Merged changes from M1 branch into the head stream

2006-06-21 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino
I merged the changes from the M1 branch into the main stream This 
includes changes to some of the pom.xml files to generate correct 
manifest files and changes to the readme, license and notice files to 
include them in the generated JARs. The merge process was a little 
complicated so could the people working on the various components please 
check that I didn't mess up or miss anything? Thanks.


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Re: Version number in pom.xml

2006-06-21 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Daniel Kulp wrote:


is probably the technical version number we should be using.   It 
specifically states we are working on the snapshot version 
of 1.0-incubating-M2 which I assume will be the version we use when we 
release M2.


On Tuesday June 20 2006 12:29 pm, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

We currently have versionincubating-M1/version in all our pom.xml
files. What do you think we should use now?

Any opinions?


This makes sense to me but what do others think?

If I remember correctly at some point I had proposed 0.9 and some of us 
thought that a 0.9 version number could give false expectations in terms 
of stability/completeness. Are we running the same risk with a 
1.0-incubating-M2? Or do you think that having -M2 at the end makes it 
clear that this will only be a Milestone release and not a 1.0 release?

If there is no objections, I'll change the version numbers to 
1.0-incubating-M2 on Thursday morning.


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Tuscany SPI interfaces

2006-06-21 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino
I'm trying to implement the sample ruby extension and running into some 

I'm implementing an AtomicComponentContext (with the code in the head 
stream) and also trying the equivalent AtomicComponent with some of the 
code in the sandbox. I want to be able to implement my extension class 
without having to depend on base Tuscany runtime implementation classes, 
so I'm just implementing the SPI interfaces.

Unless I missed something (and it's very possible since I don't 
understand all the pieces yet) here's what I found:
- with the code in the head, my AtomicComponentContext needs to 
implement 15 methods;

- with the code in the sandbox, I have to implement 25 methods.

And this is just one class, I'm not even implementing the builders or 
invokers yet... I think that in both cases this is too much.

It looks like the experiment in the sandbox is attempting to provide a 
simpler programming model for these extensions by hiding some of the 
complexity in base implementation classes, but I think it will be better 
to define a set of independent interfaces and make some of them 
optional. In other words if my extension does not wish to implement one 
of the interfaces, then it just doesn't need to, and the runtime should 
assume some default behavior, instead of forcing me to implement all the 
25 methods...

Another thought is to allow the contract to be implemented with multiple 
objects specialized in each aspect instead of one big object with 25 

As I'm going through the implementation of the ruby component 
implementation extension, I'm trying to come up with a short list of 
requirements and methods that I think we really need to implement, and 
with that list I'd like us to prototype simpler SPI interfaces. If 
anybody is interested in helping, please feel free to jump in, it would 
really be great if we could do a binding extension in parallel, and also 
if the people who actually developed some of the existing extensions 
could come up with the requirements they've seen in terms of SPI and 
proposals to improve our extensibility story.



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Re: move of to core2

2006-06-21 Thread Jim Marino

On Jun 20, 2006, at 10:37 AM, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Jim Marino wrote:
In trying to eliminate reliance on core2 by in the  
sandbox and have it only rely on the extensibility SPI, it  
occurred to me that this would mandate moving a lot of  
implementation classes from core2 into SPI. I believe having as a separate project rely on core2 is the wrong  
approach. This leaves three options:

- move the required classes to SPI
- make not dependent on core classes by duplicating  

- merging with core.

I think moving the classes to SPI is not the best approach since  
they are implementations.   Having duplicate classes does not seem  
to be the optimal approach either as that will result in a  
maintenance burden and a lot of code repetition.  As background,  
the sharing of classes between core2 and arises  
from the fact that the runtime uses a POJO model to assemble  
system services, and hence there is commonality between the two.

I prefer to do the latter as it appears to be the cleanest. Also,  
java.container is not a very good example of how to extend the  
recursive core due to its advanced capabilities. I'd rather  
include a simple Java container geared to demonstrating how to  
extend the runtime. It would be helpful if people provide input  
over the next day...I plan to implement choice 3 tomorrow if there  
are no alternatives.


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I would prefer another option: Define a clean SPI contract with  
just interfaces so that containers (component implementation  
extensions) do not have to depend on internal classes from the core  
project. I thought that it was the reason for having an SPI project  
separate from core.
I think that the core runtime and the java container should be  
decoupled with clean interface-based contracts between the two.  
What are the technical issues preventing us from achieving that?

That's exactly what we have, a clean SPI with mostly interfaces. and core, however, both use java Pojo's (system  
services, and Java CI components) so there are some common  
reflection and injection related classes. It doesn't make sense to  
duplicate those classes and related test cases and maintain exact  
replicas in two different projects of a significant amount of code.  
On the other hand, keeping separate and referencing  
those core classes sends an unclear message to extension developers.  
The other option, putting the implementation classes in SPI is in my  
view also wrong for two reasons. First, they are implementation- 
related, Second, they are not things we want to expose in the SPI.

So, to recap, we have a separate SPI extension package that does not  
require extension developers to reference the core implementation.  
Core, for example, is built on SPI. The issue I was bringing up in  
this thread is that as core and share a significant  
amount of implementation, and is central to both SCA  
and the Java Tuscany implementation, it makes sense to combine the  
two as opposed to duplicating the shared implementation.



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Any recursive composition sample?

2006-06-21 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino
The last few weeks we've been talking about composites and recursive 
composition so much... and today I looked for a sample showing the new 
recursive composition model in our whole code base, including the head 
and our various sandboxes... and couldn't find any. I think it'll help 
all of us get our heads around this new model if we can see a few 
samples. Could somebody point me to a recursive composition sample if we 
have any and I missed it?

Is anybody curious and interested in trying to port a few of our 
existing samples to the new recursive model? I guess the update of the 
SCA spec describing the recursive composition is not public yet, but the 
materials presented at JavaOne are public as far as I know, and should 
be sufficient to develop samples leveraging the new recursive 
composition model.

If anybody is interested in developing sample scenarios that demonstrate 
the value of the recursive composition, please let me know, we can work 
together on this. I'd like to start this activity in parallel with the 
SPI analysis work that I'm currently doing.


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Re: Sample Implementation and Binding extensions

2006-06-21 Thread Jim Marino
You'll need t ask Jeremy on bootstrapping but you don't need to  
bootstrap the container to test you component extensions - the Spring  
and Groovy examples show how to do this.
The Groovy issue was brought up on this list earlier and it's not  
related to Tuscany at all. It's a problem with the version of ASM it  
is using. I don't have the Tuscany thread right now but if you do a  
search, it involves deleting a version of ASM from you maven repo. If  
you can't find it, let me know and I'll look.


On Jun 20, 2006, at 12:59 PM, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Jim Marino wrote:
Which code base are you intending to use: the M1 which implements  
the old .9 spec or the sandbox one which implements support for  
the new recursive model, or both?

In terms of how to specifically improve the extensibility story,  
my opinions have been embodied in the sandbox code and  
presentation Jeremy and I gave the other week (there are several  
slides providing high-level overviews of how to extend things) :-)  
Comments on that approach would be appreciated.


On Jun 19, 2006, at 6:25 PM, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

In order to better understand our extensibility story and how we  
can improve it for M2, I'd like to experiment a little with our  
extensibility APIs and try to develop two simple extensions:
- a jruby implementation extension (I won't be starting from  
scratch, we already have an initial implementation, but I'll try  
to add support for properties, references, lifecycle  management,  
and deployment maybe)

- a simple TCP/IP (socket) binding implementation

I'll bring any questions and issues I run into and improvement  
proposals on the mailing list and I'm thinking about keeping  
track of this on a Wiki page as well.

I'm going to start with the component implementation extension.  
If anybody wants to help and start the TCP/IP binding extension,  
please let me know and we can coordinate (I think we'll find  
common techniques and patterns between the two).



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I'm starting with both. Interestingly most of the differences  
between the two sets of SPIs are not related to the spec changes to  
support recursive composition, I found this surprising.

I'm also going to propose, in the form of prototypes, improvements  
to the SPIs, there are good (and less good) things in both code  
streams, and I'd like to try to combine the best of both.

Right now I'm prototyping this with the  head stream, as I don't  
see yet how to run a simple sample with the code in sandbox, I'm  
running into the following issues:

- I cannot find TuscanyRuntime anymore, has this been removed? has  
the mechanism for a client to bootstrap the runtime changed? is  
there a sample anywhere?

- I was counting on the groovy container that you pointed me to  
yesterday to understand better the new SPIs but I'm not able to  
build it, the test cases fail with:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor.visit 
   at org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.AsmClassGenerator.visitClass 
   at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit$ 
   at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.classgen 
   at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.compile 
   at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.parseClass 
   at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.parseClass 
   at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.parseClass 
   at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.parseClass 


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Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces

2006-06-21 Thread ant elder


Where are you doing this and how can we start helping? A long time ago I had
a go at something like this for the JavaScript component, the interfaces it
had were along the lines of the ones below. probably a bit old now with all
the other changes. One thing I found hard was having a nice way to have
interfaces be either Java classes or WSDL portTypes particularly with
components invoking service references.

ComponentFactory {
  Component createComponent(Component component);

Component {
  ComponentDefinition getComponentDefinition();
  Invoker createComponentInvoker(MapString, Object properties,
MapString, Reference references);


Invoker {
   public Object invoke(String operationName, Object[] args);

ComponentDefinition {
   Interface getInterface();
   ListString getReferenceNames();
   ListProperty getProperties();
   String getInitOperationName();
   String getDestroyOperationName();

Property {
  String getName();
  Object getDefaultValue();
  boolean isRequired();

Reference {
   Interface getInterface();
   Object getProxy();
   Invoker getInvoker();

Interface {

ClassInterface {
   class[] getInterfaceClasses();

WSDLInterface {
   String getNamespce();
   String getPortTypeName();
   Definition getDefinition();


On 6/21/06, Jean-Sebastien Delfino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to implement the sample ruby extension and running into some

I'm implementing an AtomicComponentContext (with the code in the head
stream) and also trying the equivalent AtomicComponent with some of the
code in the sandbox. I want to be able to implement my extension class
without having to depend on base Tuscany runtime implementation classes,
so I'm just implementing the SPI interfaces.

