Re: Storable Stream - Module namespace help

2010-08-09 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Marco Neves wrote:
 On Monday 09 August 2010 20:59:50 David Nicol wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 4:58 AM, Marco Neves [ModAuthors] wrote:
         In need for a way to transfer a large amount of small
  datastructures I created a module that stores and retrieves a stream of
  storables in a file.

 I'm confused -- a stream can't be stored in a file, because it is
 continually generated.

 Also, what is different about this freezer/thawer that makes it
 superior to, for instance, YAML or compressed Data::Dumper dumps?

 That is, for what general class of use cases would one prefer the
 Neves data marshalling system to the available others?

 Also, if you're reusing other things in it -- you say storables are
 you doing something like prefixing length and colon to the output of
 Storable and jamming a bunch of those together? -- the underlying
 technology and then stream might make sense, especially if it can
 take an open handle instead of a file name in its constructor. Such a
 thing could be nice for creating an abstracted pipe between
 distributed processes for instance.


        Yes, the module does store a lot of storables on a single file, and 
 it accepts an open handler as constructor.

        I written it to transfer large amounts of small data structures 

        I'm thinking to use the name Archive::StorableStream for the module. 
 git repository is in:

        Before you tell it, I know, none of the docs are still done.

FWIW, have you considered how to deal with what happens if your chunks
don't match the size prefix? If I read your protocol correctly, you
are sending the length of the following blob as ASCII digits
terminated by a \0.

$blob = Storable::nfreeze( ... )
$packed = length( $blob ) . \0$blob

and to read:

$length = 0 + $packed;
Storable::thaw( substr $packed, length $length )

I dunno your objection to YAML but it has the nice property that it
provides context for helping to recover from mis-transmitted documents
in the stream by virtue of having a nested-ness marker (the
indentation) and both starting and ending document tokens (--- and
...). Further, I would highly discourage you from naming anything
using Storable with Archive because absolutely no one should ever
consider actually *storing* a Storable blob. If you keep one around
then you'll be tempted to read it in a client version that didn't
match what you created it with. That way lies madness.


Re: Storable Stream - Module namespace help

2010-08-08 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 2:40 AM, theMage [Marco Neves] wrote:

        In need for a way to transfer a large amount of small datastructures I
 created a module that stores and retrieves a stream of storables in a file.

        I created it in a private Namespace using in the company I worked for
 but, with they permission, and because I think this may be useful for someone
 else, I want to publish it on cpan.

        I'm finishing documentation and tests, before uploading it to CPAN, 
 but I
 don't know exactly which namespace to use. For me, the obvious namespace would
 be Storable::Stream (and eventually Storable::Stream::GZip), but as Storable
 is part of core, I think we are not expected to publish modules in that

        So, which name should I use for this small module?

The namespace ought to be just fine. The package Storable is owned
by core but Storable::Stream isn't. FWIW though, I am provoked by SO
MUCH PAIN transferring Storable objects between processes and servers
that I feel like I must warn you against ever actually using Storable
in IPC.

I've had so many problems when one of either client or server for
Storable-trading IPC wanted to change. Have you tried upgrading or
downgrading either side of the transaction to a new, potentially
incompatible version of Storable yet? I'd feel much better suggesting
you consider streaming with YAML or JSON or something hand-rolled but
anything but Storable. Consider that maybe your next client will want
to be implemented in Ruby but now won't be able to read the data.

BTW, where's your repo? github? I'd like to take a gander.


Re: Which Build Module?

2010-07-07 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 12:50 PM, David Golden wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 3:40 PM, Joshua ben Jore wrote:
 FWIW, even the most up-to-date comes broken out of the box for
 configure_requires because we say we prefer the YAML module to read
 the configure_requires out of $whatever.yml and don't fail-over to use
 the thing that's actually packaged with perl.

 That's incorrect. prefers Parse::CPAN::Meta and will attempt
 to parse with it.  If it's not available (or the parse fails), it will
 fall-back to the CPAN-defined preferred YAML module.

 Parse::CPAN::Meta is read-only and CPAN's preferred YAML module is so
 that it can write (and read back) data as it processes things.

What? That's certainly not what happens for me. I just ensured I had
no ~/.cpan or ~/perl5, installed perlbrew, then installed new
perl-5.12.1. When I ran the newly created cpan client, my default `o
conf yaml_module' is YAML and not Parse::CPAN::Meta. I just tried
requesting an upgrade to CPAN and my client is already up to date


Re: Which Build Module?

2010-07-07 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 9:01 AM, David Golden wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Joshua ben Jore wrote:
 What? That's certainly not what happens for me. I just ensured I had
 no ~/.cpan or ~/perl5, installed perlbrew, then installed new
 perl-5.12.1. When I ran the newly created cpan client, my default `o
 conf yaml_module' is YAML and not Parse::CPAN::Meta. I just tried
 requesting an upgrade to CPAN and my client is already up to date

 There are two situations in which reads YAML files.

