Re: [R-sig-phylo] Different estimate of Bloomberg's k in ape and caper in R

2015-07-14 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Solomon,

It’s because neither of the things you are estimating are Blomberg’s K and both 
are different from one another. In Caper, you are estimating Pagel’s Kappa (a 
branch length transformation that attempts to explain evolutionary change as 
punctuational [1] vs gradual [=1] ), while in ape you are estimating 
Blomberg’s gamma (a transformation known as ACDC, similar to the early burst 
model, that is associated with accelerating [1] or decelerating [1] change). 


 On Jul 14, 2015, at 10:58 AM, Solomon Chak wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I'd like to get some opinions on why estimates of Bloomberg's k are
 different using the packages ape and caper in R.
 Please see the code below for example, in which I used the same data but
 got different estimates of k. In my own data, the estimated ks were
 completely opposite: k=0.0001 in ape, and k=3 in caper.
 compdata -,, names.col =
 Species, vcv.dim=3, vcv = TRUE)
 caper.model - pgls(log(Egg.Mass) ~ log(M.Mass) * log(F.Mass), compdata,
 summary(caper.model) # k=0.474
 # APE
 gls.model  = gls(log(Egg.Mass) ~ log(M.Mass) * log(F.Mass),
 correlation=corBlomberg(value = 0.1, phy=shorebird.tree),, method=ML)
 summary(gls.model) # k = 0.9079989
 Solomon Chak
 Virginia Institute of Marine Science
 College of William and Mary
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Re: [R-sig-phylo] Constraining node values in an OUCH analysis

2015-06-04 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Daniel,

There’s a difference between a method being able to handle fossil data, that is 
a dataset consisting of a non-ultrametric tree an data for all tips including 
non contemporaneous ones, and a method allowing you to directly specify trait 
values at nodes. Most trait evolution methods allow you to do the former (I 
don’t know for sure but I expect OUCH does). For the latter, which you want to 
do, there is a function in geiger (described in Slater, Harmon, and Alfaro 2012 
Evolution), that allows you to place informative prior probability 
distributions on node trait values based on the fossil record. But this only 
allows for fitting simple models and not complex OU scenarios you might want to 
test. As a hack, I’d suggest adding zero length branches to all nodes in your 
tree and assigning your reconstructed node values to these. This will produce 
identical results to specifying node values directly. Zero length branches can 
be problematic for matrix operations required to compute likelihoods in R and 
so you might need to explore minimally short branch lengths (10^-5 time units 
has worked for me in the past). This all should have the same effect as 
specifying node values, but Aaron will need to confirm that it would work in 

I would question though whether this is a good strategy - you’re assuming your 
ML estimates of node states , presumably inferred under BM, are robust enough 
to be fixed for subsequent macroevolutionary analyses. Given how dicey  ASRs 
are, even when you include fossil data, this seems a big stretch. If this is a 
route you really want to go, perhaps explore using a restricted set of inferred 
node states - for example only those nodes in the extant taxon tree that are 
directly ancestral to a fossil taxon, to explore how much this approach 
influences your results.


Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012

(202) 633-1316

On Jun 4, 2015, at 2:50 PM, Daniel Fulop wrote:

Isn't at least some of this functionality in mvSLOUCH and/or geiger?'s definitely the case that mvSLOUCH can handle missing data at the
tips, and I think fossil data can be incorporated in it and geiger as
well. At least Slater 2013 has code for incorporating fossils in geiger
or modified geiger functions.

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] Constraining node values in an OUCH analysis

2015-06-04 Thread Slater, Graham
Oops - sorry Daniel, yes that should have been addressed to Nathan...

Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012

(202) 633-1316

On Jun 4, 2015, at 4:27 PM, Daniel Fulop wrote:

Thanks, Graham  ...but I'm not the OP.  I was just shooting off a quick lead 
without actually checking the specifics in case it was useful.

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] clade-specific release and radiate model?

2015-05-31 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Dan et al,

Sorry I won�t be of much help analytically - my functions were written 
specifically for the time slice problem. It wouldn�t be too difficult to write 
a function to fit the model you describe, but it seems as though Julien has 
this all covered in mvMorph already, so that does seem to be the best route to 

A word of caution though. From your last email it sounds as though you�re using 
a tree of extant taxa. Though it is probably less of a concern for cases where 
you have a subclade-based shift  in mode, rather than a temporal, clade-wide 
shift, these kinds of processes are still a) very difficult to detect using 
trees of extant taxa only, and b) fitting of OU processes exhibit notorious 
levels of type I error. It�s worth using additional tests on top of the model 
fitting. For example, you might use simulations under your best fitting model 
to see if it actually does a better job than simpler processes of replicating 
your data (see Pennell et al 2014 or Slater and Pennell 
2014 and Boettiger et al. 

In addition, a simple yet elegant (in my opinion) way of examining whether an 
OU process that constrains variance explains the background macroevolutionary 
regime and release from this process explains your subclade pattern would be to 
use a form of Brian�s censored test but wherein you test for �phylogenetic 
signal� separately in the paraphyletic stem and monophyletic subclade. You�d 
expect significantly low signal in the background and high (i.e. not 
significantly different) signal in the subclade. See Hopkins and Smith 2015 for a nice use of this kind of 

These are all nice supplementary tests that would help assuage a lot of 
peoples� concerns about OU processes and their tendency to fit well to any kind 
of noisy comparative data.


Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012

(202) 633-1316

On May 29, 2015, at 3:44 PM, Julien Clavel wrote:

Hi Dan,

Fitting models with two distinct modes of trait evolution is possible with the 
mvSHIFT function in mvMORPH. You just need to map on the tree the two clades 
(or selective regimes, groups... otherwise) of interest rather than two times 

The mapping can easily be done using the make.simmap or the paintSupTree 
functions in phytools. The package handle both univariate and multivariate data.



Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 08:27:31 -0700
Subject: Re: [R-sig-phylo] clade-specific release and radiate model?

Hi Brian,

Thanks for your thoughtful response!  Those are very good points about 
identifiability and penalization of the OU mean for the released clade.

The censored model is an appealing approach, especially since the timing of the 
release along the (stem) branch leading to the released clade is unknown, and 
somewhat beside the point. In the case in question several novel 
morphological-mechanical structures had to evolve to enable the release, and 
whether those evolved gradually or not along the stem branch is an open 
question -- perhaps unknowable from analyzing extant taxa.

In thinking about this a bit more, though, I think methods for an epoch release 
may be able to accommodate a clade-specific scenario, at least if the timing of 
the mode shift is specified using SIMMAP trees and not a shift-time parameter.  
Slater 2013 has R code associated with it that implements release models, and 
there's a multivariate implementation of release (and other mode shift) models 
in the new mvMORPH package (which is on CRAN, but not yet published as a 
manuscript as far as I can tell).

In skimming Slater's code it doesn't seem to use SIMMAP trees.  However, 
mvMORPH's shift specification can be done with SIMMAP trees, and I see no 
reason why its mvSHIFT function would care whether the shift is clade-specific 
or not.  I'm cc'ing Graham and Julien to see if they have something to add.  
Regarding the use of mvSHIFT, I don't have multivariate data; hopefully that 
won't be a problem.


Brian O'Meara wrote:
Hi, Daniel. It's a bit arguable whether as alpha - 0, OU - BM: I think it 
should, but IIRC in OUCH this 

Re: [R-sig-phylo] fitContinuous drift model?

2015-05-28 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Milton,

The drift model gives a time-dependent change in the expected, or mean value of 
the trait. If we denote the drift parameter as M, then the expected value of 
the trait, E(x), at time t is a+Mt where a is the root state of the trait. So 
if M is positive, your trait tends to get larger over time and if it is 
negative, the trait tends to get smaller. Note that this is a tendency because 
the trait is actually evolving under a biased random walk, so variance still 
increases with time, as in Brownian motion. For this reason, you wouldn’t do a 
branch length reconstruction to infer ancestral states under drift.  Because we 
are modeling change in the expected value of the trait through time, the model 
is unidentifiable without non-comtemporaneous (i.e. fossil, time series) tips 
or a very strong prior / bound on the root state. This is a good reference for 
the model in a non-phylogenetic context

You can do ancestral state estimation under the drift model using 
fitContinuousMCMC in geiger (this also allows you to place informative priors 
on node values) and I think Liam has a function in phytools to give you the ML 



On May 28, 2015, at 4:07 PM, Milton Tan wrote:

Hello all,

I have some questions about the drift model implemented in geiger to test for a 
trend in increasing or decreasing trait values over time. I'm curious how to 
interpret the drift parameter, as well as whether BM is nested within BM. Is 
there a citation I can read for more information? I haven't seen the parameters 
of the drift model described anywhere explicitly, though perhaps I have missed 
it. It seems similar to the test for a directional pressure implemented in 
Pagel 1997, but I don't see any mention of the drift parameter.

Additionally, I'm curious if there's a good way to incorporate a drift model 
into ancestral state reconstruction? I imagine I can transform the branch 
lengths based on the drift parameter somehow and simply reconstruct ancestral 
trait states under BM, but I'm unsure how to do the branch length 
transformation for a drift model given that I'm not entirely sure what the 
drift parameter represents.

Thanks all,

Milton Tan
Auburn University
Department of Biological Sciences
PhD Candidate

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Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
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P.O. Box 37012

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] Obtaining time-scaled trees from MrBayes posterior tree block

2014-10-27 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Roger,

Branch lengths of trees in the t files are in expected changes per site. To get 
these into time units, you just need to divide the branch lengths by the 
corresponding clock rate in the p.file.



Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012

(202) 633-1316

On Oct 27, 2014, at 2:35 PM, Roger Close wrote:

Hi all,

I wish to run some comparative analyses on a posterior sample of trees
saved by MrBayes. When I imported the .t file into R, I discovered that
branch lengths weren't saved in units of time: they appear to represent
some other measure of change approximately proportional to time, but about
a thousand times smaller. The consensus tree produced by MrBayes, by
contrast, is a correctly scaled chronogram with branch lengths in millions
of years.

Has anyone managed to obtain time-scaled trees from the branch lengths that
are recorded by MrBayes? I suspect that it might involve dividing by the
clock rate given at the start of each tree, but there must be standard
procedure (e.g., in MrBayes itself).

Many thanks,

Roger Close, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford University
South Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3AN
United Kingdom

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] MrBayes Trees are Misread by in OutbreakTools

2014-10-03 Thread Slater, Graham

I�ve had the same trouble with shuffling. However, all of this can be avoided 
if you specify the simple format for your .con file in the mrBayes block.

sumt conformat = simple;

The resulting tree will correctly display posterior probabilities in a 
phyloformat tree.


Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012

(202) 633-1316

On Oct 3, 2014, at 10:42 AM, David Bapst wrote:

Hello all,

Recently, I wanted to display posterior probabilities on a 50%
compatibility tree from a MrBayes run, created with the 'sumt'
command. I looked around for ways to do this and found this email
thread from last year:

...which suggests using in package epibase,
which has been renamed OutbreakTools more recently.

Unfortunately, it appears in OutbreakTools
(v0.1-11, in R 3.1.1) improperly creates the new edge matrix,
resulting in an apparent shuffling of tip labels. As this function was
discussed on R-Sig-Phylo, I am sending this bug report to both the
list and to the package maintainer (Thibaut J.).

I don't have any BEAST output files, so I cannot test if this occurs
with files that are not created by MrBayes.

To show this phenomen, I have created an example .con.tre file using
an example matrix of standard characters for several elephants that I
stole off of Joe F.'s website. You can find the .con.tre file here on

And now in R, a comparison with a tree:




Inspection of the tree file with FigTree suggests that the ape
function is producing the correct tree and the OutbreakTools function
is not. We can see the why with last three lines in the console:

[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE

Closer inspection suggests that the issue appears to be that some
terminal edges are inappropriately shuffled, thus shuffling the
terminal tip labels on those edges, while leaving the tip.label order
and the edge lengths the same. Also, larger trees seem to produce
larger inconsistencies in the tree produced.

So... now for the list, are there any other methods on CRAN for
obtaining the posterior probabilities from a .con.tre file? Otherwise,
next I guess I'll be trying phyloch.


David W. Bapst, PhD
Adjunct Asst. Professor, Geology and Geol. Eng.
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 E. St. Joseph
Rapid City, SD 57701

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] null model to trait evolution

2014-08-07 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Viviane,

If you believe that your traits are correlated - that is there is a 
variance-covariance matrix that describes the evolutionary correlations among 
these traits, then I don’t think you don't want to fit the models to each trait 
and transform the tree each time you simulate. You’d be better off estimating 
lambda for all traits simultaneously. You can do this in Gavin Thomas' motmot 
package, and I’m sure Liam has 
something to do this in phytools too. You can then use the trait VCV and your 
multivariate lambda to simulate correlated traits on an appropriately scaled 
tree. You could do this directly (drawing from a multivariate normal 
distribution after taking the Kronecker product of your phylogenetic and trait 
VCVs) or else you can use a function like geiger’s sim.char a trait vcv matrix 
to generate correlated traits.

More importantly, I don’t think you want to simulate with a lambda transform to 
generate your null model if you’re interested in knowing whether your traits 
are over or underdispersed. If your multivariate trait lambda is indeed close 
to 1, then the phylogenetic covariances among taxa do a relatively good job of 
predicting similarity and your trait is not really overdispersed relative to a 
constant rate process like Brownian motion. I think what you really want to do 
is generate a VCV for the traits and then simulate correlated trait evolution 
under BM on your unscaled tree. You can then use some measure of dispersion in 
multivariate space to ask whether your observed trait variance is significantly 
lower or higher than expected under BM.



Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012

(202) 633-1316

On Aug 7, 2014, at 7:40 AM, Viviane Deslandes wrote:

I am investigating patterns of phenotypic overdispersion/clustering in a
reginal scale. I am using a set of traits to calculate phenotypic
diversity. I need to simulate this set of correlated traits to generate a
null model.

I would like to know whether the following approach is appropriate:

- I used fitContinuous::Geiger to verify which model of evolution best fits
to my traits.The models used were White Noise, Ornstein Uhlenbeck, Brownian
Motion, Early Bust and lambda.

- I compared the models according to its AICc values. Most of my traits
fitted better to lambda model with values next to 1 (0.9).

Can I transform the original tree based on lambda values for each trait
separately (using transform.phylo) and then to use a function to simulate
the evolution of each song trait?

Which is the appropriate function to simulate ( RtraitCont, sim.corrs
or fastBM)?

Thank you,


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Re: [R-sig-phylo] Early burst branch rescale

2014-06-02 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Jon,

So there are are a few ways I can imagine doing this. One thing you should 
probably not do though is rescale the branches of the tree directly, at least 
in the case of OU, as this leads to incorrect covariances for pairs of taxa 
where one or either does not survive to the present day (see this in press 
note:, as 
I suspect you have in your tree.

Probably the most appropriate way is therefore to 1) split the VCV into one or 
more matrices describing the variances and covariances over the intervals that 
you’re interested in; 2) transform the matrices according the model and 
associated parameters you want over that interval, 3) stick them back together, 
and 4) draw your data directly from a multivariate normal distribution using 
the transformed covariance matrix. I’ll send you some code off list to do that 
(it’s also in the corrected dryad pack accompanying the note above)


Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012

(202) 633-1316

On Jun 2, 2014, at 3:55 PM, Jonathan Mitchell wrote:

Hello all,

I'm trying to figure out how to rescale certain branches of a tree
according to an early burst model.

