Re: [TruthTalk] Saying Goodbye

2006-03-27 Thread Dave
DAVEH:  Likewise, I have very much appreciated our exchanges, DavidM.  I 
want to thank you for inviting me to join TT, as it has been a big part 
of my life for the past 5 years or so.  I also sincerely appreciate your 
prayers, and I believe that the Lord is answering them, though I don't 
think he has answered them quite as you might expect.

   I have very much enjoyed being a guest on TT, and for the friends 
I've made here.  Hopefully I'll hear from some of you again someday.   
Hm...if anybody starts up another forum.   :-)

   May God bless you all!

   Cheerio.Dave Hansen

David Miller wrote:

Thank you Dave for many years of dialogue and for the several books you have 
sent me in the past.  I will not forget you.  I will continue to pray for 
you.  Surely you are ingrained in your religion and your relationships in 
your religion will likely keep you there, but I will continue to pray that 
the Lord open your eyes to the true nature of his church.

David Miller


Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL 
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join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Mentoring

2006-03-27 Thread Kevin Deegan
Maybe then you could tell us about the men that Mentored you?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:This, of course, is not the truth. You already know what I do. Now, because your memory is no longer than your brain stem means nothing to me. You ask only to cause trouble. But go tothe archives and look it up. The bean count still belongs to the Lord.   jd-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]   I only compare because we all know you do nothing.  That is why you can't say anything.No one is trying to draw attention to themselves just trying to draw attention to one who talks a
 big talk then when called on it backs down because that is what it is JUST TALK.  0[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Christ's mentoring is what made the 12 apostles the force they were. Let's see-- that's 12 divided by three (years) and a 100 years later , they tell me there was somewhere around 6 million Christians. But make fun of it if you will. Part of mentoring (read:discipleship) is the giving up of self. It is the carnal mind that makes a game out of sharing the gospel and comparing "success" landmarks.  It is Christ's example that really matters, here -- not mine nor yours. the comparisons have been made. You ignored them then -- you would do soagain if agreed to play
 this very immature game. What shall we call this game? "My Sword is bigger than yours?" If we are to pray in our closets -- surely our ministries are not for the purpose of attracting attention to self. I will pray that you move away from self as you continue doing what every you do "for the Lord." After all -- the head count belongs to the Lord for He is the one who adds to His assemblage. jd-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]   You Mentor but have No one that you have mentored.   Impressive.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:maybe God is trying to
 tell you something, Kevin. The "x" in the box is probably not what you had in mind. jd-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.   Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using
 Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.   New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC for low, low rates. 
		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

[TruthTalk] Goodbye

2006-03-27 Thread Judy Taylor

My it is awfully quiet this morning;I don't even see anything from 
Lance (the early bird)
Have been busy over the weekend so have not had much time tothink 
about goodbyes. 
Our son and DIL are building a house at the back of us - also we are 
involved daily with our 
daughter in TX who is presently in the midst of an 

I would like to thank all of you for sharing yourselves on the TT List. I 
think I have learned in 
some way from everyone, though possibly not in the ways you or I would have 
thought. For
me, TT has been a learning experience and I am thankful that DavidM rescued 
me from the
legalistic Homechurch List where we met. David you and your family 
have been a real
encouragement in the Lord. I took me a while to get to know each 
Listmember. My ideas
regarding Street Preaching have changed and I have enjoyed Kevin and Dean 
so much.
I am glad to know they are out there along with DM and Christine 
Miller. Just this morning 
I read 1 Kings 14:24 regarding the mess Judah was in after Solomon "and 
there were also 
sodomites in the land and they did according to all the 
abominations of the nations which 
the Lord cast out before the children of Israel" so theirs istruly a 
labor of love. Thank you Iz 
for sharing yourself, your pilgrimage, and your family with us. I wanted to 
share some photos 
but haven't had time to look for one to compete with JD and Gary 

Lance, I have to say that I was often surprised that you hung in there - We 
never did agree
but I do appreciate the kind words you spoke on occasion; they tell me that 
you did not take
what I wrote personally which is good. I am not angry with any person 
per se and have found
everything interesting, even Dave Hanson's contributions in the historical 
or cultural sense
(see your inputLance :) but when I came to TT I was and am 
stillfrustrated by dead orthodoxy 
andtheologies or menbecause they are powerless and I so want to 
see Jesus on the scene. 

