Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Michael Moore Slams Obama: All He’ll Be Remembered for Is ‘First Black President’ | Mediaite

2014-09-13 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Well I am more optimistic than this.  I like to feel that the future is Red
and that Obama will be remembered for the right-wing con artist that he is.
Perhaps Afro-America had to go through this experience.  Just like many
women in America may have to go through the experience of having a woman
president.  Or maybe gay America will have to go through the experience of
having an openly gay president.

I hope not.  I hope Obama is remembered for teaching all of us that It's
the class war, stupid.



On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 10:15 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 And this idiot had the nerve to beg Ralph Nader not to run. He is finally
 eating his words.
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[Marxism] The Ukrainian and Russian far right

2014-09-13 Thread Marv Gandall via Marxism
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Both sides in the Ukrainian civil war harbour unsavoury right-wing forces - 
pan-Slavic separatists yearning for the old Tsarist Empire in the east and 
overt fascist admirers of the Hitler in the western provinces. But the 
Ukrainian far right, particularly its armed formations like the Azov battalion 
profiled below (see link), plays an outsized role in Ukrainian military and 
political affairs and represents a threat to the conservative Petroshenko 
government in Kiev unlike any comparable movement on the Russian side. 

The Putin government is autocratic but still popular in Russia for having 
restored economic growth and a semblance of military power, while anti-fascist 
and pro-Soviet sentiments have been embedded in the Russian political culture 
since the Great Patriotic War. By contrast, the Ukrainian economy continues to 
crumble and the population is increasingly frustrated by the new government’s 
failure to subdue the rebellion in the east despite the loss of much blood and 
treasure. In much of the country outside the industrialized Donbass, 
anti-Russian feelings run high, and those who fought with the pro-Nazi Bandera 
forces in western Ukraine are celebrated as national heroes. 

Conditions in Ukraine are coming perilously close to resembling those in 
Germany in 1918, when embittered veterans of the First World War returned home 
to become the shock troops of the Nazi party in the doomed Weimar republic. The 
issue may yet become whether the pro-Western government installed in Kiev 
earlier this year will be able to contain their contemporary Ukrainian 

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Re: [Marxism] The Ukrainian and Russian far right

2014-09-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 9/13/14 7:37 AM, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:

Conditions in Ukraine are coming perilously close to resembling those
in Germany in 1918, when embittered veterans of the First World War
returned home to become the shock troops of the Nazi party in the
doomed Weimar republic. The issue may yet become whether the
pro-Western government installed in Kiev earlier this year will be
able to contain their contemporary Ukrainian counterparts.

Let me repeat a point I have made before. You need to keep a sense of 
proportion. The Azov Brigade has 300 members. 
( It is the poster child 
for those trying to stigmatize EuroMaidan, just as Privy Sektor and 
Svoboda were 4 months ago. Probably the best thing for Ukraine right now 
is to maintain a ceasefire so that class struggle can begin to trump 
this ethnic trap entirely of the Kremlin's making.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Roger Goodell is a Domestic Violence Enabler Who Must be Stopped

2014-09-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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There are 56 instances of domestic violence described below since Roger 
Goodell became NFL Commissioner (September 2006-present). Of those 56 
instances, players were suspended for a combined 13 games (not including 
Rice's indefinite suspension, which cannot be quantified). Out of 56 
instances, only 10 players were released by their team.

Roger Goodell is a domestic violence enabler who must be stopped.


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[Marxism] Fwd: After the Ceasefire « LRB blog

2014-09-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Go to link below to see links that document the points enumerated below.)

