ugnet_: Museveni aids Obote family (Using cows donated by Heifer International?)

2004-04-09 Thread Edward Mulindwa


Does Zambia put her former leaders in Uganda, or 
let me put it this way, does Uganda have a formal arrangement with Zambia to 
take care of her past leaders? True fight for freedom must as well demand that 
we put those leaders to court/s if we truly believe that they misused their 
position. If you have a case against Obote make it. All I am hearing all along 
is a simple "Munange nawulidde" and I can not function from such. If you know 
that Obote is against freedom, charge him, but your idiotic solution of keeping 
him at bay means that Museveni can kill as many as he can as long as we will be 
able to keep him at bay in Sweden. I am sorry I do not buy that I need our 
national leaders to be accountable and I am proud ofObote for the man is 
still standing on his deeds, and it is only deeds that have protected Obote to 
today. Do not delude your self. And the accusations you are making against the 
mancan only survive in a Uganda community.

IfObote was against freedom, one must wonder 
why NRM has not charged him, when it can go to Luzira prison and murder a 
disabled man like Alhaji Musa Ssebirumbi. 

May he rest in peace with all those murdered by 
your NRM.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

  - Original Message - 
  Rehema Mukooza 
  Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 3:16 
  Subject: [Ugandacom] Re: Museveni aids 
  Obote family (Using cows donated by Heifer International?)
  You asked to know why we should keep Obote out of Uganda. My answer 
  is that he is an enemy of freedom and thus, he must be kept at bay.
  And I also believe that it is a humanely thing to help out Obote's family 
  with cows and stuff. Helping Obote's family is not the problem. 
  The problem is the great threat Obote posses to our freedoms of political 
  parties, Kingdoms, Federalism, and Democracy at large. 
  We do not play with our enemies, we fight them off to liberate 
  ourselves! I believe we are doing so in Obote's case. 
  Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hong Kong

The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, 
Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est 
dans l'anarchie"


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 10:49 
  Subject: ugnet_: Re: Museveni aids 
  Obote family (Using cows donated by Heifer International?)
  That is a very humanely thing to do for Obote's family. But we 
  have to keep the former dictator out of Uganda. That's a must.
  Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Museveni aids Obote family APAC ?President 
Yoweri Museveni has been lauded for donating 25 cows and sh10m to former 
president Milton Obote’s family in Akokoro sub-county, Apac. The LC3 
chairman, Robert Olinga, recently said Museveni had acted considerately 
and humanely. Apac gets AIDS funds APAC ?The Uganda AIDS 
Commission has donated sh70m for Community HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI) 
and health promotion programmes in the district, CHAI co-ordinator Elly 
Ogang told residents of Aber sub-county recently. Govt to assist 
youth LIRA ?The government has earmarked sh60m for the district for 
the implementation of youth and women projects. The LC5 chairman, Franco 
Ojur, was briefing the press on government programmes in the 
New Vision: Wednesday, 7th April, 2004

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2004-04-09 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Mwaami Kasangwawo

I must thank you very much for yours in response to my comments in Monitor
under the heading Buganda can not survive

The fact that a good number of people have responded to me on this issue, I
am going to use this response to try and see that I cover as much ground as
possible may be I can make my position much clearer to those who are looking
for my true stand. It is however very disappointing that a number of
Ugandans have decided to go the bigotry route than looking into the eyes of
this anti Buganda federalism monster that is threatening the entire
cohesiveness of our nation. To those I say, please try to elevate the level
of this discussion by getting out of the tribal gutter that Museveni and NRM
have built their leadership upon.

Kasangwawo. The danger in your posting is to take everything in Uganda for
granted, or as a given. You seem to have it all wrapped up and going to
work. This is a mistake that Uganda leaders have done in the past and it is
disturbing that the history of our nation has taught you nothing at all in
taking every thing for granted. And I will give you an example of this kind
of mistake. When NRM came to power, they thought that growing coffee in
Uganda was a given, they thought that Ugandans grow coffee for their nation
to earn foreign exchange, the fact of the matter is that Ugandans actually
do not give a dam about foreign exchange, they grow coffee to get money to
buy cloth for their families, to pay school fees for their kids and all
daily necessities. NRM decided not only to stop paying farmers in time for
their coffee but destroyed the Cooperative societies that UPC government/s
had built from village to village. Ugandans not only stopped to grow coffee
but for the first time in Uganda history the coffee trees started to be axed
down, and replaced by fast growing food/s like Cassava, maize and potatoes
and so on. Again NRM took the growth of staple food for granted that they
started the barter trade only based on food grown by Ugandans, NRM went to
Eastern Uganda and built the Silos, the huge food storages to use in
collection of its food for barter trade. The population responded by growing
huge amounts of millet and processing it into Malwa and selling it to get
the money for their cause.

Today NRM has the storages and they are empty and dead as its barter trade

Secondly, you are taking too much assumption/s in your Federalism structure,
and you want Buganda to base on those assumptions for her survival. That is
what must scare every Muganda out there about this federalism, for it is not
based on tried and tested philosophy but on assumptions. Federalists are
pushing Buganda to the same fate as NRM's barter trade system.

Under federalism goods from Busoga can be sold to Toro that is a fact, but
Federalism comes with another price, Toro and Busoga will have the ability
to implement programs in their areas funded by monies from their
commodities. And those Basoga and Batoro will go back and must sit down to
plan not only how productive to use their hard earned Shilling but to get
the best Shilling out of their commodities. And if Batoro find out that they
are going to get even one shilling more by selling to Kigali they will sell
to Kigali than toBusoga, just for the fact that their monies is going right
back to Fort Portal. Today Batoro have not endeavored to study that market
for a simple fact that it does not matter how much or little they earn from
their commodities, the governance in Uganda today dictate that monies must
go to Kampala. The Batoro have responded by either moving entirely to
Kampala through massive urbanization, or by daily commuting between Fort
Portal and Kampala to access those Shillings. So to them no one cares how
much they sale for it really does not affect them directly. The use of those
finances is a factor in what areas sell their commodities, that is why
although Ontario has a common boarder with both Michigan and Quebec, we are
selling more to Michigan that Quebec, for we get a higher return from our
sales. Had we not controlled those monies from the sales, we would care less
on where we sell for Ottawa takes the money any way.
Whether we want or not, federalism must change these phenomenons, and
Buganda politics which is based especially on bigotry against other regions,
as clearly seen on these forums, one must be sure that other regions forced
into Federalism are willing to (a) do business with Buganda and (b) whether
Buganda will even have enough funds to buy those commodities. These are very
essential matters that  smart persons must study before splitting up Uganda,
and Buganda must not only study them but must get written agreements from
those regions, testifying to the fact that they will sell those commodities
to Buganda if and when federalism is implemented in Uganda. And as a
Muganda, who knows that Baganda federalists have not only taken no step what
so ever to these negotiations, but have not got 

ugnet_: The awful cost of Uganda's battle against LRA rebels - BBC

2004-04-09 Thread Omar Kezimbira

Last Updated: Thursday, 8 April, 2004, 04:35 GMT 05:35 UK  

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Uganda's fallen child rebels

By Callum Macrae Film-maker and journalist There are few things which can prepare you for the terrible reality of witnessing a "military victory" against the kidnapped child soldiers of Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). 

