Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-06 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Ryan Newton wrote:

It is very hard for me to
see why people should be able to make their own Generic instances (that
might lie about the structure of the type), in Safe-Haskell.

I guess that lying Generics instances might arise because of software 
evolution. Let's say we start with an abstract data type of binary trees.

  module Tree (Tree, node, empty, null, split) where
data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty
  deriving Generics

node = Node

empty = Empty

null Empty = True
null _ = False

split (Node a b) = (a, b)

size Empty = 0
size (Node x y) = size x + size y

Note that this data type is not really abstract, because we export the 
Generics instance, so clients of this module can learn about the 
implementation of Tree. This is not a big deal, because the chosen 
implementation happens to correspond to the abstract structure of binary 
trees anyway. So I would expect that generic code will work fine. For 
example, you could use generic read and show functions to serialize 
trees, and get a reasonable data format.

Now, we want to evolve our module by caching the size of trees. We do 
something like this:

  module Tree (Tree, node, empty, null, split) where
data Tree a = Tree !Int (RealTree a)

data RealTree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty

tree (Node a b) = Tree (size a + size b) t
tree Empty = Tree 0 Empty

node x y = tree (Node x y)

empty = tree Empty

null (Tree _ Empty) = True
null _ = False

split (Tree _ (Node a b)) = (a, b)

size (Tree n _) = n

Except for the Generics instance, we provide the exact same interface 
and behavior to our clients, we just traded some space for performance. 
But what Generics instance should we provide? If we just add deriving 
Generics to the two datatypes, we leak the change of representation to 
our clients. For example, a client that serialized a tree with a generic 
show function based on the old Tree cannot hope to deserialize it back 
with a generic read function based on the new Tree. The size information 
would be missing, and the structure would be different.

If we write a Generics instance by hand, however, I guess we can make it 
present the exact same structure as the derived Generics instance for 
the old Tree. With this lying instance, the generic read function will 
happily deserialize the old data. The size will be computed on the fly, 
because our hand-written Generics instance will introduce calls to our 
smart constructors.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any precedent or plan for guaranteed-safe Eq and Ord instances?

2013-10-02 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

It still seems to fit nicely into Safe Haskell. If you are the
implementor of an abstract type, you can do whatever you want in the Eq
instance, declare your module as Trustworthy, and thus take the
responsibility for soundness of that instance w.r.t. your public API.

A possible problem with marking instance Eq as an unsafe feature is 
that many modules would be only Trustworthy instead of Safe. So if I 
don't trust the authors of a module (because I don't know them), I 
cannot safely use their code just because they implement their own Eq 

That would go against my every purely functional module is 
automatically safe because the compiler checks that it cannot launch the 
missiles understanding of Safe Haskell.

Actually, Eq instances are not unsafe per se, but only if I also use 
some other module that assumes certain properties about all Eq instances 
in scope. So in order to check safety, two independent modules (the 
provider and the consumer of the Eq instance) would have to cooperate.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why isn't hsc2hs functionality provided by ghc?

2013-06-05 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

My preferred solution would be to have ghc/ghci automatically run hsc2hs
[...] when necessary.

How about having a `ghci` command for cabal?

I don't think cabal can provide that. Let's say you're inside a 'cabal
ghci' session. If you modify the hsc file and reload it in ghci, you'd
expect to load the updated version — yet cabal hasn't even been called
since 'cabal ghci', and have had no chance to re-generate the hs file.

Maybe ghci could be changed to call some kind of hook everytime a file 
is called, and cabal could then provide an implementation for this hook 
that regenerates the files if necessary?

Maybe this is even possible today using:

  :def r somethingCleverHere

A quick test shows some minor problems, like

  :def r (const (return :r))

looping. But maybe this could be figured out.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GADT and instance deriving

2013-05-25 Thread Tillmann Rendel


TP wrote:

Today I have a type constructor Tensor in which there is a data
constructor Tensor (among others):

data Tensor :: Nat - * where
 Tensor :: String - [IndependentVar] - Tensor order

The idea is that, for example, I may have a vector function of time and
position, for example the electric field:

E( r, t )

(E: electric field, r: position vector, t: time)

So, I have a Tensor (E) that depends on two tensors (r and t). I want to put
r and t in a list, the list of independent variable of which E is a
function. But we see immediately that r and t have not the same type: the
first is of type Tensor One, the second of type Tensor Zero. Thus we
cannot put them in a list.

I don't know what a tensor is, but maybe you have to track *statically* 
what independent variables a tensor is a function of, using something like:

  E :: R - T - Tensor ...


  E :: Tensor (One - Zero - ...)


  E :: Tensor '[One, Zero] ...

I have two simple pointers to situations where something similar is 
going on. First, see the example for type-level lists in the GHC user's 

data HList :: [*] - * where
  HNil  :: HList '[]
  HCons :: a - HList t - HList (a ': t)

In this example, an HList is an heterogenous list, but it doesn't use 
existential types. Instead, we know statically what the types of the 
list elements are, because we have a type-level list of these element types.

And the second situation: The need for such type-level lists also shows 
up when you try to encode well-typed lambda terms as a datatype. You 
have to reason about the free variables in the term and their type. For 
example, the constructor for lambda expressions should remove one free 
variable from the term. You can encode this approximately as follows:

  data Type = Fun Type Type | Num

  data Term :: [Type] - Type - * where
-- arithmetics
Zero :: Term ctx 'Num
Succ :: Term ctx 'Num - Term ctx 'Num
Add :: Term ctx 'Num - Term ctx 'Num - Term ctx 'Num

-- lambda calculus
App :: Term ctx ('Fun a b) - Term ctx a - Term ctx b
Lam :: Term (a ': ctx) b - Term ctx ('Fun a b)
Var :: Var ctx a - Term ctx a

  -- variables
  data Var :: [Type] - Type - * where
This :: Var (a ': ctx) a
That :: Var ctx a - Var (b ': ctx) a

The point is: We know statically what free variables a term can contain, 
similarly to how you might want to know statically the independent 
variables of your tensor.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] rip in the class-abstraction continuum

2013-05-20 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Christopher Howard wrote:

class XyConv a where
   toXy :: a b - [Xy b]


I can get a quick fix by adding Floating to the context of the /class/

class XyConv a where
   toXy :: Floating b = a b - [Xy b]

But what I really want is to put Floating in the context of the
/instance/ declaration.

This is not easily possible. If you could just put the constraint into 
the instance, there would be a problem when youc all toXy in a 
polymorphic context, where a is not known. Example:

  class XyConv a where
toXy :: a b - [Xy b]

  shouldBeFine :: XyConv a = a String - [Xy String]
  shouldBeFine = toXy

This code compiles fine, because the type of shouldBeFine is an instance 
of the type of toXy. The type checker figures out that here, b needs to 
be String, and since there is no class constraint visible anywhere that 
suggests a problem with b = String, the code is accepted.

The correctness of this reasoning relies on the fact that whatever 
instances you add in other parts of your program, they can never 
constrain b so that it cannot be String anymore. Such an instance would 
invalidate the above program, but that would be unfair: How would the 
type checker have known in advance whether or not you'll eventually 
write this constraining instance.

So this is why in Haskell, the type of a method in an instance 
declaration has to be as general as the declared type of that method in 
the corresponding class declaration.

Now, there is a way out using some of the more recent additions to the 
language: You can declare, in the class, that each instance can choose 
its own constraints for b. This is possible by combining constraint 
kinds and associated type families.

  {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, TypeFamilies #-}
  import GHC.Exts

The idea is to add a constraint type to the class declaration:

  class XyConv a where
type C a :: * - Constraint
toXy :: C a b = a b - [Xy b]

Now it is clear to the type checker that calling toXy requires that b 
satisfies a constraint that is only known when a is known, so the 
following is not accepted.

  noLongerAccepted :: XyConv a = a String - [Xy String]
  noLongerAccepted = toXy

The type checker complains that it cannot deduce an instance of (C a 
[Char]) from (XyConv a). If you want to write this function, you have to 
explicitly state that the caller has to provide the (C a String) 
instance, whatever (C a) will be:

  haveToWriteThis :: (XyConv a, C a String) = a String - [Xy String]
  haveToWriteThis = toXy

So with associated type families and constraint kinds, the class 
declaration can explicitly say that instances can require constraints. 
The type checker will then be aware of it, and require appropriate 
instances of as-yet-unknown classes to be available. I think this is 
extremely cool and powerful, but maybe more often than not, we don't 
actually need this power, and can provide a less generic but much 
simpler API.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Propositions in Haskell

2013-05-17 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Patrick Browne wrote:

In am trying to understand why some equations are ok and others not.

I suspect that in Haskell equations are definitions rather than assertions.

Yes. Haskell function definitions look like equations, but in many ways, 
they aren't. Here is an example for an equation that is not valid as a 
Haskell function definition:

  g x = 42
  f (g x) = x-- not valid

The problem is that we cannot use g at the left-hand side.

Here is an example that doesn't mean what you might be hoping for:

  f x = f x
  f x = 42

Seen as an equation system, this should constrain f to be a function 
that always returns 42. But in Haskell, it defines f to be a 
non-terminating function. The reason is that only the first line counts, 
because it covers all possible argument values. The second line is ignored.

The behavior changes if we swap the two lines:

  g x = 42
  g x = g x

Again, only the first line counts, so g is the function that always 
returns 42.

Here is a more complicated example:

  h 27 = 42
  h x = h x
  h 13 = 100

What function is h?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage checking maintainership of packages

2013-05-06 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Petr Pudlák wrote:

-- Forwarded message --
From: *Niklas Hambüchen*
Date: 2013/5/4
I would even be happy with newhackage sending every package maintainer a
quarterly question Would you still call your project X 'maintained'?
for each package they maintain; Hackage could really give us better
indications concerning this.

This sounds to me like a very good idea. It could be as simple as If
you consider yourself to be the maintainer of package X please just hit
reply and send. If Hackage doesn't get an answer, it'd just would
display some red text like This package seems to be unmaintained since

I like the idea of displaying additional info about the status of 
package development, but I don't like the idea of annoying hard-working 
package maintainers with emails about their perfect packages that 
actually didn't need any updates since ages ago.

So what about this: Hackage could try to automatically collect and 
display information about the development status of packages that allow 
potential users to *guess* whether the package is maintained or not. 
Currently, potential users have to collect this information themselves.

Here are some examples I have in mind:

 * Fetch the timestamp of the latest commit from the HEAD repo
 * Fetch the number of open issues from the issue tracker
 * Display reverse dependencies on the main hackage page
 * Show the timestamp of the last Hackage upload of the uploader


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage checking maintainership of packages

2013-05-06 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Niklas Hambüchen wrote:

Having the metrics you mention is nice, but still they are just metrics
and say little the only thing that's important:

Is there a human who commits themselves to this package?

I like the idea of displaying additional info about the status of
package development, but I don't like the idea of annoying hard-working
package maintainers with emails about their perfect packages

I really think this is not too big of a deal, getting one email every 3
months and clicking a few checkboxes.

Is a human clicked the check box a good metric for a human commits 
themselves to this package?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Prolog-style patterns

2013-04-08 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Jan Stolarek wrote:

If Haskell allowed to write pattern matching similar to Prolog then we could 
write this function
like this:

member :: Eq a = a - [a] - Bool
member _ [] = False
member x (x:_)  = True
member x (_:xs) = member x xs

The meaning of pattern in the second equation is match this equation if the 
first argument equals
to head of the list.

You can achieve something similar with the ViewPatterns language 
extension. See 

member _ [] = False
member x (((x ==) - True) : _) = True
member x (_ : xs) = member x xs


member _ [] = False
member x ((compare x - EQ) : _) = True
member x (_ : xs) = member x xs


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is there an escape from MonadState+MonadIO+MonadError monad stack?

2013-04-06 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Ömer Sinan Ağacan wrote:

One thing I'm not happy about my Haskell programs is, almost all of my
programs have a monad transformer stack consisting MonadError, MonadIO
and MonadState.

You can try to write most of your program in pure functions that are 
called from a few main functions in the monad. Or, if you need some 
but not all monadic actions in each function, you can use the following 

  -- This helper function cannot cause monadic effects other than
  -- throwing errors. But it can be used in arbitrary monads that
  -- support throwing errors.
  helper :: MonadError MyError m = ... - m ...
  helper = do ...

  -- Same but with only allowing IO, but other monadic actions
  other :: MonadIO m = ... - m ...
  other = do ...

  -- we can use both functions in the same monad
  main = runMyStack $ do

This way, you have some control over what effects are allowed where.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell is a declarative language? Let's see how easy it is to declare types of things.

2013-04-04 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Richard A. O'Keefe wrote:

As I understand it, in ML, it seemed to be a clever idea to not have type 
signatures at all.

Wrong.  In ML, it seemed to be a clever idea not to *NEED* type signatures,
and for local definitions they are very commonly omitted.

