Re: Yet another mostly happy user

2008-05-05 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
I agree completely with your mail. Sometimes I am afraid to 
forget some items because I don't remember all the tags' name. 
I really need tags and folders.
I try Eaglefiler (nested folders AND tags) : it tastes like 
Yojimbo, but it is not Yojimbo - but looks fine too.

I've seen several people mention that they are afraid if they 
forget a tag, they'll lose an item. I don't understand.

Both Tags and Collections are aids in retrieving items. They are 
not the only way to retreive an item: They provide additional 
context for the item so that you can find it more easily.

I typically search for the content or title of an item when I 
want to fetch a specific item.

I have a small number of Collections present that remind me 
there are things I need to work on, containing tagged and 
untagged items related to that task.

I have a slightly larger number of Tag Collections defined. I 
use these to A) visually group items together for a specific 
task, or B) invert a relationship so I can see things by their 
Tag instead of trying to remember all the items.

But most of my items just live in the Library. I hate organizing.


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Re: Almost happy with Yojimbo the way it is

2008-05-01 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
I'm not singling out Rhet, but there are several ideas embodied 
in this paragraph that bear comment:

If someone from BareBones does pipe in, it's usually to say 
We're never going to add that feature.  See previous post...  
This compares poorly to several other indie-Mac software lists 
I'm on (such as the forum for Leap and Yep, both excellent 
applications: where the 
developer is happy to get feedback on what users actually want 
and participates in the dialogue.

Let me start off by saying no matter what I, or another Bare 
Bones representative says, a large number of people will be 
unhappy. For years we said Thanks for the feedback, and we'll 
consider adding this functionality. Then, email every time we 
shipped an update we'd get a reminder email, asking why the 
feature wasn't in that version. Other people waited and waited 
for the feature to arrive, but it wasn't going to. I thought 
that was unfair.

Now, if a feature request has a known disposition, we generally 
share that answer. Nested folders? No. If you _have_ to have 
that feature, you will be better off elsewhere. Does this 
compare poorly with other companies? I don't know. I prefer 
the honest answer, whether it makes people happy or not.

Another assumption (again, not picking on Rhet) is that 
implementing every feature request is a good idea. If you take a 
step back and look at the types of requests people make, with 
rare exception (nested folders, smart collections, better tag 
management) they are particular to the requester's existing 
workflow. The one feature I have to have is not the one 
feature you have to have, or Charlie has to have, or probably 
more than a couple people have to have.

The implied assumption that tends to go along with almost any 
request is that adding feature X doesn't increase the complexity 
of Yojimbo. That is untrue.

In a past life, I spent countless hours helping novice Mac users 
find the files they had lost, because they had no idea where 
they were saving, or because they saved all their files in the 
Word folder, and when they updated Word, lost everything. The 
average computer user is overwhelmed by choices, and as simple 
as this sounds, every feature or menu item represents a choice. 
By no means am I the authority on simplicity vs. complexity, but 
our goal was to make Yojimbo powerful, yet simple to use.

Another interesting belief carried by most power users (and I 
include myself in this group) is that they are representative of 
all users. This can't be farther from the truth.

Everybody on this list sees the mailing list posts. I see those, 
and tech support inquiries. There are more support inquires than 
there are posts on this list. Way more. I can assure you that 
everyone on this list is head and shoulders above most customers 
writing in for help.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading. As your reward, a 
summary of the popular requests, and their status:

Nested folders: Sorry, no.

Smart collections: Yes, near the top of the list.

Better tagging interactions: Nearer the top of the list.

Stuff nobody has asked for: At the top of the list. And before
anyone asks why stuff nobody asked for is higher up 
than the

one feature I have to have, remember, nobody asked us to
write Yojimbo, either.

Updates to other Bare Bones products: What do you think 
we've been

doing since the last Yojimbo update? :-)


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Re: Setting the External Editor

2008-04-09 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
1. (How) Is it possible to change the default external editor? 
(I searched the preferences, the help and the online FAQ with 
no luck.)

