same.. and remove that stupid option 
 before it's too late.

You betcha! IMHO, it'll be a persistent ugliness and source of headaches and
regret for a long time.

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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2007-07-06 Thread Mike Robinson
Derick Rethans said:
 Ladies, Gentlemen, Kings and Princesses,
 With the nice PHP 5 / PHP 6 unicode semantics thread under 
 way I am trying to gauge what people feel about dropping 
 support for PHP 4 at the end of this year. That does not mean 
 that we will not fix security issues, we have to as the 
 install base is too large, but that would be the only thing 
 that would warrant a new release. I already sort of mentioned 
 this on april 1st, but I think we should come with a slightly 
 more official statement. Your votes please (only -1 and +1 
 are allowed)!

+1, served me well, RIP... Amen.

Best regards

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] What is the use of unicode.semantics in PHP 6?

2007-06-20 Thread Mike Robinson
Derick Rethans wrote:
  Jeremy Privett wrote:

  I actually don't have a problem with 95% of PHP 6 installations 
  turning off Unicode support and this being the default 
 setting for ISP's.
 I do, because that will end up in less hosts running with 
 real unicode support. They can always tell their clients we 
 have php 6 - while it is in fact just the crippled 
 non-unicode version of it.

IMHO, how many hosts that run PHP6 with unicode support is moot - as
long as those who need it get it and those that don't aren't penalized
by having their PHP6 install crippled turning off unicode.

Just the notion that disabling unicode somehow cripples PHP6 is quite

That aside, it seems to me that PHP5 support will be around for a while.
People can take that time to learn. Some of the energy saved supporting
this setting and it's underlying needs can be better devoted to some
documentation for teaching people how to migrate to a unicode-aware
programming world.

FWIW then, do it now. Cut the cord. Remove the setting and be done with
it. Frankly, I think the PHP team has done far too much hand-holding and
coddling in the last few years (an admirable, very under-appreciated job
I might add). I think the core team will have its hands full getting PHP6
out the door and keeping PHP5 reasonably maintained. Humbly, I believe
adding unicode.semantics to the equation may be a heavy, heavy piece of
straw that breaks a lot of backs. Joe User included.

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-06 Thread Mike Robinson
It could well be the last chance to get the mail() logger into 5.x  as well,
and IMHO a lot of
people are waiting for this that can't/won't migrate to PHP6 quickly.


Mike Robinson

Ilia Alshanetsky writes:

 IMHO one good reason to start a new branch for 5.x would be 
 the ability to get rid off register_globals and magic_quotes 
 in the 5 series without having to wait for PHP6 to come around.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.2.1 twice as slow?

2007-02-27 Thread Mike Robinson
Andrew Hutchings writes
 I dunno what the heck I am doing wrong then :)
 I have tried on a PPC running OSX, a Xen host on a Dual Xeon 
 running Ubuntu Edgy, an EPIA running Ubuntu Edgy and the Xeon 
 devel box.
 When configuring with ./configure --disable-all 
 --disable-cgi and compiling with no additional CFLAGS on all 
 those machines the benchmarks actually work out almost the 
 same but in every case strcat is a lot slower on 5.2.1.  I'm 
 guessing the rest of the slowness is something to do with my 
 configuration options.

I've run the bench on a development box at work. A hefty box with no load,
running Fedora Core 5.

The strcat results were approximately *10 times slower* on 5.2.1 than on
Everything else was nominal.

So I reran the bench on my dev box at home. Same deal. The overall result
close (hence my previous comments), but strcat was about 9 times slower on
5.2.1 than 5.2.0.

One of my guys at work ran the bench on his Gentoo box against 5.1.16. Same
deal, strcat *way* slower on 5.2.1 than 5.1.16. 

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.2.1 twice as slow?

2007-02-26 Thread Mike Robinson
Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

 I tried to run test on my machine, could not reproduce the effect.

