[LAAMN] Coincidence, conspiracy and class struggle

2013-03-17 Thread part2001
Coincidence, Conspiracy and Class Struggle
By Michael Novick, Anti-Racist Action-Los Angeles/People Against Racist Terror 

A well-noted logical fallacy to which the human brain is particularly prone is 
post hoc, ergo propter hoc. In English, After this, therefore because of 
this -- attributing causation to what is merely sequence. It's the basis of 
most superstitions, probably a lot of religious belief, and definitely many 
conspiracy theories.

However, while correlation does not imply causation, the correlation or 
coinciding of several related factors or events can often shed light on certain 
sometimes-hidden or obscured realities. I'd like to explore this in regard to 
three recent events or developments: the untimely death of Hugo Chavez, the 
selection of Pope Francis, the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos 
Aires, Argentina, and the sudden conversion of the US political elite, 
Republican and Democrat alike, to the cause of comprehensive immigration 

Whether the cancer that took the life of Chavez was actually induced by covert 
US action, as some have claimed, will probably never be determined, and is, in 
a way, beside the point. US hostility toward Chavez is undeniable, as was US 
willingness to countenance a coup attempt against him under George W. Bush. 
Christian fundamentalist and former GOP presidential candidate Pat Robertson 
went on the air quite openly to advocate covert action to kill Chavez. The 
endless series of CIA assassination plots against Fidel Castro are well 
documented. The reason Malcolm X described the assassination of John Kennedy as 
chickens coming home to roost was because the US role in the assassination of 
its own puppets in South Vietnam was widely recognized. In any event, the main 
thing is that Chavez's death has focused attention on US efforts to reassert 
its control over not only Venezuela but all the countries to its south. In 
turn, that should heighten our awareness that Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, 
Bolivia, Uruguay, Chile and other nations have been slipping the traces of 
domination by the US imperial Colossus of the North. Venezuela has developed a 
relationship with Iran that undermines US/Saudi efforts to dominate OPEC and 
oil prices. China has been expanding its commercial and diplomatic ties with 
Latin America, including even Mexico. These all represent both the weakening 
of US hegemony that has already taken place, and the prospect of still greater 
threats to US imperialism.

The Republican 180 degree volte-face on immigration issues, accepting even a 
path to citizenship, was so precipitous that it left Jeb Bush, who wrote a 
book advocating immigration reform, with egg on his face. His effort to nudge 
his party back towards his brother's position, by moderating GOP hostility to 
the undocumented with a call for legalization without citizenship, was left in 
the dust by the time it was published. This required him to do an 
embarrassingly visible and public flip-flop on the path to citizenship 
question. Most commentators attribute this rapid-fire change to crass, 
immediate electoral considerations, but I think something deeper is at work. 
The Republicans already have more high-profile, high-ranking Latino office 
holders than the Democrats, including Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz and 
Gov. Susana Martinez of New Mexico. The shift on immigration reform reflects 
not just electoral demographics, but the larger question of containing the 
insurgent impact of increasingly fearless undocumented workers and youth, and 
grappling with the centrality of migrant labor to the Empire in both the 
periphery and the homeland.

Finally, eyebrows were raised when the last pope resigned, for the first time 
in over 600 years. There was subdued speculation about what might have 
precipitated such a remarkable event. Benedict, AKA Ratzinger, had evidenced no 
embarrassment over his own role in the Hitler Youth in an era when the Roman 
Catholic Church had given its blessings to Hitler and Mussolini. He had 
expressed no remorse or remedy for institutionalized child sexual abuse by 
priests, nor corrected to any significant degree Catholic hostility towards 
Islam. The selection of a Latin American (though admittedly of Italian descent) 
may help explain his early departure from the papacy. Again, commentators focus 
on his successor's alleged humility, simplicity and `orientation towards the 
poor,' and on the Church's need to build and rebuild in the global South, where 
its demographic future lies, as well as to stem the tide of conversions to 
evangelical Protestantism that have been cutting into archdiocese in Brazil, 
Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America, as well as immigrant congregations in 
the US.

But a deeper look again suggests more at work than demographics and marketing. 
The Roman Catholic Church, institutionally, is still one of the main forces of 
reaction in the world, well integrated into 

[LAAMN] You Are Invited to a Party for John Johnson ~ Saturday, March 30th, 6:30 to 10:30 PM at The New Peace Center in Culver City ~ Music, Food, Fun Seeing John ~ Please RSVP if You Plan on Coming

2013-03-17 Thread Frank Dorrel
You Are Invited to a Special Party/Fundraiser for John Johnson
Publisher  Editor of Change-Links Progressive Community Calendar

The Evening of Saturday, March 30th  
6:30 PM to 10:30 PM
The New Peace Center 
3916 Sepulveda, Culver City 90230
Located One Block South of Venice Blvd. 
Plenty of Parking in the Back of the Building

With Music, Food, Fun, Drinks  Seeing John!