Unless I missed something (and it's very possible since I don't
understand all the pieces yet) here's what I found:
- with the code in the head, my AtomicComponentContext needs to
implement 15 methods;
- with the code in the sandbox, I have to implement 25 methods.

And this is just one class, I'm not even implementing the builders or
invokers yet... I think that in both cases this is too much.

It looks like the experiment in the sandbox is attempting to provide a
simpler programming model for these extensions by hiding some of the
complexity in base implementation classes, but I think it will be better
to define a set of independent interfaces and make some of them
optional. In other words if my extension does not wish to implement one
of the interfaces, then it just doesn't need to, and the runtime should
assume some default behavior, instead of forcing me to implement all the
25 methods...

Another thought is to allow the contract to be implemented with multiple
objects specialized in each aspect instead of one big object with 25

As I'm going through the implementation of the ruby component
implementation extension, I'm trying to come up with a short list of
requirements and methods that I think we really need to implement, and
with that list I'd like us to prototype simpler SPI interfaces. If
anybody is interested in helping, please feel free to jump in, it would
really be great if we could do a binding extension in parallel, and also
if the people who actually developed some of the existing extensions
could come up with the requirements they've seen in terms of SPI and
proposals to improve our extensibility story.



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Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces

2006-06-21 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Jim Marino wrote:
I think you missed something. With core2, most people will extend from 
the helper abstract classes in the SPI extension package (this was 
also the case with the previous core). For example:

I didn't miss this class, as I said that's exactly what I'm trying to 
avoid. I want to implement the SPI interfaces without having to extend 
base implementation classes.

public class FooAtomicComponent extends AtomicComponentExtensionObject{

public FooAtomicComponent(String name, CompositeComponent? 
parent, ScopeContainer scopeContainer, WireService wireService) {

super(name, parent, scopeContainer, wireService);

public Object getServiceInstance() throws TargetException {
return null;

public Object createInstance() throws ObjectCreationException {
return null;

public Object getServiceInstance(String name) throws 
TargetException {

return null;

public ListClass? getServiceInterfaces() {
return null;

public TargetInvoker createTargetInvoker(String serviceName, 
Method operation) {

return null;

I generally don't like to count methods without looking at what they 
do (e.g. some could just be setter/getter types). The above class 
contains 5 methods, which I believe are reasonable and we don't want 
to separate out. Invoker is very simple too:

- Two methods to invoke, one for message invocations, and one for 
raw payloads. Generally, the first will just pull the payload and 
invoke the second

- A setter/getter pair for whether the invocation is cacheable
- A boolean if the invoker can be optimized away and the target can be 
called through straight invocation without a proxy. Generally false.

- A clone method

The Spring and Groovy samples in the sandbox demonstrate both of these.


On Jun 21, 2006, at 1:37 AM, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

I'm trying to implement the sample ruby extension and running into 
some issues.

I'm implementing an AtomicComponentContext (with the code in the head 
stream) and also trying the equivalent AtomicComponent with some of 
the code in the sandbox. I want to be able to implement my extension 
class without having to depend on base Tuscany runtime implementation 
classes, so I'm just implementing the SPI interfaces.

Unless I missed something (and it's very possible since I don't 
understand all the pieces yet) here's what I found:
- with the code in the head, my AtomicComponentContext needs to 
implement 15 methods;

- with the code in the sandbox, I have to implement 25 methods.

And this is just one class, I'm not even implementing the builders or 
invokers yet... I think that in both cases this is too much.

It looks like the experiment in the sandbox is attempting to provide 
a simpler programming model for these extensions by hiding some of 
the complexity in base implementation classes, but I think it will be 
better to define a set of independent interfaces and make some of 
them optional. In other words if my extension does not wish to 
implement one of the interfaces, then it just doesn't need to, and 
the runtime should assume some default behavior, instead of forcing 
me to implement all the 25 methods...

Another thought is to allow the contract to be implemented with 
multiple objects specialized in each aspect instead of one big object 
with 25 methods.

As I'm going through the implementation of the ruby component 
implementation extension, I'm trying to come up with a short list of 
requirements and methods that I think we really need to implement, 
and with that list I'd like us to prototype simpler SPI interfaces. 
If anybody is interested in helping, please feel free to jump in, it 
would really be great if we could do a binding extension in parallel, 
and also if the people who actually developed some of the existing 
extensions could come up with the requirements they've seen in terms 
of SPI and proposals to improve our extensibility story.



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C++ runtime extensibility story

2006-06-21 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino
Could somebody working on the C++ runtime give us an overview of the C++ 
extensibility story (I'm not sure if you guys already have defined 
something but I thought I'd ask anyway). How can somebody add a 
component implementation extension or a binding extension to the C++ 

I'm currently looking at the design of our Java runtime extensibility 
and trying to see how we can improve it, maybe we can steal some good 
ideas from your C++ work :) or share ideas on the subject. Thanks


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[jira] Updated: (TUSCANY-475) Class cast exception on

2006-06-21 Thread Kelvin Goodson (JIRA)
 [ ]

Kelvin Goodson updated TUSCANY-475:

Attachment: T475.patch

This patch is rooted in the directory java/sdo/impl.
The test has been updated with method testListIndexing().
The DataIObjectUtil.Accessor.setIndex() method now guards against negative 
values and throws IndexOutOfBounds as soon as a negative value is encountered.  
The special value NO_INDEX is used when the Property is not a vector and is set 
to -1,  therefore the amended setIndex method must not be used to set a value 
of NO_INDEX.  A comment to that effect has been added.

 Class cast exception on

  Key: TUSCANY-475
  Project: Tuscany
 Type: Bug

   Components: Java SDO Implementation
 Versions: Java-M1
  Environment: Windows XP
 Reporter: Simon Laws
  Attachments: T475.patch

 I'm trying to retrieve rows from a database via the relational DAS. When I 
 run my test prgram I get 
 Exception in thread main java.lang.ClassCastException: 
 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreEList$Dynamic incompatible with 
   at org.apache.tuscany.sdo.interop.SDOInterop.main(
 The code looks like.
 CommandGroup commandGroup = 
 Command read = commandGroup.getCommand(all type);
 DataObject root = read.executeQuery();
 DataObject firstRow = root.getDataObject(alltype[0]);
 Now I expect to get a firstRow DataObject back. Indeed 
 DataObjectImpl.getDataObject() casts the return to a DataObject
   public DataObject getDataObject(String path)
 return (DataObject)get(path);
 However the the DataObjectUtil.get() operation creates an Accessor and calls 
   public static Object get(DataObject dataObject, String path) 
 Property property = dataObject.getType().getProperty(path);
 if (property != null) {
   return dataObject.get(property);
 } else {
   return Accessor.create((EObject)dataObject, path).getAndRecyle();
 getAndRecycle call get which, because I have specified a 0 index, just 
 returns  the value which happens to be of type EcoreEList$Dynamic
 So while I may have an error in my code somewhere or it might not be 
 retrieving any data from the database a class cast exception  inside of SDO 
 doesn't seem like the correct way to tell me. 

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

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Re: SDO C++ runtime - build error on Linux

2006-06-21 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Geoffrey Winn wrote:


Hi. I don't have access to an RHEL 4 system. Could you try one thing 
for me?

The error you report is coming from calls like

   dor-setLong(long, 0x);

and the signature for the setLong method specifies int64 for the second
argument. I'm wondering if the problem is that the 0x 
value is
being treated as a 32 bit constant rather than 64. Could you try 

LL to the constant value eg

  dor-setLong(long, 0xLL);

If I read the docs correctly that will specify that the constant is 64 

Thanks in advance,


I finally found a moment to try this today. Good news: adding LL fixes 
the problem.


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Re: Version number in pom.xml

2006-06-21 Thread Simon Nash

I think M2 is better than 0.9 because it simply says that this
is the next milestone after M1, rather than carrying some kind
of 90% complete implication.

However I'm not quite sure about the 1.0 designation at the
beginning.  This seems to imply that when incubation is complete,
we will immediately deliver a 1.0 release.  This is certainly
one possible (and desirable) scenario, but I can imagine other
circumstances that might make us choose to do a post-incubation
release at some level that is less than 1.0.  For example, what
if at the time we exit incubation, the current published SCA spec
is only at a 0.95 level?  Might we choose to deliver a 0.95
Tuscany release matching that spec, and upgrade to a 1.0 release
when the spec upgrades to 1.0 and we have matching code?

I don't really want to get into a debate now about the probability
of such a situation arising.  But if there is even a small chance
that we might not jump immediately from incubation to a 1.0 release,
then I'd suggest using something like incubating-M2-SNAPSHOT to
give us a bit more flexibility down the road.


Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Daniel Kulp wrote:


is probably the technical version number we should be using.   It 
specifically states we are working on the snapshot version of 
1.0-incubating-M2 which I assume will be the version we use when we 
release M2.


On Tuesday June 20 2006 12:29 pm, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

We currently have versionincubating-M1/version in all our pom.xml
files. What do you think we should use now?

Any opinions?


This makes sense to me but what do others think?

If I remember correctly at some point I had proposed 0.9 and some of us 
thought that a 0.9 version number could give false expectations in terms 
of stability/completeness. Are we running the same risk with a 
1.0-incubating-M2? Or do you think that having -M2 at the end makes it 
clear that this will only be a Milestone release and not a 1.0 release?

If there is no objections, I'll change the version numbers to 
1.0-incubating-M2 on Thursday morning.

Simon C Nash   IBM Distinguished Engineer
Hursley Park, Winchester, UK   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel. +44-1962-815156   Fax +44-1962-818999

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Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces

2006-06-21 Thread Jim Marino
In the new core2 API, component factory is no longer needed.  
AtomicComponent contains the invocation chains and and is responsible  
for creating invokers. Related to having WSDL or Java interface  
types, one of the things we also did was separate proxy creation from  
the wire so now you can invoke on RuntimeWire directly, while proxies  
are created by a separate service. The presentation has some slides  
on this that we didn't get to due to time constraints.

One issue that has come up is in both runtimes (core and core2) we  
are using Method to represent invocations. This may cause issues  
since a Java interface always has to be generated. One thing we could  
look at is going to something more generic.


