Re: [WSG] How do you cater to users with disabilities?

2011-08-26 Thread Mike Brown

On 26/08/11 5:15 PM, Jay Tanna wrote:

Personally I don't go out of my way to do anything special.  I design the site 
as it comes and if some people can't access it - tough luck.  There is no point 
in spending any additional time or money in buying specialist tools for people 
who are challenged in some form!  Some people on certain forums call me dragon 
because of my no nonsense views and I don't normally let them down!.


This would be what's termed a troll, folks.

Let's just leave well alone :)


List Guidelines:

[WSG] Webstock - early-bird registrations close Friday

2010-12-06 Thread Mike Brown

Hi everyone

Yes, a shameless plug, but, if you're interested in attending Webstock:

and I do hope you may be, early-bird pricing ends this Friday.



List Guidelines:

[WSG] Launch of Webstock 2011

2010-09-24 Thread Mike Brown

 We have just launched Webstock 2011

So if you feel like traveling to New Zealand for an awesome conference, 
we'd love to see you :)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Advanced Javascript course (Sydney)?

2010-09-18 Thread Mike Brown

 On 17/09/10 4:36 PM, Jens-Uwe Korff wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to find someone who can hold a one-day advanced Javascript course 
but have no luck.

Thomas Fuchs and Amy Hoy do an online advanced Javascript class:

I can recommend then as really great teachers, although haven't done 
this course.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] JavaScript courses in Sydney

2009-10-13 Thread Mike Brown

David McKinnon wrote:


Can anyone recommend a good JavaScript course in Sydney?

I've been teaching myself for a few years, so I have a reasonable idea 
how to write unobtrusive JavaScript and have mucked around with jQuery, 
but feel I need something practical to really consolidate my knowledge 
and move forward.

Does anyone know a good, solid one- or two-day course?

Or come across to NZ in Feb and have a workshop with John Resig himself :)

List Guidelines:

[WSG] [Conference plug] Webstock 2010

2009-10-11 Thread Mike Brown
A quick, and shameless, plug that we've just launched Webstock 2010

If you're from outside NZ and thinking of attending, drop me a line.


List Guidelines:

[WSG] Webstock 09 recordings available

2009-06-10 Thread Mike Brown


Just a quick note that all recordings from the Webstock 09 conference, 
and much more, are now available online at the Webstock site:


List Guidelines:

[WSG] [Shameless Plug] Webstock 09 launch

2008-09-09 Thread Mike Brown

A quick plug that we're really pleased to announce the launch of Webstock 09

In Wellington, New Zealand from 16-20 February. Speakers include:

Russ Weakley (top of the list since this is his mailing list :)
Bruce Sterling
Ze Frank
Jane McGonigal
Adrian Holovaty
Heather Champ
Annalee Newitz
Cameron Adams
Matt Jones

Would love to see people from outside NZ attend - February is mid-summer 
and lovely time for a holiday to go with a conference - so don't 
hesitate to drop me a line if you're interested in attending.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] form from the 7th level of hell

2008-08-07 Thread Mike Brown

kevin mcmonagle wrote:

joseph i keep my brightness at 0, and thought it matched.
thanks for the tip

Joseph Taylor wrote:


If I may make a recommendation, adjust the background color of your 
cells to match the bottom color of your background gradients so when 
text gets enlarged it still looks smooth inside the cell rather than 
having the graphic cut off.


Honestly, there is no reason to send a simple thanks to the *whole* 
list. Just a reply to the person you're thanking would be appropriate 
and wouldn't increase the email overload for thousands of others on this 

Thank you.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] PNG file sizes

2008-04-15 Thread Mike Brown

Rachel May wrote:

I created the PNGs in Photoshop (CS3) and just wondering if there are 
any better tools or ways of saving the PNGs for smaller file size, while 
still retaining their high quality??

Best. Graphics. Optimiser. PlugIn.

That I've found anyway :)


List Guidelines:

[WSG] Webstock recordings now available

2008-03-19 Thread Mike Brown



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Spolsky on IE8 flag

2008-03-17 Thread Mike Brown

Lea de Groot wrote:

Joel Spolsky has published an ... interesting article

I think it's a great article. And one the nails why this has created so 
much heat. Among many killer quotes, this to end things:

You see? No right answer.

As usual, the idealists are 100% right in principle and, as usual, the 
pragmatists are right in practice.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] standards-compliant designers

2008-01-09 Thread Mike Brown

Mark Harris wrote:

1 crap designer can turn out many, many crap sites.  The damage done by 
Sieglal's Designing Killer Websites (1st edition - he recanted later) 
was huge. Back when I was starting, I bought it and used it as a bible 
of what not to do, but many used it as a how-to guide, and some of those 
sites still exist.

I find this whole argument really interesting. :)

See, I think the benefits of what Siegal and his book (and lots of other 
stuff around the same time) far outweigh the costs. And yes, I can 
understand why he recanted the book, and yes it was good that he did.

But, remember, the web was even more in its infancy than it is now. No 
one knew it would become what it is today - the book was published a 
year before Google started for example!

One of the huge huge factors is the growth of the web was how easy it 
was/is for people to create web pages. I agree entirely that content is 
the key thing on the web, but it was the ability to do cool things 
visually (and otherwise) they drew a lot of people into building 
websites in the early days. It was just plain fun (and magic even!). And 
Siegal was a big part of showing people what could be done, pushing 
boundaries, making people excited etc.

I don't think we'd be where we are today without that huge burst of 
creativity. And I think a part of what caused that was people not 
knowing any better.

And none of the above is an argument against not using web standards today!


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] BBC in Beta

2007-12-17 Thread Mike Brown

Felix Miata wrote:

On 2007/12/17 15:30 (GMT) Paul McCann apparently typed:

Heads up, the BBC has a new site in Beta.

Thoughts/praise/comments :)

snip usual font stuff /snip

Overall, better, but, worse than good.

Oh come on, let's not be so blinkered that we can't appreciate really 
good work in most areas!

I think it's a great homepage.

- The information architecture looks good. Directory options at the 
bottom are a nice feature.

- The Customise homepage feature looks easy and understandable
- I love how they've borrowed the NetVibes things of allowing people to 
move content blocks around the page
- I'm not a huge fan of the colours, but it's not overwhelming and easy 
to orientate yourself on the page

- It's an interesting pared-down no-frills visual look
- The markup looks reasonably good
- Seems to work with javascript disabled

Well done I say. And streets ahead of comparable websites in NZ (and I'd 
wager elsewhere in the world):

Although not Radio NZ which is great:


List Guidelines:

[WSG] [plug] Webstock - extension of early-bird registration

2007-11-22 Thread Mike Brown
Just a quick plug that early-bird registration for Webstock has been extended for a week and now closes on 
Friday 1 December.

If you're thinking of attending, now is a good chance to register! We'd 
love to see you here and will make you especially welcome if you're from 
outside of New Zealand


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] source order

2007-10-09 Thread Mike Brown

Rick Lecoat wrote:

Hi there;

I'm currently laying down the markup for a site and have been pondering
whether to put page content above navigation in the source. I often read
that this is a good idea, and that makes perfect sense to me as long as
there are skip links so that people can reach the navigation easily, but
I recently read an article at that would seem to
indicate that few users of screen readers expect this to be the case.

Is there a prevailing wisdom in this matter?
Content first? Or navigation first?

