Re: [Marxism] Query

2014-11-05 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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Unfortunately this isn't a burning issue yet, but still...

On Wed, November 5, 2014 20:27, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
  under communism we won't
 kill the ruling class but simply put it on an island (I remember it
 being Catalina) where they will live in luxury but unable to do any

But living in luxery DOES do harm! As long as there is a worldwide
shortage of caviar and champagne, why should it go to the least deserving?

How big is Catalina Island here?
I don't know. How big are the Galapagos islands? Maybe if they were
settled there, we could go back there in 1000 years and see if they've

- Jeff

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[Marxism] Analysis from Autonomous Workers Union of Ukraine

2014-10-31 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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I received this interesting piece with only the explanation that it is by
DENIS from the Autonomous Workers Union of Ukraine. It is based on a talk
he gave at the Anarchist Book Fair in London on 18 October,  thus before
the recent election.
- Jeff

Ukrainian nationalism and fascism

Contrary to the widespread concerns, nationalist sentiment has not become
widespread in the society immediately after Maidan (although the
nationalists, unlike leftists, had everything at their disposal to push
their agenda at Maidan). But nationalism indeed became the dominating
ideology in Ukrainian society after the Russian aggression started [with
the annexation of Crimea in March] and escalated: it was a sad but
inevitable consequence.

In a more long-term retrospective, the agents most responsible for
popularising radical nationalism in Ukraine over the last four years have
been media and the intelligentsia generally. It is they who are
responsible for the electoral success of Svoboda in 2012, when it received
10.4% of the vote. (Also, the then ruling Party of Regions was obviously
trying to boost Svoboda as a harmless opposition). It is the media and the
intelligentsia who now continue active support of the Right Sector (RS)
and outright Nazis from the Social National Assembly (SNA), artificially
inflating their approval ratings.

The SNA has engulfed and digested all the active far right forces which
had been previously accumulated under the umbrella of RS, or is in the
process of doing so. They are gaining the political momentum which had
been lost by RS after it had to transform itself into a regular civil
political party in the spring. They are a great threat for the left and
for minorities, but they are unable to gain power. (Far right violence
against the left started growing in 2012 – not in 2014 as is commonly
believed – but right now there’s actually a certain pause.) We could
compare the current situation with Italy, or other countries that have a
tradition of an alliance between nazis and the police.

One of the military units fighting on the pro-Ukrainian side, the Azov
battalion, is indeed fully neo-nazi. Also, the far right are present to
some extent in other volunteer battalions, but they don’t play any
significant role there. Most of the volunteers are regular people, only
recently politicised and having rather abstract patriotic political views.
Also, the regular army units fighting in the east of Ukraine are far more
numerous than volunteers, who just have much better publicity.

The military conflict and the truce

In Kyiv the government exploits patriotic hysteria, and potentially could
use fascists for reaching its political goals in the future. But the
“people’s republics” in Donetsk and Luhansk have actual fascist movements
in power with fascist ideology – even though they use the image of Lenin
and red flags.

The unstable truce and “special status” of Donbass guaranteed by recent
agreements allows those fascist political entities to gain strength and
survive. Nevertheless, it is better than continuing the fighting without
any hope for a quick end. This was the best of all the bad possible
choices. It allows the far right on both sides political room, while the
left agenda is being pushed even further away.

Ukraine’s neo-liberal government

The neo-liberal slogans and threats we have seen from Ukrainian government
for the last six months don’t differ much from the traditional rhetoric of
any Ukrainian government for the last decade. The first few months of
Yanukovych’s rule, for example, were also full of such declarations, but
then neoliberals in the ruling camp lost to the more populist conservative

The austerity measures already taken by the current government would have
anyway inevitably been taken by Yanukovych after his victory at the
presidential elections in 2015: this was a universally acknowledged
forecast, long before the Maidan protests. So far we cannot say whether
the current government will be more neo-liberal than its predecessors in
practice. Of course they want to, but it’s not clear whether they will
have objective possibilities for this.

In November people will get utility bills with new, raised tariffs. They
will also suffer from the further deepening of economic crisis, and the
real incomes of the working class will fall further. But we shouldn’t
count on a “social Maidan” this winter. It is impossible – because of the
extremely high level of patriotic hysteria, on the one hand, and the
extremely low level of development of social movements and political
organisation of the working class, on the other hand. In the late spring
we saw encouraging events 

Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Bolshevik Who Thinks 'The Nation' Is Too Left Wing - The Daily Beast

2014-10-26 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 13:12 26-10-14 -0500, Tristan Sloughter via Marxism wrote:

Maybe I can't read... but where does he say The Nation is too left wing?

No, he doesn't at all. He (correctly) decries the tendency of leftists and
the Nation magazine to lend support to Putin, even though he is a reader
of The Nation and often agrees with its articles. It was the editor of the
Daily Beast who ignorantly labelled that position as left wing. And of
course Louis is also right by saying that he's not quite a bolshevik
either (nor does he claim to be). But I guess you can give him credit as an
ex-CP'er who still has some left wing views and doesn't translate those
into supporting Russian nationalism. Being a minority of one in the Duma, I
imagine you can probably count his chance of turning anything around in
Russia (if he can even get back there) as just about zero.

- Jeff
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Re: [Marxism] Soros on Ukraine and confronting Russia militarily

2014-10-24 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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On Fri, October 24, 2014 16:16, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:

 Billionaire investor George Soros is agitating for a new Cold War against

I certainly have nothing nice to say about George Soros. However to change
the subject slightly, the fact that he feels a need to engage in this sort
of agitation is evidence that the mainstream EU powers are NOT engaging in
such a new cold war against Russia. You'll notice that he doesn't (and
can't!) explicitly point to any significant European parties or movements
espousing this view. He speaks as a maverick, not as a spokesperson for a
political wing inside the EU. This further shows that there is no
intention of a new cold war coming from inside the EU, but at most a
defensive reaction felt more by some of Eastern European states that
Russia might consider to be in its sphere of influence. This belies the
left-right anti-imperialist theory of a coming World War III.