There are more than 500 families in the church we attend and so many 
hurting ppl that the 
new counseling pastor is swamped they are calling him all hours of the day 
and night and he 
doesn't have time for his family. The teaching pastor is just back 
from spending a week in 
London and yesterday he shared how on the flight over there was a rape on 
the TV's on either 
side of him and when his wife turned hers on there was an adulterous affair 
on it. He then told
ushow overwhelmed he was by Westminster Abbey where the Westminster 
Confession was 
put together and All Souls Church where John Stott whose writings have 
affected him so much 
pastored.. that's all well and good and I'm glad for him but on the way 
homeI told my husband 
that the effecthis sermon had on me was to make me want to go to 
London - but not for the 
same reasons. It did not make me hunger for more of Jesus.

I long for God's Word to be exalted with great plainness of speech so that 
we will see His results
with lives changed and health and peace among the people.

I pray you will all grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him and that we 
will have opportunity
to meet again.

God Bless You All
judyt in Suffolk VA

Re: [TruthTalk] Goodbye

2006-03-27 Thread Lance Muir

My mother awoke yesterday for 5 minutes to find 
herself surrounded by children, grandchildren and, even a great-grandchild. I 
wish the same for you, Judy and, for all TT participants.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 27, 2006 07:41
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Goodbye
  My it is awfully quiet this morning;I don't even see anything from 
  Lance (the early bird)
  Have been busy over the weekend so have not had much time tothink 
  about goodbyes. 
  Our son and DIL are building a house at the back of us - also we are 
  involved daily with our 
  daughter in TX who is presently in the midst of an 
  I would like to thank all of you for sharing yourselves on the TT List. I 
  think I have learned in 
  some way from everyone, though possibly not in the ways you or I would 
  have thought. For
  me, TT has been a learning experience and I am thankful that DavidM 
  rescued me from the
  legalistic Homechurch List where we met. David you and your family 
  have been a real
  encouragement in the Lord. I took me a while to get to know each 
  Listmember. My ideas
  regarding Street Preaching have changed and I have enjoyed Kevin and Dean 
  so much.
  I am glad to know they are out there along with DM and Christine 
  Miller. Just this morning 
  I read 1 Kings 14:24 regarding the mess Judah was in after Solomon "and 
  there were also 
  sodomites in the land and they did according to all the 
  abominations of the nations which 
  the Lord cast out before the children of Israel" so theirs istruly 
  a labor of love. Thank you Iz 
  for sharing yourself, your pilgrimage, and your family with us. I wanted 
  to share some photos 
  but haven't had time to look for one to compete with JD and Gary 
  Lance, I have to say that I was often surprised that you hung in there - 
  We never did agree
  but I do appreciate the kind words you spoke on occasion; they tell me 
  that you did not take
  what I wrote personally which is good. I am not angry with any 
  person per se and have found
  everything interesting, even Dave Hanson's contributions in the 
  historical or cultural sense
  (see your inputLance :) but when I came to TT I was and am 
  stillfrustrated by dead orthodoxy 
  andtheologies or menbecause they are powerless and I so want 
  to see Jesus on the scene. 
  There are more than 500 families in the church we attend and so many 
  hurting ppl that the 
  new counseling pastor is swamped they are calling him all hours of the 
  day and night and he 
  doesn't have time for his family. The teaching pastor is just back 
  from spending a week in 
  London and yesterday he shared how on the flight over there was a rape on 
  the TV's on either 
  side of him and when his wife turned hers on there was an adulterous 
  affair on it. He then told
  ushow overwhelmed he was by Westminster Abbey where the Westminster 
  Confession was 
  put together and All Souls Church where John Stott whose writings have 
  affected him so much 
  pastored.. that's all well and good and I'm glad for him but on the way 
  homeI told my husband 
  that the effecthis sermon had on me was to make me want to go to 
  London - but not for the 
  same reasons. It did not make me hunger for more of Jesus.
  I long for God's Word to be exalted with great plainness of speech so 
  that we will see His results
  with lives changed and health and peace among the people.
  I pray you will all grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him and that we 
  will have opportunity
  to meet again.
  God Bless You All
  judyt in Suffolk VA

