[CTRL] The Little Frummer Boy

2003-06-03 Thread William Shannon

June 2, 2003 issue
Copyright  2003 The American Conservative
Correcting Mr. Crittenden
By Taki

Dear, oh dear. As the great Yogi Berra said, Its dj vu all over again. Frum the bum, that is. As some of you may remember, the Uriah-Heep-like Frum recently painted all those conservatives that opposed the war against Iraqwe believed Saddam no longer possessed WMDs and was not involved with al-Qaedawith the broad brush of unpatriotism. In his mephitic and intellectually dishonest mind, all neocons are patriotic, all traditional conservatives, traitorous and anti-Semitic. So far, so bad. But it gets worse, for the bum has now pulled a Jayson Blair. (I feel sorry for this troubled young man, and I think the Times is being self-serving in raking him over the coals; these things happen.) No, Frum has done a Stephen Glass. (I certainly dont feel sorry for Glass; he has used his lies and deception as a very convenient career move.)

Before I go on about Frums inventions, a brief flashback. I do not surf or read the Internet because I do not know how. I can send and receive e-mail by following written instructions, but thats about it. It amazes me how well I get along without access, and now I have even learned a new word: blog. It seems that David Frum has a blog, whatever that is, and two friends of mine read his diary of May 7. It involved yours truly, and they printed it out and faxed it to me. Talk about Stephen Glass. This guy fabricates like Baron Munchausen but safeguards himself by creating a he-said/she-said situation. He wrote, 

Taki, as you may recall, appeared in my recent piece for the print NR about conservatives who oppose the war on terror. He wasnt pleased with my assessment of him, and wrote an indignant piece in his magazine, The American Conservative, about our single meeting at a large dinner party in the late 90s. Taki remembers being displeased with the meeting, but he neglects to explain why, perhaps because he was too drunk to remember. Ill provide the details he omitted.

After dinner broke up, Taki cornered Danielle. From across the room, I caught her marital distress signal and came over to intercede. Taki retreated immediately and in a slurred voice offered what was I suppose intended as an apology. This is why I am an anti-semitethe Jews take all the most beautiful women. Whatever else you think of those words, theyre certainly a more plausible explanation of Takis political views than anything hes been willing to put into print. 

Now for my version. During the late 90s, I received a letter from a lady by the name of Danielle Crittenden asking me to write for her Womens Quarterly a piece on why Clinton was not JFK where women were concerned. She could not pay, but offered a drink the next time you are in Washington. I accepted, wrote about what a slob Clinton was where the fairer sex was concerned, and forgot about it. During a Conrad Black party at the Metropolitan Club in New York, a lady approached me, identified herself as Danielle Crittenden, and thanked me for writing pro bono. If memory servesand it doesI said something to the effect that had I known she was attractive, I would have written better, and left it at that. She then introduced me to my husband. I shook hands and exchanged pleasantries.

Here is where the big lie comes in. The idea that I would say what he claims I said to a perfect stranger is preposterous. I have been brought up to act like a gentleman of the old school, and although I am a heavy drinker and an incorrigible womanizer, I would no more dream of hitting on a woman I just met than I would betray my country for profit. (Drunk or sober, my manners do not vary. I am of the aristocratic school of thought about women. One never makes a lady feel anything but one, and by lady I mean anyone female.) 

Then comes the Frum specialty, the cheap shot lie. At the time I had never heard of Frum and took him for Mr. Crittenden. Is it credible that I would say I was anti-Semitic to a man I did not know and had no idea what religion he was? Was he wearing a yarmulke? Does he take me for a Nazi in Berlin circa 1938? First and foremost, I am not anti-Semitic. Second, we Christians get our share of beautiful women, so why would I embarrass myself with such an asinine remark? Frum has written this to himself for reasons unknown. I suspect he hopes someone picks it up and then he can quote from that someone and make it a fact. Well, it wont wash. I do not know whether he and his wife work in tandem, but if he has ensnared her in his farrago of lies, it is a pity. She gave me the impression of a good person.

What is interesting is that Frum has used his wife before. I read that it was she who e-mailed people that Frum had invented the phrase Axis of Evil that his then boss, President Bush, had used in his State of the Union address. As it happens, the White House denies it, just as Frum denies the fact that he was canned soon after. 

[CTRL] The FCC's BAD Idea

2003-06-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bad Idea
by Charley Reese

About 10 or 12 mega-conglomerates control about 75 percent of the communications in the United States, and the Federal Communications Commission is about to pass a rule that will allow them to gobble up the remainder.

This is not good.

For a land that is supposedly the bastion of free speech, we have fewer competing newspapers than most other industrial countries in the world. Catch the news on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, Fox and CNN, and you get essentially an identical picture of the world, one that bears only a limited and superficial resemblance to the real one. We are nation of 268 million people and there are only, as of 2001, 1,480 daily newspapers  most of them owned by these few mega-corporations.

Don't be fooled by all the talk about choices. Sure you have a choice between America Online and CompuServe. Guess who owns CompuServe? AOL. The big conglomerates own most of the cable channels. The producers of most of the programming are likewise relatively few.

Every city and town in America needs an independent, locally owned newspaper, radio station and TV station. Darned few have them anymore. Some of these big conglomerates own newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, book publishers, magazines, cable channels, movie studios and TV networks. You name it, they got it. And they want what they don't already have, and the FCC is about to give it to them by loosening present restrictions on ownership of properties in the same market.

You should also not be fooled by the blarney that owners don't tell employees what to write or say. They don't have to. They don't hire people who disagree with them on what they consider to be the really important issues. You've got to be a pretty dumb employee not to figure out what the boss likes and dislikes. And if you don't, you won't be around that long.

Ego and pretentiousness notwithstanding, journalists are blue-collar workers in information factories. There aren't many willing to tell off the publisher or the news director, and those who do are out the door.

I used to get a laugh when I was working for a daily newspaper and the paper was crusading for some pet project. Inevitably, somebody would call and say, "Why don't you write a column and tear their arguments apart?"

"Well," I would reply, "for starters, my name is Reese, not Rockefeller. This newspaper you want me to attack is the one that pays my salary. Aside from my interest in not being unemployed, as long as I take their money, I owe them loyalty."

Sure, I used to take positions that differed from those of the newspaper on some issues, but if it was an issue the publisher and editor really cared about, I either supported it or, if I couldn't honestly do that, just wrote about something else. That's the way the world works. And as an old Buddhist sage once observed, "If you understand, the world is as it is; if you do not understand, the world is as it is."

In all seriousness, the foundation of our great idea of self-government is that if the people know the truth, they can make the right political decisions. In our time, we depend on commercial communications for most of our information. To allow so few hands to control so much of our communications is dangerous.

I'm not suggesting that the owners of these conglomerates are conspiring to control our thoughts. Most of them are just in business for the money. But in a free country, a thousand voices are better than four or five and are much more likely to arrive at the truth. Most executives who work for conglomerates will have their eyes on the headquarters. From there will come their promotions. Whatever town or city they happen to be in is incidental. On the other hand, an independent owner will care about the place because it's not only his place of business but also his permanent home. I'll take a little less glitz any day to have a home-owned, independent newspaper, radio or TV station.

Write to Michael Powell, Chairman, FCC, 445 12th St., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20554 or send e-mail to www.fcc.gov and say, "Bah, humbug to your proposed rule regarding media ownership."

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The War Party - Wackos,Weirdos, And Wing-Dings

2003-06-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

June 2, 2003
The War Party  a scary, ugly lot

Uzbekistan, land of torture, where opponents of the barbaric regime are routinely jailed, beaten, and murdered  you wouldn't think that Uzbek "President" Islam Karimov would have any Western defenders. But, then, you probably weren't taking ex-leftist-turned-Muslim Stephen Schwartz into account.