On Jun 21, 2006, at 2:07 AM, ant elder wrote:


Where are you doing this and how can we start helping? A long time  
ago I had
a go at something like this for the JavaScript component, the  
interfaces it
had were along the lines of the ones below. probably a bit old now  
with all
the other changes. One thing I found hard was having a nice way to  

interfaces be either Java classes or WSDL portTypes particularly with
components invoking service references.

ComponentFactory {
  Component createComponent(Component component);

Component {
  ComponentDefinition getComponentDefinition();
  Invoker createComponentInvoker(MapString, Object properties,
MapString, Reference references);


Invoker {
   public Object invoke(String operationName, Object[] args);

ComponentDefinition {
   Interface getInterface();
   ListString getReferenceNames();
   ListProperty getProperties();
   String getInitOperationName();
   String getDestroyOperationName();

Property {
  String getName();
  Object getDefaultValue();
  boolean isRequired();

Reference {
   Interface getInterface();
   Object getProxy();
   Invoker getInvoker();

Interface {

ClassInterface {
   class[] getInterfaceClasses();

WSDLInterface {
   String getNamespce();
   String getPortTypeName();
   Definition getDefinition();


On 6/21/06, Jean-Sebastien Delfino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to implement the sample ruby extension and running into  


I'm implementing an AtomicComponentContext (with the code in the head
stream) and also trying the equivalent AtomicComponent with some  
of the
code in the sandbox. I want to be able to implement my extension  
without having to depend on base Tuscany runtime implementation  

so I'm just implementing the SPI interfaces.

Unless I missed something (and it's very possible since I don't
understand all the pieces yet) here's what I found:
- with the code in the head, my AtomicComponentContext needs to
implement 15 methods;
- with the code in the sandbox, I have to implement 25 methods.

And this is just one class, I'm not even implementing the builders or
invokers yet... I think that in both cases this is too much.

It looks like the experiment in the sandbox is attempting to  
provide a

simpler programming model for these extensions by hiding some of the
complexity in base implementation classes, but I think it will be  

to define a set of independent interfaces and make some of them
optional. In other words if my extension does not wish to  
implement one
of the interfaces, then it just doesn't need to, and the runtime  
assume some default behavior, instead of forcing me to implement  
all the

25 methods...

Another thought is to allow the contract to be implemented with  

objects specialized in each aspect instead of one big object with 25

As I'm going through the implementation of the ruby component
implementation extension, I'm trying to come up with a short list of
requirements and methods that I think we really need to implement,  

with that list I'd like us to prototype simpler SPI interfaces. If
anybody is interested in helping, please feel free to jump in, it  
really be great if we could do a binding extension in parallel,  
and also

if the people who actually developed some of the existing extensions
could come up with the requirements they've seen in terms of SPI and
proposals to improve our extensibility story.



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[jira] Updated: (TUSCANY-423) open content tests for generated classes

2006-06-21 Thread Kelvin Goodson (JIRA)
 [ ]

Kelvin Goodson updated TUSCANY-423:

Attachment: T423+T470test_rollup.patch

I was going to add my test code that proved that Jira Tuscany-470 was working 
as designed,  but that JIRA is closed.  

The T470 test code I wrote builds upon the patch that is waiting to be applied 
under this JIRA (423),  so I am attaching a rollup patch which contains all the 
new tests of the exisiting attached ocGenTests.patch file, + the new test for 
XPath referencing through open content properties developed whilst looking at 
T470.  Please apply only this latter attachment (T423+T470test_rollup.patch) 
and ignore the ocGenTests.patch file.

 open content tests for generated classes

  Key: TUSCANY-423
  Project: Tuscany
 Type: Test

   Components: Java SDO Implementation
 Versions: Java-Mx
 Reporter: Kelvin Goodson
 Priority: Minor
  Attachments: T423+T470test_rollup.patch, ocGenTests.patch

 I will attach a patch with some tests that have come about from my playing 
 with open content.

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Re: Version number in pom.xml

2006-06-21 Thread Daniel Kulp


Unfortunately, with the way Maven 2 works, if you don't have a version number 
at the beginning, you are asking for problems, especially for maven plugins.   
I've gone over this with the Maven folks a couple times now.   The maven 
version numbers should ALWAYS be:
#.#[.#]-#  (for updates to a release), like 1.0-1 or something.

After thinking about it, I might suggest:
where we use the SCA version number.   That would kind of keep us from going 
to a 1.0 release until the spec is 1.0.   I'm not sure if that's a bad thing 
or not.


On Wednesday June 21 2006 5:12 am, Simon Nash wrote:
 I think M2 is better than 0.9 because it simply says that this
 is the next milestone after M1, rather than carrying some kind
 of 90% complete implication.

 However I'm not quite sure about the 1.0 designation at the
 beginning.  This seems to imply that when incubation is complete,
 we will immediately deliver a 1.0 release.  This is certainly
 one possible (and desirable) scenario, but I can imagine other
 circumstances that might make us choose to do a post-incubation
 release at some level that is less than 1.0.  For example, what
 if at the time we exit incubation, the current published SCA spec
 is only at a 0.95 level?  Might we choose to deliver a 0.95
 Tuscany release matching that spec, and upgrade to a 1.0 release
 when the spec upgrades to 1.0 and we have matching code?

 I don't really want to get into a debate now about the probability
 of such a situation arising.  But if there is even a small chance
 that we might not jump immediately from incubation to a 1.0 release,
 then I'd suggest using something like incubating-M2-SNAPSHOT to
 give us a bit more flexibility down the road.


 Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
  Daniel Kulp wrote:
  is probably the technical version number we should be using.   It
  specifically states we are working on the snapshot version of
  1.0-incubating-M2 which I assume will be the version we use when we
  release M2.
  On Tuesday June 20 2006 12:29 pm, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
  We currently have versionincubating-M1/version in all our pom.xml
  files. What do you think we should use now?
  Any opinions?
  This makes sense to me but what do others think?
  If I remember correctly at some point I had proposed 0.9 and some of us
  thought that a 0.9 version number could give false expectations in terms
  of stability/completeness. Are we running the same risk with a
  1.0-incubating-M2? Or do you think that having -M2 at the end makes it
  clear that this will only be a Milestone release and not a 1.0 release?
  If there is no objections, I'll change the version numbers to
  1.0-incubating-M2 on Thursday morning.

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727C: 508-380-7194   F:781-902-8001

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[jira] Created: (TUSCANY-485) Missing xsd element in Tuscany-model.config file causes failure.

2006-06-21 Thread Andrew Borley (JIRA)
Missing xsd element in Tuscany-model.config file causes failure.

 Key: TUSCANY-485
 Project: Tuscany
Type: Bug

  Components: C++ SCA  
Versions: Cpp-current
Reporter: Andrew Borley
Priority: Minor

If the xsd element is missed out of the Tuscany-model.config file an 
exception is thrown in ModelLoader::loadModuleFile with message: Invalid 
There may be no xsd files needed by the component, so we should probably be 
able to cope with this.

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Re: Any recursive composition sample?

2006-06-21 Thread Jim Marino

On Jun 21, 2006, at 4:48 AM, cr22rc wrote:

I'd like to help out on this and also the SPI analysis work you  
spoke of.  Per the samples I had some thoughts that instead of just  
jumping straight to them is to add some more for  baby steps in  
bring up.  For example I'd like to see as starters in a J2SE   
environment the very simplest of composite with a Java component  
being loaded with the minimal amount of any wiring.  I was  
wondering if I could use the initeager to somehow just have it  
instantiate a single instance  that would  you  guessed it display   
hello  world to console.

I can take a look at doing this over the next few days in core2.
Not sure if that is possible still learning some of this code.  If  
we could get that to work first it would be great for all to use in  
a debugger to see the system boot strap it self.  From there move  
on to converting the other samples.   I think with bigbank  we'll  
need to maybe think (brain storm) some on how to best exhibit the  
new recursive model.
BigBank I think needs a re-write.  When we originally wrote it in the  
spec group, the intention was to show the benefits and ease-of-use  
for SCA. Since then, it's kind of evolved into a petstore-type  
application that pulls in SDO and DAS. While I like those  
technologies, I'd like to see BigBank put on a diet so that there is  
a version people just interested in SCA can reference. Also, I'd like  
it to show more of the value-add around SCA as opposed to just  
invoking a web service since people outside of the SCA collaboration  
and Tuscany project have questioned me as to why Tuscany is needed if  
there are things like: For me,  
the value in SCA is around assembly, policies and conversations, so  
showcase features could be:

- dynamic re-wiring
- switching transport protocols
- conversations and non-blocking/async behavior
- introduction of policy

I think we'll want to show both composites being used as components  
and using composites through inclusion (aka fragments).  I also  
think we need to eventually start showing some more examples with  
some interesting complex  properties being  set.

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
The last few weeks we've been talking about composites and  
recursive composition so much... and today I looked for a sample  
showing the new recursive composition model in our whole code  
base, including the head and our various sandboxes... and couldn't  
find any. I think it'll help all of us get our heads around this  
new model if we can see a few samples. Could somebody point me to  
a recursive composition sample if we have any and I missed it?

Is anybody curious and interested in trying to port a few of our  
existing samples to the new recursive model? I guess the update of  
the SCA spec describing the recursive composition is not public  
yet, but the materials presented at JavaOne are public as far as I  
know, and should be sufficient to develop samples leveraging the  
new recursive composition model.

If anybody is interested in developing sample scenarios that  
demonstrate the value of the recursive composition, please let me  
know, we can work together on this. I'd like to start this  
activity in parallel with the SPI analysis work that I'm currently  

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Re: Any recursive composition sample?

2006-06-21 Thread cr22rc
I pretty much agree with most of this, but I like the general pattern of 
having the simplest of samples to show a particular technology or some 
aspect of a technology and then something that brings it all together 
which was for M1 BigBank.  You may have a point that this is too much 
for one sample, but generally these three technologies look in the minds 
of people to be sort of separate and I still like the idea of a sample 
that shows them all coming together.

Jim Marino wrote:

On Jun 21, 2006, at 4:48 AM, cr22rc wrote:

I'd like to help out on this and also the SPI analysis work you spoke 
of.  Per the samples I had some thoughts that instead of just jumping 
straight to them is to add some more for  baby steps in bring up.  
For example I'd like to see as starters in a J2SE  environment the 
very simplest of composite with a Java component being loaded with 
the minimal amount of any wiring.  I was wondering if I could use the 
initeager to somehow just have it instantiate a single instance  that 
would  you  guessed it display  hello  world to console.

