Re: [GENERAL] pg on Debian servers

2017-11-13 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

On 12/11/17 19:15, Karsten Hilbert wrote:

On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 01:03:18PM +, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Several legacy programs written in Delphi ground to a halt this morning,
which turned out to be because a Debian system had updated its copy of
PostgreSQL and restarted the server, which broke any live connections.

At least some versions of Delphi, not to mention other IDE/RAD tools with
database-aware components, don't automatically try to reestablish a database
session that's been interrupted. In any event, an unexpected server restart
(irrespective of all investment in UPSes etc.) has the potential of playing
havoc on a clustered system.

Is there any way that either the package maintainer or a site
administrator/programmer such as myself can mark the Postgres server
packages as "manual upgrade only" or similar? Or since I'm almost certainly
not the first person to be bitten by this, is there a preferred hack in

Apart from that (putting packages on hold), PostgreSQL
updates on Debian don't upgrade existing clusters
automatically. They do create a new cluster but the old one
is kept around and stays running, IIRC even on the very same

(Having gone all the way from PG 7.1 to PG 10 on Debian :)

With the caveat that Debian has only comparatively-recently introduced 
unattended updates as the default... I think only with Stretch. If 
you're still on Jessie you can yet be saved :-)

What did


say ?

I don't have it from the time of the problem, but currently it gives me

Ver Cluster Port Status OwnerData directory   Log file
9.6 main5432 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/9.6/main 

i.e. a single-server system, although I've since done a manual restart 
so that I could change some DIMMs.

However syslog and postgresql-9.6-main.log show me this:

Nov 11 06:27:38 postgres1 systemd[1]: Starting Daily apt upgrade and 
clean activities...

Nov 11 06:28:05 postgres1 systemd[1]: Reloading.
Nov 11 06:28:07 postgres1 systemd[1]: Reloading.
Nov 11 06:28:07 postgres1 systemd[1]: Stopped PostgreSQL RDBMS.
Nov 11 06:28:07 postgres1 systemd[1]: Stopping PostgreSQL Cluster 

Nov 11 06:28:08 postgres1 systemd[1]: Stopped PostgreSQL Cluster 9.6-main.
Nov 11 06:28:10 postgres1 systemd[1]: Reloading.

2017-11-11 06:28:07.587 UTC [675] LOG:  received fast shutdown request
2017-11-11 06:28:07.587 UTC [675] LOG:  aborting any active transactions
[Session names here]
2017-11-11 06:28:07.607 UTC [730] LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down
[More session names here]
2017-11-11 06:28:07.680 UTC [727] LOG:  shutting down
2017-11-11 06:28:07.984 UTC [675] LOG:  database system is shut down
2017-11-11 06:28:13.039 UTC [11122] LOG:  database system was shut down 
at 2017-11-11 06:28:07 UTC
2017-11-11 06:28:13.081 UTC [11122] LOG:  MultiXact member wraparound 
protections are now enabled

2017-11-11 06:28:13.085 UTC [11126] LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
2017-11-11 06:28:13.085 UTC [11121] LOG:  database system is ready to 
accept connections
2017-11-11 06:28:13.371 UTC [11128] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG:  incomplete 
startup packet

All live applications saw that as a loss of database connectivity, yet 
when I was alerted by their squeals of anguish (MIDI on app servers has 
its uses :-) I found the database server running and accepting connections.

There must have been something additional at play.

The apps are written in Delphi, I admit not a very recent version and 
they're due to be converted to Lazarus which is an open-source and 
portable clone. I'll defend my choice of language since it is, 
basically, the best "4GL" you'll find.

However one flaw of Delphi etc. is that they assume that they can safely 
hold a database session open for an extended period. I can't speak for 
Delphi any more since it has, basically, priced itself out of our league 
particularly taking into account its lack of portability, but 
FPC/Lazarus appears to have something which is intended to reconnect a 
lost session, although it's so far unimplemented.

So I've got multiple options for fixing this at the application level: 
either fill in the unimplemented bit of the database control in the 
Lazarus Class Library, or prevent apps from holding database connections 
open. But the real problem, I feel, is that Debian is enabling 
unattended upgrades without checking with the user, and while an 
attended upgrade normally asks for confirmation before restarting a 
daemon an unattended one doesn't.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] pg on Debian servers

2017-11-11 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

On 11/11/17 16:45, Jan Claeys wrote:

On Sat, 2017-11-11 at 14:23 +, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

I think that the "preventing upgrades" route is the one to follow,
since inhibiting the restart would obviously present a risk that
something loaded dynamically could get out of step. As an at least
temporary hack I've disabled unattended updates using

# systemctl disable unattended-upgrades.service

Unattended-upgrades is configurable and allows whitelisting package
origins, as well as blacklisting packages so that they never get
upgraded automatically (you can still upgrade them manually, of

See /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades (the default version of
that file includes documentation as comments).

Also see the unattended-upgrade(8) manpage, and the on/off switch in

Thanks Jan, noted. I was, of course, working to a fairly traditional 
priority: get things running again, whine for a few hours, and only 
later implement a proper fix :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] pg on Debian servers

2017-11-11 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

On 11/11/17 13:45, Christoph Berg wrote:

Re: Magnus Hagander 2017-11-11 

[GENERAL] pg on Debian servers

2017-11-11 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Apologies for something which is distro related, but I was bitten by a 
"silly mistake"- one of my own, I hasten to say- earlier.

Several legacy programs written in Delphi ground to a halt this morning, 
which turned out to be because a Debian system had updated its copy of 
PostgreSQL and restarted the server, which broke any live connections.

At least some versions of Delphi, not to mention other IDE/RAD tools 
with database-aware components, don't automatically try to reestablish a 
database session that's been interrupted. In any event, an unexpected 
server restart (irrespective of all investment in UPSes etc.) has the 
potential of playing havoc on a clustered system.

Is there any way that either the package maintainer or a site 
administrator/programmer such as myself can mark the Postgres server 
packages as "manual upgrade only" or similar? Or since I'm almost 
certainly not the first person to be bitten by this, is there a 
preferred hack in mitigation?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Systemd support (was:Re: [GENERAL] Please say it isn't so)

2017-07-12 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

On 12/07/17 05:00, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi all,

Please tell me this is a mistake:

Why a database system should care about how processes get started is
beyond me. Systemd is an entangled mess that every year subsumes more
and more of the operating system, in a very non-cooperative way.

There are almost ten init systems. In every one of those init systems,
one can run a process supervisor, such as runit or s6 or
daemontools-encore, completely capable of starting the postgres server.

Every year, systemd further hinders interoperability, further erodes
interchangeability of parts, and continues to address problems with
WONTFIX. In the long run, you do your users no favor by including
init-system specific code in Postgres or its makefiles. If systemd
can't correctly start Postgres, I guarantee you that s6 or runit,
running on top of systemd, can.

Postgres doesn't care which language makes a query to it. Why
should Postgres care which init system started it? I hope you can free
Postgres of init-specific code, and if for some reason you can't do
that, at least don't recommend init-specific code.

OTOH since systemd is what's being supported by a significant number of 
distributions it makes sense to at least try to work robustly with it.

While my preference would have been to have made such a change at a 
major version transition, the reality is that database systems are 
competitive, and not keeping up with the underlying platform would have 
been very much to PostgreSQL's disadvantage,

OP: Please note that you do yourself no favours at all by posting a 
subject line which could very easily be misinterpreted as spam.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL on eMMC - Corrupt file system

2017-02-10 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

On 09/02/17 23:00, Christoph Moench-Tegeder wrote:

## Thomas Güttler (

 Is running linux with postgres on eMMC a bad idea in general?

I'd say that running anything with a read-write load on eMMC will
end in pieces. It's ok to occasionally write something, but a mixed
load is not really what these things were designed for. The wear
leveling can be quite basic, you never know when it's gonna happen
(i.e. sudden power down can kill your filesystem - that's why disabling
journaling is not a very great idea), and if your device is "mostly
full" anyways, the wear leveling has not much space to redirect the
writes to. Remember that some of those chips are sold mostly by
price - that is, the hobbyist "embedded" devices get the cheapest
chips. A safer bet would be adding an external storage; some
64GB SATA SSDs are available for less than 50€ (perhaps it's better
not to go for the cheapest ones here, too).

I agree, but three additional comments. First, we've got a fair number 
of RPis running their root filesystems on the internal SD-Card without 
problems, but the one Odroid which runs an eMMC card failed a few weeks 
ago. Second, a useful precaution is to put stuff which will be updated 
on an external device, although the same longevity concerns apply if 
it's Flash-based. Third, experience here suggests that reliability 
/might/ be improved if you fully zero a device before partitioning it to 
make absolutely sure that the internal controller has touched every block.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Regrding:- Arduino-Postgresql Direct Connection

2016-12-13 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

On 09/12/16 21:30, John R Pierce wrote:

On 12/8/2016 8:56 PM, Roshan Jha wrote:

In my project ,I have  to send the data from the arduino to the direct
postgresql for storing .So i want know that is it possible to make
direct connection between arduino to postgresql ,If yes, then let me
know, how should i do.

arduinos don't even have native networking, do they?  so you'll need an
ethernet adapter, and someone's tcp/ip libraries to even get data off it...

it might be easier to do this on a raspberry pi...  they run a small
linux system natively, and have ethernet built in, the pi3 has
integrated wifi, too.

To talk to postgresql directly, you would need a libpq compiled for
arduino, this compilation, while theoretically possible quite likely
would be rather tricky.

instead, I'd suggest implementing a front end, perhaps RESTful, that
runs on an application server, either on the postgres database server or
another nearby server, and have the arduino send the data to it, this
front end would format the data and insert it into the postgres
database.   keep the app server API at a simple application-oriented
level ('GET record', 'PUT record' kind of thing...) so the arduino code
can be kept quite simple.

I really don't think an Arduino is the tool for this job, but I've known 
plenty of people who'd try to make do... and wouldn't know when to give up.

I'd add my vote for Raspberry Pi here, if the OP has an unavoidable need 
to use Arduino "shields" there's an interface called the Raspduino which 
would help.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] PostgreSQL and ArcGIS used in UK military exercise

2016-10-30 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Potentially useful publicity.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] postgres driver for mysql

2016-09-11 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

On 05/09/16 18:46, Mimiko wrote:

Hello to all.

I want to move applications to postgres. But there are applications
which can use only mysql or local mdb or mssql. For now I run a mysql
server to which this applications are connected. Long time ago I've
encountered a federeted module for mysql to allow to store data in
postgres. Now that site doesnot exists.

Have you checked At the very least that would give you 
things like developers names that you can follow up, since there might 
be a continuation project.

We certainly can't do that for you, since you haven't given us a URL or 
told us the name of the module.

Can anyone suggest a db federeted plugin for mysql/mariadb to store data
in pg. Changing applications is impossible, they are proprietary and
work only with specific databases only.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Stored procedure version control

2016-07-03 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Elsewhere, somebody was asking how people implemented version control 
for stored procedures on (MS) SQL Server.

The consensus was that this is probably best managed by using scripts or 
command files to generate stored procedures etc., but does anybody have 
any comment on that from the POV of PostgreSQL?