The fifty-something "senior policy analyst" for the ironically-named Foundation in Defense of Democracies, a rabid war bird formerly with the Voice of America, doesn't have much of a problem with Uzbekistan's estimated 600 political arrests per year and some 6,500 political prisoners  many of whom face death by torture. Praising Uzbekistan in a speech as "a new, young, transitional democracy," Schwartz explained:

"I cannot claim to provide a full endorsement of the Uzbek regime, without going there. Obviously, as in any country, there have been abuses. However, I note that much of the discussion of Uzbekistan and the claims of Islamic figures in that country to being victims of repression, rests on extremely vague terminology. For example, the latest U.S. State Department report on human rights abuses around the world was released on March 4. It includes numerous allegations against Uzbekistan, many involving the government's struggle to suppress Hizb-ut-Tahrir - a clandestine subversive movement originating in Arab countries. This is a battle in which the United States should probably be cheering Karimov on, rather than condemning him."

According to a forensic report compiled last summer by the British embassy in Uzbekistan, two prisoners of this "transitional democracy" were boiled to death. Their screams were not too audible in the West, drowned out, perhaps, by Schwartz's cheers and the support of the U.S. government. American taxpayers shelled out $500 million in aid to Uzbekistan, $79 million of which went directly into the pockets of the torturers, i.e. the police and intelligence apparatus.

Apologizing for torture, murder, and the parboiling of human beings  for the man they call "the philosophical whore of North Beach," it's all in a day's work.

While we're on the subject of Schwartz, he's authored yet another screed supposedly linking me to all sorts of causes I've never embraced and people I've never met. Writing in Frontpage  where else?  Schwartz whines that when he arrived at the Islamic Center of Long Island, where he was supposedly invited to give a talk on May 11  although the calendar for the Islamic Center does not mention his name  he was 

"Handed a pamphlet headed with the ominous words 'CONFRONT MUSLIM-BASHER.' The target of this propaganda was me. The tone was one of violent incitement. The anonymous author of this screed had assembled a series of hysterical charges against me  The pamphlet ended with scurrilous quotes from Dennis 'Justin' Raimondo  and from Kevin Keating, another West Coast fringe type. Keating was the leftist radical photographed in San Francisco during the Iraq conflict, toting a banner reading "We Support Our Troops WHEN THEY SHOOT THEIR OFFICERS."

This is the second attempt by Schwartz to link me to Keating, whom I have never even met. To wing-dings of the Schwartzian variety, however, all those he counts as his enemies are involved in a vast conspiracy against him. As he put it:

"The long arm of the Saudi/Wahhabi conspiracy, supported by American neofascists and leftists, had reached me in Long Island"!

Paranoia doesn't even begin to encompass Schwartz's peculiar pathology. Besides quotes from me, and the mysterious Mr. Keating, this anonymous "pamphlet" also supposedly "promoted Jama'at al-Fuqra, a violent criminal organization linked to al-Qaida."

Gee, that was some "pamphlet"  it sounds more like a lengthy treatise. But what were those "scurrilous quotes" he attributes to me? Except for the "Confront Muslim-Basher" headline, Schwartz never quotes from this mysterious document: does it even exist except in his perfervid imagination?

Poor paranoid Schwartz  according to his account, when he was confronted with this terrifying pamphlet, he ran screaming from the room:

"Rather than bring about the confrontation these fanatics desired, I left the mosque without speaking. Many small children were present, and I would not have risked an uproar. Later I found out that as soon as I was gone, a large crowd of scowling men in Taliban-style beards also departed the scene - after one of them had delivered a harangue denouncing me as a Communist, of all things. They obviously had not come to hear the children sing praises of the Prophet. After further investigation of this incident, I concluded that it was a deliberate setup."

It's a worldwide, left-right terrorist-inspired conspiracy against Schwartz  because, you see, he's so important. Not even Lyndon LaRouche is this nutty. The Taliban  in Long Island? Mullah Omar 

[CTRL] Lies, Lies, And More Lies

2003-06-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

What a Tangled Web We Weave . . .

. . . when first we practice to deceive!

Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.

Dick Cheney
Speech to VFW National Convention
August 26, 2002

Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons. 

George W. Bush
Speech to UN General Assembly
September 12, 2002

If he declares he has none, then we will know that Saddam Hussein is once again misleading the world.

Ari Fleischer
Press Briefing
December 2, 2002

We know for a fact that there are weapons there.

Ari Fleischer
Press Briefing
January 9, 2003

Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent. 

George W. Bush
State of the Union Address
January 28, 2003

We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more.

Colin Powell
Remarks to UN Security Council
February 5, 2003

We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons -- the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have.

George W. Bush 
Radio Address
February 8, 2003

If Iraq had disarmed itself, gotten rid of its weapons of mass destruction over the past 12 years, or over the last several months since (UN Resolution) 1441 was enacted, we would not be facing the crisis that we now have before us . . . But the suggestion that we are doing this because we want to go to every country in the Middle East and rearrange all of its pieces is not correct.

Colin Powell
Interview with Radio France International
February 28, 2003

So has the strategic decision been made to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction by the leadership in Baghdad? . . . I think our judgment has to be clearly not.

Colin Powell
Remarks to UN Security Council
March 7, 2003

Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.

George W. Bush
Address to the Nation
March 17, 2003

Well, there is no question that we have evidence and information that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, biological and chemical particularly . . . all this will be made clear in the course of the operation, for whatever duration it takes.

Ari Fleisher
Press Briefing
March 21, 2003

There is no doubt that the regime of Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction. And . . . as this operation continues, those weapons will be identified, found, along with the people who have produced them and who guard them.

Gen. Tommy Franks
Press Conference
March 22, 2003

I have no doubt we're going to find big stores of weapons of mass destruction.

Defense Policy Board member Kenneth Adelman
Washington Post, p. A27
March 23, 2003

One of our top objectives is to find and destroy the WMD. There are a number of sites.

Pentagon Spokeswoman Victoria Clark
Press Briefing
March 22, 2003

We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.

Donald Rumsfeld
ABC Interview
March 30, 2003

Obviously the administration intends to publicize all the weapons of mass destruction U.S. forces find -- and there will be plenty. 

Neocon scholar Robert Kagan
Washington Post op-ed
April 9, 2003

But make no mistake -- as I said earlier -- we have high confidence that they have weapons of mass destruction. That is what this war was about and it is about. And we have high confidence it will be found.

Ari Fleischer
Press Briefing
April 10, 2003

We are learning more as we interrogate or have discussions with Iraqi scientists and people within the Iraqi structure, that perhaps he destroyed some, perhaps he dispersed some. And so we will find them.

George W. Bush
NBC Interview
April 24, 2003

There are people who in large measure have information that we need . . . so that we can track down the weapons of mass destruction in that country.

Donald Rumsfeld
Press Briefing
April 25, 2003

We'll find them. It'll be a matter of time to do so.

George W. Bush
Remarks to Reporters
May 3, 2003

I'm absolutely sure that there are weapons of mass destruction there and the evidence will be forthcoming. We're just getting it just now. 

Colin Powell
Remarks to Reporters
May 4, 2003

We never believed that we'd just tumble over weapons of mass destruction in that country.

Donald Rumsfeld
Fox News Interview
May 4, 2003

I'm not surprised if we begin to uncover the weapons program of Saddam Hussein -- because he had a weapons program. 

George W. Bush
Remarks to Reporters
May 6, 2003

U.S. officials never expected that "we were going to open garages and find" weapons of mass destruction.


[CTRL] Richard Butler Expresses Concern Over Iraq War Rhetoric

2003-06-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Richard Butler expresses concern over Iraq war rhetoric

PM - Monday, 2 June , 2003  18:10:00Reporter: Alison CaldwellMARK COLVIN: We begin with the continuing storm over the intelligence that British, American and Australian Governments told us before the Iraq war proved the existence of weapons of mass destruction.

It's become even more controversial because of reports from Britain and America that US Secretary of State Colin Powell and the British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw had serious doubts before the war about the reliability of the intelligence.

But this morning on AM Australia's Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said there was no need for any review of Australia's intelligence in the matter, though Australia has always said weapons of mass destruction were the reason for taking our troops into the conflict.

Tonight the former United Nations Chief Weapons Inspector Richard Butler says Australians should be demanding a public inquiry. Richard Butler spoke to Alison Caldwell a short time ago.