I've run the bench script on my Redhat-FC6 box with 5.2.0 and 5.2.1, configs
exactly the same. I could not reproduce the effect either. [phew]

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: Syntactic improvement to array

2007-02-05 Thread Mike Robinson
Richard Lynch wrote:
 More edge cases:
 $foo = array(1, 2, 3];
 $bar = [1, 2, 3);
 Syntax error because it's unbalancedO
 Or kosher, because the choice of start/end delimiters should 
 be up to the user?
 Should it match whatever rule is in place for:
 if (...){


$foo = array(1,2,3);
$foo = [1,2,3];

echo $foo[0];
echo $foo{0};

$foo = [1,2,3);  // parse error
echo(;  // parse error

Come on. This isn't rocket science, even for newcomers.
It certainly isn't worthy of the [awesome] level of analysis it's getting.
Holy smokes.


Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Syntactic improvement to array

2007-02-04 Thread Mike Robinson
Pierre wrote:
 On 2/4/07, Ilia Alshanetsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I personally find array extremely clear, in recent weeks I 
 had to do A 
  LOT of JavaScript work where the array syntax works in a manner you 
  suggest for PHP and its a massive pain. It does not make for a very 
  clear code. I think the syntax you propose is extremely 
 confusing and 
  we should stick to what we have right now.
 If someone does not like this new syntax, he can stick to 
 array(). It is in no way an argument to refuse the new syntax 

I agree sir.

It's a nice little addition - all the better if it isn't too much
work to implement and someone has already volunteered to do it.  :)

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] mail() logging for PHP

2006-12-13 Thread Mike Robinson
Ilia Alshanetsky writes:
 Is there any interest in adding support for logging of mail() 
 calls and/or adding options that allow identification of who 
 sent the e-mail.
 I've wrote a quick patch that enables this functionality via 
 two ini settings controllable via php.ini or per-virtual host.
 The first option, mail.add_x_header (boolean) allows you to 
 enable the addition of the X-PHP-Originating-Script header to 
 each mail sent by mail(), which will include the uid of the 
 script and its name. The combination of the two should be 
 sufficient to identify the user to whom the script belongs 
 and via a simple find command locate the actual script. This 
 option is intended primarily for instances where you have a 
 bounced e-mail or a forwarded mail with a spam complaint, 
 allowing you to quickly identify the offender.
 The second option, mail.log (takes a filename) allows you to 
 enable logging of every single mail() call, each log line 
 will include the fullpath of the file and the line where the 
 mail() was called from in addition to the To address and 
 any headers (to keep track of CC,
 BCC) that were part of the function call. To ensure that each 
 log line is 1 line long, \r and \n are replaced with spaces.
 The patch that makes this possible can be found here:
 Ilia Alshanetsky

A fabulous addition. How fast can this make it into PHP? 5.2.1?   8-)


Mike Robinson

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[PHP-DEV] Congrats, and thanks

2006-11-04 Thread Mike Robinson
To all,

Congratulations on the release of 5.2 folks.

Once again, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the PHP team, dev and
for their hard work, dedication and perseverance in maintaining and
advancing this
magnificent language. Not to mention your incredible patience.  :)

You continue to show the way, and shine a light on the open source world.

I can't imagine my toolbox without PHP.

Standing ovation, and my deepest thanks,

Mike Robinson

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2006-10-26 Thread Mike Robinson
I myself wrote:
 Christian Schneider writes:
  Another idea (I haven't seen skimming through the replies):
  Move use of undefined variable, property and index from E_NOTICE to 
  E_STRICT as it is a coding style question some people use to find 
 IMHO it's more than just a coding style used to find typos.
 It's one of the *nicest* features PHP ever had, and it's a 
 bloody shame it's gone.

Sorry guys, I (thankfully) misunderstood.


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2006-10-25 Thread Mike Robinson
Christian Schneider writes:
 Another idea (I haven't seen skimming through the replies):
 Move use of undefined variable, property and index from 
 E_NOTICE to E_STRICT as it is a coding style question some 
 people use to find typos.

IMHO it's more than just a coding style used to find typos.
It's one of the *nicest* features PHP ever had, and it's a bloody
shame it's gone.

