Re: cual es la velocidad para video conferencias

1999-03-11 Thread Han Solo
Ing. Jose Luis Vega wrote:
 Desearia saber cuales son las velocidades recomendadas para una video
 conferencia pura o a traves de protocolo IP.

Con 300Kb/seg se consiguen resultados bastante buenos. Creo recordar que
la especificación MPEG2 (la de la tele digital) anda por 500Kb/seg, pero
te lo estoy diciendo de memoria. Si te interesa, te lo miro con

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Re: LI 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101...

1999-03-11 Thread Han Solo
M. Angel Esteban wrote:
 At 22:51 09/03/99 +0100, you wrote:
 M. Angel Esteban wrote:
  llevo varios días intentando instalar Debian 2.0 en mi máquina, pero al
  instalar LILO aparece el mensaje del topic hasta el infinito (vaya, u
  nscroll del cpon llenito de 0 y 1).
 Manda el 7etc/lilo.conf así como la configuración exacta de tus discos
 (contando en que cilindro comienza y acaba cada partición). Por cierto
 ¿en qué partición tienes Debian?¿y lilo?
 Fale, voy plicando:
 En /etc/lilo.conf tengo lo siguiente:

Bien, el problema es este. Resulta que lilo, por limitaciones de las
bios, tiene que arrancar desde el primer disco, y por debajo del
cilindro 1024 (se pueden hacer matizaciones, pero a grandes rasgos es

Instala lilo en el mbr, es lo más frecuente y funciona bien. Pon
boot=/dev/hda (sin el 1). No te dará problemas con windows.

 image=/vmlinuz  #(havia un enlace simbolico a /boot/vmnoseque pero he

Yo, por cuestiones de orden, prefiero tener los kernels en /boot (entre
otras cosas porque tengo una partición dedicada). Si no te gusta ese
enlace, puedes hacer que lilo apunte al fichero en /boot directamente.
De todas formas, si cambias ese fichero, tienes que indicar en la línea
image dónde está el kernel, o no arrancará.

 mandao el fichero de verda a /)

Bien. Si ahora quieres poder arrancar windows añade:

other = /dev/hda1
  label = win
  table =/dev/hda

y al principio añade las líneas

timeout = 100

justo a continuación de la línea boot=/dev/hda
Cada vez que cargues, aparecerá un prompt preguntando qué sistema se
quiere ejecutar. Pulsando tab aparecen las opciones posibles (Linux y
 COmo discos tengo lo siguiente:

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Imagenes de CD oficial de Debian

1999-03-11 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Sobre las imagenes de CD que hay en

¿hay forma de grabarlas en un CD desde Windows NT? Es que en el
trabajo creo que tengo posibilidad de descargarlas (desde casa a
28800 puede ser un suicidio), pero allí solo tengo NT.


Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Clave publica PGP en
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867

Description: PGP signature

Usar debian en un pentium dual

1999-03-11 Thread Hernan Mauricio Velasquez Nino
Hola a todos...

Necesito instalar linux para algunos asuntos academicos aqui en mi
universidad, y hasta ahora debian se ha portado muy bien.

Me van a asignar una maquina con una tarjeta madre con dos procesadores
pentium de 200 mhz.  

La pregunta es que procedimiento debo seguir, o que documentacion existe,
para instalar de manera optima el Sistema Operacional para que aproveche
al maximo los dos procesadores ?

Me han dicho que hay que recompilar el kernel, pero no estoy muy seguro de
como hacerlo.

De antemano gracias a todos.

Hernan Mauricio Velasquez
Ingenieria de Sistemas y Computacion
Universidad de los Andes
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia

Los usuarios y los grupos.

1999-03-11 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos

Confieso que despues de haber leido varios mensajes en esta lista sobre el
asunto, no se añadir usuarios a los grupos, por ejemplo al grupo dialout.

Por favor un recuerdito o una referencia a documentación.

Gracias y saludos.

Re: Instalar .deb con dselect de fuera del CD de distribucion

1999-03-11 Thread Unknown
On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:

 ¿Como lo hago para instalar paquetes que
 vienen con CDs de revistas?


A pesar de que la intención es buena, dselect es un engorro y te
recomiendo que te familiarices con dpkg.
El proceso es sencillo, montas el cd de la revista y escribes 
dpkg -i path absoluto del paquete
Para desinstalar dpkg -.purge nombre del paquete
~-root dpkg -i /cdrom/programas/Pine/pine_3_96L-2.deb
pero para desinstalar:
~-root dpkg --purge pine
(sin versión, sólo el nombre del paquete).
Si deseas hacer cosas más elaborardas, léete la página man, o para obtener
un resumen de las opciones, dpkg -h
Te animo a que tomes contacto con esta potente herramienta. No volverás a
dselect :O)
Un saludo
Barbwired The Translatrix
U. Complutense de MadridFilología Inglesa
Proud Debian GNU/Linux User  Since Oct'98   Web de aenima Laptops

Re: Instalar .deb con dselect de fuera del CD de distribucion

1999-03-11 Thread Unknown
 Esto es lo que hago ahora, pero me parece que es perder la funcionalidad
 de dselect, que debe ser mas potente de lo que me ha parecido (hasta ahora
 solo lo he usado para los paquetes de la distribución). Todas esas
 opciones de acceso tienen que ser utiles (digo yo).

A mi modesto entender, lo que me aprece interesante es el acceso ftp, que
puedes trastear para acceder a tu propio disco duro, o bien al de otros
Aún así, me resulta más cómodo dpkg, aunque puede ser que por
inexperiencia no le haya sacado jugo ni a uno ni a otro.
Un saludo

Barbwired The Translatrix
U. Complutense de MadridFilología Inglesa
Proud Debian GNU/Linux User  Since Oct'98   Web de aenima Laptops

RE: impresora

1999-03-11 Thread Unknown
On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Pablo Cernadas wrote:

 la impresora desjek HP 400
 me podrias ayudar a configurarla en el debian?
 te lo agradeceria mucho

Pues no es muy difícil. La verdad es que ya ni me acuerdo de los detalles, 
hace tanto que lo configuré... 
...maravillas de Linux, una vez lo tienes funcionando, te olvidas :O)

Instala magicfilter. Con magicfilterconfig la configuras como si de una
hpdeskjet500 se tratara.
Consigue las djtools. Son herramientas que te ayudan en el tema de la
calidad de impresión, el color o el blanco y negro...
Estos paquetes vienen en los CDs de Debian Hamm, no te será difícil 
Un saludo
Barbwired The Translatrix
U. Complutense de MadridFilología Inglesa
Proud Debian GNU/Linux User  Since Oct'98   Web de aenima Laptops

RE: modems

1999-03-11 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
  Lo que no
 creo es que en la cajita ponga winmodem, así que no sé cómo se puede


Yo he visto algunos embalajes donde ponia que el modem es HSP, y esos son
los que no funcionan con Linux.

Lo que no aseguro es que los embalajes donde no ponga HSP, no lo sean,
aunque tambien pienso que si no lo pone, no debiera serlo, pero esto solo es
lo que yo pienso.


Re: Imagenes de CD oficial de Debian

1999-03-11 Thread ~ Miguel P.C. ~
At 01.55 11/3/99 +0100, you wrote:
Sobre las imagenes de CD que hay en

¿hay forma de grabarlas en un CD desde Windows NT? Es que en el
trabajo creo que tengo posibilidad de descargarlas (desde casa a
28800 puede ser un suicidio), pero allí solo tengo NT.


Yo lo he hecho con Easy Cd Pro. Te bajas la imagen ISO y con el programa
le indicas -- Grabar desde Imagen ISO y te hace un volcado completo de la
imagen al CD. 

Queda perfesto, salvo que empiece a swapear y te cargue 2 o 3 CD's.

Grabandolo a 1x (2x en una grabadora 4x) no debería de darte problemas.


 / /  _
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /la oportunidad de
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   dominar tu ordenador
|  |
|Miguel Pérez Colino   |
|  |
|  |

servidor proxy

1999-03-11 Thread Pablo Martín
¿Qué haria falta para montar un sercidor Proxy (Ftp, Http, IRC) y que se
pudiera acceder remotamente? Es decir yo por ejemplo lo tengo en casa y
desde otro sitio hago una llamada y me conceto a internet. Ah me podeis
recomendar algun proxy que además de http, sirva para ftp, correo e irc?

RE: Imagenes de CD oficial de Debian II

1999-03-11 Thread ~ Miguel P.C. ~
At 09.50 11/3/99 +0100, you wrote:
por cierto, de donde las bajais??


Para i386:



 -Mensaje original-
 De: ~ Miguel P.C. ~ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: jueves, 11 de marzo de 1999 9:40
 Asunto: Re: Imagenes de CD oficial de Debian

 At 01.55 11/3/99 +0100, you wrote:
 Sobre las imagenes de CD que hay en
 ¿hay forma de grabarlas en un CD desde Windows NT? Es que en el
 trabajo creo que tengo posibilidad de descargarlas (desde casa a
 28800 puede ser un suicidio), pero allí solo tengo NT.