In the ML I used, I remember that it was syntactically impossible to use 
type signatures directly adjacent to a local definition. Instead, I was 
thaught to put something like a type signature in a comment, 
approximately like this:

  (*  getOpt : 'a option * 'a - 'a *)
  fun getOpt (SOME x, y) = x
| getOpt (NONE, y) = y

An example of this style can be found in Danvy and Nielsen, 
Defunctionalization at Work, Proc. of PPDP 2001 (extended version 
available at

But you can certainly HAVE type signatures, and for modules
('structures') it is normal to have them in the interfaces ('signatures').

In my opinion, a signature for a structure would not count as directly 
adjacent. Also, while I don't know much about the history of ML, I 
suspect that structures and signatures were a later addition to the core 

I just checked Milner, Tofte and Harper, The Definition of Standard ML, 
MIT Press 1990 (available at, and learned 
that we can have explicit type annotations for both patterns and 
expressions, so the following variants of the above are possible in 
Standard ML:

1. We can embed parts of the signature into the definition:

  fun getOpt (SOME (x : 'a), y : 'a) : 'a = x
| getOpt (NONE, y : 'a) : 'a = y

With decomposing the type signature into its parts, and then duplicating 
these parts, this is not very attractive.

2. We can do better by avoiding the derived form for function bindings:

  val getOpt : 'a option * 'a - 'a
= fn (SOME x, y) = x
   | (NONE, y) = y

This looks ok to me, and I wonder why I was not thaught this style, at 
least as an alternative. The benefit over type signatures in comments is 
clear: The type checker will check that the signatures are accurate, and 
there is a chance that error messages contain type variables chosen by 
the programmer instead of automatically generated names.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: antiquoter-

2013-04-04 Thread Tillmann Rendel


L Corbijn wrote:

I'm happy to announce the release of my first package antiquoter, a
combinator library for writing quasiquoters and antiquoters. The main
aim is to simplify their definitions and reduce copy-and-paste programming.

Very interesting. I'm using something similar to your EP class, but 
yours looks more refined. See class PatOrExp in

I'm a bit overwhelmed by the rest of your library, though. Is the 
overall design explained somewhere?

And: Your package description says that it is especially aimed at 
making user extensible antiquoters. That sounds very cool. Can you 
provide an example for how the antiquoter package supports extensions, 
and what kinds of extensions are supported?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell is a declarative language? Let's see how easy it is to declare types of things.

2013-04-03 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Johannes,

Johannes Waldmann wrote:

I absolutely dislike it when I have to jump through hoops
to declare types in the most correct way, and in the most natural places.

reverse :: forall (a :: *) . [a] - [a]
\ (xs :: [Bool]) - ...

All of this just because it seemed, at some time,
a clever idea to allow the programmer to omit quantifiers?

As I understand it, in ML, it seemed to be a clever idea to not have 
type signatures at all.

From the type-theoretic point of view, I guess this is related to your 
view of what a polymorphic function is. One view says that a polymorphic 
function is qualitatively different from each of its instances and that 
forall is a type constructor, so there should be introduction and 
elimination forms for terms of that type. Instantiation and 
generalization are explicit operations with computational content, that 
is, they have some effect at runtime. This view leads to System F with 
its explicit type abstraction and type application forms.

The other view says that a polymorphic function is the union of all of 
its instances and that instantation and generalization are implicit, 
structural operations that have no computational content, that is, they 
do not affect what happens at runtime. This view leads to ML with its 
very implicit handling of polymorphism.

It seems that in Haskell, we started with the ML-ish view that 
polymorphism is an implicit, structural thing, but we moved further and 
further towards the System-F-ish view that polymorphism is an explicit, 
computational thing. A good indicator for this is the Monomorphism 
restriction, which supposedly helps beginners to cope with the 
computational effects of polymorphism. So apparently, there *are* such 
effects. Another indicator is the type classes in that they attach 
further computational content with type variables.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell is a declarative language? Let's see how easy it is to declare types of things.

2013-04-03 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Kim-Ee,

Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:

[...] I guess this is related to your view of [...]

Do you have a reference to the previous conversation?

Sorry, I mean related to one's view of, not related to Johannes 
Waldmanns' view of.

Which seems miles away from what you're alluding to. Full-blown
type-level programming? Operational semantics at the type-level? I'm
not sure.

That's not what I tried to allude to. I mean the operational semantics 
of instantiation and generalization *at the term level*. In System F, 
there are two contraction rules: The usual β rule

  (λx : τ . e1) e2   ~  subst e2 for x in e1

and an additional β-like rule for type application and abstraction:

  (Λα . e) [τ]  ~  subst τ for α in e

So in System F, type application and type abstraction have computational 
content. I think this can become visible in GHC Haskell as well, but I 
cannot find an example without type classes. Maybe I'm wrong.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Conflicting bindings legal?!

2013-02-26 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Andreas Abel wrote:

To your amusement, I found the following in the Agda source:

abstractToConcreteCtx :: ToConcrete a c = Precedence - a - TCM c
abstractToConcreteCtx ctx x = do
   scope - getScope
   let scope' = scope { scopePrecedence = ctx }
   return $ abstractToConcrete (makeEnv scope') x
 scope = (currentScope defaultEnv) { scopePrecedence = ctx }

I am surprised this is a legal form of shadowing.  To understand which
definition of 'scope' shadows the other, I have to consult the formal
definition of Haskell.

Isn't this just an instance of the following, more general rule:

To understand what a piece of code means, I have to consult the formal 
definition of the language the code is written in.

In the case you cite, you just have to desugar the do notation

abstractToConcreteCtx :: ToConcrete a c = Precedence - a - TCM c
abstractToConcreteCtx ctx x =
 getScope = (\scope -
 let scope' = scope { scopePrecedence = ctx } in
 return $ abstractToConcrete (makeEnv scope') x)
 scope = (currentScope defaultEnv) { scopePrecedence = ctx }

and it becomes clear by the nesting structure that the lambda-binding 
shadows the where-binding. It seems that if you argue against this case, 
you argue against shadowing in general. Should we adopt the Barendregt 
convention as a style guide for programming?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parser left recursion

2013-02-24 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Martin,

Martin Drautzburg wrote:

Note that the left recursion is already visible in the grammar above, no
need to convert to parser combinators. The problem is that the
nonterminal Exp occurs at the left of a rule for itself.

Just a silly quick question: why isn't right-recursion a similar problem?

I think the situation is symmetric: If you match the token stream 
right-to-left, right-recursion is problematic.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parser left recursion

2013-02-24 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:

Perhaps you meant /productive/ corecursion? Because the definition A
::= B A you gave is codata.

If you write a recursive descent parser, it takes the token stream as an 
input and consumes some of this input. For example, the parser could 
return an integer that says how many tokens it consumed:

  parseA :: String - Maybe Int
  parseB :: String - Maybe Int

Now, if we implement parseA according to the grammar rule

  A ::= B A

we have, for example, the following:

  parseA text
= case parseB text of
Nothing - Nothing
Just n1 - case parseA (drop n1 text) of
  Nothing - Nothing
  Just n2 - Just (n1 + n2)

Note that parseA is recursive. The recursion is well-founded if (drop n1 
text) is smaller then text. So we have two cases, as Roman wrote:

If the language defined by B contains the empty string, then n1 can be 
0, so the recursion is not well-founded and the parser might loop.

If the language defined by B does not contain the empty string, then n1 
is always bigger than 0, so (drop n1 text) is always smaller than text, 
so the recursion is well-founded and the parser cannot loop.

So I believe the key to understanding Roman's remark about well-founded 
recursion is to consider the token stream as an additional argument to 
the parser.

However, the difference between hidden left recursion and unproblematic 
recursion in grammars can also be understood in terms of productive 
corecursion. In that view, a parser is a process that can request input 
tokens from the token stream:

  data Parser
=  Input (Char - Parser)
|  Success
|  Failure

  parseA :: Parser
  parseB :: Parser

Now, if we implement parseA according to the grammar rule

  A ::= B A

we have, for example, the following:

  andThen :: Parser - Parser - Parser
  andThen (Input f) p = Input (\c - f c `andThen` p)
  andThen (Success) p = p
  andThen Failure p = p

  parseA = parseB `andThen` parseA

Note that parseA is corecursive. The corecursion is productive if the 
corecursive call to parseA is guarded with an Input constructor. Again, 
there are two cases:

If the language described by B contains the empty word, then parseB = 
Success, and (parseB `andThen` parseA) = parseA, so the corecursive call 
to parseA is not guarded and the parser is not productive.

If the langauge described by B does not contain the empty word, then 
parseB = Input ..., and (parseB `andThen` parseA) = Input (... parseA 
...), so the corecursive call to parseA is guarded and the parse is 

So I believe the key to understanding left recursion via productive 
corecursion is to model the consumption of the token stream with a 
codata constructor.

Both approaches are essentially equivalent, of course: Before 
considering the very same nonterminal again, we should have consumed at 
least one token.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parser left recursion

2013-02-20 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Martin Drautzburg wrote:

As an exercise I am writing a parser roughly following the expamples in Graham
Hutton's book. The language contains things like:

data Exp = Lit Int -- literal integer
  | Plus Exp Exp

So the grammar is:

  Exp ::= Int
   |  Exp + Exp

My naive parser enters an infinite recursion, when I try to parse 1+2. I do
understand why:

hmm, this expression could be a plus, but then it must start with an
expression, lets check.

and it tries to parse expression again and again considers Plus.


Twan van Laarhoven told me that:

Left-recursion is always a problem for recursive-descend parsers.

Note that the left recursion is already visible in the grammar above, no 
need to convert to parser combinators. The problem is that the 
nonterminal Exp occurs at the left of a rule for itself.

One way to fix this problem is to refactor the grammar in order to avoid 
left recursion. So let's distinguish expressions that can start with 
expressions and expressions that cannot start with expressions:

  Exp-norec ::= Int
  Exp-rec   ::= Exp-norec
 |  Exp-norec + Exp-rec

Note that Exp-rec describes a list of Exp-norec with + in-between, so 
you can implement it with the combinator many.

Now if you want to add a rule like

  Exp ::= ( Exp )

you need to figure out whether to add it to Exp-norec or Exp-rec. Since 
the new rule is not left recursive, you can add it to Exp-norec:

  Exp-norec ::= Int
 |  ( Exp-rec )
  Exp-rec   ::= Exp-norec
 |  Exp-norec + Exp-rec

If you implement this grammar with parser combinators, you should be 
able to parse (1+2)+3 just fine.


PS. Try adding multiplication to your grammar. You will need a similar 
trick to get the priorities right.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parser left recursion

2013-02-20 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

Another workaround is to use memoization of some sort — see e.g. GLL
(Generalized LL) parsing.

Is there a GLL parser combinator library for Haskell? I know about the 
gll-combinators for Scala, but havn't seen anything for Haskell.

Bonus points for providing the graph-structured stack (for maximal 
sharing in the computation) and the shared packed parse forest (for 
maximal sharing in the results) as reusable components.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lambda case (was Re: A big hurray for lambda-case (and all the other good stuff))

2013-01-01 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Brandon Allbery wrote:

[...] syntax extension [...]

I think someone's already working on this (SugarHaskell?).

Yes, we are working on it. See our paper [1] and Sebastian's talk [2] at 
the Haskell Symposium. Our current prototype can be installed as an 
Eclipse plugin [3] or as a command-line tool [4].


One use case we have in mind for SugarHaskell is prototyping of language 
extensions like the one discussed in this thread.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Categories (cont.)

2012-12-21 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Christopher Howard wrote:

instance Category ...

The Category class is rather restricted:

Restriction 1:
You cannot choose what the objects of the category are. Instead, the 
objects are always all Haskell types. You cannot choose anything at 
all about the objects.

Restriction 2:
You cannot freely choose what the morphisms of the category are. 
Instead, the morphisms are always Haskell values. (To some degree, you 
can choose *which* values you want to use).

These restrictions disallow many categories. For example, the category 
where the objects are natural numbers and there is a morphism from m to 
n if m is greater than or equal to n cannot be expressed directly: 
Natural numbers are not Haskell types; and is bigger than or equal to 
is not a Haskell value.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design of a DSL in Haskell

2012-12-05 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Joerg,

Joerg Fritsch wrote:

I am interested in the definition of deep vs shallow embedded

I would say:

In shallow embedding, a DSL is implemented as a library. Every
keyword of the DSL is a function of the library. The
implementation of the function directly computes the result of
executing that keyword.