 (1) A distribution contains META.yml or produces a MYMETA.yml after
 running Build.PL/Makefile.PL -- in this case, Parse::CPAN::Meta is
 preferred and will fall back to the configured 'yaml_module'
 setting if Parse::CPAN::Meta is not installed or if Parse::CPAN::Meta
 throws an error during parsing.

 (2) is reading distroprefs or its own cached data --  in this
 case uses the configured 'yaml_module' (which is also used to
 create the cached data files)


Dear perl-qa,
I didn't think this would work because it never has, but boy was I
wrong. I built perl-5.12.1 and was able to use a configure_requires
using module directly out of the box. Seriously, I don't know what's
been wrong every other time prior to just now.

cd ~josh
rm -rf perl5 .cpan
curl -LO
chmod +x perlbrew
./perlbrew install
perl5/perlbrew/bin/perlbrew init
source perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
perlbrew install -f -D=DEBUGGING=both -D=use64bitint -D=usethreads
perlbrew switch perl-5.12.1
cpan Data::Dump::Streamer

Success. Er, wtf?


Re: Which Build Module?

2010-07-06 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
 # from David Cantrell
 # on Monday 05 July 2010 06:31:

consider Module::Build, but be aware that for a great many
users it will introduce an extra dependency, as it was not in core
 until 5.10.0.

 First, the great many is shrinking quickly, at least if Debian's
 oldstable is any indicator of what is old (etch includes 5.10 and
 will likely become oldstable this year.)  At that point, I would
 consider 5.8.8 as obsolete and anything older as ridiculously

 Second, 'configure_requires' takes care of the dependency automatically
 (given a non-obsolete CPAN client.)

FWIW, even the most up-to-date comes broken out of the box for
configure_requires because we say we prefer the YAML module to read
the configure_requires out of $whatever.yml and don't fail-over to use
the thing that's actually packaged with perl.

I'd like to have this fixed both for 5.12.2 and in but I've
been busy and haven't spent time corralling those cats.

Perhaps cpanminus is better? I haven't tried.


EU::MM LIBS winnowed too-early at .PL-time?

2010-06-09 Thread Joshua ben Jore
In Judy I have a PREREQ_PM using Alien::Judy which by it's action
installs and Judy.h. I also have a LIBS and INC which refer
to the thing being installed. It appears that my Makefile.PL's LIBS
argument is being tossed because the specified directories and their
contents don't exist but *will* by the time it will be actually used.

'Alien::Judy' = 0
INC = -I$Config{sitearch}/Alien/Judy,
LIBS = -L$Config{sitearch}/Alien/Judy -lJudy

Can I get EU::MM to stop filtering my LIBS for me?


Re: Suggestions needed for a Module Name similar to DBIx::OO::Tree

2010-01-03 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 5:59 PM, ian docherty wrote:
 I have written a Moose Role which can be used together with DBIx::Class to
 implement 'nested sets' type of hierarchy trees (another Perl Module that
 implements this is DBIx::OO::Tree)

I think these are typically named MooseX::Role::${your_module}.


Re: Structured Changelog?

2009-06-28 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Joshua ben wrote:
 Last year I started seeing change logs in perl modules that looked
 more YAMLish. Is there any spec out there on this? I'm currently just
 copying input from `git log --pretty=oneline' into my Changes file and
 as of this moment, including the git repo URL.

 Is there any external standard or pattern I can conform to?


Structured Changelog?

2009-06-27 Thread Joshua ben Jore
Last year I started seeing change logs in perl modules that looked
more YAMLish. Is there any spec out there on this? I'm currently just
copying input from `git log --pretty=oneline' into my Changes file and
as of this moment, including the git repo URL.

Is there any external standard or pattern I can conform to?

Revision history for Perl extension App::Perldoc::Search at

0.02  Sat Jun 27 08:33:00 2009
304a4464b38b71f10f34c8866da7e3bab1369d3e Clean up dependency list

0.01  Fri Jun 26 01:10:54 2009
9e60c318ebd5543bb342725f7f4834b2502e65f5 Add META.yml
c69869d09c07115b04120ce0d294011940d76321 0.01


Re: lexical warnings question

2009-06-27 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Jonathan wrote:
 * On Tue, Jun 16 2009, Bill Ward wrote:
 I'm more interested (at $JOB) in global warnings, actually.  Of course
 one can enable those with $^W or perl -w and I do, but developers
 ignore the warnings all too often.  Many of our core modules were
 written without warnings enabled, and people are slow to fix those
 warnings.  So, we want to make warnings fatal in the development
 environment to force developers to fix those niggling uninitialized
 value warnings that are all over the place in our log files.

 Honestly, I think this is worth bringing up on p5p.  I think it should
 be possible to convince perl to give user code control over the hints
 hash as each scope is compiled.