  Yo lo he hecho con Easy Cd Pro. Te bajas la imagen ISO y
 con el programa
 le indicas -- Grabar desde Imagen ISO y te hace un volcado completo de la
 imagen al CD.

  Queda perfesto, salvo que empiece a swapear y te cargue 2 o 3 CD's.

  Grabandolo a 1x (2x en una grabadora 4x) no debería de
 darte problemas.


  / /  _
  ---/ /  (_)__  __   __
  --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /la oportunidad de
  -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   dominar tu ordenador
 |  |
 |Miguel Pérez Colino   |
 |  |
 |  |

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 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /la oportunidad de
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   dominar tu ordenador
|  |
|Miguel Pérez Colino   |
|  |
|  |

¿Donde esta el paquete debian-cd?

1999-03-11 Thread Ramiro Alba
Hola a todos:

Quiero hacer los CDs de la distribucion ha partir de los paquetes. Tanto
en la 1.3 como
en la 2.0 utilizé el paquete debian-cd como guia para crear las
imágenes. El problema
es que (segun el buscador de paquetes de el de
la 2.1 debería de estar en binary-i386/main pero no está. ¿Que ha pasado
con él?


Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


¿Dónde compro Debian 2.1 en CD's?

1999-03-11 Thread jarregui
Pues eso, me la quiero comprar. En la página web de Debian ponen unos
cuantos distribuidores oficiales, pero ninguno en España. Sin embargo, sé
que en España también hay gente que la vende. 

¿Qué me recomendáis? De cuando salió hamm, recuerdo que la gente estaba muy
contenta con Datom, pero yo preferiría comprársela a alguien de aquí



Re: ¿Donde esta el paquete debian-cd?

1999-03-11 Thread Ramiro Alba
Ángel Carrasco wrote:

 entonces, si te bajas todos los binarys de contrib, main and nonfree, existe
 la forma de pasarlo a cd¿

Pues claro, has de crear la imagen primero y despues quemar el cd. La
cuestion es como se crean la imagen porque el main de la distribucion va ahora
en dos CDs. Yo me lo he ido haciendo asi hasta ahora, manteniendo un mirror de
toda la distribucion en el disco.


Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Re: ¿Dónde compro Debian 2.1 en CD's?

1999-03-11 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Thu, Mar 11, 1999 at 12:24:32PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pues eso, me la quiero comprar. En la página web de Debian ponen unos
 cuantos distribuidores oficiales, pero ninguno en España. Sin embargo, sé
 que en España también hay gente que la vende. 

No existen distribuidores oficiales. En la lista están simplemente los
distribuidores que nos han informado de la existencia de sus productos.
 ¿Qué me recomendáis? De cuando salió hamm, recuerdo que la gente estaba muy
 contenta con Datom, pero yo preferiría comprársela a alguien de aquí

Tras un paréntesis con la Debian 2.0, en breve estará disponible de nuevo
la Citius Debian (muchos recordaréis la Citius Debian 1.3), de la mano de
I+D Agora ( , aunque creo que está en obras). 

Traerá la distribución oficial (2 CDs de binarios y dos de fuentes) y un
CD de suplemento (parte de non-US, parte de non-free, algunos paquetes
interesantes de potato... y otras sorpresas).

También habrá una versión más económica, sin los CDs de fuentes (con la
oferta por escrito que exige la GPL). 

Ambas versiones vienen con instalación y manuales en castellano.


PD: Hasta donde yo sé, es el único distribuidor de Debian en España, 
sin contar lo que pueda aparecer en las revistas...
Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ¿Dónde compro Debian 2.1 en CD's?

1999-03-11 Thread ~ Miguel P.C. ~
Ea ahí tienes ...

 / /  _
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /la oportunidad de
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   dominar tu ordenador
|  |
|Miguel Pérez Colino   |
|  |
|  |

Sobre las páginas man

1999-03-11 Thread Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes
Hola lista, ahí va mi duda: cuando desde linux quiero ver
la ayuda de un determinado comando pongo man nombre del comando.
Ahora me gustaria volcar la ayuda de dicho comando a un archivo para
poder imprimirla desde windows, y hago lo siguiente:

man nombre del comando  nombre_archivo

Sin embargo, cuando voy a imprimirlo a windows no me imprime las
palabras que están en negrita sino que me pone un cuadrado
intercalado con cada letra en negrita.

¿Alguien sabe como se puede solucionar ésto?

Un saludo.


Re: Sobre las páginas man

1999-03-11 Thread Eduardo Fernandez

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Manuel_Jerez_C=DFrdenes?= escribió:
 poder imprimirla desde windows, y hago lo siguiente:
 man nombre del comando  nombre_archivo
 Sin embargo, cuando voy a imprimirlo a windows no me imprime las
 palabras que están en negrita sino que me pone un cuadrado
 intercalado con cada letra en negrita.
 ¿Alguien sabe como se puede solucionar ésto?

Prueba con 
 man nombre del comando | col -b  archivo

Hasta luego.

 Un saludo.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Eduardo Fernández Corrales
Sistelnet Integraciones Telemáticas -

Re: Sobre las páginas man

1999-03-11 Thread Manuel Batista Dominguez

Manuel Jerez Crdenes wrote:
 Hola lista,
ah va mi duda: cuando desde linux quiero ver
la ayuda de un determinado comando pongo "man nombre del comando>".
Ahora me gustaria volcar la ayuda de dicho comando a un archivo para
poder imprimirla desde windows, y hago lo siguiente:

 man nombre del comando>
> nombre_archivo

Sin embargo, cuando voy a imprimirlo a windows no me imprime las
palabras que estn en negrita sino que me pone un cuadrado
intercalado con cada letra en negrita.

Alguien sabe como se puede solucionar sto?

Un saludo.


Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lee atentamente la pagina de manual man (teclea man man)
centrandote en la opcin -T device, lo cual te permitir
producir la salida del comando man de forma adecuada para varios
tipos de dispositivos. (impresoras postscripts,etc.).

Un saludo.

fn:Manuel Batista Dominguez
n:Batista Dominguez;Manuel
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:928 29 64 50

XFree 3.3.3

1999-03-11 Thread Manuel Trujillo

¿Sabeis si los nuevos servidores X y el XFree nuevos (3.3.3) están
Siempre puedo hacerlo a partir de los rpm's, pero... ¿me creará problemas el
tratamiento distinto que tiene Red Hat del servidor (con el link X)?

Estooo... respetadme por favor el CC del mensaje, es que si no, no me entero
de la respuesta hasta mañana por lo menos (siempre que me contesteis esta
tarde, por ejemplo).

Gracias por todo.

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: Los usuarios y los grupos.

1999-03-11 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Angel Vicente Perez wrote:

 Confieso que despues de haber leido varios mensajes en esta lista sobre el
 asunto, no se añadir usuarios a los grupos, por ejemplo al grupo dialout.
 Por favor un recuerdito o una referencia a documentación.

adduser usuario grupo

añade el usuario usuario al grupo grupo.
[ man adduser para más información ].

 dabf8ee5f43e93e1058ba5419993534c (a truly random sig)

RE: Los usuarios y los grupos.

1999-03-11 Thread Manuel Trujillo
 adduser usuario grupo

 añade el usuario usuario al grupo grupo.
 [ man adduser para más información ].

Pero creo que lo que hace es cambiarle el grupo, y no hacerlo partícipe
también del grupo, aparte del que ya esté.

RE: Los usuarios y los grupos.

1999-03-11 Thread Santiago Vila
On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Manuel Trujillo wrote:

  adduser usuario grupo
  añade el usuario usuario al grupo grupo.
  [ man adduser para más información ].
 Pero creo que lo que hace es cambiarle el grupo, y no hacerlo partícipe
 también del grupo, aparte del que ya esté.


 de9949f25f5ef28f28b0108d1fce24b6 (a truly random sig)

Actualizar a slink con apt

1999-03-11 Thread Jose Illescas
Hola chicos,

aprovechando el gran ancho de banda del que dispongo en el trabajo, ayer
intenté actualizar mi versión 2.0 de Debian a la nueva y flamante slink con
la utilidad apt, con lo que lancé los siguientes comandos desde la consola como

apt-get update
apt-get -f dist-upgrade

al cabo de un rato, despues de bajar todos los paquetes se empezaron a instalar
y cuando finalizó todo descubrí para mi desgracia que no se actualizó
correctamente. Os cuento lo que he descubierto:

1) Según la documentación, el paquete netstd se debe borrar e instalar nuevos
paquetes. Pues el paquete seguía ahi pero ademas, no puedo hacer telnet a esa
máquina por que no encuentra el demonio.

