Re: [XeTeX] xetex crash: interaction between interchar and linebreaklocale mechanisms

2023-09-09 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 9/9/2023 4:20 PM, Ulrike Fischer wrote:

Am Sat, 9 Sep 2023 15:39:51 -0400 schrieb Mike Maxwell:

I haven't tried LuaTeX in recent years, but it sounds like if you ran
Burmese through it and used the HarfBuzz shaper instead of the
default(?) shaper, it might work for Burmese.

Yes that should work fine, luahbtex is the default engine for
lualatex since tl 2020 and harfbuzz can be used with latex +
fontspec by using the option Renderer=Harfbuzz

see e.g.

Thank you, that is good news!

At this point, what are the advantages of Xe(La)TeX vs. Lua(La)TeX? 
Apart from the crash Andrew reported, and the staleness of XeTeX's 
development.  Or maybe putting it differently, are there any situations 
that require XeTeX?

   Mike Maxwell

Re: [XeTeX] xetex crash: interaction between interchar and linebreaklocale mechanisms

2023-09-09 Thread Mike Maxwell
Back in 2018, I was trying to use LuaTeX to typeset multiple scripts. 
(We needed its capability to tell you where on the page bounding boxes 
were.)  LuaTeX worked ok for some scripts, but failed for example for 
Tamil, where glyphs don't always appear in the same order on the page as 
their underlying characters do.  This sort of issue arises with many 
Indic scripts, and something similar would probably happen with Burmese, 
which in some ways is an even more complex script than other Indic ones.

At the time, I recall the LuaTeX developers saying they were not 
interested in solving this issue, and that instead script-specific 
libraries should be developed.  (I'm going by memory here, I don't have 
links to that discussion, although see here:

Since that time, Khaled Hosny has conducted an "experiment" (his term) 
in using HarfBuzz in LuaTeX 
(, as reported in 
2019), and Kai Eigner also did similar work 
(  The LuaTeX wikipedia 
page says LuaTeX "includes" the HarfBuzz engine (and links to the above 
two reports).

I haven't tried LuaTeX in recent years, but it sounds like if you ran 
Burmese through it and used the HarfBuzz shaper instead of the 
default(?) shaper, it might work for Burmese.

I'll be interested to hear what you find.

Mike Maxwell

On 9/9/2023 2:29 PM, Andrew Goldstone wrote:
Thanks--it turns out that xelatex still segfaults if I attempt to 
combine ucharclasses and \XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping=2 in a longer 
document. I do think this is a bona fide xetex bug but don't have the 
knowledge of the xetex source to trace it further.

As for lualatex it seemed to have more trouble than xelatex with the 
complex ligatures in Burmese. The lineation issues are a lower priority 
for my colleague than simply being able to typeset his mixed-script 
text, so I'll help him to a workaround with xetex, if no other 
suggestions for fixes are forthcoming.

All best,

Sat, Sep 9, 2023 at 5:37 AM Ulrike Fischer <>> wrote:

Am Wed, 6 Sep 2023 10:40:16 -0400 schrieb Andrew Goldstone:

 > I believe this is the same issue as was raised on StackExchange
in 2019


 > but I couldn't find any further discussion of a fix for the crash.

I don't think that there is a fix and the xetex development is
rather stale. Personally I would try with lualatex.

Ulrike Fischer <>

Re: [XeTeX] diacritics stacking using anchor points

2021-10-25 Thread Michael Maxwell 

thanks for any help,


Mike Maxwell
"Digital objects last forever--or five years,
whichever comes first."  --Jeff Rothenberg

Re: [XeTeX] strange case of overlapping graphics

2021-06-10 Thread Michael Maxwell

>>> There is no overlapping if pdflatex ix used but the images
>>> are distorted,

If it's the case that s.t. is wrong with the image (and okular, gwenview 
and gimp are compensating somehow), could you import the image into one 
of these other programs, then export it from there?

On 6/10/2021 10:35 AM, Janusz S. Bień wrote:

On Thu, Jun 10 2021 at 16:23 +02, Zdenek Wagner wrote:

Yes, there is something strange. I can reproduce the behaviour with

I prefer to stick to xelatex.

There is no overlapping if pdflatex ix used but the images
are distorted, see my result (after additional pdfcrop to remove the
white space on the page).

ddjvu can generate pdf directly, but the results are distorted in a very
similar way...

The picture itself looks fine in okular, gwenview as well as in gimp,
both "file" and "exiftool" show the right dimensions.

Zdeněk Wagner

On Thu, Jun 10 2021 at  9:26 -05, Herbert Schulz wrote:



Also note that removing the height option from the first image will put the 
images side by side.

Yes, I can reproduce this.

Best regards


Mike Maxwell
"Digital objects last forever--or five years,
whichever comes first."  --Jeff Rothenberg

Re: [XeTeX] XeLaTeX for files using pstricks

2021-04-24 Thread Mike Maxwell via XeTeX

On 4/23/2021 4:55 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:

The xelatexTR engine used by those files does exactly that...

What is this xelatexTR?  I just installed TeXLive 2021, and there 
doesn't seem to be any such file.

   Mike Maxwell

Re: [XeTeX] how to suppress doted circle next to a glyph

2020-09-25 Thread Michael Maxwell
In my experience, a dotted circle is an indication that there's a 
non-base character which needs a base character before it, but there's 
no suitable base character.  If you type a Unicode Combining Acute 
Accent (U+0301), but there's no base character (like a vowel) preceding 
it, you'll get such a dotted circle.

If I'm not mistaken, U+1133E is the Grantha Vowel Sign Aa.  Maybe it 
needs a consonant to its left?

On 9/25/2020 4:28 PM, François Patte wrote:


I want to use some glyph using the command \symbol. In some case I get a
glyph with a dotted circle, how can I get the glyph without this circle?

For instance, if I type \symbol{"1133E}, I get this as a result after
compilation:   ጾwith a dotted circle before.

Is it possible to eliminate the circle? And how?

Thank you.

François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)6 7892 5822

Mike Maxwell
"I may not remember, but I never forget."
--Social Crimes, Jane Stanton Hitchcock

Re: [XeTeX] startup time

2020-07-03 Thread Michael Maxwell

On 7/3/2020 2:28 PM, Zdenek Wagner wrote:

There are several options:

1. Dump your own format with your styles. You will have to regenerate 
the format after update of any of these style files and you will have to 
take care of dependencies

2. Install TeX on a fast disk such as SSD

3. Increase your RAM and use larger disk cache, on my Linux computers 
the unchanged files can remain in cache for hours

I already have 2 and 3, although afaict 3 has little if any effect, 
because the processing time appears to be taken up with macro expansion 
(or whatever it is that tex does while processing the preamble).

1 is what I was looking for, but how do you do it?  I tried
   xelatex -ini 
but it chokes on the \documentclass; or when I try it on my style sheet 
alone, it chokes on the \ProvidesPackage.  Apparently it works with 
plain TeX, but not with LaTeX?  And I'm not sure this would do what I 
want anyway; what it means to "be xeinitix"; a web search for that term 
was unproductive (unless you're looking for some kind of gas warning light).

Can you give me a lead on how to do #1?

[XeTeX] startup time

2020-07-03 Thread Michael Maxwell
I've noticed (and you probably have too) that a good proportion--maybe 
half, for a 30 or so page document--of the runtime for a xelatex 
document is startup: reading the style files.  Since I re-use the same 
style files for most papers, I seldom have a mistake in those, so it 
seems a waste to re-run them every time I want a PDF of a new version of 
my doc (or every time xetex finds a mistake in my doc).  Is there no way 
to save the results of loading that, so that it could be re-loaded more 
quickly next time?

Mike Maxwell
"I may not remember, but I never forget."
--Social Crimes, Jane Stanton Hitchcock

Re: [XeTeX] Discretionary line-breaks in Tamil

2019-09-29 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 9/29/2019 3:02 PM, Suki Venkat wrote:

Then went on to hack the hyph-ta.texfile and did "mktexfmt xelatex"
to produce nice results using XeLaTeX.
It turned out the uni200B was not defined in the font, although uni200C 
and uni200D were defined.
Then managed define uni200B in fontforge and it does seem to produce the 
same result even if the uni200B (ZWSP or DLB) is defined in the font or not.

I'm speaking from ignorance here--I know nothing of the internal 
workings of xetex--but it seems to me that the question of defining a 
glyph for U+200B is beside the point.  It should not, it seems to me, 
have a glyph.  Instead, xetex should break the line or not when it 
encounters this code point, and then--regardless of the line 
break--delete the character.  It's a zero width character, and its 
height is irrelevant (unlike a strut), so there's no shape to show.

   Mike Maxwell
   "I am, by a flood, borne back to that wondrous
   period, ere time itself can be said to have begun;
   for time began with man." --Herman Melville,
   Moby Dick

Re: [XeTeX] Xetex equiv to luatex's \directlua{}

2018-03-24 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 3/24/2018 6:13 AM, Philip Taylor (RHUoL) wrote:

maxwell wrote:
I'm just finishing up a project that involved typesetting text in 
several languages, while outputting an XML file that defined in X/Y 
coordinates the position and size of the bounding box surrounding each 
line of text in the PDF.  [...] [I]s there any way I could have done 
something similar using xetex?  That is, called another programming 
language to output box positions and sizes.  I suppose it's possible 
to write to an XML file in xetex natively, but I'm not sure how I 
could get the positions and sizes of boxes. 

Is it possible that these three PdfTeX/XeTeX primitives might help :

Saves the current location of the page in the typesetting stream.


Retrieves the horizontal position saved by \pdfsavepos.


Retrieves the vertical position saved by \pdfsavepos.

Thanks--playing around last night, I found a way (I think) to do what I 
wanted to do using the \zsavepos macro in the zref package.  In case 
anyone is interested, there's an example here:
What I still can't do is determine in xetex what the text contents of a 
box is.  I can do that in luatex; the Lua function nodeText() here--
does that.  I don't think there's an equivalent in xetex.

Combining luatex and xetex, I think I have an (untested) solution to my 
problem: first running my document through luatex to get the line boxes 
and their contents, and then running it through xetex to get the proper 
shaping, telling it where to put each line box and what to put in the 
box.  Very much a kludge, and I suppose the output won't be perfectly 
justified, but for our purposes that won't matter.

   Mike Maxwell
   "My definition of an interesting universe is
   one that has the capacity to study itself."
 --Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] Xetex equiv to luatex's \directlua{}

2018-03-23 Thread maxwell

On 2018-03-23 16:44, David Carlisle wrote:

there are several ways to get the box output in classic tex (or xetex)
although perhaps the easiest (and safest in terms of not accidentally
affecting the typeset positions)  is to use \showoutput so all boxes
are (somewhat verbosely) logged in the log file, and then parse that
with perl or python or whatever to get whatever lengths you need,


David, do you have a life?  Everywhere I see some conversation about 
TeX, your name is there...

Anyway, I just now tried your idea (thanks!), but I'm not clear how to 
parse the results.  When I run a small example with xelatex, I see lines 

.\vbox(608.40024+0.0)x360.0, shifted 54.0
..\vbox(12.0+0.0)x360.0, glue set 12.0fil
(some lines omitted)
..\vbox(541.40024+0.0)x360.0, glue set 503.14648fil
(some lines omitted)
...\hbox(7.71974+2.25569)x360.0, glue set - 0.17555
\TU/lmr/m/n/10.95 Now
(where the word "Now" is the first word in one of the lines of PDF 
output).  I think the first hbox is a line of text in the output, but I 
don't know what to make of those numbers.  They seem to be approximately 
the same for every line's hbox in the trivial example I wrote (except 
for the number after "glue set", which is different for each one), so 
maybe they translate into the horizontal position and/or size of the 
line's hbox.  And maybe the vbox line is the entire paragraph's box, 
where the numbers translate into the vertical position and/or size of 
the vbox.  But I'm not sure how to go from those numbers to the position 
(in points) of each hbox in the output PDF.

Is there a guide somewhere to interpreting this trace?  I didn't see 
anything on-line.


