Re: Thanks for pointers to OmniFocus, Eagle Filer

2008-05-07 Thread Rhet Turnbull

On May 7, 2008, at 3:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The killer feature for me at this point would be to be able to  
access and edit my text notes on my iPhone. If

While it's not as ideal as a native solution from BareBones, you  
might want to look at Webjimbo:


 Sounds like you need OmniFocus.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'm surprised I didn't know about it, as  
I have and love some of their other programs. I've downloaded it  
and will take a look. One thing I saw in the description that was  
attractive to me is that you can email a note to yourself and have  
it added to OmniFocus automatically. Very cool. Now that I've  
swapped my old Palm for an iPhone, I find myself emailing notes to  
myself a lot and then processing them when I get back to my laptop,  
because it's the easiest way to get them into my system.

On the other hand, I also want to find a way to get my lists from  
my laptop onto my iPhone easily (and hopefully not stashed in the  
notes box of a dummy contact, which is the only way I know to do it  
at present -- so it takes a slightly annoying number of taps to  
access information that ought to be closer at hand, and it really  
sucks aesthetically). Doesn't say on the website if OmniFocus can  
export current lists as text files; it would be a plus for me if it  

I'm a bit leery of buying specialized software for something that  
is essentially list-making and that I'm not really feeling any  
problem with how I'm handling now; but maybe if it makes some of  
the bookkeeping element of it easier, might be worth it. I'll  
take a look when I have a little time.

Thanks also to whoever mentioned Eagle Filer, which I hadn't heard  
of before either. I'm kind of tired of spending money on more note- 
organizing programs, though, so unless it has a very clear  
advantage to me over Yojimbo I can't see myself switching yet  
again. Already gone through iOrganize (liked its simplicity, but  
absolutely no response to repeated email messages about a license  
I'd paid for not working, so that left a very bad taste), SOHO  
Notes (runs slow when it gets full, and I've lost important notes  
twice now through its bugginess), Circus Ponies NoteBook (which I  
love and still use for a few particular applications), maybe some  
others too that I'm not thinking of just now. Nested folders isn't  
enough of a make-or-break issue for me to go through the process of  
transferring all my notes yet again to a new system, nor do I want  
to lose .Mac syncking, which *is* halfway to being a make-or-break  
issue for me these days.

What I'm leaning toward right now is going back to what I was doing  
for a while, exporting my notes for completed projects as text  
files and keeping them organized that way. Not ideal, but keeping  
my list of collections and the drop dock more manageable seems more  
important than the few seconds it'll take me to re-import the files  
if I need them again.

The killer feature for me at this point would be to be able to  
access and edit my text notes on my iPhone. If Yojimbo doesn't  
develop a way to do that, and a similar program does, I'll be  
tempted to switch. Add in .Mac syncking and I'll be *very* tempted.

Scott Marley

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Re: Almost happy with Yojimbo the way it is

2008-05-01 Thread Rhet Turnbull
  There is another software package, can't recall the name of it right now,
 which will manage multiple prefs/databases/whatever for programs that are



On 5/1/08, Charlie Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Good afternoon,

  On 1/5/08 at 12:04 AM -0400, Jerry Weldon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  In other words, I want to be able to have multiple self-contained library
 databases. This would not add any complexity whatsoever for those who like
 Yojimbo the way it is--they can simply continue using one monolithic
 library--but it would add an order of magnitude of usefulness for me, and I
 suspect for others as well.

  There is another software package, can't recall the name of it right now,
 which will manage multiple prefs/databases/whatever for programs that are
 not designed around 'documents'. You should be able to use that to have
 multiple databases for Yojimbo.


Charlie Garrison  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

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Re: Almost happy with Yojimbo the way it is

2008-04-30 Thread Rhet Turnbull
In other words, I want to be able to have multiple self-contained  
library databases.