ALISON CALDWELL: Richard Butler, if the coalition forces haven't yet found weapons of mass destruction, does that mean they aren't there, or that they were never there?

RICHARD BUTLER: No it does not. Everyone in the Security Council knows that there was a residual quantity of weapons left in 1998 when Saddam shut me and my inspectors down and threw us out. 

I can tell you the exact numbers, Alison, of chemical weapons, biological weapons and missing missile parts. Everyone agreed on that; the Security Council, the Russians, the French who so strongly opposed the Americans last year, everyone agreed.

Five years later, Hans Blix, my successor reported to the Security Council that there was this residual quantity of weapons unaccounted for. Iraq said it didn't have them anymore. When Hans Blix and his inspectors tried to find them, Iraq wouldn't let them do so, or wouldn't produce the evidence of their destruction. So that was hanging out there.

Let's call that quantity number one. Quantity number one did exist and it was never properly accounted for. Quantity number two is the stuff that the British and the Americans pumped up for the war.

ALISON CALDWELL: It's different?

RICHARD BUTLER: Well, yes it is. Tony Blair in his dossier said that there were, that the Iraqis had been out seeking uranium for a nuclear weapon. The documentation that supported that was examined and shown to be a forgery. 

He said the Iraqis could load up their chemical weapons in 45 minutes. We now learn that that was something added in by his speech writer on the basis of what one Iraqi defector told them, and so on.

Colin Powell's presentation to the Security Council made elaborate claims that went beyond quantity number one, in order to justify the war. Specifically he said that there are serious weapons there that could be given to terrorists and we've got to go, therefore, to invade Iraq and find those weapons. 

This quantity number two may never be found, because maybe it never existed. There's an investigation taking place now in Washington and London about their intelligence materials as a result of public demand.

ALISON CALDWELL: Do you think we need an investigation?

RICHARD BUTLER: But there should be such an investigation because it's now extremely questionable that the propaganda, the pumping up for quantity number two was ever true.

ALISON CALDWELL: Do you think the Western intelligence then got it wrong, or was it the politicisation of the intelligence? Do you think politicisation of intelligence happened?

RICHARD BUTLER: Well, all the evidence seems to suggest that that's what happened. The White House created a special cell within the Pentagon to create the necessary materials to justify this war. The United Kingdom too it seems from Number 10 Downing Street intervened in what was pure intelligence.

Alison, I'm not suggesting that pure intelligence is always right. But what I am saying is there are questions to be answered here about whether or not intelligence materials were manipulated or fabricated to give the weapons of mass destruction rationale for the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

ALISON CALDWELL: The Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said on AM this morning that he'd recently spoken to the officials from the Office of National Assessment, and he was satisfied as they were, that their intelligence was solid. He doesn't see the need for an inquiry or a review.

RICHARD BUTLER: I heard him this morning speaking on AM, and I was flabbergasted. With his usual haughty pomposity he said, "Well, you only look into something if something went wrong. Nothing went wrong here, we won't be looking into it."

What an evasive piece of nonsense. ONA, our own national office, Office of National Assessments is a place from which a senior officer resigned in the run-up to the war because he said that I will not participate anymore in this 

[CTRL] Mass Media Mind Manipulation The World Of Illusions

2003-06-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Mass Media Mind Manipulation and the World of Illusion
By Randy Lavello

An enormous false world has been constructed by the globalists with the intent to trap us in a prison of illusion. This deception has perpetrated so deeply into our consciousness that it has grown difficult to discern fact from fiction this, of course, was the goal of the mind manipulation. Upon the corruption of our minds lies the trail of globalist fingerprints. 

The wealthiest men of our nation are in control of our education system. Our schools teach curriculums created by the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Endowment, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Guggenheim Foundation. While President of the Ford Foundation in 1954, Rowan Gaither explained the Foundations mandate: " we operate in response to directives, the substance of which is that we shall use our grant making power to alter life in the United States so that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union." Openly admitted, for the record, the tax-exempt foundations which determine what and how American children learn have tried to manipulate attitudes toward a socialist model - specifically the Soviet Union. What are some alterations which would favor this change in attitude? In the Soviet Union there were no guaranteed rights, freedom of political _expression_ was outlawed, the government regimented all aspects of life, and religion was systematically abolished in favor of the belief in atheism. 

Upon examination of my own U.S. history book from school, I realized the Bill of Rights was excluded from the book - the only mention of our Bill of Rights was in implied meanings, reworded by the authors. This is a blatant attempt to undermine the original meaning of the Constitution! It is only justifiable to interpret the meanings of each right after reading the actual words written by the Founding Fathers. Couple this with the passage of the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act, which negate major portions of the Bill of Rights, and we begin to see a pattern: our inherent rights from God are being destroyed! 

When one knows whom their readers will be they can then attempt to alter their opinions through their writings. As Nietzsche says, He who knows the reader, does nothing further for the reader. Another century of readers - and spirit itself will stink. That everyone can learn to read will ruin in the long run not only writing, but thinking too. Because those who mandate our education have set a goal for themselves - the destruction of our Republic and a merger with world government. They have written textbooks accordingly. Through these means, they manage the thinking processes of the readers - the children attending school to be educated. Our childrens minds are being manipulated to turn away from Individualism, in favor of Collectivism. 

Because the Homeland Security Act and Patriot Act allow for indefinite detainment, it is now legal for U.S. citizens to be held as political prisoners. The Federal Government is not required to give any reason for detaining a person. Why isnt this analyzed in the media? Why is this important turn of events being swept under the rug? Furthermore, federal agents may enter homes without warrant or the homeowners knowledge; this provides the perfect opportunity to frame their adversaries: those in favor of Constitutional Government. With the DNA database being constructed, it will likely be possible to grow human hairs in a laboratory that could conceivably be planted as evidence in a crime. 

The physical shackles of oppression are much more sloppy than the restraints which can be placed on the mind. The tragedy of our situation is that we first must win a spiritual war - then, likely a physical one. Nietzsche observed, We believe in reason: this, however, is the philosophy of gray concepts. Language depends on the most nave prejudices. Now we read disharmonies and problems into things because we think only in the form of language and thus believe in the eternal truth of reason. (e.g., subject, attribute, etc.) We cease to think when we refuse to do so under the constraint of language; we barely reach the doubt that sees this limitation as a limitation. Rational thought is interpretation according to a scheme that we cannot throw off. Nietzsche knew well the restrictions language places on thought. Another genius, George Orwell, explained in his book 1984, how a corrupt totalitarian government called Oceania (U.S.A. merged with Britain) reduced the language to restrict its subjects range of thought. In this new language, Newspeak, a person was unable to form concepts to disagree with the government. This becomes important as the illiteracy rate in our nation increases every year. 

The main concept of mind control, in the book 1984, was to cause a person to doublethink. Orwell explains doublethink as a willingness to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, 

Re: [CTRL] USS Liberty Survivor Replies To Critic

2003-06-03 Thread N. Landholt (PACE)
-Caveat Lector-

A radio ad about the attack was 
done with Jim Ennesduring a congressional campaign last year. It was 
played on Cincinnati radio stations during Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura 
andMichael Savage radio shows, and during local talk radio 

