Re: [libreoffice-users] calc

2024-06-07 Thread Rob Jasper

The last argument (0) makes VLOOKUP find an exact match to whatever is in A4.
This means that if A4 is empty, or contains a value that does not exist in the 
range it will respond with N/A

> Op 7 jun. 2024, om 19:11 heeft Ekerette Ekpo  het 
> volgende geschreven:
> How did you do it with vlookup? I tried it out and ended up with a #N/A in
> cell B4.
> On Thu, 6 Jun 2024, 22:33 James,  wrote:
>> Thanks, got vlookup to do what I want. :-)
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Re: [libreoffice-users] calc

2024-06-06 Thread Rob Jasper
If I understand you correctly =VLOOKUP(A4;$A$1:$B$3;2;0) in B4 will do what you 

> Op 6 jun. 2024, om 05:33 heeft James  het volgende 
> geschreven:
> Say I have column A with the numbers 1, 2, 3:
> A1 (1)
> A2 (2)
> A3 (3)
> and column B with the numbers 11, 22, 33:
> B1 (11)
> B2 (22)
> B3 (33)
> Column A Row 4 contains a reference to one of row 1, 2, or 3 (I switch which 
> row is referenced so I can see the effects of different choices).
> Is there a calc function which can find which row I chose so I automatically 
> populate row 4, column B?
> Row 4, column A matches one of the rows 1-3...
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Help with conditional formatting (Calc)

2024-05-25 Thread Rob Jasper

Yes, you should use a formula as condition. 
To use a formula as condition:

Go to Format -> Conditional -> condition -> More rules -> formula:

And use A5:J10 as range (if you select the range before defining the 
conditional formatting LO sets it automatically).


> Op 25 mei 2024, om 14:20 heeft Paul Goyette  het volgende 
> geschreven:
> I've read the docs, and tried several ways, but I cannot seem to
> get it right.
> I'd like to apply conditional formatting to a group of cells, based
> on the value of one cell in the group.  Something like
>   In cell range a5:j10, if the row-N column-C entry is equal
>   to "sheet.$row$column", apply format to the entire range
>   a-N:j-N
> Is this possible?
> +-+--+--+
> | Paul Goyette (.sig) | PGP Key fingerprint: | E-mail addresses:|
> | (Retired)   | 1B11 1849 721C 56C8 F63A ||
> | Software Developer  | 6E2E 05FD 15CE 9F2D 5102 |  |
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Re: [libreoffice-users] I paid for my Libre Office

2023-11-13 Thread Rob Jasper

You don’t specify what OS your are using. 
This is not a problem of LO, but rather a file permission issue.

I myself use a Mac and I assume it is the same on Linux.
I see this if I try to edit a file that is sent to me through email if I open 
the file directly from mail (open the file by dubbelclick the attachment). This 
due to the security of mail attachments. If I copy the attachment out, or save 
it in a different location LO works flawlessly.

Hope this helps for you too,


> Op 14 nov. 2023, om 00:57 heeft Jose David Alcantara  het 
> volgende geschreven:
> Dear LO,11 13 23
> I am getting this message and cannot really use my LO Writer:
> The lock file could not be created for exclusive access by LibreOffice, due
> to missing permission to create a lock file on that file location or lack
> of free disk space.
> Do you have an easy way to 1) understand this  2) get around this ?
> It is important.
> Cordially,
> Jose D. Alcantara, ESq.
> Attorney
> Tel. 609-782-2494
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Save and Edit Text document

2023-10-25 Thread Rob Jasper
My standard scanning on a Brother all-in-one does OCR. You’ll get the text, but 
not the formatting.

> Op 25 okt. 2023, om 18:55 heeft Kenneth Groninga 
>  het volgende geschreven:
> How do I scan a text document and save it and then later open it and edit
> it?
> Kenneth Groninga
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Conditional Formatting Borders on cell that contains text

2023-09-14 Thread Rob Jasper

Select 1 cell (just take an arbitrary one)
Right click cell and go to “Format cells”
Select tab “borders”
Click “all for borders” (second from left, square)
Click OK
Select from toolbar: Styles -> New Style from Selection
Name the style in the pop-up box (I named it mybox)

Select from toolbar: Format -> Conditional -> Condition
Enter in condition 1:
“Cell value”“is not equal to”   “”  (empty string)

In range:
A1:XFD1048576 (Or anything you want)

Click OK

That’s all


> Op 14 sep. 2023, om 04:37 heeft Rob Berridge  het volgende 
> geschreven:
> Hi
> I am trying to shift a file I have in Excel 2021 to LibreOffice calc. In it I 
> have a few Conditional Formatting rules. One is that if the cell is empty 
> there are no borders, but when there is something in the cell, the range then 
> has borders. I am unsure how to do that in LO Calc .  In Excel >Use formula 
> to determine which cells to format. :=$B5<>""  .Format values where this 
> formula is true Applies to  =$A$5:$N$40.
> I have version 7.5.62(X86_64)
> Thanks
> Rob Berride
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Is anyone using Libreoffice SYNCHED to Google drive or One drive or Soho Drive or similar online / cloud drives ?

2023-07-26 Thread Rob Jasper
I am using LO all the time using files on pCloud where pCloud is made available 
using “pCloud drive” on my MacBook Pro. The files are not physically available 
on my own machine.. never experienced any problems.

> Op 26 jul. 2023 om 13:15 heeft Wade Smart  het volgende 
> geschreven:
> Yes. Just keep your doc/spreadsheet in that folder on your computer.
> -- 
> Registered Linux User: #480675
> Registered Linux Machine: #408606
> Linux since June 2005
>> On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 11:11 PM Hastham S  wrote:
>> dear allGood day
>> Is anyone using Libreoffice SYNCHED to Google drive or One drive or Soho 
>> Drive or similar online / cloud drives ?When I save a Libre office sheet, 
>> that should be auto saved to Google drive or One Drive ..or ...I am NOT 
>> talking of backup end of day or end of hourI am talking of cloud drive
>> Pls helpPls pointTIA
>> regardsSubu
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Re: [libreoffice-users] text fields to time fields

2023-06-28 Thread Rob Jasper

Format thew column as time
Select the column and query/replace a.m. with AM
Select the column and query/replace p.m. with PM

Thats all.


> Op 28 jun. 2023, om 23:31 heeft James  het volgende 
> geschreven:
> That seems to leave 11 pm as 11:00 (I expect 23:00).
> Maybe I am doing it wrong.
> On 2023-06-28 17:10, Alan B wrote:
>> Select the text fields, hopefully they are in a column or columns.
>> After selecting the fields select "Data > Text to Columns..." from the menu
>> In the Text to Columns dialog box select the following options:
>> For "Separator Options" tick "Separated by".
>> The only separator option that should be ticked is "Space".
>> Be certain "Detect special numbers" is ticked in the "Other Options"
>> choices.
>> Click the "OK" button.
>> The time portion of the column will now be a time formatted number in the
>> column it was already in. Depending on the default format it may or may not
>> have AM/PM. If it doesn't, just change the time format to what you need at
>> this point.
>> The "a.m." or "p.m." portion of your original text will be moved one column
>> over. It will overwrite what is in the next column if the column is not
>> empty.
>> To prevent adjacent columns from being overwritten, while still in the
>> "Text to Columns" dialog box, go to the "Fields" section at the bottom.
>> There should be two columns with a heading of "Standard", one column
>> showing the time portion of your text, the other column showing the a.m/p.m
>> portion. Click the word "Standard" over the a.m/p.m column.
>> Now open the "Column type" list and pick the "Hide" option.
>> Finally, click OK to close the dialog box.
>> You text time will now be a time number in the column it was already in.
>> The a.m/p.m portion has not overwritten the adjacent column as it has been
>> discarded as part of the Text to Columns operation.
>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 4:32 PM James  wrote:
>>> I have text fields like:
>>> 10:06:59 a.m.
>>> 8:57:36 p.m.
>>> How do I convert them to 24-hour time fields?
>>> --
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Re: [libreoffice-users] VLOOKUP Syntax to find MAX on a particular date

2022-08-08 Thread Rob Jasper
For the following I assumed the “simple date” column is is date format..
If not you can get to that by entering the formula 
=IFERROR(DATEVALUE(LEFT($RAW.A3;10));"") and pull that down.

On another sheet I entered the “query date” in B2

The next formula gives you the max temp on that date:
=MAXIFS($’RAW data'.$C$2:$C$16;$’RAW data'.B$2:B$16;"="&$B$1)

Hope this helps,

> Op 8 aug. 2022, om 21:25 heeft Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) 
>  het volgende geschreven:
> Hi,
> Using LO Calc and I have a 28 column table RAW Data table in excess 
> of 65k rows. A three column sample below:
> Date  Simple Date Outdoor Temp
> 2022-01-01T00:05:00+02:00 2022-01-01 00:05:00 17.5
> 2022-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 2022-01-01 00:00:00 17.4
> I have a secondary table, called Amended RAW Data containing just the 10 
> digit date and the corresponding value of the column value I am seeking, 
> whether it be the Outdoor Temp, Daily Rainfall etc
> What I need to do is query the following table, searching for a specific 10 
> digit date, and find the max value on a specific date.
> I have tried so many different itinerations on the VLOOKUP formula and 
> browsed many elementary Google VLOOKUP pages that I need help. I have 
> tried(all return N/A):
> =MAX(VLOOKUP(LEFT($'RAW Data'.$B$2:$B$62037,10),$'RAW 
> Data'.$B$2:$L$62037,1,FALSE))
> =MAX(VLOOKUP($A11,$'RAW Data'.$B$2:$M$62037,11))
> =MAX(VLOOKUP($A11,$'RAW Data'.$B$2:$M$62037,11))
> =MAX(VLOOKUP(LEFT($'RAW Data'.$B$2:$B$62307,10)=$'Amended RAW 
> Data'.$A$11,$'RAW Data'.$B$2:$L$62037,11,0))
> References to 'Amended RAW Data'.$A$11 refer to a date that I know has 
> greater than zero value, and the 11th column data I want to max, within a 
> date.
> Help appreciated
> Hylton
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Open letter for revive LOOL, add your +1 if you agree

2022-07-11 Thread Rob Jasper

I fully agree with your statement. I support LO from day one and try bro 
actively promote LO

Is there a formal place to +1, or is this mail sufficient.

Keep up the good work!


> Op 11 jul. 2022, om 00:42 heeft Daniel A. Rodriguez 
>  het volgende geschreven:
> I've sent a message to the BoD Discuss mailing list. It is an open letter 
> aimed at showing the community's interest in the TDF reviving LibreOffice 
> Online.
> If you agree, feel free to add your +1.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to print a section of a SS

2021-10-19 Thread Rob Jasper
Select the area before issuing the print command (Cntrl/P), and subsequently 
select “print selected area” in the print dialog should do what you want to do

> Op 19 okt. 2021, om 12:53 heeft Dave Howorth  het 
> volgende geschreven:
> On Mon, 18 Oct 2021 20:51:19 -0400
> Alan B  wrote:
>> I hasn't been mentioned if the OP is printing to PDF, and my bad for
>> never reporting the bug, but using LibreOffice File>Export as PDF or
>> the Export Directly as PDF icon causes EVERYTHING on all tabs to
>> print to the PDF no matter what print range might be specified, no
>> matter if the print ranges are deleted then selected anew. EVERYTHING
>> gets dumped into a PDF.
> I don't think that's a bug. If you select Export as PDF, you are shown
> a dialog box that offers a choice of exporting the whole spreadsheet or
> a selected region etc. Similarly you can Print to File if you want
> another way to print just part of a spreadsheet to a PDF file.
>> Need to be certain the OP isn't using the PDF feature. If they are,
>> that is the source of the problem.
>> On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 8:38 PM Steve Edmonds
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi John.
>>> What version of Libreoffice are you on.
>>> When you say you want to print a section of a sheet, is that a
>>> single section on just one sheet or sections of multiple sheets.
>>> For me on a single sheet, sometimes the print range has some history
>>> from previous activity.
>>> I go Format>Print Ranges>Clear to start.
>>> Then I highlight the range to print with the mouse and go
>>> Format>Print  
>>> Ranges>Define.  
>>> Then I go to File>Print Preview to see how many pages that selected
>>> range will print on, and if necessary adjust the top -/+ slider or
>>> page format to suit my needs.
>>> Steve
>>> On 18/10/2021 16:12, John R. Sowden wrote:  
 In an "office" program, I made the foolish assumption that people
 would understand that SS means Spread Sheet.  I apologize to
 those who did not grasp that.
 The version of Thunderbird is 13.0 (32 bit).  Again I assumed
 that the instructions for a common function, that of printing a
 section of a SS (see reference above) would not change from
 version to version. Again, I apologize to those who were confused
 about the stability of user interfaces.
 On 10/16/21 8:07 AM, Dan Lewis wrote:  
> On 10/15/21 8:25 PM, John R. Sowden wrote:  
>> I went to Format->Print Range--> define.  Failed
>> Went to Help (when all else fails) read, follow instructions,
>> blank screen (no examples)
>> Help?,
>> John  
> What do you mean by SS? Which component of LibreOffice are you
> using? What version of LibreOffice are you using?
> Dan
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[libreoffice-users] Question on INDIRECT()

2021-10-17 Thread Rob Jasper
Hi list-users,

I have the following question:

I have in column A value either a number, or string in the format  +, 
in col B I want to calculate what’s in Col A

12+72   84
66+72   138

So, I tired the formula =INDIRECT(“=“) but I only get REF!
What am I doing wrong here, and how can I achieve what I want?
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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to ask a question on Ask LibreOffice?

2021-02-16 Thread Rob Jasper

I never had a problem with ask. I just get there the easy way by clicking Help 
-> Get help online. 
Type you question (or keyword) to find equivalent questions and answers, after 
that click the orange button to ask the question.


> Op 16 feb. 2021, om 13:52 heeft Dave Barton  het 
> volgende geschreven:
> Since I got no response to an earlier post to this list, I attempted
> to post in the Ask forum. Numerous attempts to post failed. I guess a
> bug report in Bugzilla is now the only option.
> I recall some murmurings about TDF seeking an alternative to the Ask
> software. In my opinion, this should happen sooner rather than later.
> Dave
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Re: [BULK] Re: [libreoffice-users] calc: index column A with column B

2021-01-30 Thread Rob Jasper
There are 2 basic ways to accomplish this:

Round the values at calculation time, so they’ll become real 0’s

Change the formula to MINIFS(B:B;B:B;">=1”)


> Op 29 jan. 2021, om 20:06 heeft James  het volgende 
> geschreven:
> Another problem.
> Some of the numbers display as 0 but are calculated so have fractions like
> 0.000812344372353
> I want to find the last row that displays as non-zero.
> On 2021-01-29 6:30 a.m., Rob Jasper wrote
>> James,
>> Since a MINIF function does not exist you can use MINIFS.
>> Change MIN(B:B) to MINIFS(B:B;B:B;">0”)
>> Success,
>> Rob
>>> Op 29 jan. 2021, om 03:59 heeft James  
>>> <> het volgende geschreven:
>>>>I want to find the row in column A that corresponds to the row of a
>>>> value in column B.
>>>>1  10   22
>>>>2  20   15
>>>>3  30   3000
>>>>4  40   10
>>>>where minimum_function(B) returns 4 and some_function('A',4) returns the
>>>> value in column A at row 4.
>>> I asked the previous and someone gave me the formula:
>>> =INDIRECT("$A"(MIN(B:B);B:B;0))
>>> It worked fine but now I have some rows with zeros (more than one row):
>>> row A   B
>>> 1   10  22
>>> 2   20  15
>>> 3   30  3000
>>> 4   40  10
>>> 5   50  0
>>> 6   60  0
>>> Is there a MINBUTGREATERTHANZERO function?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] calc: index column A with column B

2021-01-29 Thread Rob Jasper

Since a MINIF function does not exist you can use MINIFS.

