Space Alien Porn??

2002-09-22 Thread Gary Nunn
Dude! How could you let something as newsworthy as this nugget pass by the main Brin list and condemn it to BrinsAttic? I am appalled. Somehow, I have to think that this alien porn is related to the Dutch conspiracy that forces the Amish to hide Black Helicopters in their barns because of the

RE: [Larryniven-l] Dr. Robert L. Forward is gone

2002-09-23 Thread Gary Nunn
Rob wrote. Jerry Pournelle is reporting that Dr. Robert L. Forward has passed away. His source is an email from the president of the SFWA. R.I.P. Robert L. Forward obit - apparently prepared by Dr. Forward himself:

Baby names

2002-09-23 Thread Gary Nunn
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand's main advocate for children has branded as psychological abuse the naming of a child after a notorious criminal gang. Commissioner for Children Roger McClay said he received a complaint about a baby boy named Triple M Rogue, which is short for Mighty Mongrel

Blast from the past....HR Pufnstuf

2002-09-30 Thread Gary Nunn
This is truly a blast from my past... Freddy The Magic Flute. Now all we need is Witchy-Poo to make this complete Gary - who thinks a dragon that wears white cowboy boots may not go over so well in 2002 :-)


2002-10-06 Thread Gary Nunn
Rob's painful subject line Subject: SH OKs WOMD In Case Of TWAT Wow, Dude! That subject line made little explosions go off in my head while trying to decode it. So far, I have come up with his. Saddam Hussein OK's Weapons Of Mass Destruction in case of I just can't seem to

snipers and terrorists

2002-10-10 Thread Gary Nunn
I have always thought that the best way for a terrorist to inflict terror on a large group of people (or nation) would be for them to strike smell towns at random - for no apparent reason. That way nobody would feel safe - anywhere. It seems that the sniper in Virginia is doing just that. He

RE: Phone solicitations Re: When does the screaming start?

2002-10-15 Thread Gary Nunn
Kevin wrote.. I can't remember what they were selling, I think their company was going to do a survey of houses in my neighborhood for replacement windows. I asked her if SHE would be coming out during the survey. She made a quick comment with the 800 number and hung up. It's kind of

River Of Time, Otherness other Br!n books......

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Nunn
Just ran across a lot of 5 Brin books on Ebay for $5.00. Several of them are out of print (I think) like River Of time, Otherness and the original printing of The Practice Effect. Glory Season and The Postman are the other two. Just

Georgia School Board Bans 'Theory Of Math'

2002-10-18 Thread Gary Nunn Georgia School Board Bans 'Theory Of Math' COGDELL, GA—The Cogdell School Board banned the teaching of the controversial Theory Of Math in its schools Monday. We are simply not confident of this mysterious process by which numbers turn, as if by magic, into other numbers, board

RE: Low-Carb Diet

2002-10-21 Thread Gary Nunn
One example of a LCHP diet is the Atkins Diet, which first gained popularity during the 1970s. Limited evidence suggests it may help people lose weight, but many experts remain concerned about the long-term health Limited evidence is my favorite part of this kind of propaganda. Thirty years

Evolution vs. Creation - aka. Mass Stupidity Hits Ohio

2002-10-17 Thread Gary Nunn
This has been going on for a few months, but it seems to be making headlines again as the final vote draws near. With all of the academic talent in Columbus, I am ashamed to admit that this debate is even going on, but fortunately, it seems that reasonable heads prevail. For those not familiar,

RE: corporations

2002-10-27 Thread Gary Nunn
Doug asked How would they measure use? Time Warner / Road Runner, in the last year, has been replacing the older Motorola cable modems with the new Surfboard. One of the technicians that did some troubleshooting here was telling me that with this particular modem they can throttle the

Online content and copyright

2002-10-27 Thread Gary Nunn
Very interesting website about digital copyright and related issues. This site also covers the recent controversial Paramount crackdown on intellectual rights for the Star Trek franchise. There have been several recent cases where Paramount has come into a science fiction conventions with Federal

RE: test

2002-10-27 Thread Gary Nunn
Nick wrote (I think) It is quite literally a moderating effect. Jeroen replied. EXACTLY! Which is exactly why this is a bad idea -- it goes straight against David Brin's wishes that this list be unmoderated. Not all moderation is created equal. I would be opposed to moderation or

RE: Some things are too good to last

2002-10-28 Thread Gary Nunn
Alberto wrote... So, all women should be naked, and the men should drink alchoholic beverages during Halloween. Dude! If that's Halloween in your country, I think I need to celebrate Halloween there! Gary From painfully conservative Delaware Ohio

Christian insanity.