You might want to try Eagle Filer:   
It is similar to Yojimbo but supports multiple libraries and nested  
folders. It also stores its data as regular files in the filesystem  
so you could easily copy all the files you want and give to a friend  
per the use case you outlined or browse your data with the Finder.

Now, some comments on the recent discussions on this list... First,  
I'm not a Yojimbo-hater -- I've used Yojimbo since it was released  
and have a library with thousands of records. However, I've gotten  
very tired of the lack of nested folders (makes the drop dock too  
big), lack of true Smart Collections, lack of a read only flag, and  
the monolithic database as well as lack of Time Machine support. At  
the time that I bought Yojimbo, I extensively evaluated every  
digital junk drawer application for the Mac and settled on Yojimbo  
because of ease of use, exportability, Applescriptability, and most  
importantly, .Mac syncing.

The only reason I've stuck with Yojimbo so far is .Mac syncing. I  
want my data available on multiple computers and none of Yojimbo's  
competitors support seamless .Mac syncing the way Yojimbo does.   
However, if the next paid upgrade from Yojimbo doesn't address some  
of those issues I mentioned (and have been mentioned by many others  
on this list), then I'll buy one of the competing products, most  
likely Eagle Filer and work around the lack of .Mac syncing (Eagle  
Filer can store it's library on iDisk for example).  Since I use  
Yojimbo more than any other app on my Mac, that's not idle talk --  
switching would be a big investment of time.  I've got a lot of data  
in Yojimbo and a lot of time invested in scripts to make Yojimbo fit  
into my workflow.

Contrary to some of the other posts on this list in the last few  
days, I do think Yojimbo needs some improvement and I think this list  
is a good place to discuss it. It's rather disheartening to see the  
Yojimbo fans shoot down any feature request because I like Yojimbo  
the way it is -- there's always room for improvement and honest  
dialogue by Yojimbo power-users (probably the majority of people on  
this list) is a good way for the developers to get feedback on what  
their *paying* users want. Unfortunately, what usually happens on  
this list is that a Yojimbo fan will tell the feature-requester to go  
away because Yojimbo is great the way it is and the developer won't  
say anything.  If someone from BareBones does pipe in, it's usually  
to say We're never going to add that feature.  See previous  
post...  This compares poorly to several other indie-Mac software  
lists I'm on (such as the forum for Leap and Yep, both excellent  
applications: where the developer is  
happy to get feedback on what users actually want and participates in  
the dialogue.

Of course, not every feature can or should be added -- as someone  
who's written a lot of software, I hate feature bloat as much as the  
next guy. But I'd rather give my money to a company that listens to  
its users and tries to provide a product the users want instead of  
what the developer thinks the users *should* want.

Several of my friends and colleagues use Yojimbo based on my  
recommendation.  I think it's a useful application and a great value  
but I'm not sure I can continue to recommend it, for the reasons  
given above.  I really like the application and it's simplified my  
life but I still find that I'm doing too much bending of my workflow  
to suit Yojimbo. Software is a tool that should work for me, not the  
other way around.


On Apr 30, 2008, at 11:04 PM, Jerry Weldon wrote:

I'm glad there are people who like Yojimbo the way it is. I want  
people to buy it, because I think Bare Bones is a good company and  
I want it to continue to exist. However, Yojimbo is not quite  
adequate for my needs.

I tried Yojimbo for the 30-day trial period last summer, using it  
to collect information for a vacation. I found it to be very  
useful, and a pleasure to use. It was handy to be able to store  
PDFs and web archives of information I wanted to come back to  
easily, as well as my own notes. Yojimbo was my first experience  
with tagging, and I found that to be useful as well.

When the trial period was over, however, I did not purchase the  
program. Why not? Our vacation was over. I no longer needed the  
information immediately at hand, but neither did I want to delete  
it. What I really wanted was to set that library aside and start a  
new one for the next project or trip. I'd like to use Yojimbo to  
collect everything related to a particular project, and be able to  
store that collection with other project materials, be it on a CD  
in a box with other items or on a computer at a different location.  
Perhaps a friend would like to 

Re: Where to put script for

2008-04-18 Thread Rhet Turnbull

1. Put it in /Users/your_user_name/Library/Scripts/Applications/Mail

If that folder doesn't exist, then create it.