I can take a look at doing this over the next few days in core2.
Not sure if that is possible still learning some of this code.  If we 
could get that to work first it would be great for all to use in a 
debugger to see the system boot strap it self.  From there move on to 
converting the other samples.   I think with bigbank  we'll need to 
maybe think (brain storm) some on how to best exhibit the new 
recursive model.
BigBank I think needs a re-write.  When we originally wrote it in the 
spec group, the intention was to show the benefits and ease-of-use for 
SCA. Since then, it's kind of evolved into a petstore-type application 
that pulls in SDO and DAS. While I like those technologies, I'd like 
to see BigBank put on a diet so that there is a version people just 
interested in SCA can reference. Also, I'd like it to show more of the 
value-add around SCA as opposed to just invoking a web service since 
people outside of the SCA collaboration and Tuscany project have 
questioned me as to why Tuscany is needed if there are things like: For me, the value in SCA is 
around assembly, policies and conversations, so showcase features 
could be:

- dynamic re-wiring
- switching transport protocols
- conversations and non-blocking/async behavior
- introduction of policy

I think we'll want to show both composites being used as components 
and using composites through inclusion (aka fragments).  I also think 
we need to eventually start showing some more examples with some 
interesting complex  properties being  set.

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
The last few weeks we've been talking about composites and recursive 
composition so much... and today I looked for a sample showing the 
new recursive composition model in our whole code base, including 
the head and our various sandboxes... and couldn't find any. I think 
it'll help all of us get our heads around this new model if we can 
see a few samples. Could somebody point me to a recursive 
composition sample if we have any and I missed it?

Is anybody curious and interested in trying to port a few of our 
existing samples to the new recursive model? I guess the update of 
the SCA spec describing the recursive composition is not public yet, 
but the materials presented at JavaOne are public as far as I know, 
and should be sufficient to develop samples leveraging the new 
recursive composition model.

If anybody is interested in developing sample scenarios that 
demonstrate the value of the recursive composition, please let me 
know, we can work together on this. I'd like to start this activity 
in parallel with the SPI analysis work that I'm currently doing.

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[jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-485) Missing xsd element in Tuscany-model.config file causes failure.

2006-06-21 Thread Andrew Borley (JIRA)

Andrew Borley commented on TUSCANY-485:

This is a duplicate of TUSCANY-465 - sorry!

 Missing xsd element in Tuscany-model.config file causes failure.

  Key: TUSCANY-485
  Project: Tuscany
 Type: Bug

   Components: C++ SCA
 Versions: Cpp-current
 Reporter: Andrew Borley
 Priority: Minor

 If the xsd element is missed out of the Tuscany-model.config file an 
 exception is thrown in ModelLoader::loadModuleFile with message: Invalid 
 There may be no xsd files needed by the component, so we should probably be 
 able to cope with this.

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[jira] Updated: (TUSCANY-486) Document deployment use of Axis2C WS EntryPoint

2006-06-21 Thread Andrew Borley (JIRA)
 [ ]

Andrew Borley updated TUSCANY-486:

Attachment: WS_ENTRYPOINT.txt

Initial version of this documentation. Covers:

Defining an SCA Module with a WS EntryPoint
Deploying a new service in Axis2C
XML Schema type to C++ type mapping
Notes on supported WS styles  message types

 Document deployment  use of Axis2C WS EntryPoint

  Key: TUSCANY-486
  Project: Tuscany
 Type: Task

   Components: C++ SCA
 Versions: Cpp-M1
 Reporter: Andrew Borley
  Attachments: WS_ENTRYPOINT.txt

 Need documentation explaining how to expose an SCA component as a WS 
 EntryPoint in Axis2C

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Re: Question about XSD substitution support in SDO2

2006-06-21 Thread Yang ZHONG

Sequence is the only public API today to SET substitution element instance
and GET the substitution element instance.

I am proposing mapping substituted property to Sequence, e.g.
implementation property returns Sequence INSTEAD OF a normal type.

If we can do that, SDO users are enabled to set and get substitution element
instance which can't be done today.
After we do that, we can hide/discard implementationGroup or just delegate
implementation to implementationGroup.
I guess the proposal needs to change the spec, unfortunately.



[jira] Created: (TUSCANY-487) Java 5.0 dependency in

2006-06-21 Thread John Colgrave (JIRA)
Java 5.0 dependency in

 Key: TUSCANY-487
 Project: Tuscany
Type: Bug

  Components: Java SDO Implementation  
Reporter: John Colgrave
Priority: Minor

The first line of the getAttributes method in is an assert 
which can only be compiled in Java 5.0.

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Re: Question about XSD substitution support in SDO2

2006-06-21 Thread Yang ZHONG

I'm a fan of not only richness, but also simpleness.

Let me refine my proposal a little bit not to break the simpleness of the
Programming Model.

We can still return normal type for get/set( implementation) for users
don't care substitution element instance and keep the simple PM.
At the same time, we can make getSequence( implementation) to return a
Sequence for users to set/get substitution element instance.

The new proposal won't change the spec a lot except for the new
feature/support appending.

On 6/21/06, Yang ZHONG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sequence is the only public API today to SET substitution element
instance and GET the substitution element instance.

I am proposing mapping substituted property to Sequence, e.g.
implementation property returns Sequence INSTEAD OF a normal type.

If we can do that, SDO users are enabled to set and get substitution
element instance which can't be done today.
After we do that, we can hide/discard implementationGroup or just
delegate implementation to implementationGroup.
I guess the proposal needs to change the spec, unfortunately.





[jira] Updated: (TUSCANY-482) Potential trap in SCA web service entry point

2006-06-21 Thread Ed Slattery (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ed Slattery updated TUSCANY-482:

Attachment: service_robustness.patch

Patch to fix the wsdl useage, and also the case where the proxy is not able to 
find an implementation

 Potential trap in SCA web service entry point

  Key: TUSCANY-482
  Project: Tuscany
 Type: Bug

   Components: C++ SCA
  Environment: all
 Reporter: Ed Slattery
  Attachments: service_robustness.patch

 In EntryPointProxy - at or around line 108.
 The invoke method gets a wsdl, and uses it as a pointer.
 If the wsdl doesnt exist, this returns zero and causes a crash of the axis 
 server.  It would be better to fail in some more tidy way, and log the error.

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[jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-487) Java 5.0 dependency in

2006-06-21 Thread Yang ZHONG (JIRA)

Yang ZHONG commented on TUSCANY-487:

assert is introduced by 1.4, you may want to get the latest 1.4 compiler and 
set the compliance to 1.4 or above.

 Java 5.0 dependency in

  Key: TUSCANY-487
  Project: Tuscany
 Type: Bug

   Components: Java SDO Implementation
 Reporter: John Colgrave
 Priority: Minor

 The first line of the getAttributes method in is an 
 assert which can only be compiled in Java 5.0.

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Re: Question about XSD substitution support in SDO2

2006-06-21 Thread Frank Budinsky
It's not a bad idea, given the current SDO API. But, let me tell you the 
direction that the spec seems to be headed with Sequences. There is 
currently a proposal to deprecate the getSequence(String), 
getSequence(int) and getSequence(Property) methods. The feeling is that 
getSequence(), which returns the mixed-content will be the only SDO 
Sequence API. If that goes through, then we would need to either a) say 
that SDO doesn't provide support for the things that EMF uses FeatureMap 
(Sequence) properties for, or b) we need to provide methods somewhere (in 
maybe XSDHelper) to access the required information.

Assuming option b is necessary, maybe your suggestion could be handled 
with a method on XSDHelper that returns the substitution property - for 

DataObject myObject = ...
Property substitution = XSDHelper.INSTANCE.getSubstitionProperty(myObject, 

Thoughts? Does anyone else have an opinion on this issue?


Yang ZHONG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/21/2006 12:05:06 

 I'm a fan of not only richness, but also simpleness.
 Let me refine my proposal a little bit not to break the simpleness of 
 Programming Model.
 We can still return normal type for get/set( implementation) for users
 don't care substitution element instance and keep the simple PM.
 At the same time, we can make getSequence( implementation) to return a
 Sequence for users to set/get substitution element instance.
 The new proposal won't change the spec a lot except for the new
 feature/support appending.
 On 6/21/06, Yang ZHONG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Sequence is the only public API today to SET substitution element
  instance and GET the substitution element instance.
  I am proposing mapping substituted property to Sequence, e.g.
  implementation property returns Sequence INSTEAD OF a normal type.
  If we can do that, SDO users are enabled to set and get substitution
  element instance which can't be done today.
  After we do that, we can hide/discard implementationGroup or just
  delegate implementation to implementationGroup.
  I guess the proposal needs to change the spec, unfortunately.
  Yang ZHONG

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Re: Fwd: Introduction

2006-06-21 Thread Kevin Williams

Hello Darius,
I am looking forward to seeing your patch for T-250.  Attach it to the 
JIRA when you have something ready and I will take a look.


Darius Dejesus wrote:

Still getting used to this, so sorry if it is a repeat...

Hello Tuscany Folks,

 My name is Darius DeJesus, I'm an Intern from R.I.T. in
NY,working for the summer, and look forward to helping with the
Tuscany Project. I've already started looking into some JIRA's, and if
no one else is currently assigned to it, I'd like to work on
Tuscany-250. That's all for now, and I look forward to this


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Re: [PATCH] More improvements to SDO/StAX support

2006-06-21 Thread Jeremy Boynes
Frank Budinsky wrote:
 I can't seem to find the cycles to look at this right now, so in the 
 interest of getting something going here can some other StAX-savvy 
 committer (maybe Jeremy) take a look at Raymond's patch and commit it if 
 it looks like a reasonable start.? We can then look at addressing the 
 issues (e.g., substitution group, which involves a spec discussion) later.

Had a weather eye on this so sure - I'll try and get to this today.

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Re: downloads

2006-06-21 Thread haleh mahbod

Welcome to Tuscany.

I am not aware of any way to figure out the number of downloads.

Hopefully you have downloaded Tuscany by now and can share your experience.
We are looking for
feedback as well as help :)

You can find the list of known issues on this page
You can also find how information on how to submit patches on this page

Please don't hestiate to post any questions you might have.