2) Se tenían que haber borrado los viejos paquetes de fuentes de X/Window
xfnt... pero ahi siguen. Tampoco se han instalado las nuevas fuentes xfont

3) Mi WindowMaker no me lo ha actualizado bien ya que no me arranca al no
encontrar el ejecutable. Creo que no ha borrado el antiguo correctamente.

Estas cosas son las que he visto asi para empezar, pero me da la impresión de
que tiene que haber mas cosas.

¿Alguien ha podido realizar este tipo de actualización con éxito?. ¿Existe
algún método mas seguro para realizarla a traves de Internet?.

Un saludo.

 /\  _`\
\ \ \L\ \ __   _   __  __  
 \ \ ,__/'__`\/\ '__`\/\ \/\ \  /',__\ 
  \ \ \/\  __/\ \ \L\ \ \ \_\ \/\__, `\ ICQ# 12553232
   \ \_\ \\\ \ ,__/\ \/\/\/ AIM Screen: yoburtu
\/_/\// \ \ \/  \/___/  \/___/ 
---Talavera de la Reina, Spain-

Re: modems

1999-03-11 Thread Ignacio J. Alonso

Los modems externos no dan problemas en Linux, por que ninguno de ellos
es 'winmodem' ni nada parecido (Por lo menos yo núnca he encontrado
ninguno, tener encuenta que un winmodem externo no tiene mucho sentido,
sería casi una caja vacia con cuatro luces ;-) )

Yo no se mucho de modems, pero tengo entendido de que cualquiera
  exerterno no da problemas porque como van por el puerto serie (rs-232c)y
  eso es muy estandar funcionan todos bien.
 Yo no he pillado ninguno, pero entre los externos he leído una y mil veces
 que están los winmodem, y que éstos NO FUNCIONAN con Linux.  Lo que no
 creo es que en la cajita ponga winmodem, así que no sé cómo se puede
 Mi módem es un Diamond SupraExpress 56e Pro, no te puedo decir que sea mejor
 ni peor que otros pero sí que a mí me funciona muy bien.  Otra cosa sería
 comprar uno que fuera ampiable a más de 56Ks... si tenés la plata.
 Un saludo,
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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 _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/ |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  
_/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/  +---+  

Paquete con fbset y fb.modes

1999-03-11 Thread Emilio de Miguel

Pues eso, si estan para Debian estos programas y en que paquete y

Deica logo

Re: tty con caracteres extranos

1999-03-11 Thread Jose Rodriguez

Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:

 A veces, cuando hago un cat de un fichero por error que no contiene
 texto (esto es, un ejecutable o algo asi) se me queda el terminal hecho
 una fiesta, como si el juego de caracteres hubiera cambiado. Desde

 ¿Qué hago para que vuelva a estar decente? ademas de reiniciar el


Existe documentación sobre este problema en /usr/doc/FAQ/:

1) Teclear reset a ciegas, pero esto sólo funciona si el intérprete
de comandos
está esperando una orden (o sea, que si estás en medio de una
aplicación, no va) y no se ha redefinido la tecla Intro por otra cosa
(que puede pasar, con lo cual te has quedado sin intro)

2) Teclear la orden: echo '\033c'
No lo he probado, pero si lo dicen las FAQ, por algo será. Tiene el
mismo problema que el anterior.

3) Mi favorito: Teclear ^V^O (Control-V, Control-O). Este no viene en
las FAQ. A mi me funciona siempre sin problemas. Estaba documentado en
Slackware. Ahora ya no viene... (al menos en Debian). Me pregunto por


What is Debian's verdict on Qt's recent acceptance of QPL-1.0?

1999-03-11 Thread Mark Phillips

I just read this news:

  8 March

  QPL-1.0 unanimously accepted by KDE Free Qt Foundation Troll Tech AS
  announced the release of the emotionally awaited QPL-1.0.

  Citing from the annoucement: Free software hat on - It looks on first
  reading very very good. I think I'm more than happy with this. was the
  first reaction from Alan Cox, well known Linux kernel hacker.

  KDE Free Qt Foundation, which has veto rights on any license changes,
  has unanimously accepted QPL-1.0 as the new license of the new Qt Free

  The current Qt 2.0 pre-release snapshot is covered by the QPL 1. 

I remember there were some question marks about just how free the QPL
licence really was.  And questions about whether Debian would accept
it as a free license.  Now that Qt is finally licenced under it, what
is the verdict?  Is it good enough?



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Operation not supported by Device + Exim

1999-03-11 Thread Geoff Smith

I get an Operation not supported by Device whenever I run:

if [ -x /usr/sbin/exim ]; then /usr/sbin/exim -q /dev/null 21; fi) 

specifically, if I run exim -q I get:

Unable to get interface flags: 19
Operation not supported by device


the netatalk daemons( in particular, atalkd)

This started happening when I upgraded by kernel to 2.2.0.  Now I'm
running 2.2.3 and nothing has changed.  I upgraded my exim to the
unstable version, and I get the same problem. Is this a problem with the
new kernel, with exim and netatalk, or with my configuration?

I can't figure out which device both these programs would be using.


Geoff Smith

Re: debian-cd for slink ?

1999-03-11 Thread Steve McIntyre
Ralf Bergs writes:
On Tue, 09 Mar 1999 22:02:55 +, Steve McIntyre wrote:

I want to make Debian CDs, but I cannot find debian-cd package in slink
or potato.

contains some information about slink_cd, my package to build CD images
for slink.

I don't understand this. Why don't you just download the ready-made CD 
images? I did it the day before yesterday, and it worked fine.

What is the advantage of downloading the packages and then building an image 
of yourself?

Who are you asking here? Him or me? In my case, I find it useful to be
able to make custom CDs. Oh, and slink_cd was made to make the official CD
images too... :-) 

Steve McIntyre, CURS CCE, Cambridge, UK. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
a href= PC page/a
Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky, +--
Tongue-tied  twisted, Just an earth-bound misfit, I...  |Finger for PGP key

RE: What is Debian's verdict on Qt's recent acceptance of QPL-1.

1999-03-11 Thread Shaleh
 I remember there were some question marks about just how free the QPL
 licence really was.  And questions about whether Debian would accept
 it as a free license.  Now that Qt is finally licenced under it, what
 is the verdict?  Is it good enough?

it is good enough.  RMS is on the books saying it is free, but not GPL
compatible.  Once a QT is released based on this, most of KDE and other apps
should be free to move to main.

I need a kernel guru

1999-03-11 Thread Pere Camps

Does anybody know where do I have to write / what mailing list can
I join in order to find somebody who understands of Linux's General
Protection Faults and Ooops! messages.

I need to know what's going on with my system (and its not signal


-- p.

Re: help me to undertand GMT time!!!!

1999-03-11 Thread John Hasler
 If it is 12:00 pm GMT it is 7:00am EST (12 - 5).

12:00 noon, please.  12:00 pm is midnight, as is 12:00 am.

Better yet, use 24 hour notation.  Timezones are confusing enough without
the am-pm nonsense.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Netscape Install

1999-03-11 Thread Rob Pratt

Excuse the newbie question, but I'm having a tough time getting the
ns-install script to run to install Netscape on a 486 machine. The version
I'm using is 4.51 for Linux 2.0 (supported). The readme says simply to run
the script -- and voila, it installs. However, when I try to run the script,
I get the error ns-install: not found even though I can see it in the
directory where I'm trying to run it. Also, I've tried the manual install
instructions (copying files, running a couple of gzips, etc.) with no
success. Can someone provide a couple of steps or point to a script that
does work?

Rob Pratt

Re: What is Debian's verdict on Qt's recent acceptance of QPL-1.

1999-03-11 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 07:12:44PM -0500, Shaleh wrote:
  I remember there were some question marks about just how free the QPL
  licence really was.  And questions about whether Debian would accept
  it as a free license.  Now that Qt is finally licenced under it, what
  is the verdict?  Is it good enough?
 it is good enough.  RMS is on the books saying it is free, but not GPL
 compatible.  Once a QT is released based on this, most of KDE and other apps
 should be free to move to main.

If you (or RMS) write (or say) that it is not GPL compatible, how can you
link KDE with it and move the result to main?

Just curious.

`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian   finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann  GNU
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Re: lpr and text formatti

1999-03-11 Thread Angus Claydon
To hitch a ride on this thread,
can anyone please help me use the -COLUMN option for pr;
When I type  'pr -COLUMN 2 filename | lpr
I get 

pr: invalid option --C

Did I miss  something in the man page?

MTIA   angus claydon
On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Mark Wagnon wrote:

 Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
  I want to know what lpr options can be used to format ascii text docs.
  Specifically, I want to have my docs print with normal 1 inch margins.
  I'm running lprng, magicfilter, and gs-aladdin.  Thanks
 Check out 'pr'. Take a look at the man page. It has some options that
 let you format plain text for nice printout. I haven't used it in a
 couple years though.
   __   _
 Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
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Re: help me to undertand GMT time!!!!