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[XeTeX] Xetex equiv to luatex's \directlua{}

2018-03-23 Thread maxwell
I'm just finishing up a project that involved typesetting text in 
several languages, while outputting an XML file that defined in X/Y 
coordinates the position and size of the bounding box surrounding each 
line of text in the PDF.  I used Luatex, because that made it possible 
to call Lua from Luatex using the \directlua{} command) to pass 
information to Lua, and to return information from Lua to Luatex using 
tex.print().  I also used Lua to write the XML file.

Too late, I discovered that LuaTeX botches the rendering of one of the 
languages, Tamil.  Tamil has a complex script, with some typical Indic 
script features; so presumably LuaTeX would also mess up on other 
languages with complex scripts.  XeTeX of course does just fine at 
rendering text in complex scripts.

As I say, it's too late to change now, but is there any way I could have 
done something similar using xetex?  That is, called another programming 
language to output box positions and sizes.  I suppose it's possible to 
write to an XML file in xetex natively, but I'm not sure how I could get 
the positions and sizes of boxes.  My style sheet defines a command, 
\outputpara{}, that requires the user to specify the X-position of the 
paragraph, and hence of lines in the paragraph, where line breaks are of 
course decided on the fly.  The command optionally specifies the 
Y-position of the paragraph, but the Y-position of each line in the 
paragraph--except the first--is determined by the usual TeX algorithms.  
Getting TeX to tell me those Y-positions, as well as the vertical size 
of the box, was the difficult part.  But maybe I was missing something 

   Mike Maxwell
   University of Maryland

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Re: [XeTeX] Devanagari ASCII to Unicode mapping

2018-02-18 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 2/18/2018 4:10 AM, ShreeDevi Kumar wrote:
 >> The LDC *might* still have the encoding converters laying around 

These will be very useful, if they can be made available. There is a 
need for easily converting legacy documents to Unicode. One of the 
applications for which someone was looking for these recently was for 
checking for plagiarism in student projects/thesis.

I'd suggest contacting them.  Their website is
There's a "Contact us" tab near the upper right-hand corner of their page.
   Mike Maxwell
   "My definition of an interesting universe is
   one that has the capacity to study itself."
 --Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] Devanagari ASCII to Unicode mapping

2018-02-17 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 2/17/2018 11:58 AM, ShreeDevi Kumar wrote:
Before unicode, devanagari fonts used the ASCII range (legacy fonts) - 
however AFAIK there is no standardization in the mapping, though various 
families of fonts had similar mapping.

see for converters from different mappings 
to unicode.

So,  ASCII to Unicode mapping for Devanagari will change based on the 
font used.

Indeed!  In 2003, DARPA held a "surprise language exercise", the goal of 
which was to produce (very basic) MT etc. tools for Hindi, in a month's 
time.  I had been involved in the prep for it to ensure that there would 
be no roadblocks (at the time, I was working at the LDC).  One of the 
things that Bill Poser and I verified was that there was a Unicode 
encoding for Hindi/Devanagari.  There was, but that was the wrong 

The right question was whether any Hindi website used Unicode.  The 
answer to that was that the BBC and Colgate did, but hardly anyone else. 
 A few Indian government sites used ISCII, which wouldn't have been 
bad, but most places used proprietary encodings that went along with a 
proprietary font.  Worse, these were not simple code-point-to-character 
encodings; it was as if the Latin letter 'l' had been encoded as 'l', 
but then 'd' had been encoded as 'c' + 'l', 'b' as 'l' + a sort of 
backwards 'c', 'p' as a lowered 'l' _ the backwards 'c', etc.  It was a 
mess, and for awhile it was unclear whether the exercise would fail 
because most of the data we needed was in these weird proprietary 
encodings.  (It eventually succeeded.)

There are some notes here--
--that Mark Liberman of the LDC made at the time concerning some of the 
issues.  Most of it is long out of date (and the links are probably 
broken), and these proprietary encodings have thankfully been replaced 
by Unicode; but if you're dealing with documents from that era, you 
might still run into them.  The LDC *might* still have the encoding 
converters laying around somewhere.

   Mike Maxwell
   "My definition of an interesting universe is
   one that has the capacity to study itself."
 --Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] Devanagari ASCII to Unicode mapping

2018-02-17 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 2/17/2018 11:08 AM, Daniel Greenhoe wrote:

Does anyone know where I can find an ASCII to Unicode mapping for Devanagari?

For example, it seems that the Devanagari  glyph "ब" is encoded as
0x61 (hex) in ASCII (lower case 'a' for the Latin alphabet), but is
0x092C in the Unicode standard:

So what I am asking for is a map (or table) that maps 0x00-0x7F in
Devanagari ASCII to 0x0900-0x097F in Unicode.

In addition to the ASCII-to-Devanagari transcription system that Philip 
Taylor mentioned, you may be interested in the ISCII encoding for 
Brahmi-derived writing systems, including Devanagari:

This is _not_ an ASCII-to-Devanagari encoding, rather it leaves the 
ASCII range intact, and encodes Devanagari (etc.) in the range 128 
(actually, 161)-255.  It was afaik never widely used, but there were 
(and probably still are) fonts for it.  I don't imagine those fonts 
would be terribly high quality by today's standards, e.g. I'd be 
surprised if they handled conjunct characters.

FWIW, there was a similar encoding called TSCII for Tamil.

iconv can be used to map TSCII to other encodings, but for some reason 
it doesn't seem to have ISCII in its reportoire (it does include VISCII, 
but that's a legacy Vietnamese encoding).

   Mike Maxwell
   "My definition of an interesting universe is
   one that has the capacity to study itself."
 --Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] fontspec and fonts without certain styles

2017-10-26 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 10/26/2017 5:33 AM, Ulrike Fischer wrote:

If you set the font explicitly the messages disappear:

Thanks, that's the answer I needed!
   Mike Maxwell
   "My definition of an interesting universe is
   one that has the capacity to study itself."
 --Stephen Eastmond

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[XeTeX] fontspec and fonts without certain styles

2017-10-25 Thread maxwell
For many of the fonts we use, there is no italic version (and in some 
cases no bold).  This is natural for Arabic and Thaana scripts, since 
there is no tradition of italicizing them.  (Nasta'liq is quite a 
different sort of style...)

When I include a font loading command for one of these fonts, like--
--fontspec outputs something that could be taken as a warning, but is 
probably more like information:

Could not resolve font "Scheherazade/I" (it probably doesn't exist).

Is there a way to tell fontspec not to bother looking for an italicized 
(or bold) version of particular fonts, and thereby prevent its 
outputting this message?  Adding the parameter

(where the {} would normally enclose the path to a font file) does not 
turn off the message.

I looked at the code for the \@@_find_autofonts macro in 
fontspec-internal.dtx, but it did not enlighten me.

Maybe I should just not worry...

MWE follows my sig line.

Mike Maxwell
University of Maryland



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[XeTeX] metalogo and bidi packages

2017-06-19 Thread maxwell
I've installed the new TeXLive 2017.  There is a conflict between the 
metalogo and bidi packages.  I don't suppose this would be a biggie, 
except that the xltxtra package loads metalogo.  (And something else I'm 
using loads xltxtra...)

The conflict is shown in this minimal example:


The error msg is:


! LaTeX Error: Command \XeTeX already defined.
   Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H   for immediate help.

l.122 ...di@reflect@box{E}}\kern-.1667em \TeX}}$}}

The reverse loading order (bidi, then metalogo) triggers an error msg 
from bidi about loading order, and probably wouldn't help anyway.

For the time being, doing the following before bidi is loaded seems to 
solve the problem:


   Mike Maxwell
   University of Maryland

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Re: [XeTeX] [INDOLOGY] {भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्} Re: Issues with Sanskrit 2003 font

2017-06-18 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 6/18/2017 4:04 AM, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
as far as I know the Devanagari fonts are either Sanskrit with all 
conjuncts that cannot be switched off or Hindi without the Sanskrit 

Do other languages that use Devanagari, like Gujarati, use the same 
conjuncts as Hindi?

   Mike Maxwell
   "My definition of an interesting universe is
   one that has the capacity to study itself."
 --Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] new version of HarfBuzz

2017-04-24 Thread maxwell

On 2017-04-24 11:15, Jonathan Kew wrote:

On 24/04/2017 15:36, Bobby de Vos wrote:

The xetex binary as installed by the Tex Live installer in /usr/local
does not seem to load those two libraries.

Right; the TL-distributed binaries avoid dynamic linking as far as
possible, in order to maximize portability and consistency. The other
side of this, of course, is that they don't automatically benefit from
library updates.

Which brings me back to my original question: will xetex as distributed 
in TeXLive 2017 include this harfbuzz update?  Or is it too late for 

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] new version of HarfBuzz

2017-04-21 Thread maxwell

On 2017-04-21 13:46, Jonathan Kew wrote:

I believe that xetex should be unaffected by that bug, because that
was an issue with the harfbuzz interface to graphite, but xetex uses
graphite directly without going through the harfbuzz layer (provided
you load the font with the /GR option, or whatever the fontspec
equivalent of that is).

There is certainly a bug in the way certain sequences of characters are 
output by xe(la)tex.  Whether the bug is in xetex, or harfbuzz, or the 
font itself is beyond my ken.  Martin Hosken (who submitted the harfbuzz 
bug fix) seemed to think that would fix the issue in xetex, but I'm not 
sure he actually tested it with xetex, which I suppose would require 
re-compiling xetex.

I can supply a simple XeLaTeX file for testing; it requires having the 
Awami Nastaliq beta font from SIL.  I can also put you (or anyone else) 
in touch with the other developers of that font, although I suppose 
Martin is the expert on this issue.

I can also take this off-line if that would be more appropriate.

   Mike Maxwell

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[XeTeX] new version of HarfBuzz

2017-04-21 Thread maxwell
I believe (correct me if I'm wrong!) that xetex uses the HarfBuzz 
engine.  There was a bug in this engine that prevented a new Nastaliq 
font from SIL from working properly.  A fix for this bug has just been 
accepted (I believe it's this one:  It's not clear to me 
whether this can get into xetex before the next TeXLive release, given 
the schedule here:

   Mike Maxwell

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[XeTeX] version issue? font issue

2017-01-17 Thread maxwell
I'm working with a font developer to track down a problem.  We've been 
getting their betas (and before that, their alphas) of a Nasta'liq font. 
 Up until this last version, the joining of characters worked fine; with 
their latest version, there is no joining.  Except it works on their 
(Windows) machine, it only fails on my (Linux) machine.  Not only can't 
we figure out why the characters don't join when they should on my 
machine, we don't understand why it would work on one machine and not 
the other.  And since they can't reproduce the issue on their machine, 
it's hard for them to know how to fix it.

The font requires Graphite (in all versions we've tested).

I have verified that simply switching between the two beta versions on 
my machine toggles the joining behavior.

My xetex says:
XeTeX 3.14159265-2.6-0.6 (TeX Live 2016)
Compiled with Graphite2 version 1.3.8; using 1.3.8
Their xetex says:
This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.6 (TeX Live 2016/W32TeX) 
(preloaded format=xetex)
(I'm not sure what version of Graphite they have, but theirs is the one 
that's working.)

My version of xetex is a 64-bit version, theirs appears to be 32-bit, if 
I'm reading the above correctly.  I suppose something could be different 
in the two versions...  I don't have the 32-bit version of xetex 
installed, but I guess I could do so.  (Presumably Windows and Linux 
versions also differ.)

I had previously seen a failure in a similar situation where we had a 
woff font whose filename was the same except for the ".woff".  But this 
time there are no .woff files laying around.  I've also looked for other 
copies of the font, but find none (and fc-list is pointing to the 
correct one).

Any suggestions on where we should look?  Either in the font, or in 
xetex itself.  (There's obviously an issue with the new version of the 
font, since earlier versions worked; but given that their copy of xetex 
works on this latest font and mine doesn't, it's possible there's also 
something amiss with the version of xetex I have.)

   Michael Maxwell
   University of Maryland

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[XeTeX] modified changebar.sty

2016-12-08 Thread maxwell
Some years ago, Apostolos Syropoulos modified the changebar.sty file 
that comes with the TeXLive distro so that it would work with xelatex, 
by adding


This code seems to be working, but it never got into the TeXLive distro. 
 Should(n't) it?