Re: [TruthTalk] Mentoring and See Ya

2006-03-27 Thread knpraise

Some you know as members of TT. Others have been named. And still others will remain unnamed -- people who would have no meaning to you. Not to be left out of the mix are Christ and that order. Christ the author and finisher. Paul - the patient and courageous theologian. The mediation of the revelation of Christ continues to this day, but certainly , Paul is the beginning of this mediation.Christianity would be exactly as it is now, without Paul,and we can say amen to this if we believe that Christianity is what it is today by the design and will of God in Christ . if not Pual, then there would be another. And so, you will know what I do not mean to say when I write these words, "I cannot imagine what The Faith would be likeapart from Paul's contribution." All that I consider "mentoring" centers around the teachings of Christ
 , personally, and as He revealed them to Paul and the others.  Everything. What is noteworthy about that statement is this: my appreciation of these last two is no different in my life than for any on TruthTalk.

Salute to you all. 

No time remaining for new discussions. 

John David Smithson
Out !!!

-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Maybe then you could tell us about the men that Mentored you?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

This, of course, is not the truth. You already know what I do. Now, because your memory is no longer than your brain stem means nothing to me. You ask only to cause trouble. But go tothe archives and look it up. 

The bean count still belongs to the Lord. 

-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I only compare because we all know you do nothing.
That is why you can't say anything.No one is trying to draw attention to themselves just trying to draw attention to one who talks a big talk then when called on it backs down because that is what it is JUST TALK.

Christ's mentoring is what made the 12 apostles the force they were. Let's see-- that's 12 divided by three (years) and a 100 years later , they tell me there was somewhere around 6 million Christians. But make fun of it if you will. 

Part of mentoring (read:discipleship) is the giving up of self. It is the carnal mind that makes a game out of sharing the gospel and comparing "success" landmarks.
It is Christ's example that really matters, here -- not mine nor yours. 

the comparisons have been made. You ignored them then -- you would do soagain if agreed to play this very immature game. What shall we call this game? "My Sword is bigger than yours?" If we are to pray in our closets -- surely our ministries are not for the purpose of attracting attention to self. I will pray that you move away from self as you continue doing what every you do "for the Lord." After all -- the head count belongs to the Lord for He is the one who adds to His assemblage. 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
You Mentor but have No one that you have mentored. 

maybe God is trying to tell you something, Kevin. The "x" in the box is probably not what you had in mind. 


-- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. 

Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. 

New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC for low, low rates. 

Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Saying Goodbye

2006-03-27 Thread David Miller
Continuing with my farewell impressions...

There have been some past members of TruthTalk that deserve mention.  Slade 
and Kay Henson as well as their friend Jeff Powers were always pointing us 
toward our Hebraic roots.  It was an interesting blend of traditionalism in 
regards to the written word of Scripture and yet liberal social philosophy. 
Kay's interest in social reform and her work with the messed up children's 
legal system in Florida will remain in my prayers.  Glenn Tabor will be 
remembered for his passion toward basic foundations of Christianity.  Glenn 
had a knack for bringing out a lot of discussion from people who differed 
from him.  He always carried a pastor's care for everyone on the list, yet 
he was zealous toward ideology that conformed to traditional Christian 
beliefs.  Laura Hamm likewise will be remembered in my heart as someone who 
stimulated thinking and was not afraid to jump into waters unknown.  She had 
an ability to hear and seemed very able to represent the foot washing 
Baptists from time to time.  Michael Douglas will always be close to my 
heart as a firm believer to communing with the Lord in prayer.  His dialogue 
about praying against storms and calamities will not easily be forgotten. 
He brought to the forum practical considerations for the spiritually 
inclined. Michael was not content with ideology and philosophy, but 
ulitmately concerned with where the rubber meets the road in spiritual 
matters.  His life of faith will always be a constant inspiration to my 
spirit.  Jonathan Hughes will be remembered as a passionate person for truth 
without any fluff.  Ideologically on the other side from me, his challenges 
to my mindset and working philosophical paradigms encouraged and promoted 
thinking.  Caroline Wong will be remembered for being well informed and able 
to raise issues that I would typically otherwise consider mundane.

Terry Clifton will always have a special place in my heart.  In many ways, 
when he was here, he was the resident TruthTalk elder.  He served as a 
conservative anchor, always the calm voice of reason when things became 
tumultuous.  Terry had a knack for being understanding yet unswayed away 
from the Biblical no-nonsense perspective of truth.