On 26 August a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was agreed, bringing a 
fragile end to a war that killed 2150 Palestinians (mostly civilians) 
and 73 Israelis (mostly soldiers). Since then Hamas has not fired a 
single rocket, attacked an Israeli target, or done anything to break the 
terms of the ceasefire. Israel has done the following:

1. Annexed another 1500 acres of West Bank land
2. Seized $56 million of PA tax revenue
3. Not lifted the illegal blockade (as required by the ceasefire)
4. Broken the ceasefire by firing at fishermen on four separate occasions
6. Killed a 22-year-old, Issa al Qatari, a week before his wedding
7. Killed 16-year-old Mohammed Sinokrot with a rubber bullet to the head
8. Tortured a prisoner to the point of hospitalisation
9. Refused 13 members of the European Parliament entry into Gaza
10. Detained at least 127 people across the West Bank, including a 
seven-year-old boy in Hebron and two children, aged seven and eight, 
taken from the courtyard of their house in Silwad – and tear-gassed 
their mother
11. Continued to hold 33 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council 
in prison
12. Continued to hold 500 prisoners in administrative detention without 
charge or trial
13. Destroyed Bedouin homes in Khan al Ahmar, near Jerusalem, leaving 14 
people homeless, and unveiled a plan to forcibly move thousands of 
Bedouin away from Jerusalem into two purpose-built townships

14. Destroyed a dairy factory in Hebron whose profits supported an orphanage
15. Destroyed a family home in Silwan, making five children homeless
16. Destroyed a house in Jerusalem where aid supplies en route to Gaza 
were being stored

17. Destroyed a well near Hebron
18. Set fire to an olive grove near Hebron
19. Raided a health centre and a nursery school in Nablus, causing 
extensive damage

20. Destroyed a swathe of farmland in Rafah by driving tanks over it
21. Ordered the dismantling of a small monument in Jerusalem to Mohamed 
Abu Khdeir, murdered in July by an Israeli lynch mob

22. Continued building a vast tunnel network under Jerusalem
23. Stormed the al Aqsa mosque compound with a group of far right settlers
24. Assisted hundreds of settlers in storming Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus
25. Prevented students from entering al Quds University, firing stun 
grenades and rubber bullets at those who tried to go in
26. Earned unknown millions on reconstruction materials for Gaza, where 
100,000 people need their destroyed homes rebuilt. The total bill is 
estimated at $7.8 billion

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Michael Moore Slams Obama: All He’ll Be Remembered for Is ‘First Black President’ | Mediaite

2014-09-13 Thread Ernest Leif via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Perhaps Afro-America had to go through this experience.

Is an odd statement. I think I know what you mean, but I'm not sure Black
America needs to go through BHO, as much as the US needs to move on from
structural racism.

Years from now we'll still find blacks defending the man against
antediluvian ideologues - for the record I don't think this is entirely a
good thing - but what many non-black radicals still fail to understand, and
sometimes it boggles my mind, is that most of us still identify first with
race, and second with class.

There is no mass party or organization around these days to help flesh out
these particular American complexities. Until that comes along...

On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 4:24 AM, Gary MacLennan via Marxism wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 Well I am more optimistic than this.  I like to feel that the future is Red
 and that Obama will be remembered for the right-wing con artist that he is.
 Perhaps Afro-America had to go through this experience.  Just like many
 women in America may have to go through the experience of having a woman
 president.  Or maybe gay America will have to go through the experience of
 having an openly gay president.

 I hope not.  I hope Obama is remembered for teaching all of us that It's
 the class war, stupid.



 On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 10:15 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

  Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
  And this idiot had the nerve to beg Ralph Nader not to run. He is finally
  eating his words.
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[Marxism] The Shiite ISIS that the US/Iran war on Iraq is backing

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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Say Hello to America’s New Friends!
Leave a reply

(Or rather, the members of Obama’s new grand “coalition” that he isn’t 
telling you about).

Since the Sunni rebel forces swept from the Iraqi province of Anbar to 
take control of huge swathes of Northern Iraq and beyond, the US has 
been engaged in a mad scramble to shore up their rapidly collapsing 
influence in Iraq, and in the region at large, for that matter. Or 
rather, influence that was deliberately sacrificed as a result of Obama’s 
obsessive desire to reach an accord with Iran, at the expense of the 
people of the region (especially the Syrian people) and the interests of 
the US.