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] Fwd: Re: woff file

2016-10-05 Thread maxwell

On 10/5/2016 6:59 PM, Philip Taylor wrote:
> Cf.
> the-font-scheherazade-for-use-with-xelatex

The .woff file does seem to have been the problem.  As suggested by 
Khaled there, I deleted the .woff files (which we didn't need), and the 
problem seems to have gone away.

Thank you, Philip, for bringing the above post to my attention!

   Mike Maxwell

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[XeTeX] woff file

2016-10-05 Thread maxwell
We're getting a coredump from xelatex under certain circumstances.  It's 
reproducible for a given input file, but we haven't figured out a 
minimal file that will cause it.  My hypothesis at the moment (and this 
is about hypothesis #53) is that it's caused by an update I did recently 
from the SIL Scheherazade font version 1-something to the latest v2.100.

I was planning on uninstalling that version and going back to an earlier 
version, but I noticed s.t. odd.  If I take the .xdv output of xelatex 
and try to run xdvipdfmx on it, I get the following error (not a 
coredump, xdvipdfmx just exits after this error msg):

xdvipdfmx:fatal: Cannot proceed without the font: 

And of course this filename appears in the .xdv file.

The .woff file in fact is there (along with the .ttf files), so I'm not 
clear why the error msg says it can't proceed without it.  But what I 
really don't understand is why it would want a .woff file in the first 
place.  My understanding is that .woff files are for web pages, not 

Also, I'm not clear how xdvipdfmx knows about the 
Scheherazade-Regular.woff file.  fc-list --verbose doesn't list any such 
fontfile, and I thought xelatex with the fontspec package just knew 
about whatever fontfiles fc-list knew about.

So my question is, is there any legitimate reason xelatex and xdvipdfmx 
should want a .woff file?

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] prioritizing OTF fonts

2016-07-28 Thread maxwell

On 2016-07-28 07:28, Herbert Schulz wrote:

You can load the font using file names rather than font names. It's a
bit more complicated but certainly doable. That resolves any ambiguity
the way you wish.

Yeah, I was hoping there was an easier way than that, like 
[prioritizeOTF=true].  (Although I suppose that might need to be done at 
the level of /etc/fonts/local.conf.)  Thank you though!

   Mike Maxwell

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[XeTeX] prioritizing OTF fonts

2016-07-27 Thread maxwell

Does fontspec load *only* OpenType fonts?

The intro to the fontspec package documentation says
The fontspec package allows users of either XETEX or
LuaTEX to load OpenType fonts in a LATEX document.
Does that mean it doesn't load TrueType etc. fonts, even if there are no 
OpenType versions of those fonts?

Some of the things I've read on-line (like 
seem to imply that fontspec loads ttf fonts just fine.  In which case 
I'll have a different question: how to ensure that it prioritizes OTF 
fonts over TTF fonts fc-list finds two such fonts.

Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] Embed full font in PDF

2016-07-22 Thread maxwell

On 2016-07-22 15:10, Zdenek Wagner wrote:

The customer for whom I prepared a package file for a journal depends
on files from authors and thus has no control over authors' computers.
Finally he decided not to use DejaVu and other special fonts but only
TeX Gyre fonts. Since then they have no problems. DejaVu fonts evolve
too quickly and if you upgrade, the page breaks may change and even
the total number of pages will be different. It really happend and
they were unable to create the final PDF and time was running, I had
to create it on my computer with "better" version of the DejaVu fonts.
I do not want to dehonest the fonts, I just report my problems in the
past. IMHO they are not production ready.

Thanks for the advice, I can't remember whether we tried TeX Gyre.  
Another alternative, which I have not tried yet, seems to be the Fira 
Sans font, which exists in both proportionally and mono-spaced versions:
I'm not sure what its code point coverage is, nor whether it handles 
stacked diacritics; we'll see.

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] Embed full font in PDF

2016-07-22 Thread maxwell

On 2016-07-22 14:55, Zdenek Wagner wrote:

2016-07-22 20:05 GMT+02:00 maxwell <>:

On 2016-07-22 13:29, maxwell wrote:
Moral of the story: upgrade fonts before complaining.

I had an opposite experience a few years ago. It was necessary to
downgrade the DejaVu fonts in order to make them work properly with
XeTeX. I do not remember the number of the broken version.

I also had another experience with these fonts: stacked diacritics don't 
work with the mono style font.  Six years ago, when I initially reported 
this problem, stacked diacritics would overstrike each other.  They no 
longer overstrike, but the second diacritic winds up instead over the 
next base character (to the right in a left-to-right script).

I should probably use some other sans serif font.  As I recall, the 
problem is that there aren't a lot of sans serif monospaced fonts out 
there that have combining diacritics; DejaVu was about the only one, 
last time I looked.

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] Embed full font in PDF

2016-07-22 Thread maxwell

On 2016-07-22 13:29, maxwell wrote:

The new version of Adobe Acrobat (which I have the misfortune to be
using at my office) is outputting a warning where we didn't used to
get a warning.  Namely, it complains about one particular font in our
PDFs. The warning is:
   Cannot extract the embedded font 'LOFCAW+DejaVuSansCondensed.
   Some characters may not display or print correctly.
In fact it displays unaccented characters correctly, but leaves a
blank where "accented" characters should appear (à, ö etc.).

Well, cancel this: I downloaded the newer version of this font, and it 
seems to work fine.  (I had been using v2.30, I now have 2.36.)  Sorry 
for the noise.

Moral of the story: upgrade fonts before complaining.

   Mike Maxwell

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[XeTeX] Embed full font in PDF

2016-07-22 Thread maxwell
The new version of Adobe Acrobat (which I have the misfortune to be 
using at my office) is outputting a warning where we didn't used to get 
a warning.  Namely, it complains about one particular font in our PDFs. 
The warning is:

   Cannot extract the embedded font 'LOFCAW+DejaVuSansCondensed.
   Some characters may not display or print correctly.
In fact it displays unaccented characters correctly, but leaves a blank 
where "accented" characters should appear (à, ö etc.).

This appears to be a problem for this particular DejaVu font, but not 
e.g. for CharisSIL.  But when I run pdffonts on the output pdf, I don't 
see any relevant difference between these two fonts:

ULCJWW+CharisSIL CID TrueType  yes yes yes5  0
LOFCAW+DejaVuSansCondensed   CID TrueType  yes yes yes  809  0

(The information Acrobat gives in the "Fonts" tab of its "Document 
Properties" dialog looks similar to the above.)  I thought maybe the 
problem was with the subsetting of the font (although as you can see, 
both the working Charis font and the problematic DejuVu font have only 
embedded subsets).  IIUC, font embedding is the responsibility of 
xdvipdfmx.  So I tried forcing this program to embed all fonts would 
help, by supplying the -E flag to xdvipdfmx; but this has no effect on 
the full embedding of this font, it still embeds only a subset.  (Is 
there no way to force xdvipdfmx to embed full fonts, rather than 
subsets?)  And that may not be the problem anyway, since the CharisSIL 
font is also a subset.

I've opened these PDFs in Chrome, and they display all the DejaVu 
characters just fine.  That said, I can't definitively say that the 
problem is with Acrobat; for all I know, Chrome is silently substituting 
some similar font for the accented characters (although they look right 
when I magnify the image--in particular, the 'a' with the grave looks 
identical to the 'a' without the grave--so if it's another font, it's an 
exceedingly similar one).

Has anyone else run into this problem with the DejaVu fonts and Acrobat?

I can make a MWE if that would help; I'm just hoping someone else has 
already run into this problem and has a work-around :-).

Mike Maxwell
University of Washington

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Re: [XeTeX] bidi and fontspec

2016-06-24 Thread maxwell

On 6/24/2016 7:27 PM, Gildas Hamel wrote:

I ran into the same problem and noticed it in the numbering of
footnotes and lists. The solution for now, according to Ulrike
Fischer, is to add

\makeatletter\@Latintrue\makeatother to the polyglossia language
settings, because "bidi tests for \if@Latin, so you can get around
the problem by setting it to true."


Thanks for the pointer--I'm not using polyglossia, so afaict the above 
solution doesn't quite work for me.  But I was successful with a slight 
variant of this, from
(which addressed what I guess was a different bug, since it was in 
2012).  This work around is to define \@Latintrue as a name (I think 
that's what this does, my tex creds are not good):

   \csname @Latintrue\endcsname
    Mike Maxwell
"I cannot believe that our existence in this universe
is a mere quirk of fate, an accident of history, an
incidental blip in the great cosmic drama. Our
involvement is too intimate. The physical species
Homo may count for nothing, but the existence of
mind in some organism on some planet in the universe
is surely a fact of fundamental significance. Through
conscious beings the universe has generated
self-awareness." --Paul Davies

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[XeTeX] bidi and fontspec

2016-06-24 Thread maxwell
I believe I've run into a bug in the interaction of fontspec and bidi in 
the 2016 TeXLive distribution.  However, it appears to be so simple to 
trigger that I'm wondering whether it's something I'm doing.

The WME is:


The number 12. The number 34.56. Some more text.

The result of running xelatex on the above is the text:

The number .12 The number .56.34 Some more text.

You'll notice that the two numbers appear in reverse order across the 
periods--that is, if you have

in the input file, you get
in the PDF.  But the digits inside  are in the correct order.  
Other punctuation that I've tried (including the comma) do not seem to 
trigger this bug, only the period.  (Hexadecimal digits A-F block the 
reversal, too :-).)

Loading fontspec seems to be necessary for this bug to happen.  And I'm 
not actually invoking either bidi or fontspec.

Can someone reproduce this?

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] fontspec and Nikosh font

2016-06-20 Thread maxwell
Not sure if Will is on this mailing list, but I'm cc'ing him using his 
email address on the fontspec document.  (The doc doesn't have the 
co-author's email, Khaled Hosny, but I think I've seen him here.)

On 2016-06-20 17:55, Jonathan Kew wrote:

My guess is that this might be a bug in the TL'16 version of fontspec,
which looks like it is intended to support both the "new Indic spec"
OpenType tags such as 'dev2', 'bng2', etc, as well as the "old Indic"
versions 'deva', 'beng', etc, with preference being given to the v.2
tags. Perhaps that feature is broken?

One way to check what's wrong would be to search for the


declaration around line 2247 in fontspec-xetex.sty, and remove "dev2,"
from it so that it only looks for the old-style 'deva' tag. If that
makes Gargi work without complaint (using [Script=Devanagari] as
before), then you've identified a bug in fontspec and should report it
to Will.

I confirm that omitting 'dev2,' from that declaration causes fontspec 
not to emit a warning when I do

and similarly for the Nikosh font, fontspec gives a warning when I do
unless I change
in fontspec-xetex.sty.

Thanks for the pointer, Jonathan!

   Mike Maxwell

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[XeTeX] fontspec and Nikosh font

2016-06-20 Thread maxwell
With the version of fontspec that comes with TeXLive 2016, I'm getting 
some warnings that I wasn't getting from the previous version, with the 
'gargi' font (and another font).  If you want to try it, I'm not sure 
where the best (safest) place is to get the gargi font from, but one 
place is here:
(If you think that's unsafe, I could email you a copy of the file.)

The command I've been using to load the font is this:
but now fontspec gives me the warning
   * fontspec warning: "script-not-exist"
   * Font 'gargi' does not contain script 'Devanagari'.

If I run otfinfo --scripts on the font, I get this:
IIUC, the first field is the script code that appears in the font file, 
while the second field is a human-readable version of that.  On the 
assumption that the code is what the font knows about, I tried this 
command to load it:

But then I get this error from fontspec:
   ! LaTeX error: "kernel/key-choice-unknown"
   ! Key 'fontspec/Script' accepts only a fixed set of choices.
   l.528 ...ntfamily\sanskritfont[Script=deva]{gargi}

Fontspec does load this font without complaint if I do this:
but I'm lying to it, because Devanagari is a script, not a language.  
(And elsewhere I'm successfully using Script= with the name of a script, 
e.g 'Script=Thaana', where Thaana is the name of a script, Dhivehi is 
the name of the language that uses the Thaana script.)

Is this font using a non-standard way of tagging scripts?  Or am I 
misunderstanding the way these codes are supposed to work?

