2003-12-18 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Ceki Gülcü wrote:
At 06:58 PM 12/17/2003 -0500, Raymond DeCampo wrote:

Before I put any serious effort forward I wanted to make sure that 
such a change would fit in in terms of the overall vision and that I'm 
not missing something else that would prevent it being accepted.  If 
one of the committers could confirm that it seems like a good idea, 
I'll start working on it.

Please do. You can take the MDC code as example. (For MDC code, use the 
latest from CVS not the code from 1.2.8). Test cases would be highly 

Will do.  I should have some time next week.


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2003-12-17 Thread Raymond DeCampo

I was recently thinking about adding some NDC logging to my servlet, but 
I was concerned (perhaps unnecessarily) by some of the things I read in 
the docs and the source code.

Since I am in a servlet container I am not in control of my threads.  So 
it is difficult to know when to call NDC.remove().  It seemed like it 
would be safe to call at the end of every request.

However, when I was looking over the implementation, I was concerned 
that it may be a performance issue, especially if there are a lot of 
requests and threads.  I can see that whoever wrote the code was 
concerned as well.  (In particular I am thinking of the comment 
concerning the synchronization of the ht variable.)

I think that the NDC class could be much improved through the use of the 
ThreadLocal class.  I just checked the docs and ThreadLocal has been 
available since JDK 1.2; if I'm not mistaken that is the threshold we 
are working for?

Before I put any serious effort forward I wanted to make sure that such 
a change would fit in in terms of the overall vision and that I'm not 
missing something else that would prevent it being accepted.  If one of 
the committers could confirm that it seems like a good idea, I'll start 
working on it.

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Re: Chainsaw and JDK 1.3

2003-12-16 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Raymond DeCampo wrote:
Paul Smith wrote:

On Tue, 2003-12-16 at 10:40, Raymond DeCampo wrote:

We've probably been over this before, but what is the current status 
of Chainsaw relative to JDK 1.3.x?  I recently tried to compile the 
trunk on JDK 1.3.1 but chainsaw did not compile.

I think I've addressed all the 1.3.1 issues now.  Doesn't look anywhere
near as nice, but the Tutorial can run, and all the colouring etc
works.  Let me know if there is any other 1.3.1 weirdness at runtime.
I'll give it a try at work tomorrow and let you know.

As promised, I got the latest from the trunk this morning and tried to 
compile chainsaw again on JDK 1.3.1.  Compilation was fine; however, 
when I ran it I got a NoClassDefError for org/xml/sax/InputSource.  When 
I modified the build.xml to include a copy of xercesImpl.jar and 
xmlParserAPIs.jar (from Xerces) all was fine.  I will keep you inform of 
any issues I hit that may be related to JDK 1.3.1.

BTW, I was going to try the chainsaw-install.xml you posted, however, I 
did not have a cvs client (is there a command-line cvs client for 
Windows?) as was required.  I did use it partially by running the parts 
that did not depend on cvs by hand.  There is a small error on the web 
page; the user is instructed to invoke ant with simply ant, I believe 
you want them to use ant -f chainsaw-install.xml.

Finally, a non-chainsaw note if anyone is interested.  The JMX examples 
are compiled even when the JMX jar is not present and the regular log4j 
JMX classes are not compiled.  This causes the build to fail:

[mkdir] Created dir: T:\test\log4j\jakarta-log4j\examples\classes
[javac] Compiling 15 source files to 
[javac] T:\test\log4j\jakarta-log4j\examples\src\jmx\ 
cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class Agent
[javac] location: package jmx
[javac] import org.apache.log4j.jmx.Agent;
[javac] ^
[javac] T:\test\log4j\jakarta-log4j\examples\src\jmx\ 
cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class Agent
[javac] location: class jmx.T
[javac] Agent agent = new Agent();
[javac] ^
[javac] T:\test\log4j\jakarta-log4j\examples\src\jmx\ 
cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class Agent
[javac] location: class jmx.T
[javac] Agent agent = new Agent();
[javac]   ^
[javac] 3 errors


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Chainsaw and JDK 1.3

2003-12-15 Thread Raymond DeCampo
We've probably been over this before, but what is the current status of 
Chainsaw relative to JDK 1.3.x?  I recently tried to compile the trunk 
on JDK 1.3.1 but chainsaw did not compile.

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Re: Chainsaw and JDK 1.3

2003-12-15 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Paul Smith wrote:
On Tue, 2003-12-16 at 10:40, Raymond DeCampo wrote:

We've probably been over this before, but what is the current status of 
Chainsaw relative to JDK 1.3.x?  I recently tried to compile the trunk 
on JDK 1.3.1 but chainsaw did not compile.

I think I've addressed all the 1.3.1 issues now.  Doesn't look anywhere
near as nice, but the Tutorial can run, and all the colouring etc
works.  Let me know if there is any other 1.3.1 weirdness at runtime.
I'll give it a try at work tomorrow and let you know.