Change MIN(B:B) to MINIFS(B:B;B:B;">0”)


> Op 29 jan. 2021, om 03:59 heeft James  het volgende 
> geschreven:
>>I want to find the row in column A that corresponds to the row of a
>> value in column B.
>>1  10   22
>>2  20   15
>>3  30   3000
>>4  40   10
>>where minimum_function(B) returns 4 and some_function('A',4) returns the
>> value in column A at row 4.
> I asked the previous and someone gave me the formula:
> =INDIRECT("$A"(MIN(B:B);B:B;0))
> It worked fine but now I have some rows with zeros (more than one row):
> row   A   B
> 1   10  22
> 2   20  15
> 3   30  3000
> 4   40  10
> 5 50  0
> 6 60  0
> Is there a MINBUTGREATERTHANZERO function?
> -- 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] calc: index column A with column B

2021-01-24 Thread Rob Jasper
Is this what you mean:


> Op 24 jan. 2021, om 23:14 heeft James  het volgende 
> geschreven:
> I want to find the row in column A that corresponds to the row of a value in 
> column B.
> eg.
> rowAB
> 1  10   22
> 2  20   15
> 3  30   3000
> 4  40   10
> =some_function('A',minimum_function(B));
> where minimum_function(B) returns 4 and some_function('A',4) returns the 
> value in column A at row 4.
> -- 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Date number has 5 digits

2020-12-29 Thread Rob Jasper

Not sure what you are trying to accomplish.

1- The date in January.$A5 is 12/27/2021. You can see that by formatting cell 
January.$A5 as date. 

2- The date is internally represented as number 44557. You can see this by 
formatting January.$A5 as number.

3- To get the day of the month use formula =DAY(January.$A5)

4- Your formula generates a error because you try to do arithmetic with a 
string (“Monday “). Use ‘&' i.s.o. ‘+’ to append.
The formula then becomes:

="Monday  “($January.$A5)

To het the weekday of the specified day use the next formula:

=TEXT(WEEKDAY($January.A5);"NNN")&"   "($January.A5)


> Op 29 dec. 2020, om 15:27 heeft Peter Dutton  het volgende 
> geschreven:
> In cell
>  A4 is the following code;
> ="Monday  
>  "+January.$A5
> January.$A5 
>  has the number 27 in it (December 27)
> What
>  appears in cell A4 as a result is- Monday44557
> What is
>  needed is- Monday27
> I've
>  tried reformatting cell A4 to a date or text or a number to no
>  success.
> Any
>  idea how to fix this?
> Thanks,
> Peter
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Re: [libreoffice-users] How many of you deal with the Linux Users Group [Facebook]?

2018-04-30 Thread Rob Jasper
If they have a recent version of ms-word they should be able to read odt files 
into word without problem..

So, using odt, doc or docx should be transparent (I hope)

On 30 apr. 2018, at 14:32, Virgil Arrington wrote:

>> You are trying to find a solution to a problem.
>> The problem is the wrong choice of the school ('only DOC or DOCX documents')
>> Try to solve the problem, and try not to find a work-around as solution.
> I teach at a college. I use LO, LyX and LaTeX for my work. All of my 
> students use MSO. The reasons? It is familiar to them and they get it 
> free as college students. I don't know if this is standard MS policy or 
> a special arrangement the college has made with Redmond.
> My experience with college students is that most have no clue about 
> different file formats. They just save their work in whatever format 
> defaults on their programs, which happens to be .DOCX, .XLSX, etc.
> Today, I will be drafting the final exam for my students. I will use LO 
> Writer for the task. I will then email it to my students and they will 
> type their answers right onto the computer file and email it back to me. 
> I need to get the file to my students in a format they can easily use 
> with their computers. I will use .DOC for this purpose because it's the 
> easiest solution to this situation.
> I suppose I could insist that all of my students use .ODT file format 
> instead of .DOC, but I've decided its easier for one person (me) to 
> change his file format for a specific task than it is for scores of 
> students to change theirs. I want them to focus their efforts on the 
> substance of the test rather than the nuances of computer software.
> I suppose that I could also crusade to solve the "problem" of the school 
> choosing the wrong office suite for its students, but that Quixotic 
> quest will take much more time and emotional energy than I have.
> It is much easier for me to simply select a native MSO format than it is 
> to fight an impossible dream against the tide of inertia. I only do it 
> when I need to and I am deeply grateful to the LO developers for 
> creating a program that translates to .DOC and .DOCX so well.
> But, this thread has piqued my interest in the Linux FB user's group. 
> I'll check it out.
> Virgil
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Letter page format size prints portrait pages as landscape on OS X

2017-07-31 Thread Rob Jasper

Well, of course this is what one is used to..

Here in the Netherlands (Europe) if one would need different sizes then A1 - A5 
one has to specially order it. All is standardized to the A sizes, with the 
added advantage that if A5 is needed, and you don't have it on stock, you just 
cut A4 in half..

>From our perspective the A standards reduce the need to stock all those sizes 
>(letter/legal etc.). Of course the prices are here just contrary to your 


On 30 jul. 2017, at 23:01, Tim-L--Elmira-NY wrote:

> On 07/30/2017 10:10 AM, jonathon wrote:
>> On 29 July 2017 10:04:21 AM GMT-07:00, Tim-L wrote:
>>> I use to know a guy in Canada and he stated they use the metric system and 
>>> he used A4 paper [8.27" by 11.69"
 In Canada our standard is letter (8.5" x 11"), legal (8.5" x 14"),  tabloid
>> Officially, Canada uses A, B etc sizes. Unofficially it uses letter etc. As 
>> a practical matter, people use whatever the local stationary store offers, 
>> which appears to depend upon locale.
>> jonathon
> That clears it up.  I once had to make and print A4 size documents.  I am 
> glad that Canada also uses letter size sheets.  It saves me from having to 
> stock A4 again.
> The Office and/or paper supply stores charge a high premium to purchase A4 
> paper.  I buy a ream of Letter size for under $4 at my grocery store, but the 
> online site I buy 90% of my paper has A4 paper for $11 plus shipping.
> As for a link to LibreOffice, Writer is the default package I use to create 
> posters from letter size to 11x17 size.  I really save the 13x19 paper for my 
> own family's needs.
> If I cannot use LibreOffice, then I have to go to Inkscape. But LibreOffice 
> does 95%, or more, of my poster and sign needs. Thanks to my finding 
> LibreOffice all those years ago when I was looking for a replacement for 
> not-upgrading
> . . . . . . . .
> In my apartment home office "paper wall" - 55" by 54" in size - has shelf 
> upon shelf of paper from 4x6 inches to 13x19 inch paper in white, color, card 
> stock, and various types of photo paper.  Right now A4 paper is not needed 
> anymore.
> All my old, faded, white paper goes to my grand nephew and grand niece as 
> coloring sheets.
> Can you believe that 13x19 photo paper costs a lot less that 11x17 photo 
> paper - if you can find it.  I print so much paper I have to buy from a ream 
> to several per month when I do a heavy print cycle.  I have to buy an inkjet 
> printer every 6 to 10 months - alone with the 3 different numbered ink-tank 
> cartridges - 2 for Canon photo printers and 1 for the HP wide format printer. 
>  I rarely use a laser toner cartridge a year.
> People in the same apartment tower[s] I live in sees my different printers 
> and paper wall and sees no reason to have all this "stuff".  Then they ask me 
> to print something for them is a paper color that most people never have 
> printed on before. They expect me to buy a half-ream the new color for 10-20 
> sheets.  I do my best to steer them to the closest color I have in stock. 
> That is one reason I stock so many paper types and colors.  They just do not 
> get why until they need printing from me.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Embedding Video Files

2017-06-09 Thread Rob Jasper
For this reason I always have a usb stick with LibreOffice as portable app.

This can fe found on 

I've done this for years now, since Powerpoint different versions played tricks 
on me displaying black characters on black background.

Rob Jasper

On 9 jun. 2017, at 03:50, Keith Bates wrote:

> Earlier this week, I produced a presentation with embedded video for use in a 
> school classroom (NSW Department of Education, in case anyone has  personal 
> knowledge of their set-up). I am using Libre Office 5.3 and Ubuntu 17.04.
> I checked that the presentation worked, including the video. I saved it in 
> .ppt format onto a USB stick with the video file, "just in case". This turned 
> out to be a good thing.
> The classroom has an old version of MS Office (2010, I think I saw), a 
> projector and a smart board. I don't know what version of Windows they are 
> running.
> When I ran the presentation, everything went as expected. Touching the white 
> board progressed the slides as expected. However I couldn't get the video to 
> work from within the presentation, and had to run it from the media player.
> It's not a big problem, and I can work around it, but when you have a 
> classroom of Year 4 and 5 kids, you don't want to get too distracted by the 
> technology.
> Any ideas about how to make it work? Keep in mind that I have no access to 
> their computer outside of my lesson time.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> God bless you
> Keith Bates
> Narrabri NSW
> Jesus is the Way
> the Truth and the Life
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Question on wildcards

2017-02-06 Thread Rob Jasper

I created 1 tab with all years concatenated, and replaced the 'year-sheets' to 
select from the main concatenated list.

Thanks to all for the reactions.


On 6 feb. 2017, at 13:48, Bruce Hohl wrote:

> For more compactness, maybe you could create a maxifs() pointed to each
> sheet then a maxifs() against those maxifs() results.  I agree with Brian
> on the point of keeping all data in one sheet if practical.  With that
> approach it's still possible to have separate tabs for each year for the
> analysis and calculation.
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 7:03 PM, Brian Barker <>
> wrote:
>> At 22:46 05/02/2017 +0100, Rob Jasper wrote:
>>> I am looking for a way to use MAXIFS over the equivalent ranges in
>>> multiple tabs. Something like:
>>> =COUNTIF('2*'.E$2:E$200;C2)
>>> Explanation: For all ranges in tabs with name 2.* (2002, 2003, 2004,
>>> etc.), range E2:E200 give me the number of occurrences of the value define
>>> in C2. Is this at all possible?
>> A simple workaround is to assemble copies of the relevant ranges from
>> multiple sheets on a single summary sheet. (After all, the value you are
>> trying to derive definitely relates to the data generally, not to any
>> specific year.) Then the function reference is simple. Instead of simply
>> copying values, you will want to create formulae in the summary sheet to
>> harvest values from the individual sheets. That way, the values on the
>> summary sheet will automatically update as you work on the individual
>> sheets.
>> Or you could use one sheet instead of multiple, yearly sheets in the first
>> place. After all, 1 January 2003 comes as soon after 31 December 2002 as 31
>> December 2002 did after 30 December 2002. Contrary to the theories of some
>> partygoers, nothing particularly discontinuous happens to time at the new
>> year!
>> I trust this helps.
>> Brian Barker
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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 5.3 glitches

2017-02-04 Thread Rob Jasper
Having spent a lifetime in problem handling and feature request I do not agree 
with Tom.

Here's my take-

- Anything that used to work and doesn't anymore is a bug (introduced by an 
update). Of course set aside features which are announced to be obsolete. 
- Anything not working which is supposed to work according requirements and/or 
- Anything that causes LO to crash

Feature requests:
- Anything that is not in requirements and/or documentation
- Anything users can't reasonably expect to work, but is desirable

As such, bugs need to be solved (since they shouldn't be there in the first 
place :-)).
Feature requests on the other hand is, once approved, new work in the pipeline, 
and we have to see when and if developers get time for it.


On 4 feb. 2017, at 16:37, M Henri Day wrote:

> 2017-02-03 20:13 GMT+01:00 James E. Lang :
>> That's an interesting point of view Tom.
>> In my opinion any unannounced regression is a proper subject for a bug
>> report and a new capability is the subject for a feature request. But, I'm
>> not a developer.
>> It would be nice if ordinary dictionary definitions applied to the words
>> used!
>> --
>> Jim
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Tom Davies 
>> To: "" 
>> Sent: Fri, 03 Feb 2017 7:44
>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 5.3 glitches
>> Hi :)
>> Right now is a good time to post bug-reports and "feature requests".
>> "Feature requests" are what most 'normal' (ie non-devs) of us think of as
>> bugs.  It includes features that used to work but now don't and features
>> that don't quite work at all.
>> "Bug reports" are only things that cause the program or entire system to
>> crash (or that escalate privileges to super-users/ super-user/
>> administrator - but as normal users we probably wouldn't notice such
>> escalation).  In chatting with each other we often call things "bugs" or
>> say a thing is "buggy" but if it doesn't crash the system or cause it to
>> close unexpectedly, then it doesn't fit the developers notion of "bug", so
>> there is no point posting a bug-report about it - instead post as a
>> feature-request.
>> Similarly with the term "stable".  However badly a thing behaves, such as
>> familiar functionality suddenly not working, then the devs don't think of
>> that as showing the program is unstable.  A program is only unstable if it
>> crashes (or maybe that escalation thing) or if it crashes the whole
>> system.  LibreOffice is particularly unlikely to do either of those things
>> - there is a measurement of that sort of stability and LibreOffice scores
>> extraordinarily highly, far above much more respected or well-known
>> software.
>> It is nice to hear about good issues with new the branch of LibreOffice
>> as it allows us to be better prepared for the questions that 'normal' users
>> are likely to ask on this mailing list.  However reporting an issue to this
>> mailing list is extremely unlikely to result in the issue being (what we
>> would probably refer to as being) fixed.
>> Right now is probably the best time for doing proper bug-reports and
>> feature-requests because it's the time when the greatest percentage of devs
>> are focused on this branch and most interested in it's outcomes.
>> Regards from
>> Tom :)
> ​The usage with which I am familiar corresponds to that mentioned by James
> above ; i e, ​
> ​«any unannounced regression is a proper subject for a bug report and a new
> capability is the subject for a feature request»​
> ​
> Henri​
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Re: [libreoffice-users] libreoffice developers please answer my question about security!

2016-10-18 Thread Rob Jasper
OK, I now succesfully installed the 32 bit vwrsion-
Thanks for the suggestion.

On 18 okt. 2016, at 20:37, V Stuart Foote wrote:

> Rob wrote
>> I am still using LibreOffice since LO makes it impossible for me
>> to upgrade in my OS (Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5).
>> My iMac 24", although old, functions very well, but Apple thinks that my
>> HW is to old to update the OS to a newer version. Since LO decided to go
>> with new libraries I am stuck with LO
> Sure, at 4.4 we dropped support for OS X 10.7  (Lion) and earlier and also
> of 32-bit builds for OS X,  but you should probably update to the final
> build:
> --
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Re: [libreoffice-users] libreoffice developers please answer my question about security!

2016-10-18 Thread Rob Jasper

On 18 okt. 2016, at 17:14, Italo Vignoli wrote:

> On 18/10/2016 15:38, nasrin khaksar wrote:
>> does it mean that libreoffice which is one branch of openoffice, is
>> extremely secure and it does not have any security Vulnerability to
>> fix in the every new release version?
> LibreOffice is a fork of, not a branch, and as such has
> independent development and security management.
>> all versions are the same in security and its no different which
>> version i desire to use. is it true?
> Absolutely not. You should use one of the two versions currently
> available for download.
>> i use and wish to use 4.4.6, is it completely secure like the oldest
>> and newer versions?
> No, you should use either 5.1.x or 5.2.x. LibreOffice 4.4.6 is over two
> years old, and has not been updated security wise for over one year.

I am still using LibreOffice since LO makes it impossible for me to 
upgrade in my OS (Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5).
My iMac 24", although old, functions very well, but Apple thinks that my HW is 
to old to update the OS to a newer version. Since LO decided to go with new 
libraries I am stuck with LO

> -- 
> Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
> mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
> hangout/jabber - skype italovignoli
> GPG Key ID - 0xAAB8D5C0
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Where is everyone?

2016-07-24 Thread Rob Jasper
Tere is a nice description on actions for the list owner on what to do to 
circumvent this in 

On 23 jul. 2016, at 20:50, Girvin Herr wrote:

> On 07/22/2016 09:12 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:
>> On Fri, 22 Jul 2016, Girvin Herr wrote:
>>> Bruce,
>>> Thanks for the response.
>>> Yes, I have bookmarked also.  It is another resource.  
>>> This forum has benefited me in the past, and I prefer to stay with it.  As 
>>> I said, I have been away for about 2 years and I was not sure what had 
>>> happened to the forum in that time. I have spent the last year off-and-on 
>>> trying to sign up again through my at/yahoo email provider, but my 
>>> subscription requests have been going into a black hole.  I never even got 
>>> the subscription confirmation replies.  I suspected the problem was with 
>>> at/yahoo again, similar to 2 years ago, so I had a friend, who was not 
>>> with at/yahoo, test the subscription process and it worked for him.  That 
>>> was when I had proof that the problem was with at/yahoo.  I suspect they 
>>> are blacklisting this forum for whatever reason, but they never told me 
>>> they were doing it.  I am in the process of shutting down my at/yahoo 
>>> email service and, as you can see in the header, I am in the process of 
>>> switching to FastMail.  They seem to be working fine.
>>> Thanks again and take care.
>>> Girvin
>> possible cause:
>> "In an attempt to block email spoofing attacks on addresses, Yahoo 
>> began imposing a stricter email validation policy that unfortunately breaks 
>> the usual workflow on legitimate mailing lists."
>> Lucian Constantin
>> IDG News Service Apr 8, 2014 6:10 AM
>> f.
> Felmon,
> Yes, but the effect of this at/yahoo policy is to censure their customers.  
> at had never informed me of this policy. I had to figure it out from the 
> unusual silence I was experiencing.  These at/yahoo policies are not in my 
> interests, so I am dumping at/yahoo as soon as I can.
> Thanks for the link.  It was enlightening.
> Thanks.
> Girvin
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc- How to count selected lines

2016-03-30 Thread Rob Jasper

In the 'derived' view in the second tab (example 2) the empty fields under 
heading Nr do contain a formula to display the number only if something is 
specified in the 'map' column in the main list (example 1). 
COUNTA also counts cells when they only contain a formula that returns an empty 
string. So, the effect is that it will count all cells. 
COUNT only counts cells containing numeric values
I couldn't find how to use COUNTIF to do what I want. I always seem to have 
troibles with the formatting...
I tried:
COUNTIF(D$4:D4,"<> ")
COUNTIF(D$4:D4,'<>" "')##   
COUNTIF)D$4:D4,"<>''") ## string delimited with single quotes, inside total 
condition withing double quotes

I just found 2 formats that seem to work:

and also
No clue why this works, but it does...