 I tried the obvious technique of:

    package forcewarn;
    use strict;

    use B::Hooks::OP::Check::StashChange;

    our $id = B::Hooks::OP::Check::StashChange::register(sub {
        my ($new, $old) = @_;
        warn compiling $new;
        warnings-import( FATAL = 'all' );


 And then use forcewarn before any of my code compiled, but the
 warnings-import only seems to affect the calling scope, not the scope
 currently being compiled.

Without reading B::Hooks::OP::blah to know how it works, I notice
you're calling import from the forcewarn package, not the package you
want to affect. Consider:

package $target_package;
warnings-import( FATAL = 'all' );

instead. Also, you should require warnings if you're going to call a
method on it. I know you probably already have it loaded but it's good


Re: lexical warnings question

2009-06-27 Thread Joshua ben Jore
Uh... yeah, maybe.

Reading's import is revealing. Appears the current
package doesn't matter at all - it just writes to ${^WARNING_BITS}
which is global because it is one of those ${^...} variables.

I dunno. I guess if I knew this B::Hooks thing I could answer
reasonably. It's likely just a story of making sure you're writing to
the variable at the right time. Might not be sufficient hook to get it
then or this Hooks thing is the wrong time.


On 6/27/09, Hans Dieter Pearcey wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 08:46:12AM -0700, Joshua ben Jore wrote:
 Without reading B::Hooks::OP::blah to know how it works, I notice
 you're calling import from the forcewarn package, not the package you
 want to affect. Consider:

 package $target_package;
 warnings-import( FATAL = 'all' );

 instead. Also, you should require warnings if you're going to call a
 method on it. I know you probably already have it loaded but it's good

 Since the effect of warnings-import is lexical, this won't do anything,


How to get search.cpan to show script documentation?

2009-06-27 Thread Joshua ben Jore
In App-Perldoc-Search, I have a script and two helper classes. shows only the class's documentation and ignores that
I have a script. The script is the most important entry point. How do
I hint that it should render the POD in the script?


I let h2xs make my base dist for me, then edited to taste.


Re: managing your perl

2009-04-13 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 11:20 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
 # from Joshua ben Jore
 # on Sunday 12 April 2009 20:06:

It may be a best practice to maintain your own perl but having just
done this at work, it's a massive time sink. Our new platform at work
is an Ubuntu mod_perl system with 208 CPAN modules. We produced a .deb
for perl+modules and another for mod_perl

 Only *one* .deb for perl and all of the modules?

Yes. One deb. We've whittered about making more individual .debs but
it's so annoying to create them that I think we'll likely not change.
We don't go through this effort for Ruby+gems because currently we
think we can apt-get install it and gem install the rest without
conflicting since we deem it unlikely anything on the current system
actually cares super-hard about it.

but it took us several weeks
to do it and we had to learn a bunch about how to author for Debian.
It was painful and I don't recommend it for most people.

 You don't have to do it as Debian packages.  Simply installing from
 source and then building a full set of modules has never taken me more
 than a few hours.

/Now/ I can rebuild the set inside of half an hour which is /actually/
about 28 minutes too long. More highly annoying things are
being unable to install from a set of local tarballs. I tried for a
bit to manufacture some small bits of program to create a local CPAN
repo and had some success but not enough that my sysadmin incorporated

If I figure out a recipe that works nicely, I'll share it.


Re: managing your perl

2009-04-13 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Jonathan Rockway wrote:
 * On Mon, Apr 13 2009, Joshua ben Jore wrote:
 /Now/ I can rebuild the set inside of half an hour which is /actually/
 about 28 minutes too long. More highly annoying things are
 being unable to install from a set of local tarballs. I tried for a
 bit to manufacture some small bits of program to create a local CPAN
 repo and had some success but not enough that my sysadmin incorporated

 Uh, CPAN::Mini and CPAN::Mini::Inject?

I wish I could recall why CPAN::Mini::Inject didn't seem appropriate.
I'll be redoing this thing anyway. I looked into Andreas'  distroprefs
but never found enough time to suss it. I have a blind spot toward
CPANPLUS and didn't even consider it.

Separately, I want to also solve this problem for ruby 1.8.6 + some gems. :-/

So, later, I guess I'll just report Huzzah! and that it all works
nicely when I remember to include all the good ideas already written.


Re: managing your perl

2009-04-12 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
 # from Jonathan Rockway
 # on Thursday 09 April 2009 13:30:

* On Thu, Apr 09 2009, Bill Ward wrote:
 How about you write a how to manage Perl on your system doc and
 get it into the core as a new perlxyz perldoc file then.

That is a very good idea.

Of course, the people that will update to a version of perl that
includes this doc probably won't need it ;)

 If everyone can get past the idea that something non-core is somehow
 unusable, a fine document already exists

It may be a best practice to maintain your own perl but having just
done this at work, it's a massive time sink. Our new platform at work
is an Ubuntu mod_perl system with 208 CPAN modules. We produced a .deb
for perl+modules and another for mod_perl but it took us several weeks
to do it and we had to learn a bunch about how to author for Debian.
It was painful and I don't recommend it for most people.

