Re: [Vo]:It's Time We Talked About the Box-Orbs..

2022-07-04 Thread Vibrator !
> If you want to believe in little green men, be my guest. you haven't looked at any of the evidence?  Just wanted to say hello eh..

Well on the off-chance you ever get bored, or really want answers to these big
questions, maybe take a look in your own time..  I don't see anyone else making
these connections..  The links won't last forever tho (none of them are mine)..

I suspect you only clicked that one link with a complete URL, showing
two tethered
cubes, every comment below exclaiming it was fire lanterns..  that was
your perusal
of the evidence, and the basis for your conclusion..

..if i may insist however, this thing below is not a fire lantern:

I didn't want to bomb-post embedded videos, hence the truncated links.
Check 'em out,

tho, they'll tickle you i promise..

> But don't look up to the sky while riding that motorbike.
> You might finish up like the astronomer in Aesop's fable.

Thing is, criss-crossing the country all day and night for three decades,
i've seen Chinese lanterns
many times.. always assuming this was the most prosaic explanation for
orange orbs.  No matter
how far out in the sticks or how late at night, basically presuming that
most fire lanterns were released
by farmers.. for reasons..  because they're a thing, and LGM aren't.

But what the evidence above shows is that a)  some actually ARE aliens -
these flying orbs DO exist -
and b)  that they're the same phenomenon as the flying cubes.  They're
squares by day, disco lights
by night.

As such, this is much bigger news than LENR, OU or reactionless propulsion
- likely encompassing
all these things, but certainly more besides - here's copious, visual
evidence of new physics, beyond
the SM, in action.

We don't understand anything of these visitors' technology - what they're
doing, how or why.  Their
evident presence however prioritises these questions.  It's the alternative
- wilful ignorance - that's dumb.

It's much like discovering that Bessler's wheel was actually a genuine case
of mechanical OU, now
forgotten and entirely dismissed..  evidence of physics BTSM, right under
our noses, if not low-hanging
fruit;  a tantalising tease on what's possible, outside the box of today's
paradigm.. there in the offing..

How many times have YOU seen and ignored orange orbs on the assumption fire
lanterns were the
most-likely explanation?  Because in retrospect, given the evidence here..
maybe they've seen you too..?


Re: [Vo]:It's Time We Talked About the Box-Orbs..

2022-07-04 Thread Vibrator !
I didn't put any on tick tok.

I didn't 'put' any anywhere.

Again, every day for the last few weeks i've come home from work and
checked YouTube for the last 24 hrs' UAP uploads.

I skip the dross, and categorise the rest.  So, 'this one goes under this
header, this one belongs on that list, this is the same type from that vid
last week', etc. etc.

This very basic methodology - a simple case of 'having to start somewhere'
with such an enormous data set available - has revealed that most
sightings, currently, if not historically, are of these mysterious box-orbs.

This is a new type of UFO, to me, anyway.  In fact, i don't see ANYONE else
describing it as a widespread phenomenon - as i say, most only seem to get
reported, and commented upon, as if they were unique examples - no one else
has made the link that they're actually ubiquitous!

This thus qualifies as a new scientific discovery, one that directly speaks
to the deepest, most profound questions of natural philosophy (not least
conservation of momentum and energy).

So i'm here presenting that list - primarily drawing attention to the
prevalence of these hitherto unheard-of 'box-orb' captures.

What's so stunning is that most of the boxes / cubes are caught in broad
daylight, or at least, twilight.

This enables us to clearly identify that they're the same type of craft -
obviously harder to do when all you can see is a glowing orb at night.

If you click on the link to the list in the first post, it'll pop up a test
file full of URL's - all you need do is copy-paste them into a browser.
What you'll see is DOZENS of independent video captures of flying
fish-tanks in broad daylight.

Mostly, they're cubes by day, and glowing orbs by night.  However this rule
is not absolute - some vids show cubes by night, and orbs by day.  Most
orbs are orange or white, yet many other colours are seen;  some are seen
changing colour.  Some behaviours seem colour-typed.

So the Tik Tok link you actually clicked on - the one, single link i hadn't
truncated (how lazy are we?) - i only referenced because it's a second
example of two box-orbs linked by a tether.  If you complete the YT link of
the other example, you'll see the same thing, different time and place.

I'm well aware all of the comments on Tik Tok identify it as fire lanterns
- social media is for numbskulls, i've never had any social media accounts
and never will, it's a horde of mindless ignoramuses and no one else has
seen this list of related examples;  like me when i saw what i thought were
fire lanterns, it seems the most likely explanation if you don't know any
better - Chinese lanterns are a thing, and UFO's are woo - precisely your
logic too, perfectly rational response - but the whole point of this list
is to PROVIDE that context necessary for proper analysis, ie. comparison
with other phenomenon.

Show me a type of fire lantern that looks anything like these things..  i
mean, it's a glassy, iridescent, semi-opaque box or rectangle -  a
hexahedron, bashically - sometimes appearing dark-metallic or titanium-like
- often seen rotating or tumbling on all three axes, that momentarily
disappears then reappears as it flies.  When seen in groups, this optical
'phasing in/out' sometimes synchronises between objects.

After adding dozens of examples to the list, last week YT threw up the
first one showing a tethered pair.  I'll repeat the full link here so you
can just click on it (sorry if this is video-bombing the page for anyone

Note how, like the others, they phase in and out in sync - again, use comma
and period keys (< and >) for frame advance/back while paused.  These are
categorically the same type of craft seen in many of the other links.  The
only difference is that clearly-visible tether.

People see tethered flying boxes and think "fire lanterns!" by default - as
i say, i would've too, if i didn't know any better.  Getting folks
informed, in order to be able to analyse these things in their proper
context, is my whole raison d'etre, here..

But that was just one, perhaps freak, example of the tethering behaviour -
maybe one had broken down and was under tow or something.  So you can
appreciate my excitement when i found another, again on YT, this time in a
compilation video.  That video referenced its sources, and the segment
showing this second tethered pair happened to come from Tik Tok, so, since
it didn't require a sign-up to view, i linked the source rather than the
timestamped YT video segment..

So, while everyone else is stuck on "what is it?" and "it's fire
lanterns!", i'm the only person (apparently) aware of this broader context,
and other related examples.  I'm perhaps the only person who realises that
it's most definitely, categorically NOT fire-lanterns.  That's way too much
responsibility, hence why i'm here, trying to SHOW (not just 'tell') other
smart people.   That's why i'm reporting it here, and not on

Re: [Vo]:It's Time We Talked About the Box-Orbs..

