Re: is there way to reset admin password?

2008-04-04 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 6:32 AM, Zemian Deng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I forgot my admin pass, anyway to reset it? I don't think I set the email
  right email, so the reset link on user page is not working. Can someone
  help me?

How many other users and roles are there?  The easiest thing is to
stop Archiva and delete the user database.  When you start up again it
will prompt you to create the admin user.

You can edit the database directly, though it's a bit of a pain with
embedded Derby.  Fixing the email address in the database would be my
next suggestion if you don't want to start over with the user db.


Re: Locking down to only use Archiva ... except for encumbered JARs

2008-03-03 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Julian Dunn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have set up Archiva to have two repositories:
  However, if I put mirrorOf*/mirrorOf for the default repository,
  the restricted repo will never be consulted for jars like activation,
  jta, etc. -- M2 will simply complain that those JARs are not found.

  Is there a way to fix this?

Try adding a mirror for the restricted repo, in addition to the one
that says mirrorOf=*.


Re: Not able to login to archiva using newly created user

2008-02-18 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Feb 17, 2008 11:59 PM, Pahwa, Sunita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Which file I need to change in the data folder of archiva to flip the
 validated bit?

You would need to use a client like Squirrel SQL to connect to the
database and edit it using SQL statements.

The quickest way to fix this is probably to add the following line



 Also, When I click on resend validation for newly created user, it
 gives me following error:
 2008-02-18 12:24:38,942 [SocketListener0-0] ERROR
 ork.mail.Mailer:default  - Unable to send message, subject [Welcome to
 Maven Archiva]
 org.codehaus.plexus.mailsender.MailSenderException: Error while sending
 the message.

Is there more to the stack trace?  I didn't see the root cause in what
you pasted.  We don't need the whole thing, just look for the real
reason it's having trouble.  My guess is that you need to configure
the smtp server so it can send mail.


Re: Reverse artifact lookup?

2008-02-18 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Feb 18, 2008 7:33 AM, Brown, Carlton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This question may in fact be generalized to Maven, but I'm wondering if
 there is any reverse lookup mechanism for jar artifacts.   For example,
 I have this mystery dependency called foo.jar.   Is there a way to
 query a Maven-compliant repository to search on the checksum to
 determine the group, module, revision, etc?   I think Archiva has this
 feature, but could it proxy such a query to the Maven 2 repository?

Archiva does have that feature, but it only works on the content in
its own repositories.  If you have the disk space, you can rsync the
entire central repo locally and point Archiva at it, in which case
Archiva's checksum search feature would do what you wanted.

How do you see proxying a query through to the central Maven repo working?

In the short term, I've found that putting the checksum into a Google
search usually turns up information about the jar.  The central repo
doesn't seem to be showing up on search results, but some other repos
do, as well as various other clues.  I tried it with the md5 and sha1
checksums for the JUnit 3.8.1 jar.


Re: Not able to login to archiva using newly created user

2008-02-15 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 4:00 AM, Sunita Pahwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using archiva 1.0.1 standalone version.
  When I created new user from 'User Management', On clicking 'create user' it
  gives following exception:

The inability for admin-created users to log in is a known issue in
the version of Redback that Archvia 1.0.1 uses.

You can click the Resend Validation button and have the user click
the link in the email to validate.  It's also possible to edit the
database directly to flip the 'validated' bit.

(The NoSuchPropertyException can safely be ignored.)


Re: Exposing artifacts other than jar and pom

2008-02-15 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Brown, Carlton

 What component would that be under?

Just leave it as 'unknown' if nothing looks relevant.  We can update
it later.  Thanks!


Re: Artifacts not being indexed

2008-02-15 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 11:31 AM, Brown, Carlton

  Is there some other, more decisive manual way to force it to re-scan the
  entire filesystem and recreate the metadata files?

Sure.  Stop Archiva, and delete both the Lucene index files and the
Archiva database.

Look for a .index directory at the top of your repository.  Delete the
whole directory, not just the contents.  Likewise, delete the whole
directory for the Derby database, which is usually in

Re-start, and then scan and update (in that order.)

When you say they can't be browsed, are you seeing an error message?

I've had problems when I'm missing a parent pom in the repository.  It
will say it can't find the object model or some such thing.

What version of Archiva are you using?  Is it standalone (Plexus
Appserver) or are you using the war file in Tomcat/Jetty/etc.?


Re: cannot deploy to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2008-02-12 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Feb 12, 2008 12:26 PM, Jens Riboe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I cannot deploy to archiva running at tomcat. I'm getting this error
 2008-feb-12 20:00:21 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase
 INFO: Redirect requested but followRedirects is disabled

There isn't enough information here to be able to guess what's wrong.
What command are you using to deploy?  If 'mvn deploy', what does the
distributionManagement section of your pom look like?  Have you
granted the repository manager role for the repo you're trying to
deploy to?  How have you configured credentials in settings.xml?