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Filter Vote

2006-09-28 Thread Mike Robinson

On Thursday, September 28, 2006 at  7:52 PM Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:

 A good deal of time has passed and it seems Derick and Pierre 
 are no closer to the consensus about the filter extension and 
 in the meantime 5.2 release process is stalling. At this 
 point I think as the Release Manager I need make a decision 
 on how to proceed. Before I make a decision I'd like to hear 
 some feedback from other developers and users of PHP on what 
 they think.
 The current options are:
 [ ] Indefinitely delay 5.2 release until filter issue can be resolved.
 [ ] Remove filter from PHP 5.2 and hope that some near-future 
 release will re-introduce it [ ] Go with what we have right 
 now, and if filter developers want to make changes they'll 
 need to do so in a manner backwards compatible to the current code.
 Personally, I'd prefer to take filter out entirely from the 5.2 tree.

If the filter extension goes in now and remains marked 'experimental',
making changes that break BC is moot - that's why it's marked experimental
and the docs explain that _very_ clearly - things can and probably will

IMHO, it should go in as is and the 5.2 cycle resumed and completed. If
the guys needed another few days to arrive at a concensus I would consider
that a fair price to pay in order to mitigate BC breaks in the future,
but that additional delay would be at your discretion of course.

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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[PHP-DEV] kudos

2005-12-02 Thread Mike Robinson
Once again, I would like to extend my sincere, profound gratitude to the PHP
Development Team for the continued effort in making and keeping PHP the
extraordinary tool that it is.

The amount of work that has gone into the release of PHP-5.x is enormous.
changelog for the latest versions could occupy a chapter in anyone's next
book. It probably should, as a testament to the dedication of several
individuals, and of course the 'countless others' whose hard work and
often go unrecognized.

PHP continues to be not only an outstanding product, it also happens to be
one tool in my kit that has singlehandedly provided me with the opportunity
earn a very serious living. When asked how I use PHP, I have a simple

I use it to feed my family. 

For that, I thank each and every one of you, and you know who you are.


Mike Robinson
Torstar Media Group Television 

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: namespace separator ideas

2005-11-26 Thread Mike Robinson
They all look horrible.
The idea of namespaces scrapped altogether is a good solution.  :)


Mike Robinson

David Zülke wrote:

 If we rule out :::, it should be - instead.
 The latter looks better to me. I'd still prefer
 - David
 Am 27.11.2005 um 01:28 schrieb Eric Coleman:
  I'd have to vote for either - or :.  I perfer the later.
  \ is kinda crappy.  Looks weird, as does %%.  Looks like a mess.
  -- Eric Coleman
  On Nov 26, 2005, at 7:17 PM, Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
  Oliver Grätz wrote:
  Oliver Grätz schrieb:
  Whoops, forgot to add %%
  +1 for - here. It makes namespace hierarchies resemble diagrams
  of the same hierarchies (like inheritance in UML). It also 
  makes sense, isn't hard to type, and doesn't look like a 
 smiley (like 
  : etc).
  Jasper Bryant-Greene
  General Manager
  Album Limited
  +64 21 708 334
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RE: [PHP-DEV] Timezone stuff - conclusion

2005-10-09 Thread Mike Robinson

 I started the build when I got home at 3am ;-) It's now online:, I'll check later 
 today where I want to link this in exactly.

Nice work on this TZ stuff Derick.
My thanks.


Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Timezone stuff - conclusion

2005-10-08 Thread Mike Robinson
Christian Stocker wrote:
 IIRC the conclusion was, that Derick tries to make the TZ 
 detection better (which was the only BC problem, AFAIK). And 
 according to him, that's now almost solved (except some weird 
 problems on Windows).
 He even made a pecl package for updating the TZ data easily 
 should that change.
 If the TZ detection works reliable, I don't see any reason to 
 revert or postpone Dericks work, the timezone handling of his 
 implementation is so much better than the old one, it's 
 really worth the upgrade for everyone having to deal with 
 different timezones.
 Just my 2 cents.