A soldier nursing a survivor, said to be the child of Vincent Otti
I was in the northern town of Gulu, filming for the forthcoming BBC2 special, A Day of War, when Lt Col Charles Otema, the incongruously genial head of military intelligence for the area, contacted me. 
He said government troops from the Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF) had scored a "significant blow" against the rebels. 
He told me the LRA's second-in-command, Vincent Otti, had been injured in the battle, 55 rebels had been killed - and that, as we spoke, government forces were pursuing the rest through the bush. 
He invited me to come and see the evidence for myself. 
In a tiny military helicopter, we flew 85 kilometres north-west, towards the Sudanese border. 
Northern Uganda is one of the most fertile places in Africa - it could feed the whole of Uganda and more. 

The UPDF has been fighting a long war against the rebels
But as we buzzed through the heat we could see the land below, hatched with the marks of abandoned fields and villages. This land has been terrorised by the LRA. 
One and a half million people have been displaced by the war and live today in cramped and isolated refugee camps, dependent on heavily-armed convoys from the World Food Programme. 
Even there they are not safe. 
Just two months ago, as many as 300 were killed when the LRA raided just one such camp, Barlonyo, near Lira. 
Terrible initiation 
Once the LRA had a programme of sorts  a combination of Christian fundamentalism and political opposition to the government of President Yoweri Museveni. 

The Barlonyo camp was destroyed in a rebel attack
Today it is as much a cult as an army, preying on the mainly Acholi people of the north, the very people it claims to represent. 
The LRA survives by raiding villages and camps, stealing food and provisions, and abducting people  mainly women and children. 
The older ones they will use as porters till they have no further use of them. The younger ones  the 10, 11 and 12-year-olds, they will keep. 
Not uncommonly they will steal perhaps three kids from the same family and then, in the bush, force the youngest two to kill the oldest one. 
Thus they are initiated into their new life as rebels. Bound to the cause by a terrible cocktail of guilt, fear and violence. 
Corpses in the undergrowth 
Our helicopter touched down in a village which had been taken over as a forward base for the Ugandan army. 
The helicopter could get no nearer and we had to cover the remaining four kilometres on foot. 

And then we arrived at the site of the battle. 
It was a scene of terrible carnage. Dozens of bodies lay scattered around the undergrowth where they had fallen. 
The first body I saw, the first of these 55 dead rebels, was about four-years-old. 
Almost certainly he had been born in captivity - probably, like so many others, the product of a forced marriage between an older rebel and a young abducted girl. 
Some 10 metres away, just such a girl lay, dead, stripped to the waist. She may have been the child's mother. 
Rag-tag force 
In the shade of a clump of trees was another group of corpses - a couple of kids, barely teenagers, an older man and a couple of women. 
One of the women was huddled against a tree, clutching it as if for protection, her head bowed. 

Lt Col Otema questions children captured after the assaultShe looked as though she was still alive, until I walked round and from the other side I could see the top two-thirds of her head had gone, blown away by rockets from one of the Ugandan army's new helicopter gunships. 

This, I was told, was the group which had been sitting with Vincent Otti, deputy commander of this brutal rag-tag army of stolen children. 
According to survivors, he had been injured in the attack and carried away into the bush on a stretcher. 
The other dead woman in this group was, I was told, one of Vincent Otti's wives. His three-year-old daughter had been found alive, wandering through the carnage. 
'Awful war' 
We were moving quickly through the bodies - the area was not entirely safe - when I heard a soldier say: "This one's alive!" 
He was a boy, of fighting age certainly  so perhaps 14. 
He was lying semi-conscious, his chest shuddering. He had lain there, unattended, for nearly 24 hours. 
"Can't we get medical attention for him?" I asked. "We will carry him back and treat him," I was told. 
But then five minutes later a soldier brought the news he was dead. 

'It is... difficult to defend the slaughter... in the name of peace'
"Too bad ," said Lt Col Otema. "But at least 


2004-04-09 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Big Lie Exposed By 1994 Plane IncidentsFrom Dan Perez4-8-4


KEAN: I've got a question now I'd like to ask you. It 
was given to me by a number of members of the families. 
Did you ever see or hear from the FBI, from the CIA, 
from any other intelligence agency, any memos or discussions or anything 
else between the time you got into office and 9-11 that talked about 
using planes as bombs? 
RICE: Let me address this question because it has been 
on the table. 
I think that concern about what I might have known or 
we might have known was provoked by some statements that I made in a 
press conference. I was in a press conference to try and describe the 
August 6th memo, which I've talked about here in my opening remarks and 
which I talked about with you in the private session. 
And I said, at one point, that this was a historical 
memo, that it was _ it was not based on new threat information. And I 
said, No one could have imagined them taking a plane, slamming it into 
the Pentagon _ I'm paraphrasing now _ into the World Trade Center, using 
planes as a missile. 
As I said to you in the private session, I probably 
should have said, I could not have imagined, because within two days, 
people started to come to me and say, Oh, but there were these reports 
in 1998 and 1999. The intelligence community did look at information 
about this. 
To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Chairman, this kind 
of analysis about the use of airplanes as weapons actually was never 
briefed to us. 
I cannot tell you that there might not have been a 
report here or a report there that reached somebody in our midst. 

Part of the problem is _ and I think Sandy Berger made 
this point when he was asked the same question _ that you have thousands 
of pieces of information -- car bombs and this method and that method _ 
and you have to depend to a certain degree on the intelligence agencies 
to sort to tell you what is actually relevant, what is actually based on 
sound sources, what is speculative. 
RICE: And I can only assume or believe that perhaps 
the intelligence agencies thought that the sourcing was 
All that I can tell you is that it was not in the 
August 6th memo, using planes as a weapon. And I do not remember any 
reports to us, a kind of strategic warning, that planes might be used as 
weapons. In fact, there were some reports done in '98 and '99. I was 
certainly not aware of them at the time that I spoke. " 
If Rice couldn't have imagined planes being flown into 
buildings, why did she call up San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown on the 
night of September 10th and warn him not to fly the next day? 
I guess she missed the hijacking of an Air France 
plane in 1994, which was all over the media, where there were fears the 
plane would be crashed into the Eiffel Tower in Paris or into buildings 
in New York if the plane was allowed to come to the U.S.; 

"A radical group of Algerian insurgents who hijacked 
an Air France plane in 1994 planned to blow up the aircraft over the 
Eiffel Tower before their plot was foiled, a former top militant was 
quoted as saying. 
A commando of 10 insurgents planned to hijack a plane 
leaving Algiers in December 1994, blowing it up over the French capital, 
Omar Chikhi, a former leader of the Armed Islamic Group, said in an 
interview published Saturday in El Youm newspaper. 
The aircraft never reached Paris. The group hijacked 
the plane on Christmas Eve 1994, killing three passengers, but the 
operation ended in Marseille when a French intervention squad stormed 
the plane and killed the hostage-takers." 
I guess she also missed the mass media news stories of 
the nutcase who stole a Cessna plane on the night of September 11th, 
1994, and flew it(some say it was remote controlled) into the White 
"According to the mainstream media, at about 2300 hrs 
on 11 September 1994, Frank Eugene Corder stole a single-engine Cessna 
150L plane from an airport north of Baltimore, then headed south to 
Washington, flying over the National Zoological Park 