1999-03-11 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 18:16 (-0600), John Hasler wrote:
  If it is 12:00 pm GMT it is 7:00am EST (12 - 5).
 12:00 noon, please.  12:00 pm is midnight, as is 12:00 am.

I don't think so. 12:00pm is noon (think about 12:01pm).
your man pann

Re: Netscape Install

1999-03-11 Thread dyer
Rob Pratt wrote:


 Excuse the newbie question, but I'm having a tough time getting the
 ns-install script to run to install Netscape on a 486 machine. The version
 I'm using is 4.51 for Linux 2.0 (supported). The readme says simply to run
 the script -- and voila, it installs. However, when I try to run the script,
 I get the error ns-install: not found even though I can see it in the
 directory where I'm trying to run it. Also, I've tried the manual install
 instructions (copying files, running a couple of gzips, etc.) with no
 success. Can someone provide a couple of steps or point to a script that
 does work?

 Rob Pratt

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I believe the short answer is that you need to run:
the ./ tells it to run in the current directory. It was reporting that it was 
found because the current directory is not in your path.

Long answer is to use the .deb's for netscape.

Hmm, that seemed backwards...



Re: compiling xfree86

1999-03-11 Thread Matt Garman
On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 02:00:38PM -0600, Matt Garman wrote:
 Could anyone offer any advice or pointers as for how to custom compile
 xfree86 as a debian package?  I want to compile using egcc and only
 include support for the video driver that I need (trying to make it a
 bit leaner).  Also, I want the libraries to be thread-safe because
 apparently the default Debian xlibs are not compiled to be thread

If I dpkg-source -x *.dsc for the xfree86 source package, then (as
root) just go into the source directory and do a debian/rules binary
the build fails with the following error:

(cd debian ; gcc -O2 -o xserver-wrapper -g xserver-wrapper.c)
touch build
set -e; for i in debian/create-compat-* ; do echo $i; $i ; done; set
/bin/sh: debian/create-compat-xlib6: Permission denied
make: *** [binary-compat] Error 1

And then it just stops.

Any hints?

They're always havin' a good time down on the bayou,
 Lord, them delta women think the world of me.
-- Dickey Betts, Ramblin' Man

Re: fortran compilier recommendations

1999-03-11 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
On Wed, 10 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We have a large application currently running on Dec Alpha 500/500 machines
 which we are investigating porting to a Linux platform. It consist of a
 SmallTalk engine that uses C and Fortran routines to do it's actual work.
 While all the Fortran compiles with g77/egcs we have some issues with
 optimization greater than -O0. This code is legacy code originally written
 on VMS and earlier platforms. 
 We have tried the Portland Group's compiler with only slightly more success.
 So finally the question: Does any one have a recommendation for a third party
 compiler for Fortran 77 that has been throughly rung out by the user 

Hi. Are you porting to x86 or Alpha? I've been so happy with eg77
(Debian's g77) on PPro and PII machines that I was able to avoid trying
those other choices (Portland, Absoft, etc.). The optimization up to level
3 (-O3) has worked just fine on the Intel platform in my experience, and
most f77 programs port without any changes. Of course, Digital's f77 with
the -O4 switch produces faster code per MHz on our 600MHz alpha runing

Anyway, sorry I can't be of any help, but I'll be following this thread to
see if anything interesting comes up.

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

Re: EQL question

1999-03-11 Thread Craig T. Hancock
I ma just curious what is EQL

Froilan C. Mendoza wrote:


 Would like to ask if it's possible to have two or more EQL connections to
 a server? .. we have one existing EQL connection to our server (using two
 modems) and we are intending to put up a couple of connections using EQL.

 Thanks in advanced.


 Froilan C. Mendoza
 Systems Administrator
 Network Tracking and Implementation
 Tridel Technologies, Inc.

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Re: Gnome 1.0 debs?

1999-03-11 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

 The staging area is not a secret, it is publically available, too, for
 developers and testers. Check the dtk-gnome mailling list archiv if you are
 interested (or devel-announce).

Hi Marcus,

Do you intend to develop installation instructions for slink users who
wish to run GNOME 1.x.x without upgrading the rest of their systems to
potato? [I realize that this would be secondary to getting a working group
of packages.] I suspect that quite a few programs outside of GNOME would
need to be upgraded as well unless gtklib 1.2 and such can coexist with
the older versions in slink. Any thoughts?

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

auto sorting mail clients

1999-03-11 Thread chadi
Hi !
   im looking for a good email client (graphical and non-graphical) w/c can 
automatically sort out emails like put all mails where either the to: or the 
cc: fields contain etc etc.  seems like there are 
just too many of them to try out one by one.
   can anyone suggest something to me and maybe tell me in a few lines why they 
prefer that client ?

Re: EQL question

1999-03-11 Thread servis
*- On 10 Mar, Craig T. Hancock wrote about Re: EQL question
 I ma just curious what is EQL

  EQL Driver: Serial IP Load Balancing HOWTO
  Simon Guru Aleph-Null Janes, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  v1.1, February 27, 1995

  This is the manual for the EQL device driver. EQL is a software device
  that lets you load-balance IP serial links (SLIP or uncompressed PPP)
  to increase your bandwidth. It will not reduce your latency (i.e. ping
  times) except in the case where you already have lots of traffic on
  your link, in which it will help them out.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Xfree86 Help

1999-03-11 Thread Robert Aisenberg
I just joined this list and I was wondering if someone could help me
with X. I downloaded it to a WIN95 machine, decompressed the files that
could not fit on a disk and brought the files to my linux machine, ran
the script and it said a.out is not up-to-date. Please Help.
I am new to Linux so please speare the technical jargon.

Installation methode

1999-03-11 Thread wlovett
I was looking though the readme files namely the 'dselect', I read that
the method of I had chosen was one of the less desire.  I had placed
every thing in a directory on my DOS Partition, and was ready to go.
In the section on floppies it states that a Zip would be better. I have
a parport Imation 120 Zip.  Does the rescue disk 1440 have the drivers
for the Zip? In the event that the disk does have the necessary drivers,
do I just raw copy the Debian to the Zip in Windows 98?
I am new to Linux. I have down loaded up Ramlinux from my DOS Partition
using loadlin, and tested it in expectation of loading Debian that way.
I have loaded Cramdisk2_04MB_ppa, but the program can't find the Zip.
One last question, I use Flips to partition my hard drive into two main
sections, during installation will i be able to set up the other
partition for root, usr and swap?

Re: I can't believe this

1999-03-11 Thread John Hasler
 I see a lot of squabbling on debian-devel and there is doubtless more
 unseen in debian-private about political issues from every conceivable

Actually there is much less on debian-private.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Maximal Mount Count

1999-03-11 Thread Mike Merten
On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 07:05:25PM +, Paul Puri wrote:
 Now I have three partitions of equal size (1Gb).  Yet, now I fear a 
 problem coming on.  My first partition is 11% filled, my 2nd partition 
 contains only /usr and is 88% to capacity, and the last has /home 
 which is %15 percent (due to monsterous soffice install).  
 Is there a command in fdisk or someother app that will allow my 2nd 
 partion (88% /usr) to grow if need be?  
 Rather, what can I do to ensure that /usr can have more room to grow.
 12% percent is not enough.  I doubt /home will ever need 1gb.  Thanks.
Hmm...  yes, this is the reason I ended up having to rearrange my
partitions.  I had configured a 500M /, 500M /usr, 500M /var, which
left me with a 1.8G that I used for /pub.  I also had a 500M dos 
partition on the same drive.  Needless to say, I started running out
of space on /usr.  Well, I had some other problems, and a local mirror
of hamm on /pub, so I reinstalled.  During the process, I shrank the /var
to 400M and increased /usr to 600M.  It only helped temporarily.  Even
symlinking /usr/local to /var/local, and /usr/src to /pub/src, I soon
ran short of space in /usr.  Since slink was released, I didn't have 
any use for my hamm mirror, so I deleted it and rearranged my partitions
as shown below (no symlinks used):

(I found a better use for the 500M dos partition too ;)

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb2 486M   43M  418M   9% /
/dev/hdb7 1.8G  576M  1.1G  34% /usr
/dev/hdb6 395M   39M  336M  10% /var
/dev/hdb5 577M   56M  491M  10% /pub
/dev/hdb1 486M   15k  461M   0% /home/ftp

Some of the problems I had in estimating the size needed for the
partitions came from my experience with SCO... They tend to install
every package in it's own subdirectory in /opt, and symlink everything
out to the /usr tree.  I guess they figure it makes their packages 
easier to manage that way.

AFAIK, if you don't have additional partitions to work with, you're
pretty much stuck with symlinking things around, unless your willing
to reinstall / repartition.


