Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2013-01-25 Thread Garrett Cope
Hi Robert,

I checked the svn/trunk last week and as you said the clipping problem seems to 
have been resolved. 

After exploring your new VDSM implementation further, it seems that there is a 
bug with the ReceivesShadowTraversalMask  (or I am missing something). If I 
turn off this mask bit the geometry is culled out entirely. The Casting bit 
seems to work fine as expected.

This is demonstrated in the osgshadow example by setting the mask on one of the 
models. For instance adding:
scene-setNodeMask(scene-getNodeMask()  ~ReceivesShadowTraversalMask);

in Model Three.

I'm attempting to track this down now, but hoped you might have some insight.

Thanks much,

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2013-01-18 Thread Garrett Cope
Hi Robert,

This is a super-delayed follow-up but I've finally circled back around to this 

Using the standard osgshadow example I can reproduce the general problem I'm 
having (shadows being clipped prior to the edge of the screen) by running with 
the following parameters:

osgshadow --directionalLight --light-dir 0.969358 -0.218775 -0.111722 
--noUpdate --vdsm -3

Then if you hit '3' to change navigation mode and move the mouse right such 
that the models move towards the left edge of the screen, you will see that 
near the edge shadows on the sphere get clipped out entirely.

This is the behavior that I am seeing in many other instances in my own testing 
and have narrowed it down to the clipping but not made it much farther than 

Any insight you have would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2013-01-18 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Garret,

I used your suggestion command line options but haven't spotted the
clipping issue yet.  I'm using svn/trunk version of the OSG.  Which
version are you using?

Could you record an animation path by pressing 'z' to start and again
'z' to stop and save to a saved_animation.path file.  This file can be
passed to osgshadow on the command line by adding -p
saved_animation.path.  Using this method it's possible to reproduce
exactly the same camera angles, and can be attached to an email so
that others can reproduce exactly what you are testing.


On 18 January 2013 15:25, Garrett Cope wrote:
 osgshadow --directionalLight --light-dir 0.969358 -0.218775 -0.111722 
 --noUpdate --vdsm -3
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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2013-01-18 Thread Garrett Cope
Hi Robert,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I am using 3.1.1 with the hopes of remaining somewhat stable. ;)
Perhaps I should try the svn/trunk version.

Attached is the animation path that shows the clipping on my installation. The 
forum would not allow the *.path extension so I change it to .txt

Thanks again.


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2012-08-24 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Garret,

On 23 August 2012 19:28, Garrett Cope wrote:
 Attached are two screen shots. 'shadow_before' is the base state with a box 
 casting a perfectly fine shadow. 'shadow_after' is where I have rotated the 
 camera such that the box has moved out of view to the right. In this image 
 you can see another clipping edge beginning at the bottom of the shadow that 
 moves relatively vertically as the box continues to rotate to the right of 
 the viewing window.

Thanks for the screenshots, unfortunately it doesn't quite provide
enough clues to know what might be amiss.

Could you output a small model that using the osgshadow example can be
used to recreate the issue?

You can record a camera path with osgshadow by pressing 'z' to start
and 'Z' to finish, this then writes out a file saved_animation.path,
you can then replay this in osgviewer/osgshadow using the command line
option -p saved_animation.path.

 As with the LiSPSM implementation, if I comment out the clipping section 
 (here in adjustPerspectiveShadowMapCameraSettings(..) function), it looks 
 fine but of course is then not clipped at all.

It sounds like the light space extents isn't being fitted properly, or
there is an error in the adjustment of the shadow map projection
matrix for the light space extents.  Debugging these issues requires
models that can recreate the issue though, there isn't really anything
I can do without being able to reproduce the problem.

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2012-08-24 Thread Garrett Cope
Hi Robert,

I haven't been able to reproduce my specific problem with the osgshadow 
example, but I have been able to reproduce all kinds of weird clipping planes. 
Just none that are resolved by commenting out the aforementioned section.

