rt.cpan.org is going away

2021-01-21 Thread Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

  rt.cpan.org, the bugtracker used by nearly 80% of all CPAN modules
  [1], is going to be shut down on 1st March this year [2]; 39 days
  from when I write this email.

I am rather concerned about this, as there doesn't appear to be any
sort of co-ordinated bailout plan or migration of the *huge amount* of
CPAN modules this is about to affect.

I am furthermore concerned at the total lack of discussion or response
that has so far been generated; aside from Karen Etheridge I haven't
seen any noise of upset being generated at all. Nor am I aware of any
sort of effort to handle what will become a huge outage of a major
component of the CPAN ecosystem.

I personally have 189 modules in need of migration - somehow. As yet
I have no clue what I am going to do about it. Existing bugs need to be
moved somewhere else (and I have no clue how I'm going to fix up URLs
that currently point to those, in code comments, documentation, blog
posts, ... anywhere else), and a new for users to report new bugs needs
to exist. Of special note are the numerous "in progress" tickets I have
across my distributions, containing ongoing discussions about design
issues and the like. To say that I am "concerned" is an understatement;
I am fairly close to panicing about this.

I am quite sure I am but the smallest tip of the iceberg here. Every
time I mention it on Freenode's #perl or irc.perl.org's #p5p there are
always new folks who were totally unaware of this fact. This is going
to hit lots of people in a very hard surprise.

I am therefore interested to know if anyone has any sort of thoughts or
plan on what to do about this; either

  a) Attempts to take over maintenance of the system as it stands, or

  b) Find an alternative location and implement some sort of
 mass-bailout in that direction.

To emphasise again: in 39 days time the bug tracker used by nearly 80%
of all of CPAN is going to be shut down and become unavailable for
either historic or newly-reported bugs. We *need* to find a solution in
that time. It would be great if we all went the same way, thus making
the lives of users (and metacpan.org) a lot simpler, rather than all
scattering in 50 different ways, which will cause a huge splintering of
what has been a very coherent service so far.

1: Add the "known to be RT" and "unknown" categories of
   https://cpan.rocks/; because metacpan.org defaults to RT in the
   latter case.

2: https://log.perl.org/2020/12/rtcpanorg-sunset.html

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk  |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS
http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://www.tindie.com/stores/leonerd/

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Extending Proc::ProcessTable::Process with number of file opened and Naming a new package

2020-08-22 Thread Paul "LeoNerd" Evans
On Thu, 20 Aug 2020 16:08:43 -0400
"Sven F."  wrote:

> Dear readers,
> I recently find myself using Prometheus database,
> I found about the perl `binding` Net::Prometheus
> Net::Prometheus provides a way to export metrics to
> the databases.
> The Any::Metrics generalize the concept to make perl code
> not 'glued' to Prometheus.

ITYM Metrics::Any

> Net::Prometheus provides a few metrics which are linux dependant,
> in Net::Prometheus::ProcessCollector::linux
> For example , the Package is using the `/proc/$pid/fd` info .
> Perl posses an abstract for processes with Proc::ProcessTable::Process
> but this , just like the 'ps' command, lacks the amount of file
> opened by a process (which could be quite helpful, this resource
> is limited).
> Personally I will -unless strongly advised against-
> write a XS package to get that metric in OpenBSD
> with kvm_getfiles.
> The only way i currently know to get this info is using `fstat $pid |
> wc -l`, fstat , being a lsof in bsds.
> BSD::Process does not have this either but is using the 'kvm' system.
> Linking all of this may create too many dependencies,
> nevertheless I know some perl code could be quite smart to
> opt in certains sub routines if the right module is available .
> So this could be done through 'soft'  dependencies. - I do not know
> what you call those packages that are optional but work together.

If it's an optional dependency that opportunistically loads and works
if available, that should be fine.

> Of course i will have to name the package, i saw OpenBSD::Checkpass
> so it could be OpenBSD::Kvm_getfiles
> But it also is a specific implementation so if
> Proc::ProcessTable::Process::Files ( which would be the number of
> file open and maybe some limits info like the one found in the class
> limits/login.conf ) It would look like
> Proc::ProcessTable::Process::OpenBSD which seems way too long.
> So i guess OpenBSD::Kvm_getfiles is completely enough
> Especially since BSD::Process is not OpenBSD compatible
> and  freebsd use procstat_getfiles  while openbsd use kvm_getfiles.
> Thank you for reading that far, stay safe and
> have a good one.

I don't have any specific suggestions about OpenBSD, but overall having
some process metrics exported from OpenBSD would be good. Whatever's
available - don't feel you *have* to support every single one as an
exact copy of the Linux ones. Just do whatever makes sense there -
different OSes can differ slightly in shape and that's fine.

Maybe have a look around some other Prometheus client libs for other
langauges, and see if they have any OpenBSD support. Try to copy what
they do - different language clients on the same OS should act the same.

Maybe also try asking in #prometheus on Freenode.

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk  |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS
http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://www.tindie.com/stores/leonerd/

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Module heirarchy naming for SPI/I²C device drivers

2015-10-22 Thread Paul "LeoNerd" Evans
On Thu, 22 Oct 2015 13:45:18 +0200
Aldo Calpini <d...@perl.it> wrote:

> I would personally keep Device, most of the hardware-related stuff on 
> CPAN (not much, but still) is already in that namespace.


> Bus, by itself, is far from unambiguous to me 
> (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus). On the other hand, I think I2C
> and SPI are familiar enough to people working - or playing - with
> electronics.


> So I would go for:
> Device::I2C
> Device::SPI
> Which are hardware-abstract, and subclassed if/when needed 
> (Device::I2C::FT232H, etc.).

Hmm. I'm not sure I like putting "SPI" or "I²C" or whatever (UART?
1Wire?) in the module name. There are genuinely some chips that are
available with a variety of interface types, or some even support a
selection of them by different hardware configurations or whatever. So
I think that the interface type should be an implementation detail, and
not really part of the name.

What do you think to simply


as the namespace for individual chips. E.g


I'm not sure if driver adapters (Bus Pirate, FT232H, Raspberry Pi
GPIO, etc...) would necessarily warrant a dedicated space too; they
become the consumers of these chips, much like my existing
Device::BusPirate currently consumes chips within its space.

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Module heirarchy naming for SPI/I²C device drivers

2015-10-22 Thread Paul &quot;LeoNerd&quot; Evans
On Thu, 22 Oct 2015 11:39:00 +0100
Matthew Astley <m...@sanger.ac.uk> wrote:

> The Bus::I2C:: namespace seems safe.  Short, unambiguous, unlikely to
> have a legitimate claim from software.
> Under that you could put chip names like Bus::I2C::DS1307 [1] but I
> suspect software will fit better by function like Bus::I2C::EEPROM [2]
> since families of chips will naturally share code.

Hmm. I'm not sure I like "Bus" - the driver talks to just one device,
one chip. If it sits on a bus like I2C that's a different concern.

I wonder if simply


> The CPAN search for just I2C shows a few things,
>   https://metacpan.org/release/i2c  (i2c_{ser,lpt})
>   https://metacpan.org/pod/HiPi  (various under HiPi::*)
>   https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::LPS331AP
>   https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::Gyroscope::L3GD20
>   https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::SMBus
>   https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::WebIO::Device::I2CUser
> so it's probably too late to converge on one perfect naming scheme
> anyway.

Well there's at least some precedent for putting it under Device::, so
that's a start :)

> I don't see a way to avoid the usual problem with someone releasing
> Bus::I2C::EEPROM::Lite and Bus::I2C::EEPROM::Tiny after the first come
> module gets bloated out with obsolete parts.

Eh... That's a standard problem across the whole of CPAN. We usually
cope fairly well... :)

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Module heirarchy naming for SPI/I²C device drivers

2015-10-21 Thread Paul &quot;LeoNerd&quot; Evans

  I've been writing a bunch of modules to talk to specific kinds of
  hardware chips (sensors, motor controllers, radio interfaces, etc...)
  that are electrically SPI or I²C. There's likely hundreds or
  thousands of possibles here.

  Currently, they all live under the namespace


  because they're written to talk to the hardware device via a
  particular piece of USB-attached hardware, called a Bus Pirate.

  However, there's nothing specific about the operation of these SPI or
  I²C devices, that relates to the Bus Pirate. In particular, there are
  other computer <-> SPI or I²C adapters available, such as the GPIO
  port built into a Raspberry Pi, or the FTDI FT232H chip.

I'm considering how to name device drivers for talking to these
hardware chips in a way that's independent of how that chip is
ultimately connected to the computer, and provide an abstracted API
that the driver can use to communicate with the chip, regardless of
this mechanism. 

Ultimately, it'd be cool to end up with lots of hardware chip drivers
on CPAN that can talk to all kinds of hardware, via whatever mechanism
people use to physically attach it.

But lets start with the name...

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Seeking a suitable forum to discuss Scalar/List::Util

2015-05-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
Hi all,

Sorry for the crosspost, but I'm hoping sufficient numbers of people
will be interested in this discussion.

I'm finding more lately that I keep thinking up interesting ideas for
new features to add to Scalar::Util or List::Util. Given the very
core-ish nature of these modules, both literally in the core sense
and also in that most of CPAN either directly or indirectly uses them,
I feel it best not to just go adding things that might or mightnot be a
good idea, but instead to first discuss them some more.

Rather than get into the specifics of what my ideas are at this stage,
I'd like first to open a meta-discussion on where interested parties
might be, and what suggestions we'd have for the best place to actually
discuss those ideas?

I'm loathe to suggest make a new mailing list or somesuch, mostly
because that likely misses most of the people who'd be interested in
it. Partly I might just suggest these two lists, unless people on
either list object to the traffic.

I dunno... thoughts anyone?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Seeking a suitable forum to discuss Scalar/List::Util

2015-05-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Thu, 14 May 2015 13:36:27 -0700
David Christensen dpchr...@holgerdanske.com wrote:

 Have you tried contacting the module author (Graham Barr in both
 cases) and/or maintainer (Paul Evans for List::Util)?

Ummm... Have I tried contacting... myself? ;)

Paul LeoNerd Evans

http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS

Description: OpenPGP digital signature


2015-03-31 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
Random musings from #perl on Freenode:

If I write a base module that's intended for expansion/extension (such
as Tickit), and then write lots and lots of extensions (see: the entire
Tickit::Widget:: namespace), it would be nice as an end-user feature
browsing module documentation, to be able to see a list of all those
widgets when looking at the base. Sometimes module developers use a

  =head1 SEE ALSO

However, for developers that's a terrible solution. It means the author
of the base has to list all the extensions, which will naturally grow
over time. As the base becomes more stable, it increasingly means the
base does documentation-only releases that just add to that list.
Also it's hard for third-parties to add it there.

I wonder if therefore, metacpan needs some sort of back-reference
ability? That if an extension module could somehow list

  =head1 SEEN ALSO BY


then such a module declaring that would *automatically* get listed
somehow in some automatically-generated and (near)-realtime updated
part of the Tickit documentation when viewed via metacpan.

Does this sound like something that might gain traction?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Module for making bitfields

2014-09-24 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
[[ background ]]

I've been doing a lot of hardware IO work lately, which involves lots
of talking to hardware devices, where there are byte-wide registers
that store little bitfields, sometimes of individual and unrelated bits
packed together. To make this easier I tend to write myself lots of
pairs of functions to pack/unpack the fields in one of these bytes; for

use constant {
  MASK_RX_RD  = 16,
  MASK_TX_DS  = 15,
  MASK_MAX_RT = 14,
  EN_CRC  = 13,
  CRCO= 12,
  PWR_UP  = 11,
  PRIM_RX = 10,

sub unpack_CONFIG
   my ( $config ) = @_;
  MASK_RX_RD  = !!( $config  MASK_RX_RD ),
  MASK_TX_DS  = !!( $config  MASK_TX_DS ),
  MASK_MAX_RT = !!( $config  MASK_MAX_RT ),
  EN_CRC  = !!( $config  EN_CRC ),
  CRCO= $CRCOs[!!( $config  CRCO )],
  PWR_UP  = !!( $config  PWR_UP ),
  PRIM_RX = !!( $config  PRIM_RX );

sub pack_CONFIG
   my %config = @_;
  ( $config{MASK_RX_RD}  ? MASK_RX_RD  : 0 ) |
  ( $config{MASK_TX_DS}  ? MASK_TX_DS  : 0 ) |
  ( $config{MASK_MAX_RT} ? MASK_MAX_RT : 0 ) |
  ( $config{EN_CRC}  ? EN_CRC  : 0 ) |
  ( ( _idx_of $config{CRCO}, @CRCOs )
 // croak Unsupported 'CRCO' ) * CRCO |
  ( $config{PWR_UP}  ? PWR_UP  : 0 ) |
  ( $config{PRIM_RX} ? PRIM_RX : 0 ) );

This convenient pair of functions bidirectionally converts bytes into
key/value lists. As well as containing 6 simple boolean values, there's
also an enumerated field, represented by the values in the array
@CRCOs. These functions convert those too.