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Re: [Chainsaw]: Proposed new LogPanel preference saving structure

2003-12-15 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Paul Smith wrote:
Currently we have the SettingsManager and associated event objects which
are used to save/load Application wide events.  However currently all
the LogPanel settings are saved via standard Serialization.  This tends
to be easy to do, but brittle as we add more information to the savable
I propose to extend the SettingsManager stuff so that each entity can
still register for saving and loading, but is done so within a 'domain'
or namespace.  We would have a domain for the Application, and each
LogPanel would register to be a SettingsListener, but would register
under it's own name space.  

At load/save time, each SettingsListener would be given the chance to
read/write from/to the relevant event, but each logical namespace would
be treated separately and have the properties read from a different file
and encapsulate in it's own event object.  The name of the properties
file would just be the namespace + '.properties'.
Unless anyone has any thoughts or comments I will use this approach to
implement simple property based saving for the LogPanel and associated
classes (the ignore list for the logger tree, colour rules etc)

In general, I think that xml based properties files work better in the 
long run rather than traditional *.properties files.  The hierarchical 
nature of the xml file is definitely a plus.  The drawback is it can be 
more difficult to access and set properties.  Perhaps the 
DOMConfigurator code can help make this just as easy to program?


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Re: DailyRollingAppender does not roll each period (issue)

2003-12-09 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Walid Joseph Gedeon wrote:
Thank you for your reply, Ceki.

First, the rolling appenders have been rewritten. See o.a.l.rolling
package in log4j cvs.
I will refer to the cvs sources (so far I was based on the sources in the
jar). Do the re-written appenders address this issue? I'll probably
self-answer that by reading the sources.

Second, it is not good practice to hide threads
within appenders.
What is the reason bahind this? The thread used is a daemon thread, so it
will not hang the system... is it because of using up an additional thread
per instance?
In all situations, a common timer can be used to which this appender would
register for events.
I can't speak for Ceki, but here's my 2 cents.  Some applications try 
very hard to control the number of threads and other resources for 
efficiency purposes.  For example, application servers are usually 
written in this way.  In fact, the EJB specification prohibits EJB from 
creating their own threads.  So creating hidden threads inside the 
logging library would not be nice to users working in this environment.


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Re: Sandbox problems

2003-12-08 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Ceki Gülcü wrote:
Given my recent changes to ThrowableInformation the following files no 
longer compile properly.

The method getThrowable() is undefined for the type ThrowableInformation 
log4j-sandbox/src/java/org/apache/log4j/filter  line 170

The method getThrowable() is undefined for the type ThrowableInformation 
log4j-sandbox/src/java/org/apache/log4j/jdbcline 417

The method getThrowable() is undefined for the type ThrowableInformation 
log4j-sandbox/src/java/org/apache/log4j/jdbcline 188

The method getThrowable() is undefined for the type ThrowableInformation 
log4j-sandbox/src/java/org/apache/log4j/jdbcline 189


I'll take a look.


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Re: Sandbox problems

2003-12-08 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Raymond DeCampo wrote:
Ceki Gülcü wrote:

Given my recent changes to ThrowableInformation the following files no 
longer compile properly.

The method getThrowable() is undefined for the type ThrowableInformation 
log4j-sandbox/src/java/org/apache/log4j/filter  line 170

The method getThrowable() is undefined for the type ThrowableInformation 
log4j-sandbox/src/java/org/apache/log4j/jdbcline 417

The method getThrowable() is undefined for the type ThrowableInformation 
log4j-sandbox/src/java/org/apache/log4j/jdbcline 188

The method getThrowable() is undefined for the type ThrowableInformation 
log4j-sandbox/src/java/org/apache/log4j/jdbcline 189


I'll take a look.


I've checked in changes for and  I didn't notice the class when I volunteered earlier.  I 
don't have time now, since I'm not familiar with that class, but if 
nobody has tackled it by this time tomorrow I will take a look.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-log4j/src/java/org/apache/log4j/spi

2003-12-04 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Paul Smith wrote:
The hashcode computation must be fast in itself, at least significantly 
faster than 'equals' method invocations which return false.

I think that String.hashcode computation is kinda slow depending on the JDK 
because it iterates on ALL the characters of the String.

M.  Yes, I think you've sold me.


I still think that Paul's original point is valid.  A millisecond is a 
long time on a computer these days.

What about using the first few characters of the message?


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Re: JDBC version problems

2003-08-14 Thread Raymond DeCampo
I think that I will abandon writing a log4j connection pooling class and 
instead suggest that users use the commons-dbcp package.  I looked it 
over and it does not require anything special from the client code; 
everything is configured at run-time.  Therefore there should be no 
issue with using the UrlConnectionSource already in the sandbox with the 
commons-dbcp package to get connection pooling.  Then we can let 
commons-dbcp worry about JDBC versions and such.

