Re: [DAS] What's next for Tuscany DAS ?

2007-08-27 Thread Amita Vadhavkar
I have attached patch for TUSCANY-961+ TUSCANY-986 combined in TUSCANY-961.
One observation here -
Generated code shows usage of deprecated method FactoryBase.getProperty(Type,
int) and needs to be replaced by getLocalProperty(), any changes needed in
xsdtojava generator in SDO?

Any suggestions?


On 8/22/07, Luciano Resende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 With the DAS beta1 release out, I'd like to look forward to things
 that we want to do next for DAS.

 I think that there are still couple things that we can improve our
 core DAS features, the main one would be adding support for multiple
 DAS implementations, and review our SDO 2.1 APIs usage.

 As for our history with SCA integration, we have started efforts
 around Data Services/Declarative DAS  (implementation.das) and Data
 Feeds (, and this is probably another area we
 would like to continue to work going forward.

 I also think we should continue to improve our user documentation and
 distribution infrastructure to make our  release cut easier.

 Below is a summary list of items and JIRAs that are related to these
 possible items :

 - TUSCANY-986 - DAS integration with SDO 2.1 APIs
 - TUSCANY-961 - DAS: Using deprected SDO method causes Type lookup failure
 - Refactoring DAS to allow multiple implementatons

 As for timeframe, maybe it would be good to have a release in the next
 couple weeks, to support SDO 1.0 and be available to the SCA release,
 so we can have the integration story with SCA available.

 This is just of brain dump of where my thinking is at the moment, I'm
 sure everyone has their own thoughts about things we should tackle. It
 would be good to get to them all on the table :-)

 Thoughts ?

 Luciano Resende
 Apache Tuscany Committer

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Re: Problem configuring and reaching RSS, Atom bindings

2007-08-27 Thread Florian Rosenberg
hi skip,

Skip Schuler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/27/2007 02:13:57 PM:
 I'm trying to leverage the atom and rss bindings to expose some feeds
 java sca build 0.91. More specifically I'm trying to deploy a war on my
 Tomcat instance. I have a class that implements, however I'm not having any
 in reaching the atom or rss endpoints (which may be due to my
 understanding). Anyway, here's my configuration;


 service name=RSSSampleFeed promote=AtomFeeder

 service name=AtomSampleFeed promote=AtomFeeder

 component name=AtomFeeder class=com.schuler.feed.FeederImpl /



 The URL http://localhost:8080/feed-atomrss/SCA/AtomSampleFeed fails with
 status code 500 (see below).

it seems that your are missing something. for exposing your feeds you don't
necessarily put your app manually in tomcat, tucany can do it for you.
i suggest that you have a look at the following example, which should
clarify some points:

 How can I reach the rss and atom endpoints? What will the URL be, and
 are correct binding configurations in the .composite?

the URL depends what you specify in the binding, for example:
service name=rssSample promote=RssAggregator
   tuscany:binding.rss uri=http://localhost:8083/rssAggregator/


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Re: throws Exception clause of service method create problem

2007-08-27 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Radim Kolarik wrote:

Hi ant,

when is the move to Axis 1.3 planned? Will it make it to the upcoming release?



Hi Radim,

The 0.99 release (which we are currently voting on) uses Axis 1.2.

We're just starting to talk on tuscany-dev about cutting the 1.0 release 
branch around mid-September. I'd like it to use Axis 1.3 if others on 
the tuscany-dev list are OK with it.

In the meantime, you can try to build Tuscany with Axis 1.3. Somebody 
else already tried and it seems to work, see [1].

[1][EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg22310.html


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Re: Load-balancing between service instances

2007-08-27 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Simon Laws wrote:

On 8/9/07, Maciek Chociej [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Recently I've been investigating the same thing. I'm trying to rebuild
our in-house
SOA platform with the use of Tuscany. What I am lacking is clustering,
lookup and load balancing of service providers. I don't think I need
that for
local wiring, so I just focused on providing those over the ws binding.
From what
I see right now it is possible to do that rather gracefully in a number
of ways.
For example on the remote side, you can use your web container's
scheme. For example Tomcat clusters might balance request to the axis
responsible for the ws.binded services, the downside of this is that the
gets out of Tuscany's control. On the other hand, on the local side
(which I find
much nicer) I've tampered a little with the ws axis binding and it
should be easily
possible to inject a UDDI or similar ws lookup into the
or to build a 'lookup' version extending the axis one.

I'm rather new to Tuscany so any comments appreciated.


Olivier Collard wrote:

I'm wondering how I could implement load-balancing with Tuscany.

Basically, I would need the ability to configure component X to talk to
multiple instances of another component Y.

Ideally, this would be like 'wiring' a reference to multiple instances

of component Y, running either locally or remotely.

Would I need to write some kind of extension for this?


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This is an interesting thread. The easy answer is that you are both right
that we haven't addressed load balancing or clustering directly just yet.