Co-Hosted by: 
Theresa Bonpane  Ross Altman

Music by: 
Andy Manoff's Band, Dennis Davis, Ross Altman  Jill Fenimore 

Guest Speakers: 
Blase Bonpane, Frank Dorrel, Chuck Anderson  Others

$10 at the Door or More if You Can Afford it!

If You Plan on Coming, Please RSVP to Frank Dorrel: 
fdor...@sbcglobal.net - fdor...@addictedtowar.com - 310-838-8131 
So We Can Know How Much Food to Order!
John is Home  Recovering! He is Doing Well.

If you would like to communicate with John, here is his contact information:

 Email: cha...@pacbell.net 
Home Phone: 818.782.1412  - Cell: 818.681.7448 

If you would like to send John a Donation  
(which would help him immensely right now) 

Mail a Check to:

John Johnson/Change-Links
PO Box 9682
North Hollywood, CA 91609

There will be no March Issue of Change-Links. 

Hopefully, with our help, John will be able to put out an April issue.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Updates on Venezuela [Audio]: Alan Woods on Hugo Chavez and the Venezuela revolution

2013-03-17 Thread Cort Greene
 Adan Chavez, who is the governor of Barinas, likewise spoke of the need to
continue his brother’s political project.

“The people can be sure that due to the instructions of our *Comandante*,
we won’t fail him,” he said.

In what was an emotive speech, he added, “We’ll construct Bolivarian
socialism and we’ll arrive at the point of no return. Nothing and no-one
will stop it”.

   1. [image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*

   Venezuelan president in charge and Bolivarian candidate
@*nicolasmaduro*https://twitter.com/NicolasMadurois now on Twitter

   2. 9h https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign/status/313202464839053313[image:
   Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*

   US Sec of State R Jacobson supports
   says Venezuelan elections too quick to be fully democratic http://
   bit.ly/12VP1fa  http://t.co/FPJZOTXbA1
   *Expand* https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign/status/313202464839053313
   3. **
   16 Mar https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign/status/312941238347247616[image:
   Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*

   Chavez to final resting place accompanied by the people PICs: http://
… http://t.co/r19T1ZL3Yz VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPxSWV
   kEL5Qfeature=player_embedded … http://t.co/xxE19czDai
   pic.twitter.com/t6S3mage9X http://t.co/t6S3mage9X



[Audio]: Succesful meeting with Alan Woods on Hugo Chavez and the Venezuela
Written by UCLU MarxistsFriday, 15 March 2013

The huge response from ordinary people to the death of Hugo Chavez has
highlighted the massive impact that the Venezuelan Revolution has had on
millions of people worldwide. Never has the Venezuelan Revolution been more
relevant than today. This explains why over 70 people came to see Alan
Woods - editor ofwww.marxist.com and founder of the Hands Off
- speak at the UCLU Marxist (University College London) society on the
legacy of Chavez and the tasks of the Venezuelan Revolution now that its
leader has passed away.

[See the end of this report for an audio of Alan's opening speech]**

There is a phrase that says ‘nothing can stop an idea whose time has come.’
That not only explains the influence and respect Chavez was able to
command, but also the widely noted influence that Alan Woods and the
International Marxist Tendency had on Chavez. Marxist ideas are the only
ones which can really explain revolutions and give a consistent, clear
revolutionary programme with which to transform society. That is why Chavez
recognised the value of Alan’s analysis of Venezuela and why the BBC and
Daily Telegraph have featured
their coverage of Chavez’ death.

[image: alan - chavez]The meeting was started by Alan pointing out the
cynical irony with which leaders of Western capitalist nations have
attacked Chavez. They have accused him of ‘irresponsibility’ and
‘recklessness’ with Venezuela’s oil reserves for daring to spend them on
social programmes which have halved poverty, ended illiteracy and massively
increased healthcare provision. Clearly it is far better to fritter away
state finances on bailing out banks! Now there’s a vision of sound economic
management if ever there was one! In the past, as Alan pointed out,
Venezuelan oil wealth went straight into the pockets of American and
European multinationals and a few Venezuelan oligarchs, whilst chronic
poverty went untouched. The Western press never complained then.

Alan then summed up the experience of the Venezuelan Revolution, from the
defeated rightwing coup of 2002 to the movement for workers’ control. The
lesson of the Venezuelan Revolution is not the charisma, honesty and
boldness of Chavez, although, as Alan pointed out in response to a question
as to why the revolution happened in Venezuela and not, say, Chile, that
has been vital. No, the real lesson is the heroism, sacrifice and militancy
of the Venezuelan working class, which has rescued and driven forth the
revolution time and again.

This force is also the key to the future for the revolution. The 

[LAAMN] The view from abroad: the world is not Billy Bob's Rib Pit

2013-03-17 Thread Romi Elnagar
NOTE:  The writer of this wonder screed could use a good atlas, and I don't 
agree with him about who is responsible for 911 (I think maybe it was Cheney 
and/or the Mossad), but otherwise IMHO his POV is RIGHT ON.