If I had 2 Phillipino Pesos and they meant anything I'd add them


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RE: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] __toString()

2005-09-26 Thread Mike Robinson
Andi Gutmans writes:

 Believe me, from a usability perspective, I think 
 __toString() working automagically is very nice... I'm just 
 being less trigger happy and want to make sure we're covered.

Humbly, this is a smart and prudent approach, to a nice piece of work
I might add.


Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] ImageAntialias

2005-09-10 Thread Mike Robinson
Greg Trounson wrote:
 Actually I propose a new method for antialiasing:
 bool imageantialias ( resource im, bool on, int MODE )
 where MODE is one of:
 AA_TRADITIONAL - Perform antialiasing the same way it's done 
 now - that is to use a different antialiasing function for 
 each primitive, most of which haven't yet been implemented.
 AA_SCALE - Draw the image to an internal buffer at 2x the 
 requested size, using regular non-antialiased primitives, and 
 downscale the result to the requested size with bilinear 
 filtering.  This produces nice antialiased images with very 
 little duplication of code across primitives.  Line thickness 
 may need to be doubled to give the right effect.
 AA_TEXT - Draw/downsample the image as above, but omit text 
 objects until after the image has been downsampled.  This 
 allows for clearer but non-antialiased text.

Ugh. Painful short-term remedies...

I understand the frustration, but given the excellent progress made
lately on GD, both by Boutell-folk and the internal GD maintainer(s),
IMHO I think it'd be better to wait until GD handles anti-aliasing


Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] 5.0.5RC1 rolled

2005-08-26 Thread Mike Robinson
On my woody box, configure finished fine but with...

Generating files
updating cache ./config.cache
creating ./config.status
creating php5.spec
creating main/build-defs.h
creating scripts/phpize
creating scripts/man1/phpize.1
sed: can't read ./scripts/man1/ No such file or directory
creating scripts/php-config
creating scripts/man1/php-config.1
sed: can't read ./scripts/man1/ No such file or directory
creating sapi/cli/php.1
creating main/php_config.h
creating main/internal_functions.c
creating main/internal_functions_cli.c

... then during make:

In file included from
 from parse.y:34:
/usr/local/src/php-5.0.5RC1/config.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/parse.lo] Error 1

This by adding 'with-sqlite=shared' to the config line.
Without this option it builds fine.


Wez Furlong wrote:
 I think I saw a configure related problem with the sqlite 
 extension recently.
 I won't be able to check on this until thursday, maybe 
 wednesday if things go well during the week.
 If someone else has time before I do, can they try building 
 sqlite as a shared extension to verify if there was a problem?

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Beta 3

2005-07-13 Thread Mike Robinson

 Thanks as usual to Edin for the quick turnaround on the 
 Windows builds.



Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Timezone Function Name (Was: Re: [PHP-DEV] Re:[PHP-CVS]cvs: php-src/ NEWS /ext/datephp_date.cphp_date.h/ext/date/testsbug26198.phptbug29585.phptdefault-timezone-2.phpttimezone-configurat

2005-07-04 Thread Mike Robinson
Derick Rethans wrote:

 date_timezone_default_set   -- Can you use this, which seems like the
proper name,
 date_tz_default_set  -- then alias this to it?


Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] allow_url_fopen should be INI_ALL

2005-06-28 Thread Mike Robinson
Russell Nelson wrote:
 Graphical user interface designers understand the idea of an 
 'affordance'.  An affordance is something whose operation is 
 obvious simply by looking at it.  An uparrow button moves 
 something upwards.

Uh, no. Affordances are the range of possible actions by a user, perceived
are the ranges of actions a user perceives is possible. You don't save
people by filing
down the sharp edges on a tool. You do it by telling them it's sharp.


Mike Robinson


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2005-06-06 Thread Mike Robinson
Olivier Hill wrote:
 I'm +1 on the goto patch aswell. What was the consent on the 
 limit of a goto statement? Should it be able to jump outside 
 a control block?
 Can it jump anywhere?