Some of the stuff that made it most annoying were CPAN modules that
had prompts or interacted with things outside the installation fake


Re: Perl Critic and (honest) hash references

2009-03-02 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Roger Hall wrote:


 Do I have to redesign the module to get past this syntatical doppelganger?

If you redesigned, replacing your hash with an array would be harder
to typo, faster, smaller, not as nice to dump with Dumper, and harder
for 3rd parties to extend.

  $obj-{foobar} = ...

  use constant FOOBAR = 0;
  $obj-[FOOBAR] = ...

Harder to typo:
  $obj[FOBAR] # syntax error

  $obj-[0] is faster than $obj-{foobar}

  Peek with Devel::Peek to get an idea

Not as dumpable:
  You get [ ... ] instead of { ... }

Unless you implement some kind of -hashify method.

It's a mixed bag, on the whole I prefer array objects to hash objects
for the built-in typo detection. I need it.


Re: Perl Critic and (honest) hash references

2009-03-02 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Nicholas Clark wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 10:23:38AM -0800, Bill Ward wrote:

 Personally I always use hashes for objects.  Hashes are pretty fast in Perl,
 especially when there aren't many keys, so I don't think the benefits of
 using arrays are worth it.  The risk of typos is pretty small, and the

 Hash lookup should be O(1), independent of number of keys. Of course, a hash
 with more keys uses more memory, but so does an array with more elements.

I once found some very fast code varying in something I'm guessing was
O(n) on the length of the keys. I've occasionally wished I could get
static lookups to compile with the hashed I32 already stashed.


Re: Readonly::XS failure under 5.10

2009-02-25 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 6:33 AM, Chris Dolan wrote:

 There's an utterly trivial error in Readonly::XS that prevents it from
 compiling under 5.10.  There have been three RT reports about this problem
 since Oct 2007.  The fix is incredibly simple: just put parentheses around
 the argument to Cart::croak.

Eric++. Fixed it a few hours ago.

Re: Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-15 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 6:08 AM, Paul LeoNerd Evans
 I've relented now, and written a Devel::Refcount; see

Your function is already core.

  *Devel::RefCount::refcount = \Devel::Peek::SvREFCNT;


Re: Licenses of CPAN modules

2008-06-05 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 1:50 AM, Gabor Szabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - CPAN distributions should have a LICEN[CS]E file
  with the exact text of the license in it

Dual licensed modules are not accommodated for by a single file. The
GPL and Artistic license seem to have normative filenames like
Artistic, Artistic.txt, Copying and Copying.txt, etc. I would not want
to lose that. To be specific WRT to license, I'm about to post
something to CPAN with the files Artistic-v1.txt and gpl-v3.0.txt
where I was specifically asked by a release lawyer to use filenames
like that. That may not have been a hard requirement but I didn't go
back to negotiate for wiggle room or to find out the reason.


Re: How to challenge a cpan-testers test result?

2008-05-26 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 4:29 PM, David Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Eric Wilhelm
 Forget about fairness... Can we please just have some way to adjust the
 signal/noise ratio?

 Would you like to be copied on all PASS reports?  That would improve
 your perception of the ratio.  :-)

 It's no different than requiring Extutils::MakeMaker to be installed, so
 it's not really a bootstrapping problem as much as one of outdated
 assumptions, but in either case it seems to be the norm to test with an
 outdated (they call it stock toolchain), so the signal/noise ratio is
 roughly zero.

 That's only a failing of CPANPLUS/CPAN::YACSmoke.
 CPAN::Reporter::Smoker requires Module::Build because I think a smoke
 test should assume a relatively modern toolchain.  In my opinion,
 smoke testing bare metal installs of years-old Perl doesn't add a
 lot of value.

I figure a bare metal 5.8.{latest,latest-1} ought to be standard
PASS/FAIL targets. Requiring smokers to have upgraded toolchains means
you're not testing ordinary perl. I'm only guessing but I think it's
more common to have a stock toolchain than one that's been fully


Re: YA CSV parser

2007-11-25 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Nov 25, 2007 10:59 AM, Jim Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wrote a streaming CSV parser yesterday because I couldn't find a CSV
 parsing module that does what I want (despite the plethora of available
 choices).  The parsing rules are pretty simple:

 1)  At the start of a field, if you find a quote string, eat the quote
 string and go to the state that handles quoted strings.  If you find a
 separator, add the current field (which is blank) to the line, and start
 over at this step.  If you find an end of line string, add the current
 field to the current target line, push the target line onto the list of
 parsed lines, and start over.  For anything else, go to the state that
 handles unquoted strings.