More to come later...

David Miller

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to 
join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Saying Goodbye

2006-03-27 Thread David Miller
Continuing with my farewell impressions...

Although John Smithson is a rather emotional person with whom I have butted 
heads concerning over-generalizations and stereotypic expressions, I have 
appreciated John's keen interest in theology and philosophy.  He has 
ventured into areas which others on TruthTalk would not.  By doing so, John 
has opened up avenues of thought and reflection which would otherwise have 
been stagnant.  John was never afraid of a good brawl and often moved topics 
on TruthTalk into fisticuffs.  I appreciated such opportunities as a way to 
dig deeper into issues, furthering a reductionistic method of breaking down 
subjects into smaller parts for analysis.  I will always have fond thoughts 
about his passion for issues that were usually on the periphery of my 

Kevin Deegan has been a great contributor, always great with links and 
information about almost any issue.  Kevin's breath of reading comes across 
loud and clear, but more than just being well read, he has expressed a 
passion for truth.  He takes a hard line stance that is helpful to others 
willing to give a thorough study of a particular issue.  While Kevin is 
quick to quip, he also exhibits a patience to keep ploughing along with 
difficult subjects.  I think I will remember Kevin's patience more than the 
actual information he has posted.  May God grant me the ability to stick 
with it like Kevin does, to present God's truth, despite what the detractors 
might offer.  I also cannot sign off without mentioning my admiration for 
Kevin's sacrifice and diligence toward preaching the Word of God to those 
outside the churches of Jesus Christ.  Such will always continue to inspire 

Carroll Dean Moore will be best remembered for his no-nonsense seriousness 
with which he approaches life and the Word of God.  I will remember Dean's 
passion and loyalty toward what he perceives to be the right path.  When I 
think of Dean, I tend to remember the passage from 1 Peter 5:8, Be sober, 
be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh 
about, seeking whom he may devour.  Thank you Dean.

Ruben Israel Chavez will be remembered for his always uplifting preaching 
reports.  I stand in awe of the sacrifice he makes as he travels around the 
country and the world, preaching the Truth of Christ to those who are 
unchurched.  Ruben also has taken time to joust with us from time to time, 
and to explain his thinking about issues of importance.  Ruben is a constant 
model of being a preacher of the Word and not just a student.  Such will 
always be in my mind.

Charles Perry Locke has been a gentlemen among gentlemen.  He is passionate 
about truth and at the same time well mannered and filled with common sense 
I appreciate Perry's sacrifice in helping moderate the list for a long time. 
In posts, he has perhaps been among the most patient.  When I have been very 
dense in hearing him on a point, he would take the time to spell it out 
clearly until I got it.  Many others would have simply made fun of me and 
gone on to other issues.  Not Perry.  I will always cherish his 
longsuffering and clear, logical mind.

Gary Ottoson... I will always remember him as Mr. Abbreviation.  Gary's 
presence has raised the intellectual level a notch or two on TruthTalk. 
While many of his posts were difficult to decipher for some, and nearly 
impossible for the uneducated, he did at times come up with gems that 
provoked further discussion.  Gary was a constant reminder to TruthTalk that 
poets have something to say among those who wish to talk about truth.  Gary 
also has a steadfastness to him that has been inspirational.

Judy Taylor has been a rock for the unadulterated truth.  Her adherence to 
Scripture without any contamination from the thoughts of men will always be 
in the back of my mind.  In my tendency toward curiosity about many ideas 
and subjects, Judy has been that firm but gentle reminder of where my feet 
need to be firmly planted.  Her strength of character and great love for God 
has been an inspiration for me, and will continue to be an inspiration to me 
for years to come.  One cannot come into contact with such a person and not 
remember her when times of trials and persecution come because of the Word 
of God.  Thank you Judy for being Judy.  You are greatly loved.