2022-06-28 Thread Vibrator !
 > Obviously no one has heard of them, because you just invented the name.

I first saw that term in reference to the box-shaped object that flew
uncomfortably close between two military jets travelling in the opposite
direction - this particular incident often given as an example of why the
phenomena may pose a risk to flight, and hence justifying proper study,
funding and congressional hearings etc.; what the pilot described was 'a
dark metallic-looking cube in a transparent sphere, the cube's corners
touching the inside surface of the sphere'.

Dall-E 2 found it an evocative description anyway:

If you check out the objects i'm listing under that category, these things
look quite distinct from tic-tacs per the Nimitz / Fravor encounters.  I've
watched quite a few perplexing tic-tac vids since then, even though i've
not got around to adding them on the list yet;  the only reason for this
however is that i'm simply compiling from the daily round-up - whatever's
been uploaded to YT in the past 24 hrs, i scan past the junk and list
whatever's left under whichever category best fits..  IE. YouTube's been
showing me a lot of box-orbs, but very few tic-tacs (that weren't actually
aphids 10 mm from the lens, anyway).  The box-orb videos OTOH couldn't be
explained by anything else - did you see the 'tethered' pair i added to the
list last night?  watch?v=ZubVcEHtBlw   Incredible, yet so enigmatic,
unlike anything one could dream up..  much less conflate with a tic-tac..

So sure, tic tacs are fascinating.. but just on the basis of what's
actually getting documented on video by multiple independent sources,
box-orbs seem to be increasingly ubiquitous.

A sighting in London was uploaded the other day (it's on the list), caught
by what looks like some builders in south London somewhere, the day before,
one in Scotland.. so since i work in central London i've been looking up
all day whenever outside, just on the off-chance..  that non-zero
probability that an alien craft might just suddenly appear overhead, right
there in the middle of Fitzrovia on a bright summer's day, derp..
seriously tho, on the commute in and out, on me lunch break, i'm scanning
the skies, potato-cam at the ready..  craning me neck all day, ain't seen a
thing all week..

Came home tonight, did the usual search on last 24 hrs uploads, and whaddya
know, another sighting in London, this time slap-bang in the middle of -
you guessed it - Fitzrovia: watch?v=oGs6JgFzD0M=19s - basically right
over my workplace!  WTF?  I must've been indoors at the time, how
frustrating is that though eh?   Trolling me..  like i say, you couldn't
make it up.   Can't make out much detail from that potato cam either, but i
doubt mine would be much better.  Besides, do you risk taking eyes off it
to fumble for the camera in the first place?  Dilemma..   There's other
folks filming it around him tho so maybe clearer vids will surface from
this incident..

On the subject of potatoes, don't bother trying to watch these on a phone
as you need a decent monitor, especially for ie. Engine TwentySeven's 4K
videos: watch?v=1_1FcVD6KmI - the problem is that modern phones have great
resolution but lack optical zoom, so you can only 'zoom in' on the
fixed-resolution image, not 'true' zoom, hence you need to be able to use
browser zoom (ie. hold ctrl and spin the mousewheel or tap the '+' key or
whatevs) - otherwise you're just seeing white dots on an already-tiny phone
screen..  much like tic-tacs i guess.

These particular UAP i'm most concerned about are characterised by this
consistent 'square', cubic or rectangular / polyhedron aspect, and
transient disappearance / reappearance, usually while rotating or tumbling,
their axial motions independent of their flightpaths, so ie. not apparently
a matter of flight-control for example.

The recent UAP at Miami beach may have been widely-mentioned as a tic-tac
incident, however it looks to me more like another box-orb:

This is far from exact science of course but as a mere identification /
classification exercise - just placing like with like - the existence and
sheer prevalence of these craft seems an amazing yet unnoticed revelation
right under our noses..  IOW, some term describing this particular
phenomenon - as distinct from tic-tacs, orbs, saucers, cigars or black
triangles etc - SHOULD be familiar to all, yet isn't, as you well
illustrate.  That, sir, is entirely my point.  How many shiny metal saucers
or black triangles that didn't look instantly gake and fay have been
uploaded lately?  Or tic-tacs for that matter?  Fast-movers make for ropey
vids by their very nature, usually reduced to an indistinct streak.  Yet
there's unambiguous CUBES the size of family cars floating about in our
skies, pretty much everywhere, daily.. and so a conspicuously-absent
category of UAP in the popular conscience.   You're 

Re: [Vo]:It's Time We Talked About the Box-Orbs..

2022-07-01 Thread Vibrator !
> Every moving thing on the planet does the same thing. However the net effect 
> is
> zero..

Reciprocity is obviously broken for effectively-reactionless
accelerations however.  Let me try restate the conundrum more clearly:

 • gravity's a mutual attraction between masses / inertias as observed
from the zero momentum frame

 • from within either inertial frame it's a uniform acceleration
(Galileo's principle)

 • a hovering UFO exhibiting no reaction matter is nonetheless a
massive body in a gravity field, thus being accelerated downwards at 1
G like anything else

 •'s just also applying a cancelling 1 g upwards acceleration..

 • ..yet because this acceleration is effectively reactionless, the
craft is now towing the planet

So although it appears, from ground observation, that the craft is
hovering motionless, in reality it is specifically holding height
relative to the ground / planet, and although it's not accelerating
towards the earth, there's nothing to stop the mutual gravitation of
the planet back into the gravity well of the suspended craft..

The instant you have a unilateral force or momentum change active in
an otherwise-closed system, the net system momentum is no longer

So if a ship's hovering over earth, counteracting its own gravitation
does nothing to impede the mutual gravitation of the planet, relative
to which if it is holding distance, it must, therefore, be
accelerating away from at equal speed to its approach.

Hovering ('anti-gravity' in the naive conception), reactionless
propulsion or energy creation / destruction via the exploitation of
unilateral forces, alters the planets resting momentum state.

You could arguably undo a change afterwards by applying an equal
opposing change some time later, but any non-zero period between
alters our trajectory or axis or spin rate or whatever over what it
would've been if we'd stuck with aerodynamics and rocketry..etry

Re: [Vo]:It's Time We Talked About the Box-Orbs..