For completeness although this appears to be MS-specific, somebody has 
drawn my attention to

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Stored procedure version control

2016-06-30 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Mike Sofen wrote:

-Original Message-

From: Mark Morgan Lloyd Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 2:41 AM
Neil Anderson wrote:

On 2016-06-29 12:37 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Elsewhere, somebody was asking how people implemented version control 
for stored procedures on (MS) SQL Server.

The consensus was that this is probably best managed by using scripts 
or command files to generate stored procedures etc., but does anybody 
have any comment on that from the POV of PostgreSQL?

[etc.] Thanks everybody, summary passed on.
Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

A bit late to the thread, but here's some specific details on how I've
implemented version control in PG 9.5, in a small team environment deploying
to single database servers in each tier (dev, qa, stage, prod).  It's
working well so far, and allows my stored proc versions to be aligned with
the middle and upper tier code releases.  I'm the lead database
architect-engineer for a brand new genomics application (lots of data).

Thanks Mike, I'll pass that on if the thread on CIX still looks live.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Stored procedure version control

2016-06-30 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Neil Anderson wrote:

On 2016-06-29 12:37 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Elsewhere, somebody was asking how people implemented version control
for stored procedures on (MS) SQL Server.

The consensus was that this is probably best managed by using scripts or
command files to generate stored procedures etc., but does anybody have
any comment on that from the POV of PostgreSQL?

I can't comment from the POV of those who represent Postgres, but I used 
to work for a company who specialised in change management for database 
products, SQL Server and Oracle in particular. There are at least two 
approaches. The migrations approach and the state based approach.

[etc.] Thanks everybody, summary passed on.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Stored procedure version control

2016-06-29 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Elsewhere, somebody was asking how people implemented version control 
for stored procedures on (MS) SQL Server.

The consensus was that this is probably best managed by using scripts or 
command files to generate stored procedures etc., but does anybody have 
any comment on that from the POV of PostgreSQL?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] System aggregation

2016-04-05 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
ScaleMP apparently has a facility where a single system image can be 
spread over multiple host computers, possibly with guest 
paravirtualisation, although the non-priced variant only supports memory 

There also used to be something called Virtual Iron (possibly based on 
Xen), but it was swallowed by Oracle where it was under the wing of Wim 
Coekaerts who I believe has just joined Microsoft.

Has anybody ever experimented with PostgreSQL on this sort of thing, and 
is anybody aware of an open equivalent?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL advocacy

2016-03-25 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Jernigan, Kevin wrote:

On 3/25/16, 4:37 AM, " on behalf of Mark Morgan 
Lloyd" < on behalf of> wrote:

Just because a corporate has a hundred sites cooperating for inventory 
management doesn't mean that the canteen menus have to be stored on 
Oracle RAC :-)

Right, but often the customer has paid for a site license, in which case the IT 
department will just keep spinning up more Oracle (or SQL Server or DB2) 
databases when requests come in - even if it’s overkill for the proposed use 
case / workload, it’s less work if IT only has one database technology to 

OTOH, if the license takes the number of CPUs/cores into account then 
adding even unsophisticated unrelated databases will, eventually, cost.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL advocacy

2016-03-25 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Jernigan, Kevin wrote:

On 3/22/16, 8:07 AM, "Bruce Momjian" <> wrote:

HA   Scaling  Upgrade Add/Remove
   Oracle RAC   50% 50%easyeasy
   Streaming Rep.  100% 25%*   hardeasy
   Sharding  0%100%hardhard
   * Allows read scaling

 Bruce Momjian  <>

+ As you are, so once was I. As I am, so you will be. +
+ Roman grave inscription +

Implementing RAC-equivalent functionality is extremely hard, as evidenced by the lack of any directly comparable capability from any other relational db engine, until the release of IBM DB2 Shareplex a few years ago. And given the improvement of PostgreSQL and other open source solutions over the past 20 years, it’s not clear that it makes sense to go through the initial design and implementation work and then the ongoing maintenance overhead - most of what RAC provides can be achieved through other existing capabilities. 

Hearing what IBM's strong points are is always useful, since the various 
flavours of DB2 obviously have facilities to which other databases 
should aspire. As with Oracle, DB2's strong points aren't really 
well-publicised, and things are further complicated by the variant 
terminology which IBM has evolved over the half century they've been 
building mainframes.

While I’m not sure that the percentage breakdowns in your chart are totally 
accurate, I agree with the general assessment, except for the highest-end 
applications which have zero-downtime requirements which can’t be met with 
streaming replication: the overhead of synchronous replication limits 
scalability, and the failover time for moving from primary to a failover target 
is significantly slower than RAC - which can be literally zero if configured 

The higher-level point that I think is important is that while I may be able to 
win technical arguments that RAC is better for certain high-end extreme 
workloads - and maybe I can’t even win those arguments ;-) - the real issue is 
that there aren’t very many of those workloads, and the PostgreSQL community 
shouldn’t care: the vast majority of Oracle (and SQL Server etc) workloads 
don’t need all the fancy high-end RAC capabilities, or many of the other 
high-end commercial database capabilities. And those workloads can relatively 
easily be migrated to PostgreSQL, with minor disruption / change to schemas, 
data, triggers, constraints, procedural SQL…

What I've seen so far suggests that if MS is positioning SQL Server to 
challenge Oracle, it's basically looking for low-hanging fruit: in 
particular supplementary databases which corporates have put onto Oracle 
out of habit but which quite simply don't need some of the higher-end 
facilities for which Oracle is harvesting revenue.

Just because a corporate has a hundred sites cooperating for inventory 
management doesn't mean that the canteen menus have to be stored on 
Oracle RAC :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] PostgreSQL advocacy

2016-03-21 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
If anybody puts together a "just the facts" document after Oracle's 
attack on PostgreSQL in Russia, please make sure it's drawn to the 
attention of this mailing list for the benefit of those who aren't in 

I was discussing this sort of thing elsewhere in the context of MS's 
apparent challenge to Oracle and IBM, and the dominant feeling appeared 
to be that actual use of things like Oracle RAC was vanishingly 
uncommon. Which surprised me, and which I'm treating with caution since 
the fact that facilities aren't used (in a certain population of 
developers etc.) can in no way be interpreted as meaning that the 
technology is not unavailable or unreliable.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] "Web of trust" connections

2015-11-10 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Jim Nasby wrote:

On 11/6/15 8:01 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Purely out of curiosity, is there any way of using some sort of "web of
trust" (comparable with GPG or whatever) when verifying server and
client certificates, rather than going back to a centralised CA?

My apologies if this is a silly question, or if there are fundamental
reasons why such a thing would be inappropriate. My scenario is that I'm
looking at multiple PostgreSQL servers (with supporting custom software)
arranged (approximately) as a tree, with nodes sending notifications to
their peers as they see changes. I want to make it as easy as possible
to set up a new server and get it cooperating with the rest, and some
sort of WoT might be plausible rather than having to wait for the root
administrator to send keys over a secure channel.

Postgres does support PAM, so you might be able to craft such a solution 
using that along with something that support WoT (like GPG).

Thanks for that Jim, very interesting suggestion.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] "Web of trust" connections

2015-11-06 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Purely out of curiosity, is there any way of using some sort of "web of 
trust" (comparable with GPG or whatever) when verifying server and 
client certificates, rather than going back to a centralised CA?

My apologies if this is a silly question, or if there are fundamental 
reasons why such a thing would be inappropriate. My scenario is that I'm 
looking at multiple PostgreSQL servers (with supporting custom software) 
arranged (approximately) as a tree, with nodes sending notifications to 
their peers as they see changes. I want to make it as easy as possible 
to set up a new server and get it cooperating with the rest, and some 
sort of WoT might be plausible rather than having to wait for the root 
administrator to send keys over a secure channel.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Red Hat Policies Regarding PostgreSQL

2015-10-28 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Tom Lane wrote:

Michael Convey <> writes:

Due to policies for Red Hat family distributions, the PostgreSQL
installation will not be enabled for automatic start or have the database
initialized automatically.

To which policies are they referring? Licensing, security, or other?​

Packaging policy: daemons shall not run merely by virtue of having been
installed.  Otherwise, if you install a boatload of software without
checking each package, you'd have a boatload of probably-unwanted and
possibly-incorrectly-configured daemons running.  Which is a performance
problem and likely a security hazard too.

It's a good policy IMO (though I used to work there so no doubt I've just
drunk too much Red Hat koolaid).

Seems reasonable. In fact somewhat better than current KDE as in e.g. 
Debian "Jessie", which embeds a copy of MySQL whether the the user wants 
to use it or not.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Listen/notify, equivalents on other DBs

2015-09-28 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Thomas Kellerer wrote:

Mark Morgan Lloyd schrieb am 25.09.2015 um 23:41:

I'm trying to get support for PostgreSQL's listen/notify into a
development environment, but since it supports multiple database
backends: can anybody comment on how many other servers have a
comparable facility?

Minimal research has allowed me to code something for
Firebird/Interbase, but I'm not in a position to investigate Oracle,
IBM, MS and the rest. I'd appreciate any general comments from
somebody who has broad SQL experience, I'm not asking for example

For Oracle this would be the "change notification" feature which
goes beyond what Postgres can do if I'm not mistaken as you can
register a query and the client is notified if the result of that
query would change:

Thanks for that, very useful. There's minimal info on the 
Firebird/Interbase equivalent at

 but my recollection is that it's very lightweight- no useful payload.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Listen/notify, equivalents on other DBs

2015-09-25 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
I'm trying to get support for PostgreSQL's listen/notify into a 
development environment, but since it supports multiple database 
backends: can anybody comment on how many other servers have a 
comparable facility?

Minimal research has allowed me to code something for 
Firebird/Interbase, but I'm not in a position to investigate Oracle, 
IBM, MS and the rest. I'd appreciate any general comments from somebody 
who has broad SQL experience, I'm not asking for example code.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] [pg_hba.conf] publish own Python application using PostgreSQL

2015-07-06 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Jan de Visser wrote:

On July 6, 2015 06:43:53 AM wrote:

On 2015-07-05 15:13 Jan de Visser wrote:

You could set up a whole new server with a different $PGDATA on a
different port.

I (and the user) don't want to setup anything - that is the point.

Well, you don't have to setup anything. You do an initdb in a different 
directory, that will write a .conf file there, which you then massage to 
include a different port. You'll use the same binaries as the standard pgsql 
install, but in a different environment.

I'm not sure that helps, since I think part of the question is what the 
true Debian way is to massage the configuration files to include 
appropriate entries.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] [No subject]

2015-03-31 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

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2013-05-10 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
I don't know whether anybody active on the list has R (and in particular 
PL/R) experience, but just in case... :-)

i)   Something like APL can operate on an array with minimal regard for 
index order, i.e. operations across the array are as easily-expressed 
and as efficient as operations down the array. Does this apply to PL/R?

ii)  Things like OpenOffice can be very inefficient if operating over a 
table comprising a non-trivial number of rows. Does PL/R offer a 
significant improvement, e.g. by using a cursor rather than trying to 
read an entire resultset into memory?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] PL/R etc.