2004-04-09 Thread Edward Mulindwa



How the 
West turned blind eye despite general's 'genocide 
fax'(Filed: 06/04/2004) 
Alec Russell, who covered the aftermath of the 
massacres, reports
A little over 10 years ago, Maj Gen Romeo Dallaire, 
the French-Canadian commander of a United Nations peacekeeping force 
in Rwanda, sent an urgent telegram to Kofi Annan, then UN head of 
peacekeeping, in New York.
It should be pinned up in the foreign ministries of 
the West as a permanent reminder of the most ignominious episode in 
late 20th-century foreign affairs.
Gen Dallaire's message in January 1994 is now known 
as the "genocide fax". Villages were awash with imported machetes, 
he cautioned.
Rwanda had become so militarised that extremist Hutus 
could "exterminate up to 1,000 in 20 minutes".
He was just about right in his analysis of the 
efficacy of the machete against minority Tutsis. As Hutu militiamen 
soon found in that blazingly hot April 10 years ago, even the most 
muscular of forearms needs a rest. Once the genocide was in full 
swing Hutu militiamen would often take breathers, flanked by heaps 
of corpses and "pens" of waiting victims, and offer passers-by the 
chance of some freelance butchery.
But Gen Dallaire's prescience and grim utilitarian 
accuracy were scant comfort for the targets of the genocidaires. His 
cable was buried. The West turned a blind eye. And for 100 days the 
Hutu extremists had their way as western spokesmen bent over 
backwards to avoid using the emotive term genocide which they feared 
would trigger calls for intervention.
There are many factors in the West's reluctance to 
intervene to stop the killing. Europe was fixated by the civil war 
still raging in Bosnia. America was haunted by the "Black Hawk Down" 
debacle in Somalia six months earlier, when the deaths of 18 
American soldiers led to a rapid and ignominious withdrawal of 
American forces.
The international media were for a while not fully 
focused on the tragedy as the world was celebrating the handover of 
power in South Africa.
Mr Annan, as he conceded last week, did not press 
hard enough. But the real failure, as Richard Holbrooke, one of Bill 
Clinton's senior officials, said last weekend in the Washington 
Post, was a "failure of will and a failure of courage" by the 
western powers.
Four years after the genocide, Mr Clinton visited 
Kigali and claimed that he was not fully aware of the scale of the 
But as Gen Dallaire said at the time, the UN had been 
beating the drum for months for more troops - and as the recent 
release of contemporary intelligence reports has confirmed, the 
western powers knew exactly what was happening in Rwanda.
By early July, when the genocide was over, Gen 
Dallaire was a broken man. Wild-eyed, he roved the UN headquarters 
in the capital, Kigali, fulminating at the West's cowardice and 
He was convinced that a swift detachment of a further 
2,500 soldiers could have prevented the genocide. This, after all, 
was not a heavily armed, anarchic state like Somalia. There was a 
well-organised, state-run mass murder, largely committed by machete, 
hoe or club.
A key moment came early on when 10 Belgian 
peacekeepers were killed by Hutu extremists when trying to rescue 
politicians from a mob. It was a moment worthy of Evelyn Waugh's 
bleakest satires. The peacekeepers were ordered to disarm to avoid 
provoking the mob. They were promptly chopped up by machetes.
In a stroke, all the old western caricatures of 
Africa were reinforced and so there was little outcry when America 
demanded a full UN withdrawal. Then, even as the horror started to 
dominate front pages, American officials deleted the word "genocide" 
from UN statements.
The West did finally intervene - but on the wrong 
side. The French sent several thousand elite troops. But it soon 
emerged that their primary role was to protect the remnants of the 
Hutu government, a traditional client of Paris, from the 
Tutsi-dominated rebels who swept in from Uganda in the last weeks of 


2004-04-09 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Friday 09 April 2004, 15:12 
Makka Time, 12:12 GMT


occupation forces have bombed the Iraqitown of Falluja, belying 
administrator Paul Bremer's announcement that his forces were suspending 
military operationsthere.

"As of noon today coalition forces have initiated a unilateral suspension 
of offensive operations in Falluja," Paul Bremer told reporters on Friday. 

But, the US-led occupation's deputy director of operations, Brigadier 
General Mark Kimmitt, denied the reports of a ceasefire. 

afterBremer's announcement, US forces carried out a fresh offensive on 
Falluja bombing the town from the air. Scores of residents were injured in the 
attack, reported our correspondent.


is no brokered agreement for a ceasefire in Falluja," Kimmitt told AFP. "There 
is no agreement between the rebels and the coalition forces." 


the Iraqi Governing Council member Mohsin Abd 
al-Hameed in a 
statement on behalf of his Iraqi Islamic party to Aljazeera said military action 
in Falluja would end for a period of 24 hours. 

commitment to a ceasefire by the occupation forces and Iraqi resistance fighters 
the ceasefire would continue, the statement said.

The Islamic party political bureau would send a 
delegation to hold talks with prominent figures in the town, the statement said. 

meanwhile,has learnt that duringnegotiations to end the 
militaryoffensive, US forces imposed many conditions 
including getting the Aljazeera crew out of the 


At dawn on Friday, US forces asked the residentsto 
evacuate the town, reported our correspondent. 



  Innocents have lost lives 
This was preceded by bombardmentby USforces 
since late on Thursday.Helicopters were seen hoveringafter the 
Violent clashes also erupted between US forces and 
resistance fighters. 

US tanks too reached central Falluja and bombed the 
Golan area as well as Nazzal, Zubat and Askari. 
The bombardment destroyed 10 houses while three went up 
in flames. Our correspondent witnessed a large family arriving at the hospital 
with two of its members dead. 

Other members were still under debris, he said, adding 
that one shrapnel hit a pregnant woman while another pierced the eye of a child. 

Ambulances were bringing in casualties all night while 
people have started fleeing the city fearing more attacks. 

People flee

Men, women and children were fleeing on foot through backstreets and 
paths that cut through fields, carrying small bags, food and medicines. 


Most were seen heading toward the nearby village of Naimiyah, south of Fallujah, which has been under 
effective US siege since Monday. 


Bodies were left to rot in the streets as people cowered indoors. 


On Thursday, the US marines tried to enter the 
neighbourhoods of Zubat and Nazzal but the Shia militia pounded them with 
anti-tank rockets andmortar fire, forcing them to retreat. 

The fierce confrontations have left more than 300 people dead and over 
500 wounded, our correspondent reported, citing hospital 

The Mulindwas Communication Group"With 
Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2004-04-09 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Arrest Warrant 
For Sadr 'Illegal': Iraqi Judges

By Aws Al-Sharqy, IOL 
BAGHDAD, April 7 ( 
– As the Iraqi Governing Council Wednesday, April 7, urged investigations into 
the American military use of "deliberate" force against civilians, the Iraqi 
Jurists Association said the arrest warrant against Shiite leader Muqtada Sadr 
is "illegal and based on a lie". 
"The arrest warrant is illegal and 
incorrect, as the occupation forces issued it in disregard for sovereignty of 
Iraq's justice system," the Association said in a statement a copy of which was 
obtained by 
A U.S. military spokesman said two 
days ago the warrant had been issued "in the last several months" by an Iraqi judge 
investigating last April's murder of a pro-Western Shiite leader one year ago. 

"What justice are you talking 
about? You have dismissed 170 justices of their offices and violated the 
independence of justice here," read the statement. 
Iraqi Minister of Justice 
Abdel-Rahim Al-Shibly had told national press that he had not been aware of the 
arrest warrant against Sadr. 
Sadr is known for his fiery 
speeches against U.S. occupation forces, calling for the continuum of resistance 
operations until ejecting them out of the oil-rich country. 

U.S. civil administrator Paul 
Bremer had called Sadr an "outlaw", drawing counter-accusations from the Shiite 
leader's aides. 
"If he means that Sayed Moqtada is 
an outlaw according to Sharia (Islamic law) and the laws we know, then Bremer 
knows nothing about these laws and it is he who violates these laws," said one 
"We reject all kinds of occupation 
and hegemony. Everything is going to be changed," he added. 