To be truthful, I was a little reluctant to take on this effort to begin 
with because I suspected a production worthy implementation might be a 
significant effort.  On the other hand, the wind has been knocked out of 
my sails a little bit...

Ceki Gülcü wrote:

Apparently the problem is quiet old:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01282.html

It was recently discussed on commons-dev

My suggestion would be to ask on [EMAIL PROTECTED] to see whether the 
problem was already adressed.

At 08:11 PM 8/9/2003 +0200, you wrote:


Have you considered using jdbc-2.0jar as commons-dbcp has done?

At 12:52 PM 8/9/2003 -0400, you wrote:

But the problem isn't the methods, but the new classes.  For example,
one of the new methods on Connection is:
Savepoint setSavepoint();

No matter what the implementation of this method is, the 1.2 JRE will 
not supply a Savepoint class.  That will prevent the the Connection 
implementation from loading (unless the Savepoint class is supplied 
in another fashion).

Ceki Gülcü wrote:

Assuming your connection pool implementation encapsulates an
underlying connection object, one way to deal with method X that
exists in version 1.4 and not in 1.2 of Connection interface is as
1st variant
Implement method X without actually calling the X method on the
underlying connection.
MyPooledConnecion implements Connection {
  void X(...) {
throw new Exception(Method X cannot be called.);
The advantage of this approach is that it would compile on all JDK
versions. As long as method X is not actually used we are safe.
2nd variant
Same as the 1st variant for version 1.2 except that method X of the
underlying connection object is called using reflection under v. 1.4.
At 11:19 AM 8/9/2003 -0400, Raymond DeCampo wrote:

Hello all,

As some of you know, I've been working on JDBC-based appenders in 
the sandbox.  I wanted to create a connection pool for environments 
where no such pool existed so that the JDBC appender would not have 
to create a new connection for every log message.

If you've never thought about JDBC connection pooling, the typical 
way to implement this is to create an implementation of 
java.sql.Connection that delegates (almost) all of the calls to 
another Connection object. When the client requests a Connection 
object, it gets one of these delegates from the pool.  It uses it 
just like any other Connection object and never needs to know about 
the pooling.  When the client calls close() on the connection, it 
is not really closed, but returned to the pool.

That is all well and good until you try to create an implementation 
java.sql.Connection that will work for Java 1.2 and up.  The 
Connection interface has new methods on it for 1.3 and 1.4.  No big 
deal, when you compile against 1.2 it won't care because the 
original interface will be satisfiedexcept that in 1.4 there 
are new classes (e.g. java.sql.SavePoint) referenced by the new 
methods.  If you try to compile with 1.2, it will say, 
java.sql.SavePoint? never heard of it...

Does anybody have a solution to this?  I'm not there is a good 
one...even if we do a conditional compilation somehow we would need 
to distribute a version of log4j for each Java version.  (Because 
if you try to run a 1.4 compiled Connection implementation on a 1.2 
JRE, there will be no SavePoint class and the class won't load.  If 
you try to load a 1.2 compiled Connection implementation on a 1.4 
JRE it will say you don't really implement the Connection I have...)

So, unless someone has a brilliant idea I guess I will abandon this 
idea for now...


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JDBC version problems

2003-08-14 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Hello all,

As some of you know, I've been working on JDBC-based appenders in the 
sandbox.  I wanted to create a connection pool for environments where no 
such pool existed so that the JDBC appender would not have to create a 
new connection for every log message.

If you've never thought about JDBC connection pooling, the typical way 
to implement this is to create an implementation of java.sql.Connection 
that delegates (almost) all of the calls to another Connection object. 
When the client requests a Connection object, it gets one of these 
delegates from the pool.  It uses it just like any other Connection 
object and never needs to know about the pooling.  When the client calls 
close() on the connection, it is not really closed, but returned to the 

That is all well and good until you try to create an implementation 
java.sql.Connection that will work for Java 1.2 and up.  The Connection 
interface has new methods on it for 1.3 and 1.4.  No big deal, when you 
compile against 1.2 it won't care because the original interface will be 
satisfiedexcept that in 1.4 there are new classes (e.g. 
java.sql.SavePoint) referenced by the new methods.  If you try to 
compile with 1.2, it will say, java.sql.SavePoint? never heard of it...

Does anybody have a solution to this?  I'm not there is a good 
one...even if we do a conditional compilation somehow we would need to 
distribute a version of log4j for each Java version.  (Because if you 
try to run a 1.4 compiled Connection implementation on a 1.2 JRE, there 
will be no SavePoint class and the class won't load.  If you try to load 
a 1.2 compiled Connection implementation on a 1.4 JRE it will say you 
don't really implement the Connection I have...)

So, unless someone has a brilliant idea I guess I will abandon this idea 
for now...


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Re: JDBC version problems

2003-08-10 Thread Raymond DeCampo
But the problem isn't the methods, but the new classes.  For example,
one of the new methods on Connection is:
Savepoint setSavepoint();

No matter what the implementation of this method is, the 1.2 JRE will 
not supply a Savepoint class.  That will prevent the the Connection 
implementation from loading (unless the Savepoint class is supplied in 
another fashion).