On 6/13/06, Tom Gould [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am new to Tuscany and open source in general.  I have yet to download
latest and greatest software, but I intend on doing so shortly.  Prior to
downloading, I am wondering if there is a way to determine how many people
have downloaded the software as of yet and what types of issues (if any)
they have come across?


Re: M1 release post-mortem discussion

2006-06-21 Thread haleh mahbod

This thread started with an intention to do a post-mortem on M1. Is there
something we can learn from and improve on for subsequent releases?

On 6/13/06, cr22rc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Not sure if this can help and I didn't thoroughly test it, but checked
in tuscany/sandbox/cr22rc/buildm2repo/

Which if you unzip in the binary distro has poms and a shell and bat
file that issue maven commands to add to your local repo.
Once again I ran them and they said build successful.. but that's all I

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

 Daniel Kulp wrote:
 Anyone have a preference as to where to deploy the M1 stuff?   I
 think Sebastian had deployed something to his public_html dir.
 Does it make sense to just put the released stuff there as well for
 now?  (until M2)

 The M1 jars are at You
 may be able to use this until we find a better place and a better
 version numbering scheme.

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Re: Question about XSD substitution support in SDO2

2006-06-21 Thread Yang ZHONG

Great idea, at least I am happy as long as we offer both richness and
simpleness to SDO users, regarding substitution.

On 6/21/06, Frank Budinsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It's not a bad idea, given the current SDO API. But, let me tell you the
direction that the spec seems to be headed with Sequences. There is
currently a proposal to deprecate the getSequence(String),
getSequence(int) and getSequence(Property) methods. The feeling is that
getSequence(), which returns the mixed-content will be the only SDO
Sequence API. If that goes through, then we would need to either a) say
that SDO doesn't provide support for the things that EMF uses FeatureMap
(Sequence) properties for, or b) we need to provide methods somewhere (in
maybe XSDHelper) to access the required information.

Assuming option b is necessary, maybe your suggestion could be handled
with a method on XSDHelper that returns the substitution property - for

DataObject myObject = ...
Property substitution = XSDHelper.INSTANCE.getSubstitionProperty(myObject,

Thoughts? Does anyone else have an opinion on this issue?


Yang ZHONG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/21/2006 12:05:06

 I'm a fan of not only richness, but also simpleness.

 Let me refine my proposal a little bit not to break the simpleness of
 Programming Model.

 We can still return normal type for get/set( implementation) for users
 don't care substitution element instance and keep the simple PM.
 At the same time, we can make getSequence( implementation) to return a
 Sequence for users to set/get substitution element instance.

 The new proposal won't change the spec a lot except for the new
 feature/support appending.

 On 6/21/06, Yang ZHONG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Sequence is the only public API today to SET substitution element
  instance and GET the substitution element instance.
  I am proposing mapping substituted property to Sequence, e.g.
  implementation property returns Sequence INSTEAD OF a normal type.
  If we can do that, SDO users are enabled to set and get substitution
  element instance which can't be done today.
  After we do that, we can hide/discard implementationGroup or just
  delegate implementation to implementationGroup.
  I guess the proposal needs to change the spec, unfortunately.
  Yang ZHONG



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Re: Version number in pom.xml

2006-06-21 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Daniel Kulp wrote:


Unfortunately, with the way Maven 2 works, if you don't have a version number 
at the beginning, you are asking for problems, especially for maven plugins.   
I've gone over this with the Maven folks a couple times now.   The maven 
version numbers should ALWAYS be:

#.#[.#]-#  (for updates to a release), like 1.0-1 or something.

After thinking about it, I might suggest:
where we use the SCA version number.   That would kind of keep us from going 
to a 1.0 release until the spec is 1.0.   I'm not sure if that's a bad thing 
or not.



I like that 0.92-incubating-M2-SNAPSHOT. If there's no objection I'll 
change incubating-M1 to that tomorrow morning.


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Re: Version number in pom.xml

2006-06-21 Thread Jeremy Boynes
Daniel Kulp wrote:
 Unfortunately, with the way Maven 2 works, if you don't have a version number 
 at the beginning, you are asking for problems, especially for maven plugins.  
 I've gone over this with the Maven folks a couple times now.   The maven 
 version numbers should ALWAYS be:
 #.#[.#]-#  (for updates to a release), like 1.0-1 or something.
 After thinking about it, I might suggest:
 where we use the SCA version number.   That would kind of keep us from going 
 to a 1.0 release until the spec is 1.0.   I'm not sure if that's a bad thing 
 or not.

Sounds like the maven requirements set the format and we just need to
pick the version number and whether it's all #.# or if we have Mx text
in it as well.

I think there is a good chance that we will deliver multiple releases at
the same version level of the spec (especially when the spec matures and
updates more slowly). As a result, I don't think that we should pin the
version of our release to the spec number.

Most projects have a [major].[minor].[bugfix] type version number with
rules for bumping major and minor numbers based on compatibility between
releases. We should do something similar.

There is also the don't use 1.X or x.0 of any software rule, so
perhaps we should get beyond 1.0 as soon as possible. I remember people
not wanting to use OpenEJB just because it had a 0.9 version number -
they kept waiting for 1.0 to come out.

In light of all that, I think we should go with the basic

for the Tuscany implementations.

Having said that I do think tracking the spec version would be useful in
the org.osoa jars (sdo and sca APIs). I would suggest for them we go with


based on the revision number of the spec document.


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[jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-487) Java 5.0 dependency in

2006-06-21 Thread John Colgrave (JIRA)

John Colgrave commented on TUSCANY-487:

I was using Eclipse 3.2RC4 and I did not realise that I had to restart Eclipse 
before the changes in compliance would take effect, even when doing a clean of 
all my projects. Having set the compliance to 1.4 and restarted I can compile 
the file.

Sorry to have wasted your time.

 Java 5.0 dependency in

  Key: TUSCANY-487
  Project: Tuscany
 Type: Bug

   Components: Java SDO Implementation
 Reporter: John Colgrave
 Priority: Minor

 The first line of the getAttributes method in is an 
 assert which can only be compiled in Java 5.0.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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Re: [jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-487) Java 5.0 dependency in

2006-06-21 Thread Raymond Feng


Even the assert won't be an issue, there are more things to check. I have 
one case at least.

Now we have references to which depends 
on javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext from JSE 5.0. I guess the best 
approach is to spin the StAX feature off as a separate project.


- Original Message - 
From: John Colgrave (JIRA)

Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 11:38 AM
Subject: [jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-487) Java 5.0 dependency in

   [ ]

John Colgrave commented on TUSCANY-487:

I was using Eclipse 3.2RC4 and I did not realise that I had to restart 
Eclipse before the changes in compliance would take effect, even when 
doing a clean of all my projects. Having set the compliance to 1.4 and 
restarted I can compile the file.

Sorry to have wasted your time.

Java 5.0 dependency in

 Key: TUSCANY-487
 Project: Tuscany
Type: Bug

  Components: Java SDO Implementation
Reporter: John Colgrave
Priority: Minor

The first line of the getAttributes method in is an 
assert which can only be compiled in Java 5.0.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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Re: [jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-487) Java 5.0 dependency in

2006-06-21 Thread Jeremy Boynes
Raymond Feng wrote:
 Now we have references to which
 depends on javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext from JSE 5.0. I guess
 the best approach is to spin the StAX feature off as a separate project.

I think NamespaceContext is also available in some of the optional
libraries for 1.4 (one of the web-services pack thingies). Those
libraries moved in to the Java5 API but I think they are available
separately as well with 1.4 level compatibility - we may just need to
add the right dependencies.


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Re: [PATCH] More improvements to SDO/StAX support

2006-06-21 Thread Jeremy Boynes
Jeremy Boynes wrote:
 Frank Budinsky wrote:
I can't seem to find the cycles to look at this right now, so in the 
interest of getting something going here can some other StAX-savvy 
committer (maybe Jeremy) take a look at Raymond's patch and commit it if 
it looks like a reasonable start.? We can then look at addressing the 
issues (e.g., substitution group, which involves a spec discussion) later.


I had a first look and this really helps - thanks Raymond.

Before I apply it, there are a few areas marked FIXME or HACK - are
those permanent hacks or should we expect an update soon?


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Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces

2006-06-21 Thread Raymond Feng


I guess one of the concerns is that some of the base classes create 
additional contracts which are not captured by the interfaces. It ends up 
that the extension developers have to understand more.

Let's use the StAXElementLoader and LoaderExtension as an example. 
Interface StAXElementLoader only requires the load method to be 
implemented while LoaderExtension defines a contract on how a 
StAXElementLoader register/deregister with the LoaderRegistry. This is 
achieved by java annotations.

For this particular case, I can see two ways to get an extension picked up 
by the runtime: declarative or programmatic. Some further questions will be:

1) Should the extension developers have a choice to use either java 
annotations or external XML configuration?

2) Should the extension metadata (for example, the XML element name that a 
loader can handle) be captured in a model and java annotation is just a 
convenient way to supply the value?


- Original Message - 
From: Jean-Sebastien Delfino [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 2:08 AM
Subject: Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces

Jim Marino wrote:
I think you missed something. With core2, most people will extend from 
the helper abstract classes in the SPI extension package (this was also 
the case with the previous core). For example:

I didn't miss this class, as I said that's exactly what I'm trying to 
avoid. I want to implement the SPI interfaces without having to extend 
base implementation classes.

public class FooAtomicComponent extends AtomicComponentExtensionObject{

public FooAtomicComponent(String name, CompositeComponent? parent, 
ScopeContainer scopeContainer, WireService wireService) {

super(name, parent, scopeContainer, wireService);

public Object getServiceInstance() throws TargetException {
return null;

public Object createInstance() throws ObjectCreationException {
return null;

public Object getServiceInstance(String name) throws TargetException 

return null;

public ListClass? getServiceInterfaces() {
return null;

public TargetInvoker createTargetInvoker(String serviceName, Method 
operation) {

return null;

I generally don't like to count methods without looking at what they do 
(e.g. some could just be setter/getter types). The above class contains 5 
methods, which I believe are reasonable and we don't want to separate 
out. Invoker is very simple too:

- Two methods to invoke, one for message invocations, and one for raw 
payloads. Generally, the first will just pull the payload and invoke the 

- A setter/getter pair for whether the invocation is cacheable
- A boolean if the invoker can be optimized away and the target can be 
called through straight invocation without a proxy. Generally false.