The  View from Abroad
The World is not Billy Bob's Rib Pit

By Fred Reed

March 16,  2013 Information  Clearing House-  The United States is the most 
hated country in the  world, followed closely by Israel, and then by nobody. 
Why? Why  not Ecuador? China? Russia? East Timor? The hostility puzzles  many 
Americans, who genuinely believe their country to be a  force for good, a 
pillar of democracy, a defender of human  rights.
To the  rest of the world, none of this is even close.
If you  have lived abroad, as so very few Americans have, the  explanation for 
the hatred is obvious: Meddling. Relentless,  prideful, uncomprehending 
meddling, frequently military, often  with horrendous death tolls. Americans, 
adroitly managed by a  controlled press, historically illiterate, incurious,  
decreasingly educated, either have never heard of the American  behavior that 
angers others, or believe it to have been inspired  by virtuous motives. Nobody 
else thinks so. Add to unfamiliarity  with the wider world the constantly 
inculcated assertion that  America is the greatest, most wonderful nation ever 
to exist, a  light to the world, a shining city on a hill, and you get a  
dangerously delusional state. Especially now. In the past,  American economic 
and military supremacy were such that the US  didn’t have to care what others 
thought. The times, they are  a-changing.
It might  be wise to compare briefly the view through American and foreign  
eyes. Consider Iraq. To most of the world, the war on Iraq was  brutal, 
unprovoked, and murderous. More than a few, looking at  the ruins of Fallujah, 
thought of Guernica—of which few in the  States have ever heard. 
Many  Americans do not believe that we destroyed Iraq for oil, empire,  and the 
Israel lobby, as was in fact the case. No. We wanted to  topple an evil 
dictator and dispense the precious gift of  democracy. It was a question of 
goodness. Many apparently still  believe that Iraq had something to do with the 
attacks on New  York. Again, controlled press, poor schooling, little curiosity.
Similarly,  Americans tend to see the war on Afghanistan as having to do  with 
ending Terror or sprouting democracy—not as the Great Game  (“Hanh?”) redux, or 
the quest for the TAPI pipeline (“Say whuh?”)  or Caspian hydrocarbons. 
(“Caspian? You mean the Friendly  Ghost?”) To most of the world, Afghanistan is 
just another sorry  spectacle of American fighter-bombers killing peasants, of  
gutted children and drone attacks on half-identified targets.  This, the 
merciless use of overwhelming firepower against  lightly armed campesinos, is 
what the world sees, over  and over. Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Yemen, Somalia, 
Pakistan. It  isn’t pretty.
I live in  Mexico. In countless towns, probably in every city of any size,  you 
see streets named Niños Heroes, Heroic Children. In  Guadalajara there is a 
traffic circle with an imposing monument  to them. These things commemorate the 
children who tried to  fight the American soldiers invading Mexico City. In 
that  (purely acquisitive) war Mexico lost half its territory. Yet how  many 
gringos know that it ever happened, or when, or for that  matter have ever 
heard of the bombardment of Veracruz or  Pershing’s incursion? 
Americans  who have some grasp of history sometimes say of the  
Mexican-American War that Mexicans should “get over it.” Some  might tell the 
Jews to get over the Holocaust, or Americans to  get over 9/11. It is much 
easier to tell people to get over what  you have done to them than to get over 
things they have done to  you.
Then there  is the War on Drugs. Americans believe this to be a campaign   
against Evil—best conducted, of course, in other people’s  countries. 
There are  other views. Thoughtful Mexicans (all I know, but I haven’t  taken a 
poll) do not see why drugs are Mexico’s problem. If  gringos don’t want drugs, 
why do they buy them? Why don’t they  solve their own problems? It is no secret 
internationally that  American students in high school and universities use 
drugs. Why  don’t the Americans put their college kids in jail? And, they  say, 
probably correctly, that Washington, by sponsoring the  elimination of big drug 
lords, caused the current fighting among  littler lords to control the trade, 
thus creating carnage.  Predictably, the flow of drugs northward was not 
Truculent  patriots at Billy Bob’s Rib Pit know none of this. The  combination 
of clueless ignorance and a sort of Walmart-parking-lot  arrogance make 
mysterious to them much behavior of other  countries. Consider their view of 
Iran, an evil Arab country,  somewhere, that wants the Bomb so it can blow up 
Israel and New  York. No explanation occurs to them for Iran’s hostility 

[LAAMN] The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part 3

2013-03-17 Thread Cort Greene

The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part
17, 2013 — Sabina Becker


Mario Silva, host of VTV’s popular media-criticism show La Hojilla (The
Razorblade), dissects yet another Venezuelan opposition irony. This time,
it’s the use of a deceased poet and journalist to ridicule a recently
deceased president. http://www.aporrea.org/actualidad/n225079.html Only,
as is so often the case with hysterical VenOpIronía, the poet-journalist
with the sharp tongue turns out to be not one of *their* guys, but…

*The family of Venezuelan poet and journalist Aquiles Nazoa indignantly
repudiated the opinion piece published last Friday by the newspaper Tal Cual,
signed by Laureano Márquez, in which the memory of the author was
manipulated with the intent to “ignore and even judge our much-battered
reality of today” after the passing of Comandante Hugo Chávez.*

In an open letter, signed by nine members of the Nazoa family, headed by
Aída and Haydée Nazoa González (sisters of the poet who wrote “Humor and
Love”), rejected the use of Aquiles Nazoa’s work to justify the disrespect
and ridicule felt on the right toward the Venezuelan people, now mourning
the physical departure of Comandante Hugo Chávez Frías.