I think the article 
*is* the prevailing wisdom in this matter :)

To quote from the summary:
This paper proposes that when it comes to accessibility, the quality of 
the actual code on a web page is much more important than the ordering 
of the page content. Meaningful and appropriately marked up headings, 
descriptive link text and the clear identification of different levels 
of navigation, allow screen reader users to most effectively use their 
technologies when visiting a website.


List Guidelines:

Re: A: [WSG] Target Lawsuit - Please Make Yourself Heard

2007-10-03 Thread Mike Brown

Chris Wilson wrote:

A private company should be able to do whatever the hell they like. Suit 
is without merit and frivolous. What's next, suing vehicle manufacturers 
for not providing a braille manual? I'm all for accesability, but there 
is no reason it should be mandated, and lack of is in no was 

Thoughts like this really belong in the comments section of the article. 
They could join such pearls of wisdom as:

With all the companies selling their wares on the web, why don't the
blind just move on (no pun intended) to an organization that caters to
their needs?

I'm waiting for a blind man to sue Playboy or Hustler magazine for
'equal access'

I wondered if an Iraqi war veteran who lost his sight in combat joins
the class action suit would that cause the judge to reverse herself (she
might implode if she had to rule in favor of a soldier)? But then I
realized that the hypothetical wasn't realistic because no one brave
enough to serve America in war could ever be so stupid as to associate
with this moron class action.
[Mike - yup, not only disabled, but stupid *and* unpatriotic.]

As a part-time website developer I need to point out a couple of things
that need to be understood on this matter.

First of all ... Although I can fully understand the problems of
accessing websites for those with eyesight problems this type of need is 
normally taken care of with software the individual purchases and 
installs on their own computer ... not by the website itself ...

Secondly ... to carry this a step further ... to be fully compliant the
software at the website end would be required to be able to translate
and verbalize the text into every spoken language on the face of the
earth ... not just the language in which the text was written bty the
website owners ... fail to do that and you would face never-ending
lawsuits from people that didn't speak English or whatever the native
language of the website ...
[Mike - see, the problem is this guy is only a part-time web developer. 
If he was full-time, he'd totally have time and be able to solve the 
verbalise the text into every spoken language problem.]

The fall of Rome was accomplished largely by similar politically
correct social miscreants.
[Mike - this last one is my favourite. Maybe Al Qaeda is behind the 

This article has totally made my day in the it's so bad all you can do 
is laugh mode.


List Guidelines:

Re: A: [WSG] Target Lawsuit - Please Make Yourself Heard

2007-10-03 Thread Mike Brown

If you are going to argue for standards and accesability, follow your 
own advice first. Captain table layout over here. You don't even have 
alt tags on your images. Hypocritical aren't ya?

Taking bets as to how long before Goodwin's law's_law kicks in. I figure Russ will 
shut things down before then, but otherwise, an hour at most?



List Guidelines:

[WSG] Positioning a background image

2007-09-30 Thread Mike Brown
So, I want to position a background-image. It's a single px image. I 
want it to start on the left-hand-side of its containing div, and 120px 
from the top. I want it to repeat downwards.

I use (showing in longhand):

background-color: #fff;
background-image: url(/images/content-bg.gif);
background-repeat: repeat-y;
background-position: 10px 120px;

The image starts at the top of the containing div, not 120px down. If I 
change background-repeat to:

background-repeat: no-repeat;

it starts as I want, 120px from the top. Why can't it repeat-y, but 
stating 120px from the top?

What gives here? Is this expected? A bug? Is what I want possible?


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Positioning a background image

2007-09-30 Thread Mike Brown

E Michael Brandt wrote:
This is not possible with current browser support of css.  repeat-y 
means repeat upwards and downwards, not just downwards as you would like 
(and who wouldn't like that?).  There may be a way in your page layout 
to use two wrappers, placing the bg in the lower one on your page.

That's annoying! But thanks for the explanation :)


List Guidelines:

[WSG] 5,000th member

2007-09-25 Thread Mike Brown

I just want to say, on behalf of all 5,000 members I'm sure, thanks to you
and Peter for the list.

It's been your vision and dedication that's kept it going and nourished,
and what you've both done has been influential in ways I'm sure you don't

Well done! :)


List Guidelines:

[WSG] [Plug] Webstock 08

2007-09-12 Thread Mike Brown
Webstock 08 - Wellington, New Zealand 11-15 
February - has just launched.


List Guidelines:

[WSG] FullCodePress - shameless plug

2007-08-13 Thread Mike Brown
FullCodePress - the geek Olympics!

This weekend (18/19 August) the New Zealand web team, the Code Blacks will take on the
Australian team in a 24hr
challenge to build a website for a non-profit organisation.

Each team has 7 members, covering the range of skills needed to build a
website. The teams won't know who they're building the site for until the
competition starts. They'll then face a caffeine-loaded 24 hours, at the
end of which two non-profit organisations will have a fully-functional

A judging panel will assess each site against a range of criteria,
including standards-compliance, accessibility, copy writing and design.

Action will be live on the 18th and 19th via YouTube, flickr, twitter and
various blogs, with interviews, updates on progress and pictures of tired
and stressed team members!. Look for the tag fullcodepress.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] markup for headline and tagline

2007-05-05 Thread Mike Brown
 What markup do you favor for a headline-tagline pair?  (The second
 element could be a tagline or a byline.)

  h1Thundering Pigs/h1
  citea blog by Bob/cite

  h1Thundering Pigs/h1
  p class=taglinea blog by Bob/p

  h1Thundering Pigs/h1
  div class=taglinea blog by Bob/div

  h1Thundering Pigs/h1
  h2a blog by Bob/h2

I've usually gone:

h1Thundering Pigs spana blog by Bob/span/h1

Who knew you could do things different ways? ;)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] asp and accessibility

2007-03-11 Thread Mike Brown

Bob Schwartz wrote:

Do database driven, dynamically created asp pages pass muster for 

What makes a site accessible? Being on this list, you surely have some 
idea of the answer. But to help, some of the key things are:

- it has semantic, well-structured HTML
- in particular in uses headings well, it marks up forms and data-tables 
with appropriate accessibility features and it validates (or mostly 
- it provides options for users to jump to parts of a page eg 
navigation, content(ie, they don't have to tab through endless links)

Note that nowhere in there does it mention asp. Or in fact any 
server-side programming/scripting language. In terms of accessibility, 
what matters is what's outputted to the browser (user agent), not what 
language the backend is written and developed in.

Short answer to you question: they can and they should, but they may not.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] asp and accessibility

2007-03-11 Thread Mike Brown

Bob Schwartz wrote:
Yes, I have an idea, but never having seen any of the devices people 
talk about here, I often have doubts about what I think I have understood.

Go here:

and listen to / look at Darren Fittler's presentation. He's blind and 
uses a screen-reader. Very informative.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Recommendations for Usability sub-contractor; SEC=UNCLASSIFIED

2007-02-28 Thread Mike Brown

I think best would be people reply to Sarah off-list, because:

- we don't want to get into a debate as to which usability consultants 
are good or not, or even what makes a good usability consultant

- those of us outside of Canberra have very limited interest in the subject


who, believe it or not, is actually on the WSG Core team

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Certified Usable

2006-03-19 Thread Mike Brown

Andreas Boehmer [Addictive Media] wrote:

Sydney-based Usability company PTG has made the claim that they can certify
the usability of their websites:

In an article on the AIMIA website, Craig Errey, manager of PTG, says we're
apparently the first group, worldwide, who can confidently state whether a
product is usable or not, and stand by that claim.