- A clone method

The Spring and Groovy samples in the sandbox demonstrate both of these.


On Jun 21, 2006, at 1:37 AM, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

I'm trying to implement the sample ruby extension and running into some 

I'm implementing an AtomicComponentContext (with the code in the head 
stream) and also trying the equivalent AtomicComponent with some of the 
code in the sandbox. I want to be able to implement my extension class 
without having to depend on base Tuscany runtime implementation classes, 
so I'm just implementing the SPI interfaces.

Unless I missed something (and it's very possible since I don't 
understand all the pieces yet) here's what I found:
- with the code in the head, my AtomicComponentContext needs to 
implement 15 methods;

- with the code in the sandbox, I have to implement 25 methods.

And this is just one class, I'm not even implementing the builders or 
invokers yet... I think that in both cases this is too much.

It looks like the experiment in the sandbox is attempting to provide a 
simpler programming model for these extensions by hiding some of the 
complexity in base implementation classes, but I think it will be better 
to define a set of independent interfaces and make some of them 
optional. In other words if my extension does not wish to implement one 
of the interfaces, then it just doesn't need to, and the runtime should 
assume some default behavior, instead of forcing me to implement all the 
25 methods...

Another thought is to allow the contract to be implemented with multiple 
objects specialized in each aspect instead of one big object with 25 

As I'm going through the implementation of the ruby component 
implementation extension, I'm trying to come up with a short list of 
requirements and methods that I think we really need to implement, and 
with that list I'd like us to prototype simpler SPI interfaces. If 
anybody is interested in helping, please feel free to jump in, it would 
really be great if we could do a binding extension in parallel, and also 

Re: Any recursive composition sample?

2006-06-21 Thread Jim Marino
Yea that sounds good in terms of the really simple samples. I'd like  
to have a slim BigBank that just shows SCA though since I think it  
is important that people realize they can pick and choose  
technologies. I probably imagine SDO and DAS would say the same thing  
about SCA too.


On Jun 21, 2006, at 7:55 AM, cr22rc wrote:

I pretty much agree with most of this, but I like the general  
pattern of having the simplest of samples to show a particular  
technology or some aspect of a technology and then something that  
brings it all together which was for M1 BigBank.  You may have a  
point that this is too much for one sample, but generally these  
three technologies look in the minds of people to be sort of  
separate and I still like the idea of a sample that shows them all  
coming together.

Jim Marino wrote:

On Jun 21, 2006, at 4:48 AM, cr22rc wrote:

I'd like to help out on this and also the SPI analysis work you  
spoke of.  Per the samples I had some thoughts that instead of  
just jumping straight to them is to add some more for  baby  
steps in bring up.  For example I'd like to see as starters in a  
J2SE  environment the very simplest of composite with a Java  
component being loaded with the minimal amount of any wiring.  I  
was wondering if I could use the initeager to somehow just have  
it instantiate a single instance  that would  you  guessed it  
display  hello  world to console.

I can take a look at doing this over the next few days in core2.
Not sure if that is possible still learning some of this code.   
If we could get that to work first it would be great for all to  
use in a debugger to see the system boot strap it self.  From  
there move on to converting the other samples.   I think with  
bigbank  we'll need to maybe think (brain storm) some on how to  
best exhibit the new recursive model.
BigBank I think needs a re-write.  When we originally wrote it in  
the spec group, the intention was to show the benefits and ease-of- 
use for SCA. Since then, it's kind of evolved into a petstore-type  
application that pulls in SDO and DAS. While I like those  
technologies, I'd like to see BigBank put on a diet so that there  
is a version people just interested in SCA can reference. Also,  
I'd like it to show more of the value-add around SCA as opposed to  
just invoking a web service since people outside of the SCA  
collaboration and Tuscany project have questioned me as to why  
Tuscany is needed if there are things like: http:// For me, the value in SCA is around  
assembly, policies and conversations, so showcase features could  

- dynamic re-wiring
- switching transport protocols
- conversations and non-blocking/async behavior
- introduction of policy

I think we'll want to show both composites being used as  
components and using composites through inclusion (aka  
fragments).  I also think we need to eventually start showing  
some more examples with some interesting complex  properties  
being  set.

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
The last few weeks we've been talking about composites and  
recursive composition so much... and today I looked for a sample  
showing the new recursive composition model in our whole code  
base, including the head and our various sandboxes... and  
couldn't find any. I think it'll help all of us get our heads  
around this new model if we can see a few samples. Could  
somebody point me to a recursive composition sample if we have  
any and I missed it?

Is anybody curious and interested in trying to port a few of our  
existing samples to the new recursive model? I guess the update  
of the SCA spec describing the recursive composition is not  
public yet, but the materials presented at JavaOne are public as  
far as I know, and should be sufficient to develop samples  
leveraging the new recursive composition model.

If anybody is interested in developing sample scenarios that  
demonstrate the value of the recursive composition, please let  
me know, we can work together on this. I'd like to start this  
activity in parallel with the SPI analysis work that I'm  
currently doing.


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Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces

2006-06-21 Thread Jim Marino

On Jun 21, 2006, at 1:30 PM, Raymond Feng wrote:


I guess one of the concerns is that some of the base classes create  
additional contracts which are not captured by the interfaces. It  
ends up that the extension developers have to understand more.

Actually, I think they have to understand less. Using the base  
classes, they do not need to worry about how to register and  
deregister the loaders. Do you feel the loader extensions are too  
complicated? If so, what would an easier one look like?

Let's use the StAXElementLoader and LoaderExtension as an  
example. Interface StAXElementLoader only requires the load  
method to be implemented while LoaderExtension defines a contract  
on how a StAXElementLoader register/deregister with the  
LoaderRegistry. This is achieved by java annotations.

For this particular case, I can see two ways to get an extension  
picked up by the runtime: declarative or programmatic. Some further  
questions will be:

1) Should the extension developers have a choice to use either java  
annotations or external XML configuration?

2) Should the extension metadata (for example, the XML element name  
that a loader can handle) be captured in a model and java  
annotation is just a convenient way to supply the value?

We had decided the system service model would be based on annotations  
a while back. I'm happy to revisit but I don't see any value in  
allowing for external configuration of *component type* data. This is  
also consistent with the SCA programming model which views external  
component type metadata for Java CI POJOs to be primarily for  
legacy code.


- Original Message - From: Jean-Sebastien Delfino  

Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 2:08 AM
Subject: Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces

Jim Marino wrote:
I think you missed something. With core2, most people will extend  
from the helper abstract classes in the SPI extension package  
(this was also the case with the previous core). For example:

I didn't miss this class, as I said that's exactly what I'm trying  
to avoid. I want to implement the SPI interfaces without having to  
extend base implementation classes.

public class FooAtomicComponent extends  

public FooAtomicComponent(String name, CompositeComponent?  
parent, ScopeContainer scopeContainer, WireService wireService) {

super(name, parent, scopeContainer, wireService);

public Object getServiceInstance() throws TargetException {
return null;

public Object createInstance() throws ObjectCreationException {
return null;

public Object getServiceInstance(String name) throws  
TargetException {

return null;

public ListClass? getServiceInterfaces() {
return null;

public TargetInvoker createTargetInvoker(String serviceName,  
Method operation) {

return null;

I generally don't like to count methods without looking at what  
they do (e.g. some could just be setter/getter types). The above  
class contains 5 methods, which I believe are reasonable and we  
don't want to separate out. Invoker is very simple too:

- Two methods to invoke, one for message invocations, and one  
for raw payloads. Generally, the first will just pull the payload  
and invoke the second

- A setter/getter pair for whether the invocation is cacheable
- A boolean if the invoker can be optimized away and the target  
can be called through straight invocation without a proxy.  
Generally false.

- A clone method

The Spring and Groovy samples in the sandbox demonstrate both of  


On Jun 21, 2006, at 1:37 AM, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

I'm trying to implement the sample ruby extension and running  
into some issues.

I'm implementing an AtomicComponentContext (with the code in the  
head stream) and also trying the equivalent AtomicComponent with  
some of the code in the sandbox. I want to be able to implement  
my extension class without having to depend on base Tuscany  
runtime implementation classes, so I'm just implementing the SPI  

Unless I missed something (and it's very possible since I don't  
understand all the pieces yet) here's what I found:
- with the code in the head, my AtomicComponentContext needs to  
implement 15 methods;

- with the code in the sandbox, I have to implement 25 methods.

And this is just one class, I'm not even implementing the  
builders or invokers yet... I think that in both cases this is  
too much.

It looks like the experiment in the sandbox is attempting to  
provide a simpler programming model for these extensions by  
hiding some of the complexity in base implementation classes,  
but I think it will be better to define a set of independent  
interfaces and make some of them optional. In other words if my  
extension does not wish to implement one of the interfaces, then  

Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces

2006-06-21 Thread Jeremy Boynes
Raymond Feng wrote:
 I guess one of the concerns is that some of the base classes create
 additional contracts which are not captured by the interfaces. It ends
 up that the extension developers have to understand more.

I agree that that would be a concern. That wasn't the intention here.
The intention was that the base classes would aid the extension
developer by providing default implementations of parts of the contract
that would be common to typical extensions.

The contracts should be fully defined by the interfaces; the extensions
just happen to provide common implementations.

 Let's use the StAXElementLoader and LoaderExtension as an example.
 Interface StAXElementLoader only requires the load method to be
 implemented while LoaderExtension defines a contract on how a
 StAXElementLoader register/deregister with the LoaderRegistry. 

Not quite - there is a bi-directional contract between the
LoaderRegistry and each StAXElementLoader. Implementations of
StAXElementLoader register with a loader implementation using the
LoaderRegistry interface; in turn the loader implementation calls back
to registered StAXElementLoader implementations to handle an element in
a XML stream.

The contract is fully defined by the StAXElementLoader and
LoaderRegistry interfaces. LoaderExtension does not add anything to
that, it just provides a default implementation of a registration mechanism.

 This is achieved by java annotations.