Likewise all the talk from those quarters about the rabid NATO
expansionism inspiring the Maidan protests and change of government in
the Ukraine has proven unfounded. Even after voluminous proof of Russian
state involvement in the separationist movement in Eastern Ukraine (and
what they openly did in the Crimea), which really gave NATO every excuse
to act, they declined to offer military support to the Ukraine. When the
Ukrainian president came to Washington seeking military aid he received
moral support and token non-lethal aid. The theory of NATO
expansionism would have predicted otherwise in both cases. The fact is
that NATO and the EU countries especially are much more interested in
stability (including that of Russian oil/gas supplies) than in any
expansionism or even protection of non-member states bordering the EU such
as the Ukraine.

Maybe, in fact probably, the Western imperialists would happily expand
Eastwards were Russia not there. But that isn't what's happening, which is
why Soros needed to express his views this way rather than cheering on the
NATO armies of the East.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Ebola and the Western powers

2014-10-22 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 15:59 22-10-14 +1300, Philip Ferguson via Marxism wrote:

While it's horrible that anyone is dying form Ebola, it's a bit strange
that western media are so focused on it,

While all of us like to find politically-motivated imbalances in the media or 
government propaganda, I could not disagree more with the above statement, and 
the rest of the article that attempts to support that thesis. If I needed to 
criticize the media and response of the international community, it would have 
to be that it had taken much too long for them to come to terms with the 
magnitude of the crisis. Arguably the Western media's response was accelerated 
by a handful of cases in America and Europe, but it was still too little too 

The bar graph in the article showing the relative death toll between ebola and 
other diseases in Africa is extremely misleading for reasons I will lay out. If 
it were the result of an intentional campaign to reduce resources addressing 
the epidemic then I would even call it criminal. It would be like Hitler 
displaying a graph comparing the total number of deaths in the world in 1944 
with the relatively small number of Jews who died in concentration camps.

1) First, like any such comparison, it compares a large number of deaths with a 
much larger numbers while avoiding the main conclusion: that almost all of the 
deaths from HIV, malaria, hunger, TB, and syphilis are avoidable and shouldn't 
be offered as an excuse for one single avoidable death. For instance, I 
protested the execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa without comparing that death toll (9) 
with the other death tolls in Nigeria such as presented in this graph, for 
which I don't apologize.

2) The graph is somewhat misleading (and this relates to point (3)) because it 
accumulates all the deaths over the last 7 months whereas half of the ebola 
deaths have been in the last month, so a fair graph showing the numbers over 
the last month would show only about 1/4 the disparity displayed.

3) But most of all, the graph and entire article seems impervious to the fact 
of exponential growth of ebola (whereas the other death rates displayed are 
more or less stable). The incidence and death rate of ebola is doubling every 
month! That means that the same graph plotted next summer would show ebola 
exceeding all the other deaths in Africa. But that's just for starters. At the 
current rate of increase, in just about two years the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE would 
be DEAD. Does that concern anyone? Anyone? 

For reference, here are graphs showing that exponential growth:

This isn't my field, but I'm pretty sure that there has never in recorded 
history been a widespread epidemic with any similar rate of exponential growth. 
Never had the human race only two years left if current rates of infection 
continued. And although the spread of ebola (like any disease) can in principle 
be turned around (so that the exponential growth becomes exponential decay), 
this hasn't yet happened in countries where it became widespread EVEN THOUGH 
people are aware of the dangers and reducing their exposure.

Unlike HIV or TB, normal infection control measures are insufficient, as the 
continued exponential growth rate indicates. With many hundreds of specialized 
medical workers in space suits (some of whom still get infected), the care 
provided is wholly insufficient. With the growth rate of the epidemic, the 
number of such medical workers would have to more than double every month in 
order ever come to grips with the problem. Otherwise the only possible response 
to saving the human race would be the one you've probably seen in some sci-fi 
horror movies, where the army is called out (wearing space suits) to shoot all 
diseased people from a safe distance, or just nuke affected areas. I'd prefer 
to see an increase in the level of care givers well in excess of doubling every 
month, as well as public health measures to reduce transmission. Beyond the 
current measures I would have to say, since these have been inadequate except 
in situations where there were only a handful of cases.

I'm sorry to have written an entire post where I didn't address the class 
struggle. It's just that if the ebola epidemic isn't turned around (or at least 
slowed) in the next two years, then there won't be a class struggle :-(

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Ebola and the Western powers

2014-10-22 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 16:56 22-10-14 +0200, =?iso-8859-15?Q?L=FCko_Willms?= via Marxism wrote:

  What about the pestilence plague in the Middle Ages? 

  This did exterminate large parts of the population. 

Well yes, that is about the closest case one could cite. Though I don't
think its rate of exponential growth could have been as high as doubling
every month since each of those outbreaks continued over a few years and
wouldn't have been recognized as epidemics in their earlier stages. And I
believe they were exacerbated in the medieval cities due to rats, poor
sanitation, and overcrowding, while the relative infrequency of
international travel meant that it didn't break out in all areas
simultaneously like we see now. In any case, if we are now comparing the
ebola epidemic to the black plague, then I have made my original point in
regards to the original post whining about the media overplaying the
epidemic's danger.

  Even the exponential spread of infections -- one person gets infected,
and infects two others, etc -- can't continue just by the mathematical
formula, since the curve will go down, if not enough people are around to
be infected. 

Yes I thought about that when I was writing it but didn't feel a need to
complicate the formula. I just calculated when the current rate of growth
would equal 7 billion, but didn't literally mean that it would be the end
of human life on earth. The decrease in the infection rate due to a
decreasing human population, which Luko correctly mentions, shouldn't be of
much consolation since it only becomes a significant factor after a large
part of the population has perished! So instead of saying that all of the
human race would be killed after 24 months, I could have more accurately
said that only 1/4 of the human race would be killed after 22 months. And
in any case I don't literally believe that either because rates of
exponential growth will change due to other factors. And what's more, there
is at least a 50% survival rate given good care (although it isn't clear
that most people would get good care after there were billions of cases) so
not all of humanity would perish but only half. Is that disclaimer
reassuring to anyone??

And effective isolation of infected pations will slow down the spread of
the infections (I myself have been in my childhood in an isolation station
for having an infectious disease). 

And my point is that they are trying to do that in the affected countries,
and the epidemic is STILL doubling every month. So this is obviously an
extremely contagious virus and after it doubles another 5 or 10 times,
there aren't possibly going to be enough medical personnel with space suits
to attend to the victims, let alone insure to public health and the
continuation of the economy and food supply. 

