Re: TLP Name

2007-05-21 Thread Nick

+1 Quetzalcoatl

Re: TLP Name

2007-05-16 Thread Nick
Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

I liked Pungi, but there is unfortunately another project out there with
that name (  Quetzalcoatl
is a great Apache project name in that it's kind of related in a cultural
memory kind of way to the project ideas, but obscure enough to be completely
forgettable :)  I guess Scales also falls into that category, and it gets my
vote because it's easier to spell.


Re: Constructing of a URL for location redirect.

2006-02-16 Thread Nick
Nicolas Lehuen wrote:
 BTW, did we ever considered using SWIG to map the Apache API ? I know
 it can be quite tricky to use, but it could be a real time saver.

That's essentially what mod_snake did, and why I liked it so much.  Though I
don't remember if it used swig or pyrex.


Re: Constructing of a URL for location redirect.

2006-02-16 Thread Nick
Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:
 SWIG in my opinion is good when you want some kind of an API made
 available to you quickly, but in a static environment where can put some
 thought into functionality, usability, Pythonic-ness of every approach,
 write documentation with good examples and a meaningful test case SWIG
 does not buy much.
 If someone just wanted to map the APR to Python - they can always use
 SWIG, but that's not what mod_python is about.

All true; mod_python is a layer up from the apache API, so there's no way
the SWIGed API could come close to replacing it.  I just found it generally
more convenient to work in Python rather than C, even if it's only a thin
layer above that, and I think there is some merit to using it in some
places, carefully wrapped in a Python class or module.

That said, I don't really see mod_python changing so radically at this point
in the game.  It's fun to think about, though. :)  In a masochistic kind of way.


Re: mod_python 3.2.7 available for testing

2006-02-06 Thread Nick

Hash: SHA1

+1 Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy (amd64), Apache 2.0.54-worker, Python 2.4.2
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: please set up a mod_python core group

2006-01-19 Thread Nick
Jim Gallacher wrote:
 Jorey Bump wrote:
 +1 here, but since the build process and typical MPM differs among
 platforms, could we see a list that this group represents? I'm most
 interested in default nonvirtualized environments used in production
 or for principal development. This information will be useful when
 reviewing release candidates, to make sure we haven't overlooked any
 key platforms.
 Your point on making sure we don't overlook any key platforms in our
 testing is a good one. Should we (python-dev people) put together a list
 of key platforms as a future guide?  It's likely a good idea, even at
 the risk of a flamewar. ;) I thought I'd put together a summary of 3.2.6
 test results in the next few days anyway, which should be a good
 starting point for the key list.

As a non-x86 user (amd64 here), I second the notion that we need some
non-Linux non-x86 platform testing out there, if people were willing to
commit to be available to build and test when that time comes around (I
think it's been pretty good, about every 2 months it's been on average?).

I know there are people on PPC OSX, FreeBSD, AIX, Tru64, Solaris, and I just
think it's a good idea to have a general concensus that a build will work on
at least some of these platforms that both apache and Python are also
supported and has worked for in the past.  I'm not sure which of these you
can identify as key, but I would say that *BSD, OSX and Solaris should top
the list.  I also suggest Linux x86_64 of some kind, since it's becoming
more and more widely used; I know we've got 2 or 3 people that normally
respond to release tests that do.


Re: mod_python 3.2.6b available for testing

2006-01-16 Thread Nick

Hash: SHA1

+1 Linux (amd64) Ubuntu Breezy (5.10), apache 2.0.54 (mpm-worker),
python 2.4

Jim Gallacher wrote:
| A new mod_python 3.2.6 beta tarball is now available for testing.
| Nicolas has built windows versions for Python 2.4 and Python 2.3 which
| should also be available at shortly.
| This release is similar to 3.2.5b but fixes a couple of issues -
| MODPYTHON-95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 105, 106.
| I think if we get enough +1 votes for this version on python-dev that we
| should jump right to a 3.2.6 final release rather than go to a wider
| beta release.
| So far we have:
| +1 Linux Debian sid, apache 2.0.55 (mpm-prefork), python 2.3
| +1 Linux Debian sarge, apache 2.0.54 (mpm-worker), python 2.3
| +1 Windows XP, python 2.4
| +1 Windows 2000, python 2.3
| +1 Mac OS X 10.3, Apache 2.0.55, python 2.3
| Here are the rules:
| In order for a file to be officially announced, it has to be tested by
| developers on the dev list. Anyone subscribed to this list can (and
| should feel obligated to :-) ) test it, and provide feedback *to _this_
|  list*! (Not the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, and preferably not me
| personally).
| The files are (temporarily) available here:
| Please download it, then do the usual
| $ ./configure --with-apxs=/wherever/it/is
| $ make
| $ (su)
| # make install
| Then (as non-root user!)
| $ cd test
| $ python
| And see if any tests fail. If they pass, send a +1 to the list, if they
| fail, send the details (the versions of OS, Python and Apache, the test
| output, and suggestions, if any).
| Thank you,
| Jim Ga
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [jira] Commented: (MODPYTHON-93) Improve util.FieldStorage efficiency