2002-10-29 Thread Gary Nunn
Ok, this website is almost scary. At first it reads much like 'The Onion, but then you realize that it is for real.. My favorite headline: Prayer Teams Deploy Against Buddhist Gathering posted - 11 October, 2002 A 12-day Buddhist


2002-10-29 Thread Gary Nunn
-Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:brin-l-bounces;]On Behalf Of Doug Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 12:11 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: POST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In a message dated 10/29/2002 9:05:08 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

new Homeland Security logo

2002-11-03 Thread Gary Nunn
The first time I saw this, I thought it was a joke, then I realized that the link goes to the United States Patent and Trademark office. Kind of spooky. landsecurity.gif

RE: Sometimes wealth is good

2002-11-06 Thread Gary Nunn
We usually only hear about the bad things that big companies do. Here's an article about my employer, Hallmark Cards, Inc, Funny, I ran across this yesterday. How coincidental.. I can certainly emphasize with some of these sentiments. Also, for those of you that will whine about my

Local mystery - 5200 lb. rotating granite ball

2002-11-07 Thread Gary Nunn
A local mystery (about 15 miles away) that has once again made the news. The short of this is that a cemetery marker has a 5200 lb polished granite ball on it that seems to inexplicably rotate several inches a year. Check this out...

Giant crystal cave discovered

2002-11-09 Thread Gary Nunn Monday, 12 June, 2000, 13:25 GMT 14:25 UK Giant crystal cave discovered So clear, you can read text through the crystals By BBC News Online's Jonathan Amos A gigantic cave of crystals has been discovered in an old silver mine in Spain. The

RE: Reasons to NFP Re: science Vs religion

2002-11-09 Thread Gary Nunn
John wrote... who had told me that he and his wife had been using the rhythm method, since they were worried about the side effects of birth control. Reminds me of a joke that I found to be very true Q. - What do you call couples who use the rhythm method as birth control. A. - Parents

Cartoons today

2002-11-10 Thread Gary Nunn
I am sitting here watching cartoons with the kids and I am amazed at how violent some of them are. For example, Justice League is on (Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, etc). The league traveled back through time and are g\fighting Germans. They are clearly killing Germans by blowing up the tanks,

RE: From Mark on rec.arts.books.tolkien

2002-11-10 Thread Gary Nunn
Julia wrote I'm sorry that people are so bent out of shape about it now. Maybe if people hadn't been getting so bent out of shape about what the listowners should and should not do before then, it wouldn't have been an issue that the listowners felt ought not be publicized. Julia is

RE: From Mark on rec.arts.books.tolkien

2002-11-10 Thread Gary Nunn
Erik wrote No, she is not, at least not if that is a statement of policy. It sounded more like an excuse to me, or perhaps an apology with an excuse. But whatever it is, it is NOT good policy. Come on now, if since when is it good policy to keep something secret because you are afraid

RE: Cartoons today

2002-11-10 Thread Gary Nunn
Justice League is geared to a bit of an older crowd than Super Friends. Super friends is an inferior product when compared to the earlier (in the 60s) Justice League Of America cartoon that sprung from the Superman/Batman hour. This episode WAS good. I was just a bit surprised that it

RE: From Mark on rec.arts.books.tolkien

2002-11-10 Thread Gary Nunn
Bricks? Would you care to cite that where that happened? Nope. Sorry. No citing today. Simply my opinion of where that discussion was going. It sounds like you have changed your position, because previously you criticized Rob for doing just that. Not at all. I have consistently said that

RE: [website link] Temporal Anomalies in Time Travel Movies

2002-11-12 Thread Gary Nunn
Alberto wrote What a crappy Website. Takes an absurd time to load images, the links are not clear, and it aborts when we try to click. Some Webdesigners deserve being sent to Iraq :-/ Ok, so broadband has the advantage on this website, but the content is still interesting - if you can