The Iraqi “army” proved to be a complete and utter paper tiger; owing 
more allegiance to money, sectarian hatred and Saddam-era Ba’athists (in 
the case of the high ranking officers) than it did to the Iraqi nation. 
This of course, generally tends to happen when your “army” has 
marginalised at least 35% of the population via sectarian policies, 
genocidal mass murder, barrel bombing their homes, and other charming 
methods. As Sunni resistance forces rapidly advanced, the army fell 
apart in a cowardly, disheartened, bureaucratic heap. Men took off their 
boots and uniforms and fled as soon as opposition fighters turned up, 
the commanders abandoned their men to whatever fate (or actively 
supported the insurgents), and the civilian population was left to fend 
for itself, leaving communities like the Yazidi minority under siege, 
and resulting in the mass slaughter of anyone deemed to be an opponent 
of ISIS. ISIS are only a fraction of the Sunni rebels, and still are 
(the vast majority are locals who have taken up arms, and Sunni tribal 
fighters, all sick of Baghdad’s oppression) but committed the most 
atrocities by far. Maliki, the US, and Iran have frequently and 
disgracefully blanketed all the Sunni rebels as ISIS without question, 
which is far from the truth.

The advance was only finally halted at the gates of Baghdad, and not by 
the Iraqi “army” either, but by the troops of the Iranian quds force, 
led by the ruthless Qassem Soleimani. The utter failure of the Iraqi 
army was also partly compounded by deliberate sabotage by prime minister 
Nouri al-Maliki, under intense pressure to give up his seat. He 
deliberately withdrew his forces from the borders with Saudi Arabia and 
Syria in order to aid ISIS’ advance, his troops purposely left behind 
large amounts of heavy weapons for ISIS to take… In short, he used a 
classic tactic of Bashar al-Assad: create and/or empower extremist 
opponents in order to gain international support.

Now, after months of wrangling, and the horrific slaughter of two brave 
American journalists (James Foley and Steven Sotloff) at the hands of 
ISIS, Obama has decided to do what America does best. Sod reaching out 
to the Sunni community to build a less sectarian Iraqi government and 
gain them some national empowerment (disenfranchised Sunnis are a big 
part of ISIS’ rise), sod addressing the fact that various dictators who 
are allegedly “fighting terrorism” are actually empowering ISIS in an 
attempt to gain his support, and definitely sod risking the lives of 
ISIS hostages. Lets just throw bombs at them and hope that they’ll go 

To that end, he is building up an array of allies in order to fight 
ISIS, both from the air and on the ground. He will bombard ISIS from the 
air, and other anti-ISIS factions will follow up by taking the battle to 
them on the ground, retaking lost territory and giving much-needed 
breathing space for the Iraqi (or rather, the Shiite) forces to regroup. 
A large coalition has been formed, containing an impressive array of 
nations, including several Arab states

There’s a problem though, with many of the allies that Obama is now 
working with in the fight against ISIS. Namely, the fact that the men he 
is blowing up ISIS to embolden (or rather,  blowing up any Sunni 
unfortunate enough to stand in their way) happen to be vicious sectarian 
killers responsible for the mass-murder of thousands of Sunni civilians 
since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and a significant number of US soldiers 
too. Namely, the vicious Shiite militias, the “special groups“, which 
emerged during the power vacuum left behind by the invasion.