 2)  In the state that handles quoted strings, search the string
 sequentially for the first instance of the quote string.  Add the string
 up to that point (not including the quote) to the string.  If what
 immediately follows is another quote string, start this step over.
 Otherwise, go to the unquoted string state.  In the event no quote
 string is found, append the remainder of the string being processed to
 the current field.  Parsing of the next chunk of data will resume in
 this state.

 3)  In the state that handles unquoted strings, search the string
 sequentially for either the first instance of the separator string, or
 the first instance of the end of line string.  If neither is found,
 append what's in the string being processed to the current field, and
 note that the parser will resume in this state.  Otherwise, append the
 part of the string up to, but not including, the separator or end of
 line that was found to the current field, then, append the current field
 to the current target line.  If the found string was the end of line
 string, append the current target line onto the list of parsed lines,
 too.  Then, return to the initial state.

 This set of rules happens to produce results that match how Microsoft's
 Excel handles CSV files.  As you may have determined from my use of
 separator string, quote string, and end of line string, each of
 these entities is a string (',', '', and \r\n, by default).  They
 also happen to be parameters, so you can parse other simple text
 formats, too.  For example, to parse a standard /etc/passwd file, you
 could use :, \0, and \n as the separator, quote, and end of line

 If anyone knows of a module on CPAN that does all this, please let me
 know.  Otherwise, I'll upload my module sometime in the next week or two.

Didn't you just reinvent Text::CSV_XS? The only tweak required is
saying binary to enable the use of newlines inside quoted fields.

binary = 1,

# defaults
eol = qq(\r\n),
sep_char = q(,),
quote_char = q(),
escape_char = q(),


Re: Incompatible change in blead perl for

2007-08-16 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On 8/16/07, Burak Gürsoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a module named Text::Template::Simple ( ) and one of it's tests 
 (t/05-safe) is dying under 5.9.5:

 my default permit list is like this:

my @permit = qw(:default require);

 everything is fine under $]  5.9.x but it dies with this error under blead:

'caller' trapped by operation mask

 I couldn't locate an entry for this change in the 5.9.5 change log. Can 
 someone give me info on this subject? Or shall I just add caller (and 
 anything it requires) to my permit list?

caller() is a less-safe kind of operation because it now returns a
hash ref of the current lexical pragmas. I don't recall why this new
behavior warranted its removal from the default list of safe


Re: Incompatible change in blead perl for

2007-08-16 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On 8/16/07, Dominique Quatravaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Joshua ben Jore wrote:
  caller() is a less-safe kind of operation because it now returns a
  hash ref of the current lexical pragmas. I don't recall why this new
  behavior warranted its removal from the default list of safe

 Maybe because if it returns *refs*, the evil guy could then alter what
 they point to?

It isn't clear that modifying the reference does anything. The
reference is constructed in the moment that it is asked for. It can
contain only strings. I wouldn't swear that it is impossible to have a
change be reflected in the data stored in the optree but I suspect it
is unlikely.


Re: peer review for first CPAN module? (JavaScript minification)

2007-05-25 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 5/25/07, Dr.Ruud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Joshua ben Jore schreef:
 Adriano Ferreira:
 Peter Michaux:

 I'm writing a new version of JavaScript::Minification on CPAN. This
 is my first CPAN module and first Perl project! If someone is
 willing to take a look to see if I've done something terribly wrong
 packaging the code I would greatly appreciate any feedback.

 Currently the new module is in a subversion repository. If you have
 subversion you should be able to check it out and test it with

 svn co
 cd JavaScript-Minifier
 perl MakeFile.PL
 make test

 Some comments on packaging:
 * it may be a good idea to add a LICENSE parameter to Makefile.PL
 (supported by ExtUtils::MakeMaker = 6.31)
 * you might like to add POD and POD coverage tests (for CPANTS' sake)

 Some comments on code:
 * it does not look like Perl code, but C code translated literally
 to Perl.

 That's because this is a translation of the C program, jsmin.

The code contains the strange '\000'.

I see basically 3 steps:
1. respect strings
2. remove comments
3. compress everything else

You may want want to convert from UTF16 to perl native strings, then
convert back. JavaScript is defined as being stored in UTF16 but
that's kind of unusual elsewhere. Isn't it?


Re: Module Proposal: Parse::Reversible

2007-04-20 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 4/20/07, Paul LeoNerd Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The requirement for this module came about intially because I was
thinking about how to handle virtual URLs in websites; for example:


This will fetch the 17th photo from the 12th album, by whatever method
internally is used. Internally, we need to know these values. Trying to
make as generic a system as possible, I came up with the idea that
somewhere in site config, would live a regexp-like pattern to explain
how to parse that. This pattern needs to be reversible - the logic that
generates pages has to be able to construct URLs that give paths to the
files in question.