“We are outraged at the use of Aquiles Nazoa and his work to justify the
ill-feelings of those who stubbornly and, to their own misfortune, insist
on not being part of this colossal moment of our history in which the
infinite love of a man and his infinite struggle has given us our
homeland,” reads the letter.

The Nazoa family pointed out that the decontextualized remembrance of
Aquiles Nazoa’s humoristic works is not even the intention of the “poor
devil who wrote the article, nor the ventriloquist manipulating him from
his hiding-place in the shadows, nor even him who directs this periodical
from the catacombs of the Fourth Republic.”

For the family of the Venezuelan author, it is evident that this
manipulation “is conceived and conducted from way over there, from the same
place from whence came the blows and beatings that killed Leoncio
whom they also used on their front page to cover themselves.”

The family of the writer, who was cited by a right-wing newspaper, recalled
that Nazoa was a “card-carrying revolutionary, a communist without
fissures, a poet of the people’s struggle for justice and sovereignty, a
staunch defender of the heroic Cuban Revolution, an irreducible militant of
popular causes, and a profound connoisseur of the works of José Martí and
his cause.”

For that reason, they expressed their indignation at the disrespect to his
memory and that of the late Comandante Chávez: “An old strategy of cowards
is to use a dead man to point the finger at another dead man, both of the
people, both adored, both revolutionaries.”

*In the letter, they also emphasize that Nazoa was a “portentous
representative of our culture and our identity, most profound and a man of
transparent, luminous and freedom-loving ideas, who taught them to those of
us who were closest to him, and we could see his heart, how his life and
his struggle were one and the same, and that in the Revolution, they
conjoin with immortality.”*

Translation mine.

Some background is on order here to help understand the depth and absurdity
of this bit of irony. Teodoro
the publisher/editor-in-chief of the opposition-aligned right-wing
newspaper *Tal Cual,* is a former Marxist guerrilla. He seems to be one of
that sad generation of turncoat opportunists (the late Christopher Hitchens
who saw more profit in repudiating their early political allegiances (one
can’t really call*them convictions*, since these guys tend not to have any,
beyond “what’s in it for me”) than in sticking with them, going deeper, and
making history.

Petkoff started out in the 1960s, shortly after the last Venezuelan
dictator was deposed and US-style duopoly “democracy” installed, by taking
to the hills with a rifle and a copy of the *Communist Manifesto*. When the
guerrillas disbanded, around the turn of the next decade, he was forced to
take up other means of sustenance, and his revolutionary pretensions began
to slide. By the late 1990s, he was so far gone in the opposite direction
that he was planning minister for the conservative government of Rafael
Caldera, and responsible in no small part for their adoption of financially
disastrous neoliberal policies, as prescribed by the IMF *et al*. He who
had once been gung-ho for Cuban-style communism, was now equally gung-ho,
if not more so, for predatory capitalism.

After Hugo 

[LAAMN] Attacks threaten female Yemeni revolutionaries

2013-03-17 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Women Revolution]

HIND AL-ERYANIMarch 13, 2013

   - https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/Author/Hind.AleryaniA
   - A
   - A

print article

Attacks threaten female
Yemeni revolutionaries
[image: yemeni women]

During the Yemeni revolution of 2011, women made themselves visible in a
manner previously unseen in the country's rural north. They took part in
protests, staged sit-ins on public squares and delivered speeches in front
of crowds of tribal men. These revolutionaries broke many barriers for
women in Yemen, lending them a new potential role in society. Women like
Tawakkul Karman – nicknamed ‘Iron Woman’ and ‘Mother of the Revolution’ –
established themselves as role models, not just for young women, but for
people everywhere who challenge dictatorship.

Yet these advances came at a price, as it exposed women to new threats.
Activists from various political affiliations often came to be targeted,
from false accusations and libel and to accusations of apostasy and death

Among the key activists who became permanent targets are Amal al-Basha,
Tawakkul Karman, Arwa Othman, Samia al-Aghbari, and Bushra al-Maqtari.
Al-Maqtari, a writer and a member of the Socialist Party, was accused of
insulting Allah in a *fatwa* issued by Yemeni religious clerics. The
scholars demanded that al-Maqtari recant an article she wrote under the
title ‘Year One of the Revolution,’ in which she writes: “things are no
longer ok. Allah, worthy of thanks, is no longer present at night; he has
left us to fend for ourselves. Ruthless eyes are emerging from afar with a
backdrop of soldiers, tribes, hostile environment and Allah who is not
seeing us.” Outraged, Yemeni religious scholars called on the state to take
legal action against al-Maqtari, and threatened that they would not keep
silent about what she wrote. While this *fatwa*endangered al-Maqtari, it
also led to her being awarded the François Giraud prize for peace.

