Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-14 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 10/13/2004 10:31:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 20:35:26 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In a message dated 10/13/2004 2:26:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John: So, eventually , on this earth, I Co 8:1-3 can be cut out of our Bibles. I'll sharpen my scissors. Most of us on TT have already excluded the passage anyway. John
What has this conversation got to do with eating meat bought in the marketplace that has first been sacrificed to idols or
"things offered to idols?" 

John: You think the principle of knowledge verse love only applies when we are arguing about the eating of meats?? JD
 I've never argued about "eating of meats" because so far as I know the meat I buy at the Commissary has not been sacrificed to idols; but we see that it is not good to be in ignorance regarding this because Jesus says so when He brings up the subject once more in Revelations 2:14,20. I believe that idolatry is always divisive and never ever leads to unity. When Jesus is the root in our heart we gladly put all of this away. Incidentally our daughter's pastor uses the "meat offered to idols" argument to justify things like celebrating Halloween. I fail to see the connection but they respect him and this is what he has taught them, so sadly our grandchildren are not being tutored in true spiritual discernment and walking in the fear of God. Our grandson along with all of his little Christian friends who attend the Christian school are heavily into Pokemon cards and this Yugi character which leads to a Japanese form of DD; if not stopped this will eventually lead to the same type of fantasy role playing games along with the same evil fruit in the lives of these boys..

Did I miss something? Nothing in the above paragraph has anything to do with my question about the principle of knowledge verses love. 

Oh, and one more thing. Pokeman will lead to nothing of the kind  unless done to excess. We celebrate Christmas and entertain Halloween. Been doing it for 38 years with my kids and now the grand kids. All of them Christians. All of them in some capacity of Christian leadership. Everyone has their demons, I guess. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-14 Thread Judy Taylor

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 02:13:12 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 20:35:26 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:In a message 
  dated 10/13/2004 2:26:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes:John: So, eventually , on this earth, I Co 8:1-3 can be cut out 
  of our Bibles. I'll sharpen my scissors. Most of us on TT have 
  already excluded the passage anyway. JohnJudyt:What has this 
  conversation got to do with eating meat bought in the marketplace that has 
  first been sacrificed to idols or"things offered to idols?" John: 
  You think the principle of knowledge verse love only applies when we are 
  arguing about the eating of meats?? JD Judyt:I've never argued about "eating 
  of meats" because so far as I know the meat I buy at the Commissary has not 
  been sacrificed to idols; but we see that it is not good to be in ignorance 
  regarding this because Jesus says so when He brings up the subject once more 
  in Revelations 2:14,20. I believe that idolatry is always divisive and 
  never ever leads to unity. When Jesus is the root in our heart we gladly 
  put all of this away. Incidentally our daughter's pastor uses the "meat 
  offered to idols" argument to justify things like celebrating Halloween. I 
  fail to see the connection but they respect him and this is what he has taught 
  them, so sadly our grandchildren are not being tutored in true spiritual 
  discernment and walking in the fear of God. Our grandson along with all 
  of his little Christian friends who attend the Christian school are heavily 
  into Pokemon cards and this Yugi character which leads to a Japanese form of 
  DD; if not stopped this will eventually lead to the same type of fantasy 
  role playing games along with the same evil fruit in the lives of these 
  John: Did I miss something? Nothing in the above 
  paragraph has anything to do with my question about the principle of knowledge 
  verses love. 
  John, God is not against knowledge, that is the wisdom from above; who said to 
  be wise as serpents but harmless as doves.Also there is no principle in 
  all of the references about eating things strangled and meat offered to idols 
  other than that 'if we love God we will not do it'
  John: Oh, and one more thing. Pokeman will lead to nothing of the 
  kind  unless done to excess. We celebrate 
  Christmas and entertain Halloween. Been doing it for 38 years with 
  my kids and now the grand kids. All of them 
  Christians. All of them in some capacity of Christian 
  leadership. Everyone has their demons, I guess. John
  Judyt: Well John, it's good if we are not condemned by the things 
  we allow and what you, your kids, and grandkids have been doing for all these 
  years is between you, them,and the Lord since He is the Judge. 
  However, that does not alter the fact that Halloween is and has always been 
  the devil's day. As for Pokemon. Look at the characters and what 
  they represent. I guess it's like all sin, a little drink, a little 
  cigarette, a little gambling, a little gossip, a little fornication, 
  never hurt anyone - Right?

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-14 Thread ShieldsFamily

Oh, and one more thing. Pokeman will lead to nothing of the kind
 unless done to excess. We celebrate Christmas and
entertain Halloween. Been doing it for 38 years with my kids and
now the grand kids. All of them Christians. All of them
in some capacity of Christian leadership. Everyone has their
demons, I guess. 


What seems harmless to the worldly is seriously dangerous to
the Believer. Halloween, for example, is simply a celebration of evil which
originates in paganism. Perhaps this worldliness is why your conscience is
seared regarding taking scripture as your primary (and only) truth? Have you
ever sought God on this instead of just accepting the ways of the world without
questioning it? Izzy

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-14 Thread Judy Taylor

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 10:31:23 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  John: Oh, and one more thing. Pokeman 
  will lead to nothing of the kind  unless done to 
  excess. We celebrate Christmas and entertain 
  Halloween. Been doing it for 38 years with my kids and now the 
  grand kids. All of them Christians. All of them in 
  some capacity of Christian leadership. Everyone has their demons, 
  I guess. John Judyt: Well John, it's good if we are 
  not condemned by the things we allow and what you, your kids, and grandkids 
  have been doing for all these years is between you, them, and the Lord since 
  He is the Judge. However, that does not alter the fact that Halloween is 
  and has always been the devil's day. As for Pokemon. Look at the 
  characters and what they represent. I guess it's like all sin, a little 
  drink, a little cigarette, a little gambling, a little gossip, a little 
  fornication, never hurt anyone - Right?
  John: Halloween, in our house hold, is just a fun evening 
  for the kids. It is not a pagan holiday -- in our 
  house. Neither is Christmas. What the pagan's did with 
  their trees is not done in our house. I care little about the history of 
  the event. Now, I hasten to add that I 
  know nothing about Pokeman except that it has no power that is not given to 
  it. In dealing with sin, we have God's instructions, 
  Christ's continual forgiveness, the power found in the Spirit's alternatives, 
  the victory that is found in resistance and the blessing of 
  resiliency. Unfortunately, all this can be countered by our 
  decision to practice sin, to give in to it, to wallow in its plasures. 

  That's good John - I'd like 
  to share a little of what I've been learning that has to do with the 
  highlighted sentence above.. Fact is that sin has everything to do with why God's 
  people (the Church) are not healed by the laying on of hands anymore (as per 
  James 5) we don't do it because we don't see results and there is little faith 
  out there. Our faith is in the Medical System and HMO's which manage our 
  ailments for us. Where there is no discernment we are powerless in the 
  face of an enemy who is wiser and stronger than we are. Our Medical 
  System is better than nothing but if you could see our 4yr old grandaughter so 
  weak and frail you would choose a more excellent 
  Pleasant Valley where they do get results and have testimony after testimony 
  of healing and wholeness by the power of God they teach sanctification by way 
  of the 8 R's which is just an easy way to remember and apply these principles 
  to one's life daily. They are as follows:
  Take Responsibility
  8. Restore 
  As you can see from the list above, without spiritual discernment it is 
  impossible to get past first base or even get to first base. We must 
  learn to recognize what is from God and what is from the enemy or we will go 
  through life calling good evil and vice versa. Sounds more complicated 
  than it is. Though weeping may endure for the night. Joy comes in the 
  Peace, Judyt

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-14 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 10/14/2004 12:26:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 10/13/2004 11:14:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
What is the reality John? I must be missing something. What is more sure than God's Word? The scriptures you cite here all have to do with eating blood, things strangled, and things sacrificed to idols. I'm aware of Paul's admonition in Romans having to do with abstaining from this out of love so as not to offend a weaker brother causing him to wound his conscience but I don't believe he is advocating making this a practice or dismissing it
John: Of course he is talking about a "practice." Romans 14 is not about holy days and meats -- it is about getting along with the brothers in spite of diversity. Romans 14:4 is always true -- hence the "practice."
 Why isn't it true then in 1 Cor 5; the same Paul writes there about groups of people that we shouldn't even eat with and they are all said to be brothers living in diversity also. Why doesn't Paul stick with his own "practice?"

Brothers living in sin, Judy and you know this. Sometimes I wonder what you are actually trying to accomplish in these discussions. The brothers in I Co 5 are practicing sin, not the leadership of the Spirit. The person(s) in I Co 8 are are responding to the Spirit and their conscinece -- trying to do the right thing. The drunkare in I Co 5 is try to get drunk. Why do I have to explain this to you? 

In the book of Revelation Jesus equates these practices (meat sacrificed to idols, blood etc) with the false prophetess Jezelbel and the doctrine of Balaam which lead to a sure judgment as the reality.
John: Depends upon whether you believe there are other gods or not. In Revelations, they did. In I Co 8, the subject of the discussion did. Paul did not . j

Judyt: Of course Paul believed in the existence of the gods of the nations (Ps 96:5) who are idols or demons. He cast them out didn't he? Also isn't he the one who wrote in 1 Cor 2:8 "which none of the princes of this world knew, for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory?" Paul was a realist. 

Sometimes I think you are convinced that I am a false teacher, so you must oppose everything I say. There are no gods but one. There are rocks, trees, influences, but no real gods in the sense that God is god. 
Me and Paul agree on this one. I Co 8 -- that is the passage we are discussing -- verses 4-7 make it clear that there are no gods. Paul could eat a piece of meat offered to an idol because he knew that it was an offering to thin air -- to nothing. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-14 Thread Judy Taylor

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 10:58:56 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Judyt:What is the 
  reality John? I must be missing something. What is more sure than 
  God's Word? The scriptures you cite here all have to do with eating 
  blood, things strangled, and things sacrificed to idols. I'm aware of Paul's 
  admonition in Romans having to do with abstaining from this out of love 
  so as not to offend a weaker brother causing him to wound his conscience but I 
  don't believe he is advocating making this a practice or dismissing 
  it John: Of course he is talking about a 
  "practice." Romans 14 is not about holy days and meats -- it 
  is about getting along with the brothers in spite of diversity. 
  Romans 14:4 is always true -- hence the "practice." Judyt:Why isn't it true then in 1 Cor 5; the same Paul 
  writes there about groups of people that we shouldn't even eat with and they 
  are all said to be brothers living in diversity also. Why doesn't Paul 
  stick with his own "practice?"John: Brothers living in sin, Judy and you know 
  this. Sometimes I wonder what you are actually trying to 
  accomplish in these discussions. The brothers in I Co 5 are 
  practicing sin, not the leadership of the Spirit. The person(s) in 
  I Co 8 are are responding to the Spirit and their conscinece -- 
  trying to do the right thing. The drunkare in I Co 5 is try to get 
  drunk. Why do I have to explain this to 
  Right I do know it but I am trying to make a point. 
  In 1 Cor 8 Paul is not setting upa doctrine of "love vs knowledge" He is 
  dealing with the very real problem of"baby believers" whomay still 
  be in mental bondage to the practice of eating meat sacrificed to 
  idolsseeing a mature believer doing this in the marketplace 
  whichwould wound their weak conscience causing them to sin 
  ie:"whatsoever is not of faith is sin" so Paul writes it is walking in 
  love (after the Spirit) for the more mature believerto lead them by 
  example in this. However, it is not written as a formula for "unity" 
  becauseJust two chapters later In1 Cor 10:23-32 Paul writes in Vs.25 "Whatsoever is sold in the 
  shambles, that eat, asking no questions for conscience sake"and "If an 
  unbeliever asks you to a feast and you aredisposed to go, eat what is 
  set before you asking no questions for conscience sake" .. So 
  apparentlythe level of faith a person walks in is the point 
  here. In the book of Revelation Jesus equates these practices (meat 
  sacrificed to idols, blood etc) with the false prophetess Jezelbel and the 
  doctrine of Balaam which if not repented of will lead 
  tojudgment.John: Depends upon whether you believe 
  there are other gods or not. In Revelations, they did. 
  In I Co 8, the subject of the discussion did. Paul did not . 
  jJudyt: Of course Paul believed in the existence 
  of the gods of the nations (Ps 96:5) who are idols or demons. He cast 
  them out didn't he? Also isn't he the one who wrote in 1 Cor 2:8 "which none 
  of the princes of this world knew, for had they known it, they would not have 
  crucified the Lord of glory?" Paul was a realist. 
  John: Sometimes I think you are convinced that I 
  am a false teacher, so you must oppose everything I say. There are 
  no gods but one. There are rocks, trees, influences, but no real 
  gods in the sense that God is god.Me and Paul agree on this 
  one. I Co 8 -- that is the passage we are 
  discussing -- verses 4-7 make it clear that there are no 
  gods. Paul could eat a piece of meat offered to an idol because he knew 
  that it was an offering to thin air -- to nothing.
  judyt:It was an 
  offering to demons John and they are not "nothing" especially in the lives of 
  those who are deceived and oppressed by them. Neither are they "thin 
  air"  They certainly wreak a lot of havoc to be "thin air and 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-13 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 10/12/2004 10:56:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You were the one lamenting our lack of unity weren't you John? judyt

uhhh, yes I was. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-13 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 10/12/2004 10:56:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You were the one lamenting our lack of unity weren't you John? judyt
On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 08:08:44 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In a message dated 10/11/2004 10:10:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Then our dilemma must be "Who has the correct God"? 

Your dilemma, not mine. 


And -- unity that is of God is a heart thing, not a knowledge thing. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-13 Thread Judy Taylor

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 08:50:44 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  In a message dated 10/12/2004 10:56:44 PM Pacific Daylight 
  Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  You were the one lamenting our lack of unity weren't you 
John? judyt On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 08:08:44 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In a message dated 10/11/2004 10:10:23 PM Pacific Daylight 
  Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Judyt:Then our dilemma must be "Who has the correct 
God"? Your dilemma, not mine. 
  And -- unity that is of God is a heart thing, not a 
  knowledge thing. J
  I know,and it eventually happensamong those who have a heart 
  to receive and obey the truth.

