Re: [PLUG] Assigning labels to USB pen drives

2024-03-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Mar 2024, Ben Koenig wrote:

We also have a standard udev.d setup in lib/udev/rules.d/ and
/etc/udev/rules.d/. The only difference is that we
use eudev rather than the systemd nonsense.


Thank you. I thought I had looked in /lib, but obviously I didn't. Mea

Rich, the files in /dev/disk/by-path are all symlinks, use ls -l to view
them. They should link to the normal drive names, however by-path names
don't change per device, they change per port. So all USB drives plugged
into a given port will use the same name in by-path, even if the drive
letter changes.

Ah, so. I saw they were symlinks but didn't follow them to their hard links.

This topic is not an issue on a desktop that's infrequently rebooted or laptop
that has only one drive. I'm developing this desktop to boot into either
Slackware64-14.2 or -15.0, I think that whether the USB port is /dev/sdg or
/dev/sdh upon rebooting depends on whether it's raining.

Your Slackware lessons are always valuable and appreciated.

Best regards,


Re: [PLUG] Assigning labels to USB pen drives

2024-03-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Mar 2024, Russell Senior wrote:

I don't know anything about Slackware, but ...
I'm going to take a wild guess and suggest if you run:
 $ mount | grep '/run '
you are going to see /run is a tmpfs.

Then I'll find where to put udev rules so they remain.

Thanks, Russell,


Re: [PLUG] Assigning labels to USB pen drives

2024-03-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 26 Mar 2024, Johnathan Mantey wrote:

Do you have a /lib/udev/rules.d subdir?

Nope. On Slackware rules are in /run/udev/rules.d.


Re: [PLUG] Linux man pages and documentation?

2024-03-26 Thread Paul Heinlein

On Mon, 25 Mar 2024, MC_Sequoia wrote:

"I will leave aside the fact that no one submits an executable file 
to Linux; each distribution (Red Hat, Debian, etc) picks the 
executable files to include with the Linux kernel."

Ah,so executable files are only developed and maintained by the 
Linux kernel team?

Please re-read the paragraph you quoted. In particular, note the 
subject of the verb "picks."

If I were to write an app, ROFL!, but for the sake of discussion, 
I'd rely on already established executable files that are hopefully 
documented enough for me to hook into?

And not every executable is worthy of its own manual page?

And the Linux kernel team makes the decision on how exes are 
documented or if documented?

Paul Heinlein
45°22'48" N, 122°35'36" W

Re: [PLUG] Assigning labels to USB pen drives

2024-03-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 25 Mar 2024, Johnathan Mantey wrote:

People who are very skilled at making udev rules have done so in my
Fedora, and I assume *other* Linux distros, in the */lib/udev/rules.d*
subdirectory. I expect the */run/udev* subdirectory to be empty because it
is not a persistent file-system.

I have /etc/udev/rules.d/ with one entry from 2018. /run/udev/ is more

When the kernel keeps the same device name for portable USB drives they're
loaded because that mount point is in fstab.

I'm not certain what you mean by "*Generic for any portable USB drive*".
You *want* each drive to have some unique label. If you don't then you
will most likely get some kind of access collision that isn't going to end

What I mean is that my thumb drives come from different vendors.