Thanks for thinking with me,


On 30 mrt. 2016, at 17:29, Pedro wrote:

> I'm not sure if this helps with any of your questions but COUNTA counts
> numbers and/or text
> If you can provide a link to a sample file and explain what you expect maybe
> it is easier.
> Pedro
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[libreoffice-users] Calc- How to count selected lines

2016-03-30 Thread Rob Jasper
Hi all,

maybe I have a blind spot, but I don't see the solution..

I have a long list (in my case of music numbers, with titles, dates, and admin 

it looks like:

Nr  Sub ID  Pgs Beg Map Aktie   Titel

Volk'ren, hoort!

Heer, wees mijn Gids
3   1   

De waldhoorn
4   1   

O Heer, die daar (Val.Gedenckklank)
5   A   5A  2   

Ei oechajem
5   B   5B  1   

6   2   

Die zwölf Räuber

0 bone Jesu
8   1   

Nu jubelt en wees blij
9   2   

Het Gebed (zie 162)
10  1   

Wat de toekomst brengen moge
11  A   11A 1   
19-10   i   Stille Nacht
12  A   12A 1   
19-10   i   Bethlehem
12  B   12B 2   

Ik kniel aan Uw kribbe neer
13  1   
5-01i   Piet Hein (de Zilvervloot)
14  2   

Sanctus (uit de Deutsche Messe V)
15  1   P   

Ambrosianischer Lobgesang

Now I have an other tab where I select only things with a value in the "Map" 

1   24-08-15242 Jacob's Ladder
2   M   275 Dicht bij het hart van God
3   M   279 Geduchte God hoor mijn gebeden
4   M   305 Abba Vader
5   24-08-15363 Zie de Zon
6   05-01-15369 Heer mijn hart zoekt u te vinden
7   24-03-14396 Geef aan de wereld vrede
7   04-04-16433SAan de Voorthuizense dreven
8   M   453 Dank zij U Heer

I use the fomula 
in the third column. 
Subsequently I use a filter to just filter anything with a value in the 3rd 

Question 1:
Is there a more clever way of doing this, so that I don't need the manual 
action to adapt the filter if something changes in the main list?

Question 2:
I want a sequence number in the first column- I started out with using 
SUBTOTAL(2,) for this. This didn't work since not all values are numeric 
(e.g. 433S). 
COUNT(D$4:D..) has the same problem as can be seen in above example (twice nr 7)

Any suggestions?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc- How to count selected lines

2016-03-30 Thread Rob Jasper
The table was really messed up- So here it is in text:

ID  Pgs Beg Map Aktie   Titel
1   Volk'ren, hoort!
2   Heer, wees mijn Gids
3   1   De waldhoorn
4   1   O Heer, die daar (Val.Gedenckklank)
5A  2   Ei oechajem
5B  1   Soldatenlied
6   2   Die zwölf Räuber
7   0 bone Jesu
8   1   Nu jubelt en wees blij
9   2   Het Gebed (zie 162)
10  1   Wat de toekomst brengen moge
11A 1   19-10   i   Stille Nacht
12A 1   19-10   i   Bethlehem
12B 2   Ik kniel aan Uw kribbe neer
13  1   5-01i   Piet Hein (de Zilvervloot)
14  2   Sanctus (uit de Deutsche Messe V)
15  1   P   Ambrosianischer Lobgesang
The second looks like:

Seq Datum   Nr  Titel
1   24-08-15242 Jacob's Ladder
2   M   275 Dicht bij het hart van God
3   M   279 Geduchte God hoor mijn gebeden
4   M   305 Abba Vader
5   24-08-15363 Zie de Zon
6   05-01-15369 Heer mijn hart zoekt u te vinden
7   24-03-14396 Geef aan de wereld vrede
7   04-04-16433SAan de Voorthuizense dreven
8   M   453 Dank zij U Heer

On 30 mrt. 2016, at 16:30, Rob Jasper wrote:

> Hi all,
> maybe I have a blind spot, but I don't see the solution..
> I have a long list (in my case of music numbers, with titles, dates, and 
> admin stuff.
> it looks like:
> NrSub ID  Pgs Beg Map Aktie   Titel
> 1 
> 1 
> Volk'ren, hoort!
> 2 
> 2 
> Heer, wees mijn Gids
> 3 
> 3 1   
> De waldhoorn
> 4 
> 4 1   
> O Heer, die daar (Val.Gedenckklank)
> 5 A   5A  2   
> Ei oechajem
> 5 B   5B  1   
> Soldatenlied
> 6 
> 6 2   
> Die zwölf Räuber
> 7 
> 7 
> 0 bone Jesu
> 8 
> 8 1   
> Nu jubelt en wees blij
> 9 
> 9 2   
> Het Gebed (zie 162)
> 10
> 101   
> Wat de toekomst brengen moge
> 11A   11A 1   
> 19-10 i   Stille Nacht
> 12A   12A 1   
> 19-10 i   Bethlehem
> 12B   12B 2   
> Ik kniel aan Uw kribbe neer
> 13
> 131   
> 5-01  i   Piet Hein (de Zilvervloot)
> 14
> 142   
> Sanctus (uit de Deutsche Messe V)
> 15
> 151   P   
> Ambrosianischer Lobgesang
> Now I have an other tab where I select only things with a value in the "Map" 
> column
> 1 24-08-15242 Jacob's Ladder
> 2 M   275 Dicht bij het hart van God
> 3 M   279 Geduchte God hoor mijn gebeden
> 4 M   305 Abba Vader
> 5 24-08-15363 Zie de Zon
> 6 05-01-15369 Heer mijn hart zoekt u te vinden
> 7 24-03-14396 Geef aan de wereld vrede
> 7 04-04-16433SAan de Voorthuizense dreven
> 8 M   453 Dank zij U Heer
> I use the fomula 
> =IF(AND(OR(Lijst.$F2="M",ISNUMBER(Lijst.$F2)),NOT(Lijst.$G2="i")),Lijst.$C2,"")
>  in the third column. 
> Subsequently I use a filter to just filter anything with a value in the 3rd 
> column.
> Question 1:
> Is there a more clever way of doing this, so that I don't need the manual 
> action to adapt the filter if something changes in the main list?
> Question 2:
> I want a sequence number in the first column- I started out with using 
> SUBTOTAL(2,) for this. This didn't work since not all values are 
> numeric (e.g. 433S). 
> COUNT(D$4:D..) has the same problem as can be seen in above example (twice nr 
> 7)
> Any suggestions?
> thanks,
> Rob.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Java broke on LO 5.1 on Macs

2016-02-12 Thread Rob Jasper
The goal of the JRE is, as the name Java Runtime Environment says, that it 
should be sufficient to run Java functionality.
In all discussions I miss why LO needs more then the runtime environment...
We should work to bring LO in the boundary of of the JRE.


On 12 feb. 2016, at 14:09, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

> Le 12/02/2016 13:36, Stephan Bergmann a écrit :
>> The fix for 
>> "FILEOPEN: LibO terminates when loading Oracle's Java on OS X 10.10 and
>> 10.11," replacing the need to install Apple's Java 6 in addition to an
>> Oracle JRE or JDK with the requirement to install an Oracle JDK, not a
>> JRE.  I'm not sure we did ourselves a favour with that change...
> That's the one.
> Most people rarely download a JDK when a JRE is largely sufficient for
> almost everything they might need to launch a Java application,
> especially as the JRE updates can be configured to be automatic, whereas
> the JDK can not. A user must be aware by looking up for themselves that
> there is a newer version of the JDK available (this doens't even happen
> on Windows to my knowledge). The change made in that bug report means
> that users have to choose between either foregoing Java functionality in
> LibreOffice and receiving annoying nag messages that no Java is
> installed, or else download and install a larger JDK (in comparison to
> just the JRE) that they then have to manually update from time to time.
> Alex
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Writer: Cannot access files I just created!??

2015-11-30 Thread Rob Jasper
Hello Hylton,

You could execute the following to find any lock files on a Mac:

- First make sure LibreOffice is not running (no dot in your menu bar). 
if there is a dot, right click and select "quit"

- Open a terminal session

You could run the following commands to find lockfiles:
cd /
find . -type f -name '.~lock*' 2>&-

the output should show the LO lockfiles if any. The files are in a format 

Once you verified the filenames you can delete them by executing:
find . -type f -name '.~lock*' 2>&- | xargs -I % rm -v %

Hope this helps,

On 30 nov. 2015, at 12:09, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

> Le 29/11/2015 14:32, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) a écrit :
> Hi Hylton,
>> I am lost for ideas as a solution and any help would be appreciated.
> By any chance, are you attempting to write the file to a USB connected
> hard disk or key ?
> Alex
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: precision of Draw dimensions - 3 place

2015-11-20 Thread Rob Jasper

Well done! I fully agree with you-

I opened a new calc document, changed the measurement unit from cm to inches. 
That marked my document as being changed!
As far as I see there's nothing changed in the document

Then I changed a column width to 1 (inch) and saved
I took another document to change back from inches to cm.

Then I opened the first document to find that the column width is set to 2.54 cm

So, it seems that the measurement unit is not saved in the document.
However, when I change the default measurement unit the file is marked as 
changed! Why? Rounding???

What should happen is that the measurement unit is saved in the document, not 
the rounded internal value.

On 19 nov. 2015, at 17:32, Mike Scott wrote:

> On 19/11/15 15:39, V Stuart Foote wrote:
>> No, the all measurements in the StarOffice -> OpenOffice Draw/Impress legacy
>> are derived from raster screen bitmap graphics which has maintained the text
>> "print" centric practice and uses a smallest "Field_Unit" of twips for
>> calculations of placement onto the canvas.
>> A twip  (1/1440") --from Postscript 1/72" point-- is a screen independent
>> value converted (and rounded)  in calculating vertex placements as pixel
>> dimensions.  There are routines to convert measurement from twip to mm or
>> inch--but they are equally imprecise for use in CAD.
>> Meaning there is no history for vector based measurements (vertex, angles,
>> radius, and distances) needed for CAD. What is provided is all geared to
>> rendering bitmap onto a raster canvas--for  resample to screen pixels.
>> So, the "arbitrary" lack of precision is a function of the resampling to
>> "fit" bitmap elements to pixels of a raster screen. wo Floating point
>> precision of measurements remains much less significant than performance for
>> rendering the twip derived document canvas. Yes there was a tradeoff, but an
>> easy one to make.
>> If you need the precision for CAD you want a program designed to handle
>> vectors under the hood, not bitmaps--period!
> Whatever the internals within LO, the present behaviour is irrational. Yes, 
> obviously everything /eventually/ has to be adjusted some arbitrary grid 
> size. However, there's no reason at all for arbitrary roundings before 
> printing.
> In particular, I've just experimented to see what's stored. I draw a single 
> line and position it (or try to!) at 1.234cm from the margin (itself set at 
> 1cm). I do this twice, with units set to cm (which forces a rounding to 
> 2.34cm) and them mm (retains 2 dp's in/mm/ this time).
> The generated contents.xml has a draw:line element, whose position is in the 
> first case svg:x1="2.23cm" and in the second svg:x1="2.234cm". So the
> They really, really ought to be the same. If the user chooses to work in cm, 
> mm, or cubits, the available physical precision should nevertheless be 
> ultimately defined by what the printing system can do.
> OTOH, if the stored measurements are rounded to some arbitrary grid, then my 
> two files should have the same rounded content.
> Final experiment. Set the units to feet - and see how the precision drops to 
> about 3mm because the entries are rounded by the GUI to 2 dp in feet. 
> Rational behaviour? Not from a user's POV.
> -- 
> Mike Scott (unet2  [deletethis]
> Harlow Essex England
> -- 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Shortcut changes

2015-10-20 Thread Rob Jasper

On 20 okt. 2015, at 04:36, tonybsa wrote:

>> On 18/10/2015, at 08:17, James E. Lang  wrote:
>> PLEASE, developers, think about the impact your change will have on existing 
>> users.  The longer a shortcut has existed the more attention should be given 
>> should be given to the impact of changing it with shortcuts that have 
>> existed for more than one full major release being ALMOST cast in granite. 
> This particular change from F4 to Ctrl-Shift_F4 for data source in Calc but 
> not in Writer is a massive problem. The F4 shortcut has been around for YEARS.
> I now have to re-write my tutorials and workshop examples.
> I now have to go back to the hundreds of users that have been using F4 for 
> YEARS and try to explain why there is a difference between Calc & Writer.
> A large number of the people (I have trained ) that use LibreOffice use F4 
> for mail merge in Writer and Pivot Tables in Calc. 
> Because the usual source is a MySQL database where data is being updated on a 
> regular basis, the mail merge and pivot tables need updating regularly.
> Why was this change made? 
> As far as I can see (from the bugzilla history) it was requested in 2013 
> because 1 or 2 people, that are changing from Lotus 123 to Calc could not 
> make the change from F4 to Shift-F4 for the "Absolute cell reference 
> shortcut".
> I don't remember any of "my" users having ever found it necessary to change 
> the cell reference from absolute to relative once they have formatted a cell.
> So I agree with James Lang & Alexander Thurgood when they decry this change.
> Who made the change 2 years after it was requested, without discussing it 
> with the people on this list?
> Developers, please do NOT make changes to existing menu options and shortcuts 
> without FULLY consulting the "professional" users of LibreOffice. 
> Thank you.
> Tony Bray
> -- 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Tooo many messages on this mailing list?? How to avoid being swamped ...

2015-10-15 Thread Rob Jasper
On my email client (OSX std email client) it does. 
That doesn;t seem to happen very often, though.


On 15 okt. 2015, at 16:33, anne-ology wrote:

>   well said.
>   One thing that bothers me re. this threading,
>  is that if the subject line is changed in any way, it starts a
> new thread.
> From: Tom Davies <>
> Date: Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 2:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Tooo many messages on this mailing list??
> How to avoid being swamped ...
> To: Rob Jasper <>
> Cc: "" <>
> Hi :)
> +1
> Most email clients have such threading.  Thunderbird, Claws and Evolution
> do.  "The Bat!" (for Windows) does.  Gmail is not really an email client as
> you tend to create a new email address to use it, but it does the
> conversations/threading thing by default too.
> Hotmail (that's an MS one right?) and Microsoft Outlook and Yahoo don't.
> Well, Yahoo might by now but the Micorosoft ones haven't caught up with the
> rest of the world yet.
> I found that moving from unthreaded to threaded was a HUGE help.  Before
> that i'd been struggling with every single email!!  A complete nightmare.
> Now i can see the whole thread/conversation and which issues have already
> been dealt with and which issues could maybe do with a bit more work.  It's
> drastically cut the amount of emails i write :))
> As with any new system it took me a while to work it out and a little
> longer to really start benefiting from it.  Much the same as when i took a
> touch-typing course, initially my speeds plummeted but quite soon after i
> was really glad i'd made the switch.  When i finally managed to get all my
> emails being pulled into my GMail account it really "polished off" my
> migration.  At first i "kept all the email on the server" so they were
> still in Yahoo and being duplicated in GMail but once i was confident (took
> me about a week) i switched that around so that they get deleted from Yahoo
> if they make it into GMail.  I still have my Yahoo account but i rarely
> ever even sign into it except to change the password and just check.
> I'm not saying this to advertise Gmail.  Many, many email systems have this
> functionality.  The main thing is to move away from total reliance on
> Microsoft ones by using any of them.
> I suspect that a lot of Alexander's problem with this mailing list is that
> he is still stuck on Hotmail.
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> On 14 October 2015 at 19:00, Rob Jasper <> wrote:
>> reading with my standard iMac email client set to "organize by
>> Conversation", and this bundels all mails of one thread into one entry,
> so,
>> after the discussion tread calmes down (does not pop to the top of my
>> unread email list anymore) I just delete the whole thing in one go.
>> I'm sure other mailers have the same functionality.
>> Just my solution, but it works for me :-)
>> Regards,
>> Rob.
> -- 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Tooo many messages on this mailing list?? How to avoid being swamped ...