For example, here's a shallowly embedded DSL for processing
streams of integers:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Stream where
import Prelude (Integer, (+), (*), (.))
import Language.Haskell.TH

data Stream = Stream Integer Stream
  deriving Show
cycle x = Stream x (cycle x)
map f (Stream x xs) = Stream (f x) (map f xs)

There is one domain-specific type, Stream, and one
domain-specific operation, map. The body of map directly contains
the implementation of mapping over a stream. Correspondingly, DSL
programs are immediately evaluated to their values:

shallow :: Stream
shallow = map (+ 1) (map (* 2) (cycle 1))

In deep embedding, a DSL is implemented as a library. Every
keyword of the DSL is a function of the library. The implemention
of the function creates a structural representation of the DSL

For example, here's a deeply embedded version of the above DSL:

data Program = Cycle Integer | Map (Integer - Integer) Program

Here, the domain-specific operations are data constructors. The example 

deep :: Program
deep = Map (+ 1) (Map (* 2) (Cycle 1))

We need a separate interpreter for actually executing the
program. The implementation of the interpreter can reuse cycle
and map from the shallow embedding:

eval :: Program - Stream
eval (Cycle x) = cycle x
eval (Map f p) = map f (eval p)

value :: Stream
value = eval deep

The benefit of deep embedding is that we can inspect the program,
for example, to optimize it:

optimize :: Program - Program
optimize (Cycle x) = Cycle x
optimize (Map f (Cycle x)) = Cycle (f x)
optimize (Map f (Map g s)) = optimize (Map (f . g) s)

value' :: Stream
value' = eval (optimize deep)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design of a DSL in Haskell

2012-12-04 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Joerg Fritsch wrote:

is a shallow embedded DSL == an internal DSL and a deeply embedded DSL == an 
external DSL or the other way around?

I mean internal == embedded, independently of deep vs. shallow, 
following Martin Fowler [1].



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design of a DSL in Haskell

2012-12-03 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Joerg Fritsch wrote:

I am working on a DSL that eventuyally would allow me to say:

import language.cwmwl

main = runCWMWL $ do

 eval (isFib::, 1000, ?BOOL)

I have just started to work on the interpreter-function runCWMWL and I
wonder whether it is possible to escape to real Haskell somehow (and
how?) either inside ot outside the do-block.

You can already use Haskell in your DSL. A simple example:

  main = runCWMWL $ do
eval (isFib::, 500 + 500, ?BOOL)

The (+) operator is taken from Haskell, and it is available in your DSL 
program. This use of Haskell is completely for free: You don't have to 
do anything special with your DSL implementation to support it. I 
consider this the main benefit of internal vs. external DSLs.

A more complex example:

  main = runCWMWL $ do
foo - eval (isFib::, 1000, ?BOOL)
if foo
  then return 27
  else return 42

Here, you are using the Haskell if-then-else expression to decide which 
DSL program to run. Note that this example also uses (=) and return, 
so it only works because your DSL is monadic. Beyond writing the Monad 
instance, you don't have to do anything special to support this. In 
particular, you might not need an additional embed function if you've 
already implemented return from the Monad type class. I consider this 
the main benefit of the Monad type class.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monads

2012-09-30 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Vasili I. Galchin wrote:

I would an examples of monads that are pure, i.e. no side-effects.

One view of programming in monadic style is: You call return and = all 
the time. (Either you call it directly, or do notation calls it for 
you). So if you want to understand whether a monad has side-effects, 
you should look at the implementation of return and =. If the 
implementation of return and = is written in pure Haskell (without 
unsafePerformIO or calling C code etc.), the monad is pure.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [ANNOUNCE] Fmark markup language

2012-09-18 Thread Tillmann Rendel


José Lopes wrote in an earlier email:

I want to find a natural way of not burdening the user with the task of having 
to learn
some special syntax in order to write a document.

And then:

[...] we can leave  for quoting and use the ' for something else.

That sounds like 'some special syntax' to me. Or should it be some 
special syntax? I can't remember which was for quoting and which was 
for something else. Maybe I need to look that up in the Fmark 
documentation, again.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial: Haskell for the Evil Genius

2012-09-16 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Kristopher Micinski wrote:

Everyone in the Haskell cafe probably has a secret dream to give the
best five minute monad talk.

(1) Most programming languages support side effects. There are different 
kinds of side effects such as accessing mutable variables, reading 
files, running in parallel, raising exceptions, nondeterministically 
returning more than one answer, and many more. Most languages have some 
of these effects built into their semantics, and do not support the 
others at all.

(2) Haskell is pure, so it doesn't support any side effects. Instead, 
when Haskell programmers want to perform a side effect, they explicitly 
construct a description of the side effecting computation as a value. 
For every group of related side effects, there is a Haskell type that 
describes computations that can have that group of side effects.

(3) Some of these types are built in, such as IO for accessing the world 
outside the processor and ST for accessing local mutable variables. 
Other such types are defined in Haskell libraries, such as for 
computations that can fail and for computations that can return multiple 
answers. Application programmers often define their own types for the 
side effects they need to describe, tailoring the language to their needs.

(4) All computation types have a common interface for operations that 
are independent of the exact side effects performed. Some functions work 
with arbitrary computations, just using this interface. For example, we 
can compose a computation with itself in order to run it twice. Such 
generic operations are highly reusable.

(5) The common interface for constructing computations is called 
Monad. It is inspired by the mathematical theory that some computer 
scientists use when they describe what exactly the semantics of a 
programming language with side effects is. So most other languages 
support some monad natively without the programmer ever noticing, 
whereas Haskell programmers can choose (and even implement) exactly the 
monads they want. This makes Haskell a very good language for side 
effecting computation.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] map over Bijections

2012-08-27 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Sergey Mironov wrote:

I need map equivalent for Bijection type which is defined in fclabels:

data Bijection (~) a b = Bij { fw :: a ~ b, bw :: b ~ a }

instance Category (~) = Category (Bijection (~)) where ...

I can define this function as follows:
mapBij :: Bijection (-) a c - Bijection (-) [a] [b] - Bijection (-) [a] [c]
mapBij b1 b = (map (fw b1)) `Bij` (map (bw b1))

Two observations.

First observation: The second argument seems unnecessary, so we have the 
following instead:

mapBij :: Bijection (-) a c - Bijection (-) [a] [c]
mapBij b = (map (fw b)) `Bij` (map (bw b))

Second observation: I guess this works for arbitrary functors, not just 
lists, so we get the following:

fmapBij :: Functor f = Bijection (-) a c - Bijection (-) (f a) (f c)
fmapBij b = (fmap (fw b)) `Bij` (fmap (bw b))

Lets check that fmapBij returns a bijection:

  fw (fmapBij b) . bw (fmapBij b)
  {- unfolding -}
= fmap (fw b) . fmap (bw b)
  {- functor -}
= fmap (fw b . bw b)
  {- bijection -}
= fmap id
  {- functor -}
= id

Looks good.

I guess we can generalize this to get: If f is a functor on a category 
c, it is also a functor on the category (Bijection c). But I am not sure 
how to express this with Haskell typeclasses. Maybe along the lines of:

import Control.Categorical.Functor -- package categories

instance Endofunctor f cat = Endofunctor f (Bijection cat) where
  fmap b = (fmap (fw b)) `Bij` (fmap (bw b))

So Bijection is a functor in the category of categories?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fwd: 'let' keyword optional in do notation?

2012-08-09 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Martijn Schrage wrote:

Would expanding each let-less binding to a separate let feel more
sound to you?

That was actually my first idea, but then two declarations at the same
level will not be in the same binding group, so

do x = y
   y = 1

would not compile. This would create a difference with all the other
places where bindings may appear.

But it would be in line with - bindings in the do notation, so maybe it 
wouldn't feel so wrong.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 3 level hierarchy of Haskell objects

2012-08-09 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Patrick Browne wrote:

Haskell type classes seem to be signature only (no equations, ignoring
default methods) so in general they provide an empty theory with no
logical consequences.

Note that many type classes in Haskell have equations annotated as 
comments. For example, the monad laws are mentioned in the documentation 
of the Monad type class:

In this context, see also the current thread about what equations we can 
expect to hold for Eq instances:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monads with The contexts?

2012-07-12 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Takayuki Muranushi wrote:

sunPerMars :: [Double]
sunPerMars = (/) $ sunMass * marsMass

Sadly, this gives too many answers, and some of them are wrong because
they assume different Earth mass in calculating Sun and Mars masses,
which led to inconsistent calculation.

This might be related to the problem adressed by Sebastian Fischer, Oleg 
Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan in their ICFP 2009 paper on purely 
functional lazy non-deterministic programming.

An implementation seems to be available on hackage.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Martin Odersky on What's wrong with Monads

2012-06-27 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Rico,

Rico Moorman wrote:

  data Tree = Leaf Integer | Branch (Tree Integer) (Tree Integer)

  amount:: Tree - Integer
  amount (Leaf x) = x
  amount (Branch t1 t2) = amountt1 + amountt2

[...] additional requirement: If the command-line flag --multiply is set,
the function amount computes the product instead of the sum.

How would you implement this requirement in Haskell without changing the
line amount (Leaf x) = x?

The (for me at least) most obvious way to do this would be, to make the
operation to be applied to determine the amount (+ or *) an explicit
parameter in the function's definition.

  data Tree a = Leaf a
  | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
  amount :: (a - a - a) - Tree a - a
  amount fun (Leaf x) = x
  amount fun (Branch t1 t2) = amount fun t1 `fun` amount fun t2

I agree: This is the most obvious way, and also a very good way. I would 
probably do it like this.

Which drawbacks do you see besides increased verbosity?

Well, you did change the equation amount (Leaf x) = x to amount fun 
(Leaf x) = x. In a larger example, this means that you need to change 
many lines of many functions, just to get the the value of fun from the 
point where it is known to the point where you need it.

[...] I am wondering which ways of doing this in Haskell you mean.

I thought of the following three options, but see also Nathan Howells 
email for another alternative (that is related to my option (1) below):

(1) Implicit parameters:

{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
data Tree = Leaf Integer | Branch Tree Tree

amount :: (?fun :: Integer - Integer - Integer) = Tree - Integer
amount (Leaf x) = x
amount (Branch t1 t2) = ?fun (amount t1) (amount t2)

(2) Lexical Scoping:

data Tree = Leaf Integer | Branch Tree Tree

amount :: (Integer - Integer - Integer) - Tree - Integer
amount fun = amount where {
amount (Leaf x) = x
; amount (Branch t1 t2) = fun (amount t1) (amount t2) }

(3) UnsafePerformIO:

import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

data Tree = Leaf Integer | Branch Tree Tree

amount :: Tree - Integer
amount (Leaf x) = x
amount (Branch t1 t2) = fun (amount t1) (amount t2)
  where fun = unsafePerformIO ...

I'm not happy with any of these options. Personally, I would probably go 
ahead and transform the whole program just to get the value of fun to 
where it is needed. Nevertheless, having actually done this before, I 
understand why Martin Odersky doesn't like doing it :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Martin Odersky on What's wrong with Monads

2012-06-26 Thread Tillmann Rendel


MightyByte wrote:

Of course every line of your program that uses a Foo will change if you switch
to IO Foo instead.

But we often have to also change lines that don't use Foo at all. For 
example, here is the type of binary trees of integers:

  data Tree = Leaf Integer | Branch (Tree Integer) (Tree Integer)

A function to add up all integers in a tree:

  amount:: Tree - Integer
  amount (Leaf x) = x
  amount (Branch t1 t2) = amountt1 + amountt2

All fine so far. Now, consider the following additional requirement: If 
the command-line flag --multiply is set, the function amount computes 
the product instead of the sum.

In a language with implicit side effects, it is easy to implement this. 
We just change the third line of the amount function to check whether to 
call (+) or (*). In particular, we would not touch the other two lines.

How would you implement this requirement in Haskell without changing the 
line amount (Leaf x) = x?

(I actually see three ways of doing this in Haskell, but all have 
serious drawbacks and do not fully solve the problem).

Here it seems not so bad just to change all three lines of the amount 
function, even if they are not strictly related to the semantic change 
we want to make. But in a real program, this situation can translate to 
changing thousands of lines of code in many functions just to implement 
a minor change to a single requirement.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: set-monad

2012-06-22 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi George,

thanks for your detailed reply.

George Giorgidze wrote:

The key to the approach used in set-monad is to make progress with the
evaluation of the unconstrained constructors (i.e., Return, Bind, Zero
and Plus) without using constrained set-specific operations. It turns
out that for several cases one can progress with the evaluation
without duplicating f (evaluation relies on monoid laws, Plus is
associative and Zero is left and right identity of Plus). I have
pushed those optimisations to the repo. These optimisations also cover
your example.


In your email, you have also asked:

I suspect that I can achieve similar results by using the list monad and
converting to a set in the very end. In what situations can I benefit from

Sometimes set is a more appropriate data structure than list. [...]

Of course. But I was wondering whether something like set-monad could be 
implemented with

  newtype Set a = Set [a]

instead of

  data Set a = Prim ... | Return ... | Bind ... | ...

Both approaches can offer the same interface, but now I think I see two 
reasons why the latter is more efficient than the former: (1) It allows 
to use set-operations when an Ord is known, for example, when the user 
calls union, and (2) It allows optimizations like you describe above.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Layout Rule

2012-06-21 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Michael,

Michael D. Adams wrote:

I am looking for background material on how GHC and other Haskell
compilers implement the layout rule.

In the context of our work on syntactic extensibility, we have 
implemented a declarative and extensible mechanism to specify and 
implement layout rules. A paper about the approach is currently under 
review, and a draft is available [1]. The implementation and evaluation 
data is available [2].