I'm getting tired of writing these pairs of functions. Hey, this is
Perl write? :) I should get Perl to write them for me.

[[ TL;DR - I propose the following ]]

I'd like instead to write something like:

use bitfield;

bitfield CONFIG =
   MASK_RX_DS  = boolfield(6),
   MASK_TX_DS  = boolfield(5),
   MASK_MAX_RT = boolfield(4),
   EN_CRC  = boolfield(3),
   CRCO= enumfield(2, qw( values here )),
   PWR_UP  = boolfield(1),
   PRIM_RX = boolfield(0);

The operation here is that 'bitfield' is automatically exporting a
function called 'bitfield', along with the various *field() functions
that create field definitions. boolfield() declares a single true/false
boolean bit position, enumfield() declares a range of bits that give
an enumeration. I guess also would be required intfield() to use a
range of bits as an integer, and finally most likely customfield()
taking a pair of conversion CODE refs or somesuch.

What does anyone think to that?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS

Description: PGP signature

Re: Module for making bitfields

2014-09-24 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:31:36 +0300
Shmuel Fomberg shmuelfomb...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Paul.
 Check out Data::ParseBinary. I developed it for similar tasks.

That looks to be quite a large system for doing structs and similar;
and doesn't appear to support the enum conversion case of fields, like
I have here. E.g. see the 'CRCO' field.

Additionally though, I do like the Data:: namespace - I should
probably name mine Data::Bitfield, rather than the lowercase 'bitfield'.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS

Re: Aliens depending on Aliens

2014-01-09 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 6 Jan 2014 20:02:31 -0500
Chris Marshall devel.chm...@gmail.com wrote:

 pkg-config has a standard format.  I see no reason why
 the Alien::unibilium could not make a valid .pc file that
 could be used by the standard autoconf enabled builds.

So, it seems my solution is to have Alien::unibilium's build
process write a .pc file. Simple, right? :)

Only, not quite so, because unibilium's make install will already
write one. So additionally I'll have to hunt that one down and rewrite
its contents. While understanding it all. Including all those variable
expansions and anything else the format might generate.

This is starting to sound worse...

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Re: Aliens depending on Aliens

2014-01-09 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 7 Jan 2014 01:22:30 +0100
Aristotle Pagaltzis pagalt...@gmx.de wrote:

 You need to configure_requires Alien::unibilium and the module must
 provide API to query its install location such that the Makefile.PL or
 Build.PL from Alien::libtermkey can set things up as necessary. (Or
 maybe Alien::unibilium would provide API to tweak the environment to
 taste. Not sure which one would be the less leaky abstraction.)

I'm not following.

Alien::libtermkey does indeed configure_require Alien::unibilium.

When the perl-level Alien::libtermkey's Build.PL runs, it is of course
free to make queries of Alien::unibilium. But what good does this do?
Alien::libtermkey's next action is to unpack the bundled 
libtermkey.tar.gz and run make install on it. A:l cannot communicate
anything it has learned from A:u into this Makefile, because
libtermkey's Makefile tries to enquire directly of pkg-config itself.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Aliens depending on Aliens

2014-01-06 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
So, another Alien question.

I have two C libraries. One depends on the other. (Actually, it's more
of a one-of-many dependencies, but this way it easiest). How is best to
arrange for this to happen then?

Outside of perl/Alien wrappings, this is a purely manual process.
Install first library (as root) so its pkg-config file is created, then
the Makefile in the second library finds this, adds cflags/ldflags, all
well and good.

But Aliens complicate this, because of the requirement that non-root
users can install and use them. This requires the first library to get
installed somewhere in perl's @INC where the user can write. pkg-config
won't automatically look there. This is OK for the Alien layer because
the Alien/Foo.pm can know where to find the pkg-config file. But the
second C library's Makefile can't. So how is it going to find the first

I am beginning to think that this requirement that non-root users be
able to install C libraries into non-system standard places is getting

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Aliens depending on Aliens

2014-01-06 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 6 Jan 2014 11:12:49 -0800
Ryan Voots simcop2...@simcop2387.info wrote:

 You can probably have Module::Build and such play with the
 PKG_CONFIG_PATH env variable to fill out where it should be.

Hah, if only it were so simple...

The trouble with non-standard install locations is that in general the
paths needs to be fixed. Right now I have no better way of doing that
than the hideous hack that is:


Without those two things, it won't be sufficient to simply set the

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Re: Aliens depending on Aliens

2014-01-06 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 6 Jan 2014 16:49:54 -0500
David Mertens dcmertens.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 Why use pkg_config when you can simply use include_dirs and
 extra_linker_flags (or their equivalent in EU::MM)? This is how I do
 things with Alien::TinyCC. See the
 Or is this approach insufficient for unibilium?

Huh? Two issues:

 1) It's possible the lower-level module (unibilium) is already
installed, so we should just ask its pkg-config.

 2) The higher-level module is also a C library, it's not going to be
controlled by M::B's include_dirs/etc...

I don't follow how this helps.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Re: Aliens depending on Aliens

2014-01-06 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 6 Jan 2014 17:21:04 -0500
Chris Marshall devel.chm...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Paul-
 I'm a bit confused by the discussion so far.  Alien modules are to
 provide external dependencies wrapped up for perl modules to use
 and not, in general, as a way to resolve C library dependencies.
 Once installed, an Alien module should provide all the information
 needed to use the library from/with perl without any other tools
 being involved.
 The only issue with the non-standard library location is that you
 need to have the right location for the various compile and link
 parts of install and execution for the perl module depending on the
 provided Alien library.  In general, different platforms all have
 different default and not-so-default locations for system package
 installs.  Even in the case of a root user install, the specific
 paths may need to be adjusted for the given platform type and/or
 local configuration.
 Here is a scenario that I think represents the case of interest
 below and how it might be implemented.
 I have a perl module MyXS that depends on library A and library B
 (through the fact that library A uses library B).  In that case,
 the MyXS install would have a dependency on Alien::A, which, when
 satisfied, allows the MyXS configuration to determine everything
 about what is needed to use the library A bindings for its work.
 Since library A depends on library B, it might make sense to have
 an Alien::B module whose job it is to install/detect library B and
 to provide the needed information to Alien::A.  NOTE:  Alien::A
 will be providing whatever is needed on the library B configuration
 side to MyXS.  This is all determined by what and how the libraries
 are to be used.
 It should also be possible to have OtherXS need library B and to
 have it as a direct dependency in CPAN which would configure or
 install with the needed information to support perl development or
 bindings using library B.

So, ignore Alien and perl and everything for a moment.

  uniblium exists.
  libtermkey depends on unibilium. uses pkg-config to find it.

This works fine when root is installing it in a real place.
This works fine when non-root is installing it somewhere they made up
(e.g. $HOME/lib and $HOME/include), and sets PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Now consider Alien.

  Alien::unibilium installs unibilium into the only place it knows how
   - namely, somewhere in Perl's @INC dir.

  At this point, how does the C library libtermkey's Makefile, manage
  to find unibilium, to link against it?

The pkg-config that libtermkey's Makefile invokes cannot itself find
the unibilium.pc file because it's hidden in Perl's @INC dir.

I currently can't see how Alien::libtermkey /can/ provide a totally
hassle-free self-contained just do it installation of libtermkey and
its own C-level dependencies, because of this fact.

This surely limits Alien wrappings to only being useful for C libraries
that don't themselves have other C-level dependencies.

Unless I have missed something - how does anyone else do this?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Re: Aliens depending on Aliens

2014-01-06 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 6 Jan 2014 17:54:56 -0500
Chris Marshall devel.chm...@gmail.com wrote:

 Again, Alien modules are for *perl* to access external dependencies
 and not for other external dependencies to access eachother---you've
 already given a bunch of examples of the standard pkg-config use
 in builds.

But now I don't understand how any e.g. smoketest machine can ever pass
this. How can a smoker install Alien::libtermkey? libtermkey's Makefile
has to know how to find unibilium, and only Alien::unibilium knows
where that is. The C-level agnostic-of-Perl Makefile only asks
pkg-config, and pkg-config has no clue.

The only possible way is if Alien::libtermkey tells it, but there is no
general mechanism for this to work.


Perhaps I need to see a concrete real example here.

Right now, libtermkey's Makefile looks like this:

ifeq ($(shell pkg-config --atleast-version=0.1.0 unibilium  echo 1),1)
  CFLAGS +=$(shell pkg-config --cflags unibilium) -DHAVE_UNIBILIUM
  LDFLAGS+=$(shell pkg-config --libs   unibilium)
else ...

I cannot see how that can /ever/ find what Alien::unibilium has
installed. At absolute best, PKG_CONFIG_PATH could be set to point at a
directory containing unibilium.pc, but the problem is no such file
exists in a useable form, because one wasn't written. The install 
process for unibilium did install /a/ .pc file but that is NOT USEABLE
at present, because it needs altering to make it work for the odd
directory locations that Alien::unibilium was forced to install it
into, as it wasn't root at the time. Namely:

   local $ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} = $libdir/pkgconfig/ if $use_bundled;
   unshift @args, --define-variable=libdir=$libdir if $use_bundled;

   open my $eupc, -|, pkg-config, @args, $module or
  die Cannot popen pkg-config - $!;

   my $ret = do { local $/; $eupc }; chomp $ret;
   close $eupc;

and furthermore

sub libs
   # Append RPATH so that runtime linking actually works
   return _get_pkgconfig( libs = @_ ) .
  ( $use_bundled ?  -Wl,-R$libdir :  );

Because of this, I cannot see how Alien::libtermkey can /ever/ be
installed automated on a brand-new clean slate machine, without user
intervention specific to these libraries.

You suggest it is possible though, so perhaps you can explain to me
what code I can write in either Alien::unbilium to better export the
information so that libtermkey's Makefile can find it via pkg-config
alone, or else what code I can write in Alien::libtermkey to help drive
the build process to provide the extra information.

The current versions of both modules are visible on CPAN, so you can
refer there...


Once again, a summary of the facts:

 1) Alien::unibilium has to install the unibilium C library into Perl's
@INC dir, and thus make up path names that /ONLY IT CAN KNOW/ for
where to put the include and .pc files

 2) Alien::unibilium has to install unibilium.pc into lib/pkg-config
knowing full well that the contents of the file as supplied by the
unibilium C library /CANNOT BE USED/ as they stand, as certain
options are missing (namely, the true $libdir and the adjustment of
the RPATH linker option).

 3) libtermkey, the C library, invokes pkg-config in order to find
unibilium, and does not involve Perl in the process at all.

Right now, about the only idea that I can see is that Alien::unibilium
has to invent a new unibilium.pc file that is useable as it stands, so
it can force the Makefile to find it by only setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH to
include the directory it can be found in. But this then involves an
Alien wrapping writing a new .pc file when it installs, other than the
one the original library actually supplied. That feels wrong to me.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Re: RFC: Time::mkgmtime

2012-07-09 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 02:05:54PM +0100, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:
 I am hesitant to upload this to CPAN, because -srely- something like
 it already exists. I can't seem to find it though.
 I specifically make note of two facts:
  1) This module specifically handles denormalised values like
 POSIX::mktime does; things like 31st Jan == 1st Feb BY DESIGN.
  2) This module uses the system's own datetime functions of mktime(3)
 and gmtime(3); it does not attempt to reinvent them with possibly
 incompatible semantics; mkgmtime is always the inverse of gmtime(3).
 If someone can point me at an existing implementation of this, I'll use
 that instead of uploading this one. But so far I can't find one, yet it
 confuses me that such should still not exist yet.

So, I still haven't got a satisfactory answer to at least part 1 here.
The only thing I can find close to it on CPAN is Time::Local, which
specifically says that denormalised values give unspecified behaviour.
That will be no good to me.