Under the previous administration, the Americans (at least partially) 
realised their mistake: that by removing Saddam, evil and disgusting as 
he was, they had removed a huge bulwark against Iranian influence in the 
region. With his viciously anti-Iranian regime in the dustbin, Khamenei 
and Soleimani saw their chance. They created, funded, and armed vicious 

[Marxism] Fwd: Syria Comment » Archives ISIS Is Weaker Than It Looks, By Balint Szlanko - Syria Comment

2014-09-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The bottom line is that while ISIS looks strong, it really isn’t as 
strong as its fearsome reputation suggests. It is an organised, highly 
motivated guerrilla group with lots of experienced fighters. It builds 
on the weaknesses of its enemies by sending its highly mobile, 
quick-moving forces to places where they are least expected, uses 
suicide bombers as just another battlefield tool, and it magnifies the 
fear created by its shocking brutality with effective publicity. And now 
it has also got a significant amount of heavy weapons and armour, 
captured from the Iraqis, plus an influx of men, some from disenchanted 
Syrian rebel groups, some from Sunni tribes and other Iraqi insurgent 
group. It also has a lot of money, some from robbery, some from 
kidnappings and some from protection rackets.

And yet ISIS have only really been successful in areas where it faced no 
serious resistance: in the political and military vacuum of the Sunni 
heartland, in eastern Syria and central and western Iraq. Its 
significant battlefield successes have really only been against 
disorganized and undermotivated enemies, such as the Iraqi Army or 
Syria’s disparate rebels, or isolated outposts of the Syrian Army, under 
siege for a very long time. Whenever it had to confront a determined and 
organised adversary, such as the Kurdish YPG in northeastern Syria, it 
has always been bested. Even Syria’s ragtag rebels managed to kick it 
out of northwestern Syria early this year, though that was before its 
big Iraqi victories and associated growth in strength. The same thing is 
likely to happen now, if only because launching surprise attacks against 
largely undefended cities is very different from defending the large 
geographic area it now controls against coordinated attacks (and the 
U.S. Air Force).


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[Marxism] Fwd: Altina | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2014-09-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Altina Schinasi, the subject of the documentary “Altina” that opened 
yesterday at the IFC in New York, was like Peggy Guggenheim—a member of 
the Jewish haut bourgeoisie who opted for a bohemian life in the arts.


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Michael Moore Slams Obama: All He’ll Be Remembered for Is ‘First Black President’ | Mediaite

2014-09-13 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The trouble is that, in America, there are no lessons learned that
aren't rather thoroughly lost in the tsunami of media that accompanies
then and later washes out.

I put Obama less on the black community than the white silly shits who
saw supporting him as a means of expiating guilt. After all, I think
Obama would hardly have been the first choice for African Americans,
while he was certainly the ideal first black president for the whites.


Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Ernest Leif via Marxism
Sent: 9/13/2014 9:55 AM
To: Mark Lause
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Michael Moore Slams Obama: All He’ll Be
Remembered for Is ‘First Black President’ | Mediaite
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Perhaps Afro-America had to go through this experience.

Is an odd statement. I think I know what you mean, but I'm not sure Black
America needs to go through BHO, as much as the US needs to move on from
structural racism.

Years from now we'll still find blacks defending the man against
antediluvian ideologues - for the record I don't think this is entirely a
good thing - but what many non-black radicals still fail to understand, and
sometimes it boggles my mind, is that most of us still identify first with
race, and second with class.

There is no mass party or organization around these days to help flesh out
these particular American complexities. Until that comes along...

On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 4:24 AM, Gary MacLennan via Marxism wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 Well I am more optimistic than this.  I like to feel that the future is Red
 and that Obama will be remembered for the right-wing con artist that he is.
 Perhaps Afro-America had to go through this experience.  Just like many
 women in America may have to go through the experience of having a woman
 president.  Or maybe gay America will have to go through the experience of
 having an openly gay president.

 I hope not.  I hope Obama is remembered for teaching all of us that It's
 the class war, stupid.



 On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 10:15 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

  Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
  And this idiot had the nerve to beg Ralph Nader not to run. He is finally
  eating his words.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Michael Moore Slams Obama: All He’ll Be Remembered for Is ‘First Black President’ | Mediaite

2014-09-13 Thread Thomas via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Lause got it right.

The first time Obama ran, the customary leafy-headed white liberals on my job 
were all wetting their pants with delight.  

A black fellow union brother said he didn't think Obama could win.

When I asked how come he said, Because he's got a black wife.