Humorous Website

2002-11-18 Thread Gary Nunn
This website is in the spirit of The Onion website. WARNING! Don't go there if you are sensitive to religious humor. :-P ___

Yahoo Web Beacons member tracking

2002-11-22 Thread Gary Nunn
Just ran across this from a trusted source and found it to be absolutely true. Follow the link below, read about Yahoo's newest web tracking policy and then decide if you want to opt out. Gary PS - I don't usually forward on warning messages, but after looking into the validity of this


2002-11-22 Thread Gary Nunn
Rob wrote Seems to be down at the moment. BBB. Thanks for playing. It's back. :-) ___

RE: Yahoo Web Beacons (AKA web bugs) member tracking

2002-11-23 Thread Gary Nunn
The Fool wrote... These are otherwise known as web - bugs. They can access cookies even from html formatted email messages. Protect yourself: Hey thanks, that was useful information that I was not aware of. Gary ___

Preserve Auschwitz ?

2002-11-24 Thread Gary Nunn
I have been following the debate about preserving Auschwitz. Personally, I think it is time to let that part of the past go and move on. I am not sure what purpose would be served by preserving or memorializing those camps other than to remind people of the hate and crimes that went on there. It

RE: religion is evil, why it must be eradicated

2002-11-24 Thread Gary Nunn
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm on constant search for a copy at my local used bookstores. One that does not have a white creased spine. Go to AbeBooks ( ) and do a search. I found 291 matches ranging from $3.00 paperbacks to a signed copy hardcover for $172.50. Gary

RE: Domain Name BRIN-L.COM For Sale

2002-12-01 Thread Gary Nunn
various criticisms deleted. Regardless of Jeroen's motives or terms, give him a little credit for being willing to give up the domain - and give him a break. Gary Gary L. Nunn Delaware Ohio The hardest thing in life to learn is which

RE: Admin: Server access blocked

2002-12-05 Thread Gary Nunn
Speaking of childish, isn't doing more than tit-for-tat (i.e., rejecting each one back to him just once) childish? :) Wouldn't it be a lot more effective to set up some sort of system that just bounces everything he sends you back to him, so you never have to worry about it after setting it

Where is the good Doctor??

2002-12-06 Thread Gary Nunn
Gosh, as much as I hate to break up the party and make an *actual* Brin related post, does anyone know what the good Doctor is up to lately? Is he subbed? Unsubbed? Lurking? Traveling? Writing? Inquiring minds want to know :-) Gary ___ Gary L. Nunn

RE: Where is the good Doctor??

2002-12-06 Thread Gary Nunn
William Taylor wrote I know that he's pushed back working on the novel of 3,000 high school kids being kidnapped by aliens. [I hope not because it reads a bit like the novel 1632 in places.] That story idea is *very* close to another book that I read about aliens plotting and kidnapping

understanding Lexmark business strategy

2002-12-07 Thread Gary Nunn
I am having a difficult time understanding how Lexmark does business. I have a Lexmark Z22 printer. The replacement high-res color cartridge costs $34.95 to replace. However, for $29.00, I can buy a *NEW* Z22 printer that includes the high-res color cartridge. It is literally $5.00 cheaper, every

RE: understanding Lexmark business strategy

2002-12-07 Thread Gary Nunn
1) Has the Lexmark Z22 been available consistently at that price for a number of months, or is this a short-term sale? Yes, this has been a consistent price here locally. Not sure about nationally. 2) If so, did Lexmark decide to take some short term losses to build market share? No clue

Brin: Starflight without Warp Drive

2002-12-08 Thread Gary Nunn
Transcript of an interview from Science Fiction Age magazine. participants: David Brin, Robert L. Forward, and Jonathan Vos Post Sorry if this has been posted before :-) ___ Gary L. Nunn

RE: The Wow Signal Examined

2002-12-09 Thread Gary Nunn
Rob posted. Of the many maybe's that SETI has turned up in its four-decade history, none is better known than the one that was discovered in August, 1977, in Columbus, Ohio. The famous Wow signal was found as part of a

RE: Dr. Brin's LPNC keynote speech

2002-12-11 Thread Gary Nunn
Reggie asked... Harureruru... Isn't that a city in Hawaii? or else it's a fierce sneeze.. ___

death by flatulence.....