I'm also thinking I should rename the module to Time::timegm, providing
a single timegm() function, partly because some OSes (notably GNU libc
and BSD) already provide a timegm(3) function, so a later version of
this module could just provide XS wrapping of that if required.

Any further comment?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: Time::mkgmtime

2012-07-09 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, Jul 09, 2012 at 11:13:13AM -0500, Dave Rolsky wrote:
 I don't think this is a very good way to do datetime math, which is
 why the docs discourage it.
 That said, I'm not sure having yet another module to do essentially
 the same thing is a great idea.

Well, notably this one can just wrap timegm(3) in the common case that
it exists. GNU libc, BSD and Windows all provide the functionality,
either under this name, or renamed (on Windows it is called _mkgmtime).
So in most cases it should just wrap the C function.

 You can make Time::Local do what you want by calling timegm_nocheck.

Yes, I'm aware that currently it appears to work, but the documentation
does state it specifically is undefined what happens when you do that.
So I don't want to rely on things the documentation says I shouldn't
rely on, even if the current implementation makes it OK.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: Win32 event loop and threading framework

2012-06-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 08:14:18PM -0400, bulk 88 wrote:
 I am planning to release a event loop integration/async I/O/multi OS
 threading framework module for Perl on Windows. It supports
 delivering events into a dozen different event loops, around half of
 which are existing perl modules (GTK, Wx, Perl/TK, Tkx/Tcl,
 Win32::Gui, Win32::IPC, maybe more). It has nothing to do with
 ithreads. It gets events from Win32 Thread Sync Objects, async kernel
 I/O or non-perl multi threaded C libraries/random OS threads. It
 obviously has to go in Win32::* namespace.  Does anyone object to name
 Win32::Async? Other words that I didn't like or rejected were
 AsyncToolkit, AsyncTK, AnyEvent, UniIO, Threads, ThreadFusion.

I have a weak objection, simply because I tend to stick ::Async as a
suffix on module names to indicate IO::Async integration
(Term::TermKey::Async, IPC::PerlSSH::Async, Tickit::Async, ...).

If you could consider instead Win32::Events perhaps? Failing that I'm
sure I can live with it ;)

.oO( Though that would then raise the question of what -would- the Win32
+ IO::Async module be called. That does sound like a fun and interesting
thing to write based on this... )

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

RFC: Time::mkgmtime

2012-06-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I am hesitant to upload this to CPAN, because -srely- something like
it already exists. I can't seem to find it though.

Time::mkgmtime(3) User Contributed Perl DocumentationTime::mkgmtime(3)

   Time::mkgmtime - a UTC version of mktime()

use Time::mkgmtime qw( mkgmtime );

my $epoch = mkgmtime 0, 0, 0, 14, 6-1, 2012-1900;

print 2012-06-14 00:00:00 UTC happened at ,
   scalar localtime($epoch),  localtime\n;

   The POSIX standard provides three functions for converting between
   integer epoch values and 6-component broken-down time
   representations. localtime and gmtime convert an epoch into the 6
   components of seconds, minutes, hours, day of month, month and year, in
   either local timezone or UTC. The mktime function converts a local
   broken-down time into an epoch value.  However, POSIX does not
   provide a UTC version of this.

   This module provides a function mkgmtime which has this ability.

   Unlike some other CPAN implementations of this behaviour, this version
   does not re-implement the time handling logic internally. It reuses the
   mktime and gmtime functions provided by the system to ensure its
   results are always consistent with the other functions.

   $epoch = mkgmtime( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year )
   Returns the epoch integer value representing the time given by the 6
   broken-down components.

   As with POSIX::mktime it is not required that these values be within
   their valid ranges. This function will normalise values out of range.
   For example, the 25th hour of a day is normalised to the 1st hour of
   the following day; or the 0th month is normalised to the 12th month of
   the preceeding year.

   Paul Evans leon...@leonerd.org.uk

perl v5.14.2  2012-06-14 Time::mkgmtime(3)

I specifically make note of two facts:

 1) This module specifically handles denormalised values like
POSIX::mktime does; things like 31st Jan == 1st Feb BY DESIGN.

 2) This module uses the system's own datetime functions of mktime(3)
and gmtime(3); it does not attempt to reinvent them with possibly
incompatible semantics; mkgmtime is always the inverse of gmtime(3).

If someone can point me at an existing implementation of this, I'll use
that instead of uploading this one. But so far I can't find one, yet it
confuses me that such should still not exist yet.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: Time::mkgmtime

2012-06-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 04:21:14PM +0200, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 02:05:54PM +0100, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:
  I am hesitant to upload this to CPAN, because -srely- something like
  it already exists. I can't seem to find it though.
  Time::mkgmtime(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation
 Time::mkgmtime - a UTC version of mktime()
  use Time::mkgmtime qw( mkgmtime );
  my $epoch = mkgmtime 0, 0, 0, 14, 6-1, 2012-1900;
  print 2012-06-14 00:00:00 UTC happened at ,
 scalar localtime($epoch),  localtime\n;
 Isn't it exactly what Time::Local's timegm and timelocal do?

Which is exactly why I further explained the differences.

Time::Local complains about out-of-range values. It cannot do 25th hour
or -3rd day or whatever. Time::mkgmtime specifically allows these, the
same way POSIX::mktime() does.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: Time::mkgmtime

2012-06-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 05:13:04PM +0100, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:
 Time::Local complains about out-of-range values. It cannot do 25th hour
 or -3rd day or whatever. Time::mkgmtime specifically allows these, the
 same way POSIX::mktime() does.

To wit, the -3rd hour of the 12th June 2012:

$ perl -MTime::mkgmtime=mkgmtime -E 'say scalar gmtime mkgmtime 
Mon Jun 11 21:00:00 2012

$ perl -MTime::Local=timegm -E 'say scalar gmtime timegm 
Hour '-3' out of range 0..23 at -e line 1

This behaviour is very much required. It allows one to perform all kinds
of simple date/time arithmetic; e.g:

sub midnight_four_days_ago {
  my @t = gmtime;
  $t[3] -= 4; $t[0]=$t[1]=$t[2] = 0;
  return mkgmtime @t;

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: Proposal: IO::Termios

2011-05-26 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 08:05:18PM +0100, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:
 I've been getting annoyed lately at the awkward and insane steps
 required to go through just to get a serial device

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 11:21:50PM +0200, Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ 迪拉斯 wrote:
  I've missed something totally nonobvious on

Device::SerialPort is exactly what I was talking about when I mentioned
awkward and insane steps :)

Contrast IO::Socket; you make a $sock object, then call methods _on the
very IO handle_ to configure it (bind, connect, sockopt, etc...). This
is the way of using IO::Termios too; that the very IO handle gains new
methods that inspect or control its nature as a serial or TTY device.

 If you know it, then write a piece of contrasting 
 documentation so that a potential user can make an informed decision to 
 your module over D::S or vice-versa.
 If that's too abstract, put yourself in my shoes when writing this program: 
 filter Why would I use one module or the other?

To be honest, in your use-case I'd suggest socat, instead of writing
some Perl code :)

(Also not wanting to be too much a code review critic, but your code has
a serious bug in that it is using some select-alike polling mechanism on
STDIN, but then using STDIN to read a line. I suggsest not doing that ;) )

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: Proposal: IO::Termios

2011-05-25 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 12:57:20PM -0700, Austin Schutz wrote:
 IO::Tty. IO::Stty.

IO::Tty is useful and contains constants and so on, but it isn't an
IO::Handle subclass. Can be quite cute.

IO::Stty is also not an IO::Handle subclass, and has a somewhat odd

 I don't see what this really adds above and beyond the core POSIX
 module and those two, but if you really like your combined syntax
 I guess that's something.

It's a small subclass around IO::Handle, that adds useful methods to
handle objects themselves.

It's similar to what IO::Socket and friends adds to IO::Handle from
Socket. I'm doing the same for TTYs...

 use IO::Termios -upgrade;
 STDIN-setflag_echo( 0 );
 my $password = STDIN;
 STDIN-setflag_echo( 1 );

Such as this.

Sure you -can- do that with the other modules, but this makes it much
more convenient.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Proposal: IO::Termios

2011-05-23 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I've been getting annoyed lately at the awkward and insane steps
required to go through just to get a serial device, or hack around at
the termios flags of STDIN/etc... To this end, I've written the
following module, called IO::Termios.

Some future plans involve:

 * Adding more getflag_*/setflag_* convenience wrappers

 * Automatically upgrading STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR if appropriate, given a
   flag. Would allow such convenience as:

use IO::Termios -upgrade;

STDOUT-autoflush( 1 );
print Password: ;

STDIN-setflag_echo( 0 );
my $password = STDIN;
STDIN-setflag_echo( 1 );

 * Some sort of combined baud/csize/parity/stop getting/setting method
$term-setline( 38400,8,n,1 );

I'd appreciate comments on the general approach; if anyone thinks it
might be useful, or if I've missed something totally nonobvious on
CPAN/etc... before I upload it.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460


IO::Termios(3pm)  User Contributed Perl Documentation IO::Termios(3pm)

   IO::Termios - supply termios(3) methods to IO::Handle objects

use IO::Termios;

my $term = IO::Termios-open( /dev/ttyS0 )
   or die Cannot open ttyS0 - $!;

$term-setbaud( 9600 );
$term-setcsize( 8 );
$term-setparity( 'n' );
$term-setstop( 1 );

$term-print( Hello world\n ); # Still an IO::Handle

while( $term ) {
   print A line from ttyS0: $_;

   This class extends the generic IO::Handle object class by providing
   methods which access the system's terminal control termios(3)

   $term = IO::Termios-new()
   Construct a new IO::Termios object around the terminal for the
   program.  This is found by checking if any of STDIN, STDOUT or
   STDERR are a terminal. The first one that's found is used. An error
   occurs if no terminal can be found by this method.

   $term = IO::Termios-new( $handle )
   Construct a new IO::Termios object around the given filehandle.

   $term = IO::Termios-open( $path )
   Open the given path, and return a new IO::Termios object around the
   filehandle. If the open call fails, undef is returned.

   $attrs = $term-getattr
   Makes a tcgetattr() call on the underlying filehandle, and returns a
   IO::Termios::Attrs object.

   If the tcgetattr() call fails, undef is returned.

   $term-setattr( $attrs )
   Makes a tcsetattr() call on the underlying file handle, setting
   attributes from the given IO::Termios::Attrs object.

   If the tcsetattr() call fails, undef is returned. Otherwise, a true
   value is returned.

   Theses methods are implemented in terms of the lower level methods, but
   provide an interface which is more abstract, and easier to re-implement
   on other non-POSIX systems. These should be used in preference to the
   lower ones.

   For efficiency, when getting or setting a large number of flags, it may
   be more efficient to call getattr, then operate on the returned
   object, before possibly passing it to setattr. The returned
   IO::Termios::Attrs object supports the same methods as documented

   The following two sections of code are therefore equivalent, though the
   latter is more efficient as it only calls setattr once.

$term-setbaud( 38400 );
$term-setcsize( 8 );
$term-setparity( 'n' );
$term-setstop( 1 );

my $attrs = $term-getattr;
$attrs-setbaud( 38400 );
$attrs-setcsize( 8 );
$attrs-setparity( 'n' );
$attrs-setstop( 1 );
$term-setattr( $attrs );

   $baud = $term-getibaud
   $baud = $term-getobaud
   $term-setibaud( $baud )
   $term-setobaud( $baud )
   $term-setbaud( $baud )
   Convenience accessors for the ispeed and ospeed. $baud is an
   integer directly giving the line rate, instead of one of the Bddd

   $bits = $term-getcsize
   $term-setcsize( $bits )
   Convenience accessor for the CSIZE bits of c_cflag. $bits is an
   integer 5 to 8.

   $parity = $term-getparity
   $term-setparity( $parity )
   Convenience accessor for the PARENB and PARODD bits of c_cflag.
   $parity is n, o or e.

   $stop = $term-getstop
   $term-setstop( $stop )
   Convenience accessor for the CSTOPB bit of c_cflag. $stop is 1 or

   $mode = $term-getflag_icanon
   $term-setflag_icanon( $mode )
   Accessor for the ICANON bit of c_lflag. This is called canonical
   mode and controls whether the terminal's line-editing feature will be
   used to return a whole line (if false), or if individual bytes from
   keystrokes will be returned as they are available (if true).