Samia al-Aghbari is an activist, journalist, and member of the Socialist
Party. She was the target of the same accusations of apostasy as Bushra
al-Maqtari, as former al-Islah Party member Akram al-Ghuwayzi filed a
lawsuit in which he accused her of mocking and belittling religion because
she referred once in a speech to “the alliance between religion, tribes,
and the military” as an “ugly” alliance.

Arwa Othman is an activist and writer who won the Italian international
Minerva Award. She is a regular critic of the Muslim Brotherhood, both on
her Facebook page and in her writings in official and unofficial
newspapers. Her opponents have responded by launching an electronic
campaign against her Facebook page to report it as abusive; this campaign
succeeded in causing her page to be shut down for about one week.

But Amal al-Basha seems to be the woman best equipped to provoke entire
political parties. The Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood – al-Islah –
is a regular target on al-Basha’s Facebook page, which has gained extensive
support from her followers. The party especially detested al-Basha’s
appointment as the official spokesperson for the National Dialogue’s
Technical Committee.

One of her most fruitful actions resulted from her accusation that Muslim
Brotherhood-affiliated Suhail TV failed to record a government session
because her hair was uncovered. The TV channel did not take this accusation
lightly, and invited al-Basha as a guest on one of its shows. She accepted
the invitation, and her appearance was the first time Suhail TV viewers saw
a program guest her hair uncovered.

Unlike her fellow female activists, Tawakkul Karman is under attack on
various fronts. In addition to hostility from former President Ali Abdallah
Saleh’s supporters, she is regularly attacked by supporters of the
revolution who are opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood (the party with which
she affiliates). Extremists from Tawakkul’s own party also criticize her in
their statements. MP Sheikh Abdullah Ali al-Adini recently said she holds
“weird ideas” because she stated in a TV interview that she “believes in
Islam as values, but not as legislation.” Al-Islah Party activist Rafiqa
al-Kahali also wrote an article entitled *Tawakkul Karman and the
narcissism of the other side*, in which she said that the Nobel Prize
winner “suffers from a mental disorder and a failing memory.”

Even though women are clearly enjoying new political freedoms and stature
in Yemen, it seems as though the most successful of them are suffering the
same criticism that successful women the world over face, from their peers
as well as their enemies. However, despite these new obstacles, the doors
this revolution in Yemen have opened for women cannot now be closed.

This article is a translation of the original

[LAAMN] Haiti: Four of Johny Jean’s UN assailants convicted of “personal violence”

2013-03-17 Thread Cort Greene
Haiti: Four of Johny Jean’s assailants convicted of “personal

*Haitian government has an obligation to stand up for its citizen*

[Translation of an article from *AlterPresse Haïti* for March 14. See
original here http://www.alterpresse.org/spip.php?article14246 and
related articles

*Port-au-Prince, March 14* – Four of the five Uruguayan marines accused by
Haitian citizen Johny Jean of rape have been convicted of personal violence
[*violence privée*], the victim’s lawyer, Gervais Charles, announced in a
press release delivered to AlterPresse on March 12.

This information reached the lawyer on March 11 through the new Ecuadorian
ambassador to Haiti, Raul Pollack Giampietro.

Not even the Ecuadorian foreign service was notified formally of the court
decision, which was of concern at one level or another to Haitian and
Ecuadorian diplomats, according to the press release from Charles’ office.

“The ambassador, as strange as it may seem, gave us to understand that he
learned of it by means of the press,” the document reads.

Although he considers the punishment given the assailants to be less than
he hoped for, Charles holds it is established that the responsibility of
Uruguay and the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Haiti
(MINUSTAH) is “clearly an obligation.”

The Haitian youth’s lawyer is awaiting a ruling on the punishment of the
MINUSTAH rapist soldiers.

Johny Jean’s attorney “hopes that the case, now in the hands exclusively of
the Uruguayan executive, will proceed at a more reasonable pace (than it
has so far), which should permit the victim to be compensated for the pain
he has suffered.”

For now, the victim of rape by the MINUSTAH soldiers has regained some
self-esteem. But “despite the support of his family,” the monstrous scar
left by his assailants’ crime blocks the process “of calm contemplation of
a future for a young man of his age,” Charles stated.

After the crime of rape committed against him by the five Uruguayan
MINUSTAH soldiers, Johny Jean was obliged to leave his birthplace of
Port-Salut (in the south of the country) to move to Port-au-Prince, where
the living conditions are not what he had hoped for.