First I've generated a tree using TreeSim

N - 100

Nn - N*2 -1

test -, 1, 1, 0.8, complete=FALSE)

Then I 'paint' the branches depending on whether or not they occur in the
first or second half of the clade's history:

Root -max(nodeHeights(test2))

Age - 0.5*Root

test2 -[[1]][[1]], c(0, Age))

Using rescale() from geiger, I can reformat the whole tree, and using
sim.rates() from phytools, it's easy to simulate different sigmas. But what
I'd like to do is also simulate different evolutionary modes (OU and EB) in
the different regimes (like Graham's MEE paper). Is there a way to rescale
the branches in one portion of the tree according to the OU alpha or EB r

-- Jon


Jonathan S. Mitchell

PhD Student
Committee on Evolutionary Biology
The University of Chicago
1025 57th Str, Culver Hall 402
Chicago, IL 60637

Geology Department
The Field Museum of Natural History
1400 S. Lake Shore Dr.
Chicago, IL 60605

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] dropping taxa from list of trees

2014-02-25 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Juanita


lapply(simtrees, drop.random, n = 937)

when using lapply (or any of the apply family) you need to specify additional 
arguments taken by the function you’re applying by name, along with their 


Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012

(202) 633-1316

On Feb 25, 2014, at 9:49 PM, Juanita Rodriguez wrote:

Hi all,

I have an issue with using the drop.random to drop taxa from a set of
simulated trees. When I try to give the list as input it shows an

Error in drop.random(simtrees, 937) :
 object phy is not of class phylo

I also tried using lapply and it keeps showing the same message.

Thanks in advance for your help!



Here is the code I have used:, numbsim=1000, lambda=9.111433e-02, 
mu=3.242355e-07, frac = 1, age=31, mrca = FALSE)


Error in drop.random(treesim, 937) : object phy is not of class phylo

lapply(simtrees, drop.random (simtrees,937))
Error in drop.random(simtrees, 937) :  object phy is not of class phylo

Utah State University
Department of Biology
5305 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT/ USA 84322
(435) 797-0358

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] fitContinuous code and output in Geiger

2013-11-21 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Louise,

There is a k for
all at the bottom of the output for each model fit of all traits so I
didn't think that it was probably the kappa needed for Kappa

You’re right - K here is the number of parameters in the model. BM has K= 2 
(root state and rate) and other models add an additional parameter

a lambda is
given for the Kappa model fits, is it possible that this is what I need for
the parameter of Kappa?

You seem to be using a version of geiger  1.99. I think there was a bug in 
those versions where kappa was mis-named in the output but the value returned 
is indeed the ML estimate for kappa

I get the same delta for the Delta fit of all four
traits (2.), which seemed strange to me.  I wasn't sure how to
interpret the output of the EB model.

Your value of 2. is right at the default upper bound for delta (3), which 
means rates of evolution are faster closer to the tips. Your EB parameter of 0 
is at the lower upper bound for this parameter too— if you were to change the 
upper bound to 0, you’d probably find that the MLE goes up, which would 
suggest that rates of evolution are accelerating towards the present.

I suspect you’ll also find lambda and OU fit best for these traits based on the 
results you have. Together, this suggests that your phylogeny does a relatively 
poor job of predicting trait values; younger species pairs are more dissimilar 
than you would predict under a BM model.



Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012

(202) 633-1316

On Nov 21, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Louise Comas wrote:

Dear list users,

I'm having some trouble with the R code in Geiger and interpreting some of
the output.  I'm trying to get an aic table of model fits and parameters
alpha for OU, lambda, delta, kappa, and endRate (a??) for EB for 4
continuous traits (SRL, BrFreq listed below and 2 others). There is a k for
all at the bottom of the output for each model fit of all traits so I
didn't think that it was probably the kappa needed for Kappa - a lambda is
given for the Kappa model fits, is it possible that this is what I need for
the parameter of Kappa?  I get the same delta for the Delta fit of all four
traits (2.), which seemed strange to me.  I wasn't sure how to
interpret the output of the EB model.

Below are some of the code I've used and some error messages: sp nexus.nex) sp nexus.nex)

mydata-read.table(tempfor33data.txt, sep=\t)



rownames(x) - value

rownames(mydata) - mydata$Sp

SRL_BM-fitContinuous(tempfor33, mydata$SRL, model=BM)

Error: could not find function fitContinuous

SRL_BM-fitContinuous(tempfor33, mydata$SRL, model=BM,

Error: could not find function fitContinuous

I get output however when running the following, so I just used that:

[1] -169.1129

[1] 8.045267

[1] *2.99*

[1] 344.2258

[1] 345.0829

[1] 3

[1] -170.8514

[1] 18.71486

[1] 1

[1] 347.7028

[1] 348.5599

[1] 3

[1] -170.8514

[1] 18.71485

[1] 0

[1] 347.7028

[1] 348.5599

[1] 3

[1] -44.83203

[1] 0.004308829

[1] *2.99*

[1] 95.66406

[1] 96.52121

[1] 3

Many thanks for any help!


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Re: [R-sig-phylo] Rate heterogeneity test with geiger

2013-11-20 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Mercedes,

The relaxed bm output summarizes the shifts sampled during the rj-mcmc, so it’s 
not surprising that it will show some shifts in rate along some branches. The 
important part of the output is the posterior probability of a shift at a given 
node — if this is low, then there is little support for the rate change(s) 
summarized in the plot. So it’s not unexpected to find variable rates 
estimated, but no overall support for a relaxed bm model over a single bm rate. 
Be aware though that Tracer uses a harmonic mean estimator of the marginal 
likelihood when computing Bayes factors and that this approach can sometimes 
perform poorly, particularly when the difference between the homogeneous and 
heterogenous rate models are subtle (see Baele et al. 2012)



Ref: Baele G., et al. Improving the accuracy of demographic and molecular 
clock model comparison while accommodating phylogenetic uncertainty. Molecular 
biology and evolution 29.9 (2012): 2157-2167.

Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012

(202) 633-1316

On Nov 20, 2013, at 12:21 PM, Mercedes Burns wrote:

Dear list,

I am investigating a set of continuously varying morphological traits for
males and females. I expected some of these traits to have a functional
relationship that would translate to their tips states and evolutionary
rates of change being correlated. Using PGLS (correcting for body size) and
threshold modeling in phytools, I've found this seems to be the case for
some but not all of my pairs of traits. I've been using the
rjmcmc.bmfunction in geiger to investigate whether a lack of
correlation between
pairs of rates may be due to rate heterogeneity. I planned to do this by
comparing the likelihoods of models of global rate Brownian motion:, trait, summary=TRUE, filebase=traitBM, ngen=5000,
samp=1000, type=bm)

and relaxed BM with the reversible jump process-enabled:, trait, summary=TRUE, ngen=5000, filebase=traitJMPRBM,
samp=1000, type=jump-rbm)

When I checked these analyses in Tracer, I was surprised to find that there
is little difference in log-likelihoods of these models and it seems that
even if relaxed local rates are allowed, no rate shifts are actually
accepted although I have evidence of inferred jumps in my output.

Is this to be expected if global rate Brownian motion is the better fitting
model? Is there a problem with having the reversible jump process
available? I'm also not sure how I should ultimately compare the
log-likelihoods given that the model is also an experimental parameter in
the jump-rbm process. I should probably also note that my tree has about 30
tips, which is on the lower end of what Eastman et al. (2011) used in their

Is there a better way to approach this question? I'd appreciate any advice.
Mercedes Burns
Ph.D. Candidate
BEES Program
Department of Entomology
University of Maryland
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Re: [R-sig-phylo] comparing taxa in data and tree

2013-10-22 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Jorge,

I find that this happens most often when I forget to set the row names of
data. Try rownames(data) and if they're not the tip labels, then that's
your problem.

Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012
Washington DC 20013-7012

(202) 633-1316

On 10/22/13 9:05 AM, Jorge Sanchez Gutierrez

Hi all,

I am trying to use the geiger¹s treedata function to compare and match
the taxa in
my data and tree as follows:

X - treedata(tr, data)

where ³tr² is the tree and ³data² is the matrix. However, the tips are
not found in
the data and are subsequently dropped from the tree, getting a tree with
0 tips.
Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong with this?

I also tried this:

X - data[tr$tip.label,] which also should drop all the rows of data that
are not in
tr, however, I get an empty matrix.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Jorge S. Gutierrez
Conservation Biology Research Group
Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Zoology
Faculty of Sciences
University of Extremadura
Badajoz 06006

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] p-values and fitContinous from geiger

2013-10-11 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Andrew, Simone, et al.,

It's probably worth adding the very minor distinction that the results of
Andrew's suggested test and of phytools' phylosig test have slightly
different interpretations. Assuming lambda  1, a significant LRT when
comparing the fit of a lambda model to a non-lambda, BM model using geiger
would indicate that phylogenetic signal in the trait data is significantly
LOWER than expected given the untransformed tree (lambda = 1). But a
significant LRT from phylosig's lambda test tells you that there is
significantly MORE phylogenetic signal than expected under a model where
lambda = 0 (or a star phylogeny).

Perhaps that is obvious, but just in case...


Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012
Washington DC 20013-7012

(202) 633-1316

On 10/11/13 1:43 PM, Andrew Hipp wrote:

Dear Simone,

You could do a likelihood ratio test on the lambda-fitted model vs. the
no-lambda model. You could also use the AICc values returned for each
model by geiger and calculate AICc weights. Brian O'Meara has a nice
summary of this on his website:

Take care,

   On 10/11/2013 12:19 PM, Simone Ruzza wrote:
 Dear list,

 I was wondering whether you could tell me is there a way of obtaining
 a p-value for the significance of lambda when fitting a model using
 the fitContinuous, just in the same way the other function do this
 (e.g. phylosig from phytools). Apologies for the simplicity of my
 question, but I am a total beginner in phylogenetic and comparative

 thanks in advance,


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Andrew Hipp, PhD
Senior Scientist in Plant Systematics
and Herbarium Curator
The Morton Arboretum
4100 Illinois Route 53, Lisle IL 60532-1293, USA
+1 630 725 2094

Lecturer, Committee on Evolutionary Biology
University of Chicago

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[R-sig-phylo] Methods in Ecology Evolution Special Issue: fossils and phylogenies

2013-08-10 Thread Slater, Graham
Dear list,

I'm writing to promote this month's issue of Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 
which is now online and contains a special feature edited by Luke Harmon and I, 
titled Unifying fossils and phylogenies for comparative analyses of 
diversification and trait evolution. The feature contains original articles by 
Peter Wagner, Gene Hunt, Dave Bapst, Tom Ezard and myself, all of which aim to 
provide ways of integrating paleontological information into phylogenetic and 
comparative analyses or highlight what can be done when performing comparative 
analyses using phylogenies containing fossil species. I think many on this list 
serve will find the articles of interest.