Sadr said Tuesday, April 6, he ended his sit-in at a mosque in Kufa and traveled to 
the holy city of An-Najaf to prevent "more bloodshed". 

In another related development, a 
number of the IGC members voiced outrage over the use of "unjustified" force 
against Iraqi civilians during the last four days. 

Member Abdel-Karim Al-Mahmadawy 
threatened to resign if the U.S. occupation forces did not pull out of areas 
they are sealing off. 
"There should be an investigation 
into force used by occupation forces against unarmed civilians," Mahmadawy 
At least 52 Iraqi civilians, 
including women and children, were killed and some 100 others injured overnight in 
continued American bombardment of densely-populated areas in the besieged town 
of Fallujah. 
The town had been sealed off at dawn Monday and U.S. troops were only 
letting cars with Fallujah license plates enter or leave the town. 

Fallujah residents appealed to 
United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan and the international community to 
intervene and end the crippling U.S. blockade. 
The U.S. occupation commanders have vowed a painful response after Iraqis killed four 
American security contractors in the city on Wednesday, March 31. 

An Iraqi mob afterwards dragged 
their corpses through the streets and hanged two of them from a bridge in scenes 
that showed the depth of anti-occupation sentiment in the conflictive 
Occupation forces also 
"deliberately used force and opened fire on peaceful demonstrators," said 
another council member, Ragaa Al-Khazey. 
Shiite scholars have warned that U.S. troops of acting "irrationally" after 
up to 52 Iraqi protesters were killed on Sunday, April 4, in the worst 
confrontations between Iraq’s Shiite majority and the U.S.-led occupation troops 
sine the start of the invasion one year ago. 
The protesters were denouncing the 
crushing of two fellowmen by a U.S. tank on Saturday, April 3, the arrest of 
Sadr’s top assistant Sheikh Mostafa Al-Yaqoubi and a ban on Al-Hawza newspaper, 
Sadr’s mouthpiece. 
"We deem those fallen dead at the 
hands of occupation forces martyrs," said Abdel-Aziz Al-Hakim, the leader of the 
Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI). 
Hakim said he had earlier warned 
against "closing papers and muzzling" people in the country. 

The offensive on Fallujah 
coincided with deadly clashes between Shiites and U.S.-led occupation 
troops across the country, which killed at least 100 people and injured some 400 
'Military Solution' 

Also Wednesday, the Islamic 
scholars association – the highest religious authority in the country, lashed 
out at the occupation forces. 
"They insist on enforcing a 
military solution as if they are in facing an enemy in battleground not isolated 
civilians," Harith Al-Dari, the council's secretary general, said in a press 
"Occupation forces want to wreck 
havoc all over Iraq," Dari said. 
A member of the council said at 
the opening of the conference that "Iraqis have waken up and realized 
conspiracies contrived against them". 
"Ordinary people were killed, 
hospitals were paralyzed and mosques demolished by those criminal atheists," he 

The Mulindwas Communication Group"With 
Yoweri Museveni, 


2004-04-09 Thread Edward Mulindwa
  Exposing Bush the liar, the mass murderer, the war criminal 
  04/06/2004 12:49 
  The crude and cruel truth about Iraq.
  Pravda.Ru presents the bare facts about what George W. Bush and his evil regime 
has done in Iraq, making the US troops and civilian workers hated among the people who 
were supposed to welcome them with open arms. We expose the lies and present the 
truth, based on media reports and eye witness accounts.

  The attack against Iraq was planned long before 9/11 - the Bush family had some 
unfinished business with Saddam Hussein, the man Washington had placed in Baghdad as 
the equilibrium point between various forces of chaos. The decision not to use the UN 
Security Council was a sign that there was no causus belli and the order to remove the 
UNMOVIC and IAEA inspection teams a show of arrogance, based on the fear that nothing 
would be found. It wasn't.

  Colin Powell then lied through his teeth at the UN building in New York, 
presenting what he claimed as magnificent intelligence work, complete with reports, 
satellite photographs and mock-ups with arrows and labels, such as mobile 
laboratory, which he later claimed were being driven around the desert in vehicles. 
A year on, he now claims that the intelligence was faulty. A more decent man would 
admit that he told a tissue of lies.

  There are not, and never were, Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Bush and his 
regime quite simply lied to their people, lied to the citizens of the world, lied at 
the UNO and lied to the international community of states.

  The heroic liberators of Iraq were supposed to be welcomed by a grateful 
population. Great care was taken to photograph what were supposed to be cheering 
throngs. What we saw were a few dozen bemused and shocked citizens watching on as US 
troops committed acts of vandalism and wanton destruction, to add to the purposeful 
targeting of civilian infrastructures which have not recovered today.

  Western TV reporters are beginning to say they cannot leave their hotels and US 
reporters are wearing the Canadian maple leaf - or hide behind hijabs. 

  Why this hatred? Because the United States of America decided to utterly and 
totally destroy Iraq to pave the way for reconstruction contracts to be doled out to 
the clique of the corporate elite which dictate the White House's policy (not the 
voters), some of these without tender.

  Paul Bremer is selling Iraq and its people to foreign institutions 
  controlled by Washington. Last October, a law was passed linking the economy to 
foreign control (Order 39, which cannot be changed by the new government) and 
instituted special powers for special institutions, controlled by Washington, which 
will supervise the new Iraqi ministries. Long after the US 
  troops pull out (or retreat), the Project Management Office and the US Embassy 
in Baghdad will continue to control the reconstruction process and funding. Neither 
will all the troops leave, since there are plans to station over 100.000 in the 
country for several years at the 14 permanent military bases being set up around the 
country, advance bases for strikes against other countries as Washington goes for the 
throat of the world's richest region in mineral resources.

  This is the truth, not the lies spun by Washington about freedom and democracy 
and evil dictators and WMD.

  George Bush's freedom and democracy is translated into horrific statistics about 
human casualties, the people he said God had told him to save. The great care taken 
by Washington to reduce civilian casualties included the dropping of 
brightly-coloured, shiny cluster bombs into civilian areas for 
  children to mistake as sweets, only for the explosive fragments to blow up, 
blowing away their faces, their hands, their legs, their eyes or even their lives. 
UNICEF estimates that at least 1.000 children - one thousand children - were mutilated 
for life in this way.

  Independent estimates point towards a civilian death rate of between 7.500 and 
9.500 and a further 20.000 wounded, including women and children, the elderly and 
babies, blasted through their roofs by George Bush's freedom and democracy and by the 
great care of his murderous forces. As for Iraqi soldiers, the estimates are between 
13.500 and 45.000 dead and between 40.000 and 135.000 wounded.

  Allied casualties are impossible to estimate because of Washington's lies. 

  Official declarations from the Pentagon stated that 1927 had been wounded, when 
the Washington Post quoted reliable sources declaring that the number was at least 
6.000, three times more.

  Between one and two thousand tonnes of depleted uranium was deployed by the 
invading forces, polluting the atmosphere and water supply for years to come. The 
country is strewn with unexploded cluster bombs, mines, grenades, 40% of the water 
supply was destroyed, sewage treatment 


2004-04-09 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Scores dead as Falluja resists US onslaught

Wednesday 07 April 2004, 10:51 Makka Time, 7:51 GMT  

Fierce street battles continued to rage in Falluja with resistance fighters putting up 
stiff opposition to US occupation forces trying to gain control of the restive town.

Hospital sources said at least 45 Iraqis were killed and 90 injured in attacks on the 
besieged town on Wednesday.