2002-12-13 Thread Gary Nunn
Sounds like the makings of an urban legend, but this is from the Darwin Awards newsletter. NOMINEE No. 5: [Bloomberg News Service]: A terrible diet and a room with no ventilation are being blamed for the death of a man who was killed by his own gas. There was no mark on his body but an

Shockwave madness

2002-12-14 Thread Gary Nunn
Some people have way, way, way too much time on their hands :-) ( Click on and off any of the horses at any time ) ___

Brin: Internet Speculative Fiction DataBase

2002-12-15 Thread Gary Nunn
Just ran across this awesome database for speculative fiction. The link below is for the Brin entries, or should I say, Glen David Brin entries? :-) Looks fairly complete, including quite a few articles and stories that I have never heard of. Brin entry:

RE: Remember the Future

2002-12-18 Thread Gary Nunn
Alberto asked If anyone remembers anything that happens in 2003 in any sf timeline, please tell me. I am desperately in need of events for this Year. It seems that almost nothing happens in 2003 :-/ Just looking over the previous years and I can't believe that you missed 2001:Space

RE: Are you a model citizen?

2003-06-05 Thread Gary Nunn
Gheeezzz Compared to the rest of y'all, I feel like The List Criminal. Hey, on the positive side, that bad boy image always seems to attract women (for everyone else that is), just hopefully not a 6 ft, 300 lb bearded cellmate named Bubba that keeps referring to me as My Bitch Gary Hard

RE: Are you a model citizen?

2003-06-05 Thread Gary Nunn
Years in prison: 97 Potential fine: £7000 You guys wouldn't last 10 seconds in my world! Adam C. Lipscomb Woo - hoo ! A fellow List Criminal ! :-) Gary ___

RE: Br!n, blades, and home defense.

2003-06-03 Thread Gary Nunn
Do you have to drag the body backwards a few feet, or just drip some blood on your carpet? William Taylor I was not sure if this was a serious question or not, but I'll give you a serious answer anyway In many , if not most, states, killing in self defense in the home has to pass two

Are you a model citizen?

2003-06-05 Thread Gary Nunn
Find out just how much of a model citizen you are A word of caution... remember that this is a British website and them British tend to do things a bit different :-) I had potentially 17 years in prison :-) Gary

Sleep Apnea

2003-06-07 Thread Gary Nunn
Anyone here have, or known someone who has, sleep apnea? I am curious about the before and after comparisons after beginning treatment. Not the obvious of sleeping better, but the more subjective things like cognitive ability, memory, physical health (including weight), etc. Just curious.

RE: Plonkworthy?

2003-06-07 Thread Gary Nunn
New rule one: Never respond to mail when I am sleep deprived. Another rule I am considering is just simply not to read any Brin-L mail on days that I am tired or not feeling well. That will prevent bad responses before they happen, but may Michael Harney Michael, I truly feel your

Picking apart the Matrix - no spoilers

2003-06-07 Thread Gary Nunn
Sometimes I have far too much time to think about things on the way to work. For example, in the Matrix universe, what functional reason would the machines have for plugging humans into a simulation (besides the obvious of being a plot device)? Wouldn't the power generation ability of humans be

Br!n story in Analog....

2003-06-07 Thread Gary Nunn
Sorry if someone already covered this Just picked up the July/August issue of Analog and it has a story by DB in it. I have not read it yet so I am not sure if it is a new or old story. Gary ___

RE: Picking apart the Matrix - no spoilers

2003-06-08 Thread Gary Nunn
Yea, I guess I am hoping that if they are at least clever enough to steal from philosophy then they are clever enough to steal from Level 13, Brazil, Dark Planet, level 13 (the movie), Max Headroom, etc. _ Jan William Coffey

RE: Sleep Apnea

2003-06-08 Thread Gary Nunn
Benadryl! She's been taking it every night before she goes to bed for a couple of months now and it has done wonders for her. She's not complaining about being tired anymore. Her behavior has improved markedly. It's wonderful. All because of a link posted to this list! That's why I