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-13 Thread ShieldsFamily

Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004
6:51 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat

In a message dated 10/12/2004 10:56:44 PM Pacific Daylight
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You were the one lamenting our lack of unity weren't you John?
On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 08:08:44 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/11/2004 10:10:23 PM Pacific Daylight
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Then our dilemma must be Who has the correct God? 

Your dilemma, not mine. 


And -- unity that is of God is a heart thing, not a knowledge


John, they are ultimately one and the
same. If we really know Him (therefore receiving His Spirit) we will not
misunderstand of His Word in any crucial manner. Izzy

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-13 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 10/13/2004 6:19:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

And -- unity that is of God is a heart thing, not a knowledge thing. J
 I know, and it eventually happens among those who have a heart to receive and obey the truth. 

So, eventually , on this earth, I Co 8:1-3 can be cut out of our Bibles. I'll sharpen my scissors. Most of us on TT have already excluded the passage anyway. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-13 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 10/13/2004 6:57:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John, they are ultimately one and the same. If we really know Him (therefore receiving His Spirit) we will not misunderstand of His Word in any crucial manner. Izzy


RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-13 Thread Slade Henson

both(i.e.,"Let us REASON together...").

  And -- unity that is of God is a heart thing, not a 
  knowledge thing. J 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-13 Thread Judy Taylor

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 14:07:33 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  In a message dated 10/13/2004 6:19:00 AM 
  Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  And -- unity that is of God is a heart 
thing, not a knowledge thing. J judyt:I know, and it 
eventually happens among those who have a heart to receive and obey the 
  So, eventually , on this earth, I Co 8:1-3 can be cut out of our 
  Bibles. I'll sharpen my scissors. Most of us on TT have already 
  excluded the passage anyway. John
  What has this conversation got to do with eating meat bought in the 
  marketplace that has first been sacrificed to idols or
  "things offered to idols?"

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-13 Thread Judy Taylor

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 20:35:26 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  In a message dated 10/13/2004 2:26:29 PM 
  Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:John: So, 
  eventually , on this earth, I Co 8:1-3 can be cut out of our Bibles. 
  I'll sharpen my scissors. Most of us on TT have already excluded the 
  passage anyway. John Judyt:What has this conversation 
  got to do with eating meat bought in the marketplace that has first been 
  sacrificed to idols or"things offered to idols?"John: You 
  think the principle of knowledge verse love only applies when we are arguing 
  about the eating of meats?? JD
  I've never argued about"eating of meats" 
  because so far as I know the meat I buy at the Commissary has not been 
  sacrificed to idols; but we see that it is not good to be in ignorance 
  regarding thisbecause Jesus says so when He brings up the 
  subjectonce more in Revelations 2:14,20. I believe that idolatry 
  is always divisive and never ever leads to unity. When Jesus is the root 
  in our heart we gladly put all of this away. Incidentally our daughter's pastor uses the "meat offered 
  to idols" argument to justify things like celebrating Halloween. I fail to 
  see the connection but they respect him and 
  this is what he has taught them, sosadly our grandchildren are not being 
  tutored in true spiritual discernment and walking in the fear of God. 
  Our grandson along withall of his little Christian friends who 
  attendthe Christian school are heavily into Pokemon cards and this Yugi 
  character which leads toa Japanese form of DD;if not stopped 
  this will eventually lead to the same type of fantasy role playing 
  gamesalong with the same evilfruit in the lives of these 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-12 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 10/11/2004 10:10:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Then our dilemma must be "Who has the correct God"? 

Your dilemma, not mine. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-12 Thread Judy Taylor

You were the one lamenting our lack of unity weren't you John? 

On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 08:08:44 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  In a message dated 10/11/2004 10:10:23 PM Pacific Daylight 
  Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Judyt:Then our dilemma must be "Who has the correct God"? 
Your dilemma, not mine. John 

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-11 Thread Slade Henson

No, I 
don't think so, Judy. All Izzy is stating is just PERHAPS Ezekiel 36.26-27 has 
"come true." I personally agree with her assessment. Otherwise Ezekiel is just 
blowing hot air up or skirts.


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Judy 
  TaylorSent: Monday, 11 October, 2004 02.29To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  I think that one thing being left out of the 
  equation below is that since Messiah came we have the indwelling of the Holy 
  Spirit which now makes it POSSIBLE for Believers to obey the Law, if they so 
  choose. What do you think of that? Izzy
  I'm wondering if we are headed back to "O' 
  foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you"
  On Behalf Of Slade 
  HensonSent: Sunday, October 
  10, 2004 3:55 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  Paul says that if you break one segment of the law, 
  you have broken all. Peter says no Jew has ever been able to keep the whole 
  thing, The Bible makes it clear that the law cannot save us, only 
  condemn us.
  Peter said no Jew was able to acquire his 
  own salvation; you have misunderstood. Why would you say that it can only 
  condemn us? Is that the only purpose you see in it? Funny. God said it was our 
  righteousness! God said that when the other nations would see these 
  commandments and be amazed and say "What a wise nation is this who has such 
  wonderful commandmentsand their God dwells among 
  It also tells us that the law was given specify to the 
  Children of Israel, no one else.
  You are partially right. The commandments 
  are ONLY for the children of God. To complete this idea, when someone comes to 
  faith, are they grafted into Israel?
  The question then 
  becomes, " Why should I try to keep a law that was not only not meant for me, 
  but a law that even those that it was meant for could not keep." I would 
  be doing something both unnecessary and impossible.
  This logic is 
  circular and is far below you, Terry. Reread Luke 1:6 and Deuteronomy 30:11-14 
  again. Do you see how these two passages do not contradict each other yet they 
  call you a liar?I can see why you, being Jewish, might 
  try to keep some of the traditions in order to keep peace in the family, but 
  to keep them because you feel that they are necessary for salvation 
  makes no sense to me.
  I do not keep them in 
  order to keep peace in the family. I do it out of love and respect for my God 
  and Messiah who said, "If you love me keep my commandments." I am unable to 
  separate the commandments like fishermen catch and release fish. If God the 
  Father said something in the Older Testament Scriptures and Messiah said 
  something in the Newer Testament, I believe they came out of the same 
  Those laws were not there in the beginning, and they 
  are not here now.
  What part of 
  "perpetual commandment" and "commandment throughout your generations" do you 
  not understand? Do you need me to list them for you or can I trust in the 
  accuracy of your concordance?
  They were here for a time, to show you that you cannot 
  possibly keep them and to show that without a Savior you are totally 
  I must insist that 
  you stop contradicting Scripture. Please read Luke 1:6 and Deuteronomy 
  30:11-14 once again. However, I will agree with your last phrase 
  ,"without a Savior you are totally lost."
  You cannot save yourself. That is what Jesus 
  found so frustrating about most Pharisees. They were SELF righteous and 
  needed no Savior.
  Save myself? You are 
  comparing colors and tastes.Where do you get the idea the Pharisees were 
  self righteous and needed no Messiah?
  They could do it by keeping the 
  You don't seem to 
  understand that in the Jewish mindset, one did not NEED to keep the Teachings 
  of Moses as a substitution for a Savior. They are God's chosen People. WHY do 
  they need to do anything when it's guaranteed anyway? If there is anything you 
  understand from our dialogues, please know that it is impossible for the 
  Chosen People to misinterpret Scripture to read that they MUST keep Torah as a 
  substitute for a suffering Messiah.
  People who believed this did not just stumble into 
  sin. Some of them wallowed in it, and got so far off course as to end 
  up sacrificing their own children to idols. The law said "don't 
  worship another god, and the law said don't murder, but people under the law 
  did both on many occasions, so it is certainly no guarantee that living under 
  a bunch of rules will do anything exce

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-11 Thread Terry Clifton

ShieldsFamily wrote:


  Terry, I
dont think sin is funny,
ever. Sometimes I laugh at it too, but that is so wrong. More importantly, I dont think
should jokingly accuse people of sin wrongfully. If we are serious we
should just confront them with it in seriousness. Im glad Jeff was not
really accusing you, even jokingly, of something as egregious as
I think it grieves the Holy Spirit when people wrongfully accuse others
of sin,
as the Lord is the God of the righteous and He loves them dearly. It
is an affront to His holiness when the children He has made holy are
to the wiles of the Accuser. I am seeing that I am very sensitive about that
issue, for some
reasondont know why it bothers me so much. Izzy

Morning Iz. I do not hate Jews or anyone else that I can think of. As
a matter of fact, I have liked most everyone I ever met. Still, I am a
realist, and if Jews or Chinamen or the whole world gets offended when
I offer God's truth ( as best I can understand it), then that is the
way it has to be. I want to get along with everyone, but not at the
expense of changing one letter of God's word. I am sure everyone on
the list can agree that it can be no other way.

You kinda lost me on that part about the children He has made holy.
Who are you speaking of?

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-11 Thread Terry Clifton

ShieldsFamily wrote:



  I think that
one thing being left out of the
equation below is that since Messiah came we have the indwelling of the
Spirit which now makes it POSSIBLE for Believers to obey the Law, if
they so
choose. What do you think of that? Izzy

If you keep
the two that Jesus gave believers, you will have kept them all, and
then some.

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 10/11/2004 5:33:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I want to get along with everyone, but not at the expense of changing one letter of God's word. I am sure everyone on the list can agree that it can be no other way.

Aahh -- unity.


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-11 Thread Judy Taylor

On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 09:28:25 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  In a message dated 10/11/2004 5:33:57 AM Pacific Daylight 
  Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:I want to get along with everyone, 
  but not at the expense of changing one letter of God's word. 
  I am sure everyone on the list can agree that it can be no 
  other way.
  John responds: Aahh -- unity.
  But what can we unify around John other than the 
  Truth of God's Word?
  Just this morning I read that Matthew Henry, the 
  great commentator, stated he would give
  anything for peace, except the 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 10/11/2004 7:25:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 10/11/2004 5:33:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I want to get along with everyone, but not at the expense of changing one letter of God's word. 
I am sure everyone on the list can agree that it can be no other way.

John responds: Aahh -- unity.

 But what can we unify around John other than the Truth of God's Word?
 Just this morning I read that Matthew Henry, the great commentator, stated he would give
 anything for peace, except the truth...

Its just that everyone on this list believes that they have the "truth" and and there is as much dividison as there are individuals. Unless, of course, "unity" is considered a reality on terms other than agreement. 


We continue to pray for Jenna. ... and her family. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-11 Thread Judy Taylor

On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 13:47:12 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  In a message dated 10/11/2004 7:25:45 AM Pacific Daylight 
  Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:In a message dated 10/11/2004 
  5:33:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:I want 
  to get along with everyone, but not at the expense of changing one letter of 
  God's word. I am sure everyone on the list can agree that it can be 
  no other way.John responds: Aahh -- 
  unity.Judyt:But what can we unify around John other than the Truth of God's 
  Word?Just this 
  morning I read that Matthew Henry, the great commentator, stated he would 
  for peace, except the truth...John:Its just 
  that everyone on this list believes that they have the "truth" and and there 
  is as much dividison as there are individuals. Unless, of course, 
  "unity" is considered a reality on terms other than agreement. 
  JohnWe continue to pray for Jenna. ... and her 
  Thanks for remembering Jenna and our kids John, I do 
  appreciate that.
  I don't believe anyone on TT would claim to have ALL 
  truth. We are all works in progress. I have changed in
  some areas in the past and am willing to change today 
  if I see "in God's Word" where I am off center, or off
  on a tangent. It is my belief that when Jesus 
  returns the Church/Bride He is coming for will be of one heart
  and one mind and this would include the Torah folk 
  since there is just ONE Name by which we are saved
  and it's not Abraham. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-11 Thread Terry Clifton

In a message dated 10/11/2004 5:33:57
AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
want to get along with everyone, but not at the expense of changing one
letter of God's word. I am sure everyone on the list can agree that it
can be no other way.
Aahh -- unity.
Unity with God first. Without that it won't matter how many people I
agree/disagree with.

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-11 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 10/11/2004 1:42:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Unity with God first. Without that it won't matter how many people I agree/disagree with.

Absolutely correct. Actually, that is my definition for unity. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-11 Thread Judy Taylor

On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 19:54:08 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  In a message dated 10/11/2004 1:42:19 PM Pacific Daylight 
  Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Unity with God first. Without that it won't matter 
  how many people I agree/disagree with. Terry
  John writes:Absolutely correct. Actually, that is my definition 
  for unity. John
  Then our dilemma must be "Who has the correct 

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-10 Thread Slade Henson
orld can I get you to see what I see as a great 

Why do 
you think that? Yeshua is all I need to gain entrance into the Kingdom of 
Heaven. What you are missing and what you are unable to see is that out of LOVE 
and ADORATION for the God of Avraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the 
only reason I keep the commandments. Interesting 
concept, isn't It. The reasonSlade LIVES is because Messiah loved him 
first and died for him. In response, the Newer Testament tells me, "If you love 
me, keep my commandments." This, in my opinion, includes them all. Messiah's 
culmination of the commandments into two is a completely misunderstood concept 
to you. In a future email, I will attempt to explain it to you. I must 
prayerfully request the Holy Spirit to open your heart to what I 
I am not trying to win an argument with either of you. I 
am simply concerned that you cannot seem to comprehend something so 

you for your concern, Terry. Likewise, we are concerned for you because you 
cannot seem to grasp something so basic.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Terry 
  CliftonSent: Sunday, 10 October, 2004 14.16Subject: Re: 
  [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat
  Paul says that if you break 
  one segment of the law, you have broken all. Peter says no Jew has ever 
  been able to keep the whole thing, The Bible makes it clear that the law 
  cannot save us, only condemn us. It also tells us that the law was given 
  specifly to the Children of Israel, no one else. The question 
  then becomes, " Why should I try to keep a law that was not only not meant for 
  me, but a law that even those that it was meant for could not keep." I 
  would be doing something both unecessary and impossible.I can see why 
  you, being Jewish, might try to keep some of the traditions in order to keep 
  peace in the family, but to keep them because you feel that they are 
  necessary for salvation makes no sense to me. Those laws were not there 
  in the beginning, and they are not here now. They were here for a time, 
  to show you that you cannot possibly keep them and to show that without a 
  Savior you are totally lost. You cannot save yourself. That is 
  what Jesus found so frustrating about most Pharisees. They were SELF 
  righteous and needed no Savior. They could do it by keeping the 
  law. People who believed this did not just stumble into sin. Some 
  of them wallowed in it, and got so far off course as to end up 
  sacrificing their own children to idols. The law said "don't worship 
  another god, and the law said don't murder, but people under the law did both 
  on many occasions, so it is certainly no guarantee that living under a buch of 
  rules will do anything except show you how sorry a bunch of people can 
  be. Even King David, who loved the law, commited adultry and murder, so 
  where is the benefit? Why cling to something that is no longer 
  useful? Why not adopt the two commandments that Jesus gave every 
  believer?I know this is the raving of a madman to both you and Jeff, but I 
  am trying to understand why Jesus is not enough for you as He is for me. 
  What am I missing? How in the world can I get you to see what I see as a 
  great truth?I am not trying to win an argument with either of you. I 
  am simply concerned that you cannot seem to comprehend something so 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-10 Thread Terry Clifton

Terry's response in bold.