We used our parser in the implementation of SugarHaskell, a 
syntactically extensible variant of Haskell. A paper about SugarHaskell 
is currently under review, and again, a draft is available [3].
The implementation can be installed as an Eclipse plugin from the SugarJ 
website [4]. A command-line version is forthcoming.


Best Regards,

 Tillmann (on behalf of the SugarJ team)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: set-monad

2012-06-17 Thread Tillmann Rendel


David Menendez wrote:

As you noticed, you can get somewhat better performance by using the
combinators that convert to S.Set internally, because they eliminate
redundant computations later on.

Somewhat better? My example was three times faster, and I guess that 
the fast variant is O(n) and the slow variant is O(n²). So I expect that 
for some applications, the Set interface is more than fast enough and 
the MonadPlus-interface is much too slow.

(Why is unioned faster then numbers? Is union doing some rebalancing? Can I
trigger that effect directly?)

It's because mplus a b= f turns into mplus (a= f) (b= f),
whereas unioned takes the union before calling f.

Here, you compare mplused to unioned, but in the parentheses, I asked 
about numbers and unioned (from my last email).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: set-monad

2012-06-16 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi George,

George Giorgidze wrote:

I would like to announce the first release of the set-monad library.

On Hackage:

Very cool. Seems to work fine. But I am wondering about the impact of 
using your package on asymptotic complexity (and thereby, on performance).

From your implementation:

data Set a where
  Prim   :: (Ord a) = S.Set a - Set a
  Zero   :: Set a
  Plus   :: Set a - Set a - Set a

I notice that this part of your datatype looks like a binary tree of 
sets. Lets see how your run function treats it:

run :: (Ord a) = Set a - S.Set a
run (Prim s)  = s
run (Zero)= S.empty
run (Plus ma mb)  = S.union (run ma) (run mb)

As expected, the Prim-Zero-Plus structure is treated as a binary tree of 
sets, and run collects all the sets together. That is probably fine, 
because it should have the same complexity as combining these sets in 
the first place.

run (Bind (Prim s) f) = S.foldl' S.union S.empty ( (run . f) s)
run (Bind Zero _) = S.empty
run (Bind (Plus ma mb) f) = run (Plus (Bind ma f) (Bind mb f))

But when I use the binary tree of sets on the left-hand side of a bind, 
your run function has to naively traverse the whole tree. So if the same 
elements are included in many sets in the tree of sets, these elements 
will be processed more than once, so the overall complexity is worse 
than necessary.

Here's a ghci session that seems to confirm my suspicion. I first define 
a function using set-monad's convenient monad instance for sets:

$ :m +Control.Monad Data.Set.Monad
$ let s1 `times` s2 = do {e1 - s1; e2 - s2; return (e1, e2)}

Now I produce some test data:

$ let numbers = fromList [1 .. 1000]
$ let unioned = numbers `union` numbers
$ let mplused = numbers `mplus` numbers

Note that these three sets are all equivalent.

$ (numbers == unioned, numbers == mplused, unioned == mplused)
(True, True, True)

However, they behave differently when passed to the times function 
above. numbers and unioned are similarly fast:

$ :set +s
$ size $ numbers `times` numbers
(2.56 secs, 1315452984 bytes)

$ size $ unioned `times` unioned
(2.39 secs, 1314950600 bytes)

(Why is unioned faster then numbers? Is union doing some rebalancing? 
Can I trigger that effect directly?)

But mplused is much slower:

$ size $ mplused `times` mplused
(10.83 secs, 5324731444 bytes)

I suspect that I can achieve similar results by using the list monad and 
converting to a set in the very end. In what situations can I benefit 
from set-monad?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Typed TemplateHaskell?

2012-05-23 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Ilya,

Ilya Portnov wrote:

As far as can I see, using features of last GHC one could write typed TH
library relatively easily, and saving backwards compatibility.

For example, now we have Q monad and Exp type in template-haskell
package. Let's imagine some new package, say typed-template-haskell,
with new TQ monad and new polymorphic type Exp :: * - *. Using last
GHC's features, one will easily write something like expr :: Exp
String, which will mean that expr represents a string expression. And
we will need a new function, say runTQ :: TQ a - Q a (or some more
complicated type), which will turn TypedTemplateHaskell's constructs
into plain TH.

That would be a good thing to have. But it might be quite hard to 
implement. For example, I guess you might want to have functions like 
this one:

  apply :: Exp (a - b) - Exp a - Exp b

This function takes two typed expressions and produces an application. 
The types ensure that the generated application will typecheck. Cool.

But can you do the same thing for lambdas? Lambdas create functions, so 
the type would be something like the following:

  lambda :: ... - Exp (a - b)

But what would you put instead of the ...?

I fear that overall, you would have to reimplement Haskell's type system 
in Haskell's type system. Which sounds like a cool thing to do, but 
maybe not so easily.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: unfoldable-0.4.0

2012-04-26 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

Just as there's a Foldable class, there should also be an Unfoldable class. 
This package provides one:

   class Unfoldable t where
 unfold :: Unfolder f =  f a -  f (t a)

Just to be sure: That's not a generalization of Data.List.unfoldr, or is 
it somehow?

Different unfolders provide different ways of generating values, for example:
  - Random values
  - Enumeration of all values (depth-first or breadth-first)
  - Convert from a list
  - An implementation of QuickCheck's arbitrary should also be possible (still 
working on that)

Can this be extended to provide a single API that allows testing à la 
SmallCheck, LazySmallCheck and/or QuickCheck without duplicating 
properties or instances?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I Need a Better Functional Language!

2012-04-05 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Paul R wrote:

I am curious what are interesting use-cases for that? Symbolic
analysis? self-compilers?

Optimization. For example, imagine the following definition of function 

  map f . map g = map (f . g)
  f . g = \x - f (g x)

In Haskell, we cannot write this, because we cannot pattern match on 
function calls.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Are there arithmetic composition of functions?

2012-03-20 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi, wrote:

I feel it would be very natural to have in haskell something like
--define g here
--define h here
f = g+h --instead of f t = g t+h t
--Of course, f = g+h is defined as f t = g t+h t

One approach to achieve this is to define your own version of +, using 
the equation in the last comment of the above code snippet:

  (g .+. h) t = g t + h t

Now you can write the following:

  f = g .+. h

You could now implement .*., ./. and so on. (I use the dots in the 
operator names because the operator is applied pointwise). The 
implementations would look like this:

  (g .+. h) t = g t + h t
  (g .*. h) t = g t * h t
  (g ./. h) t = g t / h t

This is a bit more low-tech than the proposals in the other answers, but 
might be good enough for some applications.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Theoretical question: are side effects necessary?

2012-03-16 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Christopher Svanefalk wrote:

Are there any problems which *cannot* be solved a side effect-free language
(such as Haskell)?

No. Haskell is expressive enough.

One way to prove that is to implement an interpreter for a language with 
side effects in Haskell. Now if there's a program P to solve a problem 
in the language-with-side-effects, we can run that interpreter on P to 
solve the same problem in Haskell. The interpreter could use a Data.Map 
to associate variable names with values. That would probably not be the 
fastest or the most memory efficient implementation of the 
language-with-side-effects, but it would work.

The same trick of implementing one language in the other can be done for 
almost every pair of reasonably expressive languages, so they are all 
equally expressive in a sense. It is even widely believed that no even 
more expressive language can exist. That means that if a problem can be 
solved by a computer at all, it can also be solved using any of these 
reasonably expressive languages. That is the Church-Turing-Hypothesis.

(And the other way around: if the hypothesis is true, and a problem can 
not be solved in one of these languages, that problem cannot be solved 
with a computer at all. Unfortunately, many interesting problems are 
like that).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] puzzling polymorphism behavior (7.0.3 windows)

2012-03-15 Thread Tillmann Rendel


this is one of the reasons why unsafePerformIO is not type-safe. Lets 
see what's going on by figuring out the types of the various definitions.

cell = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef []

newIORef returns a cell which can hold values of the same type as its 
arguments. The type of the empty list is [a], because an empty list 
could be a list of arbitrary elements. So the overall type of cell is:

cell :: IORef [a]

cell returns a cell which can hold lists of arbitrary elements.

push i = modifyIORef cell (++ [i])

Lets say i is of some type b. Then cell needs to hold lists of the type 
b. So in this use of cell, the type variable is instantiated to b, and 
the overall type of push is:

push :: b - IO ()

So push can accept arbitrary values, and appends them to the list hold 
by cell. (Note that ghc reports the type as (a - IO ()), but that 
really means the same thing as (b - IO ()).

main = do
  push 3

Here, since you call push with 3, b is chosen to be Int. After this 
line, the cell holds the list [3].

  push x

Here, since you call push with x, b is chosen to be String. After this 
line, the cell holds the list [3, x], which is not well-typed. You 
tricked Haskell to produce an ill-typed list by using unsafePerformIO.

  readIORef cell = return

Here, it is not clear how you want to instantiate the type variable a in 
the type of cell. So lets assume that we want to return a value of type 
c, and instantiate a with c. So even though at this point, the list 
contains an Int and a String, we can (try to) extract whatever type we 
want from the list. Therefore, the overall type of main is:

  main :: IO [c]

*Main  main

Now once more, it is not clear how you want to instantiate c, so, by 
default, () is chosen. That default is only active in ghci, by the way. 
main will extract the Int 3 and the String x from the list, but treat 
them as if they were of type ().

Here you get lucky: Since there's only one value of type (), ghci can 
show () without looking at it too deeply, so even though this program 
is not type-safe in a sense, it works fine in practice. But try forcing 
ghci to consider a more interesting type instead of ():

*Main main :: IO [Int]

The string x is reinterpreted as a number and shown as such. You can 
try other types instead of Int until your ghci crashes because you 
access some memory you shouldn't have looked at or try to execute some 
random part of your memory as code.

So to summarize, your code exhibits the (well-known) fact that 
unsafePerformIO is not type-safe, because it can be used to implement a 
polymorphic reference, which is a Bad Thing.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: exists-0.1

2012-02-06 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Gábor Lehel wrote:

data E = forall a. C a = E a

I don't know if anyone's ever set out what the precise requirements
are for a type class method to be useful with existentials.

More than you seem to think. For example:

  data Number = forall a . Num a = Number a

  foo :: Number - Number
  foo (Number x) = Number (x * x + 3)

So the binary operation (*) can be used.

Note that from a type-checking perspective, the pattern match on (Number 
x) also extracts the type, which is then available when checking the 
right-hand side.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Robert Clausecker wrote:

Image you would create your own language with a paradigm similar to
Haskell or have to chance to change Haskell without the need to keep any
compatibility. What stuff would you add to your language, what stuff
would you remove and what problems would you solve completely different?

I would try to improve the language's support for the embedding of 
domain-specific embedded languages (aka. combinator libraries). Such 
embedding requires the integration of a domain-specific language's 
syntax, static semantics and dynamic semantics. Some (more or less far 
fetched) ideas about these three areas follow.

To support better syntax for embedded languages, provide more rebindable 
syntax à la do-notation. For example, (if c then t else e) currently 
desugars to (case c of False - e; True - t). But it could also desugar 
to (if' c t e) where if' is a method of a type class. For (c : Bool), 
the standard library would provide an instance of this type class, but 
for other condition types, third-party libraries could provide it. 
Alternatively, if-then-else could even desugar to whatever if' is in 
scope. A similar idea is currently applied to Scala in the 
scala-virtualized project. A large part of the language should be 
virtualized this way, including pattern matching, lambda expressions, 
maybe even type or class declarations.

To support better static semantics for embedded languages, provide 
better type-level computation, including some form of closed-world 
reasoning (for example, backtracking or closed pattern matching) and a 
reification of names at the type level, so that type-level computations 
can reason about the binding structures of expressions-level code. Note 
that I am interested in the static structure of terms, not their dynamic 
behavior, so this is different from dependent types.

With Haskell being a fine general-purpose programming language, and even 
having a good foreign language interface, there is already plenty of 
support for the specification of dynamic semantics. Nevertheless, for 
domain-specific embedded compilers, it would possibly be nice to access 
a Haskell compiler at runtime, to compile snippets of Haskell code and 
dynamically link them into the currently running program.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Putting constraints on internal type variables in GADTs

2011-11-08 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Anupam Jain wrote:

-- My datatype
data T o where
   Only ∷ o → T o
   TT ∷ T o1 → (o1 → o2) → T o2

-- Show instance for debugging
instance Show o ⇒ Show (T o) where
   show (Only o) = Only  ⊕ (show o)
   show (TT t1 f) = TT ( ⊕ (show t1) ⊕ )

As you noticed, the last line doesn't work because t1 is of some unknown 
type o1, and we know nothing about o1. In particular, we don't know how 
to show values of type t1, neither at compile time nor at runtime. I 
can't see a way around that.