   $mode = $term-getflag_echo
   $term-setflag_echo( $mode

Module Naming Suggestion - Carp from somewhere else

2011-03-05 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
(To copypaste 
http://leonerds-code.blogspot.com/2011/03/carp-from-somewhere-else.html ):

Carp provides two main functions, carp and croak, as replacements for
core Perl's warn and die. The functions from Carp report the file and
line number slightly differently from core Perl; walking up the
callstack looking for a different package name. The idea being these are
used to report errors in values passed in to the function, typically bad
arguments from the caller.

These functions use the dynamic callstack (as provided by caller()) at
the time the message is warned (or thrown) to create their context. One
scenario where this does not lead to sensible results is when the called
function is internally implemented using a closure via some other
package again.

Having thought about this one a bit, it seems what's required is to
split collecting the callstack information, from creating the message.
Collect the information in one function call, and pass it into the

This would be useful in CPS for example. Because the closures used in
CPS::kseq or kpar aren't necessarily invoked during the dynamic scope of
the function that lexically contains the code, a call to croak may not
be able to infer the calling context. Even if they are, the presence of
stack frames in the CPS package would confuse croak's scanning of the
callstack. Instead, it would be better to capture the calling context
using whence, and pass it into whoops if required for generating a

For example, this from IO::Async::Connector:

sub connect
   my ( %params ) = @_;

   my $where = whence;

  sub {
 my ( $k ) = @_;
 if( exists $params{host} and exists $params{service} ) { 
my $on_resolve_error = $params{on_resolve_error} or whoops $where, 
Expected 'on_resolve_error' callback;

These functions would be a fairly simple replacement of carp and croak;
capture the callsite information at entry to a function, and pass it to
the message warning function.

It does occur to me though, the code will be small and self-contained,
and not specific to CPS. I think it ought to live in its own module
somewhere - any ideas on a name? 

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: What hurts you the most in Perl?

2010-12-10 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Thu, Dec 02, 2010 at 08:19:32AM +0100, Matija Grabnar wrote:
 Right now? I need support for IPv6, actually support for dual-stack
 in standard library
 calls and in the major CPAN modules. Preferably transparent one, not
 one involving loading
 a special library, and patching third party modules to call Socket6
 instead of Socket, or whatever.



look like it'll help you?

I am at this very moment working on getting proper IPv6 handling into
core perl - bleadperl's Socket.xs already has
{pack,unpack}_sockaddr_in6, and I am working on getaddrinfo /
getnameinfo now. I hope to be able to have IO::Socket::IP in core by

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: Discussion question: what is the best syntax for documenting a coderef parameter?

2010-12-10 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 06:16:45AM -0600, David Nicol wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 7:59 PM, Eric Wilhelm enoba...@gmail.com wrote:
  If you can, avoid the need to document I will pass a callback to your
 Continuation-style programming requires that all the time.

Which is why CPS.pm documents them thus:

=head2 kforeach( \...@items, \body, $k )

CPS version of perl's foreach loop. Calls the body code once for each element
in @items, until either the items are exhausted or the body invokes its $klast
continuation, then invoke $k.

 $body-( $item, $knext, $klast )




Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: What hurts you the most in Perl?

2010-11-26 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 04:54:31PM +0100, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni wrote:
 In terms of Perl itself, apart from the reference syntax, the thing that
 really annoyed me recently was the lack of advanced debug tools, for example
 to find memory leaks. None of the tools I found or was pointed to worked
 in my case.

Have you tried either



Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: Which Build Module?

2010-07-21 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 09:25:26AM -0700, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
 Agreed.  In research I did on CPAN modules that contain XS,
 ExtUtils::MakeMaker was still used 10 times as often as Module::Build.
 It seems like authors lean toward EU::MM for XS because they've got so 
 many examples like that.  Also, M::B's documentation about xs_files 
 handling was not always clear (and keeping them in lib/ must somehow 
 seem non-obvious since that difference has caught a lot of people.)

Speaking of XS-based modules and Module::Build, it should perhaps be
observed that my ExtUtils::CChecker (a sortof ./configure-alike
helper for build time) natively supports Module::Build, but so far no
real thoughts on EU::MM or M::I.


Suggestions/improvements/patches welcome. ;)

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: 2 Qs about Module::Build

2010-02-08 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Sun, 7 Feb 2010 23:25:56 -0800
cr...@animalhead.com wrote:

 Q2: What's the easiest way to communicate something from
the Build.PL code to test code?

I'm not sure about test, but I have an ExtUtils:: module that needs to
invoke the C compiler again. If Module::Build is in effect, I use its.
The first step here is to obtain the existing M::B configuration:

  if( my $mb = eval { require Module::Build and Module::Build-current } ) {
... use $mb here...

The principle would be the same for test code, but I'd be given to wonder
in your case what you're doing with it...

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: avoid running CPAN as root

2010-01-13 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 12 Jan 2010 17:14:03 +
Andy Armstrong a...@hexten.net wrote:

 On 12 Jan 2010, at 16:59, dhu...@hudes.org wrote:
  While the idea of using sudo only at install time is nice, there are two
  1. Some modules require extra privileges at test time
 Do they? I've got 1213 distributions installed on this laptop. All using cpan 
 and none of them required elevated privileges during testing. Which modules 
 do this?

I have two module tests that might require root; knowing that 99% of test
cases won't have it, I skip them:


Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Module naming suggestions : Test::DNS

2010-01-10 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
Usually the Test:: heirarchy is for unit test modules; mostly things
built on Test::Builder, et.al. Such a module would be used to assert on
the behaviour of code under test.

I would expect, given the name, that Test::DNS would check the behaviour
of some module, perhaps by asserting it performs DNS queries, or mocking
the results of such.

Your module doesn't seem to be doing this - perhaps something like
Check::DNS may be a more suitable name for yours?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

ExtUtils::H2PM - generate pure-perl system extension modules

2010-01-08 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I've spent some time lately writing modules that just present a perl
level mapping into some kernel-level concept. Initially I wrote


This really just contains exports of a bunch of constants, and some
pack/unpack functions for structure types. It's somewhat tedious to have
to go to all the effort of writing an XS module just for that.

So I've come up with a new approach, a way to generate a pureperl module
from pureperl source, without the module developer having to go anywhere
near C.

A little example rewriting most of the Socket::Packet module using this:


$ cat Packet_const.pm.PL 

use strict;
use warnings;
use ExtUtils::H2PM;

module Socket::Packet;

include sys/socket.h;
include netpacket/packet.h;
include net/ethernet.h;

constant PF_PACKET;
constant AF_PACKET;


constant ETH_P_ALL;

constant SIOCGSTAMP;

structure struct timeval,
   members = [
  tv_sec  = numeric,
  tv_usec = numeric,

structure struct timespec,
   members = [
  tv_sec  = numeric,
  tv_nsec = numeric,

$ perl Packet_const.pm.PL
package Socket::Packet;
# This module was generated automatically by ExtUtils::H2PM from 

'SIOCGSTAMP', 'SIOCGSTAMPNS', 'pack_timeval', 'unpack_timeval', 
'pack_timespec', 'unpack_timespec';
use constant PF_PACKET = 17;
use constant AF_PACKET = 17;
use constant PACKET_HOST = 0;
use constant PACKET_BROADCAST = 1;
use constant PACKET_MULTICAST = 2;
use constant PACKET_OTHERHOST = 3;
use constant PACKET_OUTGOING = 4;
use constant ETH_P_ALL = 3;
use constant SIOCGSTAMP = 35078;
use constant SIOCGSTAMPNS = 35079;
use Carp;

sub pack_timeval
   @_ == 2 or croak usage: pack_struct timeval(tv_sec, tv_usec);
   pack l l , @_;

sub unpack_timeval
   length $_[0] == 8 or croak unpack_struct timeval: expected 8 bytes;
   unpack l l , $_[0];

sub pack_timespec
   @_ == 2 or croak usage: pack_struct timespec(tv_sec, tv_nsec);
   pack l l , @_;

sub unpack_timespec
   length $_[0] == 8 or croak unpack_struct timespec: expected 8 bytes;
   unpack l l , $_[0];



This has now generated me a platform-specific Packet_const.pm which I
can use Socket::Packet_const; in my actual code.

It is platform-specific, but it was created at the time I installed the
module. It's no less portable than the compiled Packet.so which would
have been created by going the traditional XS route.

Finally, find attached the full text of the module's documentation.

I'd be interested to hear any thoughts, etc...

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460
ExtUtils::H2PM - automatically generate perl modules to wrap C header

This module assists in generating wrappers around system functionallity,
such as socket() types or ioctl() calls, where the only interesting
features required are the values of some constants or layouts of
structures normally only known to the C header files. Rather than
writing an entire XS module just to contain some constants and
pack/unpack functions, this module allows the author to generate, at
module build time, a pure perl module containing constant declarations
and structure utility functions. The module then requires no XS module
to be loaded at run time.

In comparison to h2ph, C::Scan::Constants, and so on, this module
works by generating a small C program containing printf() lines to
output the values of the constants, compiling it, and running it. This
allows it to operate without needing tricky syntax parsing or guessing
of the contents of C header files.

It can also automatically build pack/unpack functions for simple
structure layouts, whose members are all simple integer fields. It is
not intended as a full replacement of arbitrary code written in XS
modules. If structures should contain pointers, or require special
custom handling, then likely an XS module will need to be written.

  module $name
Sets the name of the perl module to generate. This will apply a
package header.

  include $file
Adds a file to the list of headers which will be included by the C
program, to obtain the constants or structures from

  constant $name
Adds a numerical constant.

  structure $name, %args
Adds a structure definition. This requires a named argument, members.
This should be an ARRAY ref containing an even number of name-definition
pairs. The first of each pair should be a member name. The second should
be one of the following structure member definitions

Re: Test-only code

2009-12-23 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 22:05:40 +
Ben Morrow b...@morrow.me.uk wrote:

 Personally I like to put such modules in the t:: namespace, since
 tests are always run from the module build directory, so I might call it
 t::Hooks or some such.


I often do similar; usually I'll have a t::TestFoo or t::MockBar in there.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: MANIFEST (Makefile.pl) ignore Mercurial files

2009-12-17 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Thu, 17 Dec 2009 11:03:41 +0100
Rene Schickbauer rene.schickba...@gmail.com wrote:

 What is the standard way of ignoring files or sub-directories in the 
 module build directory.
 I just switched to mercurial, which uses a .hg directory for its Metafiles.

I have a standard MANIFEST.SKIP which contains:


It should be quite easy to extend this with \.(?:svn|bzr|hg|git|arch) or

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: MANIFEST (Makefile.pl) ignore Mercurial files

2009-12-17 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 01:42:24PM +0200, Burak Gürsoy wrote:
  I have a standard MANIFEST.SKIP which contains:
 Another choice could be to not auto-generate MANIFEST.
 Anything not in MANIFEST will not enter into the distro
 unless you're building it in an esoteric way :)

That's another choice, but I find too easily I'll forget to add
something to the list, such as a new test script. Whereas, it's usually
easier to spot things in the MANIFEST that ought not be there, and
remove them.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: bug in Net::Cmd/how to do pop3s for gmail

2009-11-30 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 30 Nov 2009 04:06:36 +0100
Aristotle Pagaltzis pagalt...@gmx.de wrote:

 Seems to me that it is the job of IO::Foo classes to respond to
 a `select` as being ready to read from, if they have buffered
 data, even if the underlying handle is not.
 I don’t know if that response is overridable in Perl classes.

Even if IO::Select might be overrideable, I'd doubt that select() is, or
poll(), or ppoll(), or epoll_pwait(), or... any of the other O(1)
OS-specific blocking prims.

Instead I suggest some sort of pure-perl toplevel method.

The way I usually write easy sync-or-async IO classes is to give the
filehandle-like object its own internal buffer, and have two APIs into it:

  get_foo - just read buffer or return undef

  wait_foo - try to read buffer, or synchronously block on IO

A supplimentary method, advise_readable, informs the object that a
sysread() operation may be performed; when called it does a sysread()
into its own internal buffer.