Bleh! Little more than a company tyring to gain market share by dubious 

Certification and peusdo-science (90% of the sample of end users can 
complete 90% of key tasks and x minutes +/- 10%) provide the illusion 
of competency and rigour - it you need it to sell yourself, I inherently 
distrust you.

Creating a certification and then being the one who decides on it? As a 
commerical venture? Conflict of interest anyone?

(feeling more cynical than usual)
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Re: [WSG] Confusing the users... In Page Links

2006-02-21 Thread Mike Brown

Herrod, Lisa wrote:

This is really interesting article in that it contradicts findings of a
recent study we completed just 2 weeks ago.

We recently conducted user testing on a site with 22 participants, which is
a significant sample (often we test with 8 to 12).
The demographic was 18 skilled workers and 4 employers of skilled workers.

Balance of gender, spread of age and technical ability (novice to expert).

We received very positive feedback from the users about in-page links, so
much so that it was reported as a positive attribute of the site. In fact,
about 25% commented that they liked these links, without being asked.

You usability people, always with the testing!

You don't know there's a 99% chance Jakob is always right?


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Re: [WSG] Font Sizes - Best practice

2006-02-20 Thread Mike Brown

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

russ - maxdesign wrote:
Could it not be argued that the unimportant legal content is 
sometimes more important to some users than the general content on the 
page?  :)

I'm sure there are some that think such notices should be shown in large 
bold letters, read and agreed to by every user prior to getting access 
to the rest of the site.  They do exactly that on DVDs and Videos, often 
on porn sites where the user must agree to being over 18, etc.  


I think you need to do some research on porn site best practices here 
and report back to the list :)

Mike   never visited a porn site so wouldn't know
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Re: [WSG] CSS Driven?

2005-12-12 Thread Mike Brown

Al Sparber wrote:
I do agree that English is a crazy language - but that's as far as I go 
:-) The gent from Harvard provide the link to the W3C's definition of 
should, which seems to jive with mine. As for a standards-based page, 
agreeing that it is not a hard and fast rule that tables be banned for 
layout, can you present some logical arguments against this page - 
keeping strictly within the context of standards:

Well, I don't think you can argue against it Al.

The use of Bowie is a masterstroke. If you look at his various guises 
- vis: the thin white duke, aladdin sane, the young americans, his 
berlin period, for example - quite clearly they are thematic 
implementations of Bowie qua Bowie. How he's handled the ownership 
issues is a model of simultaneously working within, and subverting, the 
dominant capitalist paradigm. The importance of this, as you say, 
cannot be understated.

Well done on presenting a complex notion so concisely.

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Re: [WSG] web standards training course/events in Sydney next year?

2005-11-22 Thread Mike Brown

Cade Whitbourn wrote:

Anybody know of any good training courses or events that are being held
in Sydney (or the other capital cities) next year on web standards/best
practice web design/usability etc (other than WE06 and the regular wsg


Hey, it's in a capital city :)

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[WSG] Forms, data tables and screenreaders

2005-11-20 Thread Mike Brown


I'm trying to recreate this visual look:

So, I'm thinking it's a form with two data tables inside the form. I've 
marked it up as such here:

My limited understanding of screenreaders is that they have a mode for 
reading data tables and another mode for reading forms, and that there 
may be conflicts when trying to combine the two.

Can anyone confirm if this is the case, and if so whether it would be 
triggered by my markup? Or, alternatively, whether there's a more 
appropriate markup to use?

It may be possible to change the visual look if the markup just won't 
work with screenreaders, but I'd like to keep if possible as I think it 
works well visually.

Thanks :)

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[WSG] Next Wellington WSG meeting

2005-11-08 Thread Mike Brown
Just a reminder that this will be on Thursday 17th November. More 
details here:

Free Webstock poster for everyone attending :)

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[WSG] Webstock launches

2005-11-02 Thread Mike Brown

Web Standards New Zealand is extremely pleased to announce the launch of 
Webstock - a web experience and conference - to be held 23-23 May 2006 
in Wellington, New Zealand.

Among the speakers are Kelly Goto, Doug Bowman (who both spoke at Web 
Essentials), Ben Goodger (lead engineer on Firefox) and Joel Spolsky 
(Joel on Software).

We think it's going to be a wonderful time and extend an invitation to 
come to Wellington next year and enjoy the conference!

Mike Brown
for Web Standards New Zealand
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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Mike Brown

Mark Harris wrote:
At a WSG meeting in Wellington, earlier in the year (see, Jonathon 
Mosen did a live demo of JAWS to an audience of web developers. Watching 
the light bulbs go on as it read out an interminable database URL from 
an link was almost funny - you could see the ones who were 
thinking but *we* produce databases like that!

We are hoping to have this available online as a Quicktime file soon. 
When it is, it's definitely worth showing to people. Jonathan is a 
wonderful speaker and funny speaker, and I guarantee that no one will 
see his presentation and go away feeling the same about accessibility!

for Web Standards New Zealand / Wellington WSG
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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Mike Brown

Leslie Riggs wrote:

We are hoping to have this available online as a Quicktime file soon. 
When it is, it's definitely worth showing to people. Jonathan is a 
wonderful speaker and funny speaker, and I guarantee that no one will 
see his presentation and go away feeling the same about accessibility!

Um, I'm kind of afraid to ask, but would there be any captioning on that 
for us poor deaf folk who won't hear this but do work for hearing clients?

There's not at the moment. It would be great to have some, but I haven't 
any experience in captioning and not sure what's involved or how long it 
might take. Any volunteers? :)

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Re: [WSG] Text choices on our own sites

2005-10-30 Thread Mike Brown

Samuel Richardson wrote:
When I explain to clients why standards are important I bring up the 
following list:

And explain it to them point by point.

Of course if I was a client, I'd immediately question the compliance of 
the spelling :)


- unable to resist, even though I do live in a glass house

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Re: [WSG] Radio New Zealand site relaunch

2005-10-25 Thread Mike Brown

John Lewis wrote:

Hi Mike,

I was interested to see that you are using the back-slash hack when
importing your stylesheets, commented as: Excluding old versions of IE
I guess what I'm most interested in is how that decision was made? Is it
part of your company's approach/philosophy or was it a choice the client
made/business rule to not show styled pages for these browsers - thus
lowering or containing the cost of the project? The obvious casualties
being IE 5 for Mac and IE5.0.

Hi John

no, that was an informed client choice! We had orginally done the 
templates to look pretty much the same in IE5 (Win and Mac), but during 
the integration phase they decided to not send styles to those browsers.

I think their statistics showed very few visits from those browsers. I 
guess this may be one of the first examples of a major (for NZ) public 
site making the choice not to send styles to those browsers.

Yah for clients prepared to make that decision :)

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Re: [WSG] Radio New Zealand site relaunch

2005-10-25 Thread Mike Brown

Andy Kirkwood|Motive wrote:

My interest in Mike's post is in the client-developer relationship. What swayed 
the client toward excluding Mac IE from stylesheet support could be beneficial 
when considering the merits of such an approach with other standards-aware 
clients. Perhaps the RNZ decision means that Mac IE is now 'browser non grata'.

Hi Andy

it was a while ago I did the templates, so was going from memory! I've 
asked RNZ about the decision, but haven't heard back yet. Will let you 
know. It may have been the templates were half, or mostly, done when the 
decision was made.

But from memory it was more of a philosophical decision - ie, time to 
move on, as we did with Netscape 4 a while ago.

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[WSG] Radio New Zealand site relaunch

2005-10-24 Thread Mike Brown

As a disclaimer, I had some involvement with the HTML/CSS templates, but 
even so, I think it's a good example of a site that's nice visually and 
reasonably standards-compliant.