Linda Shields, well, Linda is Izzy... a fiesty cat.  I have learned to 
appreciate her passion and independence of spirit.  In a day when many 
Christians are generally somewhat reticent to declare political 
affiliations, Linda would boldly proclaim her Republican affiliation as 
quickly as she would her love for Jesus Christ.  She often shared 
interesting articles and established points that were overlooked by her 
detractors but heard by others.  Linda often tag teamed with Judy as if in a 
wrestling tournament.  Linda's adherence to truth despite what others say 
has been encouraging and helpful in the dialectic that 

RE: [TruthTalk] More Goodbyes from our house to yours

2006-03-27 Thread ShieldsFamily

Thank you so much for the photos of your
beautiful self and family. I agree with JD; our kids outdo us to the max!
I cant help crying right now, realizing that this is really
goodbye. I dearly love you all, Izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 10:37
Subject: [TruthTalk] More Goodbyes
from our house to yours

Just had to get into the images if only
a little - judyt

RE: [TruthTalk] More Goodbyes from our house to yours

2006-03-27 Thread knpraise

Write with special thoughts and "whats happenin" amy time. 

God Bless. 

-- Original message -- From: "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Thank you so much for the photos of your beautiful self and family. I agree with JD; our kids outdo us to the max! I can’t help crying right now, realizing that this is really goodbye. I dearly love you all, Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Monday, March 27, 2006 10:37 AMTo: truthtalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] More Goodbyes from our house to yours

Just had to get into the images if only a little - judyt

[TruthTalk] Saying Goodbye

2006-03-27 Thread Judy Taylor

Thank you for these thoughts David; you seem to have 
apprehended everyone's
specialness. I am, like Iz, already missing 
everyone even before the Lists
final demise - after all I did spend many a day with 
all of you and you will be

I'll need to get used to coffee without Lance 
now... Thanks Lance for the update 
re your Mom.


From: "David Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Continuing with my farewell impressions...

Although John Smithson is a rather emotional person with whom I have butted 
heads concerning over-generalizations and stereotypic expressions, I have 
appreciated John's keen interest in theology and philosophy. He has 
ventured into areas which others on TruthTalk would not. By doing so, 
John has opened up avenues of thought and reflection which would otherwise 
have been stagnant. John was never afraid of a good brawl and often 
moved topics on TruthTalk into fisticuffs. I appreciated such 
opportunities as a way to dig deeper into issues, furthering a 
reductionistic method of breaking down subjects into smaller parts for 
analysis. I will always have fond thoughts about his passion for 
issues that were usually on the periphery of my thinking.

Kevin Deegan has been a great contributor, always great with links and 
information about almost any issue. Kevin's breath of reading comes 
across loud and clear, but more than just being well read, he has expressed 
a passion for truth. He takes a hard line stance that is helpful to 
others willing to give a thorough study of a particular issue. While 
Kevin is quick to quip, he also exhibits a patience to keep ploughing along 
with difficult subjects. I think I will remember Kevin's patience more 
than the actual information he has posted. May God grant me the 
ability to stick with it like Kevin does, to present God's truth, despite 
what the detractors might offer. I also cannot sign off without 
mentioning my admiration for Kevin's sacrifice and diligence toward 
preaching the Word of God to those outside the churches of Jesus 
Christ. Such will always continue to inspire me.

Carroll Dean Moore will be best remembered for his no-nonsense seriousness 
with which he approaches life and the Word of God. I will remember 
Dean's passion and loyalty toward what he perceives to be the right 
path. When I think of Dean, I tend to remember the passage from 1 
Peter 5:8, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a 
roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." Thank you 

Ruben Israel Chavez will be remembered for his always uplifting preaching 
reports. I stand in awe of the sacrifice he makes as he travels around 
the country and the world, preaching the Truth of Christ to those who are 
unchurched. Ruben also has taken time to joust with us from time to 
time, and to explain his thinking about issues of importance. Ruben is 
a constant model of being a preacher of the Word and not just a 
student. Such will always be in my mind.

Charles Perry Locke has been a gentlemen among gentlemen. He is 
passionate about truth and at the same time well mannered and filled with 
common sense I appreciate Perry's sacrifice in helping moderate the list for 
a long time. In posts, he has perhaps been among the most patient. 
When I have been very dense in hearing him on a point, he would take the 
time to spell it out clearly until I got it. Many others would have 
simply made fun of me and gone on to other issues. Not Perry. I 
will always cherish his longsuffering and clear, logical mind.