2022-07-01 Thread Vibrator !
If you check the 'box-orbs' list, i now have at least two that clearly show
tethered pairs:

Same flight config too.. as if the lower one were perhaps siphoning some
fluid from the upper one..?  JK, no idea what these things are, what
they're doing, or why.

Bloody exciting time to be alive tho eh?  To be able to cross-reference UAP
corroborations from independent encounters the world over, updating on a
daily basis like this..  All i'm doing is LOOKING at available evidence.
And categorising what i see.  Little else. Ain't spent a dime on it, yet
within weeks i've achieved a level of certainty NASA and SETI could only
dream of:  this is definitely real, technological, and not us..

Just like that, the greatest mysteries answered..  i'm reeling, dazed, in a
slight state of shock here..  awake to a new reality..

What it means, and what to make of it, pffft..  where to start?  Best not
think about it and carry on?  The further questions though - not least the
potential for communication - is too alluring..   seeing these things is
literally paradigm-shifting..

[Vo]:It's Time We Talked About the Box-Orbs..

2022-06-27 Thread Vibrator !
I've been trying to bite my tongue for fear of lowering the tone, but the
sheer weight of corroborating evidence for this phenomena must by now be
worthy of Vorts' attention.

Some weeks back, YT began showing me suggestions for UAP videos. I'd
watched the David Fravor interviews after the NYT exposé on the Nimitz
encounters, curious, but never been any kind of UFO nut.  So i began
watching some of these YT suggestions, and quickly found myself bookmarking
one or two that seemed extraordinary, yet legit.

Now i'm hooked - all the old bookmarks have gone into a list of URL's of
vids i've 'confirmed' (obviously documenting the same phenomena, and not
obviously composited, edited or faked in any way), and every day i check
for the most recent UAP / UFO sighting uploads and add the latest URL's to
the bottom of each list under each categorised sub-section.

I'd recommend anyone with an interest have a gander at ALL of these links,
but i especially want to draw your attentions to those listed under 'boxes
/ box-orbs'.

There's substantial visual evidence here to suppose that many of the
various 'glowing orb' sightings - perhaps 'ghost rockets' too - are
actually one and the same entities as these 'box-orbs';  that they appear
as these shadowy polyhedra by day, and orbs of various kinds by night.  If
so then there's too many different headers in my list, however the number
of new headers isn't really increasing;  the number of entries listed under
each one IS, and none moreso than 'box-orbs'.  If not every day, then every
other day, new examples are uploaded to YT.  But regardless of whether they
may all be the same thing in different guises, all i can do is categorise
by what i can see, and yet on the basis of that evidence alone, most UAP
are box-orbs;  there's no two ways about it. That section now boasts 19
different videos, all showing the same enigmatic phenomena - flying boxes,
either alone or in groups, with certain distinct visual characteristics
such as appearing in 'lighter' and 'darker' shades - perhaps showing
different faces whilst rotating - as well as some degree of morphing,
mostly into 'rectangular' polyhedra (hexahedra?) and periodic disappearance
/ reappearance (at least in optical wavelengths - it seems many UAP retain
persistent IR profiles however, even when invisible to optical range, but
most sightings are obviously captured on cell phones). Some are caught
close-up, others only as indistinct white dots in 4K vids, but which you
can thus zoom-in on to see more details..  it's definitely the same
phenomena being recorded, the world over..

So here's the list:

I'm updating it daily - again, most new additions are joining the bottom of
the 'box-orb' list, so work bottom-up from that first list for the latest

This thing's global, and like Luis Elizondo says, seems to be increasing in
frequency and number.  It's obviously technological, and not 'us'.  They
don't just float or meander, but also demonstrate spectacular non-Newtonian
controlled manoeuvres, moving with intent and purpose in coordinated ways.

No one else seems to be talking about them, or even noticing the
predominance of this particular UAP.  You've got your basic saucers, your
cigars and various 'foo-fighter' and 'ghost rockets' etc..  but who ever
heard of 'box-orbs' before?  Yet they're the pre-eminent UFO by far..  just
look at the numbers over the short period i've been at this.

Fermi's paradox is at least partly solved, then; they're here already!
We're not alone.. and we're very much the upstarts by the looks of things.
There's no longer any room for ambivalence or agnosticism as far as i can
see, the sheer weight of independently-corroborating evidence here is
undeniable.  They now seem so common there's every chance you or anyone you
know may see them, if you just look up often enough.  I'm following
skywatchers using all-night CCTV trained on the sky who are catching
sightings most nights.  YouTube channel k'eyush The Stunt Dog - a channel
i've known for years that's never had anything to do with any kind of woo -
posted a sighting the other day (it's on the list), they're literally
EVERYWHERE, all skies in all countries.

'Invasion' doesn't necessarily imply 'attack', but they certainly seem to
be on recon if nothing else..  More than this, one can only speculate..
yet we're talking about an intruder we now know is in our house!   This,
surely, should disconcert us..

Sooo..  anyone make it through those links?  Am i taking crazy pills here
or what?

[Vo]:It's Time We Talked About the Box-Orbs..

2022-06-30 Thread Vibrator !
Turning the subject 45° on an axis for a moment, a large hovering diamond
was filmed by multiple witnesses in Columbia the other day, links added to
the list.

Could it be the same hovering diamond-shaped craft from Nick Pope's
infamous office poster of a similar sighting in Scotland?

Reverse-engineering somewhat from first principles:  the object has mass
and thus *is* gravitating - shedding momentum to gravity and time at a rate
of 9.80665 kg-m/s per kg of gravitating mass, per second - yet if it's not
accelerating relative to earth and its mass is also constant, then it is
simultaneously accelerating upwards, gaining momentum from _some other_
fundamental force constant (such as the EM constant, alpha), in equal
opposite magnitude.

To put it another way, it must be applying an upwards acceleration - ie. a
time rate of change of velocity being a rate of signed momentum exchange,
or +/- dp/dt - thus implying that it must also be sinking equal rates of
counter-momentum to gravity and time.

We should reserve a degree of concern however that arresting an object's
gravitational acceleration by any means of inertial suspension *does
nothing,* in principle, to prevent the earth's own mutual gravitation
towards _it._

Obvioushly, gravitational interactions are mutually inter-reactive - the
larger body's accelerations are smaller, but real and non-trivial - and
nested within each gravitational interaction there is an inertial
interaction, N3 demanding perfect symmetry of momentum and counter-momentum
deltas at all times;  lifting a weight 'up' pushes the planet 'down' -
we're really just prising 'em apart - and likewise both masses accelerate
back together when the weight's dropped.

