CS: Misc-Defects of the SA80 Rifle.

2000-07-07 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] SA 80 "Rifle" By a WW11 Rifleman. It passes comprehension that it should be proposed to throw even more millions after those already wasted on the useless SA 80 "rifle" (if it can be called such!), on top of the orig

CS: Misc-Historical Validation of the Superiority of the Firearm for Self-defe

2000-07-09 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Historical Validation of the Superiority of the Firearm for Self-defense by Michael Z. Williamson Often, an anti-defense activist will argue that rather than defending oneself with a firearm, one should use teargas, martial arts, or some ot

CS: Target-police and pistols

2000-08-23 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Our police are generally prohibited from using fully automatic weapons, the Met anti-terrorist squad have some but they are rarely deployed. Unless someone can correct me I don't believe that anyone has ever been shot in GB with a full-auto b

CS: Misc-Ricochets

2000-08-23 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Surely there's someone with some practical experience of experimentation with riccochets? What else is sloped armour about on AFVs? Norman, The slope effectively increases the thickness and the chance of a richochet is a bonus

CS: Legal-gases

2000-09-01 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Only lethal gases banned? No it isn't! All gases are banned if my memory of my university degree serves me all right. Hence Section 5(1)(b) of the 1968 Act, I assume. Steve, The debates on the Firearms Act of 1920 mention &quo

CS: Legal-responsibilities

2000-09-01 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Should it be a more direct failure to uphold the law, say a police officer deliberately standing aside to allow an assault then they could also be charged as an accessory even though they took no active part. In such an example their failure to

CS: Legal-misfeasance

2000-09-01 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Say IG knew that tomorrow he had to go and help inventory a pile of seized cigarettes in some town or other, and he didn't want to do it because he objects to cigarette taxes. So he stays in bed and doesn't show up for work. Wh

CS: Legal-Lawful orders

2000-09-01 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CS: Legal-police 'told not to search gunmen'

2000-09-04 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] So can this senior officer be charged with "malfeasance in public office" then? Steve, Yes, if the PC's who were witnesses come forward. And then the problems which I described in an earlier posting apply. Their only de

CS: Pol-Tyranny Response Team.

2000-09-04 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Colorado TRT takes on Anti Defamation League Activism/Chapters Announcement Source: Tyranny Response Team/Colorado chapter Posted on 08/23/2000 17:50:39 PDT by labgrade On 6/21 the Colorado Chapter of the Tyranny Response Team had ~150-200

CS: Legal-ECHR

2000-09-04 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I presume that you are all aware of 'civil forfeiture'? E.J., It is back, firstly in drug cases and now it is available to the Courts for other offences too. As you no doubt know it breaches Chapter 29 of Magna Carta and Article 12 o

CS: Legal-ECHR

2000-09-04 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] But you are not being deprived of anything (depending on your interpretation) if you apply for an FAC and get turned down. Steve, A person who applies for an FAC for self defence in Northern Ireland and is refused without suffic

CS: Legal-ECHR/Speed Cameras

2000-09-04 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steve - this subject is not as off-topic as some might think, since the process of covering our road network with cameras has parallels with firearms legislation. As with the latter, people-control by speed camera has a curious history, unstat

CS: Pol-HO press release

2000-09-13 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] A bit heavy on the coppers, or rather a bit light on shooting reps. I count nine in law enforcement, six from shooting backgrounds. Steve, True, and a majority are undoubtedly Crown servants, with an obligation to respect the common

CS: Misc-Useful Quote

2000-09-15 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] (From 'Monty Python') "We would like to apologize for the way in which politicians are represented in this presentation. It was never our intention to imply that politicians are weak-kneed political time servers who are concerned more with

CS: Pol-Thoughts on the Million Mom March Convention

2000-09-19 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CS: Legal-miniature rifle ranges