Among the casualties were a family sitting in a car parked behind the Abd al-Aziz 
al-Samarai mosque when it was bombed by a US airplane.

Another 53 Iraqis died in attacks overnight on Tuesday in the town which was sealed 
off on Sunday by US forces. Twenty-five of those killed were from a single family.

More than 200 Iraqis, including women and children, have been injured in the past 24 
hours, said Aljazeera correspondent in Falluja, Ahmad Mansur.

American forces initially said those killed in Wednesday's attack on the mosque were 
fighters taking refuge.

But a marine officer was later forced to admit that US forces had failed to find any 

When we hit that building I thought we had killed all the bad guys, but when we went 
in they didn't find any bad guys in the building, Lieutenant Colonel Brennan Byrne 
told reporters. 

Instead, he speculated the insurgents may have fled after a Cobra helicopter gunship 
fired a Hellfire missile at the mosque, and before an aircraft dropped a laser-guided 

Mosque damaged

The bomb hit the minaret of the mosque and ploughed a hole through the building, 
shattering windows and leaving the mosque badly damaged.

A US marine was also shot dead near the mosque in the fighting.

  Fighting is spreading across Iraq
The situation is getting worse, he said. An ambulance carrying casualties was 
attacked on its way to the medical centre. 

The American forces closed the road leading to the city's hospital and everybody 
walking in the streets of Falluja is now becoming a target.

US forces have evacuated factories in the industrial area and asked workers not to 
come back for a day or two.

Earlier, speaking live from a rooftop, Mansur said the town's hospital was struggling 
to cope with the rising casualties. 

They are attacking residential neighbourhoods, he said as US warplanes swooped over 
the area and fired rockets. Intense gunfire could be heard from the streets. 

The residents of Falluja are asking 'where is the Iraqi Governing Council?', said 
the visibily shaken correspondent. They are asking why the Iraqis are not protecting 

Plea for help

Residents of Falluja call on the Arab world to intervene and lift the siege on this 
town of 300,000. They ask where are the Arab leaders in this time? he said before 
throwing himself to the ground as a plane flew overhead. 

  Several children were among 
  the casualties in Falluja
Earlier on Wednesday, all the city's mosques called for a jihad against occupation 

A statement purportedly from insurgents claimed they had shot down three US 
helicopters, destroyed two jeeps and two armored vehicles. 

Aljazeera's correspondent quoted witnesses as saying that a US helicopter had been 
shot down and a tank set on fire.

They also said they were still in control of the city and had put US forces to flight, 
but Byrne said marines advancing from the south had reached the centre of Falluja. The 
claim could not be verified. 

An Aljazeera crew, including cameramen Layf Muftaq and Hasan Walid, sound engineer 
Sayf al-Din and correspondent Hamid Hadid, are the only media personnel inside the 

US forces besieged the town after last week's ambush in which four security guards 
were killed and their bodies mutilated and dragged through the streets.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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ugnet_: Re: Article: Remember Rwanda, but Take Action in Sudan

2004-04-09 Thread Rehema Mukooza

Whenever I hear Ugandans calling on the "international community" to help resolve the situation in the North, I think these Ugandans are simply dreaming! The International Community (UN)is not in position to help our brothers and sisters in concentration camps. 

What we need is for Kony to stop his guerilla war, flee to Sudan and let Northerners and Eastern "sleep". Whenever I hear some people excited whenever Kony kills a UPDF soldier, I get the feeling that these people do not want peace. This dictator is going to keep the blood flowing in Northern/Eastern Uganda for quite sometime, before he dies.
What we need is strategies for the North/East to have peace. One of these strategies would be for Kony to leave the bush.

Zakoomu M.

=J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Op-Ed Contributor: Remember Rwanda, but Take Action in Sudan 

April 6, 2004 


Ten years ago this week, Rwandan Hutu extremists embarked 

on a genocidal campaign in which they murdered some 800,000 

Tutsis and moderate Hutus - a genocide more efficient than 

that of the Nazis. 

On this anniversary, Western and United Nations leaders are 

expressing their remorse and pledging their resolve to 

prevent future humanitarian catastrophes. But as they do 

so, the Sudanese government is teaming up with Arab Muslim 

militias in a campaign of ethnic slaughter and deportation 

that has already left nearly a million Africans displaced 

and more than 30,000 dead. Again, the United States and its 

allies are bystanders to slaughter, seemingly no more 

prepared to prevent genocide than they were a decade ago. 

The horrors in the Darfur region of Sudan are not "like" 

Rwanda, any more than those in Rwanda were "like" those 

ordered by Hitler. The Arab-dominated government in 

Khartoum has armed nomadic Arab herdsmen, or Janjaweed, 

against rival African tribes. The government is using 

aerial bombardment to strafe villages and terrorize 

civilians into flight. And it is denying humanitarian 

access to some 700,000 people who are trapped in Darfur. 

The Arab Muslim marauders and their government sponsors do 

not yet seem intent on exterminating every last African 

Muslim in their midst. But they do seem determined to wipe 

out black life in the region. The only difference between 

Rwanda and Darfur, said Mukesh Kapila, the former United 

Nations' humanitarian coordinator for Sudan, "is the 

numbers of dead, murdered, tortured, raped." 

A radio exchange between a Sudanese ground commander and a 

pilot overhead (taped by a British journalist in February) 

captures the aims of the attackers: 

Commander: We've found people still in the village. 

Pilot: Are they with us or against us? 

Commander: They say they will work with us. 


They're liars. Don't trust them. Get rid of them. 

And later: 

Pilot: Now the village is empty and secure for 

you. Any village you pass through you must burn. That way, 

when the villagers come back they'll have a surprise 

waiting for them. 

The lessons of Rwanda are many. The first is that those 

intent on wiping out an inconvenient minority have a habit 

of denying journalists and aid workers access and of 

pursuing bad-faith negotiations. Thus far the Sudanese 

government has pursued both approaches, and Western 

officials have been far too trusting of their assurances. 

A second lesson is that outside powers cannot wait for 

confirmation of genocide before they act. In 1994 the 

Clinton administration spent more time maneuvering to avoid 

using the term "genocide" than it did using its resources 

to save lives. In May 1994, an internal Pentagon memo 

warned against using the term "genocide" because it could 

commit the United States "to actually do something." In the 

case of Sudan, American officials need not focus on whether 

the killings meet the definition of genocide set by the 

1948 Genocide Convention; they should focus instead on 

trying to stop them. 

A third lesson is that even when the United States decides 

not to respond militarily, American leadership is 

indispensable. This is especially true because Europe 

continues to avoid intervening in violent humanitarian 

crises. And it remains true despite the Bush 

administration's unpopularity abroad. The United States 

often takes an all-or-nothing approach: if it doesn't send 

troops, it tends to foreclose other policy options. 

In Sudan, this tendency has been compounded by the 

administration's reluctance to risk undermining the peace 

process it has spearheaded between Sudan's government and 

the rebels in the south. While President Bush is 

understandably eager to show he can make peace as well as 

war, he must stand up to Sudan's government during these 

difficult negotiations. 

After all, regimes that resort to ethnic killing and 

deportation as a tool of 


2004-04-09 Thread Edward Mulindwa

  London's mayor calls for Sharon to be jailed   
  By Sharon Sadeh, Haaretz Correspondent, Haaretz Service and DPA 
  London - Ken Livingstone, the left-wing mayor of London with a reputation for 
outspoken comments, has called for Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to be thrown into jail. 
  In an interview with the Guardian newspaper published Thursday, Livingstone 
predicted there would be no peace in the Middle East until the West shows it is 
taking on board the injustice of what's happening to the Palestinians, and looks at 
the financial network of corruption between some of the oil sheikhdoms, the oil 
companies and the White House. 