Then the get_foo can be written simply as

  sub wait_foo
my $self = shift;
while(1) {
  my $foo = $self-get_foo;
  return $foo if defined $foo;

  $self-advise_readable; # will block on blocking sockets

Synchronous programs can just call the wait_foo method to block and get
new foos; asynchronous programs can call advise_readable every time the
underlying blocking prim says it's a good idea, then repeatedly call
get_foo to drain the buffer.

For example, see the split APIs provided by

  http://search.cpan.org/~pevans/Term-TermKey-0.04/  (at the perl level)
  http://home.leonerd.org.uk/code/libtermkey/(at the C level)

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Quick style question

2009-11-19 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 02:16:37 -0700
Philip Prindeville phil...@redfish-solutions.com wrote:

 I'm working on releasing an update to Net-Patricia, and I needed to make 
 AF_INET6 from the Socket6 space appear as an
 exported symbol when Net::Patricia loads.  I currently do this as:

I could be given to wondering why you need to manually import AF_INET6 or
know anything about INET6 in the first place...

What is it you're doing that can't be done with the normal
getaddrinfo() / getnameinfo() sequences?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Repository links in META/Pod should be http://

2009-11-01 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Sat, 31 Oct 2009 18:38:32 -0400
Ricardo Signes perl.moda...@rjbs.manxome.org wrote:

 I'm strongly opposed.  There might not be any HTTP URL to my repositor, even
 though a CVS or Git URL may exist.


Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Reliability of timing in smoke tests

2009-11-01 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 19 Oct 2009 14:16:18 +0200
sawyer x xsawy...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Paul LeoNerd Evans leon...@leonerd.org.uk
  Before I think about this though; does anyone have any better
  suggestions? Are there other modules around with timing-sensitive tests?
  How do they cope with variable load on the test boxes?
 I like Test::Timer. Is that the kind of thing you're looking for?

Sortof, but not exactly.

Test::Timer has exact inequallity comparisons. I'd like more of a:

It's going to take about this long, but I can't be exact because of CPU
load. Give it some (perhaps dynamically discovered) range _around_ this

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Reliability of timing in smoke tests

2009-11-01 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 19 Oct 2009 12:05:33 -0700
Eric Wilhelm enoba...@gmail.com wrote:

 # from Paul LeoNerd Evans
 # on Monday 19 October 2009 02:45:
 Before I think about this though; does anyone have any better
 suggestions? Are there other modules around with timing-sensitive
  tests? How do they cope with variable load on the test boxes?
 You might be able to do something with Time::Mock.  E.g. slow down the 
 clock or adjust it at critical points.  If your timings are related to 
 sleep(), alarm(), or such that might work.

Ah; I'm afraid not. In the distribution itself it'll be the timeouts
given to select() or poll(). The tests are also part of a shipped module,
IO::Async::LoopTests, that are applied to externally-written modules;
such as might use epoll_pwait(), ppoll(), or GLib's GMainLoop. These
would be quite beyond Perl's control...

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Reliability of timing in smoke tests

2009-10-19 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I'm having a few test FAILs lately on IO::Async, all due to boundary
cases of timing, for example


I suspect this is simply due to heavier-than-normal machine load on the
testing box, causing the program to be somewhat delayed in its
normally-precise timing.

I'm planning just to add an testing primitive to the internal testing
library, something like

  test_time_about sub { ... }, 2.5;

to check that the code takes about 2.5 seconds. This would probably
assert it's at least half that, no more than double + 1 second, or
something of that nature.

Before I think about this though; does anyone have any better
suggestions? Are there other modules around with timing-sensitive tests?
How do they cope with variable load on the test boxes?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: module name for test data?

2009-09-28 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 05:37:17PM +0100, Smylers wrote:
 Jerome Quelin writes:
  - audio::mpd::common? (even if i don't think that's the best)
  - audio::mpd::test? this one is already used by a module in audio::mpd,
but that's not a problem (i plan to move audio::mpd::test somewhere in
t/lib/, so namespace would be free)
  - audio::mpd::testdata?
  - audio::mpd::common::test?
  - data::audio::mpd?
  - data::audio::mpd::test?
  - test::audio::mpd?
 I'd go for the latter (well, with some capital letters!) cos people are
 used to the idea that Test:: modules are used for testing rather than
 being part of the 'main function' of your program.
 But none of those names sound bad -- they're all pretty self-
 explanatory, so any of them would do.

If the module is for use purely during testing, and serves no other
useful purpose, I'd make sure to include the word Test (capitalised)
somewhere in its distribution name. The variations on common without
test would imply it's some sort of shared useful code to use in
production use.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Term::Info - takeover

2009-09-24 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I notice that Term::Info was released in 1999, has no documentation, no
testing, only wraps Tput, and is generally not all that useful.

I'm planning to write a proper terminfo wrapping module anyway, and this
seems an ideal name to give it.

CPANTS claims nothing is using it:


If I were to create another one which is more useful, providing more
access to terminfo information, how might I go about creating a release
of it?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

API design musings - CPS + IO::Async (or others)

2009-09-19 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
Hi all,

I'm more-or-less thinking out loud for a bit here. I'd appreciate any
thoughts or comments people might want to make.

So, I have the CPS module:


On its own it doesn't create an awful lot of real interest yet; nothing
much that can't easily be done with normal perl. But this wasn't yet
the point.

I'm thinking of ways to combine it nicely with IO::Async (or other event
frameworks, but I'll take this as a useful example).

My primary thought is how to combine things like kwhile() with other
events; ideally it'd be nice to interleave kwhile() loops with other
event processing. ((I pick on kwhile here specifically, because all the
other k*() control-flow structures are built on kwhile(), so getting that
right gives the others for free)).

Imagine the normal while loop with some event handling:

  while( cond ) {

What if instead we had an IO::Async-aware version of CPS. Lets say, for
the sake of argument, we had some sort of object, which knows of the
IO::Async loop.. lets call it, for reasons that'll become clear soon, a

  my $governor = CPS::Governor::IOAsync-new( $loop );

  $governor-kwhile( sub {
my ( $knext, $kdone ) = @_;

return $kdone-() if !cond;

do_something( on_done = $knext );

  }, sub { say Finished } );

Aside from the slightly messy syntax, this is a fairly short and
convenient way to mix CPS with IO::Async. The Governor object can mix
iterations of the while loop with other event processing in a neat simple

In fact, given as it can store state, we can configure it more powerfully
than just this. Suppose we're processing a big list of, maybe, hundreds
of thousands of little items. Each item is tiny, but processing the whole
list is going to take several seconds of CPU time, during which it would
be polite if we handled IO events (such as GUI interactions). No problem..

  my @items = (foo) x 1_000_000;

  my $governor = CPS::Governor::IOAsync-new( $loop, iterations = 100 );

  $governor-kforeach( \...@items, sub {
my ( $item, $knext ) = @_;
process( $item );
goto $knext;
  }, sub { say Finished } );

The Governor object here takes care of the iteration counting. Every 100
iterations it'll pause a moment and check IO::Async pending events.

The way this would be implemented would be that the Governor's kwhile()
method would use the $loop's idle event handling to call the next
iteration, rather than invoke it immediately. This also lets us do such
interesting things as:

  my @numbers = ( 1 .. 10 );

  my $governor = CPS::Governor::IOAsync-new( $loop, iterations = 2 );

  $governor-kforeach( \...@numbers, sub {
print A$_[0] ; goto $_[1]
  }, sub {} );

  $governor-kforeach( \...@numbers, sub {
print B$_[0] ; goto $_[1]
  }, sub {} );

This would print

  A1 A2 B1 B2 A3 A4 B3 B4 A5 A6 B5 B6 A7 A8 B7 B8 A9 A10 B9 B10

The only real point of hesitation in my mind, though, is that of
implementing control flow structures as methods on an object. This feels
somehow unclean.

Perhaps instead they can use the new lexical pragmas in 5.10; allowing a
somewhat cleaner style of:

  use CPS qw( kforeach );

  # kforeach here would use the default flat Governor

use CPS::Governor::IOAsync $loop, iterations = 10;

kforeach( [ 1 .. 100 ], sub {
  my ( $item, $knext ) = @_;

  do_item( $item, on_done = $knext );
}, sub { say Finished } );

Or perhaps being a pragma it ought to be all lowercase? What are the
rules here?

And finally there's nothing IO::Async'y about the whole thing. Simply
implementing another kwhile() method would allow Governors such as

  use CPS::Governor::POE $kernel;
  use CPS::Governor::AnyEvent $loop;
  use CPS::Governor::GLib $maincontext;

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: What Would you like to see in a CPAN Distro Manager?

2009-09-04 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Fri, 4 Sep 2009 15:15:32 -0400
Jonathan Yu jonathan.i...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think the problem with doing that, for me, is that I'd forget to
 update stuff and then my docs would become even more out of sync with
 my code, which is a pretty bad thing. It's bad enough people don't
 update comments that are right next to the code in question; when it
 comes to docs... I imagine it'd get even worse.
 Redoing stuff for the purposes of making things easier for a computer
 seems backwards to me. After all, computers are supposed to do work
 for /us/ -- they're faster, more consistent, etc. So leave programmers
 to do what programmers do, and let the computers worry about
 extracting inline POD. :-)


Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Renaming a perl module/dist

2009-08-11 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I have a one-module dist that I'd like to rename. How problematic will
this be?

I know I could just upload new dist with new module, and get things to
use that instead, and just abandon the old one. Seems a bit harsh.

I could upload one last copy of the old module (which, being an object
class) can simply use base the new name. Should these go in their own
dists, or would it be OK both in just the new one?

And what for deleting the old name?

And finally, is it all worth it, just for the neatness of a name? Or
should I just live with it?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Renaming a perl module/dist

2009-08-11 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 07:09:04AM -0400, Shawn H. Corey wrote:
 How many people are using it?  Would they be upset if you changed
 the name?  Don't forget, when you place a module in CPAN, it is no
 longer entirely yours.  People have invested time to use your module
 and consider it as much theirs as yours.

Well, the module in question is


I dislike the IO_ part of the prefix; when I did the Epoll one based
on IO::Epoll, I finally decided to remove the IO_ part. I'd like to
rename this and some others to match.

The thing about it, is that most people shouldn't be using it directly.
There's a magic constructor on IO::Async::Loop itself, which selects a
good (concrete) subclass from those installed. Also there's


which knows of it, to automatically select it. This can easily be
changed and updated.

Given these, I suspect there'll be little impact because most people
won't be using the name directly; it will come indirectly via one of
these routes.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: Module::Build + automatic README / LICENSE

2009-06-19 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Wed, 10 Jun 2009 22:04:55 -0500
Ken Williams kena...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 9:06 AM, Eric Wilhelmenoba...@gmail.com wrote:
  Isn't that what Ken did some time ago?  Ah... 0.31 added
  the create_license = 1 option, but I guess it didn't get documented.
 Oopsie.  Yeah.
  create_license = 1,
  create_readme = 1,
 and Bob's your uncle.

Lovely. I've now got that set on my latest two module uploads, and it's
doing just the right thing.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Module::Build + automatic README / LICENSE

2009-05-12 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 11 May 2009 15:11:13 -0400
Hans Dieter Pearcey hdp.perl.module-auth...@weftsoar.net wrote:

   * Take the module given by module_name (or some other named one), run it
 through pod2txt README  
 You forgot to specify create_readme = 1.

Ah yes; I see that works fine. Somehow I must have missed that in the

   * Look up the named license from a standard set of default ones and
 print it to LICENSE  
 use Software::License.

Hmm.. I don't see how this interacts with Module::Build. Do you suggest
I'd just have it as a separate part of the build process? I was hoping
for some integration with Module::Build to do it automatically from the
data it already has to hand (i.e. the licence name itself)

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Module::Build + automatic README / LICENSE

2009-05-11 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I was recently pointed in the direction of my kwalitee tests:


They all fail for not having a README file or a LICENSE.

I was wondering, since I have e.g. the following Build.PL:

my $build = Module::Build-new
   module_name = 'IO::Async',
   license = 'perl',

surely Module::Build ought to be able to automatically satisfy both
these conditions?