You can 
listen to it at http://www.RealNews247.com/condit_for_congress_2002.htm

/s/ Nick 

-Original Message-From:William 
ShannonSent: Sunday, June 01, 2003 6:43 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [CTRL] USS Liberty Survivor Replies To 
Critic-Caveat Lector- http://www.ussliberty.org/lentini2.txtLiberty 
survivor Joe Lentini replies to a criticwho email is appended 
below::Dear Mr. Brown:I was on board the USS Liberty on June 8, 
1967,and I can tell you without any doubt, the recountof the attack in 
the Ennes book is accurate andthat there is much more to this issue than you 
areobviously aware.First, let me thank you for caring enough to 
evenlook into it. So many Americans know nothingabout the attack 
because of the politics involved,and so many others have a dual allegiance 
to theUS and Israel and, when it comes to any problemsbetween the two 
countries, they always leantowards Israel and so cannot see what happened 
in1967 or, for that matter, in more recent history(e.g., Pollard spy 
case and the slaughter ofPalestinians).There is an enormous amount 
of material which isconsidered documented and accurate by both 
thiscountry and Israel which clearly brings intoquestion the accidental 
attack claim by the Stateof Israel. There have been discoveries over 
thelast 35 years that have revealed attacking Israelipilots identifying 
our ship and being told toattack anyway, identified US military 
intelligencepersonnel who were privy to various messages andtranscripts 
clearly indicating the attack was acoordinated effort, and the sworn 
testimony of thesurvivors who, after all, were there. You 
maylocate much of this material, and see thedocumentation for yourself, 
by simply doing asearch on the Internet for "USS Liberty" andfollowing 
all links. You will see many sites withaccurate information, and some 
with not soaccurate information, and many with a clear biastowards 
protecting Israel's reputation.As for Jay Cristol's book - have not read 
ittotally yet, but I can tell you without any doubtthat much of his 
information and argument for theattack being an accident is based on half 
truthsand highly questionable Israeli reports.Let me give you 
something to think about, I hope,and something that will encourage you to 
lookdeeper into this historical moment.1. The ships logs 
clearly indicate tracking firstthe torpedo boats and then the high-speed 
aircraftpassing over them, both on a direct line to theUSS 
Liberty.2. The planes did not circle the ship trying 
toidentify the ship, but, instead, approached theship bow-on and came in 
shooting.3. The planes were flying well below their topspeed 
and many survivors who were fighting firesfrom the napalm and otherwise were 
topsideperforming assigned damage control noted thatthese planes were 
unmarked - this at a time whenIsrael was in control of the skies and had 
noreason to paint out the Star of David and otherclearly Israeli 
markings.4. A high ranking Israeli officer was 
interviewedseveral years later and clear states that Israelhad 
identified the USS Liberty by June 7, 1967.This is consistent with the 
several documentedoverflights by Israeli slow-flying aircraft on theday 
prior to the attack which were clearly takingour picture for identification 
purposes.5. Our flag was flying until the jets shot 
itaway. We then hoisted another, and that was alsoshot away. 
Finally, we ran up the huge holidayflag - one of these shot-up flags is on 
display atthe museum at the NSA Cryptologic Museum at Ft.Meade, 
Maryland. We were slowly sailing into thewind so the flag was standing 
out at all timesand, while the pilots might not have seen it in abow-on 
or stern-on attack posture, they certainlysaw it as they crisscrossed the 
ship, attackingfrom both port and starboard. Please note thatthese 
pilots saw well enough to hit the four 50cal machine gun mounts with at 
least two rocketseach, put at least one rocket through all 
topsidehatches/doorways, hit all antenna pods with two ormore rockets, 
blew up the two small boats onboard, and hit the only gasoline drum on 
board.Again, their speed allowed this degree of accuracyand they 
obviously had knowledge of our strategictargets.6. One of the 
Israeli torpedo boat captains wasalso interviewed several years later and he 
saidthat, after one of the five torpedoes had hit theship, he saw the 
colors of our flag and thought hehad hit a Russian ship. Kind of puts a kink 
in theIsraeli claim of June 1967 that we had no flag,doesn't 
it.7. Cristol and Israel both give credibility tothe Israeli 
claim of 1967 that the torpedo boatsmisread their radar to the point that 
they thoughtthe "unknown" ship off the Sinai Peninsula 

[CTRL] keep PAS out of DSM, internet child porn, priest convict. in KY, Afghan deaths

2003-06-03 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

people with factual evidence on PAS need to write the coordinator below to make sure it is not included in the DSM revision :
DSM-V Coordinator
American Psychiatric Association
1400 K Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005
Fax 202-682-6850

The next two articles were originally cited in SMART Issue #32.
Please note I disagree with Gardner.
Richard A. Gardner: in His Own Words "At the present time, the sexually abused child is generally considered to be the victim," though the child may initiate sexual encounters by 'seducing' the adult." Gardner, Richard A., Child Custody Litigation (1986), p.93 also has links to other articles http://www.gate.net/~liz/liz/pedoph.htm

Parental Alienation Syndrome: Frye V. Gardner in the Family Courts by Jerome H. Poliacoff, Ph.D., P.A., Cynthia L. Greene, Esq., and Laura Smith, Esq. "Berliner and Conte (FN6) (1993) scathingly note "Indeed the entire scale (the SALS) and the Parental Alienation Syndrome on which it is based have never been subjected to any kind of peer review or empirical test." Less kind have been comments such as Conte's (FN7) (Moss, D.C., 1988) when referring to the SALS ".is probably the most unscientific garbage I've seen in the field in all my time.to base social policy on something as flimsy as this is exceedingly dangerous". Http://www.gate.net/~liz/liz/poliacoff.htm

from L Moss Sharman Pedophile Playground Sun Media reporter Kim Bradley examines child pornography and the Internet's role in its proliferation in this 4-page, 4-part report By Kim Bradley, (Calgary) Sun Media "The most disturbing example of this was the California-based Orchid Club, busted in 1996, after it hosted an online, by-request assault on a 10-year-old girl that was viewed internationally. That investigation revealed another, much more organized and sophisticated international group -- The Wonderland Club -- that required 10,000 child porn images as a membership fee and hosted regular online abuse acts. Police identified 180 Wonderland members in 49 countries when they shut it down in 1986 According to studies by the COPINE Project -- Combatting Pedophile Networks in Europe -- out of the University of Cork in Ireland, the sheer volume may have also desensitized offenders even further. That, in turn, has led to an increased demand for more graphic, explicit material of younger kids, resulting in more child sex abuse worldwide. COPINE is seeing an average of three to four new faces of abused kids on the Internet a month. About 40% of girls and 55% of boys are between nine and 12. The rest are younger. The studies also show 50,000 new child-abuse images are being posted to newsgroups alone every month. That doesn't include those traded in e-mails or listed on peer-to-peer sites commonly used to share music." http://www.canoe.ca/CalgaryNews/cs.cs-06-01-0028.html 

from L Moss Sharman Retired Priest Gets 20 Years For Sex Abuse AP 5/28/03 Louisville A retired Roman Catholic priest at the forefront of the Louisville archdiocese's sex abuse scandal was sentenced to the maximum 20 years in prison today for decades of sexual misconduct against children. The Rev. Louis E. Miller, 72, pleaded guilty in March in Jefferson County Circuit Court to 44 counts of indecent and immoral practices and six counts of sexual abuse Miller also is accused of molesting children in 94 of the more than 250 lawsuits filed against the archdiocese since April 2002. The plaintiffs contend the church knew they were sexually abused by clergy or others connected with the church, but hid it and did not stop it." http://www.washingtonpost.com 

this may be very heavy for survivors

Convoy of Death
Why have US television stations refused to broadcast this documentary?
In Afghanistan, filmmaker Jamie Doran has uncovered evidence of a massacre: Taliban prisoners of war suffocated in containers, shot in the desert under the watch of American troops.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Anti-American Loathing Of Many War Hawks

2003-06-03 Thread William Shannon

The Anti-American Loathing of Many War Hawks
by Harry Browne
May 30, 2003 

Last month TV minister Jerry Falwell published a diatribe against anti-war protestors, in which he displayed an anti-American mindset displayed by many war hawks.

So I am reproducing the article in its entirety here, with Falwell's statements in quotation marks and my comments interspersed in red.

Falwell: "I recently took some flack for an article I wrote in the April issue of my National Liberty Journal newspaper in which I took to task some of Hollywood's leftist elites who have recently been involved in condemning the war in Iraq and President Bush. 

"In the article, which I titled 'Smart Bombs and Dumb Americans,' I noted that 'spoiled Hollywood brats' and leftist academics have been trashing the country in the name of 'patriotism.' Quite frankly, I've had my fill of it. Patriotism starts with a love of country; the sentiments of these loopy liberals begin with an absolute loathing and distrust of America." 