  Livingstone said he would like to see Sharon locked up in the cell next to 
former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic, the nationalist Serb strongman on trial 
in The Hague for crimes against humanity and genocide.

  Ignoring the unease shown by his aides, Livingstone said, I just long for the 
day I wake up and find that the Saudi royal family are swinging from lampposts and 
they've got a proper government that represents the people of Saudi Arabia.

  Livingstone gave his backing to attempts by British Prime Minister Tony Blair to 
press the Palestinian issue with U.S. President George W. Bush, but was scornful of 
Bush's foreign policy skills. 

  I'm not even sure he was aware there were any Palestinians before he was 
elected, any more than he knew the name of the president of Pakistan, he said, 
repeating a jibe often made about the U.S. president. 

  Livingstone has frequently spoken out against Bush and embarrassed Blair during 
Bush's state visit in November last year, when he held an anti-war reception in London 
as Bush was being hosted at a banquet given by the queen. 

  He has also described Bush as the greatest threat to life on the planet in 
reference to his environmental policies, and his comments are likely to further 
embarrass Blair, coming a week before the British prime minister visits Washington to 
discuss the Iraq crisis. 

  Regarding his relationship with Blair, Livingstone said: He's not going to make 
me foreign secretary and I'm not going to persuade him to dump George Bush. We work 
together on things we agree about and we accept there are going to be things we don't 
agree about.

  Livingstone was thrown out of the Labor Party in 2000 when he stood against the 
official Labor candidate in the London mayoral elections. Blair then called him a 
disaster for London but has since changed tack, backing Livingstone's return to the 
party he leads. 

  Livingstone's campaign for re-election begins in earnest next month. He is 
thought likely to win a second term in June by a substantial margin - this time as 
Labor's official candidate. 

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

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ugnet_: [abujaNig] IS ISLAM EVIL?

2004-04-09 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Is Islam 'Evil'?
Tyranny, slavery, subjugation, and irrationalism
By Jason Pappas 

Sophisticated critics usually react to the word evil with condescension 
and derision. Describing something as evil, in their view, generally brands one as 
an unenlightened throw-back to the dark ages -- or the equivalent of a televangelist 
preaching hellfire and damnation. Who forgets the outcry when President Reagan 
described the Soviet Union as the Evil Empire? Or today, when President Bush refers 
to the Axis of Evil? Commentators unequivocally condemn the word as an outmoded 
judgmental term unfit for today's multi-cultural world. Unless, of course, one wants 
to use it to describe the United States of America or Western Civilization itself. 
The question, Is America evil? is routinely discussed not just on message 
boards and in chat rooms -- the Internet equivalent of bathroom walls -- but by 
tenured professors and in respected newspapers. A New York Times book review on 
January 11, 2004, quotes author Lance Morrow from his book: Evil, An Investigation. 
Americans are struggling now with the possibility that their country may be evil -- 
or, to be more practical, that their country may be doing evil in the world. Just two 
weeks later, the front page of Book Review section reads: Is America an evil empire? 
Seven new books seem ready to think so. 
Most Americans are shocked at the notion of an evil America . Considering our 
history, the attack on our country's character is hard to fathom. Over the last two 
centuries immigrants came in droves, seeking refuge from tyranny and poverty. They 
found unequalled freedom and opportunity secured by a stable democracy. During that 
time, totalitarian barbarity threatened to consume the world. America played a crucial 
role in defeating European and Japanese fascism in WWII. However, Europe was left in 
ruins and half enslaved by Communism. In Asia, Japan was in ruins and China soon 
became Communist. We then faced the Communist strain of totalitarianism; one that 
would result in the deaths of 100 million people and threatened to engulf the world. 
Once again, our military might was crucial. We contained Communism until it fell of 
its own internal contradictions. In short, America has saved civilization. 
Given the recent worldwide attacks by Islamic terrorists, why isn't the 
question Is Islam evil? With few exceptions ( Turkey , for example), Islamic 
countries are fascist, autocratic or theocratic, where women are subjugated and 
minorities persecuted. Islamic countries are rife with poverty and have been for 
centuries. Polls show that in many Islamic countries a majority of Muslims lionize the 
man responsible for the atrocities of September 11th and the terrorist gangs who 
routinely slaughter civilians in Israeli buses and restaurants. In Arab schools and on 
Arab television, children are taught the glory of becoming suicide bombers. Almost 
everywhere that Islam borders other cultures, there is violence. 
The idea, then, that Islam is evil has far more plausibility than the idea 
that United States is evil. But merely, raising the question, Is Islam evil? 
provokes an instant, inevitable outcry: Bigot! Racist! Zionist! Indeed, the 
attempt to suppress debate on this question is so intense that few people in the 
mainstream will ask it. 
The level of banality goes beyond the empty name-calling. Typical knee-jerk 
questions are: How can you call all Muslims evil? Have you ever met a Muslim? 
Don't you think Muslims have children, too? Notice the switch from the religion to 
the demographic group. Muslims, as individuals, range from lapsed to devout, from in 
name only to fully practicing Jihadists. As in all religions, some individuals retain 
the label even if they don't practice the religion. Indeed, knowledge of the religion 
varies from person to person. It is not at all unusual to find members of a religion 
who don't understand the doctrines, practice, or history of their religion. As a broad 
label, Muslim is nothing more than a meaningless demographic term. To judge a 
religion, one considers those who understand and practice the religion. Would we judge 
Catholicism by someone who, following the tradition of their parents, calls themselves 
Catholic but has no knowledge of the teachings of the 
 Church, the Pope, the Saints, and the Bible? 
Why is Islam exempt from critical analysis? In Western society, there is no 
shortage of critics of Christianity. Indeed, on many college campuses it is open 
season on anything that has the faint odor of Western Civilization -- Christianity 
included -- even though Christianity, like Islam, originated in the Middle East . One 
might wonder why Islam, which sees itself as a continuation or fulfillment of 
Judeo-Christianity, is not subject to the same intense criticism. 

ugnet_: Canadian Women-Bad news

2004-04-09 Thread Anyomokolo
I got thisfrom my favorite internet group where I spend most of time. Now you know where I am whenever I dissappear fromugandanet.Some Canadian women here might be interested in this one.

I'm sending this FAQ to the Canadian thinkers out there who are still onthe fence. The federal government has passed legislation that I think willseriously hinder the chances of any Canadian women out there who wants toget pregnant via donor sperm. Since the legislation prevents donors inCanada from being paid (and possibly preventing similar sperm from beingimported) the number of donors will drop drastically and the price ofsperm will probably increase tremendously. If you are a Canadian woman, please read the URL below and think seriously about your timelinefor conceiving. Kiribedda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Your verbiage in response to my question on whether sometimes you forget to take your medication vindicates my suspicion that you actually do. If it looks like a pig, snorts like a pig, stinks like a pig, it must be a pig. I therefore rest my case