And there are many more questions and issues just like this that
expose the ugliness of what would _appear_ to be a handy feature.
I don't pack any weight on this list so if someone with a -1 on
this feature would like to kick it up to -2 I'd appreciate it.


Best Regards
Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: References Problem Patch

2005-05-30 Thread Mike Robinson
Marcus Boerger wrote:

 And the patch addresses some very serious problems. 
 Unfortunatley there are still a bunch of other issues 
 unaddressed by now. To prevent 4.5 from popping up to soon i 
 think we should all take some look into fixing those issues 
 too. Anybody interested in those with a very deeply 
 understanding of the engine should contact Derick, Dmitry or 
 me (working since several weeks on those issues).

IMHO, if the fix is available for the crashes and the only thing it breaks
is some
binary compatability, I'd say appling and releasing it would be the thing to
do. And
it's an awesome thing to do, dig in and fix some other stuff when the
presents itself. I appreciate this _very_ much. There's still a ton of
people, myself
included, widely using PHP4.

Best Regards
Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.0.4 PEAR issue

2005-04-01 Thread Mike Robinson
Would 5.0.4pl1 be inappropriate?

Two different versions of 5.0.4 seems odd, and 5.0.5 seems too drastic as
mentioned. Otherwise, IMHO, just make a brief announcement, point them to
go-pear, and go through a normal 5.0.5 release cycle in a few weeks once a
few more fixes make it in.

Humbly, this isn't a big problem.


Mike Robinson

 Zeev Suraski wrote:
 We have a bit of a situation with the PEAR distro that's 
 embedded in 5.0.4.  It's missing the RunTest.php file, so 
 PEAR doesn't install.
 The options we have, as far as I can tell, are:
 [a] Re-release 5.0.4 with that file
 [b] Release 5.0.5 with that file (seems a bit too aggressive 
 considering there are no code changes, and may cause 
 confusion) [c] Instruct people to install PEAR from
 I lean towards option [a].  Thoughts?
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RE: [PHP-DEV] PHP 5.0.4RC2 rolled

2005-03-24 Thread Mike Robinson
There seems to be something magical about the 0.4 release number.
3.0.4 worked really well.

It wasn't until 0.4 that PHP4 compiled and ran without anything breaking for
This is the first time PHP5  installed and ran all my stuff out of the box.
Any ideas when 6.0.4 will be out?   ;)

Excellent work folks. Very nice.


Mike Robinson

Zeev Suraski  wrote:

 There have been several fixes since RC1.  If there are no 
 show stoppers found, we hope to release the final 5.0.4 early 
 next week.
 Windows binaries:
 Test away!

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RE: [PHP-DEV] How to submit a new SAPI extension?

2005-03-17 Thread Mike Robinson
Is there going to be any licensing issues that need to be dealt
with as far as you can see?

Mike Robinson

George Wang writes:

 How can I submit a new PHP SAPI extension for our LiteSpeed 
 Web Server? 
 Send a patch to this list?
 George Wang
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RE: [PHP-DEV] Anyone against requiring libxml2 2.6.x for PHP5.1?

2005-02-14 Thread Mike Robinson
I believe Debian and Fedora (Core 3) is up to 2.6.11 or better. 
IMHO requiring 2.6.x isn't too much of a stretch.


 -Original Message-
 From: Andi Gutmans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: February 14, 2005 7:28 PM
 To: Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg; Christian Stocker
 Cc: PHPdev
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Anyone against requiring libxml2 2.6.x 
 for PHP5.1?
 What's the status of 2.6.x in Linux distributions? Is it 
 already standard in the latest SUSE/Redhat distros?
 At 12:34 PM 2/13/2005 -0500, Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg wrote:
 On Sun, 13 Feb 2005, Christian Stocker wrote:
   Which is still less than 2.5.11, which is required for 5.0. 
   Therefore Debian Stable people had to face this problem 
 already with 
   5.0 ;)
 Fair enough. Asking people to upgrade to 2.6.x vs 2.5.11 is minor.