_In other words,_ levitating masses may be 'towing' the planet.  These
things may be tug-boats, of sorts, applying small steering corrections to
Earth's trajectory or resting momentum state..  even inadvertently, if not
purposefully, this is a seemingly-inevitable implication of the physics we

The act of merely hovering a massive body like this is not entirely
passive, the object is _not_ stationary, but is rather holding constant
distance to ground, which along with the rest of the planet is continually
accelerating into the gravity well of a massive body that is not
counter-accelerating reciprocally back towards it.

As such, this behaviour should not be regarded as entirely passive, but
rather interactive / manipulative..  and the fact that it is also
'surreptitious' (self-evident from basic physics but not negotiated with or
communicated to us), naturally raises suspicion.  Are these permanent
changes to our resting momentum state, and the ultimate fate of the planet?
 'Momentum' being among the most conserved of field properties..  are they
an incidental and inconsequential side-effect of a benevolent scientific
mission, or else the mission objective itself?  And _then_ is the purpose
in our interest or theirs?

These things potentially have us on a leash.. basic physics tells us that
what superficially _looks_ like 'anti-gravity' is, in practice, more akin
to a tug applying a course-correction via a tractor-beam.

Re: [Vo]:It's Time We Talked About the Box-Orbs..

2022-07-23 Thread Vibrator !
Some incredible updates to report on:

 • the list now includes many more examples of box-orbs linking up like this

You can watch as two box-orbs approach one another, touch and partially
merge, then extrude the tether out between them as they part.  Then they
fly off together as a unit.  There's multiple videos of whole clouds of
these craft, veritable armadas, captured from all manner of angles - from
ground, air (from above and below) and sea.

Most astonishing revelation thus far is that the tech base appears to be
scale-invariant:  box-orbs can be TINY!   You can watch incredible footage
of what are clearly box-orbs - having all of the typical weird properties
and characteristics - yet only ~ 1³ mm in size!

Another anomaly that's becoming much more apparent is what i call the
clown-car paradox - orbs that emit many other box-orbs, which are almost as
large as it;  how'd they all fit inside, then?  TARDIS-like abilities or

There's obviously a simpler explanation that would seem to tie all these
observations together - the fact that the extruded tether appears to be
made from the same semi-translucent, iridescent material as the cubes
themselves, the diminutive yet fully-autonomous fairy-like box-orbs, and
the clown-car paradox:

 • we're looking at a meta-material that can be assembled and disassembled
on the fly, perhaps using largely environmentally-sourced materials

IOW, perhaps this material's largely fabricated from the components of the
surrounding air - my feeling is not so much 'nanotech', as something that
perhaps crystallises or precipitates out from a highly-controlled plasma of
ie. air or seawater or whatever's available..  This might also be
consistent with observations of 'morphing' between different shapes..  as
well as their ability to 'summon' more box-orbs, apparently ex nihilo..

Hence we'd be dealing with macroscopic quantum-classical systems,
highly-entangled photo-electric couplings - polaritons, magnons and spinons
etc. - aggregate low-entropy states with large-scale baryonic ensembles
sharing few, unitary wave-functions, tightly controlled, but still
susceptible to ie. the observed position / momentum indeterminacies and
resulting quantum leaps;  where the object disappears then reappears either
instantaneously, or sometimes even within the same video frame, thus
appearing to be in super-position.

Yet another fascinating observation re. their mutual interactions is that
they can enter a mode in which two or more box-orbs appear to become
coherent - their precise motions and quantum-jumps clearly paired, across
some distance - obviously temporarily sharing the same inertial reference
frame but also, clearly-entangled wave-functions;  in this mode more than
ever, the visual impression is of some kind of projection, its actual
source far away, if meticulously (but imperfectly) focused on this
location..  hence the 'jitter' - as if they're not actually bound to
Earth's inertial frame, at least, not the ground anyway.

All these observations are categorised in commented links on the list, see
for yourselves.  Gotta say though, the most shocking revelation to me is
these miniature variants - i'm not kidding, no more than a cubic
millimeter, yet possessing ALL of the characteristic properties of the
larger versions..  so, just what are the limits, there - how small can they

Final thought:  now this IS crazy - i mean, even i have little confidence
in what i'm about to relate, but it is what it is so i'm just throwing it
out there - the JWST calibration shots of Jupiter show myriad large,
box-shaped IR silhouettes clustered around Europa's orbit (links in the
list);  i could find no official explanation, thus far.. but hopefully
there's a perfectly prosaic one eh..

On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 7:08 AM Robin 

> In reply to  Vibrator !'s message of Mon, 4 Jul 2022 11:12:33 +0100:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >
> >..if i may insist however, this thing below is not a fire lantern:
> >
> Indeed, but it may be a box-kite with an essentially invisible nylon
> tether. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes,
> and materials.
> [snip]
> If no one clicked on ads companies would stop paying for them. :)

Re: [Vo]:It's Time We Talked About the Box-Orbs..

2022-07-23 Thread Vibrator !
The issue is that a graviton would be a spin-0 gauge boson, commuting only
attractive force;  a spin-1 mediator of both attractive and repulsive
forces is obvs already fulfilled by photons or virtual photons.

Qualitatively, 'gravity' reduces to a time-constant rate of exchange of
signed momentum, or ± h-bar.

'Reactionless' refers to these craft's propellant-less accelerations;  no
reaction matter appears in optical, IR or thermal imaging.  They must,
therefore, be exchanging momentum directly with some fundamental force
constant (EM constant alpha?) and time.  F=mA reduces to an I/O ± dp/dt
differential, and so effectively-unilateral forces are thus possible;  the
tangible example i keep coming back to being 'pumping a swing', wherein you
can auto-accelerate the swing by applying reactionless torques via the
ice-skater effect (changing mass radius) to cause an upswing vs downswing
period asymmetry, the per-cycle momentum gain equal to that difference
times the gravitational constant;  obviously, non-constant angular momentum
about a fixed axis is only so useful, but it's a proof of principle that
momentum can be sourced or sunk from / to fundamental force constants and
time, and again, insofar as UAP are solid flying objects, they're another
demonstration of that principle.