SIGNIFY LTD :: the logic behind

ph: +64 4 803-3211  |  fax: +64 4 803-3241
mob: +64 0274 885-992 |
P.O. Box 24-068, Manners St, Wellington
Level 1, 250a Wakefield St, Wellington

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[WSG] Styling legends and fieldsets

2005-10-18 Thread Mike Brown
This really is a rhetorical question born of frustration, but why is the 
styling of legends and fieldsets so bad across browsers?

Why can't you, visually, place the legend wherever you want? Even just 
being able to place it above the fieldset without overlaps and having 
the legend sit halfway on and halfway off the fieldset background 
would be nice!

Is there any technical reason why this can't be implemented by browsers? 
It would certainly help in producing accessible forms if we didn't have 
to say, we can use legend and be properly accessible, or we can use 
heading and be able to place it where we want, but we can't use legend 
and place/style how we want. Choose one.

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Re: [WSG] Avoiding the evil br

2005-10-09 Thread Mike Brown

Richard Czeiger wrote:
I think the bigger question is can someone proivde an example of when 
best to use the br / tag in general?

What type of content semantically requires a line break.

- Original Message - From: Hope Stewart 

I'm unsure whether I should in fact avoid using br:

pstrongAll correspondence should be addressed to:/strongbr /
The Secretarybr /
Your Clubbr /
PO Box 999br /
Anytown VIC 3000/p

Ok, I'll bite and ask why would you not use br / in the address 
example above? Aren't the semantics of an address that the different 
elements are (usually) on separate lines?

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[WSG] Zoom Layouts

2005-10-05 Thread Mike Brown

I don't think there is, but is there any sort of consensus of the use of
zoom layouts?

In particular:

1) How do you signal that one is available? I'd like to use text (as
opposed to an icon) but who is going to know what zoom layout means?
Perhaps low-vision layout or low-vision version work better?

2) How it looks. Do you have light type on dark background or dark type on
light background?

I suspect that these just haven't been used enough for any good practice
to have developed, but any thoughts would be of interest.



SIGNIFY LTD :: the logic behind

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Re: [WSG] Zoom Layouts

2005-10-05 Thread Mike Brown

Patrick H. Lauke said:
 I actually had a bit of a discussion with Joe Clark on this issue
 during  his London workshop last month. I'd argue that users of things
 like  screen magnifiers, who are the target audience for zoom layouts,
 don't  need excessively larger fonts and that the reversing of colours
 should  also be taken care of by their AT.

Meaning that the value of zoom layouts is what? Just that it's putting
content is a single column to prevent overlap etc? And that the larger
text and colour changes aren't actually needed?

Again, I guess these are all the discussions we should be having now as
the idea of doing this is new.


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Re: [WSG] avoid Verdana - I cant get the whole point.

2005-10-03 Thread Mike Brown

Julián Landerreche said:

 I have been reading few articles (like about avoiding
 Verdana font.
 But I cant get the whole point in this issue.

 So, please, can someone point me what am I missing about avoiding

Honestly, I pretty much refuse to take heed of such advice when the guy's
website is so very, well, ugly!

He's saying - don't use Verdana because:

It's slighly larger in size to others fonts at the same size - eg Arial.
Thus a user without Verdana installed (not extremely likely currently) may
be viewing the text in another font, and that font may look too small on
the screen. H. This would be why we use ems or percentages. So the
user can resize.

The article reads like a beat-up on Verdana for fairly obscure reasons.
I'd ignore it, for what that's worth.


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Re: [WSG] Content that jumps

2005-09-15 Thread Mike Brown

Taco Fleur - Pacific Fox wrote:

The content has stopped jumping, haven't changed anything in the structure.
Has anyone seen anything like this before?

Yup. I've found that the content gets really tired from jumping after a 
while and stops. Usually it takes a few hours solid jumping for it to 
get that tired. It may start again after a good night's sleep though :)

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[WSG] Browser tolerance - was Barclays standards redesign

2005-09-07 Thread Mike Brown

Kenny Graham wrote:

  Exactly. I was actually thinking the other day, browsers
  should be more like compilers... they should refuse to
  parse incorrect code. Then the enforcement would be
  on the output end, too.

It would be nice, but would only work if -every- browser did it.  
Otherwise the general opinion would be This new 'Standards Compliant' 
browser is broken!  Luckilly IE still works.

Would it be so nice? Suddenly virtually all legacy web content wouldn't 
be parsed. The web would have disappeared :)

I really believe one of the key factors in the growth of the web, and 
the unparrelled transformation it's had on the world in the past decade, 
has been the fact that browsers are incredibily tolerant of HTML. That 
and HTML being a markup language, not a programming language. It's easy 
to learn! Albeit harder to learn to do well.

These two things have allowed millions of people to create websites. 
Without this uptake we would not have the web we do now - for good or bad.

I'm not defending sloppy markup, but browser tolerance of such has 
allowed us to get to where we are now.

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Re: [WSG] Screen Resolution for Fluid Layouts

2005-08-27 Thread Mike Brown

Lea de Groot said:
 Honestly, it doesn't seem to matter how big the screen is. Jo(e) Public
  surfs at 100%.
 I don't like it, but its true.

For the number of years I've been building sites (over 6 years full time)
I'm struggling to remember ever seeing a client or user (as opposed to a
designer or developer) on Windows with anything *other* than their screen
maximised at 100%.
Maybe I just don't get out enough? :)


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[WSG] Form markup question

2005-08-11 Thread Mike Brown


what's the correct markup for when you want to provide help, or an 
example, of what should be filled in for a particular form field?

For example:

Visually I want something like this

Known as[ input text field ]   Name you prefer to be know as ...

I've thought to markup as follows:
label for=knownKnown as/label
span class=helpName you prefer to be known as: e.g. Bill instead of 

input name=known id=known type=text value=

and to float the span right.

Does that seem a good option? any other suggestions?



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Re: [WSG] What not to do for colour blind users

2005-07-24 Thread Mike Brown

David Pietersen wrote:
Mordechai is totally right in that it is hue that makes it difficult, 
but it is only within the specific context of combining the two (either 
Red/Green or Blue/Green).
I had a series of progressively more advanced CB tests when I went to 
join the Army, and ended up with a rating of 19, with 20 being the worst 
(on their scale anyway).  I can totally see the difference between Red 
and Green, and in 99.9 percent of the time it makes no difference to 
anything.  The only time I notice it is when someone wants me to look at 
the pretty red bird sitting in the green tree (unless it moves, I will 
NEVER find it), or once when I was driving past a field everyone wanted 
me to stop and take photos and it took me 10 mins to work out it was an 
apple orchid in full bloom- all I could see was a bunch of boring 
trees.  The reason you can't be an electrician is that if there is a red 
wire in a bundle containing a lot of green ones, there is little chance 
you would see it.
I can't ever recall a website that caused me grief.  If I have come 
across one, it would have still been usable for me, I just would not see 
it that same way as the author.

This is a site I always show people to illustrate red/green colour 

I find it extremely difficult to tell the red cells from the green 
cells. I think it's a good example of how not to use red and green - ie 
together and in small areas. The site's still usable (although less 
usable for me than normal sighted people), but if it relied *only* on 
red and green to signal differences, it would be just able unsuable.