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2005-02-08 Thread Mike Robinson
George Schlossnagle wrote:

 Yes, Andrei.  This time you've gone to far.  Your so-called 
 'humor' is all well and good until you start maligning c++.  
 I think an apology is in order, both here (to Marcus, whose 
 c++ophelia was surely offended as well, though he would never 
 come out and say it in a public forum), in comp.lang.c++, and 
 directly to Bjourne Stroustrup as well.

Apology indeed.
It's Bjarne Stroustrup.   : )


Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] --with-ODBCRouter (database networking)

2005-01-12 Thread Mike Robinson
Dan Kalowsky wrote:
 As far as including the ODBCRouter in the PHP code, I wanted 
 to know more about what it is before it goes further.


 The website is full of non-useful information regarding what 
 ODBCRouter does.

Well, you're too kind. I found the information contained therein
misleading and extremely self-aggrandizing. For example, there is
an explicit statement that the driver is recommended by Microsoft
worldwide, and then links to page on Microsoft's site that simply
states that the driver is required if you wish to pull data from MS
Access 98 into Excel 98. Hardly a reason to include it in PHP's

 If it is another case of we want our proprietary driver included
 I'm voting against it. 

I believe that is the case.

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Why we don't like PHP /

2004-12-28 Thread Mike Robinson
Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

 Hans Zaunere wrote:
  That presents somewhat of a chicken-and-egg problem.  
  Production sites won't be compelled to make a move until PHP
  recommends it in some way, or if there is a killer feature
  that pulls people in, regardless of the perceived stability.
 Right, and they shouldn't.  If there is no compelling reason 
 to switch, why in the world should they?  And why should we 
 try to push them away from a stable platform?

Absolutely. All things considered, the gap between PHP5 and Apache2
is understandable. Killer features don't draw people, solutions to
killer problems do. When using Apache-2.x offers a solution to a
killer problem that Apache-1.3.x can't solve, that gap will close
on its own. I can't imagine why anyone would want to tamper with
this process, it has worked so well for so long.


Mike Robinson

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[PHP-DEV] congrats and thanks

2004-07-15 Thread Mike Robinson
To all,

Congratulations are in order.

PHP5 is a monumental testament to open source.
More importantly, it's also a glowing example of what
software _can_ be when you have a dedicated group of
committed individuals who take pride in their work, even
when there isn't a paycheque or benefits package to
compensate for it.

My thanks to each and every one of you, the magnificent
doc team, and especially the core guys that have shlogged
on PHP all these years. PHP has and continues to supply me
with the tools I use every day to feed my family.

Humbly and sincerely, my thanks to you.
Nice stuff.


Mike Robinson
Torstar Media Group Television

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2003-11-18 Thread Mike Robinson
Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
 On a related note, since a major PHP version is now being 
 released, perhaps it is the time to finally remove old
 deprecated functionality that in many cases deprecated for
 years. I propose that we agree on a certain version as a 
 minimum and remove all deprecated functionality that was
 marked as such prior to that version.

I think this is a good idea, and this really should happen
before PHP-5 goes gold. The negative impact and effects can
be minimized by a prominent entry in the migration and/or
NEWS documents.

Best Regards
Mike Robinson

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2003-11-18 Thread Mike Robinson
Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:

 IMHO people will be expecting some functionality breaks if and when
 they upgrade to 5.0, not so when upgrading from 5.0 to 5.1. I believe 
 that if we do not make the change now, we'd need to wait for the next
 major functionally altering release to make this change. Which puts
 this off indefinitely into the far future.

Might as well just do it and be done with it.

Mike Robinson


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RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: PHP Benchmark

2003-11-16 Thread Mike Robinson
Christian Schneider wrote:

 Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
Any comments, feedback, corrections and additions are welcome,
 You've done a good job but we basically only see two things:
 a) PHP4 is an order of a magniture faster than PHP3.
 b) PHP5 is about the same speed as PHP4.
 No big surprises there, let's move on...

I think maybe you're missing the point?