Perhaps some white radicals need to go through some experiences, whatever that 


-Original Message-
From: Mark Lause via Marxism
Sent: Sep 13, 2014 3:28 PM
To: Thomas F Barton
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Michael Moore Slams Obama: All He’ll Be Remembered 
for Is ‘First Black President’ | Mediaite

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The trouble is that, in America, there are no lessons learned that
aren't rather thoroughly lost in the tsunami of media that accompanies
then and later washes out.

I put Obama less on the black community than the white silly shits who
saw supporting him as a means of expiating guilt. After all, I think
Obama would hardly have been the first choice for African Americans,
while he was certainly the ideal first black president for the whites.


Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Ernest Leif via Marxism
Sent: 9/13/2014 9:55 AM
To: Mark Lause
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Michael Moore Slams Obama: All He’ll Be
Remembered for Is ‘First Black President’ | Mediaite
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Perhaps Afro-America had to go through this experience.

Is an odd statement. I think I know what you mean, but I'm not sure Black
America needs to go through BHO, as much as the US needs to move on from
structural racism.

Years from now we'll still find blacks defending the man against
antediluvian ideologues - for the record I don't think this is entirely a
good thing - but what many non-black radicals still fail to understand, and
sometimes it boggles my mind, is that most of us still identify first with
race, and second with class.

There is no mass party or organization around these days to help flesh out
these particular American complexities. Until that comes along...

On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 4:24 AM, Gary MacLennan via Marxism wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 Well I am more optimistic than this.  I like to feel that the future is Red
 and that Obama will be remembered for the right-wing con artist that he is.
 Perhaps Afro-America had to go through this experience.  Just like many
 women in America may have to go through the experience of having a woman
 president.  Or maybe gay America will have to go through the experience of
 having an openly gay president.

 I hope not.  I hope Obama is remembered for teaching all of us that It's
 the class war, stupid.



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[Marxism] Ecuador: WikiLeaks exposes how US sought to stop democratic process

2014-09-13 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

This is the fourth part of a seven-part series look at about 1000 WikiLeaks
cables not reported onin English before from the US Embassy in Quito. It
focuses on US intervention and push to block the contituent assembly to
dradft a new, more democratic and progressive constitution.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] After Six Years and a Quarter Million Hits: The Rustbelt’s Top Twenty Posts

2014-09-13 Thread Rustbelt Radical via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

New Post: After Six Years and a Quarter Million Hits: The Rustbelt’s Top Twenty 
The Rustbelt Radical has been around since 2008, with a couple of years of 
minimal activity. I never set out to promote the blog or have ambitions other 
than to have a place to occasionally write, communicate, rant or share. Even 
though the blog has been dormant of and on, I am proud of the well over 500 
posts that I have produced. I am not proud of each post; of course, many – 
most- weren’t my best. But some of them I am quite proud of. Coincidentally, 
many of those I am most proud of are also those that have been most popular on 
the blog over the years.
On the occasion of getting 250,000 hits, and returning from a longish absence, 
I thought I would share the top posts, in order of popularity, on the Rustbelt 
over the years with readers.

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[Marxism] New Zealand: Dirty tricks rocks elections, Mana challenges status quo

2014-09-13 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

New Zealand goes to the polls on September 20. Amid a big scandal of
government “dirty tricks”, the Mana Movement is
pushing the interests of the working-class and Maori communities.

Mana was formed when firebrand Maori Party MP Hone Harawira split over the
Maori Party's support for a right-wing National Party government in 2011.
It brings together militant Maori activists with other working-class and
left forces.

It has joined forces with the Internet Party,
founded by Internet businessperson Kim Dotcom, to form the Internet Mana
ticket for the September 20 elections. Polls show it is on course to win at
least three seats.