Mike Merten
ICQ# 28460680

NLS charset error

1999-03-11 Thread Pollywog
I am getting these messages in syslog.  What do they mean?

Mar 11 02:40:34 lilypad kernel: Unable to load NLS charset



PGP Key ID 0x5EE61C37

Re: Installation methode

1999-03-11 Thread surak
 I was looking though the readme files namely the 'dselect', I read that
 the method of I had chosen was one of the less desire.  I had placed
 every thing in a directory on my DOS Partition, and was ready to go.
 In the section on floppies it states that a Zip would be better. I have
 a parport Imation 120 Zip.  Does the rescue disk 1440 have the drivers
 for the Zip? In the event that the disk does have the necessary drivers,
 do I just raw copy the Debian to the Zip in Windows 98?
 I am new to Linux. I have down loaded up Ramlinux from my DOS Partition
 using loadlin, and tested it in expectation of loading Debian that way.
 I have loaded Cramdisk2_04MB_ppa, but the program can't find the Zip.

I've done a few Debian installs from DOS Partitions and haven't encountered
a single problem. It'll probably be much easier (not to mention a bit
faster) if you go ahead and install it the way you first intended. Hdd
installation is a perfectly fine method of installing Debian (2.1). Too bad
I can't say the same thing about RedHat. :D

 One last question, I use Flips to partition my hard drive into two main
 sections, during installation will i be able to set up the other
 partition for root, usr and swap?

Yes, during the installation it will ask you to partition and
activate/mount said partitions.

Hope that helps,

Alan Liu

which package provides ldd

1999-03-11 Thread Matt Garman

Which package has the ldd program in it?  I could swear this utility
used to be on my computer, now it's not (I had that dselect removal
disaster mentioned in an earlier post).


They're always havin' a good time down on the bayou,
 Lord, them delta women think the world of me.
-- Dickey Betts, Ramblin' Man

Kernel 2.2.3

1999-03-11 Thread Faton Useni
When i updated slink from kernel 2.0.36 to 2.2.1 i got a kernel source package
from the debian ftp site. It was a debian package. I read that there where no
patches applied to the kernel source for use with debian. I am wondering since
i dont see a deb package for 2.2.2 or 2.2.3 if i can grab the 2.2.3 kernel
from and not have any problems???
Also, has anyone else packaged these kernels in a deb??

Thanks for any input
Faton Useni 

More than just email--Get your FREE Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: Kernel 2.2.3

1999-03-11 Thread Adam Shand

 When i updated slink from kernel 2.0.36 to 2.2.1 i got a kernel source
 package from the debian ftp site. It was a debian package. I read that
 there where no patches applied to the kernel source for use with debian.
 I am wondering since i dont see a deb package for 2.2.2 or 2.2.3 if i
 can grab the 2.2.3 kernel from and not have any

i just put 2.2.2 on my thinkpad the other day without any problems.  i
currently have a slink/potato hybrid box but i would imagine you should be

 Also, has anyone else packaged these kernels in a deb??

not that i know of.  i believe i heard someone here say that 2.2 kernels
will be available in the release after potato.  you could check the archives
on dejanews.


floppy image HOWTO?

1999-03-11 Thread rick hunter
How do you make disk images???
I've got a bunch of old setup disks that I would
like to archive onto a cd.  How do I copy the
image onto a file?  Any pointers?  Thanks.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: which package provides ldd

1999-03-11 Thread dyer
Matt Garman wrote:

 Which package has the ldd program in it?  I could swear this utility
 used to be on my computer, now it's not (I had that dselect removal
 disaster mentioned in an earlier post).


 They're always havin' a good time down on the bayou,
  Lord, them delta women think the world of me.
 -- Dickey Betts, Ramblin' Man

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null




Re: help me to undertand GMT time!!!!

1999-03-11 Thread John Hasler
I wrote:
 12:00 noon, please.  12:00 pm is midnight...

Pann McCuaig writes:
 I don't think so. 12:00pm is noon

PM stands for post meridiem, which means after noon.  Thus 12PM is 12 hours
after noon, or midnight.

 think about 12:01pm

One minute after noon.  Not the same thing (though 00:01PM would be

The instant of noon is neither before nor after noon, and therefor cannot
be 12AM or 12PM.  The instant of midnight is both 12 hours before and 12 hours
after noon, and therefor is both 12AM and 12PM.

Say noon and midnight, or use 24 hour notation.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: What is Debian's verdict on Qt's recent acceptance of QPL-1.

1999-03-11 Thread John Hasler
Marcus writes:
 If you (or RMS) write (or say) that it is not GPL compatible, how can you
 link KDE with it and move the result to main?

The KDE folks also must fix their license and get permissions from the
authors of GPL works that they have ported.  They are reported to be doing
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: What is Debian's verdict on Qt's recent acceptance of QPL-1.

1999-03-11 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 08:42:21PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
 Marcus writes:
  If you (or RMS) write (or say) that it is not GPL compatible, how can you
  link KDE with it and move the result to main?
 The KDE folks also must fix their license and get permissions from the
 authors of GPL works that they have ported.  They are reported to be doing

I don't want to wake sleeping dogs, but why do they do it now and not with
the original Qt license (which was all we were asking for back then)?

Oh well, I better shut up before someone listens...


`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian   finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann  GNU
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

fstab question

1999-03-11 Thread Pollywog
Are there any obvious problems with my /etc/fstab?



/dev/sda1   /   ext2defaults,errors=remount-ro   0  1
/dev/sda3   noneswapsw  0   0
proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
/dev/sda2 /local ext2 defaults 0 2

/dev/fd0/a  msdos   defaults,user,rw,noauto 0 0
/dev/hda/cdrom  iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0 0

/dev/fd0/fd0ext2defaults,user,rw,noauto 0 0


1999-03-11 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer

I have posted the first alpha version of the Samba-Beginners-HOWTO, a
number of you requested an url, so I am posting it as it may be more-or
less useful as of today.

I would really appreciate any feedback that people have to offer.  I can
be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (as it says in the document many times.)
Thanks for taking the time to look at it.

HTML can be obtained at:

It's a long URL, but it works.

the SGML source is at:


Latex document:



That ought to be enough formats to hold people over for a while.  I'll try
to get a shorter URL later.  I really reccomend the latex, dvi or
postscript as they look really good.  The formating engine is excellent.


boot floopy

1999-03-11 Thread Craig T. Hancock
I want tto install debina off ftp how to I make a boot floopyu I think I
look at all the doocumentation but still could't find anything

Re: NLS charset error

1999-03-11 Thread Craig T. Hancock
What it means is that you don't have the iso8859-1 filesystem install you have 
configure that option in your kernel under filesystems

Pollywog wrote:

 I am getting these messages in syslog.  What do they mean?

 Mar 11 02:40:34 lilypad kernel: Unable to load NLS charset



 PGP Key ID 0x5EE61C37

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Default passwd file entries

1999-03-11 Thread Justin Akehurst

I am trying to tighten the security on my linux box.  I noticed a bunch of
entries in my passwd file for things/users I don't even have, like a bunch
for qmail, one for postgresql, etc...

Why are these there, and are they a security risk?  Would I do harm to
remove the ones that I don't need?

-Justin Akehurst

smartlist and attatchments...

1999-03-11 Thread Evan Van Dyke
I've recently had a small problem with smartlist...  most of the
that I send with attatchments are not send... instead they sit around
in a file called 'request.'  Does anyone know why this is happening
and/or how to fix it??


Evan Van Dyke   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ#: 15442232
DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets.   O-
Amateur Radio Call Sign:  KB8PVEElder ResCon at Northwestern

GCS/S d+(-) s:+ a--- C UH+I++LS++V P+ L+++ E W++ N++ 
w-- O- M-- !V PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5+++ X+ R+ tv+ b+++ DI D+ g e h !r

   Quoth the Raven...  'Nevermore!' --Edgar Allen Poe
   I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the
  --Dilbert to Management

RE: fstab question

1999-03-11 Thread Pollywog

On 11-Mar-99 Pollywog wrote:
 Are there any obvious problems with my /etc/fstab?
 /dev/sda1   /   ext2defaults,errors=remount-ro   0 
 /dev/sda3   noneswapsw  0   0
 proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
 /dev/sda2 /local ext2 defaults 0 2
 /dev/fd0/a  msdos   defaults,user,rw,noauto 0 0---
 /dev/hda/cdrom  iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0 0
 /dev/fd0/floppyext2defaults,user,rw,noauto 0 0

Okay, I found the problem.  I added the last line today and neglected to
comment out the line I labeled with an arrow above.

Is there a way for me to be able to mount both /a and /floppy on the KDE
desktop (no, not at the same time)?  It seems I will have to mount /a from the
command line only, when I need to mount a dos floppy (not often).