2005-11-29 Thread Nick

Jim Gallacher wrote:

Nick wrote:

Just one comment.  It seems like it would be better just to make 
add_method inline, since everything else in __init__ is, and it never 
gets called from anywhere else.


Haha, thanks, I haven't had coffee yet.  The add_item method, that is. :)

I also like properties, but doesn't that cause a problem if someone 
chooses to subclass FieldStorage?

It could if you didn't realize it was a property.  But you can always 
override a property with another property.


Re: [jira] Commented: (MODPYTHON-93) Improve util.FieldStorage efficiency

2005-11-28 Thread Nick
If you provide say FieldStorage.make_dict that returns a dictionary, then I 
don't see why the order of the keys is important when the original list is 
still available.


Nicolas Lehuen wrote:


Speaking of ordered dictionary :

Why is the ordering so important ? I do understand we need to support
multiple values per field name, but I don't see why ordering is


2005/11/28, David Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

Having looked at the FieldStorage code, I'm guessing the idea was that
you parse fields as they come in and append them to a list. This
preserves the original order of fields, in case it is needed.

I'm not sure that maintaining a dictionary alongside the list is the
right thing to do. It might be, but there are some difficult questions
to answer -e.g. how costly is a sequential search, and is the code
complexity (and fieldstorage code is no picnic to read as it is) worth
the speedup?

Also while it would speed up retrieval, it will slow down the write
operation - when a field is added to fieldstorage you now need to
append it to the list, AND check whether it exists in the dictionary,
then add it there as well.

How often do developers access form fields via __getitem__?  I noticed
the publisher does not use it - it iterates the list, so nothing would
be gained there.

We do it a lot but we copy it into a different dictionary first to get
exactly the setup we want. But dictionary-style access is a very
obvious, pythonic way to do it.
I have a simple 70-line ordereddict implementation which is derived from
dict and remembers the keys in the order that they were assigned when
iterating through the list, this may be a way to go for this. It just
uses a list of keys internally to remember the order, and otherwise is a

Also, something else to consider - is there a simple programatic
solution that could be documented, e.g. something like

my_fs = util.FieldStorage(req)

dict_fs = {}

[have no idea whether this will work :-)]

It may work but still has the potential performance problem since it
loops through the keys and then does a getitem on each key which loops
through them again. Not likely to cause problems for a small number of
arguments but not ideal :-)

and voila - you've got a dictionary based fieldstorage?

Anyway, just a few cents from me.


Re: 3.2b5 : mod_python doesn't handle properly signals likeKILL,SEGV...

2005-11-24 Thread Nick

for myself, I have not had problems on ubuntu 5.10 amd64.


Jim Gallacher wrote:

Michel Jouvin wrote:


I am not totally surprised... I am afraid this is a platform specific 
issue as we are running mod_python on Tru64. Something like a 64 bits 
issue. Does it sound a reasonnable possibility ?

I have no idea what may be going on, but that seems as likely as 
anything else.

How to progress in troubleshooting ?

Again, no clue. :(. Hopefully some of the bigger brains that hang out 
around here will chime in. I know Indrek Järve tested 3.2.2b on SuSE 
Linux 9.2 (x86-64). Perhaps he or someone else with a 64-bit platform 
could try and reproduce the problem. That would tell us if it's 64-bit 
related or Tru64 related.