So far, the current political administration of Haiti has shown a certain
indifference to the case of young Haitian citizen Johny Jean, who was raped
on Haitian territory by Uruguayan MINISTAH soldiers, in Charles’ opinion.

“They [Johny Jean’s lawyers] remind the Haitian government of its
obligation to stand up for its citizen, the victim of such an odious crime,
prevented form pursuing the delinquents by the immunity granted” to the
Uruguayan MINUSTAH soldiers, they write in the press release.

The Haitian government has taken on only a portion of the cost of the trip
and the stay in Uruguay for Johny Jean and his mother.

On May 10, 2012, Johny Jean testified and identified his assailants in
court in Montevideo.

“The indignation shown by all sectors of the population should make the
Haitian government understand that this case should be treated with the
government of Uruguay and MINUSTAH as a priority,” Gervais Charles advised.

In case the Haitian victim of rape does not find justice and “suitable”
reparations, the lawyers are prepared to take the case before the United

If the Haitian government continues to “infringe on the right to justice of
Haitian citizen Johny Jean, to the benefit of the Uruguayan MINUSTAH
soldiers, it is possible we will find ourselves before a tribunal against
the government,” warns Charles, who intends, above all, to proceed with

Eighteen-year-old Johny Jean was taken by force into the Uruguayan base at
Port-Salut where he was raped by United Nations soldiers, as confirmed in a
report on an inquiry by the Réseau National de Défense des Droits Humains
(RNDDH – National Network in Defense of Human Rights), released on
September 5, 2012.


*Is the Caracol Industrial Park Worth the Risk?*

* **by Haiti Grassroots Watch
*[image: ...]Last October, officials from the Haitian government and a
number of foreign governments and institutions, who call themselves“friends
of Haiti,” saw their dream become a reality. Finally, there was earthquake
reconstruction progress worth celebrating with the inauguration of the
giant Caracol Industrial Park (PIC), which, according to its backers, will
someday host 20,000 or maybe even 65,000 jobs.

President Michel Martelly was there, as were Haitian and
foreign diplomats, the Clinton power couple, millionaires and actors, all

[LAAMN] Two years after Fukushima, Japan's nuclear lobby bounces back

2013-03-17 Thread Romi Elnagar
Two years after Fukushima, Japan's nuclear lobby bounces back
Published: Friday, Mar 8, 2013, 16:28 IST 
Place: TOKYO | Agency: Reuters 

The crowds of anti-nuclear protesters have dwindled since Japan's 
Summer of Discontent last year, and a new government is keen to revive the 
country's atomic energy industry, but Morishi Izumita says he is 
not about to throw in the towel.
We can't give up. I'm here every week, said 64-year-old Izumita, 
one of hundreds gathered outside the prime minister's office one Friday 
nearly two years after a huge earthquake and tsunami triggered the 
world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986 at Japan's 
Fukushima Daiichi plant. We need to be out here protesting. Not giving 
up is the important thing, he added, as other activists banged on drums and 
chanted Stop nuclear power, protect our children.

As Japan 
approaches the second anniversary of the Fukushima disaster on March 11, its 
anti-nuclear movement appears to be struggling and disgraced 
pro-nuclear forces are rallying. Although a recent survey showed some 
70% of Japanese want to phase out nuclear power eventually, an equal 
number back their new, pro-nuclear prime minister, Shinzo Abe, who wants to 
restart off-line reactors if they meet new safety standards as he 
pushes policies aimed at reviving a long-stagnant economy.
anti-nuclear movement will have a chance to show its strength this 
weekend as Japan commemorates the disaster. The Metropolitan Coalition 
Against Nukes, which organised many of last year's mass protests, has 
called for a mass rally to protest outside parliament on Sunday, the eve of the 

The March 11, 2011 quake and tsunami killed 
nearly 19,000 people and smashed Tokyo Electric Power Co's Fukushima 
plant, triggering meltdowns, spewing radiation and forcing some 160,000 
people to flee their homes, many never to return.
The disaster 
also destroyed a carefully cultivated myth that nuclear power was cheap 
and safe - and mobilised Japan's often apathetic voters in huge 
anti-nuclear demonstrations during a 2012 summer of discontent. Half a 
year later, the pro-nuclear Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) swept back to power 
- not because voters had changed their minds about energy policy, but because 
neither the then-ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) nor smaller opposition 
parties provided a credible standard-bearer for 
anti-nuclear sentiment.

Now, the issue seems to have been swept 
aside amid hopes Abe can revive the economy and restore dented national 
pride. Two years have passed, the economic situation is getting better 
... and it may be true people are forgetting about energy issues, said 
Hiroshi Takahashi at the Fujitsu Research Institute, a member of the 
panel that drafted the DPJ government's plan to exit atomic energy by 
the 2030s.

Takahashi, along with most other experts who questioned whether Japan should 
stick with atomic energy, has been bumped from the panel as Abe's government 
begins its policy rethink. Abe's government 
plans to review from scratch his DPJ predecessor's plan to exit nuclear 
power while boosting renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind 
power, and wants to restart off-line reactors that are certified safe 
under standards now being drafted by a new Nuclear Regulatory Agency.