Does this mean that anyone who opposes any American war is automatically loathing and distrusting America? Or is it just this war? Is it impossible for someone to love America without agreeing with everything the current President wants to do? 

Did Jerry Falwell agree with Bill Clinton when Clinton said it wasn't possible to love your country and hate your government at the same time?

"They are not devoted to preserving the American spirit of our forefathers  a spirit that sometimes includes war to advance the cause of freedom."

If by "forefathers" you mean the country's founders, when did they ever go halfway around the world to attack a country that had never aggressed against America?

"They are, rather, dedicated to a false spirit of detached neutrality that says a George Bush-led America is no better than a Saddam Hussein-led Iraq."

I've never heard any war opponent say that. What they've said is that George Bush is doing something terrible  and that Hussein's dreadful reign in Iraq is not an excuse for the U.S. to go to war. And why does anyone who advocates Middle East neutrality have "a false spirit"? Are the only genuine sentiments those of Falwell and Bush?

And, by the way, I've never heard Jerry Falwell object to the dictatorship in Pakistan. Does that mean he believes that a Bush-led America is no better than a Musharraf-led Pakistan?

"In their typically valueless world of ever-changing morals and situational ethics, there is no right or wrong, no cause for advancing truth because no truth can actually exist. In such a world, we don't even know what 'is' is." 

How in the world did you arrive at all that from the fact that millions of Americans oppose the war in Iraq? Does disagreeing with Jerry Falwell automatically mean that someone believes in a "valueless world of ever-changing morals and situational ethics" in which "there is no right or wrong"? 

Why would these people say the government is wrongif they believe "there is no right or wrong"? If you're going to attack someone, at least make some sense.

And while we're on the subject of values and "situational ethics," let me get this straight:

You believe it's wrong for Iraq to invade Kuwait over an oil dispute, but it's right for the U.S. to invade Iraq when Iraq hasn't aggressed against the U.S. in any way. 

You believe it's wrong for Iraq to have weapons of mass destruction but quite right for the U.S. to have an arsenal of them that's larger than the rest of the world combined. 

You believe it's wrong for Iraq to have a government that hasn't been chosen by the people, but quite right for Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to be ruled by dynasties that haven't been chosen by the people. 

And you accuse others of having "ever-changing morals and situational ethics" and having no fixed values or sense of "right or wrong"? 

You need spiritual help, Mr. Falwell. Perhaps you should talk to your pastor.

"Consequently, the spirit of America  our goodness, our compassion, our generosity  dies because only our shortcomings are underscored and we are presented as evil destroyers instead of earnest liberators." 

You have no evidence that war protestors underscore only "our shortcomings." And if one government sends missiles, bombers, and troops to destroy another country, why is it so absurd to characterize the invaders "as evil destroyers instead of earnest liberators"? 

"Even the people of Iraq seem to realize the sincerity of our effort while the trendy left continues to demean America." 

So I assume you've been on the streets of Baghdad talking to Iraqis. Or have you been taking it easy in Virginia, watching Donald Rumsfeld on television and egging on other Americans to kill Iraqis? 

"Newsday reported this week that Columbia University assistant professor Nicholas DeGenova, appearing at an anti-war gathering, called for the defeat of U.S. forces in Iraq, saying, 'The only true 


2003-06-03 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 4:10 PM
NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of
DefenseNo. 384-03IMMEDIATE RELEASEJun 02,
2003(703)697-5131(media)(703)428-0711(public/industry)DOD STARTS
ELECTIONThe Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), in conjunction
with several states andcounties, has begun conducting a large Internet
registration and votingdemonstration for the 2004 election. This
Congressionally mandated project iscalled SERVE, which stands for Secure
Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment.Thousands of
absentee uniformed services personnel, their dependents, and overseasU.S.
citizens will have the opportunity to register to vote and cast their
ballotsfrom any Windows-based computer with Internet access, anywhere in the
world. Countyelection officials will use the SERVE system to receive
voter registrationapplications, provide ballots to voters, and accept voted
ballots. These officialswill use their existing election
administration systems to process registrations
andballots.Security is everyone s first question about
Internet voting, so we made securitythe driving factor in the SERVE system
design, said FVAP Director Polli Brunelli.We are working closely
with state and local election officials to ensure that theintegrity of the
electoral process is maintained. States currently expected
toparticipate in SERVE are Arkansas, Florida, Hawaii, Minnesota, North
Carolina, Ohio,Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah and
Washington.The SERVE project is the latest in a series of
technology initiatives undertaken byFVAP as part of its mission to improve
access to the polls for uniformed servicespersonnel and overseas American
citizens. A small-scale proof of concept pilot,Voting Over the
Internet, was successfully conducted for the 2000 election. In
thatexperiment, 84 citizens located in 21 states and 11 countries returned
ballots tojurisdictions in Florida, South Carolina, Texas and Utah.
This was the first timethat binding votes were cast over the Internet for
federal, state and localoffices. The new SERVE system will build on
the knowledge and experience FVAPgained in this groundbreaking and highly
successful project.Brunelli said that all eligible absentee
uniformed services personnel and U.S.citizens overseas are encouraged to use
SERVE to register and vote in 2004 bylogging on
to www.SERVEUSA.gov
[http://www.serveusa.gov/].The Federal Voting Assistance Program
is an element of the Department of Defense.Additional information on FVAP is
available at www.fvap.gov
[http://www.fvap.gov/].[Web Version: http://dod.mil/releases/2003/nr20030602-0073.html]--
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Today in DoD: http://www.defenselink.mil/today
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Blair In Secret War Pact W/ US?

2003-06-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Short: Blair lied to cabinet and made secret war pact with US 

Tory threat to break ranks on Iraq 

Nicholas Watt and Michael White in Evian
Monday June 2, 2003
The Guardian 

Tony Blair is facing mounting pressure from across the House of Commons to hold an independent inquiry into the Iraq war after Clare Short levelled the incendiary allegation at the prime minister that he had lied to the cabinet. 

As an increasingly exasperated prime minister once again swept aside calls for a public inquiry into the failure to uncover banned Iraqi weapons, the former international development secretary accused Mr Blair of bypassing the cabinet to agree a "secret" pact with George Bush to go to war. 

To compound the prime minister's difficulties - as MPs prepare to return to Westminster tomorrow after the Whitsun recess - Robin Cook demanded an independent inquiry into the "monumental blunder" by the government. 

His criticisms were echoed last night by the Tories who said they were giving "very serious consideration" to calls for an inquiry. 

Michael Howard, the shadow chancellor, indicated to the BBC last night that the Tories were considering abandoning their bipartisan approach to Iraq because of fears that Downing Street might have "doctored" last year's dossier on Iraq's banned weapons to strengthen the case for war. 

The interventions by such senior figures from across the house gave heart to Labour MPs who are planning to ambush the prime minister on Wednesday at his weekly Commons appearance and during a subsequent statement on the G8 summit. 

They are demanding an emergency Commons statement after an unnamed intelligence source told the BBC last week that Downing Street had "sexed up" a dossier on Iraq's banned weapons. 

Tam Dalyell, the father of the house who has a question to the prime minister on Wednesday's Commons order paper, is expected to step up the pressure by asking about Ms Short's accusation that he was deceitful to the cabinet on three occasions. 

In her BBC interview yesterday, she accused Mr Blair of: 

· Agreeing in "secret" with Mr Bush at Camp David last September to go to war - and then telling the cabinet that he would try to act as a constraint on the US. 

· Misleading the cabinet over Iraq's weapons capability - by "spinning" the claim that Iraq could launch a chemical or biological attack within 45 minutes. "Where the spin came was the suggestion that it was all weaponised, ready to go, immediately dangerous, likely to get into the hands of al-Qaida, and therefore things were very very urgent." 

· Falsely telling the cabinet and the world that Jacques Chirac, the French president, would veto a second UN security council resolution authorising war. The transcript of Mr Chirac's interview, which she subsequently read, showed the prime minister's claim to be wrong. 