 * Take the module given by module_name (or some other named one), run it
   through pod2txt README

 * Look up the named license from a standard set of default ones and
   print it to LICENSE

Are either of those doable automatically?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk |CPAN ID: PEVANS
srand($,= );print sort{rand0.5}grep{0.8rand}qw(another Just hacker of Perl)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Dual-Build Modules (What to do if both Makefile.PL and Build.PL exist)

2009-05-06 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 5 May 2009 19:09:30 -0700
Bill Ward b...@wards.net wrote:

 The way I've interpreted that in my own auto-build scripting is that if
 Build.PL exists, the module author is probably a Module::Build user who is
 only providing a Makefile.PL grudgingly for the sake of those who haven't
 installed Module::Build, and thus I figure that if there's any difference
 between the two .PL files, probably Build.PL is the one the author is more
 invested in.

That's the logic I work to, yes. All my Makefile.PLs are built from the
original Build.PLs.

 On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Jonathan Yu jonathan.i...@gmail.com wrote:
  The real question at hand here is: for modules that provide both a
  Makefile.PL and Build.PL, which should be preferred? More than that,
  from the perspective of CPAN authors, is it even useful to provide
  both? Now that Module::Build is a core module, maybe only a Build.PL
  should be included.

But only core in 5.10. I've decided semi-officially that I don't care
about 5.6 any more, in that I'll happily use Scalar::Util::weaken(), or
other 5.8-and-above things, unless someone can demonstrate me a simple
workaround for them that would work on 5.6. I don't yet apply the same
for 5.10, as 5.8 is still the default in lots of places. Perhaps in a
year or two I might rethink that, but for now I have to keep 5.8 in mind.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: On 'unpack()' - How much did I eat?

2009-04-22 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 02:10:03AM +0100, Ben Morrow wrote:
 What am I missing here? It appears to me unpacking . gives the current
 byte position in the string, which is what is needed.
 ~% perl -E'my $bin = pack NN, 10, 12; say for unpack .N.N., $bin'

Ah, youknow, that is exactly what I wanted :)

I had in fact looked up and down the docs for a format which would do
something like that, and didn't find it. Is that documented anywhere?

I've just sat and reread perldoc -f pack and perldoc -f unpack _again_
and still haven't spotted it.

So it would appear no changes to perl code are needed, though perhaps
the docs could be improved somewhat to draw more attention to this, as
relatively few people are aware of it. Certainly nobody in Freenode's
#perl was when I asked...

Paul LeoNerd Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk |CPAN ID: PEVANS
srand($,= );print sort{rand0.5}grep{0.8rand}qw(another Just hacker of Perl)

Description: Digital signature

Re: On 'unpack()' - How much did I eat?

2009-04-21 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 10:24:10AM +0100, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:
  sub pull_int
 my $self = shift;
 my $i = unpack( N, $self-{buffer} );
 substr( $i, 0, 4 ) = ;
 return $i;

Uh.. obviously, that's meant to be

  substr( $self-{buffer}, 0, 4 ) = ;

/me unpacks more coffee into self...

Paul LeoNerd Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk |CPAN ID: PEVANS
srand($,= );print sort{rand0.5}grep{0.8rand}qw(another Just hacker of Perl)

Description: Digital signature

On 'unpack()' - How much did I eat?

2009-04-21 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I find lately I've been doing a lot of binary protocol work, taking
messages that live in TCP streams or files or similar, and doing lots of
pack()/unpack() on them.

I find what works best is to wrap up a message into an object, so I can
do things like:

  my $field = $message-pull_int();


 sub pull_int
my $self = shift;
my $i = unpack( N, $self-{buffer} );
substr( $i, 0, 4 ) = ;
return $i;

this strikes me as more than a little inelegant. That 4 floating about
there is a magic constant. Things like this get worse

 sub pull_strz
my $self = shift;
my $s = unpack( Z*, $self-{buffer} );
substr( $i, 0, len($s) + 1 ) = ;
return $s;

Is there some neater way to do this? Can I either:

 a: Get unpack() to consume bytes from the LVALUE

 b: Ask unpack() how much it ate in a generic fashion?

One suggestion I've seen would be to

 sub unpack_and_eat
my ( $format, $str ) = @_;
my @values = unpack( $format .  A*, $str );
$_[1] = pop @values;
return @values;

but that seems a bit messy, all that O(n^2) copying about the place if
we're going to, say, pull lots of small ints out of a really big buffer.

There surely has to be a better way...

Paul LeoNerd Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk |CPAN ID: PEVANS
srand($,= );print sort{rand0.5}grep{0.8rand}qw(another Just hacker of Perl)

Description: Digital signature

Re: a lot of silliness about Module::Build

2009-04-10 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 04:47:59 -0700 (PDT)
Ovid publiustemp-moduleautho...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Me?  I use M::B for most of my modules.  Generally don't need to, but I 
 provide a Makefile.PL for those who don't like MB.  However, if I have 
 complicated build needs, EU::MM is very, very hard to work with.

I find this too. Of all my modules, any of them that don't have XS code
in them simply provide a dual Build.PL / Makefile.PL as written by M::B's
create_makefile_pl = 'traditional'  setting.

It only becomes even vaguely complicated on a few of my XS ones, where
M::B expects to find lib/Foo/Bar.xs whereas EU::MM wants only Bar.xs

This random inconsistency annoys me - IMHO M::B's behaviour here is much
more preferable, for reasons of being able to find the code, of making
the file unique in case I want more than one,...

Furthermore I just find M::B to be nicer from an ideological perspective.
EU::MM writes a Makefile, so we can use GNU make or BSD make or MSVC
make or... why, exactly? M::B is written in perl. It works in perl. I
-generally- dislike build tools to rely on other languages, but when it's
a build system _for perl_, I suspect one could make a reasonable case for
it :)

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Module name suggestions? - automatic per-OS subclass

2009-04-06 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 04:09:12PM +, David Cantrell wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 11:25:15AM -0400, Jonathan Yu wrote:
  So, I guess this is just my long-winded way of saying that you should
  include a method of mapping operating systems to class names, but in a
  portable manner
 Devel::CheckOS is your friend.  It knows that, for example, Solaris,
 Irix and AIX are all Unix.

Having looked at it, it's not sufficient. When run on, say, Solaris, I
want to try in order:


Devel::CheckOS can't apply this ordering. I could get a list of all
possible supported names, then filter that by what this machine is.

I'm sure I recall in some code somewhere, the use of a list of possible
OS family names, from most to least specific, keyed by $^O. I'm thinking
something more like that would be best.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk |CPAN ID: PEVANS
srand($,= );print sort{rand0.5}grep{0.8rand}qw(another Just hacker of Perl)

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: Yet Another Excel Writer..

2009-04-02 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 16:21:10 -0500
Brad Lhotsky b...@divisionbyzero.net wrote:

 # Add a new format
 $report-addFormat('credit', { color='green', bold = 1 } );
 # Use that:
 $report-custom_row( 'credit', 1, '2009-04-01', 2000.00, 0, 'Bank Error');

A small note on API - you seem inconsistent here between camelCase and
under_scores. Pick one. I suggest the latter - it seems more the way perl
is done by convention.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Module name suggestions? - automatic per-OS subclass

2009-03-26 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 05:57:45PM -0700, Bill Ward wrote:
 I'm not really liking any of the names that have been proposed so I'm going
 back to the original message to give my thoughts.
 The English name of $^O is $OSNAME, so there's precedent for OS.  I think
 it should use OS and not something like System.

That doesn't really narrow it down ;)


 As for where to put it, the way this would be useful to me would not be as
 any sort of object (which rules out Class::) but as a sort of assertion or
 query about the operating system.  You wouldn't need to instantiate any
 objects of this class, it would just be for asking what OS am I running
 on? so OO is really not needed except maybe for some @ISA magic.

This isn't about yes/no assertions. This is about always providing _an_
implementation of some code, but possibly providing a better one on some
OS if it can be done.

An actual example: Linux has pselect() and ppoll(), which allow safe
mixed IO-and-signal handling. Portably these don't exist. A Linux
implementation of IO::Async::Loop could use these to mix file IO and
signals safely; a portable base can't, so would have to make do with
something less.

 use OS has_symlinks;  # would fail under Windows
 use OS::linux;  # would fail under any non-Linux OS

That's not at all where I'm aiming here...

 What specific OS-related questions do you want this for?  Obviously not
 filesystem naming rules...

IT's the magic used to allow another class to provide per-OS
customisations. E.g. see my IO::Async example above :)

Paul LeoNerd Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk |CPAN ID: PEVANS

Description: Digital signature

unicode.pm - a replacement of perl -C

2009-03-15 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
Since  #!/usr/bin/perl -C   no longer works, I've been pondering on what
is a good replacement. How do people feel about:


 use unicode;

With tags to control it; things like

 use unicode qw( :stdio :env :argv :defaultio :locale );

Paul LeoNerd Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk |CPAN ID: PEVANS

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: String::Tagged

2009-01-30 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 21:45:18 -0500
Ryan Voots simcop2...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I don't know how you would feel about this but what about also 
 overloading the stringification of the object so that one could use the 
 built in Csubstr also?

Ohyes, that sounds useful. I didn't have anything else in mind for
stringification, so I guess if that helps debugging etc.. I could do that.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFC: String::Tagged

2009-01-30 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Fri, 30 Jan 2009 09:50:21 +0100
Elizabeth Mattijsen l...@dijkmat.nl wrote:

 Without having looked at implementation, 

Ah; I purposely didn't include that because it isn't finished in some
parts - I wanted an idea of what people thought of the interface first, I
can hack up those ideas behind the method names later ;)

 this sounds like it could 
 benefit from my out-of-band data module OOB:

Hmm.. That does look interesting, though a few questions come to mind.

If it was done as outofband data behind a plain string - how would the
methods get called?

How would a method get called after a substr() modify operation, to go
and fix up the tags afterwards. That said, maybe some tags would want to
imply a locking effect, banning the disturbance of the character
positions beneath them. This would have to veto the substr() before it's
even called.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFC: String::Tagged

2009-01-30 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 09:15:35AM -0600, Jonathan Rockway wrote:
 * On Fri, Jan 30 2009, Bill Ward wrote:
 I agree here.  There is prior art for calling these overlays:

Ah; would this suggest something like these?


Paul LeoNerd Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk |CPAN ID: PEVANS
srand($,= );print sort{rand0.5}grep{0.8rand}qw(another Just hacker of Perl)

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: String::Tagged

2009-01-30 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 10:11:33AM -0800, Bill Ward wrote:
 I think Overlain may be more grammatical than Overlaid 

Overlaid, Overlain... One of those annoying centuries-old legacies of
languages. Seems Perl isn't the only language to suffer those ;)

 but I think I prefer MarkUp personally.

Hrm. Well, MarkUp would tend to suggest issues of formatting or
rendering attributes. That was mostly the use-case I had in mind, but
only indirectly. Nothing in the implementation directly requires that to
be the case.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk |CPAN ID: PEVANS
srand($,= );print sort{rand0.5}grep{0.8rand}qw(another Just hacker of Perl)

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: String::Tagged

2009-01-30 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 02:00:13PM -0600, David Nicol wrote:
 there is also intersection with the concept of ropes rather than
 strings as I understand the term,

A rope is a data structure designed to make string concat an O(1)
operation, where you store a tree, or a linked list of substrings. 

That isn't the case here - in fact, the string data itself is just
stored in here as a single perl string. The tags are stored in as a list
of [start, length, name, value] objects beside it.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk |CPAN ID: PEVANS
srand($,= );print sort{rand0.5}grep{0.8rand}qw(another Just hacker of Perl)

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: String::Tagged

2009-01-30 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 02:08:24PM -0800, Bill Ward wrote:
 Or String::Substrate?  The meaning of substrate doesn't really fit
 here but it's so close to SubStrAttr that I bet you could get away
 with it, with a suitable comment explaining the name :)

I can't help thinking we're getting a bit side-tracked by the name here.

There's a lot of interesting API in the code, I feel the name is
somewhat overshadowing any other discussion on the API design or other

Paul LeoNerd Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk |CPAN ID: PEVANS
srand($,= );print sort{rand0.5}grep{0.8rand}qw(another Just hacker of Perl)

Description: Digital signature

RFC: String::Tagged

2009-01-29 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
 position. A shortcut around

   $st-append( $newstr )
   Append to the underlying plain string. Because no tags will yet apply
   here, this method is not subject to note given in set_substr().

   $st-append_tagged( $newstr, %tags )
   Append to the underlying plain string, and apply the given tags.

   ·   Implement (possibly multiple) ways to modify substrings, while
   keeping some level of sanity on the tags. Likely sensible behaviour
   would probably be:

   Tags entirely before the replaced region would remain unchanged.