Gary Ottoson... I will always remember him as Mr. Abbreviation. 
Gary's presence has raised the intellectual level a notch or two on 
TruthTalk. While many of his posts were difficult to decipher for some, and 
nearly impossible for the uneducated, he did at times come up with gems that 
provoked further discussion. Gary was a constant reminder to TruthTalk 
that poets have something to say among those who wish to talk about 
truth. Gary also has a steadfastness to him that has been 

Judy Taylor has been a rock for the unadulterated truth. Her 
adherence to Scripture without any contamination from the thoughts of men 
will always be in the back of my mind. In my tendency toward curiosity 
about many ideas and subjects, Judy has been that firm but gentle reminder 
of where my feet need to be firmly planted. Her strength of character 
and great love for God has been an inspiration for me, and will continue to 
be an inspiration to me for years to come. One cannot come into 
contact with such a person and not remember her when times of trials and 
persecution come because of the Word of God. Thank you Judy for being 
Judy. You are greatly loved.

Linda Shields, well, Linda is Izzy... a fiesty cat. I have learned to 
appreciate her passion and independence of spirit. In a day when many 
Christians are generally somewhat reticent to declare political 
affiliations, Linda would boldly proclaim her Republican 

Re: [TruthTalk] TT w/o a moderator

2006-03-27 Thread Kevin Deegan
David,Since TT has been w/o a Moderator, it seems to have done just fine.  Why not just keep the list up w/o one?Breaking up is just so hard to do.
		New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC for low, low rates.

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Williams on Creationism

2006-03-27 Thread ttxpress

interesting --perhapswhile yer curled upfondlingmyow 
myow,try to juxtapose your inadvertant underlying insightto 
the real point:

"but Am. conservative Muslim theory ain't really 
their fault: 'either get our new WalMarts opened on time in Baghdad 
or face us blowin' you to (the other) hell (we're 

  ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

..they don’t pay enough or give enough benefits to those POOR people who 
work there so SAD! 

Re: [TruthTalk] TT w/o a moderator

2006-03-27 Thread ttxpress


On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 17:06:54 -0800 (PST) 
Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  TT..w/o a Moderator..[has] done just 

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Williams on Creationism

2006-03-27 Thread ttxpress

.. it ain't that prettyat 

On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:17:57 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  "but Am. conservative Muslim theory ain't really 
  their fault: 'either get our new WalMarts opened on time in 
  Baghdad or face us blowin' you to (the other) hell (we're 

[TruthTalk] I Hope I'm Not too Late...

2006-03-27 Thread Christine Miller
I just wanted to say one last time that it has been such a joy getting  to know you all. I praise God for your wisdom and passion. Here's a picture of me grinning ear-to-ear with my mom on Broadway a  couple of months ago. My father babysat all of my sisters back home  while we two girls painted the town red! I love you all. -Christine
		Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1/min.