I've attached my test script if anyone wants to mess with it. I'm sure I 
don't need to tell you to *not* run it on a production machine. ;) 
You'll likely want to change the PAUSE variable to something less than 
30 seconds, which is the time between the kill calls. I was testing 
using qemu, and it needs lots of time for things to happen.

usage: ./killchildren # number of loops



--On jeudi 24 novembre 2005 17:41 -0500 Jim Gallacher 


I can't reproduce the problem on debian i386. I put together a script
that continually greps a apache child pid and kills it. After killing 
processes there is no change in the total number of apache processes, 

nothing in the apache log other an entry for each process killed:

[Thu Nov 24 17:03:44 2005] [error] cgid daemon process died, restarting


Michel Jouvin wrote:

I don't know If really need to write a script, this is so simple.

asa/root % ps -e -opid,ppid,cmd | grep http
  15601381048577 /www/Web/servers/apache/2.0.54/bin/httpd -k start
  15601631560138 /www/Web/servers/apache/2.0.54/bin/httpd -k start
  10863961086105 grep http

From this output, you see that 1560163 is the child. Kill it with :

kill -KILL 1560163

If you enter again 'ps -e|grep http', you'll see (I am seeing...) the
number of httpd processes increasing until the max number 
(determined by

MaxClient and ThreadPerChild). When this max number is reached you get
the error message in main Apache error log.


--On mercredi 23 novembre 2005 19:30 -0500 Jim Gallacher

Michel Jouvin wrote:


I played a little bit with worker MPM parameters. In particular I
tested your suggestion to increase to 2 StartServers. This has no
effect on the problem. I also tried to raise MaxSpareThread to
MaxClient and suppressed child recycling (MaxRequestPerChild=0) to
suppress restart of child as it seems to trig the problem with
mod_pyton. No effect.

I also checked the load during all these tests. Almost no request. So
the heavy load syndroma you described doesn't seem to apply in this

Again, one month ago I tested during 2 or 3 days an Apache
configuration with mod_python loaded and without any url to trig its
usages. And the problem was already the same. So it seems this is not
related to mod_python usage (it happens even if you didn't execute 

Python code) but rather to mod_python interaction with other Apache



I'm not able to reproduce the behaviour on debian stable (i386) with
apache 2.0.54, but I'm not sure if I'm testing this correctly.

Could you create a test script (bash or python) that will produce the
error? That way I can know for sure that I'm testing in the same way.


* Michel Jouvin Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* LAL / CNRSTel : +33 1 64468932*
* B.P. 34   Fax : +33 1 69079404*
* 91898 Orsay Cedex *
* France*

* Michel Jouvin Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* LAL / CNRSTel : +33 1 64468932*
* B.P. 34   Fax : +33 1 69079404*
* 91898 Orsay Cedex *
* France*

Re: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing

2005-10-25 Thread Nick

Jim Gallacher wrote:
So this is an inconsistency within Python.  Should mod_python attempt 
to correct it, or just claim a Python bug?

I think we should correct it. I'm sure users don't care that we 
implement this with TemporaryFile. That being said, I wonder how many 
applications on Windows we may break by fixing this? Version 3.1.4 also 
used TemporaryFile, so this is not a new bug.

Yeah, I never noticed it either until someone pointed it out to me.  I 
appreciated the change to TemporaryFile, but being primarily a Linux user I 
never noticed that this broke my code in Windows.

In any case, I'm still gonna have to implement a workaround in my own code 
to catch people using the different versions of mod_python out there, so I 
can live with whatever decision you guys make.  But here's +1 for making the 
interface consistent at least for mod_python users.  As for code breakage, I 
would consider this a bug introduced in 3.1.4, which was the last official 
release of mod_python, which will be corrected in release 3.3.


Re: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing

2005-10-25 Thread Nick

Jim Gallacher wrote:
You may have misunderstood. I was not suggesting that 
tempfile.TemporaryFile was introduced in 3.1.4, only that it existed 
there. Looking at the svn repository I see it's used in 3.0.0-beta and 
2.7.9, so this bug has been lurking for a while. ;)

Yes, although the fact that the implementation of TemporaryFile changed in 
Python 2.3 may have something to do with it.  I honestly don't remember what 
the previous behavior was, but it worked OK for me at one time :)


Re: glue between apache and python logging

2005-10-20 Thread Nick

Jim Gallacher wrote:
Beyond that it still segfaults for me. The other problem is that you are 
not removing the handler instance from the logging instance so you still 
have a memory leak. 100k requests would result in 100k handler 
instances. Oh, and there might be a bit of a performance issue when 
emit() gets fired 100k times. ;) Or should I assume that the user will 
still be required to include req.register_cleanup(log.removeHandler, 
hdlr) in their code?

Not sure if this will help, but in my implementation I registered my hander
on the root logger as global code in the handler module, not for each
request.  In that case I used a threading.local to keep track of req, which
I had to register and free for each request of course.  I couldn't get
around the minimal bookkeeping required of registering the req object on
each request, though like Nic's code, I registered a cleanup in a closure to
handle the freeing.