   Tags entirely within the replaced region would be deleted.

   Tags entirely after the replaced region would get shifted up/down
   the appropriate amount to ensure they still apply to the right

   Tags that start before and end after the range would remain, and
   have their lengths suitably adjusted.

   Tags that span just the start or end of the range, but not both,
   would be truncated shorter, so as to remove the part of the tag
   applied on the modified section but preserving that applied

   There are likely variations on these rules that could equally apply
   to some uses of tagged strings. Consider whether the behaviour of
   modification is chosen per-method, per-tag, or per-string.

   Paul Evans leon...@leonerd.org.uk

perl v5.10.0  2009-01-30   String::Tagged(3pm)

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: FAILs with undefined symbol: setup_constants

2008-10-29 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 05:16:57 +0100
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas J. Koenig) wrote:

 All your fail reports are written by bingos with CPANPLUS, version
 0.84. This is not only true for the three above but for all reports.
 CPANPLUS 0.84 *never* wrote a PASS for Devel-Refcount up to now.
 These are written by CPANPLUS::Dist::YACSmoke 0.02 and 0.04 by the
 same tester, this time known as chris.

Like a cheetah who's just won Best Coat Award in the annual Serengeti
Miss Africa contest; well spotted.

 Maybe chris knows something?

Righto. I'll ask him.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

FAILs with undefined symbol: setup_constants

2008-10-27 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I'm finding that one of my XS-based dists, Devel-Refcount, is failing
lately on most platforms ({Open,Free,Net}BSD, Darwin, Linux), on a symbol
lookup error:

t/01refs.../home/cpan/pit/rel/perl-5.10.0/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: 
 undefined symbol: setup_constants

I don't have such a symbol in my code; the XS is absolutely tiny. It
seems like it may be related to perl itself then?

For reference, some FAILs:

  http://nntp.x.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2470288  (5.10 / linux)
  http://nntp.x.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2449662  (5.10 / netbsd)
  http://nntp.x.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2447543  (5.10 / darwin)

Some PASSes on the same perl version / platform:

  http://nntp.x.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2069693  (5.10 / linux)
  http://nntp.x.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2028293  (5.10 / netbsd)
  http://nntp.x.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2149637  (5.10 / darwin)

Before I go looking too deeply into it; is anyone aware of the reason
behind this? Anything I can do about it?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Integrating license related things of CPAN

2008-10-22 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 01:09:16PM +0200, Gabor Szabo wrote:
 1)   META.yml license field is required.
 says the license field is  required but FAIK when calling
 make dist or ./Build dist both EUMM and MB will happily
 create META.yml files without a license field. If there is an
 agreement on the field being required then I think the tools
 should not create a distribution without a valid license key.
 Obviously they should keep installing modules without a
 license in META.yml.

I think an outright failure for what is ultimately a non-technical
reason, is not a good behaviour. It could warn loudly, but I don't
think it should completely fail to build. That would get annoying in
sitautions when you want to Just Do It.

 2) The list of valid values should be in
 instead of its current place, which is

Specs are good.

 3) Software::License http://search.cpan.org/dist/Software-License/
 has a growing list of licenses with full text in it. The list of licenses
 is not the same as the values in META.yml and even in the cases
 where the license seem to be the same their short name is not
 identical. IMHO these lists should be unified.
 If we can accept http://www.opensource.org/licenses as the official
 list of open source licenses the short names should be coordinated
 with them.

Unified agreement with the wider community is good.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: Integrating license related things of CPAN

2008-10-22 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 11:52:27AM -0700, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
 While that might be annoying (once -- for the author), the tool can't 
 get around that if it is a required field -- because any other behavior 
 wouldn't comply with the META.yml spec.

I suppose that's a fair point.

I'm just thinking of the case where someone will just put anything in
the field to shut up the tool because they just want to get on with

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFC: Attribute::Storage

2008-10-22 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 11:49:58PM +0100, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:
 Thoughts, anyone? On the name, the implementation, the idea,.. anything
 else that comes to mind?

Nothing; anybody?

In that case perhaps I'll shove it up on CPAN then.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-16 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 19:16:08 -0700
Joshua ben Jore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   *Devel::RefCount::refcount = \Devel::Peek::SvREFCNT;

No it isn't.

Devel::Peek::SvREFCNT counts the refcount of the SV itself that is passed
to it. Mine counts the refcount of the RV contained in a reference value.

As is even printed in the docs:

 This differs from Devel::Peek::SvREFCNT in that SvREFCNT() gives the
 reference count of the SV object itself that it is passed, whereas
 refcount() gives  the count of the object being pointed to. This allows
 it to give the count of any referent (i.e. ARRAY, HASH, CODE, GLOB and
 Regex types) as well.


 my $array = [];
 my $otherref = $array;

 Devel::Peek::SvREFCNT($array) = 1
 Devel::Refcount::refcount($array) = 2

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-15 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 00:44:12 +0100
Paul LeoNerd Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

GLOB   = \*SomeNewName,

Also, this one isn't a fair test. Any real object code in a module would
probably just pass out a new IO handle (as from socket(), socketpair(),
pipe(), etc...) or else generate one using Symbol::gensym(). If I use
gensym() in this test, that becomes happy too.

Still no idea on the CODE though.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-15 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 00:11:10 -0700 (PDT)

 The B modules are incredibly powerful, poorly documented pieces of crap.
 They may be great, but without documentation on how to use that speedboat,
 it's so much scrap metal.

So... is this a vote in favour of better docs, or a wrapper module to
hide the magicness?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I've been hunting through my code, eventually coming to a bug where I had
a closure that referred to itself, as well as an object of mine. This
prevented my object's DESTROY handler from working, causing bugs.

I've been playing with Test::Memory::Cycle, but unfortunately that won't
solve this particular problem.

  my $hash = {};
  $hash-{object} = $some_object;
  $hash-{cycle} = $hash;

No amount of cycle checking in $some_object is going to find this cycle.
If the cycled object is one like this; containing the only reference to
itself, then almost by definition there's nothing that could be walked
for memory cycles.

This is where I consider a refcount-assertion module instead; something I
could do this with:

  use Test::Refcount;

  my $object = Some::Class-new( ... );

  has_onlyref( $object, '$object has only 1 reference' );

  # Synonym for
  has_refcount( $object, 1, '$object has only 1 reference' );

There's a very simple implementation for this I can think of; using:

  use B qw( svref_2object );

  sub refcount {
my $sv = svref_2object( $_[0] );
return $sv-REFCNT - 1; # Because @_ refers to it too

Does this sound good?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 05:01:14 +1000
Ivan Wills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would suggest a two modules though say Devel::Refcount

Is this Devel::Refcount really necessary, given how easy it is to build
using B::SV-REFCNT ?

Plus, the more levels of code, the more difficult it is to ensure the
count is correct. Consider

  sub is_1ref
 my ( $object, $name ) = @_;
 my $count = refcount($object);


  sub is_1ref
 my ( undef, $name ) = @_;
 my $count = refcount($_[0]);

The $object in the first code creates a second reference, so you have to
subtract 1, whereas the @_ array seems special and doesn't have that

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 13:46:42 -0500
Andy Lester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, and if it sounds like it would actually supercede  
 Test::Memory::Cycle, I would be glad to abandon T:M:C in favor of yours.

OK; see what you think to the attached initial attempt.

Not CPANned it yet; will wait and see some comments on it first.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 20:59:34 +0100
David Cantrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can't you use Devel::Peek to get the refcount?

I use B:

  use B qw( svref_2object );

  my $SV = svref_2object($ref);
  my $refcount = $SV-REFCNT;

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 20:59:20 +0100
Nicholas Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It would be dangerous to rely on this reference counting behaviour remaining
 the same.

Ah. Then perhaps it may be safer to use the normal 

  my ( $object, $count, $name ) = @_;

list assign idiom, then use -REFCNT - 1

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 06:11:25 +1000
Ivan Wills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If Paul LeoNerd Evens doesn't want to create the module Devel::Refcount
 along with Test::Refcount I would be happy to do it my self.

Well, it's not that I don't want to as such.. I'm just not sure it's
really justified.

It's kindof a personal thing, but I have a disliking for the mass
accumulation of really small one-liner modules around the place. Would
anyone consider

  package String::CaseInsensitive;
  sub casecmp { lc $_[0] cmp lc $_[1] }

as a module, for example?

When the module starts to get this small, I begin to wonder if it's more
of a documentation issue. Perhaps somewhere in the documentation about
objects and reference counts:

  The reference count of an object can be obtained by

use B qw( svref_2object );

my $count = svref_2object($ref)-REFCNT;

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 06:33:26 +1000
Ivan Wills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just tried it and the tests fail on anonymous references in t/01count.t
 and t/02one.t, I'm using perl 5.8.8 on linux if that is of any help.

Ahh.. 5.10 here.

OK; I've changed it to use a normal lexical $object, then subtract 1 from
the refcount, rather than rely on @_ not incrementing the count. Perhaps
that'll be more portable.

Try again attached...

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 21:42:23 +0100
Paul LeoNerd Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK; I've changed it to use a normal lexical $object, then subtract 1 from
 the refcount, rather than rely on @_ not incrementing the count. Perhaps
 that'll be more portable.

Actually it occurs to me this may not help, because the reference will
still be in @_ as well.

If it still fails, perhaps try

  my $object = shift;
  my $count  = shift;
  my $name   = shift;

that way it'll remove the ref. from @_ as it goes.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 18:28:57 -0500
Jonathan Rockway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Considering B is core, there is probably no need for a module to do
 this.  But, does this always return correct results?  Does the
 svref_2object call affect the REFCNT?  I am too lazy to check, but these
 are nice questions for the documentation to answer.  If svref_2object
 affects its argument, then it's probably best to write a module that
 compensates for this behavior.

Actually, now I look at it there seems to be more complicated things
going on.

Originally I tried testing it with just the HASH or ARRAY based object
types people tend to use. I thought I'd try out all the reference types,
and here's the behaviour I get:

A new SCALAR ref has REFCNT 2
A new  ARRAY ref has REFCNT 1
A new   HASH ref has REFCNT 1
A new   CODE ref has REFCNT 2
A new   GLOB ref has REFCNT 3
A new  Regex ref has REFCNT 1

[see attached program]

It seems interesting that a new SCALAR or CODE ref has 2 references
already, and a GLOB has 3. I guess the CODE one -might- be explained by
its PAD or something, and maybe the GLOB one has more references in the
Perl symbol table, but these are pure guesses. I also cannot explain the

This behaviour seems to complicate the idea of simply asserting
REFCNT == 1.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use B qw( svref_2object );

my %refs = (
   SCALAR = do { \my $var },
   ARRAY  = [],
   HASH   = +{},
   CODE   = sub {},
   GLOB   = \*SomeNewName,
   Regex  = qr/foo/,

foreach my $type (qw( SCALAR ARRAY HASH CODE GLOB Regex )) {
   my $REFCNT = svref_2object($refs{$type})-REFCNT;
   printf A new %6s ref has REFCNT %d\n, $type, $REFCNT;

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal: Test::Refcount

2008-07-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 00:44:12 +0100
Paul LeoNerd Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

SCALAR = do { \my $var },

It seems I can make the SCALAR ref have refcount 1 by changing this to

 SCALAR = do { my $var; \$var },

Various initialisations {e.g my $var = 1} also keep it happy.

Just the CODE and GLOB to go then...

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Module proposal: event hook lists

2008-06-03 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans

 on_done = sub {
my ( $total ) = @_;
print Total: $total\n;

  sub my_handler
 return 20;

  sub my_async_handler
 my %params = @_;

 later( sub {
$params{next}-( $count );
 } );

If we now give the aggregation function the ability to control the loop, we 
find that the next/last behaviour above falls out as a natural consequence of 
how it works:

  my $hooklist = Hooklist-new(
 aggregate = sub { last HOOK if $b },

One Big Question still remains. Ordering. Do we just take priority numbers, or 
can we find something better?

Perhaps anyone who cares about ordering has a name, and others can ask to be 
somewhere before/after those named points?

 name= mangle,
 handler = \my_mangle_function,

 name= eat,
 handler = \my_eat_function,
 after   = [ mangle ],

Then sometime later, some wants to look at this event after it's been mangled 
but before it's been eaten:

 name= observe,
 handler = \my_observe_function,
 after   = [ mangle ],
 before  = [ eat ],

This has the ability to throw an exception if the ordering conditions cannot be 

This solution has now changed the problem from one of managing absolute 
numbers, into one of managing names. Hopefully less chance of collisions and 
mistaken behaviour, but it's more complex to implement and handle. Also harder 
for the end user to picture the behaviour. But maybe it's worth it?