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] discovering script support

2016-06-20 Thread maxwell

On 2016-06-20 16:20, Zdenek Wagner wrote:

otfinfo --scripts font-file.otf

Thanks, that's what I needed.  For some reason otfinfo doesn't show up 
with 'apropos' on my machine...

   Mike Maxwell

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[XeTeX] discovering script support

2016-06-20 Thread maxwell
Is there a program (preferably a command-line program) that will tell me 
what scripts an OpenType font supports?  The 2016 fontspec is giving me 
a warning where I wasn't getting one before, e.g.

* fontspec warning: "script-not-exist"
* Font 'Nikosh' does not contain script 'Bengali'.
I've tried fc-list --verbose (including fonts that I know have script 
info), but afaict fc-list does not display script info.  I've tried 
googling this question, but the word "script" seems to be generic enough 
that I can't find anything useful.  There are plenty of hits with "does 
not contain script", but not afaict any that tell me how to determine 
what scripts a font supports.

It may of course be possible that this font supports the Bengali script, 
but doesn't explicitly say that.  But it makes me uneasy...

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] xelatex, hyperref, and new TeXLive

2016-06-16 Thread maxwell

On 6/16/2016 11:46 AM, Herbert Schulz wrote:

kpsewhich hyperref.cfg

really return a file in the .../doc/... branch?

Oh of course! well spotted.

So that is the error.

The file is correctly installed in the doc branch but the OP's
$TEXINPUTS is incorrectly including the
/groups/tools/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/doc tree and worse searching it
before the /groups/tools/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/tex tree.

Yeap, $TEXINPUTS was being set in order to include several directories 
of local files, so I assumed it also had to include the necessary paths 
under texlive/2016/.  The problem was that $TEXINPUTS was set to include 
*all* paths under

and the documentation directories are included under "all paths."  The 
trick is to use a trailing colon in the definition of $TEXINPUTS (you 
probably knew that, but I'm recording it here for the next time I make 
this mistake :-)), rather than an explicit pointer.  The trailing colon 
selects whatever the appropriate directories under texmf-dist are, 
rather than all 27 subdirectories.

I guess the other solution would be to include links from our 
texmf-local directory to our other directories of local files.  (It 
would not be as easy to put these local files under texmf-local, because 
some of them come from other tools we use, e.g. dblatex.)

I remain mystified why this problem didn't bite us with older TeXLive 
distributions (or why it suddenly surfaced with the 2016 version).

Thanks for the help!

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] xelatex, hyperref, and new TeXLive

2016-06-15 Thread maxwell
With the help of David Carlisle and Herbert Schulz, I've found part of 
the problem.  For some reason, in the (our?) 2016 version, kpsewhich 
points to this hyperref.cfg file:

This .cfg file contains a \hypersetup{...} command that specifies 
'ps2pdf'.  Changing that to 'xetex' fixes the problem, at least for 
xelatex (I'm not sure what would happen with other flavors of latex).  
(Update: removing the line entirely, so it specifies neither xetex nor 
ps2pdf, works too, and presumably won't cause trouble for other 

1) Why does kpsewhich find that file, instead of this one:
   which does not have any \hypersetup{} command, and which would
   presumably not cause the same problem?
2) Why did this change from 2015 to 2016?  We did a pretty vanilla
   install, I think the only non-default choice we made was to use
   'letter' instead of 'a4'.
3) Is this a bug? (meaning should I report it?)

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] xelatex, hyperref, and new TeXLive

2016-06-15 Thread maxwell

On 2016-06-15 17:55, David Carlisle wrote:
But surely there are lots of people out there happily using xelatex 
and hyperref without any problem, right?

yes but most will use no driver option or specify xetex which works,
the explicit dvipdfm option doesn't but I'm not sure when that

We had previously been using the [xetex] option, but that has stopped 
working as well--i.e. I just tried my file with

and it fails with the same error msg as no parameter, or as with 

this year we moved support to github and made some emergency
updates for luatex changes but as far as I can see nothing's changed
in the xetex code path for hyperref.

Right, an hour ago I did a diff between the 2015 and 2016 copies of 
hyperref.sty, and came up with only a couple diffs, which looked 
innocent to my inexperienced eye totally.  But since then, at Herbert 
Schultz's off-line suggestion, I did a "tlmgr --update", and now I get 
quite a few other diffs (looks like some of them were to accommodate 
Italian section names, but there are a few other diffs).  The error msg 

Why is this only showing up now?

No idea, can you send me the full log off list and I'll see if I can 

Will do, thanks!

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] xelatex, hyperref, and new TeXLive

2016-06-15 Thread maxwell

On 2016-06-15 17:36, David Carlisle wrote:

I get the same error with texlive 2015 so I don't think there is any
recent change (since support for hyperref moved to github) that has
changed this, with texlive 2015:


! Package hyperref Error: Wrong DVI mode driver option `dvipdfmx',
(hyperref)because XeTeX is running.

Mysteriouser and mysteriouser.  2015 worked fine for us, it was only 
when we updated to 2016 that we encountered a problem.

But surely there are lots of people out there happily using xelatex and 
hyperref without any problem, right?  Why is this only showing up now?

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] xetex installation

2016-03-13 Thread maxwell

On 3/13/2016 1:57 PM, Purnendu Chakraborty wrote:

I have tried using different fonts and the problem persists. I had
some Bengali documents which worked fine with an older installation
of TeXLive.  The problem appeared once I upgraded my distribution.
Also I tried some standard TeX documents, compiled successfully by
others in different system and I know how the output looks like.
Thus I ruled out font problems. Bengali text  looks alright when I
write it in gedit or any other word processor. Please let me also
tell you that not all the conjuncts appear messy but only two of

Then probably the right thing is to create a minimal example which 
contains a few conjuncts (those that don't work, plus a sample of those 
that do).  Then attach the source code for that minimal example--should 
be 10-20 lines at most--to an email to this list.  That's assuming the 
font is free, otherwise it will be difficult for people on this list to 
reproduce the problem.

Given that most of us don't know Bangla, it might also be necessary to 
attach a PDF of the output you got, and maybe also a PDF of the correct 
output (what you get with a word processor).

Note: I have restored Purnendu's original subject line, which got 
changed to "XeTeX Digest..." in the last reply.

    Mike Maxwell
"I cannot believe that our existence in this universe
is a mere quirk of fate, an accident of history, an
incidental blip in the great cosmic drama. Our
involvement is too intimate. The physical species
Homo may count for nothing, but the existence of
mind in some organism on some planet in the universe
is surely a fact of fundamental significance. Through
conscious beings the universe has generated
self-awareness." --Paul Davies

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[XeTeX] Graphite vulnerability

2016-02-18 Thread maxwell

There is a vulnerability in the Graphite library:
Reportedly the problems have been patched in version 1.3.5 of Graphite2. 
 But the version of xetex I'm using (3.14159265-2.6-0.2, from the 
TeX Live 2015 distro) says it uses Graphite2 v1.2.3.  Will the next TeX 
Live distro's version of xetex use >= v.1.3.5?

Mike Maxwell
"I cannot believe that our existence in this universe
is a mere quirk of fate, an accident of history, an
incidental blip in the great cosmic drama. Our
involvement is too intimate. The physical species
Homo may count for nothing, but the existence of
mind in some organism on some planet in the universe
is surely a fact of fundamental significance. Through
conscious beings the universe has generated
self-awareness." --Paul Davies

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Re: [XeTeX] DVIasm

2016-02-09 Thread maxwell

On 2016-02-09 08:22, Wilfred van Rooijen wrote:

There are many "gotchas" going from Python 2 to Python 3 - with the
change from "print" to "print()" being by far the most irritating (and
the most stringently enforced by the Python interpreter). There are
several IDEs which can highlight problems and give tips to migrate
from Python 2 to Python 3

py2to3 is a command line program that will tell you most of the gotchas 
in a Python 2 program to their Python 3 program, and (with the -w flag) 
automagically make the changes:
I think the only thing it didn't completely fix in several large 
programs we ran through it was the encoding conversion of 
stdin/stdout/stderr.  As I recall, it has something to do with Python 
trying to detect the encoding in the shell environment.

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] misplaced accents in printout only?

2016-01-21 Thread maxwell

On 2016-01-21 03:11, Stefan Solbrig wrote:

The documentation in the texlive installation contains a document
(xetex-reference.pdf) that describes this in detail. (locate the file
or type "texdoc xetex" if you have texlive installed.)

thanks, that's what I needed!

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] misplaced accents in printout only?

2016-01-20 Thread maxwell

On 2016-01-20 17:59, Dominik Wujastyk wrote:

*Input normalization*

I left {CMU Serif Italic} as the document font, and added
\XeTeXinputnormalization=1 to the preamble

This also produced PDF that printed *correctly* in all cases.

Hmmm, is there documentation for this \XeTeXinputnormalization?  I can 
find some references to it in a web search, but no explanation of 
exactly what it does.  What does "normalization" mean (NFC, NFD,...)?  
Under what circumstances (besides the one Dominik saw) should this 
setting be used?  I don't want to go through printouts of 300 page 
documents looking for misplaced diacritics...

   Mike Maxwell

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[XeTeX] Problem with bidi + longtable + caption packages

2015-10-20 Thread maxwell
(Apologies if this isn't the right mailing list--the documentation I 
have says I should send this to, but I don't see 
that mailing list on the list of TUG mailing lists, nor am I subscribed 
to it... and if it does exist, I don't know how to subscribe to it.)

I've encountered a problem in the interaction between the longtable, 
bidi, and caption packages.  I'll attach the minimal example at the 
bottom of this msg, but I have a question.  We're running the 2014 
TeXLive distro; I never got around to downloading the 2015 distro.  
We'll probably do that, but we're having some connectivity issues 
(serves me right for not having downloaded it months ago), and there are 
some hoops to jump through, so it won't be instant gratification.

The issue we've found is that we want table captions to be ragged right, 
rather than centered.  Ordinarily, the caption package handles this 
fine.  But when I have a longtable, and I use the bidi package as well, 
I can only get centered captions for long tables (ordinary floating 
table captions work fine).

I've tried numerous variants of the code below, e.g. telling the caption 
pkg to do ragged right only in one or the other of the places, loading 
the bidi bpackage before or after the \captionsetup command (it cannot 
be loaded before the caption pkg is loaded), etc.

Did anyone else notice this last year, and if so, has it been fixed in 
the 2015 distro?

Mike Maxwell
University of Maryland

---Minimal example follows-

%Tell the caption pkg to do ragged right at load time:
%Tell the caption pkg again:


\caption{A long table}%Should be ragged right, but is centered instead
 {} & {} & {} & {}


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Re: [XeTeX] Problem with bidi + longtable + caption packages

2015-10-20 Thread maxwell

On 10/20/2015 9:34 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:

On Oct 20, 2015, at 7:55 PM, maxwell <>
I've encountered a problem in the interaction between the
longtable, bidi, and caption packages.

>> ...

The longtable environment is like a tabular environment, not the same
as a floating environment like the table environment. It's floats
that take the caption.

Actually, the longtable package supports captions too, and the caption 
package (which allows further customization, explicitly supports longtable:

Package support
The caption package was adapted to the following packages which deals 
with captions, too:
float, floatflt, fltpage, hyperref, hypcap, listings, longtable, 
picinpar, picins, rotating, setspace, sidecap, subfigure, supertabular, 
threeparttable, wrapfig, and xtab

99% of our tables use ordinary tables, but 1% of our tables won't fit on 
a single page and require longtable.  These need captions the same way 
regular tables do (there's also a continuation caption on the second and 
following pages of longtables).  I didn't show a bunch of rows in my 
example to keep it minimal; the actual table where we first noticed the 
problem was just over a page in length.

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] Incorrect rendering of Vedic Sanskrit accents

2015-05-22 Thread maxwell

On 2015-05-22 10:14, David M. Jones wrote:

P.S. There's actually a third class of bug that is clearly visible in
the table at the top of my document, but which I didn't mention
explicitly: XeTeX won't typeset one of the Devanagari combining
characters in isolation without adding a prothetic dotted circle

I was waiting for someone who knows more about this than I do to answer, 
but I'll display my ignorance.