The format I came upon would look like this:


This is just named capturing, isn't it? In perl 5.10:

 $url = /photos/album$+{ALBUM}/photo$+{PHOTO}.jpg;

With my hacky CPAN module for earlier perls:

 use Regexp::NamedCaptures;
 my %photo;
 $url = /photos/album$photo{ALBUM}/photo$photo{PHOTO}.jpg;


Re: echo die Makefile.PL

2007-04-17 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 4/16/07, Eric Wilhelm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If META.yml says you need Module::Build and I don't provide a
Makefile.PL, wouldn't that be a good time to install Module::Build?

Should I just put a die in Makefile.PL to avoid this silly we're
obviously missing the required build system but we'll try to pretend
anyway stuff?

So now you'll put systems in the Ah, I have a Makefile.PL. I'll use
it! Arrgh! It died. This distribution fails, obviously! mode which is
very similar to where you are now.

I've wondered about this - can you get a Makefile.PL to prereq
Module::Build so installs it, then transfer control over to


Re: echo die Makefile.PL

2007-04-17 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 4/17/07, Eric Wilhelm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

# from Paul LeoNerd Evans
# on Tuesday 17 April 2007 02:14 am:

I ran into similar issues; I've discussed them earlier on this list.


  # from David Golden on Sunday 11 March 2007 05:43 am:
  This bug is the result of CPANPLUS trying to be clever and falling
  back to generating a Makefile.PL from a Build.PL.

My thinking was that exposing the bug where it lives is probably a
better long-term approach.

The suggestion people made was to have M::B produce a
 'traditional'-style makefile as well. So at least M::B-deprived
 systems might have a good go.

My problem with the create_makefile_pl = 'traditional' is that it
doesn't install Module::Build, so we're not making any progress.  If
you have a custom build subclass, you might as well put a die in

The passthrough seems much more sane because it actually installs
Module::Build, yet nobody seems to encourage its use.  Why?

The passthrough, IIRC, usually broke stuff. It might be better now
that M::B has had another year of bugs shaking out.

The problem with having a Makefile.PL that dies is now you've
presented an interface that can't be queried against. Consider this
like duck typing - your distribution -can( 'Makefile' ) but when you
call the method it dies. That's reasonable if your distribution can
actually use a Makefile. When it can't, its just making the job of
toolchains harder.

At least with an absent Makefile.PL, its possible to look at a
distribution and sanely conclude that there's no Makefile.PL. Or do
you wish for a protocol for fake Makefile.PL files to communicate to
toolchains that Ooops! No, don't use me!?

This comes because you want nicer data from CPAN smokers, right? I
already get dumb failures where the smoker registered the fact that my
modules don't pass tests when the prerequisites aren't installed.
Amazing. That's better fixed with a note to the person running the
smoker than a fix to the CPAN distribution.


Re: echo die Makefile.PL

2007-04-17 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 4/17/07, Eric Wilhelm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

# from Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
# on Tuesday 17 April 2007 05:12 pm:

If you really want Module::Build to be installed, why not simply
create a traditional Makefile.PL and add Module::Build as a
prerequisite? That way your module can be installed with
ExtUtils::MakeMaker yet Module::Build also gets installed for the
next time.

That assumes the module *can* be built/installed with EU::MM (without
extra shenanigans.)  If you have a custom build class, this is often
not the case.

The solution really should not involve 'traditional'.

Furthermore, I already do declare a dependency on Module::Build in the
META.yml.  It seems that this is ignored though.  I understand Adam's
argument about platform-sensitive dependencies, but shouldn't we have
some way to say you absolutely must install the build tool first?
Wouldn't a static yaml file be the place for that?

I've read that META.yml's declaration is considered to be a suggestion
but not the authoritative resource for tools. My guess is that your
automated tools really should run (Build|Makefile).PL but fail over to
META.yml if that's not possible. Perhaps some machines can't run perl
but still want to examine this information. They're second class
citizens since they're reading generated data that's potentially out
of sync. Too bad, I guess.

Since you have no Makefile.PL (this is unusual but sane under limited
circumstances), I'd guess I'd just consider any smoker that generates
that file for you to be broken.


Re: Locally installed modules

2007-04-10 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 4/9/07, Andreas J. Koenig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 9 Apr 2007 15:13:56 -0700, Joshua ben Jore [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   On 4/9/07, Bill Moseley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm currently replicating an automated install of Catalyst against a
   fresh 5.8.8. Interestingly, I saw one interesting failure. Catalyst
   has oodles of dependencies. At some point during the installation of a
   sub-sub-sub-* dependency, deleted its downloaded copy of
   something it was still in the process of installing. I guess CPAN's
   build caching mechanism doesn't take into account things in the cache
   that it still cares about. Ooops!

I could imagine you didn't use 1.90, right?