However, for debugging, you could do:

  show (TT t1 f) = TT ( ++ show (f t1) ++ )

This is not perfect, but at least it should work.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal: remove Stability from haddock documentation on hackage

2011-06-07 Thread Tillmann Rendel


James Cook wrote:

As far as Control.Applicative, I'm not sure to what package you're
referring. That label doesn't apply to modules, it applies to packages,
and Control.Applicative is a part of the base package (which is not
labeled experimental).

in the upper right corner, the module is marked as experimental. I 
think this is a Haddock feature, not a Hackage feature.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] representing spreadsheets

2011-05-27 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Eric Rasmussen wrote:

The spreadsheet analogy isn't too literal as I'll be using this for data
with a more regular structure. For instance, one grid might have 3 columns
where every item in column one is a CellStr, every item in column two a
CellStr, and every item in column 3 a CellDbl, but within a given grid there
won't be surprise rows with extra columns or columns that contain some cell
strings, some cell ints, etc.

Sounds more like a database than like a spreadsheet.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] object oriented technique

2011-03-30 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Steffen Schuldenzucker wrote:

data Shape = Shape {
draw :: String
copyTo :: Double -  Double - Shape

Tad Doxsee wrote:

Suppose that the shape class has 100 methods and that 1000 fully
evaluated shapes are placed in a list.

The above solution would store the full method table with each object.
Instead, we could share the method tables between objects. An object 
would then uniformly contain two pointers: One pointer to the method 
table, and one poiner to the internal state.

  {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, Rank2Types #-}

  data Object methods = forall state . Object {
methods :: methods state,
state :: state

Calling a method requires dereferencing both pointers.

  call :: (forall state . methods state - state - a) -
  (Object methods - a)
  call method (Object methods state) = method methods state

Using this machinery, we can encode the interface for shapes.

  data ShapeClass state = ShapeClass {
draw :: state - String,
copyTo :: state - Double - Double - Shape

  type Shape = Object ShapeClass

An implementation of the interface consists of three parts: A datatype 
or the internal state, a method table, and a constructor.

  data RectangleState = RectangleState {rx, ry, rw, rh :: Double}

  rectangleClass :: ShapeClass RectangleState
  rectangleClass = ShapeClass {
draw = \r -
  Rect ( ++ show (rx r) ++ ,  ++ show (ry r) ++ ) -- 
   ++ show (rw r) ++  x  ++ show (rh r),
copyTo = \r x y - rectangle x y (rw r) (rh r)

  rectangle :: Double - Double - Double - Double - Shape
  rectangle x y w h
= Object rectangleClass (RectangleState x y w h)

The analogous code for circles.

  data CircleState = CircleState {cx, cy, cr :: Double}

  circleClass :: ShapeClass CircleState
  circleClass = ShapeClass {
draw = \c -
  Circ ( ++ show (cx c) ++ ,  ++ show (cy c)++ ) -- 
  ++ show (cr c),
copyTo = \c x y - circle x y (cr c)

  circle :: Double - Double - Double - Shape
  circle x y r
= Object circleClass (CircleState x y r)

Rectangles and circles can be stored together in usual Haskell lists, 
because they are not statically distinguished at all.

  -- test
  r1 = rectangle 0 0 3 2
  r2 = rectangle 1 1 4 5
  c1 = circle 0 0 5
  c2 = circle 2 0 7

  shapes = [r1, r2, c1, c2]

  main = mapM_ (putStrLn . call draw) shapes

While this does not nearly implement all of OO (no inheritance, no late 
binding, ...), it might meet your requirements.


PS. You could probably use a type class instead of the algebraic data 
type ShapeClass, but I don't see a benefit. Indeed, I like how the code 
above is very explicit about what is stored where. For example, in the 
code of the rectangle function, it is clearly visible that all shapes 
created with that function will share a method table.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy evaluation and tail-recursion

2011-03-17 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Daniel Fischer wrote:

Let's look at the following code:

countdown n = if n == 0 then 0 else foo (n - 1)



if' c t e = if c then t else e
countdown' n = if' (n == 0) 0 (foo (n - 1))


Yes to both substitutions. Looks like I need an email client with ghc 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type trickery

2011-03-16 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Andrew,

Andrew Coppin wrote:

You could define a function:

withContainer ∷ (∀ s. Container s → α) → α

which creates a container, parameterizes it with an 's' that is only
scoped over the continuation and applies the continuation to the
created container.

Hmm, yes. That will work, but I wonder if there's some way of doing this
that doesn't limit the scope of the container to one single span of code...

You can write helper functions which take containers as argument by 
parameterizing these helper functions over s:

  takesTwoContainers :: Container s1 - Container s2 - ...
  takesTwoContainers c1 c2 = ... -- c1 and c2 can be used here

This function could be called like this:

  withContainer (\c1 -
withContainer (\c2 -
  takesTwoContainers c1 c2)) -- c1 and c2 can be used here

In this example, the scope of the containers is not limited to a single 
span of code.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy evaluation and tail-recursion

2011-03-16 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Yves Parès wrote:

A question recently popped into my mind: does lazy evaluation reduce the
need to proper tail-recursion?
I mean, for instance :

fmap f [] = []
fmap f (x:xs) = f x : fmap f xs

Here fmap is not tail-recursive, but thanks to the fact that operator (:) is
lazy, I think that it may still run in constant space/time, am I right?

In a sense, that definition of fmap is tail-recursive.

To see that, consider how a non-strict list could be encoded in a strict 

  data EvaluatedList a
=  Cons a (List a)
|  Empty

  type List a
= () - EvaluatedList a

  map :: (a - b) - (List a - List b)
  map f xs
= \_ - case xs () of
  Cons x xs  -  Cons (f x) (\_ - map f xs ())
  Empty  -  Empty

Here, the call to map is more visibly in tail position.

So I would say that in Haskell, tail-call optimization is just as 
important as, for example, in Scheme. But tail positions are not defined 
syntactically, but semantically, depending on the strictness properties 
of the program.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy evaluation and tail-recursion

2011-03-16 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Daniel Fischer wrote:

   data EvaluatedList a

  =  Cons a (List a)

  |  Empty

type List a

  = () -  EvaluatedList a

map :: (a -  b) -  (List a -  List b)
map f xs

  = \_ -  case xs () of

Cons x xs  -   Cons (f x) (\_ -  map f xs ())
Empty  -   Empty

Here, the call to map is more visibly in tail position.

According to the definition of tail recursion that I know, that's not tail

My point is that the call to map is in tail position, because it is  
the last thing the function (\_ - map f xs ()) does. So it is not a  
tail-recursive call, but it is a tail call.

Of course, (\_ - map f xs ()) does not occur literally in the Haskell  
implementation of map, but the runtime behavior of the Haskell  
implementation of map is similar to the runtime behavior of the code  
above in a strict language.

Let's look at the following code:

  countdown n = if n == 0 then 0 else foo (n - 1)

  if' c t e = if c then t else e
  countdown' n = if' (n == 0) 0 (foo (n - 1))

countdown is clearly tail-recursive. Because of Haskell's non-strict  
semantics, countdown and countdown' have the same runtime behavior. I  
therefore submit that countdown' is tail-recursive, too.

So I think that in a non-strict language like Haskell, we need to  
define tail position semantically, not syntactically.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question on a common pattern

2011-03-15 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Donn Cave wrote:

 someIO= f where
   f Opt1 = ...

I like this ... or, I would like it, if I could make it work!

I get The last statement in a 'do' construct must be an expression,

Where-clauses can only be used on equations, not on expressions or 
statements, so you would need to float the where clause outwards:

foo = do someIO = f
  where f = ...

Or you can use let-in-expressions or let-statements to bind local values 
(or functions) in do-notation:

  do let f = ...
 result - someIO = f


  do result - let f = ... in
 someIO = Op1 = ..

HTH, Tillmann

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Examples for the problem

2011-03-02 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Robert Clausecker wrote:

Each instruction has up to three operands, looking like this:

 @+4 (Jump for bytes forward)
  foo (the string foo

etc. A string literal may contain anything but a newline, (there are
no escape codes or similar). But when I  add a check for a newline,
the parser just fails and the next one is tried. This is undesired, as
I want to return an error like unexpected newline instead. How is
this handled in other parsers?

I would expect that the other parsers are tried, but fail, because they 
do not accept an initial quotation mark. You get two errors messages then:

  1. Unexpected newline after quotation mark
  2. Unexpected quotation mark

These two error messages reflect the two ways to solve the problem: 
Either delete the first quotation mark, or add a second one.


PS. Please use Reply to answer posts, so that they can be put into the 
same thread.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Rebindable 'let' for observable sharing?

2011-03-01 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Bas van Dijk wrote:

For the record: are you talking about rewriting:

let f = e in b

into something like:

(\f -  e) `letin` (\f -  b)

where `letin` can be overloaded (rebinded is probably the better
term) and has the default implementation:

letin :: (a -  a) -  (a -  b) -  b
fe `letin` fb = fb (fix fe)

I don't see how this captures the static semantics of let.

In the original code, f can be polymorphic, but in the desugared 
version, f is monomorphic. Maybe the following works with an appropriate 
set of extensions enabled:

First, infer the type of f in (let f = e in b) and call it T.

Then, rewrite (let f = e in b) to ((\f :: T - e) `letin` (\f - b)).

But Henning's original goal to open a way to implement observable 
sharing as needed in EDSLs by a custom 'fix' might be easier to achieve 
by desugaring let expressions into let expressions with some extra 
function applications:

  let f = e in b

would become something like

  let f = hook1 e in hook2 f b

Now, hook1 would default to id, and hook2 would default to (const id). I 
think this would capture the static and dynamic semantics of let 
expressions, and it might be enough to implement observable sharing.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Performance difference between ghc and ghci

2011-02-22 Thread Tillmann Rendel


C K Kashyap wrote:

I missed out the optimization bit  yes, that would make a difference.
However beyond that is it not just about graph reduction which should be
the same?

Even if the number of reduction steps is the same, the bytecode 
interpreter is still slower than compiled code, because it takes more 
processor cycles per reduction step. This interpretative overhead could 
be avoided, for example, using just-in-time compilation à la Smalltalk 
or Java.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proving correctness

2011-02-14 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Pedro Vasconcelos wrote:

This is because all input and output data flow is type checked in a
function application, whereas imperative side effects might escape

For example, the type signature for a variable swapping procedure in C:

void swap(int *a, int *b)

This will still type check even if it modified only one of the argument
references. However, if written functionally, it must return a pair:

swap :: (Int,Int) -  (Int,Int)

This benefit of explicit input and output values can interact nicely 
with parametric polymorphism:

  swap :: (a, b) - (b, a)

This more general type signature makes sure we are not just returning 
the input values unswapped.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] combined parsing pretty-printing

2011-01-26 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Ozgur,

Ozgur Akgun wrote:

I can write (separately) a parser and a pretty-printer [...]
Is there any work to combine the two?

Brent Yorgey wrote:

Maybe take a look at Invertible Syntax Descriptions: Unifying Parsing
and Pretty Printing by Tillmann Rendel and Klaus Ostermann from last
year's Haskell Symposium:

It's a beautiful paper, and perhaps the code will work for you
(although it's too bad it's not on Hackage).

Indeed, I started this project for exactly the reason Ozgur describes: I 
needed to duplicate a lot of information between parsers and pretty 
printers and was annoyed about it. With invertible syntax descriptions, 
I now write a single program, which looks like a combinator parser 
(think Parsec), but can work as a pretty printer, too.

I just uploaded the code from the paper (and some additional 
combinators) to Hackage:

I use this code for the implementation of some very small languages 
(think lambda calculus). This works fine.

I haven't really tried it for larger languages, but we have two students 
here in Marburg implementing a parser for Java using the library, so we 
are going to have experience with larger languages in a few weeks 

If you give it a try, I would be happy to receive success stories, bug 
reports, patches, feature requests etc. I want to keep working on this, 
and I am open for suggestions.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Reader monad

2010-12-29 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Michael Rice wrote:

I think of (r - m a) as a type signature and Int or Bool by themselves
as types. So, all type signatures are themselves types?


In Haskell, functions are first class, so function types like (r - m a) 
are themselves types.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2010-12-28 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Jonathan Geddes wrote:

For TH use #1, compile-time parsing of arbitrary strings, I think it
would be nice for quasiquote semantics to be modified so that code

json :: String -  JsonObject
json = ...

data = [ json |
{ name : Jonathan
, favorite language: Haskell

causes the function json to be called at compile time with a string
argument of{\name\ : \Jonathan\\n   , \favorite language\:
\Haskell\\n   }. The whole expression being then replaced with the
result of the function application. What I like about this is that
defining quasiquoters is trivial. They're just functions of the form
String -  a. Many such quasiquoters already exist and would be ready
for use! I imagine certain rules would apply, ie a quasiquoter must be
defined prior to use and in a separate module, etc.

First note that this is just quotation, not yet quasiquotation. For 
quasiquotation, you would also need to support antiquotation (i.e., the 
use of Haskell identifiers or even expressions in the middle of quoted 
syntax). And to reach something similar to the current support for 
quasiquotation, you would need to support patterns etc., too.