2013-05-10 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Merlin Moncure wrote:

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 4:41 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

I don't know whether anybody active on the list has R (and in particular
PL/R) experience, but just in case... :-)

i)   Something like APL can operate on an array with minimal regard for
index order, i.e. operations across the array are as easily-expressed and as
efficient as operations down the array. Does this apply to PL/R?

ii)  Things like OpenOffice can be very inefficient if operating over a
table comprising a non-trivial number of rows. Does PL/R offer a significant
improvement, e.g. by using a cursor rather than trying to read an entire
resultset into memory?

pl/r (via R) very terse and expressive.  it will probably meet or beat
any performance expectations you have coming from openoffice.   that
said, it's definitely a memory bound language; typically problem
solving involves stuffing data into huge data frames which then pass
to the high level problem solving functions like glm.

you have full access to sql within the pl/r function, so nothing is
keeping you from paging data into the frame via a cursor, but that
only helps so much.

a lot depends on the specific problem you solve of course.

Thanks Merlin and Joe. As an occasional APL user terse and oppressive 
doesn't really bother me :-)

As a particular example of the sort of thing I'm thinking, using pure 
SQL the operation of summing the columns in each row and summing the 
rows in each column are very different.

In contrast, in APL if I have an array

1  2  3  4
5  6  7  8
9 10 11 12

I can perform a reduction operation using + over whichever axis I specify:

15 18 21 24
10 26 42

or even by default

10 26 42

Does PL/R provide that sort of abstraction in a uniform fashion?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] PL/R etc.

2013-05-10 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Merlin Moncure wrote:

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Merlin Moncure wrote:

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 4:41 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

I don't know whether anybody active on the list has R (and in particular
PL/R) experience, but just in case... :-)

i)   Something like APL can operate on an array with minimal regard for
index order, i.e. operations across the array are as easily-expressed and
efficient as operations down the array. Does this apply to PL/R?

ii)  Things like OpenOffice can be very inefficient if operating over a
table comprising a non-trivial number of rows. Does PL/R offer a
improvement, e.g. by using a cursor rather than trying to read an entire
resultset into memory?

pl/r (via R) very terse and expressive.  it will probably meet or beat
any performance expectations you have coming from openoffice.   that
said, it's definitely a memory bound language; typically problem
solving involves stuffing data into huge data frames which then pass
to the high level problem solving functions like glm.

you have full access to sql within the pl/r function, so nothing is
keeping you from paging data into the frame via a cursor, but that
only helps so much.

a lot depends on the specific problem you solve of course.

Thanks Merlin and Joe. As an occasional APL user terse and oppressive
doesn't really bother me :-)

As a particular example of the sort of thing I'm thinking, using pure SQL
the operation of summing the columns in each row and summing the rows in
each column are very different.

In contrast, in APL if I have an array

1  2  3  4
5  6  7  8
9 10 11 12

I can perform a reduction operation using + over whichever axis I specify:

15 18 21 24
10 26 42

or even by default

10 26 42

Does PL/R provide that sort of abstraction in a uniform fashion?

certainly (for example see here:
-- getting good at R can take some time but it's worth it.   R is
hot right now with all the buzz around big data lately.  The main
challenge actually is the language is so rich it can be difficult to
zero in on the precise behaviors you need.   Also, the documentation
is all over the place.

pl/r plays in nicely because with some thought you can marry the R
analysis functions directly to the query in terms of both inputs and
outputs -- basically very, very sweet syntax sugar.   It's a little
capricious though (and be advised: Joe has put up some very important
and necessary fixes quite recently) so usually I work out the R code
in the R console first before putting in the database.

[Peruse] Thanks, I think I get the general idea. I'm aware of the 
significance of R, and in particular that it's attracting attention due 
to the undesirability of hiding functionality in spreadsheets where 
these usurped APL for certain types of operation.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] libpq thread safety

2012-12-27 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Do any special precautions need to be taken when PQNotifies is being 
called, to make sure that nothing else is referencing the handle?

The sort of nightmare scenario I'm thinking about is when a background 
thread is periodically pulling data from a table into a buffer, but a 
foreground (GUI) timer is asynchronously polling for notifications.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] libpq thread safety

2012-12-27 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Tom Lane wrote:

Mark Morgan Lloyd writes:
Do any special precautions need to be taken when PQNotifies is being 
called, to make sure that nothing else is referencing the handle?

It's pretty much the same as any other operation on a PGconn: if there
could be more than one thread touching the connection object
concurrently, you'd be well advised to add some application-level

The lack of any such locking inside libpq is partly historical, and
partly because in many practical situations you'll need application-side
locks anyway to protect application data structures associated with the

Thanks, Tom. I'm fairly happy with the ways I've used it so far, but I'm 
just trying to think ahead for the future.

In the case of Delphi/Lazarus, where you can have multiple queries on 
top of the same connection object, my experience so far is that using 
the connection object's handle is safe. But I think that to be 
absolutely confident of that I need to do some tracing, and find out 
under what circumstance calls are being issued directly against that 
handle rather than it just being a placeholder for authentication etc.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Trouble with PQnotifies()

2012-12-14 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

The following listening worker thread behaves as expected if I insert/delete rows 
into/from table t1 in psql prompt.

My trouble is when the SQL execution worker thread inserts/ deletes rows into/from table 
t1, the listening worker thread then goes crazy: PQnotifies() always returns 
NULL which pushes the listening thread to grab all CPU power because select() returns 
immediately in every iteration. The weird part is that select() says that there is 
something available but PQnotifies() returns NULL.


Please ignore this question!

My connection pool implementation seems to have flaw. Somehow and somewhere the 
connection acquired by a thread is robbed by other threads. The PGconn  sending 
LISTEN NotifyMe becomes different from the PGconn passed to PQsocket(), 
PQconsumeInput(), and/or PQnotifies().

I was looking at it carefully, and was about to ask about the 
connection- in particular whether it was shared across threads etc. Glad 
you've found the issue, I've been caught by something very similar using 
list/notify on Lazarus/FPC where you can end up with several handles 
only one of which is reliable.

Please also pardon me for asking inappropriate questions like this one. As far 
as I can recall, every issue I encountered before always finally proved that 
PostgreSQL is flawless.

But at least it demonstrates that somebody's using that facility.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] libpq - prevent automatic reconnect

2012-12-07 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Chris Angelico wrote:

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 5:56 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

I suspect this action isn't dropping the TCP connection.  It's only
equivalent to a momentary glitch in your network connectivity --- and
you'd be very unhappy if that caused TCP connections to go down, because
networks have glitches all the time.  Generally, the operating system
tries hard to prevent applications from even knowing that a glitch
happened.  (Connections will time out eventually if connectivity doesn't
come back, but typically such timeouts are many minutes.  Possibly
whatever your real complaint is could be addressed by twiddling the TCP
timeout parameters for the socket.)

Yep. For a better test, try taking the interface down for a good while
(several minutes), or actually shut down the Postgres server at the
other end.

I find PostgreSQL connections, particularly with listen/notify set up, 
to be fairly sensitive to disconnection. This is particularly the case 
with apps written using either Delphi or Lazarus, where a session is 
kept live for an extended period rather than simply being used to 
transfer a query and resultset.

This isn't a recent thing, and I'm definitely not saying that it's a 
Postgres issue. I've tried forcing random connection drops at the 
application level in the past and have never been able to characterise 
the problem.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Installing minimal client libraries on Windows

2012-12-07 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Albe Laurenz wrote:

Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Apologies for this old chestnut, but I think it's a question more often
asked than answered.

If I want to install a minimal binary libpq.dll on a non-developer
machine to support Lazarus/FPC programs, where do I get it?

I definitely don't want to tell the users to install a full server, or
to build from source. I'd rather not give them pgadmin or psql. I'd
prefer not to install ODBC since I need to get at listen/notify that it
doesn't support.

You can extract it from the precompiled ZIP archive that
EnterpriseDB provides.

Thanks, but in the end I installed ODBC as the path of least resistance 
and relied on the OS knowing where the DLLs were.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Installing minimal client libraries on Windows

2012-12-06 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Apologies for this old chestnut, but I think it's a question more often 
asked than answered.

If I want to install a minimal binary libpq.dll on a non-developer 
machine to support Lazarus/FPC programs, where do I get it?

I definitely don't want to tell the users to install a full server, or 
to build from source. I'd rather not give them pgadmin or psql. I'd 
prefer not to install ODBC since I need to get at listen/notify that it 
doesn't support.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Looking for ODBC drivers for NT4.

2012-08-28 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Mouse Dresden wrote:

OK. I won't go into details about why I need them, since no one wants
a long story.

Simply put, I'm looking for odbc drivers for postgresql that will work with NT4.

I've been using on NT4 app servers for an extended period, 
look for psqlodbc.msi of the appropriate version. You might also need a 
separate MDAC installer.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Terminating a rogue connection

2012-07-27 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Assuming a *nix server: if a monitoring program determines that an 
established connection appears to be trying to so something 
inappropriate, what's the best way of terminating that session rapidly?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Terminating a rogue connection

2012-07-27 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Chris Angelico wrote:

On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 6:27 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Assuming a *nix server: if a monitoring program determines that an
established connection appears to be trying to so something inappropriate,
what's the best way of terminating that session rapidly?

select pg_terminate_backend(procpid) from pg_stat_activity where .

The main difficulty is recognizing which PID to terminate, though.

Exactly :-)

I'd add that this is a hypothetical situation at present, I'm just 
trying to plan ahead.

There's a good lot of information available in pg_stat_activity;
logins, application names, and connection IP addresses are handy here.
But ultimately, it's just pg_terminate_backend.


Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Switching from OSX to Linux, multi-line queries in \copy don't work anymore

2012-07-27 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Craig Ringer wrote:

On 07/27/2012 09:28 PM, Ryan Kelly wrote:

I recently switched from OSX to Linux and \copy in psql no longer
accepts multi-line queries. For instance:

\copy (
) to '/tmp/settings.csv' with csv header

This works fine on OSX. On Linux I get:
\copy: parse error at end of line

Am I missing something here?
A wild guess: I'd say this is a consequence of the fact that psql on OS 
X uses libedit, on Linux it uses readline.

Personally I had no idea that multiline \copy was possible at all. I've 
always though the way backslash commands are EOL-terminated while 
everything else is semicolon terminated is a bit of a wart, though.

I don't have an answer for you. Using the --no-readline argument makes 
no difference on my 9.1.4 here. This may just be an area where libedit 
is smarter than readline - or it might be that I'm totally wrong and the 
real issue is something else entirely.

Thanks for making the effort to produce a good post with all the 
detailed version info, exact error text, etc.

Also appear to get it here on single-line queries:

markMLl= \copy (select * from pg_settings) to '/tmp/settings.csv' with 
csv header;

\copy: parse error at select

However my psql and server are rather old which could be an issue 
(8.1.19 to server 8.4 if I recall correctly).

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Terminating a rogue connection

2012-07-27 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Chris Angelico wrote:

On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 7:09 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Chris Angelico wrote:

On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 6:27 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Assuming a *nix server: if a monitoring program determines that an
established connection appears to be trying to so something
what's the best way of terminating that session rapidly?

select pg_terminate_backend(procpid) from pg_stat_activity where .

The main difficulty is recognizing which PID to terminate, though.

Exactly :-)

I'd add that this is a hypothetical situation at present, I'm just trying to
plan ahead.