2015-10-14 Thread Rob Jasper

reading with my standard iMac email client set to "organize by Conversation", 
and this bundels all mails of one thread into one entry, so, after the 
discussion tread calmes down (does not pop to the top of my unread email list 
anymore) I just delete the whole thing in one go. 
I'm sure other mailers have the same functionality. 

Just my solution, but it works for me :-)


On 14 okt. 2015, at 18:49, Tom Davies wrote:

> Hi :)
> A good way of reading this mailing list is to use either GMane or Nabble.
> It seems those routes allow people to avoid getting emails directly and
> just pick the threads that interest you, perhaps even subscribing to just
> those threads.  I prefer Nabble because it gives the extra functionality of
> being able to upload files that the mailing list can choose to read or
> not.  I'm sure GMane has other advantages to suit other people's
> requirements.
> There's always the rather neat method of setting up a new email account
> with GMail or one of the other free providers and to try to use only it for
> just mailing lists.  I have a tendency to accidentally use the wrong email
> address or to slip into using such things as my main email address which
> kinda spoils that option for me.
> Another option is, of course, to add filters to your existing email
> account.  Those can move the emails "en masse" to a sub-folder which you
> can choose to dip into at whim and ignore for the most part.
> There may be other ways too.
> This mailing list used to have hundreds of posts per day and it was my
> first experience of such high volumes so i had to learn quite quickly.
> Other people may have experience with even higher levels or/and on other
> lists and may have other tricks to cope.
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> On 14 October 2015 at 15:58, Philip Jackson 
> wrote:
>> On 14/10/15 14:51, Gabriele Ponzo wrote:
>>> What is unclear is if you don't want to receive mails about your question
>>> or if you don't want to receive mails at all.
>>> Because you may have not understood that this is a mailing list. So
>> you'll
>>> receive every message from very each sender about every topic, unless you
>>> decide to unsubscribe.
>> Those that post replies to messages could ease the load by using "reply to
>> list"
>> rather than 'reply to all'.  These are the choices you have on Thunderbird,
>> other mail clients may offer different options.
>> If you use 'reply to all', the person to whom you are replying gets two
>> copies :
>> one directly to his email address and another one that comes via the
>> libreoffice-users list server.
>> Philip
>> --
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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to know if a value passes a filter in a formula?

2015-10-13 Thread Rob Jasper

Thanks for the help, works like a charm.
And yes, I've now read the full help of SUBTOTAL() and I see all kind of uses 

Thanks again,


On 9 okt. 2015, at 18:12, Regina Henschel wrote:

> Hi Rob,
> if you filter using an Autofilter, then you can use function
> instead of MAX. See help on SUBTOTAL.
> Kind regards
> Regina
> Rob Jasper schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> I have a list of music pieces with dates they are, or will be handed out.
>> The format looks like:
>> 26-10-15 11A Stille Nacht
>> 26-10-15 12A Bethlehem
>> 26-10-15 28  Ere zij God
>> 24-08-15 242 Jacob's Ladder
>> 26-10-15 265 See amid the winter's snow
>> M275 Dicht bij het hart van God
>> 24-08-15 363 Zie de Zon
>> 5-01-15  369 Heer mijn hart zoekt u te vinden
>> 24-03-14 396 Geef aan de wereld vrede
>> M453 Dank zij U Heer
>> 24-08-15 456 Sanctus
>> M480 The Creation
>> 24-08-15 493 The Exodus Song
>> 26-10-15 498 For unto us a child is born
>> 29-09-14 499 Dochter van Sion
>> 29-09-14 500 Zingt een nieuw lied (naar Psalm 98)
>> 5-01-15  502 Wees stil voor het aangezicht van God
>> 5-01-15  503 'k heb gehoord van een stad
>> 5-01-15  504 Van Oranje
>> 14-12-15 509 Nooit meer nacht
>> 9-02-15  510 Zing voor de Heer met hart en stem
>> 7-09-15  511 Somebody bigger than you and I
>> 14-12-15 512 Wilhelmus Cantate
>> The header line should contain "Per  in the binder".
>> I have now the formula =CONCATENATE("Per ",TEXT(MAX(B1:B),"dd-mm-"), 
>> "  in the binder") to create the header dynamically.
>> It now shows: Per 14-12-2015 in the binder
>> What I want is that if I filter 14 dec 2015 in the list, that then the 
>> header shows 26-10-2015. So the formula needs to be 'filter aware'.
>> How can I accomplish this?
>> Rob.
> -- 
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[libreoffice-users] How to know if a value passes a filter in a formula?

2015-10-09 Thread Rob Jasper

I have a list of music pieces with dates they are, or will be handed out.
The format looks like:

26-10-1511A Stille Nacht
26-10-1512A Bethlehem
26-10-1528  Ere zij God
24-08-15242 Jacob's Ladder
26-10-15265 See amid the winter's snow
M   275 Dicht bij het hart van God
24-08-15363 Zie de Zon
5-01-15 369 Heer mijn hart zoekt u te vinden
24-03-14396 Geef aan de wereld vrede
M   453 Dank zij U Heer
24-08-15456 Sanctus
M   480 The Creation
24-08-15493 The Exodus Song
26-10-15498 For unto us a child is born
29-09-14499 Dochter van Sion
29-09-14500 Zingt een nieuw lied (naar Psalm 98)
5-01-15 502 Wees stil voor het aangezicht van God
5-01-15 503 'k heb gehoord van een stad
5-01-15 504 Van Oranje
14-12-15509 Nooit meer nacht
9-02-15 510 Zing voor de Heer met hart en stem
7-09-15 511 Somebody bigger than you and I
14-12-15512 Wilhelmus Cantate

The header line should contain "Per  in the binder".
I have now the formula =CONCATENATE("Per ",TEXT(MAX(B1:B),"dd-mm-"), "  
in the binder") to create the header dynamically.
It now shows: Per 14-12-2015 in the binder

What I want is that if I filter 14 dec 2015 in the list, that then the header 
shows 26-10-2015. So the formula needs to be 'filter aware'.

How can I accomplish this?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Find & Replace in Calc

2015-10-05 Thread Rob Jasper

Select whole column
Edit -> find
enter in "search for" :  [0-9]+,[0-9]+,
Leave "replace with" blank
Click "other options"
mark "regular expressions"

click "replace all"

The reg expression above expects at least 1 digit before the first comma and 
between the commas.
If this is not the case (the value can also be ..Text), then replace the "+" 
with "*" in above regular expression



On 5 okt. 2015, at 08:54, Pat Brown wrote:

> I have over 2000 records in a sheet. At the beginning of each record there
> is a series of numerals. I want to do a Find & Replace to remove these
> numerical values but I cannot seem to find the right formula. The leading
> numerals are not of consistent length, example
> 1,1,Guide
> 1,24,Field
> 1,225,The Music
> The format is consistent in each case, just the length differs
> Any suggestions?
> -- 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] user's profile on an iMac

2015-09-08 Thread Rob Jasper

library is standard invisible in Finder.

How to see the contents:
open finder
On the menu bar- Go -> Go to folder
Enter in the pop-up window: ~/library/application support/libreoffice/4 (tilde 
means current user home directory)

The directory "4" will open...

If you want to show hidden folder/files permanently in Finder, do the following:

Open a Terminal window and run the following commands in it, pressing Enter 
after each one:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

killall Finder

This will kill all open finder processes. So if you restart Finder, all files 
will show.


On 8 sep. 2015, at 15:18, Guy Voets wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a problem with sorting in Calc and the solution could be to throw
> out my user's profile.
> Normally, this sits in user/libray/application support/libreoffice/4
> but on my Yosemite 27" iMac, there is no Library in my user map!
> The Library in the root map doesn't contain application support for LO.
> Any idea where this could be hidden?
> In LO, the Paths indicate the path mentioned above, in the Library under
> user.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Guy
> using LibO 5.0.1 on a iMac Intel Yosemite 10.10.5
> Dodoes can't afford to have headaches
> -- 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice 5.0 Review Rating |

2015-08-21 Thread Rob Jasper
Nice article indeed.

I personally like the structured way of the menus. I am a long time user of 
OpenOffice, and later LibreOffice. 

When MS started with the ribbon, I just didn't use MS office anymore, and on my 
newer systems (Mac's and PCs) I only install LO.

Recently I experienced that I can't update LO beyond version 4.3.6 on the Mac I 
mostly use which is running OSX 10.7.5; The hardware does not allow upgrading 
OSX any further... So, I feel a little 'left in the dark'

I am still a happy user of LO, though!


On 21 aug. 2015, at 13:02, Pedro wrote:

 Jack Wallen wrote
 Thought I'd share this. One of my latest open source pieces for 
 TechRepublic about LibreOffice 5.0.
 Nice article. 
 I disagree that the UI is the biggest problem... 
 If you are a NEW user (i.e. never used an Office suite before) then you need
 to learn it from zero and organized menus are more logical than large
 buttons organized by someone else.
 If you are moving from Office 2003 then you will feel at home. 
 However if you are used to Office 2007 or newer then you are in real
 trouble. Not only you will have to relearn/adjust to the UI but you will
 have BIG problems with round-trip documents regardless if you are using XML
 based MS file formats or Open Documents...
 The issue is that not only XML based MS formats are proprietary and
 constantly changing even within MS Office versions (so it is impossible for
 other Offices to open or save EXACTLY like MS) but Microsoft makes sure that
 you will also not want to use Open Document format to exchange files. You
 will ALWAYS get some warning (more or less scary) that you will loose
 something or that you have already lost something...
 I really don't see a solution for this problem... Even if Governments
 effectively push for Open Documents, the scary messages will always make
 users think twice before opening or saving to Open Document formats...
 Just my 2 cents ;)
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[libreoffice-users] Calc- how to edit a link to a file

2015-08-18 Thread Rob Jasper
Env: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5


I inserted a link to another pdf file. That works, if I click the link the 
other file is opened.

Here's the weird thing. I don't seem able to edit the text value, nor the path. 
If I right click there's not something as edit (the link). Also in the menu I 
can't find someting like 'edit link'.
Am I missing something?

If change the path to a relative path (as from the location of the calc file) I 
get an error message when clicking the link. 
The message says: 
LibreOffice could not find a web browser on your system. Please check your 
Desktop Preferences or install a web browser (for example, Firefox) in the 
default  location requested during the browser installation.

Can someone help me with this?
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc- how to edit a link to a file

2015-08-18 Thread Rob Jasper

I just tested what you said.

Indeed, when the cell contents is selected (cursor before content, the move 
over it with 'shift/right arrow'), the content is available when opening the 
dialogue both from the button (which I never spotted in the first place :-) and 
from menu insert  hyperlink (⌘K).
From the menu this is not very intuitive, I think.

When I went to the save preferences, the option for relative path was already 
set (apparently it is the default). Since it is not displayed in the dialogue 
this way, I just didn't think that it would automagically be right. Next time 
no assumptions, just test first!

Thank you for your clear answer,


On 18 aug. 2015, at 21:58, Brian Barker wrote:

 At 20:57 18/08/2015 +0200, Rob Jasper wrote:
 I inserted a link to another pdf file. That works, if I click the link the 
 other file is opened. Here's the weird thing. I don't seem able to edit the 
 text value, nor the path. If I right click there's not something as edit 
 (the link). Also in the menu I can't find something like 'edit link'. Am I 
 missing something?
 I think you need first either to put the cursor immediately to the left of 
 the hyperlink or to select the hyperlink text itself - which you cannot do 
 simply by clicking or double-clicking, of course. Then you can open the 
 Hyperlink dialogue either by clicking the Hyperlink button in the Standard 
 toolbar or by going - perhaps somewhat counterintuitively - to Insert | 
 Hyperlink. You may find it easier to open the Hyperlink dialogue first and 
 then navigate to the hyperlink in the cell: the dialogue will populate when 
 you reach the right point. If the cell contains only the hyperlink, you need 
 only to select the cell.
 If change the path to a relative path (as from the location of the calc 
 file) I get an error message when clicking the link. The message says: 
 LibreOffice could not find a web browser on your system. Please check your 
 Desktop Preferences or install a web browser (for example, Firefox) in the 
 default  location requested during the browser installation.
 LibreOffice always display absolute paths, since this is the way it operates 
 internally. Your choice to have a relative path is a matter of what is stored 
 in the document file when it is saved; if you want the path to be relative, 
 you need to make this choice at Tools | Options... | Load/Save | General | 
 Save | Save URLs relative to file system. (Oh, on your Mac OS system, that's 
 at LibreOffice | Preferences | Load/Save ... .) If you create the link in the 
 normal way and have this setting ticked when you save the document, the link 
 will behave as a relative link when the document is reopened. In other words, 
 if the document file is moved the absolute file path that would then be 
 displayed would be appropriately different.
 The message about a browser implies that your hyperlink is now being treated 
 as an internet link instead of a document one. This may be because you have 
 selected Internet instead of Document in the Hyperlink dialogue, but perhaps 
 you have just attempted to edit the document path inappropriately - losing 
 its leading file:/// - and confused LibreOffice.
 I trust this helps.
 Brian Barker
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Linux alternative

2015-07-19 Thread Rob Jasper

agree with you there- Cobol was considered e great modern productivity 
improvement. I started in assembly. Getting a system running by inserting the 
bootstrapper papertape on the first punched holes, ste the start address 
through phisical switches and press the start butten. Only after the 
bootstrapper was loaded the rest of the program could be loaded

We came a long way since then, but I agree that all the new stuff around now is 
depriving young people from basic understanding that a computer doesn't know 
anything, and is not capable of doing anything by itself.


On 19 jul. 2015, at 02:02, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

 On 07/18/2015 11:54 AM, charles meyer wrote:
 Hi Jack,
 You’re most welcome.
 I think many Windows users are married to old verbiage they heard
 years ago (some unfounded) about how you’ll need to learn to code or
 have to learn language like the old DOS to make Linux work and so
 propelled by fear they remain with Windows.
 I’m looking forward to all the good work and advancement Eric (on this
 list) makes with his foray into voice recognition but can you or Gary
 on this list or others recommend any Linux-based voice recognition?
 Nuance has dragged their heels in so many ways including developing
 voice recognition for more than one voice at a time so I don’t feel
 like I can count on them to offer a Linux-based version by 2020 when
 MS is supposed to end W7 support.
 Thanks for disabusing readers of their “Linux-fear” in your article
 and for your and others voice recognition recommendations.
 I started with computers when punch-cards were still common and computers 
 smaller than a refrigerator was not.
 I wished I still remembered all the programming skills I have back then [but 
 that ended with the strokes].  Users are pampered with a GUI and other 
 modern items on their really small sized systems, compared to what I 
 started working with.  You try writing a general ledger accounting system 
 from scratch in COBOL and then tell me that people do not have it so easy 
 now.  Well, at least if you do not have to do the GUI programming from 
 scratch instead of using templates, or needing to do AI work withing a game 
 environment.  But the basic business stuff was much harder to produce back 
 then when colored printing, or even graphical printing, from a low to middle 
 environment business computer was not available at all.  I was programming 
 computers for over a decade before I ever saw a colored printer, let alone 
 afford one.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Open LO files via IE Explorer

2015-07-14 Thread Rob Jasper
Is this the same problem as described in the following thread? 