2000-09-17 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I wonder if anyone could help me on this subject. We wish to set up a mini rifle range at our home office approved club in order to host a few more shoots for non FAC holders. David, The NSRA were most helpful when one of my clu

CS: Pol-Letter in The Guernsey Press

2000-09-17 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CS: Misc-Useful quote

2000-10-15 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Those who tremble at the idea of personal weapons -- 'hoplophobes' is the diagnostic term -- are fond of saying that guns are made for only one purpose. Well, gun control serves only one purpose, too -- the incapacitation and extermi

CS: Legal-Certificate renewals

2000-10-13 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] That said, allow me the thought that any cop -- regardless of the nation which s/he happens to be serving in -- should always be of the mind that s/he is a target of opportunity E.J. Too blooming right. There are only two threat le

CS: Pol-Israeli Riot Control.

2000-10-19 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Perhaps more interesting is that exactly such a scenario was detailed in the writings of Jeff Cooper in his book "To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the Truth." It's in a chapter called "The Rimfire in Riot Control". Read

CS: Pol-An ATF raid in Arizona

2000-11-01 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] ATF RIPS OFF ANOTHER ARIZONA GUN DEALER! * Confiscates 274 guns and 3,000 Form 4473's * No official arrest, no charges filed by Angel Shamaya Director, KeepAndBearArms.com November 1, 2000 http://www.keepandbeararms.com/newsarchives/XcNewsPl

CS: Pol-From Martin Essenberg

2000-11-01 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( Jackboot Johnny is the Australian gun banning Prime Minister- John Howard) MARTIN ESSENBERG Lot 7 Runnymede Estate Rd Nanango, 4615 (07) 41-632-423 (ah) e-mail- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gun web-site- http://www.geocities.com/marsiegen/index.html

CS: Misc-British Naval Gunnery.

2000-10-31 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] By David Davis. The raid on Spain by the British navy in 1587 was, specifically, to burn, ruin, trash and or otherwise destroy all barrels and barrel-staves that could be found in the territories of Spain, which would be used for the purposes

CS: Pol-Blair seeks national police force.

2000-10-31 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Note: The important part of the article below is " Home Office officials believe that the "new agenda for reform" will include plans for a national police force". A national detective group and national intelligence u

CS: Pol-totalitarianism

2000-10-29 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] BLAIR AS HITLER - Watch the UK die along with democracy. http://www.the-times.co.uk/news/pages/tim/99/02/09/x- Copyright 1998 Times Newspapers Ltd Tuesday February 9 1999 Third Way, or Reich? THE advent of new Labour has produced a ste

CS: Pol-Great Britain and Gun Control

2000-07-17 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.newsmax.com/articles/?a=2000/7/10/203335 Great Britain and Gun Control: With Neither Liberty nor Safety Miguel A. Faria Jr., M.D. Tuesday July 11, 2000 Great Britain, which gave birth to the great political philosophy of classic

CS: Pol-Chaotic police records hide true extent of crimewave

2000-07-18 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Copyright 2000 Times Newspapers Ltd. Chaotic police records hide true extent of crimewave BY STEWART TENDLER, CRIME CORRESPONDENT CRIME figures are at least 20 per cent higher than those recorded by the police, according to an independent

CS: Pol-Should we vote for Chief Constables?

2000-08-27 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] There is a fifty year gap in which the idea of employing "people of high intellect" was replaced by some sort of sandwich course? What happened? Robert, Conspiracy theory has it that Soviet "agents of influence"

CS: Legal-Police; a military force.

2000-08-27 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] As for the police leading a military parade thats usually for traffice control not to show their pre-emienence over the military. Jerry, That is not the only reason IIRC. Formed bodies of troops with fixed bayonets may not enter a t

CS: Misc-Useful quote

2000-08-27 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupid

CS: Legal-Bad Laws

2000-08-27 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] If ACPO, the Police Federation etc., not to mention yourself know these laws are bad, why not do something about them? You can go and see your MP, you can make representations to your Federation rep. and so on. It is not as easy as that.