Something I've been developing at work lately combines this with
editing pg_hba.conf to ensure that a kicked connection cannot
reconnect. Services register themselves with a particular user name,
then SET USER to switch to the one actual user who owns tables and
stuff, so my overlording monitor can kick off any service based on IP
and usename (note the spelling - it's not username in the table).
Rewrite pg_hba.conf, SIGHUP, then pg_terminate_backend in a searched
SELECT as seen above.

This may be overkill for what you're doing, though. It's part of our
prevent split-brain problems technique.

One problem there is that if somebody is doing something that causes a 
significant CPU or memory overcommit, it might be some while before 
SIGHUP etc. works. I'm currently eyeballing the Linux capabilities 
stuff, it looks as though if a monitor has CAP_NET_ADMIN that it will be 
able to temporarily add a firewall rule that blocks the rogue client's 

I'm hoping to be able to avoid on the fly editing of configuration 
files, there's too much could go wrong. Which I suppose leads into 
another question...

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Adding users connection via SSL

2012-07-27 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
I'm hoping to be able to avoid on the fly editing of configuration 
files, there's too much could go wrong.

Is it possible to create or modify a user connecting via an 
authenticated/encrypted protocol as an SQL activity, in the same way 
that CREATE ROLE ... PASSWORD creates one authenticated by password?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] timestamps, formatting, and internals

2012-06-03 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Jasen Betts wrote:

On 2012-05-29, David Salisbury wrote:

On 5/27/12 12:25 AM, Jasen Betts wrote:

The query: show integer_datetimes; should return 'on' which means
timestamps are microsecond precision if it returns 'off' your database
was built with floating point timstamps and equality tests will be

I find that rather interesting.  I was told that I was losing microseconds
when I extracted an epoch from the difference between two timestamps and casted
that value to an integer.  So if I have integer timestamps ( your case above )
I get microseconds, but integer epochs is without microseconds?

yeah, the microseconds appear as fractions of seconds, so in the
conversion to integer epoch they get rounded off.

I think you need to consider what you're actually computing and 
measuring. My understanding is that Meeus's Equation of Time calculation 
is good to something like 250mSec so that's the limit of your accuracy, 
but as soon as you start taking refraction and atmospheric turbulence 
into account- even with the Sun high above the horizon- you're going to 
degrade that.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Libpq question

2012-06-01 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

zeljko wrote:

John Townsend wrote:

It appears that some developers (Davart) are by-passing the standard
client library, “libpq.dll”, and directly accessing the server using
Delphi or FPC. I am not sure of the advantage here. All libpq.dll

I'm FPC user and I use,.dylib) via zeoslib. 
Those who bypass libpq probably uses odbc connections or similar.

Apologies for my rather late comment.

ODBC, JDBC, Zeos etc. are all appropriate if you want an app to be able 
to contact different types of backend. However, the further you move 
from native connections, the more difficult it becomes to use 
PostgreSQL-specific functionality such as the listen/notify mechanism: 
I've used this to good effect in an FPC/Lazarus program and while I 
believe it can be hacked in via ODBC the result is hardly pretty.

In addition, while it is in principle possible to roll your own 
interface library, the libpq+pg combination has been in use for 10+ 
years, is actively maintained, and (hopefully) is bug- and 
backdoor-free. Reinventing this particular wheel is definitely not 
something that should be approached casually.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Listen and Notify

2012-05-01 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Merlin Moncure wrote:

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 1:47 AM, Alexander Reichstadt wrote:


From the documentation I was able to build a trigger firing upon deletion of a 
record a function that delivers tablename_operation as a notification one needs 
to subscribe to. So in terminal I can say LISTEN persons_delete and instantly 
will receive

   Asynchronous notification persons_delete received from server process 
with PID 54790.

if there was a delete. But what I don't fully understand is how to do this with 
PQnotifies. Following the docu I get no notifications even though I subscribe 
to them after successfully connecting to the server the same way I do using 

Googling didn't give me examples I was able to use. Please, can someone help?

I'm suspecting operator error because using PQnotifies is exactly what
psql does.  Maybe you could post a small test program?  Are you using
a mixed case notification name?

Works here in a Pascal program built using Lazarus. You /must/ however, 
ensure that the session requesting the notification is kept active and 
is the one that's regularly checked, it's easy to lose track of this in 
a development framework which isolates you from the low-level handles etc.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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2011-12-12 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Rob Sargent wrote:

On 12/06/2011 01:56 PM, Glyn Astill wrote:


From: Merlin Moncure
To: Joe Miller 
Sent: Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 17:30

Subject: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL DBA in SPCE

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 10:56 AM, Joe Miller wrote:

You may have seen this, but RedGate software is sponsoring a contest
to send a DBA on a suborbital space flight.

And there is a PostgreSQL representativeme!

Voting is open for 7 days. Don't let one of those Oracle or SQL Server
punks win :p

so jealous -- I didn't make the cut.  Well, you'll have my vote.


Me neither, voted. Good luck.

Tried to vote, but never got the mail to confirm my vote?

Message comes with header Confirm your vote, so a firewall that is 
over-zealous catching confirm your account type emails will can it.

I suspect that we're supposed to do this every day- I'm sure that 
Certain Corporates will have no compunction at using multiple votes.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Listen/notify and ODBC

2011-08-19 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
In early 2009 I asked whether there was a hack to allow PostgreSQL's 
listen/notify commands via ODBC, some while later I believe that 
somebody sent me example code encoded as base64 which erroneously got 
deleted as spam.

Google suggests that several other people have asked about this over the 
years: if anybody still has this example do you think you could post a 
URL where it might be found?

My apologies for posting this here as well as in the ODBC ML.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

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[GENERAL] Per-query local timezone

2011-06-14 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Is it possible to incorporate SET TIMEZONE into a query, so that 
to_char(...'TZ') etc. is appropriately localised?

The development environment I'm working with uses short-lifetime 
sessions, and it's proving difficult to get a set command and a query 
associated with the same handle.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Per-query local timezone

2011-06-14 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Karsten Hilbert wrote:

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 09:40:20AM +, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Is it possible to incorporate SET TIMEZONE into a query, so that
to_char(...'TZ') etc. is appropriately localised?

You seem to want AT TIME ZONE.

Thanks for that. How can I do /this/

select to_char(now() at time zone 'GMT0BST', 'TZ');

It appears to return '', while if I used a separate SET TIMEZONE I'd 
expect 'BST'.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Per-query local timezone

2011-06-14 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Tom Lane wrote:

John R Pierce writes:

On 06/14/11 2:40 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
The development environment I'm working with uses short-lifetime 
sessions, and it's proving difficult to get a set command and a query 
associated with the same handle. 

this environment doesn't support even a transaction?

Sounds kinda broken :-( ... but maybe Mark could wrap the operations
he needs into custom functions.

Is always a possibility. The problem is that particular component I'm 
using conflates the open and issue-query operations and has an implicit 
transaction, the developers are aware that this has undesirable 

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Per-query local timezone

2011-06-14 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Steve Crawford wrote:

On 06/14/2011 05:13 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Karsten Hilbert wrote:

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 09:40:20AM +, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Is it possible to incorporate SET TIMEZONE into a query, so that
to_char(...'TZ') etc. is appropriately localised?

You seem to want AT TIME ZONE.

Thanks for that. How can I do /this/

select to_char(now() at time zone 'GMT0BST', 'TZ');

It appears to return '', while if I used a separate SET TIMEZONE I'd 
expect 'BST'.

The now() function returns a timestamp with time zone (aka a point in 
time). When you ask for a timestamp with time zone at a specific time 
zone, you get a timestamp *without* time zone (you provided and 
therefore know the desired time zone and PostgreSQL returned the 
timestamp in that zone).

I'm a bit concerned with your initial statement that The development 
environment I'm working with uses short-lifetime sessions, and it's 
proving difficult to get a set command and a query associated with the 
same handle.. Do I take this to mean that connections are going through 
some sort of pooler that is allocating connections on as short as a 
per-statement basis so you might end up with a different connection 
between the set time zone.. statement and the query? If so, you may 
start to find all sorts of other issues.

It's a bit convoluted, but you could get the zone from a subquery and 
select the timestamp converted to that zone along with the zone itself 
from the outer query:

select now() at time zone, from (select 'est5edt'::text as 
tz) as foo;

Looking back through the mailing list, the issue appears to be the way 
that AT TIME ZONE is parsed into a function which returns a string. I 
think the easiest way round most of this is going to be to use the PGTZ 
shell variable, otherwise I think I can pull the info I need out of 
pg_timezone_names subject to using the correct zone name.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] ZEOS or PGDAC - How to lock a resource?

2011-05-06 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Merlin Moncure wrote:

2011/5/4 durumdara


We will porting an application to PGSQL from some table based app (BDE

The older application used a special technic of the driver: if a record
edited, some exclusive (over transaction), forever living lock put on it.
On exit, cancel, or post this lock removed.

We used this to lock the main resource from concurrent edits.

advisory locks

(aside: borland delphi is increasingly obsolete in the scheme of
things, but zeos is one of the best postgres drivers ever written!)

I don't use Zeos, but a few months ago I was using listen/notify via 
FPC's standard classes to good effect so I'd be surprised if there were 
any problems.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql, PSN hack and table limits

2011-05-02 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Greg Smith wrote:

On 05/01/2011 01:50 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Somebody is making a very specific claim that Postgres can support a 
limited number of rows

Did you find this via ? 
That was the only Google-indexed source leading to it I found.  I just 
left a note there about the silliness of these claims.  I could run more 
than a 10M row PostgreSQL instance on my phone.  Unless there's a new 
16-bit only Vic 20 port of PostgreSQL available or something, it's seems 
unlikely the data had to be partitioned due to any hard limit.

Yes, via Google. I was digging around for any information about what 
sort of access and APIs the network made available to end-user (or 
ersatz developer) systems.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Postgresql, PSN hack and table limits

2011-05-01 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Somebody is making a very specific claim that Postgres can support a 
limited number of rows:

INPS (a data forensics team) said that there is 7 main Databases all 
hosted at different data centers but linked over a type of 'cloud' Each 
database uses PostGRESSQL which would mean the most amount of data each 
database could hold with no stability issues is aproximitely equal to 
that of 10,348,439 Rows

Does anybody have any idea where they've got hold of this figure?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql, PSN hack and table limits

2011-05-01 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Magnus Hagander wrote:

On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 07:50, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Somebody is making a very specific claim that Postgres can support a limited
number of rows:

INPS (a data forensics team) said that there is 7 main Databases all hosted
at different data centers but linked over a type of 'cloud' Each database
uses PostGRESSQL which would mean the most amount of data each database
could hold with no stability issues is aproximitely equal to that of
10,348,439 Rows

Does anybody have any idea where they've got hold of this figure?

PostgreSQL, of course, has no such ridiculous limits.

Whether a specific application running on top of PostgreSQL would have
a limitation like that, is of course a different question - that might
certainly be possible, even though the limit mentioned is a really
weird number.