Afaik that's not a bug, that's the way combining characters are 
*supposed* to render when they don't have any character to combine with. 
 There's a way to prevent that; I _think_ it's to precede the combining 
character by a non-breaking space (U+00A0).  But I haven't tried that.

   Mike Maxwell
   University of Maryland

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Re: [XeTeX] Incorrect rendering of Vedic Sanskrit accents

2015-05-22 Thread maxwell

On 2015-05-22 14:24, Bobby de Vos wrote:

Some minority languages (that is, not the dominate language using a
particular script) often use combining marks in ways not envisioned in
order to extend the script to cover all the sounds in the minority
language. So for those minority languages, having a dotted circle show
up is not very helpful.

Yes, but most font providers don't have such minority languages in mind. 
 (SIL would be an exception.)

That said, I've worked with such minority languages (including ones that 
are just in the process of defining their writing systems), and I don't 
recall a case where it was necessary to use a combining character 
without a base character.  Also, the original version of xetex was 
developed by SIL (SIL also has some useful fonts), and SIL works with 
such minority languages exclusively.  So while it may be possible for 
the *tex engine or fonts to omit the dotted circle, it doesn't seem to 
be a very high priority.

That's of course not the same as saying it's never necessary, and the 
OP's need to show it in tables is one valid (IMO) use case.  If it can 
be done with the method I mentioned, then that's probably good enough, 
at least for that use case.

   Mike Maxwell

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[XeTeX] conformance (was: color=FFFFFF...)

2015-03-29 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 3/29/2015 1:26 PM, Philip Taylor wrote:

Zdenek Wagner wrote:

Professional Acrobat contains Prepress Tools that can verify PDF and fix
quite a lot of problems. It costs money but a damaged book may cost even
more. And there is also a PitStop plugin that may be useful. Many print
houses have it and complain if the supplied PDF does not conform to PDF/X.

Yes, well ...  I do have a licenced copy of Adobe Acrobat Pro, and it tells me
that the PDF output from XeTeX is seriously PDF/X deficient ...

I suppose I should worry about this--or actually, since I'm interested in 
producing archival PDFs of linguistic documents, I should worry about PDF/A. 
The wikipedia article about PDF/A ( has a 
section about establishing conformance, but there are no links to such tools. 
 There is a list here:
But those appear to all be commercial tools (although the one at may be good enough for our needs).  And 
a rather old GitHub project to do validation here:
A rather long discussion here (despite its having been declared out-of-scope!):

It would be nice if xdvipdfmx had a switch to produce PDF/A (and maybe PDF/X) 
conformant documents.  I don't know how easy that would be; there seem to be a 
lot of considerations.

Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] fontspec and scaling

2015-01-20 Thread maxwell

On 2015-01-20 04:55, Zdenek Wagner wrote:

If I understand the scaling attribute correctly, let say, you have
scaling=1.4 and you request \normalsize which id 10pt. Fontspec will
multiply it and request 14pt font size instead. If there is an optical
size available, it will be used.

This last was my question: will the scaling attribute in Fontspec 
automatically use an optical size (or since scaling will probably not 
result in an exact optical size, will Fontspec scale the closest optical 
size). do I know whether a font supports optical
sizes (and which specific sizes it has)?

fontinfo -z FILENAME

There isn't any 'fontinfo' program on our Linux system, and I couldn't 
find such a program in a websearch.  (There is a Firefox plugin by that 
name, written by Jonathan Kew, but that doesn't seem to be what you're 
referring to.  Also some libraries for Python etc.)  There is however a 
font information dialog box in FontForge.  One of its tabs is Size.  
For the font I'm working with (MvElaafNormal.otf.ttf), the design size 
shows up as 0.0 pts.  I suspect that means there are no optical sizes in 
this font.

But none of the other fonts I looked at with FontForge (including Charis 
SIL and several free Adobe fonts) have anything but 0.0pts in the 
design size.  Maybe it's only very high end fonts that have multiple 
optical sizes?  In which case I've been on a wild goose chase worrying 
about whether Fontspec's scaling function will choose the appropriate 
optical size...

   Mike Maxwell
   University of Maryland

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Re: [XeTeX] fontspec and scaling

2015-01-19 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 1/17/2015 3:57 PM, Zdenek Wagner wrote:

2015-01-17 20:39 GMT+01:00 Mike Maxwell

...I guess my question is: _If_ a font provides
optical sizes, then presumably telling Fontspec which point size to use
causes it to choose the optical size provided in the font (assuming one
exists for the requested point size).  If this is correct, then to re-phrase
my original question: If instead of specifying a point size for a particular
font/stretch of text, I tell Fontspec to use scaling, then does it choose
the closest optical point size provided in the font (and maybe
magnify/demagnify it slightly if the scaling doesn't result in an exact
optical point size)?  Or does Fontspec instead magnify/demagnify the glyphs
from the document's default point size?

See section 7.6 (page 21) of the fontspec manual, it is explained there.

I read that, but it doesn't refer to the 'scaling' attribute (it does use 
\scalebox in example 16, but I presume that's different).  Maybe the fact that 
it doesn't mention scaling is my clue; scaling simply resizes whatever optical 
size is already chosen?

If that's correct, then I should be using the 'OpticalSize' attribute instead of 
'scaling'.  But how do I know whether a font supports optical sizes (and which 
specific sizes it has)?  Are such sizes embedded within a single font file, or 
do TTF fonts that support this have separate files for specific sizes?  There's 
nothing obvious in the output of fc-list -v.

Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] fontspec and scaling

2015-01-17 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 1/17/2015 9:08 AM, Zdenek Wagner wrote:

Fontspec does not do any magic. It just provides human friendly
interface to the raw commands. It is somewhere in between the raw
commands and GUI selection. It cannot in principle emulate optical
sizes but it has properties for selecting them if they are available
in the font.

Thanks for the response.  I guess my question is: _If_ a font provides optical 
sizes, then presumably telling Fontspec which point size to use causes it to 
choose the optical size provided in the font (assuming one exists for the 
requested point size).  If this is correct, then to re-phrase my original 
question: If instead of specifying a point size for a particular font/stretch of 
text, I tell Fontspec to use scaling, then does it choose the closest optical 
point size provided in the font (and maybe magnify/demagnify it slightly if the 
scaling doesn't result in an exact optical point size)?  Or does Fontspec 
instead magnify/demagnify the glyphs from the document's default point size?

Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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[XeTeX] fontspec and scaling

2015-01-16 Thread maxwell

I have a question about how scaling is done in fontspec.

We produce some multi-script documents (grammars).  It's sometimes the 
case that for the non-Roman script, the glyphs at the normal point size 
seem (in comparison with the Roman script glyphs) small.  For example, 
we're using a Dhivehi (Thaana script) font which at any given point size 
looks quite a bit smaller than the Roman script.  In part, this 
difference is probably compensating for the fact that vowel get stacked 
above (or occasionally below) consonant characters, so the Thaana 
consonant and vowel glyphs are smaller to make the line height similar 
to what you'd get with a Roman font at the same point size.  Regardless, 
the Thaana is hard to read unless we make it somewhat larger; at the 
same time, I don't want to go to a larger Roman point size.  (Frankly, 
at my age *any* font is hard to read at a normal point size.  But I 
won't go there...)

The same thing happens with Arabic, particularly in the Nastaliq style.

In order to enlarge these Thaana glyphs into something readable at a 
given point size, I've used fontspec's scaling attribute, e.g.

   \newfontfamily\thaanafont[Scale=1.4,Script=thaa]{Mv Elaaf Normal}
Mv Elaaf Normal is an OpenType font.

One effect of this is that for any line where a Thaana word appears, the 
separation between that line and the following line increases.

Apart from this, is there any negative?  I'm not familiar with font 
technology, but I have heard that it's not the best method to simply 
magnify a font to be a larger size; rather, some things in glyphs may 
change in proportion as the glyphs get bigger.  (Or maybe I'm just 
making that up, I can't find a reference to it now.)

How does Fontspec do scaling?  Do I get the same typographic results by 
using Scale as I would if I simply specified a larger point size?

   Mike Maxwell

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[XeTeX] avoiding line break after dash

2014-12-07 Thread Mike Maxwell
I have a document that has word-initial dashes (they indicate that the word is 
a suffix).  When the paragraph they're in is just right, xelatex insists on 
inserting an unwanted line break immediately after the dash.  I've tried lots of 
things to prevent this: setting the lccode for dash to zero, replacing the ASCII 
dash with an en-dash (U+2013), using or not using a {} immediately after the 
dash, putting an \mbox around the dash and word (works, but difficult to use in 
the particular context I'm working in), and several other things that I can't 
remember right now.

Another thing I've tried is to set the \exhyphenpenalty to 1.  This works if 
I do it in the preamble, but I don't really want it to have scope over the 
entire document.  But if I put that command inside a {...} together with the 
dash+word, it has no effect.

Using a Unicode non-breaking hyphen (U+2011) appears to prevent the line break 
when I try this with a different font.  Unfortunately, the font I need to use 
doesn't have a glyph for this code point, so I get a box in the PDF.  (Is there 
a way to use the ASCII dash glyph for this code point, while preserving the 
non-breaking status of the U+2011 code point?  Short of hacking the font.)

My MWE is after my sig line; the unwanted line break appears between the dash 
and the abcd.  This behavior seems to be exquisitely sensitive to things 
around it, including the remainder of the paragraph, and the presence of other 
dashes within the paragraph; hence the text may seem longer than it needs to be, 
but I couldn't get the same bad result if I shortened it much.

Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

\setmainfont{Charis SIL}

sentence-{}final particle
filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler fil
\textbf{-{}eve}. It may also be written as foo-{}fa in
informal writing, as that is how it is pronounced.
blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa
blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa
blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa blaa.

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Re: [XeTeX] bidi, math, and amstext

2014-09-27 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 9/27/2014 12:24 AM, Vafa Khalighi wrote:

Well, I suppose you do not use low-level commands like \RL to typeset say
Arabic. Do you?

We have been; perhaps relevant is the fact that we're typesetting small amounts 
of text in various right-to-left scripts in the middle of a bunch of 
left-to-right text (a grammar).

One usually defines an environment like:


or if you are defining commands:

\newcommand*{\textarab}[1]{\RL{\@Latinfalse\arabicfont #1}}

Ok, tried that; it (and also my original attempt at redefining \RL) fails for 
some reason in captions.  The minimal example is


\newcommand*{\ArabicScript}[1]{\RL{\@Latinfalse\ArabicFont #1}}



The error msg is
! Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 15.
inserted text
* RLBug.xetex
Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] bidi, math, and amstext

2014-09-27 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 9/27/2014 4:20 PM, Zdenek Wagner wrote:

Your definition is fragile but a robust macro is needed inside
\caption. Use \DeclareRobustCommand instead of \newcommand, the syntax
is the same.

Ah, thanks, I'll try that!
Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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[XeTeX] bidi, math, and amstext

2014-09-26 Thread maxwell
Not sure if this is the appropriate place to say this, but: I seem to 
have found a problematic interaction (aka bug?) between the bidi package 
and the amstext package.

Here's a minimal example:



V $_{\text{[high, low]}}$


I would of course expect the words high and low to come out in that 
order in the PDF.  Instead, they come out in reverse order, something 

low] [high,
If I leave out the fontspec package in the above code, the resulting 
output is even stranger:

]wol ,hgih[

I'm not sure why it's necessary to load the biblatex package in the 
above, but if I don't then xelatex complains:

! Undefined control sequence.
l.3 \abx@aux@sortscheme

Mike Maxwell
University of Maryland

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Re: [XeTeX] bidi, math, and amstext

2014-09-26 Thread maxwell

On 2014-09-26 16:01, Vafa Khalighi wrote:
Not a bug. bidi package has a boolean \if@Latin. The boolean should be 
in higher level packages (like polyglossia) to true for non-RTL scripts 

false for RTL scripts. Its initial value is false so that explains the

Since we're not using polyglossia, should we be setting this variable 
ourselves?  I just now tried doing that:

and it seems to work.  However, I'm not sure how, without using 
Polyglossia, we should do this whenever we switch languages.  We never 
had to do that for other purposes--we just use

 {\RL{some right-to-left stuff}}

I guess we need to redefine \RL to be s.t. like this:



Right?  I tested this on a small example and it seems to work...  (email 
is wrapping the \renewcommand here)

Note: I did not need to load biblatex package unlike you.