So i believe i'm correct - a hovering UAP that is reflecting radar and
light must be composed of baryonic matter, even if in a controlled,
low-entropy state - meta-materials are obvs implied by the observed
properties - and is thus susceptible to mutual gravitation;  if it's not
actually falling then by definition it's accelerating upwards at exactly 1
G.  This does nothing to impede the reciprocal mutual gravitation of the
planet towards the UAP, hence if it's holding precisely-constant altitude
then the entire system - UAP, planet and everything bound to it - must be
accelerating 'upwards' relative to that point on the globe;  the
acceleration obvs equal to the gravitational pull of the UAP divided by the
mass of the Earth, hence infinitesimal, yet real and non-trivial..

TL;DR - you cannot introduce an effective CoM violation into an
otherwise-closed (isolated) system and not expect its net momentum to

On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 7:28 AM Robin 

> In reply to  Vibrator !'s message of Sat, 2 Jul 2022 01:41:55 +0100:
> Hi,
> >> Every moving thing on the planet does the same thing. However the net
> effect is
> >> zero..
> >
> >Reciprocity is obviously broken for effectively-reactionless
> >accelerations however.
> >Let me try restate the conundrum more clearly:
> >
> > • gravity's a mutual attraction between masses / inertias as observed
> >from the zero momentum frame
> >
> > • from within either inertial frame it's a uniform acceleration
> >(Galileo's principle)
> >
> > • a hovering UFO exhibiting no reaction matter is nonetheless a
> >massive body in a gravity field, thus being accelerated downwards at 1
> >G like anything else
> This statement contains a couple of unproven assumptions.
> 1) You don't know that's is reactionless.
> 2) You don't know that it's being accelerated upward as well as being
> pulled down by gravity. It may actually be
> canceling the effect of gravity on the craft. After all, we don't really
> know anything about the actual nature of
> gravity, or any of the forces for that matter.
> We have a few constants and some nice formulae, but no real understanding
> of the actual nature of forces. E.g. why do
> like charges repel, and unlike charges attract?
> [snip]
> If no one clicked on ads companies would stop paying for them. :)

Re: [Vo]:Another Irish FE Firm?

2022-04-27 Thread Vibrator !
 The Anomalous Magnetization of Iron and Steel,  B. Osgood Peirce 1912:

The effects seem to pertain to high dv/dt impulses however..  not to
mention antique metallurgical samples (the high-Sv kind).

Modern electrical steels OTOH are designed to be high-mu, high-freq and
hence low-Sv inductors with minimal remanence / retentivity.   Anomalous
self-induction must be arising under some very a-typical circumstances if
no one's noticed it previously.. and we're not talking micro-teslas here,
he's claiming a 400 - 500% gain in flux density, sufficient to turn a

The claim seems eminently falsifiable though, reducing to this singular
putative exploit - whatever the specific grade of material he's sourcing
will have a B/H graph in its spec sheet, since this is its whole raison
d'etre, the very properties it's designed and purposed for.  So, find out
exactly which material it is, download the spec sheet, and check for a
sudden 500% jump halfway up the B/H plot that nobody else but this genius
PhD has noticed for some reason, square in the middle of its designed
operating range there.  Job done, next..

Re: [Vo]:Stimulated emission and Pre-Quantum Physics

2022-04-29 Thread Vibrator !
> So progression from 18th century theory of Boscovich to modern physics

Fascinating, i was unaware of Boscovich's contributions, great
first-principle reasoning though..

There's still a good bit of unfinished business with certain 18th-century
breakthroughs that've languished, but don't get me started..

[Vo]:Stimulated emission and Pre-Quantum Physics

2022-04-28 Thread Vibrator !
> I have been doing more reading about the history of stimulated
> emission. Einstein formally introduced a quantum version of the concept in
> 1917.
> Therefore you might think that it is only possible in a quantum
> context. However, subsequent mathematical work has shown that a form of
> stimulated emission can also arise in a classical (pre-quantum) setting
> when a suitable model of the atom is used.

The key point about stimulated emission is that it exploits the suspension
of superposition exclusion to enable an aggregate system to cohere under a
unitary wavefuntion; the corollary effect being coherent absorption, such
that the initial plasma system can be classically described right up to the
population inversion:  from which point all electrons are bouncing between
peak energy and stable bottom, emitting and absorbing essentially the same
photons in sync.. the quantum / classical threshold there is Pauli exclusion; the
spontaneous photomultiplication resulting from collective coherence of the
electron population is a pretty fundamental kind of 'resonance', not your
average harmonic oscillator.

On this key point about coherent absorption as well as emission, see Green
at al "Limiting photovoltaic monochromatic light conversion efficiency"
2001, noting that in PV cells for which recombination is mainly radiative,
a stimulated emission regime could take efficiency arbitrarily close to the
Carnot limit;  his team down in Oz are currently up to ~70% - again, for
monochromatic (basically laser) light - with increasing applications in ie.
wireless power transmission, electrical isolation / firewalling etc., and
obvs much greater range (albeit limited to LoS) than classical inductive
transmission techniques.

A stimulated emission mode / regime is an inherently quantum-classical
system, a unique means of corralling quantum systems distinct from Faraday
and Maxwell et al; the system's propensity to begin lasing a direct
consequence of the quantisation of energy & momentum:  in the tensioned
'population inversion' state, ideally at least, a single photon of further
input energy will inevitably trigger a cascade of absorption and emission
because there's nowhere else for this conserved quantised energy to go, ie.
further input energy catalyses a cyclic phase transition between high and
low-energy states, because the transitions are quantised, and because a
whole bunch of fermions are behaving as a kind of extended quasi-boson,
holding the same quantum-energy states at the same time.

It's that force-feedback dynamic, like a turbine, generating this
low-entropy livewire state of perfect photoelectric synchrony.. coherent
emission AND absorption, en masse..