Secondly, I was going to propose to use generic programming to convert 
from a parser like (String - JsonObject) to a quasiquoter for Json. But 
after half a day of experiments, I figured out that this idea is already 
developed in

  Geoffrey B. Mainland.
  Why It's Nice to be Quoted: Quasiquoting for Haskell.
  Haskell Workshop 2007

  Available at:

In that paper, Geoffrey Mainland explains how a parser can be 
generically upgraded to a quoter, reaching an intermediate conclusion on 
page 6:

By using generic programming, we can take a parser and create
expression and pattern quasiquoters for the language it parses with
only four lines of code, including type signatures! This holds not
just for our simple object language, but for any object language.

He goes on to explain how to add support for antiquotation [...] with 
only slightly more than four lines of code.

The functions dataToExpQ and dataToPatQ from that paper are available in 
the TH library in Language.Haskell.TH.Quote. A simple helper function

  quasiQuoter :: Data a = (String - Either String a) - QuasiQuoter
  quasiQuoter parser = QuasiQuoter
{ quoteExp = either fail (dataToExpQ (const Nothing)) . parse
, quotePat = either fail (dataToPatQ (const Nothing)) . parse

should allow you to write your JSON example as follows:

  parse :: String - Either String JsonObject
  parse = ...

  json = quasiQuoter parse

This seems simple enough to me, so it looks as if your use case is 
already supported as a library on top of the more general API.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Functor = Applicative = Monad

2010-12-15 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi John,

John Smith wrote:

Perhaps pattern match failures in a MonadPlus should bind to mzero - I
believe that this is what your example and similar wish to achieve.

You updated the proposal to say:

a failed pattern match should error in the same way as is does for pure code, 
while in
MonadPlus, the current behaviour could be maintained with mzero

Can you be more specific as to how that would interact with polymorphism 
and type inference? What does it mean to be in MonadPlus? How does the 
compiler know?

For example, what would be the static types and dynamic semantics of the 
following expressions:

 1. \a - do {Just x - return (Just a); return x}

 2. do {Just x - return Nothing; return x}

 3. \a - do {Just x - a; return x}

 4. \a b - do {(x, _) - return (a, b); return x}

 5. \a - do {(x, _) - return a; return x}


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Functor = Applicative = Monad

2010-12-15 Thread Tillmann Rendel

John Smith proposed:

a failed pattern match should error in the same way as is does for
pure code, while in MonadPlus, the current behaviour could be
maintained with mzero

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

Any refutable pattern match in do would force MonadFail (or MonadPlus
if you prefer).

I guess that would work out, but I think John proposed something else.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Functor = Applicative = Monad

2010-12-14 Thread Tillmann Rendel


John Smith wrote:

I would like to formally propose that Monad become a subclass of

A lot of code would break because of this change, but all problems 
should be reported at compile time, and are easy to fix. In most of the 
cases, either adding obvious Functor and Applicative instances to a 
library; or deleting such instances from a client, I would expect. This 
kind of clean-up would actually increase the quality of the library, 
however, and might therefore be acceptable.

The change is  described on the wiki at

There you write, among other things:

fail should be removed from Monad; a failed pattern match could error in the 
same way as is does for pure code.

How is this part of the proposal related to Functor and Applicative?

Since code depending on the current behavior can not be detected at 
compile time, this is a more serious change in a way: code keeps 
compiling but changes its meaning. Can you estimate how much code would 
break because of this change?

Would it be possible to keep user-defined failure handling in do 
notation without keeping fail in Monad?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: Reply-To: Header in Mailinglists

2010-11-23 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Nick Bowler wrote:

There is another header, Mail-Followup-To, which tells MUAs to also drop
the To and CC lists.

Interesting. So is it a good idea to use Mail-Followup-To to move a 
discussion from one list to another?

  Subject: Foo on the iPhone (was: [Haskell] [ANN] Foo released!)

Or should I rather swap To and CC? Or leave out hask...@... completely?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Musings on type systems

2010-11-20 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Andrew,

Andrew Coppin wrote:

Now, what about type variables? What do they do? Well now, that seems to
be slightly interesting, since a type variable holds an entire type
(whereas normal program variables just hold a single value), and each
occurrance of the same variable is statically guaranteed to hold the
same thing at all times. It's sort of like how every instance of a
normal program variable holds the same value, except that you don't
explicitly say what that value is; the compiler infers it.

What do you mean by hold the same thing at all times?

Consider the following program:

  id :: forall a . a - a
  id x = x

  call1 :: Bool
  call1 = id True

  call2 :: Int
  call2 = id 42

This program contains a type variable a, and a value variable x. Now, 
these variables do *not* mean the same thing at all times. In the first 
call of id, a is Bool and x is True; but in the second call of id, a is 
Int and x is 42. If these variables would mean the same thing at all 
times, I would expect them to be called constants, wouldn't you?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Musings on type systems

2010-11-20 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Ketil Malde wrote:

  data Sum a b = A a | B b -- values = values in a + values in b
  data Prod a b = P a b-- values = values in a * values in b

I guess this makes [X] an exponential type, although I don't remember
seeing that term :-)

I would expect the exponential type to be (a - b):

 type Exp b a = a - b -- values = values in b ^ values in a

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Reply-To: Header in Mailinglists

2010-11-19 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Bastian,

Bastian Erdnüß wrote:

It would make my life a little bit more easy if the mailing lists on would add a Reply-To: header automatically to each
message containing the address of the mailing list, the message was
sent to.  Usually that's the place where others would want to sent
the answers to, I would suppose.

The mailing lists on set the List-Post: header to the adress 
of the list, and many mail clients use this information to allow reply 
to list somehow. If your client doesn't, you can manually work around 
the problem by reply to all and possibly deleting the email adress of 
the original sender.

I use Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1.6, and I have configured it to show a 
button reply to list between reply to all and forward.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] intent-typing

2010-11-16 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Marcus Sundman wrote:

Hi, how would one go about implementing (or using if it's supported
out-of-the-box) intent-typing* for haskell?

A basic technique is to use newtype declarations to declare separate 
types for separate intents.

  module StringSafety
   ( SafeString ()
   , UnsafeString ()
   , quote
   , considerUnsafe
   ) where

newtype SafeString = SafeString String
newtype UnsafeString = UnsafeString String

considerUnsafe :: String - UnsafeString
considerUnsafe s = UnsafeString s

quote :: UnsafeString - SafeString
quote (UnsafeString s) = SafeString s' where
  s' = ... s ...

This module does not export the SafeString and UnsafeString 
constructors, so we can be sure that no other code in the program can 
invent SafeStrings which are not really safe. Every string can be safely 
treated as unsafe, however, so we export a function considerUnsafe which 
does so.

Now, if we type our interface to the outside world as

  getInput  ::  ... - UnsafeString
  sendOutput::  SafeString - ...

we can be sure that a return value from getInput needs to pass through 
quote on its way to sendOutput, because quote is the only way to produce 
a SafeString.

This guarantuees safety. It has, however, a practical problem: We can't 
use the usual String functions on UnsafeString or SafeString values. For 
instance, we can't concatenate two UnsafeStrings using (++).

A naive solution would be to provide separate (++) functions for unsafe 
and safe strings:

  append_safe :: SafeString - SafeString - SafeString
  append_safe (SafeString x) (SafeString y)
= SafeString (x ++ y)

  append_unsafe :: SafeString - SafeString - SafeString
  append_unsafe (UnsafeString x) (UnsafeString y)
= UnsafeString (x ++ y)

Note that at least append_safe needs to be implemented in and exported 
from the StringSafety module. That is a good thing, because this 
function needs to be carefully checked for safety. The programmer needs 
to prove (or unit-test, or at least think about) the following theorem:

  If a and b are safe strings, so is a ++ b.

After this fact has been established, other modules are free to use 
append_safe however they like without possibly compromising safety.

Now, the above approach should work, but is still rather impractical: We 
need to copy the definitions of all String functions for unsafe and safe 
strings. However, since the bodies of all these copies are actually 
identical, so we can use parametric polymorphism to abstract over the 
difference between UnsafeString and SafeString. One way to achieve this 
is to use phantom types.

With phantom types, we declare only a single newtype for both safe and 
unsafe strings, but we annotate that type with an additional flag to 
distinguish safe from unsafe uses.

  module StringSafety
   ( AnnotatedString ()
   , Safe ()
   , Unsafe ()
   , quote
   , considerUnsafe
   , append
   ) where

data Safe = Safe
data Unsafe = Unsafe

newtype AnnotatedString safety = AnnotatedString String

considerUnsafe :: String - AnnotatedString Unsafe
considerUnsafe s = AnnotatedString s

quote :: AnnotatedString Unsafe - AnnotatedString Safe
quote (AnnotatedString s) = AnnotatedString s' where
  s' = ... s ...

  :: AnnotatedString a
  - AnnotatedString a
  - AnnotatedString a

append (AnnotatedString x) (AnnotatedString y)
  = AnnotatedString (x ++ y)

Note that AnnotatedString does not really use its type parameter safety: 
That's why it is called a phantom type. The data constructor 
AnnotatedString can be freely used to convert between safe and unsafe 
strings, so we better not export it from the module. Inside the module, 
uses of the data constructor gives rise to proof obligations as above. 
So the programmer needs to reason that the following is true to justify 
the implementation and export of append:

  If x and y have the same safety level,
  then (x ++ y) has again that same safety level.

So now, we still have to write a wrapper around each string operation, 
but at least we need to write only one such wrapper for all intents, not 
a separate wrapper for each intent.

There is an inconvenience left: We can't concatenate safe and unsafe 
strings, because both arguments to append need to have exactly the same 
type. To fix this, we first have to figure out what the result of sucha 
concatenation would be: It would be an unsafe string, because at least 
one of the inputs is unsafe. We need to teach this kind of reasoning to 
the compiler, for instance, using type families:

  type family Join a b
  type instance Join Safe Safe = Safe
  type instance Join Safe Unsafe = Unsafe
  type instance Join Unsafe Safe = Unsafe
  type instance Join Unsafe Unsafe = Unsafe

The idea is that (Join a b) is the safety level of the result of an 
operation which 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Serialization of (a - b) and IO a

2010-11-13 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Andrew Coppin wrote:

[...] if you could send a block of code from one PC to another to
execute it remotely.

Eden can do this.

Eden is a distributed Haskell: You run multiple copies of the same 
binary on different machines, and you have the (#) operator to apply 
functions *on a remote machine*. So, for example,

  process (map f) # xs

will serialize (map f) and send it over to some other machine. At that 
other machine, (map f) is deserialized and evaluated. In addition, two 
channels between the machines are opened: One for streaming the xs to 
that remote machine where the map is executed, and one for streaming the 
results back.

The process and (#) operators have the following, rather harmless 
looking types:

  process :: (a - b) - Process a b
  (#) :: Process a b - (a - b)

So no IO around, even if there is serialization and network 
communication going on. If you feel uncomfortable about that, you can 
use instantiate instead:

  instantiate :: Process a b - a - IO b

And indeed, (#) is implemented in terms of instantiate and that 
unspeakable source of all false transparency:

  p # x = unsafePerformIO (instantiate p x)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: ANNOUNCE zeno 0.1.0

2010-11-13 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Will Sonnex wrote:

Zeno is a fully automated inductive theorem proving tool for Haskell programs.

I tried it via the web interface, and it seems to be quite cool. Good work!


You can express a property such as takeWhile p xs ++ dropWhile p xs
=== xs and it will prove it to be true for all values of p :: a -
Bool and xs :: [a], over all types a, using only the function

That is surprising, given that this property does not seem to be true 
for p = const undefined and xs /= [].

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Most popular haskell applications

2010-11-06 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

people, are you know haskell apps that has more than 50k downloads per
month (or more than 25k users) ?

Possible candidates:


* XMonad

* Darcs

* Pandoc

I have no idea how to measure number of downloads or users, but pandoc 
is used outside of the Haskell community. (And it can process this email).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell is a scripting language inspired by Python.

2010-11-05 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Albert Y. C. Lai wrote:

I also invite you to play with my:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Rigid types fun

2010-11-05 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Mitar wrote:

I would like to do that to remove repeating code like:

from- newChan
for- newChan
let nerve = Nerve (Axon from) (AxonAny for)

which I have to write again and again just to make types work out. Why
I cannot move that into the function?

One option is to write a little library of functions which create axons 
and nerves:

  newAxon :: Impulse i = IO (Axon (Chan i) i AxonConductive)
  newAxon = do
chan - newChan
return (Axon chan)

  newAxonAny :: IO (Axon (Chan i) AnyImpulse AxonConductive)
  newAxonAny = do
chan - newChan
return (AxonAny chan)

  newNoAxon :: Monad m = m (Axon (Chan i) i AxonNotConductive)
  newNoAxon = do
return NoAxon

  newNerve :: Monad m = m (Axon a a' b) - m (Axon c c' d)
- m (Nerve a a' b c c' d)
  newNerve newFrom newFor = do
from - newFrom
for - newFor
return (Nerve from for)

Note that newNerve does not take Axons, but rather monadic actions which 
create Axons. Now, you can use something like

  nerve - newNerve newAxon newAxonAny

to create a concrete nerve.