I find it really hard to parse the text of that post to even
understand what they mean, but it's rather obviously filled with other
completely incorrect technical statements, so I wouldn't pay any
attention to this one in particular. (e.g. since when did you need
port 25 to download an email attachment? and suddenly they mention
oracle metasploits, which obviously wouldn't work on postgres)

I'm not paying attention because of the amount of rubbish in that text, 
but other people are likely to if Google makes the connection between 
the current unpleasantness and this project- which is why I'm avoiding 
mentioning certain names. I don't know for certain who these INPS people 
are or why they think they're qualified to pontificate.

The Oracle angle could be related to older SQL injection attacks (2008?) 
or somebody could be assuming that a compatibility layer introduces 

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql, PSN hack and table limits

2011-05-01 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Tom Lane wrote:

Jasen Betts writes:

On 2011-05-01, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Somebody is making a very specific claim that Postgres can support a 
limited number of rows:

INPS (a data forensics team) said that there is 7 main Databases all 
hosted at different data centers but linked over a type of 'cloud' Each 
database uses PostGRESSQL which would mean the most amount of data each 
database could hold with no stability issues is aproximitely equal to 
that of 10,348,439 Rows

Does anybody have any idea where they've got hold of this figure?

the figure is within 1% of the maximun size for data stored in text
(or bytea) column.

No it isn't; the max size per field is 1GB.  Although actually
manipulating such field values will probably not work very well unless
you have a 64-bit machine, else you'll hit address-space issues.

I could believe that a specific application using specific fields in
a specific way in a 32-bit machine might start to hit out of memory
errors for field widths somewhere in the tens-of-MB range.  But the
stated claim is about number of rows, not row width, and the exactness
and breadth of the claim is, well, ridiculous on its face.

I think INPS's level of knowledge about PG must be about as good as
their ability to spell it :-(

BTW, there *is* a hard limit of 32TB per table, arising from the limited
size of BlockNumber.  But it's hard to believe that INPS's claim has
anything to do with that.

I suspect that INPS is something to do with the French police, so might 
have been briefed by somebody who purports to know what he's talking 
about. But I'm assuming that whoever put those ramblings on Pastebin is 
unreliable, the only reason I mentioned it was that specific claims were 
being made which might become widely repeated.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Getting the name of the timezone, adjusted for daylight saving

2011-01-27 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Tom Lane wrote:

Steve Crawford writes:

I think you may have confused yourself by the order of operations. This:
created a timestamp from some text and you specified the time-zone to be 
used in creating that value (stored internally in UTC). This was passed 
to to_char which displayed the calculated the appropriate display of 
that value in whatever time-zone the client was using.

One other point here is that I believe that given an undecorated literal
like that, the parser will prefer to assume it is timestamp *with* time
zone if the alternatives are with or without.  So what you actually had
here was

1. Literal constant '2011-03-01 12:00' is assumed to be written in
whatever your timezone is; then it's rotated into UTC time.

2. AT TIME ZONE converts this to timestamp *without* time zone, rotating
into the specified 'GMT0BST' zone.

3. The cast converts back to timestamp *with* time zone, again assuming
that the given unlabeled timestamp is in the timezone zone and rotating
that to UTC.

4. If you feed the result to to_char, it's going to rotate the UTC value
back into the timezone zone and then format that.

Somewhere along here you have a complete mess.  It might accidentally
fail to fail if tested with a timezone setting of GMT or GMT0BST, but
otherwise it's an extremely expensive way of getting the wrong answer.

The right way to specify a time that's known to be measured in a
particular timezone is something like

'2011-03-01 12:00 GMT0BST' :: timestamptz

or if you prefer you can do

'2011-03-01 12:00'::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'GMT0BST'

Either of these will produce the same timestamptz value, but note the
explicit casts are important.

If you've got a timestamptz value, and you want to display it in a
particular zone and include the zone identity in the output, I don't
think there is any way that is more practical than changing the timezone
setting to that zone.  After that you can either just display the value,
or use to_char if you don't like the default formatting.  The AT TIME
ZONE construct is *not* very helpful for this because it won't show
anything about the zone.  I suppose you could write

(timestamptz_value AT TIME ZONE 'GMT0BST') || ' GMT0BST'

but that seems like a crock.

Thanks Steve and Tom. So to sum up this particular subthread:

i)   AT TIME ZONE primarily influences input, not output.

ii)  If I want to influence output, then I need to (temporarily) change 
the session's timezone setting.

But out of curiosity will (ii) also mess up extract(epoch ...), or will 
that consistently return the number of UTC seconds rather than adjusting 
for the local timezone?

If it does, is there a right way of restricting the scope of a 
timezone change to a single function?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Getting the name of the timezone, adjusted for daylight saving

2011-01-26 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Running 8.4.6 hosted on Linux, if I do this...

SELECT to_char('2011-03-01 12:00' AT TIME ZONE 'GMT0BST', 'HH24:MI TZ');
(1 row)

..I don't get a timezone- I can live with that.

If I do this...

SELECT to_char(('2011-03-01 12:00' AT TIME ZONE 'GMT0BST')::TIMESTAMP 

 12:00 GMT
(1 row)

..then I get the GMT time with a timezone 'GMT'- that's what I want.

But if I do this...

SELECT to_char(('2011-04-01 12:00' AT TIME ZONE 'GMT0BST')::TIMESTAMP 

 13:00 GMT
(1 row)

..then I get the time corrected for daylight saving- which is what I 
want- but the timezone doesn't indicate that daylight saving has been 

In the general case, how can I get TZ indicating whether daylight saving 
is in effect? Alternatively, is there a flag I can retrieve indicating 
that a timestamp has been corrected for DST so that I can select an 
alternative name for display?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Getting the name of the timezone, adjusted for daylight saving

2011-01-26 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Tom Lane wrote:

Mark Morgan Lloyd writes:
SELECT to_char(('2011-03-01 12:00' AT TIME ZONE 'GMT0BST')::TIMESTAMP 

  12:00 GMT
(1 row)

You haven't said exactly what you were hoping to accomplish, but I
suspect the point here is to format a time according to some other zone
than the prevailing TimeZone setting.  You basically can't do that, at
least not with to_char and the timestamptz data type --- the information
just isn't there.  Consider creating a little plpgsql function that
temporarily changes the timezone setting and then calls to_char.

Thanks Tom. Timestamps are going into the database which are implicitly 
UTC, and I was looking for a way to convert them when displayed to the 
local timezone (the client gets this from a configuration file and puts 
it in the query) and also to present the timezone name.

So I think that what you're saying is that the result from to_char() 
will always be UTC, possibly corrected for daylight saving (i.e. GMT or 
BST respectively). I can live with that, the app is for local use and 
we're not that far from Greenwich :-)

Now if I'm reading the documentation correctly I can refer to 
pg_timezone_names and use is_dst to determine whether a particular 
timezone (e.g. GMT) has a daylight saving correction applied at the 
current date. But from there is there any cross-reference so that if DST 
is active I can change the displayed TZ name to BST?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Getting current and average on a single row

2010-11-24 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
What is best practice when extracting both current and average from a 
table? Demonstration table here contains data from a cheap weather station.

I can obviously get the current reading like this:

select temp_out, dewpoint
from weather
where datetime between (now() - '10 minutes'::interval) and now()
order by datetime desc
limit 1;

and I can get averages like this:

select avg(temp_out) as avg_temp_out, avg(dewpoint) as avg_dewpoint
from weather
where datetime between (now() - '45 minutes'::interval) and now();

In both cases there are a dozen or so columns in total. How are these 
best merged to yield a single row? Some form of join, or window functions?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Getting current and average on a single row

2010-11-24 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Adrian Klaver wrote:

On Wednesday 24 November 2010 1:08:27 am Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

What is best practice when extracting both current and average from a
table? Demonstration table here contains data from a cheap weather station.

I can obviously get the current reading like this:

select temp_out, dewpoint
from weather
where datetime between (now() - '10 minutes'::interval) and now()
order by datetime desc
limit 1;

and I can get averages like this:

select avg(temp_out) as avg_temp_out, avg(dewpoint) as avg_dewpoint
from weather
where datetime between (now() - '45 minutes'::interval) and now();

In both cases there are a dozen or so columns in total. How are these
best merged to yield a single row? Some form of join, or window functions?

I am not seeing a dozen columns, maybe rows? 

I'd only put in a couple of columns as an example, but I was also making 
the point that it would be nice to avoid having to type in an excessive 
number of column names.

I quick and dirty solution(testing needed):

(select avg(temp_out) as avg_temp_out, avg(dewpoint) as avg_dewpoint

from weather
where datetime between (now() - '45 minutes'::interval) and now()) as atbl,
order by datetime desc limit 1;

Has to be a bit more complex than that to make sure that the current 
reading really is current:

from (
  select avg(temp_out) as avg_temp_out, avg(dewpoint) as avg_dewpoint
  from weather
  where datetime between (now() - '45 minutes'::interval) and now()
) as atbl, (
  select * from weather
  where datetime between (now() - '8 minutes'::interval) and now()
  order by datetime desc limit 1
) as ctbl;

explain prices that as Nested Loop  (cost=8.30..16.62 rows=1 width=84). 
I think it's more elegant than the SQL I'm currently using

select * from (
  select * from weather
  where datetime between (now() - '10 minutes'::interval) and now()
  order by datetime desc
  limit 1
) as foo left outer join (
  select datetime, avg(temp_out) as avg_temp_out, avg(dewpoint) as 

  from weather
  where datetime between (now() - '45 minutes'::interval) and now()
  group by datetime
) as bar using (datetime);

but I note that explain prices that as Nested Loop Left Join 
(cost=0.02..16.63 rows=1 width=215).

Does that mean that the query using the nested join will, on average, be 
more efficient?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Best practice for file storage?

2010-01-31 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Joe Kramer wrote:


I need to store a lot of large files (thousands of 10-100 MB files)
uploaded through my web application and  I find that storing them in
database as bytea field is not practical for backup purposes.
My database has full backup performed every 12 hours and backup is
encrypted and copied to server on another continent. Having all the
heavy binary data in database will make backups impossible.

So I am thinking of having a table just for metadata and file id
sequence and storing the file on file system:

Wasn't one of the particle accelerator establishments using PostgreSQL 
in this way for their raw data?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Help me about postgreSql code

2010-01-22 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

John R Pierce wrote:

Elian Laura wrote:
i understand, but why my teacher wrote in his paper..Probably the 
most obvious case is a database engine where the user defines, at run 
time, if a field is integer, char, float, etc. but, it is not 
necessary to compile the program again. All this felxibility must be 

I am not a PostgreSQL developer but I think the thing to understand here 
is that there are two stages involved. If I say much more I think I'll 
be guilty of doing your homework for you, I suggest that you look very 
carefully at the examples John gave you earlier and consider that from 
the viewpoint of the database engine they are being entered at runtime.

   CREATE TABLE users (uid INTEGER, username TEXT, firstname TEXT,
 lastname TEXT);

   INSERT INTO users (uid, username) VALUES (103, 'jpierce', 'John',
 'Pierce'), ('104', 'elaura', 'Elian', 'Laura');

   SELECT username,firstname,lastname FROM users WHERE uid=103;

If you think about it one of those statements is giving the system 
information which it can store (I'm not sure the way it does this is 
really important) and re-use.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Server name in psql prompt

2010-01-09 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
I thought earlier that I could use finger as a hack for querying the 
server, i.e. I could put e.g. a disc set name in /home/postgres/.plan. 
However I then realised that I'd need %M to be expanded before %`, so 
that I could do something like

\set PROMPT1 '`finger postg...@%m|filter`: %/%R%# '

where filter only returned the bit that was needed. I've not tried this 
due to the ordering issue.