Slade Henson wrote:

  Paul says that if you break one segment of the law, you have
broken all. Peter says no Jew has ever been able
to keep the whole thing, The Bible makes it clear that the law cannot
save us, only condemn us.
  Peter said no Jew was able to acquire
his own salvation; you have misunderstood. Why would you say that it
can only condemn us? Is that the only purpose you see in it? Funny. God
said it was our righteousness! God said that when the other nations
would see these commandments and be amazed and say "What a wise nation
is this who has such wonderful commandmentsand their God dwells among

Paul says that if you break one segment of the law, you have
broken all. Peter says no Jew has ever been able
to keep the whole thing, The Bible makes it clear that the law cannot
save us, only condemn us.

Peter said no Jew was able to acquire
his own salvation; you have misunderstood. Why would you say that it
can only condemn us? Is that the only purpose you see in it? Funny. God
said it was our righteousness! God said that when the other nations
would see these commandments and be amazed and say "What a wise nation
is this who has such wonderful commandmentsand their God dwells among

It also tells us that the law was
given specify to the Children of Israel, no one else.

You are partially right. The
commandments are ONLY for the children of God. To complete this idea,
when someone comes to faith, are they grafted into Israel?That
is not what Lev.27:34 says. It says "Children of Israel". Very few of
them were children of God, as the OT makes clear throughout it's
pages. The law was for them, not me, not for any Christian.



The question then becomes, " Why should I try to keep a law
that was not only not meant for me, but a law that even those that it
was meant for could not keep." I would be doing something both
unnecessary and impossible.

logic is circular and is far below you, Terry. Reread Luke 1:6 and
Deuteronomy 30:11-14 again. Do you see how these two passages do not
contradict each other yet they call you a liar? Checked out both.
They were instructions for people under the law,(Jewish folk) They
could be considered righteous even after breaking the law by offering a
sin sacrifice. Paul says, "All have sinned". I take that to include
every one. The only reason that God has to see me as righteous is that
a sin sacrifice has been made for me.

I can see why you, being Jewish, might try to keep some of the
traditions in order to keep peace in the family, but to keep them
because you feel that they are necessary for salvation makes no sense
to me.

I do not keep them in order to keep peace in the
family. I do it out of love and respect for my God and Messiah who
said, "If you love me keep my commandments." I am unable to separate
the commandments like fishermen catch and release fish. If God the
Father said something in the Older Testament Scriptures and Messiah
said something in the Newer Testament, I believe they came out of the
same mouth. It is good to know that though you are hung up on
keeping the law, you are hung up for an honorable reason.

Those laws were not there in the beginning, and they are not
here now.

What part of "perpetual commandment" and
"commandment throughout your generations" do you not understand? Do you
need me to list them for you or can I trust in the accuracy of your
concordance? A covenant can be renewed just as a contract can be
rewritten. When that happens, the old version is void. If you get a
mortgage at twelve percent for thirty years, and five years later, get
a better one for six percent, you do not go on paying twelve percent.
You go by the terms in the new agreement.

They were here for a time, to show you that you cannot
possibly keep them and to show that without a Savior you are totally

I must insist that you stop contradicting
Scripture. Please read Luke 1:6 and Deuteronomy 30:11-14 once again.
However, I will agree with your last phrase ,"without a Savior you are totally lost.
See the above.

You cannot save yourself. That is what Jesus found so
frustrating about most Pharisees. They were SELF righteous and needed
no Savior.

Save myself? You are comparing
colors and tastes.Where do you get the idea the Pharisees were self
righteous and needed no Messiah? From a bunch of places in the NT

They could do it by keeping the law.

don't seem to understand that in the Jewish mindset, one did not NEED
to keep the Teachings of Moses as a substitution for a Savior. They are
God's chosen People. WHY do they need to do anything when it's
guaranteed anyway? If there is anything you understand from our
dialogues, please know that it is impossible for the Chosen People to
misinterpret Scripture to read 

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-10 Thread Slade Henson

thing you said I agree with, Terry. You said you don't have to keep Torah and 
neither does any Christian. That is correct. No one HAS to do anything. Besides 
that, there is nothing else I can agree with. You see and I hear and we cannot 
communicate in this realm... much like Helen Keller communicating via the 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Terry 
  CliftonSent: Sunday, 10 October, 2004 19.48To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  DemocratTerry's response in bold.Slade 
  Henson wrote: 

Paul says that if 
you break one segment of the law, you have broken all. 
says no Jew has ever been able to keep the whole thing, The Bible 
makes it clear that the law cannot save us, only condemn 

Peter said no Jew was able to acquire his own salvation; you 
have misunderstood. Why would you say that it can only condemn us? Is that 
the only purpose you see in it? Funny. God said it was our righteousness! 
God said that when the other nations would see these commandments and be 
amazed and say "What a wise nation is this who has such wonderful 
commandmentsand their God dwells among 

  Paul says that if 
  you break one segment of the law, you have broken all. 
  Peter says no Jew has ever been able to keep the whole thing, 
  The Bible makes it clear that the law cannot save us, only condemn 
  Peter said no Jew was able to acquire his own salvation; you 
  have misunderstood. Why would you say that it can only condemn us? Is that 
  the only purpose you see in it? Funny. God said it was our righteousness! 
  God said that when the other nations would see these commandments and be 
  amazed and say "What a wise nation is this who has such wonderful 
  commandmentsand their God dwells among them. 
  also tells us that the law was given specify to the Children of Israel, no 
  one else.
  You are partially right. The commandments are ONLY for the 
  children of God. To complete this idea, when someone comes to faith, are 
  they grafted into Israel?That is not what 
  Lev.27:34 says. It says "Children of Israel". Very few of them 
  were children of God, as the OT makes clear throughout it's pages. 
  The law was for them, not me, not for any 

  The question then 
  becomes, " Why should I try to keep a law that was not only not meant for 
  me, but a law that even those that it was meant for could not keep." 
  I would be doing something both unnecessary and 
  This logic 
  is circular and is far below you, Terry. Reread Luke 1:6 and Deuteronomy 
  30:11-14 again. Do you see how these two passages do not contradict each 
  other yet they call you a liar? Checked out both. They were 
  instructions for people under the law,(Jewish folk) They could be 
  considered righteous even after breaking the law by offering a sin 
  sacrifice. Paul says, "All have sinned". I take that to include 
  every one. The only reason that God has to see me as righteous is 
  that a sin sacrifice has been made for 
  me.I can see why you, being 
  Jewish, might try to keep some of the traditions in order to keep peace in 
  the family, but to keep them because you feel that they are 
  necessary for salvation makes no sense to me.
  I do not keep them in order to keep peace in the family. I do it 
  out of love and respect for my God and Messiah who said, "If you love me 
  keep my commandments." I am unable to separate the commandments like 
  fishermen catch and release fish. If God the Father said something in the 
  Older Testament Scriptures and Messiah said something in the Newer 
  Testament, I believe they came out of the same mouth. It is good 
  to know that though you are hung up on keeping the law, you are hung up 
  for an honorable reason.
  Those laws were 
  not there in the beginning, and they are not here 
  What part of "perpetual commandment" and "commandment throughout 
  your generations" do you not understand? Do you need me to list them for 
  you or can I trust in the accuracy of your concordance? A 
  covenant can be renewed just as a contract can be rewritten. When 
  that happens, the old version is void. If you get a mortgage at 
  twelve percent for thirty years, and five years later, get a better one 
  for six percent, you do not go on paying twelve percent. You go by 
  the terms in the new agreement.
  They were here 
  for a time, to show you that you cannot possibly keep them and to show 
  that without a Savior you are totally 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-10 Thread Terry Clifton

Slade Henson wrote:

  One thing you said I agree with, Terry. You said
you don't have to keep Torah and neither does any Christian. That is
correct. No one HAS to do anything. Besides that, there is nothing else
I can agree with. You see and I hear and we cannot communicate in this
realm... much like Helen Keller communicating via the telephone.
  -- slade

Yeah, I think we are beating a dead
horse. No matter how long we beat it, it ain't going to go where we
want it to.

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-10 Thread ShieldsFamily

Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2004
12:23 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat

ShieldsFamily wrote: 

Jeff, I didnt know Terry made the
joke first. Sorry. I consider the charge of anti-semitism to be no
joking matter, any more than joking about someone being an adulterer. Izzy

How about if the
adulterer is not a Semite? Would it be funny then, or are you an equal
opportunity adultry is not funny type of person?
Enquiring minds want to know.

Terry, I dont think sin is funny,
ever. Sometimes I laugh at it too, but that is so wrong. More importantly, I dont think we
should jokingly accuse people of sin wrongfully. If we are serious we
should just confront them with it in seriousness. Im glad Jeff was not
really accusing you, even jokingly, of something as egregious as anti-Semitism.
I think it grieves the Holy Spirit when people wrongfully accuse others of sin,
as the Lord is the God of the righteous and He loves them dearly. It
is an affront to His holiness when the children He has made holy are subjected
to the wiles of the Accuser. I am seeing that I am very sensitive about that issue, for some
reasondont know why it bothers me so much. Izzy

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-10 Thread ShieldsFamily

I think that one thing being left out of the
equation below is that since Messiah came we have the indwelling of the Holy
Spirit which now makes it POSSIBLE for Believers to obey the Law, if they so
choose. What do you think of that? Izzy

Behalf Of Slade Henson
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2004
3:55 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat

Paul says that if you break one segment of the law,
you have broken all. Peter says no Jew has ever been able to keep the whole
thing, The Bible makes it clear that the law cannot save us, only condemn

Peter said no Jew was able to acquire his
own salvation; you have misunderstood. Why would you say that it can only
condemn us? Is that the only purpose you see in it? Funny. God said it was our
righteousness! God said that when the other nations would see these
commandments and be amazed and say What a wise nation is this who has
such wonderful commandmentsand their God dwells among them.

It also tells us that the law was given specify to the
Children of Israel, no one else.

You are partially right. The commandments
are ONLY for the children of God. To complete this idea, when someone comes to
faith, are they grafted into Israel?

The question then becomes,  Why should I try to keep a law
that was not only not meant for me, but a law that even those that it was meant
for could not keep. I would be doing something both unnecessary and

This logic is circular and is far below
you, Terry. Reread Luke 1:6 and Deuteronomy 30:11-14 again. Do you see how
these two passages do not contradict each other yet they call you a liar?

I can see why you, being Jewish, might try to keep some of the traditions in
order to keep peace in the family, but to keep them because you feel that they
are necessary for salvation makes no sense to me.

I do not keep them in order to keep peace
in the family. I do it out of love and respect for my God and Messiah who said,
If you love me keep my commandments. I am unable to separate the
commandments like fishermen catch and release fish. If God the Father said
something in the Older Testament Scriptures and Messiah said something in the
Newer Testament, I believe they came out of the same mouth.

Those laws were not there in the beginning, and they
are not here now.

What part of perpetual
commandment and commandment throughout your generations do
you not understand? Do you need me to list them for you or can I trust in the
accuracy of your concordance?

They were here for a time, to show you that you cannot
possibly keep them and to show that without a Savior you are totally lost.

I must insist that you stop contradicting
Scripture. Please read Luke 1:6 and Deuteronomy 30:11-14 once again. However, I
will agree with your last phrase ,without a Savior you are
totally lost.

You cannot save yourself. That is what Jesus
found so frustrating about most Pharisees. They were SELF righteous and
needed no Savior.

Save myself? You are comparing colors and
tastes.Where do you get the idea the Pharisees were self righteous and
needed no Messiah?

They could do it by keeping the law.

You don't seem to understand that in the
Jewish mindset, one did not NEED to keep the Teachings of Moses as a
substitution for a Savior. They are God's chosen People. WHY do they need to do
anything when it's guaranteed anyway? If there is anything you understand from
our dialogues, please know that it is impossible for the Chosen People to
misinterpret Scripture to read that they MUST keep Torah as a substitute for a
suffering Messiah.

People who believed this did not just stumble into
sin. Some of them wallowed in it, and got so far off course as to end
up sacrificing their own children to idols. The law said
don't worship another god, and the law said don't murder, but people
under the law did both on many occasions, so it is certainly no guarantee that
living under a bunch of rules will do anything except show you how sorry a
bunch of people can be. 

SO WHAT!! SO WHAT!!! Your inability and
your unwillingness to submit to God's rules does not make His Just Teachings
less significant. However, be assured that when the books are opened during the
Great White Throne Judgment, your deeds since the recognition of Messiah will
be compared to Torah. How do you think you will fare? I pray you do better than
I will.

Even King David, who loved the law, committed adultery
and murder, so where is the benefit? Why cling to something that is no
longer useful? Why not adopt the two commandments that Jesus gave every

Are you so much greater than David? He was
a man after God's own heart. If only you [and I] were HALF the man he was.
Again, you have fallen prey to that judgmental

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-09 Thread Terry Clifton

Jeff Powers wrote:

  What about the Bet Dein (Jerusalem council)
of Acts 15?