The benchmark provides insight into changes in PHP speed between
versions, major and minor. IMHO that's useful information, nice
little sanity check on PHP performance. Just because a change is
subtle doesn't mean it's not important. This would be a helpful
PEAR addition.

Best Regards
Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Proposal: Array syntax

2003-11-06 Thread Mike Robinson

Kouber Saparev wrote:
 Perlish or not could not be a real reason for adding or not 
 adding a feature in PHP. The important thing here is if it
 fits to the language concept or not.

Indeed, and IMHO it does, much like


fits in quite well as an alternative to

if ($a==$b)...

It is an alternative syntax that makes things more readable
and easier to use. Not an awful lot of magic, sexiness, or
character savings involved.

Best Regards
Mike Robinson

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RE: Re[2]: [PHP-DEV] Proposal: Array syntax

2003-11-05 Thread Mike Robinson
s0niX wrote:

 The problem i see when using array() (or list()) is that it nearly looks
 like it is a function, but it isn't. Using [] instead would clearly
 mark this difference.
 array() and list() are special language constructs, why shouldn't
 they look a bit special?
 This doesn't break backwards compatibility and it makes new code look
 better and more readable.

Indeed. It's a nice idea.
Having that syntax as an alternative to list() would be cool too.

Whether it has enough steam to get around the magic rule I'll
leave to others, because the rule is there for a reason. :)

Best Regards
Mike Robinson

 Am Mittwoch, 5. November 2003 um 09:49 schrieben Sie:

 AG Hi Christian,

 AG Personally I don't like having two ways of doing things. It
 makes it harder
 AG for people to read scripts.
 AG However, I think the proposed syntax is significantly more
 elegant than
 AG today's array() which makes me think twice about the idea and
 AG making an exception to the rule. I think it'll improve the
 look of PHP
 AG scripts. Also I think people calling methods using
 AG method]); will find it sexier than the array() syntax.
 AG I guess I think it'd be interesting to see what other's think. Also,
 AG another point to check is if list() can also be converted
 into [] because
 AG having a hybrid wouldn't be too nice.

 AG Andi

 AG At 12:33 AM 11/5/2003 +0100, Christian Schneider wrote:
 I propose to add an alternative (backward compatible) short
 array creation
 $a = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; and $a = [ 'a' = 42, 'b' = foo ];
 It can also be used in function calls:
 img(['src' = logo.gif, 'alt' = Logo]);
 Reason behind this change: Arrays are used a lot and should
 therefore have
 as little syntactic overhead as possible. And I think the short
 syntax is
 also easier to read and write.
 A patch for the parser is trivial and is attached for Zend2.
 Note: I checked the newsgroup archive but couldn't find a
 discussion about
 this. After not hearing back about my proposed enhancement to
 debug_backtrace() and the dangling comma for function call parameters
 being rejected I wonder if I'm using the right mailing list for this :-)

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Supporting php4 (was: Object Equality)

2003-11-03 Thread Mike Robinson
Andi Gutmans wrote:
 At 10:06 AM 11/3/2003 +0100, Thomas Lamy 

  This is why I'm +1 for a 4.5 release, right before 5 goes out. 
  This shouldinclude fixes that already are in 5, but were not
  applied to 4 for whatever reason. I'm sure the above fix is not
  the only one being held back..
 The above fix is being held back because it could only be fixed 
 in a decent way with the new object model in PHP 5. This is not
 something which you would find fixed in PHP 4.5.
 I think we should continue to support PHP 4 with bug fixes and minor 
 additions but the focus should definitely be on PHP 5 right now.

The process of a 4.5 release would be far too cumbersome on
the PHP5 release plans.