From: Anyomokolo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: RE: ugnet_: My pride\Anyomokolo 
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 05:27:41 -0400 (EDT) 
Daudi, I remember you. Where have you been? You sound like a man who went outside to look for a garbage can to deposit his garbage. You saw a beautiful woman but could not approach her becuase you thought that she might be me, Anyomokolo. So, instead of risking knowing the truth about your elongated body parts, you decided to go back home alone like a loser and decided to swallow your pride. After you finished, I don't know whether you were standing or sitting, but you got up and logged on the Ugandanet to 'release' some more but this time you released anger and frustration with the most respected, awe-inspring malaya/slut/whore. It all makes sense now why culture restrict women's sex freedom by calling us sluts/malaya and all that. Ladies, it is all becuase men fear each other's penis size. I mean, between you and me, do you blame them? 
Once again, 
I don't give a shit about what any man think of me becuase I don't need your ass in order to be happy. Agot my own money and I don't need any one to carry my child for nine months for me. I CAN DO IT MYSELF. Too bad for those who need someone esle to do it for them. 
I hope culture and tradition can help your ass. Good luck-you gonna need it! 
Daudi Kiribedda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Oh no, Anyomokolo! 
You stopped taking your medicine again?Remember what the Doctor told you, take your prescriptions twice a day.That is in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before going to bed.Stop embarrassing yourself and Good luck - you gonna need it. 
 From: Anyomokolo 
 Subject: RE: ugnet_: My pride\Anyomokolo 
 Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2004 10:09:21 -0500 (EST) 
 I started replying to this last night but, as usual, I knew that I was not in the mood because I would pause to think of words to contract the next sentence. And whenever I do that, I end up not making sense to readers but to myself. I like my fingers to do the talking on the keyboard, In other words, what you are about to read, is what you would have heard if I were to talk to you. And of course once I finish talking, I read it once to correct, not grammar and syntax, but typing errors. Worrying about grammar and syntax is an unnecessary exercise that is too strenuous for my brain cells. I would rather worry about sizes. 
 Take a guess. 
 Ssenya, I would be glad to let you know if you allow me the honor to visually inspect. 
 Ssenya, please stop tries to indirectly brainwash me. I am too old and too experience, so please go and try your backward psychology on little girls whose brain cells are still vulnerable to patriarchy. Let me expand on that just like I expand according to size. 
 According to experience and the feminist Bible, definitely a plus 
 It is a plus for me because men fear me, they have no choice but to respect me and I demand it. I am awe-inspiring.Do you see any son of a bitch here belittle or responding to me anyhow?You all write to me with maximum respect. You, men, have the option to fake names to sign on Ugandanet and insult a malaya like me but I think those who tried it have advised the rest accordingly. 
 No man can dare get close to my vagina because they are terrified of being zapped with high voltage electricity. I zap unsuspecting victims anytime I choose. I am a whore/malaya, you, men, all know that but contrary to the way I was raised, no 

ugnet_: testing

2004-04-09 Thread Anyomokolo
TestingPost your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals

RE: ugnet_: testing

2004-04-09 Thread Ed Kironde

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Subject: ugnet_: testing


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ugnet_: Watch out where you wed from

2004-04-09 Thread Owor Kipenji

Watch out where you wed fromBy Halima AbdallahApril 9 - 16, 2004

The Registrar General says that many churches do not have a licence to conduct marriages. Their weddings may be holy before God but null and void before the laws of Uganda
When Diana wedded with her sweetheart, Ronnie, she expected an everlasting marital bliss. Little did she know that the Born Again church which wedded them had no certificate from the Registrar General’s office to commission marriages.

Thus when Ronnie passed away, she was not able to claim estate administration rights because the first wife, married under customary arrangements showed up and the legal process that ensued discovered that her marriage was null and void. 

Yes! After all the hustle and bustle of organising a wedding, your marriage can actually end up being declared null and void.And pastors, preachers, church leaders can also end up being accused before the courts of law of conducting an illegal marriage because their churches have no licence. 
According to the Registrar General, Mr Bisereko Kyomuhendo, many of the Pentecostal churches, which have sprung up, do not have a licence to conduct weddings.
Bisereko says all these churches register with his office as non-governmental organisations to carry out specific functions. This registration is not a license for the churches to commission weddings.

These churches must apply for another special licence to commission weddings. “Such weddings by law are not recognised,” Bisereko said. 

A licence for such operations is got from the Registrar General’s office with approval of the minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. So, how do you know whether your church is backed by law to commission marriages?
The Registrar General’s office does not know the number of licensed churches that are allowed to commission weddings. But he says there are far more churches that have cropped up lately than the applications for wedding licences that his office has received. 
People end up with marriages that have no legal backing and a certificate that has no legal recognition. By law, all marriage certificates are supposed to be issued by the Registrar General’s office. They must be uniform and cost Shs 750.

When Churches and Mosques conduct marriages, they are supposed to pass on this money to the Registrar General’s office. Some of the money is used for processing the certificate and the balance is remitted to Uganda Revenue Authority. 

The Registrar General says many churches and mosques do not remit these monies at all and many people end up being issued with fake certificates.
Bisereko says churches charge about between Shs 50,000 to 100,000 as wedding fee but fail to give government the Shs 750 - its share.
“Embassies have often referred back to us some of the marriage certificates that visa applicants present for verification. We find many of them fake,” Bisereko explained.
But Bisereko said his office intends to start vigorous attempts to collect the marriage fee and identifying churches that are not licensed to commission weddings.
He also said registered churches shall have to display their licenses openly in the church. This, Bisereko says, shall be implemented when the office becomes autonomous in the next financial year.
The safest form of marriage for now is the civil affair contracted directly from the Registrar General’s office in Kampala.
“We wed people here every day of the week. On average, we wed around 45 couples a month. 369 were wedded between July 2002 and July 2003,” he said.
Couples upcountry should go to the Chief Administrative Officer at their district headquarters or to the chief at the sub-county. The marriage vows in civil marriage are the same as those in the church. The exception is that couples must swear affidavits for which they pay Shs 5,000 on top of the Shs 750.

According to the Marriage Act, it is the civil authorities who delegate their powers to other bodies like Churches and Mosques to commission marriages on their behalf. 

The requirements are that the intending couples must not have married before; must announce to the public their intention to wed for 12 days (though some couples may be exempted from these conditions in special circumstances); must be monogamous, wed before 5 P.M. and on working days.
Only the Minister of Justice can authorise the wedding after five p.m. or on a Saturday. The Registrar General will not under any circumstances wed anybody in absentia.
The police can be called to stop any wedding that is taking place in an un-licensed church and even effect arrests. Bisereko says there are four types of marriages according to the Marriage Act: The Civil Marriage, which is monogamous and done by the Registrar General and his representatives at lower levels ora recognized Christian leader.
Marriage and Divorce under Mohammedan Act allows the marriage by Muslims. This can be polygamous.
The Customary Marriages Registration Act applies to all 