Re: [TruthTalk] Broken Cisterns

2006-03-27 Thread Kevin Deegan
Broken CisternsJeremiah 2:13 saysFor my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.Jesus promises that "whosoever drinketh of the water that i shall give him shall never thirst." Jesus is that living water, and he provides the way, the truth and the life. His water is life itself. Eternal life in heaven WITH Jesus and victory on Earth IN Jesus. Christian, are you in victory? Or are you still drinking from broken cisterns?Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS the author and finisher of our faith(Hebrews 12:1-2)Are you looking unto JESUS? Or are you Weighed down still? (Turn your TV off, perhaps.) Turn your eyes upon Jesus.And for now, check out some Charles Spurgeon. (while keeping your eyes on Jesus still!) (if you can walk and chew gum at the same time, I think you can grasp that!)The famous preacher, Charles Spurgeon once wrote: "Men are in a restless pursuit after satisfaction in earthly things. They will exhaust themselves in the deceitful delights of sin, and, finding them all to be vanity and emptiness, they will become very perplexed and disappointed. But they will still continue their fruitless search."Though wearied, they still stagger forward under the influence of spiritual madness, and though there is no result to be reached except that of everlasting disappointment, yet they press forward. They have no forethought for their eternal state; the present hour absorbs them. They turn to another and another of earth's broken cisterns, hoping to find water where not a drop was ever discovered yet.An anonymous student adds, "Madness is an apt description of the continual pursuit of feeding the flesh, is it not? I once heard someone say that the definition of insanity is to continually do the same thing
 over and over expecting different results each time. Is that not what we did in our days in Egypt? Did we not continue to look back to being in slavery, feeling guilty and unfulfilled every single time, yet thinking that maybe the next attempt would fill up the emptiness inside us? I know that's what I did for years and it truly was madness to think I could find true lasting satisfaction in this way." If you have always been in victory, Praise God! If you used to be in victory, return to GOD. If you never had the victory, get a hold of GODKeep reaching for the victory!FYI, Remember why it's important to have a clean
 testimony! "But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them"..."The harvest truly is plenteous but the labourers are few.'" ---Matthew 9:36-37Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. No one can serve two masters. Are you bowing to Jesus Christ, or the god of this world? Do you love the things that God loves (his word, his people, sharing his truths, righteousness, preaching the gospel, teaching all nations) or do you love the patterns of this world? (is GOD your hobby and hobbies your god? Pro sports, things, consumerism, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.) What drives you? What controls you? What moves you? What excites you? My prayer is that all of us will be able to honestly say JESUS CHRIST! Serving GOD! Reaching the LOST! It's hard to have compassion when we are in bondage to sin. It's hard to
 want to see people saved when we are yielded to the devil. It's hard to hear the voice of God when we listen to the cravings of the flesh.We don't need to be perfect, but a Christian should progressively want to move toward the light. If you are in regular sin, and aren't bothered by it, what makes you think you are saved? If you are not in sin, and aren't witnessing and don't have a burden for the lost, what makes you think you are saved?It's time to do more for God. My heart breaks when I see us not broken over lost souls, when I see us not broken over how many see salvation as a license to sin. God will not be mocked. Please search your hearts, please seek his face, and please humble yourself and cry out to him to set you on fire, and to use you while there's still time left.March is almost over, 2006 is 25% down, and life is but a vapor. Time is Marching on and we lose an hour next
 week. Resurrection Sunday is coming up, when Jesus rose from the dead DEFEATING DEATH. God's love of the word and his hatred of sin met in one supreme divine moment. Spring is now on us, a time of renewal. The days will shine brighter---will our lives shine brighter as well??? Let's make today the day to get right with God. Let's admit we are lukewarm, let's admit that we have forsaken our first love, let's admit we've forgotten what it was like when we first were saved. Amen?
		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Williams on Creationism

2006-03-27 Thread ttxpress

On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:17:57 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..perhapswhile yer curled 
  upfondlingmyow myow.. role in 
  repentance,even somerock starsaren't adverse to it, 
  "_sitting_ under my blue sky of 
  deceptionthe colors run every time it rainswrought brought forth 
  fashioned from inceptionmy own hands and i take all the blame
  as the light goes outdarkness 
  with her bated breathwaits out on periphery of the camp firedecadence 
  and violence we do best
  burned out face down in the 
  gutterlowest point i could find to ground zeroroll back alibis and 
  skies are crushingdo we paint with much too black a brush
  rock and roll what is it any 
  moreyouth profound or profane to endurepassion in the back seat or at 
  the foot of the crossgoing going gone and finally lost" Bill Mallonee (BMI) 

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Williams on Creationism

2006-03-27 Thread ttxpress

On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:41:19 -0700 

  .. it ain't that prettyat 
  On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:17:57 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


"but Am. 
conservative Muslim theory ain't really their fault: 

"Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee 
DeeThey're throwing knives into the treeTwo big bags of dead man's 
bonesGot their noses to the grindstones

Living in the Land of NodTrustin' their 
fate to the Hands of GodThey pass by so silentlyTweedle-dee Dum and 
Tweedle-dee Dee

Well, they're going to the country, they're 
gonna retireThey're taking a streetcar named DesireLooking in the window 
at the pecan pieLot of things they'd like they would never 

Neither one gonna turn and runThey're 
making a voyage to the sun"His Master's voice is calling me,"Says 
Tweedle-dee Dum to Tweedle-dee Dee

Tweedle-dee Dee and Tweedle-dee DumAll 
that and more and then someThey walk among the stately treesThey know 
the secrets of the breeze

Tweedle-dee Dum said to Tweedle-dee 
Dee"Your presence is obnoxious to me."They're like babies sittin' on a 
woman's kneeTweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee

Well, the rain beating down on my 
windowpaneI got love for you and it's all in vainBrains in the pot, 
they're beginning to boilThey're dripping with garlic and olive 