We are working on a first step at the moment which might make some of this
easier. That is the ability to have an SCA domain run across multiple nodes
(JVMs). We have had a very simple version of this for a while and we are
bringing it up again now on top of the new wiring mechanism and new SCA
binding.  The basic idea here is that you have parts of the domain, i.e.
component services,  running on separate nodes and Tuscany is able to locate
which node is running which service.

So this could be considered load balancing in that it allows you to
distribute your application across a number of nodes but it's not load
balancing in the sense that Olivier mentioned. I.e. spreading the load on a
single component/service.

I think Maciek is on the right track though. I like the ideas about having a
new binding that is able to provide this feature within a Tuscany domain
with reference to some registry of services. It would certainly be
interesting to do this with a binding based on the web services binding
with, as suggested, suitable logic to look up target services and pick one
from the list of returned endpoints.

Running inside a clustered container should also be a possibility. A you say
we would expect the clustering to be outside Tuscany's control in this case
and we would have to engineer for the registry of service endpoints to have
the address of the head node rather than the individual servers where
Tuscany is running components in the cluster. We would also need to look out
for session replication issues.

Either of you interested in doing some work on this?




So I guess there's at least two options:
[a] leverage the Tomcat clustering / load-balancing capabilities (make 
sure that Tuscany works OK in that environment)
[b] write a binding extension, or tamper with an existing one :) to add 
load-balancing in Tuscany

If any of you are interested in doing some work on this, here are a few 

- a simple distributed sample, which could be used as a starting point 
to demonstrate some load-balancing

- the Tuscany SCA default binding, which uses a simple registry shared 
on the network to record endpoints of services as they start, and to 
resolve these endpoints later

the binding extension

the distributed registry

We're just at the beginning of implementing this so it's the right time 
to jump in if you want to add some load-balancing :)


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Re: [DAS] Transaction support - a bigger picture question

2007-08-27 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Comments inline.

Amita Vadhavkar wrote:

I have not worked on the latest DAS-SCA integration so far, and am quite
sure Lucinao
will have good pointers in this area. But looking at the current
tuscany-implementation-das, can see the following possible.

Yes, I guess the idea is to:

- access Data inside an SCA component declared with implementation-das

- let the application developer annotate the component implementation 
and services with transaction policy intents to indicate what he wants 
in terms of transaction

So take this as my attempt to understand
and DAS-SCA integration :)

DASImplementation implements
 contains dasService.
Using dasService, requiredIntents on the Service can be found.


There are two categories of policy intents in SCA:

- implementation policy intents - used to indicate requirements of the 
component implementation (authorization for example, i.e. you must be 
authorized to execute my implementation)

- interaction policy intents - used to configure how a component will 
interact with others (confidentiality for example, i.e. messages 
exchanged with my component must be encrypted)

I think that the same will have to apply to transactions as well, the 
DAS implementation will probably have to deal with intents specified on 
both services and the implementation itself.

org.apache.tuscany.das.rdb.DAS interface can be enhanced to accept these
intents.  DAS
internally can configure DASConfig reflecting the intents specified , so
that DAS instance
construction happens with correct attributes. Based on these attributes DAS
transaction control
will occur (if intent is TransactionControl).

Intent TransactionControl can be qualified as say, 1) Container Transaction
2) DAS Transaction Control.

Can you describe this a bit more to help me understand what you mean by 
Container transaction control vs DAS transaction control?

Advantage of having intent attached to a service will be, using different
intents for different services
of same component.

Yes, different services - different interaction policies

 What will be the policySets here?
Say,  if policySet/intent Container Transaction Control mandates that the
implementation should expose
 getConnection() so that container Runtime can use it, how this mandate can
be achieved?

Not sure at all yet. A PolicySet translates an Intent to the 
corresponding configuration of the underlying runtime, so it really 
depends on what the DAS + SCA runtime will expect.


On 8/20/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Sorry to cut across the discussion about Transaction support in DAS, but
are folks aware of the proposal for Transaction support in SCA?

which leads to the entertaining question of how the DAS transaction
support relates to the SCA transaction support.

The problem at the moment is that the SCA spec group only has an
unpublished draft of the Transaction support spec.  The intention is to
publish an updated draft in the near future.

However, I can say that the SCA spec mechanism is based on the use of
Intents to apply transactional characteristics to SCA components.


I've seen several exchanges on the list already from people interested 
in some support for transactions... So since the spec is not ready yet, 
how about starting now with something really simple like an 
implementation policy intent that would just say:

- transaction - i.e. my implementation must run as part of a transaction
- noTransaction - i.e. I don't want to run as part of a transaction

It may look simplistic, but will help us understand the end to end 
story, work on the necessary plumbing and integration with a transaction 
manager etc. and we can always add more later and adjust the details of 
the intents and policySets when the spec is ready.



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