Absolutely! "Clergy" has become a word to describe a hierarchy that
never was intended and did not exist in the early church or in God's
plan. A living organism (Church) has become a giant organization , big


Excellent question Jeff. You made me do some quick checking. I found
that there were seven councils in the history of the early church, the
first one being the most important, because the question "What must I
do to be saved" was answered. They seem to have acted in an advisory
capacity, not as a heirarchy, and they never ruled or advised that a
pastor was necessary for salvation, or baptism. 
I am sorta surprised that you mentioned this chapter, since it blows
all kind of holes in the keeping of Mosaic laws.

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-09 Thread Slade Henson

anything, it affirms it.


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Terry 
  CliftonSent: Saturday, 09 October, 2004 07.20To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  DemocratJeff Powers wrote: 

What about the Bet Dein (Jerusalem council) of Acts 

  "Clergy" has become a word to describe a hierarchy that never was intended 
  and did not exist in the early church or in God's plan. A living organism 
  (Church) has become a giant organization , big 
  question Jeff. You made me do some quick checking. I found that 
  there were seven councils in the history of the early church, the first one 
  being the most important, because the question "What must I do to be saved" 
  was answered. They seem to have acted in an advisory capacity, not as a 
  heirarchy, and they never ruled or advised that a pastor was necessary for 
  salvation, or baptism. I am sorta surprised that you mentioned this 
  chapter, since it blows all kind of holes in the keeping of Mosaic 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-09 Thread Jeff Powers

It confirms Torah to me! Explain Acts 15:21 and then 
tell me how this passage rejects Torah.

  - Original Message - 
  Terry Clifton 
  Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  Jeff Powers wrote: 

What about the Bet Dein (Jerusalem council) of Acts 

  "Clergy" has become a word to describe a hierarchy that never was intended 
  and did not exist in the early church or in God's plan. A living organism 
  (Church) has become a giant organization , big 
  question Jeff. You made me do some quick checking. I found that 
  there were seven councils in the history of the early church, the first one 
  being the most important, because the question "What must I do to be saved" 
  was answered. They seem to have acted in an advisory capacity, not as a 
  heirarchy, and they never ruled or advised that a pastor was necessary for 
  salvation, or baptism. I am sorta surprised that you mentioned this 
  chapter, since it blows all kind of holes in the keeping of Mosaic 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-09 Thread Terry Clifton

Jeff Powers wrote:

  It confirms Torah to me! Explain Acts 15:21
and then tell me how this passage rejects Torah.

My friend, you started too late and finished too early. This subject
is not dealt with in only one verse. In verses 1  2, Paul
disagrees with those who say you must keep the law. In verse ten,
Peter says, "No Jew was ever able to keep the law. Why would you
expect a Gentile to keep it?"
Verse 24 tops it off nicely with no question as to whether or not the
keeping of the law is required. It is not.

The four things that were requested by the council hardly equal the six
hundred plus commands in the law, and were almost certainly recommended
so that the Gentile believers would not offend the sensibilities of
their Jewish brethren. I say this last because no Gentile was ever
under the law unless he became a Jewish proselyte.
You can see this if you are open to it.
Terry P.S. I hardly ever strangle my food any more and drinking
blood is out of the question. I don't even like rare meat.

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-09 Thread Jeff Powers

And you haven't killed any Jews in 

  - Original Message - 
  Terry Clifton 
  Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  Jeff Powers wrote: 

It confirms Torah to me! Explain Acts 15:21 and then 
tell me how this passage rejects Torah.
  friend, you started too late and finished too early. This subject is not 
  dealt with in only one verse. In verses 1  2, Paul disagrees with 
  those who say you must keep the law. In verse ten, Peter says, "No Jew 
  was ever able to keep the law. Why would you expect a Gentile to 
  keep it?"Verse 24 tops it off nicely with no question as to whether or not 
  the keeping of the law is required. It is not.The four things 
  that were requested by the council hardly equal the six hundred plus commands 
  in the law, and were almost certainly recommended so that the Gentile 
  believers would not offend the sensibilities of their Jewish brethren. I 
  say this last because no Gentile was ever under the law unless he became a 
  Jewish proselyte.You can see this if you are open to 
  it.Terry P.S. I hardly ever 
  strangle my food any more and drinking blood is out of the question. I 
  don't even like rare meat.

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-09 Thread Jeff Powers

Jeff in red:

  - Original Message - 
  Terry Clifton 
  Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  Jeff Powers wrote: 

It confirms Torah to me! Explain Acts 15:21 and then 
tell me how this passage rejects Torah.
  ==My friend, you 
  started too late and finished too early. This subject is not dealt with 
  in only one verse. In verses 1  2, Paul disagrees with those who 
  say you must keep the law.
  Terry, the question(subject here)is 
  circumcision for Gentile converts.The circumcision that God wants is of our 
  hearts. See Deut.30:6, Jer. 4:4, Romans 2:28-29. In verse 
  ten, Peter says, "No Jew was ever able to keep the law.Peter is talking about the "hedge" around Torah created by men, 
  Pharisees, etc.(but don't take this as a condemnation of the Pharisees, as 
  Slade recently said [and I agree], the Pharisees get a bum rap from the 
  church, they were they good guys!),not Torah itself! Why 
  would you expect a Gentile to keep it?"Verse 24 tops it off nicely with no 
  question as to whether or not the keeping of the law is required. It is 
  not.One cannot keep the law,Torah, 
  without first learning Torah!The four things that were requested by 
  the council hardly equal the six hundred plus commands in the law, and were 
  almost certainly recommended so that the Gentile believers would not offend 
  the sensibilities of their Jewish brethren.100% 
  correct! I say this last because no Gentile was ever under the 
  law unless he became a Jewish proselyte. ?At the time in 
  question, "christianity" was in fact Jewish!You can see this if you 
  are open to it.My point exactly! We will have to work on 
  you some more!Terry P.S. 
  I hardly ever strangle my food any more and drinking blood is out of the 
  question. I don't even like rare meat. Brother, you 
  are on the right track! Now if only you could see what the man-made doctrines 
  have done to truth, you would become like myself and Slade in short 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-09 Thread Terry Clifton

Jeff Powers wrote:

  And you haven't killed any Jews in months!!!

I have a cofession to make. I have never killed a single Jew.

If that isn't bad enough, I actually had two Jewish friends in Hialeah
years ago. Neither of them were saved. One was totally uninterested
in the things of God, and one was, but not interested in becoming a
Christian. I thought a great deal of both of these guys and made a
feeble attempt to lead them to Christ. Lenny was not the least bit
interested. He was busy trying to sleep with every woman in south
Florida, Mario (Mario Ferrar was a Jew from Cuba. He described
himself as a Juban.) was interested, and tempted to become a believer,
but did not for fear that his whole family would disown him. Mario had
had a valve from a pig's heart placed in his heart because his valve
failed, and took medication daily so that his body would not reject the
pig valve. I figured that if his relatives did not reject him for
being part pig, they could live with him becoming a Christian, but
Mario said no.
I gave up on both of them after a time because I moved away from south
Florida to the Panhandle. I lost track of Lenny, but learned that
after I left, Mario became a Christian Scientist. He threw away his
glasses and stopped taking his medication. Everything went well for a
couple of months, and he was convinced that he was on the right track,
then he collapsed and died.

I point this out to show that I am batting zero for two when it comes
to helping God's chosen people understand the Gospel. You and Slade
are going to have to try harder if The score is ever to change. It's
hard to find a Jew here in redneck country.

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-09 Thread Slade Henson

[Terry's friend]was...[]interested in the things of God...but not interested in becoming a 

says: Sadly, you don't have a prayer to help this man come to understand the 
Messiahship of Yeshua. He MUST (out of love for God) reject any Messiah who 
disbands with Torah... EVEN ONE SINGLE COMMANDMENT. Your Jewish friend who did 
not have a relationship with God would bemore prone to the modern-day 
Christian Message. A Jewish person immersed in Torah, must reject the message or 
reject the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

I know 
this sounds goofy, Terry, but this is why Jewish people sit Sheva (perform a 
week-long mourning service) for converts to Christianity because of this 
rejection. They [mostly] DON'T for those who hold Torah AND Messiah to their 
heart. (Interesting, isn't it?)

By the 
way... thanks for never killing a single Jew. I feel safer 

well, my friend!

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Terry 
  CliftonSent: Saturday, 09 October, 2004 19.39Subject: 
  Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or DemocratJeff Powers wrote: 

And you haven't killed any Jews in 
  have a cofession to make. I have never killed a single Jew.If 
  that isn't bad enough, I actually had two Jewish friends in Hialeah years 
  ago. Neither of them were saved. One was totally uninterested in 
  the things of God, and one was, but not interested in becoming a 
  Christian. I thought a great deal of both of these guys and made a 
  feeble attempt to lead them to Christ. Lenny was not the least bit 
  interested. He was busy trying to sleep with every woman in south 
  Florida, Mario (Mario Ferrar was a Jew from Cuba. He described 
  himself as a Juban.) was interested, and tempted to become a believer, but did 
  not for fear that his whole family would disown him. Mario had had a 
  valve from a pig's heart placed in his heart because his valve failed, and 
  took medication daily so that his body would not reject the pig valve. I 
  figured that if his relatives did not reject him for being part pig, they 
  could live with him becoming a Christian, but Mario said no.I gave up on 
  both of them after a time because I moved away from south Florida to the 
  Panhandle. I lost track of Lenny, but learned that after I left, Mario 
  became a Christian Scientist. He threw away his glasses and stopped 
  taking his medication. Everything went well for a couple of months, and 
  he was convinced that he was on the right track, then he collapsed and 
  died.I point this out to show that I am batting zero for two when it 
  comes to helping God's chosen people understand the Gospel. You and 
  Slade are going to have to try harder if The score is ever to change. 
  It's hard to find a Jew here in redneck 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-09 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 10/9/2004 5:43:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jeff Powers wrote: 
And you haven't killed any Jews in months!!!

I have a cofession to make. I have never killed a single Jew.

Just married folks???


RE: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-09 Thread Slade Henson

You got me on that one. I usually "pride" myself on getting the puns [AKA 
"duds"] in, but that opportunity slipped right by me.


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Saturday, 09 October, 2004 
  22.09To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: 
  [TruthTalk] Republican or DemocratIn a message dated 10/9/2004 5:43:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
  Jeff Powers wrote: 
And you haven't killed any Jews in months!!!I 
have a cofession to make. I have never killed a single 
  Jew.Just married folks???JD 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-08 Thread Jeff Powers

What about the Bet Dein (Jerusalem council) of Acts 

  Absolutely! "Clergy" has 
  become a word to describe a hierarchy that never was intended and did not 
  exist in the early church or in God's plan. A living organism (Church) has 
  become a giant organization , big 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-05 Thread Lance Muir

'Godliest'?So then, do we vote for Pat 
Robertson or for Benny Hinn? I believe that the existing candidates have 
excluded themselves by the standards put forward by Judith and 

  Sent: October 05, 2004 00:00
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  In a message dated 10/1/2004 3:54:29 PM Pacific 
  Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Izzy in 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, 
September 26, 2004 9:18 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat My point is 
this: there is no acceptable defintion for either "liberal" or 
"conservative" that fits all. We are NOT the Chosen Pagan Nation 
SAY THIS: America is not GODS nation. ALL countries belong to 
slade -- whoever posted about "Jesus" not being allowed at the RNC in 
song; if that is true (and time will tell), I am out of here. I 
certainly do not believe voting is a Christian function so 
it wll be easy to quit politics altogether. That post from slade 
(?) was very upsetting to me. John, you are contradicting 
yourself. Can you see that If I personally were running a 
Republican event I would NOT allow Christian/Jesus songs, either. Why? 
Because the Republican Party is for ALL Americans, of ALL faiths, and ALL 
races. The Rep Party is not, as you repeatedly state, the arm 
of God. It is not a Church. It is a political party, which represents the 
most important issues to Believers in America, as well as to any 
intelligent, moral, economically wise American. Do you get it? 
IzzyJohnIn a message dated 
9/26/2004 4:23:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
writes:In a message dated 9/26/2004 3:15:52 PM Pacific Daylight 
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:And what is the "conservative 
philosphy?" Is one a conservative if he believes in states 
rights, a decreasing federal reality, balanced budgets, a dynamic 
national defense system and a woman's right to choose? 
Or, what if one is pro-life, prayer in schools, pro medical 
mariwana, and anti - gun. Or, what if one is pro-life, pro 
prayer in schools, pro "in God we trust," for state's rights, for 
balance budgets, pro national defgense, pro traditional marriage, 
anti-gay (whatever that is), anti-NEA, for closing the borders 
by force if necessary and pro socialized medicine? Or, what if 
he did not have time for politics of any kind, did not vote, and minitered 
to hundreds of individuals each and every year? 
JohnWhat is your problem, John? IzzyWould it be possible to 
answer the question? John Why is this 
  reposted? John 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lance writes:
'Godliest'?So then, do we vote for Pat Robertson or for Benny Hinn? I believe 
that the existing candidates have excluded themselves by the standards put forward by 
Judith and Linda.  

Pat Robertson and Benny Himm? Are they running for office in this country? Back to 
earth Lance, earth calling Lance..

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-04 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 10/1/2004 3:54:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Izzy in red:


Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat


My point is this: there is no acceptable defintion for either "liberal" or "conservative" that fits all. We are NOT the Chosen Pagan Nation of God. 



Was it slade -- whoever posted about "Jesus" not being allowed at the RNC in song; if that is true (and time will tell), I am out of here. I certainly do not believe voting is a Christian function so it wll be easy to quit politics altogether. That post from slade (?) was very upsetting to me. 
John, you are contradicting yourself. Can you see that If I personally were running a Republican event I would NOT allow Christian/Jesus songs, either. Why? Because the Republican Party is for ALL Americans, of ALL faiths, and ALL races. The Rep Party is not, as you repeatedly state, the arm of God. It is not a Church. It is a political party, which represents the most important issues to Believers in America, as well as to any intelligent, moral, economically wise American.