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[WSG] Wellington WSG meeting Thusday 16 June

2005-06-14 Thread Mike Brown

Hi everyone

just a reminder about the Wellington WSG meeting to be held tomorrow. 
Details of the meeting are here:

It's looking to be a good meeting - good speakers, food and drink 
provided and over 70 people attending. And should be a good feeling in 
the air after the Wellington rugby side beat the visiting Lions tonight :)

Hope you can make it if you're in Wellington!


Mike Brown
on behalf of the Wellington WSG

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Re: [WSG] Suckerfish IE woes

2005-06-07 Thread Mike Brown

sorry about that. I managed to get it working and took it down. The
problem was I hadn't added a background colour for the ul and that was
affecting the dropdown in IE. Imagine! :)

Jason Foss said:
 Can you repost that link for me Mike? It's not working atm...

 On 6/7/05, Mike Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In IE6 I can't fully fully mouseover the dropdown menu items before
 they disappear. It works in IE5 and Mozilla. The HTML and CSS

 And the problem isn't consistent - sometimes I can mouseover most of
 the dropdown menu, other times none of it.

 Any ideas, before I lose the rest of my hair and look like Russ :) I'm
 hoping it's just something simple I've missed.



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[WSG] Suckerfish IE woes

2005-06-06 Thread Mike Brown

In IE6 I can't fully fully mouseover the dropdown menu items before they 
disappear. It works in IE5 and Mozilla. The HTML and CSS validate.

And the problem isn't consistent - sometimes I can mouseover most of the 
dropdown menu, other times none of it.

Any ideas, before I lose the rest of my hair and look like Russ :) I'm 
hoping it's just something simple I've missed.



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[WSG] Web standards presentation

2005-05-21 Thread Mike Brown
if anyone is interested, I did a presentation on web standards last week 
and have put it online:

I hate to do the best viewed in thing :), but it's best viewed in 
Mozilla/Firefox in fullscreen mode. It uses Eric Meyer's S5 presentation 

If you print out, or look in print preview, there's speaking notes for 
each slide.

It takes a slightly different tack to other arguments I've seen for web 
standards and even has a Pulp Fiction theme :)


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Re: [WSG] Web standards presentation

2005-05-21 Thread Mike Brown

Jan Brasna wrote:

Mike, this is awesome, I love the notes! ;)
Who was the target audience, please?


The audience was managers of websites, people who commission websites. 
Especially in the government sector. It wasn't designed as a hands-on 
presentation, but more as an introduction to web standards, why they are 
important, and what I think they encompass.

And yes, feel free to link to it.


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Re: [WSG] Strange horizontal spacing in nav list

2005-05-10 Thread Mike Brown
jackie reid wrote:
Hello everyone...
I am in a quandry... ie displays my navigation with whopping great big 
spaces in between the list items.
Why is this so... and how can i make them go away? Been trying to get it 
sorted for a couple of hours now and am getting frustrated to the max.
Please go here to see the offending page
Ya mean you don't assiduiously read Russ' Links for light reading each 
time? :)

It looks like the IE whitespace bug, and solution from Russ' last lot of 

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Re: [WSG] IE three pixel bug has beaten me

2005-04-18 Thread Mike Brown
Andreas Boehmer [Addictive Media] wrote:
This is the second time I am coming across the IE three pixel bug, but this
time it really got me:
not sure if this will fix it, but try ending the hack with a comment
/* Getting rid of the IE/PC Three Pixel Gap Bug \*/
* html #home_right {height: 1%;}
/* end IE hack */
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Re: [WSG] Valid Code, but Poor Accessibility

2005-03-30 Thread Mike Brown
Matthew Cruickshank wrote:
David Nicol wrote:
I would be very grateful if someone could direct me to an existing
resource or article addressing the subject of how a validly-coded web
site can fail to be truly accessible. i.e. why valid code is not, in
itself, enough to guarantee accessibility.

A slightly different take on it:
I don't care about accessibility
and a reply:
I care about accessibility.
I don't think either would disagree with each other, or what's been said 
here of course!

I'm starting to think that standards compliance is as much a mind-set 
as anything else. It's about using a range of tools, knowledge, best 
practice to craft (and I think that's a wonderfully appropriate word!) 
good websites. And that's relevant here because a validly-coded site is 
likely to have been built by someone who knows and cares about 
accessibility - ie someone who gets standards-compliance.

So, no guarantee that a validly-coded site will be accessible, but a 
very good pointer to its likelihood.

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[WSG] Rounded corner and IE Win help needed

2005-03-28 Thread Mike Brown
Ok, so this is driving me crazy!
I have an unordered list being used for navigation. The bottom item on 
the list needs to have a rounded corner. I figure:

- make the last li position: relative
- add a span inside the last li the exact size of the corner image
- position it absolute to bottom and right of the last li
- have the corner image set as a background for the span
- give the last li height: 1%; as if I don't IE Win positions the 
span further down the page cf:

It all looks fine in Mozilla, Safari and Opera, but the span is being 
positioned wrongly in IE Win - ie, not at right and bottom of the last li.

Any ideas? I've spent way too long trying to figure this out, so no 
doubt have missed something basic!

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Re: [WSG] Rounded corner and IE Win help needed

2005-03-28 Thread Mike Brown
Sigurd Magnusson wrote:
 Well if you put a border on the span you see that the image is in the
 wrong place within the span;

 Doing background-position: bottom right; within the ul#subnav li.last
 span { certainly gets you most the way there; had you done that?
No! I hadn't thought it necessay because the span was given a width and 
height the same size as the background image. Your suggestion does help. 
It's still not quite right, but getting closer :)

Bert Doorn wrote:
I have an unordered list being used for navigation. The bottom item on 
the list needs to have a rounded corner. I figure:
Any ideas? I've spent way too long trying to figure this out, so no 
doubt have missed something basic!

Why not just make a background image for the last li instead of fiddling 
with spans, absolute and relative positioning etc?

ul#subnav li.last {
  background: #url(subnav-corner.gif) no-repeat right bottom;
If that (as I suspect) interferes with the links (corner disappears, 
particularly on hover), put a background image on

li.last a
li.last a:hover
I had thought of that, but the li.last a:hover does interfere with the 

I can't put the corner as a background image on the a as you suggest 
as it already has the little box with the arrow as a background image. 
And I can't combime that with the bottom right corner as I don't know 
how high the link will be - eg whether it's 1 or 2 lines.

Incidentally, you might ass more contrast - there's not enough of it, 
especially on hover, making the (tiny) link text very hard to read.

Agreed, but I didn't design it, am just building it!
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Re: [WSG] Standards compliant site, clients wants to make updates themselves

2005-03-20 Thread Mike Brown
Bert Doorn wrote:
However, I get many prospects who want to update sites themselves. In 
many cases, these are very small businesses with just one or two people, 
none of which have any idea about (x)HTML. Most of them have very small 
budgets, so they can't afford a complete CMS type setup (and it's not 
the kind of thing I can supply) and they tend to only want a small site 
(a few pages) for next to nothing.

Is it just me, or is this a common dilemma? Apart from abandoning 
standards compliance (not an option as far as I'm concerned), setting 
the site up in HTML4.01 Transitional and letting amateurs wreak havoc 
with Micro$oft FONTPlague, what options are there to design standards 
compliant sites, letting clients maintain them and still stay within web 

What is the issue with HTML 4.01 Transitional? A site that validates to 
that is standards-compliant.

Regarding updating, from what I've heard Macromedia Contribute is good 
for these sorts of jobs. It allows clients access to specified content 
areas of the site and produces pretty good markup.

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Re: [WSG] Standards?