For instance, if I set the default light direction in the example to pretty 
much anything other than 0,0,1 (for instance: 0,-1,1) and then rotate the model 
around with the manipulator, the shadows get clipped along strange lines. 

I will keep trying to reproduce my specific instance of the issue.

Thanks again for the help,

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Garret,

Could I suggest that you try out the new
osgShadow::ViewDependentShadowMap found in svn/trunk of the OSG, it's
more robust and flexible than the old LispSM implementation.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2012-08-23 Thread Garrett Cope
Hi Robert,

Thanks for the suggestion! VDSM is nice and concise - nice work! 

But unfortunately I still get the same clipping problem with it, so I'm sure 
it's something wrong on my end. I'll keep plugging away and see what I can come 
up with.

Thanks again,

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Garret,

On 23 August 2012 18:18, Garrett Cope wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestion! VDSM is nice and concise - nice work!

 But unfortunately I still get the same clipping problem with it, so I'm sure 
 it's something wrong on my end. I'll keep plugging away and see what I can 
 come up with.

You'll need to post screen shots so can get an idea of what is
happening at your end.  If it's possible to recreate using the
osgshadow example then it'd be really useful.

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2012-08-23 Thread Garrett Cope

Attached are two screen shots. 'shadow_before' is the base state with a box 
casting a perfectly fine shadow. 'shadow_after' is where I have rotated the 
camera such that the box has moved out of view to the right. In this image you 
can see another clipping edge beginning at the bottom of the shadow that moves 
relatively vertically as the box continues to rotate to the right of the 
viewing window.

As with the LiSPSM implementation, if I comment out the clipping section (here 
in adjustPerspectiveShadowMapCameraSettings(..) function), it looks fine but of 
course is then not clipped at all.

Thanks again,
... [/img]

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2012-08-20 Thread Garrett Cope
Hi Wojtek, 

Thanks for replying.

The projection matrix at the points you mention matches what it is in my main 
app. I also set do_not_compute for the near/far planes on the main camera but 
didn't find any difference.

If I understand the clipping correctly, it's just a polytope representing the 
bounds of the shadow cut by a unit bounding box transformed by the main camera 
projection matrix. This means that either the shadow bounds calculation is 
wrong or my fundamental projection matrix is wrong... Does this sound right? 

I will try to come up with a simpler example to see which is the culprit.

Thanks again for your help.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2012-08-17 Thread Wojciech Lewandowski
Hi Garret,

I have not worked on Lispsm for long time but description of your problem
may suggest that my method of obtaining main camera and its projection
matrix may not work as it used to or your setup uses unusual multi channel
master / slave configuration that was not tested so far. I am obtaining
main view camera in several places in the code using this construct:


you may check if its still returning the right camera by adding asserts
checking its projection matrix (getProjectionMatrixAsFrustum and check if
near/far/left/right/top/bottom values are correct).

One of the older problems with main camera was use of COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR
flag. You may try turning it off and see if it affects your results.

If above does not help, I will ask you to create simple applet to show your
problem and I may try to debug it in spare time.

Wojtek Lewandowski

2012/8/17 Garrett Cope


 I'm working with the osgShadow LiSPSM implementation as that seems to be
 the one that people have had the most success with. The shadows are great,
 but are being clipped vertically as the shadowing object moves near the
 left or right edge of the window.

 I've seen similar issues in other threads, but have tried the following
 previously suggested solutions with no result:

 - Using one directional light angled at the geometry
 - Tried various values for minLightMargin
 - Set distant MaxFarPlane

 If I comment out the clipping function in MinimalShadowMap everything
 works as expected, but of course I need to clip the shadows for it to be

 The problem seems to be with the calculation of the CullVisitor's
 projection matrix used for clipping, but I have yet to find out where this
 is being calculated so I can see what the problem might be. I'm hoping
 Wojtek or someone more familiar with this plugin can point me in the right

 Thank you!


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