  The real scandal, in my view, is that the total commercialisation of
health care and the parmaceutic industry has prevented an early development
of a cure and an immunisation, because that seemed not to be profitable 

Well that is absolutely right, and was admitted an hour ago on the BBC by a
spokesman from Glaxo-Smith-Klein. He said that they had consulted with the
WHO earlier this year, but at that point it wasn't clear that there would
be a serious epidemic so they didn't feel working on a vaccine or cure was
needed. He only left out the word profitable, but unmistakably that is
what he was talking about.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Escape from Microsoft Word by Edward Mendelson | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

2014-10-21 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 16:15 21-10-14 -0400, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

Well I'd have so many things to say about Microsoft Word (and the .doc format 
that they have forced on most of the world) that I realized this would be a 
long, angry message were I to get started. So I'll just mention possibly the 
most annoying component of Microsoft Word/Office, the fuckin' PAPERCLIP:

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Re: [Marxism] Moderators' note: posting under your real name

2014-10-17 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 10:50 17-10-14 -0400, Les Schaffer via Marxism wrote:

You should not post to marxmail using your real name if you are

Alright, but why don't you just change the header message to simply say
that, rather than jumping to the (non-) possibility of correcting such an
error after it's too late? As a moderator you are instead thinking about
the aspect of the problem which you (formerly) could control. And even then
one should know that anything that ever appears on the public web will
exist in perpetuity, even if removed (for instance, as archived on the Way
Back Machine and elsewhere). Keep that annoying message at the top to the
point and minimally obtrusive (or my preference: put it at the bottom!).

- Jeff

about various people and organizations seeking and finding
such posts on the web. Our email list is archived at the U of Utah,
GMANE,, and probably several others i cannot think of
at the moment. Because our host server at U of Utah is no longer under
our direct control, we have no easy way to remove posts that appear
there. So to convince people that they should sub under a fake name if
they want to avoid name == marxism linkage, we have added a warning to
our top header.



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Re: [Marxism] Moderators' note: posting under your real name

2014-10-17 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 13:18 17-10-14 -0400, Les Schaffer via Marxism wrote:
... we just want people to stop asking
us to pull there posts because of the issue.

Oh, is that your only motivation? Geez, how many of these requests do you
get every day? I guess you could send them all a form letter or something

but if you have a snappy way to say it, by all means pitch it


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- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Moderators' note: posting under your real name

2014-10-17 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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Again, THAT ^


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Re: [Marxism] Moderators' note: posting under your real name

2014-10-17 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 13:59 17-10-14 -0400, you wrote:

i like the asterisks... trying to decide if i should go with some of
Joseph's generality about posting and archiving

How about the message at the bottom point to a page called List rules and
cautions. In fact that could replace Send list submissions to: which is a rather useless instruction (most
people just hit Reply) and could be included in the page pointed to.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Moderators' note: posting under your real name

2014-10-17 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 14:17 17-10-14 -0400, Les Schaffer via Marxism wrote:

On 10/17/2014 02:10 PM, Jeff via Marxism wrote:
 How about the message at the bottom point to a page called List rules
 and cautions. 

yep, thought of that too. up top is more in your face...

But my point was to include the two-line less obtrusive version of the 
caution at the top (if you think that's necessary, in order to be in your 
face), but write up a more complete caution, along with other list rules 
and advice that you can't possibly include in each email, and post that on a 
webpage. And then at the bottom it would say:

List rules and information:
Set your options at:

instead of:

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Re: [Marxism] Moderators' note: posting under your real name

2014-10-17 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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One more thought:

The caution about not using your real name if you don't want it on the web,
doesn't really need to be told to each person each time they're posting
(let alone each time they're just reading the messages!). And after they've
ignored it once, then it's already sort of too late.

Now, I'm pretty sure that with this list, like most lists, the very first
time a new subscriber posts, that post is automatically moderated. That
helps to prevent a spammer from easily getting on the list and spamming
right away. So do it like this: when you get that first post from a new
subscriber, routinely hold it back and send them an email pointing out
these issues (and other list rules). Then they can still reconsider before
posting it again for real. How about that?

- Jeff

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[Marxism] Turkish anarchists in defense of Kobane

2014-10-12 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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The message below is from an anarchist list and is obviously copied from a 
webpage, but I couldn't (easily) locate that page so I'm just forwarding the 
text. I don't know if their direct support in Kobane is very substantial or 
more token, but in either case it is an admirable example of solidarity and 
internationalism, especially coming from within the country most infamous for 
its oppression of the Kurdish minority and military conflict in Kurdistan.

To me at least, one interesting point discussed is under Prison conversion 
below, where it mentions that Ocalan has in recent years become a convert to 
the ideas of Murray Bookchin, which is quite a shift from the original PKK's 
left-Stalinist ideology. This (as implied below) has everything to do with the 
alliance between his supporters (YPG) and Turkish (and Syrian?) anarchists. 
Beginning with the Spanish civil war, Stalinist groups generally treat 
anarchists as they would Trotskyists or any other independent left current 
having its own program and world view, so the PKK's apparent evolution has made 
possible the coming together of left currents in defense of the ISIS onslaught 
against the Kurds.

It remains unfortunate that the FSA and other Syrian revolutionary currents are 
primarily nationalist in outlook and therefore cannot think in terms of Kurdish 
self-determination as that would threaten the current borders of Syria. I take 
hope, as Michael Karadjis has just posted, that facts on the ground will 
continue to bring together these forces in joint action and promote better 
understanding, and eventually a common front against Assad.

- Jeff


Turkish anarchists, who made headlines around the world during the battle for 
Square, have decamped to the besieged Kurdish town of Kobani to support the 
fight against 
the Islamic State.  While Turkish security forces look on from across the 
border as 
the Islamic State continues its onslaught against Kobani, a group of Turkish 
have crossed the border to support the Kurds.  They call themselves 
Devrimci Anarsist 
Faaliyet (Revolutionary Anarchist Action), and their members were on the 
barricades last 
year when major protests erupted around Taksim Square and Gezi park in 
Speaking to Channel 4 News, the group reveals it has visited Kobani on three 
bypassing Turkish border guards and helping Kurdish refugees to escape into 

We were part of the resistance that started in Taksim and Gezi park.

Turkish anarchist spokesperson

The most important task was to help civilians from Kobani to pass through the 
After that we supported immigrants for transportation, setting up tents, 
organising the 
distribution of materials sent in solidarity, one group member explained.