It's an external Viewer, not Editor.

Any changes made outside of Yojimbo are not returned to Yojimbo.

2. Since there is no 'make plain text' option, can I just ask 
will Yojimbo do horrible things to my BBEdit files when I 
import them?

Actually, look at the bottom of the Format menu for Remove 
Formatting. That will strip all the formatting from text pasted 
from rich text environments.


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Re: Setting the External Editor

2008-04-09 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
(I don't know what it's like for you but, I find I discover 
programs one menu item at a time; a year or so of having used 
it every day and I'm still finding things in BBEdit that 
amaze/delight me.)

I have the advantage of having the source code for both of these 
programs, so I have a pretty good handle on what's in them. :-)


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Re: [ANN] Yojimbo Tag Cleanup

2008-04-01 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
Other than iterating through each database item using 
AppleScript and searching manually through it's list of tags to 
find abandoned tags, does anyone have any other AppleScript 
suggestions for how to find unused tags? Or any ideas why his 
Spotlight index wasn't up to date with Yojimbo's tags?

tell application Yojimbo
set everyTag to every tag
set emptyTags to {}
repeat with aTag in everyTag
if (count of (every database item whose tags contains 
aTag)) is 0 then

set emptyTags to emptyTags  {contents of aTag}
end if
end repeat
end tell

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Re: Capturing URL for documentation

2008-03-10 Thread Steve Kalkwarf

On the other hand, dragging the URL to Yojimbo automatically captures the title
of the page (which you may or may not want). If you use the quick input you'll
have to type it in yourself (or use a multi-clipboard program like Quicksilver
which makes this a matter of a few keystrokes).


If you leave the Name as untitled, Yojimbo will also use the 
page's title for the archive title.

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Re: Yojimbo already running

2008-02-28 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
I just wanted to fire up Yojimbo (have to retrieve a 
registration code I have stored in it) and I get the message 
that Yojimbo is already running. Only one copy can run at a 
time. The dialog box for this message just has a quit button. 
The problem is that Yojimbo is NOT running. Has anyone run into 
this before and does anyone have the solution to the problem. I 
do have everything backed up, but it's at home and I'm on the 
road. This is a pretty urgent matter for me and any help is 
really appreciated.

This typically happens if you backup data from a machine while 
Yojimbo is running, and then restore that data to another machine.

Using the Terminal, issue this command:

rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Yojimbo/.Yojimbo.lock

and you should be in business.

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Re: Function to decode the passwords in the database

2008-01-30 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
I have been wondering if there is a way to decode the passwords 
stored in the sqlite database directly. Is there any function I 
can pass the desired entry id and my master password??


What are you trying to do? You can use AppleScript to get at 
them, assuming your permissions are set to allow it.


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Re: Save PDF to Yojimbo oddity

2008-01-18 Thread Steve Kalkwarf

For some time I have been saving web pages, primarily receipts, to
Yojimbo from Firefox via the Print menu. Of late I've found that this
does not yield a 'proper' pdf but rather the text only (and generally in
very small font size too). I can however 'Save as PDF' from the Print
menu and drag the resulting 'full feature' PDF into Yojimbo. I'd like to
avoid this work-around, how? I'm using Yojimbo 1.5 and Firefox
under OS 10.4.10.

Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], and they'll be able to 
set you up with a fix.

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Re: Applescript to get modified date of file selected in Yojimbo

2008-01-15 Thread Steve Kalkwarf

What I am trying to do is get the modified date of the item and be able to
rename the item by appending the modified date to the end of the filename
(but before the file extension). I was trying to do it using a TypeIt4Me
abbreviation - .e.g so that every time I typed ytag the item's modified
date would be returned when I am renaming it.

I think you're mixing too many tools and gestures into the 
process. And to repeat myself: There are no _files_ in Yojimbo.