I've just been playing with this. I can finger a fixed server for its 
true name using e.g.

postgres: markMLl=
\set PROMPT1 '%`finger postg...@postgres|head -1|cut -d \[ -f 2|cut -d . 
-f 1`: %/%R%# '

postgres1: markMLl=

but if I try to replace the fixed server name in that

\set PROMPT1 '%`finger postg...@%:HOST:|head...

the nested variable doesn't get expanded.

That's obviously useful if there's only one server or the servers are 
pooled since it means that the current disk set or whatever can be 
identified, but less so if there are multiple servers.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Server name in psql prompt

2010-01-08 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Is there any way of getting psql to display the name of the 
currently-connected server in its prompt, and perhaps a custom string 
identifying e.g. a disc set, without having to create a psqlrc file on 
every client system that's got a precompiled psql installed?

I've just come close to dropping a table that would have been 
embarrassing because I couldn't see which server an instance of psql was 
talking to. Now obviously that's due to lackwittedness on my part and it 
could be cured by installing psqlrc files- but this might not be a 
viable option since it means chasing down every psql binary that's been 
installed on the LAN in an attempt to protect users from self-harm: far 
nicer if the default psql prompt could be loaded from the server.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Server name in psql prompt

2010-01-08 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote:

On Fri, Jan 08, 2010 at 11:20:36AM +, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Is there any way of getting psql to display the name of the  
currently-connected server in its prompt, and perhaps a custom string  
identifying e.g. a disc set, without having to create a psqlrc file on  
every client system that's got a precompiled psql installed?

what exactly is the problem with distributing your own .psqlrc?

for me it's one of the first things that I do - I setup environment.

Thanks everybody for the comments. The problem is that in an environment 
where the end-users generally have enough nous (or are sufficiently 
assertive) to run their own systems (e.g. an engineering department) 
there is still a requirement to protect shared resources like a 
database. It's not really feasible for the overall sysadmin to work his 
way around all possible machines, work out which distro each is running, 
and install a suitable psqlrc in the place expected by that distro's 
psql. It's even less feasible to install a shim that forces default 
command-line parameters.

When I referred to a disc set I wasn't thinking about something in the 
context of PostgreSQL, I was thinking about a group of discs in 
removable (Compaq) caddies that might be transferred to one of a number 
of chassis. At present I've got one chassis here into which I'm putting 
one of two disc sets, both of which are the 8.4 upgrade target: I'd like 
to be able to confirm from the client which set is in the chassis.

After playing some more I think there are actually three issues:

i)   Getting psql to take its initial defaults, i.e. if there isn't a 
psqlrc file, from the server (e.g. for the prompt).

ii)  Getting the prompt to display the actual hostname of the server, 
rather than what was put on the command line which might be an alias or 
dotted-quad address.

iii) Getting the prompt to display some other identifier from the server 
to identify the disc set.

I don't think anybody else thinks this is an issue so I guess all I can 
say is thanks for listening :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Server name in psql prompt

2010-01-08 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Adrian Klaver wrote:

In the case you describe the below might work:
Before starting up, psql attempts to read and execute commands from the 
system-wide psqlrc file and the user's ~/.psqlrc file. (On Windows, the 
user's startup file is named %APPDATA%\postgresql\psqlrc.conf.) See 
PREFIX/share/psqlrc.sample for information on setting up the system-wide 
file. It could be used to set up the client or the server to taste 
(using the \set  and SET commands). 

Thanks Adrian, link noted.

Set up a system psqlrc. I have done this when working with multiple 
versions/multiple database clusters of Postgres on one machine to keep 

I've gone round a number of machines setting up a basic psqlrc file, and 
will mail the most obnox^H^H^H^H^H demanding users warning them of the 

ii) Getting the prompt to display the actual hostname of the server,
rather than what was put on the command line which might be an alias or
dotted-quad address.

Same link as above.

The full host name (with domain name) of the database server, or 
[local] if the connection is over a Unix domain socket, or 
[local:/dir/name], if the Unix domain socket is not at the compiled in 
default location.

I've just checked that and if I do  psql -h postgres  where postgres is 
a DNS alias to postgres1 then the expansion of %M is postgres not 

iii) Getting the prompt to display some other identifier from the server
to identify the disc set

Make either one of these different for each server.


The value of the psql variable name. See the section Variables for 

%[ ... %]

OK but if I understand you (and the docs) correctly I'd still need to 
find a way to set the variable on the client rather than having 
something fetched from the server.

I thought earlier that I could use finger as a hack for querying the 
server, i.e. I could put e.g. a disc set name in /home/postgres/.plan. 
However I then realised that I'd need %M to be expanded before %`, so 
that I could do something like

\set PROMPT1 '`finger postg...@%m|filter`: %/%R%# '

where filter only returned the bit that was needed. I've not tried this 
due to the ordering issue.

Prompts can contain terminal control characters which, for example, 
change the color, background, or style of the prompt text, or change the 
title of the terminal window. In order for the line editing features of 
Readline to work properly, these non-printing control characters must be 
designated as invisible by surrounding them with %[ and %]. Multiple 
pairs of these can occur within the prompt. For example:

testdb= \set PROMPT1 '%[%033[1;33;40m%...@%/%R%[%033[0m%]%# '

results in a boldfaced (1;) yellow-on-black (33;40) prompt on 
VT100-compatible, color-capable terminals.

Thanks, noted.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Updating from 8.2 to 8.4

2009-12-26 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Adrian Klaver wrote:

Thanks Adrian, noted. I'm hoping to get onto 8.4 before too long because
of the analytic functions but that thread suggests that the best course
of action would be to make sure that my code is robust against the new
server and then decide on an upgrade schedule.

I'm building from scratch here so all options are as default except for
added Perl.


Alright then, nothing worse then trying to fix a problem that does not exist :) 

When a programmer has a hard time fixing a bug it's because he's 
looking in the wrong place. :-)

One other thing that came to mind in regards to the the 'changed record' 
problem is whether Row Versioning has been checked in the ODBC connection 

No. However once I got to the point that a development machine was 
looking at the new server I could reproduce the problem and (appear to 
have) fixed it: the app was a scheduler running on a Windows system and 
contained a lot of pathnames with backslashes hence 
standard_conforming_strings = on.

I'll play with the new system for a few days and if all goes well try to 
migrate on New Year's Day.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Updating from 8.2 to 8.4

2009-12-25 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Adrian Klaver wrote:

On Thursday 24 December 2009 11:20:35 am Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

I was hoping to finally get the servers updated from 8.2 to 8.4 over the
festive season, but by now I think I've left things too tight.

Is it necessary to update the (Windows) ODBC driver as well? I've got a
couple of app servers still on NT4 with ODBC 8.02.0100 which I'm trying
to be careful with lest I put something on them which requires a later
OS and can't back out.

The apps are written in a rather old version of Delphi with BDE which is
fine with 8.2. Trying to run against 8.4 I get Couldn't perform the
edit because another user changed the record.- looking back through
this and other MLs I see suggestion that this could be caused by an
excessive number of decimal places in the data (current case only
contains integers, timestamps and text) or possibly by a transaction
isolation issue.

My experience with this is it related to timestamps with fractional second 
precision. The other thing to note is that in 8.4 the default for datetimes is 
now 64-bit integer datetimes, not the previous float datetimes.

Many thanks for that Adrian. I notice this in the ODBC release notes 
which could be relevant:

psqlODBC 08.04.0100 Release
8.) Remove a spurious . with no trailing digits in timestamp 
representation (bug report [#1010540] from Brian Feldman).


although I don't know why it didn't bite on 8.2 unless it's specifically 
when 64-bit timestamps are processed.

I think that I'll try an ODBC update on a non-critical system, if that 
doesn't work I'll dig into my code. The table giving problems is part of 
a scheduling program where I can probably truncate timestamps, elsewhere 
it might not be so convenient. I'll report back if I find anything 

The sooner I can get this code off Delphi+BDE+ODBC+Windows to 
Lazarus+Linux the better.

Happy Christmas everybody, whatever country you're in and whatever your 
tradition of celebration. We run 24x365 here but the caterers are hard 
at work :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Updating from 8.2 to 8.4

2009-12-25 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Adrian Klaver wrote:

although I don't know why it didn't bite on 8.2 unless it's specifically
when 64-bit timestamps are processed.

You might want to confirm your 8.4 installation is using integer datetimes as 
there is some variability in its useage among packagers. Follow this thread for 
one such discussion:

Thanks Adrian, noted. I'm hoping to get onto 8.4 before too long because 
of the analytic functions but that thread suggests that the best course 
of action would be to make sure that my code is robust against the new 
server and then decide on an upgrade schedule.

I'm building from scratch here so all options are as default except for 
added Perl.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Updating from 8.2 to 8.4

2009-12-24 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
I was hoping to finally get the servers updated from 8.2 to 8.4 over the 
festive season, but by now I think I've left things too tight.

Is it necessary to update the (Windows) ODBC driver as well? I've got a 
couple of app servers still on NT4 with ODBC 8.02.0100 which I'm trying 
to be careful with lest I put something on them which requires a later 
OS and can't back out.

The apps are written in a rather old version of Delphi with BDE which is 
fine with 8.2. Trying to run against 8.4 I get Couldn't perform the 
edit because another user changed the record.- looking back through 
this and other MLs I see suggestion that this could be caused by an 
excessive number of decimal places in the data (current case only 
contains integers, timestamps and text) or possibly by a transaction 
isolation issue.

I'll carry on hacking at this from the app side but is there anything 
obvious that I've missed?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Forms generator ?

2009-11-01 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Stuart Adams wrote:

 Looking for a forms generator for a web based UI for
 entering/modifiying/viewing a table's records.

 Any recommendations ???


I've been using OpenOffice Base to hack something needed in a hurry. Not 
bad with the native SDBC driver on Debian i386, problems on SPARC and 
PPC (form creation wizard broken, ODBC suspect) but I've not had time to 
investigate properly.

To do the job properly I'd be using Lazarus.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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2009-10-30 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
What is the correct behavior of a serial column when a table is 
created with LIKE? The manual is silent on this.

What appears to be happening with 8.2 is that the column in the new 
table refers to the original sequence generator.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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2009-10-30 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 8:44 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

What is the correct behavior of a serial column when a table is created
with LIKE? The manual is silent on this.

What appears to be happening with 8.2 is that the column in the new table
refers to the original sequence generator.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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silly wrote:
 In 8.4, the sequence value is copied only when INCLUDING DEFAULTS is
 specified. Otherwise, only the not null constraint is copied. I think
 this is the most reasonable behavior and I don't see why it should
 have been explicitly stated in the manual.

I didn't say the sequence value, I said the sequence itself. After all 
the normal usage will be where the pattern table is empty.