We were part of the resistance that started in Taksim Gezi park. We were part 
of the 
resistance against police violence, against state terrorism and in the direct 
experience afterwards.

After Taksim Square was occupied, we have actively participated in resistance 
along the 
barricades and behind the barricades. However we have to make this clear: we 
are not only 
in the streets when the turmoil in society is high.

Read more: Kurdish spring: what are the PKK fighting for?

Image credit DAF

Prison conversion

The links between Kurdish groups and anarchists were born from the proscribed 
(Kurdistan Workers Party) leader Abdullah Ocalan's prison conversion to the 
writings of 
Murray Bookchin, a New York anarchist academic.

In Kobani the PYD (Democratic Union Party) and its armed wing, the YPG, are 
followers of 
Ocalan, and have attempted to implement an autonomous form of Kurdish direct 
Turkish radicals are hoping to learn from this experience.

YPG is organising the fight at the highest level against Isis as a 
self-defence force. So 
we are trying to support in every way possible, the anarchist explained.

Protest calls

The border near Kobani has seen violent scenes as Turkish forces attempt to 
control the 
flow of refugees both into Turkey and back to Syria.

In recent days the DAF have been supporting calls for people to come onto the 
streets to 
protest against the Turkish government's stance on Syria.

Police have used tear gas and water cannon this week as unrest spread to six 
cities over Turkey's lack of action against IS.

One 25-year-old protester was killed in the eastern province of Mus and there 
were other 
deaths reported in Diyarbakir, Turkey's largest Kurdish city.

Image credit DAF

Peace process threatened

The activists worry that the government is not taking the ongoing and currently 
delicate peace process with the PKK 

Re: [Marxism] Truth (aka gaffe) from Joe Biden

2014-10-07 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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On Tue, October 7, 2014 17:01, Shane Mage via Marxism wrote:

 We have seen here repeated claims that the rrrevolutionaries in Syria
 never received any significant outside assistance.

No that hasn't been claimed, which is why Biden's remarks are not breaking
news (to anyone but Shane). What has been claimed is that few or no actual
WEAPONS have been sent to them by the US despite earlier suggestions that
had the Syrian National Council, for instance, wasting their time (and
reputation) in pursuit of what they had been been led to expect. The big
chance that the FSA had to receive US weapons was last year when it would
have been under the condition of fighting al-Nusra on behalf of the US
which they rightfully refused.

Nor is it news that Turkey and several Arab states and private doners have
given relatively large amounts of aid. That aid went largely not to the
secular forces but moderate Islamic currents (but ones very much
carrying out the revolution, unlike ISIS), which further tilted the
balance in that direction and away from forces that might be viewed as
left or democratic. So that has made it more difficult to convince
leftists and liberals in the West to support their revolution but hasn't
made the revolution any less valid. Most all of those forces are still
committed to democratic principles and pluralism. But like in Libya, where
the international left overwhelmingly abandoned the revolution at the
first sight of a NATO bomber, the left in Syria will have suffered from
our neglect, and I am quite sure will not be the leading party in the
first free election to take place in Syria.

- Jeff

P.S. I recommend reading Why Does the Free Syrian Army Hate Us? just
posted on this list by Michael Karadjis.

 So when someone
 with total access to the truth slips up and blurts it out, we might as
 well take notice:

 The latest furor started after he spoke at Harvard University’s John
 F. Kennedy School of Government last Thursday. Mr. Biden said American
 allies including Turkey, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates had
 extended unconditional financial and logistical support to Sunni
 fighters trying to oust the Syrian government of President Bashar al-

 'Our allies poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of
 thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against al-
 Assad,' he said, including jihadists planning to join the Nusra Front
 and Al Qaeda.

 Mr. Biden also confided that Turkey’s “President Erdogan told me — he
 is an old friend — ‘You were right. We let too many people
 through.'  (NYT, 7/10)

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Re: [Marxism] Turkish anarchists and other leftists fighting ISIS

2014-10-07 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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On Tue, October 7, 2014 22:50, Joseph Catron via Marxism wrote:

 Following recent discussion of YPG, it's interesting that anarchists and
 other leftists from Turkey are supporting it by sending fighters to

Yes, it's encouraging to see that at least in that region, leftists are
actually engaging in struggle as demanded by the dire situation rather
than washing their hands of any impure involvement in a messy 4-way war.

From an anarchist list I was directed to this inspiring page over the
Kurdish women fighters of the YPJ (women's division of the YPG, loosely
allied with the PKK):

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Libeling a Democracy Movement » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-10-06 Thread Jeff via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On Mon, October 6, 2014 17:07, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

 Dave Lindorff takes on the Global Research spy-versus-spy bullshit about
 the NED. Too bad he never saw fit to understand Syria and Ukraine in the
 same terms.

Apparently he noticed that contradiction and changed the name of his
article! So you need to use this URL instead:

Or you can also go to the original (wrong) URL and read Mike Whitney's
latest wisdom

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: British hostage Alan Henning aimed to helpSyrians

2014-10-05 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 15:02 05-10-14 +, Charles Faulkner via Marxism wrote:

As for the Khmer Rouge, while I don't defend them, I do think they got a
bad rap. 

i can't join you here clay. 

Well me neither. But more to the point, I don't think that in all of human
history, any person or group accused of mass murder or human rights
violations has received a bad rap, unless said actions never really
occurred or did not take place through their voluntary actions. Period.

Lou wrote The fucking ISIS is 10 times worse than the Khmer Rouge for
effect, or to indicate the extent of his disgust (which I share). It was
certainly NOT the result of a calculation where two numbers were divided to
obtain a ratio of 10:1, and indeed there is no such calculation possible.
Otherwise I could probably take over Mark Regev's job and point out that
the number of Palestinians killed by Israel is much less than 1% of the
Jews killed in the holocaust. What political message does one take away
from that very valid calculation? And what point is there in such
comparisons being debated among those of us who fight against all these

If someone on this list wants to actually defend any of these murderers,
then we have the basis for a debate. Otherwise I am content to accept that
Lou feels ten times more disgust at some recent events compared to distant
memories from 40 years ago, and most of us do as well because of the way
the human mind works. Any further attempt to objectively quantify the
magnitude of suffering or injustice throughout history is hogwash.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: British hostage Alan Henning aimed to help Syrians

2014-10-04 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 08:28 04-10-14 -0400, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

The fucking ISIS is 10 times worse than the Khmer Rouge. They just 
beheaded a British cab driver named Alan Henning who had joined a 
caravan delivering medicine

No shit! Not just him, but I believe every high-profile beheading video 
released by ISIS or their forerunners (which mainstream al-Q'aida, to 
their credit, never endorsed) has been of a totally innocent civilian 
involved in reporting from or providing aid in areas of suffering. 
Absolutely no attempt to punish the guilty (even if beheading were an 
acceptable punishment for war criminals), but designed to shock and polarize 
-- successfully! -- amounting to nothing less than terrorism, a term I 
very much avoid using.