However, if you want to rename an item using the date:

on FormatDate(modDate)
set dateString to ¬
(year of (modDate))  -  ¬
(text -2 thru -1 of (0  (month of (modDate) as 
number)))  -  ¬
(text -2 thru -1 of (0  (day of (modDate) as 
number))) ¬

as string
return dateString
end FormatDate

tell application Yojimbo
set selectedItem to selection
set itemTitle to name of item 1 of selectedItem
set modDate to modification date of item 1 of selectedItem
set prettyDate to my FormatDate(modDate)
set itemTitle to itemTitle  space  prettyDate

set name of item 1 of selectedItem to itemTitle
end tell

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Re: Applescript to get modified date of file selected in Yojimbo

2008-01-14 Thread Steve Kalkwarf

I want an Applescript that will grab the modified date of a file selected in

Keep in mind that there aren't files in Yojimbo. If you want 
to get the modification date of an item in Yojimbo:

tell application Yojimbo
set selectedItem to selection
set modDate to modification date of item 1 of selectedItem
end tell

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Re: selecting focus panes

2008-01-07 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
When I typically bring up Yojimbo using QuickSilver. Once it's 
up, I have to use my mouse to get to the search field. Is there 
a keyboard shortcut to search?

Command-Option-F in the application, or you can set your own 
system-wide hotkey from within the Yojimbo preferences.

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Re: Applescript for opening Yojimbo Notes in BBEdit

2007-12-19 Thread Steve Kalkwarf

Has anyone made an Applescript to open a Yojimbo note directly in BBEdit?

If not, would the proper procedure be to export the note to 
disk, open it in BBEdit and then have the Finder delete it from disk?

Getting the contents of the note to BBEdit (minus all 
formatting) is trivial, but any edits you make there will be 
lost, and not make it back to Yojimbo.

What are you trying to accomplish?

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Re: formatting palette not showing

2007-12-11 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
The according menu entry is Format - Ruler - Show Ruler. I 
am not a native speaker, but for me a ruler is not very intuitive.

The terminology comes from word processors. Originally, the 
ruler was used to set tab stops and margins. As time marched 
on, people started sticking things like justification controls, 
stylesheets, and other formatting things into it.

If I hadn't seen rulers evolve over the years, I'd never think 
that ruler was the right word for that interface element.

For what it's worth, most English localized software will call 
it the same thing.

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Re: newbie question

2007-12-11 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
Here's my question about Yojiimbo. If I'm understanding right, 
there's essentially only one database for the Yojimbo 
application. Even if I want to use Yojimbo to catalog stuff 
for several very different things, they will all be together 
when I open  Yojimbo. However, I can tag them separately to 
differentiate them. Are there other ways that I can keep the 
various mutually exclusive parts of my life apart in Yojimbo?

I've never managed to make any part of my life exclusive from 
any other part. :-)

If I'm surfing the web, and I find something related to work, I 
don't ignore it: I stuff it in Yojimbo for attention when I'm 
back on the clock. Likewise, if I'm at work, and somebody 
mentions a great movie I should see, I don't tune it out: I 
Yojimbo it.

One of the design principles behind Yojimbo was that you 
shouldn't have to switch modes (or documents) in order to 
enter data. In my opinion, having to decide which Library to put 
something in is too much decision making up front, and it 
reduces the chance you'll put the information into _any_ Library.

Tags are one way to let you split information up, and because 
tags add information to an item instead of segregating items off 
into separate compartments, you don't incur the Where did I 
file that? cost when you want to find an item again.

Collections are another collating mechanism, but depending on 
how you enter information, they can be awkward to use efficiently.

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Re: newbie question

2007-12-11 Thread Steve Kalkwarf

However, I would still like it if you could have more than one YJ
library at a time (and sync them all over a single dotmac account) so
that my wife and I could have separate buckets. Given that individulal
dotmac accounts are probably very often used by families of users,
this seems a reasonable idea. I'd even be willing to pay for a second
license to do so.

The way all the parts are wired together, using .Mac and more 
than 1 Library is a non-starter.