2005-02-01 Thread Mike Brown
Kay Smoljak wrote:
On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 09:57:46 -, designer
I can appreciate that I am getting a 'quality' product, but from a
practical point of view, what am I getting that improves my business?  As
far as visitors to my site are concerned there seems to be no advantage -
after all, my competitor's sites may well be outdated, but they do actually
WORK, so my customers don't see any benefit.

The advantages are geared towards both the business-owner and the user:
- lower bandwidth intensive/cheaper to host (probably not an issue for
your particular client) and also faster-loading for the end user
- easier to update/redesign in the future
- more accessible (presumably, depending on what was replaced)
- *perhaps* more search engine friendly (again, depends what was replaced)
- forwards-compatible, browser-wise
- available to a wider audience of browser-users
Jacobus van Niekerk wrote:
 Here is some comments she might like ;)
Ok - playing devil's advocate a bit :)
I think it's pretty much a waste of time explaining standards and 
arguing standards to someone like your client. And that's not meant as a 
put-down of them. Try it - watch their eyes glaze as you show how the 
competitors' sites don't validate.

They shouldn't have to care about standards. They shouldn't have to know 
about standards. Their time is too short, they're too busy running their 

Just build a standards-compliant site as something you do as a matter of 
course. I don't see any reason not to do that. We have no more need to 
explain this to a client than an electrican needs to explain to me the 
standards they work to. I assume they are there somewhere, and I expect 
they will work to them.

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Re: [WSG] IE 5 Mac choking on CSS?

2005-01-25 Thread Mike Brown
Tom Livingston wrote:
Hello all,
Here's my page:
Can anyone see what might be causing IE 5.2.3 Mac (OS X 10.3.x) to 
choke? 2 separate installs here will not load this page, but other 
pages are fine...

haven't got time to test the page, but I've had the same problem before 
and it was caused by not giving a floated element a width. It seemed 
that IE5 Mac froze on that. If you have any floated elements, check to 
see they have widths.


Mike Brown

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[WSG] Wellington WSG - update

2004-12-23 Thread Mike Brown
just an update, I guess mainly for those in Wellington and possibly 
wider NZ, but I think also good to let others know what we're planning!

I'm pleased to announce that on Thrusday 24th February 2005, we'll be 
holding a WSG presentation in Wellington. Venue and cost are to be 
determined, but it's likely to run from around 5pm - 8pm. I'll be 
sending out more details in January, including venue, cost, how to book 
and details about the presentations themselves.

But I can confirm our speakers for the presentation. I'm really excited 
about who they are, and think it's not something to be missed!

We will be having:
Russ Weakley
Russ Weakley has worked in the design field for over 18 years, the last 
8 as a web designer. Russ is currently the web designer for Australian 
Museum Online and specializes in front-end development, user interface, 
navigation, site structure and graphics.

Russ co-chairs the Web Standards Group, whose role is to assist in the
education of web developers in new technologies and accessibility issues 
as well as doing presentations to various industry groups.

Russ has also produced a series of widely acclaimed CSS-based tutorials
including Listamatic, Listamatic2, Listutorial, Floatutorial and
Jonathan Mosen
Blind since birth, Jonathan Mosen has taken an interest in the civil 
rights of the blind from his teenage years. He's an accomplished 
broadcaster and has worked at the Royal New Zealand Foundation for the 
Blind, and twice been President of the Association of Blind Citizens of 
New Zealand.

Jonathan established the PC-Audio e-mail list in August 1998. This list 
now has over 600 contributors from around the globe. The list provides 
assistance with listening to and recording audio on the PC, with 
emphasis on techniques that assist the screen reader user, and 
information on products that work particularly well with screen readers.

Jonathan also established a general blindness technology discussion list 
called blindtech, where blind computer users can come for expert 
assistance and to share knowledge.

He also tests pre-release versions of many popular access products on 
behalf of their developers, assisting in the design of new features and 
the detection of bugs.

John Allsopp
John Allsopp is a founder of Westciv, an Australian web software 
development and training company, which provides some of the best CSS 
resources and tutorials on the web. Westciv's software and training are 
used in dozens of countries around the World.

The head developer of the leading cross platform CSS editor, Style 
Master, John has written on web development issues for numerous web and 
print publications and was one of the earliest members of the Web 
Standards Project. He is a tireless Web Standards activist.

All three are accomplished speakers and presenters. The presentations 
will have value both to a specialist web standards audience and a more 
general audience - eg managers, business analysts, visual designers etc. 
In particular, I think the chance to observe Jonathan using assistive 
technology to access the web will be eye-opening for those of us who 
take vision for granted.

Have a great Christmas/holidays everyone!
Mike Brown
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Re: [WSG] e-Government Implementation Guidelines

2004-12-21 Thread Mike Brown
Andy Kirkwood | MOTIVE wrote:
We're attempting to compile a list of international e-government web 
guidelines. (In NZ these standards have had a significant impact upon 
the acceptance and perceived legitimacy of web standards.)

something along the same lines has already been compiled here:
Might be a good starting point in and of itself, and also to avoid 

Mike Brown

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Re: [WSG] Semantic markup for publication titles

2004-12-16 Thread Mike Brown
 In print the name of a publication is typically type-set in an oblique
  or italic font. A similar *visual* effect can be achieved either
 through the use of:
 - an italic font-tag iPublication/i (probably deprecated)
 - an emphasis tag emPublication/em
 - styling a span span class=pubPublication/span (with companion

 As far as I'm aware, none of these methods have anything to recommend
 them from a semantic perspective.

 Is there an alternative convention or standards-endorsed markup to
 communicate that the enclosed text refers to a publication?

 Elegance preferred (i.e. rather than adding title tags to any of the
 above options).

use cite

eg citePublication/cite

By default it's rendered in italics usually, but you can of course style

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Re: [WSG] Semantic markup for publication titles

2004-12-16 Thread Mike Brown

Natalie Buxton said:
 Cite isn't really appropriate is it?

Contains a citation or a reference to other sources

 So you are not referencing a source, just mentioning a publication.

well, I think it *is* a reference to [an]other source. Although I think
the specs could be clearer! Examples certainly seem to use cite for this
purpose. Some comment on this:


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[WSG] First Wellington WSG meeting

2004-12-09 Thread Mike Brown
ok, so I'm so not a blogger! But my first attempt - a very brief rundown 
of the Wellington meeting - is here:

It was a great meeting. We had close to 40 show up and there's a lot of 
interest in the group and getting it working well next year.

Thanks to everyone who showed up, and to Terry Wood for his help and 
presentation! I'm looking forward to a lot of good things coming from this.

Oh, and of course thanks to Russ and Peter and others here for the help 
and impetus to set things up in Wellington.

Mike Brown

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[WSG] Standard for text email newsletters

2004-12-07 Thread Mike Brown
has anyone come across, or used, the following text email newsletter 

If so, or even if you haven't but are able to look through, how useful 
do you think it is? And do you think it has potential in terms of 
encouraging organisations to adopt it as a standard for text emails?

Mike Brown

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ph: +64 4 803-3211  |  fax: +64 4 803-3241
mob: +64 0274 885-992 |
P.O. Box 24-068, Manners St, Wellington
Level 1, 250a Wakefield St, Wellington

This communication, including any attachment, is
confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you
should delete/destroy this communication; you may
not read and must not copy, send on or retain any
part of this communication. Please do not disclose to
any third party anything about this communication.
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Re: [WSG] Defining A Definition List

2004-11-29 Thread Mike Brown
Bert Doorn wrote:
Just to clarify my point.  I did not mean to ask whether it is possible to
call a list of one item a list. More a question of why would you call it a
list and in HTML terms, why use the extra element.  If we take this
further, we might as well make every section in a html document (heading and
paragraphs below it) a definition list and forget about headings and
paragraphs.  In fact, why not just make everything a div, span or object, so
it all becomes very generic.  (No, I'm not advocating that approach)

sometimes a list is just a list! You would call a list of one item a 
list if you would call the same group and structure of words a list if 
it contained more than one item. See, even the act of assuming it's an 
item gives credence to it being a list.