Do you get it? Izzy


In a message dated 9/26/2004 4:23:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 9/26/2004 3:15:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

And what is the "conservative philosphy?" Is one a conservative if he believes in states rights, a decreasing federal reality, balanced budgets, a dynamic national defense system and a woman's right to choose? 

Or, what if one is pro-life, prayer in schools, pro medical mariwana, and anti - gun. 

Or, what if one is pro-life, pro prayer in schools, pro "in God we trust," for state's rights, for balance budgets, pro national defgense, pro traditional marriage, anti-gay (whatever that is), anti-NEA, for closing the borders by force if necessary and pro socialized medicine? 

Or, what if he did not have time for politics of any kind, did not vote, and minitered to hundreds of individuals each and every year? 


What is your problem, John? Izzy


Would it be possible to answer the question? 



Why is this reposted? 


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-29 Thread Terry Clifton

In a message dated 9/28/2004 11:20:10
AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 9/28/2004 2:43:24 AM
Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
was on 11 Sep 2001 when I discovered a terrible mistake. Bush
encouraged people to pray at their Church, Synagogue, and Mosque. When
he said that, my heart sank. He didn't learn the lesson.

Bush said the God of A, I, J was the same as the god of Islam my
heart sank again and it never recovered. I cannot by good conscience
vote for this man. I cannot spit in God's face by allowing a godly man
of this caliber to remain in office. I do not want the presence of the
God of Avraham to leave my home.

vote? It's a wasted vote IF I vote for EITHER of the two horned beasts
of the US political system. (However, everyone's vote is wasted because
the Electoral College is the one who truly decides... a point we all
seem to forget.)

a negative loser, Izzy? You are still my friend, but you hurt me. I am
not a negative thinker. I am one who hears clearly and is able to
listen from many different vantage points... not just the angle most
comfortable from my chair at home.


My vote will be for Bush in spite of the inconsistency you point to,
brother slade. And I do agree with your concern. Obviously, I am not
voting my faith and you are -- and I am thinking that both have a
place in the political process. If I were selecting an Elder, Bush
would not be my choice. But I am selecting a President, of course,
and, for me, the rules are different. The President is one who
represents the people of this country -- all of them. Which man best
accomplishes that? And two words are important to me in that
question. "Best" and "accomplish." GW does have conviction. He
has been sorely criticized for his faith stance. In the first debate
with Gore and Nader, it was Bush who named Christ as the most
influential person in his life -- right there on TV, in front of God
and everyone. And his faith message is clearly seen (by me, at
least.) Paul said something once, that is one of the most profound
comments I have ever read and it is --- I become all things, to all
men so that by all means I might save some. Awesome. And I see that
idea in Bush's attempt at being a (Christian) President for all the
people. Who do I want as a commander and chief of the military and
one who has the power of life and death for my boys? Not a typical
Christian concern, I might add. My two youngest boys would be among
the first in line to fight if things got that bad --- so my vote is
extremely important to me. I don't look to Iraq as the major issue.
Nor do I care that much about President Bush's way of dealing with the
various gods of the people he governs. I care only about how he
governs in comparison to those who run against him. It is not a
religious decision -- it is a political one. I honestly see GW as
one who is trying to apply his faith to the opportunity he has to
govern. Right or wrong. I see him as one who is doing the best that
he can do. Kerry is very much the opposite -- without a political
conscience. The Constitutional Party candidate would not be able to
accomplish anything if he, in fact, won the election. Keep in mind,
that Bush is doing something I could not do. I could not be the
President because many of my views as a Christian would make it an
impossible task. In matters of faith, I personally, could make few
if any compromises and "compromise" is the bedrock of the political
decision making process. 
If I voted my faith -- without compromise -- well, I can't think of
anyone I would vote for other than me and it would be wrong for me to
be President. So, it is not a religious decision. 

JohnJohn. Have you ever considered that the qualifications of the
elder are the same things that should be seen in every Christian man?
Elders are simply other Christians, not a race of supermen or a group
of men that are extra important to God. If Bush is living the normal
Christian life, he should have those qualities, and should be evaluated
by the qualities we see and the witness to God's grace that he is.
At least that's how I see it, but then I've been told that I am a
stupid loser, so maybe what I say shpold be taken with a grain of salt.

Paul saw a higher standard, I believe. Cf. I Tim 3:1-13. He "rules"
by the force of example, not position or institutional authority of
any kind. ( I Pet 5:2,3). 
It is my opinion that the very first departure from 1st century
standards within the Church was this idea that pastors are the primary
decision makers, the Shepherd of the congregational "flock." 
What do you think?
Absolutely! "Clergy" has become a word 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-29 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 9/29/2004 5:23:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Absolutely! "Clergy" has become a word to describe a hierarchy that never was intended and did not exist in the early church or in God's plan. A living organism (Church) has become a giant organization , big business.

Yes and by the way, Terry, you do know I was kidding about the blind pathetic loser thing, right?


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-29 Thread Terry Clifton

In a message dated 9/29/2004 5:23:16 AM
Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
"Clergy" has become a word to describe a hierarchy that never was
intended and did not exist in the early church or in God's plan. A
living organism (Church) has become a giant organization , big business.

Yes and by the way, Terry, you do know I was kidding about the blind
pathetic loser thing, right?
Yeah, I knew. No offense taken. Just send half as much money.

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-29 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 9/29/2004 10:50:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Yeah, I knew. No offense taken. Just send half as much money.

I'll start savin up


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-28 Thread Jeff Powers

What was the name of this forum? OH, I remember, 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  What a bunch of 
  NEGATIVE thinkers. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were 
  Democrats. Izzy
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Slade HensonSent: Monday, September 27, 2004 8:08 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  Well spoken, 
  I was going into 
  politics in Denver 
  Colorado back in the 80s. As I 
  delved into the system and watched those who would be my [political] peers, I 
  noticed a disturbing 
  Most of the men 
  and women enter the foray with wonderful intention. They planned to change 
  this and that and to make the county, state, or Federal Government 
  abetter, happier place. Unfortunately one thing stood in each and every 
  person's way. MONEY.
  Money is needed to 
  run a campaign. All this money -- even money from private institutions and 
  individuals -- come with strings attached. The really big money have hawser 
  [really big rope] attached. If a candidate who wins does not keep the promises 
  attached as "riders" to this money, there is no money for the next campaign. 
  Also there's the scandals that suddenly appear against candidates who vote 
  their conscience and not the "riders."
  Those who manage to 
  begin change either die on the altar of political shame or they 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Jeff PowersSent: Monday, 27 September, 2004 
20.28To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 

I'm breaking a self-imposed 
silence regarding this thread. I think Terry is the only one making 
any sense of this can of worms! 

Politicians, both believers and non-believers are little more than puppets 
of special interest 
groups. Not since before the American Civil 
War has politics and Governmentbeen anywhere close to being 
legitimately By, For and Of the People! The framers of our constitition saw 
the truth in the sages words,"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts 
absolutely." That is the reason that they wrote the Constitution the 
way they did, when govt. becomes corrupt, it is up to the people to put down 
the corruption. The original constitution saw no need for a federal military 
as we know it today. Consequently, we were free and obligated by that 
Constitution to overthrow a corrupt govt. But, by the time of the Civil War 
Americans had given up that right! A result of this apathy was the 
USA then had a govt. police force 
(the military) to do the bidding of the rich and powerful privledged few who 
then pulled the strings of the politicians. Our rights have continually 
eroded away to the point that we are now at the mercy of the rich and 
powerful puppet masters that control the govt., if We The People demanded an 
abolition of the current govt. and revolted as was our right(it's no longer 
possible, the A. Lincoln administration and the congress of that day saw to 
it that we cannot toss out the govt. and start anew)we could possibly 
correct the system.

 That being 
now impossible, I see no reason for us to fool ourselves into beliving that 
we can make a difference. Look at the last Presidential election (and for 
those of you old enough, remember Dewey beat Roosevelt!, Lincoln and Douglas), now how can 
anyone tell me they honestly belive in this corrupt 

I belive God can, does and will use anyone, believer or not,(hey, even human 
or not; Baalam's Donkey!) to achieve His desired outcome. Believers 
need to quit arguing about politics and get back to God's buisness and word. 
Remember, another sage said,"Politics and Religion do not 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Terry Clifton 
  Republican party is anything but the party of God. Why do you want 
  to keep Jesus locked up in a church house when the world needs to hear 
  about him? Would it be terrible if a president who claims to be a 
  tool of God promoted that same God to unbelievers? Would that be 
  peddling, or testifying?Honest well thought out answers 

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-28 Thread Slade Henson

would love to be proven wrong here. I beg you to give the data to show that my 
experience and the experience of others within the system is all wrong and/or 
that it has all changed. Will you please do that? Please give me the data that 
proves special interest groups no longer haunt the halls of the houses and 
senates controlling the vote and the presence of catered 



  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of 
  ShieldsFamilySent: Monday, 27 September, 2004 
  22.50To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: 
  [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat
  What a bunch of 
  NEGATIVE thinkers. If I didnt know better, Id think you were 
  Democrats. Izzy
  On Behalf Of Slade 
  HensonSent: Monday, 
  September 27, 2004 8:08 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  Well spoken, 
  I was going into 
  politics in Denver 
  Colorado back in the 80s. As I 
  delved into the system and watched those who would be my [political] peers, I 
  noticed a disturbing 
  Most of the men 
  and women enter the foray with wonderful intention. They planned to change 
  this and that and to make the county, state, or Federal Government 
  abetter, happier place. Unfortunately one thing stood in each and every 
  person's way. MONEY.
  Money is needed to 
  run a campaign. All this money -- even money from private institutions and 
  individuals -- come with strings attached. The really big money have hawser 
  [really big rope] attached. If a candidate who wins does not keep the promises 
  attached as "riders" to this money, there is no money for the next campaign. 
  Also there's the scandals that suddenly appear against candidates who vote 
  their conscience and not the "riders."
  Those who manage to 
  begin change either die on the altar of political shame or they 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Jeff PowersSent: Monday, 27 September, 2004 
20.28To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 

I'm breaking a self-imposed 
silence regarding this thread. I think Terry is the only one making 
any sense of this can of worms! 

Politicians, both believers and non-believers are little more than puppets 
of special interest 
groups. Not since before the American Civil 
War has politics and Governmentbeen anywhere close to being 
legitimately By, For and Of the People! The framers of our constitition saw 
the truth in the sages words,"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts 
absolutely." That is the reason that they wrote the Constitution the 
way they did, when govt. becomes corrupt, it is up to the people to put down 
the corruption. The original constitution saw no need for a federal military 
as we know it today. Consequently, we were free and obligated by that 
Constitution to overthrow a corrupt govt. But, by the time of the Civil War 
Americans had given up that right! A result of this apathy was the 
USA then had a govt. police force 
(the military) to do the bidding of the rich and powerful privledged few who 
then pulled the strings of the politicians. Our rights have continually 
eroded away to the point that we are now at the mercy of the rich and 
powerful puppet masters that control the govt., if We The People demanded an 
abolition of the current govt. and revolted as was our right(it's no longer 
possible, the A. Lincoln administration and the congress of that day saw to 
it that we cannot toss out the govt. and start anew)we could possibly 
correct the system.

 That being 
now impossible, I see no reason for us to fool ourselves into beliving that 
we can make a difference. Look at the last Presidential election (and for 
those of you old enough, remember Dewey beat Roosevelt!, Lincoln and Douglas), now how can 
anyone tell me they honestly belive in this corrupt 

I belive God can, does and will use anyone, believer or not,(hey, even human 
or not; Baalam's Donkey!) to achieve His desired outcome. Believers 
need to quit arguing about politics and get back to God's buisness and word. 
Remember, another sage said,"Politics and Religion do not 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Terry Clifton 
  Republican party is anything but the party of God. Why do you want 
  to keep Jesus locked up in a church house when the world needs to hea

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-28 Thread Slade Henson

It was 
on 11 Sep 2001 when I discovereda terrible mistake. Bush encouraged people 
to pray at their Church, Synagogue, and Mosque. When he said 
that, my heart sank. He didn't learn the lesson.

Bush said the God of A, I,  J was the same as the god of Islam my heart 
sank again and it never recovered. I cannot by good conscience vote for this 
man. I cannot spit in God's face by allowing a godly man of this caliber to 
remain in office. I do not want the presence of the God of Avraham to leave my 

vote? It's a wasted vote IF I vote for EITHER of the two horned beasts of the US 
political system. (However, everyone's vote is wasted because the Electoral 
College is the one who truly decides... a point we all seem to 

I'm a 
negative loser, Izzy? You are still my friend, but you hurt me. I am not a 
negative thinker. I am one who hears clearly and is able to listen from many 
different vantage points... not just the angle most comfortable from my chair at 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Jonathan 
  HughesSent: Monday, 27 September, 2004 22.09To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  Izzy, your posts in 
  the last few days have included a lot of bold and capital letters. Are 
  you aware that they make it look as if you are yelling? Are you as angry 
  as your posts make you look?
  The same President 
  Bush has repeatedly and unequivocally testified that his faith in the Lord 
  Jesus Christ is the same God that is worshipped by Muslims: Allah. Does 
  this in any way frighten you? Does Bush believing that Allah is just 
  another way to God (actually is the same God) set off any red flags in your 
  mind? Is Jesus the only way to the Father? Are you aware of how 
  Jesus is thought of in Islamic thought? Do you agree with President Bush 
  that Allah is God?