*Joe Carolan* is the Internet Mana candidate for Mt Albert in Auckland. He
is also an organiser for the Unite Union and a member of Socialist
Aotearoa. He spoke to *Stuart Munckton* on New Zealand's elections and
Internet Mana's campaign.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Michael Moore Slams Obama: All He’ll Be Remembered for Is ‘First Black President’ | Mediaite

2014-09-13 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

What did I mean that Afro Americans had to go through the experience of a
black presidency?  The answer seems obvious to me.  The class always has to
learn and often the hard way through experience.

I do not live in the USA of course and so cannot speak from direct
experience, but I would hazard the guess that Afro-Americans are probably
still rusted on to Obama and will remain loyal to the end.  I have no
criticisms of that-  comprendre est tout pardonner.

What I do criticize, is the continued fostering of the noxious illusion
that there is a progressive moment left in the Democratic Party. Hopefully
the experience of the Obama presidency may have hastened the end that
particular delusion.

Without  wishing to strike a far left note, it seems to me that the deep
structure of Moore's criticism of Obama is that a progressive Democratic
President is still a possibility.  I would hold that it is not.



On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 5:55 AM, Thomas via Marxism wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 Lause got it right.

 The first time Obama ran, the customary leafy-headed white liberals on my
 job were all wetting their pants with delight.

 A black fellow union brother said he didn't think Obama could win.

 When I asked how come he said, Because he's got a black wife.

 Perhaps some white radicals need to go through some experiences, whatever
 that means.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Lause via Marxism
 Sent: Sep 13, 2014 3:28 PM
 To: Thomas F Barton
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Michael Moore Slams Obama: All He’ll Be
 Remembered for Is ‘First Black President’ | Mediaite
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 The trouble is that, in America, there are no lessons learned that
 aren't rather thoroughly lost in the tsunami of media that accompanies
 then and later washes out.
 I put Obama less on the black community than the white silly shits who
 saw supporting him as a means of expiating guilt. After all, I think
 Obama would hardly have been the first choice for African Americans,
 while he was certainly the ideal first black president for the whites.
 Sent from my Windows Phone
 From: Ernest Leif via Marxism
 Sent: 9/13/2014 9:55 AM
 To: Mark Lause
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Michael Moore Slams Obama: All He’ll Be
 Remembered for Is ‘First Black President’ | Mediaite
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 Perhaps Afro-America had to go through this experience.
 Is an odd statement. I think I know what you mean, but I'm not sure Black
 America needs to go through BHO, as much as the US needs to move on from
 structural racism.
 Years from now we'll still find blacks defending the man against
 antediluvian ideologues - for the record I don't think this is entirely a
 good thing - but what many non-black radicals still fail to understand,
 sometimes it boggles my mind, is that most of us still identify first with
 race, and second with class.
 There is no mass party or organization around these days to help flesh out
 these particular American complexities. Until that comes along...
 On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 4:24 AM, Gary MacLennan via Marxism wrote:
  Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
  Well I am more optimistic than this.  I like to feel that the future is
  and that Obama will be remembered for the right-wing con artist that he
  Perhaps Afro-America had to go through this experience.  Just like many
  women in America may have to go through the experience of having a woman
  president.  Or maybe gay America will have to go through the experience
  having an openly gay president.
  I hope not.  I hope Obama is remembered for teaching all of us that
  the class war, stupid.

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[Marxism] France: Left Front debates ‘uniting the people’ vs ‘uniting the left’

2014-09-13 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

About 200 activists from France’s Left Front gathered in Paris on Saturday
6 to discuss the group’s future. The Left Front’s future has been in limbo
over the past few months after disagreements about strategy led to a weak
performance in the European and local council elections in May.

The meeting took place at a time of controversy in French politics.
Socialist Party (PS) President Fancois Hollande had sacked the cabinet and
appointed a new one — the second time since the start of the year — and the
far-right National Front (FN) topped the presidential polls for the first

On top of this, Jean-Luc Melenchon, the leader of the Left Party that is
one of main groups in the Left Front, stood down as Left Front
co-president. Melenchon announced he would soon launch a new Movement for a
Sixth Republic.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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