The issue is available here: I'm 
also happy to provide pdfs to anyone unable to access them on request (let me 
know which ones you want).


Graham ( Luke)
Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012
Washington DC 20013-7012

(202) 633-1316

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] Estimating ancestral states of a trait under selection

2013-04-19 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Eliot and others,

You can also use the code contained in the fitContinuousMCMC package
available here -
And described in this paper -

To place a variety of informative priors on nodes in your tree for a
continuous trait and estimate ancestral states under a range of models of
trait evolution. This code will be integrated into the forthcoming geiger



Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012
Washington DC 20013-7012

(202) 633-1316

On 4/19/13 5:07 PM, Liam J. Revell wrote:

If you want to do a Bayesian reconstruction for continuous traits with a
strong prior on the root - as Brian suggests - you can do this in the
phytools function anc.Bayes. The prior means  variances need to be
provided in anc.Bayes(...,control=list(pr.var,pr.mean)). Unfortunately,
you need to put priors on everything (or nothing, in which a pretty
uninformative prior is used). If you decide this is what you want to do
 have difficulty figuring it out, please let me know.

All the best, Liam

Liam J. Revell, Assistant Professor of Biology
University of Massachusetts Boston

On 4/19/2013 4:56 PM, Brian O'Meara wrote:
 We have a method in R, TreEvo, that can allow you to do things like
have a
 model where the optimum shifts through time according to some factor
 external data on climate) or where there are constraints that change
 through time: it's up on R-forge, and you can install the package, but
 hasn't been published yet and so could have problems that won't appear
 until peers have looked at it more thoroughly. If you're fine waiting to
 publish with it until it's been vetted and is in press, feel free to
 with it.

 Of course, another thing you could do is throw a prior on the root state
 based on your knowledge of the climate then and then do a Bayesian
 reconstruction. I don't know of any packages that do this at the moment,
 but it wouldn't be hard to write.


 Brian O'Meara
 Assistant Professor
 Dept. of Ecology  Evolutionary Biology
 U. of Tennessee, Knoxville

 Students wanted: Applications due Dec. 15, annually
 Postdoc collaborators wanted: Check NIMBioS' website

 On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Eliot Miller

 Hello all,

 I've read some past posts and tried to figure this one out myself. It
 appears that the short answer is if there are not some extinct
lineages in
 the tree with known trait values, it's difficult to do.

 I have a data set of the current climatic niches of a continental
 of taxa. If I reconstruct the ancestral state of the root using ace()
 REML, I get a semi-believable answer, though obviously with wide CIs.
 gut instinct is that the absolute value that is returned is slightly
 than it should be.

 The issue is that I know the climate of the continent has changed
 (but at least consistently in one direction!) during the course of the
 radiation of the clade. An educated guess would put the magnitude of
 change at 1200 to 550 mm rain per year over 60 million years. I'd guess
 that most lineages have felt this aridification as a slow and steady
 selective pressure to figure it out in increasingly dry conditions
 (there's probably also been a lot of extinction but let's skip that
 for now).

 So, while I don't have extinct lineages with known trait values, I do
 what I'd be comfortable modeling as a continuous selective pressure
 throughout the course of the radiation. I'm interested to see how doing
 this would change the actual absolute value returned by the ancestral
 reconstruction. Any tips on how this might be best effected?

 Final note, my tree is from uncorrected molecular distances, so it's
 ultrametric. The analysis I'm trying to run here is tangential to my
 focus, so I'm ok with making the tree ultrametric with something like
 chronopl() just out of curiosity to see what comes out. Someday I'll
have a
 time calibrated tree and then I can re-run this analysis.

 Best wishes,

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Re: [R-sig-phylo] Flat likelihood and linear transformation of traits in fitContinuous

2012-11-20 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi all, 

I think there might be 2 issues to consider here. The first concerns data 
transformations and how we consider traits to evolve over phylogenies. Many 
people would consider it most appropriate to use log transformed values of a 
continuous trait for model fitting purposes; for example, using raw values of 
body mass in mammals would make the assumption that a 1gram change in mass in a 
baleen whale is equivalent to a 1 gram change in  a murine rodent. If you 
follow this through, the only way in which one expects to obtain the same set 
of AIC scores for data multiplied by some constant is by fitting models to 
log(data) and log(data * constant). You can see this easily using some 
simulations (see below). I would expect fitting models using log transformed 
and untransformed data to lead to different model fits. Others may have 
different opinions on how/if data should be transformed

The other issue is what your ML parameter estimates are telling you. A flat 
likelihood surface for a single optimum OU process is probably indicating that 
there is little phylogenetic signal in your data, rather than suggesting 
occupation of some kind of adaptive zone. If so, there's not really much 
conflict between finding most support for white noise or OU. You could check 
this out visually by plotting your phylogeny transformed by the ML alpha 
parameter, e.g.

plot(OUtree(phy, alpha = fitContinuous(phy, data, model = OU)$Trait1$alpha)

Here is some example code to look at model fits using various transformations 
of trait data


phy - = 100, numbsim = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0, frac =  1, 
complete = ,F)[[1]][[1]] # simulate a tree of extant taxa
d - fastBM(phy, sig2 = 1); ## simulate data under BM (assuming a log scale)
d2 - exp(d) # back transform these data to raw measurements
d3 - d*10 # multiply the original data (in log units) by 10;
d4 - d2 * 10; # multiply the raw data by 10
d5 - log(d4); # log the raw data *10