Now, I understand all the reasons to oppose or question the motivations of 
the U.S. bombing campaign. But when I hear something like Obama never even 
tried to negotiate with ISIS and see what their legitimate grievances are, 
I just shake my head in dismay. Seldom would I defend Obama et. al. against 
unfair criticism but that would have to be one. If anyone were to have 
given Obama a credible excuse to exercise military power, ISIS has succeeded.

In the case of the second American recently beheaded, Steven Sotloff, even I 
had thought that ISIS would show some moderation after the conciliatory, 
almost grovelling message by his mother, pointing out her son's pursuit in 
reporting on the suffering of Muslims: her pleas were totally ignored. I'm 
sure that one could find similar documentation for each of these beheading 
victims, but here is the last recorded interview of James Foley, beheaded by 
ISIS in August after having been captured (by whom isn't clear) in 2012. A 
previous post on this list indirectly pointed to this 4 minute video which 
is especially worth watching by anyone who might be imagining that there 
could have been a reasonable justification for his capture, let alone 

And if all that isn't enough, you might have noticed a few links (depending 
on YouTube's random choices) to related videos denouncing the beheading 
video as a fake! For the conspiratorial left/right, being anti-war means 
defying reason to whatever extent necessary. Note that they don't try to 
defend ISIS which they also claim was created by the US (etc. etc.) but 
rather assert that the whole scenario has been staged-managed (just like the 
collapse of the World Trade Center!). If you search you can find dozens 
(actually it says about 11,400 results) conspiracist claims which 
conveniently deny ISIS's crime:

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] What if FDR had declared war against both Hitler Stalin

2014-09-26 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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On Fri, September 26, 2014 19:45, Joseph Catron via Marxism wrote:

 On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

 Well, according to Joseph Catron, Robert Fisk, Tariq Ali, Phyllis Bennis,
 Yoshie Furuhashi, Press TV,,, the PSL, the WWP,
 Counterfire, Global Research and Moon of Alabama biting a dead man's
 is worse than napalming schoolchildren.

 Lou, you really shouldn't keep lying and falsely attributing statements to

Well you're right, that Louis often speaks sharply for effect without
spelling out the point in a way that's literally accurate in detail. So
for those of you who are unable to digest his sort of exposition, let me
translate the above quote:

Judging only by the emphasis given in their reporting of various
atrocities, one would conclude that Joseph Catron, Robert Fisk, Tariq Ali,
Phyllis Bennis, Yoshie Furuhashi, Press TV,,, the PSL, the
WWP, Counterfire, Global Research and Moon of Alabama consider biting a
dead man's heart to be worse than napalming schoolchildren.

Get it?

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] TODAY: Tell Mahmoud Abbas, Stop Collaborating with Israeli War Crimes! 5:15 Cooper Union, NYC

2014-09-22 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 12:20 22-09-14 -0400, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:

You sent this call 3 times and I'm left a bit bewildered. Of course Israel
(or actually, specific Israelis) should be prosecuted by the ICC for war
crimes, or Israel taken to the ICJ as I understand is made possible by the
(partial) recognition of Palestine by the U.N. which the PA could
undertake. But the above link shows a demo with signs saying Dissolve the
Palestinian Authority which is a strange demand if there isn't something
to replace it with. Of course politically the PA has been an instrument of
Fateh and (mis-)led by Abbas, but there was supposed to be a reconciliation
with Hamas, and moreover according to its own procedures, his term of
presidency ended a long time ago and there should be new elections (Hamas
came out ahead in the last election, but was prevented from executing its
mandate). So Abbas should be replaced BY THE PALESTINIANS (it's not clear
that this event is even led by Palestinians, let alone ones with popular
representation among the Palestinian nation).

But above all, I cannot see just demanding Dissolve the Palestinian
Authority. I wouldn't shout out such a demand in relation to ANY
government of an oppressed people except in the context of its realistic
replacement by a progressive alternative. And the demand should come FROM
those people. I share many/most Palestinians frustration with the
collaborationist PA, but the approach of this action in New York is quite

- Jeff


While Israel bombs hospitals and schools in Gaza with your tax dollars,
Palestinian leaders fail to hold them accountable and in fact have been
negotiating away Palestinian rights.

Join us on Monday, September 22nd at 5:15PM to tell Mahmoud Abbas, ENOUGH

Send Israel's war criminal leadership to the International Criminal Court!

*We will be meeting at Great Hall at COOPER UNION, 7th ST BETWEEN 3rd  4th
AVE, AT 5:15PM, before Abbas' speech.*
Bring signs, flags, and friends!

To endorse this event, contact

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Re: [Marxism] One in six French people say they support ISIS

2014-09-01 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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Well the original poll was taken a month and a half ago, and the raw data
is reported here:

But I agree with Clay, that these numbers are beyond belief. I suspect the
results may have been contaminated by people who didn't even know what they
were being questioned about and were too ashamed to admit that (as 20-30%
did admit, in the bottom row) and just made a random guess. I think a
proper poll should have first ascertained whether a respondent follows news
from the Middle East (though of course the form of that determination would
likewise bias any poll which restricted the sample base). But if anything
like that proportion of people in any European country (or elsewhere)
really supported ISIS, then I have totally misread the political landscape
and would be stunned.

- Jeff

At 10:58 01-09-14 -0500, you wrote:

I tend not to trust polls because they can so easily be skewed.