2. To access the script in Mail, you need to set the Scripts menu to  
be visible in the menubar.

Run /Applications/AppleScript/AppleScript
Select the setting Show Scripts Menu in menu bar

Now in Mail, select the scripts menu icon from the menu bar and  
select your Mail to Yojimbo script.

I believe that if you do step 2 first then while in Mail, select  
Open Scripts Folder | Open Mail Scripts Folder it will create the  
folder for you if it doesn't exist.

These instructions are for Tiger and assume that you have a script  
you want to run manually while in  Not sure if Applescript  
Utility is the same in Leopard.

I have two scripts I run in one sends a selected email to  
Yojimbo.  The other runs as a rule action so that any email with  
yj: on the subject line gets sent to Yojimbo automatically.  In the  
second case, it doesn't matter where you put the script.  You create  
the rule using Mail | Preferences | Rules.  Set the action to Run  
Applescript then select the script.

Also, you might want to look at FastScripts ( which lets you assign keyboard shortcuts to  
scripts. That's how I use my Archive email to Yojimbo script.  If  
you use FastScripts, you don't need to step 2 above.


On Apr 18, 2008, at 4:10 PM, Krzysztof Maj wrote:

I have a script called Mail to Yojimbo.scpt, but I don't know where  
to put it to have access to it from the menu? Does anybody  
can help me?

Thanks for a tip
Krzysztof M.

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Re: Where to put script for

2008-04-18 Thread Rhet Turnbull
Thank you very much. But I wish Yojimbo to have all this scripts  
built in by default in the next release.
It would be nice if Yojimbo optionally offered to install some best  
of scripts.  For example, the archive email to Yojimbo functionality  
is something a lot of people probably would use.  But users who don't  
frequent this mailing list won't even know about it.  Another one I  
find useful is save selection to Yojimbo in Safari.

On Apr 18, 2008, at 5:01 PM, Krzysztof Maj wrote:

Thank you very much. But I wish Yojimbo to have all this scripts  
built in by default in the next release.

On 2008-04-18, at 23:41, Rhet Turnbull wrote:

1. Put it in /Users/your_user_name/Library/Scripts/Applications/Mail

If that folder doesn't exist, then create it.

2. To access the script in Mail, you need to set the Scripts menu  
to be visible in the menubar.

Run /Applications/AppleScript/AppleScript
Select the setting Show Scripts Menu in menu bar

Now in Mail, select the scripts menu icon from the menu bar and  
select your Mail to Yojimbo script.

I believe that if you do step 2 first then while in Mail, select  
Open Scripts Folder | Open Mail Scripts Folder it will create  
the folder for you if it doesn't exist.

These instructions are for Tiger and assume that you have a script  
you want to run manually while in  Not sure if  
Applescript Utility is the same in Leopard.

I have two scripts I run in one sends a selected email  
to Yojimbo.  The other runs as a rule action so that any email  
with yj: on the subject line gets sent to Yojimbo  
automatically.  In the second case, it doesn't matter where you  
put the script.  You create the rule using Mail | Preferences |  
Rules.  Set the action to Run Applescript then select the script.

Also, you might want to look at FastScripts ( which lets you assign keyboard shortcuts  
to scripts. That's how I use my Archive email to Yojimbo  
script.  If you use FastScripts, you don't need to step 2 above.


On Apr 18, 2008, at 4:10 PM, Krzysztof Maj wrote:

I have a script called Mail to Yojimbo.scpt, but I don't know  
where to put it to have access to it from the menu? Does  
anybody can help me?

Thanks for a tip
Krzysztof M.