SCOUTED: My Life as a Phone Psychic

2003-06-08 Thread Gary Nunn
Callers are paying $2 a minute for a supernatural adviser. They're getting me instead. ESP Net's online guidance site asserts that it is an unrealistic expectation for callers to assume psychics are psychic. But its contract is more ambiguous about occult powers. While it stated I could not

RE: Red Mars to air on SCI FI

2003-06-11 Thread Gary Nunn
P.S. A friend recommended (loaning me the DVD) I watch a mini-series called The 10th Kingdom. I was sceptical at first, but ended up really having a good time with it. Anyone seen it? George A The 10th Kingdom was a great family movie, I even bought my daughter the DVD. Who could not

RE: Red Mars to air on SCI FI

2003-06-11 Thread Gary Nunn
Is the DVD the whole ten hours as it was originally broadcast, or the repeat broadcast where they cut out a couple of hours, including some of the best stuff? -- Ronn! :) It is the complete broadcast. There were two versions of the DVD, a two disk set and a three disk set. I think the

RE: A friendly request JVB

2003-06-15 Thread Gary Nunn
Jeroen wrote. I recommend that you accept this offer -- otherwise things can and probably will only escalate even further (no, that's not a threat, that's insight into how conflicts can escalate) and nobody stands to gain anything from that. Don't demand apologies; this is the

RE: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-15 Thread Gary Nunn
Jan wrote Can we all just agree to his proposal and end this thing? Erik replied No. For the last time, Jan, his proposal amounts to blackmail. I and others have explained this. YOU, Jan, are making this worse by encouraging his behavior. Since you are so fond of

RE: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-15 Thread Gary Nunn
Erik wrote It seems you are a sucker for whining. You are being naive. That's all I'm going to say to you about this. Erik, you are clearly an intelligent person and I have always enjoyed reading your posts - even when you are being abrasive, so please know that this next comment was

Various RIP - was Hepburn, RIP

2003-07-01 Thread Gary Nunn
Since no one else has mentioned it I thought that I would mention Katherine Hepburn's recent death on Sunday past. Ms. Hepburn was possibly the finest actress in American film for over six decades (her john Seems like we lost several great entertainers in the last week... Of course

RE: Various RIP - was Hepburn, RIP

2003-07-01 Thread Gary Nunn
that Hepburn and Peck sis, but I grew up watching him. Gary My typing sucks tonight, that line should read. that Hepburn and Peck did, but I grew up watching him. ___

RE: Various RIP - was Hepburn, RIP

2003-07-01 Thread Gary Nunn
Buddy Hackett died? I didn't even hear that. Jim ___

RE: br!n: the Chronicles of Riddick look like a Jijo ripoff :-/

2003-07-08 Thread Gary Nunn
The first movie was released as _Pitch Black_ in the US. It's one of my favorite recent SF flicks, and I'm very glad they're making a sequel (prequel?); it was a nicely gritty and (somewhat) realistic From the Sci-Fi Wire Riddick Starts Up Principal photography commenced July 1 on

More Sci-Fi Channel sadness....

2003-07-08 Thread Gary Nunn
This is a good news/bad news kind of thing, good that the sci-fi channel has some great ratings, sad at what it was that gave them the great ratings (I am not including Stargate in that statement) SCI FI Has Record Ratings he SCI FI Channel reported that it drew record ratings in the second

Difference between man and woman.

2003-07-17 Thread Gary Nunn
An image that definitively and clearly illustrates the difference between men and women. ___

Stargate: Atlantis

2003-07-27 Thread Gary Nunn
Read about this briefly in TV Guide today and found some stuff online. Most of the stuff online is dated 2001, but this article seems to be more recent... Some older stories about this

RE: Stargate: Atlantis

2003-07-27 Thread Gary Nunn
Another Stargate article (mentions spin-off series) TV Guide: Stargate returns for Season Eight JULY 16, 2003 ___

RE: Stargate: Atlantis

2003-07-27 Thread Gary Nunn
Are you posting to the correct forum? I thought this was a political message list. ;-) Kevin T. - VRWC It WAS a political message It was subliminal... Didn't you get it? Gary You are getting sleepy Maru ___

Brin : Hugo awards - unofficial poll

2003-07-29 Thread Gary Nunn
Brin mention. - 2003 HUGO AWARDS POLL It's time once again for Science Fiction Weekly's annual unofficial Hugo Awards poll! What were the best SF books, movies and stories of 2002? ___

Dukes of Hazzard remake - worse than it sounds...

