Re: Love flies low whisper

2007-04-06 Thread Halvard Johnson

Low flies love whispers
whispers fly low loves
love's whispers lie low

Re: Love flies low whisper

2007-04-06 Thread Peter Ciccariello


On 4/6/07, Halvard Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Low flies love whispers
whispers fly low loves
love's whispers lie low

-- Peter

Re: Love flies low whisper

2007-04-06 Thread steve d. dalachinsky

On Fri, 6 Apr 2007 10:38:57 -0400 Peter Ciccariello
Shakes pear i an!

fLow lies gloved whisps
whisps ly below gloves
glove's whisps belie glow



Love flies low whisper

2007-04-05 Thread Peter Ciccariello

Love flies low 

-- Peter Ciccariello
Image -

Colloquium at Columbia University: Love of War.

2007-03-14 Thread Orion Anderson


THE PEACE EDUCATION CENTER invites you to attend a special colloquium
presented by 
Richard A. Koenigsberg:

warfare and devotion to the sacred ideal

Wednesday, April 18 - 7:00-9:00pm 

Teachers College, Columbia University
Room 179 Grace Dodge
(525 West 120th St. between Broadway and Amsterdam)

There is no charge for this special event, but space is limited. To hold
your place, please send an email ASAP to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If warfare and other forms of collective violence were viewed solely as a
bad thing, achieving peace would not be difficult. But warfare often is
conceived as a grand and noble enterprise. This colloquium will explore the
relationship between violence and a group's attachment to its sacred ideals.

Bin Laden and other Islamic radicals often proclaim, We love death the way
you Americans love life-implying that the United States is decadent and
corrupt-lacking in spiritual values. September 11 provided the occasion for
Americans to recommit to their sacred ideals. 

President George Bush declared after 9/11: I see out of this evil will come
good as youngsters all of a sudden understand the value of sacrifice. He
calls freedom the mightiest force in history. Waging war allows a nation
to demonstrate the depth of its devotion to its sacred ideals.

Space is limited. To hold your place, please send an email ASAP to: 

Perhaps the following idea has sustained the Iraqi war: Do not imagine that
the United States lacks sacred values. We too possess ideals for which we
are willing to kill and die: As young people in the Middle-East martyr
themselves for Allah, so young Americans sacrifice their lives for freedom
and democracy.

Through lecture and intensive discussion, this colloquium seeks to move
toward the possibility of peace-by exploring the sources of the human
attachment to war.

Richard A. Koenigsberg holds a PhD in Social Psychology from the Graduate
Faculty of the New School for Social Research. He is the author of numerous
books and papers including Dying for One's Country: The Logic of War and
Genocide. He lectures extensively on the sources of societal violence. In
the fall he will embark on a college lecture tour on Civilization and
Self-Destruction. Please see:


154, 160}saadhana of pamela arrangements, or zoosemiotic love/violence

2007-02-24 Thread Charles Baldwin
 154, 160}saadhana of pamela arrangements, or zoosemiotic love/violence
a brief affair and all you need to know for arrangements

I Enjoy Being Drunk And In Love, And Not Much Else, said Pallava Pujo in her cornsilk dress.

2007-01-17 Thread phanero

It was just then at the poets' annual Laudanumb for Table dinner, that big 
Jimmy Spazcock
had chance to speak alone with the gaudy faux Palissyware dish of Turnips 
Sagetrieb, saying,
Methinks, I'll pass on the tradition this once, then making a big show of 
handing the plate on to Merriam
Kornfoddle who had just put out a cigarette in her beets and mint and was 
mouthing some twaddle
about the genial concupiscibility of horoscopes to Henry Leggewurmarre and looking a bit like a 
widget-gidget of a Wadjet in her black lace capotain and uraeus, and her spitting didn't help, but
Henry didn't seem to mind at all, even seeming to gasp every time her mouth made the oo sound. 
Yes, nobody was giving Jimmy a second look. Gooey turnips, sighed big Jimmy. They smell funny.. 
He loaded a double helping onto his already fatuous platen, and lifted his heavy spoon to scoop.

Suddenly, a terrific wind lept through the room banging the shutters on their 
chappy hinges, and a
deep booming voice cried out, A HORNED SHEEP, A CRUTCH OF ENTRAILS, THESE
Percy Slainporct began to froth at the mouth and chatter about a pound of 
griffin's flesh for a puff
of pi's analichts... Diana Witherspeep said rather dryly, I've heard there's 
a haunted old Greyhound
station just up Burrow street. Maybe it's E. Roy Fitzgerald on a loa of some 
sort? Dr. Rahu Zipperlog
stood up and tried to calm the rising hubbub of voices by singing an old 
Edwardian ditty:

Happy's the Love which meets return 
Happy's the flesh which does not burn

Happy's the head which does not know
Happy's the thread which does not show

Curling round the innocent sty
every garden bench awaits an eye..

Suddenly a little golem stood up out of the blood pudding and began to 
Whiskey Beaumont downed the last of his port and stood up to dance along. Thus
another year went by, much like any other year at the poets' annual Laudanumb for Table 
dinner held in Foxfab, Tennessee, just up the street from Gitchipegumi River basin boat


love notes

2006-11-26 Thread Ana Buigues
in the morning, when you're still sleeping and i'm already awake i look at you 
and think:
that little person sleeping is my love

Gotta love it ...PBS and Freckled Eggs

2006-10-11 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP

In the first engagement below, mutagen was generated straight away.   
The word colonialist was the 5th or sixth attempt to find the 
right... alchemy... even ealorewtsie 'each lore weight see', 
generated immediately after it, isn't as good as colonialist given 
the context... of the show!  Otherwise, wait and see.  Here we go...