Ms Short, who was widely criticised after she failed to carry out a threat to resign on the eve of war, accused the prime minister of riding roughshod over the conventions of cabinet. "It was all done in Tony Blair's study ... The normal Whitehall systems to make big decisions like this broke down and were very personalised in No 10." 

Warning that civil servants and troops were ready to disobey an order to go to war, Ms Short said that the prime minister swung round the Whitehall machinery at the last moment when the attorney general declared that military action would be legal. But she added: "I think, given the attorney's advice, it was legal. But I think the route we got there didn't honour the legality questions." 

Some of her criticisms were echoed by the former foreign secretary, Robin Cook, who demanded an independent inquiry into the failure to uncover any weapons of mass destruction, despite the dire warnings from Downing Street. 

"It is beginning to look as if the government's committed a monumental blunder," he told The World This Weekend on Radio 4. 

"The government should admit it was wrong and they need to set up then a thorough independent inquiry into how they got it wrong so that it never happens again and we never again send British troops into action on the basis of a mistake." 

As a growing number of Labour MPs joined the clamour for an emergency statement and a full investigation by the parliamentary intelligence committee, an angry prime minister hit back at his critics. 

Speaking en route to Evian, Mr Blair predicted that the next US-UK intelligence dossier on Saddam Hussein's arsenal would make sceptical voters "very well satisfied" that he was right. 

Expressing frustration about what he sees as his critics' attempt to refight the war by other means, Mr Blair insisted for the third time in as many days that intelligence reports had not been doctored under political pressure and would be vindicated. 

Appealing for voters to be patient, he declared: "I have said throughout that when this is put 

[CTRL] The Truth From Wolfowitz

2003-06-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Truth From Wolfowitz
Memo: To Sen. Robert Byrd [D W.Va.] 
>From Jude Wanniski
Re The Vanity Fair Interview

Dear Senator Byrd: When you gave that speech two weeks ago on how the truth will eventually come out about our pre-emptive war with Iraq I bet you didnt think it would be coming out this soon. Here we have the architect of the war, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, actually admitting that the reason the administration focused on Saddam having weapons of mass destruction was that it was the only reason all the policymakers could agree upon. The other two reasons were Saddams support for terrorism and his criminal treatment of the Iraqi people. As David Broder of the Washington Post noted yesterday on NBCs Meet the Press, he himself believed the Presidents rationale and did not believe he could have gotten the support of the Congress or American people if it were for the other reasons cited by Wolfowitz.

Wolfie blabbed during the course of a lengthy interview by Sam Tannenhaus for the July issue of Vanity Fair. Ive never believed Wolfowitz thought Iraq still had WMD, if it ever did, but that he was misleading the President in order to get the war he wanted. The President then went to Congress for its support for the one and only reason to disarm Saddam of his WMD. The President promised you and your fellow Democrats that he would do this through the United Nations and that he would only use force to disarm Saddam if diplomacy failed. And then he would send both houses of Congress letters certifying that diplomacy had failed. That he did immediately before he began bombing. 

The Pentagon is now putting out the story that Wolfowitz was taken out of context in the Vanity Fair article, but you can read the Pentagons own transcript in full. There is no doubt you and the other legislative representatives of the American people were being deceived into voting support for the war. The Pentagon still doesnt seem to understand that disarmament was the ONLY reason the Congress was given for backing a pre-emptive war  because the Pentagon could not persuade the other administration policymakers that the other reasons cited by the warhawks were valid. Its now becoming clearer to everyone by the day that diplomacy did not fail and that France was absolutely correct in its arguments at the UN Security Council that weapons inspections should continue. President Bush may have believed God was telling him war was the right thing to do, but it was only Wolfowitz. You can note that I described in a February 20, 2002 e-mail to Rep. Henry Hyde as a second-class Beelzebub. Im thinking of promoting him. After all, his war added at least 25,000 Iraqi dead to the total attributed to US policy there, with American and allied servicemen adding hundreds to that toll, and still counting. 

The entire transcript is available at the Pentagon website

The controversial remarks are now ricocheting throughout the world press, are contained in the excerpt that came near the very end of the interview. Ive left in several paragraphs that are related so you will see the complete context. 

Q: And then the last question, you've been very patient and generous. That is what's next? Where do we stand now in the campaign that you talked about right after September 11th?

Wolfowitz: I think the two most important things next are the two most obvious. One is getting post-Saddam Iraq right. Getting it right may take years, but setting the conditions for getting it right in the next six months. The next six months are going to be very important.

The other thing is trying to get some progress on the Israeli-Palestinian issue. I do think we have a better atmosphere for working on it now than we did before in all kinds of ways. Whether that's enough to make a difference is not certain, but I will be happy to go back and dig up the things I said a long time ago which is, while it undoubtedly was true that if we could make progress on the Israeli-Palestinian issue we would provide a better set of circumstances to deal with Saddam Hussein, but that it was equally true the other way around that if we could deal with Saddam Hussein it would provide a better set of circumstances for dealing with the Arab-Israeli issue. That you had to move on both of them as best you could when you could, but --

There are a lot of things that are different now, and one that has gone by almost unnoticed--but it's huge--is that by complete mutual agreement between the U.S. and the Saudi government we can now remove almost all of our forces from Saudi Arabia. Their presence there over the last 12 years has been a source of enormous difficulty for a friendly government. It's been a huge recruiting device for al Qaeda. In fact if you look at bin Laden, one of his principle grievances was the presence of so-called crusader forces on the holy land, Mecca and Medina. I think just 

[CTRL] Secret Saudi Flight Key To Bush-Al Qaeda Connection?

2003-06-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

This article contains several links, but I don't have time for the coding. So click here. 

The Secret Saudi Flight on 9-13 Could be the Key to the Bush-Saudi-Al Qaeda Connection 
By Catherine Arnie 

About a month after the September 11th attacks, I read an article in the Tampa Tribune by Kathy Steele entitled "Phantom Flight From Florida." The intriguing report told the tale of a flight out of Florida that allegedly took place on September 13 - a day when ALL civilian air traffic in the United States was grounded. 

"This was out of a Tom Clancy movie," according to a retired homicide detective who was hired for the flight. Its mission was to spirit the son of a Saudi prince, the son of a Saudi army commander, and another unidentified Saudi from Florida to Kentucky, because "there was a perceived threat, and the family of the person wanted him home right away." 

The "person" in danger was the son of Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, who is no minor figure in the Saudi Royal family. Rather, Prince Sultan is the kingdom's minister of defense, the third-ranking position in the Saudi Government, whose powers exceed those of even America's super-powerful Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. 

Dan Grossi and Manuel Perez were the two Floridians who were hired to serve as private bodyguards on the flight. 

According to the article in the Tampa Tribune, Dan Grossi is a retired Tampa cop who worked in internal affairs and homicide. Perez is a retired FBI man whose experience was in counter-terrorism and bomb-making. Perez now runs a detective agency and the two men provided security for the National Football League at Raymond James Stadium in September of 2001. 

The article reported that shortly after the September 11 attack, Lexington police Lt. Mark Barnard received a request from a prominent Saudi Kingdom official for the protection of three young Saudi men in Florida, at least one of whom - Prince Sultan's son - had been studying English at the University of Tampa for three weeks. (Tampa police records listed Sultan Bin Fahad as the individual who specifically requested protection for the three men. That is probably Prince Sultan Bin Fahad, head of the Saudi General Presidency of Youth Welfare. In family-run Saudi Arabia, there is apparently a whole Ministry devoted to keeping Royal youth out of trouble - something the Bush family elders no doubt dream of copying.) 

Apparently Barnard then contacted the Tampa police department and two "off-duty" Tampa intelligence detectives were assigned to watch the three Saudis for their protection. At around 11:00 AM on September 13, Dan Grossi received a phone call from the Tampa police detectives who needed help with a problem: escorting the Saudi men they were protecting on a flight to Kentucky. 

Grossi and Perez evidently felt they were up to the task, and at 2:30 PM Grossi was contacted by the Tampa Police Department with specific instructions. And by 4:35 PM a plane carrying Grossi, Perez, Prince Sultan's son, the son of an unidentified Saudi military commander, and third unidentified Saudi, was in the air and en route to Kentucky. The private Lear jet originated from Raytheon Airport Services, which owns a private hangar on the outskirts of the Tampa International airport. 