2003-08-03 Thread Gary Nunn
No doubt the Sci-Fi channel will be running this one right next to their other blockbusters Tremors and Scare Tactics. If it wasn't bad enough that they are going to remake Dukes of Hazzard, they had to go and cast.. Britney Becomes a Duke Yee-haw! According to the folks over at

Sea Launch platform

2003-08-14 Thread Gary Nunn
Very cool Leaving a bubbly wake behind, Sea Launch's Odyssey launch platform cruises at full speed toward the equator in the Pacific Ocean in this aerial view captured Aug. 1 and returned to company headquarters via satellite

Creative spam

2003-08-23 Thread Gary Nunn
Spammers can certainly be as creative as they can be annoying. With MailWasher, I am bouncing and deleting an average of 30 messages a day, probably twice that on weekends. I am assuming that those weekend spammers have real jobs during the week. :-) I received an email in my box today, but

blackout image from space...

2003-08-29 Thread Gary Nunn
Interesting image of the blackout from a geosynchronous satellite ___

RE: Brin: Transparent Society

2003-09-06 Thread Gary Nunn
Alberto wrote. What I *really* would like now is so simple that I still don't know why it's not available: a system so that I can keep track of the _approximate_ location of a cell phone. Cell Phones are all the time connected to a nearby station, so this system would enable me, for

Conclusion of Galileo mission

2003-09-06 Thread Gary Nunn
Galileo, the interplanetary spacecraft that has changed the way we understand Jupiter and its 61 known moons, will perish on the 21st of this month as it plunges into the Jovian atmosphere. NASA engineers have put Galileo on a collision course with the planet so that the spacecraft, which is

Interesting Hubble images from

2003-09-11 Thread Gary Nunn
This image comes in 7 different flavors, depending on your connection speed. I downloaded the 2.49 mb .JPG file and am currently downloading the 76 MB TIFF file. If you have the connection speed (or patience) and your PC has the resources to open these larger images, they are definitely worth

RE: The Final Day on Galileo

2003-09-19 Thread Gary Nunn
The Final Day on Galileo Sunday, September 21, 2003 The Wind-Up Well, after twelve years of pre-launch development and planning, six years of interplanetary cruise, and nearly eight years in orbit, our exciting, quarter-century odyssey I posted the link below a week or two ago,

archeology or archaeology ??

2003-10-05 Thread Gary Nunn
Frivolous question of the day. Archeology or archaeology? Which is the correct spelling? lists both. Google brings back results for both. ___

flying naked not just for Hooter's Air...

2003-10-14 Thread Gary Nunn
First it was removing the shoes, next we are all going to have to board the plane and fly in our underwear. I am starting to think that there is some terrorist office or maybe some government office that just sits around and thinks of the most off the wall, unlikely scenarios that they can

Scouted - Space Exploration Act

2003-10-16 Thread Gary Nunn
Bill to Restore Vision for NASA's Human Spaceflight Program Excerpts from article Washington - Sep 10, 2003 press release by Nick Lampson After today's House Science Committee hearing on returning the Space Shuttle to flight, U.S. Rep. Nick Lampson re-introduced his Space Exploration Act.

RE: commercials in the US

2003-10-19 Thread Gary Nunn
On Behalf Of Kevin Tarr Just wondering about three commercials on the telly. The first is the new subway campaign where the people can do something bad because they had subway for lunch. Specifically the one that ends with the man washing the car in the cheerleader outfit. Is the

Vanity: Where is she now.....

2003-10-23 Thread Gary Nunn
Anyone remember Vanity? The Prince protégée and sex goddess of the 80's? I ran across this website (see ling below) and thought that she looked familiar. I was amazed to discover that she is the artist formally known as Vanity. Quite a lifestyle change from Hollywood.