So many ways of grouping related items are correct, and without
further information on the differences we're just guessing. By 
all means though if one looks better or suits a personal 
preference then just use it, but it's not like we can draw any 
best practices from this.

Sure, it's personal preference, just like using tables nested n levels deep,
often replacing a single paragraph with a complex table (no, I don't
advocate that either).  I'm sure we've all seen examples of this (ab)use of
tables.  Are definition lists in danger of replacing tables for layout?

well, possibly they are - see Terry's earlier post. But even if they are, it in no way means that *in every situation* it's personal preference as to what is semantically best. That's what's called a slippery slope argument - just because you can find some examples where things aren't clear-cut, doesn't mean every case isn't clear cut. Again, sometimes a list is a list and a list is the right thing.

Mike Brown

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[WSG] Safari form problem

2004-11-14 Thread Mike Brown

Safari (1.2.4) has a problem with the layout of this form:
All other tested browsers render it fine. Safari seemingly isn't clearing the 
textarea in the first fieldset, and is adding a huge amount of whitespace at 
the top of the second fieldset.
Any ideas why?
The css used is here:
Mike Brown

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Re: [WSG] select as form label

2004-10-21 Thread Mike Brown
Nick Lo wrote:
Thanks for your response, unfortunately that wasn't my question though 
I realise at a glance it's how my question read. It was specifically 
referring to this type of instance...

   label class=blank for=input_phone_1
  select name=input_phone_1_type id=input_phone_1_type
 option value=Please Select/option
 option value=work selected=selectedwork/option
 option value=homehome/option
 option value=faxfax/option
 option value=mobilemobile/option
 option value=otherother/option
   br /
   input type=text name=input_phone_1 id=input_phone_1 value=
shouldn't your label be:
label class=blank for=input_phone_1_type
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Re: [WSG] IE5 Mac hanging on loading a page

2004-10-03 Thread Mike Brown
Mike This page:


Mike which validates as HTML 4.01 Strict, causes a consistent problem with
Mike IE5 Mac, whereby the page won't load or display. I end up having to
Mike Force Quit the browser.

To anyone still worrying about this :)

A floated element on the page, a span, didn't have a width declared,
and needed one for IE5 Mac. That was causing the hanging. It is a
known problem, but one I'd forgotten about.

Thanks to Philippe Wittenbergh for the solution!

Mike Brown

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[WSG] IE5 Mac hanging on loading a page

2004-09-30 Thread Mike Brown

This page:

which validates as HTML 4.01 Strict, causes a consistent problem with
IE5 Mac, whereby the page won't load or display. I end up having to
Force Quit the browser.

It's been replicated on another IE Mac outside of our offices.

I'm stuck, and also only use Macs for browser testing so don't have a
lot of experience with them.

Any ideas?


Mike Brown

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Re[2]: [WSG] IE5 Mac hanging on loading a page

2004-09-30 Thread Mike Brown
Andrew In Safari on the Mac it looks pretty much the same as
Andrew it does in IE on the PC.  If you're interested, you can see it
Andrew at

Andrew My IE 5.2 on the Mac behaved as you report and I had to force quit.

Andrew Thge only suspect I could see in your code was this:
Andrew @media tty {
Andrew  i{content:\;/* */}} @import '/bioie5.css'; /*;}
Andrew }/* */
Andrew /*\*//*/
Andrew   @import /bioie5mac.css;
Andrew /**/

Andrew What's with this?


The top hack is the mid-pass filter
sending styles to IE5* Win only

The bottom one is the IE5/Mac Band Pass Filter
sending styles to IE5 Mac only

I should have said in earlier post, that there are other pages with
the same CSS and meta stuff which display fine in IE5 Mac:

It's just this one page for some reason!

thanks though

Mike Brown

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To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004

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Re: [WSG] best way to format Skip Nav link

2004-09-29 Thread Mike Brown
Brian What's the best way to fomat a skip navigation link at the top of a
Brian page so it doesn't appear in modern/styled browsers, but is still
Brian accessible to small-screen / mobile platforms and reduced-ability
Brian environments (screen readers and the like)?

Hi Brian

Another way of thinking about it is that it *should* be visible to
everyone, including those with modern browsers.

For eaxmple, someone might be:
- perfectly sighted
- using ther latest version of IE/Mozilla
- mobility impaired and unable to use a mouse

They would use the keyboard to navigate around a site. I'm sure they
would appreciate a visible skip to content link to save them tabbing
through the navigation on each page.

My take is that the visible skip link really isn't incorporated much
into designs. I imagine mainly due to ignorance and/or a belief that
such things look ugly. I'm hopeful that soon they will be incorporated
into designs in, of course, the most tasteful way :)

Bottom line, if you can add it to the design, it's a good thing to do.

Mike Brown

SIGNIFY LTD :: the logic behind

The discussion list for

Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
 Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004

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[WSG] [OT] NZ vs Aust

2004-08-24 Thread Mike Brown
Natalie Yeah, but the Kiwis are not Australians, they are New Zealanders, so
Natalie we have an excuse ;p

ok, I know this is waaay off-topic, and I *do* promise no more posts
on it, but trash talking is trash talking :)

So, to use a couple of pertinent title tags from Natalie's site ...

No, Kiwis are not Australians - Love it or Shove it

and as for Australians .. hmmm ... - all talk, no walk springs to
mind :)

Mike Brown
(ducking and running in NZ)

The discussion list for

Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
 Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004

 for some hints on posting to the list  getting help

Re: [WSG] divs and copying their content

2004-07-28 Thread Mike Brown

Barry this might actually be something simple that I've
Barry forgotten but I'm noticing more div layed out sites are harder
Barry to accuratly select the text content. Select a word or two and
Barry next thing you know you've highlighted (and copied/pasted) half
Barry the page inc images.

Barry to see what I mean, see if you can cleanly select a
Barry couple of words from you'll probably
Barry end up with more than you selected

Barry can anyone explain why?

I had the same (probably) problem recently.

It doesn't happen in IE 5x Win, only IE6. It seems it's a problem
caused by the combination of absolute positioning) and IE6 working in 
standards-compatible mode.

This looks like a possible soultion:

another page about it here:



Mike Brown

SIGNIFY :: the logic behind

ph: +64 4 803-3211  |  fax: +64 4 803-3241
mob: +64 0274 885-992 |
P.O. Box 24-068, Manners St, Wellington
Level 8, CMC Building, 89 Courtenay Pl, Wellington

The discussion list for
for some hints on posting to the list  getting help

Re[2]: [WSG] Budget Design

2004-05-31 Thread Mike Brown
 At this present time, for our team a small budget website consists of a
 5 to 10 page (for want of a better word) XHTML/CSS site with CMS and
 can cost the client anywhere from AU$3.5K to AU$5.5K depending on

Justin I'm also in AU, and this appears to be a fair *market* price for such 
Justin work, although in my case it's more like 10-15 pages.  Of course, I 
Justin can't tell you whether this is a fair price for the work you perform, 
Justin or if you're covering your costs and making a profit, but $3-5k seems 
Justin to be what the market will handle here right now for something with 
Justin basic CMS and a general quality (XHTML, CSS, WAG, etc).

and this is why discussions about prices are usually taboo. Not so
much the giving away of trade secrets, but that they're of *very*
limited value to most everyone on a mailing list such as this.