You might be better served with a .Mac family license, allowing 
you and your wife to keep separate Libraries and sync states.

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Re: Quick Input Panel - Autofill

2007-12-10 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
how is it that every time I select and copy some text and then 
use the Quick Input Panel via F8 that I always have a text 
appearing that says:

Your previous information has been preserved.
Click Autofill to import the new clipboard contents.

Sebastian answered this a moment ago. I'd also add that this is 
a useful feature if you are creating a complex record (like a 
password) by copying pieces one at a time, and pasting.

The only way to make it disappear is by clicking the Autofill 
indeed by I would like to avoid having to leave my hands from 
the keyboard.

Did I miss something, is there an easy solution?

If you do want to click the Autofill button, Command-Shift-A is 
the keyboard equivalent (just like Safari).

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Re: Importing Passwords and Serial Numbers from Password Retriever?

2007-11-30 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
Has anyone done this before? What is the best way to do it? 
Password Retriever can export records as delimited data files, 
but when I try to import it into Yojimbo, I run into field 
mapping issues. Before I start migrating seven years of 
passwords, serial numbers, etc, from Password Retriever to 
Yojimbo, I wanted to check and see if anyone had any 
suggestions for making this a less painful task.

I'd use an AppleScript to iterate over your entries.

If you can post a couple of example lines, somebody will 
probably be able to help.

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Re: Code Coloring Indenting in YJ

2007-11-07 Thread Steve Kalkwarf

I guess that's no then!

Any suggestions on what to use as an alternative searchable 
place to store HTML/CSS/Javascript/PHP code?

There isn't much likelihood of us adding syntax coloring to 
Yojimbo: it's too specific of a problem.

If you really want to stick with Yojimbo for storage, there are 
a couple choices which come to mind:

print the page to Yojimbo from your preferred editor/viewer;
use Xcode, and copy the colored text. If you have the 
appropriate setting in Font  Colors, you should get styled text 
in your pastes, and the Quick Input window.

Otherwise, I saw a code collector app somewhere which has an 
incredibly similar interface to Yojimbo.

Personally, I keep all my stuff in a folder, and use BBEdit's 
search and disk browser to access it.

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Re: Quick Input Panel

2007-11-02 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
I would love it if the quick input dock also included tag 
entry.  It would save me an extra step on literally every piece 
of textual information that I enter into Yojimbo.   I 
understand that with things like Web archives and pdf's I would 
still have to do step two.

The Quick Input panel (the small window in the upper right, 
usually accessed through F8) does support tagging.

The Drop Dock (the tab to the right) currently does not. 
Coincidentally, this morning Jim and I were discussing how to 
make tagging work for the Drop Dock. We've got some ideas, but 
they won't be fully baked for awhile.

In the meantime, I use a script I posted a couple months ago:

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On Yojimbo and Time Machine

2007-10-31 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
Before things get too far out of control, I want to clarify some 
facts about how Time Machine and Yojimbo.

Yojimbo is built on CoreData, the same underlying technology as 
Aperture, and several other products. Because of issues related 
to how Time Machine and CoreData manage files on disk, Apple 
recommends excluding Aperture data from Time Machine backups, 
and managing Aperture backups independently:

For the moment, we are recommending the same thing.


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Re: yojimbo-module

2007-05-25 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
Good point, personally I never used .mac sync. This would 
require me to 1) buy a .mac account and 2) buy another yojimbo license.

While the .Mac requirement is true, you don't need an additional 
Yojimbo license. All flavors of Yojimbo license we sell allow 
use on multiple machines.

Steve Kalkwarf

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Re: Yojimbo workflow for access password protected websites.

2007-05-15 Thread Steve Kalkwarf

Here the workflow I'd prefer to have:

1. command-space to invoke quicksilver
2. Type PayPal (it would soon learn I'm looking for my 
Yojimbo record), and hit return.

3. Type in my application password
4. I then find myself in safari at the paypal website with my 
password on the clipboard.

Anyone know how this could be setup? (or whether it's even possible?) Thanks!