Tampa, of course, is home to General Tommy Franks and the Pentagon's Central Command (CentCom), which directly rules Afghanistan and Iraq, and indirectly rules the entire oil-rich Middle East and Central Asia through its growing network of Halliburton-supplied military bases. 

Their destination, according to the two bodyguards, was the Blue Grass Airport in Lexington, Kentucky, where the three Saudis were to link up with relatives who were in Kentucky to purchase race horses. 

Grossi and Perez further stated that upon landing they saw several 747's parked on the tarmac with Arabic writing. The article suggests that at least one of these 747's flew back to Saudi Arabia with the boys, although their Floridian chaperones appear to have left the airport before that occurred. If true, the flight of these 747's would validate at least part of the Michael Moore story about powerful Saudis being allowed to fly out of the U.S. on the second day of the prohibition of all civilian flights. 

Perez stated that he was unaware of who their charges were until they landed. Both men told of what a strange feeling it was to fly in an almost empty sky, and Perez recalls asking the pilot, "We're not going to get shot down are we?" - a legitimate fear, given the fact that fighter jets were urgently patrolling the skies looking for any more terrorists. 

Regarding the curious fact that the flight had taken place when all other air traffic was still grounded, Dan Grossi said "he was told that clearance for the flight had come from the White House after the Prince's family pulled a favor from former President 

[CTRL] Police Neighborhood Spy Program Backdoor To Destroying Jury System??

2003-06-03 Thread William Shannon

Police Neighborhood Spy Program 
Posted on: 5/31/2003 10:48:00 PM - Columnist


Under POLICE SPY Program: One Third of Jurors may be FBI Informants: Could Americans receive a Fair Jury Trial? Excuse to do away with juries?

Is the Police Neighborhood Spy Program "CAT EYES" a backdoor to destroying the U.S. Jury System? Under "the CAT Eyes Program" One Third of Jurors may be FBI Informants. Under the U.S. Constitution, Americans have the right to be tried by a "Jury of their Peers." 

Consider the Boston Globe article below: What would happen to citizens juries if the U.S. GOVERNMENT RECRUITS 100 MILLION AMERICANS TO WORK AS FBI INFORMANTS? On out of every three Americans would be a FBI Informant. By those numbers, "One third, (4 jurors) of every 12-man jury would be a FBI informant: And the percentage of "FBI Informant Jurors" would increase in trials where there was less than 12-juriors. 

Historical Note: The Nazi Gestapo started out as a volunteer neighborhood informant organization for the government: then the Gestapo, a private organization, moved to seizing and pocketing citizens assets. German citizens were falsely arrested, imprisoned and/or executed on the word of so-called informants. This would be quite easy in the U.S. because Congress passed Rep. Henry Hydes "Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000." Upon examination it appears this was not a reform bill.

Are Americans still entitled to a Fair Trial? 

Should "CAT Eye Neighborhood Informants" be forced to disclose to trial defense attorneys that they are "FBI Informants" when on juries? 

The Globe article below mentions the Nazi Governments informant program: In Nazi Germany, jurors were so afraid of Gestapo informants being on a jury and informing the "SS" about the activities and statements of jurors. Most frightened jurors went along with "Nazi fascist policies to find innocent persons guilty. Jurors feared that they too could become a target of the Gestapo secret police. Question: Would not this also be the predictable result in America if "one out of every three Americans" became a FBI informant as proposed by CAT EYE? 

Disturbingly, Like the Nazi Reich German Government, the Bush Administration introduced a "Security Bill" to prohibit "Homeland Security Employees" blowing the whistle on government agency crimes and corruption. If this law passes, corrupt "Home Land Security Employees" without independent oversight, may be free like the Gestapo, to use fabricated statements and other false informant evidence to frame U.S. citizens, seize their property and/or cause their disappearance. And no questions would be allowed 

Just Imagine: 100 Hundred Million Americans, one out of every three citizens a "snitch" under the "Cat Eyes Neighborhood Government Informant Program?" 

R. Striker

[CTRL] Israeli Claims of Easing Restrictions 'Baseless Lies'

2003-06-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Abed Rabbo: Israeli Claims of Easing Restrictions 'Baseless Lies'   

Monday, June 02 2003 @ 08:01 PM GMT
"Abed Rabbo considered that Israels claims about lifting the closure on the occupied territory were effectively aimed at deceiving Washington and misleading it prior to the summit .."

RAMALLAH - The Palestinian Minister of Cabinet Affairs has refuted Israeli claims that stringent restrictions have been eased in the occupied Palestinian territory, and labeled them as baseless lies, which will not deceive anybody. 

Israels occupation army had claimed that the total lock-down in the West Bank and Gaza Strip was lifted overnight Saturday, effectively allowing some 25,000 Palestinian workers with special work permits to get back to work in Israel. 

However, Yasser Abed Rabbo slammed these claims as totally fabricated lies. 

The siege and closure imposed on all cities, villages and refugee camps are still as they have been and are choking the entire Palestinian population. The minister said. 

Israel said it would ease restrictions ahead of a Wednesday meeting in Jordans Red Sea port of Aqaba between US President George W. Bush, Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas and his Israeli counterpart Ariel Sharon to discuss the internationally- adopted roadmap to peace. 

Yet residents of occupied Jerusalem crossing in and out of Ramallah refuted that claim, saying they are still subject to long queues and strenuous ID checks by the IOF. Residents of Ramallah similarly said they were still forced to walk for long hours while traveling to the nearby town of Birzeit. 

Moreover, Palestinian officials in the Gaza Strip said fewer than 5,000 people had been allowed to return to their jobs in Israel. 

Meanwhile, Abed Rabbo considered that Israels claims about lifting the closure on the occupied territory were effectively aimed at deceiving Washington and misleading it prior to the summit meetings in Aqaba and Sharm el-Sheikh, where Egypt is hosting a US-Arab summit on Tuesday. 

On the ground, Israeli sources said IOF shot dead a Palestinian teenager and a man in the Gaza Strip. 

17-year-old Loay Hamdan was killed by IOF as he crossed in front of an Israeli tank in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun, which has been re-occupied since May 15. 

Another man, identified as Mahmoud Abu Amra, 22, was killed near the Kissufim crossing near the northern Gaza Strip of Khan Younis. The IOF claimed the man was armed.  

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Jessica Lynch - Where For Art Thou?

2003-06-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Where For Art Though, Jessica?
By Ian Barksdale

Greg Lynch said his daughter's memory is good, despite media reports that she suffered from amnesia.

``Her memory is as good as it was when she was home,'' he said. ``She can still remember everything.'' But, the family has not pressed her for details. 

Where for art thou, Jessica? I know we will see something like "The Real Jessica Lynch" story on TV very soon, but when exactly will we hear her story? The only one most Americans can trust? Americans may (but most likely haven't) have heard of the Iraqi doctors and nurses, 20 of them interviewed by an AP reporter, who was trying to corroborate the BBC story that sparked the controversy. They told about how they were fired at with guns but no bullets, they offered the commandos keys to doors, which were refused, as they kicked them down, crack house busting style. They told about the injuries which Jessica had, which they treated. Bruises and abrasions and other auto accident related trauma. Directly refuting the official story that she was in a firefight, and faught until the bitter end, when instead of the Iraqis killing her after she had valiantly killed a bunch of their comrades, they peacefully accepted her surrender.  

More importantly, how can this young woman be in a medical hospital in Washington DC and not in one, if she still needs to be in the hospital after more than two months have passed since her injuries, back in West Virginia where her family would be within easy traveling distance to? It's impossible that her condition could allow her to fly from Iraq to Germany to Washington, and then somehow be unable to travel the 300 or so miles (as the crow flies) to Palestine, WV to be cared for much closer to home, and with the close, emotional support of her family nearby. If the Washington DC doctors need assistance with treating Jessica Lynch, perhaps we could have a tele-conference for them with the doctors from the Iraqi hospital? 