The way the default works is by using the lifecycle model from the SCA
specification. It starts with the assumption that the extension will be
provided as a composite. When the composite starts, the spec says that
all components inside it designated as eager-init are automatically
started. When a Java implementation is started, its init method must
be called. Currently the only way an init method can be specified is
via an @Init annotation; that's really an omission from the spec - there
should be a way to specify that in the componentType sidefile as well.

LoaderExtension uses this mechanism to register the component with the
LoaderRegistry. As a provider, you just create your loader component as
a subclass of LoaderExtension and include it in your composite - when
the composite is started the init method is called and you automatically
get registered with the LoaderRegistry; when your composite stops you
are automatically unregistered.

Of course, you don't have to use that. You can register a
StAXElementLoader with the LoaderRegistry at any time just by calling
its register method. The bootstrap code does this to register the
primordial set of loaders.

This ties back to the goals we had at the top. The contract here is
specified in the SPI interfaces (LoaderRegistry and StAXElementLoader);
the LoaderExtension base class provides a default implementation based
on the SCA lifecycle model but it is just a default - you can register
in any way supported by the LoaderRegistry contract.

 For this particular case, I can see two ways to get an extension picked
 up by the runtime: declarative or programmatic. Some further questions
 will be:
 1) Should the extension developers have a choice to use either java
 annotations or external XML configuration?

They should - the spec does not have mechanism to represent lifecycle in
XML and that's a problem with the spec. That would be a good proposal to
put forward.

 2) Should the extension metadata (for example, the XML element name that
 a loader can handle) be captured in a model and java annotation is just
 a convenient way to supply the value?

When a loader registers it explicitly specifies the element it wants to
handle (it can actually register multiple times). This is part of the
LoaderRegistry contract.

The default implementation in LoaderExtension gets that from the
sub-class by calling the getXMLType() abstract method. How that method
determines the type is up to the extension developer. The
implementations we have now just return the QName as that seemed really
simple and they are typically specialized to handle one element.
However, how they actually do it is down to them. It certainly would be
possible for a more generic implementation to load it from a resource,
an annotation, having it be injected as a SCA Property value, by parsing
some other XML config file and so on.

For example, I know you were working on a loader implementation that
used SDO. Once you know the set of elements you want SDO to handle you
would just need to register your loader with the LoaderRegistry for each
of them. You probably would not want to use LoaderExtension at all.

If I can help get this SDO loader integrated, please let me know (if you
have posted a patch and I've forgotten please send me a pointer to it).


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Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces

2006-06-21 Thread Raymond Feng

Hi, Jeremy.

Thanks for the clarification.

For the SDO loader, I have posted a patch before ( ). 
Please review and apply.

Thank you for bringing up the issue on how we support more flexible loader 
registrations. There are some potential use cases:

1) Register a loader by one or more element QNames (In the SDO loader impl, 
a QName for now is required to create a loader instance for the given 

2) Register a loader by one or more type QNames
3) Register a loader by one or more namespaces
4) Register a loader by wildcards against QNames


- Original Message - 
From: Jeremy Boynes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces

Raymond Feng wrote:


I guess one of the concerns is that some of the base classes create
additional contracts which are not captured by the interfaces. It ends
up that the extension developers have to understand more.

I agree that that would be a concern. That wasn't the intention here.
The intention was that the base classes would aid the extension
developer by providing default implementations of parts of the contract
that would be common to typical extensions.

The contracts should be fully defined by the interfaces; the extensions
just happen to provide common implementations.

Let's use the StAXElementLoader and LoaderExtension as an example.
Interface StAXElementLoader only requires the load method to be
implemented while LoaderExtension defines a contract on how a
StAXElementLoader register/deregister with the LoaderRegistry.

Not quite - there is a bi-directional contract between the
LoaderRegistry and each StAXElementLoader. Implementations of
StAXElementLoader register with a loader implementation using the
LoaderRegistry interface; in turn the loader implementation calls back
to registered StAXElementLoader implementations to handle an element in
a XML stream.

The contract is fully defined by the StAXElementLoader and
LoaderRegistry interfaces. LoaderExtension does not add anything to
that, it just provides a default implementation of a registration 

This is achieved by java annotations.

The way the default works is by using the lifecycle model from the SCA
specification. It starts with the assumption that the extension will be
provided as a composite. When the composite starts, the spec says that
all components inside it designated as eager-init are automatically
started. When a Java implementation is started, its init method must
be called. Currently the only way an init method can be specified is
via an @Init annotation; that's really an omission from the spec - there
should be a way to specify that in the componentType sidefile as well.

LoaderExtension uses this mechanism to register the component with the
LoaderRegistry. As a provider, you just create your loader component as
a subclass of LoaderExtension and include it in your composite - when
the composite is started the init method is called and you automatically
get registered with the LoaderRegistry; when your composite stops you
are automatically unregistered.

Of course, you don't have to use that. You can register a
StAXElementLoader with the LoaderRegistry at any time just by calling
its register method. The bootstrap code does this to register the
primordial set of loaders.

This ties back to the goals we had at the top. The contract here is
specified in the SPI interfaces (LoaderRegistry and StAXElementLoader);
the LoaderExtension base class provides a default implementation based
on the SCA lifecycle model but it is just a default - you can register
in any way supported by the LoaderRegistry contract.

For this particular case, I can see two ways to get an extension picked
up by the runtime: declarative or programmatic. Some further questions
will be:

1) Should the extension developers have a choice to use either java
annotations or external XML configuration?

They should - the spec does not have mechanism to represent lifecycle in
XML and that's a problem with the spec. That would be a good proposal to
put forward.

2) Should the extension metadata (for example, the XML element name that
a loader can handle) be captured in a model and java annotation is just
a convenient way to supply the value?

When a loader registers it explicitly specifies the element it wants to
handle (it can actually register multiple times). This is part of the
LoaderRegistry contract.

The default implementation in LoaderExtension gets that from the
sub-class by calling the getXMLType() abstract method. How that method
determines the type is up to the extension developer. The
implementations we have now just return the QName as that seemed really
simple and they are typically specialized to handle one element.
However, how they actually do it is down to them. It certainly would be
possible for a more generic 

Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces

2006-06-21 Thread Jeremy Boynes
Raymond Feng wrote:
 Hi, Jeremy.
 Thanks for the clarification.
 For the SDO loader, I have posted a patch before ( ).
 Please review and apply.

Thanks - I remember the type scoping discussion that followed and forgot
the patch. I'll look at this later today.

 Thank you for bringing up the issue on how we support more flexible
 loader registrations. There are some potential use cases:
 1) Register a loader by one or more element QNames (In the SDO loader
 impl, a QName for now is required to create a loader instance for the
 given element)

I think we can do this now by providing your own init method or
overriding start() and stop() in LoaderExtension - you just need to call
register multiple times. Would that work or did you mean something else?

 2) Register a loader by one or more type QNames

We had talked about extending the Loader contract to support types (I'll
see if that is in the patch you referred to above). I think the current
approach would work for this as well - seem reasonable?

Once we do this I would suggest we also rename StAXElementLoader to
StAXLoader (as it will be able to handle more than just elements).

 3) Register a loader by one or more namespaces
 4) Register a loader by wildcards against QNames

I'd like to discuss these a little more in conjunction with the
extensibility story for SDO itself. I can see the value in SDO but this
may be overkill for SCA.


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Re: [PATCH] More improvements to SDO/StAX support

2006-06-21 Thread Raymond Feng

Thank for applying the patch.

Here's one more patch addressing several issues I discovered recently.

1) Fix a preifx/namespace mapping issue when a unqualified local element is 

2) Fix a duplicate START_DOCUMENT issue with XMLDocumentStreamReader
3) Fix the problem with getTextLength() with XMLDocumentStreamReader and 
enforce IllegalStateException for some methods per spec

For some TODO/FIXME/HACKs, we require SDO to provide addtional metadata so 
that the XMLStreamReader for SDO can produce the exact XML document.It' work 
in progress.


- Original Message - 
From: Jeremy Boynes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: [PATCH] More improvements to SDO/StAX support

Jeremy Boynes wrote:

Frank Budinsky wrote:

I can't seem to find the cycles to look at this right now, so in the
interest of getting something going here can some other StAX-savvy
committer (maybe Jeremy) take a look at Raymond's patch and commit it if
it looks like a reasonable start.? We can then look at addressing the
issues (e.g., substitution group, which involves a spec discussion) 

I had a first look and this really helps - thanks Raymond.

Before I apply it, there are a few areas marked FIXME or HACK - are
those permanent hacks or should we expect an update soon?


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(revision 416102)
(working copy)
@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@
private void registerNamespace(String prefix, String uri) {
if (!uri.equals(namespaceContext.getNamespaceURI(prefix))) {
-namespaceContext.put(prefix, uri);
+namespaceContext.registerMapping(prefix, uri);
declaredNamespaceMap.put(prefix, uri);
@@ -1301,7 +1301,7 @@
// namespaces are having no prefixes
if (!uri.equals(namespaceContext.getNamespaceURI(prefix))) {
// this namespace is not there. Need to declare it
-namespaceContext.put(prefix, uri);
+namespaceContext.registerMapping(prefix, uri);

@@ -1416,19 +1416,22 @@
protected static class DelegatingNamespaceContext implements 
NamespaceContext {
private NamespaceContext parent;

-private Map nsMap = new HashMap();
+private Map prefixToNamespaceMapping = new HashMap();

public DelegatingNamespaceContext(NamespaceContext parent) {
this.parent = parent;


public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix) {
-String ns = (String) nsMap.get(prefix);
+if (prefix == null)
+throw new IllegalArgumentException(Prefix is null);
+String ns = (String) prefixToNamespaceMapping.get(prefix);
if (ns != null)
return ns;
else if (parent != null)
@@ -1440,7 +1443,7 @@
public String getPrefix(String nsURI) {
if (nsURI == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Namespace is null);
-for (Iterator i = nsMap.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
+for (Iterator i = prefixToNamespaceMapping.entrySet().iterator(); 
i.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
if (entry.getValue().equals(nsURI)) {
return (String) entry.getKey();
@@ -1454,17 +1457,22 @@

public Iterator getPrefixes(String nsURI) {
List prefixList = new ArrayList();
-for (Iterator i = nsMap.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
+for (Iterator i = prefixToNamespaceMapping.entrySet().iterator(); 
i.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
if (entry.getValue().equals(nsURI)) {
+if (parent != null) {
+for (Iterator i = parent.getPrefixes(nsURI); i.hasNext();) {

Re: [PATCH] More improvements to SDO/StAX support

2006-06-21 Thread Jeremy Boynes
Raymond Feng wrote:
 Thank for applying the patch.
 Here's one more patch addressing several issues I discovered recently.
 1) Fix a preifx/namespace mapping issue when a unqualified local element
 is loaded
 2) Fix a duplicate START_DOCUMENT issue with XMLDocumentStreamReader
 3) Fix the problem with getTextLength() with XMLDocumentStreamReader and
 enforce IllegalStateException for some methods per spec

Thanks - applied.