Tweedle-dee Dee - he's on his hands and his 
kneesSaying, "Throw me somethin', Mister, please.""What's good for you 
is good for me,"Says Tweedle-dee Dum to Tweedle-dee 

Well, they're living in a happy 
harmonyTweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee DeeThey're one day older and a 
dollar shortThey've got a parade permit and a police 

They're lying low and they're makin' 
hayThey seem determined to go all the wayThey run a brick and tile 
companyTweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee

Well a childish dream is a deathless 
needAnd a noble truth is a sacred creedMy pretty baby, she's lookin' 
aroundShe's wearin' a multi-thousand dollar gown

Tweedle-dee Dee is a lowdown, sorry old 
manTweedle-dee Dum, he'll stab you where you stand"I've had too much of 
your company,"Says, Tweedle-dee Dum to Tweedle-dee 
B Dylan :: Copyright © 2001 Special Rider Music 

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Williams on Creationism

2006-03-27 Thread ttxpress

ftr, particDaveH--* = an 
influentialphrase (to me)fromthe title of a Warren Zevon 
song,the best rendition of it iv'e heardby the Pixies with Zevon's 
son Jordanafter Warren's relatively recent death--on the Zevon 
post-mortemCD 'Enjoy Every Sandwich' (indeed:)

On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:55:51 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:41:19 -0700 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 

* .. it ain't that 
prettyat all

Re: [TruthTalk] I Hope I'm Not too Late...

2006-03-27 Thread ttxpress

the pic isn't visible here, any chance 
you'd re-send it as an attachment to an email? thx

On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 18:45:37 -0800 (PST) Christine Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I just wanted to say one last time that it has been such a joy getting to 
  know you all. I praise God for your wisdom and passion. Here's a 
  picture of me grinning ear-to-ear with my mom on Broadway a couple of months 
  ago. My father babysat all of my sisters back home while we two girls painted 
  the town red! I love you 
  all. -Christine
  Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great 
  rates starting at 1¢/min.

Re: [TruthTalk] I Hope I'm Not too Late...

2006-03-27 Thread Judy Taylor

Christine, I can't see the picture - Must be my Norton 
spam blocker or something, is there another
way you could send it? Have really enjoyed you. 
Thanks for beinga blessing to us on TT - judyt

On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 18:45:37 -0800 (PST) Christine Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I just wanted to say one last time that it has been such a joy getting to 
  know you all. I praise God for your wisdom and passion. Here's a 
  picture of me grinning ear-to-ear with my mom on Broadway a couple of months 
  ago. My father babysat all of my sisters back home while we two girls painted 
  the town red! I love 
  you all. -Christine
  Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great 
  rates starting at 1¢/min.

Re: [TruthTalk] I Hope I'm Not too Late...

2006-03-27 Thread knpraise

Ditto Judy's comments from me

-- Original message -- From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Christine, I can't see the picture - Must be my Norton spam blocker or something, is there another
way you could send it? Have really enjoyed you. Thanks for beinga blessing to us on TT - judyt

On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 18:45:37 -0800 (PST) Christine Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I just wanted to say one last time that it has been such a joy getting to know you all. I praise God for your wisdom and passion. Here's a picture of me grinning ear-to-ear with my mom on Broadway a couple of months ago. My father babysat all of my sisters back home while we two girls painted the town red! I love you all. -Christine

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min. 

Re: [TruthTalk] I Hope I'm Not too Late...

2006-03-27 Thread knpraise

well, if you all are going to quit because I came on line -- I'll just lurk.


-- Original message -- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Ditto Judy's comments from me

-- Original message -- From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Christine, I can't see the picture - Must be my Norton spam blocker or something, is there another
way you could send it? Have really enjoyed you. Thanks for beinga blessing to us on TT - judyt

On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 18:45:37 -0800 (PST) Christine Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I just wanted to say one last time that it has been such a joy getting to know you all. I praise God for your wisdom and passion. Here's a picture of me grinning ear-to-ear with my mom on Broadway a couple of months ago. My father babysat all of my sisters back home while we two girls painted the town red! I love you all. -Christine

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min. 

Re: [TruthTalk] I Hope I'm Not too Late...

2006-03-27 Thread ttxpress



On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 04:32:20 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  well, if you all are going to quit because I came on line -- 
  I'll just lurk.