``We're really not supposed to talk about that subject,'' her father, Greg Lynch, said during a news conference at the family's rural West Virginia home. ``It's still an ongoing investigation and we can't talk about nothing like that.'' 

What is this man talking about? My daughter joins the Army, to become a Army of One, whatever that is supposed to mean. It makes me long for the marginally meaningful Be All That You Can Be. Anyway, she's got no hope for college, don't have the money, old story in our society, she goes to learn a career and gets injured in a war.  

She's supposed to have been shot and stabbed. I don't know if I am able to tell if she has because when I visit her in the hospital, I'm told not to ask about the nature of my daughter's injuries. I can't talk to reporters about what happened to my daughter, but I can let slip out that she doesn't have amnesia. She's got all the details, the family hasn't pressed her, which is fine. Former prisoners of war need some time, like any survivor of a situation in wartime is going to need some time to recoup mentally, that's for sure. Is there any of us out there, when listening to this man speak of his daughter, that does not beleive he has been told explicitly NOT to talk or ask questions about what has happened? He is telling us this as explicitly as they told him what to do. 

She doesn't have amnesia so when she is ready, she will be able to tell us the truth. Will that happen? Will she be allowed to let that happen? Will any of us know about it when she does? Will we have moved on to other stories to be played every five minutes on the five mintues, like the Saddam statue falling again, and again, and again. Then Jessica being saved, again, and again, and again. It's like CNN was a skipping record that day. Absolutely nothing else in the world happened on TV news for those two days. 

We've had so many of these "two days" where nothing else happens on TV news except what we are presented with ad naseaum for our proper consumption. Only eating what is good for us. A man can tell us he has been told not to talk about his daughter or ask questions about her and it will slip right through us. Our attention is elsewhere right now. Not in a lone, buried Associated Press article.   

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Tales of orgies and murder rock France Politicians and police linked to scandal

2003-06-03 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll fo news article

Tales of orgies and murder rock France Politicians and police linked to scandal Paul Webster in Paris 6/1/03 "The claims involve white slavery, sado-masochism, rapes, sex with minors, drug dealing and appalling brutality - all in the heart of the government of one of France's most historic and most civilised cities. The southern city of Toulouse, known as la ville rose because of its sun-drenched Spanish-style buildings, has been scandalised by allegations that public officials protected a barbaric serial killer charged with murdering prostitutes recruited for orgies in the city's courthouse. Though the accusations are unproved, Justice Minister Dominique Perben sacked Toulouse's prosecutor-general, Jean Volff, last week for covering up links between senior officials and the exploitation of vulnerable girls. Volff has denied any wrongdoing. The allegations focus on the activities of Patrice Alègre, a convicted murderer awaiting trial for five other killings. Two former prostitutes have claimed his activities were covered up. A former mayor and three judges have come forward to give their version of events. In a TV appearance, the right-wing former mayor of Toulouse, Dominique Baudis, now head of a broadcasting watchdog, claimed he was being framed by pro-pornography lobbies who wanted to smear him for opposing the showing of X-rated material on national TV. The three judges have also denied any involvement. They will be questioned about 'acts of torture and barbaric acts, pimping and rapes of under-age girls'. Detectives have reopened an investigation into the disappearance of 115 young women in the Toulouse area between 1986 and 1997, and are probing earlier claims that Alègre was paid to establish a prostitution network by respected local leaders. According to press reports, senior police officials covered up Alègre's role as a pimp in Toulouse. The most startling accounts of sexual violence were given by a woman known as Patricia, 32, who went into hiding in 1992 after witnessing two murders. She has told examining magistrates that Alègre was in charge of recruiting prostitutes and organising orgies. She identified men with whom she had sex at Toulouse's Palais de Justice and said sado-masochist orgies went on at a chateau owned by Toulouse council. She claimed she had witnessed the killing by Alègre of two girls he had recruited." http://www.observer.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,967926,00.html
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] MSG Nation

2003-06-03 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

It's a safe bet that virtually 'all' fastfoods like Mac and the B.King use MSG
extensively. Avoid at all costs, even if it is 'low fat'. Especially low fat. --SW)

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   glowstick_2012 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date sent:  Mon, 2 Jun 2003 23:21:46 -0400
Subject:[illusions] MSG Nation


Q: How do I know if a food contains monosodium glutamate? Can I just look at the list 

A: There are many ways in which food packagers can include monosodium glutamate (or 
glutamates, as explained below) in foods without listing the words monosodium 
in the ingredients.

You may be consuming monosodium glutamate (or free glutamates) in any food that 

enzyme modified,
anything fermented,
anything protein fortified,
anything ultra pasteurized,
autolyzed yeast,
barley malt,
calcium caseinate,
natural flavoring,
hydrolyzed oat flour,
hydrolyzed vegetable,
hydrolyzed protein,
malt extract maltodextrin,
natural flavors,
plant protein extract,
potassium glutamate,
sodium caseinate,
soy protein,
soy sauce,
textured protein,
whey protein,
yeast extract,
yeast food.

When you buy packaged foods, you will have to read the ingredients part of the label 
see if there is any MSG in the foods. Read labels slowly and carefully. Be aware of any
sudden hunger or craving and see if you can identify what it is that you ate one to two
hours earlier and see if it did not contain some form of MSG.

If you are eating out, one of the worst ways to determine if a restaurant food contains
MSG is to ask the person serving you - you might as well ask the food itself. In the 
of circumstances, the food server checks labels and happens to know alternate terms 
MSG is given on labels (see the list above for all of the other names for MSG). In the
worst of circumstances, the food server either never checks any labels and says No,
there is no MSG in any of our foods. or if he or she does check the labels, he or she
does not know any of the alternate names for MSG and comes back to your table with a
broad smile and says, Nope, I checked them all and there is no MSG. In any event, the
server will often conclude There is no MSG, just take my word for it. One trick that 
use is to say to the server, Check with the chef and then look at labels because I am
sensitive to MSG and if there is any in my foods I am going to DIE, and your going to
have to fill out a lot of police reports. This usually gets them to respond to your
request. Don't be shy, this is your body and your life.

Q: What is MSG and what is the problem with it?

A: MSG stands for monosodium glutamate, a substance extracted from grains or beets. In
the Eastern world it is referred to as the magic powder of the East. We won't bore 
with it's chemical properties.There is great variation in how much MSG can be found in
foods, but according to the textbook - NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY AND METABOLISM - the
average American consumes 1.92 pounds of MSG each year.

MSG is added to many foods, particularly Chinese foods. Be aware that if a restaurant
claims that there is no MSG added to the food, but they use soy sauce extensively in
their cooking, you will be getting natural MSG that is in the soy sauce and can not be
removed. MSG is also naturally present in bean curd typical ingredient in Chinese
cooking. Today, more and more, MSG is being added to commercially-processed foods such 
canned soups, sauces, luncheon meats, salad dressings, dips canned and frozen meats, 
and fish. It is the main ingredient in a famous brand flavor- enhancer that is shaken 
to food to bring out the taste. We have found MSG in hot dogs, bullion cubes, chicken
stock, jarred fishes and many, many other foods.

MSG intensifies some flavors. It seems to have little or no effect on eggs of sweet 
but appears to lessen the acidity of tomatoes and makes potatoes, onions and eggplant
taste much better. It is used as a blending agent for mixtures of spices used in the
preparation of meats and fish. Many people find that it accentuates the saltiness of 
foods while lessening the saltiness of other foods. MSG is routinely added to
commercially-prepared foods to trick the public into thinking that low-fat, sugar-laden
and salt-laden foods taste better than they really do. Simply put, they can sell 
poorer tasting foods that are doctored to appear to taste good. This also becomes
particularly ironic when it comes to reducing salt - sodium chloride as they are
technically adding another salt - MSG In short, it appears that MSG is good for the
folks who sell prepared foods, but not so good for the folks that consume the foods.

Science is still learning about the effects of MSG on the human body. Once again, one
pair of glasses can not be made to