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Re: [Marxism] Aug. 19: Associated Press: New Report Warns of Anti Aircraft Weaspons in Syria

2014-08-20 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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On Tue, August 19, 2014 15:40, DW via Marxism wrote:

This information is a small subset of a rather detailed report from the
Small Arms Survey (geez, I never would have considered anti-aircraft
missiles as small arms!) I found after a few clicks at:

It admits that it cannot quantify the number of MANPADS in Syrian
revolutionary hands, but implies that it appears rather significant except
that the majority of the ones seized from the government are duds. It does
list at least 5 different models which have been confirmed to be among
those in rebel hands. Not surprising to anyone on this list, it points

Contrary to repeated claims by the
media and the Russian government,
there is no evidence that armed
groups in Syria have acquired USdesigned
FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS.
The reports appeared regularly in
media articles in 2012, culminating in
claims by a high-ranking Russian
official that Syrian armed groups had
acquired several dozen Stinger missiles
(AFP, 2012; RIA Novosti, 2012a;
MFA, 2012).5 
An analysis of videos and photographs
from Syria yielded no
evidence of acquisition or use of
Stinger MANPADS by armed groups.
The Russian government has not
released photographs or other hard
evidence to support their claims, and
the only photo accompanying media
reports of ‘Stingers’ in Syria is of
another type of missile misidentified
as a Stinger (Hughes, 2012).7

But it does discuss the possible actors in external deliveries of MANPADS
(such as Qatar) and the likelihood of ones which had been liberated in
Libya which is not surprising. Regardless of Syria, I was a bit shocked to
learn that altogether a million MANPADS have been produced, each capable
of bringing down a passenger airplane. If ISIS (along with their
international network) were to get a hold of a number of these, it would
appear that they could practically bring civilian air travel to a halt!

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] The Islamic State and ground-to-air missiles

2014-08-17 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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I won't try to figure out who said what when and what they actually meant.
But maybe we can agree on the facts of the matter (or if not, seek further
evidence for discussion). There is no doubt that some Syrian
revolutionaries have had MANPADS and used them, but it also appears clear
that these must have been so few in numbers that the Syrian pilots dropping
barrel bombs had little reason to be concerned. It would have been
different if even a small portion of such weapons missing in Libya had
made their way to the Syrians, and there were enough Libyans who would have
been eager to supply them. So the conclusion is that the US not only didn't
act to supply MANPADS to the Syrians, but (as has been documented) actively
prevented such shipments, for the very reasons they openly offer (fear of
them landing in the hands of al-Q'aida).

And furthermore, not only were there were so few but they were delivered to
groups other than ISIS, which is why ISIS apparently never possessed any,
and which therefore is why we haven't seen them used in Iraq. I believe
that was the point Louis was making.

- Jeff

At 16:10 17-08-14 -0700, DW via Marxism wrote:

...isn't it odd that not a single one of these weapons have been used
against jets and helicopters in Iraq?

Then you wrote:
Except that this is not what I said. I said that there is no evidence that
a rat line existed.

Then I wrote these weapons being...MANPADS. I showed you are wrong and
factually inaccurate about what you in fact wrote.


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Re: [Marxism] The Islamic State and ground-to-air missiles

2014-08-17 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 10:11 18-08-14 +1000, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:
 agree none went to ISIS, but even 
though Jeff righty says the US actively prevented any Manpads getting 
in, he then seems to suggest that some may have let through to the FSA - 
if so, I disagree with the implication that any at all were.

No, you're probably right. I didn't want to rule it out because there are
accounts of them having been used. But I guess  they could all have been
raided from the regime, as Michael says. 

I also don't buy that the US aim in preventing Manpads and other 
advanced weapons getting in was to ensure none got to al-Qaida. I 
believe the aim was to ensure that none got to al-Qaida, none got to any 
Islamists, no matter how moderate, and none got to secular FSA

Well I think that describes Obama, among many others. But given all the
(changing) shades of opinion among US politicians, I think the uniting
concern was preventing proliferation of weapons that could be used for
terrorism. Because they agreed on that bottom line, doesn't mean that
there weren't other reasons that they denied aid to the FSA (which
obviously wouldn't have used them for terrorism nor supplied them to ISIS).

- Jeff

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[Marxism] UK activists shut down Israeli arms factory

2014-08-05 Thread Jeff via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

.A group of activists from the London Palestine Action network have
today (5/8/14) chained the doors shut of an Israeli weapons factory based
near Birmingham in the UK and are now occupying the roof. As part of the
boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS) and in response to calls
for action from Palestinian movements, we are demanding the permanent
closure of the factory and an end to all forms of military trade and
cooperation with Israel.

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Re: [Marxism] Stockman On Dominoes , WMDs And Putin’s “Aggression”: Imperial Washingt on Is Intoxicated By Another Big Lie

2014-07-30 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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Oh how extremely interesting: Shane has identified another
businessman/politician on the right fringe of establishment politics who
comes to the defense of Putin against the confused liberal Western
capitalists. Louis (and others) have pointed to numerous accounts of
classical fascist groups enamoured with Putin's undemocratic character and
happy to parrot his denunciation of Western imperialism. But this guy is
more in the form of Paul Craig Roberts whose views also get propagated
among the left, surely by those who, like Shane, marvel at how an
establishment conservative has reached supposedly left positions.

You'd think that when leftists keep finding such figures on the right
echoing their own talking points, that they would take a step back and try
to figure out whether the far right really stands far to the 'left' as
Shane innocently puts it, or whether there might be something wrong with
their own positions.

- Jeff

On Wed, July 30, 2014 18:32, Shane Mage via Marxism wrote:

 Stockman's is a variety of conservatism that, despite its
 ideological economic eccentricities, stands far to the left (ie., is
 clearly right) as against every variety of Liberalism or Social

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Re: [Marxism] NATO over Libya vs. IDF over Gaza

2014-07-26 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 21:48 24-07-14 -0400, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:

The NATO countries, of course, do not presently have the power to bring
the Russian leaders to trial.

Instead, the US and its allies are trying to bring pressure to bear
through their control of the global financial system. The EU today adopted
tougher sanctions in line with those adopted earlier by the Obama
administration as part of a staged program designed to progressively
squeeze the Russian financial system and cripple the economy. 

Do you support these efforts?

I think that is a really unfair question, because either answer is wrong.
When there is a dispute between capitalists, with no overriding principle
involved, then if you support one side you are supporting one group of
capitalists. Forcing someone to support one or the other is a trap and a
diversion from any valid issues which might be tangentially involved.
Because one country (or usually both countries) in a dispute deserves to be
punished, doesn't mean you need to endorse some particular sort of action.