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Re: Easy annotate and save PDF in Yojimbo

2008-04-14 Thread Rhet Turnbull
As others have suggested, I recommend Yep for PDFs. I would not store  
PDFs in Yojimbo. Yep stores the PDFs in the filesystem so your  
changes would get saved to back to the original file. It functions  
much like iPhoto does but for PDFs.  For more general file  
management, you might look at Leap from the same developers. Leap  
leaves your files in the filesystem--it does not use a database like  
Yojimbo does.  Leap is really a Finder from a different perspective  
that happens to manage tags.  It is not suitable for storing quick  
notes, passwords, etc. like Yojimbo. Both Yep and Leap do use a  
database for storing metadata such as tags but not the original files:

You might also consider EagleFiler.  It uses the filesystem to store  
your files so you could open the PDF in Preview or Skim and changes  
would get saved.  EagleFiler does support quick text notes too.   
Unlike Yojimbo, it supports hierarchical folders and multiple  
libraries.  But unlike Yojimbo, you can't encrypt individual items in  
a library...but you can encrypt an entire library. It also doesn't  
support true .Mac syncing but it can store it's library on an iDisk  
or other shared disk.  EagleFiler also works with TimeMachine and  
Yojimbo does not.

I have been using Yojimbo for a long time and evaluated all existing  
options at the time before settling on Yojimbo.  At the time, .Mac  
syncing was the selling point since I absolutely need access to my  
data on multiple computers and don't want to bother with manual  
syncing.  However, I'm seriously considering a switch to EagleFiler  
or some other system because of Yojimbo's lack of support for  
TimeMachine (and the developer's attitude that it's Apple's  
problem) as well as the lack of hierarchical folders.  After giving  
tagging a good faith effort, I still prefer folders or a combination  
of the two -- especially since Yojimbo's Smart Collections are not  
very smart at all.  Based on traffic on this list, Yojimbo seems  
unlikely to support either better Smart Collections or hierarchical  
folders any time soon.


On Apr 14, 2008, at 12:36 PM, Krzysztof Maj wrote:

Hi everybody,
just a simple question. I have PDF file inside the Yojimbo. I would  
like to annotate/rotate it and save it once again into Yojimbo  
database. How to do it? Now I have to open this file in Preview, do  
all my changes, save the file to the hard disk and import this file  
once again into Yojimbo. Now I have duplicate and I need to delete  
the old one file from the Yojimbo database. Even if I use Print- 
Save as PDF in Yojimbo option from the Preview I will get  
duplicate inside the Yojimbo database.

I think it's irritating process just a bit and take a long time.  
Maybe someone can suggest something to make it easier?

Thanks a lot in advance,

All the best,
Krzysztof Maj, JNCIP-M/T
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Re: Feature suggestion

2008-04-05 Thread Rhet Turnbull
  Seems to me it would be easier if double-clicking an encrypted item brought
 up the password dialogue immediately

I agree with Lofty--good suggestion.

On 4/4/08, Lofty Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If I'm showing the main Yojimbo list window, I frequenlty double-click on an
 item to view it in a separate window.

  If the item is encrypted, I have to go through more clicks: first, a new
 window opens with the item, of course, still hidden.

  I have to click the view button to see it. Then the password dialog comes

  Seems to me it would be easier if double-clicking an encrypted item brought
 up the password dialogue immediately.


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Re: Applescript to Organize by Date?

2008-04-05 Thread Rhet Turnbull
  I'd like to apple the same technique to my catch all folder in Yojimbo

I too would really like to see true Smart Folders in Yojimbo and have
mentioned it to the developers before. I'd also like to be able to use
criteria such as Encrypted/Not Encrypted, etc. for sorting into the
Smart Folders.

On 4/4/08, cj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use the Smart folders in Apple Mail to sort my mail according to it's age.
  I have a smart folder for 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days old.

  I'd like to apple the same technique to my catch all folder in Yojimbo  I
 dump a lot of stuff into this folder daily and the ability to sort oldest
 from newest would be helpful.