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 9/28/2004 2:43:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It was on 11 Sep 2001 when I discovered a terrible mistake. Bush encouraged people to pray at their Church, Synagogue, and Mosque. When he said that, my heart sank. He didn't learn the lesson.
When Bush said the God of A, I, J was the same as the god of Islam my heart sank again and it never recovered. I cannot by good conscience vote for this man. I cannot spit in God's face by allowing a godly man of this caliber to remain in office. I do not want the presence of the God of Avraham to leave my home.
Wasted vote? It's a wasted vote IF I vote for EITHER of the two horned beasts of the US political system. (However, everyone's vote is wasted because the Electoral College is the one who truly decides... a point we all seem to forget.)
I'm a negative loser, Izzy? You are still my friend, but you hurt me. I am not a negative thinker. I am one who hears clearly and is able to listen from many different vantage points... not just the angle most comfortable from my chair at home.
-- slade

My vote will be for Bush in spite of the inconsistency you point to, brother slade. And I do agree with your concern. Obviously, I am not voting my faith and you are -- and I am thinking that both have a place in the political process. If I were selecting an Elder, Bush would not be my choice. But I am selecting a President, of course, and, for me, the rules are different. The President is one who represents the people of this country -- all of them. Which man best accomplishes that? And two words are important to me in that question. "Best" and "accomplish." GW does have conviction. He has been sorely criticized for his faith stance. In the first debate with Gore and Nader, it was Bush who named Christ as the most influential person in his life -- right there on TV, in front of God and everyone. And his faith message is clearly seen (by me, at least.) Paul said something once, that is one of the most profound comments I have ever read and it is --- I become all things, to all men so that by all means I might save some. Awesome. And I see that idea in Bush's attempt at being a (Christian) President for all the people. Who do I want as a commander and chief of the military and one who has the power of life and death for my boys? Not a typical Christian concern, I might add. My two youngest boys would be among the first in line to fight if things got that bad --- so my vote is extremely important to me. I don't look to Iraq as the major issue. Nor do I care that much about President Bush's way of dealing with the various gods of the people he governs. I care only about how he governs in comparison to those who run against him. It is not a religious decision -- it is a political one. I honestly see GW as one who is trying to apply his faith to the opportunity he has to govern. Right or wrong. I see him as one who is doing the best that he can do. Kerry is very much the opposite -- without a political conscience. The Constitutional Party candidate would not be able to accomplish anything if he, in fact, won the election. Keep in mind, that Bush is doing something I could not do. I could not be the President because many of my views as a Christian would make it an impossible task. In matters of faith, I personally, could make few if any compromises and "compromise" is the bedrock of the political decision making process. 

If I voted my faith -- without compromise -- well, I can't think of anyone I would vote for other than me and it would be wrong for me to be President. So, it is not a religious decision. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 9/28/2004 2:09:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What was the name of this forum? OH, I remember, TRUTH-TALK!! 

Sometimes, Jeffery, you cut to the chase. Good one. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 9/27/2004 7:56:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You on TT are all (except Michael and Judy) such a bunch of negative losers. I think Ill take a vacation from you for a while as you are sincerely getting on my last nerve. I have better things to do than trying to instill some sense into you. Have a nice time watching Bush win the election. Izzy

And such a postive counter to this forum's negative majority!!!

See, this is exactly why we should stick to religious discussion. There is a place in The Faith for losers. Not the case in the political process, apparently. I mean, every time we get on politics, we all go wingie -- as if God needs any help at all in dealing with this pathetic, loser filled world. !!!


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 9/27/2004 3:35:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi John,


The conference wraps up tonight. I will give a report on it later this week. I did spend some good time with Baxter including dinner Friday night.



Does he ever come out to the left coast?

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-28 Thread Terry Clifton

ShieldsFamily wrote:


  I think that's nice. Don't
force anyone to
accept Christ. Just the mention of Jesus' name would probably force a
bunch of them to be saved against their will. We can't have people in
Heaven who don't want to be there, can we, even if they are
You and W just keep on with what you are doing. That's nice. What
was I thinking? 
do you honestly think it is the right venue to just mention Jesus
name at a political rally? In what manner? By whom? For what purpose?
How many will that save I lay awake at night worrying about
all the
poor people who didnt get saved at the last political rally. Or
the last baseball game. Or at the grocery checkout line. Or at the
license bureau. Really. Izzy

Yes. Lovingly. By everyone who claims that name. To be a witness.
Only God knows.


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 9/28/2004 11:20:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 9/28/2004 2:43:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It was on 11 Sep 2001 when I discovered a terrible mistake. Bush encouraged people to pray at their Church, Synagogue, and Mosque. When he said that, my heart sank. He didn't learn the lesson.
When Bush said the God of A, I, J was the same as the god of Islam my heart sank again and it never recovered. I cannot by good conscience vote for this man. I cannot spit in God's face by allowing a godly man of this caliber to remain in office. I do not want the presence of the God of Avraham to leave my home.
Wasted vote? It's a wasted vote IF I vote for EITHER of the two horned beasts of the US political system. (However, everyone's vote is wasted because the Electoral College is the one who truly decides... a point we all seem to forget.)
I'm a negative loser, Izzy? You are still my friend, but you hurt me. I am not a negative thinker. I am one who hears clearly and is able to listen from many different vantage points... not just the angle most comfortable from my chair at home.
-- slade

My vote will be for Bush in spite of the inconsistency you point to, brother slade. And I do agree with your concern. Obviously, I am not voting my faith and you are -- and I am thinking that both have a place in the political process. If I were selecting an Elder, Bush would not be my choice. But I am selecting a President, of course, and, for me, the rules are different. The President is one who represents the people of this country -- all of them. Which man best accomplishes that? And two words are important to me in that question. "Best" and "accomplish." GW does have conviction. He has been sorely criticized for his faith stance. In the first debate with Gore and Nader, it was Bush who named Christ as the most influential person in his life -- right there on TV, in front of God and everyone. And his faith message is clearly seen (by me, at least.) Paul said something once, that is one of the most profound comments I have ever read and it is --- I become all things, to all men so that by all means I might save some. Awesome. And I see that idea in Bush's attempt at being a (Christian) President for all the people. Who do I want as a commander and chief of the military and one who has the power of life and death for my boys? Not a typical Christian concern, I might add. My two youngest boys would be among the first in line to fight if things got that bad --- so my vote is extremely important to me. I don't look to Iraq as the major issue. Nor do I care that much about President Bush's way of dealing with the various gods of the people he governs. I care only about how he governs in comparison to those who run against him. It is not a religious decision -- it is a political one. I honestly see GW as one who is trying to apply his faith to the opportunity he has to govern. Right or wrong. I see him as one who is doing the best that he can do. Kerry is very much the opposite -- without a political conscience. The Constitutional Party candidate would not be able to accomplish anything if he, in fact, won the election. Keep in mind, that Bush is doing something I could not do. I could not be the President because many of my views as a Christian would make it an impossible task. In matters of faith, I personally, could make few if any compromises and "compromise" is the bedrock of the political decision making process. 

If I voted my faith -- without compromise -- well, I can't think of anyone I would vote for other than me and it would be wrong for me to be President. So, it is not a religious decision. 

JohnJohn. Have you ever considered that the qualifications of the elder are the same things that should be seen in every Christian man? Elders are simply other Christians, not a race of supermen or a group of men that are extra important to God. If Bush is living the normal Christian life, he should have those qualities, and should be evaluated by the qualities we see and the witness to God's grace that he is.
At least that's how I see it, but then I've been told that I am a stupid loser, so maybe what I say shpold be taken with a grain of salt.

Paul saw a higher standard, I believe. Cf. I Tim 3:1-13. He "rules" by the force of example, not position or institutional authority of any kind. ( I Pet 5:2,3). 

It is my opinion that the very first departure from 1st century standards within the Church was this idea that pastors are the primary decision makers, the Shepherd of the congregational "flock." 

What do you think?


RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-27 Thread ShieldsFamily

Was it slade -- whoever posted about Jesus not being allowed
at the RNC in song; if that is true (and time will tell), I am out of
here. I certainly do not believe voting is a Christian
function so it wll be easy to quit politics altogether.
That post from slade (?) was very upsetting to me. 
you are contradicting yourself. Can you see that If I
personally were running a Republican event I would NOT allow Christian/Jesus
songs, either. Why? Because the Republican Party is for ALL Americans, of ALL
faiths, and ALL races. The Rep Party is not, as you repeatedly state, the arm of God. It is
not a Church. It is a political party, which represents the most important
issues to Believers in America,
as well as to any intelligent, moral, economically wise American.

Actually, I am talking about freedom of speech which has nothing to do
with whether or not the Republican Party is the party of God. I think I
am understanding your point -- not sure if you are understanding
mine. Banning the use of the name Jesus because of
projected emotional injury or insult does not hold water with me.
It is a compromise that denies the principle of free speech. I will
not support anything organization that does not permit me the freedom to
include comments about my faith. 

Apparently you dont quite get it yet, John. What
I think was said that AT A POLITICAL RALLY the Republicans did not allow songs
ABOUT JESUS. This is NOT a free-speech issue. (duh!)
This is an issue of what is APPROPRIATE at a NON-SECTARIAN POLITICAL
RALLY. It is NOT a church meetingtherefore hymns are not
appropriate!!! Patriotic songs would
be appropriate. GWB is the President of EVERY AmericanNOT just
Christians!!! To push Jesus in their faces because of his political power would
be an insult the Christ. Jesus is not a vacuum sweeper; He does not need
to be peddled like one! Give Him some reverence, please.

If you were having a church
service I think you would forbid someone to make an appearance to plug Amway.
Because you were against free speech? NO. Because it would not be
an appropriate venue for selling soap products. There is a time and
a place for everything. Where is your COMMON SENSE? What if your favorite
political candidate was a Jew and he wanted the Torah recited at every rally?
Wouldnt you think that was out of place? Or a Moslem who wanted to
sing the Koran? Terry, on the other hand wants Jesus peddled at every
venue. I guess he thinks that the Republican Party IS the party of God,
rather than the party of ALL Americans. Izzy

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-27 Thread Jonathan Hughes

Hi John,

The conference wraps up tonight. I will
give a report on it later this week. I did spend some good time with Baxter
including dinner Friday night.


Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004
8:24 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat

Jonathan, since your are up, did you get in on any of the time with Baxter


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Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-27 Thread Jeff Powers

I'm breaking a self-imposed silence regarding this 
thread. I think Terry is the only one making any sense of this can of 
 Politicians, both believers and 
non-believers are little more than puppets of special interest 
groups. Not since before the American Civil War has politics 
and Governmentbeen anywhere close to being legitimately By, For and Of the 
People! The framers of our constitition saw the truth in the sages words,"Power 
corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." That is the reason that 
they wrote the Constitution the way they did, when govt. becomes corrupt, it is 
up to the people to put down the corruption. The original constitution saw no 
need for a federal military as we know it today. Consequently, we were free and 
obligated by that Constitution to overthrow a corrupt govt. But, by the time of 
the Civil War Americans had given up that right! A result of this apathy was the 
USA then had a govt. police force (the military) to do the bidding of the rich 
and powerful privledged few who then pulled the strings of the politicians. Our 
rights have continually eroded away to the point that we are now at the mercy of 
the rich and powerful puppet masters that control the govt., if We The People 
demanded an abolition of the current govt. and revolted as was our right(it's no 
longer possible, the A. Lincoln administration and the congress of that day saw 
to it that we cannot toss out the govt. and start anew)we could possibly 
correct the system.
 That being now impossible, I see no 
reason for us to fool ourselves into beliving that we can make a difference. 
Look at the last Presidential election (and for those of you old enough, 
remember Dewey beat Roosevelt!, Lincoln and Douglas), now how can anyone 
tell me they honestly belive in this corrupt system?
 Personally, I belive God can, does 
and will use anyone, believer or not,(hey, even human or not; Baalam's Donkey!) 
to achieve His desired outcome. Believers need to quit arguing about 
politics and get back to God's buisness and word. Remember, another sage 
said,"Politics and Religion do not mix."

  - Original Message - 
  Terry Clifton 
  Republican party is anything but the party of God. Why do you want to 
  keep Jesus locked up in a church house when the world needs to hear about 
  him? Would it be terrible if a president who claims to be a tool of God 
  promoted that same God to unbelievers? Would that be peddling, or 
  testifying?Honest well thought out answers 

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-27 Thread Slade Henson

spoken, Jeff.

I was 
going into politics in Denver Colorado back in the 80s. As I delved into the 
system and watched those who would be my [political] peers, I noticed a 
disturbing trend
of the men and women enter the foray with wonderful intention. They 
planned to change this and that and to make the county, state, or Federal 
Government abetter, happier place. Unfortunately one thing stood in each 
and every person's way. MONEY.

is needed to run a campaign. All this money -- even money from private 
institutions and individuals -- come with strings attached. The really big money 
have hawser [really big rope] attached. If a candidate who wins does not keep 
the promises attached as "riders" to this money, there is no money for the next 
campaign. Also there's the scandals that suddenly appear against candidates who 
vote their conscience and not the "riders."

who manage to begin change either die on the altar of political shame or 
they die.


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Jeff 
  PowersSent: Monday, 27 September, 2004 20.28To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  I'm breaking a self-imposed silence regarding this 
  thread. I think Terry is the only one making any sense of this can of 
   Politicians, both believers and 
  non-believers are little more than puppets of special interest 
  groups. Not since before the American Civil War has politics 
  and Governmentbeen anywhere close to being legitimately By, For and Of 
  the People! The framers of our constitition saw the truth in the sages 
  words,"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." That is 
  the reason that they wrote the Constitution the way they did, when govt. 
  becomes corrupt, it is up to the people to put down the corruption. The 
  original constitution saw no need for a federal military as we know it today. 
  Consequently, we were free and obligated by that Constitution to overthrow a 
  corrupt govt. But, by the time of the Civil War Americans had given up that 
  right! A result of this apathy was the USA then had a govt. police force (the 
  military) to do the bidding of the rich and powerful privledged few who then 
  pulled the strings of the politicians. Our rights have continually eroded away 
  to the point that we are now at the mercy of the rich and powerful puppet 
  masters that control the govt., if We The People demanded an abolition of the 
  current govt. and revolted as was our right(it's no longer possible, the A. 
  Lincoln administration and the congress of that day saw to it that we cannot 
  toss out the govt. and start anew)we could possibly correct the 
   That being now impossible, I see no 
  reason for us to fool ourselves into beliving that we can make a difference. 
  Look at the last Presidential election (and for those of you old enough, 
  remember Dewey beat Roosevelt!, Lincoln and Douglas), now how can anyone 
  tell me they honestly belive in this corrupt system?
   Personally, I belive God can, does 
  and will use anyone, believer or not,(hey, even human or not; Baalam's 
  Donkey!) to achieve His desired outcome. Believers need to quit arguing 
  about politics and get back to God's buisness and word. Remember, another sage 
  said,"Politics and Religion do not mix."
- Original Message - 
Terry Clifton 
Republican party is anything but the party of God. Why do you want to 
keep Jesus locked up in a church house when the world needs to hear about 
him? Would it be terrible if a president who claims to be a tool of 
God promoted that same God to unbelievers? Would that be peddling, or 
testifying?Honest well thought out answers 

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-27 Thread Jonathan Hughes

Izzy, your posts in the last few days have
included a lot of bold and capital letters. Are you aware that they make
it look as if you are yelling? Are you as angry as your posts make you

The same President Bush has repeatedly and
unequivocally testified that his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the same God
that is worshipped by Muslims: Allah. Does this in any way frighten you?
Does Bush believing that Allah is just another way to God (actually is the same
God) set off any red flags in your mind? Is Jesus the only way to the
Father? Are you aware of how Jesus is thought of in Islamic
thought? Do you agree with President Bush that Allah is God?


Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004
7:42 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat

ShieldsFamily wrote: 

Izzy in red below:

Terry, WHERE
have you been for the past four plus years, while President Bush REPEATEDLY and
UNEQUIVOCABLY testified of his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? Why
would you accuse him of not testifying? How many other Presidents have EVER
done that, or clearly gave their testimony as he has? 

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Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-27 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 9/27/2004 4:40:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Apparently you dont quite get it yet, John. What I think was said that AT A POLITICAL RALLY the Republicans did not allow songs ABOUT JESUS. This is NOT a free-speech issue. (duh!) This is an issue of what is APPROPRIATE at a NON-SECTARIAN POLITICAL RALLY. It is NOT a church meetingtherefore hymns are not appropriate!!! Patriotic songs would be appropriate. GWB is the President of EVERY AmericanNOT just Christians!!! To push Jesus in their faces because of his political power would be an insult the Christ. Jesus is not a vacuum sweeper; He does not need to be peddled like one! Give Him some reverence, please.

Palse. This is so bogess that it is surprising. Let's take "in God we Trust" off our money -- or is it appropriate to mention the Father but not the Son???


If you were having a church service I think you would forbid someone to make an appearance to plug Amway. Because you were against free speech? NO. Because it would not be an appropriate venue for selling soap products. There is a time and a place for everything. Where is your COMMON SENSE? What if your favorite political candidate was a Jew and he wanted the Torah recited at every rally? Wouldnt you think that was out of place? Or a Moslem who wanted to sing the Koran? Terry, on the other hand wants Jesus peddled at every venue. I guess he thinks that the Republican Party IS the party of God, rather than the party of ALL Americans. Izzy

This is the very argument used by the godless in our society. Precisely. It is always appropriate to mention Jesus -- always. It is not always popular, however. Our country was founded, in part, on Christian principles. Why do we call it it "Christian?" If our country is or was founded on Christian principles, then it is appropriate to speak the Name. You have already been influenced by secularism on this point. I hasten to add that this does not effect your sisterhood -- but you are clearly mistaken. 


RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-27 Thread ShieldsFamily

I think that's nice. Don't force anyone to
accept Christ. Just the mention of Jesus' name would probably force a
bunch of them to be saved against their will. We can't have people in
Heaven who don't want to be there, can we, even if they are Republicans.
You and W just keep on with what you are doing. That's nice. What
was I thinking? 

do you honestly think it is the right venue to just mention Jesus
name at a political rally? In what manner? By whom? For what purpose?
How many will that save I lay awake at night worrying about all the
poor people who didnt get saved at the last political rally. Or
the last baseball game. Or at the grocery checkout line. Or at the
license bureau. Really. Izzy

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-27 Thread ShieldsFamily

What a bunch of NEGATIVE thinkers. If I
didnt know better, Id think you were Democrats. Izzy

Behalf Of Slade Henson
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004
8:08 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat

Well spoken, Jeff.

I was going into politics in Denver Colorado
back in the 80s. As I delved into the system and watched those who would be my
[political] peers, I noticed a disturbing trend

Most of the men and women enter the
foray with wonderful intention. They planned to change this and that and to
make the county, state, or Federal Government abetter, happier place.
Unfortunately one thing stood in each and every person's way. MONEY.

Money is needed to run a campaign. All
this money -- even money from private institutions and individuals -- come with
strings attached. The really big money have hawser [really big rope] attached.
If a candidate who wins does not keep the promises attached as
riders to this money, there is no money for the next campaign. Also
there's the scandals that suddenly appear against candidates who vote their
conscience and not the riders.

Those who manage to begin change either
die on the altar of political shame or they die.

-- slade

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Jeff Powers
Sent: Monday, 27 September, 2004
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat

I'm breaking a self-imposed
silence regarding this thread. I think Terry is the only one making any
sense of this can of worms! 

both believers and non-believers are little more than puppets of special
interest groups. Not since before the American
Civil War has politics and Governmentbeen anywhere close to being
legitimately By, For and Of the People! The framers of our constitition saw the
truth in the sages words,Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts
absolutely. That is the reason that they wrote the Constitution the
way they did, when govt. becomes corrupt, it is up to the people to put down
the corruption. The original constitution saw no need for a federal military as
we know it today. Consequently, we were free and obligated by that Constitution
to overthrow a corrupt govt. But, by the time of the Civil War Americans had
given up that right! A result of this apathy was the USA then had a govt. police force
(the military) to do the bidding of the rich and powerful privledged few who
then pulled the strings of the politicians. Our rights have continually eroded
away to the point that we are now at the mercy of the rich and powerful puppet
masters that control the govt., if We The People demanded an abolition of the
current govt. and revolted as was our right(it's no longer possible, the A.
Lincoln administration and the congress of that day saw to it that we cannot
toss out the govt. and start anew)we could possibly correct the system.

 That being now
impossible, I see no reason for us to fool ourselves into beliving that we can
make a difference. Look at the last Presidential election (and for those of you
old enough, remember Dewey beat Roosevelt!,
Lincoln and Douglas), now how can anyone tell me they honestly belive in this
corrupt system?

 Personally, I
belive God can, does and will use anyone, believer or not,(hey, even human or
not; Baalam's Donkey!) to achieve His desired outcome. Believers need to
quit arguing about politics and get back to God's buisness and word. Remember,
another sage said,Politics and Religion do not mix.


- Original Message - 

From: Terry

The Republican party is anything but the party of God. Why do you want to
keep Jesus locked up in a church house when the world needs to hear about
him? Would it be terrible if a president who claims to be a tool of God
promoted that same God to unbelievers? Would that be peddling, or

Honest well thought out answers please.

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-27 Thread ShieldsFamily

Jonathan, I am fed up with your incessant
complaining and harping. NOTHING IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR JONATHAN. There, did I
sound like I was YELLING? Izzy

Behalf Of Jonathan Hughes
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004
8:09 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat

Izzy, your posts in the last few days have
included a lot of bold and capital letters. Are you aware that they make
it look as if you are yelling? Are you as angry as your posts make you

The same President Bush has repeatedly and
unequivocally testified that his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the same God
that is worshipped by Muslims: Allah. Does this in any way frighten
you? Does Bush believing that Allah is just another way to God (actually
is the same God) set off any red flags in your mind? Is Jesus the only
way to the Father? Are you aware of how Jesus is thought of in Islamic
thought? Do you agree with President Bush that Allah is God?


Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004
7:42 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat

ShieldsFamily wrote: 

Izzy in red below:

Terry, WHERE
have you been for the past four plus years, while President Bush REPEATEDLY and
UNEQUIVOCABLY testified of his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? Why
would you accuse him of not testifying? How many other Presidents have EVER
done that, or clearly gave their testimony as he has? 

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Version: 6.0.766 / Virus Database: 513 - Release Date: 9/17/2004

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-27 Thread ShieldsFamily

You on TT are all (except Michael and Judy)
such a bunch of negative losers.
I think Ill take a vacation from you for a while as you are sincerely getting
on my last nerve. I have better things to do than trying to instill some sense
into you. Have a nice time watching Bush win the election. Izzy

Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004
8:29 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat

In a message dated 9/27/2004 4:40:13 PM Pacific Daylight
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Apparently you dont quite get it yet, John. What I think was said
that AT A POLITICAL RALLY the Republicans did not allow songs ABOUT
JESUS. This is NOT a free-speech issue. (duh!) This is an
NOT a church meetingtherefore hymns are not appropriate!!! Patriotic
songs would be appropriate. GWB
is the President of EVERY AmericanNOT just Christians!!! To push Jesus in
their faces because of his political power would be an insult the Christ.
Jesus is not a vacuum sweeper; He does not need to be peddled like one! Give
Him some reverence, please.

This is so bogess that it is surprising. Let's take in
God we Trust off our money -- or is it appropriate to mention
the Father but not the Son???


If you were having a
church service I think you would forbid someone to make an appearance to plug
Amway. Because you were against free speech? NO. Because it would not
be an appropriate venue for selling soap products. There is a time
and a place for everything. Where is your COMMON SENSE? What if
your favorite political candidate was a Jew and he wanted the Torah recited at
every rally? Wouldnt you think that was out of place? Or a Moslem who
wanted to sing the Koran? Terry, on the other hand wants Jesus peddled at
every venue. I guess he thinks that the Republican Party IS the party of
God, rather than the party of ALL Americans. Izzy

This is the very argument used by the godless in our society.
Precisely. It is always appropriate to mention Jesus --
always. It is not always popular, however. Our country
was founded, in part, on Christian principles. Why do we call
it it Christian? If our country is or was founded on
Christian principles, then it is appropriate to speak the Name. You have
already been influenced by secularism on this point. I hasten to
add that this does not effect your sisterhood -- but you are
clearly mistaken. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-27 Thread ttxpress

thisisyour reason for 

On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 21:56:07 -0500 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  I have better things 
  to do than trying to instill some sense into you. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-26 Thread Dave Hansen

DAVEH: Hm againWould you consider Jesus to have been cultish,
if that is the right term? Or perhaps a better question, would he have
been considered to have been the founder (or focal point) of a cult?

In a message dated 9/25/2004 12:54:01
AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DAVEH: Hm.Can Jesus be classified as either a liberal or

By political definition, Jesus was a liberal (I hate to admit this).
And most "conservatives"n our day would have defended the status quo of
the 1st century.

 Dave Hansen
 If you wish to receive
 things I find interesting,
 I maintain Five email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-26 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 9/25/2004 11:14:53 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DAVEH: Hm againWould you consider Jesus to have been cultish, if that is the right term? Or perhaps a better question, would he have been considered to have been the founder (or focal point) of a cult?

Not at all. His gospel, given full revelation in the writings of Paul and others, simply mirrors the "hidden: agenda of the Father from the beginning of time. An example of this would be David's comments in Ps 51, telling all those who would read that psalm that God cares more for true worship (brokenness and contribtion than prescribed acts of worship [i.e. sacrifices], even if they were presecibed by Him. The message has always been there -- it got lost in man's evolving effort at solving his own problems in his own way. 


a brother,


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-26 Thread Terry Clifton

Dave Hansen wrote:

DAVEH: Hm againWould you consider Jesus to have been cultish,
if that is the right term? Or perhaps a better question, would he have
been considered to have been the founder (or focal point) of a cult?

Cult leader is exactly how He was viewed by the chief priest, and

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-26 Thread ShieldsFamily

DAVEH: Hm.Can Jesus be classified as either a liberal or

By political definition, Jesus was a liberal (I hate to admit this). And
most conservativesn our day would have defended the status quo of
the 1st century.


In all seriousness, I think the question
is not Can Jesus be classified as either a liberal or conservative?
The question is, Which of those two philosophies today most reflects
Jesus? You know what I think of that. Izzy

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-26 Thread Terry Clifton

ShieldsFamily wrote:


  In all
seriousness, I think the question
is not Can Jesus be classified
as either a liberal or conservative?
  The question is, Which of
those two philosophies today most reflects
Jesus? You know what I think of that. Izzy

Good thinking Iz.

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-26 Thread Dave Hansen

DAVEH: How do you think the prevailing establishment would have
perceived him, John?

In a message dated 9/25/2004 11:14:53
PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
DAVEH: Hm againWould you consider Jesus to have been cultish,
if that is the right term? Or perhaps a better question, would he have
been considered to have been the founder (or focal point) of a cult?
Not at all. His gospel, given full revelation in the writings of Paul
and others, simply mirrors the "hidden: agenda of the Father from the
beginning of time. An example of this would be David's comments in
Ps 51, telling all those who would read that psalm that God cares more
for true worship (brokenness and contribtion than prescribed acts of
worship [i.e. sacrifices], even if they were presecibed by Him. The
message has always been there -- it got lost in man's evolving effort
at solving his own problems in his own way. 
a brother,

 Dave Hansen
 If you wish to receive
 things I find interesting,
 I maintain Five email lists...

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-26 Thread Slade Henson

think Jesus was a liberal... but He was a religious liberal. He was not a 
political liberal. After all, He seemed to suggest a more passive stance against 
Rome than the Zealots.

would not have been cultic. He was a House Hillel Pharisee who spoke against the 
conservative [religious] position held by House Shammai Pharisees. In fact, He 
spoke vehemently against them often (remember the "Woe to you" phrases)? [For 
more information on this topic, see the book... Jesus the Pharisee..." if you 
can find it affordable!]