On 14 jul. 2015, at 13:20, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:

 I have another question.
 I noticed, since I am using Windows 8.1 (2-3 months ago), currently LO
 that attempts at opening files from the IE Explorer (this thing seems to
 have another name, but can't remember it) file view
 VERY OFTEN (almost always) fail.
 With fail I mean:
 I have for example one Writer and one Calc file open. No errors at all,
 just ordinary work.
 Then I click on a WRITER/CALC file somewhere on my disks.
 - Nothing happens.
 No matter what I try.
 - I close the Writer/Calc files one by one. Still nothing happens.
 - I close LibreOffice - immediately a file recovery screen opens and
 tells me, it is recovering the files I was working on.
 - Once that is done, the file I clicked in the Explorer view ALSO opens.
 This did NOT happen with my old Windows XP machines, not on 3 different
 Linux machines
 and as far as I remember not with earlier versions of LibreOffice.
 Does anybody know anything about this?
 Thank you
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Re: [libreoffice-users] VAR, STDEV, CHISQ.INV

2015-07-09 Thread Rob Jasper

just read the MS-Excel explanation you are referring to. Great explanation.
Thanks for pointing to this.


On 8 jul. 2015, at 20:42, Joel Madero wrote:

 Sounds to me like normal floating number behavior. I know someone is trying
 to document this and explain why it happens (it's a technical reason that
 goes beyond my skills) but this seems entirely normal behavior given the
 constraints of programming languages generally and hardware in particular.
 P.S. You can see similar issues in other spreadsheet software. This seems
 to give some indication as to the reasons why: (yes I know it's MSO
 link...just explaining the reason why floating number isn't entirely
 accurate all the time)
 On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Rui Pedro Caldeira
 Hey and thanks for your fast answer. This is the data set:
  0.01  0.01  0.01  0.01  0.01  0.01  0.01
 0.01  0.01  0.01  0.01  0.01  0.01  0.01
 0.02  0.03  0.97  0.97  0.97  0.97  0.98
 1.01  1.97
 Using the formula in the spreadsheet it gives the value: 0.328061419 (VAR)
 and 0.5727664611 (STDEV)
 And yes, i do mean CHISQ.INV :)
 Thanks, Rui.
 Rui Pedro Caldeira
 On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 7:24 PM, Brian Barker
 At 18:44 08/07/2015 +0100, Rui Pedro Caldeira wrote:
 I'm having some problems with the VAR and STDEV function, when executing
 these lines of code. The average is well calculated but the remaining
 return very low, unrealistic and equal values (6.93018471335974E-310).
 That value is 2^-1027 - which is probably the smallest floating-point
 value your system can represent without underflow.
 Have you compared the results produced from your data by equivalent
 formulae in a spreadsheet cell?
 Do you mean CHISQ.INV and not CHISQINV?
 Brian Barker
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 *Joel Madero*
 LibreOffice QA Volunteer
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Conditional formatting question

2015-07-04 Thread Rob Jasper
OK, in stead of an dynamic setting I reverted to manual setting (makes the 
sheet faster too).

I set autofilter on the column, selected all rows not empty, and set the 
background color...
Simple and fast.

Why do something dynamic if the data is not that dynamic.

On 3 jul. 2015, at 21:32, Rob Jasper wrote:

 Andreas  Brian,
 thanks, that works great!
 Now I have another followup question:
 I already had a formatting for 2 colums where I set the number of digits 
 behind the decimal based on the formula MOD(F2,0.01)=0.
 This to make a Euro/dfl denomination look like 0.10 and 0.15, while the real 
 old values (e.g. 12.5 cents) display as 0.125
 For those values which on have 2 digits after de decimal, the background 
 color doesn't display..
 If I look at the conditions the first one is the one just added (Range 
 A2:AMJ3500; Formula ISNUMBER($H2). This is followed by a hugh list in the 
 style F4  — MOD(F4,0.01)=0 
 F20-F21 — MOD(F20,0.01)=0
 Apparently the list breaks if rows are added... I changed the condition to 
 MOD($F2,0.01=0) for the range F2-F3500.
 It seems that changing the number format conditionally overrides the set 
 background color.
 If Fx has the value n.nnn it has de correct background but the numberformat 
 displayed is now n.nn
 If Fx has the value n.nn the background is gone
 Am I missing something here?
 Is this expected behavior?
 On 3 jul. 2015, at 19:17, Brian Barker wrote:
 At 16:23 03/07/2015 +0200, Rob Jasper wrote:
 I am looking on a way to set the background color of a full row if one 
 specific field in the row has a value. [Example: C3 = 3.] I looked at 
 conditional formatting but I don't see how to format the complete line 
 based on one value in the line.
 By having a value, do you mean the specific example value of 3, or do you 
 mean having value as distinct from not having a value (whatever that means)?
 o Select the relevant rows.
 o Go to Format | Conditional Formatting... .
 o For Condition 1, select Formula is from the drop-down menu.
 o In the box, enter INDIRECT($CROW())=3 - or perhaps 
 o For Cell Style, select your cell style with the appropriate background 
 colour (or click New Style... and create a style on the fly).
 o OK.
 I trust this helps.
 Brian Barker
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[libreoffice-users] Conditional formatting question

2015-07-03 Thread Rob Jasper

I am looking on a way to set the background color of a full row if one specific 
field in the row has a value.

So, if the value is in col C, this would be the result:

A   B   C   D   E
1   x   y   8   p
2   x2  y2  6   c
3   x3  y3  3   7   f
4   x4  y4  9   g

I looked at conditional formatting but I don't see how to format the complete 
line based on one value in the line

Does someone of you bright minds have an idea how to accomplish this?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Conditional formatting question

2015-07-03 Thread Rob Jasper
Andreas  Brian,

thanks, that works great!

Now I have another followup question:

I already had a formatting for 2 colums where I set the number of digits behind 
the decimal based on the formula MOD(F2,0.01)=0.
This to make a Euro/dfl denomination look like 0.10 and 0.15, while the real 
old values (e.g. 12.5 cents) display as 0.125

For those values which on have 2 digits after de decimal, the background color 
doesn't display..
If I look at the conditions the first one is the one just added (Range 
A2:AMJ3500; Formula ISNUMBER($H2). This is followed by a hugh list in the style 
F4  — MOD(F4,0.01)=0 
F20-F21 — MOD(F20,0.01)=0
Apparently the list breaks if rows are added... I changed the condition to 
MOD($F2,0.01=0) for the range F2-F3500.

It seems that changing the number format conditionally overrides the set 
background color.

If Fx has the value n.nnn it has de correct background but the numberformat 
displayed is now n.nn
If Fx has the value n.nn the background is gone

Am I missing something here?
Is this expected behavior?


On 3 jul. 2015, at 19:17, Brian Barker wrote:

 At 16:23 03/07/2015 +0200, Rob Jasper wrote:
 I am looking on a way to set the background color of a full row if one 
 specific field in the row has a value. [Example: C3 = 3.] I looked at 
 conditional formatting but I don't see how to format the complete line based 
 on one value in the line.
 By having a value, do you mean the specific example value of 3, or do you 
 mean having value as distinct from not having a value (whatever that means)?
 o Select the relevant rows.
 o Go to Format | Conditional Formatting... .
 o For Condition 1, select Formula is from the drop-down menu.
 o In the box, enter INDIRECT($CROW())=3 - or perhaps 
 o For Cell Style, select your cell style with the appropriate background 
 colour (or click New Style... and create a style on the fly).
 o OK.
 I trust this helps.
 Brian Barker
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Re: [libreoffice-users] LOOKUP with 2 values in 2 columns

2015-06-08 Thread Rob Jasper
Agree with that!
I have no experience with base in combination with the built-in or other 
dbms's. I do have quite some xperience with various dbms's and SQL though. So, 
one of these days I'll try it..



On 8 jun. 2015, at 14:58, Brian Barker wrote:

 At 13:56 08/06/2015 +0200, Rob Jasper wrote:
 I have a list of music numbers for our choir in calc. Each number is 
 identified by a number in col A, and sometimes a sub-number or letter in col 
 B. Something like:
 296 title1  ComposerArr.textpublisher
 297 a   title2  C2
 297 b   title3  C3
 298 1   title4  C1
 298 2   title5  C3  A   B   xx
 299 title6  C2
 This is in the lab Mainlist. In another tab (performed) I just want to 
 reference number and subnumber, and get the title, composer, arranger, etc. 
 from the Main list. How can I lookup 2 values set in Performed E1 and F1 in 
 the main list?
 Insert an extra column - I'll call it C - between the subnumbers and the 
 titles. In Cn, enter
 This will concatenate the values in the first two columns, to give 297a, 
 2982, etc. You can hide that column if you prefer, so it does not need to 
 display or print.
 To harvest the title, use:
 To harvest the composer:
 and so on .
 I trust this helps.
 Brian Barker
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[libreoffice-users] LOOKUP with 2 values in 2 columns

2015-06-08 Thread Rob Jasper

I have a list of music numbers for our choir in calc.
Each number is identified by a number in col A, and sometimes a sub-number or 
letter in col B.

Someting like:

296 title1  ComposerArr.textpublisher   
297 a   title2  C2
297 b   title3  C3
298 1   title4  C1
298 2   title5  C3  A   B   xx
299 title6  C2

This is in the lab Mainlist.

In another tab (performed)I just want to reference number and subnumber, and 
get the title, composer, arranger, etc. from the Main list.

How can I lookup 2 values set in Performed E1 and F1 in the main list?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LOOKUP with 2 values in 2 columns

2015-06-08 Thread Rob Jasper
Agh, I should have thought of this myself. Simple and elegant...

Thanks Brian,


On 8 jun. 2015, at 14:58, Brian Barker wrote:

 At 13:56 08/06/2015 +0200, Rob Jasper wrote:
 I have a list of music numbers for our choir in calc. Each number is 
 identified by a number in col A, and sometimes a sub-number or letter in col 
 B. Something like:
 296 title1  ComposerArr.textpublisher
 297 a   title2  C2
 297 b   title3  C3
 298 1   title4  C1
 298 2   title5  C3  A   B   xx
 299 title6  C2
 This is in the lab Mainlist. In another tab (performed) I just want to 
 reference number and subnumber, and get the title, composer, arranger, etc. 
 from the Main list. How can I lookup 2 values set in Performed E1 and F1 in 
 the main list?
 Insert an extra column - I'll call it C - between the subnumbers and the 
 titles. In Cn, enter
 This will concatenate the values in the first two columns, to give 297a, 
 2982, etc. You can hide that column if you prefer, so it does not need to 
 display or print.
 To harvest the title, use:
 To harvest the composer:
 and so on .
 I trust this helps.
 Brian Barker
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc, selecting from a list ? vlookup maybe ?

2015-03-24 Thread Rob Jasper
Hi Graham,

I experimented a little and found the following solution for you:

In added 2 columns before the one with the heading C/M.

In col G I put the following formula:
=IFNA(VLOOKUP($G$13,INDIRECT(B(14+E13):C$40), 2, 0),)

In col E I put:

To get rid of the #N/A in col E I added col F with:

Pull down to row 39

Now hide col E

How does it work:
I build the starting address for the lookup array from the first row with data 
(in your case row 14, and I add the increment where the name was found. Doing 
that makes that each vlookup starts after the row where the last name was found.

In column E I determine the relative place where the name was found (starting 
at row 14). Also there I calculate the starting point from what we did before 
by adding the previous increment to row 14 to determine teh start row. If we 
don't do that we'll end up in a loop when a name appears more then once (e.g. 
Becky fo N/M).

I'll append the file, knowing that it will not appear in the list, but you'll 
receive it in your personal mail.

If people want to see the file, I'LL need some advice on how to get it to 

This is how it looks now (hope that the list doen't mess it up):



1   C/M Darren  
1   Darren  
2   Barbara 
3   Ken
2   N/M Barbara 
4   Neil
5   Catherine   
8   Sheila
3   M   Ken 
9   kie 
6   Alix
11  Les
4   C/M Neil
15  Eric
7   Brian   

5   N/M Catherine   

10  Keith   

6   N/M Alix

12  Tom 

7   N/M Brian   

13  Martin  

8   M   Sheila  

14  Ditte   

9   C/M kie 

16  Becky   

10  N/M Keith   

17  Judy

11  M   Les 

18  Mark

12  N/M Tom 

19  Becky   

13  N/M Martin  

20  Steve   

14  N/M Ditte   

21  Adnan   

15  C/M Eric

22  Steve   

16  N/M Becky   

23  Becky   

17  N/M Judy

24  Bell

18  N/M Mark

25  Grace   

19  N/M Becky   

26  Janine  

20  N/M Steve   

21  N/M Adnan   

22  N/M Steve   

Hope this helps,


On 24 mrt. 2015, at 15:37, IGraham wrote:

 If i have a list over a number of columns how would i create a new list of
 only certain rows from that list
 Yes i know thats as clear as mud so i've attached a example spreadsheet
 The column starting at B14 has membership type with (C14) a name next to it
 - the actual sheet has more data.
 Each row below has different membership type and associated data
 I want new lists based on the membership type
 The main list may be sorted changing the order of the rows 
 Anyone know how i can do  this   
 W764  LibreOffice
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Languages Settings

2015-02-28 Thread Rob Jasper
Go to menu LibreOffice - Preferences - Language Settings - Languages


Op 28 feb. 2015, om 12:57 heeft Jasmine Bader het volgende geschreven:

 I need help in changing the languages from the unser interface. How can i
 change it to German? I can choose only between English USA and English.
 Thanks for help.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] [tdf-announce] Alternative download for LibreOffice 4.4

2015-01-31 Thread Rob Jasper

thank you, but the needed file is just not there
The file I need is de x86 version that should be on the location: 
That directory is completely empty, though.


Op 30 jan. 2015, om 18:13 heeft Tom Davies het volgende geschreven:

 Hi :)
 Err, if you want to download 4.4 then this link is probably better!
 Sorry about that!
 Regards from
 Tom :)
 On 30 January 2015 at 17:12, Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :)
 Err, if you want to download 4.4 then this link is probably better!
 Sorry about that!
 Regards from
 Tom :)
 On 29 January 2015 at 16:35, Italo Vignoli 
 LibreOffice 4.4 can be downloaded from this alternative link:
 Sorry for the inconvenience.
 Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Merging columns, not cells

2015-01-28 Thread Rob Jasper

With merging I assume you mean concatenating the strings into one column...

I generally put a concatenate formula in a separate column, then select cut 
that complete column and special past values to the desired column.


Op 28 jan. 2015, om 15:44 heeft Mark Howe het volgende geschreven:

 I can’t find help for merging columns or ranges.  Is it possible?  Merging 
 cells is so easy, but I hate to have to do it a million times.
 Mark W. Howe
 San Juan Capistrano, CA
 949-496-3453 home/ office
 949-525-3914 cell [not for messages]
 Phao Binh
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Support options

2015-01-15 Thread Rob Jasper
Please keep the 'old' stuff also. I am worried about privacy and therefore I do 
not have a facebook account (and in fact I almost don't have any accounts on 
more or less public things like that).

So, fully changing to whatever new things is in my opinion not a good idea.

Any system which requires information that has nothing to do with the service 
they provide (e.g. birth date, place of birth, address, etc.) is a privacy 

Op 15 jan. 2015, om 19:07 heeft dave boland het volgende geschreven:

 The problem with is that I can't seem to append to a thread. 
 I can follow the thread, so it is somewhat helpful.
 What is easy and convenient?  I thought I answered that.  Quick to do,
 no reistration, no passwords, able to see the appends in a thred like
 newsgroups do, the abbility to append to a thread.  I have lost track of
 all the user id's and passwords for support web sites.  I just won't use
 them any longer.
 So if the LO team can make facebook easy to find relevant info, quick to
 use, intuitive, no passwords or registration, then go for it. If on the
 other hand they are just following the latest thing, then forget it.  In
 the end, the support solution needs to fit the users needs, not just be
 On Thu, Jan 15, 2015, at 02:44 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Le Thu, 15 Jan 2015 03:40:03 +,
 jonathon a écrit :
 Hash: SHA1
 On 14/01/15 21:49, dave boland wrote:
 Can't we find a way to offer support that is easy and convenient?
 What do you consider to be _easy_ and _convenient_?
 that new groups are considered old fashioned, but they work very
 If new groups is a typo for newsgroups, then is what you
 are looking for.
 If new groups means something else, then clarify what is meant.
 Just to be abundantly clear: this list alongside other lists of are available as newsgroups on
 - -- 
 Charles-H. Schulz 
 Co-founder, The Document Foundation,
 Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
 Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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 Mobile Number: +33 (0)6 98 65 54 24.
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  dave boland
 -- - Access all of your messages and folders
  wherever you are
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Re: [libreoffice-users] File-Send-Document As doesn't!

2015-01-12 Thread Rob Jasper
I'm running LO on my Mac, and all send options open up my email client 
with an new message with the appropriate file included.
So, for me the functionality works.