22:41 10/10/06 5648 bytes

historialae ~
  colonialist mutagen

(others generated from 'ealairotsih' ealorewtsie, oolowaetsnl, 
eoloordrid, eocoiratinl oolowaetsnl

BUT colonialist mutagen takes the cake... out of Speculum historialae 
written backwards... (I'm suggesting it could be the poor spelling!)

carrying on then (I did watch the show for almost an hour)

relation ~
 naitiely vrortrat

Mellon ~
  rollers rollers   (hilarious!)

ingstad ~
   botjomi botjomi

vinland mawp ~   (intentionally spelt with a 'w'
sputum bratwuand not the r' I intended, but
Polaron bnolwir  only acknowledged after writing the 
ma... part

param bnolwir
Brimm fmalwn
Polaron bnolwir

iron gall inke ~
  eseni ago sari

 ink ~
sari airedale siortomo
Zbi imcrtels siortomo
Oni quartets eiolano

 hero ~
   oral dined guy
   oral dawd gnu

fischer ~
  rabnsd Mpg
  relief rkegi
  rabony rkegi

buddy ~
fablarl 'eggs

Father Seuss ~
 scuff recent   Drugs redtop
 retol actorzealot neolog
 noel rutty trust creator
 rust redtopunion ratlog


I have myself been to L'Anse aux Meadows... Saw the Ingstad digs... and 
the 11th C Viking pin... The single pin... twenty years of research to 
find ONE pin!!!?  But I did once meet a man who in this century, alone, 
piloted a 14 foot aluminum skiff with a 20 HP outboard from Alaska to 
nearly Seattle before he hit a rock and had to bury his dead dog at 
sea. I bought the boat.  Story and all.


2006-09-10 Thread phanero

i liked the work from lead pencil studio.
when i was a teenager my friends and i had a fort we built
inside a v-shaped pair of billboards on the side of a highway.
I call it fort, but it was more like a hideout.

it stayed there for many years until some kid got up in there
and started taking pot-shots w/ a .22 at the cars on the highway
using it like a human hunting blind. I don't think anyone got hurt,
but the police tore out our fort.

Laurie Anderson was great last night.
2nd row in the orchestra pit!
Interesting discussion of her time spent as the 1st
and last artist in residence at Nasa.

she also made reference to the literary and biological grotesque
in several oblique ways. One was about a dream she had of a two-headed calf
saying hello to her in a dream, and another was a kind of almost ETA 
tale of a tree climbing telephone man who didnt work for the telephone company.
this was all following on her circuitous route to 911 which went through the 
of a Turkey buzzard calculating the weight of her little dog..

Earlier that evening

The show on Vietnamese birth defects and the innocent victims of our poisonings following our lovely war there made me 
cry and Kara nearly vomitted.

but then we got eroticized watching Marina Abramovic's Balkan sexything 
movies.. some of this based in real ritual.

Then we met a German performance art group (I forget their name!) and I had my Chakra fixed by Apollo/Ra and the 
Dionysius/Bike Messenger.

To thank them I read them a few lines I had had Kara transcribe on the way to 
the show that had been rolling around
in my head for two days. I also showed Apollo my 15th Century carnival badge I wear on my green 100% Hemp fibre Lenin 

which depicts a fish faced man peeing into a butter churner while he churns it, 
and both he and the churner are riding
a giant fish like a surfboard. Here's the lines I pronounced upon the German 

Oh, the endless, ageless bliss which
speaks its labyrinthine name
through these shattered monsters!

Let it
laurel our Seizurina
of imperator air!

They both liked it and asked me who had written it. I told them my Ford truck 
had written it
in my mind as I drove to work one evening which seemed to make them chuckle. 
was smoking incense through a giant hookah.

We went and watched a Theo Angell film which for a while became my favorite art 
film ever.
So good! Like a cross between Jodorowsky and Beuys.. A very odd and good use of 
video compositing..
I would certainly like to have the knowledge to use whatever it was he used, 
Avid, etc..
The dialogue was presnted like poetry onscreen, like a comic strip as well..

What's funny late last nigt I put on Barbarella,
and still just love it, when she salutes her president
and just says,


Love (Kara rolled her eyes..)

Love (whatever, I don't)

I'd certainly rather have flower power, than generations of
horribly deformed Iraqi's to look at..

Apollo was all painted gold
and had a baseball cap with the eye of Ra
and he was smoking a cigarette.
Maybe even Divinity has a few bad habits..

This is my Apollo. He's just a working joe.
He offerened me some bread and wine,
but I was already full on Tandoori chicken and saag
and a Kingfisher beer.

I'll say it again and make a little hyle itlure


None But Love

2006-09-10 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
16:18 PST 9/10/06 929 bytes

but love
serves life ~
oil semen lord toil horn
obi error lord toil arm
ai nearer lord led Iran
do Dwell woo  tool even
or, tweed end toil from

Of late I've seen them as 4x4 or 5x5 (words x lines)

The initial expression none but love serves life, I thought and composed 
written with reverse
script on Ana.
 The five lines following I did not edit, with the exception of the last toil 
which was earlier,
tid and then Wil, but finally retained as toil...otherwise, the words are 
presented just a
they appeared from 5 successive traces (reasonably faithful to the line of the 
reverse written
efil sevres evol tub enon). I didn't add the comma... looking down at the 
screen it was just
there, as it should be.


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