PGP Key ID 0x5EE61C37

Re: NLS charset error

1999-03-11 Thread Pollywog

On 11-Mar-99 Craig T. Hancock wrote:
 What it means is that you don't have the iso8859-1 filesystem install you
 have to
 configure that option in your kernel under filesystems
Yes but I don't even know what that file system is or why I need it.


Re: lpr and text formatti

1999-03-11 Thread Hartmut Figge
Angus Claydon wrote:
 To hitch a ride on this thread,
 can anyone please help me use the -COLUMN option for pr;
 When I type  'pr -COLUMN 2 filename | lpr
 I get
 pr: invalid option --C
 Did I miss  something in the man page?

you are not really missing something, but putting too much into your
command line. if you want 2 columns, then you should replace COLUMN with
2, therefore your command line should be:
pr -2 filename | lpr


Re: NLS charset error

1999-03-11 Thread Craig T. Hancock
It is a filesystem I believe has to do with some type of standard English 
ISO8859-1 is the Latin 1 character set, and it covers most West B3
  B3 European languages such as Albanian, Catalan, Danish, Dutch,
B3 English, Faeroese, Finnish, French, German, Galician, Irish,
  B3 Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, and
B3 Valencian.

Pollywog wrote:

 On 11-Mar-99 Craig T. Hancock wrote:
  What it means is that you don't have the iso8859-1 filesystem install you
  have to
  configure that option in your kernel under filesystems
 Yes but I don't even know what that file system is or why I need it.


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Re: NLS charset error

1999-03-11 Thread Pollywog

On 11-Mar-99 George Bonser wrote:
 On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Pollywog wrote:
 Yes but I don't even know what that file system is or why I need it.
 It is Native Language Support. Certain programs are able to display things
 in the native language and character set of the user's computer.  Since
 these are compiled in as modules with the Debian kernel, I have to assume
 you are running a custom kernel and you left these modules out.

That is correct.  I only compiled the kernel with support for ext2, dos,
iso9660 and I do recall saying Yes to native language support, so I am
confused by these error messages.


PGP Key ID 0x5EE61C37

Re: help me to undertand GMT time!!!!

1999-03-11 Thread John Goerzen
John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I wrote:
  12:00 noon, please.  12:00 pm is midnight...
 Pann McCuaig writes:
  I don't think so. 12:00pm is noon
 PM stands for post meridiem, which means after noon.  Thus 12PM is 12 hours
 after noon, or midnight.

No.  By your logic, 12:01 PM is 12 hours and one minute after noon.

12:00 PM is noon, because the time switches from AM to PM at noon.
Simple, eh?

 be 12AM or 12PM.  The instant of midnight is both 12 hours before and 12 hours
 after noon, and therefor is both 12AM and 12PM.
 Say noon and midnight, or use 24 hour notation.


external midi on SB16

1999-03-11 Thread Will Lowe
Has anyone had any luck connecting an external midi device (say, a tone
generator) to the midi port on an SB16?  I've got the card working ok,
but I can't get any programs to send output to it.  Sending
anything to /dev/sequencer or /dev/sequencer2 results in the crappy SB FM
midi synthesis,  rather than in nice tones from my tone module

Here's the output of cat /dev/sndstat,  if it helps ...

Load type: Driver compiled into kernel
Kernel: Linux gondolin 2.2.1 #4 Sun Feb 14 18:21:24 EST 1999 i586
Config options: 0

Installed drivers: 
Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
Type 26: MPU-401 (UART)
Type 2: Sound Blaster
Type 29: Sound Blaster PnP
Type 7: SB MPU-401
Type 37: Loopback MIDI Device

Card config: 
Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1,5
SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 5 drq 0
OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0
Loopback MIDI Device drq 0

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.13) (DUPLEX)

Synth devices:
0: Yamaha OPL3

Midi devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16
1: Loopback MIDI Port 1
2: Loopback MIDI Port 2

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

diff.gz file size

1999-03-11 Thread XRDLAB

I am facing some problem with regard to gzip. I dowmloaded the
icewm-0.9.33 files from debian archive. Netscape, unzipped the diff.gz
file while downloading. To get on with the compilation, I just gzipped
the diff file. But, the size in the dsc file and the actual size vary.
So I thought the problem might be the level of compression that gzip
is using and so set it to highest. Still I could not get the file size
that is on the archive. The exact figures are:

   icewm_0.9.33-1.diff.gz 6475  (actual)
   icewm_0.9.33-1.diff.gz 6480  (got with gzip --best ice...)

How do I achieve a higher compression? Or is the gzip version I am
using (from stock hamm) older?

Thanks for any help,


Sridhar M. A
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA


Re: mp3 encoder packaged for debian?

1999-03-11 Thread Frankie
Torsten Hilbrich wrote:
 Frankie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I've had a look through dselect and I can't seem to find an mp3
  encoder.  (any number of players, but no recorders).
  Is there one, or do I have to go to sunsite, find one and roll it
 I heard someone is going to package l3enc.  I suggest that you download
 the encode from, it is
 faster than l3enc.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I found lame : this is suggested in the docs for cdgrab (although I'd
have thought someone would have packaged it because of that, hmm. Lame
runs very slow on my P-60, like several hours for an album, but I'll try
some others and see which is best)


Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is
for dandruff.

--Peter de Vries - Drum'n'Bass music, samples and

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

How to upgrade to slink?

1999-03-11 Thread tboy

I have been using hamm, and now want to upgrade to slink via FTP for apt, 
gnome and some new key libs, etc. Which packages do I need? How to upgrade
in a most economic way? Would anyone mind giving me some suggestion?

Please detail your suggestion because I'm not a veteran. Thanks.

Re: Using crontab to update Debian

1999-03-11 Thread John Galt

There is a holdover command from Berkely Unix called yes used almost
exclusively in scripting--what it does is continuously applies yes^M (the
^M is a representation of the return key) [wups--apparently it replies
only y now]  while it's active. So what your script line
would be is yes | apt-get -d dist-upgrade,
thus the script can run an interactive program relatively
non-interactively.  The only caveat here is it will ONLY reply yes^M
There is also a command called no for when you wish to reply no to any

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 I know that apt-get -d dist-upgrade ask yes, but how do I pipe to
 it. I tried apt-get -d dist-upgrade |  y and doesnt work: y - command
 not found
 Thanks,Paulo Henrique
  Pipe yes to it.
 On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Shaleh wrote:
  On 09-Mar-99 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
   Hi Debian users,
   In my country (Brazil) I only have to pay one tax between 0:00
   6:00 AM independent of call time.
   I'm start thinking to get my home machine live at night and set
   to use pon or wvdial (I have two account, one with pon and other
   wvdial) and use /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/script_to_upgrade.
   Am I following the right path to solution?
   The script will be only:
   apt-get update
   apt-get dist-upgrade
   Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique
  Yes, except for the fact that the install needs you there to hit enter
 a few
  times.  Apt says is this correct [Y/n], press enter to continue.
  packages scripts may ask you for info as well.
  A better solution may be to try and setup a mirror program and just
  packages you are interested in (X, libc, dpkg, other essentials).
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Pardon me, but you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a

Re: Using crontab to update Debian

1999-03-11 Thread Justin Akehurst
On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, John Galt wrote:

 There is a holdover command from Berkely Unix called yes used almost
 exclusively in scripting--what it does is continuously applies yes^M (the
 ^M is a representation of the return key) [wups--apparently it replies
 only y now]  while it's active. So what your script line
 would be is yes | apt-get -d dist-upgrade,
 thus the script can run an interactive program relatively
 non-interactively.  The only caveat here is it will ONLY reply yes^M
 There is also a command called no for when you wish to reply no to any

I do believe there is a switch you can feed apt-get called '-y' that
essentially does the same thing.

-Justin Akehurst

Re: Using crontab to update Debian

1999-03-11 Thread Ryan Yeske
On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 11:43:50PM -0700, John Galt wrote:
 There is a holdover command from Berkely Unix called yes used almost
 exclusively in scripting--what it does is continuously applies yes^M (the
 ^M is a representation of the return key) [wups--apparently it replies
 only y now]  while it's active. So what your script line
 would be is yes | apt-get -d dist-upgrade,
 thus the script can run an interactive program relatively
 non-interactively.  The only caveat here is it will ONLY reply yes^M
 There is also a command called no for when you wish to reply no to any

actually, you can type anything after yes and it will continuously
output that string.  ie:
$ yes no


Re: external midi on SB16

1999-03-11 Thread Peter Berlau
Hi Will,
You can direct the output to a external midi port
with playmidi
playmidi -e blues.mid
this direct the output to the external midi device.
if You automatically `postinstall` the 'sfxload-command'
this will not work.