  I'm not a very good applescript writer, but it looks like there isn't
 anything in the Yojimbo dictionary that lets you query a note for it's
 creation date.


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Re: Feature clarification - capture URL

2008-03-08 Thread Rhet Turnbull
Yes, both scenarios are do-able.  If you drag a URL to Yojimbo and  
have the preferences set to create WebArchive when handling a URL  
then the URL of the page will be stored in the comments field of the  
Yojimbo record (accessible through the Inspector).  The second  
scenario (select some text and create a new note) can be accomplished  
the AppleScript.  The following post provides a good starting point  
for a script to do that:


On Mar 8, 2008, at 1:10 PM, Wayne Hardy wrote:

I am likely converting from EagleFiler to Yojimbo, but I need to  
confirm that I can do the following somehow.

I need to capture the source URL of a website when I copy it,  
whether highlighting some text on a page or capturing a web  
archive. (I need to copy quite a bit of data from the Internet,  
then be able to document the source months later.)

I searched the archives and found that it might be possible through  
a script. But, the poster asked for clarification, then the thread  
stopped. Could anyone give me a clear answer to this, as well as an  
idea how to do it if its through scripting. I have not yet done  
anything with scripts.


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Yojimbo on the iPhone?

2008-03-06 Thread Rhet Turnbull
Now that the iPhone SDK has been announced how soon until we see
Yojimbo on the iPhone?  It looks like the SDK has everything that's
needed including sqlite.  It sure would be sweet to have my Yojimbo
data no matter where I am!  I don't have an iPhone yet but Yojimbo
would be the killer app I need to push me over the edge.  Of course,
syncing would have to be better than the .Mac syncing that plagues Yj
today.  Cheers,

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feature request: show collections that an item belongs to

2008-02-26 Thread Rhet Turnbull
In Yojimbo I can see what collections an item is in with the inspector
(but this doesn't work for smart collections or built-in collections).
 It would be nice if Yojimbo implemented the behavior (or something
similar) that Address Book uses for collections: pressing the option
key will highlight the collections that the selected item is in. This
works for smart collections as well as when multiple items are
selected and I find it very useful.

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Re: On Yojimbo and Time Machine

2008-02-15 Thread Rhet Turnbull
This is getting offtopic for Yojimbo so I won't continue past this
email. I appreciate your comments Jan and I do understand the issue of
data of data consistency.  The only way to completely avoid that is to
take the system completely down for backup and either run the backup
in single user mode or better yet, run the backup in target disk mode
without even the OS running.  But I won't do that because of
convenience nor will most other users. I don't ever close applications
or log off my machine unless a software update forces me to and I
suspect there are many more like me. Most people don't backup because
it's inconvenient which is one of the main things that Apple was
trying to address with Time Machine. Time Machine also has the added
advantage of provided checkpoints throughout the day that you can
roll-back to (at least for specific files).  I'd much rather take the
very small chance of data inconsistency than accept the inconvenience
of offline backups.

Now to get it back to Yojimbo so we're not completely off topic ;-) If
Yojimbo stored records as separate files and kept metadata and/or
index data in smaller DBs then the backup regime would only have to
backup those files that had changed instead of the entire xxxMB
sqllite file that Yojimbo uses now. I believe that would decrease the
risk of inconsistency as opposed to the case now, where Yojimbo could
write the the large database file while the backup is trying to copy

And finally, once users get used to the power of Time Machine's
rollback capability, they'll demand it.  There are several times I
wish I could have rolled back a Yojimbo record (this is exacerbated by
Yojimbo's lack of read-only records which has allowed me to
accidentally edit Yojimbo data that I didn't intend to).


On 2/15/08, Jan Erik Moström [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rhet Turnbull [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08-02-14 15.58

  I would never use a backup solution that didn't run on live data.
  Thankfully the days of they system is down for backup are long gone.
  Whether I use Time Machine or I use Super Duper or Chronosync or
  something else, I'm certainly not about to take my machine offline or
  logout to do the backup.