## fit bm and ou to the simulated data
fitContinuous(phy, d, model = BM)$Trait1$aicc
fitContinuous(phy, d, model = OU)$Trait1$aicc

## now fit them to the simulated data back transformed to raw values
fitContinuous(phy, d2, model = BM)$Trait1$aicc
fitContinuous(phy, d2, model = OU)$Trait1$aicc

## or log values *10
fitContinuous(phy, d3, model = BM)$Trait1$aicc
fitContinuous(phy, d3, model = OU)$Trait1$aicc

## raw values *10

fitContinuous(phy, d4, model = BM)$Trait1$aicc
fitContinuous(phy, d4, model = OU)$Trait1$aicc

## and log(raw data *10)
fitContinuous(phy, d5, model = BM)$Trait1$aicc
fitContinuous(phy, d5, model = OU)$Trait1$aicc

Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012
Washington DC 20013-7012

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou []
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 5:50 AM
Subject: Re: [R-sig-phylo] Flat likelihood and linear transformation of traits 
in fitContinuous

Hi Florian,

this is a problem frequently encountered in model fitting procedures
and, yes, it has to do with a flat likelihood surface, or with the
algorithm getting stuck in local optima. Unfortunately, as far as I
know, there is nothing you can really do about it (other than maybe
trying to fit the models with a different algorithm and see if you get
reasonable estimates). An important point is, I think, that comparing
AICs is useful, but it will not inform you on whether your models have
really converged on a solution and whether the estimates they provide
make sense. I think multiplying the trait by 10 should change
proportionally your sigma^2 and optima, but (if there was a real ML
solution) it should not change the rest of model descriptors. A fist way
to get a feeling of whether you really are stuck with a strange
likelihood surface would be to fit the models using different algorithms
(but it sounds like you have already tried this): a well-optimized model
will not change across algorithms (other than small differences in AICc
calculation etc).

A suggestion might be to also try fitting the models in OUwie. It uses
exactly the same parameter and likelihood estimators as geiger's
fitContinuous, but it will provide some additional results that may be
helpful for evaluating model fitting (i.e. SEs for the estimated model
parameters, eigencomposition of the Hessian matrix used for optimization
etc). Check Beaulieu, J. M., Jhwueng, D. C., Boettiger, C.,  O'Meara,
B. C. (2012). Modeling Stabilizing Selection: Expanding the
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Model of Adaptive Evolution. Evolution, 66,
2369--2383. doi:10./j.1558-5646.2012.01619.x

Hope this helps

On 11/20/2012 10:30 

Re: [R-sig-phylo] fitContinuous-Early Burst Model

2012-11-05 Thread Slater, Graham
Hi Nic and list,

When using Maximum Likelihood to estimate model parameters, it's often useful 
to define bounds on the search, either for computational efficiency (some 
parameters, for example a BM rate of 1000 for log body mass in kgs, are so 
unlikely as to not be worth looking at) or for reasons due to the effect of a 
particular value on our ability to actually evaluate the likelihood. Luke 
Harmon programmed default bounds for all the trait evolution parameters when he 
wrote fitContinuous. If you go into the code, you'll be able to find them here:

   bounds.default - matrix(c(1e-08, 20, 1e-07, 1, 1e-06, 1, 
1e-05, 2.99, 1e-07, 50, -3, 0, 1e-10, 100, -100, 
100), nrow = 8, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
rownames(bounds.default) - c(beta, lambda, kappa, 
delta, alpha, a, nv, mu)
colnames(bounds.default) - c(min, max)
bound.default # print them to the screen 

The EB parameter is a, and you can see that the default bounds are -3 and 0. As 
I mentioned in an earlier response, the magnitude of the lower bound can affect 
your ability to fit the model to some datasets and this is especially so for 
EB: too negative a value can result in a VCV that is effectively or actually 
singular, meaning the likelihood cannot be evaluated at that parameter and the 
search will fail. You need to chose an appropriate lower bound if this is the 

One way to do this is to just play around with values for the bound to see if 
you can get it to work. If you go this route, you'll need to try a number of 
values and check that your ML estimate of a is not at the bound (i.e. your 
bound is too high and your estimate is the bound). The other option i suggested 
is to compute a reasonable maximum lower bound given the age of your tree; by 
that I mean the depth in time from root node to the present day or, in the case 
of a paleo tree, the youngest tip (although as we actually want the total 
amount of evolutionary time elapsed over the phylogeny, you can also think of 
your youngest tip as existing at the present). If the root - tip distance is T, 
and we place a lower limit on what we will allow the magnitude of the rate at 
the end of the EB process to be, expressed as a fraction of the starting rate 
(I think i explained this incorrectly before and implied that it was the actual 
rate at the tip) and we call this min.rate, then a reasonable lower bound for 
the EB model is log(min.rate) / T. I've used 10^-5 as a min.rate as, in my 
experience, rates for real data almost never decay beyond this amount, although 
I'm sure there are cases where this happens. At any rate, this almost always 
results in a reasonable lower bound for the EB process.

In terms of running this on sections of your tree, I assume you are pruning out 
clades and fitting EB to them separately? In that case you would just obtain a 
reasonable bound for each by computing the depth from root node to tip in each 
pruned clade.

Hope that helps.


Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012
Washington DC 20013-7012

From: Nicolas Campione []
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 2:04 AM
To: Slater, Graham
Cc: David Bapst; Frank Burbrink;
Subject: Re: [R-sig-phylo] fitContinuous-Early Burst Model

Hello All,

Great discussion, I'm learning a lot about the inner workings of some of these 

So for starters, all my taxa are fossil taxa, no extant, and in terms of branch 
lengths the shortest branches seem to be internal edges, which can be as short 
as 0.15 Ma (whole tree spans over 160 Ma).

I initially tried Dave's suggestion to add a small amount of time to the 
branches. This initially worked perfectly, but then, once I tried time scaling 
the tree using other functions, or tried running the analysis with a slightly 
different topology, the error re-occurred.

So, I would like to understand how to use the 'bounds' option a little better, 
as it seems that this is the most appropriate solution. I tried playing around 
with it and it works, but it seems to give me results that are different to 
those that I have previously obtained. I should expand here and say that I am 
also trying to fit the models at various points within the tree and it seems to 
me that the bound values will have to be modified depending where I am. Graham, 
you suggested that I compute the value of X in bounds = list(a=c(X,0)). Could 
you elaborate on this a bit more? When you say depth, is this node-based or 
edge length-based? And in terms of determining the minimum rate, I'm guessing 
you are referring to where the evolutionary rate is the lowest in the tree, so 
in the case of body size say, the lowest kg/Ma

Re: [R-sig-phylo] fitContinuous-Early Burst Model

2012-11-04 Thread Slater, Graham
I think it's convenient to think about how fitContinuous actually works here, 
or at least to think about the impact of the EB parameter on a transformed 
tree's branch lengths. Using simulations, try this:

phy -, 1, 0.1, 0.05, 1)[[1]][[1]]; ## simulate a 50 (extant) 
taxon tree with fossils
phy$edge.length; # look at the branch lengths

ebphy - exponentialchangeTree(phy, a = -0.4); ## now transform this tree under 
a strong EB process
ebphy$edge.length; # take a look at these edge lengths
plot(ebphy); # and plot it

what you'll probably find is that the exponentialchangeTree has a lot of very 
very short edges and from plotting it you'll see that the only long edges are 
those towards the root. This is such a strong burst that it basically requires 
all the evolutionary change in our trait to occur in the two edges leading from 
the root. Such a burst is unlikely in real data. I find it helpful to think 
about rate half lives. An EB parameter of -0.4 gives a rate half life of log(2) 
/ 0.4 = 1.732868 time units - that is it takes ~1.8 million years for the rate 
to halve from its initial value. To give an idea of what this translates to, 
the average mammalian order is ~ 50 my old, which would result in approximately 
30 half lives elapsing. That, at least to me, has an exceedingly low prior 

So while I agree with Dave that some paleo trees will have short internal edges 
or terminals that might mess up the EB model, I think what is more important is 
to recognize the effect that the EB parameter has on your edge lengths and to 
chose an appropriate lower bound when fitting the model to avoid this. 
Probably, for most paleo trees, an exponential change parameter of -0.4 is 
never going to be reasonable.


Graham Slater
Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
P.O. Box 37012
Washington DC 20013-7012

From: [] On 
Behalf Of David Bapst []
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2012 4:04 PM
To: Frank Burbrink
Cc:; Nicolas Campione
Subject: Re: [R-sig-phylo] fitContinuous-Early Burst Model

Yeah, my simulations with paleotree agrees with Frank's, except no values
below a=0 will work at all without using addTermBranchLength; apparently
the terminal ZLBs are having some effect on it. When I use
addTermBranchLength, then I can get down to -0.4, at which point I get a
slightly new warning message:

Fitting  EB model:
Error in solve.default(phyvcv) :
  system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number =

On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Frank Burbrink

 Just as a followup to my example (which contains numerous extinct taxa).

 Using these values for alpha fails:
 Fitting  EB model:
 Error in solve.default(phyvcv) :
   Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular

 Above the lower bound of -0.4 (e.g., -0.3, -0.2 etc.)  Works here:

 Fitting  EB model:
 [1] -264.4632

 [1] 0.9233574

 [1] 0

 [1] 534.9264

 [1] 535.1713

 [1] 3

 On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Graham Slater wrote:
  Hi Nic,
  It's not a problem with the branch lengths, at least not the
 non-ultrametricity of the tree. It's probably that the lower bound on the
 exponential change parameter is too low, resulting in a singular
 phylogenetic variance covariance matrix. Try changing the lower bound as
 follows: - fitContinuous(phy, data, model  =EB, bounds = list(a=c(X,
 0))) # where X is the lower bound you chose.
  You can compute an appropriate value for X if you're willing to choose a
 minimum rate for the end of the EB process. In this case, the lower bound
 would be log(min.rate) / T where T is the depth of your tree and min.rate
 is the ending rate. I've found a value of 10^-5 is reasonable in most cases.
  Graham Slater
  Peter Buck Post-Doctoral Fellow
  Department of Paleobiology
  National Museum of Natural History
  The Smithsonian Institution [NHB, MRC 121]
  P.O. Box 37012
  Washington DC 20013-7012
  On Nov 4, 2012, at 11:59 AM, Nicolas Campione wrote:
  Dear R Phylo List,
  I'm trying to test an Early Burst model of evolution against a tree
 using the 'fitContinuous' function in 'geiger'. However, I get the