 For some TODO/FIXME/HACKs, we require SDO to provide addtional metadata
 so that the XMLStreamReader for SDO can produce the exact XML
 document.It' work in progress.

OK - hopefully Frank can pick those up.

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Re: [jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-487) Java 5.0 dependency in

2006-06-21 Thread Jeremy Boynes
Jeremy Boynes wrote:
 I think NamespaceContext is also available in some of the optional
 libraries for 1.4 (one of the web-services pack thingies). Those
 libraries moved in to the Java5 API but I think they are available
 separately as well with 1.4 level compatibility - we may just need to
 add the right dependencies.

A version is also available from Geronimo:

contains both QName and NamespaceContext


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Re: move of to core2

2006-06-21 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Jim Marino wrote:

On Jun 20, 2006, at 10:37 AM, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Jim Marino wrote:
In trying to eliminate reliance on core2 by in the 
sandbox and have it only rely on the extensibility SPI, it occurred 
to me that this would mandate moving a lot of implementation classes 
from core2 into SPI. I believe having as a separate 
project rely on core2 is the wrong approach. This leaves three options:

- move the required classes to SPI
- make not dependent on core classes by duplicating them
- merging with core.

I think moving the classes to SPI is not the best approach since 
they are implementations.   Having duplicate classes does not seem 
to be the optimal approach either as that will result in a 
maintenance burden and a lot of code repetition.  As background, the 
sharing of classes between core2 and arises from the 
fact that the runtime uses a POJO model to assemble system services, 
and hence there is commonality between the two.

I prefer to do the latter as it appears to be the cleanest. Also, 
java.container is not a very good example of how to extend the 
recursive core due to its advanced capabilities. I'd rather 
include a simple Java container geared to demonstrating how to 
extend the runtime. It would be helpful if people provide input over 
the next day...I plan to implement choice 3 tomorrow if there are no 


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I would prefer another option: Define a clean SPI contract with just 
interfaces so that containers (component implementation extensions) 
do not have to depend on internal classes from the core project. I 
thought that it was the reason for having an SPI project separate 
from core.
I think that the core runtime and the java container should be 
decoupled with clean interface-based contracts between the two. What 
are the technical issues preventing us from achieving that?

That's exactly what we have, a clean SPI with mostly interfaces. and core, however, both use java Pojo's (system 
services, and Java CI components) so there are some common reflection 
and injection related classes. It doesn't make sense to duplicate 
those classes and related test cases and maintain exact replicas in 
two different projects of a significant amount of code. On the other 
hand, keeping separate and referencing those core 
classes sends an unclear message to extension developers. The other 
option, putting the implementation classes in SPI is in my view also 
wrong for two reasons. First, they are implementation-related, Second, 
they are not things we want to expose in the SPI.

So, to recap, we have a separate SPI extension package that does not 
require extension developers to reference the core implementation. 
Core, for example, is built on SPI. The issue I was bringing up in 
this thread is that as core and share a significant 
amount of implementation, and is central to both SCA 
and the Java Tuscany implementation, it makes sense to combine the two 
as opposed to duplicating the shared implementation.



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If I understand correctly, and core both share utility 
classes that handle reflection and handling of Java annotations. Since 
we are a Java runtime other extensions and contributions to Tuscany will 
probably need this kind of utilities so I'd like to propose that we 
package them in tuscany-common.jar. This way they won't get mixed up 
with the SPIs (I agree with you that putting implementation classes in 
the SPI JAR is not good, I think the SPI JAR should just contain 
interfaces), and we can keep the java implementation extension and the 
core separate, which I think is important.


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Checkstyle and PMD

2006-06-21 Thread Jeremy Boynes
I like the idea of running these but remain concerned by the time it
takes on *every* build. They seem to add 10-15 seconds per module which
is a long time compared to the 2-5 seconds it takes to run the unit
tests. This is an impact for people like me who frequently build from
the command line rather than from inside an IDE.

To make things worse, I can't seem to build individual modules - I get:

[INFO] An error has occurred in Checkstyle report generation.
Embedded error: failed to load suppressions location:
/home/jeremy/tuscany/sandbox/jboynes/sca/core2/suppressions_1_0.dtd (No
such file or directory)

I assume this is a working-directory problem but it does make testing a
single module problematic.

We had talked originally about just running these before checking in -
Jim/Dan do you know how to set up mvn to do that or should I start to
dig into it?


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[jira] Updated: (TUSCANY-120) Axis2 WS binding support for entryPoint without pre-existing WSDL

2006-06-21 Thread Venkatakrishnan (JIRA)
 [ ]

Venkatakrishnan updated TUSCANY-120:


To address this, I have started with generation of XSDs from static SDOs for 
now.  If this part is thro, I suppose integrating it with WSDL generation can 
be managed.  

Before I go futher I want to do a sanity check over what I have implemented 
here on whether it is the right approach, on whether I have done the right 
things upto now... hence I am attaching whatever I have done for inputs / 
comments  from the community.

Here is what I did ...
- Firstly I have assumed that the user will be able to input the SDO Factory 
class and obviously the classnames of the static SDOs for which xsds are to be 
- I followed the specifications the SDO v2.0.1 specs document - section titled 
Generation of XSD from SDO Type and Property (Page 107)
- I have implemented for most basic rules specified therein but have quite some 
yet to be addressed.
- I have tested with two sets of SDOs 1) that Raymond had attached previous in 
this JIRA (CreditReport classes) and 2) SDOs generated using the Tuscany - 
XSD2JavaGenerator tool from the sequences.xsd (an xsd that I picked up from the 
sdo-tools project)

Here are my findings with the outputs generated: -
- the outputs generated for the CreditReport sample is ok. 
- the outputs generated for sequences.xsd has quite a few discrepencies when 
compared with the original one.   I'd like to have comments on whether I have 
interpretted the specs properly or is it something we must start fixing with 
annotations (additional information) appended to the generated SDOs.

I have attached my entire eclipse project directory with all relevant classes 
and outputs.  I have also attached the .classpath and .project  files just in 
case any of you would like to import this project into your eclipse IDEs and 


 Axis2 WS binding  support for entryPoint without pre-existing WSDL

  Key: TUSCANY-120
  Project: Tuscany
 Type: Bug

   Components: Java SCA Axis Binding
 Versions: Java-Mx
 Reporter: ant elder
 Assignee: Raymond Feng
  Fix For: Java-Mx

 Where the entryPoint doesn't use interface.wsdl then the pre-existing WSDL 
 document shouldn't be required. Axis2 can generate WSDL at runtime based on 
 the service interface so the Axis2 binding can use that to support the 
 entryPoint name=AccountService
 See ML discussion:[EMAIL 

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Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces

2006-06-21 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino


ant elder wrote:


Where are you doing this and how can we start helping? A long time ago 
I had
a go at something like this for the JavaScript component, the 
interfaces it
had were along the lines of the ones below. probably a bit old now 
with all

the other changes. One thing I found hard was having a nice way to have
interfaces be either Java classes or WSDL portTypes particularly with
components invoking service references.

I'm not going to do this in the main head stream since this is 
prototyping and design investigation work. I just created an m2-design 
directory in my sandbox for this. I'll put the ruby component 
implementation extension there as soon as it is in a reasonable enough 

There's a lot of interesting design and prototyping work where I think 
you can help:
- Review the ruby implementation extension that I'm going to put there 
and help understand what aspects are missing, where interfaces can be 
improved, simplified and made more approachable.
- Implement a simple binding extension (System.out/ or just 
TCP/IP sockets for example) to help understand the binding extension 
programming model, and see what's common with implementation extensions.
- The whole interface definition space, like you said we need a nice way 
to deal with Java and WSDL interfaces, we also need to understand how 
somebody can extend Tuscany to provide support for additional interface 
definition languages (e.g. a ruby base class or a ruby module).
- The interaction with databindings and how a component implementation 
extension or binding extensions specifies what data representation it 
can work with.

This is just a short list of things that come to mind, but the list will 
grow quickly :)


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Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces

2006-06-21 Thread Raymond Feng


I have made some progress here.

1) Started to implement a very simple TCP/IP socket binding
2) Prototyped the databinding framework which can be used to hook with 
Tuscany message handler/interceptor. (please see my previous note).


- Original Message - 
From: Jean-Sebastien Delfino [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: Tuscany SPI interfaces


ant elder wrote:


Where are you doing this and how can we start helping? A long time ago I 
a go at something like this for the JavaScript component, the interfaces 
had were along the lines of the ones below. probably a bit old now with 

the other changes. One thing I found hard was having a nice way to have
interfaces be either Java classes or WSDL portTypes particularly with
components invoking service references.

I'm not going to do this in the main head stream since this is prototyping 
and design investigation work. I just created an m2-design directory in my 
sandbox for this. I'll put the ruby component implementation extension 
there as soon as it is in a reasonable enough shape.

There's a lot of interesting design and prototyping work where I think you 
can help:
- Review the ruby implementation extension that I'm going to put there and 
help understand what aspects are missing, where interfaces can be 
improved, simplified and made more approachable.
- Implement a simple binding extension (System.out/ or just 
TCP/IP sockets for example) to help understand the binding extension 
programming model, and see what's common with implementation extensions.
- The whole interface definition space, like you said we need a nice way 
to deal with Java and WSDL interfaces, we also need to understand how 
somebody can extend Tuscany to provide support for additional interface 
definition languages (e.g. a ruby base class or a ruby module).
- The interaction with databindings and how a component implementation 
extension or binding extensions specifies what data representation it can 
work with.

This is just a short list of things that come to mind, but the list will 
grow quickly :)


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