Op 11 jan. 2015, om 21:49 heeft Gordon Burgess-Parker het volgende geschreven:

 LO on Ubuntu 14.04 with Thunderbird as default email client.
 I click on any of the File-Send options, TBird opens up a new message
 window with no attachment, nothing. No sign of the document at all.
 Seems the Send to Email is broken?
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Security check and 2 questions

2015-01-09 Thread Rob Jasper
I use LO on a Mac for several years now. The main reason being that the only 
crashes I ever had were all related to MS Word...

So yes, I still have Word on my Mac, but I never use it.

As for the original question- I didn't see anything else installed besides LO.

Op 8 jan. 2015, om 18:01 heeft ginger lines het volgende geschreven:

 I’m just checking that this is the official website for downloading 
 How can I know.
 One more important thing.
 This is a new, clean computer.  Please, oh please may I not get malware.
 I downloaded openoffice from last night and got 
 each next tab during installation took me to a new ap or extension which I 
 didnt’ want.  I noticed after loading a few of them.  I thought they were 
 part of the program until I saw an ap for 
 storm warnings to be sent to my computer?  Huh?  I stopped the installation 
 there and spent the rest of the night researching how to remove vosotron and 
 file opener from my computer.  I even removed Silverlight because I was 
 scared of everything then.
 So, as you can tell, I want to be so careful
 At the same time, I’m grateful to you guys and to OO for dedication to 
 democratic accessibility.
 Yay you. Truly.
 Just please reassure me I will get ample warnings and explanations of any 
 extras.  I am a writer and need a good word processing program and need to 
 open old files created in last years osx and in word.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Time-lag response in v. Writer

2015-01-08 Thread Rob Jasper
Now you mention it.. I've had this both on my slow PC and on my Mac. 
However, I now realize that since I changed my disk for a SSD I never had it 
again (even while working on a very old Mac: 24 , end 2006, 2,16 GHz Intel 
Core 2 Duo)

Op 8 jan. 2015, om 16:09 heeft Oogie McGuire het volgende geschreven:

 It might be due to how often LO is doing a backup of your text. With a large 
 document it can take a while. I've had that happen to me too on all revisions 
 of LO on a Mac with large documents. I just got used to it. I figured I'd use 
 it as a way to take a break, look away from the  screen and stretch my 
 Perhaps there is a setting you can change to make the timing different or 
 turn it off? I don't know abut that I never bothered to look for it. I've 
 used the emergency recovery feature too often to turn off the automatic 
 saving that happens occasionally. 
 Eugenie (Oogie) McGuire 
 Desert Weyr, LLC - Black Welsh Mountain Sheep  
 LambTracker - Open Source SW for Shepherds
 Paonia, CO USA
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Re: [libreoffice-users] PDF export checking whether the file is locked (opened) by another program before starting exporting over it

2014-12-01 Thread Rob Jasper

Op 1 dec. 2014, om 06:35 heeft Brian Barker het volgende geschreven:

 At 19:56 30/11/2014 +0100, Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
 On Sunday, 30 November 2014, Brian Barker wrote:
 At 13:55 30/11/2014 +0100, Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
 Google for acrobat reader file locking and you'd notice that this 
 unnecessary locking is inherent issue of Windows. You're dealing with 
 behavior largely inherited from the MS DOS era. You can pick other pdf 
 Surely that evidence falsifies your claim? If it's possible for another 
 reader under the same operating system not to lock the file, then the 
 locking cannot be a property of the operating system, still less of its 
 legacy? In fact, it cannot be: just look at Windows' Notepad, which does 
 not lock files it opens.
 Opening for writing locks the on Windows.
 Do you mean that all Windows software capable of editing document files locks 
 them? Sorry, but that is simply untrue - as I suggested. See : Notepad does not require a 
 lock on the file it opens, so it can open files already opened by other 
 processes, users, or computers So this is surely not about any 
 difference between operating systems? In any case, file locking is surely in 
 general a Good Thing, isn't it? LibreOffice locks document files against 
 opening in another instance of LibreOffice in its own way (under whatever 
 operating system). The question here should surely be whether you want a PDF 
 reader that is capable of annotation (and therefore of writing to document 
 files), and if you do, how you want it to behave.
 Linux informs that the file was changed or removed if it editing it, that 
 models the real world.
 So you mean that I can spend a couple of hours editing a file, only to 
 discover when I try to save the result that you have been editing it as well, 
 and I have the choice of either overwriting your changes or abandoning mine? 
 That's not part of any real world I want to inhabit.

No, you get the option to either 'save as' or quit without save. This is also 
true in some traditional editors in Unix/Linux like emacs.

 Perhaps argument about other readers suggests that the bug should be filled 
 against the Adobe app, not LO.
 Sort of. If you need just a reader, you may prefer something that isn't 
 capable of editing (such as annotation) - so not Adobe Reader, despite its 
 name. But the original suggestion was that LibreOffice should make a better 
 fist of handling the lock when it exists.
 The wish for a special message looks for me like asking for usability-wise 
 unfortunate solution where LO would ask the user to close the file.
 Yes, just as happens in many other contexts - installing software, for 
 In this scenario LO doesn't even know who's locking ...
 Which is why it would ask the user for decision and action.
 ... and how to communicate the intent to unlock.
 The suggestion is not that LibreOffice should override the lock, but that it 
 should report the problem gracefully to the current user - by error message.
 All that made me write about core problem - pessimistic locking on 
 I don't see how you can blame the operating system. (See above.) Oh, and I 
 think you'll find that LibreOffice is not available for DOS.
 Not talking about the context - the OS - leads to situation that apps on 
 normally behaving oses show unexpected messages that really make sense for 
 Windows. Extra care is needed to avoid that.
 If LibreOffice were to detect the lock, it would not see one if there were no 
 lock. Why do you think it would produce a message about a lock it didn't 
 detect? Do you underestimate the designers?
 I'm not studying the pdf export code of LO but proper development practice 
 is to write the new file to a temporary path, then renaming it atomically. 
 If that's true the message would appear on the very end anyway.
 But it *could* establish if there was a lock at the beginning of the process. 
 That's the suggestion (about which I make no comment).
 Brian Barker 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Comments on pdf file size in 4.4 alpha; and a new bug?

2014-11-23 Thread Rob Jasper

I think this is really well explained.

I've been professionally involved in defect reporting for years, and the 
problems seem to be the same in all organisations.

Problems in defect reporting:
1- Qualification of type (A bug is unexpected behaviour which does not comply 
to the requirements; An enhancement request is new development which changes 
both requirements and code)
2- Severity (How serious is the bug/enhancement request from users perspective)
3- Priority (What is the priority with respect to other bug/enhancement reports)

Neither of these I see in out bugzilla defect reporting...

There should be a moderator (not a developer) to map out the priority. One can 
set out rather strict rules for this, think about amount of complaints for the 
same, file corruption, system crash, etc.
If we would go along these lines we might get away with the tension between 
(expert-) users and developers.

But again, good effort here to get things ironed out,
Thanks Tom,


Op 23 nov. 2014, om 04:23 heeft som het volgende geschreven:

 On Saturday, 22 November 2014 8:39 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :)
 I think there might be a few different things going on there.
 Firstly i have no idea how the devs think or work.  Clearly they think very
 differently from most users.  What seems obvious and makes sense to us is
 clearly 'wrong'.
 To me, i'd agree with you, that if it's annoying in one branch and still
 exists in the next then it's likely to be annoying in that branch too.
 Clearly the devs don't think like that at all.  Trying to argue the point
 is likely to get you in trouble here.  It's one of the reasons i am under
 moderation or even chucked off mailing lists here.
 What normal users, like us, tend to think of as bugs or stability issues is
 often technically called something else.  So far i can only think of 5 but
 i'm sure there are more.  The most frequent type of 'bug' reported by
 normal users is often really a broken feature.  That is very different
 from what the devs would call a bug, as far as i can make out.  It's
 certainly NOT a stability issue.  Very few bugs are anything to do with
 stability.  So when something is broken we have to try to figure out
 whether the devs would call it;
 1.  something that behaves differently from certain other programs (but the
 LO way might well be better)
 2.  something behaving weirdly
 3.  something that changed behaviour
 4.  a broken feature/thing
 5.  a bug
 6.  a bug causing a stability issue
 Sometimes there is no practical difference between 1 and 2 or it might be
 just a difference of opinion, ie immensely long and argumentative threads.
 We rarely discuss items such as 3 because we mostly just adapt or new
 people are unaware it used to be any different.  Sometimes it's intriguing
 or interesting.  Occasionally a change in behaviour only happens to 1
 person and indicates weird things going wrong which all gets fixed by
 renaming the User Profile.  More usually it's a positive thing that a few
 people find annoying but most people either don't care or find it an
 improvement.  (like when some obscure graphs got smoothed out in a better
 way that gave better results and looked nicer (i think in 3.4.0)).
 Mostly what we get here is 4.  A long running feature/thing suddenly stops
 working in a new branch.  We try renaming the User Profile jic it's that
 (despite it seeming really unlikely) and post a bug-report only to find we
 gets loads of aggro from devs telling us to fix it ourselves or that
 individuals should pay to get it fixed.  Sometimes it gets all bitter and
 unnecessary blaming individuals who are all trying to do a good job but
 that sometimes leads to unexpected complications out in the wild.  Maybe
 we should post these as feature requests and pretend that it's new in
 order to avoid hurting anyone's feelings?
 Very occasionally we get a real 5 but it's actually quite unusual, and
 quite difficult to spot since everything else is also called by the same
 name by most normal users.
 We seem to get a real 6 much more often than a real 5 but then it turns out
 to be a Java or other 3rd party issue.  We still quite often help fix it.
 I think one time it turned out to be a wobbly graphics card and another
 time a defective fan but usually it's just a case or trying a different
 version of either Java or LibreOffice.
 Unfortunately pretty much all those things can only be reported by posting
 a bug-report.  Feature requests use the bug-reporting systems.  In that
 system one of the drop-downs has an option labelled feature request.  We
 can often help with most of them, especially 1 and 2 and even 6 but the
 only route to escalate problems is to post a bug-report.  I tried liaising
 with other mailing lists to see if they could help with other issues but it
 earned me a bad reputation so i wouldn't advise it!
 Now is the ideal time to take the 4.4.0 for a test-drive.  It's 

Re: [libreoffice-users] mongodb and base

2014-11-22 Thread Rob Jasper
Nice list of things to work on :-))
Wile in the metric system, you might add paper sizes (A4, A3, etc.) and the 
perforation of paper..

I used to work for Bell Labs, and they had as standard (!) perforation the US 3 
+ the US 4 holes, and we just added Europe's 4 holes, so in total there were 11 

Op 22 nov. 2014, om 15:15 heeft Jim Seymour het volgende geschreven:

 On Mon, 17 Nov 2014 09:31:39 -0500
 Eric wrote:
 not yet, I just detest sql and am campaigning to relegate it to
 COBOL status. (something you never admit to knowing or using :)
 Good luck with that.  Probably has less chance of success than my
 Quixotic campaigns to get the U.S. to switch to the metric system,
 to get Michiganians to stop referring to themselves as
 Michiganders, to get businesses to stop appending those inane
 confidentiality/proprietary warnings to emailo and to make the display
 of Baby On Board signs an offence punishable by time in the
 stocks :).
 As an aside: I think SQL rocks.
 Note: My mail server employs *very* aggressive anti-spam
 filtering.  If you reply to this email and your email is
 rejected, please accept my apologies and let me know via my
 web form at
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Link in calc

2014-08-27 Thread Rob Jasper

Thanks for your reply.
This works in MS Excel. Just insert  hyperlink enter A2 as the cell, and =A2 
in the text.

Anyway, if one inserts lines, the link is not updated, so this makes the whole 
thing quite unworkable...
I would expect this to be 'automagically' update, much like formula references.

Is this a bug, or is this for some reason 'per design'?


PS. Excel doesn't update the link either, but it does update the formula ref.
Op 27 aug. 2014, om 17:30 heeft Tom Davies het volgende geschreven:

 Hi :)
 I think just typing
 into cell B4 would do the job?
 B4 wouldn't be clickable but if you double-click on it then it would
 highlight A2 to show the source.
 I'm not sure how to do both things at the same time unless you do the whole
 thing in html.  An html table might be a better idea for this but even that
 would be quite messy.
 Apols and regards from
 Tom :)
 On 24 August 2014 19:51, Rob Jasper wrote:
 I have a list of names, for which I want to reference AND link to other
 Think about:
A   B   C
 1   NameParent1 Parent2
 2   John
 3   Eve
 4   Chris   JohnEve
 Where the parent is both to link the value and a hyperlink to the
 respective cell. So B4 should be both #A2 as =A2.
 Can this be done? The hyperlink screen does not seem to allow a formula
 i.s.o. text...
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing Checks

2014-08-23 Thread Rob Jasper
Well, this is argument covering English versus new world English (which I 
prefer to call American). The spelling checkers do make a difference between 
English, US English, Australian English, South African English, etc. for good 
reasons. No reasons to argue about that. Those languages are different. 

There are other language 'families' with the same deviations, think about 
Dutch, Flamish and South African. Also Spanish/Mexican


There are more examples, both in these two languages as in other languages 
Op 22 aug. 2014, om 23:27 heeft Hal Vaughan het volgende geschreven:

 Thank you, both for the one helpful and practical suggestion in response to 
 my request, but for not saying cheque is the way it should be done.  (When 
 one lives in the US and the Treasure, Fed, and all banks use check, that 
 pretty much makes it official…)
 While I didn’t find anything useful under libreoffice cheque, I have found 
 a few links that may work for Word templates.  I also bought a MICR gauge so 
 I can do my own template - either on LibreOffice or on my own ledger program 
 I use.
 On Aug 20, 2014, at 3:13 AM, Sigrid Carrera wrote:
 Hi Hal, 
 On 20 August 2014 07:30, Hal Vaughan wrote:
 This may sound like an easy one that should be easily findable, but when I 
 Google, almost all hits use check as a verb, talking about checking 
 Are there any forms or templates or anything for LibreOffice to help with 
 printing checks?
 Have you tried doing a google search with the alternate spelling cheque? 
 I find a few links that were really talking about cheques (those things that 
 are used for payments...) :) 
 I didn't see anything specific for LibreOffice, but I saw some Word 
 templates, that might be easy to adapt to use with LibreOffice. 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [tdf-announce] ...

2014-08-15 Thread Rob Jasper

I think there is no need to become harsh here. 

I for myself am using LibreOffice for as long as it exists, and before that 
OpenOffice. Rather recently I 'found' this list when I had a problem with 
LibreOffice and I was really happy with the help I got. I was on aware of the 
other lists before this whole discussion came around. And yes, I am subscribed 
to some other lists now!

So, the posting, although strictly not for this list, had its value (at least 
for me).

Wouldn't it be a good idea to reference a page with all lists in the standard 
footer on the mails from the list.
Also, one could argue that anyone on any list is probably also interested in 
the announce list, so, we could also prompt (or add) people to that list 
automatically apon subscribing to any other list. Just a thought :-)

Best regards,


Op 15 aug. 2014, om 07:23 heeft Brian Barker het volgende geschreven:

 At 12:32 14/08/2014 +0200, Paul Steyn wrote:
 Just a lone voice, but as Tom pointed out, I am only on this list, and not 
 on either the discuss or announce lists.
 If you want to see those messages, please subscribe to those lists. If you 
 don't, don't. If you want to borrow books, join the library; don't expect 
 others to borrow them for you.
 At 12:37 14/08/2014 +0200, Rob Jasper wrote:
 Agree, same here
 I'm sure the other lists would welcome you too. If you like concerts, join 
 the concert hall mailing list.
 At 17:34 14/08/2014 +0200, John Herron wrote:
 Concur! A conference or convention announcement is certainly not as 
 disruptive as some of the other off-topic conversations bloating this 
 list... Just my 2 cents.
 I'm currently preparing a list of other mailing lists whose messages I can 
 helpfully forward to this list. Let's see, now: bird-spotting, bee-keeping, 
 Brian Barker  
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [tdf-announce] LibreOffice Conference 2014: the program of a landmark event

2014-08-14 Thread Rob Jasper
same here


Op 14 aug. 2014, om 12:32 heeft Paul het volgende geschreven:

 Just a lone voice, but as Tom pointed out, I am only on this list, and
 not on either the discuss or announce lists.
 Now, I don't really have much interest in the Conference, so Tom
 posting that here doesn't affect me much, but equally I certainly don't
 mind him posting that here.
 I'm a user, on the users list, and some of the discussions on this list
 that are considered off-topic do interest me, and I feel should be
 brought out into the open, even if they're not purely about helping
 other users with problems.
 Any users that post to the list with questions get answers fairly
 regularly and fairly promptly, so I don't see that this list is in any
 way failing in its purpose. And I don't see that some extra cross-talk
 on the list can be in any way detrimental. To the contrary, better that
 than than an empty, silent ghost-list, like some I've seen. You can
 almost hear the tumbleweed blowing about in those lists. I think the
 community here is helpful, friendly and lively, and one of the best
 mailing lists I've ever been on, so I for one consider it unnecessary
 to stay focused purely on support issues.
 Just my thoughts.
 On Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:58:50 +0200
 Sophie wrote:
 Le 14/08/2014 09:53, Tom Davies a écrit :
 Hi :)
 People on this mailing list might not be on any other list.
 People who ARE on the discuss list are quite likely to already be
 on the announce list and probably quite a few others.
 You are guessing at the risk to annoy users who are not interested by
 other things than help. This list has a high traffic (and get more and
 more) and should be kept on topic to stay efficient for readers and
 get its archive clean to search in it. Thanks!
 Kind regards
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Base questions

2014-08-06 Thread Rob Jasper
The weird thing is that Java is havely used in the Oracle databases. How com 
they can have quite reliable databases...