CS: Pol-Note from Australian cop..

2000-08-26 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is very interesting despite what we hear from other sources. The writer is a Tasmanian Officer who asks anonymity. Joe = I was fascinated reading the Canadian respo

CS: Legal-Once again, Nuremberg

2000-08-27 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] What is an illegal order? Something somebody else doesnt like? Get real. IG, An illegal order is one which would result in a breach of law, common or statute, if complied with. As you know doubt know the Constables Oath of Alleiga

CS: Misc-Useful Quotes

2000-08-31 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] "A government resting on the minority is an aristocracy, not a Republic, and could not be safe with a numerical and physical force against it, without a standing army, an enslaved press and a disarmed populace." -- James Madison, T

CS: Crime-Rolex Raid

2000-09-04 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Too many people live in the ethereal make-believe world where violence isn't suppose to exist. E.J., True, but we are not alone in knowing the truth. The author of this piece is with us, for example; "The power of productivity is

CS: Legal-ECHR

2000-09-04 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] "No retrospective legislation" does that mean that those in possesion of handguns at the time of the ban could keep them and that the ban only applied to future aquisitions? Dave, This common law rule is known as "gra

CS: Misc-Useful Quote

2000-09-24 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] "The lawgiver, of all beings, most owes the law allegiance. He of all men should behave as though the law compelled him. But it is the universal weakness of mankind that what we are given to administer, we presently imagine we own

CS: Misc-Land Warrior

2000-09-26 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Land Warrior gives platoon big advantage in field test By Matthew Cox FORT POLK, La. - Land Warrior has passed its first major field test, officials say, proving the complex computer system can give infantrymen the home-field adva

CS: Pol-Anne Pearston

2000-09-26 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yes many laws are bans. But there is an important distinction to be made, between the banning of objects and the banning of actions. IMO the banning of actions (e.g. murder, theft, fraud) is most morally sound. The banning of objects is less so

CS: Misc-Useful Quote

2000-10-24 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Forty-two years ago, in 1958, a collection of essays by a Brit, Aldous Huxley, was published under the name 'Brave New World Revisited'. A short, verbatim excerpt consisting of 6 sentences from his concluding chapter is below: "

CS: Legal-Devon

2000-10-21 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CS: Pol-statutory right of entry

2000-11-08 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The police do not have a right of entry, they have to have a warrant (except under some very limited circumstances). Steve, I like the following quote about this; "I now deal with a species of law known as the common

CS: Misc-Washington Hunting Laws

2000-11-08 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Washington Hunting Laws" 1. Any person with a valid Washington State hunting license may harvest attorneys. 2. Taking of attorneys with traps or deadfalls is permitted. The use of currency as bait is prohibited. 3.

CS: Pol-law-abiding?

2000-11-25 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] What constitutes law abiding? Someone never convicted or someone never caught? "E.J. Totty" Your comment above, IG, either demonstrates your mind set, or the manner in which UK cops think of their fellow citizens. In my book, if yo

CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-26 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The law does not restrict self defence as being a "good reason", Home Office Guidance does. Home Office Guidance even points out that the police _should_ not issue certificates for that purpose, it does not say they can't. A small

CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-27 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] You can have any weapon you like in your own home for self-defence (except a firearm), even switchblades and martial arts weapons as they are only prohibited in public. Steve, Firearms for self defence in the home are lawful as the

CS: Misc-Useful Quote

2000-11-11 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] "All persons in whose possession any firearms may hereafter be found, will be deemed enemies to his majesty's government." --Gen. Gage For the list, would you mind giving the attribute to that quote, and perhaps a researc

CS: Misc-Useful Quote

2000-11-10 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The real cause of the American Revolution: "All persons in whose possession any firearms may hereafter be found, will be deemed enemies to his majesty's government." --Gen. Gage Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org

CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-30 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Doesnt alter my own opinion that there are some people who should not be allowed near to any form of weapon, even though they have not been convicted of any offence. IG, Quite so. The Firearms Act of 1920 and subsequent amending legisl

CS: Legal-pre-1920

2000-11-30 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I think it is erroneous to argue that no controls existed prior to 1920, because people ignore the Defence of the Realm regulations in force during the Great War. The prospect of those controls being lifted is what led to the Firearms Act 19

CS: Legal-secure storage

2000-11-30 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It should be noted a person who remains on his own property may with impunity go around positively festooned with weapons. If he has a firearm he would need the appropriate certificate. His house may be a veritable arsenal. He wil

CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-30 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you lawfully hold a firearm for, say, shooting deer, there is absolutely nothing wrong in using it for self defence in the home PROVIDED that: It is the minimum force required in the circumstances. It is proportional to the perception of

CS: Legal-Bill of Rights

2000-12-05 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Page 75 quotes the case of Bowles v. Bank of England confirms that the Bill of Rights remains an operative statute BTW. Page 10 contains the following passage; ... cannot the 1920's set of restraints be challenged as well on the grounds that th

CS: Pol-The European Police Force - A New Threat To Britons

2000-12-07 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The European Police Force - A New Threat To Britons Lindsay Jenkins A few years ago the idea of an EU police force would have been laughable. And even more laughable would have been the suggestion that the British police would take their o

CS: Pol-Gun Rights: Power to the People

2000-12-09 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sierratimes.com/dantre.htm Gun Rights: Power to the People by Jeff Dantre' Posted 11.30.00 Why don't the politicians want us to own weapons? What are the politicians afraid of? That we're all going to kill each other? I don'

CS: Misc-Subject: How to make black powder

2000-12-09 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: How to make black powder This is for historical purposes only. I am NOT advising you to manufacture black powder nor do I take any responsibility for any damage that might occur to you, others, various property, sheep, goats, federal

CS: Misc-Useful Quote for Police Officers and Other Civilians

2000-12-09 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CS: Legal-Mercy for boy who cut bullies

2000-12-13 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yes but as you say the statute law has been differently interpreted in recent years. With reference cases by way of 'stated cases' taking preference over the Bill of Rights, etc. Unless there can be a well documented case where it is de

CS: Pol-the judicial branch

2000-12-12 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] It really is most difficult to see any connection between this type of argument and the real world. Are you really saying that the will of the people today cannot overturn an agreement made three hundred years ago by two groups of aritocrat

CS: Misc-Useful Quote

2000-12-14 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CS: Legal-Mercy for boy who cut bullies

2000-12-13 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Allow me this: My perception from the past discussions is that IG understands that the current law is indeed in violation of the top law, but because he has sworn an oath to uphold 'the' law, that he is not at liberty to either ignore or condemn

CS: Pol-Misleading Police Federation Website.

2000-12-21 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] For the Police Federation to now claim that they were the first to demand the banning of handguns is a gross falsehood. Perhaps the police officers on our list would like to contact the Federation and ask why it is reduced to telling lies

CS: Pol-Police Federation

2000-12-20 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I've always thought this poll is completely meaningless because it is a poll of a sample of all police officers. If they did a poll purely of patrol officers who patrol high-crime urban areas I suspect the results would be very differe

CS: Misc-Useful Quote

2001-01-02 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Hey, I realise it is all semantics, but I can make a pretty good argument that all rights, especially human rights, ARE _property_ rights. My rights start with the absolute and unequivocal ownership of my own body. I am my own pro

CS: Pol-No 10 rebukes Hoey in gun row

2001-01-05 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] No 10 rebukes Hoey in gun row The Guardian. Sarah Hall political correspondent Thursday January 4, 2001 Downing Street last night slapped down the outspoken sports minister Kate Hoey after she attacked the ban on handguns introd