Figured that out--it was due to some old .aux file or s.t. that I had 
laying around as I was minimizing the example.

Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] [arXiv #128410] Re: XeLaTeX generated pdf metadata

2014-09-24 Thread maxwell

On 2014-09-22 22:04, Axel E. Retif wrote:

On 09/22/2014 08:42 PM, Mike Maxwell wrote:

I guess these jokers haven't heard of Unicode.  Are they stuck back in
the 1990s?

Are you and Philip Taylor even aware that you're replying directly to
an arXiv administrator?

I think arXiv and Cornell University are doing a great service to the
scientific community and public in general and deserve more respect.

For the record, I was on the other side of this issue in the early 
2000s, and was told I should move into the 21st century.  The person who 
told me that was right, and I was wrong.  Having been converted, I feel 
the need to proselytize; apologies, though, for coming across as brash.

I'm a linguist, so I constantly deal with other scripts.  Unicode is 
essential for our work, and its use has been routine in linguistics and 
computational linguistics publications and data archiving for over a 
decade.  All the language archiving sites I know about will accept 
*only* Unicode (or at the very least discourage non-Unicode 

So no, I don't understand why an archiving service would not allow 
Unicode-encoded papers, even if it does require xelatex.  (For the 
record, I think the font is a red herring, since afaik the font license 
issue comes up regardless of whether you're using latex or xelatex.)

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] [arXiv #128410] Re: XeLaTeX generated pdf metadata

2014-09-22 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 9/22/2014 9:41 AM, arXiv Help wrote:

Dear Chandra,

arXiv does not support XeTeX/XeLaTeX. Please export the source to the 
appropriate *.tex file format and submit that file. arXiv does not currently 
have any plans to support XeTeX/XeLaTeX. Please make the necessary changes and 
attempt to reprocess your submission at your convenience.

arXiv admin

I guess these jokers haven't heard of Unicode.  Are they stuck back in the 

   Mike Maxwell
   University of Maryland

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Re: [XeTeX] font license

2014-09-04 Thread maxwell

On 2014-09-03 17:44, Jonathan Kew wrote:

Sounds like it'd be worth filing a bug report on this, as it certainly
looks like incorrect behavior. Perhaps Jiang or Khaled would have time
to track down exactly what's happening here.

Thanks, I've done this (Khaled of course already knows about the 
problem), including a test file, and mentioning your suggestion:

Maybe it's getting confused because Nikosh has the
(relatively rare, I think) No subsetting flag set there?

BTW, this issue happens when an explicit xdvipdfmx command is 
used--either on the command line (after xelatex was run with the -no-pdf 
parameter), or as an -output-driver option on xelatex.  For some reason, 
the issue does not happen when xelatex is called on the input file and 
produces an output PDF--the font is embedded.  Does that mean that 
xelatex by default ignores font licensing restrictions? (The resulting 
PDF does subset the font, which is probably not the correct result if 
the no subsetting restriction in the font is taken at face value.)

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] rangecheck in --run--

2014-09-03 Thread maxwell

On 2014-08-27 18:49, maxwell wrote:

On 2014-08-27 18:16, Jonathan Kew wrote:

I'm curious why Ghostscript is being run at all. Is it trying to
convert a PostScript or EPS graphic, when you intended to use a PDF
directly? Maybe one of the users has a different version of the
graphics package, or even just a configuration file, in a personal
location? Does one of the users have a pre-converted .pdf version of
the graphic, but the other only has access to an .eps original?

I think I've figured this out.

We embed a few PDF images in our documents.  We had had a similar crash 
problem earlier when embedding newer versions of PDFs (v1.6)--apparently 
xdvipdfmx prefers older versions of PDFs.  (PDF v1.6 corresponds to 
Adobe v7, and I think the xdvipdfmx.cfg file specifies v5 = v1.4.  But I 
haven't studied that .cfg file.)

With advice from people here (see this thread:, we had overcome 
the problem by specifying to xdvipdfmx that it use a newer version of 
ghostscript (9.06 instead of 8.71) on the final pass (where it builds a 
PDF), and specifying the '-no-pdf' parameter on the earlier passes.  
However, I had put this latter parameter on the wrong side of the input 
file name, i.e.

xelatex foo.tex -no-pdf
instead of
xelatex -no-pdf foo.tex
so it was still trying to build a PDF in the earlier passes using the 
default version of ghostscript.  And apparently the default ghostscript 
was different on the other user's machine from mine, causing the crash.

Moral of the story: command line parameters go *before* the input file.  

Thanks for the help in tracking this down!

   Mike Maxwell

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[XeTeX] font license

2014-09-03 Thread maxwell
On to the next problem.  We're typesetting a Bangla grammar, and the 
chosen font for the Bengali script is the Nikosh font.  This ttf font 
was reportedly developed by the government of Bangladesh, and is freely 
downloadable from their website, e.g.

Now that I have the xetex -output-driver parameter on the correct side 
of the input file name on the command line (see my previous thread...), 
xdvipdfmx is refusing to embed this Nikosh font in the PDF unless I use 
the -E (embed regardless of license) parameter.  I'm not happy about 
doing that.

I have been googling around for the Nikosh font license (no luck--some 
sites claim it's freely available, but that probably doesn't mean 
anything), and also for some app that would let me read the license 
restrictions which I assume are embedded somehow in the .ttf file 
(otherwise how could xdvipdfmx find it?).  Tried fc-scan, FontForge, 
'strings Nikosh.ttf | grep -i fstype', etc.

I understand that some font creation tools default to non-embeddable 
font licenses, and that some developers may not realize that (or not 
realize the implications).

How do I find the exact license restrictions on a truetype font?

   Mike Maxwell
   University of Maryland

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Re: [XeTeX] font license

2014-09-03 Thread maxwell

On 2014-09-03 15:42, Lorna Evans wrote:

The font properties say Installable embedding allowed so I'm not
sure why it won't embed.
The license field has a bunch of CJK that I can't read and then this:

Nikosh font developed by The Election Commission of Bangladesh. Latin 


That's certainly the sort of thing I was looking for.  How did you 
extract that? (and from what file?)

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] font license

2014-09-03 Thread maxwell

On 2014-09-03 17:04, Zdenek Wagner wrote:

2014-09-03 22:46 GMT+02:00 Lorna Evans

...I don't know how you would find this
info on other Operating Systems.

Maybe fontforge?

I have it open in FontForge now.  I would think the appropriate place to 
look would be the Element | Font info command, which brings up a Font 
Information dialog.  Under TTF Names, there are a number of fields, 
including one labeled License, which is the Creative License v3 (as 
Lorna saw).  But I don't see a field labeled Embeddability (or 
similar), but then I don't see that field in the Scheherazade font 
either, and xdvipdfmx treats that as embeddable.

So I'm not sure in FontForge how to get at the embeddability information 
that xdvipdfmx (and Microsoft's font info plugin) is using.

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] font license

2014-09-03 Thread maxwell

On 2014-09-03 17:25, Stefan Solbrig wrote:

2014-09-03 22:46 GMT+02:00 Lorna Evans
It came from the Nikosh.ttf file. I have Microsoft Font Properties  
installed and with that installed I can right click on a .ttf and  
Properties and it gives me a whole range of tabs full of info  that 
not available without the extension. I don't know how you would  find 

info on other Operating Systems.

Maybe fontforge?

Yes, fontforge can do this.
Open the font file with fontforge,
then select Elements-Font info.

thanks, I see that now, but how do you find the embeddability info that 
xdvipdfmx is seeing?  I guess it's coded as a single bit, but is there a 
way to read it in FontForge?

(As a quick hack, if you don't want to install fontforge,
the License is usually also contained as an utf-8 string. So just
doing a dump e.g. with:
   hexdump -C path/to/font/file  | less
or using a hex capable edtior:
   vim -b  path/to/font/file
will make it easy to find the license (usually at the beginning if the
 font file.
It might also be stored as an utf-16 string, which makes it a bit
harder to read.

The license is encoded both as UTF-8 and as UTF-16; at a guess, the 
latter is what Lorna reported in the Windows app (and what I also see in 
FontForge) as looking like a Chinese license!

   Mike Maxwell

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[XeTeX] rangecheck in --run--

2014-08-27 Thread maxwell
One of our people is getting a crash in xetex, which I can't reproduce.  
It's very odd, since afaik we're both using the same input files, the 
same instance of xetex, the same TeXLive 2014 files, and so forth, and 
running on the same machine.  Clearly s.t. is different, but I'm not 
sure what, and this email is a query about what I should be looking for.

The error msg is:
Error: /rangecheck in --run--
Operand stack:
   --dict:11/20(L)--   TT0   1   FontObject   --dict:8/8(L)--   
--dict:8/8(L)--   TimesNewRomanPSMT   --dict:13/13(L)--   Times-Roman   

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   
--nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--  
 --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1862   1   3   
%oparray_pop   1861   1   3   %oparray_pop   1845   1   3   %oparray_pop 
  --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   1   1   --nostringval--   
%for_pos_int_continue   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   
%stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--

Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1155/1684(ro)(G)--   --dict:1/20(G)--   --dict:76/200(L)--   
--dict:76/200(L)--   --dict:106/127(ro)(G)--   --dict:286/300(ro)(G)--   
--dict:22/25(L)--   --dict:4/6(L)--   --dict:26/40(L)--

Current allocation mode is local
Command /groups/tools/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-linux/xelatex   
-halt-on-error -output-directory=./LinguistInABox/output/latex 
./LinguistInABox/output/latex/linguistInABoxGrammar.xetex -no-pdf died 
with signal 13, without coredump

Signal 13 is Write on a pipe with no reader, Broken pipe.

I believe the crash is happening at the point xelatex is trying to embed 
an existing PDF.  If I'm right (we're going to verify it tomorrow), the 
command that crashes is


Googling this:
xetex OR xelatex rangecheck in --run--
brings up about six msgs from 2011, which seem to be the same thread, 
and afaict are irrelevant.

We're running the version of xetex that came with TeXLive 2014 
(3.14159265-2.6-0.1) on Linux.

Any suggestions as to what I should be looking for?

   Mike Maxwell
   University of Maryland

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Re: [XeTeX] rangecheck in --run--

2014-08-27 Thread maxwell

On 2014-08-27 17:51, Ross Moore wrote:

The problem looks to be with Ghostscript.
You may be using different versions, so check that first.

Thanks! (and to Zdenek for the similar suggestion)

That certainly makes sense.  We do have two versions of ghostscript on 
our linux machine, 8.70 and 9.06.  I don't know if this--
is the particular error we're getting, but it seems plausible.  It was 
fixed in v9.04.  I'm not sure why the other user's account calls the old 
version and mine the newer ('which gs' on my machine returns a v8.71, 
and 'which ghostscript' returns v8.70); but at least we have s.t. to 
look at.

But--how did you figure this out?  I see no mention of 
Ghostscript/Postscript in the error msg.

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] rangecheck in --run--

2014-08-27 Thread maxwell

On 2014-08-27 18:16, Jonathan Kew wrote:

I'm curious why Ghostscript is being run at all. Is it trying to
convert a PostScript or EPS graphic, when you intended to use a PDF
directly? Maybe one of the users has a different version of the
graphics package, or even just a configuration file, in a personal
location? Does one of the users have a pre-converted .pdf version of
the graphic, but the other only has access to an .eps original?

We do have a -D flag on the xdvipdfmx command line, which points to 
v9.06 of ghostscript.  But that's the same for both this other user and 
me (it's run from a script).  And I presume it's irrelevant to this 
error, since the crash happens when xelatex is running, not (unless I'm 
misunderstanding how this works) when xdvipdfmx runs.

So under what circumstances would xelatex (not xdvipdfmx) be calling 

Maybe one of the users has a different version of the
graphics package, or even just a configuration file, in a personal

That seems the most likely explanation, although how that results in 
ghostscript getting called, I don't know.  In the past we have used 
pdf2ps and ps2pdf (script which call gs) to convert some problematic 
versions of pdfs into acceptable versions.  But that's s.t. we do once, 
off-line, and we simply retain the acceptable pdfs.  So I don't think 
that's what's going on here.