Ceki Gülcü wrote:
Assuming your connection pool implementation encapsulates an
underlying connection object, one way to deal with method X that
exists in version 1.4 and not in 1.2 of Connection interface is as
1st variant
Implement method X without actually calling the X method on the
underlying connection.
MyPooledConnecion implements Connection {

  void X(...) {
throw new Exception(Method X cannot be called.);
The advantage of this approach is that it would compile on all JDK
versions. As long as method X is not actually used we are safe.
2nd variant
Same as the 1st variant for version 1.2 except that method X of the
underlying connection object is called using reflection under v. 1.4.

At 11:19 AM 8/9/2003 -0400, Raymond DeCampo wrote:

Hello all,

As some of you know, I've been working on JDBC-based appenders in the 
sandbox.  I wanted to create a connection pool for environments where 
no such pool existed so that the JDBC appender would not have to 
create a new connection for every log message.

If you've never thought about JDBC connection pooling, the typical way 
to implement this is to create an implementation of 
java.sql.Connection that delegates (almost) all of the calls to 
another Connection object. When the client requests a Connection 
object, it gets one of these delegates from the pool.  It uses it just 
like any other Connection object and never needs to know about the 
pooling.  When the client calls close() on the connection, it is not 
really closed, but returned to the pool.

That is all well and good until you try to create an implementation 
java.sql.Connection that will work for Java 1.2 and up.  The 
Connection interface has new methods on it for 1.3 and 1.4.  No big 
deal, when you compile against 1.2 it won't care because the original 
interface will be satisfiedexcept that in 1.4 there are new 
classes (e.g. java.sql.SavePoint) referenced by the new methods.  If 
you try to compile with 1.2, it will say, java.sql.SavePoint? never 
heard of it...

Does anybody have a solution to this?  I'm not there is a good 
one...even if we do a conditional compilation somehow we would need to 
distribute a version of log4j for each Java version.  (Because if you 
try to run a 1.4 compiled Connection implementation on a 1.2 JRE, 
there will be no SavePoint class and the class won't load.  If you try 
to load a 1.2 compiled Connection implementation on a 1.4 JRE it will 
say you don't really implement the Connection I have...)

So, unless someone has a brilliant idea I guess I will abandon this 
idea for now...


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Re: Chainsaw v2 now in jakarta-log4j module

2003-06-25 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Paul Smith wrote:
I tagged both repos prior to the change, tag may be a bit verbose, but there
you go.
Checked in all the Chainsaw files, and modified build.xml to ensure it
hasn't broken anything.
I've still got to move over a couple of example log4j.xml files, but I've
run out of lunch time, but Chainsaw v2 should start straight out the box
with an ant chainsaw command (after configuring the jakarta oro in
Let me know if I've broken anything, or anyone needs assistance.


I am getting compilation errors on a clean build unless I add the 
regexp.oro.jar to the compile.classpath in the build.xml.  The errors 
are essentially complaining about not finding the ORO classes.


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Re: log4j 1.3 packaging

2003-06-24 Thread Raymond DeCampo
My vote would be for a build that includes the jar file as it is now and 
another jar file containing the minimal set of classes.  If a developer 
is interested in keeping the jar file size down he or she would probably 
not be intimidated by having to pick and choose appenders to add to the 
minimal jar.

Ceki Gülcü wrote:
Breaking log4j.jar to too many pieces will result in confusion. Also 
note that both ant.jar and option.jar are over 600Kb each.

Having said that, if we can define a good separation with log4j.jar and 
option.jar, then why not. But there is also advantage in having a 
single, albeit large, jar file: simplicity.

At 07:49 AM 6/25/2003 +1000, you wrote:

In an effort to get the size of the log4j.jar core file down, is there 
more breaking apart we can do?

Scott's done a lot of work in the XML  JDK 1.4 receiving, but perhaps 
could be in a utility jar along with some others? (sort of like Ant's

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Re: Log4J Future and Avalon

2003-06-18 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Berin Loritsch wrote:
I had an encouraging chat with the Log4J folks (Ceki in particular),
and we have some good news from the logger front.  We all knew that
Log4J surpasses LogKit in the feature list.  We also know that LogKit
does its job well for only 25% of the weight.  We also know that
Log4J is not currently friendly to IOC with the Logger.getLogger()
Stupid question time (especially since every else seems to know):  What 
does IOC stand for?