Peter Berlau 

Replacing kernel header files

1999-03-11 Thread Shane Wegner

I understand Debian does not use links for directories such as
/usr/include/linux to /usr/src/linux/include/linux etc but they are in the
libc6-dev package.  Is there any easy way to upgrade these header files
without recompiling all of glibc with the new header files?  I mean, I
could just rm -r /usr/include/linux and ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux
/usr/include/linux but the next time libc6dev gets upgraded it steamrolls
over my header files. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Tel: (604) 930-0530
Sysadmin, Continuum Systems:
Personal website:
PGP: keyid:   2048/F5C2BD91
 Fingerprint: 8C 48 B9 D8 53 BB D8 EF
  76 BB DB A2 1C 0D 1D 87

Description: PGP signature

RE: fstab question

1999-03-11 Thread Bruce Sass
On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Pollywog wrote:
 Is there a way for me to be able to mount both /a and /floppy on the KDE
 desktop (no, not at the same time)?  It seems I will have to mount /a from the
 command line only, when I need to mount a dos floppy (not often).

There is gitmount (package: git).

Backgrounds in X/fvwm2

1999-03-11 Thread Alec Smith
I know I can use xsetroot to set a solid background color in X under
fvwm2. However, I'd like to use a bitmap background I have saved as an
.xpm file. How would I go about doing this?


Re: dselect removed (almost) everything

1999-03-11 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 10 Mar 1999q, Matt Garman wrote:
 I was using dselect, and I hit the remove unwanted software option.
 And it went through and started removing almost EVERYTHING I had
 installed -- stuff I thought should definately _not_ be flagged to be
 removed (fetchmail, emacs, lilo, lprng, tetex...).
 I hit CTRL-C so that it wouldn't take out too much.  I did _not_ get
 dpkg-ftp (dpkg-ftp was still installed), so I went through and
 selected the files dselect removed, and when I went to install them,
 it said there were zero files to be gotten!
 Now I'm in the long, slow, painful process of downloading each package
 manually via ftp, and installing them by hand with dpkg.
 Why is my system in this state?  What did I do?  These packages that
 dselect started to remove, I have NEVER flagged to remove them.
This once happened to me. I'm not sure why; I assumed it was something
stupid I'd done, but since then I've NEVER allowed it to remove anything;
I've always removed unwanted packages manually, with dpkg.

Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: dselect removed (almost) everything

1999-03-11 Thread Frank Barknecht
Matt Garman hat gesagt: // Matt Garman wrote:

 I was using dselect, and I hit the remove unwanted software option.
 And it went through and started removing almost EVERYTHING I had
 installed -- stuff I thought should definately _not_ be flagged to be
 removed (fetchmail, emacs, lilo, lprng, tetex...).
 I hit CTRL-C so that it wouldn't take out too much.  I did _not_ get
 dpkg-ftp (dpkg-ftp was still installed), so I went through and
 selected the files dselect removed, and when I went to install them,
 it said there were zero files to be gotten!
 Now I'm in the long, slow, painful process of downloading each package
 manually via ftp, and installing them by hand with dpkg.
 Why is my system in this state?  What did I do?  These packages that
 dselect started to remove, I have NEVER flagged to remove them.

Yeah, this has happened to me once as well :( If you had installed
software by hand with dpkg -i , dselect perhaps could not find the packets
in its Packages-lists and files them under Local/Obsolete. To us of course
there is a *BIG* difference between local and obsolete packages but somehow
dselect is stupid about this. I will *NEVER* hit Remove again.

I would recommend to install apt immediatly. It can repair at least some of
the errors you now have in your setup. Plus it makes installing software by
hand A LOT easier. (You just type apt-get install somepackage and it will
download and install somepackage plus all the needed packages in one step.)

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Email Question

1999-03-11 Thread Graham Lillico +44 1785 782329

I am just about to upgrade to Slink and I was wondering what MTA would 
be the best to use to allow me to do the following.

1. Send and receive local  intranet mail from my servers.
2. Send Remote (internet mail) so my domain would change from
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for internet mail 
3. To queue internet mail until I go online.

I have tried this with Exim and sendmail without success, but as i am 
going to upgrade to Slink would any other mta do the job?  Any examples 
would be appreciated.



Re: auto sorting mail clients

1999-03-11 Thread Frank Barknecht
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hat gesagt: // [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

im looking for a good email client (graphical and non-graphical)
w/c can automatically sort out emails like put all
mails where either the to: or the cc: fields contain etc etc. seems like there are just too
many of them to try out one by one. can anyone suggest something to
me and maybe tell me in a few lines why they prefer that client ?

A lot of users here including me are using procmail to filter their email
into different folders and then read it with the email reader they like
most. So I would recommend you do the same and if you have questions
regarding the setup feel free to ask again, I'm sure you will get lots of
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: network help

1999-03-11 Thread G. Kapetanios

Thanks for the reply 

ifconfig gives the followng 

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Bcast:
 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 
 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet 
 HWaddr 00:00:E8:CC:28:7D 
   inet addr:  Bcast: 
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0  
Collisions:0   Interrupt:3 Base address:0x300 

route -n gives

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface   U 0  01
eth0   U 0  00 lo UG1  01

Notice that is the gateway I have given in the configuration

dmesg gives the following network card related info.

loading  device 'eth0'...
ne.c:v1.10 9/23/94 Donald Becker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NE*000 ethercard probe at 0x300: 00 00 e8 cc 28 7d
eth0: NE2000 found at 0x300, using IRQ 3.
loading device 'eth1'...

It seems to me that the card is correctly detected the problem is with the
gateway I guess since route (not route -n) hangs

Any help will be appreciated

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Paul Miller wrote:

 G. Kapetanios wrote:
  I am trying to set up thi computer at work with Debian. All works
  fine apart from the network. This is a novell environment. I have set
  up one computer in a novell environment before and it was fine.
  however here I have problems. The newtwork card is working OK as
  far as  I can tell. On boot the kernel finds it and although some
  mention of the eth1 interface is made at that stage, ifconfig states
  that eth0 is used. I can ping myself either using localhost or the IP
 Can you give us the output of dmesg dealing with your network card?
  address or the name of the machine. Ifconfig reports that lo and
  eth0 is up. But any attempt to ftp ping telnet  anything outside of
  the machine does not work. route reports the localnet and and then hangs. No gateway seems to be available as *
  is in place of the gateway. However I am using the same number
  as the other Win98 computers report in the TCP/IP installed
  gateways in network in control panel. I have not seen this problem
  before and I am at a loss for solving. Any help will be appreciated.
 What would help here would be the output of ifconfig and 'route -n'. The
 -n tells route not to do DNS lookup for host names, but print IP
 addresses. What is your gateway's IP, and what is your netmask?
  George Kapetanios
  Churchill College
  Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  U.K.  WWW:
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Paul Miller

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:


Help with PAP!

1999-03-11 Thread Martin Waller

I am now connecting to a different server from my ISP  for X2 V.90 

Previosly, to dial in all I had to do was change 
/etc/chatscripts/provider with my username and password and the number 
to phone (there was no PAP/CHAP authentication).

Now allegedly there is some sort of PAP authentification required, and 
no script is run (so no expect: ogin stuff).

Under NT 4.0, the settings I use are don't run a script, dynamic DNS 
server (but have their IP adresses) and accept any authentication 
including clear text.  This works.

I'm confused about what to do with Debian (ham) however - shoudl I not 
be running my chatscript?  If I just change the dialup number,name, etc 
in /etc/chatscripts/provider when I dialin I get garbage after expect: 


type stuff.

How should I connect now there's PAP authentication and no script being 
run at the providers end?



Get Your Private, Free Email at

'Can't open initial console', 'Kernel panic: Free list corrupted'

1999-03-11 Thread Martin Waller
I've put together an old 486 from bits, and am trying to install Debian 
(hamm) on it.

If I use the boot diskette (doesn't support CD bootup), the bootup stops 
with 'Can't open initial console', and if I try the rescue disk, it just 
Kernel panic: Free list corrupted'.

So - how can I boot this thing up?  What do those messages mean in 
practical terms and what can I do about it?



Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Backgrounds in X/fvwm2

1999-03-11 Thread Richard Harran
I think you can use something like:
xsetroot -bitmap filename
There may also be a specific fvwm command.

Alec Smith wrote:
 I know I can use xsetroot to set a solid background color in X under
 fvwm2. However, I'd like to use a bitmap background I have saved as an
 .xpm file. How would I go about doing this?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Backgrounds in X/fvwm2

1999-03-11 Thread Daniel Doro Ferrante
On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Richard Harran wrote:

 I think you can use something like:
   xsetroot -bitmap filename
 There may also be a specific fvwm command.
 Alec Smith wrote:
  I know I can use xsetroot to set a solid background color in X under
  fvwm2. However, I'd like to use a bitmap background I have saved as an
  .xpm file. How would I go about doing this?

I believe that xv -rmode # -quit xpm-file would do the job.

Note that the # symbol in -rmode option must be a number, but I
can't remeber which one means background... I guess it is -rmode 5...