On a bit of a tangent perhaps, but in his later years GC Huth posited that
the retinal cells of the fovea may form a kind of phase-conjugate mirror,
which may have thought-provoking implications for ie. the nature of eye
contact between sentients, optic nerves essentially being extensions of
cortex:  what if electrons in remote rhodopsin discs are entangled by the
same photons?  'A twinkle in the eye'..  'windows on the soul'.. (woo-wavy

Re: [Vo]:Stimulated emission and Pre-Quantum Physics

2022-04-29 Thread Vibrator !
> here is an example
> Absorption and Stimulated Emission by a Thin Slab Obeying the Lorentz
> Oscillator Model

It's a quantitative formulation from classical first principles, sans
Schrodinger.. whereas the wave equation approximates the time
evolution of the wavefunction;  you could describe a stimulated
emission / absorption mode as playing the predictability of
wavefunction's evolution by constantly resetting it at a fixed freq..
or you could probably describe the behaviour in terms of QED and
Feynman diagrams too i expect, all complimentarily w/o conflict.  You
can describe orbital transition energies classically /
relativistically, or Lenz's law in terms of relativistic
self-interaction of a current loop invoking length contraction / time
dilation, or in terms of time-conservation of ambient quantum
momentum, charge and energy..  the whole point about zombie-cat-boxes
being that they're an over-extrapolated conclusion from what is only a
formal approximation;  atoms and photons are obviously real, but is
the wavefunction?  So there's no real dichotomy..  all roads lead to
Rome, we know the SM's incomplete and we're not seeing all the pieces
yet, but the realism / objectivism debate is divided along more
fundamental lines on the nature of causal determinism and the
outstanding possibility (if not logical prerequisite) of non-local
hidden variables..  which in turn segues into philosophical debate re.
distinctions between 'indeterminability' as an inevitable consequence
of conservation and finite nature of quantum information (ie. per
Zeilinger et al), versus the nihilistic anarchy of objective
indeterminism;  you can guess which side of the fence i'm on (tho not
a Bohm fanatic; pilot waves or some variation, perhaps.. but his later
metaphysics stuff i don't subscribe to).

The classic DSE using an electron gun and phosphor-plated screen has
to remain the benchmark gold-standard for demonstrating the limits of
classical physics though - ie. it cannot explain how particles / waves
self-interact even when their transits are separated out in time.  If
not for this singular crazy (dumbfounding!) result, we wouldn't be in
a situation where most physicists are ready to accept such an
oxymoronic imposition as 'acausal determinants'..  but in for a penny,
in for a pound eh..

Re: [Vo]:Stimulated emission and Pre-Quantum Physics

2022-04-29 Thread Vibrator !
in add:

IE. equivalent, not conflicting..

Re: [Vo]:Current Findings on the Undeniable Alien Presence

2022-09-06 Thread Vibrator !
?   I know, i know, not blind;  i'm obvs
asking in the wrong place..

On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 2:19 AM Terry Blanton  wrote:

> Intervention is nigh:
> On Sat, Aug 27, 2022 at 7:53 PM Robin 
> wrote:
>> In reply to  Vibrator !'s message of Sat, 27 Aug 2022 20:49:36 +0100:
>> Hi,
>> [snip]
>> >
>> It would be nice if the URL's listed here were actually clickable. :)
>> Next to each entry you have a 1 line summary. You could make the summary
>> the visible portion of the URL, and the actual
>> URL itself would be the link.
>> In short make
>> document an actual html document.
>> [snip]
>> Regards,
>> R. van Spaandonk
>> Crops, not towns, should be planted on floodplains.
>> Even the ancient Egyptians knew this.

[Vo]:Current Findings on the Undeniable Alien Presence

2022-08-27 Thread Vibrator !
Lots of amazing discoveries to plough through so i'll try keep it brief,
however a certain minimum of word-space is required just to summarise
current findings:

 • there are multiple different alien beings visiting constantly

 • there are multiple different humanoids using saucer craft

ie. implying independent co-discovery of convergent solutions, or else some
degree of cross-pollination

 • these include bug-eyed bipeds of various sizes, but predominantly smaller

 • there may be at least one distinctly human-like form, air-breathing,

 • our relationship to these particular folk remains opaque; we may be in
contact, albeit in very much a subservient role

 • the overwhelming majority of sightings may be related to one of the
above races; which, remains unclear

 • the alien in question i can only thus far identify as 'the box-orb
people' - their saucers deploy and collect box-orbs

 • their saucers each appear able to accommodate perhaps a dozen
'normal'-sized box-orb craft:  accordingly, box-orb sightings may be 10x
more common than saucers

 • both box-orbs and saucers make extensive use of metamaterial
constructions, sharing many advanced features and abilities

 • this metamaterial technology is very highly scalable - craft as large as
anything in sci-fi are regularly imaged by various systems...

 • ...conversely, units as small as insects are also occasionally captured
on film..!

 • these miniature alien craft present a particularly compelling study
specimen, as encounters invariably occur at point-blank ranges

For instance, with multiple independent 1080p / 60 Hz captures we can
observe refraction anomalies / warping of background imagery,
photo-electric interactions with ambient or applied lighting, material
interactions with their surrounding environment, kinematic characteristics
(how they move), and perhaps deduce something more of their behaviour,
purpose and intentions.

One particular hypothesis that appears bolstered by these most remarkable
captures is a potential solution to the so-called 'five observables':

  • we're seeing a propulsion mode that eschews classical translation -
and, thus, acceleration, inertia, momentum, KE and dissipation - for a
process of controlled, continual high-frequency quantum tunnelling;  the
frequency constantly variable, but generally above ~60 Hz

That is, 60 FPS video of these craft at a range of a few centimetres from
the camera clearly shows accelerating motion as a series of 'quantum leaps'
rising in frequency into an effectively-continuous motion.. thus implying
higher frame-rates will push back that illusion of translation a little

In principle each jump might be as small as a Planck length, with a very
high cycle frequency..  conversely however this would also account for the
larger-scale flitting about observed when these saucers engage their
hyperdrives - an effect i'd somewhat-awkwardly dubbed 'transient positional
indeterminacies', assuming it a consequence of en masse position / momentum
covariance - but it would also obviate the questions re. sourcing and
sinking of KE and momentum, absence of dissipation effects etc.   For
reasons i'll expand on below, high-speed IR footage would seem the ideal
way to test this conjecture, however this kind of kit ain't cheap..