RE: Vanity: Where is she now.....

2003-10-24 Thread Gary Nunn
Jan wrote... Prince was a geneous, but all that crew were always jesus freeks. You have heard of flirty fising right? I am not familiar with that reference. Do tell. ___

RE: [Listref] House Cats and Ferrets Are Easily Infected With SARS Virus

2003-11-04 Thread Gary Nunn
...New research shows that common house pets such as cats and ferrets may easily become infected with the SARS virus and spread the disease to others. I will have to crack down and keep my cat out of China and Toronto :-) ___

Matrix Revolutions - no spoilers

2003-11-05 Thread Gary Nunn
Saw this tonight and I have to say that I am disappointed. It was just ok. It didn't have the punch and impact of the first Matrix and some of the scenes were waayy too long. At the end of the movie, I was asking the question is this all? You have got to be kidding. As Keanu said in

RE: Matrix Revolutions - no spoilers

2003-11-06 Thread Gary Nunn
In my humble opinion, hell no, but that is just me :-) -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chad Cooper Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:19 PM To: 'Killer Bs Discussion' Subject: RE: Matrix Revolutions - no spoilers Is it

Upcoming movies... was RE: Matrix Revolutions - no spoilers

2003-11-06 Thread Gary Nunn
Jeff asked... So what movies are coming out that you would be willing to wait for? During the 22 minutes of previews before Matrix, one of the coming movies looks very promising... IMDB entry... Plot Outline (from IMDB)

RE: chat clients?

2003-11-06 Thread Gary Nunn
This may have been on our subservient list; someone was asking about ICQs? I cannot find the thread. Someone opinioned that there were programs that would search all services, not just AOLIM. I got ICQ, but it only seems to search itself and AOLIM. A friend is on MSN's IM (he's

RE: Upcoming movies... was RE: Matrix Revolutions - no spoilers

2003-11-08 Thread Gary Nunn
George asked... You're kidding, right No kidding, literally there were 22 minutes of previews and commercials. Doug asked... That one looked promising? (talking about The Day After Tomorrow) To ME it looked promising. :-) ___

Shopping cart design - sadistic plot by angry women

2003-11-08 Thread Gary Nunn
The Wal-Mart experience of the day Ok, I am not really into the conspiracy theory thing, except for the covert Black Helicopters owned by the Amish, but that's a different theory... ANYWAY, I would like to know what sadistic, man hating woman, designed shopping carts that put an angry two

Stupid and tacky Christmas gifts....

2003-11-08 Thread Gary Nunn
During my somewhat painful trip to Wal-Mart today (see other email) I ran across a gift line that has to be the ultimate in tacky and thoughtlessness: Pre-wrapped Christmas gifts. Stupid ones at that. Ceramic pigs sitting on their ass wearing aprons. And just to complete the series, other

Scouted: 10 technologies that deserve to die

2003-11-09 Thread Gary Nunn
Some of these I could agree with, but others seem almost like blasphemy coming from a science fiction writer. 10 technologies that deserve to die By Bruce Sterling Technology Review 10.21.2003 A science fiction writer's irreverent take. 1. Nuclear Weapons 2. Coal-Based Power 3. The Internal

RE: Scouted: Cocoa Has More Antioxidants Than Red Wine, Tea

2003-11-09 Thread Gary Nunn
That's cool with meI mean its only a figure of speech in any case. xponent Informal Talk Maru rob Careful Rob, Erik is flirting with you like her used to flirt with You Know Who. ___

RE: Scouted: Cocoa Has More Antioxidants Than Red Wine, Tea

2003-11-09 Thread Gary Nunn
This is absurd. I start by asking a straightforward question about the phenol and flavonoid ...yadda, yadda, yadda major snip Gheeze Debbie, next time bring up a less controversial subject like left handed Republican abortion supporters condemning gun control. Surly you could have

worldwide active volcano's

2003-11-10 Thread Gary Nunn
An interesting interactive map of volcano's worldwide that are currently active or in the news ___

UFO sightings worldwide

2003-11-10 Thread Gary Nunn
An interesting map charting UFO sightings worldwide. This seems to be a serious attempt to track all edged UFO sightings worldwide. Interesting. ___

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