PS. It might be an interesting exercise to use either liftM and liftM2 
(from Control.Monad) or the ($) and (*) operators from 
Control.Applicative to implement these functions without do notation.

PPS. Crosspost removed. I don't want to post to mailing lists which I do 
not read.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Edit Hackage

2010-10-31 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Ketil Malde wrote:

Most web-based email archives seem to suck - where can we point to a nice
URL to get an overview of a -cafe thread?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Red links in the new haskell theme

2010-10-30 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Henning Thielemann wrote:

If I enable JavaScript in Konqueror, I still see no style menu.

However I would like to get it without JavaScript. It can certainly be
achieved using a cookie.

Both stylesheets are linked to from the text of the HTML files:

link href=ocean.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css title=Ocean /

link href=xhaddock.css rel=alternate stylesheet type=text/css 
title=Classic /

Firefox uses this information to populate a menu (View | Stylesheet) 
with the following choices:

 - no style
 - Ocean
 - Classic

No need for JavaScript or cookies.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Red links in the new haskell theme

2010-10-30 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Henning Thielemann wrote:

Firefox uses this information to populate a menu (View | Stylesheet)
with the following choices:

- no style
- Ocean
- Classic

No need for JavaScript or cookies.

This would be optimal for me, if it would work this way. From the
answers I understood that the style menu is something that is part of
the document body, not something of the browser navigation toolset.

Yes, the body of the document contains an additional style menu, so on 
well-behaving browsers, there are two style menus. See screenshot at

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type class design

2010-10-29 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Uwe Schmidt wrote:

In the standard Haskell classes we can find both cases,
even within a single class.

Eq with (==) as f and (/=) as g belongs to the 1. case

Note that the case of (==) and (/=) is slightly different, because not 
only can (/=) be defined in terms (==), but also the other way around. 
The default definitions of (==) and (/=) are mutually recursive, and 
trivially nonterminating. This leaves the choice to the instance writer 
to either implement (==) or (/=). Or, for performance reasons, both.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A new cabal odissey: cabal-1.8 breaking its own neck by updating its dependencies

2010-09-12 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Giarrusso wrote:

- when recompiling a package with ABI changes, does cabal always
update dependent packages?

It never recompiles them. Recompilation should not be needed, because 
different versions of packages exports different symbols, so a package 
can never be linked against the wrong version of its dependency. 
However, see the following tickets:

Interestingly, HTTP, directory, process, zip-archive were not
reinstalled, which confirms that Cabal had reinstalled them before
just because of an upgrade to the dependencies.

I think you are misinterpreting this.

When you asked cabal-install to install pandoc, it tried to make a 
consistent install plan for all its transitive dependencies. 
cabal-install will not touch a package which is not a transitive 
dependency of the package you request to be installed. Therefore, 
cabal-install will not touch Cabal if you ask it to install pandoc.

To make a consistent install plan, cabal-install has to pick exactly one 
version number for each of the transitive dependencies, so that all 
version constraints of all transitive dependencies are fullfilled. For 
some reason, cabal-install picked old-locale- instead of the 
already installed old-locale-, and newer versions of HTTP, 
directory etc. too.

I think this is the bug: cabal-install should not be allowed to install 
old-locale, because doing so apparantly causes havoc.

Looking at the inter-dependencies of pandoc's transitive dependencies, I 
do not see a reason to install a new version of a package instead of 
keeping the old. Maybe it's somehow related to the transition from 
base-3 to base-4? But I don't know how cabal-install decides which 
install plan to follow anyway.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A new cabal odissey: cabal-1.8 breaking its own neck by updating its dependencies

2010-09-12 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Giarrusso wrote:

$ cabal install --dry cabal-install leksah-
[... does not work ...]

However, trying to install cabal-install and leksah separately works quite well.

So do install them separately.

cabal install p1 p2 is supposed to find a single consistent install plan 
for p1 and p2 and the transitive dependencies of either of them. This is 
useful if you plan to use p1 and p2 in a single project.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A new cabal odissey: cabal-1.8 breaking its own neck by updating its dependencies

2010-09-12 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Giarrusso wrote:

cabal install p1 p2 is supposed to find a single consistent install plan for
p1 and p2 and the transitive dependencies of either of them. This is useful
if you plan to use p1 and p2 in a single project.

Ahah! Then it's a feature. The need for consistency stems from a bug:
in a tracker entry you linked to,, duncan argues that
we also want to be able to do things like linking multiple versions
of a Haskell package into a single application.

I think this is a slightly different matter.

Consider a package pair, which defines an abstract datatype of pairs in 
version 1:

  module Pair (Pair, fst, snd, pair) where
data Pair a b = Pair a b

fst (Pair a b) = a
snd (Pair a b) = b
pair a b = Pair a b

In version 2 of pair, the internal representation of the datatype is 

  module Pair (Pair, fst, snd, pair) where
data Pair a b = Pair b a
fst (Pair b a) = a
snd (Pair b a) = b
pair a b = Pair b a

Now we have a package foo which depends on pair-1:

  module Foo (foo) where
import Pair

foo = pair 42 '?'

And a package bar which depends on pair-2:

  module Bar (bar) where
import Pair

bar = fst

Now, we write a program which uses both foo and bar:

  module Program where
import Foo
import Bar
main = print $ bar $ foo

Even with the technical ability to link all of foo, bar, pair-1 and 
pair-2 together, I don't see how this program could be reasonably 
compiled. Therefore, I think that the notion of consistent install plans 
is relevant semantically, not just to work around some deficiency in the 
linking system.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On to applicative

2010-09-01 Thread Tillmann Rendel

michael rice wrote:

Prelude Data.Either let m = Just 7
Prelude Data.Either :t m
m :: Maybe Integer

So to create a value of type (Maybe ...), you can use Just.

Prelude Data.Either let l = 2:[]
Prelude Data.Either :t l
l :: [Integer]

So to create a value of type [...], you can use (:) and [].

Prelude Data.Either let g = getLine
Prelude Data.Either :t g
g :: IO String

So to create a value of type (IO ...), you can use getLine.

Prelude Data.Either let e = Right abc
Prelude Data.Either :t e
e :: Either a [Char]

So to create a value of type (Either ... ...), you can use Right.

How can I similarly create an instance of (-) [...] ?

An instance of (-) is usually called a function. And functions are 
created by lambda abstraction:

  Prelude let f = \x - x
  Prelude :t f
  f :: t - t

So to create a value of type (... - ...), you can use \.

Just like Either, - is a binary type constructor. Just like (Either a 
b) is a type, (a - b) is a type. And very much like you can create 
(Either a b) values with Left and Right, you can create (a - b) values 
with \.


PS. After studying how to construct values, it may be instructive to 
study how to take them apart. For example, Bool values can be taken 
apart by if-then-else expressions. What about Either, IO and - values?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Unix emulation

2010-08-22 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Felipe Lessa wrote:

I take it that the problem is that libcurl is a C library with a
Unix-like build system, and that is the problem that needs Cygwin,

One needs a compiler and libraries on the one hand, and a bunch of 
command-line tools on the other hand. On Windows, MinGW provides the 
former, while Cygwin provides a package manager to install the latter.

MinGW seems to be bundled with the Haskell platform on Windows, so that 
should be ok.

The Cygwin tools however have to be installed in addition to the Haskell 
platform, which is no big deal, but somewhat annoying. There are two 
steps to be done:

 (1) Install the core of Cygwin, and put it in the search path after
 the MinGW bundled with the Haskell platform.

 (2) If a cabal package fails to install because some tools (bash, perl,
 sed, make, ...) are missing, install the missing tool using the
 Cygwin package manager.

So a cabal package is better suited for installation on Windows if it 
does not depend on any command-line tools for building (or operation, of 
course). In practice, that means that a portable Setup.hs should contain 
Haskell code, not system calls to command-line tools.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: philosophy of Haskell

2010-08-15 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Ertugrul Soeylemez wrote:

 let (x, world1) = getLine world0
 world2 = print (x+1) world1

If between 'getLine' and 'print' something was done by a
concurrent thread, then that change to the world is captured by 'print'.

But in a world passing interpretation of IO, print is supposed to be a 
pure Haskell function. So the value world2 can only depend on the values 
of print and world1, but not on the actions of some concurrent thread.

If print is not restricted to be a pure Haskell function, we don't need 
the world passing in the first place.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: philosophy of Haskell

2010-08-15 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

But in a world passing interpretation of IO, print is supposed to be a
pure Haskell function. So the value world2 can only depend on the values
of print and world1, but not on the actions of some concurrent thread.

the whole World includes any concurrent thread though ;)

Oh I see. So given world1, print can simulate the behavior of the 
concurrent thread to take it into account when constructing world2. 
Since that simulation depends only on world1, print is still pure.

Does that mean that world passing *does* account for concurrency after all?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: philosophy of Haskell

2010-08-15 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

I am confused by this discussion.  I originally thought some time back that
IO was about world passing, but in fact it's just handing off a baton to
insure that a particular sequence of IO functions is executed in the
specified sequence and not reordered.  Nothing in the baton is intended to
represent the actual state of the world, nor is anything said about
concurrent actions either in another thread of the current program or
elsewhere outside the program; only ordering of calls in the *current*
thread of execution.

That explains how the IO monad forces side-effecting functions into a 
specified sequence, but this discussion is about how to understand what 
these side-effecting functions do in a *pure* framework. So the idea is 
to regard, for example, putStr as a pure function from a world state to 
a different world state, assuming that the world state contains a String 
which represents the contents of the terminal. We could then implement 
and understand putStr in pure Haskell:

  data World = World {
terminal :: String

  type IO a = World - (World, a)

  putStr :: String - World - (World, ())
  putStr str world = (world {terminal = terminal world ++ str}, ())

The benefit of this point of view is that we can analyze the behavior of 
putStr. For example, by equational reasoning, we could derive the 
following equation:

  putStr s1  putStr s2   ==   putStr (s1 ++ s2)

It seems that we can account for more features of IO by adding more 
fields to the World record. This discussion is about whether we can 
account for *all* of IO this way.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A GHC error message puzzle

2010-08-14 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Simon Marlow wrote:

Really hClose shouldn't complain about a finalized handle, I'll see if
I can fix that.

That sounds like a work-around to me, not a fix, because it would not
fix more complicated exception handlers.

I don't think there's a problem with more complicated exception 
handlers.  The fix is to make the finalized Handle look like a closed 
Handle; it's a fix to the finalizer, not the exception handler, so it's 
not a workaround for this one particular symptom.

Given the documentation of bracket, I would expect the following to 
write to the file.

  main = bracket
(openFile output WriteMode)
(\handle - do
  hPutStr handle I want this to be written in any case
  hClose handle)

  blackhole = blackhole

But currently, hPutStr complains about a finalized handle, and with your 
fix, it would complain about a closed handle, which is hardly better.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A GHC error message puzzle

2010-08-13 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Simon Marlow wrote:

So what happens is this:

 - the recursive definition causes the main thread to block on itself
   (known as a black hole)

 - the program is deadlocked (no threads to run), so the runtime
   invokes the GC to see if any threads are unreachable

 - the GC finds that
   (a) the main thread is unreachable and blocked on a blackhole, so it
   gets a NonTermination exception
   (b) the Handle is unreachable, so its finalizer is started

 - the finalizer runs first, and closes the Handle

 - the main thread runs next, and the exception handler for writeFile
   tries to close the Handle, which has already been finalized

Why is the Handle found unreachable? There seems to be a pointer to the 
Handle somewhere, which is later passed to the exception handler and 
used there. Why is that pointer not regarded by GC?

Is that situation Handle-specific, or could step (b) above free memory 
the exception handler is going to acess?

Really hClose shouldn't complain about a finalized handle, I'll see if I can fix that. 

That sounds like a work-around to me, not a fix, because it would not 
fix more complicated exception handlers.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] universal quantification is to type instantiations as existential quantification is to what

2010-08-12 Thread Tillmann Rendel


to understand forall and exists in types, I find it helpful to look at 
the terms which have such types.

Joshua Ball wrote:

mapInt :: forall a. (Int - a) - [Int] - [a]

I can instantiate that function over a type and get a beta-reduced
version of the type

mapInt [String] :: (Int - String) - [Int] - [String]

So mapInt could be defined with a upper-case lambda /\ which takes a type:

  mapInt = /\a - ...

Of course, in Haskell, we don't have that lambda explicitly.

The universal quantifier is basically a
lambda, but it works at the type level instead of the value level.

Not quite. It is the /\ which is like \, except that \ takes a value, 
while /\ takes a type. Now, the type of

  /\   forall ...,

and the type of

  \ ... is   ... - ... .

Therefore, forall is similar to -. And indeed, both forall and - 
describe terms which take arguments.

However, there are two differences between - and forall. First, a term 
described by - takes a value argument, while a term described by forall 
takes a type argument. And second, the result type of a term described 
by - is independent from the argument taken, while the result type of a 
term described by forall may depend on the argument taken.