And of course even our own boycott actions are just tactical, such the BDS
campaign against Israel. We don't have to answer every question about Why
pick on Israel when this other country is doing something awful too?
Likewise with economic sanctions which are just a tactic and don't have to
be either supported or opposed in every case. But what does become an issue
is when they go out of their way NOT to implement sanctions, such as when
Reagan came to the aid of South African apartheid by saying that sanctions
wouldn't help etc. It's clear why he was against sanctions, and that we
surely denounce.

But you can't demand from me a list of countries that do or don't deserve
sanctions. And although Russia's interference in Ukraine is contrary to the
interests and rights of Ukranians, no one has to decide whether sanctions
are right or wrong, whatever those terms might mean. The main thing I
notice about sanctions against Russia, considering all that has transpired,
is that the EU countries in particular are rather reluctant to implement
very serious sanctions, because their economic interests (particularly
dependence on Russian gas/oil) are at odds with their geopolitical concerns
(losing influence in East Europe). That is a more pertinent discussion than
whether sanctions will do more harm than good, or which capitalist has the
right or moral authority to implement punishments against a different
capitalist country.

- Jeff

Besides military assistance to its proxies, I assume doing the right thing
in Clay’s view also includes economic sanctions, US imperialism’s weapon of
choice for exercising control. I asked Clay about this a couple of days ago
- no response as yet - and Louis, Andy, and others who broadly agree with
Clay’s characterization of the civil war within Ukraine as “Russian
aggression” might also want to have a stab at it:

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[Marxism] Better apology needed.....

2014-07-23 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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On Wed, July 23, 2014 17:17, DW via Marxism wrote:

 Apology to Clay for calling him a state dept socialist. This was out of
 line here

That's a good start

 and it not accurate (that positions are congruent with this or
 that Imperialist position doesn't make one a state dept socialist)

No it wouldn't, but you are still careless in calling his words congruent
with [an] Imperialist position. Saying which missile hit which plane is
not a position, it is just an assessment of fact. If you count every
simple fact (say, starting with the multiplication table) then I guess you
could say that I agree with over 99% of imperialist positions.

And finally:

On Wed, July 23, 2014 17:11, DW via Marxism wrote:

 Clay, who has become the point man for the Russia is Evil, Ukraine Good
 crowd of state dept type socialists here

The apology to Clay was insufficient because an entire crowd was
labelled state dept type socialists. That might well include me and the
majority of this list. And furthermore, who among us exactly says Russia
is Evil, Ukraine Good? AFAIK everyone on this list agrees that Ukraine is
a capitalist country and people don't come to this list if they think
capitalist countries are good.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Ukrainian responsibility for the mass murder

2014-07-19 Thread Jeff via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At 03:28 20-07-14 +1000, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:

So of course we can, to some extent, blame those who shot down the 
plane in as much as they were obviously not very careful

Well it's more like they didn't even know the meaning of careful in this
context. Those sorts of forces receiving such a weapon is like giving
matches and gasoline to a 4 year old: no one would be surprised if a fire
were thereby started. Weapons of this sort are normally controlled by major
militaries who also have radar, communications and transponder electronics,
and commercial flight information, so this doesn't happen. Until now.

. But you can't really blame people getting bombed 
from the sky for trying to shoot down the planes that bomb them. If you 
do, then you have to agree with the shabby and transparently dishonest 
excuse the US gives for blocking Manpads to the FSA for years - that 
jihadists might get them 

But those have a much shorter range. I don't study military matters, but
from what I understand bombing is normally done from low altitudes in order
to increase target accuracy, against which the shoulder fired missiles
would be effective, and actually more portable. The separatists who fired
that missile surely did not think they were protecting themselves from a

The American concern for misuse of those portable missiles has to do with
them being used closer to an airport where passenger planes are flying low.
And anyway, I'm not particularly keen to see ISIS obtain them (though I'll
concede they'd have a right to shoot at planes bombing them). But if ISIS
were to obtain these BUK missiles? Whoa.

Also, I do not think commercial airplane routes are determined the least
bit by the countries which they fly through. Except in the particular cases
of states which refuse overflight permission (as Ukraine did for flying
below 10km). So you can blame the commercial aviation industry, I guess,
except what they did was normal: balanced the conservation of fuel (costs)
against what they perceived as a very small risk. As everyone had perceived
it, until then.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Anti-Israel protesters rally across France, defying ban imposed after synagogue clash - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

2014-07-19 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 19:03 19-07-14 -0400, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

This is really great news. The French government (namely Hollande) had 
issued a ban against anti-Israel demonstrations today (in democratic 
France). The NPA called on people to defy the ban, and many thousands in 
Paris, Marseille and other cities came out, with street battles against the 
police and over 40 arrested. Good photo coverage in The Independent:

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Jeff via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At 09:41 04-07-14 -0400, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

On 7/3/14 8:18 PM, martin schiller wrote:
 when I 'reply' to a list msg, the new msg is addressed to the original
sender and the list. If an original sender is the person who reported the
problem, and is receiving duplicates of replies to his own messages, that
should be the explanation. I tend to remove the original sender address and
leave the list address when I reply.

Hi, Martin

I am cc'ing the list on this since I too was a bit puzzled by this. It 
turns out that there is no need to delete the sender of the email when 
replying because it only goes to the list and not to the sender, ie. you.

Actually that is wrong (usually, at least). If someone just hits Reply,
then the new email acquires 2 recipients in the To: field. One email goes
to the list server and is forwarded to the list members, and the other one
goes directly to the author of the mail that was replied to. So in this
case, Louis should be receiving TWO copies of this email, one directly from
Jeff, and the other one as a member of the list from Jeff via Marxism.

Actually that isn't a great problem, just a bit confusing. Normally when
replying I delete the recipient other than the list address (but didn't in
this case, as a demonstration). It happens because the Reply-To: field
has both addresses included. It should really only have the list address,
like it used to, before things were changed a month ago to deal with an
unrelated problem.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Jeff via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At 12:03 06-07-14 -0400, you wrote:
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 7/6/14 11:55 AM, Jeff wrote:
 Actually that is wrong (usually, at least). If someone just hits Reply,
 then the new email acquires 2 recipients in the To: field. One email goes
 to the list server and is forwarded to the list members, and the other one
 goes directly to the author of the mail that was replied to. So in this
 case, Louis should be receiving TWO copies of this email, one directly from
 Jeff, and the other one as a member of the list from Jeff via Marxism.