Alternatively, you can register the server and use apache.log_error with a
server object, which should not leak.  Also, if you don't care about logging
to a particular server, you can, of course, just call apache.log_error
without a server argument.


Re: glue between apache and python logging

2005-10-19 Thread Nick

Nic Ferrier wrote:

Nick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Nic Ferrier wrote:

I just joined this list (at the suggestion of Graham Dumpleton) to try
and get you guys to consider adding some glue to connect python 2.2
logging to Apache's logging.

I have done this before, and although I haven't checked this code, it is 
as trivial to do as Nic makes it appear (my code was a bit different, 
but it did essentially the same thing).  On the other hand, I'm not sure 
including this code fits with Grisha's philosophy of mod_python being 
what it is -- glue between Python and apache -- especially when this is 
such a simple exercise to anyone who has read the logging docs.

But that's my point Nick, it's so simple as to be annoying when you
have to do it (it certainly annoyed me when I came to mod_python).

I agree, there are several bits of code that are like that.

I really think the argument about mod_python being minimal does not
apply here.

Nick said it - mod_python is glue between Python and apache - well,
making Python logging work directly to Apache seems like important
glue to me.

And again I renew my argument that there needs to be some kind of 
contrib archive that is probably separate from mod_python and 
unsupported in the core distribution.  Maybe a wiki or code repository 
or something to support all the contributions like this.  That way all 
these neat things can be available to people who are using mod_python, 
but not burden the development process of mod_python itself with issues 
concerning the constributions.


Re: glue between apache and python logging

2005-10-19 Thread Nick

Nic Ferrier wrote:

But it's difficult to change your mind if you say prove that logging
is the most widely used logging available and then I'll think about it
but I don't use it anyway because I wrote my own.

Well, that's not what I said.  What I said was:

1. I'm not convinced that a logger handler should be included in 
mod_python just because it's a standard module.  A lot of packages out 
there that have logging facilities don't necessarily use logger.  Even 
though it's part of the Python distribtion, that doesn't make it 
uniquitous in its use.  mod_python exposes apache's logging facility in 
using interface that apache provides.  I think that's the goal of 
mod_python, to (1) provide access to apache's API and (2) provide 
dispatching for handlers.

2. My counterargument to the logging interface as being essential is 
that I neither use the logging module nor want to use it.  I tried to 
use it, but the implementation required a lot of overhead (mostly due to 
threading issues and access to the right req object).  YMMV, but my 
experience led me to create a thinner wrapper around apache.log_error 
that was simply easier to use and maintain.  That really has nothing to 
do with whether or not

In terms of changing my mind, that has to do with whether or not I 
believe it should be part of the core mod_python distribution.  And I 
still think it should not.  I still think it falls under the umbrella of 
contributed code, just as if it was an implementation that utilized 
cgitb or SimpleXMLRPCServer, both of which are standard modules and 
arguably pretty darn useful in mod_python development.

Please note that I also disagree with including the publisher and psp 
handlers as part of the core distribution, but, well, we can't turn back 
the clock on that ;-)  And besides, I'm probably one of the few here who 
don't use them, making my opinion on that matter a minority view.

Unfortunately I have to argue from the position that logging is
officially part of the python language.

Respectfully, I don't think that has anything to do with it.  There's a 
lot that can be done with only the official parts of the Python language 
that aren't included in mod_python but left as an option for the user to 
implement.  Recently a bid to include a WSGI implementation for 
mod_python was shot down, which is a Python PEP and something I thought 
would have been pretty neat to include.  Regardless of Grisha's personal 
feelings on that (and I have a pretty good idea of what they are ;-)), I 
think it was ultimately the right decision for mod_python.


Re: SQLite and other things [was Re: svn commit: r290569]

2005-09-23 Thread Nick

Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:
I think that (and we can discuss this - I don't set laws, I just have 
opinions that may not always beright, so feel free to comment) 
mod_python should do fewer things but do them exceptionally well.

I would agree with that totally.  As a long time user of mod_python, I would 
add that I personally disagree with including Sessions, psp, publisher, etc. 
in the base distribution, since these things seem to have held up releases. 
 I don't use any of those things as all with mod_python, and I don't see 
how they're necessary to use mod_python for what it's for: creating apache 
extension modules in Python.

The thing we need to address is what to do with nifty things we create 
but that don't qualify for inclusion. The idea of a 'contrib' directory 
has been floated around for a while, I for one am against it for the 
same reasons above - it should either be 100% supported or not included 
at all IMO.