 Your misunderstanding me, if you run a backup on a programs data
  file (without the applications talking to each other) you always
  run the risk of inconsistent data (unless you have a filesystem
  that does some fancy stuff). For example, if you have an
  application with several files that in some way depend on each
  other - for example a database that store data as individual
  files and then have an index file to keep track of them - there
  is always the chance that the backup is done between the
  modification of the individual files which would make the data
  in the backup inconsistent.

  So while I'm running TM for my whole disk, I'm also running a
  second program for applications that is constantly running like
  my email program.

  Jan Erik Moström,


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Re: On Yojimbo and Time Machine

2008-02-14 Thread Rhet Turnbull
I was unaware of the restriction regarding Yojimbo and Time Machine.
Fortunately I haven't upgraded to Leopard yet (but had planned to do
so now that the 10.5.2 update is out and in fact have the Leopard box
sitting on my shelf).  Time Machine was one of the driving reasons for
me to upgrade to Leopard but Yj is an app I use everyday so this is an
unacceptable situation. It is very regrettable that Apple would adopt
a standard like CoreData only to make it incompatible with one of
their flagship features. Then again, Yojimbo's habit of storing
everything in a monolithic database has been one of my (few) critiques
since Yojimbo was released. I hope that BareBones and/or Apple gets
this fixed soon.  Requiring the user to have two separate backup plans
is unacceptable.

On 2/14/08, Patrick Woolsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Niels Kobschaetzki [EMAIL PROTECTED] sez:

  On Oct 31, 2007 5:03 PM, Steve Kalkwarf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Before things get too far out of control, I want to clarify some
   facts about how Time Machine and Yojimbo.
   Yojimbo is built on CoreData, the same underlying technology as
   Aperture, and several other products. Because of issues related
   to how Time Machine and CoreData manage files on disk, Apple
   recommends excluding Aperture data from Time Machine backups,
   and managing Aperture backups independently:
   For the moment, we are recommending the same thing.
  The document states now that the problems are fixed with 10.5.2 for
  Aperture -- does this apply to Yojimbo as well?

 The cited change in 10.5.2 only resolves this issue for Aperture; I regret
  it  does not affect other applications which use CoreData nor our prior
  guidance related to Yojimbo.


   Patrick Woolsey
  Bare Bones Software, Inc.
  P.O. Box 1048, Bedford, MA 01730-1048

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Re: On Yojimbo and Time Machine

2008-02-14 Thread Rhet Turnbull
 Curious, why is this bad?
1. Backup...the entire DB file (mine is hundreds of MB) needs to be
backed up.  I backup everyday, both to external drive and offsite.
That means the large Yojimbo file needs to be backed up every day,
taking up unnecessary bandwidth and disk space.

2. Data integrity...if the database file gets corrupted, you could
lose all your data instead of only 1 item.  The Yojimbo competitor
Together ( does it this way,
storing each record in a separate file.

3. Time Machine...this breaks things like time machine which offers
roll-back capability.

Contrast the way that Microsoft Outlook (not sure about Entourage) and store mail messages.  Outlook puts everything in a single
database file. stores each message in a separate file (but
utilizes a database file for indexing). I have 3GB of email which
means that Outlook would require backing up a 3GB file wheres for, I only need to backup the new message files and the small
index file.

 Hmmm, I would always be skeptical of a backup solution that runs
  on live data.

I would never use a backup solution that didn't run on live data.
Thankfully the days of they system is down for backup are long gone.
Whether I use Time Machine or I use Super Duper or Chronosync or
something else, I'm certainly not about to take my machine offline or
logout to do the backup.


On 2/14/08, Jan Erik Moström [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rhet Turnbull [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08-02-14 15.09

  Then again, Yojimbo's habit of storing
  everything in a monolithic database has been one of my (few) critiques
  since Yojimbo was released.

 Curious, why is this bad?

  I hope that BareBones and/or Apple gets this fixed soon. Requiring
  the user to have two separate backup plans is unacceptable.