 • saucers - the ones responsible for the box-orbs, at any rate - appear to
switch between at least two distinct forms of propulsion, characterised as
'red glow' mode, and 'white glow' mode; the former associated with general
flight, landing, deployment and collection of box-orbs, the latter with
non-Newtonian characteristics and macro-scale quantum effects

 • white-glow mode involves hypersonic acceleration, and spontaneously
hyperspacing in a brilliant flash of rapidly-shrinking white light,
sometimes square-shaped

 • additionally, often square-shaped flashes of white light are seen to pop
off around the craft in this mode

 • a white-glowing square shape may envelope the saucer, only the rim /
flange protruding at the sides

 • the actual position of the craft may appear to jump around erratically
within a finite radius, reminiscent of a quantum object

 • the red glow is predominantly reported as more pronounced from the
craft's lower portions or underside, often together with a red light on top

 • the red glow can vary in intensity, from a dull brown to bright orange,
perhaps indicative of thermal load..

At this point it may be worth noting a point Rossi's paper invokes: cold
plasmas induced via high dv/dt electrostatic impulses spontaneously form
low-entropy states consolidating Fermi numbers, and so restricting thermal
degrees of freedom for expressing / embodying heat energy;  cooling / heat
exchange might thus pose a critical engineering problem in mass-scale
quasi-bosonic aggregates, and inadvertent over-heating may be a common
failure mode in saucer crashes.  One such incident caught on video seems
highly consistent with such a 

Re: [Vo]:Current Findings on the Undeniable Alien Presence

2022-09-15 Thread Vibrator !
Multiple independent captures in HD and 60 Hz, using fixed focal length
phone cams with fixed apertures, showing macroscopic quantum effects at
ranges down to a few centimetres, are all out of focus butterflies?  And
this is just one type of mini-UAP - there's others indexed in the list that
don't look anything like this.  Bit of a weak theory, no?  Either you're
being facetious or the MiB have got to you, but get yer specs on..  worth
putting your 'serious' hat on, for this..

Moving swiftly on, a capture was recently posted of box-orbs entering the
atmosphere over the great pyramids in the form of a giant cross-shaped
construction that dissociates into multiple independent units upon reaching
lower altitude:

 •  (part of a compilation, i'm just
referencing that one short scene)

..prior to this, i'd only seen captures of box-orbs being released or
recovered by saucers / related craft, apparently as probes or drones, so
was assuming that was their principle means of arrival.  What that video
above shows however is some kind of ferrying / transport configuration for
en masse insertions, perhaps crossing interstellar space like that, or else
released by one of the larger craft closer nearby.  Now, if you search the
list for the keyword "fleet", you'll see that there's packs of hundreds of
these things being seen at a time, and moreso the higher in altitude you
go.  This obviously raises serious red flags over just how many may now be
here, not just in our atmosphere and oceans but throughout the system - we
see them actually on the moon, for instance, and not just high in the sky
silhouetted against it (though there's plenty of such shots too);  given
how fast they can move - and besides, given that they can teleport and
hyperspace - they obviously don't need to be in 24 hr visual range to pose
an implicit potential threat, yet they're still increasing in number at an
alarming rate..  arrivals like the one above could be going on daily, yet
mostly dismissed as meteors, if even seen;  most of the planet's surface is
desolate open water - how many such insertions are simply never witnessed?

Or are they perhaps also returning home, if unseen, with basically stable
numbers doing short tours on rotation?  But what if there's millions deep
in our oceans, each able to suddenly radiate megawatts for sustained
periods - they could just boil up a load of water and steam us overnight,
or swoop down in legions deploying chemical or biological agents, or just
remote-controlling or incapacitating everyone remotely etc. etc. (all
capabilities they've claimed or demonstrated) - again, there's no question
we're being invaded by any reasonable definition of the word - this is an
interstellar extraterrestrial civilisation making an outpost of our system
with apparent impunity at the very least - the only question is whether
it's malign or benign in intent.  If it's the latter, why on earth would
they need such numbers?  I mean, if they're not here to physically
interfere in some way, why so many of them?  If they're uncrewed then that
would seem to eliminate innocent tourism.  So why the big shift of
materiels here?  They're obviously prepping for something, some task that
requires large numbers of them.  'Surveillance' alone doesn't seem to cut
it - the smaller cubes and related probes would seem more than sufficient,
not to mention stealthier.  These larger units are obviously far more
capable and numerous than a mere cartography or scouting expedition would
require.  Not to mention brazen.

And they're obviously not merely passing through, en route to some other
star, if deploying such a dedicated insertion system;  it would seem most
unlikely they'll later reform that 'cross' structure and move on to Alpha
Centauri or whatevs;  that was some serious, here-to-stay unpacking going
on there.  Even if they came right out and said "nope, no invasion planned
here, uh, we're just on exercises?" - remember how that worked out last
time:  first rule of invasion - keep schtum and misdirect, even while
amassing forces in plain sight..

The sheer scale of the incursions, together with the near-absence of wider
cognisance and not least the denialism demonstrated above, all makes for a
perfect storm..   and remember, they have quantum teleportation /
hyperspace (the latter being distinctly more energetic), GR thus implying
they could be all over our timeline, with full prescience, our defeat
already a fait accompli in some imminent day-z, just making small precise
manipulations throughout our 'present' to keep us obliviously on-track to
an inevitable date with destiny..  basically caught with our trousers round
our ankles still treating every box-orb sighting as if it were an isolated
case without precedence.

Whatever IS happening, here, it's not simply that we clearly lack the upper
hand.. we're largely oblivious there's even anything afoot..!We're
crawling through molasses in even 

[Vo]:Mech OU & Inertial Thrust

2023-12-04 Thread Vibrator !
Just a heads up for anyone interested - i've succeeded in my long-held
objective of cultivating and harvesting a divergent inertial frame.

The energy density is whatever you want - just make up some high number and
you're good - and power density is basically that number times how many
cycles a second you'd like.

As predicted, it's also a reactionless thruster, breaking both CoM and
CoAM.  Latest version of the interaction runs opposing systems in tandem,
mutually self-cancelling all stray momenta.

If you'd struggle to believe there was sufficient complexity within
classical mechanics for the possibility of over-unity to go unnoticed for
three centuries - that within Newton's three laws, plus gravity, there
could lay hidden the kernel of an interface between the corporeal and
sublime - i would not argue with you..

..yet the fact is, gravity isn't even involved.  It's just an inertial

Believe it or not, it's possible to source and sink momentum and energy
from and to inertia and time!

See my thread on the BW forum - it's all sims for now, but a major advance
on what was previously a completely-outsider theory.

Mechanical over-unity is no longer even an engineering problem, let alone a
physics one..

Re: [Vo]:Mech OU & Inertial Thrust

2023-12-04 Thread Vibrator !
In the last config the best CoP seemed to converge to around 3.5.