Op 5 aug. 2014, om 15:35 heeft Tom Davies het volgende geschreven:

 Hi :)
 I think Base nearly does do the best way around.  The only problem is that
 the easiest thing, the embedded database, is currently dangerously broken.
 The devs appear to be addressing that although, obviously, they can't fix
 the whole thing all at one go.  The first step seems reasonably well chosen
 to get the main bulk away from java.
 I'm sure Java didn't used to be so awful.  It seems to have nose-dived
 since Oracle took over but maybe that is preparation for monetising it and
 that is a reasonable thing for a profit-making company to want to do.
 It's like the story of the scorpion and the fox crossing a river.  The
 scorpion stings the fox and as they both sink the fox asks why.  The
 scorpion replies that it's his nature to sting and he can't help it.  So
 can we really blame a profit-making company from attempting to subvert a
 free product it owns in order to later be able to sell an enterprise or
 professional version?
 It's a shame openJava can't escape and gather a huge community as
 LibreOffice did back when OpenOffice was owned by Oracle.
 Base currently allows users to start of by using an internal back-end and
 then move it to an external tool when they are ready.  [shrugs]  Seems a
 good plan to me.
 Regards from
 Tom :)
 On 5 August 2014 13:33, Jon Harringdon
 Wolfgang Keller wrote:
 So I come back to my suggestion earlier today - LO Base needs to give
 the user the opportunity to specify what they want - RAM or file
 based, single file or multiple files.
 That would only confuse most end users.
 Hear, hear.
 The point is that the developers should make the most reasonable
 This mindset will not help LO broaden its user base. Users (even if most
 are apparently deemed stupid by some) should be in the driving seat and
 not some anonymous developers.
 Pip Coburn writes this about the tech industry: I believe that users
 are always in charge and that supply is a necessary but not sufficient
 condition for commercial success. Companies and products geared toward
 this holistic user orientation will succeed at far greater rates than
 those stuck in a supplier-oriented mind-set. As far as I'm concerned
 that hits the nail squarely on the head.
 And as to confusing users with complex choices... a well-designed system
 can be simple for simple needs and complex for complex needs.
 One-size-fits-all rarely fits anyone.
 IMHO etc.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Base questions

2014-08-05 Thread Rob Jasper

Op 4 aug. 2014, om 20:23 heeft Jean-Francois Nifenecker het volgende geschreven:

 Le 04/08/2014 18:59, dave boland a écrit :
 I'm getting a little confused.  My understanding is that there are
 really two issues here.  One is that LO Base is RAM resident - all
 updates are held in RAM until saved by the user, or the program is
 closed.  Correct?  If so, this situation will expose the user to data
 loss between saves.  
 There are two components here: the DB engine (eg HSQLDB) and the
 front-end (ie LO-Base).
 In embedded mode, running Base stats the DB engine and opens the wanted
 database. In this situation, yes, database updates are set to ram until
 the database is saved, either voluntarily or when Base is shut down.
 And yes, any flaw in *any* piece of software running while Base and the
 DB also run, can create DB loss.
It is important to separate embedded and incore. They are completely 
different things.
The important thing is that embedded means that the dbms is not independent of 
the application... That said, the db crashes when the app crashes and vice 

So, if a database runs 'as a service', listening to any incoming requests and 
serving them, then the database is separate. Yes, of course it can crash, but 
it should be impossible for the user or application to be the cause. 

Generally, for any dbms it should be top priority to keep data consistent. A 
dbms should be crash resistant, in that a transaction either is committed or is 
not, and not in any bogus state in between. 

In core, on the other hand means that (part of) the data is kept in core. That 
does not mean the db is not crash resistant, though.
Oracle incore database (used to be Times Ten and now an option) does keep the 
data in core, but saves all change actions in a redo-log. Upon restarting after 
a crash the redo-log is executed so the database is back in the latest 
committed state. The same process is used for backup procedures.
So, in that case one has the speed of incore, while the persistency of disk 

 The other issue is that LO Base uses an embedded database, which means
 that the data files and the GUI, reports, etc. are combined into one
 file that can be corrupted.  The suggestion is to use a split system
 where the data files are separate from the other files.  Correct?  If
 so, at best, the data may be a little safer, but forms, queries, etc.
 can still be corrupted.
 Yes, this is what split-mode is all about.
 A database like MySQL and mariadb cache the updates and then write them
 to disk every 1/2 to full second (or however configured).  Seems like a
 good idea.
 So I come back to my suggestion earlier today - LO Base needs to give
 the user the opportunity to specify what they want - RAM or file based,
 single file or multiple files.  Would that be difficult to do?
 WRT HSQL it's just a couple settings away:
 (1) in LO global settings (Tools/Options, Advanced page) specify where
 the external HSQLDB engine is stored (Class Path button)
   - Add archive: points to the hsqldb.jar
   - Add Folder: points to the directory where hsqldb.jar is stored
 (lib dir)
   Then make sure to check the test button
   These setings are stored in the user profile /config directory.
 (2) in Base, DB creation wizard
   - at step 1 : select JDBC database
   - at step 2 : specify the DB address settings
  Datasource URL :
  JDBC Driver class: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
   Test with the Test Class button.
   These settings are stored in the RegistryModifications.xcu file.
 To me, the main difficulty lies in the backup of these settings (config
 dir and RegistryModifications.xcu and the .odb file), so that you may
 change PC without hassle. Unless I'm missing the obvious, it is not the
 case currently.
 Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux
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Re: [libreoffice-users] IF statement question

2014-07-31 Thread Rob Jasper

Hi Gordon,

You didn't specify what the value of col. C shou;d be if both A and B are blank.

Using  =IF(ISBLANK(A2);Y;IF(A2=B2;;X))   will put Y in there for above 



Op 31 jul. 2014, om 12:03 heeft Gordon Burgess-Parker het volgende geschreven:

 Sorry that's all mucked up.
 I'll post a link to this.
 On 31/07/14 10:53, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
 Hi Gurus!
 I'm getting all in a twist over nested IF statements.
 Here's what I want to do.
 I have three columns A, B and C.
 There is a list in Columns A and B and a result in C, but with gaps in each 
 list as under:
 What I'm looking for is a nested IF statement in Column C that says if A=B 
 do blank, otherwise do X OR, if A= then do Y
 I can do the first condition, but I'm running into trouble combining the 
 second in one statement.
 Hope that's clear!
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Re: [libreoffice-users] IF statement question

2014-07-31 Thread Rob Jasper

Working the other way around blanks C in case both A  B are blank.



Op 31 jul. 2014, om 12:42 heeft Rob Jasper het volgende geschreven:
 Hi Gordon,
 You didn't specify what the value of col. C shou;d be if both A and B are 
 Using  =IF(ISBLANK(A2);Y;IF(A2=B2;;X))   will put Y in there for 
 above case.
 Op 31 jul. 2014, om 12:03 heeft Gordon Burgess-Parker het volgende geschreven:
 Sorry that's all mucked up.
 I'll post a link to this.
 On 31/07/14 10:53, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
 Hi Gurus!
 I'm getting all in a twist over nested IF statements.
 Here's what I want to do.
 I have three columns A, B and C.
 There is a list in Columns A and B and a result in C, but with gaps in each 
 list as under:
 What I'm looking for is a nested IF statement in Column C that says if A=B 
 do blank, otherwise do X OR, if A= then do Y
 I can do the first condition, but I'm running into trouble combining the 
 second in one statement.
 Hope that's clear!
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Base questions

2014-07-31 Thread Rob Jasper
If the normal Base file is not reliable, why do we have it in the first place?

Either we (the community) must make it reliable, or we should abandon it and 
come with a reliable alternative.
Not reliable is in fact not very acceptable. The documentation should describe 
when to use, and when not to use base. Simply generalizing in the FACs is not 
the right way to go, I think.


Op 31 jul. 2014, om 21:22 heeft dave boland het volgende geschreven:

 Was reading the FAQ at
 and came upon some insight that worries me.  Under the heading So why
 should I avoid 'embedded databases'? it goes on to say the normal Base
 file is not reliable, so use a split file, the points to Microsoft docs.
 My questions are:
 1. How robust are embedded Base files created by the GUI?
 2. If they are not that reliable, what is the LO Base procedure to
 create a split database?
 3. Anything else I need to know?
 I'm going ahead with using Base for a project for now.  Once the data
 has stabilized (fields, field type, number of tables), I'll move to
 either Mysql or Mariadb.
  dave boland
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Chart data

2014-07-26 Thread Rob Jasper
In  MS Excel one can select a full column by just leaving off the rownumber, 
example: MAX(B:B).
If I open the .xls file with LibreOffice this formula gets translated in 

Tried to enter the original formal but that responds #NAME?.
Apparently LibreOffice does not have the functionality.


Op 23 jul. 2014, om 16:39 heeft jorge het volgende geschreven:

 I could suggest you to select a greatter range than you are going to use
 at the begining. For example. Imagine you need make a chart with the
 information of all the months of the year but at this moment you have
 only seven mounth, like this:
 Row   A   B
 1 J   10
 2 F   20
 3 M   30
 4 A   40
 5 My  40
 6 J   50
 7 Jy  60
 But you expect five additional months:
 Row   A   B
 8 A   ? (Keep in blank)
 9 S   ? (Keep in blank)
 10O   ? (Keep in blank)
 11N   ? (Keep in blank)
 12D   ? (Keep in blank)
 When you select the initial range you can select:
 A1:B12 as complete series
 In this case the chart only show elements graphics for months that have
 numbers...the others only by referens...but if you dont want show these
 in the chart you can hide its part of range-rows-(Partial or Total), and
 the chart adjusts automatically its range.
 I hope this help you to make your chart better and easier,
 Jorge Rodríguez
 El mié, 23-07-2014 a las 10:48 +0100, Gordon Burgess-Parker escribió:
 I'm trying to create a chart where when I add data I don't have to edit 
 the data range each time to include the new row.
 I can't see how to do that. (Probably something I've missed).
 Can anyone help?
 Jorge Rodríguez
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Re: [libreoffice-users] scale a Writer document to print on one page

2014-07-26 Thread Rob Jasper
The ISO-269 standard specifies the following:

Format  A   B   C
Sizemm × mm in × in mm × mm in × in mm × mm 
in × in
0   841 × 1189  33.1 × 46.8 1000 × 1414 39.4 × 55.7 917 × 
1297  36.1 × 51.1
1   594 × 841   23.4 × 33.1 707 × 1000  27.8 × 39.4 648 × 
917   25.5 × 36.1
2   420 × 594   16.5 × 23.4 500 × 707   19.7 × 27.8 458 × 
648   18.0 × 25.5
3   297 × 420   11.7 × 16.5 353 × 500   13.9 × 19.7 324 × 
458   12.8 × 18.0
4   210 × 297   8.27 × 11.7 250 × 353   9.84 × 13.9 229 × 
324   9.02 × 12.8
5   148 × 210   5.83 × 8.27 176 × 250   6.93 × 9.84 162 × 
229   6.38 × 9.02
6   105 × 148   4.13 × 5.83 125 × 176   4.92 × 6.93 114 × 
162   4.49 × 6.38
7   74 × 1052.91 × 4.13 88 × 1253.46 × 4.92 81 × 
1143.19 × 4.49
8   52 × 74 2.05 × 2.91 62 × 88 2.44 × 3.46 57 × 81 
2.24 × 3.19
9   37 × 52 1.46 × 2.05 44 × 62 1.73 × 2.44 40 × 57 
1.57 × 2.24
10  26 × 37 1.02 × 1.46 31 × 44 1.22 × 1.73 28 × 40 
1.10 × 1.57

All aspect ratios are 1: root2 (dividing A4 en 2 pieces gives A5)
The B sizes are the geometric mean between the A sizes (this means that 
enlargement from A4 to B4 is the same enlargement as B4 to A3)
The same counts for the C sizes.
C-sizes re used for envelopes where an A4 letter fits in a C4 envelope, of if 
folded once over the long side it fits in a C5 envelope.

Only in the US, Canada and Mexico different sizes are used:

SizeWidth x Height  Width x Height) Aspect Ratio
Letter  216 x 279 mm8.5 x 11.0 in   1:1.2941
Legal   216 x 356 mm8.5 x 14.0 in   1:1.6471
Junior Legal127 x 203 mm5.0 x 8.0 in1:1.6000
Ledger/Tabloid  279 x 432 mm11.0 x 17.0 in  1:1.5455

There are ANSI standards size A through E where each next size doubles the 
short smaller side, staring at size A (which is letter).
So US B size is 11 x 17 in.

Theres id a nice overview on wiki to be found here: 


Op 26 jul. 2014, om 16:54 heeft Mark Bourne het volgende geschreven:

 Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
 As for your description of A-size - - -  8.5 x 11 inches is not an A
 size that I have heard of.  It is US Letter.  I have never seen any
 reference that US Letter described as A size. The closest is A4, but
 A4 is a little narrower and a little taller.
 B is 11x17 inches - also called Tabloid.
 Super B is 13x19 inches
 JB4 - 257x364 mm
 B5 - 176x250 mm
 JB5 - 182x257 mm
 A6 - 105x148 mm
 A5 - 148x210
 A4 - 210x297
 A3 - 297x420
 A3+ - 330x483 mm
 These sizes are according to my HP Officejet 7000 wide format printer.
 Since it does not print larger than Super B, I do not know the actual
 inches for C or E sizes. [except C6 Envelope - 114x162 mm] is quite handy for looking up paper sizes. It also 
 explains how the ISO (A4 etc.) sizes are actually defined - e.g. A0 has an 
 area of 1 square metre, and aspect ratio of 1:sqrt(2) (which gives it the 
 property that cutting a page in half along it's long edge results in a 
 smaller page of the same aspect ratio), then each subsequent A-series size is 
 derived by cutting the previous size in half.
 The US ANSI A, B, C, D and E sizes are not related to the ISO A-, B- and 
 C-series sizes. So ANSI A is nothing to do with ISO A4 (although it happens 
 to be very roughly the same size), and ANSI C nothing to do with ISO C6.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem with standard filter

2014-07-25 Thread Rob Jasper

I tested that briefly in Excel. Excel doen't seem to make difference in v
blank cells and cels containing one or more spaces. I had blank cells, cells 
with one space, and cells with 2 spaces. Only one selection came up, and it 
selected all 3 variations.

I also tested prepending spaces to values, and adding trailing spaces, and they 
are ignored to ('aaa' considered the same as ' aaa' ands 'aaa '.
I assume the cell values are left and right trimmed before being considered for 


Op 25 jul. 2014, om 22:28 heeft Mark Bourne het volgende geschreven:

 Ah yes, I didn't mention that bit on my addition to #46062. A workaround for 
 that case is:
 - Select Standard Filter... rather than any tick boxes
 - Set the Field name to - none -
 - Click OK
 I notice you've mentioned on #46062 that Excel includes a (blanks) option. 
 That's the kind of thing I was thinking, but not sure how to avoid confusion 
 with a filter for cells literally containing (blanks). How does Excel 
 handle that? Do you get two seemingly identical entries - one to filter for 
 blank cells and one for cells containing the string (blanks) - or is the 
 one for blank cells unambiguously different in some way?
 Rob Jasper wrote:
 The same inconsistency also makes that if one filter on the only one value 
 available by filtering on 'Not empty', and subsequently deletes the value 
 fro the visible rows, it is impossible to switch off the selection (since 
 'All' doesn't work as being really all).
 I opened [Bug 81577] for this.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem with standard filter

2014-07-25 Thread Rob Jasper

forgot to mention that, although the reported problems are different, bugs 
81577 and 46062 are very related. They might be solved by one solution..