Daniel Doro Ferrante email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network/System Manager  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CECM - Curso de Ci?ncias Moleculares - USP
   Course of Molecular Sciences - University of S?o Paulo - Brazil

Re: what's the best html wordprocessor?

1999-03-11 Thread Michael Bonetsmueller
Paul Puri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've used netscape composer, amaya, emacs (which is more of an html 
 code editor), I'm looking for wysiwyg (word processor type).
 Now I think soffice's StarWriter is the best around.  It acts just 
 like a word processor, it has footnotes, doublespace, etc.  It also 
 uses good html.  I checked my docs in lynx and they were quite 
 viewable, and the double spacing etc looked great.
 I'm interested in this because my goal is to write all documents in an 
 open file type that can be easily indexed and searchable in htdig.  
 That way I can have a permanent and growing personal (searchable) 
 library (one that would also be searchable over the network).  
 I know there are lots of great word processors, but .wpd, .doc, .dvi, 
 etc. are not acceptable.  I hear gnome will have an xml word 
 processor, that is something to look forward to.

I find the idea to use HTML as an exchangeable format for documents
REALLY scary, because it doesn't use content based tagging and the
documents look different on each browser. You can't carefully design a
document and be sure that it will look the same even with a new
browser version. For searching, HTDIG and the like, HTML is great,

My suggestion is to keep 2 copies of a document around: one in a
format that ideally uses content tagging and can reproduce faithful
copies for printing (dvi, I suppose) and a HTML copy for browsing,
indexing and the like.

I would try to learn SGML. From SGML you can create all types of
documents, including HTML. 

Even LaTeX is better, and Latex-documents usually are searchable,
too. Using the right style files, you can even have
content-tagging. LaTeX2HTML translates LaTeX into HTML.

The editor: I don't care. WYSIWYG doesn't bother me, because in LaTeX
I trust (after having made my own style files). Emacs+AucTeX+RefTeX is
my favourite combination, but vi would do the same job.

Michael Bonetsmüller   The least we can do is wave to each other
[EMAIL PROTECTED] --Van der Graaf Generator

Re: Help with PAP!

1999-03-11 Thread Hamori Andras

 I am now connecting to a different server from my ISP  for X2 V.90 
 Previosly, to dial in all I had to do was change 
 /etc/chatscripts/provider with my username and password and the number 
 to phone (there was no PAP/CHAP authentication).
 Now allegedly there is some sort of PAP authentification required, and 
 no script is run (so no expect: ogin stuff).
 Under NT 4.0, the settings I use are don't run a script, dynamic DNS 
 server (but have their IP adresses) and accept any authentication 
 including clear text.  This works.
 I'm confused about what to do with Debian (ham) however - shoudl I not 
 be running my chatscript?  If I just change the dialup number,name, etc 
 in /etc/chatscripts/provider when I dialin I get garbage after expect: 
 type stuff.
 How should I connect now there's PAP authentication and no script being 
 run at the providers end?

Your 'connect' chat script should end at CONNECT. PAP means that the
authentication is done during the PPP negotiation. All you have to do is to
add a line like this to your /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file:

your-name provider-name your-password

and to /etc/ppp/peers/provider:

user your-name
remotename provider-name

The latter line can be omitted if this is your only ISP connection - in that
case, substitute 'provider-name' with an * (asterisk).


Re: Help with PAP!

1999-03-11 Thread Mike Merten
On Thu, Mar 11, 1999 at 02:11:15AM -0800, Martin Waller wrote:
 I am now connecting to a different server from my ISP  for X2 V.90 
 Previosly, to dial in all I had to do was change 
 /etc/chatscripts/provider with my username and password and the number 
 to phone (there was no PAP/CHAP authentication).
 Now allegedly there is some sort of PAP authentification required, and 
 no script is run (so no expect: ogin stuff).
 Under NT 4.0, the settings I use are don't run a script, dynamic DNS 
 server (but have their IP adresses) and accept any authentication 
 including clear text.  This works.
 I'm confused about what to do with Debian (ham) however - shoudl I not 
 be running my chatscript?  If I just change the dialup number,name, etc 
 in /etc/chatscripts/provider when I dialin I get garbage after expect: 
 type stuff.
 How should I connect now there's PAP authentication and no script being 
 run at the providers end?

I just set up an alternate dialup account that used PAP and I'll have to 
say that pppconfig made it ridiculously(sp) easy.  Just run through
the menus and select PAP instead of CHAT... should take care of everything
for you.


Mike Merten
ICQ# 28460680

Re: dselect removed (almost) everything

1999-03-11 Thread Mike Merten
On Thu, Mar 11, 1999 at 10:34:52AM +0100, Frank Barknecht wrote:
 Matt Garman hat gesagt: // Matt Garman wrote:
  I was using dselect, and I hit the remove unwanted software option.
  And it went through and started removing almost EVERYTHING I had
  installed -- stuff I thought should definately _not_ be flagged to be
  removed (fetchmail, emacs, lilo, lprng, tetex...).
  I hit CTRL-C so that it wouldn't take out too much.  I did _not_ get
  dpkg-ftp (dpkg-ftp was still installed), so I went through and
  selected the files dselect removed, and when I went to install them,
  it said there were zero files to be gotten!
  Now I'm in the long, slow, painful process of downloading each package
  manually via ftp, and installing them by hand with dpkg.
  Why is my system in this state?  What did I do?  These packages that
  dselect started to remove, I have NEVER flagged to remove them.
 Yeah, this has happened to me once as well :( If you had installed
 software by hand with dpkg -i , dselect perhaps could not find the packets
 in its Packages-lists and files them under Local/Obsolete. To us of course
 there is a *BIG* difference between local and obsolete packages but somehow
 dselect is stupid about this. I will *NEVER* hit Remove again.

Yes, I've found that if you install using dpkg -i, you need to run the
dselect update afterwards, so it can update it's list of installed packages.
I noticed that when I installed my kernel images built with kernel-package...
they didn't show up in dselect until after update was run.

 I would recommend to install apt immediatly. It can repair at least some of
 the errors you now have in your setup. Plus it makes installing software by
 hand A LOT easier. (You just type apt-get install somepackage and it will
 download and install somepackage plus all the needed packages in one step.)

Mike Merten
ICQ# 28460680

Telnet and Debian 2.1?

1999-03-11 Thread Karola Risto

I can't get telnet working after installing Debian 2.1.

It worked easily with Debian 2.0: just install netstd right after Debian 
installation and other PCs in the LAN were able to telnet into the Debian 

Now with Debian 2.1 the other PCs can't get connection (or it is lost 

What has been changed concerning telnet since 2.0? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


CDROM problem

1999-03-11 Thread Jean-Georges Carbonnier

when I install the latest version of linux (debian) from a CDROM
eveything works good until it begins with dselect. It ask me for the
source and I tell it CDROM, after
it ask me for the block device type and it is imposible to go ahead. I

try some things like this:
but it say that the kernel do not support the iso9660 norm. I do not
understand because it make the all instalation from the CDROM. If I
execute a shell I can't mount the CDROM and it tell me the same thing
about the iso norm even if I mount it with the next command:
mount /dev/hdb -t iso9660 /cdrom
Last year with the same computer I could install an older version of
debian. Now I can't install the same version. The only thing that difers

from before is that I have install a CDROM writer.
I have a pentium 166MMX.

- I can install the latest version of RED HAT and after I can mount
perfectly the CDROM but I prefer to install the Debian distribution.
- Somebody told me that probably the iso9660 file system is configured
as a module but I couldn't do anything wiyh the insmod command. May be I

don't do it well.

Thanks a lot.

tel;work:96 5919331
org:Departamento de Salud Publica;Universidad Miguel Hernandez
adr:;;Campus de San Juan, ctra de Valencia (km 87);San Juan ;Alicante;03550 ;Spain
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Re: Telnet and Debian 2.1?

1999-03-11 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Karola Risto wrote:
 What has been changed concerning telnet since 2.0? Any ideas?

Netstd has been split up into several packages in Debian 2.1. See the
list below. Telnet and telnetd are now separate packages.

net/netstd_3.07-2.deb split into 10 packages:

See this page for more information on changes in Debian 2.1 (slink):


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Re: debian-cd for slink ?

1999-03-11 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Wed, 10 Mar 1999 23:46:02 +, Steve McIntyre wrote:

I don't understand this. Why don't you just download the ready-made CD 
images? I did it the day before yesterday, and it worked fine.

What is the advantage of downloading the packages and then building an 
of yourself?

Who are you asking here? Him or me? In my case, I find it useful to be

I'm asking everyone you can answer my question. :)

able to make custom CDs. Oh, and slink_cd was made to make the official CD
images too... :-) 

I see. Well, in this case... :-)

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size of swap

1999-03-11 Thread Armin Wegner

I've got 128 megs ram. Which size should I choose for the swap partition?



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