2004-04-09 Thread Edward Mulindwa

The Artful 
DodgerBy Joe
Friday 09 April 2004

  In her testimony Condi Rice proved adept at avoiding the real 
  questions about 9/11. But her act is wearing thin.
The public testimony of Condoleezza Rice before the 9/11 
commission had a strategy and a structure, to use terms that she favors. The 
obvious strategy was to swathe every answer to a challenging question from the 
commissioners in "context" that did more to obfuscate than clarify. The 
underlying structure of her statements shifted responsibility away from the Bush 
White House, in any direction possible: toward previous administrations, the 
FBI, the CIA and, as subtly as possible, toward former counter-terrorism chief 
Richard Clarke.
Rice was nothing if not repetitive in her response to the main 
issue before the commission and the country. Like the president himself, she 
assured us again and again that if only al-Qaida had revealed the date, timing, 
location and methods to be used in the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, the White 
House would surely have done everything in its power to thwart the threat. That, 
of course, is the answer to a question nobody has bothered to ask.
The pertinent question is not whether the president would have 
tried to stop an attack whose details were thoughtfully placed under his nose. 
The real question is whether the Bush administration paid sufficient attention 
to the stream of warnings it received about al-Qaida, or whether, due to its 
preoccupation with Iraq, missile defense and other matters, those officials 
simply failed to act. This is the million-dollar question that Rice so expertly 
dodged on Thursday.
The most concrete evidence of administration fecklessness is the 
now-notorious Aug. 6, 2001, presidential daily briefing, or PDB, delivered to 
George W. Bush while he vacationed at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Although its 
existence was first revealed almost two years ago, yesterday's hearings brought 
fresh attention to its still-classified contents.
Until Rice answered a sharp question from commissioner Richard 
Ben Veniste, most Americans probably didn't know that weeks before Sept. 11, the 
president had been given a CIA memorandum with the ominous title "Bin Laden 
Determined to Attack Inside the United States." The national security advisor 
insisted that this "historical analysis" of al-Qaida did not provide "new threat 
information." But her dismissal of the controversial document undermined her own 
argument for keeping it classified. If the Aug. 6 PDB was merely of historical 
interest, why not prove her point by allowing the memo to be published in 
Commissioner Bob Kerrey later provided another tantalizing 
glimpse of the PDB's contents that demonstrated why the White House wants to 
keep it secret. "In the spirit of further declassification," said Kerrey, "this 
is what the Aug. 6 memo said to the president: that the FBI indicates patterns 
of suspicious activity in the United States consistent with preparations for 
hijacking. That's the language of the memo that was briefed to the president on 
the sixth of August."
In the context of what Clarke and others have said about the 
"threat spike" during the prior two months, that warning seems stark enough to 
provoke serious action. According to Rice, she and the president assumed that 
the FBI, the Federal Aviation Administration and the rest of the federal 
bureaucracy had done whatever they could -- given the "structural impediments" 
in a dysfunctional Washington bureaucracy.
How dysfunctional was the Bush administration during that fateful 
summer? Commissioner Jamie Gorelick challenged Rice's assertion that federal 
agencies and their field offices had been put on alert status during the threat 
spike. Citing previous commission interviews with the FAA administrator, FBI 
officials from around the country, and Secretary of Transportation Norman 
Mineta, among others, Gorelick said that none of them had ever heard the 
warnings of a potential attack.
Were the FBI field offices and other relevant federal employees 
called to their battle stations, as Rice claimed, or were they not? Presumably 
the commission will assess that contradiction in its final report (which may or 
may not be released before the November election).
Rice's testimony raised more questions than she answered. Was she 
truthful in describing Clarke's Jan. 25, 2001, plan to attack al-Qaida, which 
remained in bureaucratic limbo until a week before Sept. 11? Nobody will know 
unless and until that document, too, is declassified. What about the task force 
headed by Vice President Dick Cheney, which was supposed to begin assessing 
homeland security in May 2001, but reportedly never met until after Sept. 11? 
Rice mentioned the Cheney task force but was not asked about its inactivity.
The national security advisor walked away from the witness table, 
never to return, with her characteristic poise intact, and without apologizing 


2004-04-09 Thread Edward Mulindwa


  23 minutes ago

By LEE KEATH, Associated Press 
BAGHDAD, Iraq - A U.S. AC-130 gunship raked 
insurgents Friday night after hundreds of women and children fled the besieged 
city of Fallujah during a U.S.-declared pause in the Marine offensive. On the 
anniversary of the fall of Saddam Hussein (news 
- web 
sites)'s regime, Baghdad and parts of central Iraq (news 
- web 
sites) were chaotic. 

Gunmen running rampant on Baghdad's western edge attacked a fuel convoy, 
killing a U.S. soldier and an Iraqi driver and causing a fiery explosion. Two 
American soliders and an unknown number of civilians were missing after the 
attack, and 12 people were injured, Pentagon (news 
- web 
sites) officials said. A Baghdad correspondent for Al-Jazeera Arab 
television said at least nine people were killed. 

Another U.S. soldier was killed in an attack on a base elsewhere in the 
capital, and large groups of insurgents battled U.S. troops in two cities to the 
north, Baqouba and Muqdadiyah. 

One Marine was killed in Fallujah and another wounded in exchanges of fire 
after U.S. forces called a halt to offensive operations in the city, a spokesman 

The death — along with those of three Marines a day earlier announced Friday 
— brought the toll of U.S. troops killed across Iraq this week to 46. The 
fighting has killed more than 460 Iraqis — including more than 280 in Fallujah, 
a hospital official said. At least 647 U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq since the 
war began in March 2003. 

At a square in the capital where Saddam's statue was toppled a year ago, 
soldiers took down a disturbing new icon: pictures of the radical Shiite cleric 
whose followers have risen up against coalition forces in the south. 

For the first time, U.S. troops moved in strength into the heartland of the 
rebellion by the militia of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. More than 1,000 
troops backed by tanks pushed into the southern city of Kut, retaking police 
stations and government buildings seized this week by Shiite gunmen. 

Elsewhere, fighting with al-Sadr's al-Mahdi Army militia diminished. 
Coalition forces largely left gunmen in firm control in three cities of south 
central Iraq, and further south, coalition troops have largely succeeded in 
taming the uprising, though Italian troops still saw light fighting in the city 
of Nasiriyah. 

In Fallujah, Marines halted their assault on Sunni insurgents to allow 
U.S.-picked Iraqi leaders — angry at the United States over the bloodshed from 
five days of heavy fighting — to hold talks with city leaders about how to 
reduce the violence. 

Throughout the afternoon, fighting was reduced to sporadic gunfire. But when 
night fell, heavy explosions resumed as an AC-130 gunship strafed targets and 
soldiers and insurgents engaged in a mortar battle. 

The AC-130 hit a cave near Fallujah where insurgents took refuge after 
attacking Marines. A 500-pound laser-guided bomb also struck the cave, said 
spokesman 1st Lt. Eric Knapp. 

Iraq's top U.S. administrator, L. Paul Bremer, said the unilateral pause was 
also aimed at allowing humanitarian aid to enter the city and Fallujah residents 
to tend to their dead. 

Many families, emerging from their homes for the first time in days, buried 
slain relatives in the city football stadium. 

A stream of hundreds of cars carrying women, children and elderly headed out 
of the city after Marines announced they would be allowed to leave. Families 
pleaded to be allowed to take out men, and when Marines refused, some entire 
families turned back. 

The heavy fighting in Fallujah — during which mosques have been damaged and 
buildings demolished — has made the city of 200,000 a symbol of resistance for 
some Iraqis and threatens to divide the Iraqi Governing Council and the U.S. 
administration that appointed it. 

Military hesitation over the halt in fighting was clear. After initially 
being ordered to cease all offensive operations, Marines quickly demanded and 
received permission to launch assaults to prevent attacks if needed. 

"We said to them (the commanders): 'We are going to lose people if we don't 
go back on offensive ops.' So we got the word," Marine Maj. Pete Farnun told The 
Associated Press. 


Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt underlined that talks between two Governing Council 
members and sheiks and clerics representing Fallujah representatives were not 
negotiations, suggesting the military would not be making concessions. U.S. 
officials were not participating in the talks, which began Friday. 
The Governing Council early Saturday issued a statement demanding an end to 
military action and "collective punishment" — a reference to the Fallujah siege. 

Abdul-Karim Mahoud al-Mohammedawi, a Shiite on the Governing Council, 
announced he was suspending his council seat until "the bleeding stops in all 
Iraq." He also met Friday with al-Sadr, whom U.S. commanders have vowed to 
A Sunni