Op 26 jul. 2014, om 00:14 heeft Rob Jasper het volgende geschreven:

 I tested that briefly in Excel. Excel doen't seem to make difference in v
 blank cells and cels containing one or more spaces. I had blank cells, cells 
 with one space, and cells with 2 spaces. Only one selection came up, and it 
 selected all 3 variations.
 I also tested prepending spaces to values, and adding trailing spaces, and 
 they are ignored to ('aaa' considered the same as ' aaa' ands 'aaa '.
 I assume the cell values are left and right trimmed before being considered 
 for filtering.
 Op 25 jul. 2014, om 22:28 heeft Mark Bourne het volgende geschreven:
 Ah yes, I didn't mention that bit on my addition to #46062. A workaround for 
 that case is:
 - Select Standard Filter... rather than any tick boxes
 - Set the Field name to - none -
 - Click OK
 I notice you've mentioned on #46062 that Excel includes a (blanks) option. 
 That's the kind of thing I was thinking, but not sure how to avoid confusion 
 with a filter for cells literally containing (blanks). How does Excel 
 handle that? Do you get two seemingly identical entries - one to filter for 
 blank cells and one for cells containing the string (blanks) - or is the 
 one for blank cells unambiguously different in some way?
 Rob Jasper wrote:
 The same inconsistency also makes that if one filter on the only one value 
 available by filtering on 'Not empty', and subsequently deletes the value 
 fro the visible rows, it is impossible to switch off the selection (since 
 'All' doesn't work as being really all).
 I opened [Bug 81577] for this.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem with standard filter

2014-07-23 Thread Rob Jasper
The same inconsistency also makes that if one filter on the only one value 
available by filtering on 'Not empty', and subsequently deletes the value fro 
the visible rows, it is impossible to switch off the selection (since 'All' 
doesn't work as being really all).

I opened [Bug 81577] for this.

Op 23 jul. 2014, om 23:38 heeft Mark Bourne het volgende geschreven:

 Urmas wrote:
 Rob Jasper:
 If I unselect ALL, aaa gets unselected too (reasonable, since that the
 gebaviour for more the one slection values too)
 If I now select aaa, the ALL mark is also automatically selected!!
 This looks plain wrong to me since no filtering is different then
 filtering on 1 value, since there are also empty fields.
 Good catch; I had to read it a couple of times to see that the original 
 comments before yours are describing a similar problem. I've added a demo 
 file and more detailed description which is hopefully sufficient for others 
 to reproduce.
 It is possible to do what is asked, using the more advanced Standard 
 Filter... dialog rather than the immediately visible tick boxes. The way the 
 tick boxes work in this case isn't particularly intuitive though, 
 particularly when they give the impression that the current filter is set to 
 something other than what it is.
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[libreoffice-users] Problem with standard filter

2014-07-15 Thread Rob Jasper

I hope someone can help me with this...

I have a spreadsheet with around 4000 rows in it. It has an autofilter in de 
co;umn headings.
In column B I have some 10 fields containing aaa, and 3 fields bbb.
Now I filter on bbb
I clear the 3 fields
If I mark all (it is not marked upon opening) in the filter I get indeed the 
whole list

If I now repeat this for the aaa fields:
upon opening the all and aaa is ticked
If I unselect ALL, aaa gets unselected too (reasonable, since that the 
gebaviour for more the one slection values too)
If I now select aaa, the ALL mark is also automatically selected!!

This looks plain wrong to me since no filtering is different then filtering on 
1 value, since there are also empty fields.

OK, the workaround is selecting on 'not empty'
Now the tick on 'aaa' is cleared, which seems wrong too!

Now I clear the values
Now the tick is set at ALL, and I can't clear the filter anymore... (the button 
is blue)

enter a bogus value in the column
Select all (the select mark goes off)
Now delete the value

Working on Mac OSX 10.7.5, LO (build  

Am I missing something here?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Question about viewing cell formulas in Writer

2014-07-12 Thread Rob Jasper
If you select a cel you should see the formula in the topin the line containing 
the selected cell, just after fx ∑ =

If you want to see ten all, go to preferences  LibreOffica Calc  View and 
tick Formulas


Op 12 jul. 2014, om 20:59 heeft Tom Williams het volgende geschreven:

 Hi!  I'm using LibreOffice on Ubuntu 14.04 Linux (64-bit) and I
 created an OpenDocument with a table that has a few cells with
 formulas.  The formulas are simple in nature (basic math) but I would
 like to see the formula of any given cell at any given time.
 I've found if I hover the mouse over a cell in the last row of the
 table, the formula appears as a tool-tip.  However, if I hover over
 another cell in a row in the middle of the table, the formula doesn't
 Is there a way I can see the formula in any given cell in a table in Writer?
 Thanks in advance!
 The Other Tom   :)
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 Stay with me... Sway with me.../
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Formatting in LO spreadsheet

2014-07-02 Thread Rob Jasper
Hi Brian,

I implemented the next workaround-

Set the default formatting of the column to 0,000
Create conditional formatting to be 0,00 with the following formula: 

This is doing the job!



Op 1 jul. 2014, om 18:37 heeft Brian Barker het volgende geschreven:

 At 23:16 30/06/2014 +0200, Rob Jasper wrote:
 Indeed when I look at the formatting after saving and reopening the file, 
 the formatting changed from #0,00# to #0,000 .
 All predefined number formats are saved, and restored upon reopening. If I 
 define a user-defined format, it is all of a sudden not saved...
 No, that's not true: it's just this particular - and rather unusual - format 
 with a hash after the zeroes (rather than before) that evidently cannot be 
 saved. Note that such formats are apparently *never* saved as such in ODF 
 files - just a description in a different form that indicates the same 
 format, but which is not capable of describing the unusual format that you 
 have chosen.
 Also, if I save in MS .xlsx format it comes up fine in both MS-Excel (Excel 
 for Mac 2011, V14.0.0 (100825)). If I open that file with LO it has also my 
 defined formatting still available.
 I'm guessing, then, that the actual format character sequence is saved in 
 that file format.
 Regardless what the technical cause is for this, it is at least user 
 Questions to be asked:
 - What use has a user defined number format, if it can't be saved?
 Come, come: user-defined formats generally *can* be saved, just not all of 
 them - and apparently not your rather unusual one. Perhaps the designers of 
 Star Office / OpenOffice / LibreOffice based the format code on Microsoft's, 
 knowing that it could saved in Microsoft's document formats? Could it perhaps 
 be saved in the old Star Office .sxc format?
 - If this is indeed a restriction in the ODF definition, why is LO not 
 warning like The defined format can not be saved in the desired file 
 - Why does LO consider the format change a change in the first place? (If I 
 open the file, change the format as I like it, it is considered changed, 
 while the file stays exactly the same)
 Any change is a change, including a format change. You wouldn't change the 
 format if you didn't want that to change something. This situation is rather 
 as if you replaced some character in a document with an identical character: 
 the document is still considered changed. Indeed, there may be unobvious ways 
 in which it actually will be.
 - Should we consider this as a flaw in the ODF definitions?
 That's a value judgement for you to make. It's certainly something that can 
 be handled in Calc but apparently not saved in an ODF document.
 Where can we complain about this?
 Either to OASIS (if you want the ODF format modified to allow this) or to the 
 LibreOffice bug reporting system (if you want your original format not to 
 work even at first, or if you want a warning that it cannot be saved in ODF 
 Brian Barker  
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Formatting in LO spreadsheet

2014-06-30 Thread Rob Jasper

thank you for your answer.

Indeed when I look at the formatting after saving and reopening the file, the 
formatting changed from #0,00# to #0,000 .

All predefined number formats are saved, and restored upon reopening. If I 
define a user-defined format, it is all over sudden not saved...
Also, if I save in MS .xlsx format it comes up fine in both MS-Excel (Excel for 
Mac 2011, V14.0.0 (100825)). If I open that file with LO it has also my defined 
formatting still available.

Regardless what the technical cause is for this, it is at least user 
Questions to be asked:
- What use has a user defined number format, if it can't be saved? 
- If this is indeed a restriction in the ODF definition, why is LO not warning 
like The defined format can not be saved in the desired file format?
- Why does LO consider the format change a change in the first place? (If I 
open the file, change the format as I like it, it is considered changed, while 
the file stays exactly the same)
- Should we consider this as a flaw in de ODF definitions? Where can we 
complain about this?

So, in my opinion LO behaves inconsequent at least!



Op 29 jun. 2014, om 10:39 heeft Brian Barker het volgende geschreven:

 At 19:42 28/06/2014 +0200, Rob Jasper wrote:
 I have a calc spreadsheet (.ods) ...
 So I select the columns and change the formatting to #.##0,00#
 This works as expected. Above values are still displayed as before, but 
 values 0,125 (for 12 and a half cents) are displayed with 3 digits.
 Here is an example before save/reopen:
 2   1852ƒ   0,100,005
 4   1864ƒ   0,125   0,05
 If I now save and close the spreadsheet, and open it again all values are 
 all of a sudden displayed with 3 digits behind the decimal comma! This is 
 what it becomes when I open the file:
 2   1852ƒ   0,100   0,005
 4   1864ƒ   0,125   0,050
 Is this bad behavior of LO calc or am I missing something here?
 What you don't tell us is what the formatting looks like after you reopen the 
 document. I suspect it will have changed from #.##0,00# to #.##0,000 . In 
 other words, Calc is accepting your original formatting and faithfully 
 displaying the values as you wish, but is not managing to preserve this 
 requirement in the saved document.
 The definition of ODF says that the format code is a sequence of characters 
 with an implementation-defined meaning, so clearly it cannot be saved in the 
 document file exactly as you enter and see it. A bit of experimentation 
 suggests that instead, an explanation of the format is included in the 
 styles element, and this allows only such things as decimal-places, 
 grouping (whether you want the thousands separator), currency-symbol, 
 min-exponent-digits, and so on. This would suggest that your desired 
 format, although acted upon by Calc, indeed cannot be saved in an .ods file 
 and is lost when you attempt this.
 The only remaining odd thing is that the help text suggests that #.0# will 
 display 13 as 13.0 and 1234.567 as 1234.57 - which is exactly the 
 functionality you require. Whilst this is true in the application, it's 
 evidently not possible to preserve it in a saved document.
 An obvious workaround is to create text values in a new column, using 
 =TEXT(Xn;#.##0,00#) - which you can then right-align if you prefer. You can 
 continue to use the actual numerical values in calculations, whilst hiding 
 that column if you prefer. If you need to enter values in the numerical 
 column, an alternative technique would be to have another area - perhaps on 
 another sheet - where a copy with properly formatted values was created. You 
 could then print just that area or sheet.
 I trust this helps.
 Brian Barker
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[libreoffice-users] Formatting in LO spreadsheet

2014-06-28 Thread Rob Jasper
Hi all,

maybe I am just not doing things right, but I have a weird problem.

I have a calc spreadsheet (.ods) and I have 2 (FG in the following example) 
columns which represent a Dutch Florin/Euro value. Therefore I want the value 
to show at least 1 digit, and 2 digits behind the decimal point (that is a , in 
the Netherlands). So, the value shows like 0,05 (5 cents); 0,10 (10 cents), 
2,15 (2 guilders 15 cents)  etc.

So, set the formatting to #.##0,00; So far so good.

However... In the earlier days NL had half cents. So, I want to keep the 
formatting the same, but extend with one digit if needed do denote half cents...

So I select the columns and change the formatting to #.##0,00#

This works as expected. Above values are still displayed as before, but values 
0,125 (for 12 and a half cents) are displayed with 3 digits.

Here is an example before save/reopen:

StatVEIL-ID NVPH nr Jaar
Nom. Waarde Toeslag Serie   AlbumBlad   Album
1   1852ƒ   0,05
1   1
2   1852ƒ   0,100,005   
1   1
3   1852ƒ   0,150,503   1   1
4   1864ƒ   0,125   0,05
1   1

If I now save and close the spreadsheet, and open it again all values are all 
over sudden displayed with 3 digits behind the decimal comma!
This is what it becomes when I open the file:

StatVEIL-ID NVPH nr Jaar
Nom. Waarde Toeslag Serie   AlbumBlad   Album
1   1852ƒ   0,050   
1   1
2   1852ƒ   0,100   0,005   
1   1
3   1852ƒ   0,150   0,500   3   1   1
4   1864ƒ   0,125   0,050   
1   1

Is this bad behavior of LO calc or am I missing something here?

Any advice appreciated!


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Question on MAXIF()

2014-04-26 Thread Rob Jasper

thank you for your elaborate answer

It works as expected.


Op 26 apr. 2014, om 07:46 heeft Brian Barker het volgende geschreven:

 At 01:50 26/04/2014 +0200, Rob Jasper wrote:
 I have a (generated) sheet with 5000 entries where in column H is a book 
 number between 1 and 7, and in column D there are years between 1852 and 
 Both the booknumbers and the years are not sorted, and are expanded over 
 time. I want to have the min and max year of each individual book.
 In fact I need something like MINIF, but that does not seem to exist. 
 Something like MIN(D2:D5000 where H2:H5000 = 1) similar for MAX. How can I 
 accomplish this?
 Here's one idea:
 o In row 2 of a spare column, say column M, enter =$D2*($H2=COLUMN()-12) .
 o Fill this formula down column M.
 o Select M2 to M5000 and fill this across the following six columns - to 
 column S.
 o For the minimum year for book 1, enter =MIN(IF(M2:M5000=0;;M2:M5000)) - 
 but don't press Enter or click the green tick mark to complete the formula. 
 Instead, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. This creates an array formula, which will be 
 shown in the Input Line surrounded by braces: 
 {=MIN(IF(M2:M16=0;;M2:M16))} - but note that you cannot achieve the 
 required effect by typing the braces yourself.
 o For the maximum year for book 1, use =MAX(M2:M5000) .
 o You can fill these minimum and maximum formulae (wherever they are) to the 
 right across a further six columns to harvest the values for the other six 
 book numbers.
 How does it work?
 o COLUMN() returns the column number of the cell in which its formula 
 appears. For column M this is 13, so if we subtract 12 this provides the book 
 number values 1 to 6 in columns M to S.
 o The logical expression $H2=COLUMN()-12 evaluates whether the book number is 
 the one in question.
 o When this is multiplied by the year in D2, the logical value is interpreted 
 as a number - 0 for FALSE and 1 for TRUE. So the result - in columns M to S - 
 is the year if the row applies to the current book number and zero otherwise.
 o The IF() function creates a notional array of the years in the current 
 column, but with zeroes replaced by  (a sentinel value, larger than any 
 likely year). The MIN() function then harvests the minimum year for the 
 current book number, unfettered by those original zeroes.
 o The MAX function harvests the maximum year for the current book number.
 You can hide the extra columns if you wish, of course, or put them away on a 
 separate sheet - or anyway exclude them from a print range, as you are 
 unlikely to want the intermediate values printed.
 I'm attaching (perhaps only for the questioner to receive?) a sample 
 spreadsheet. The years and book numbers are random, so you can press F9 
 repeatedly to see how it operates on different data.
 I trust this helps.
 Brian Barker
 Max and min years by book number.ods

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[libreoffice-users] Question on MAXIF()

2014-04-25 Thread Rob Jasper
I have a (generated) sheet with 5000 entries where in column H is a book number 
between 1 and 7, and in column D there are years between 1852 and 2014.
Both the booknumbers and the years are not sorted, and are expanded over time.

I want to have the min and max year of each individual book. 

In fact I need something like MINIF, but that does not seem to exist.

Something like MIN(D2:D5000 where H2:H5000 = 1)
simular for MAX.

How can I accomplish this?

Any help welcome


NVPH nr JaarNom. Waarde Serie   AlbumBlad   Album
1   18525   
1   1
2   185210  
1   1
3   185215  3   1   1
4   18645   
1   1
5   186410  
1   1
6   186415  3   1   1
7   18675   
1   1
8   186710  
1   1
9   186715  
1   1
10  186720  
1   1
11  186725  
1   1
12  186750  6   1   1
13  18690,5 
2   1
14  18691   
2   1
15  18691   
2   1
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