The only thing that Log4J 1.3 cannot address is the factory method
(Logger.getLogger()) due to compatibility issues.  At the same time,
Log4J 2.0 will address this issue.  In fact Logger will not be a
class, but an interface.
What about creating a separate interface, e.g. ILogger that Logger can 
implement?  Then Logger still exists as is for backwards compatibility 
and moving forward people could use ILogger.  I'm not sure of the total 
impact of this on log4j but I imagine it is doable.  The simple approach 
is to make ILogger contain every public method that Logger contains and 
then to replace Logger with ILogger throughout the log4j code wherever 

I believe the best course of action is to continue to support
LogKit until Log4J 2.0 is released.  However, in the mean time
we should start putting together stronger support for Log4J in
the Avalon containers.  Many of our users will most likely be more
willing to work with Log4J, and it will be one less issue to worry
I would also like us to help make Log4J 2.0 a reality.  If there
are any volunteers who want to help in that direction, please
subscribe to the Log4J list.
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Re: [RT] Agnostic logging support

2003-06-18 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Ceki Gülcü wrote:
At 04:23 PM 6/18/2003 +0200, you wrote:

Finally, there is the speed issue. As fast as an if.isDebugEnabled() 
may be, we have seen that some places need a logging statement in a 
close loop, and this makes performance degrade.

How is that possible? If the logging statements are disabled, then they 
are not used. Otherwise, if they are enabled, then they generate massive 
output rendering the logs useless. So placing log statements in tight 
loops is always a lose-lose proposition, or?

Well, I can see the value of logging in tight loops at the DEBUG level. 
  Even though you end up with a lot of log statements you might only be 
interested in the last one (the one that failed). Perhaps a little 
creative coding can alleviate the performance hit:

void doLoop()
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
for (int i = 0; i  limit; i++)
log.debug(i =  + i);
for (int i = 0; i  limit; i++)
void process(int i)
   // loop interitor

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Re: PreparedStatementAppender

2003-06-08 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Raymond DeCampo wrote:

I have polished up the PreparedStatementAppender I have been working on. 
 It has been javadoc'd and jalopy-ized and only awaits a committer to 
adopt it and place it in the repository (or to provide feedback as to 
what needs to be done with it before it is worthy of committing to the 

I have attached the files to bug 20395.

Thank you,
Ray DeCampo

I posted this about a week ago, but I haven't seen any responses.  Could 
one of the comitters please take a look or promise to take a look when 
they have the time?


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Re: PreparedStatementAppender

2003-06-08 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Mark Womack wrote:
Hi Raymond, I will do this tonight or tomorrow in the log4j-sandbox.


- Original Message - 
From: Raymond DeCampo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Log4J Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: PreparedStatementAppender

Thanks, Mark

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2003-06-02 Thread Raymond DeCampo

I have polished up the PreparedStatementAppender I have been working on. 
 It has been javadoc'd and jalopy-ized and only awaits a committer to 
adopt it and place it in the repository (or to provide feedback as to 
what needs to be done with it before it is worthy of committing to the 

I have attached the files to bug 20395.

Thank you,
Ray DeCampo
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Re: SV: ContextClassLoaderSelector

2003-04-12 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Jacob Kjome wrote:
I think you've missed the point of what is being done with 
Yes, I assumed you were using it for it's intended purpose.

 It is absolutely, utterly, guaranteed 
that any and all containers claiming to have support for the servlet 
spec *will* provide a temporary directory that is unique for each web 
application.  If they don't, they aren't compliant.  I have no worries 
about that.

Here is what you are missing.  I don't care about using the actual 
directory.  I just care about the directory name.  What I was trying to 
accomplish was a way that one didn't have to keep multiple configuration 
files in sync with the name of some property...and I also needed to have 
some pretty decent assurance that that name wouldn't exist already as a 
system property.  Since webapps must have unique context path names, 
that turns out to be a pretty good way to name system properties.  
However, the servlet spec doesn't provide any direct way to obtain the 
servlet context path (eg...  /mycontext) via the ServletContext, which 
is all I have to work with in the servlet context listener.  However, I 
can grab the value of the system property 
javax.servlet.context.tempdir.  As it turns out, the way Tomcat name 
tempdirs is very consistent.  For instance, a context with the path of 
/mycontext would have a tempdir named something like this...


So, I just grab the string following the last index of the value 
returned by File.separator and, low and behold, I've obtained the name 
of the currently running context.  
Is this any different from ServletContext.getServletContextName() 
(available in 2.3) or would that be equivalent when available?

I take that and append .log.home, 
use that as a system property name, and set the physical path to  where 
logs should be written for that context which could either be the 
default of the WEB-INF/logs of the webapp or a user defined path.

What breaks down in other servlet containers is that the string 
following the last index of the value returned by File.separator for a 
context with a path of /mycontext might be 
Now, in one sense, this is fine because it is unique since we don't want 
to accidentally overwrite a system property being used by some other 
application.  However, it is far from predictable and might change with 
each deployment of the webapp in some containers.  We need to be able to 
put something we can count on in log4j.xml such as the following an know 
it will just work...

param name=File value=${mycontext.log.home}/main.log /

In summation, I require...