My question is... what is the analog to an existential type?

mapInt :: exists a. (Int - a) - [Int] - [a]

This mapInt could be defined with a version of the pair constructor (,) 
which accepts a type in the first component.

  mapInt = (SomeType, ...)

Note that the ... in that definition need to have the following type:

  (Int - SomeType) - [Int] - SomeType

So exists is similar to (,). Both exists and (,) describe terms which 
represent pairs.

And again, there are two differences between (,) and exists. First, a 
term described by (,) represents a pair of two values, while a term 
described by exists represents a pair of a type and a value. And second, 
the type of the second component of a term described by (,) is 
independent of the first component, while the type of the second 
component of a term described by exists may depend on the first component.

1. If I can instantiate variables in a universal quantifier, what is
the corresponding word for variables in an existential quantifier?

If foo has an universal type, the caller of foo can choose a type to be 
used by foo's body by instantiating the type variable. That type 
variable is available to foo's body.

If foo has an existential type, the body of foo can choose a type to be 
available to the caller of foo by creating an existential pair. That 
type is available to foo's caller by unpacking the existential pair, for 
example, by pattern matching.

2. If type instantiation of a universally quantified variable is
beta-reduction, what happens when existentially quantified variables
are [insert answer to question 1]?

beta-reduction happens when the type application meets the lambda 

  (/\ a - b) [T]   ~   b [a := T]

The corresponding reduction for existentials happens when the unpacking 
meets the construction of the existential pair.

  case (T, t) of (a, x) - b   ~   b [a := T; x := t]

I don't know how it is called.

BTW, note how the type variable a is bound in the pattern of the case 
expression, so it scopes over b. But the type of b is also the type of 
the overall case expression. Therefore, if the type of b would mention 
the type variable a, so would the overall type of the case expression, 
and then, the type variable a would be used out of scope. This is why 
GHC complains about escaping type variables sometimes.

3. Is there any analogue to existential quantifiers in the value
world? Forall is to lambda as exists is to what?

Forall is to lambda as exists is to (,), as discussed above.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A GHC error message puzzle

2010-08-12 Thread Tillmann Rendel


the reading is not needed to make it happen.

  main = writeFile output blackhole where blackhole = blackhole

In fact, writing is not needed either.

  main = bracket
(openFile output WriteMode)
(\hdl - blackhole `seq` return ())

  blackhole = blackhole

Note that writeFile is indeed like this, so this seems to be the same 

Sebastian Fischer wrote:

Of course, the cause is the black hole. But why is it not reported?

I guess the following happens: When the blackhole is detected in the 
third argument of bracket, the second argument is executed. But for some 
reason, the handle is already finalized at this point, so hClose raises 
an exception itself. But bracket reraises the exception from its third 
argument only if its second argument does not raise an exception itself. 
So in this case, the handle is finalized exception seems to eat the 
blackhole exception.

So the question remains: Why is the handle finalized?

(And what is finalizing an handle?)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Accepting and returning polyvariadic functions

2010-08-11 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Will Jones wrote:

  f :: Int - IO ()
  f = undefined

  g :: Int - Int - IO ()
  g = undefined

  h :: Int - Int - Int - IO ()
  h = undefined

vtuple f :: IO (Int - (Int, ()))
vtuple g :: IO (Int - Int - (Int, (Int, (

I've tried to type vtuple using a type class; [...]

I've thought about it and it seems impossible to solve this problem
-- you keep needing to ``split'' the function type one arrow further on. 

So you need to use recursion to handle the arbitrary deeply nested
arrows in the type of vtuple's argument. I tried it with type families,
but I don't see a reason why functional dependencies should not work.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies #-}
module VTupleWithTypeFamilies where

We use two type families to handle the two places where the result type
of vtuple changes for different argument types.

type family F a
type family G a r

So the intention is that the type of vtuple is as follows.

class VTuple a where
  vtuple :: a - IO (G a (F a))

The base case:

type instance F (IO ())   = ()
type instance G (IO ()) r = r

instance VTuple (IO ()) where
  vtuple = undefined

And the step case:

type instance F (a - b)   = (a, F b)
type instance G (a - b) r = a - G b r

instance VTuple b = VTuple (a - b) where
  vtuple = undefined

A test case:

f :: Int - Bool - Char - Double - IO ()
f = undefined

test = do
  vt - vtuple f
  return (vt 5 True 'x' 1.3)

Testing it with ghci yields the following type for test, which looks
good to me.

test :: IO (Int, (Bool, (Char, (Double, ()

HTH, Tillmann

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-08-11 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Dan Doel wrote:
But, to get back 
to BASIC, or C, if the language you're extending is an empty language that 
does nothing, then remaining pure to it isn't interesting. I can't actually 
write significant portions of my program in such a language, so all I'm left 
with is the DSL, which doesn't (internally) have the nice properties.

I understand your argument to be the following: Functional languages are 
built upon the lambda calculus, so a *pure* functional language has to 
preserve the equational theory of the lambda calculus, including, for 
example, beta reduction. But since BASIC or C are not built upon any 
formal calculus with an equational theory, there is not notion of purity 
for these languages.

I like your definition of purity, but I disagree with respect to your 
evaluation of BASIC and C. To me, they seem to be built upon the formal 
language of arithmetic expressions, so they should, to be pure 
arithmetic expression languages, adhere to such equations as the 
commutative law for integers.

  forall x y : integer, x + y = y + x

But due to possible side effects of x and y, languages like BASIC and C 
do not adhere to this, and many other laws. I would therefore consider 
them impure. They could be more pure by allowing side effects only in 
statements, but not in expressions.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Couple of questions about *let* within *do*

2010-08-10 Thread Tillmann Rendel

michael rice wrote:
OK, then there's also an implicit *in* after the *let* in this code. 

If you want to understand let statements in terms of let ... in ... 
expressions, you can do the following transformation:

  do s1
 let x1 = e1
 x2 = e2


  do s1
 let x1 = e1
 x2 = e2 in do s3

So in a sense, there is an implicit in do.

Must the implicit (or explicit) *in* actually use the calculated value(s)?


By the way, note that lazy evaluation applies, so the expressions bound 
in the let may or may not be evaluated, depending on the rest of the 

And, the monad can continue on after the *let* (with or without the 
*in*) as below, i.e., the *let* needn't be the last statement in the *do*?

Yes, there can be more statements after the let statement. In fact, the 
let statement must not be the last statement in the do-expression, 
because a do-expression has to end with an expression statement. 
Otherwise, what would the result of the do-expression be?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Suggestions For An Intro To Monads Talk.

2010-08-04 Thread Tillmann Rendel


aditya siram wrote:

For example in the beginning it was useful for me to think of monads
(and typeclasses really) as approximating Java interfaces.

Type classes are somewhat parallel to Java interfaces, but Monad is a 
*specific* type class, so it should be somewhat parallel to a *specific* 
Java interface, if at all.

Type classes are somewhat parallel to Java interfaces because a Java 

  interface Foo {
Result method (Argument argument);

declares that there is a set of types so that every type T in that set 
has an operation (T, Argument) - Result, with these operations all 
implemented specifically to particular type T. In Haskell, the type class

  class Foo t where
method : t - Argument - Result

expresses a similar concept. There are a number of differences though:

Firstly, in Java, calls to the method are late bound, while in Haskell, 
they are early bound. However, a kind of late bound behavior can be 
achieved using existentials.

Secondly, in Java, the receiver of the method has to be of type T, and T 
may not appear at other positions in the type of the method, while in 
Haskell, T may appear anywhere in the type of the method, even more then 

Finally, in Java, T has to be a proper type (of kind *), while in 
Haskell, it may be an improper type (of a kind involving -).

Already for the type class Functor, these differences become relevant.

  class Functor f where
fmap :: (a - b) - f a - f b

f has kind (* - *), and it is mentioned twice in the type of fmap.

Conclusion: While Haskell type classes have some similarities to Java 
interfaces, the type class Functor (or Monad, if you like) is not that 
similar to any Java interface, because it uses features specific to 
Haskell type classes which are not available in Java interfaces.

Nevertheless, it may be helpful for a Java developer to understand that 
Haskell type classes are more similar to Java interfaces than to Java 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] can Haskell do everyting as we want?

2010-08-04 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote::

My understanding of tab-completion in IDEs for Java, etc. is that it
just displayed every single possible class method for a particular
object value, and then did some kind of matching based upon what you
typed to narrow down the list, not that it was type-based.

Good completion is type based. For example, consider the following 
situations in Eclipse:

  (1) int foo = bar.cursor here
  (2) String foo = bar.cursor here

In both cases, completion will only propose methods of String and its 
super class Object, so the type of the receiver is taken into account.

Furthermore, the proposed methods will be ordered differently in (1) and 
(2). In (1), the list of proposed methods starts with methods returning 
int, while in (2), the list of proposed methods starts with methods 
returning String, so the type of the context is taken into account.

I guess that it may be easier to implement effective completion for Java 
because in Java, completion-relevant context information is often to the 
left of the completion position.

On the other hand, shouldn't constraint-based type inference à la 
Haskell be relatively easy to extend towards type-based completion? An 
IDE could infer the types of the holes in half-finished source code, and 
then try to unify the types of identifiers in scope with the type of the 
hole the programmer is typing in. If the resulting constraint system is 
consistent, the identifier should be proposed as a completion.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Laziness question

2010-07-31 Thread Tillmann Rendel

michael rice wrote:

f x = length [head x]
g x = length (tail x)

Wouldn't both functions need to evaluate x to the same level, *thunk* : 
*thunk* to insure listhood?

There is no need to insure listhood at run time, since Haskell is 
statically typed.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Tillmann Rendel

C K Kashyap wrote:

I am of the
understanding that once you into a monad, you cant get out of it? 

That's not correct.

There are many monads, including Maybe, [], IO, ... All of these monads 
provide operations (=), return and fail, and do notation implemented 
in terms of these functions, as a common interface. Using just this 
common interface, you cannot get out of the monad.

But most if not all monads also provide additional operations, specific 
to the monad in question. Often, these operations can be used to get 
out of that monad. For example, with Maybe, you can use pattern matching:

  case do x - return 5
  fail some message
  return (x + 3) of
Just a   -  a
Nothing  -  0

So we can get out of many monads, but we need to know which one it is to 
use the appropriate operation.

Kevin Jardine wrote:

I'm still trying to understand how monads interact with types so I am
interested in this as well.

From my point of view, the most important fact about monads is:

  There is nothing special about monads!

The type class Monad behaves like very other type class. A monadic type 
constructor behaves like every other type constructor. The type class 
methods (=), return and fail behave like every other type class 
method. There is nothing special about monads.

The only speciality of monads is do notation, but do notation is only a 
syntactic convenience, and can be translated into calls of (=), return 
and fail, which, as noted above, are not special in any way.

So, back to your question, since there is nothing special about monads, 
monads do not interact with types in any special way.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Can we come out of a monad?

2010-07-30 Thread Tillmann Rendel


I wrote:

There is nothing special about monads!

Kevin Jardine wrote:

I've seen plenty of comments suggesting that monads are easy to
understand, but for me they are not.

My point was that monads are not a language feature whith special 
treatment of the compiler, but more like a design pattern or a standard 
interface, a way of using the language. There is no compiler magic about 
monads. Therefore, they can, in principle, be understand by reading 
their definition in Haskell.

Nevertheless, I agree that it is hard to understand monads, because they 
are a clever way of using Haskell and use several of Haskell's more 
advanced features.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: lhs2TeX - lhs2TeX.fmt missing

2010-07-11 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Hi Ivan,

(why are you answering off-list?)

Ivan Miljenovic wrote:

I was under the impression that with cweb, you can have one function
definition split into two, with another completely different block of
code in between them.

I agree, that's something literate haskell can not do. (But it's 
different from what you wrote before).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] use of modules to save typing

2010-07-08 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Michael Mossey wrote:

incrCursor :: State PlayState ()

Additional question: what is proper terminology here?

Proper terminology for monadic things is somewhat debated.

incrCursor is a monad

This is not true.

incrCursor is a monadic type 

incrCursor is not a type, so this can't be correct. However, incrCursor 
has a monadic type is somewhat reasonable. However, I would avoid it 
because it is quite vague.

incrCursor is a monadic function
incrCursor is a monadic computation

These sound good to me. I would prefer the latter, because incrCursor 
does not take any arguments, so it is debatable whether it is a 
function. From my point of view, monadic functions should mean a 
function of type (a - m b) where m is a monad, i.e. arrows in a Kleisli 

An alternative to monadic computation would be monadic action.

However, since we know which monad it is, I would prefer incrCursor is 
a state transformer or even incrCursor is a PlayState transformer.

State is a monad
State is a type constructor of a monad
State is a monadic type 

None of these seem to be true. However, the following is: (State 
PlayState) is a monad.

If you want to say something about State, maybe State is a parametric 
monad or State is a family of monads is appropriate.

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