In other words the newly-created table is not completely decoupled from 
the pattern, the sequence is a shared resource and this is irrespective 
of any including/excluding specification.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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2009-10-30 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Tom Lane wrote:

Thinking of SERIAL as a type is your first mistake ;-).  It is not a
type.  It is a shorthand for making a sequence and sticking a suitable
default on a plain integer column.  So what LIKE sees is an integer
column with a default, and it copies that.

That's entirely fair, and the manual section dealing with types is very 
careful to start off with The data types serial and bigserial are not 
true types.

However I think that the description of CREATE TABLE ... LIKE really 
could do with a health warning for this case.

Looking at this very slightly deeper and assuming that the user is aware 
of the pitfalls, it's obviously easy for him to create a new sequence 
and to use it as the default value. But what if he wants the new 
sequence to inherit the current state of an existing one: might I 
suggest CREATE SEQUENCE ... LIKE would be appropriate here?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Delphi connection ?

2009-09-30 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Raymond O'Donnell wrote:

I fully agree I still use Delphi 6 a lot, and there's an ease of use
about it that leaves other IDEs I've used in the shade. It's just a pity
that it's so expensive


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland
Galway Cathedral Recitals:

I trust you've investigated Lazarus?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Delphi connection ?

2009-09-30 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

John R Pierce wrote:

Nico Callewaert wrote:

The thing you always hear about ODBC is, that it is very slow ?

ADO is significantly faster than ODBC, so the preferred stack would be  
delphi - ado - postgres ole db - libpq -postgres

I believe there exists a delphi-ado wrapper (at least my brief googling 
popped one up)

Granted that this is a general query issue rather than one specific to 
Delphi/ODBC etc., but the major speed problem that I see is where I have 
a clause approximately like

WHERE now() - datetime = '24 hours'

repeated several times in a query (e.g. in subselects or views). The 
easiest solution is to replace this with a function returning an 
timestamp which is evaluated once during query execution.

The moral of the story is that even if your queries are wrapped in a 
fancy program generated by something like Delphi, always leave yourself 
a way that you can extract a representative query after any 
parameterisation and do an EXPLAIN to look for inefficiencies.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Delphi connection ?

2009-09-29 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Andy Colson wrote:

Nico Callewaert wrote:

Hi List,
I tried already in the ODBC list, but without success...
I have to develop a client/server application, heavily transaction 
oriented, that will serve around 100 users and database traffic will 
be intense (lot's of reads, updates, inserts).
Development environment is Delphi 2007.  I know there are a few 
commercial components available, but I was wondering if ODBC could do 
the job ? So, my question is, if ODBC is intended to be used for that 
?  Many simultanous connections, lots of inserts, updates ?

The thing you always hear about ODBC is, that it is very slow ?
Many thanks in advance,

Best regards,
Nico Callewaert

I don't know about odbc, never used it to hit PG.  I use Delphi and 
wrote a simple object on top of the libpq api.  The api is simple to 
use.  If odbc doesn't work out for you I'd recommend using libpq direct.

I have using an older Delphi (v3), ODBC itself I believe was fine but 
the BDE layer introduced problems- apps needed to be rebooted evey month 
or so.

Note that ODBC doesn't easily support any non-standard facilities, e.g. 

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Intermediate values and unprivileged users

2009-09-24 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

My apologies if this is an FAQ or considered too general.

I have a query like this which returns a single result:

  (SELECT avg(rel_pressure) as avg4
FROM weather
WHERE now() - datetime = '4 hours'
  ) -
  (SELECT avg(rel_pressure) as avg24
FROM weather
WHERE now() - datetime = '24 hours'
) AS diff;

What I want to be able to do is have a slightly more complex query like 

  (SELECT avg(rel_pressure) AS avg4
FROM weather
WHERE now() - datetime = '4 hours'
  ) -
  (SELECT avg(rel_pressure) AS avg24
FROM weather
WHERE now() - datetime = '24 hours'
) AS diff,
  WHEN diff  -0.1 THEN 'Falling'
  WHEN diff  0.1 THEN 'Rising'
  ELSE 'Stable'
END AS tendency;

i.e. the result should be a single row with two columns. Unfortunately 
all my attempts so far tell me that column diff does not exist.

Now in most cases I could wing it using a view or temporary table, but 
in the current one users of the database will not have creation rights: 
they have to get their queries right or (eventually) use a high-level 

Is there a good way to get round this?

Server is 8.2 on Linux x86, queries from psql.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] PostgreSQL and eval()

2008-12-10 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
I had to do some repeated ad-hoc queries yesterday for a report that was 
needed in a hurry, and found myself doing repeated editing of an 
embedded function name.

If one wants to store the name of a function in a table for subsequent 
use in customised queries is the only way to use it by coding an eval() 
function using PL/pgSQL's execute?

I appreciate that I could create a function on the fly as a wrapper of 
the one that was to be called, but again that takes manual editing.

Alternatively I appreciate that I could use PL/pgSQL but that would 
assume that if I sent the sequence of operations to somebody else that 
he also had it compiled into his server.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Getting text into a table

2008-12-10 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
I wonder if I could ask a question which might be marginally off-topic: 
how do people assemble multiple lines of text into a row in a table?

I've got a number of cases where I've got a file containing some sort of 
activity log, where a sequence of activities extends over multiple lines.

In some cases multiple activities might be interleaved, rather than each 
activity comprising a sequence of contiguous lines.

Complicating things, related lines might be only recognisable by content.

As an example, a Sendmail maillog file where a delayed outgoing message 
will result in a number of lines of text. I'd like each row in the table 
to contain the sender, recipient, eventual state, and the time it took 
to arrive at that state.

I'm sure I'm not the only person doing this sort of thing, but there has 
to be a better answer than coding Perl for each job. Does anybody have 
any suggestions for tools well-matched to this sort of problem, i.e. 
that can match patterns, store matched patterns or update counters, 
backtrack where necessary, and so on?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL and eval()

2008-12-10 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Richard Huxton wrote:

Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Alternatively I appreciate that I could use PL/pgSQL but that would
assume that if I sent the sequence of operations to somebody else that
he also had it compiled into his server.

Well, pl/pgsql has been automatically included in all recent version of
PG. You might have to issue CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql in the database
first (permissions might be an issue I suppose) but that's all.

Thanks, I'd forgotten it was built by default.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Favorite Tom Lane quotes

2008-12-10 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Robert Treat wrote:
I remember after reading this post wondering whether Tom uses caffeinated 

Reading that link, I'm reminded of the tertiary storage code that 
somebody (at UCB?) grafted onto the PostgreSQL server. IIRC There were 
still hooks for it in v6 although they've since been removed.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] server install recommendations?

2008-10-18 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Roberto Scattini wrote:

in a couple of days i will reinstall an offline database server. It's
a old HP Proliant DL580 G3 with three disks (147 GB each). Currently
it has a debian Sarge in a RAID5 hardware array ( with HP Smart Array
6i, [RAID bus controller: Compaq Computer Corporation Smart Array 64xx
(rev 01)] ).

Make sure you do a test installation first. I'm currently tinkering with 
a slightly older ProLiant and find that when I move from Debian Sarge 
to Lenny it won't recognise SMP. This is almost certainly a kernel 
issue and is probably something that won't get fixed, I suspect that 2.6 
quite simply doesn't like the machine's SMBIOS structure.

-should i ask my boss to buy another disk? (it will be difficult, but
if i can demonstrate It worth it...)

With this type of hardware you should have a good stock of identical 
disc drives before you start. You are very likely to find that the array 
firmware will reject any disc which isn't within 5 or 10% of the size of 
the existing ones, when hardware vendors rebadge (e.g. Seagate) disc 
drives they knock the apparent size down to a standard value.

our application (running on separate webserver) is of the type OLTP,
the server will be entirely dedicated to postgresql. i will configure
a warm-standby server, so the WAL files will be forwarded to another

Again, make sure that you have spare compatible hardware- not ncessarily 
the same model but certainly using the same drive hardware, PSUs etc. If 
your boss won't spend the sort of money that these machines go for on 
eBay then your company isn't serious about running a service for its 

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Numbering rows

2008-10-16 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

David Rowley wrote:

It's not 100% certain that it will be possible for 8.4, probably though.

select row_number() over (order by employeeid) as nrow,* from employee order
by employeeid

That makes sense, thanks. So extracting rate-of-change etc. would be a 
join on two subselects followed by a bit of maths, that's likely to be a 
big incentive for an upgrade when it comes out.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Numbering rows

2008-10-15 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Is there an easy way to assign a sequential number, possibly based on an 
arbitrary minimum (typically 0 or 1) to each row of an ordered result 
set, or do I have to work with explicit sequences?

I need to do quite a lot of maths on successive rows, extracting numeric 
and timestamp differences hence rates of change. I've typically been 
doing it manually or in a spreadsheet but there has to be a better way 
e.g. by a join on offset row numbers.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Numbering rows

2008-10-15 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Thanks everybody- I'm watching with a lot of interest. I was worried 
that I was asking something stupid with an obvious answer...

ries van Twisk wrote:

May be this function can help :

Thanks, that's already turning out to be useful for something else I was 
working on today:

select percent,
to_char(nedcar_tonnes_001(percent), '0.99') AS nedcar
from generate_series(0,110,10) as percent;

The one thing I'd say about generate_series() is that the description 
suggests that one has to put an explicit count() as the second parameter 
if using it to number rows, i.e. it doesn't have an as many as 
necessary option.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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Re: [GENERAL] Numbering rows

2008-10-15 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

D. Dante Lorenso wrote:

PERL can remember variables in your session.  Here's a function I wrote 
that sets a global variable in PL/PERL:

Perl can do anything- that's cheating :-)

Actually, I use Perl heavily but the advantage of being able to do the 
sort of analysis being discussed in a single query is that the query can 
be easily shipped with the results as a description of the method. 
Having to set up ad-hoc extra functions (in addition to those that are 
normally in the workflow) can be problematic, particularly if a 
recipient of the query only has restricted access.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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[GENERAL] Best practice for specifying an interval

2007-09-24 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
I notice that section 9.9 of the manual has examples including both HOUR and 
HOURS, but the list of reserved words includes only the former.

Am I correct in assuming that

select time '11:00' - interval '3 hour';

is preferred to

select time '11:00' - interval '3 hours';

In a similar vein, are fractional hours best specified as

select time '11:00' - interval '3 hour 45 minute';

or as

select time '11:00' - interval '3.75 hour';

or with the interval converted to an integer number of minutes?

All these forms appear to work. I've got no intention of jumping ship but am 
curious as to the favoured and most portable style.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

[GENERAL] Tablespaces on tertiary media

2007-09-14 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Where does PostgreSQL stand with storing /really/ large amounts of data 
offline? Specifically, if a FUSE is used to move a tablespace to something 
like a tape archiver can the planner be warned that access might take an 
extended period?

I know that at one point (v6?) there were hooks in the code for experimental 
Berkeley code to do this sort of thing but as far as I know there has never 
been anything publicly available.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Tablespaces on tertiary media

2007-09-14 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Gregory Stark wrote:

Where does PostgreSQL stand with storing /really/ large amounts of data
offline? Specifically, if a FUSE is used to move a tablespace to something like
a tape archiver can the planner be warned that access might take an extended

No, Postgres can't deal with this. You'll have to dump the tables with pg_dump
or COPY or something like that and then drop them from the database. If you
need them again you have to load them again.