1.  a name that is reasonably guaranteed to be unique in the VM
- this is achieved by using the name of the context path which must 
be unique within the container so a system property named after 
something that is already unique is pretty well guaranteed to be itself

2.  not have to specify this name in multiple configuration files.  Only 
   -  It is extra work to have to change things in two places.  To avoid 
this, instead of requiring the use to have to provide a context-param 
with the name of the system variable, I just have the configuration 
derive it on its own.  This also prevents arbitrary naming that might 
not be as unque in the VM as one might hope.

3.  the name must be predictable
   - one has to reference a system property name in log4j.xml that they 
can be assured will exist at runtime, otherwise it is of no use.  
Defining a naming scheme based on [context path].log.home is entirely 
predictable and the dynamically derived system variable name works for 
this every time under Tomcat.

Let me ask some stupid questions, since I do not really know the purpose 
of the ContextClassLoaderSelector:
How does this work outside of a servlet container?  Or is it only 
intended to run inside a container?  What are the other configuration 
files you refer to?  Might there be a way to point both places to the 
same config file?  What happens if tomcat changes the way it implements 
the temporary directory mechanism?

Like I've said, #3 breaks down in containers outside of Tomcat which is 
why I plan to add a context-param which, if specified, will override the 
dynamic generation of the system property.  Of course this, in turn, 
breaks down #2, but I don't see any way to get around that.   If one 
continues to use a naming scheme that matches something like [context 
path].log.home then, at the very least, #1 and #3 continue to hold true.

Hopefully that clears things up.  If I am just being totally dense and 
missing your point (which is entirely possible), please point out how 
#1, #2, and #3 are better achieved by using the system 

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JDBC Appender

2003-03-31 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Hello all,

I finally have more time as a major deadline has passed at work.  I was 
thinking about writing an improved JDBC appender.  My intention is to 
create a new appender from scratch.  As discussed previously, I figured 
I would have an abstract base class with an abstract getConnection() 
class and two concrete derivatives; one for getting the connection from 
a JNDI context and one for getting the connection from the DriverManager.

I just wanted to check in to see if anybody is working on this already. 
 I also have a couple of questions:

1)  The original JDBCAppender class has a buffer where it stored the 
events until a limit is hit.  I'm not sure I understand the rationale 
behind this.  Doesn't this cause most loggings to be fast but once in a 
while one client pays the bill for the rest?  It also seems to have been 
a source of bugs in the past.  Does anyone have a compelling reason for 
including it in the new appenders?

2)  Is there a good place to look to get a feel for how the 
configuration works?

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Re: JDBC Appender

2003-03-31 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Paul Smith wrote:
I figured 
I would have an abstract base class with an abstract getConnection() 
class and two concrete derivatives; one for getting the 
connection from 
a JNDI context and one for getting the connection from the 

This isn't too bad an idea, but I'm personally against an Abstract class
here (and I'm no committer so take this with a grain of salt).  What would
be ideal is if the configuration of the JDBCAppender could be specified with
an option that describes the Strategy to obtain a Connection.   Just like
you provide a Layout impl for an appender as a attribute.
This way you have a single class, but have smaller inner classes with the
different ways of getting the connection.  I think this ends up being
cleaner code, and easier to understand (I think a lot of people get lost
with inheritence, and by that I include me).
Well, in terms of cleaner code, I don't think that introducing inner 
classes is the way to go.  Personally I think it will be much easier for 
the end-user to understand that if they are using a DataSource from JNDI 
they use the JNDIPreparedStatementAppender with set A of options and if 
they are using the traditional DriverManager they use 
URLPreparedStatementAppender (I'm open to suggestions on the name) with 
set B of options.  They never need to know that there is an abstract 
class that contains the common code.  Furthermore, it provides a clean 
way for an end-user to customize how they get their Connections if they 
are implementing pooling or such things themselves (i.e. extend the 
class and implement the getConnection() method).


1)  The original JDBCAppender class has a buffer where it stored the 
events until a limit is hit.  I'm not sure I understand the rationale 
behind this.  Doesn't this cause most loggings to be fast but 
once in a 
while one client pays the bill for the rest?  It also seems 
to have been 
a source of bugs in the past.  Does anyone have a compelling 
reason for 
including it in the new appenders?

You have a good point on the penalty (not sure if it does this, but if it
does, it is bad).  What would be more ideal is to buffer the events till
some threshold, as it happens now, but when commiting the results to the
JDBC connection, do this in a separate thread.
Executing in a separate thread has consequences from within an EJB 
container (i.e., it's a no-no).

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Re: New Chainsaw features - feedback?

2003-02-24 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Scott Deboy wrote:
I've spent some time working on enhancements to the Chainsaw UI and I thought I'd step back and see what people think.  Here's what I've implemented so far:

If there are any suggestions for improvement/changes/duplication of effort in what you see here, please let me know.

1: LoggingEvents can now be received from a UDPAppender and XMLLayout (support for multicast) via UDPReceiver.  Just start log4j and help your neighbor debug without leaving your desk (as long as you're on the same subnet).