Bessler indicated CoP's of 4 were possible, in one passage seemingly
implying a factor of 16:

Der wird ein großer Künstler heißen,
Wer ein schwer Ding leicht hoch kann schmeißen,
Und wenn ein Pfund ein Viertel fällt,
Es vier Pfund hoch vier Viertel schnellt. x
Wer dieses aus kann spekuliren,
Wird bald den Lauf perpetuiren;

 "He will be called a great craftsman, who can easily/lightly throw a heavy
thing high, and if one pound falls a quarter, it shoots four pounds four
quarters high."

The latest sim which i finished last night, is designed to be infinitely
adjustable, so i'm going to use it to explore the gradient, find its upper

As mentioned though, the gain is constant per cycle, so net gain is just
the per-cycle gain multiplied by the number of elapsed cycles.

Any help getting from here to the first devices would be cool - i'm just an
obsessive hobbyist with no idea how to get this where it needs to be..
This warrants serious attention!

On Mon, Dec 4, 2023 at 9:28 AM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:

> We all wait for the first device with COP >2!
> J.W:
> On 04.12.2023 09:59, Vibrator ! wrote:
> > Just a heads up for anyone interested - i've succeeded in my long-held
> > objective of cultivating and harvesting a divergent inertial frame.
> >
> > The energy density is whatever you want - just make up some high
> > number and you're good - and power density is basically that number
> > times how many cycles a second you'd like.
> >
> > As predicted, it's also a reactionless thruster, breaking both CoM and
> > CoAM.  Latest version of the interaction runs opposing systems in
> > tandem, mutually self-cancelling all stray momenta.
> >
> > If you'd struggle to believe there was sufficient complexity within
> > classical mechanics for the possibility of over-unity to go unnoticed
> > for three centuries - that within Newton's three laws, plus gravity,
> > there could lay hidden the kernel of an interface between the
> > corporeal and sublime - i would not argue with you..
> >
> > ..yet the fact is, gravity isn't even involved.  It's just an inertial
> > interaction!
> >
> > Believe it or not, it's possible to source and sink momentum and
> > energy from and to inertia and time!
> >
> > See my thread on the BW forum - it's all sims for now, but a major
> > advance on what was previously a completely-outsider theory.
> >
> > Mechanical over-unity is no longer even an engineering problem, let
> > alone a physics one..
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Jürg Wyttenbach
> Bifangstr. 22
> 8910 Affoltern am Albis
> +41 44 760 14 18
> +41 79 246 36 06

Re: [Vo]:Mech OU & Inertial Thrust

2023-12-04 Thread Vibrator !
's possible to limit the amount of the KE gain harnessed as
PE this way, keeping it as KE on the over-unity body instead.  This in turn
allows the gain to be correlated back to the velocity component of the
anomalous momentum delta - so you can see the gain, and what's causing and
embodying it, together in an empirical way.

Prior to the current 'sustainable' dual-rotor config i was testing single
rotors;  immediately upon confirming OU i attached one of these to a
virtual planet - a mass heavy enough to be all but stationary, yet its
motion and position still discernable to many digits precision - and found
that it continually accelerates whilst running.  Upon ceasing the
interaction, the planet then continues to coast at its new angular and
linear velocities.  You can see the results of that test here:

..hence why i've now moved to dual reciprocating systems which mutually
self-cancel these stray momenta.

Ultimately, we have a CoE break contingent upon an effective CoM break,
with the exploit confirmed at every stage in that process.  The experiment
confirms the theory, literally mechanising the maths of OU. This isn't a
false-positive, it's the real deal..

On Mon, Dec 4, 2023 at 1:36 PM Vibrator !  wrote:

> In the last config the best CoP seemed to converge to around 3.5.
> Bessler indicated CoP's of 4 were possible, in one passage seemingly
> implying a factor of 16:
> Der wird ein großer Künstler heißen,
> Wer ein schwer Ding leicht hoch kann schmeißen,
> Und wenn ein Pfund ein Viertel fällt,
> Es vier Pfund hoch vier Viertel schnellt. x
> Wer dieses aus kann spekuliren,
> Wird bald den Lauf perpetuiren;
>  "He will be called a great craftsman, who can easily/lightly throw a
> heavy thing high, and if one pound falls a quarter, it shoots four pounds
> four quarters high."
> The latest sim which i finished last night, is designed to be infinitely
> adjustable, so i'm going to use it to explore the gradient, find its upper
> bounds.
> As mentioned though, the gain is constant per cycle, so net gain is just
> the per-cycle gain multiplied by the number of elapsed cycles.
> Any help getting from here to the first devices would be cool - i'm just
> an obsessive hobbyist with no idea how to get this where it needs to be..
> This warrants serious attention!
> On Mon, Dec 4, 2023 at 9:28 AM Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:
>> We all wait for the first device with COP >2!
>> J.W:
>> On 04.12.2023 09:59, Vibrator ! wrote:
>> > Just a heads up for anyone interested - i've succeeded in my long-held
>> > objective of cultivating and harvesting a divergent inertial frame.
>> >
>> > The energy density is whatever you want - just make up some high
>> > number and you're good - and power density is basically that number
>> > times how many cycles a second you'd like.
>> >
>> > As predicted, it's also a reactionless thruster, breaking both CoM and
>> > CoAM.  Latest version of the interaction runs opposing systems in
>> > tandem, mutually self-cancelling all stray momenta.
>> >
>> > If you'd struggle to believe there was sufficient complexity within
>> > classical mechanics for the possibility of over-unity to go unnoticed
>> > for three centuries - that within Newton's three laws, plus gravity,
>> > there could lay hidden the kernel of an interface between the
>> > corporeal and sublime - i would not argue with you..
>> >
>> > ..yet the fact is, gravity isn't even involved.  It's just an inertial
>> > interaction!
>> >
>> > Believe it or not, it's possible to source and sink momentum and
>> > energy from and to inertia and time!
>> >
>> > See my thread on the BW forum - it's all sims for now, but a major
>> > advance on what was previously a completely-outsider theory.
>> >
>> > Mechanical over-unity is no longer even an engineering problem, let
>> > alone a physics one..
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Jürg Wyttenbach
>> Bifangstr. 22
>> 8910 Affoltern am Albis
>> +41 44 760 14 18
>> +41 79 246 36 06

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