Actually if the tables are missing but nobody tries to access them (including
autovacuum) then nothing will notice they're missing. But if you do try to
access them you'll get an error. And if you leave it in this situation too
long your database will shut down from getting too close to transaction

Thanks. If the tables were in a tablespace that was stored on something that 
looked like a conventional filesystem would the server code be prepared to 
wait the minutes that it took the operating system and FUSE implementation to 
load the tables onto disc?

The earlier work e.g. apparently warned 
the planner about long-latency devices but that's probably unnecessary if the 
application program was aware that a table had been partitioned by age and 
accessing old data could be slow.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Tablespaces on tertiary media

2007-09-14 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Gregory Stark wrote:

Thanks. If the tables were in a tablespace that was stored on something that
looked like a conventional filesystem would the server code be prepared to wait
the minutes that it took the operating system and FUSE implementation to load
the tables onto disc?

Ah, I see what you mean now. I think you might have a problem with the planner
opening the files to do an lseek to measure how large they are. I'm not sure
if that gets triggered before or after constraint exclusion. That's the only
problem I can think of.

The size could be stored in the catalogue though. However at that point I 
guess that anything that was used before constraint exclusion would have to be 
in the catalogue and anything after would have to initiate retrieval from 
tertiary media if it's not already cached.

The earlier work e.g. apparently warned
the planner about long-latency devices but that's probably unnecessary if the
application program was aware that a table had been partitioned by age and
accessing old data could be slow.

Well it's not like there are any alternative plans that will avoid the need to
access the data at all. I assume the FUSE setup will always have to load the
entire file so there's no even any difference between indexed and sequential
access. (Unless the table is over 1G in which case you might want to avoid
sequential scans if index scans would avoid accessing some segments.)

I'd imagine in most cases that sequential scan time would be dwarfed by 
medium-load and seek time. It would be important here that the server didn't 
time out assuming that it had hit a hardware problem when in actual fact the 
table was still being pulled from tape.

I'd presume that when Sarawagi (who I believe is now with IBM) was doing the 
work that there wasn't a straightforward way to partition tables (as is 
currently described in section 5.9 of the manual) so she had to add internal 
hooks. Now granted that I don't pretend to really understand how things work 
(I'm a luser, not a guru) but it seems to me that it would not be difficult to 
extend the tablespace definition from

CREATE TABLESPACE tablespacename LOCATION '/directory'

to something like

CREATE TABLESPACE tablespacename LOCATION '| /directory'

where the script could check that the table was cached and 
return its name when available. However I guess that the script would probably 
need to see the initial lseek or whatever as well... there's probably a whole 
lot of non-obvious details that I've totally overlooked.

Just my 2d-worth :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Tablespaces on tertiary media

2007-09-14 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Ron Johnson wrote:

I know that at one point (v6?) there were hooks in the code for
experimental Berkeley code to do this sort of thing but as far as I know
there has never been anything publicly available.

While tertiary media certainly was relevant 10 years ago, is it
really necessary in 2007? A couple of MSA-1000s stuffed with 1TB
disks would hold an l-o-t *lot* of historical data.

I was considering it from the point-of-view of completeness rather than 
anything else, but as a specific example I seem to recall that one of the 
particle accelerator sites uses PostgreSQL for cataloging captured data but 
actually stores it on either tape or optical disc (I forget which). I'm sure 
that there would be advantages to being able to retrieve both metadata and 
data using the same API, rather than using database queries for the former and 
something like an AMANDA-compatible interface for the latter.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Locking for function creation

2006-12-04 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Richard Huxton wrote:
 Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
  If there's a risk that multiple clients will try to execute a 'create or
  replace function' simultaneously, what's the recommended practice for
  putting it in a transaction and/or locking it? If a lock's incolved what
  should this be applied to- the table that the function is most likely to
  be involved with, an arbitrary table, or a dummy table specifically
  reserved for this purpose?
 What problem are you trying to prevent here? Do you want a particular
 version of the function to be available for a certain amount of time?

I don't anticipate that the function will change, but it's (re)defined by a
script triggered periodically on a client system. I'm pretty sure that I've seen
a problem whilst I was doing maintenance when two clients tried to redefine it
simultaneouly (i.e. on one of them the redefinition failed rather than waiting),
in the interim I've set up a transaction with a lock on the table that is most
likely to be involved noting that by default the lock type is the most

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Locking for function creation

2006-12-04 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Richard Huxton wrote:

 Was it tuple concurrently updated? You can reproduce this fairly
 simply by issuing BEGIN...CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f... in two
 different psql sessions and delaying COMMIT appropriately. AFAIK it's
 harmless, but does abort your transaction.

I /think/ so, but it was buried deep in custom scripting and (usual story) I was
under pressure to get something else done at the time :-)

  in the interim I've set up a transaction with a lock on the table that is
  most likely to be involved noting that by default the lock type is the most
 You probably want a userlock (see contrib/), or as low-impact a lock as
 you can get away with. Perhaps lock your dummy table (row contains
 function schema/name?). You'll still want to code your application in
 such a way that it copes with errors though - the lock attempt can
 always time out (in theory anyway).

Thanks, noted. I'm not expecting this to be a regular occurence since in general
the only time multiple sessions will be running will be during maintenance.

If I might ask a related question- assuming that a client has grabbed a
restrictive lock during a transaction that e.g. is create/replacing functions,
what happens to other sessions that attempt to run a select or update- will they
fail (i.e. an implicit NOWAIT) or will they wait until the lock is released?
Does this vary depending on whether a select/update is within an explicit

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] Locking for function creation

2006-12-04 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Richard Huxton wrote:
 Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
  If I might ask a related question- assuming that a client has grabbed a
  restrictive lock during a transaction that e.g. is create/replacing 
  what happens to other sessions that attempt to run a select or update- will 
  fail (i.e. an implicit NOWAIT) or will they wait until the lock is released?
  Does this vary depending on whether a select/update is within an explicit
 They will wait without an explicit NOWAIT. This applies whether the
 transaction is explicit or implicit.

Just what I was hoping. Many thanks for your help :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

[GENERAL] Locking for function creation

2006-12-03 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
If there's a risk that multiple clients will try to execute a 'create or replace
function' simultaneously, what's the recommended practice for putting it in a
transaction and/or locking it? If a lock's incolved what should this be applied
to- the table that the function is most likely to be involved with, an arbitrary
table, or a dummy table specifically reserved for this purpose?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Converting a timestamp to a time

2006-11-05 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
I'm in the middle of moving a production database from 7.1 to 8.1 and have hit a
slight problem.

On the old system I've got a query including

datastamp AS datastamp, date(datastamp ) as datadate,
time(datastamp ) as datatime, status,  -- etc.

This is actually generated on the client to possibly include timezone
correction. Obviously this has worked fine for a number of years on 7.1, but 8.1
is objecting to the time() cast.

What is the correct (or even any :-) way of converting a timestamp into a time
(without timezone etc.)?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Converting a timestamp to a time

2006-11-05 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Andreas Kretschmer schrieb:
 Mark Morgan Lloyd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What is the correct (or even any :-) way of converting a timestamp into a
  time (without timezone etc.)?
 You can CAST it:
 test=# select now();
  2006-11-05 11:16:05.205235+01
 (1 row)
 test=# select now()::time;
 (1 row)

Thanks Andreas, I've ended up using CAST( ... AS TIME). I think the :: notation
might be fragile in this instance because of the machine-generated SQL which
gets a bit hairy in places.

I've also had to replace INTERVAL() with CAST( ... INTERVAL) wherever it occurs
and replace the result of a function with TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE... hopefully
that won't mess anything up, the server is aggresively GMT since we have to deal
with several timezones simultaneously and it's the only way I could work it.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Converting a timestamp to a time

2006-11-05 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Andreas Kretschmer schrieb:
 Mark Morgan Lloyd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   test=# select now()::time;
   (1 row)
  Thanks Andreas, I've ended up using CAST( ... AS TIME). I think the ::
  notation might be fragile in this instance because of the machine-generated
  SQL which
 Thats okay, because my version (the ::cast) is a PostgreSQL-feature, but
 the cast(... as ...) is more SQL-conform.

Thanks for that, feedback on best practice is always useful.

I must admit that the only server I've used before pg was the SOLID Server
(using Bonzai Tree technology), but they changed their licensing terms which
made it impractical. I looked briefly at MySQL which in those days didn't
support transactions, apart from that we decided that we didn't fancy waving the
incredibly-tacky name in front of our customers :-)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] NT4 client problem

2006-09-06 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Sim Zacks wrote:
 I have a very strange problem that I cannot figure out and was hoping
 that someone else may have at least seen this problem because it makes
 no sense at all to me.
 I have a PostGreSQL 8.0.1-r1 server on gentoo.
 The data is accessed by MSAccess clients using linked tables. After a
 good amount of time, one user complains that the data is not working
 well. For example, he changes a value in a drop down box and it looks
 like it works, but if he opens it and closes it then the old value is
 there. He has done a reboot on his machine and that doesn't solve the
 problem. The only thing that solves the problem is to reboot the server.
 All of the other clients are Windows 2000 and nobody else has this
 problem. I even checked the exact problem that he was having on a
 Windows 2000 machine and the problem didn't occur. I checked the WinNT
 computer right after that and the problem still occurred.
 All the clients are using the ODBC driver from Mar-05-2005
 Could anyone could shed some light on this?

There's been discussion of various problems relating to NT4W machines and
possibly also '98 on the psql-odbc ML. I'm helping out in a very small way by
doing some testing, I suggest you join us there.

Current driver version is 8.02.0101 possibly with an updated DLL from
Inoue-san's website.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Procedural language functions across servers

2006-07-10 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
Michael Fuhr wrote:

 dbi-link is an alternative to dblink that uses Perl/DBI:
  is this the only way available if additional procedural languages
  are installed?
 With the untrusted version of a language you can do essentially
 anything that language supports.  For example, with plperlu, you
 could use DBI to open a connection to another database (even another
 DBMS like Oracle, MySQL, etc.), issue a query, fetch the results,
 and do whatever you want with those results.  Example:
 CREATE FUNCTION remote_version(text, text, text) RETURNS text AS $$
   use DBI;

As a related question, assume I have PostgreSQL on an application server X with
functions a() and b() defined to use some method (dblink or whatever) to return
a result set from a remote backend server.

If X runs a complex query including references to a() and b() which themselves
initiate complex queries on backend servers A and B, can I tell X's planner to
run a(A) and b(B) simultaneously, or is the only way to have these in distinct
sessions storing their results in tables on X?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] Procedural language functions across servers

2006-07-09 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd
I know that the FAQ says that the only way to implement a query across databases
is to use dblink, is this the only way available if additional procedural
languages are installed?

For example, assume I have a production server A that does not have PL/Perl
installed, and a hacker's server B (let's assume this is a separate machine)
complete with every possible bell and whistle. If I want to apply Perl (in a
read-only fashion) to extract data from the production tables is the best way
to have a PL/Perl function including references to dblink functions?

Similarly, if I have PostGIS or PL/R on the hacker's server, or- heaven forfend-
both, is the best way to get at the production server still to use dblink?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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