Does one of the users have a pre-converted .pdf version of
the graphic, but the other only has access to an .eps original?

I don't think so, but I'll certainly check when this other user gets 
back (Wednesday).

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] jpg image and text overlapping

2014-08-05 Thread maxwell

On 2014-08-04 13:50, Stefan Solbrig wrote:

The following two commands will set all resolution metadata known to
exiftool to 300.

   exiftool -'*Resolution'=300 image.jpg

I haven't done a thorough testing of this tool, but for OP's image, it
 worked. (The command might need some refinement, depending on your

This worked, actual command line was
   exiftool -XResolution=72 -YResolution=72 fname.jpg

(One file gave an error when we tried to do this, Error reading 
StripOffsets data in IFD0.  That appears to be an(other) error in the 
file, a jpg apparently should not have a StripOffsets tag.)

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] jpg image and text overlapping

2014-08-04 Thread maxwell
Turns out we've also been bit by this problem... please see my questions 

On 2014-08-04 01:55, Heiko Oberdiek wrote:

On 04.08.2014 01:27, Gildas Hamel wrote:

I append the jpg file (tombe.jpg).

The resolution data in tombe.jpg are inconsistent:
* JFIF header: 72 DPI
* EXIF header: 300 DPI

What program did you use to determine this?  I'm looking at one of our 
jpgs in a text editor, and while I see the string Exif near the top, I 
don't see any jfif-like string.  GIMP reports 72x72 ppi, but I don't 
know whether that's exif or jfif.

Apparently XeTeX uses the EXIF header, whereas xdvipdfmx the JFIF 

(or vice versa).

Is there a work-around?  Like using some image editor to produce a jpg 
file with jfif and exif headers that agree on the resolution (and I 
suppose have the correct one :-)), or maybe converting from jpg to some 
other format?  I suppose I could create a PDF using pdflatex, and import 
that into my xetex file instead of the original jpg.  But before I try 
all these things, it would be nice to know if someone else has found a 

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] jpg image and text overlapping

2014-08-04 Thread maxwell

Mike Maxwell (me) wrote:

I'm looking at one of our
jpgs in a text editor, and while I see the string Exif near the 

I don't see any jfif-like string.

Stefan Solbrig wrote:

You can find 'JFIF' of tombe.jpg at position 6, meaning, there are
six other bytes before the string.

OK, I can see that 'JFIF' in the tombe.jpg file.  But it turns out it's 
not in my file at all, only the 'Exif' header is there.  Our sysadmin 
guys haven't installed the suggested exiftool tool yet; presumably 
exiftool will be capable of *adding* the JFIF header (which I gather 
should come before the Exif header, although apparently both headers 
want to be first).

Turns out GIMP will also save it with both the JFIF and Exif headers, 
and that works with XeTeX, and has a batch method.  So I guess I could 
use that.

   Mike Maxwell

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[XeTeX] bidi question

2014-07-15 Thread maxwell
I have encountered what appears to be a very minor bug in the 2013 
version of the bidi package.  The sourceforge page for bidi 
( appears to have been recently set up, and 
as a result the links to source code are not there yet--in particular, 
the method for reporting bugs is not there.  But I installed the 2014 
version from, 
and I get the same output (and verified that xelatex is using the newer 

I'm attaching the minimal file below.  The PDF output has a blank line 
between the first and second footnotes, which IMO shouldn't be there.  I 
don't get this result if bidi isn't loaded, and with bidi loaded I only 
get this result if the last line of the first footnote ends right at the 
right-hand margin (and TeX doesn't think it can improve the result by 
wrapping onto the next line--hence the rather long final word in the 
minimal example's footnote).

I also only get this result if the close brace of the first footnote is 
on the line following the last word of the footnote, that is, if I have

word word word.

rather than

word word word.}

So it's a very minor problem, and easy enough to work around.  My 
problem with the work-around is that the LaTeX code is generated from 
XML, and avoiding that line break before the brace is difficult.

Anywhere, here is the minimal example:

Refer to first footnote\footnote{
Fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill
fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill
fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill
fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill
fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill
fill fill fill fillfillfillfi.
} refer to second footnote.\footnote{Another footnote.}


   Mike Maxwell
   University of Maryland

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Re: [XeTeX] morewrites and bibtex

2014-07-07 Thread maxwell
Coming back to this (see below) after over a year, to report that it is 
no longer an issue for us.

I never did get around to uploading the latest version of morewrites 
(suggested by Bruno below), but I did install the next texlive when it 
came out, which has the newer version (0.2e) of morewrites than the one 
I had been using.  That may have fixed the problem, but we also switched 
from bibtex to biblatex (the problem I originally reported was some kind 
of an issue between bibtex and (the older version of) morewrites).  So 
we're not using the same configuration that we were when we had the 

Thanks to Bruno for this package, and for responding to my original msg.

Mike Maxwell

On 2013-02-09 14:34, Mike Maxwell wrote:

On 2/9/2013 6:29 AM, Bruno Le Floch wrote:

I'm the author of morewrites, which has to perform various hacks to go
around the hard limitation of the number of TeX output streams (see
the thread that you linked: TeX has not changed in this regard).  My
guess is that it is probably a bug in morewrites.  Please try to make
a reasonably short example, and send it, for instance to me.

Thanks, will do, after I try this:

Do you have the latest version of morewrites (v0.2e)?

No, it appears I'm using v0.1, dated 2011/09/09, which came with
TexLive 2012.  I see where I can download the newer version on, so I'll give that a shot before I try making the minimal

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[XeTeX] embedding PDF, 1.4 vs. 1.5

2014-06-17 Thread maxwell
Late last year, I ran into a problem in which I could embed a PDF v1.4, 
but not v1.5 (I have not tried this with newer versions of PDFs, which 
are now up to 1.7).  The problem and its work-around are described here:
and in the preceding and following messages in those threads.

The problem bit us again today.  Fortunately, we now know the 
work-around.  But my question is whether this is likely to get fixed in 
some future version of xetex?  (We're using the TeXLive 2013 version = 

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] embedding PDF, 1.4 vs. 1.5

2014-06-17 Thread maxwell

On 2014-06-17 11:31, maxwell wrote:

Late last year, I ran into a problem in which I could embed a PDF
v1.4, but not v1.5 (I have not tried this with newer versions of PDFs,
which are now up to 1.7).  The problem and its work-around are
described here:

The above work around involved a double conversion using pdf2ps, from 
PDF to PS and back again to PDF.  If you happen to own a copy of Adobe 
Acrobat, Chris Green ran into another way to do it, documented here:
I don't know whether there are quality differences using these two 

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] stacking diacritics without mark-to-mark

2014-03-12 Thread maxwell

On 2014-03-12 14:47, Joshua and Amy wrote:

I'm typesetting with XeLaTeX, using fontspec, and calling a font
provided to me by the publisher of a manuscript I'm working on. (Same
as my previous post!)

The language I work with has a letter O with circumflex and breve
(U+00F4,U+0306): ô̆. However, the publisher-provided font does not
use mark-to-mark positioning, so when I typeset in XeLaTeX, the
combining breve overlays the circumflex.

Back in January of 2013, there was discussion of this very issue,
which included talk of a potentially forthcoming solution where XeTeX
would handle this problem for us. Does anyone know whether there is
now a straightforward way of doing this?

I'm the one who started the thread a year ago, and I'm very definitely 
interested in this problem.  The post saying that this problem would 
soon be fixed is this one:
namely XeTeX (thanks the new HarfBuzz layout engine),
   will try to position the accents using their bounding boxes
   if the font does not have a GPOS table, so it should produce
   better results in this case (unless the font in question
   does have a GPOS table).

Afaict, this does not work under the TeXLive 2013 version, at least not 
with this publisher's font.  Am I missing s.t.?

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] stacking diacritics without mark-to-mark

2014-03-12 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 3/12/2014 10:19 PM, Andrew Cunningham wrote:

Although personaly I'd consider such a solution a poor hack compared to a well
designed font that is fit for purpose.

I won't disagree.  We've been told by the publisher, who original built the font 
(or more likely subcontracted it) that the problem is a shortcoming of their 
OpenType font files, that could only be eliminated by revising the font as a 
whole.  I'm inclined to tell them to go for it, or else we'll use a font that 
does work (Charis SIL comes to mind).  That would have the unfortunate 
consequence that the first book in our series would use the publisher's font (we 
didn't have the stacked diacritic problem in that book), but the rest of the 
books in the series would use some other font.

But in order to convince them to make such a change, I need to understand better 
what is involved in revising a font to make mark-to-mark positioning work.  I 
gather that only the diacritics need the two mark-to-mark points (top and 
bottom) to be defined, not every character--correct?

Is it done at the character level, or at the glyph level?  Does it need to be 
done separately for each point size/ weight/ style that the font supports?

And do those attachment points need to be defined manually, or is there a way to 
automate that process?  Can this be done in a tool like FontForge, or does one 
need specialized tools that only the font manufacturer would have?

I'm assuming that base characters already have top and bottom marks, but that 
may not be a safe assumption.  The problems we've seen so far have been with 
stacked diacritics.

And of course there may be a better forum than this to ask this question.
Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] FreeSerif fonts and devanagari ligatures

2014-03-10 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 3/10/2014 8:04 PM, Khaled Hosny wrote:

That being said, there are some bugs in the HarfBuzz version used in
TeX Live 2013 release, but this should be fixed when with 2014 upgrades
to the latest HarfBuzz (people using exiting XeTeX release with the
latest HarfBuzz, e.g. distro packages, should be fine as well).

We'll be typesetting some Bangla (Bengali script) text in June, which afaik is 
before the TeXLive 2014 comes out.

1) Do you happen to know whether the 2013 version's bugs break Bangla?

I suppose that's an unanswerable question, since it probably depends on the 
exact font we'll be using, and maybe the 2013 version hasn't been tested with 
Bangla anyway.  So:

2) I assume this:
   is where I should go for the latest HarfBuzz (at the moment, the 30 Jan 2014 
   correct?  And that I don't need to install any revised version of anything 
else from

   TeXLive 2013.
Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] BibLaTeX/ biber question

2014-02-09 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 2/10/2014 12:28 AM, I wrote:

I'm switching over from BibTeX to BibLaTeX/ biber.  I have most things working, 
but I have one
question.  We occasionally use the command \btPrintAll from the bibtopic 
package; this command
added all citations from a given .bib file to the bibliography, even if a work 
was not cited in
the main document.  But bibtopic is not compatible with BibLaTeX, and I don't 
see any obvious
mechanism in BibLaTeX (or biber) for doing what \btPrintAll did.  I checked 
both the biber
documentation and the biblatex documentation.

Am I overlooking something?

After looking for this for several hours, I gave up and started working on s.t. else.  And found 
what I wasn't looking for.

For the record, I think:
does what I want.
Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] xetex and the unicode bidirectional algorithm.

2013-12-09 Thread maxwell

On 2013-12-09 11:15, Zdenek Wagner wrote:

A bit off topic, dou you know a good Linux text editor woth properly
implemented bidi algorithm so that I could type multilingual texts?

Yudit ( claims to be that.  I have not used it.

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] openType and xetex

2013-12-03 Thread maxwell

On 2013-12-03 16:43, Khaled Hosny wrote:

Is there an explanation of xetex's version numbering somewhere?  The 
copy I'm running gives the ff. version #:

   XeTeX 3.1415926-2.5-0..3-2013060708 (TeX Live 2013)
You'll perhaps pardon me if I don't understand that...  I mean this
is one thing, but what is the relative meaning of
   3.1415926  (I recognize this number, but?)
   0..3   (third, er fourth release of 0.)
   2013060708 (date)
Anyway, if the 0..3 part is any indication, xetex is now using 
Harfbuzz, correct?

   Mike Maxwell
   The gentle giants of Harfang salute you.

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Re: [XeTeX] openType and xetex

2013-12-03 Thread maxwell

On 2013-12-03 17:27, maxwell wrote:

Anyway, if the 0..3 part is any indication, xetex is now using
Harfbuzz, correct?

Aargh, just noticed that the version information already says this.

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Re: [XeTeX] Problems in Devanagari typing.