Another interesting question - if two async. handlers are installed at the same 
priority, would it be best for us to take advantage of that, and run them both 
in parallel? If we do, we can maximise IO performance of whatever they do, but 
we run the interesting risk that one of them asks to stop; we can't stop the 
other one. But maybe that's hard luck, and just what you get from taking the 
same number twice..?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Module proposal: event hook lists

2008-06-03 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, Jun 03, 2008 at 12:49:57PM +0100, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:
 Of course, now we have the simplest of hooklist aggregations - the
 repeat while false one. What if we wanted something else? Suppose we
 wanted to sum some quantity?

   my $hooklist = Hooklist-new(
  aggregate = sub { $a + $b }, # accumulate in $a using the per-hook 
 value $b

Actually, I've thought about it some more. We don't strictly need these,
if we're prepared to do just a little bit more work in the handler or
invokation time:

  my $hooklist = Hooklist-new();

  $hooklist-register_sync( sub {
 my %params = @_;
 $params{args}-( $count );
  } );

  my $total = 0;
  $hooklist-fire_sync( sub { $total += shift } );

Or maybe even simpler

  $hooklist-register_sync( sub {
 my %params = @_;
 $params{args}[0] += $count;
  } );

  my @args = ( 0 );
  $hooklist-fire_sync( [EMAIL PROTECTED] );
  my $total = $args[0];

We can also do looping control in sync. handlers by just doing the
last HOOK trick there.

It does mean putting more intelligence in the specific handlers and
callsites of the hook list, rather than in the Hooklist object itself,
which is where I originally wanted it. The advantage of being in the
list itself is to keep good modularity - the hooked functions don't need
to consider it so much any more.

Opinions either way?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Finding the best concrete subclass for an abstract base class

2008-05-27 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I have a base class which is abstract, and various concrete
implementations of it that might be chosen in different circumstances
(different OSes, different modules installed). I'd like a magic
constructor that attempts to find the best subclass... Problem is,
there's no easy way to answer what is best...

My current best ideas are either:

  a: Each module just gives a ranking number, and we find the one with
 the highest ranking.
  b: Each module declares a list of other modules it knows it's better
Both of these have problems.

Idea a would be implemented by something like:

   my @modules = [some magic with Module::Pluggable];

   my %rankings = map { $_ = $_-get_ranking } @modules;
   # get_ranking is a method, so it can make a runtime choice on how
   # good it is in the current situation

   return ( sort { $ranking{$b} = $ranking{$a} } @modules )[0]

This works, provided every module author plays the same way with regard
to rankings. But how to choose these? Because my module declares 30,
does that mean it's better than yours which is 20, or is it just that we
happened to pick different numbers? Perhaps some guidelines by what is
meant by various numbers - e.g. 10 for the basic default one, 50 for a
per-OS one, 100 for a per-installed-library one, etc...

Idea b would involve taking each module in turn, and removing from the
set of candidates all other modules that it declares itself to be better
than. We will then end up with a (possibly-empty) subset of what we
started with. If we have one, great, use it. If we have multiple, how
can we choose? More's the problem, what if we end up with none? What if
Foo claims to be better than Bar, but Bar claims to be better than Foo?

I suspect approach a may end up being better in practice, even if it
involves a bit more coordination between the authors.

How's anyone else go about this problem?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: How to challenge a cpan-testers test result?

2008-05-26 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 26 May 2008 15:10:00 -0700
Eric Wilhelm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is a long-standing discussion over whether or not Module::Build
  is a viable installation technique, due to the bootstrapping problem
  of requiring Module::Build to be installed in the first place before
  installing your own module.  
 It's no different than requiring Extutils::MakeMaker to be installed, so 
 it's not really a bootstrapping problem as much as one of outdated 
 assumptions, but in either case it seems to be the norm to test with an 
 outdated (they call it stock toolchain), so the signal/noise ratio is 
 roughly zero.

This should largely become a non-issue now. 5.10 is the current stable
perl, and comes with Module::Build. It's only the older testers on 5.8.8
or below that matter with this now.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to challenge a cpan-testers test result?

2008-05-26 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Mon, 26 May 2008 23:22:47 +0200
David Landgren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a couple of FreeBSD-specific modules. Automated smokers running 
 on Linux and what ever keep trying to test them and fail. I don't think 
 these failures will stop someone who uses FreeBSD from considering them 
 for their own use.

die OS unsupported unless $^O eq freebsd;

in Build.PL should fix that. It'll turn your FAILs into NAs when run on
non-FreeBSD boxen. I have two dists (IO-Ppoll and Solaris-SysInfo) which
need that trick.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFC: URI::cpan

2008-03-26 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 01:19:28PM -0400, Hans Dieter Pearcey wrote:
 I prefer cpan://ID/file, but I can see a case for cpan://author/ID/file, and I
 don't have strong feelings on the matter.  Does anyone else?

Well, if your author ID happens to be dist or module or whatever,
you might get a bit upset... ;)

Having a small fixed toplevel space with freeform text below, is much
easier on automatic tools that might read this.


Otherwise, we have to specialcase out all sorts of odd things, and
whatever is left must be IDs.


I'd easily go for the former.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: Digital signature

Re: cpantesters.org stalled?

2008-02-09 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Thu, 7 Feb 2008 14:04:29 +
Paul LeoNerd Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   This page was generated by CPAN::WWW::Testers 0.33 at 2008-01-29

Ah; it's now been updated. Either false alarm, or someone's managed to
fix it.

In any case, all is happy now. :)

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Any contact with BRUCEK?

2008-01-31 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I have some changes I'd like to make to IO::Epoll.

I'm trying to get hold of BRUCEK, its author:


I tried mailing the address given, just got a bounce:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: host mail.drangle.com[] said: 550 5.1.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown (in reply to RCPT TO command)

I've now tried his email address given in the code itself, which appears
to be different. No reply yet, but I've only given it two days so far...

What's the procedure now..? At some point do we declare him
uncontactable, and invoke some sort of missing-in-action procedure? Is it
possible I might be able to take ownership of it, if contact cannot be

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

XS wrapper around system - how to test the wrapper but not the system?

2008-01-28 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I'm finding it difficult to come up with a good testing strategy for an
XS module that's just a thin wrapper around an OS call, without
effectively also testing that function itself. Since its behaviour has
minor variations from system to system, writing a test script that can
cope is getting hard.

The code is the 0.08 developer releases of Socket::GetAddrInfo; see


for latest.

The code itself seems to be behaving on most platforms; most of the test
failures come from such things as different OSes behaving differently if
asked to resolve a host called something.invalid, or quite whether any
system knows the ftp service, or what happens if it wants to reverse
resolve unnamed 1918 addresses (e.g.

The smoke testers page is showing a number of FAILs on most platforms not
Linux (where I develop), probably because of assumptions the tests make
that don't hold there any more. E.g. one problem I had was BSD4.4-based
systems, whose struct sockaddr_in includes the sin_len field.


Does anyone have any strategy suggestions for this?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Naming convention for thin wrappers around C libfoo.so ?

2007-12-11 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 00:05:19 +
Smylers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Or if you want Lib::, then Lib::memcached makes the most sense.

Compare also to the C case:

  use Lib::memcached
  gcc ... -lmemcached

The library's name is memcached; the fact it lives in a file called
libmemcached.so is purely a convention of the environment; namely,
dynamically linked ELF libraries. Similarly here, the fact it lives in
the Lib:: namespace is a convention of the perl environment.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

Re: Naming convention for thin wrappers around C libfoo.so ?

2007-12-11 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 08:04:04 -0500
Guy Hulbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Follows perl conventions more closely ... iirc, all lower case is for
 pragmas and such ... but there seem to be precedents both ways.

Ah yes, fair point. I was simply trying to argue against
Lib::libmemcached, on the grounds of the 'lib' not really being part of
the name. Yes; CamelCased names do seem the convention around here,
except the pragmata, so I guess that's the way forward.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

autoconf-like work in Build.PL - detecting OS features

2007-11-22 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
I'm writing a Perl wrapper around Linux's ppoll() system call. The
requirements here are

  OS = Linux
  Kernel version = 2.6.16
  GNU libc = 2.4

The first two are quite easy to detect in Build.PL, the third is very
difficult. Having failed to think up a nice way to do that, my next
approach is

  OS = Linux
  Kernel version = 2.6.16
  GNU libc supports compiling/linking/executing a program that calls

The only real way I can think of that last requirement, is to try
acutally doing it. So now my Build.PL is starting to look like an
autoconf script. [see attached].

Is this really the only way to check this sort of thing..? Is there a
better way?

I sortof like the idea of testing the ability to run ppoll(), rather
than inferring that from version numbers. Maybe the test is actually
sufficient, so I can not care about being Linux; so it any other OS ever
picks up the call, it will JustWork there...?

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460
use strict;
use warnings;

use Module::Build;

use Config;

print ppoll() only works on Linux = 2.6.16, with a supporting libc.\n;
print These requirements will now be detected...\n;

# ppoll() is specific to Linux
$^O eq linux or die OS unsupported\n;
print Detected OS as Linux\n;

# ppoll() was added in 2.6.16
my $uname_r = `uname -r`; chomp $uname_r;
print Detected uname -r as $uname_r\n;

my ( $major, $minor, $release ) = $uname_r =~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ or die 
OS unsupported;
print Detected kernel version $major.$minor.$release\n;

die OS unsupported if $major  2;
die OS unsupported if $major == 2 and $minor  6;
die OS unsupported if $major == 2 and $minor == 6 and $release  16;

# The ppoll() syscall was added to GNU libc 2.4. Rather than go through all
# the tricky hoops to work out what version of libc is being used, we'll try
# instead to actually compile and run a program that calls ppoll()

print Detecting if libc supports ppoll()...\n;

my $test_c   = test-ppoll.c;
my $test_exe = test-ppoll;

   -f $test_c   and unlink $test_c;
   -f $test_exe and unlink $test_exe;

my $cc = $Config{cc};
open( my $test_c_fh, , $test_c ) or die Cannot write test.c - $!;

print $test_c_fh EOF;
#include poll.h
#include stdlib.h
#include unistd.h
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  struct timespec timeout = { 0, 0 };
  if(ppoll(NULL, 0, timeout, NULL) != 0)

close $test_c_fh;

system( $cc, -o, $test_exe, $test_c ) == 0 or die OS unsupported;
print Compiled $test_exe\n;

system( ./$test_exe ) == 0 or die OS unsupported;
print Successfully ran $test_exe - looks like the libc supports ppoll()\n;
print \n;

my $build = Module::Build-new
   module_name = 'IO::Ppoll',
   dist_version_from = 'lib/IO/Ppoll.pm',
   requires = {
   build_requires = {
 'Module::Build' = 0,
 'Test::More' = 0,
   license = 'perl',
   create_makefile_pl = 'small',

Description: Digital signature

Testers required for less-common platforms [was: RFC: Socket::GetAddrInfo]

2007-11-14 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
No loud objections from the public gallery, so I've uploaded it, with
some behavioural changes and documentation:


One thing I found while testing it, was that various platforms differ a
lot in their own behaviour of getaddrinfo(). The emulated version in the
perl module emulates GNU's libc as best as I can. I compared it against
Solaris 10 and with the help of some people on #perl/Freenode,
comparisons were also made with some BSDs.

What I found was differences in how getaddrinfo( localhost,  ) or
similar requests that lack a service name all behave.

 * GNU libc on Linux will return three possible answers:


 * Solaris will only return one answer:

  AF_INET / 0   / 0

   I also found that Solaris will never fill in the protocol number even
   for specifically-named service entries; it always leaves 0.

 * BSD will return two answers:


These differences meant I couldn't employ a testing strategy of simply
comparing the emulated function with the platform's real one.

I don't think any of these approaches is more correct than any other;
at least, nothing I can find in documentation suggests any are wrong.

I'd be interested to hear any other reports from other operating systems;
the helper script t/10compare-getaddrinfo.pm will generate some useful
output to compare the real and emulated versions.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460

Description: PGP signature

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