 Another person seems to have asked the same question, but without an answer

Unfortunately that's a link to the entire January archive.  When
you're viewing the message, click on 'Permalink (Message view)' and
then paste that url.


Re: Archiva version missing from pages and logs

2008-02-06 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Feb 6, 2008 7:44 AM, Ben Lidgey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have just upgraded to Archiva 1.0.1 I think (deployed as a war file on 
 tomcat), and wanted to confirm the upgrade had worked, but
 cannot find any references to the version in the logs or on the pages.

 In the logs I get the alpaca ASCII art as shown:
 |  (  \  /  | Unknown Version  |

Please open an issue-- the version number should be in the footer and
in the logs.  (FWIW, it does work in the standalone version.)

To verify that you have 1.0.1, expand the .war file and look in


Re: Cannot install on Windows!

2008-01-23 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Jan 23, 2008 6:46 AM, Clifton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No. I installed in C:\java-apps\archiva. I edited the batch file to put
 fouble quotes around the env var expansions. I know this is a common problem
 with many batch scripts written for Java apps. (I had the same issue with
 Laszlo and quoting the env-vars fixed it.) However that didn't seem to make
 a difference. I also move Java from C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\jdk-1.5.0_10
 to the root of my C drive so that when Java_Home expands in the batch file
 it wouldn't be a problem. Still I get this problem. I thought it may be
 choking on my Path variable because that would be the only thing that has
 Files\Research in it.

Try setting a different PATH for Archiva, with only what it needs.

 You can add a line to the batch file that starts Archiva, or run
Archiva as a different user with its own environment.


Re: [archiva] Arctifacts found on on worstation, but not build server.

2008-01-16 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Jan 16, 2008 10:13 AM, Mick Knutson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So how on earth does that happen when the repository is set to 8080? What
 would be changing the port to 8081? The effected server is Sun Solaris 10
 Sparc 64. Is this a server configuration issue? Is this something that would
 happen if a local build would refer to the same machine?

It's going to be somewhere in a pom or a settings.xml file as a
repository or pluginRepository.  (I believe you said you're using
mirrors, so it's possible that the messages are misleading.)
Continuum doesn't do anything special here, it just constructs a 'mvn
...' command line and captures the output.


Re: [archiva 1.0] trying to eliminate external REPO lookups...

2008-01-15 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Jan 15, 2008 12:57 PM, Mick Knutson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was hoping that my setting up my archiva as a mirror, each developer would
 not have to go to maven, and codehaus each time they build, but it seems
 that we are still going out each time:

How did you configure your mirrors?  (Did you use mirrorOf * to catch
any extra repos?)

Have you actually watched the network traffic, or are you just basing
this on the messages you see?


Re: how to bind archiva to a ip?

2007-12-21 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Dec 21, 2007 7:30 PM, Phil Gong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I tried to deploy archiva to resin yesterday, but it can not run. I'll try
 Jetty. If archiva can be deployed to any well known container without
 special work, that would be wonderful.

There are a few wiki pages that talk about running Archiva in
different containers:


Re: Proxying central repo

2007-07-17 Thread Wendy Smoak

On 7/17/07, Paul Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think I might have buggered something somewhere.  When trying to do
a test of proxying the central repo with Archive, I'm getting this in
the archiva logs:

What version are you using?  1.0-alpha-2 comes pre-configured to proxy
the central repo.


Which I'm assuming is the base of the proxy gives me a 404 error.

Try http://.../repository/internal (unless you configured 'central'
yourself... )

I've setup the Guest account with all the Repository Observer roles

Sounds good.

Let us know what version and what additional configuration you've
done.  Maybe paste your archiva.xml if you're still having trouble.


Viewing repo contents with IE6

2007-06-12 Thread Wendy Smoak

Is anyone having trouble viewing the repository contents with IE6?

With a url such as:

I'm prompted with a File Download - Security Warning dialog box and
asked whether I want to save the file (which in this case is a

This is with Archiva from around the 1.0-alpha-1 release.


What fields are searched?

2007-06-09 Thread Wendy Smoak

On MRM-90 Brett pointed out that Archiva already searches class names
and package names, which I wasn't aware of.  (The results page could
use a hint about what qualified each item to be listed.  And are the
results ranked?)

The Search page says 'a variety of data' will be searched... where can
I look for a complete list of the fields that are searched in 1.0?


Re: Archiva on Tomcat 5.5.20 on a VPS

2007-03-10 Thread Wendy Smoak

On 3/9/07, Brian Sam-Bodden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Followed the instructions at

I think the instructions on the wiki are more complete:


Re: Webapp won't start with jetty:run

2006-11-23 Thread Wendy Smoak

On 11/23/06, Emmanuel Venisse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It works fine for me

... and I see from the IRC log that the trick is to not use Maven 2.1. :)