2013-11-24 Thread Mike Maxwell

I'm having trouble understanding this:

Am 24.11.2013 um 17:27 schrieb Khaled Hosny:

...The problem I had with Malayalam (Rachana Font) has been fixed after I 
updated it.

The it that got fixed = the font or XeTeX?

However TexShop does have problem with certain ligatures when it comes to 
Malayalam. However, the
pdf renders the ligature correctly.

I'm not understanding: are you saying that the screen view of TexShop is at fault, or the PDF 
produced by XeTeX when you use TeXShop?

Mr Venkataraman is facing a similar problem. Font. As we have seen the problem 
is with ligatures.

Perhaps you could be more specific?
Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-hyphen] Hyphenation of polytonic Greek (expressed in Unicode)

2013-09-12 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 9/12/2013 6:17 PM, Khaled Hosny wrote:

Some writing systems do not use spaces to separate words, so TeX’s
normal line breaking algorithm will fail. \XeTeXlinebreaklocale
instructs XeTeX to break the lines based on the rule of those writing

‹Locale ID› should be the ISO code of the language in question,

Hmm, wouldn't this be insufficient information? Some languages are 
written in multiple scripts, and I would not be surprised if word breaks 
are signaled differently in those different scripts.  Japanese, for example?

documentation is a bit vague, but it seems to calculate the line
breaking position based on the Unicode character properties and the
locale value is simply ignored).

That also seems insufficient, since multiple languages may use the same 
script and have different word (and therefore line) breaking 
characteristics. Although perhaps closer, given that scripts that don't 
use spaces are *perhaps* more unique to a particular language, or to a 
small set of similar languages--e.g. Chinese script, to the extent that 
Cantonese and Mandarin are similar in their word break characteristics. 
 But here I'm *really* ignorant.

In general, word breaking in scripts that don't indicate word boundaries 
is a partly unsolved research problem in computational linguistics--and 
from what I've heard, native speakers often disagree.  (If you think 
that's odd, you might consider 'doghouse' vs. 'dog house' in English...) 
 So I suppose it's not surprising if this doesn't work as well in XeTeX 
as one might hope.

   Mike Maxwell
   The biggest danger is not ignorance,
   but the illusion of knowledge.
   --Stephen Hawking

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Re: [XeTeX] bold small caps, but no regular small caps

2013-08-02 Thread maxwell

On 2013-08-02 06:40, Georg Duffner wrote:

I tried to reproduce the above behaviour by deleting and adding
different versions – without success.

In my case (I'm the OP), the problem indeed turned out to be with my 
font files--I had two versions of the CharisSIL font files, with 
slightly different names.  Apparently it (Cygwin, and therefore XeLaTeX) 
was picking up the older ones, which were known to have issues with 
small caps.  I imagine this problem could occur in other OSs, since the 
font file naming issue would affect those systems too.

Now, if I extend Mike’s original example by italics (see below),
things get weirder:

I haven't tried this on my Windows/Cygwin machine yet (I'm on another 
machine now).

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] bold small caps, but no regular small caps

2013-07-29 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 7/29/2013 7:47 AM, Herbert Schulz wrote:

This has been explained before on this list. Use the [Renderer=ICU] option:

\setmainfont[Renderer=ICU]{Charis SIL}

and you'll get Small Caps.

This doesn't work.  Still only small caps on the bold, not regular.  I also tried Renderer=OT, but 
xelatex reports

! LaTeX error: kernel/key-choice-unknown
! Key 'fontspec-renderer/Renderer' accepts only a fixed set of choices.
Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] bold small caps, but no regular small caps

2013-07-29 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 7/29/2013 10:06 AM, Elliott Roper wrote:

Try this
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text,Renderer=ICU]{Charis SIL}

No, afraid that doesn't work either.
Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] morewrites and bibtex

2013-02-09 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 2/9/2013 6:29 AM, Bruno Le Floch wrote:

I'm the author of morewrites, which has to perform various hacks to go
around the hard limitation of the number of TeX output streams (see
the thread that you linked: TeX has not changed in this regard).  My
guess is that it is probably a bug in morewrites.  Please try to make
a reasonably short example, and send it, for instance to me.

Thanks, will do, after I try this:

Do you have the latest version of morewrites (v0.2e)?

No, it appears I'm using v0.1, dated 2011/09/09, which came with TexLive 2012.  I see where I can 
download the newer version on, so I'll give that a shot before I try making the minimal 

Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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[XeTeX] morewrites and bibtex

2013-02-08 Thread maxwell
Has anyone noticed a conflict between the 'morewrites' package and 

It appears that there is some sort of problem whereby the fname1.aux 
file that bibtex creates gets overwritten (as a zero-length file) when I 
load the morewrites package and run xelatex after bibtex.  The result is 
of course an empty bibliography.

I have a small file that shows this effect, but it would take quite a 
bit more work to make it minimal.  I also don't know if this has 
anything to do with xe(la)tex, or if it's just between morewrites and 
bibtex; I tried running it with LaTeX, but ran into some obscure 

So my question is whether this is a known problem, or if I should 
pursue creating a minimal example so that someone can fix it (assuming 
it's a bug).  (Googling didn't reveal anything obvious.)  I'm using 
TeXLive 2012, so I don't think this thread:
is relevant.

   Mike Maxwell

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Re: [XeTeX] redefining Unicode characters

2013-01-15 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 1/15/2013 12:58 AM, Khaled Hosny wrote:

BTW, next XeTeX (thanks the new HarfBuzz layout engine), will try to
position the accents using their bounding boxes if the font does not
have a GPOS table, so it should produce better results in this case
(unless the font in question does have a GPOS table).

Wow, I'm impressed!  When will this new XeTeX be coming out?  Do I need to wait 
for TeXLive 2013?
Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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[XeTeX] redefining Unicode characters

2013-01-14 Thread Mike Maxwell
We are typesetting a grammar that has instances of 'a' + combining macron + combining acute.  The 
publisher requires us to use a font that does not produce stacked diacritics well (the acute accent 
overwrites the macron, rather than appearing above it).

The publisher's solution in this font (which won't work in every case, but will for this particular 
sequence) is to replace the sequence 'a' + combining macron + combining acute with a single 
pre-composed character in the Private Use Area of Unicode.

There are several ways we could do this.  One would be to convert all the sequences in our document 
once and for all; but that has the disadvantage that the characters will show up as boxes in the 
source code (we aren't using and don't particularly want to use the publisher's font in our editor, 
for reasons I won't go into).  It has the further disadvantage that if anyone later on adds another 
instance of this sequence, we may forget to convert it (and XeLaTeX will not produce an error, just 
a bad looking output).

Another way would be to insert a pre-processing step that uses a stream editor (like sed) to convert 
the sequence to the PUA character.  Clumsy, but perhaps preferable to the first method.

My preference would be if it were possible for XeLaTeX itself to do the conversion.  Note that I do 
not want to create a command (prefixed by a \ and using {}, I suppose) to do this; that would be 
almost as bad as the first method.  Is there any way to tell XeLaTeX to map a particular sequence of 
Unicode code points to a different code point?  I didn't see anything obvious in the fontspec manual.

I'm assuming there's no straightforward way to tell XeTeX to place an acute slightly higher when it 
immediately follows a macron.  Such a solution would solve problems that will arise later when we 
have other sequences of stacked diacritics, which are not given pre-composed forms in the 
publisher's font.

Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] xelatex and tikzpicture

2013-01-01 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 12/31/2012 3:02 PM, wrote:

On Mon, 31 Dec 2012, Mike Maxwell wrote:

Dia will also output a .tex file, which uses the tikz package.  I tried this,
using \input{filename.tex} in my xelatex file (along with the
\usepackage{tikz} and \usepackage{morewrites}).  I get approximately half a
bazillion warnings from xelatex, and while it outputs a PDF, the diagram does
not appear (there's a mostly blank page).

I use TikZ with XeLaTeX all the time and I've never had problems such as
you describe.  It would be interesting to see one of the .tex files that
doesn't work.

Turned out that the problem was that I needed the ff. commands before the 
\usepackage{tikz} command:
This was not very obvious to me...

I still need to do some scaling, but I think that will be straightforward.
Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] xelatex and tikzpicture

2013-01-01 Thread Mike Maxwell

To finish up this thread:

On 12/31/2012 3:44 PM, wrote:

On Mon, 31 Dec 2012, Mike Maxwell wrote:

Why are you using morewrites?

Because it was running out of places to write to (there's a limit of 16 files,
I understand) without morewrites.

This seems surprising.  Are you generating a lot of different lists,
table-of-contents kinds of things, indices, and so on?

Yes: table of contents, table of figures, table of tables, index, and a bunch 
of other stuff.
Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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[XeTeX] xelatex and tikzpicture

2012-12-31 Thread Mike Maxwell
I've created some diagrams using the free tool 'dia' (an open source diagramming tool).  In the 
past, I've exported its diagrams as jpegs, and imported them into my Xelatex file as such.  That's 
probably not the optimal way to do it.

Dia will also output a .tex file, which uses the tikz package.  I tried this, using 
\input{filename.tex} in my xelatex file (along with the \usepackage{tikz} and 
\usepackage{morewrites}).  I get approximately half a bazillion warnings from xelatex, and while it 
outputs a PDF, the diagram does not appear (there's a mostly blank page).

Here's a subset of the warnings from xelatex:
** WARNING ** Unknown token pgfs
** WARNING ** Interpreting PS code failed!!! Output might be broken!!!
** WARNING ** Interpreting special command ps: (ps:) failed.
** WARNING **  at page=67 position=(-4876.72, -16639.2) (in PDF)
** WARNING **  xxx ps:: pgfs
** WARNING ** Stack not empty after execution of inline PostScript code.
** WARNING **  Your macro package makes some assumption on internal behaviour 
of DVI drivers.
** WARNING **  It may not compatible with dvipdfmx.
** WARNING ** Unknown token pgfr
** WARNING ** Interpreting PS code failed!!! Output might be broken!!!
** WARNING ** Interpreting special command ps: (ps:) failed.
** WARNING **  at page=67 position=(-4876.72, -16639.2) (in PDF)
** WARNING **  xxx ps:: pgfr
** WARNING ** Unknown token restore
I'm guessing the problem is summarized by the warning:
   Your macro package makes some assumption on internal behaviour of DVI 
Is there something I should be doing to make this work with xelatex/ dvipdfmx?  Or is it not 
possible?  (If .tex is not possible, and I'm understanding correctly, I suppose the .png format 
would be better than .jpg.)

I'm using the latest TexLive 2012 version (XeTeX 3.1415926-2.4-0.9998).
Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] xelatex and tikzpicture

2012-12-31 Thread Mike Maxwell

On Mon, 31 Dec 2012, Mike Maxwell wrote:

Dia will also output a .tex file, which uses the tikz package.  I tried this,
using \input{filename.tex} in my xelatex file (along with the
\usepackage{tikz} and \usepackage{morewrites}).  I get approximately half a
bazillion warnings from xelatex, and while it outputs a PDF, the diagram does
not appear (there's a mostly blank page).

I use TikZ with XeLaTeX all the time and I've never had problems such as
you describe.  It would be interesting to see one of the .tex files that
doesn't work.

Ok, let me make a minimal example.  (May not get to it today...)

Why are you using morewrites?

Because it was running out of places to write to (there's a limit of 16 files, I understand) without 

Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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Re: [XeTeX] Problem with includegraphics of pdf file version 1.5 which was fixed when converting to version 1.4

2012-12-11 Thread Mike Maxwell

On 10/1/2012 4:57 AM, Jørgen Skancke wrote:

This minimal working example
results in the following errror

** WARNING ** Streams with DecodeParams not supported.
** WARNING ** Cannot parse cross-reference stream.
** WARNING ** Error while parsing PDF file.
** WARNING ** pdf: image inclusion failed for ../nature_format.pdf
My workaround solution was to use gs to convert the pdf file from version
1.5 to version 1.4

I'm also getting this error, but I can't figure out how to use gs to make the conversion.  I see 
ghostscript's manual here
but don't see any parameter to change the pdf version.  What was your command 
line for the conversion?
Mike Maxwell
My definition of an interesting universe is
one that has the capacity to study itself.
--Stephen Eastmond

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