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Dave 
  HansenSent: Sunday, 26 September, 2004 12.23To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  DemocratDAVEH: How do you think the prevailing 
  establishment would have perceived him, John?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  In a message dated 9/25/2004 11:14:53 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
DAVEH: Hm againWould you consider 
  Jesus to have been cultish, if that is the right term? Or 
  perhaps a better question, would he have been considered to have been the 
  founder (or focal point) of a cult?Not at 
all. His gospel, given full revelation in the writings of Paul and 
others, simply mirrors the "hidden: agenda of the Father from the beginning 
of time. An example of this would be David's 
comments in Ps 51, telling all those who would read that psalm that God 
cares more for true worship (brokenness and contribtion than prescribed acts 
of worship [i.e. sacrifices], even if they were presecibed by 
Him. The message has always been there -- it got lost in 
man's evolving effort at solving his own problems in his own way. 
IMOa brother,John-- 
 Dave Hansen
 If you wish to receive
 things I find interesting,
 I maintain Five email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-26 Thread Jeff Powers

As near as I can tell, a copy of this book is around 
$100 right now! I wish mine would hurry up and get here! On a serious note 
Slade, you just confirmed a musing of mine from a couple of years ago. Now I 
know I'll enjoy this book!

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  think Jesus was a liberal... but He was a religious liberal. He was not a 
  political liberal. After all, He seemed to suggest a more passive stance 
  against Rome than the Zealots.
  Yeshua would not have been cultic. He was a House Hillel Pharisee who 
  spoke against the conservative [religious] position held by House Shammai 
  Pharisees. In fact, He spoke vehemently against them often (remember the "Woe 
  to you" phrases)? [For more information on this topic, see the book... Jesus 
  the Pharisee..." if you can find it affordable!]
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Dave 
HansenSent: Sunday, 26 September, 2004 12.23To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
DemocratDAVEH: How do you think the prevailing 
establishment would have perceived him, John?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
In a message dated 9/25/2004 11:14:53 PM Pacific 
  Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  DAVEH: Hm againWould you 
consider Jesus to have been cultish, if that is the right 
term? Or perhaps a better question, would he have been considered 
to have been the founder (or focal point) of a 
  cult?Not at all. His gospel, given full 
  revelation in the writings of Paul and others, simply mirrors the "hidden: 
  agenda of the Father from the beginning of time. 
  An example of this would be David's comments in Ps 51, telling all those 
  who would read that psalm that God cares more for true worship (brokenness 
  and contribtion than prescribed acts of worship [i.e. 
  sacrifices], even if they were presecibed by Him. The message 
  has always been there -- it got lost in man's evolving effort at 
  solving his own problems in his own way. IMOa 
 Dave Hansen
 If you wish to receive
 things I find interesting,
 I maintain Five email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-26 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 9/26/2004 7:26:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DAVEH: Hm.Can Jesus be classified as either a liberal or conservative?

By political definition, Jesus was a liberal (I hate to admit this). And most "conservatives"n our day would have defended the status quo of the 1st century.



In all seriousness, I think the question is not Can Jesus be classified as either a liberal or conservative? The question is, Which of those two philosophies today most reflects Jesus? You know what I think of that. Izzy

And what is the "conservative philosphy?" Is one a conservative if he believes in states rights, a decreasing federal reality, balanced budgets, a dynamic national defense system and a woman's right to choose? 

Or, what if one is pro-life, prayer in schools, pro medical mariwana, and anti - gun. 

Or, what if one is pro-life, pro prayer in schools, pro "in God we trust," for state's rights, for balance budgets, pro national defgense, pro traditional marriage, anti-gay (whatever that is), anti-NEA, for closing the borders by force if necessary and pro socialized medicine? 

Or, what if he did not have time for politics of any kind, did not vote, and minitered to hundreds of individuals each and every year? 


RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-26 Thread ShieldsFamily

Izzy in red below.

Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004
3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat

In a message dated 9/26/2004 7:26:51 AM Pacific Daylight
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DAVEH: Hm.Can Jesus be classified as either a liberal or

By political definition, Jesus was a liberal (I hate to admit this). And
most conservativesn our day would have defended the status quo of
the 1st century.


all seriousness, I think the question is not Can
Jesus be classified as either a liberal or conservative? The question is, Which
of those two philosophies today most reflects Jesus? You know what I
think of that. Izzy

And what is the conservative philosphy? Is one a
conservative if he believes in states rights, a decreasing federal
reality, balanced budgets, a dynamic national defense system and a woman's
right to choose? 

Or, what if one is pro-life, prayer in schools, pro medical mariwana, and
anti - gun. 

Or, what if one is pro-life, pro prayer in schools, pro in God we
trust, for state's rights, for balance budgets, pro national
defgense, pro traditional marriage, anti-gay (whatever that is),
anti-NEA, for closing the borders by force if necessary and pro
socialized medicine? 

Or, what if he did not have time for politics of any kind, did not vote, and
minitered to hundreds of individuals each and every year? 


What is
your problem, John? Izzy

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-25 Thread Dave Hansen

DAVEH: Hm.Can Jesus be classified as either a liberal or


  FW: Republican or Democrat

  On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 15:06:04 -0500 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Republican or Democrat



 Dave Hansen
 If you wish to receive
 things I find interesting,
 I maintain Five email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-25 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 9/25/2004 12:54:01 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DAVEH: Hm.Can Jesus be classified as either a liberal or conservative?

By political definition, Jesus was a liberal (I hate to admit this). And most "conservatives"n our day would have defended the status quo of the 1st century.


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-24 Thread ttxpress
Title: FW: Republican or Democrat


On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 15:06:04 -0500 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Republican or Democrat ||

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-24 Thread Hughes Jonathan
Title: FW: Republican or Democrat

Hi Izzy,

Nice joke. Jokes and stories are nice when one 
wants to avoid facts.

The facts: More people are below the poverty line 
since Bush took office than before. More poverty, more homeless. 
This is what conservative compassion is all about.

An estimated 850 000 people are 
homeless in the United States on any given night, according to advocates for the 
homeless.About 45 million people were without health care insurance for 
part of 2003, according to a US Census Bureau report published last 
week.The report showed that since Bush took office in 2001, 4,3 million 
people have fallen below the poverty line. That brought the number of people 
living in poverty in 2003 to 35,9 million, or 12,5 percent of the 
population.Several thousand protesters representing groups called Still 
We Rise and Housing Works marched to within two blocks of Madison Square Garden 
accusing Republicans of ignoring the plight of the poor and those living with 
HIV and Aids."Today's march is about the reality of the Republicans' 
compassion agenda," said Michael Kink of Housing Works."They talk the 
talk but they do not walk the walk on AIDS, homelessness and poverty. We have 
more AIDS, more homelessness and more extreme poverty than we did four years 

Jonathan Hughes

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
ShieldsFamilySent: Friday, September 24, 2004 4:06 
PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [TruthTalk] 
Republican or Democrat

Subject: Republican 
or Democrat A Republican and a Democrat were 
walking down the street when they cameto a homeless person. The 
Republican gave the homeless person hisbusiness card and told him to 
come to his business for a job. He thentook twenty dollars out of his pocket 
and gave it to the homelessperson.The Democrat was very 
impressed, and when they came to another homelessperson, he decided to 
help. He walked over to the homeless person andgave him 
directions to the welfare office. He then reached into theRepublican's 
pocket and got out twenty dollars. He kept 15 forAdministrative Fees 
and gave the homeless person five.Now you understand the 
difference between Republicans and 

This e-mail and any attachments contain confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy any copies. Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal. Thank you for your cooperation in connection with the above.

Ce courriel ainsi que tous les documents sy rattachant contiennent de linformation confidentielle et privilgie.  Si vous ntes pas le destinataire vis, s.v.p. en informer immdiatement son expditeur par retour de courriel, effacer le message et dtruire toute copie (lectronique ou autre).   Toute diffusion ou utilisation  de cette information par une personne autre que le destinataire vis est interdite et peut tre illgale.  Merci de votre coopration relativement au message susmentionn.

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-24 Thread ShieldsFamily
Title: FW: Republican or Democrat

Oh here we go on yet another tirade against Bush.  You just cannot stick to one
subject before you start bouncing off the walls on several tangents. What would
you do for a life if you couldnt bash President Bush? Fortunately for me, I
have better things to do.  Enjoy yourself.  Izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hughes Jonathan
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004
2:23 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat

Hi Izzy,

Nice joke. Jokes and stories are
nice when one wants to avoid facts.

The facts: More people are below the
poverty line since Bush took office than before. More poverty, more
homeless. This is what conservative compassion is all about.

An estimated 850 000 people are homeless
in the United States
on any given night, according to advocates for the homeless.

About 45 million people were without health care insurance for part of 2003,
according to a US Census Bureau report published last week.

The report showed that since Bush took office in 2001, 4,3 million people have
fallen below the poverty line. That brought the number of people living in
poverty in 2003 to 35,9 million, or 12,5 percent of the population.

Several thousand protesters representing groups called Still We Rise and
Housing Works marched to within two blocks of Madison Square
 Garden accusing
Republicans of ignoring the plight of the poor and those living with HIV and

Today's march is about the reality of the Republicans' compassion
agenda, said Michael Kink of Housing Works.

They talk the talk but they do not walk the walk on AIDS, homelessness
and poverty. We have more AIDS, more homelessness and more extreme poverty than
we did four years ago.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ShieldsFamily
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004
4:06 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Republican or

Subject: Republican
or Democrat 

Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came
to a homeless person. The Republican gave the homeless person his
business card and told him to come to his business for a job. He then
took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless

The Democrat was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless
person, he decided to help. He walked over to the homeless
person and
gave him directions to the welfare office. He then reached into the
Republican's pocket and got out twenty dollars. He kept 15 for
Administrative Fees and gave the homeless person five.

Now you understand the difference between Republicans and Democrats

This e-mail and any attachments contain confidential and privileged
information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender
immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy any copies. Any
dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended
recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal. Thank you for your cooperation in
connection with the above.

Ce courriel ainsi que tous les documents sy rattachant contiennent de
linformation confidentielle et privilégiée. Si vous nêtes pas le destinataire
visé, s.v.p. en informer immédiatement son expéditeur par retour de courriel,
effacer le message et détruire toute copie (électronique ou autre). Toute
diffusion ou utilisation de cette information par une personne autre que le
destinataire visé est interdite et peut être illégale. Merci de votre
coopération relativement au message susmentionné. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-24 Thread ttxpress
Title: FW: Republican or Democrat

who would crucify him for 

On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 15:29:03 -0500 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  He would vote 
  Republican, obviously. Must you ask? Izzy
  On Behalf Of 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 2:23 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 15:06:04 -0500 "ShieldsFamily" 

Republican or Democrat ||
  G ~ P 235

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-24 Thread ShieldsFamily
Title: FW: Republican or Democrat


Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004
3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat

who would crucify him for that?

On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 15:29:03 -0500 ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

He would vote Republican, obviously.
Must you ask? Izzy

Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004
2:23 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
Republican or Democrat


On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 15:06:04 -0500 ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subject: Republican
or Democrat 

G ~ P 235

RE: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-24 Thread Slade Henson
Title: FW: Republican or Democrat

can't resistthis is hysterical. I'm cracking up 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of 
  ShieldsFamilySent: Friday, 24 September, 2004 
  17.58To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: 
  [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat
  On Behalf Of 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 3:14 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 
  who would crucify him for 
  On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 15:29:03 -0500 "ShieldsFamily" 
He would vote 
Republican, obviously. Must you ask? Izzy

On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 2:23 
PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or 


On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 15:06:04 -0500 "ShieldsFamily" 

  Republican or Democrat ||

  G ~ P 

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-24 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 9/24/2004 1:24:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

An estimated 850 000 people are homeless in the United States on any given night, according to advocates for the homeless.

These people are provided for -- at least here in Fresno. This number indicates nothing of any real consequence. If so what? 

About 45 million people were without health care insurance for part of 2003, according to a US Census Bureau report published last week.

Understand that this figure is one which relates to private health care insurance. Somewhere around 19 million of this 45 million total are children fully covered in the community health care system. In California, it is against the law to turn away a child who has come to the hospital for health care. Another 15 million of this 45 million total are those who moved from one job to another, loosing their insurance but only for a time. The actual number of those who have no coverage is 11 million -- and that does need to be given some attention. 

The report showed that since Bush took office in 2001, 4,3 million people have fallen below the poverty line. That brought the number of people living in poverty in 2003 to 35,9 million, or 12,5 percent of the population.

Nearly all of these people are young people in their 20's or younger and uneducated or untrained for better paying jobs. It is a transitory number -- the number remaining somewhat constant while most of the particular individuals, in time, move out of this total. My youngest daughter and her husband live on around $10,000 per year. She owns a new car. All of the furniture inside their very small home is new. They have a child -- four months old. Things are good for them. The fact that money is lean, that they are below the "poverty line," is not the problem. The problem is money management -- not poverty. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-24 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 9/24/2004 2:59:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:



Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat


who would crucify him for that?


On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 15:29:03 -0500 "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

He would vote Republican, obviously. Must you ask? Izzy


Ok -- you got a laugh out of me on this one.


Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-09-24 Thread Terry Clifton

Hughes Jonathan wrote:

  FW: Republican or Democrat

  Hi Izzy,
  Nice joke. Jokes and
stories are nice when one wants to avoid facts.
  The facts: More people are
below the poverty line since Bush took office than before. More
poverty, more homeless. This is what conservative compassion is all
estimated 850 000 people are homeless in the United States on any given
night, according to advocates for the homeless.
About 45 million people were without health care insurance for part of
2003, according to a US Census Bureau report published last week.
The report showed that since Bush took office in 2001, 4,3 million
people have fallen below the poverty line. That brought the number of
people living in poverty in 2003 to 35,9 million, or 12,5 percent of
the population.
Several thousand protesters representing groups called Still We Rise
and Housing Works marched to within two blocks of Madison Square Garden
accusing Republicans of ignoring the plight of the poor and those
living with HIV and Aids.
"Today's march is about the reality of the Republicans' compassion
agenda," said Michael Kink of Housing Works.
"They talk the talk but they do not walk the walk on AIDS, homelessness
and poverty. We have more AIDS, more homelessness and more extreme
poverty than we did four years ago."

Poverty can be traced to dishonesty and greed on the part of employers,
or it can be traced to lazyness on the part of an indiviidual. Most
people who have AIDS cannot blame the republicans and should not hold
government responsible for their poor moral standards. Most homeless,
including some relatives of mine, fall into a somewhat similar
situation. If you don't work, you don't eat. I read that last line
somewhere. Oh yeah, the Bible.
mean spirited Terry