The 'nuclear village' is back in the driver's seat, said Jeffrey Kingston, 
director of Asian studies at Temple University's Japan campus. The term 
'nuclear village' refers to the powerful nexus of politicians, 
bureaucrats and utilities that for decades promoted atomic power in 
Japan. All the noises from the government are in favour of restarts ... They 
own the corridors of power.

All but two of Japan's 50 
reactors remain switched off after the disaster and no more are expected to be 
restarted until after July, when the new regulator is due to 
finalise tougher safety requirements more in line with international 
norms. That would also be after an upper house election that Abe's 
ruling bloc needs to win to cement its grip on power.
58-year-old Abe, who has focused on reviving the stagnant economy since 
taking office in December, is enjoying sky-high popularity ratings of 
around 70%.

Surveys suggest, though, that anti-nuclear sentiment 
may be simmering beneath the surface. Fifty-nine percent in an Asahi 
newspaper poll last month wanted Japan to abandon atomic energy by the 
2030s and another 12 percent by a later date.
Only 18% said Japan 
should stick with nuclear energy indefinitely. Nuclear energy supplied 
nearly 30 percent of Japan's electricity needs before Fukushima and 
proponents argue it is vital to provide a stable electricity supply, 
keep down utility rates and prevent Japanese manufacturers from fleeing 
overseas in ever greater numbers, taking jobs with them.

think that people would have acquiesced to the so-called facts, but that 
doesn't appear to be the case, said Andrew DeWit, a 

[LAAMN] Fortress of Lies

2013-03-17 Thread Romi Elnagar
Fortress of Lies
By James Howard Kunstler 
on March 11, 2013  9:24 AM  

     History has a special purgatory where it sometimes stashes feckless 
nations punch 
drunk on their own tragic choices: the realm where anything goes, 
nothing matters, and nobody cares. We've surely crossed the frontier 
into that bad place in these days of dwindling winter, 2013.
     Case in point: Mr. Obama's choice of Mary Jo White to run the 
Securities and Exchange Commission. A federal prosecutor back in the 
Clinton years, Ms. White eventually spun through the revolving door onto the 
payroll of Wall Street law firm Debevoise  Plimpton, whose 
clients included Too Big To Fail banks JP Morgan, Bank of America, 
Morgan Stanley, and UBS AG, defending them in matters stemming from the 
financial crisis that began in 2008, as well as other companies that 
needed defending from allegations of financial misconduct, such as the 
giant HCA hospital chain (insider trading), General Electric (now a 
virtual hedge fund with cases before the SEC), and the German-based 
Siemens Corporation (federal bribery charges).
     A republic with a sense of common decency -- and common sense -- would 
stopped the nomination right there and checked the no box on Mary Jo 
White just for violating the most basic premise of credibility: that 
trip through the revolving door that shuttles banking regulators from 
the government agencies to the companies they used to oversee and 
sometimes back again. 
     Has there not been enough national conversation about the scuzziness of 
that routine to establish that 
it's not okay? Does it not clearly represent the essence of dysfunction 
and corruption in our regulatory affairs? Didn't President Obama promise to 
seal up the revolving door? So how could Mary Jo White possibly be 
taken seriously as a candidate for the job? And how is it possible that 
everyone and their uncle, from The New York Times editorial page to the 
Sunday cable news political shows to the halls of congress, is not 
jumping up and down hollering about this? Well, because anything goes, 
nothing matters, and nobody cares.
      The funny part is 
that, when challenged over her past connections to the banks and 
companies she would now have to regulate, Mary Jo White offered to 
recuse herself from future cases involving them. So, from the get-go as 
SEC head, Ms. White would not concern herself with the doings of JP 
Morgan, Bank of America, and Morgan Stanley? How is it that gales of 
laughter did not blow Mary Jo White clean out of the hearing room? Is 
there not another qualified person from sea to shining sea who could 
come in and do the job without one hand tied behind his or her back?
     Now it also turns out that upon leaving Debevoise  Plimpton, 
Ms. White is scheduled to collect monthly retirement checks from the 
company amounting to a half million dollars a year -- that's for life, 
by the way -- while she supposedly runs the SEC. How is that not a 
conflict of interest? The remedy proposed by Ms. White and her attorneys was 
for her to take the retirement loot as a lump sum during her tenure as SEC 
chair, after which she could revert to collecting her pension in the $42,500 
monthly payouts. Pardon me, but, well ...what the fuck? 
What planet are we on?
     As if that's not enough, Ms. 
White's husband, John W. White, is a partner at another giant Wall 
Street law firm, Cravath, Swaine  Moore, which frequently tangles 
with the SEC on behalf of its clients. Mr. White proposed to change his 
pay structure while his wife runs the SEC. More gales of laughter. He is also 
on the advisory committee of the Financial Standards Accounting 
Board, the group that oversees national accounting practices and which, 
in 2009, infamously changed its Rule157 so that TBTF banks could mark 
to fantasy the fraudulent CDOs and other bond-like innovative 
securities that they created -- many of which they had to eat after the 
housing bubble bust when the collateral for these swindles lost its 
value and the innovators could no longer pawn the stuff off on 
credulous pension funds and other client muppets.
       The silence over this disgraceful matter -- and many others like it, 
including the dead hand in the empty suit posing as US Attorney General 
-- indicates that not only is the rule of law extinct in this country, 
but so are public figures of principle and credible news organs. Nobody 
has made a noise about it. Anything goes, nothing matters, and nobody 
cares. So, the objection to it has to come from outside the authorized 
channels. And the consequences will mount outside the fortress of lies 
that the establishment has become.