 Hmmm, I would always be skeptical of a backup solution that runs
  on live data.

  Jan Erik Moström,


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Re: Function to decode the passwords in the database

2008-01-30 Thread Rhet Turnbull
 my problem is, that I have a Windos box, too. It's no big deal to install 

Yikes! You'd have to re-create a lot of the Yojimbo functionality and
reverse-engineer their schema among other things for this work
properly.  Why not just use Webjimbo?


On 1/30/08, Arvid Warnecke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Steve,

 Steve Kalkwarf wrote:
   What are you trying to do? You can use AppleScript to get at them,
   assuming your permissions are set to allow it.

 my problem is, that I have a Windos box, too. It's no big deal to install 
 there and sync the databases between the both. But my notes and passwords are
 encrypted, so I need some hint on what algorithm is used to decode them.


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Re: Attach a file?

2008-01-26 Thread Rhet Turnbull
I store my serial numbers (and everything else except web archives) in
text notes because I find Yojimbo's force-fed record types too
constricting as this case highlights. I also store passwords in
encrypted text notes even though this adds a layer of annoyance
because Yojimbo doesn't encrypt the comments section of a password
record and these days passwords often have other sensitive data
associated with them.  For example, I find that the annoying secret
question password retrieval hints need to be recorded because I can't
remember the answers to the silly questions. So I store those in
Yojimbo but I don't want them stored unencrypted in the comments

So I store everything in a text note and use collections to organize them.

On 1/26/08, Jeff Berg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 26, 2008, at 10:37 AM, Rhet Turnbull wrote:

  This is do-able with a text note in Yj

 Unfortunately, dropping the file into the notes section of a Serial
 Number record results in copying the file path, not a copy of the
 file. I'll have to give some thought as to whether or not I want any
 software license info stored as a text file--it's something that I'd
 have to keep my head wrapped around. Thank you for the suggestion


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Re: enter key opens list view item name for editing - Aha!

2007-08-16 Thread Rhet Turnbull
The Enter key on my iMac does the same thing.  Yojimbo exhibits the
same behavior as iTunes in this regard.  Hitting Return opens the item
(or plays it in iTunes) while Enter allows you to rename the item.
However, even Apple isn't consistent on this.  In iPhoto selecting an
album and hitting Enter does nothing while hitting Return renames it.

On 8/16/07, Martin Gardner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maybe you all knew this, but I was delighted to stumble on it ...

 I often want to edit the name of a new Yojimbo item; I've been
 frustrated for months that I could not use the same method (return
 key) that I use to open a finder file name for change.  Instead, I've
 had to mouse over to the name and click, cursing the while...

 but on my iBook the 'enter' key _will_ open a Yojimbo name for editing.

 Hot damn.


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Re: Group in Spotlight?

2007-05-15 Thread Rhet Turnbull

This doesn't directly answer your question but for searching Yojimbo
via Spotlight, I use MoRU which is an excellent shareware interface to
Spotlight.  Searching Yj via MoRU/Spotlight is wickedly fast--much
faster than using Yj.  I set up a smartgroup for Yojimbo items in MoRU
and assign a hotkey to it.  I can then search within that smartgroup
very easily.


On 5/15/07, Jacob Lyles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a way to show Yojimbo items as a separate group in Spotlight?

I.e. Spotlight separates PDFs, images, e-mails, etc. Can Yojimbo items be
broken out into their own list?



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Re: Search Stopped Working?

2007-03-26 Thread Rhet Turnbull

This seems obvious but make sure that Library is selected in the
Collections pane on the left of the Yojimbo window.  Otherwise Yojimbo
searches only the selected collection which may not contain what
you're looking for.

On 3/26/07, Vik Rubenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My Yojimbo installation seems to have gotten disconnected from its
search index. If I enter something in the search box, nothing is
found, even if the word I'm searching for is contained in the title
of a post. How can I get search working again?


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