I only received one email. 

Well that's real funny, because I just got two emails from you!!

 It is a bit confusing but Mailman sorts this 

No, the mail server couldn't possibly sort it out because it only
received one of the emails, not the one that was sent (using the internet,
as usual) directly to the sender. I'm sure others can attest to having
received such double copies as I have described (and just received myself).

I cannot understand why Lou doesn't observe this himself. Perhaps his email
program collapses what it perceives as duplicates, though that's hard to
imagine. Or perhaps he has two different addresses and is only looking at
one. But there is no question that what I described is the case.

 The bigger problem is that sometimes when you do a reply, the 
list address is dropped, never the person who wrote the email. That is 
to watch out for. Specifically, in this instance when I replied, I had 
to add the list address

Well that has never happened to me, but is interesting. The email that I
sent out a few minutes ago includes the following header:

Reply-To: Jeff,
Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition

Therefore if your email program is properly honoring the Reply-To header,
it should have composed an email to both addresses. But all this shows is
that email programs are not totally standardized, even dealing with plain
email. But don't imagine that everyone's system is exactly the same as
yours, or that I am just imagining that I get duplicate emails in the
exact way I described for the exact reason I described!

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Jeff via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At 12:26 06-07-14 -0400, Les Schaffer via Marxism wrote:


can you check that you do not have a double filter rule that copies the
same message twice ... we have discovered this with two Outlook users.
its an honest enough mistake to check once.


No, I'm quite sure that isn't the case and wouldn't explain exactly what I
have described. Rather, when Lou sent an email to the list (but which also
included my address) I received two similar emails, one from Louis Proyect
via Marxism (sent by the list, with the
added Rule #1 etc.) and one from Louis Proyect sent
directly by his personal email account.

Les, do you not likewise receive two copies of THIS email (which I just hit
reply to, thus containing both addresses), as I have described? If not,
then I am really confused. But aside from what Lou reported, it all makes
sense given the Reply-To that is generated by the list server in its latest

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 12:36 06-07-14 -0400, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

I should add that after polling the list, the only people who reported 
getting dupes had the Outlook problem Les alludes to.

Well I don't understand that (and I certainly don't use Outlook myself!)
but if it's not a problem to others then I'm certainly not going to waste
any time worrying about it. And I'm sorry if I wasted others' time with an
issue that, as I had said, doesn't cause any real harm to begin with.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Jeff via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I said I wasn't going to worry about this (and I'm not worried). But
looking back, I see that there were two totally separate issues involved. 

I just received this communication:

Recently I have been receiving duplicates of all mailings from this list.

That must be the problem you were talking about with two filter rules, so
that EVERY email from the list gets duplicated ON HIS COMPUTER. That isn't
what I was talking about. I was talking about a totally distinct problem
which was reported under the same subject heading:

On 7/3/14 8:18 PM, martin schiller wrote:
 when I 'reply' to a list msg, the new msg is addressed to the original
sender and the list. If an original sender is the person who reported the
problem, and is receiving duplicates of replies to his own messages, that
should be the explanation. I tend to remove the original sender address and
leave the list address when I reply.

Hi, Martin

Martin's experience is exactly mine, and is why I got two emails when Lou
thought he was only posting to the list. But his email program also sent
out one directly to me (as it should have done, given the Reply-To), as did
one other post where someone responded to a post of mine. Again, I can't
understand why no one else has noticed this. But if someone is looking at
the list's email in a mailbox where all list emails are filtered into, then
that mailbox will (depending on the rule) only show the one that came from
the list, and the one sent directly might stay in the inbox, for instance.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] $500 million for Obama to support the revolution?

2014-06-26 Thread Jeff via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At 18:14 26-06-14 -0400, Shane Mage via Marxism wrote:

WASHINGTON — President Obama on Thursday requested $500 million from  
Congress to train and equip what the White House is calling  
“appropriately vetted” members of the Syrian opposition...

Well in response to Shane's perhaps premature question: I'd say that after
all of their broken promises and duplicity, the Obama regime OWES the
Syrian revolutionaries the military assistance it has held back over these
years. So insofar as this funding pays for equipment that the
revolutionaries need, it should be approved.

But of course what the Syrians need is NOT training, which they have
obtained in the course of their own struggle (plus a large part of the FSA
consists of defectors previously trained by the Syrian military). And in
the above context, I can only see training as meaning the formation of a
force that would be acceptable and loyal to the US, so that's even more
repugnant. But if this were to go ahead, then I'd say that any such forces
who arrive in Syria should have their equipment and weapons commandeered
for use by the revolutionary forces as a whole. And then those individuals
should be re-vetted, if you will, to see if they are really Syrian
revolutionaries or more loyal to their trainers before they are trusted
or given responsibilities.

Well, I didn't really have to say all that, either. Because that is
naturally what the Syrian revolutionaries would do. The idea that a country
with deep pockets can just buy off a popular revolution has been
dispelled, in my mind at least, by looking at the result of the Libyan
experience. I don't say that no such danger exists, but the Syrian struggle
has progressed way too far for them to be corrupted by gifts from the
most untrustworthy of friends, as has been the US. 

 - Jeff

Various posters to this list have been vehement in their verbal  
support (and denunciation of those opposed) to what they are pleased  
to designate as the Syrian Revolution. So they each one now finally  
has to answer the question:  There must be at least one member of  
Congress who you might hope would at least listen to your views--so  
what are you telling her/him to do when it comes to appropriating your  
money? The choices are Yes, No, or Abstain.

Shane Mage

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Re: [Marxism] Three reasons why Turkey misunderstands ISIS - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

2014-06-19 Thread Jeff via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On Thu, June 19, 2014 16:35, Shane Mage via Marxism wrote:

 That the CIA might have inadvertently trained some ISIS fighters in


Yes, inadvertent. I find that Clay chooses his words carefully, and that's
exactly what he meant and he knows what he's talking about.

By way of illustration, here is another example of non-lethal aid by the
US and UK which might have inadvertently fallen into the wrong hands, in
this case not to jihadists but to mainstream Islamic revolutionaries in
Syria. And then note the prompt action they took.

- Jeff

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