2: UDPAppender looks for an APP system property.  If found, the name/value pair is added to the loggingevent properties - along with the machine name (or ip address if not resolvable) (used to uniquely identify each VM running on a machine in Chainsaw).

3: Tabbed pane support - a tabbed pane for each unique machinename/app combination.  I thought about allowing the user to pick which fields are used to build the unique tabbed panes, but I'm not sure how useful it would be.  I could see using the NDC or MDC on separate tabbed panes in some situations.

4: Jakarta RegExp used to build display and colorizing filters.  The DisplayFilter associates columns with regular expressions.  If the value in that column passes the regexp, then the row is added to the display.  ColorFilters work the same way except they map columns and regular expressions to a Color.  For example, colorFilter.addFilter(Level, WARN|INFO, Color.RED) will do the obvious.  If a DisplayFilter exists, the row must pass at least one filter to be displayed.  If there are no display filters, all rows pass.

5: Ascending/descending column sort with up/down icons - I have gained approval from Claude Duguay to place his JTable sorting code (see under the Apache License for use in Log4j.  He would like recognition somewhere and a note in the code saying this code has been placed under the Apache license with his explicit permission.  Finally, great JSortTable functionality and cool up/down arrows!

6: Handy multi-line tooltip text - see Logger/Msg/Level/Exception information as you move the mouse over the table's rows - no more scrolling to the right to read the exception!

7: A right mouse button popup menu with 'clear log' (per tabbed pane) and toggle on/off of the multi-line tooltip (it is a little slower to update the tooltip over each row).

8. Updated log4j.dtd and LoggingEvent to support properties/mdc.

I've made the changes with JDK1.4 and I think I've taken advantage of some of JDK1.4's functionality - but making it work on 1.3 shouldn't be difficult.

I haven't looked at Log4J 1.3's receivers yet but hopefully my UDPReceiver will fit nicely.

Still to do:
1. Save all settings to property file, including defined color/display filters, window 
position, column widths/maybe column order

I've already implemented some property saving (window position/size, 
column widths/order, etc.).  Oliver Burn has my diffs and will be 
proxying the changes into CVS in a few days.  Although it appears there 
may be some merging to do.


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Chainsaw and multiple files

2003-02-19 Thread Raymond DeCampo

I noticed that when you load multiple files with chainsaw that the 
effect is cumulative, i.e., logging events from all the files are 
simultaneously loaded.  I am in the process of creating a recent files 
menu and I was going to save the state of the filters for each file. 
However, given the current behavior, that doesn't seem to fit.  So:

1.  Is this the desired behavior?
2.  Assuming it is, does it make sense to store the state of the filters 
on a per file basis?  I.e., I was going to reset the values of the 
filters when you load a file you have loaded previously to the values 
you previously had.  Alternatively, I could just save the filter values 

I should have something to submit this weekend (including saving column 
widths, a recent files menu, perhaps even column visibility and order). 
 Who should I send the diffs to?


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Sorted or order-preserving Properties

2003-02-15 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Somebody was looking for sorted or order preserving implementations of 
java.util.Properties.  For what it's worth, here's a couple.  I haven't 
made any attempt to optimize them (the order-preserving one in 
particular is a resource hog), they are not thread-safe and they are a 
tangle of inner classes but here they are:

public class SortedProperties extends Properties {
public SortedProperties() {

public java.util.Enumeration keys() {
return new java.util.Enumeration() {
private java.util.Iterator iterator =
new java.util.TreeSet(keySet()).iterator();

public boolean hasMoreElements() {
return iterator.hasNext();

public Object nextElement() {

public class OrderedProperties extends Properties {
private int next = 0;
private java.util.Map order = new java.util.HashMap();

public OrderedProperties() {

public Object put(Object key, Object value) {
if (!order.containsKey(key)) {
order.put(key, new Integer(next++));
return super.put(key, value);

public java.util.Enumeration keys() {
return new java.util.Enumeration() {
private java.util.Iterator iterator;
java.util.SortedSet sortedKeySet =
new java.util.TreeSet(
new java.util.Comparator() {
  public int compare(Object x, Object y) {
Integer xInt = (Integer)order.get(x);
Integer yInt = (Integer)order.get(y);
if (xInt == null) {
xInt = new Integer(0);
if (yInt == null) {
yInt = new Integer(0);
return xInt.compareTo(yInt);
iterator = sortedKeySet.iterator();

public boolean hasMoreElements() {
return iterator.hasNext();

public Object nextElement() {

They rely on the fact that java.util.Properties uses 
java.util.Hashtable.keys() to get the set of keys to iterate over for 
writing out the file.  If that internal implementation detail changes, 
the classes will fail to work.

All-in-all they are a non-production-level hack but hey -- doesn't 
everything start out that way?