For sure. I was testing that a fresh 5.8.8 could install it without
error. I use this to help suss out undeclared prerequisites. I have
the same environment for all of 5.6.2/5.8.1-5.8.8/5.9.5 under
non-/threaded, non-/debugging. While I did it manually today, I've got
a harness over it all so I can essentially just request that *all*
those perls attempt to go install a CPAN module of my choice (or a
local distribution) and I get TAP back about which perls passed and

 # for a single perl and what happened last night
 cd /opt
 rm -rf perl-5.8.8/*
 tar xjf perl-5.8.8.tar.bz2 # a fresh 5.8.8 but with updated CPAN::Config
 /opt/perl-5.8.8/bin/cpan Catalyst  /dev/null


Re: Locally installed modules

2007-04-09 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 4/9/07, Bill Moseley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm currently replicating an automated install of Catalyst against a
fresh 5.8.8. Interestingly, I saw one interesting failure. Catalyst
has oodles of dependencies. At some point during the installation of a
sub-sub-sub-* dependency, deleted its downloaded copy of
something it was still in the process of installing. I guess CPAN's
build caching mechanism doesn't take into account things in the cache
that it still cares about. Ooops!

Catalyst installed without any other error. Template ignores my
settings when it comes to that /usr/local/tt2 stuff. It doesn't
succeed when there's no STDIN to ask me questions about the install.
Dang. If you read the Makefile.PL, you'll see that you need to specify
some PL args like TT_PREFIX which is *different* than any other
option. Oh well.

Here's my ultra simple setup.

PERL5LIB is set to ~/.perl/lib. Period. I don't do that arch/version
stuff because I don't see a reason to.

CPAN/ (or ~/.cpan/CPAN/ if you prefer) has its
makepl_arg fully specified. *every* lib directory is specified and
pegged to ~/.perl/lib. I like being nice to myself so all the scripts
and binaries are installed to ~/bin.

 'makepl_arg' = q[INSTALLARCHLIB=/home/josh/.perl/lib
INSTALLBIN=/home/josh/bin INSTALLMAN1DIR=/home/josh/.perl/man/man1
INSTALLPRIVLIB=/home/josh/.perl/lib INSTALLSCRIPT=/home/josh/bin
INSTALLSITEARCH=/home/josh/.perl/lib INSTALLSITEBIN=/home/josh/bin
INSTALLVENDORARCH=/home/josh/.perl/lib INSTALLVENDORBIN=/home/josh/bin

I could have also set mbuild_arg here too but I chose to use a
~/.modulebuidrc which does the same thing: all the libraries are
installed to the same location and all the scripts are installed to my

--installpath lib=/home/josh/.perl/lib
--installpath arch=/home/josh/.perl/lib
--installpath bin=/home/josh/bin
--installpath bindoc=/home/josh/.perl/man/man1
--installpath libdoc=/home/josh/.perl/man/man3

It works. It's verbose but it also means I generally don't have to
worry about my installs much.


Re: Package::Unicorn

2007-02-18 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 2/18/07, Eric Wilhelm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You can do parts of this with Best. It doesn't presume to name your
anonymous code so you're stuck with populating %INC but then I thought
the point was that you didn't know what name you were going to use
yet. Once you have a name, you can just substitute that in and Best
will go use that instead of whatever you have inline. It just finds
the first thing that succeeds, really.

 use Best [
 # 'The::Permanent::Name',
 sub { ... },


Delete hate speech module

2007-02-07 Thread Joshua ben Jore

I'd just read of Time::Cube, a disjointed rant full of hate speech.
This is the kind of content that is most deserving of deletion from
CPAN. Would the responsible parties please go nuke this, please?


Re: Benefits of Test::Exception

2006-12-31 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 12/31/06, Paul LeoNerd Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
\ No it doesn't... This is one of those things about perl - code that

looks like a function call is never checked to see if the function
exists until runtime:

  use warnings;
  use strict;

  print Here I have started running now\n;


  ^-- won't complain until runtime.

That's what gave me the motivation to write B::LintSubs, by the way:

Isn't that just a copy of a 5.8-ish perl -MO=B,undefined-subs? The
5.9.something+ versions added support for threaded perls and you might
want to copy that too.

There's also support for arbitrary plugins so you can write your tests
code as a plain plugin and it gets called during the single runloop
and you don't have to have a runloop in your tests anymore.


Re: Benefits of Test::Exception

2006-12-30 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 12/30/06, Paul LeoNerd Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I recently stumbled upon Test::Exception, and wondered if it might make
my test scripts any better.. So far I'm struggling to see any benefit,
for quite a lot of cost.

Without using this module, my tests look like:

eval { code() };
ok( $@, 'An exception is raised' );

This is a buggy test. $@ can be cleared by destructors firing during
the end of the eval. You must test that the return value of eval is
true to be unambiguously correct.

my $ok = eval { code(); 1 };
my $e = $@;
ok( ! $ok, 'An exception was raised' );
like( $e, qr/.../, 'Exception was ...' );

like( $@, qr/some string match/, 'Exception type' );

You should expect $@ to be cleared during anything that might
conceivably call perl code. This includes using any operators other
than assignment. That includes comparison and boolean tests.

ok( [EMAIL PROTECTED]isa( Thing ), 'Exception type' );

Same problem. Copy $@ away before examining it so it won't be
overwritten under your feet.