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LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] George Bush Has Painted Over 50 Puppies, And His Teacher Says He'll Go Down In History As A Great Artist

2013-03-17 Thread bigraccoon
George Bush Has Painted Over 50 Puppies, And His Teacher Says He'll Go Down In 
History As A Great Artist


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Re: [LAAMN] George Bush Has Painted Over 50 Puppies, And His Teacher Says He'll Go Down In History As A Great Artist

2013-03-17 Thread scotpeden
How endearing from the man who as a kid use to blow up frogs with

So when do we get to see Obama's doodles on his Kill lists?

How absolutely entertaining! Just like the Big Media outlets!

Through cross-collaboration, we intend to reach a wide audience
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democratically as a network of working groups around various
projects. We stand for tolerance, justice, equality and human
rights as opposed to corporate-controlled media which stand for
profit and keeping the majority of people ignorant of political,
economic and social issues which impact them.


 George Bush Has Painted Over 50 Puppies, And His Teacher Says He'll Go
 Down In History As A Great Artist


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[LAAMN] 2/14 VIDEO: This is how you stand up for immigrant rights at a Senate hearing

2013-03-17 Thread SIUHIN
Activist Video Service: _http://www.activistvideo.org/_ 
2/14 VIDEO: This is how you stand up for immigrant rights  at a Senate 

VIDEO: _http://www.activistvideo.org/views.asp?id=3060_ 

Undocumented immigrants are making sure their standpoint is  influencing 
legislation for immigration overhaul. [By: _http://www.mycuentame.org_ 
(http://www.mycuentame.org/) ]



National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No  Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
e-mail:  _info@ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles:  (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.: (202)595-8990
Chicago:  (773)942-2268

* join the immigrant Solidarity Network daily  news litserv, send e-mail 
to: isn-subscr...@lists.riseup.net  

Please consider making a donation to the important work of National  
Immigrant Solidarity Network

Send check pay to:
National  Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
(All  donations are tax deductible)

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[LAAMN] 3/13 VIDEO: DC Obama big bucks fundraiser draws drone, Keystone XL protesrs

2013-03-17 Thread SIUHIN
Activist Video Service: _http://www.activistvideo.org_ 
Projects  of Action LA Network _http://www.ActionLA.org_ 

3/13: Obama big bucks fundraiser draws drone, corruption, and Keystone XL  
protesters at Washington DC

VIDEO: _http://www.activistvideo.org/views.asp?id=3061_ 
On the 13th of March, President Barrack Obama held a fundraiser  for 
wealthy donors at Washington DC. While police blocked off K st and nearby  
in rush hour, Obama's motorcade had to pass jeering protesters objecting  
to the Keystone XL tar sands protest, drone murders, and big bucks political  

Some of the protesters objected to the fact that those  raising in some 
cases as much as $400,000 had access, and those without money  did not. One of 
the tripod mounted drones was present with the drone protesters.  The 
largest turnout was 350.org and others protesting the Keystone XL tar sands  
pipeline, which Obama can unilaterally block without asking Congress for  

Through all of this the cops refused to let even pedestrians  cross the 
streets, shutting down one of the busiest intersections in DC to  everyone else 
for the convenience of the Democratic party and bucks-up donors  buying 
access to Obama. [By: Washington DC Indymedia] 

3/16: Solidarity march for Greek antifascists  visits Greek, German 
Embassies, then IMF

VIDEO: _http://www.activistvideo.org/views.asp?id=3062_ 
On the 16th of March, Activists from Greece visited DC on their  multi-city 
tour. The IWW, supported by Positive FOrce, Cheaspeake Earth First!  and 
the Anarchist Alliance-DC network staged a solidarity march out of Dupont  
Circle. [By: Washington DC Indymedia]


Action LA Network
Action for  World Liberation Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  
e-mail: _Info@ActionLA.org_ (mailto:i...@actionla.org)  

To join the list,  send e-mail to: _actionla-subscribe@lists.riseup.net_ 


Please support our important works  of ActionLA! Send your donations to:

P.O. Box  751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
(at the memo line write donations to  ActionLA/AFSC, all donations are tax  

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