CS: Misc-Useful Quote

2001-01-16 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] This quote is from the 1953 presentation to George C. Marshall and includes this Marshall quote by a member of the Committee, "'There has long been an effort to outlaw war for exactly the same reason that man has outlawed murd

CS: Pol-Finally, A registration scheme that makes sense

2001-01-09 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Finally, A registration scheme that makes sense SENSIBLE GUN REGISTRATION VERMONT Source: America 1st Freedom magazine Published: Jan 2001 Vermont State Rep. Fred Maslack has read the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constituti

CS: Legal-hunting ban

2001-01-24 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Telegrpah ISSUE 2063Wednesday 17 January 2001 Hunting Bill 'risks constitutional clash' By Charles Clover, Environment Editor THE Government's attempt to push the Hunting Bill into law using the Parliament Act

CS: Pol-Who do you think you are kidding, Little Hitler?

2001-01-24 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Sun TUESDAY, 23 JANUARY, 2001 Who do you think you are kidding, Little Hitler? Get a life ... hunt protesters should mind their own business THERE'S a brilliant wartime propaganda film called Went The Day Well, based on a Gra

CS: Crime-More stupidity in England

2001-02-04 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] What utter cobblers. My wife, a school teacher, comes home most nights to recount this sort of "I know what I can get away with, and what you've got to do" behaviour by pre-teenage urchins who deserve nothing more than

CS: Pol-Fears over moves to extend powers of military police

2001-02-10 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fears over moves to extend powers of military police Special report: policing crime Martin Bright, home affairs correspondent Sunday February 4, 2001 The Observer The Ministry of Defence police force is to be transformed in

CS: Crime-Yard summit as gun gang crime reaches peak in London.

2001-02-09 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Evening Standard London 31/1/01 Yard summit as gun gang crime reaches peak in London new by JUSTIN DAVENPORT THE SCALE of gun violence between feuding black drug gangs in London has reached crisis levels with one shooting repo

CS: Pol-March 18th 2001 - Mark That Day

2001-02-13 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] (a usually reliable source) March 18th 2001 - Mark That Day So are you going on the Countryside March on March 18th? Are you quite certain you are? One of the 150,000 already registered, perhaps? Well it must be all right then.

CS: Misc-Useful Quote

2001-02-15 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Security is mostly a superstition. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org

CS: Misc-Lady Soldiers

2001-02-15 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CS: Misc-Useful Quote

2001-02-16 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Saxon is not like the Norman. His manners are not so polite. But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right. When he stands like an ox in the furrow with his sullen set eyes on your own, And grumbles, &

CS: Misc-instant incapacitation

2001-02-18 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] As we all know, the body does the last thing the brain told it to do e.g. the decapitated Chicken that runs away headless - the last command the body received. Nah, the chicken thrashes because his CNS has been severed, its a reflex actio

CS: Misc-instant incapacitation

2001-02-19 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Why do my chickens thrash about when I have severed the spine? They thrash their wings for up to a minute, with considerable force, despite the complete severance of the spine. Steve, Good point. Looking about it from th

CS: Misc-European army and political union were planned by Nazis

2001-02-18 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The London Telegraph European army and political union were planned by Nazis By Michael Smith, Defence Correspondent http://www.telegraph.co.uk:80/et?ac=000111676745840rtmo=weQ50Mebatmo=9 999 pg=/et/01/2/15/nkew15.html THE idea of a pa

CS: Misc-The Story of The Passenger Pigeon

2001-02-19 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hunters put the screws to a bird called the Passenger Pigeon. It went extinct about 1900. I remember reading about it as a youth in disbelief. I thought surely it couldn't have been hunters it must have been habitat loss. Being a hunter I h

CS: Legal-Section 5(1)(b)

2001-02-19 Thread John Hurst.
From: "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Now you see _this_ is what Section 5(1)(b) of the Firearms Act 1968 was intended for. ;) Steve, I take your rhetorical point but the debates on the Firearms Act of 1920 which the '68 Act amends refereed to "deathless