I don't use Quicksilver, but this script works in LaunchBar. I'm 
sure it can be modified for QS.

on handle_string(theString)
tell application Yojimbo
set sel to every password item whose location contains theString
set targetItem to first item of sel
set itemURL to location of targetItem
set the clipboard to password of targetItem

tell application Safari
open location itemURL
end tell
end tell
end handle_string


You need to go to the Yojimbo Security preferences, and allow 
AppleScript access to password items.

If you use Safari, make sure the location field of all your 
records starts with http:// or https://. Camino allows slack urls.

Steve Kalkwarf

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Re: Group in Spotlight?

2007-05-15 Thread Steve Kalkwarf

Is there a way to show Yojimbo items as a separate group in Spotlight?

I.e. Spotlight separates PDFs, images, e-mails, etc. Can Yojimbo items be
broken out into their own list?

No, unfortunately the groups are defined by Apple, and not 
accessible to us.

Steve Kalkwarf

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Re: Triggering the save command

2007-05-10 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
last night, while working in a small note window (one of my 
favorite features; thanks!), i discovered that modifying it 
does not trigger the standard, OS X, red-dot indicator for a 
modified document.

A couple weeks ago, somebody asked a similar question. Here's 
part of my previous answer:

We auto-save when Yojimbo is idle, if you switch to another application, if you 
quit Yojimbo, and at several other times.

The Save menu item will be enabled for the brief period of time your changes 
are not saved, so you can feel free to type Command-S at any time.

You can see this by making a new note, quickly popping open the File menu, 
waiting a moment, and looking again.

To be specific, Yojimbo doesn't edit documents and as such, 
doesn't have any sort of notion of an unsaved document.

Steve Kalkwarf

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Re: Sente and Yojimbo

2007-05-07 Thread Steve Kalkwarf

That shouldn't be possible because Yojimbo doesn't keep a file in the
file system but copies it into its database. Spotlight will find a
Yojimbo-item but from the way I understand it that's more or less a
link to an entry (and behind that entry is a link to the file in the
database). I guees if you don't do it this way sync will break because
Yojimbo can sync its own database but I guess sync services doesn't
offer to sync any files in the file system (for that there's stuff
like chrono sync).
I would like to see it as well that I can link from Bibdesk to PDFs in
Yojimbo but that's not possible because of the structure of Yojimbo.

I don't know the other products you folks are talking about, but 
if they can refer to an item by URL, you can create a Yojimbo 
URL with the Edit-Copy Item Link menu item. This will give you 
a URL of the form:


Otherwise, your observation that Yojimbo copies its items into 
the database is correct, and they cannot be seen by other 
applications without a lot of trickery on their part.

Steve Kalkwarf

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Re: More keyboard shortcuts, please!!

2007-05-05 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
in the file menu, of the 5 types of new items -- note, 
bookmark, password, serial number, and web archive -- why does 
only new note have a keyboard shortcut? i'm baffled by this. 
it's more efficient never to have to lift one's hands from the 
keyboard. but in yojimbo, the only way to create 4 of the 5 
types of documents is to either select it from a menubar menu 
or a button menu. please give us more options.  :-)

I type F8 to open the Quick Input panel, and then Command-(1-5) 
to select the correct entry type if our ESP module guesses incorrectly.

Steve Kalkwarf

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Re: When are Notes Saved?

2007-04-21 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
When writing a Note in Yojimbo, the red circle in the top left 
does not get the typical dot in the center indicating that the 
document has not been saved.  In addition I can't select File 
- Save

So my question is...

Do I have to close the note to save it or is it saving each key stroke?

Neither. :-)

We auto-save when Yojimbo is idle, if you switch to another 
application, if you quit Yojimbo, and several other times.

The Save menu item will enabled for the brief period of time 
your changes are not saved, so you can feel free to type 
Command-S at any time.

You can see this by making a new note, quickly popping open the 
File menu, waiting a moment, and looking again.

Steve Kalkwarf

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