I don't live in Australia. We don't charge in Australian dollars. The
prices you give above are meaningless to me, as would the prices I
might give you. And even to those living in the same
country/region/city - who can say what's a fair price? What are your
expenses? How desparate are you for work? Is there likely to be
ongoing work from the client? All sorts of factors come into play when
pricing a job.

I know what you're asking, and it would be nice to have some figures
to work with, but really, pricing is part of running a business, and
beyond general principles, no one can help you in your particular

I can't even say something like, don't undercharge you work - value
it and charge appropriately, because there will be times where you
undercharge because you desparately need the work. :)


Mike Brown

SIGNIFY :: the logic behind

ph: +64 4 803-3211  |  fax: +64 4 803-3241
mob: +64 0274 885-992 |
P.O. Box 24-068, Manners St, Wellington
Level 8, CMC Building, 89 Courtenay Pl, Wellington

The discussion list for
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Re: [WSG] css from photoshop file?

2004-03-18 Thread Mike Brown
Neerav I have always written standards compliant css for a site around a
Neerav clients recommendations as to colours and position of logos etc. Now 
Neerav I've been asked:

Neerav You'd be fine doing the templates from supplied photoshop files?

Neerav I guess this would mean replicating the look of a PSD file with css 
Neerav code? Would this kind of client expect standards compliant css or rigid 
Neerav WYSIWYG works in IE code, any tips to ensure that the result will be 
Neerav decent css are appreciated.

Ask them and see! :) Seriously.

Actually, it can be an issue with deeper pitfalls. Who's your client?
A designer/design company, or the actual end client? There's a
difference. What might be ok to an end client might not be acceptable
to a designer, and vice-versa. You may need to make decisions about what
to do depending on the (small p) politics of the job. Who's paying
you in other words!

We routinely write standards compliant CSS sites based on
photoshop/fireworks layouts supplied by design companies.
Off the top of my head, some things you may need to sort out with the

:: is it a fluid or fixed-width layout?
:: do you use fonts or images for navigation?
:: do elements on the page have to be exactly the pixels apart shown
in the design, or do you have some flexibility there?
:: is it clear from the design what elements are heading elements -
h1, h2, etc?



Mike Brown

SIGNIFY :: the logic behind

ph: +64 4 803-3211  |  fax: +64 4 803-3241
mob: +64 0274 885-992 |
P.O. Box 24-068, Manners St, Wellington
Level 8, CMC Building, 89 Courtenay Pl, Wellington

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confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you
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any third party anything about this communication.

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[WSG] Purpose of this mailing list

2004-03-09 Thread Mike Brown

ok, so at the risk of getting flamed :) 

I'm writing about what the purpose of this list is. I've found it to
be a very good resource and fully support the idea of promoting the
understanding and use of web standards.

What I've been struggling with over the past 2/3 months though is the
increasing volume of posts concerned with what I'd call how-to
matters. Questions about getting something to work with CSS, or about
needing help with a web-related problem. These, and answers to them,
have far and away made up the bulk of posts to the list.

If the purpose of this list is to answer these questions, then that's
fine. But personally I'd probably unsubscribe as the volume is just
too much. There are excellent lists already out there:

that are set up for this type of help.

I don't think we should try and duplicate what they do. Rather, I
think this list is much more valuable discussing web standards,
promoting them, commenting on them, sharing resources, educating each
other etc etc

What do others think about this?

I have emailed Russ about this, and he was of the view that the list
members of the list community should set the rules for posting, topics
of discussion etc, and also that he was happy for me to post to the
list about this and get feedback etc.

I guess that my main concern is drowning under weight of emails! I'm
on the two lists mentioned above and really don't want to be on
another duplicating what they do. But I do want to be on a list
discussing web standards.


Mike Brown

SIGNIFY :: the logic behind

ph: +64 4 803-3211  |  fax: +64 4 803-3241
mob: +64 0274 885-992 |
P.O. Box 24-068, Manners St, Wellington
Level 8, CMC Building, 89 Courtenay Pl, Wellington

The discussion list for

Re[2]: [WSG] Purpose of this mailing list

2004-03-09 Thread Mike Brown

Mark I realise that there are other CSS QA lists out there, but this list is
Mark different in the sense that it is really the extension of a group and the
Mark group's meetings. I would say that at the moment the membership of the list
Mark these days far exceeds the attendance of our meetings, but the list has
Mark evolved out of the group  group meetings.

That's probably what I didn't realise - that the list is an extension
of the group. Although I knew it orginated in Australia, I thought it
was more of a stand-alone list.

Mark What would you think about a blog  RSS feed for news stuff (or would this
Mark just be another CSS blog)? Or two lists, one for news and one for
Mark implementation issues? 

Personally I like lists in that I like the push of lists (things
come to me) rather than the pull of blogs/forums etc (I need to go
to them).

Just as a general comment about learning all the hands-on stuff,
please don't anyone get the impression that I'm against that. We all
need to learn and be shown, and I'm continually impressed by the
willingness of people on mailing lists to give their time and
expertise up for this. It's just that personally, I've learnt most
from the other two lists I've mentioned and don't, for me, see the
point of belonging to another list that replicates that. And please,
don't anyone be put off by Paul's comment on webdesign-L:

the list-mom and most of the members seem to be arrogant elitist
techno-fascists who sneer and chide those of us further down the
learning curve

It ain't so :)

Finally, if the concensus is that mostly people are happy with posting
about these sorts of issues (the how-to questions), then that's all
cool and how a list should develop. But it's good to ask questions
like mine from time to time!


The discussion list for

Re[2]: [WSG] classguide

2004-02-27 Thread Mike Brown

David I'm currently writing the styleguide for BHP Billiton's site
David templates, and I am including in it a section on div id's and
David classes, and what they represent. 

David Information in this section includes how the different divs work in
David the context of the page, and in context with other divs, basic
David outlining of how the the divs structure and inheritance works and
David I've made sure our naming conventions for id's and classes can be
David read and understood by people who weren't involved in the project.


If you were interested, and able to share, I'd certainly love to see
what you come up with. What to provide as documentation to clients,
and how to structure it, is something we're about to start looking at
in more detail. Ideally, I'd like to have some sort of template that
would lay out the sort of detail you're talking about above, that we
could provide as a matter of course to all clients.

If it's commercially sensitive, that's cool and no problem!

On another note related to names for div id's and classes, I'm
realising the value of having a core stylesheet and then separating
out styles for individual pages/templates and having these in seperate
stylesheets which can be downloaded only by the pages they are needed
on. I realised this once my stylesheet got to over 600 lines and I was
taking ages to find the items in it I was working on, and strange
things were happening with the cascade as things were being

Is this approach (multiple stylesheets) something others use on larger
sites with a lot of styling?


Mike Brown

SIGNIFY :: the logic behind

ph: +64 4 803-3211  |  fax: +64 4 803-3241
mob: +64 0274 885-992 |
P.O. Box 24-068, Manners St, Wellington
Level 8, CMC Building, 89 Courtenay Pl, Wellington

This communication, including any attachment, is
confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you
should delete/destroy this communication; you may
not read and must not copy, send on or retain any
part of this communication. Please do not disclose to
any third party anything about this communication.

The discussion list for