Have I missed something here? Does Test::Exception provide me with some
greater functionallity I haven't yet observed? Or should I just not
bother using it?

It provides you better verbs so your tests are talking about a task
and not required to perform the task. Your tests are still buggy
regardless of whether you use Test::Exception.


Re: Updating a module that's included in another distro

2006-11-25 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 11/25/06, Andy Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 25 Nov 2006, at 23:19, Jonathan Rockway wrote:
I probably didn't make myself clear; that's exactly what I've done.
It seems to be confused because it's saying that Geo::Cache has a
higher version - which it doesn't - it's at 0.06.

Presumably it's the fact that Geo::Gpx is currently distributed
alongside Geo::Cache and I'm trying to set it free on it's own that's
causing the problem :)

You can't do that. Once a package is versioned, it remains versioned
forever. You'll need to have incrementing version numbers for Geo::Gpx
or somehow get PAUSE to forget that the previous versioned Geo::Gpx
exists. I'm not aware of any way to do that.


Re: Preventing PAUSE from indexing a module?

2006-10-10 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 10/10/06, Andreas J. Koenig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 9 Oct 2006 18:27:15 -0500, Joshua ben Jore [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   I assume I am doing something wrong because I'm not hearing from other
   people complaining that PAUSE is ignoring their no_index settings.

It's amazing, the indexer might indeed work correctly:)

Yay! Thanks all.


Preventing PAUSE from indexing a module?

2006-10-09 Thread Joshua ben Jore

The Carp::Clan module uses the DB package temporarily and the PAUSE
indexer seems to think I'm attempting to publish something in the DB

I added a no_index entry to my META.yml but that doesn't appear to be
stopping PAUSE. Is this documented somewhere? I looked in
ExtUtils::MakeMaker for notes on Makefile.PL magic (none) and the CPAN
faq (nothing apropos) and got nothing useful. The PAUSE faq mentions
no_index but doesn't document how to use it. The META.yml spec doesn't
mention no_index.

The PAUSE source code appears to be treating no_index like a hash
looking things up by package but my setting didn't affect it. Here's

 name: Carp-Clan
 version:  5.8
 license: perl
 installdirs:  site
 distribution_type: module
   DB: 1

I assume I am doing something wrong because I'm not hearing from other
people complaining that PAUSE is ignoring their no_index settings.

WTH am I doing wrong?


Re: Indexing for AI-Prolog-0.735_01?

2006-08-05 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 8/5/06, Ovid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- Original Message 
From: Ken Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 BTW, you might want to add a see also in the AI::Prolog docs for
 the SWI-Prolog wrapper?

Probably a good idea.  It's recommended in AI::Prolog::Article, but that's 
about it.

Already applied to my source. Good suggestion. Thanks.


Fwd: Indexing for AI-Prolog-0.735_01?

2006-08-04 Thread Joshua ben Jore

PAUSE says to send problems to but's web
page says that's a closed list?! So now this is two problems. One is
why PAUSE isn't indexing AI-Prolog and the other is that the published
contact doesn't accept messages from authors. Or doesn't *seem* to


-- Forwarded message --
From: Joshua ben Jore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Aug 3, 2006 8:11 PM
Subject: Indexing for AI-Prolog-0.735_01?

I uploaded AI-Prolog-0.735_01.tar.gz the other day but it hasn't been
indexed yet. The following is what PAUSE says about my access to this
namespace. I think something when awry because I've since uploaded
something else an hour ago that has been indexed.

AI::Prolog  JJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::BuiltinsJJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::ChoicePoint JJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::Engine  JJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::Engine::Primitives  JJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::IntroductionJJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::KnowledgeBase   JJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::Parser  JJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::Parser::PreProcessorJJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::Parser::PreProcessor::Math  JJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::TermJJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::Term::Cut   JJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::Term::NumberJJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::TermListJJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::TermList::ClauseJJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::TermList::Primitive JJORE   co-maint
AI::Prolog::TermList::Step  JJORE   co-maint


Re: Fwd: Indexing for AI-Prolog-0.735_01?

2006-08-04 Thread Joshua ben Jore

On 8/4/06, Smylers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Joshua ben Jore writes:

 PAUSE says to send problems to but's web
 page says that's a closed list?!

Closed in the sense that only the Pause admin folk can subscribe to it.
Think of it as less of a mailing list and more of a generic address for
contacting all the Pause volunteers at once.

The message I'd sent to didn't appear in the archive
and the text on seemed to mean that it wouldn't
ever appear. It'd be nice to update to indicate
that it's moderated so the next person doesn't just assume their
message has been routed to /dev/null.