If that's the case, there definitely needs to be a central place for 
contributed code like this.  I think a contrib directory is convenient, but 
I also know the issues of who decides what to put in there, how much do put 
include, how do you gently waive off support requests for its contents.

But there needs to be something.  What do you see on the list all the time? 
 People asking how do I implement database pooling, how to I use sessions, 
here's my database implementation for sessions.  I say put the publisher 
there as well, since it doesn't have anything to do with the philosophy of 
mod_python, even by Grisha's definition, and solves some release issues with 
mod_python itself (can anyone say imports?).


Re: flex [was mod_python 3.2.0-BETA available for testing]

2005-08-26 Thread Nick


I don't think it's too verbose, but maybe you could delay it to the end of 
the configure script so you don't have to either interrupt with control-C or 
scroll back to see what went wrong.

Here's another idea: Fail the flex test fairly silently (e.g. just no), 
but fall back to a script that generates a nice, verbose error message 
explaining the situation.  That way, when the user tries to call make 
after modifying the .l file, the fake flex alternative script gets called, 
displays the message, and exits with status 1.


Jim Gallacher wrote:

Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

OK, here is the flex scoop - as the the docs point out, anything 
before 2.5.31 is not reentrant and I think even uses a slightly 
different interface so older flex won't even process the psp_parser.l 
file correctly.

Looking at Fedora Core 4, it still has flex 2.5.4a. (Note that 2.5.31 
 2.5.4 because 31  4 - I for a while had trouble seeing that for 
some reason), so the new flex is still not commonplace.

So until reentrant flex becomes commonplace, the solution was to include
a pre-parsed psp_parser.c so that you woudln't need flex at all to 
compile mod_python. Looks like this still should be the case.

The ./configure should just print a warning that if flex is not found 
or too old, should you need to rebuild psp_parser.c you will need to 
get the right version of flex.

I've made the changes to, but before I commit I wanted to 
get some feedback. Are the following configure messages unclear or too 

For the case of the missing flex, ./configure will generate:
checking for --with-flex... no
checking for flex... no
configure: WARNING: flex  not found
  You can generally ignore this warning unless you need to regenerate
  psp_parser.c from psp_parse.l. If you do need regenerate psp_parser.c,
  use --with-flex to specify the location of flex.
  See the README for more information.

For the case of the wrong flex version, ./configure will generate:
checking for --with-flex... no
checking for flex... /usr/local/sbin/flex
found /usr/local/sbin/flex, we'll use this. Use --with-flex to specify 

checking flex version... configure: WARNING: Flex version 2.5.4 found.
  Version 2.5.31 or greater is required.
  You can generally ignore this warning unless you need to regenerate
  psp_parser.c from psp_parse.l. If you do need regenerate psp_parser.c,
  use --with-flex to specify the location of the correct flex version.
  See the README for more information.

Any comments?


Re: Session Benchmarks

2005-06-18 Thread Nick

Jim Gallacher wrote:
Using bsddb3 would introduce new dependency for mod_python, so I don't 
know if it's a good idea to use transaction handling by default for 
DbmSession. Maybe we could offer a subclass?

Starting with Python 2.3 this module is included in the standard python 
distribution as its bsddb module.


Re: PythonSessionOption - a new apache directive for session configuration

2005-06-15 Thread Nick
How about an explicit None value to completely disable it?  If you don't 
want users on your site using it.


Jim Gallacher wrote:

So, any further thoughts / comments / objections to PythonSessionOption,
 or shall I just check in the code?


Jim Gallacher wrote:

I've created a new apache directive called PythonSessionOption. This 
would be used to configure session handling in the apache config file. 
This data is accessed with a new request method, 

Although we could use the PythonOption directive instead of creating a 
new one, I believe it's better to keep the session config data 
separate so we don't need to worry about collisions with current user 
code or configuration.

Typical Usage

In a test script

def handler(req)
opts = req.get_session_options()
for k in sess_conf:
req.write('%s: %s' % (k,opts[k])

In Session.FileSession:
opts = req.get_session_options()
timeout = int(opts.get('timeout', DFT_TIMEOUT))

In an Apache config file:

DocumentRoot /var/www/

PythonSessionOption session FileSession
PythonSessionOption session_directory /var/lib/mod_python/sess
PythonSessionOption timeout 14400
PythonSessionOption lock 1


If there are no objections I'll commit the code. I have not refactored to use the new configuration scheme just yet.