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Re: Configuration GUI

2003-02-13 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Niclas Hedhman wrote:

On Thursday 13 February 2003 03:03, robert burrell donkin wrote:

On Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 11:35 PM, Richard Bair wrote:


BTW, Mark, I'm totally wrong.  The java.beans package goes all the way
back to 1.2.2 at least.  I think it will work well for what we are doing

if you're using java 1.3 (and maybe some earlier versions), you need to be
a bit beware since reflection is buggy.

This is a pretty bold statement...
I have been using java.lang.reflect since it was introduced (in fact I had my 
own implementation in JDK 1.0), and have not experienced any issues, bugs 
or the like.
AFAIK, Serialization also depends heavily on it, and RMI depends on 
Serialization, and J2EE depends heavily on RMI. You really think that 
anything buggy would be tolerated to stay around for that long (when was 
1.2 released? 1998?, 1999?).

Do you have any example of this reflection is buggy??



There are documented bugs on Sun's web site 
The bugs aren't in reflection but the Introspector.  If I recall 
correctly the exact behavior depends on the order of the methods as 
returned by reflection.  Since the order is indeterminate, it can change 
simply by loading another class or adding methods (a good analogy would 
be the order of items in a HashMap).


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Re: JDBCAppender memory leak issue

2003-02-12 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Lutz Michael wrote:

I will look at it.  From what I've seen, it didn't look overly complicated,
but I know how database code can get ... especially when you're trying to be
RDBMS neutral.

Please give me a few days to get back to you (I'm also busy of course).
Also, the CLOB support was another point of importance, I'll consider that

-Original Message-
From: Ceki Gülcü [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 4:04 PM
To: Log4J Developers List
Subject: RE: JDBCAppender memory leak issue


Have you looked at the code of JDBC Appender? If so, what do you think?

At 13:37 12.02.2003 -0500, you wrote:

When I looked over the code, my first thought is that it should use a 
PreparedStatement instead of a Statement.  In this way you will solve a 
great number of issues (e.g. escaping ' in string literals would not be 
necessary).  The configuration can match the order of the ?s to the 
properties of the logging event.  The code can use 
PreparedStatement.setObject() to set the parameters and let the JDBC 
driver worry about mapping types.  This would improve performance as 
well (at least in theory).

Another improvement that immediately comes to mind is an option to use 
JNDI to get a DataSource instead of specifying the Connection.  This 
would improve performance greatly on application servers where you would 
get connection pooling.  Unfortunately I don't think that really makes 
the class easier to implement/maintain.  (Probably the way to go here 
would be an abstract base class with an abstract getConnection() method 
with two concrete classes which get the connection in the two different 

As far as CLOBs go, they can be problematic.  For whatever reason, there 
is no standard way in the JDBC specification to create a java.sql.Clob 
object for use in the PreparedStatement.setClob() method.  The 
alternative is to use the setXXXStream() methods which are not always 
implemented in JDBC drivers (at least in one I am familiar with).


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Re: Where can I help?

2003-02-09 Thread Raymond DeCampo
Thanks for the suggestions.  I think I'll give some effort towards 
improving Chainsaw.

Toward that end, when I was trying to get Chainsaw going today, I 
noticed that it is not compatible with output from earlier XMLLayout 
output that use category instead of logger.  Was this intentional or 
should I submit my fix?

Is anybody else actively working on Chainsaw?  If so we should 
coordinate our efforts.


All of Scott's suggestions are good.  Ray, what are your interests in the
log4j code?  What area would you like to look at/contribute to?  We can
certainly suggest an area to look at, but if you have a specific area of
interest, then it will be more interesting, certainly.  Your interest and
effort are most welcome.

For anyone out there interested in contributing code, I started a wiki page
with some  guidelines/requirements:

I'd be very interested in documenting the steps one must go through to get
the current log4j cvs code compiling on one's machine.  Would someone be
interested in documenting the process in that page as well?


-Original Message-
From: Scott Schram [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 6:02 PM
To: Log4J Developers List
Subject: Re: Where can I help?

Until the log4j gurus have a chance to respond, may I suggest:

Take a look at the Wiki and see if information there is complete,
or could
use improving.

And the todo pages there for ideas:

Make sure you can get the source code via CVS, and compile it.

Here are some possible areas to work on:

A couple catch my eye: add automated tests.  Improve Chainsaw.


At 12:25 PM 2/8/2003, you wrote:


I haven't been involved with open source before but I've wanted to for a
while.  I figured I would take the plunge with log4j.

Where can I be of help?  Should I just grab some bugs from Bugzilla and
go?  Does anyone have any in particular they'd like to see tackled but
don't have the time themselves?


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Where can I help?

2003-02-08 Thread Raymond DeCampo

I haven't been involved with open source before but I've wanted to for a 
while.  I figured I would take the plunge with log4j.

Where can I be of help?  Should I just grab some bugs from Bugzilla and 
go?  Does anyone have any in particular they'd like to see tackled but 
don't have the time themselves?


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