Best Regards
Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Apache server on Linux not starting(undefined symbol: pthread_getspecific)

2003-09-18 Thread Mike Robinson


Mike Robinson

Jani Taskinen wrote:

 Not-so-free-hint: Drop the --enable-experimental-zts option..[EMAIL PROTECTED]no_note=1tax=0curren


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RE: [PHP-DEV] Apache server on Linux not starting(undefined symbol: pthread_getspecific)

2003-09-18 Thread Mike Robinson
Sorry. I meant:

Jani Taskinen wrote:

 Not-so-free-hint: Drop the --enable-experimental-zts option..[EMAIL PROTECTED]no_note=1tax=0curren



Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] before beta2 (is alive again) :-)

2003-09-06 Thread Mike Robinson
Marcus Börger wrote:

 The idea was then to allow NULL only if that's the default value.

NULL is not a value.  :P
(Sorry, couldn't resist)

Best Regards

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] variable_exists() patch

2003-08-16 Thread Mike Robinson

Robert Cummings wrote:

 Understandably PHP is slower than say C :) Generally I don't think there
 is need for everything to be a native function, however, that said, when
 the speed gain and utility are great in comparison to doing it as pure
 PHP then I think the option should be investigated.

I think that's what's happening.

 The current isset() function fails many developers from what I can see

Well, from what _I_ can see, a couple of developers are inconvenienced,
nothing more. 

It was pointed out earlier that setting a variable to NULL has very
little value, and after 6 years and a couple million lines of PHP I
still haven't done it. I don't see the need for implementing this in
userland, let alone in the core.

The proposed function for all intents and purposes will _appear_ to
be exactly the same is isset, but provide different behaviour. IMHO,
that's a _huge_ inconsistency that ends the investigation.

Of course, if this functionality is so critical to your applications
there's no reason why you can't implement and maintain it in your own
PHP install, and even make the patch available to others.  :)

[Insert random string extolling virtues of Open Source here]

Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Feature proposal

2003-07-22 Thread Mike Robinson
No offense, but I see this feature as a bad thing in so many ways
and on so many levels my skin is crawling. :)


Mike Robinson

 I have to fight with people that using error suppression operator - they 
 just hide their bugs.
 I wrote simple patch that allows set disable_error_suppression=On in 
 php.ini that causes engine to ignore '@' operators.
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RE: [PHP-DEV] sqlite documentation

2003-06-24 Thread Mike Robinson
Andi Gutmans wrote:

 At 04:32 PM 6/24/2003 -0400, Sterling Hughes wrote:
 On Tue, 2003-06-24 at 17:41, Andi Gutmans wrote:
   Do we have documentation for the sqlite extension?
 yep... Not sure if its on, but its written and committed.  Used
 to be available at, but that's having problems at
 the moment.
 Thanks to both you and Derick :)

Yes, absolutely outstanding, as usual.
IMHO this is an _awesome_ addition to php. Well done.

Best Regards
Mike Robinson

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Moving to PECL

2003-06-08 Thread Mike Robinson
It's not like PHP5 will get out the door any time soon. If the plan is
to move all php5 extensions to PECL, why wait? Move them. Fix things.
Seems like a good idea, and fairly straight forward, especially when
you have someone as capable as Sterling volunteering to do the work.

Best Regards
Mike Robinson

(Sorry if I missed something, but this seems like a no-brainer)

Edin Kadribasic wrote:
 On Sun, 8 Jun 2003, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

  Basically my point is that instead of pushing extensions into
 the current
  void that is PECL, we need to pull PECL from the void and make it work
  first.  You seem to want to take the reverse approach.  Push everything
  into PECL and by doing that force someone to fix it, versus fixing PECL
  and then having people fall over themselves trying to get their
  into this new brilliant framework.

 This was exactly what I was trying to say. Breaking stuff in hope that it
 will force people to fix things afterward instead of making the framework
 work first seemed as the wrong approach to take.


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[PHP-DEV] PHP-4.3.2 Apache2

2003-03-14 Thread Mike Robinson
I'm curious as to what the status is of the fixed apache2handler
stuff that was discussed regarding whether or not to include it
in the 4.3 tree. I was under the impression that despite some
reluctance to include it (because it was new), it was decided to
include it because it was actually a fix.

Did it in fact make it in, and included in the 4.3.2RC1 release?


Best Regards
Mike Robinson

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